Integrative and Comparative Biology Integrative and Comparative Biology, volume 54, number 2, pp. 223–237 doi:10.1093/icb/icu050 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology


Feedback Control as a Framework for Understanding Tradeoffs Downloaded from by New Jersey Institute of Technology user on 05 April 2019 in Biology Noah J. Cowan,1,* Mert M. Ankarali,* Jonathan P. Dyhr,† Manu S. Madhav,* Eatai Roth,† Shahin Sefati,* Simon Sponberg,† Sarah A. Stamper,* Eric S. Fortune‡ and Thomas L. Daniel† *Department of Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA; †Department of Biology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA; ‡Department of Biological Sciences, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ 07102, USA From the symposium ‘‘A New Organismal Systems Biology: How Walk the Tight Rope between Stability and Change’’ presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, January 3-7, 2014 at Austin, Texas. 1E-mail: [email protected]

Synopsis Control theory arose from a need to control synthetic systems. From regulating steam engines to tuning radios to devices capable of autonomous movement, it provided a formal mathematical basis for understanding the role of feedback in the stability (or change) of dynamical systems. It provides a framework for understanding any system with regulation via feedback, including biological ones such as regulatory gene networks, cellular metabolic systems, sensori- motor dynamics of moving animals, and even ecological or evolutionary dynamics of organisms and populations. Here, we focus on four case studies of the sensorimotor dynamics of animals, each of which involves the application of principles from control theory to probe stability and feedback in an organism’s response to perturbations. We use examples from aquatic (two behaviors performed by ), terrestrial (following of walls by cockroaches), and aerial environments (flight control by moths) to highlight how one can use control theory to understand the way feedback mechanisms interact with the physical dynamics of animals to determine their stability and response to sensory inputs and perturbations. Each case study is cast as a control problem with sensory input, neural processing, and motor dynamics, the output of which feeds back to the sensory inputs. Collectively, the interaction of these systems in a closed loop determines the behavior of the entire system.

Introduction integrative view is strengthened by considering a fun- The idea that organisms can be understood as a hi- damental organizational feature inherent to biologi- erarchy of organizational levels—from molecules to cal systems: feedback regulation. Living systems behavior—seems intuitive. Indeed, a dominant para- ubiquitously exploit regulatory mechanisms for digm in biological science involves a reductionist ap- maintaining, controlling, and adjusting parameters proach in which a phenomenon at a particular level across all scales, from single molecules to popula- of organization is described as a consequence of the tions of organisms, from microseconds to years. mechanisms at a lower level. For example, the mech- These regulatory networks can form functional con- anisms underlying behavior might be described in nections within and across multiple levels terms of the activity of a set of neurons, or the be- (Egiazaryan and Sudakov 2007). This feedback havior of a single neuron might be understood in often radically alters the dynamic character of the terms of its the properties of its membrane. subsystems that comprise a closed-loop system, ren- However, each level of organization exhibits emer- dering unstable systems stable, fragile systems robust, gent properties that are not readily resolved into or slow systems fast. Consequently, the properties of components (Anderson 1972), suggesting the need individual components (e.g., biomolecules, cells, and for an integrative approach. The case for taking an organs), the communication channels that link them

Advanced Access publication June 3, 2014 ß The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. All rights reserved. For permissions please email: [email protected]. 224 N. J. Cowan et al.

(e.g., chemical, electrical, and mechanical), and the despite categorical differences in species (vertebrates signals carried by those channels (e.g., phosphoryla- and invertebrates) and locomotor modalities (terres- tion, action potentials, and forces), can only be trial, aquatic, and aerial). Indeed, one of the senso- understood in terms of the performance of the com- rimotor behaviors, a social behavior termed the plete feedback control system. Understanding the jamming avoidance response (JAR) in the weakly role of individual components in the context of a electric fish, requires no movement, but yet enjoys complete feedback system is the purview of control the same basic modeling tools and approaches as Downloaded from by New Jersey Institute of Technology user on 05 April 2019 systems theory (Astrom and Murray 2008). Control used for sensorimotor feedback systems based on theory provides a suite of tools and language for movement. describing biological feedback control systems (Roth et al. 2014). A brief history of feedback control and An organism comprises a complex patchwork of living systems feedback control systems that cut across traditional In the latter part of the 18th century, James Watt levels of biological organization. Thus, understanding and Matthew Boulton invented an ingenious device biological systems requires an understanding of what that provided feedback control for the steam engine. feedback can (and cannot) do. Feedback can be used In this device, modeled after similar mechanisms to dramatically enhance robustness and performance used in windmills and millstones (Hills 1996), the of a system. However, its benefits are not endless: passage of steam was controlled by a governor there are inherent, often inescapable, tradeoffs in (Fig. 1) in which the rotational velocity of the en- feedback systems, and control theory provides precise gine’s output was ‘‘sensed’’ by two masses suspended quantitative language to address such tradeoffs from an articulating lever system. As the rotation (Freudenberg and Looze 1985; Middleton 1991; rate of the engine increased, the centripetal acceler- Looze et al. 2010). ation raised the masses closing the throttle to the Perhaps nowhere are feedback control tradeoffs— engine. Thus, the output of the engine was sensed such as the intricate balance between stability and by a physical mechanism that influenced the input of change—more immediately relevant than in the con- steam into the engine. The governor is an elegant trolled movement of animals. Although measures of physical instantiation of a closed-loop feedback performance, such as speed and efficiency, are essen- system: the spin-rate of the mass depends on, and tial to some behaviors, some measure of stability controls, the flow of steam through the system. almost invariably plays a role, as the fastest That concept of a governor—a closed-loop feed- would have poor locomotor performance if the smal- back system—has its tendrils in evolution and ecol- lest irregularity in the surrounding environment was ogy. Indeed, the idea that feedback plays a central sufficient to cause it to crash, fall, break, or fail role in evolution owes its origins to Alfred (Darwin (Dickinson et al. 2000). Yet, animals do not seem and Wallace 1858): to adopt the most stable, conservative designs—e.g., aggressively regulating the rate of convergence and The action of this principle is exactly like that of bringing the animal to rest as quickly as possible the centrifugal governor of the steam engine, may be inefficient from a different perspective which checks and corrects any irregularities (Ankarali et al. 2014). almost before they become evident; and in like There is no single definition of ‘‘stability’’ or manner no unbalanced deficiency in the animal ‘‘change’’ that is ideally suited for all biological sys- kingdom can ever reach any conspicuous magni- tems. In neuromechanical terms, however, ‘‘change’’ tude, because it would make itself felt at the very can be defined in terms of the responsiveness or first step, by rendering existence difficult and ex- tinction almost sure soon to follow. maneuverability of the motor system (Sefati et al. 2013) to a sensory stimulus—i.e., the ‘‘bandwidth’’ At about the same time that Darwin and Wallace of the system. ‘‘Stability’’ on the other hand, refers were forging the principles of evolution, the concept most generally to the ability of a system to reject of the governor in feedback control extended deeply external perturbations, but can also refer to the ‘‘per- into dynamical systems theory with James Maxwell’s sistance’’ of a system (Byl and Tedrake 2009; early contribution ‘‘On Governors’’ (1867) in which Ankarali et al. 2014). he laid out the mathematical formulation for the After providing a short historical perspective on equations of motion of a governor and a speed- feedback control and biology, we review a diversity dependent term throttling down the rate of spin. of sensorimotor feedback control systems. The meth- The major contribution of this work was his gener- ods reviewed in this article are remarkably conserved, alization to a broad class of closed-loop feedback Feedback control and tradeoffs in biology 225

physiologist Pyotr Anokhin for example, developed the idea of ‘‘back afferentiation’’ (feedback) in the neural control of sensorimotor systems and reflexes [for a review, see Egiazaryan and Sudakov (2007)]. Anokhin’s ‘‘functional systems theory’’ has all the hallmarks of dynamical-systems and control theory we use in cybernetics and in systems biology today. Downloaded from by New Jersey Institute of Technology user on 05 April 2019 While Anokhin was delving into neural systems, reflexes, and control, Norbert Wiener, a pioneer in mathematics and engineering, had begun to focus much of his attention on the control laws associated with animals and machines, essentially founding the domain of cybernetics (Wiener 1948). Along with the contributions of Ludwig von Bertalanffy (1968), whose mathematical models of the growth of animals are still used today, the fields of cybernetics and von Bertalanffy’s ‘‘general systems theory’’ gave rise to Fig. 1 (A) Schematic of the Watt–Boulton centrifugal ‘‘flyable’’ the burgeoning fields of systems neuroscience, sys- governor (copyright expired; see tems biology, and robotics. Indeed, the sort of inte- resources/publicdomain.cfm) and (B) a simplified feedback grative biology we outline in this article is in every diagram. sense ‘‘systems biology’’ without the restriction of attention solely to genetic and molecular scales, but systems, with the novel idea that the input and with all the requisite mathematical underpinnings output of such systems are inextricably linked (as that began with Watt and Maxwell. they are in living systems). Maxwell is, in many ways, one of the founding contributors to the theory Four systems that walk the proverbial of control systems. tightrope Following Maxwell, the theory of systems and con- trols takes on a rich history with a focus on quanti- We turn our focus to the dynamics and control of fying the stability and performance of dynamical motor behavior in animal systems (neuromechanics) systems with the seminal contributions of to illustrate basic conceptual issues surrounding the Aleksandr Lyapunov, Harry Nyquist, and Hendrik application of control theory that address the appar- Bode (among many others) in the late 19th and ent dichotomy between stability and change. early 20th centuries. These and subsequent historic Specifically, we provide four examples of control-the- contributions of control theory to engineering do- oretic analyses of neuromechanical systems. For each mains—from tuning radios to aircraft controllers, example, we describe the most important features of and much more—are summarized in a short history the control system at hand, point out any task-rele- of the field by Bennett (1996). vant tradeoffs, and discuss how the organism walks The ideas of Wallace and Maxwell can be traced to the proverbial tightrope. living systems in a host of contributions. For exam- A second, but equally important, goal is to review ple, at the time of Maxwell, the French physiologist the application of control-theoretic analyses in inter- Claude Bernard developed the idea (later termed preting the roles of constituent components of a bio- ‘‘homeostasis’’) and suggested that physiological sys- logical feedback control system. The specific physical tems maintain a constant internal environment (‘‘la details of individual components of the system are milieu interieur’’) via physiological feedback. most meaningfully described in the context of the Interestingly, glucose control and its consequences intact control circuit. With this goal in mind, we to diabetes was a key example of feedback developed review rapid thigmotaxis (i.e., ‘‘wall-following’’) by by Bernard. Indeed, this concept of feedback and cockroaches, tracking of refuges by weakly electric control is a hallmark of the sort of biological systems fish, the abdominal reflex in hawk moths, and the we study and teach. JAR, again in weakly electric fish. In the latter part of the 19th century and early 20th century, the contributions of dynamical-systems Thigmotaxis (wall-following) in cockroaches theory to living systems began to form with an initial Central to understanding how animals manage sta- focus on neural systems and cybernetics. The Russian bility and change is evaluating performance in 226 N. J. Cowan et al. challenging contexts (Dickinson et al. 2000). Following walls (hereafter ‘‘wall-following’’) by Crucially, this involves creating significant deviations cockroaches provides an excellent example of a from steady-state behavior. Moreover, it encourages smooth-pursuit or tracking task (Cowan et al. 2006; us to consider organisms and behaviors that have Lee et al. 2008). An external reference signal, in this evolved in environments in which the pressures, case the wall’s position, is detected by a sensor—the and potential tradeoffs, between stability and antenna—and the animal’s brain and body cooperate change may be finely balanced. Locomotion is parti- to regulate the distance from the wall (Fig. 2). A simple Downloaded from by New Jersey Institute of Technology user on 05 April 2019 cularly challenging when it is difficult to move (sur- ethological description of wall-following is that the faces can be irregular and deformable) (Daley and animal ‘‘tries’’ to maintain a certain distance from a Biewener 2006; Sponberg and Full 2008; Li et al. surface. This qualitative description of the behavior is 2009, 2013), the surrounding fluid can be turbulent unfulfilling because it is neither mechanistic—how the and cluttered, or difficult to sense (some highly animal ‘‘tries’’ is not well understood—nor predic- visual animals navigate in very low light (Warrant tive—we cannot predict how the animal will recover and Dacke 2011), and others behave in complex au- from perturbations or when its performance will de- ditory (Stamper et al. 2008) or olfactory landscapes. grade. A classic approach in neuroethology would be to Behaving in such environments can be advantageous identify neurons potentially involved in the behavior for avoiding competition and predation, and en- and determine what their responses are to a variety of abling intraspecific interactions. mechanical disturbances. However, the challenge is Despite significant neural resources dedicated to that many models may explain observed patterns of vision, many species of cockroach navigate cluttered encoding but the relevant mechanisms may be difficult environments in low intensities of light (Bell et al. to identify without rejectable hypotheses derived from 2007). Rapid locomotion through rough, cluttered, quantification of the animal’s dynamics. For example, a or deformable terrain can render vision unreliable, mechanoreceptive neuron may appear to respond to deflections of the antenna, but its time constants may particularly given its longer latencies compared be too long (or too short) to play a role in the wall- with other senses (Franklin and Wolpert 2011). following behavior. Control-theoretic approaches to Sensor latency can pose fundamental limits on understanding the dynamics of both the neural pro- neural control, and delays are an inevitable part of cessing and the body’s movement enable testable pre- processing information in biological wetware (Cowan dictions that inform behavioral, neurophysiological, et al. 2006; Sponberg and Full 2008; Elzinga et al. and biomechanical experiments. 2012; Ristroph et al. 2013; Fuller et al. 2014). One The control-theoretic approach characterizes wall- strategy that cockroaches use is to probe their envi- following as a feedback-regulated behavior (Fig. 2B). ronment using their antennae as tactile sensors, me- Using biomechanical models for the dynamics of the chanically detecting and following vertical surfaces body—either stride-averaged (Cowan et al. 2006) or (or ‘‘walls’’) during rapid running (Fig. 2A) continuous (Lee et al. 2008)—we can implement dif- (Camhi and Johnson 1999; Cowan et al. 2006; Lee ferent hypothesized models for how the nervous et al. 2008). Thousands of mechanoreceptive hairs system processes the error signal (i.e., the mechanical lining the cockroach’s antennae are activated on con- bending of the antenna) and compare the resulting tact and bending (Schafer and Sanchez 1973; Schaller dynamics of the whole feedback system to kinematics 1978; Camhi and Johnson 1999; Cowan et al. 2006). of cockroaches following turns in walls. This has led The mechanics of the antenna itself passively main- to the discovery that the animal must encode more tains the orientation of the antenna in a ‘‘J’’ shape than just the position of the wall. The simplest con- against the wall (Fig. 2A) (Mongeau et al. 2013). The trol model that matches behavior requires the posi- cockroach runs while maintaining close proximity to tion and rate of approach of the wall (i.e., the lateral the wall and tracks turns and irregularities in the velocity of the wall relative to the cockroach) surface. This behavior enables remarkably high-band- (Cowan et al. 2006). Such a proportional-and-deriv- width maneuvers, necessary for maintaining the ative (PD) controller is ubiquitous in controlled en- high-speed performance associated with escape and gineering systems. However, while the latency of the navigation; cockroaches reportedly respond to corru- initial turn is low, the turning response persists for gations in a wall with up to 25 turns per second much longer than the stimulus (Lee et al. 2008). The (Camhi and Johnson 1999). Blinding the animals dynamics of the system filters the sensory input in does not significantly impair performance and they time. Electrophysiology of the antennal nerve re- do not require contact from their body or legs to vealed that the population of mechanoreceptors in follow walls (Camhi and Johnson 1999). the antennal nerve could encode both position and Feedback control and tradeoffs in biology 227

Fig. 2 (A) Schematic depicting a cockroach following a wall and (B) a simplified block-diagram representation of wall-following behavior Downloaded from by New Jersey Institute of Technology user on 05 April 2019 in cockroaches. The reference signal is the position of the wall in some global reference, r(t). The difference between the wall and the cockroach’s position, y(t), is the error signal, e(t). The error is encoded in antennal mechanoreceptors and transformed by the nervous system, ultimately causing changes in motor commands that act through the animal’s body dynamics to alter its own position, thereby regulating this feedback error to a desired reference point.

velocity and that the neural response even at this first quantitatively probe the categorical shifts in behavior stage of processing is already temporally matched to and the interplay between visual and electrosensory the turning response rather than to the stimulus (Lee modalities (Fig. 3C). et al. 2008). In other words, the mechanosensory Weakly electric knifefish hunt nocturnally, their processing seems to be tuned to the demands im- specialized electrosensory system allowing them to posed on the control system by the mechanics and navigate their environment and localize small prey the delay in neural processing. A hallmark of a high- items in low light (MacIver et al. 2001). During performance control system is the ability to achieve the day, they hide from predators, finding refuge large responses over a wide range of frequencies in among the roots of trees or other natural shelter. response to stimuli (change) without skirting too In the laboratory, these fish exhibit a similar close to the instabilities that can result from high- refuge-seeking behavior, hiding in short lengths of gain, large-latency feedback (stability). pipe, filter fixtures, or any other refuge provided for them. More impressively, fish smoothly and ro- bustly track their refuge as it is moved (Fig. 3A). Multisensory tracking of a moving refuge in weakly How do sensorimotor control strategies differ electric fish across this repertoire, in response to different cate- The glass knifefish, virescens, is like an gories of exogenous motion, and how do visual and ‘‘aquatic hummingbird’’: it hovers in place with ex- electrosensory cues contribute to these behaviors? traordinary precision, making rapid and nuanced ad- Knifefish are agile. An undulating ribbon-fin runs justments to its position in response to moving along the underside of the body, enabling knifefish stimuli (Rose and Canfield 1993a, 1993b; Cowan to rapidly alternate between forward and backward and Fortune 2007; Roth et al. 2011); see Fig. 3A. swimming without changing body orientation. In ex- Here, we investigate the integration of locomotor periments, this remarkable ability is often leveraged biomechanics (Sefati et al. 2013) (Fig. 3B), multisen- to constrain the behavior to a line of motion, reduc- sory integration (Stamper et al. 2012b), and adaptive ing the spatial dimension of the task to a single control (Roth et al. 2011) that enable this animal to degree of freedom. Fish were first observed swim- balance stability and change (Fig. 3). ming side-to-side in response to laterally moving As a model organism, weakly electric knifefish are plates and rods, termed the ‘‘following’’ response most widely studied for their namesake, an active (Heiligenberg 1973b; Matsubara and Heiligenberg electrosensory system. An electric organ (EO) in 1978; Bastian 1987a, 1987b) and later experiments the tail emits a weak electric field. Electroreceptors explored similar behavior in response to refuges distributed over the surface of the body (most den- that were moving longitudinally (fore–aft) (Rose sely about the head) detect objects in the near field and Canfield 1991, 1993a; Cowan and Fortune as small disturbances in transdermal potential. Using 2007; Roth et al. 2011; Stamper et al. 2012b). In this electrosense in conjunction with vision, fish per- the case of longitudinal tracking of refuges, the fish form a wide variety of localization and tracking maintains a ‘‘goal’’ position within the refuge, per- behaviors. As in the analyses presented for the ceiving the error between its position and that of the wall-following behavior in cockroaches, we again refuge and swimming forward or backward, thereby demonstrate how a control-theoretic approach can minimizing this positional error (Fig. 3A and C). be used to quantify and model behavior. For the Linear control-theoretic tools were used to charac- fish, we further extend the modeling tool to terize the (frequency-dependent) relationship between 228 N. J. Cowan et al.

A C vision

neural ribbon fin & controller fluid dynamics

refuge position electro- fish position (cm) (cm) B sense Downloaded from by New Jersey Institute of Technology user on 05 April 2019

Fig. 3 (A) The knifefish () in a moving shuttle. Positions are measured from a fixed reference frame to tracking points on the refuge and on the animal’s body. (B) A schematic depicting the counter-propagating wave kinematics of the knifefish’s ribbon fin. As ambient flow velocity, u, increases, fish recruit a larger portion of the fin for Lhead, the wave component responsible for forward thrust. (C) A block diagram depicting the knifefish’s reference-tracking behavior. The moving shuttle provides the reference signal, r(t), with the output, y(t) being the position of the swimming fish. Parallel visual and electrosensory modalities measure the relative position of the shuttle [the sensory slip, e(t)]. The neural controller (CNS) weights and filters signals from the sensory blocks and outputs commensurate with motor commands. Subsequently, these motor commands generate movement as dictated by the biomechanics of the fish body and the interaction of the body and ambient fluid. sensing and swimming in this smooth-pursuit behav- enhance electrosensory acuity and permit a high level ior (Cowan and Fortune 2007). Interestingly, however, of performance in the absence of salient visual stim- subsequent investigations revealed important devia- uli. Fish employ a strategy in which tracking error tions from the linear model proposed (Cowan and and expended energy are compromised for improved Fortune 2007). When comparing the responses to com- sensing and tracking of the stimulus. plex motion (in this case, sums of sinusoidal trajecto- While we present the tracking behavior as a model ries across a broad band of frequencies) and pure system for the study of smooth pursuit and sensory sinusoidal stimuli, fish exhibited performance suggest- integration, the locomotor strategy also illustrates a ing qualitatively different underlying models (Roth behavioral tradeoff. Knifefish routinely partition the et al. 2011). This failure of the so-called superposition ribbon-fin into two counter-propagating waves property of linear systems, revealed an interesting non- (Sefati et al. 2010; Ruiz-Torres et al. 2013), recruiting linearity: fish tune their control policy to improve be- the frontal portion of the fin to generate forward havior with respect to the spectral content of the thrust (a wave traveling from head-to-tail) with the stimulus. Although this adaptive tuning improves the rear section (tail-to-head wave) generating an oppos- response to a limited class of stimuli (and these may ing force. In stationary hovering, these opposing well be of greater ethological relevance), performance forces cancel each other. These waves meet at the suffers in response to signals that contain a broader ‘‘nodal point’’ (Fig. 3B); simulations on a biomi- range of frequencies. metic robot reveal that the net fore-aft thrust is lin- Another tradeoff is manifest as a nonlinearity in early dependent on this kinematic parameter (Curet the context of active sensing. When visual cues are et al. 2011; Sefati et al. 2013). Moreover, when com- limited in the environment (e.g., under low illumi- pared with simpler strategies (e.g., recruiting the nation or in murky waters), fish rely predominantly whole fin and modulating the speed of a single trav- on electrosensation. Under such circumstances, a eling wave), the use of counter-propagating waves conflict arises between the goal of the task of track- significantly improves the fore–aft maneuverability ing—to remain stationary within the tube—and the (by decreasing the effort expended in control) and needs of the electrosensory system—which requires concurrently enhances the passive stability (stabiliza- active movements to prevent adapting to a constant tion without active feedback control) by providing a sensory stimulus. In low light, the animal performs a damping-like force to reject perturbations, thus sim- rapid back-and-forth shimmy superimposed on the plifying the neural control. tracking response. These volitional motions are not correlated with the refuge’s motion and can be dis- Stabilizing pitch via visuomotor abdominal reflex in criminated from the tracking response by their fre- hawk moths quency. While these active oscillations are significant, Here, we examine the problem of active pitch control tracking performance with respect to the motion of of pitch by the hawk moth, Manduca sexta,asa the stimulus remains nearly constant (Stamper et al. platform to explore the relationship between open- 2012b). It is posited that these oscillations serve to loop experiments and closed-loop stability and Feedback control and tradeoffs in biology 229 Downloaded from by New Jersey Institute of Technology user on 05 April 2019

Fig. 4 (A) Experimental setup for measuring responses to visual perturbations of pitch in M. sexta. The moth is attached to a rigid tether and placed in a cylindrical LED arena. During bouts of flight the moth is presented with either an isolated visual stimulus, r1(t), by rotating a green and black striped pattern on the visual display, an isolated mechanical stimulus, r2(t) by physically rotating the moth and the arena, or a coupled visual and mechanical rotation. The moth responds to the rotations by moving its abdomen [yellow, y1(t)], wings [red, y2(t)] and head [blue, y3(t)]. (B) Block diagram of the different sensory and motor systems known to be engaged during open-loop tethered flight. Error signals, ei(t), represent perceived visual (eyes) and mechanical (antennae) sensory information relative to environmental reference signals, ri(t). Sensory systems independently encode the modality-specific signals and are then fused and processed by the nervous system. Neural commands are relayed to different motor systems to achieve new kinematic states. (C) Block diagram combining open-loop experimental data (visual-abdominal transfer function) and dynamics models (mechanical model) to estimate the behavior of the closed-loop system (Dyhr et al. 2013).

maneuverability. The inherent instability of flapping behavioral experiments (Fig. 4A) to immobilized flight requires active, feedback-based strategies for and dissected preparations for electrophysiological control (Wu and Sun 2012; Liang and Sun 2013). recordings (Hinterwirth and Daniel 2010; Theobald This has led to the evolution of numerous sensory et al. 2010). However, these types of manipulations specializations, most notably in the form of visual dramatically change the dynamic context of the and mechanical senses (Pringle 1948; O’Carroll animal. The difficulty then is linking physiological et al. 1996; Sane et al. 2007; Taylor and Krapp signals and behavioral responses from restrained 2007), that collectively inform the animal about its preparations to free-flight movements, such that state in the environment. This information, in turn, causal links can be made between changes in sensing, is used to coordinate motor systems to direct move- movement, and flight path. ment (Fig. 4). It is here that the analytic techniques of control The bulk of research on flight control has focused theory provide unique affordances for understanding on how the wings are used to generate and modulate how animals control flight. Control theory provides a aerodynamic forces. Much less attention has been framework for interpreting data from restrained ex- paid to the role of deformations of the body—or perimental preparations in the context of the free- ‘‘airframe’’— for flight control. The hawk moth dis- flight dynamics via mathematically explicit dynamical plays strong abdominal movements in response to models derived from the basic physics and mechanics open-loop visual rotations during tethered flight. of flight. In turn, these studies provide predictions Control theory can provide key insights about the about movements that can be compared with natural importance, and possible advantages, of such move- flight behaviors. ments for controlling flight. Hawk moths are accomplished fliers and spend Numerous experimental preparations have been much of their time during flight hovering in front developed for investigating sensory and motor re- of flowers while feeding. Hovering flight is an equi- sponses that involve restraining or confining animals librium mode of flght that makes the modeling par- to access physiological signals and to allow for better ticularly tractable for control-theoretic analyses. Dyhr experimental control of the sensory inputs available et al. (2013) took advantage of these simplified dy- to the animal. For hawk moths, these include an namics to test the utility of abdominal responses for arena for tethered, virtual flight for performing stabilization of pitch. Previous studies had suggested 230 N. J. Cowan et al. that abdominal movements were of minor impor- Jamming avoidance in weakly electric fish tance for the control of flight (Hedrick and Daniel As the previous examples show, control theory is a 2006; Cheng et al. 2011), but without a control- useful tool for understanding sensorimotor systems, theoretic analysis of free flight, it is difficult to especially during behaviors that are robust and re- exclude a crucial role for the deformation of the peatable. However, escape responses represent a be- airframe (redistribution of mass). havioral category in which the animal actively tries to Downloaded from by New Jersey Institute of Technology user on 05 April 2019 Free flight is a closed-loop behavior such that the avoid a particular sensory condition. From a control- animal’s movements influence subsequent stimuli. systems perspective, the behavior is transient; it Restraining an animal so that open-loop re- ‘‘escapes’’ to the nearest stable equilibrium. The re- sponses—in which animal’s movements no longer sponse is not amenable to perturbation analyses that influence the sensory input—can be measured and we have used so far, and modeling such a response often generate stronger responses and more data, requires a different approach, such as experimentally simplifying the quantification of the sensorimotor ‘‘closing’’ the loop. Here, we re-examine weakly elec- transform. However, these data can only be inter- tric fish in the context of just such an unstable sen- preted in their closed-loop context (Roth et al. sorimotor escape behavior. 2014). Dyhr et al. (2013) combined behavioral ex- In addition to sensing the environment for behav- periments, in the form of open-loop responses iors such as tracking, described above, the electric during tethered flight, with a model of the flight organ’s discharge (EOD) is used for social commu- dynamics of hovering to generate a control-theoretic nication. In wave-type fish, each individual produces model of closed-loop visual-abdominal control a continuous, pseudo-sinusoidal EOD whose fre- (Fig. 4). Using this model, they were able to show quency and amplitude can remain remarkably con- that visually evoked abdominal movements were suf- stant for many hours, and even days (Bullock et al. ficient for stabilization of pitch during hovering 1972). However, if two nearby fish have frequencies flight, independent of any modulation or redirection F1 and F2, their electric fields interact to produce a of the wing forces. ‘‘beat’’ at the difference-frequency jdFj¼jF1-F2j. Although this work demonstrated the importance When the two frequencies are within a few Hertz of deformation of the airframe for flight control, of each other, the emergent low-frequency beat det- other actuator systems are clearly involved. The rimentally interferes with electroreception, thereby wings are certainly the most important structures ‘‘jamming’’ the ability of the fish to detect obstacles for controlling flight, but head movements have an and prey (Heiligenberg 1973a; Bastian 1987a). Some established role in modulating both visual and species of these fish, particularly those that form mechanosensory information (Hinterwirth and social groups (Stamper et al. 2010), can rapidly Daniel 2010; Dyhr et al. 2013). Understanding how change their frequencies to avoid such interference. movements of the wings, body, and head are coor- This behavior is termed the JAR. dinated is a promising future direction for research. The neural computation that underlies the JAR in Future work in this area will require integrating re- the glass knifefish, E. virescens, has been elucidated alistic aerodynamic models with the dynamics of via a half-century of research (Heiligenberg 1991; rigid bodies to understand how multi-input control Fortune 2006). The JAR can be predicted on the is achieved. This problem is also exciting from the basis of a single parameter, the dF which can be standpoint of multisensory integration, as hawk used to predict the structure of electrosensory moths use multiple sensory modalities (e.g., visual beats. Using parallel receptor systems, the fish en- and antennal mechanosensory) (Sane et al. 2007; codes modulations of amplitude and of the relative Hinterwirth and Daniel 2010) for flight control. phase of zero crossings in the beats to drive a motor Furthermore, investigations into the coordinating, response that serves to increase the magnitude of multiple motor pathways may highlight the impor- the dF. tance of proprioceptive feedback mechanisms for This is not the whole story, however. Each indi- flight control, an area that has been relatively unex- vidual tends to return to its own internal EOD set plored. The tractability of M. sexta as an experimen- point of frequency in the absence of a low jdFj. The tal organism both for behavioral and for set point can drift over long periods of time, but physiological studies, coupled with the relatively over the timescales of the JAR (seconds to minutes) simple dynamics of hovering flight, make it a prom- the EOD’s set point remains constant. This return to ising model organism for understanding the sensori- baseline likely serves to maintain the EOD within the motor processes underlying locomotor control. range of frequencies that match the tuning properties Feedback control and tradeoffs in biology 231 Downloaded from by New Jersey Institute of Technology user on 05 April 2019

Fig. 5 (A) Experimental setup to identify the JAR in E. virescens. The fish is placed in a tube in the experimental tank, and recording electrodes (red) aligned with the body axis are used to measure the EOD. The EOD is amplified and its frequency is extracted. This frequency is fed to the controller, which generates the appropriate input frequency based on a control law. A signal generator outputs a sinusoid at the input frequency, which is then played into the tank through the stimulus electrodes (black), through a stimulus isolation unit (SIU). (B) Block diagram representation of the same experimental paradigm. The reference, r(t), output, y(t), input, u(t), and dF, d(t), are all frequency signals relative to the baseline frequency of the fish. We seek to identify the unstable open loop (green dashed box) using the stabilized closed loop (orange dashed box). The dF computation is modeled to have a lumped delay. The delayed difference initiates the sensory escape, which competes with the motor return to produce the output EOD frequency.

of each individual’s own electrosensory receptors. nature of the behavior. A different category of For example, if a fish were producing a 400 Hz closed-loop experiments was used to identify a char- EOD, its receptors would be most responsive to acteristic ‘‘escape curve’’, which serves as the non- EOD frequencies within a range of 300–500 Hz linear signature for the JAR for each individual. (Scheich et al. 1973). Identifying this curve for each individual allows us How do individuals balance the need for main- to populate all the parameters of the global model. taining electrosensory stability while still being able In the global model, the computational algorithm to rapidly change the frequency of the EOD during of the JAR was expressed as a competition between the JAR? To address this question, Madhav et al. the stable motor dynamics (return to baseline) and (2013) modeled the JAR in terms of a low-order the need to adapt to changing social settings (sensory feedback control system that includes both the escape). Comparatively simple behavioral experi- return to baseline (stability) and the stimulus- ments can now be used to fit parameters of this driven escape (change). Parsing this feedback control model, which can, in turn, predict responses to nat- diagram (Fig. 5) requires understanding that the JAR uralistic or novel artificial stimuli. For example, this operates on frequencies of signals. Specifically, the model captures the asymmetry between rises and falls system computes the instantaneous difference be- in EOD frequency, for which a neural correlate was tween an exogenous input (conspecific frequency) described previously (Metzner 1993). This model and the autogenous output (self frequency) as could also be used to predict social interactions be- shown in Fig. 5. This difference is dynamically pro- tween two individuals without considering the details cessed by the CNS which in turn modulates the of each individual’s behavioral characteristics. This output, creating a closed feedback loop. model also forms a basis for future work investigat- The challenge in identifying the dynamics of the ing complex social interactions of three or more in- JAR was two-fold. First, the tendency of the output dividuals, in which higher-order electrosensory to diverge from the input renders the system locally envelopes can drive behavior (Stamper et al. 2012a). unstable. Effective techniques for identifying a sys- tem’s dynamics rely on analyzing persistent responses to perturbations; however, in this case, these pertur- Discussion bations destabilize the system, making it impossible We have seen from the above examples that control- to apply such techniques. This challenge was theory and system-identification tools give us a overcome by stabilizing the behavior, using an exper- quantitative framework in which to interpret imentally closed loop (Fig. 5). This stable closed-loop comparative organismal studies of locomotion. In system was systematically perturbed and the re- wall-following behavior in cockroaches, we tested sponses were used to identify a linear model, which hypotheses about neural encoding derived from the describes the unstable open-loop behavior in the sufficiency of simple control laws and mechanical local neighborhood of the baseline frequency of the models. In the examples of swimming fish and fish. Second, predictions of responses in real-world flying moths, we understood the contributions of scenarios requires understanding the global nonlinear multiple sensory signals and multiple actuators 232 N. J. Cowan et al.

(a.k.a. multiple-input, multiple-output, or MIMO) Cowan and Fortune 2007). In control-systems termi- to the production of movement. Along the way we nology, the mechanical ‘‘plant’’ defines the way discovered new principles about how animals are dy- motor signals are transformed into forces and move- namically tuned to their environment. This perspec- ments, and so discovering the neural controller tive allows us to relate the results of closed- and (Ekeberg 1993; Frye and Dickinson 2001; open-loop experiments and test hypotheses about Nishikawa et al. 2007; Roth et al. 2011; Miller stability and maneuverability. With the JAR, we et al. 2012) of a biological system greatly benefits Downloaded from by New Jersey Institute of Technology user on 05 April 2019 saw how control theory applies to behaviors that from a task-specific mechanical model of the under- move not in physical space, but in the realm of the lying locomotor dynamics (Cowan and Fortune EOD frequencies that these animals use for infraspe- 2007; Cowan et al. 2006; Sefati et al. 2013). Low- cific signaling and communication. These questions dimensional, task-specific models for the locomotor of stability, change, sensing, and movement are mechanics enable the application of control-systems fundamental to the emerging field of systems neuro- analysis to understand the neural mechanisms for mechanics. We can use the language of control sensorimotor processing (Blickhan and Full 1993; theory to translate between open- and closed-loop Holmes et al. 2006; Cowan et al. 2006; Hedrick experimental preparations (Roth et al. 2014), allow- and Robinson 2010; Tytell et al. 2011; Ding et al. ing us to relate the functional mechanisms of 2013). These simple descriptive mechanical models, individual components to the integrated performance sometimes termed ‘‘templates’’ (Full and Koditschek of the intact, behaving animal, just as the early 1999; Holmes et al. 2006), are essential for under- pioneers, such as Bernard, Anokhin, and Wiener, standing stability and control in biological systems envisioned. (Blickhan and Full 1993; Schmitt and Holmes, 2000; Sefati et al. 2013). Closing the loop from biology to control theory More elaborate models, sometimes termed ‘‘an- Just as control theory affords rich insight into the chors’’ (Full and Koditschek 1999; Holmes et al. role of stability and change in living systems, there 2006) can facilitate the exploration of more detailed is a feedback loop that couples research on living questions about closed-loop control. Multidisciplin- systems back to the tools we need from control ary approaches integrate computational models and theory. It is crucial to realize that while control-the- experiments with biomimetic robots to study the lo- oretic tools can enable biologists to tackle challeng- comotor mechanics in more detail and with higher ing problems of great significance (biomedical, accuracy (Miller et al. 2012). With advances in com- evolutionary, and environmental) the same can be puting, high-fidelity simulations have categorically said of the impact of biology on the development improved our understanding of various locomotor of tools in engineering and control theory. We strategies in different species (Mittal 2004; Wang recall that in fields such as physics and fluid dynam- et al. 2004; Luo et al. 2008; Shirgaonkar et al. ics, the need for models and mathematical formal- 2008; Tytell et al. 2010). On the other hand, biomi- isms continues to spur the development of powerful metic robots enable us to experimentally validate the computational and analytic methods. mechanical models (Wang et al. 2004; Lauder et al. As biological phenomena are much more com- 2007; Sefati et al. 2012, 2013), and to explore the plex—chemically, physically, and organizationally— effect of parameters beyond their biological ranges, than inorganic phenomena, a cause-and-effect providing insight as to where the biological perfor- understanding of such complex systems will inevita- mance lies within reach of the wider range of possi- bly foster innovative analytic, computational, and ble mechanical solutions (Curet et al. 2011; Sefati technological advances. Some key examples emerging et al. 2013). today include the need for new analytic methods for estimating the dynamics of freely behaving animals Neurophysiology (Revzen and Guckenheimer 2012) and new engineer- How can the insights concerning the role of feedback ing approaches to synthetic biology (Kang et al. in the maintenance of stability and the control of 2013). change at the organismal level be used to decode neurophysiological mechanisms used in the brains Integrating empirical and physics-based models of animals? First we need to determine what we The nervous system processes the sensory informa- want to learn from, and about, the nervous system. tion for closed-loop control of task-level locomotion, In terms of whole-animal control, the nervous such as tracking behavior (Rose and Canfield 1993b; system is simply one part of the closed-loop Feedback control and tradeoffs in biology 233 system. In this context, understanding the inputs and 2006). These studies in open-loop preparations outputs of the nervous system under behaviorally cannot capture the dynamics of the closed-loop relevant conditions might be sufficient. The nervous system, and further, are likely to be misleading system can remain a black box that is used to better (Szwed et al. 2003; Cowan and Fortune 2007; Roth understand the behavior at the organismal level in its et al. 2014). native closed-loop state. Alternatively, we may use Thankfully, improvements in neurophysiological insights from behavior as a tool for understanding techniques are now permitting the widespread re- Downloaded from by New Jersey Institute of Technology user on 05 April 2019 the properties of the nervous system as a functional cording of neurophysiological activity in the central unit. Indeed, studying the nervous system within a nervous systems of awake, behaving animals closed-loop behavioral task is perhaps the best route (Nicolelis 2008) and with stunningly compact wire- for understanding the functional structure and orga- less and battery-less technologies coming to play a nization of the nervous system. In this case, behavior greater role (Thomas et al. 2012). Similarly, recently is used to understand the sets of computations developed genetic and optogenetic manipulations within the black box. (Boyden et al. 2005; Zhang et al. 2007) can be The central challenge in decoding neurophysiolog- used in animals in which the behavioral control ical mechanisms is that brains are typically composed loop remains intact. of millions of independent neurons, each of which may have unique structure and function. Organism- Characterizing and manipulating internal signals relevant computations both for maintaining stability during movement and for controlling change often are distributed over thousands to millions of neurons that act in parallel. One of the strengths of control-theoretic approaches Presently, we do not understand the nature of the is that we can characterize the relationship between coding systems that are used in single neurons, and it any two signals (e.g., neural, muscular, and mechan- is unclear what sorts of dimensional reduction are ical) with the organism as a function of the under- possible across populations and networks of neurons. lying neuromechanical system. When we do gain In other words, there appears to be no simple or physiological access we can use the same techniques obvious set of a priori constraints that control to relate neural spiking to movement and sensory theory can contribute to decoding the neurophysio- feedback to the activation of muscles. Although the logical activity of neurons in the brain. This prob- examples in this article emphasized monitoring lem is familiar to neuroscientists, as one of the motor output while manipulating a single sensory long-standing challenges in the study of neural reference, these signals do not need to be in the mechanisms is discovering strategies that effectively form of an external input leading to a kinematic translate behavioral observations into feasible neuro- output. Direct alteration of feedback, either through physiological experiments. dynamic manipulation of sensory feedback or by ap- This challenge stems in part from the fact that plying perturbations directly to the constituent neurons are in the order of microns to tens of mi- neural and mechanical systems during closed-loop crons in diameter and use tiny electrical signals. As a or open-loop behavior, is the hallmark of the con- result, the vast majority of neurophysiological exper- trol-systems approach, but is among the least ex- iments have relied on the placement of microelec- plored experimental approaches at present (Roth trodes into anesthetized and/or immobilized et al. 2014). The ability both to inject noise and to animals or into neural tissues that have been re- alter neural processing during behavior affords sep- moved from the animal. Obviously, the critical or- aration of the contributions of sensors, controllers, ganism-level feedback systems that are essential for and body dynamics to behavior. the control of behavior are disrupted in these sorts of One example in which this approach has been experimental preparations. In other words, studies used is the identification of the role of individual have been conducted in neural tissues in which the muscles in the control of movement during posture closed-loop control system has been opened by the control, running, flight, and propulsion (Sponberg elimination of feedback. This is important because it et al. 2011b; Sponberg and Daniel 2012; Ding et al. is almost certainly not possible to extrapolate the 2013). During restrained or free behaviors, these ex- neural signals from data obtained in immobilized periments precisely altered or ‘‘rewrote’’ the activa- animals to make predictions about control in the tion patterns of individual muscles and identified intact behaving animal; a notable exception is electric their role in shaping motor output. In systems in fish, in which certain electrosensory behaviors which the time constant of the dynamic response to remain intact in immobilized individuals (Fortune perturbed motor commands is faster than the inherent 234 N. J. Cowan et al. sensory feedback that transmits delays, this also enables have deleterious effects on adults’ structure and the characterization of open-loop plant dynamics performance. during free behavior (Sponberg et al. 2011b). One way to resolve this compromise between Alternatively, one can use an open-loop characteriza- stable outcomes and responsiveness to changing re- tion of the mechanics portion of the system’s dynamics. sources may be to incorporate a combination of By replicating the same patterns of input to the muscle feedback and feedforward control. Indeed, this may but in an isolated open-loop preparation we can mea- help mitigate the tradeoff between preprogrammed Downloaded from by New Jersey Institute of Technology user on 05 April 2019 sure the muscle’s output of work (a ‘‘workloop’’) developmental cascades—which may be able to pro- (Sponberg et al. 2011a). Other approaches are begin- duce consistent outcomes, but are unresponsive to ning to couple environmental forces to in vitro muscle environmental demands—and tight feedback regula- function via artificially closing a feedback loop between tion—which, while responsive to the environment, a robotic model and a physiological preparation may introduce long-term inefficiencies. While toler- (Richards 2011; Richards and Clemente 2012). From ance of fault is a hallmark of feedback control, even a control-theoretic perspective the classic in vitro ex- complex feedback control systems are sensitive to perimental approaches of neuroscience, muscle physi- certain categories of failure (Csete and Doyle 2002); ology, and biomechanics are simply ways to such failures in regulatory networks manifest them- characterize subsystems of the animal (its neurons, selves as disease (Nijhout and Reed 2014). In this muscles, and internal environment, respectively) and way, understanding the mechanisms for feedback- each result can be synthesized, in explicitly quantitative regulation in the context of control theory may be and mechanistic way, back into an understanding of a critical step in the treatment of certain diseases. the dynamics of behavior. This approach will require the development of new quantitative tools, such as network inference of gene regulatory processes (Ciaccio et al. 2014). When such Feedback control in biological systems feedback systems are analyzed using control theory, it Several of the articles in this issue highlight the role of may enable us to formalize our understanding of the feedback-regulation in the apparent dichotomy be- processes that allow biological systems to walk the tween stability and change across levels of biological tightrope between stability and change. organization, from molecular to ecological. For exam- ¨ ple, Grunbaum and Padilla (2014) show how ecological Funding demands can trigger phenotypic changes with complex temporal dynamics. Variations in the trophic environ- The National Science Foundation under grant nos. ment triggers a switch between two phenotypes of CISE-0845749 (N.J.C.), IOS-0817918 (E.S.F. and radula (‘‘teeth’’), ultimately creating a history-depen- N.J.C.), IOS-0543985 (N.J.C. and E.S.F.), BCS- dent pipeline of radulae. From the perspective of con- 1230493 (N.J.C.), IOS-1243801 (D. Padilla), and trol theory, these temporal dynamics may create a Postdoctoral Fellowship nos. 1103768 (J.P.D.); The temporal filter—much like a ‘‘moving average’’—al- James S. McDonnell Foundation Complex Systems lowing the animal to be sensitive to newly available Scholar Award (N.J.C.); The Office of Naval Research resources (i.e., facilitating change) while maintaining under grants N000140910531 (N.J.C. and E.S.F.) and a memory of recently available resources (stability). N000141110525 (N.J.C.); The Komen Endowed Chair At the cellular level, feedback-regulation of ATP/ (T.L.D.); The Office of Naval Research grant nos. ADP is thought to maintain energy homeostasis, but N0014-10-0952 (T.L.D.); The Air Force Research these homeostatic metabolic systems may also regu- Laboratory grant nos. FA8651-13-1-004 (T.L.D.); The late the development of the respiratory structures Air Force Office of Scientific Research grant nos. and metabolic pathways that supply oxygen and FA9550-11-1-0155-MODPO4 (T.L.D.). carbon substrates for energy metabolism. Greenlee et al. (2014) discussed how the development of larval insects’ tracheal and metabolic systems References appear to sustain both metabolic performance and plasticity in the dynamic developmental environ- Anderson PW. 1972. More is different. Science pages 177:393–6. ment. Such regulation must not, of course, imperil Ankarali MM, Sen HT, De A, Okamura AM, Cowan NJ. 2014. the longer-term developmental outcomes of organ- Haptic feedback enhances rhythmic motor control by re- isms (Hale 2014): if developmental processes are too ducing variability, not improving convergence rate. J responsive to the environment, they could potentially Neurophysiol 111:1286–99. Feedback control and tradeoffs in biology 235

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