Voices of Educators in 21St Century Ireland

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Voices of Educators in 21St Century Ireland Voices of Educators in 21st Century Ireland Editors: Dr Teresa Whitaker, Dr Aoife M. Lynam, Karen Buckley and Dara Cassidy Foreword by Dr Séan M. Rowland (President) Voices of Educators in 21st Century Ireland Voices of Educators in 21st Century Ireland Edited by Teresa Whitaker, Aoife M Lynam, Karen Buckley, Dara Cassidy Doggett Publishing Doggett Print CONTENTS Building 3 Greenmount Industrial Estate ACKLOWLEDGMENTS VII Harolds Cross LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS VIII Dublin 3 The Doggett Group INTRODUCTION Teresa Whitaker, Aoife Lynam, Karen Buckley, Dara 1 https://www.doggettprinters.com/work/book-printing-binding/ Cassidy ISBN 978-1-9997543-1-0 PART 1: THE SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION © Teresa Whitaker, Aoife M Lynam, Karen Buckley, Maura Thornton, Michael Flanagan, Lorraine OF IRISH IDENTITY HISTORICALLY, AND Duffy, Dara Cassidy, Naomi Pasley, Jemimah Bailey, Anne Caulfield, Julie O’Sullivan, Mary Kelly, Eoin Shanahan, Alice McDonnell, Anne Beechinor. CURRENT DIVERSITY IN IRISH SOCIETY 9 1. The social construction of Irish identity: a historical overview Copyright Maura Thornton 2. ‘God Save Ireland, Said the Heroes’: The Christian Brothers, Our Boys, 19 Original Works and the Construction of National Identity in Irish Popular Culture The separate and original works, comprising this collection, are subject to copyright by their Michael Flanagan individual authors. The aggregation of the works into the collection and all ancillary original works 3. Cultural Diversity in Ireland: The Role of Policy and Aistear in the 31 are copyright Education of Children in the Infant Classroom by the author: All these original works are made available under the Creative Commons Lorraine Duffy Attribution- Non Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 licence, available here: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by- nc-sa/2.0/legalcode PART 2: THE DIGITAL AGE: ONLINE TEACHING, LEARNING AND All reasonable effort has been made to contact and acknowledge copyright holders. If you SUPERVISORY PRACTICES believe that copyright in any item has not been correctly attributed, please contact: twhitaker@ hiberniacollege.net, Alynam@hiberniacollege.net, kbuckley@hiberniacollege.net and dcassidy@ 4. Easing the Transition to Online Learning; Evaluating an orientation 53 hiberniacollege.net. course for PME students Dara Cassidy 5. The Benefits and Disadvantages of the Online Delivery of a Master’s 70 Programme for Experienced Teachers; Students Have Their Say Teresa Whitaker 6. Reflections on the Benefits and Challenges of Distance Supervision of a 90 Master’s Student Conducting Research Jemimah Bailey 7. An examination of the development of a general nursing programme for 100 the congruence between ‘constructivism’ and the programme structure Naomi Pasley 8. How a Community of Practice Exploring Digital Story for Instruction 109 can offer a Window into the World of Professional Development Anne-Marie Clarke VI PART 3: CONTEMPLATIVE PEDAGOGIES, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS BEREAVEMENT AND MINDFULNESS IN EDUCATION 9. A Case for Developing Normative Bereavement Support through the s editors, we would like to acknowledge the encouragement and support SPHE Curriculum in Irish Primary and Post-Primary Schools 123 we received from so many people in the production of this book. First, Aoife Lynam we owe a great debt of gratitude to the contributors who took time from 10. Teachers’ Voices on Mindful Teaching in Irish Primary Schools their very busy lives to write these important chapters. As educators at primary, post Anne Caulfield 140 A 11. Incorporating Contemplative Pedagogies into Online Teaching for primary and third level, they are at the coalface of teaching and bring their unique Teachers Doing a Master of Arts in Teaching and Learning 155 perspectives and experiences to bear on universal issues concerned with education. Julie O’Sullivan and Teresa Whitaker The chapters in this book contain much original work from master’s and doctoral research. PART 4: SPECIFIC ISSUES IN EDUCATION: The idea for this book came from the Research Sub-Committee, who wished LEADERSHIP, PROFESSIONAL to promote academic writing and publications as reflected in the Hibernia College DEVELOPMENT, PEDAGOGY AND Research Strategy. Staff and faculty in Hibernia College were invited to submit STANDARDISED TESTING an abstract for the book on any issue related to education. All contributors were 12. The Experiences of Female Principals in Irish Primary Schools; Towards a encouraged to participate in a writing group, which met online every two weeks 173 New Model of Leadership from April to November 2017. Wendy Belcher’s book was used to structure the Mary Kelly meetings. Belcher provides a framework for writing a journal article in 12 weeks; 13. Towards an Inventory of the Phoneme-Grapheme Units of Standard Irish 187 English however, we gave ourselves six months for the project (see Belcher, W. (2009) Eoin Shanahan Writing your journal article in 12 weeks A Guide to Publishing Success. London: 14. Teachers’ Beliefs about Teaching Mathematics and changes to the Post Sage Publications). During the writing process, members of the writing group Primary Curriculum in Ireland 200 collaborated and engaged in constructive criticism in a spirit of collegiality. Alice McDonnell Submissions went through a rigorous peer-review process. Sincere thanks to peer 15. Questioning the Fitness for Purpose of Aggregated Standardised Test Data for Literacy (MICRA-T and DPRT-R) in Irish Primary Schools: A reviewers who provided valuable advice and feedback. 212 Qualitative Case Study This book has been made possible through the generous support of senior Anne Beechinor management in Hibernia College, who encouraged us at all stages of the journey. Sincere thanks to Regina Hayde and Shirley Benton-Bailey for their very detailed corrections and to Stephanie O’Brien for creating the art work for the book cover. We would also like to thank the greater Hibernia Team for their support and advice. We are grateful to Jeff Downes in Doggett for his professionalism and support in the publishing of this book. Teresa Whitaker Aoife Lynam Karen Buckley Dara Cassidy School of Education, Hibernia College, Dublin (2018) IX LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS College, Karen led a research project commissioned by the Higher Education Authority (HEA) and Accelerating Campus Entrepreneurship (ACE) Consortium Dr Jemimah Bailey, after a career as a newspaper journalist, Jemimah Bailey based in Dublin City University. Karen is a doctoral candidate in the Education returned to the academic world, gaining an MSc in Applied Social Research in 2005 Department in Maynooth University where she is researching Teacher Education, and PhD funded by a Government of Ireland Scholarship in 2011, both from Trinity Identity and Professional Development practices among educators. In October College Dublin (TCD). She has organised and presented at national and international 2017, Karen was appointed to the Board of Council for Gaisce — The President’s conferences and worked as a researcher on an EU Framework 7 project, exploring Award by Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Dr Katherine Zappone. Karen women’s experiences of combining work and caring responsibilities. Jemimah has has presented her research at national conferences. also taught at undergraduate and postgraduate level, with an interest in research methods, the sociology of education, social theory and gender. She lectures for the Dr Ann Caulfield’s background spans the fields of education, community Department of Sociology in TCD and has a particular interest in master’s supervision. development and health. She has a particular interest in mindfulness in the She is a member of faculty in Hibernia College and has supervised students on the workplace and advocates the practice of mindfulness among educators by designing Master of Arts in Teaching and Learning and the Professional Master of Education and delivering Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in schools and in Post-Primary Education. As a lecturer and a supervisor, Jemimah aims to support education centres. She has completed doctoral research into the implication of students in developing the skills they need to explore and understand new ideas, mindfulness on stress reduction among primary school teachers. Her work is deeply about both their academic field and also about themselves. informed by her personal mindfulness practice. As a co-founder of Mindfulness Matters, she facilitates the popular face-to-face and online summer courses for Anne Beechinor is an experienced educator who has been teaching for over 30 years teachers, including Level 1: Developing Mindfulness and Wellbeing in Primary in Irish primary schools. Currently, she is a Learning Support/Resource Teacher in School Children and Level 2: Mindfulness, Wellbeing and Resilience for Teacher a primary school in West Cork. Anne tutors in the Arts for the Professional Master and Pupils. Ann is a part-time lecturer in Applied Social Care at the Galway-Mayo of Education in Primary Education in Hibernia College. She has worked as Arts and Institute of Technology and is a graduate of DCU and the University of Lincoln. DEIS (Delivering Equality of Opportunity in Schools) Advisor with Professional She has recently completed a chapter entitled ‘Wellbeing in Schools Everyday: A Development Services for Teachers (PDST) and has delivered numerous in-service Whole-school Approach to the Practical Implementation of Wellbeing’ (2018) to be courses to teachers. As part of the Master of Arts in Teaching and Learning in 2015,
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