Summer 2010 Committeethe
PRESENTATION DO ORWAYS offering hospitality to the world Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Associates | Dubuque, Iowa | Summer 2010 COMMITTEEThe PUBLISHED QUARTERLY by the Sisters of the Presentation 2360 Carter Road Dubuque, Iowa 52001-2997 USA Phone: 563-588-2008 Fax: 563-588-4463 Email: Web site: PUBLISHER Jennifer Rausch, PBVM EDITOR/DESIGNER A Look Inside Jane Buse CONTENTS DOORWAYS COMMITTEE Sisters of the Presentation | Summer 2010 | Volume 53 • Number 2 Karla Berns, Associate; Diana Blong, PBVM; Elizabeth Guiliani, PBVM; Janice Hancock, PBVM; Joan Lickteig, PBVM; Carla Popes, PBVM; Leanne Welch, PBVM 4 Being a Visible Presence For the past seven years, Sister Francine Quillin has been The congregation is a member of Sisters United ministering as pastoral associate for Resurrection Parish in News (SUN) of the Upper Mississippi Valley, Dubuque, Iowa. National Communicators Network for Women Religious and the American Advertising Federation of Dubuque. 6 Building Hope, Changing Lives Café Reconcile, a nonprofit lunch restaurant and culinary training program in New Orleans, provides at-risk youth with Your life skills, job skills and hands-on work experience in all aspects T H O U G H T S of the restaurant business. Sister Mary Lou Specha joined the staff in 2008. & COMMENTS We want your input. Please send or email 8 Gathering of Temporary Professed photos, stories and information about our The Dubuque Presentation sisters participate in opportunites sisters, associates, former members, family to get to know other men and women in religious life. and friends, or any ideas which relate to the aim of this publication.
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