Page 1 SUB.0062.0001.0002_0001 ..... n fflwnin‘ .iml‘lrli .xlupi'i's PRI—kllnifii'i’ififijfi Faun; Mr G. H. Schurel-Hlai k2 DIXIE. Slog: mascribicom"inspetmrrikan' Emmi admin éinspecm rt riluticam | 3-1 I I1 («1'3 ll '5' -V T_H EsM1318AL5511';A ESQELED'EBI'LEE MESPBEPEE_IO_H_OEJT_L991"E 535.11T_H Qfiflflfipm Plflage note: The opiaioafa} ”pram! in this .l'flfl-Ir I); the writer, on glam! muffin-mg 11hr limited \‘T MG I'nfimntion avaiilafla to him and mu] not be (thy some Irkutfiuiksrinfomafion lure made available to him, is M01 intended and with:- mun h pertain-ad m be legal! shim! :1 ._-H Constimlinmlist & Paralegal — »- ‘ —. ‘ r Series in! books on certain ‘Ibilm—“J ; Indtptlllitut Consnlmnl 3c .iulhot 1“ SPF‘: T()R ‘ RIIXA TI E‘ constitutional and other legal issue! VI '21- “ “10 HOME POW“ Reclaim can Stale uni Federal cumiimlmmfl an} other leg-3.1 Lighia, and 1.12111 F-z-htxiuu uni. [mi-'2.- ucmm'I-sE-ig!


DJ Margaret McMurdo, AC Royal Commissioner 28-3-2019

A Victorian Royal Commission into Management of Police Informants PO Box 18028, VIC 3001. 1111 s: Ref: 20190328—G. H. Sehorel-Hlavlm 0.W.B. to Roval Commissioner Margaret McMurdo, AC


Commissioner, further to my 18-2-2019 submission and 26-2-2019 and 28-2-2019, 1-3-2019, 4-3- 2019, 5-3-2019 supplements I desire to state the following:

28-3-2019 Page 1 (G Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka 0.W.B. INSPECTOR-RIKATICRJ about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION-DVD A 1St edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR—RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail See also SUB.0062.0001.0002_0002

28-3-2019 Page 2 ( Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. INSPECTOR-RIKATI‘JIE‘ about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION-DVD A 1St edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR—RIKA series by making a reservation. or E-mail admi 11s ector-iikaticom See also ecton‘ikati SUB.0062.0001.0002_0003

28-3-2019 Page 3 ( Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. INSPECTOR-RIKATI‘JIE‘ about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION-DVD A 1St edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR—RIKA series by making a reservation. or E-mail admi 11s ector-iikaticom See also ecton‘ikati SUB.0062.0001.0002_0004

28-3-2019 Page 4 ( Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. INSPECTOR-RIKATI‘JIE‘ about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION-DVD A 1St edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR—RIKA series by making a reservation. or E-mail admi 11s ector-iikaticom See also ecton‘ikati SUB.0062.0001.0002_0005

28-3-2019 Page 5 ( Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. INSPECTOR-RIKATI‘JIE‘ about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION-DVD A 1St edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR—RIKA series by making a reservation. or E-mail admi 11s ector-iikaticom See also ecton‘ikati SUB.0062.0001.0002_0006

28-3-2019 Page 6 ( Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. INSPECTOR-RIKATI‘JIE‘ about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION-DVD A 1St edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR—RIKA series by making a reservation. or E-mail admi 11s ector-iikaticom See also ecton‘ikati Page 7 SUB.0062.0001.0002_0007

1 QUOTE 170831231310-01l-Statement GLW Re Paul Dale p015-$6,000 &


only heard the first bit of the conversation between Carl and Tony before l separated myself from the two of them

I know that around the time of these meetings Carl paid Paul DALE money for the information that he was providing. I don‘t know it it was for the ! thing or for other information but I know that there was a payment because I gave Carl the money to give to Paul DALE. I think the amount was around six thousand dollars and it came ftom my pooket.

I know that there were meetings at the Sugar Gum Hotel between the two and i remember taking Carl to a cauple of the meetings but I can't remember the ~ dates. There was also no discussion that I can recollect about what was talked about during those meetings

l know that there were other meetings between Carl and Paul that I was not present at, Iknow this based on what Carl has told me

As far as i knew there was no exchange of information between Carl and Paul DALE where Cad informed on cnminals As far as I knew the information

went one way and that was from Paul to Cart.

i am also aware that the main way that Cart was told to meet With or contact -. Paul DALE was through Nicola GOBBO. It would usually be that Nicola would receive a call from Paul asking Carl to all him and Carl would generally contact Paul by phone and at that not one of his phones and it would also be by land line I was with Cart on a number of occasions when this happened and when the messages were being pissed we were seeing Nicola practically every day. Can would generally call within a couple of clays but sometimes it would be a couple of weeks

i did think it was a bit strange that Nicola was acting as a messenger for Paul to contact Earl and l remember Nicola mentioning to me that she had to go and pick Paul up drunk and speechless from the pub the previous night. Nicole seemed to be going out of her way for him.

QUOTE 170831231310-01l-Statement GLW Re Paul Dale p015-$6,000 & Nicola Gobbo

ONU'I-RUJN 28-3-2019 Page 7 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. INSPECTOR-RIKATI® about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION—DVD A 1St edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR—RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail admin@inspector— See also www.mribdcom/inspectonikati Page 8 SUB.0062.0001.0002_0008

RLTLE 4.01.3“ 1 Form 4A



NICOLA GOBBO OF 205 William Surel, Melbourne. 3000 Plaintiff and

2A. RAH G.~\RDE-Wll.SDN OF 311453 Bligh Place. Miclhmimc. 3min Defendant COMPLAINT

# Filed on behall‘nl‘: The Plaintiff Solicitors Code: 39990 Prepared by: Tony Hargreaves & Paulie-Ts Tel: (”3) 9005 325i) Lawyers Fruit [0310670 44 ll Level l l. Dominion Building 533 Lmlc Lcnsdalc Street RC1": TH2WH.7015l MELBOURNE VIC. 3000 Allenliun: Tony Hargreaves

1. We address for service nt‘ihc plamtil‘t'is - lscvcl ll. Dominion Building. 533 Little-

[Dnsdalc Street. .‘v‘lclhnumc,

3. Name and address Ulsfllicilor for [lie plainlilT e Tony l‘largrcavcs 8; Partners of

Level I l. Dominion Building, 533 Little Lonsdjd: Street. h-Iclbounie.

3. The. Plaintill‘s claim arose in h-lelboume.


1‘ The Plaintiff was at all material times to this proceeding a barrister and solicimr of

the Supreme ("nun of Victona and practismg as a barrister and a member of Lhc

Victorian Bar.

2 The Defendant is and was at all material times In this proceeding a barrister and

snlicitor ol’Lhe Supreme Court of Victoria and practising as a solicitor trading under

the name of Gmde-l'l’ilson and Came. Hamsters and Solicitors.


Where Nicolo Gobbo was contacting Mr for and on behalf of Paul Dale then one has to ask did she fraudulently then charge Mr Carl Williams for service?

ONLIILDJNi—I QUOTE 20070731-img—170831211819-001-T0ny Hargraves-Gobbo v Garde—Wilson Re bill-$17,300

28-3-2019 Page 8 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. INSPECTOR-RIKATI® about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION—DVD A 1St edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR—RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail admin@inspector— See also Page 9 SUB.0062.0001.0002_0009

RULE 4.02.3121) Form 44 IN THE smorsrrurns’ COURT Court Number id C12 M 362:3 OF VICTORIA AT MELBOURNE


NICULA GOBBO OF 205 William Street. Melbourne. 3000 Plaintiff and

ZARAH GARDE~WllLSON OF 304-‘8 Bligh Placc, Melbournc. 30M Defendant CDl’i‘lPLAlN‘I’

_ Filod on bchallof: The Plaintiff Solicitor‘s Code: 39990 Prcpmd by: Tony Hargreaves & Partners Tcl: (03») 9605 325i) Lawyers Fax: (03) 9671) 4411 Level 1 l. Dominion Building 533 Little Lonsdalc Street Ref: Tl-I1WH270151 MELBOURNE VIC. 3‘L‘IUO Attention. Tony Hargreaves

l. The addrcss for service ofthc plainlifl‘is Level I I, Dominion Building, 533 Little

Lonsdale Street. Melbourne.

I»; Name and address ol‘ solicitor for the plaintiff - Tony Hargreaves 8: Partners of

Lrvcl I l. Dominion Building. 533 Little Lonsda’rl: 51ml. Mclboumc.

3. Tl'ic Plaintiff’s claim ms: in Melbournc.


l. The Plaintiff was at all material times to this proceeding a barrister and solicitor of

the Supreme Court of Victoria and practising as. a barrister and a member of thc

Victorian Bar,

['4 The Defendant is and was at all material times to this proceeding 3 barristcr 11ml

solicitor of the Supreme Court of Victoria and practising as a solicitor trading under

thc name of Game-Wilson and Cainc. Barristcrs and Solicitors.


END QUOTE 20070731-img-170831211819-001-Tony Hargraves-Gobbo v Game-Wilson Re bill-$17,300 QMLWNr—I 28-3-2019 Page 9 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. INSPECTOR-RIKATI® about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION—DVD A 1St edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR—RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail admin@inspector— See also Page 10 SUB.0062.0001.0002_0010

QUOTE 20070731—img—170831211819-002-Tony Hargraves—Gobbo v Garde—Wilson Re bill-$17,300


3. In or about Febmary 2005 the Plaintiff and the Defendant entered into an agreement

whereby the Plaintiff agreed to perform various services as Counsel for the

Defendant in respect to the Defendant’s clients, Carl and George \v‘r’illiams1 in

accordance with her usual foe and charges (“the Agreement").

4. Pursuant to the Defendant’s instructions and the Agreement. insofar as they an:

rclcvant to this proceeding. on and from February 2005 to 28 April 2005, the

Plaintifl‘ performed various senrioes as Counsel pursuant to the Agreement.


The services performed are set out in two ('2) Tax Invoices dated 8 March 2005‘ and 5 May 2005. forwarded by the Plaintiff‘s clerk to the Defendant. A copy of the said

Tim Invoices are held at the. office of the solicitors for the Plaintiff and can be inspected by prior appointment.

5. The Tax Invoices Forwarded by the Plaintiffs clerk: to the Defendant in respect of the

services rendered wore for the sums set out hereunder -


UB.-'03.“2005 3227'90 .‘5 L650.t

_ [1550532003 324023 M 000.00


6. in or about May 2005 the Plointilt‘ and the Defendant entered into an agreement

whereby the Plaintiff agreed to perform various services as Counsel for thc

Defendant in mspecl to the Defendant‘s client. Carl Williams, in accordance with her

usual fee and charges (“the Agreement").


END QUOTE 20070731-img—170831211819-002-T0ny Hargraves-Gobbo v Game-Wilson Re bill-$17,300 MAWN

28-3 -2019 Page 10 (G Mr G. H. Schorel—Hlavka O.W.B. INSPECTOR-RIKATI® about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION—DVD A 1St edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR—RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail [email protected] See also www.mribdcom/inspectorrikati Page 11 SUB.0062.0001.0002_0011

1 2 QUOTE 20070731-img—170831211819-003-Tony Hargraves—Gobbo v Garde—Wilson Re bill-$17,300


Pursuant to the Defendant's. instructions and the Agreement. insofar as they are

relevant to this proceeding. on or abouI the beginning of April 2005 to 26 May 2005,

the Plainliffpcrfnmcd vanuus scrvic-ts as Counsel pursuant to the Agmcmcnr.


Th: scrviccs performed are act out in Tax Kuwait: ([3131! 3-0 May 2005‘ fnm'anlcd by 1hr: Plaintiff‘s Clerk lo the Defendant A copy of the said Tax Invoice is hcld :11 the office of thc solicitors for the Plaintiffand can be inspected by prior appointmcnl.

Thc Tax Invoice forwarded by the Plaintiff’s clerk lo the Dcfcndam in rcspcct ofthc

services rendered were for the sums sc1 oul hcrmmdcr —


3030521005 325506 $1,650.00


Thu: Tax Invnices referral to in paragraphs 5 and S hcrmf provided For thc ‘Fccs Io in:

paid by lh: Dcftndam within 30 days from thc data: of catch Invoicc.

Notwithslanding (Itrnsmds for payment and in branch of the Agreements, the

Defendant has failed and continues to fail and neglect to pay any part of the said Tax

Invoices to the Plaintiff.

As a result of the above, the Plaintiff has suffered loss and damage.

in lhc ahcmalive. lhl: Plainliffdid much work for and in relation 10 lb: legal services

provided for tho benefit of the Defendam and she claims 311300.00 for the work

provided on a quantum mama.


END QUOTE 20070731-img—170831211819-003-T0ny Hargraves-Gobbo v Game-Wilson Re bill-$17,300 Omaha» 28-3 -2019 Page 11 (G Mr G. H. Schorel—Hlavka O.W.B. INSPECTOR-RIKATI® about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION—DVD A 1St edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR—RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail admin@inspector— See also Page 12 SUB.0062.0001.0002_0012

1 2 QUOTE 20070731-img—170831211819-004-Tony Hargraves—Gobbo v Garde—Wilson Re bill-$17,300



The Plaintiff refers to and repeats the particulars set forth in paragraph 4 and 6


I3 Further. the Pluinliff is cnlillecl to interest in lhc sum of $4,074.22 calculalcd in

accordance with particulars set out hereunder pursuant to Section 3.4.21 ofthe Legal

Pmfisston Art 2004.


interns! is calculated as fiillows:

{all Interest on Tax Invoice ‘numbcrcd 322701] dated 8 March 2005 in

the sum of 51.650.00.15 follows —

(1) Interest calculated from 8 March 2005 to 31 hilarch 2005. 23

days at 12% on $1650.00 = 512.48;

(ii) Inlcrest calculated from 1 April 2005 to 5 May 2005. 35

days at 11.55% on $1,630.00 = 518.712;

“"1 Interest on Tax Invoice numbered 3246113 dated 5 May .2005 in the

sum of $14,000.00. plus the balance outstanding of SlinSflJJfl on

Tax mimics numbered 322790, lotafling the sum 01315115000 -

(i) Interest calculated 1mm 6 May 2005 to 30 May 2005. 25

days at [1.5% on. 515.650.00 = 5123.2T;

Interest on Tax Invoice numbered 325506 dated 30 May 2005 m the

sum of 51.65000. plus the balance outstanding of 511000.00 on

Tax lnvoice numbered 324623, plus 1112 balance outstanding of

$1,650.00 on Tax Invoice numb-cred 3227.90. Iolalling lhc sum of

$17,300.01] -—

(i) Inlcrcsl calculated. from 3] May 2005 lo 30 September 2005.

122 days a! l 1.5% 011 $17,300.00 —= $664.98;


END QUOTE 20070731-img—170831211819-004-T0ny Hargraves-Gobbo v Garde-Wilson Re bill-$17,300 MAD.)

28-3-2019 Page 12 (G Mr G. H. Schorel—Hlavka O.W.B. INSPECTOR-RIKATI® about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION—DVD A 1St edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR—RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail admin@inspector— See also Page 13 SUB.0062.0001.0002_0013

1 2 QUOTE 20070731-img—170831211819-005-Tony Hargraves—Gobbo v Garde—Wilson Re bill-$17,300


(in) Interest calculated from I October 2005 to 3'3 September

2006, 365 days at 11% on “7.30000 = $1903.00;

(ill) Interest calculated from 1 October 200611: 3| July 200?. 303

days at [1.5% on “1300.00 = $ l.65|.56;

- Total interest $4,]?4fll;

- interest continues to weenie at a daily rate ol‘SSbB per days


A. $ t 7.3mm:

B. interest in the sum of $4,374.0l pursuant to paragraph l3 hereof;

C, Interest continuing to accrue from the date of this Complaint to the date of

payment in the mount offlt’rs per day pursuant to paragraph [3 hereof;

D Allcmatively. interest pursuant to Statute;

E. Costs;

F. Such further or other orders as the Court deems appropriate.

DWbfllizow , d P

TON '1' tau-{Games & Marking Solicitors for the Plaintiff


TAKE NOTICE that this complaint has been brought against you by the plaintiffas set out

in the statement of claim.


DEFENCE. within 2] days of service upon you of this complaint. to

(a) the plaintiff; and

{b} the registrar of the Magistrates Court of Victoria at Melbourne 45345

3 4 END QUOTE 20070731-img—170831211819-005—T0ny Hargraves-Gobbo v Game-Wilson Re bill-$17,300 5

28-3 -2019 Page 13 (G Mr G. H. Schorel—Hlavka O.W.B. INSPECTOR-RIKATI® about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION—DVD A 1St edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR—RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail admin@inspector— See also wwwscribdeom/inspectonikati Page 14 SUB.0062.0001.0002_0014

1 2 QUOTE 20070731-img—170831211819-006-T0ny Hargraves—Gobbo v Garde—Wilson Re bill-$17,300

IF YOU GIVE NOTICE OF DEFENCE. the Court Will write to you and tell you of the

hearing dale.


plmmufl‘may OBTAIN AN ORDER AGAINST YOU for the amount ot‘tlie claim and costs

without further no1icc

ll" YOU PAY the amount 01. $17,300r’m, inlcresl r1f34_}74 H] and costs of 5731].?“ In the

plamaur the plaintiff’s; solicitor without giving notice of defence you may avoid Further


DATE. or FILING: l .‘ a l c ‘1



Dated. the F ln day ofluly ZUIZIIT

WW 6%

{on}; Hargreaves d": Parfiiers “ Solicitors for the PlaintiiT


END QUOTE 20070731-img-170831211819-006—T0ny Hargraves-Gohbo v Garde—Wilson Re bill-$17,300 LII—DAN

28-3 -2019 Page 14 (G Mr G. H. Schorel—Hlavka O.W.B. INSPECTOR-RIKATI® about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION-DVD A 1St edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR—RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail admin@inspector— See also Page 15 SUB.0062.0001.0002_0015

1 2 QUOTE 20070731-img—170831211819-007-Tony Hargraves—Gobbo v Garde—Wilson Re bill-$17,300




NICOLA GOEBO Pluinhi‘l- and


Filed on behalfof: The Defendant Solicilur's Curlet Prepared by: DH: _ [Name of firm] Tel: {U33 Lawyers Fax. {03 3 [street address] Ref: [suburb state postcode] Altcnlion: [name of lawyer]


TAKE NOTICE that the defendant intends lo defend this complaint.

AND TAKE NOTK‘E that the defendmu's defence is as follows ] [sci out the defence ofthe defendant in paragraphs numbered consecutively Wiflh each fact or matter 51:1t so far as practicable in a separate paragraph]. 7'.


END QUOTE 20070731-img—170831211819-007-Tony Hargraves-Gobbo v Garde—Wilson Re bill-$17,300 Uihb.)

28-3 -2019 Page 15 (G Mr G. H. Schorel—Hlavka O.W.B. INSPECTOR-RIKATI® about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION—DVD A 1St edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR—RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail admin@inspector— See also Page 16 SUB.0062.0001.0002_0016


2 QUOTE 20070731-img—170831211819-008—T0ny Hargraves—Gobbo v Garde—Wilson Re bill—$17,300 '4

Notes 1. A defence must state which of“ the facts in the statement dl'elairn are admitted, denied or not admitted — 5e: Rule 9.02“ t.

2. A defendant who in the defence does not state whether a fact started in the statement dfclaim is admitted. denied, or not admitted, will be taken to admit the fact ~ see Rule 9.032).

3. A defendant who states that a fact stated in the statement of claim is denied must

(21} give the reason for denying the fact; and (h) if the defendant intends tn pmve a fact different from that stated in the statement ofclaim. suite with necessary particulars the fact that the defcndttnl intends to prove — see Rule 9.020).

4. Save with the leave of the Court. a defendant who statat that a fact stated in the —. statement oi‘elaim is not admitted must not except in ewes-examination adduce any evidence with respect to that fact at the hearing of the proceeding — see Rule 9,0214).

5‘ The defendant must state specifically with particulars any fact or matter which 7

(:1) makes the claim of the plainttffnot mainlainable; or (in) if not stated specifically, might take the plaintiff by surprise; nr tc} misc questions effect arising out. ofthe statement ofclaim — sec Rule 9.0215 l.

(i. If the defence rinses by or under any Act, the defence must identify the specific previsten relied inn 4 see Rule 9202(6).

FILED the day of 20

"[Narne of firm] Solicitnrs for the defendant


I, This notice. wns signed - 'hy the defendant in person; 'for the defendant corporation hy [name ofperson] of‘[address] who holds the position ef [directdn secretan' or other persnn authorised in writing by the defendant corporation]; ‘for the defendant by [name or firm of solicitor]. solicitorts). of [business address of solicitor].

[-4 The address at the defendant is - 3. The address fut service of the defendant is - [1f the dcfemlant defends by a solicitor. the business address of the solicitori Ifthe defendant defends in person the addrfis in 2]. ‘Delete if inapplicable


3 4 END QUOTE 20070731-img—170831211819—008—T0ny Hargraves—Gobbo v Game-Wilson Re bill-$17,300 5

28-3 -2019 Page 16 (G Mr G. H. Sehorel—Hlavka O.W.B. INSPECTOR-RIKATI® about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION—DVD A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR—RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail [email protected] See also wwwscribdeom/inspecton’ikati Page 17 SUB.0062.0001.0002_0017

1 2 QUOTE 20070731-img—170831211819-009-Tony Hargraves—Gobbo v Garde—Wilson Re bill-$17,300

Rl‘lf: Qttltll Form 9A



N ICOIJ A 60330 P laintni'l' and


Filed Inn behalt'ol‘: The Defendant Solicitor's Code: Prepared hy: DX; [Name affirm] Tel: 1033 law yers Fax: (1)33 [street address] Rel". [suburb state postcode] Attention: [name of lawyer]


TAKE NOTICE that the defendant intends to defend this complaint.

AND TAKE NOTICE that the defendant's defence is as follows 1. [set out the defence Cut-the. defendant in paragraphs numbered consecutively with each fact or matter stated 50 Far as practicable to a separate paragraph]. 1


END QUOTE 20070731-img—170831211819—009-Tony Hargraves-Gobbo v Garde—Wilson Re bill-$17,300 UIAUJ

28-3 -2019 Page 17 (G Mr G. H. Schorel—Hlavka O.W.B. INSPECTOR-RIKATI® about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION—DVD A 1St edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR—RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail admin@inspector— See also wwwscribdeom/inspectonikati Page 18 SUB.0062.0001.0002_0018

1 2 QUOTE 20070731-img—170831211819-010—Tony Hargraves—Gobbo v Garde—Wilson Re him-$17,300

Notes 1, A defence must state which oi‘tlic facts in tlic statement ol‘clalin are admitted. denied or not admitted , see Rule 902“ ).

.N A defendant who in the defence docs not start: wlictlier a fact stated in the stateroom oi‘claim is admitted, denied. or not admitted 1will hr: taken to admit the Foot — ace Rule. 902121

3, A defendant who states that a fart stated in the statement oi‘claim is domed must —

to] give. the reason for dcnying the fact: and lb) ii‘tlie defendant intends to prove a fact different from that stated in the statement ofclaim, state with necessary particulars the fact that the defendant intends to prove — see Rule 902(3).

4. Save with the leave ofthe Court, a defendant who states that a that stated no the statement ofclaim is not admitted must not cxcrmt in cum-examination add‘uc: any cvidcncc with ruspcct to lhat fact at the hearing of the proceeding ~ sci: Rule 902(4),

5. The defendant must state specifically with particulars any fact or matter which 7

[at makes the claim ofthe plaintiffnot ntaimm‘nahle; or {b} if not stated specifically. might take llic plaintiff by surprise; or [Cl raise questions of fact arising out ofthc statement ofcluim — so: Rulc 9,[l2l:5],

(i. lfthe defence [arises by or under any Act. the defence must identify the specific

provision relied on - see Rule 9.132(6).

FILED the day of 2H

*[Nanic of firm] Solicitors for the defendant


1. This nutter: was signed - *hy the defendant in person; ‘for the defendant corporation by [name of person] of [address] who holds the position of [director. secretary or other person authorised in writing by the defendant corporation]; *i'or the defendant by [name or firm ofsolicitor], solicitorcs], of [business address of solicitor].

to The address of the defendant is - 3. The address for senice of the deiendnnt is - “(the defendant defends by a solicitor, the business address of the solicitor. If the defendant defends in person. the address in 2]. 3Demo if inapplicable


3 4 END QUOTE 20070731-img—170831211819-010—Tony Hargraves-Gobbo v Garde—Wilson Re billl-$17,300 5

28-3 -2019 Page 18 (G Mr G. H. Schorel—Hlavka O.W.B. INSPECTOR-RIKATI® about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION—DVD A 1St edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR—RIKATI® series by making a reservation, or E-mail admin@inspector— See also Page 19 SUB.0062.0001.0002_0019

From the above such as document 170831231310-01l—Statement GLW Re Paul Dale pols-$6.000 8; Nicola Gobbo (Note the details of 170831231310-011- relates to my scanning device, this when I scanned each document the scanner allocate a certain number as well as that I number consecutive documents. I also may make clear that I provided copies of the electronic file when I returned the hard copies to Roberta Williams. As such she has a record of all scanned material also in electronic format.) it appears to me that Nicola Gobbo attended as a messenger to Mr Carl Williams on behalf of former police officer Paul Dale. As such I view it would have been

\OOO\]O\U‘I-l>b~>l\31—a fraudulent if she had claimed cost against Mr Carl Williams and/or Mr George Williams in regard of those visits. Likewise I view the same might be an issue with other Officers of the Court who as Nicolo Gobbo acted in violation of their position as an Officer of the Court.

Because it involve Officers of the Court it is the credibility of the administration of justice involving all levels of courts that I view is so to say on trial. How on earth can anyone be prosecutor for CONTEMPT OF COURT when the judiciary as Officers of the court themselves concealed as I understand it relevant details about Nicola Gobbo and by this fiaunted the ob ligations of being also Officers of the Court not to undermine or place in disrepute the administration ofjustice.

The legal doctrine of “ex turpi causu non oritur action” denies any remedy to a litigant (including a prosecutor) who does not come to court with clean hands.

If your own action is very unlawful and very unethical, if you come to court with “Dirty Hands” best not to question others legality, morality, and ethics!

As such if the Prosecutor(s) such as the DPP knew about it all but failed to disclose this and by this undermined the administration of justice and placing the administration of justice in disrepute and by the concealment perverted the course of justice and conspired to pervert the course of justice then I view this should first be investigated and those involved held legally accountable (Obviously by a judicial officer who is not also in question as to his/her standing as an Officer of the Court) and their conduct to be placed on record as when they are before the courts the courts will be aware as should be the accused of their past conduct.

We need to pursue to restore the trust in the administration ofjustice and this can only eventuate if citizens are made aware that no one is above the rule of law! And anyone who undermines the administration of justice will be held legally accountable regardless what position they may occupy.

I suspect that ample of police officers who were involved in undermining the administration of justice may have gained in the process promotions and other benefits and I view this should also be taken into consideration that they advanced themselves financially or otherwise by

undermining the administration ofjustice. ALLAwwwwwwwwwNNNNNN[\JNNNHHp—Ir—Ir—IHp—ai—ai—ar—a #WNt—‘OOOO\]O\LII-bWNHOOOONOMLWNHOGOONONUIJ>WNHO This corres ondence 1s not intended and neither must be erceived to address all 1ssues.

L LII Awaiting your response, Ill/G.I-I. Schorel—Hlavka 0.W.B. (Friends call me Gerrit)

46 MAY JUSTICE ALWAYS PREVAIL® 47 (Our name is our motto!)

28-3-2019 Page 19 © Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. INSPECTOR-RIKATI® about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION-DVD A 1St edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 P—LEASE NOTE. You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation orE-mail See also www.'kati Page 1 SUB.0062.0001.0002_0020

KIN * * MAY JUSTICE ALWAYS PREVAIL® * * * m. Mr G. H. SchoreI-Hlavka O.\V.B. Blog: mscribdcomfinspectorrikati Email: adminginspector-rikatiacom LH720160921706 THE MORALS OF A SOCIETY CAN BE MEASURED AS TO HOW IT LOOKS AFTER THE DISABLED Please note: fle opinion(s) exprmed in this letter by the writer, are stated considering (be limited WARNIN.G information available to him and may not be the same wherefimtber information were made available to him, is not intended and neither must be perceived to be legal advice!

Constitutionalist & Paralegal v a a - a Series of books on certain Independent Consultant & Author I-\ SPE ( T OR'RI 1“l 2' constitutional and other legal issues Sggxggg‘gmggt moms POWER Reclaim out State and Federal constitutional and other legal rights, and hold politicians and judges accountable! WITHOUT PREJUDICE Margaret McMurdo, AC Royal Commissioner 16-4-2019 Victorian Royal Commission into Management of Police Informants PO Box 18028, Melbourne VIC 3001. htlpsz/t’mwr.rcmpiyieuovau contacttfiiircmpi.vicgovau. Ref: 20190416-G. H. Sehorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Royal Commissioner Margaret MeMurdo, AC Re ~SUBMISSION-Sumllement 7


Commissioner, further to my 18-2-2019 submission and 26-2-2019 and 28-2-2019, 1—3—2019, 4-3- 2019, 5-3-2019, 28-3-2019 supplements I desire to state the following:

I on 15 April 2019 received 3 emails and responded to them— from Roberta Williams which I view precisely underlines what I submitted in the past that the late carl Williams, His

Father George Williams and Roberta Williams so to say were talked into pleading guilty with the \O00\lChili-b9){\Jt—‘b~>l\)t—a >—a>—i>—At—l>—A>—A>—A>—A>—n—a involvement of Nicola Gobbo. 20 -28/1awver-X-lack—of-legal-advice-place-convictions-in- doubt/10948606 Police failed to get legal advice on Lawyer X arrangement until years after it ended QUOTE Key points: Police secretly recorded Ms Gobbo when she went to court to represent an associate of drug lord Tony Mokbel in 2004 END QUOTE

16-4-2019 Page 1 (G Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. INSPECTOR-RIKATFR’I about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION-DVD A 15‘ edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR—RIKATI® series by making a reservation. or E-mail adminKfiIinspgctor-rikaticom See also Page 2 SUB.0062.0001.0002_0021

3 4 I understand from a statement Nicola Gobbo made she claimed “My motivation in assisting 5 police was not for self-gain” as shown in the article: 6 838-criminal-lawyer-to-police-informant- 7 her-own-words/ 10579100 8 Melbourne gangland lawyer explains why she became a police informant 9 QUOTE 10 My motivation in assisting police was not for self-gain, but was rather borne from the frustration of being aware of l l prolific large commercial drug trafficking. importations of massive quantities ol‘drugs. murders, bashings. perverting the 12 course ofjusl‘ice, huge money laundering and other serious ofi‘ences all being committed without any serious inroads l 3 being made by police. 14 END QUOTE I 5 16 Yet I understand from recent media announcements that the police released details that Nicola 17 Gobbo sought reward regarding tony Mokbel. 18 Obviously one has to ask how many other lawyers were informers and claiming reward monies? 19 20 83 8-no t—only-lawver-to -turn-victoria -police-infor1ner/1 0789844 2] Lawyers were used as informants last year, prominent gangland barrister claims 22 23 One has to ask why none were charged so far, and why was neither any police officer charges so 24 far for their involvement? 25 26—admits-intimate-relationship-with- 27 lawyer-x/ 10959990 28 Nicola Gobbo, aka Lavwer X, had intimate relationship with police officer who first signed 29 her up as informant

40 In my view each and every transcript of cases Nicola Gobbo and other lawyers who were 41 informers were involved in should be checked if the representation was appropriate of the lawyer 42 involved failed to conduct the representation appropriately. For example a lawyer failing to 43 conduct a proper cross examination, etc. 44 45 It is very clear from the email from Roberta Williams that Nicola Gobbo caused (the now late) 46 Carl Williams, His father (the now late) George Williams and his wife at the time Roberta 47 Williams to plea guilty. Those convictions in my View should all be set aside. 48 It is not for the convicted persons to seek to have such convictions set aside but for the Court to 49 uphold its credibility must do so and leave it up to the Prosecutor to assess if there is any reliable 50 evidence and any justification to recommence any charges against any particular person.

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Obviously any prosecutor who was aware of any lawyer being an informer also should be charged, at least in my view, for PERVERTING THE COURSE OF JUSTICE, CONTEMPT OF COURT, CONTEMPT IN THE FACE OF THE COURT, etc.

I spend decades, at least since 1982 conducting a special lifeline service under the motto MAY JUSTICE ALWAYS PREVAIL® seeking persons who were troubled to pursue through the courts their rights and only to discover that we got lawyers who as Officers of the Court were

OO\]O\U‘IJ>UJl\Jr—I blatantly abusing their position and it seems Nicola Gobbo being after reward such as with tony Mokbel. I provided my service free of charge. Those kind of lawyers precisely undermined the very work I was doing including avoiding persons to commit heinous crimes against lawyers/judges as some revenge.

To me it is utter and sheer nonsense to hold that the police didn’t know they were acting unlawfully. It is often the same when police officers claim that their cameras were not working

om-tl—‘OQ when they acted unlawfully but do have it recording when someone else is acting unlawfully.

In my view the fact that not a single judge so far bothered to charge any of them despite that for many years it was known that some lawyers were as Officers of the Court violating the administration ofjustice is also beyond me.

It seems to me that Nicola Gobbbo was sexually involved with a number of police officers and this while being a registered informer against her own clients, surely that underlines also the lack of credibility by the police involved besides that of herself?

In my view the police had a duty, so the prosecutor, to reveal each time to the court of the

unlawful involvement of lawyers and yet none did. It means that the very persons who were to NNNNNNNNHHH—‘H—‘HHh—ih—I “QMhUJNt—‘OQOO uphold the rule of law were abusing it for their own particular gains. 28

What kind of Ethical standards existed there with the police when they seek to excuse themselves not to have sought legal advice? Surely that is not and never should be accepted as an excuse because if they do not know/understand the basic principles of policing then they shouldn’t be in the job. It might question what kind of police training did they initially receive if it didn’t result in police officers understanding/knowing what is unlawful in that regard? Did the police simply at all cost pursue criminal activities to end up to get their promotions rather than to respect the rule of law?

16-4-2019 Page 3 (G Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. INSPECTOR-RIKATItEW about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION-DVD A 15‘ edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation. or E-mail adminflinspgctor-rikaticom See also SUB.0062.0001.0002_0023

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16-4-2019 Page 5 C Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. INSPECTOR-RIKATIR about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION-DVD A 15‘ edition limited special numbered hook on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKAT series by making a reservation. or E-mail admil iIinspector-rikatieom See also www.scribd.c01n/ins ectorrikati SUB.0062.0001.0002_0025

16-4-2019 Page 6 C Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. INSPECTOR-RIKATIR about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION-DVD A 15‘ edition limited special numbered hook on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKAT series by making a reservation. or E-mail admil iIinspector-rikatieom See also www.scribd.c01n/ins ectorrikati SUB.0062.0001.0002_0026

J 6 J Long before the Lawyer X news broke by the High Court of judgment in 2018 I '3 J UJN already questioned in 2017 as to lawyers representing (now the late) Carl Williams and his father 6 3 J; (now the late) George Williams as to their failure to deal appropriately with the 3 3 For avoiding to only partly reproduced the email content I hold it better to show in which context 6 J they were written. '5 D ’8 3 If as I all along suspected Carl Williams was talked into pleading guilty of murders he may in

fact not have been involved in at all then this means the real murderer so to say got away with it. bk

t—‘OOOONOUI That is not JUSTICE but rather a manipulation of the legal processes so the police can score a conviction and one then has to ask how often has the police been involved in this kind of manipulation in how many other cases, even if lawyers were not acting in violation of their

duties and obligations to the courts?


16-4-2019 Page 7 Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. INSPECTOR-RIKATI‘E‘ about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION-DVD A 15‘ edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKAT eries by making a reservation. or E-mail See also ectorrikati SUB.0062.0001.0002_0027

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16-4-2019 Page 9 C Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. INSPECTOR-RIKATI‘E‘ about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION-DVD A 15‘ edition limited special numbered hook on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKAT series by making a reservation. or E-mail admil iIinspector-rikatieom See also www.scribd.c01n/ins ectorrikati SUB.0062.0001.0002_0029

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The following are some documents relating to the Victorian Police reneging on their deal with Carl Williams after he pleaded GUETY this even so the High Court of Australia in its final appeal made clear that the payments then made were lawful. As such the Victorian Police used a scam to pursue the reclaiming of the monies and as result in the end the grandchild Dhakota lost her Essendon home. Where the convictions were the product of deception by lawyers involved then this should be set aside and the orders by the court to order the sale of the Essendon

OO\]O\U‘IJ>UJl\Jt—I property to be set aside. It is not just about some property but for Dhakota it is the place she inherited and where also her paternal grandmother lived.

When it comes to the vicious murder of Carl Williams then considering that the Victorian Police had a motive to get rid of him as they reclaimed, albeit unlawfully, the monies and Nicola Gobbo was reportedly threatened when she was suspected and/or found out to be a police informer against her own client, then I view the motive to silence Carl Williams in the circumstances of

om-tt—‘OQ various CDs with Carl Williams statements in possession of others may underline that, at least in fl my view, the informer to the media that resulted to the herald Sun publishing about Carl Williams hours before his vicious death in prison may have been likely, as I suspect, been a deal between the Victorian Police and Nicola Gobbo. This is also why I suspected the police concealed details from the Victorian Ombudsman investigation as to who provided copies of the CD to whomever in the prison. In my view the Coroner should reopen the inquest into the vicious murder of Carl Williams now also with the revelations that Nicola Gobbo was a police informer. Also where there are other issues now in the public domain that were never then canvassed by the Victorian Ombudsman report upon which the coroner relied upon. Also I view that the ATO continuously perverted the course of justice to pursue AVERT when legally not entitled to this. I(f anything this Royal Commission may assist in is to pursue that

lawyers who deceive the courts are harsh dealt with as to be a warning to others not to follow NNNNNNNNh—Ih—Ih—I—It—av—ii—iy—at—ap—a “QMhUJNt—‘OQOO those kind of conduct. 28

16-4-2019 Page 19 (G) Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W,B. INSPECTOR-RIKATI“E> about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION-DVD A 15‘ edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI® series by making a reservation. or E-mail admin/(Tinsmctor-rikaticom See also SUB.0062.0001.0002_0039

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This corres ondence is not intended and neither must be erceived to address all issues. / Awaiting your response, f4“ ”.G H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Friends call me Gerrit) MAY JUSTICE ALWAYS PREVAILE (Our name is our motto!)

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