No. 2 - Year 1 JULY-AUGUST 2020 IN THIS ISSUE Every issue of Caput Mundi offe r s y o u t h e m o s t interesting news in the field of -US relations.

Amici Per Sempre

From the desk of Capitolo di Capitolo di Roma will meet online with Roma Founder and President, Carmelo Cutuli key persons in the Italy-USA relations Read full article > page 7 Members of Capitolo di Roma of the Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America meet every month on Google’s online videoconferencing platform to honor an important player in the Italian-US relations scene

Members of Capitolo di Roma of the Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America meet every month on Google’s online videoconferencing platform to honor an important player in the Italian- US relations scene. Vincenzo Sellaro Each speech is followed by a Question An italian language video Time exclusively dedicated to members about the life and the work of and selected guests. A summary of the OSDIA founder Sellaro event is then made available on the OSDIA's Capitolo di Roma YouTube Read full article > page 2 channel to spread the most important contents to an external audience.

Online meetings are held live on the Google Meet platform, and have an average length of an hour and a half. Summaries of the event on Youtube have an average length of a quarter an hour and are uploaded online the week subsequent to the live event. Attendance at each event is reserved Michele Ficara for members of Capitolo di Roma. Non- A speech by The Swiss members can request an invitation from Blockchain Consortium the secretary ([email protected]). Read full article > page 5 #news Page 2 Capitolo di Roma celebrate OSDIA Sicilian Art Critic Paolo Battaglia La Terra founder Vincenzo Sellaro with an Borgese become youtube biopic in italian language Honorary Member of OSDIA Capitolo di Roma Battaglia La Terra Borgese gave his voice to Capitolo di Roma Video on Sellaro’s life

Paolo Battaglia La Terra Borgese is a sicilian art critic, in 1984 he graduated in Set Design with highest honors. Until 1999 he joined niche companies for art and art book publishing for bibliophiles. Since 2000 his work has concentrated in the drafting of An Youtube videopic about OSDIA founder Vincenzo Sellaro was made by Capitolo di Roma on the basis of an texts for third parties. In 2011 he founded article wrote by president Cutuli. The article was adapted for video and narrated by Sicilian art critic Paolo the Premio Arte Pentafoglio, an honor apt to Battaglia La Terra Borgese. insignire annually artists, writers and ordinary citizens who have oriented their Among the first significant cultural initiatives founding the Columbus Italian Hospital, Dr. thinking and their actions towards the good put in place by the OSDIA Capitolo di Roma, Sellaro realized that for most immigrants to humanitarian. Among the most authoritative figures awarded the honor detaches that a youtube biopic on the life of Vincenzo the and Canada, mutual aid Philippe Daverio. In 2012, signs an Sellaro was created. societies had provided opportunities for them agreement with the University of Palermo, t o s p e a k t h e i r n a t i v e becoming Tutor in internships for graduates The video documentary was languages and keep their and undergraduates. In 2013 the Academy made on an arrangement of “old country” customs alive. of Sicily appointed him, together with the an article, published on the highest Sicilian Authority, among the italian magazine Formiche, Formiche’s article I n 1 9 0 4 , D r. S e l l a r o permanent members of the National Liolà by President Cutuli. The and this video are the conceived the idea of Prize Honorary Committee, important Sicilian art critic Paolo uniting all Italian Americans recognition which were awarded celebrities Battaglia La Terra Borgese only document, of into one large fraternal such as the actress Debora Caprioglio and Damiano Damiani, director of The Octopus, lent his narrating voice to this kind, in italian organization. On June 7, miniseries RAI. In 2014, je coins the term the documentary. language about the 1 9 0 5 , h e h e l d a n “participatory” meaning retrain and re- organizational meeting at interpret the role of the artist in the group Vincenzo Sellaro, founder of his home. Present were exhibitions. For the 2014/2015 he was the Order Sons of Italy in life and the work of Antonio Marzullo, a lawyer; appointed Prefect of the Rotary Club America, was born April 24, OSDIA founder L u d o v i c o F e r r a r i , a Palermo Sud. From 2015 to 2018 he served 1868, in Polizzi Generosa in artistic consultant to the of Castronovo p h a r m a c i s t ; G i u s e p p e the province of Palermo, Vincenzo Sellaro di Sicilia, where he led the creation of the Carlino, a sculptor; and Sicily. His parents were Museum of Contemporary Art in Palazzo Pietro Viscardi and Roberto Giandalia. He worked alongside the Giuseppe Sellaro, a shoemaker, and Serafino Merlo, two barbers. The first formal meeting Embassy of Poland in Italy, Embassy of the Polizzotto. As is customary for the first boy in of the Order was held three weeks later. Republic of Armenia, the Embassy of Austria many southern Italian families, he was named in international organizations such as after his paternal grandfather. At that second meeting, Dr. Sellaro was UNESCO, Public Schools, the Journalists’ elected as National President) of the Sons of Association, Medical Association. Has He received his medical degree in 1895 from Italy. The name of the group was soon curated cancel philatelic with the Italian the University of Naples and immigrated to changed to L’Ordine Figli d’Italia in America Post. Has honored teachers of the University the United States in 1897 where he settled in of Bern. In 2016, as a man of culture, he was (the Order Sons of Italy in America or OSIA), a . Based upon his experience in awarded the honorary title of Knight of the golden lion was adopted as its emblem. Supreme Order and the Ancient Rite Regenerated Templar – Supreme Grand Council of the 9th Grade Cathedrale. In 2017 he founded in Italy Activate party with https://youtu.be/uZY_qaeXNas other people. His latest works are: Embassy of Austria in international organizations such a s U N E S C O , P u b l i c S c h o o l s , t h e Vincenzo Sellaro ed il contributo degli emigrati italiani in USA is J o u r n a l i s t s ’ A s s o c i a t i o n , M e d i c a l available on YouTube. Association, has curated cancel philatelic with the Italian Postal service, has honored teacher of the University of Bern. #italianamericans Page 3 OSDIA and the largest italian-american organizations join forces to defend the memory of Columbus In the wake of the recent attacks on Columbus Day and the statues of Christopher Columbus, which have spread throughout the United States, the five most important organizations supporting the Italian-American community of over 23 million people across the United States have decided to join forces, founding the National Columbus Education Foundation. The Order of the Sons of Italy in America (www.osia.org), together with other population who, for centuries now, have Columbus Day should be preserved and important organizations supporting considered it to be the identity of the celebrated by all Americans. Americans of Italian descent, the United States". This was stated by Columbus Citizens Foundation, ISDA, "We of the Order of the Sons of Italy in OSDIA Capitolo di Roma president, America - continues Cutuli - will also NIAF and UNICO National, have joined Carmelo Cutuli. forces for an unprecedented operation support the activities of the National by funding the establishment of the The National Columbus Education Columbus Education Foundation by N a t i o n a l C o l u m b u s E d u c a t i o n Foundation was founded to conduct and collaborating on a series of research Foundation. disseminate research, studies and projects contributing to the development analysis on the figure of Christopher of educational materials and multimedia "We are witnessing an unprecedented Columbus. The Foundation intends to content accessible to the general public attack on the symbols of American develop political solutions and proposals and opinion makers in particular". culture and in particular on the memory to support the preservation of Columbus of Christopher Columbus, a symbol very The Foundation is preparing to launch a Day, rectifying the false narrative major public campaign and a website dear not only to the Italian-American surrounding the famous navigator. The community, guardian of the memory of called KnowColumbus to promote a resources will be directed to promote a more objective approach to reading the Italian navigator who discovered the social debate on the many reasons why new world, but also to the rest of the US Colombo's work. NIAF to Honor Dr. Anthony S. Fauci in 2020 with Leonardo da Vinci Award NIAF Award for Leadership in Health and Science will be presented to Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)

The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) is proud to important basic scientific observations that underpin the announce that NIAF’s prestigious 2020 Leonardo da Vinci current understanding of the regulation of the human immune Award for Leadership in Health and Science will be presented response. to Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, Director of the National Institute of As a physician with the National Institutes Health (NIH) of the Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and a member of the United States, Dr. Fauci has served the nation’s commitment President’s Coronavirus Task Force. The award will be to public health for more than 50 years. He was appointed presented in October 2020 on behalf of the National Italian director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious American Foundation’s Board of Directors—to recognize Dr. Diseases (NIAID) in 1984 and has advised six presidents on Fauci’s years of extraordinary service to our country and for HIV/AIDS and many other domestic and global health issues. his work to help our nation meet the challenge of COVID-19. He has been at the forefront of U.S. efforts to contend with Dr. Fauci received his medical degree from Cornell University viral diseases like HIV, SARS, the 2009 swine flu pandemic, Medical College, graduated at the top of his class in 1966, MERS, Ebola, and the new COVID-19. In January 2020, Dr. and completed his internship and residency at The New York Fauci was one of the leading members of the President’s Hospital-Cornell Medical Center. In 1968, Dr. Fauci joined the Coronavirus Task Force addressing the 2019–20 coronavirus National Institutes of Health (NIH) as a clinical associate in the pandemic in the United States. Laboratory of Clinical Investigation (LCI) at the National He serves on the editorial boards of many scientific journals; Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). In 1984, and has been the author, coauthor or editor of more than Dr. Fauci became Director of NIAID—the position that he still 1,300 scientific publications, including several textbooks. He holds. also has received 45 honorary doctoral degrees from Over the course of his career, Dr. Fauci has made seminal universities in the United States and abroad. contributions to the understanding of how HIV destroys the “Dr. Fauci, whose grandparents were Italian immigrants from body’s defenses leading to its susceptibility to deadly Sciacca, Sicily, and Naples, is very proud of his Italian infections. In addition, he has made many contributions to American heritage and credits his heritage with the values basic and clinical research on the pathogenesis and treatment that guide him today,” said NIAF Chairman Patricia de Stacy of immune- mediated and infectious diseases. He helped Harrison. pioneer the field of human immunoregulation by making # Page 4

The Italian American Business Carmelo Cutuli appointed Collaborative℠ an excellent President of Confassociazioni opportunity to make business Media e Informazioni between Italy and USA The Italian American Business Collaborative℠ is an excellent opportunity for Colorado based italian american small and professionals to know and be known by engaging in mutually beneficial professional relationships in amicable social settings.

‘It's not what you know, it's who you know’ was half right. A dozen solid, face-to-face business relationships are worth a hundred impersonal posts on social media, we may say also, ‘don’t just be seen, be known’. We at IABC - says community leader Joseph Aiello - sharpen your business acumen, drink Italian wine, eat great Italian food, and enjoy great Italian camaraderie like we of Italian heritage and a hearty zest for life have done for centuries. Join us and Carmelo Cutuli with National Confassociazioni President, Angelo Deiana divertiti!Join Italian American Business Confassociazioni, the body that organizations between Italy and the Collaborative to engage with co- aggregates Italian federations, United States. professionals. Know - and be known by a s s o c i a t i o n s , c o m p a n i e s a n d - more people in your business field. The new branch dedicated is individuals who carry out or represent dedicated to the Italian Media sector," IABC membership offers these value-added business benefits at no additional professional activities in Italy and said President Cutuli, "and is aimed to cost: co-op advertising, inclusion in Community First℠ listings, and a direct link to , inaugurates the confederal foster networking among the various websites. Attending guest-speaker presentations, useful workshops, and IABC sector that aggregates the Italian players in this industry, which is Business Fair. Members have the option to connect with a growing database of media. unfortunately very fragmented and over five hundred Italian American business professionals. Members who might be Confassociazioni has, of today, over unsupported in Italy today, especially starting a business with limited operating capital can apply for free marketing, 1,030,000 members in Italy, including when it comes to online media, accounting, and legal assistance for those who qualify. o v e r 6 5 0 l a r g e p r o f e s s i o n a l encouraging interaction between Business after five, is IABC monthly social networking event surrounding members associations and 220,000 companies. members and the Confassociazioni with a host of like-minded Italian American business owners and professionals to Carmelo Cutuli, Confassociazioni's System, a vast multi-sector business pitch products or services. The $15 cover charge includes a catered buffet dinner long-standing officer and international network where the media can find followed by a guest speaker—all enhanced by a cash bar offering Italian wine, professional in institutional and media their natural stakeholders and beer or spirits. relations, has been appointed contribute to the development of president of the new branch. networking opportunities. All Italian Americans are encouraged to access IABC Web-based i-pages—a yellow-pages style directory of Italian American businesses and business With a degree in The management professionals to promote doing business between members. IABC Community , Cutuli structure, chaired First program “Shop the (Italian American) Community First” partners with Italian is a member of b y C a r m e l o American households throughout the metro area, encouraging them to access the Ordine dei Carmelo Cutuli will C u t u l i , i s IABC i-pages—a yellow-pages style directory of Italian American businesses and G i o r n a l i s t i d e l c o m p o s e d o f : business professionals. L a z i o a n d t h e manage the media and Francesco Pira, Public Relations Vice President; Another important IABC initiative is called i-Commerce, the IABC has established information sector of S o c i e t y o f Michele Ficara relationships with Italian Americans, in Colorado, who possess an import license America and is Manganelli, Head and are willing to work with IABC to sell products made in Italy. Confassociazioni, an p r o f e s s i o n a l l y o f t h e S w i s s Regardless of any professional business role or position, being an active member i n v o l v e d i n Italian body representing I t a l i a n A r e a ; of IABC literally means being active, cause IABC offer a wide range of programs i n s t i t u t i o n a l , professional and Alessandro Conte, intended to entice participation. e x t e r n a l a n d H e a d o f t h e media relations at business categories with Central Italy Area; an international Patrizia Paesano, l e v e l . A over 1,030,000 members H e a d o f t h e p a s s i o n a t e I s l a n d s A r e a ; communicator, he Giulia Reina, Vice w a s o n e o f t h e fi r s t I t a l i a n Secretary General. To these initials will professionals to take an interest in be added, in the coming months, digital communication tools, offering further delegations. advice to several North American "We are very pleased - said the public relations companies. N a t i o n a l P r e s i d e n t o f He worked for years in a public Confassociazioni, Angelo Deiana - to company where he was in charge of count among our members, as well as i n t e r n a t i o n a l m a r k e t i n g a n d among the professionals in our c o m m u n i c a t i o n , d e a l i n g w i t h renewed organization chart, the important internationalization projects, representatives of the media and with particular reference to the North information world. We are now ready American continent. Former member to welcome in our network, which of the board of one of the oldest and sees exponential growth rates of most important Italian-American associates and organizations, Chambers of Commerce, he has also newspapers, media networks and all www.iabcdenver.org held the positions of director and the actors, including informal ones.”. president in some important friendship #People Page 5

OSDIA Capitolo di Roma hosted TeaTime Meeting with Michele Ficara Manganelli, Director The Swiss Blockchain Consortium Last wednesday June the 16th on the Google Meet platform was held a speech by Michele Ficara Manganelli, Director of The Swiss Blockchain Consortium

The Swiss Blockchain Consortium Switzerland is fostering digital innovation and blockchain in with a series of initiatives

The first Swiss Consortium dedicated to Blockchain with the mission of fostering digital innovation and blockchain in particular with a series of initiatives that combine a strong territorial vocation with an international spirit The Swiss Blockchain Consortium is an initiative that aims to respond to these He is the Founder and Editorial objectives and which is developed in Michele Ficara Manganelli, is considered one of Director of Assodigitale Tech & particular, but not only, to stimulate, Fintech news, a historic digital support and encourage the spread of the major European Evangelists and Influencers publication founded in 2004 digital innovation based on blockchain. Specifically, the Swiss Blockchain in the Tech & Fintech sector and one of the most popular in Consortium, (which also relies on the the Italian-speaking markets. media partnership of our magazine, He is CEO of Novaretis SAgl - editor's note) is now an initiative The Order Sons and Daughters numerous Keynotes at the main dedicated to operators in the digital Digital Investment Consulting of of Italy in America (OSDIA) conferences in the sector, also industry that must characterize the Lugano, specialized in strategic Capitolo di Roma, organizes participating as a guest on industrial district based in the Canton of consulting for the realization of Ticino. A Swiss "identity", but with an monthly TeaTime Meetings numerous TV talk shows as an digital transformation projects. international vocation, where the best- inviting a personality from the expert on issues related to the known companies in the sector have He collaborates as an expert the opportunity to take advantage of world of economics, arts and e v o l u t i o n o f t h e d i g i t a l the new business opportunities offered professions to give a speech on ecosystem. with the European Commission by the Blockchain world. for the development of the a topical issue. He is currently Director of the European infrastructure of The main function of the Swiss Last wednesday June the 16th Swiss Blockchain District, the Blockchain Consortium is to create and blockchain services (EBSI) and on the Google Meet platform first Swiss industrial district manage an operational hub dedicated is a member of the Executive was held a speech by Michele dedicated to the development to the selection and certification of the B o a r d o f t h e E u r o p e a n best Blockchain skills and digital Ficara Manganelli, Director of and support of the Blockchain Association (member Inatba) operators. T h e S w i s s B l o c k c h a i n ecosystem created in Lugano I t a l i a 4 B l o c k c h a i n w i t h The Consortium is open to the most Consortium. to support and develop the delegation for the development deserving companies in the Blockchain activities of entrepreneurs and sector who will prove to be truly With over twenty years of of relations in Switzerland. companies at an international operational in the market with excellent experience, Michele Ficara solutions for the development of Manganelli, is considered one level. services based on this technology. o f t h e m a j o r E u r o p e a n Finally, the centre will act as a catalyst Evangelists and Influencers in of talent to quickly lead to the development of numerous new the Tech & Fintech sector. innovative startups, which will carry out He has held numerous lectures projects that are immediately usable and attract entrepreneurs with and seminars at the main investment capital to the area, to Italian and Swiss Universities encourage research, local development such as Iulm, Ied, Politecnico and the creation of skilled and local di Milano, Iusve, Link Campus workforce. Roma, USI, Supsi, as well as #publicdiplomacy Page 6

John Cabot University International Think Tank: US will restart visa services, State The Virtualization of Education and Work Department says The Vatican’s State Secretary, S.E. Cardinal Pietro Parolin, sent a letter expressing his pleasure of OSDIA chartering the first lodge outoutside of North America, These visa restrictions have real consequences for families torn apart by border John Cabot University has teamed up with New and the accumulated experience, innovations, closures York University, the City University of New York, organizational and adaptation processes, and University of Buenos Aires (Argentina), human and economic investments will lead to University of San Andres (Argentina), Nato new permanently integrated mediated practices Defense College (), Politecnico di Torino that will once more transform the way we work, (Turin), Università di Pisa, Università di interact, and socialize. Comunicazione e Lingue (Milan), Roskilde The think tank, composed of experts from University (Denmark), and Aarhus Business several international institutions who will share Since March 20, routine visa services have been suspended at all U.S. School (Denmark) to create the think tank “The experiences and best practices specifically Virtualization of Education, Training, and Work.” missions, allowing only for life-and- developed to address the immediate challenges death emergency appointments. Created and coordinated by the Institute of of this transformation in education, ultimately President Donald Trump has also Future and Innovation Studies at John Cabot aims to conceptualize and reflect on the limited who can receive a visa through University, this international think tank has been broader implications, opportunities, and a s e r i e s o f e x e c u t i v e o rd e r s , assembled as a collaborative effort to face the consequences of this momentous social suspending H-1B visas, H-2B visas, L visas, and certain J visas through Dec. challenges of the new educational realities transformation. 31. H-1B visas are for highly skilled produced by Covid-19. Universities, like other employees in fields like engineering or public and private organizations around the JCU Building in Rome, Trastevere information technology, while H-2B world, have been forced to very quickly adapt visas are for seasonal workers like manufacturing or food processing. The to a new reality of smart working, online J visa ban affects au pairs, camp teaching, and mediated live interactions. This counselors and teachers, and L visas transformation is not new, especially in are those transferred by their company academia, and it has been slowly developing for to the U.S. over a decade. The unprecedented pressures of A young woman with a mouth guard the health crisis, however, have created a global shows her visa at the border crossing between Tijuana and the US, March momentum, a new socio-economic context, 17, 2020.A young woman with a mouth and a unique transformational impetus that did guard shows her visa at the border not exist before. New communication tools, and crossing between Tijuana and the US, globally shared practices and experiences are March 17, 2020. Omar Martenez/dpa/ picture alliance via Getty Images, FILE quickly evolving in education, training, and work. This evolution will most likely continue, Even when visa services resume, travel from over two dozen countries to the U.S. is still barred under Trump’s presidential proclamations — for any foreigner who has traveled in the prior two weeks through China, Iran, the Pope at Angelus: Embracing the Word of God United Kingdom, Ireland, Brazil and Europe’s Schengen Area, a 26-country means embracing Christ bloc that includes France, Germany, Italy and Spain. Pope Francis reflects on the day’s Gospel reading during the Sunday Angelus, While the State Department says it is resuming services, one U.S. consulate During Sunday’s Angelus, from Therefore, embracing the Word silence, for reflection, for is actually moving to close its doors the window of his studio above of God means embracing the dialogue with the Lord, such temporarily. The U.S. consulate in St Peter’s Square, Pope person of Christ.” that we risk losing our faith.” Cusco, Peru, where there are still Francis drew inspiration from American citizens being evacuated Receiving The Word of God four months after the government the Gospel of the day, in which suddenly shut its borders and left recounts to a crowd the Pope Francis noted that there thousands stranded, is closing next Parable of the Sower. are many ways to receive the Monday until at least mid-November. Word of God. "We may do so", The consulate said Monday that U.S. Calling it a little like the he said, “like a path, where citizens in the area should seek assistance at the U.S. embassy in ‘mother’ of all parables, birds immediately come and because it speaks about Lima, which is 356 miles away — an eat the seeds.” 1.5-hour flight or 18.5-hour drive. listening to the Word, it tells the story of a sower who casts This is “distraction”, he These visa restrictions have real warned, and a “great danger of consequences for families torn apart seed over four different types by border closures, such as American of terrain. our time”. Arnie Fagan whose partner Vilayvanh The Pope continued, “Beset by Soulinthong and daughter Jasmine The Pope explained that The were stuck in Thailand and he was Word of God, symbolized by lots of small talk, by many unable to travel back to their home the seeds, “is not an abstract ideologies, by continuous there. The family was eventually Word, but is Christ himself, the opportunities to be distracted reunited after Soulinthong was able to inside and outside the home, get an emergency visa appointment Word of the Father who and travel to Missouri, according to the became flesh in Mary's womb. we can lose our zest for Columbia Daily Tribune. #amicipersempre Page 7

favour of the economically stronger On a practical level, such a National countries, could cause the image of Communication Plan cannot ignore the our country to be tarnished by a sub- definition of a blueprint, i.e. a series of optimal management of the crisis and guidelines and shared tools that allow the fact that it has been one of the a n a t u r a l a l i g n m e n t o f t h e most exposed hotspots in the world. communication implemented by the On the other hand, a decrease in the various rings of the country-system to incisiveness and competitiveness of a master strategy. Italian products on international In summary, these are the fundamental markets, caused by the protracted steps: lock-down of production, could lead to a) the constitution, at central authority a strong reduction in the international level, of a communication team visibility of our most appreciated global specifically dedicated to the definition testimonial, the made in Italy, further and management of the country's dragging down the corresponding reputation management strategies, reputation balance sheet. operating nation branding, public & AMICI PER SEMPRE It is therefore urgent and necessary to cultural policies; From the desk of OSDIA activate a serious and definitive project b) the definition of a blueprint, a Capitolo di Roma founder and of country reputation management common layout that can inspire all even if, on the basis of the failure of President Carmelo Cutuli institutional actors, including citizens, past experiences, the implementation in their communication actions; of a new nation branding project might Our country, to tell the truth, since seem an ambitious hypothesis, to say c) encouraging regional and local the second half of the 90s, has been the least. It has been well done, by the authorities to align their institutional suffering from a progressive last governments, to attempt a communication, public relations and reputational crisis in domestic and harmonization of the existing one that place branding strategies with the foreign audiences, to which is led to the recovery of the 1987 'Italy' national blueprint; offered at the same time the logo, even if with a minimum restyling, d) encouraging national productive perception of a nation rich in and a reorganization of the contents of a c t i v i t i e s t o a c c e l e r a t e t h e culture, tradition and beauty but also the www.italia.it portal, but today this implementation of CSR or corporate corruption, unreliability and lack of is no longer enough. social responsibility initiatives, in line civic sense. It is quite clear how, following a global with the objectives of the National Despite the numerous attempts made emergency such as the one caused by Communication Plan; in the past, our country has not yet the coronavirus, a country that draws e) the promotion of awareness-raising adopted an univocal nation brand and its distinctive elements from its culture, campaigns among citizens on the fight continues to offer a prismatic history and art as well as from the against the phenomenon of fake-news representation to foreign audiences in enormous attractiveness of its territory, and the responsible use of social particular, entrusting its image to cannot avoid calling to action media. testimonials of the highest historical, professionals specialized in the various Ultimately, teamwork is required in cultural and commercial standards, disciplines of communication, with the o r d e r t o f o c u s t h e c o u n t r y ' s from the Divine Comedy to the made in task of planning, coordinating, communication actions towards Italy, but not dealing in a planned and supervising and monitoring the d e fi n e d a n d s h a r e d s t r a t e g i c organic way with the real management implementation of a unique strategy of objectives that leave no room for and rectification of national storytelling. communication-country. An image ambiguities of interpretation and/or strategy that, focusing on the positive A reputational fragility that following propaganda exploitation. the coronavirus pandemic, a period in aspects of our country system, which the competitive geometry on the communicates a unified representation international scenario is redefined in of Italy, both inside and outside it.

Colophon No. 2 - Year 1 - JULY-AUGUST 2020 Official house-organ of the EDITOR IN CHIEF CONTACTS OSDIA Chapter of Rome #3002 This newsletter is for the Carmelo Cutuli Website exclusive use of Order Sons EDITORIAL BOARD osiaroma.altervista.org and Daughters of Italy in Paolo Quattrocchi, Ornella Frasca, E-mail Domenico Scuncio, Pasquale La Pesa, [email protected] America members. Tibero La Mantia Trieste by night A wonderful view of Piazza dell’Unità d’Italia at night captured by OSDIA Capitolo di Roma President, Carmelo Cutuli