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Revisiting Amantadine As a Treatment for Drug-Induced Movement Disorders

Revisiting Amantadine As a Treatment for Drug-Induced Movement Disorders



Revisiting amantadine as a treatment for drug-induced movement disorders

Stanley N. Caroff, MD BACKGROUND: Amantadine, an aliphatic primary with complex Department of Psychiatry actions on neurotransmitter systems in the basal ganglia, is approved The Michael J. Crescenz Veterans Affairs Medical Center for treating Parkinson’s disease and drug-induced movement disorders Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA (DIMDs). These disorders have a significant impact on clinical outcomes University of Pennsylvania Perelman and quality of life in patients receiving treatment. School of Medicine Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA METHODS: We searched PubMed up to June 1, 2019 to identify relevant Rakesh Jain, MD Department of Psychiatry studies. The following search terms were used: “amantadine” AND “dys- Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center tonia,” “, ” “akathisia,” “tardive ,” “,” Odessa, Texas, USA “neuroleptic malignant syndrome.” Reference lists were reviewed for James F. Morley, MD, PhD additional material. University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine RESULTS Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA : Evidence from multiple, small, controlled trials supports the effi- Parkinson’s Disease Research, Education cacy of amantadine as a treatment for drug-induced parkinsonism. Studies and Clinical Center show amantadine has a more favorable tolerability profile than anticholin- The Michael J. Crescenz Veterans Affairs ergic medications in these patients. Clinical evidence from observational Medical Center Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA studies and case reports suggests that further trials might be warranted to support use of amantadine in select patients for preventing dystonic reac- tions and as a second-line agent for treating catatonia, neuroleptic malig- nant syndrome, and . Evidence is lacking on the use of amantadine specifically for akathisia relative to other treatments.

CORRESPONDENCE Stanley N. Caroff, MD CONCLUSIONS: Amantadine is an evidence-based pharmacologic strat- Department of Psychiatry egy for treating drug-induced parkinsonism and might be an alternative The Michael J. Crescenz Veterans treatment for other DIMDs in select patients. Additional randomized con- Affairs Medical Center trolled trials are needed. 3900 Woodland Ave Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA

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198 August 2020 | Vol. 32 No. 3 | Annals of Clinical Psychiatry ANNALS OF CLINICAL PSYCHIATRY

INTRODUCTION There is an unmet need for evidence-based, tolerable, effective DIMD pharmacotherapy.8,19 The purpose of this Amantadine was developed as an antiviral agent for the report is to critically review the history of amantadine, its prophylaxis and treatment of A.1-4 The mech- pharmacology, and the evidence available on its role in anism of its antiviral action is not clear, but appears treating specific DIMDs. related to transmembrane domain interference of the viral M2 protein via ion channel inhibition, as well Pharmacology of amantadine as prevention of viral assembly during replication.1,5 Amantadine (1-adamantanamine hydrochloride) is a syn- Although amantadine was effective for treating influ- thetic aliphatic primary amine derived from enza A, increasing viral resistance diminish its potential (FIGURE). Amantadine is well-absorbed when administered usefulness in future epidemics.5 orally. Plasma concentrations of amantadine are dose- In 1969, an older woman with Parkinson’s disease proportional up to 200 mg/d. Dosages >200 mg/d could (PD) taking amantadine hydrochloride (100 mg twice result in disproportional increases in maximum plasma daily) to prevent influenza reported remission of rigid- concentrations, with greater likelihood of central nervous ity, , and akinesia.6,7 A pilot study corroborated system stimulation (agitation, , seizures, delirium, the anti-parkinsonian effects of amantadine, which led to and ), and other adverse effects (including con- additional trials in patients with PD.6 The positive results stipation, dizziness, dry mouth, headache, nausea, halluci- in these trials resulted in FDA approval for treating PD and nations, confusion, and falls).20,21 Amantadine is primarily drug-induced extrapyramidal reactions.1 excreted unchanged in the urine through glomerular fil- Parkinsonism and other drug-induced extrapyra- tration and tubular secretion.1,22,23 The time to maximum midal reactions (also called drug-induced movement concentration for immediate-release (IR) formulations is disorders [DIMDs]) continue to present a challenge approximately 3 hours in healthy adults.24,25 Amantadine for antipsychotic therapy. Although the incidence and clearance is significantly reduced in geriatric patients and prevalence of DIMDs has diminished with the develop- those with renal insufficiency.1,22,23,26 Although traditionally ment of newer , the risk remains because given twice daily, amantadine IR has an average plasma of increasing drug indications, expansive marketing, and half-life of 13 to 15 hours in healthy volunteers, suggest- off-label prescribing.8-12 Symptoms of DIMDs can result in ing that daily dosing might be sufficient.24,25 Studies of poor treatment adherence or response, reduced symptom extended-release (ER) formulations report average time remission, longer hospital stays, greater risk of relapse, to maximum concentration of 9 to 16 hours, and recom- lower quality of life and functioning, and higher mortality mend a once-daily dosing schedule.24,25 among affected individuals.13-16 Amantadine’s for treating PD The recommended first-line treatment for DIMDs and DIMDs is not completely understood.1 sig- involves reassessing the need for and selection of anti- naling plays an important role in the pathophysiology of psychotic agents depending on treatment history and movement disorders. In vitro binding and single-photon the patient’s susceptibility to neurologic adverse effects. emission computerized tomography studies demonstrate If possible, antipsychotic treatment should be reduced or that all antipsychotics bind to dopamine D2 receptors.27,28 modified to alleviate DIMD symptoms.13 For patients who Dopamine D2 receptor blockade by antipsychotic drugs require long-term maintenance treatment with antipsy- is thought to play a principal role in producing parkinson- chotics or who do not respond to changes in antipsychotic ism and other DIMDs, possibly by altering the balance therapy, several medications have been used to manage between dopamine and signaling in the DIMDs. However, controlled safety and efficacy studies of neostriatum.29,30 Patients exhibiting DIMDs have a mean these drugs in DIMD treatment remain limited. Adjunctive striatal D2 receptor occupancy of 77% compared with medications can contribute additional adverse effects, 62% occupancy in patients who do not exhibit DIMDs.28 which are particularly problematic for geriatric patients. Amantadine might exert antiparkinsonian effects Furthermore, patients might have concurrent DIMDs in by pre- and post-synaptic activity that enhances dopa- different body areas, such as tardive dyskinesia (TD) and mine neurotransmission.31 In vitro findings suggest that parkinsonism, which could require multiple or contradic- at pre-synaptic sites, amantadine stimulates the release tory treatments.16-18 of dopamine from striatal nerve terminals

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FIGURE stronger , rather than dopaminergic, effects Chemical structure of amantadine at therapeutic dosages. The concentration of amantadine required to inhibit the NMDA-evoked release of acetyl- NH2 from neostriatal tissue is approximately 30 times lower than the concentration needed to affect dopamine release.29 An early demonstrated that plasma levels of amantadine in the 400 to 900 nM range corre- sponded to reduced DIMDs.39 These concentrations of amantadine were too low to induce dopamine release, but were able to inhibit the NMDA-induced release of ace- tylcholine.29 It is therefore possible the antiparkinsonian effect of amantadine depends more on its ability to inhibit NMDA-receptor stimulation of than on inducing dopamine release. Conversely, mechanisms for proposed beneficial effects of amantadine on tardive DIMDs must be differ- ent, because dopaminergic stimulation or cholinergic inhibition are associated with worsening TD.40 However, an alternative hypothesis of TD based on maladaptive synaptic plasticity proposes that drug-induced dopa- mine-receptor supersensitivity affects medium spiny neurons in the striatum, with secondary effects on NMDA receptor-mediated synaptic plasticity. The resulting imbalance of the direct and indirect pathways produces abnormal output to the sensorimotor cortex, resulting in .41 According to this hypothesis, low-affinity NMDA antagonists, such as amantadine, might inhibit development of and reverse dyskinesias, thereby sug- gesting a role for amantadine in treating TD.42

and also might inhibit pre-synaptic dopamine reup- Treatment of DIMDs with amantadine take. However, this activity occurs in vitro at dosages Acute dystonia. Dystonias are a group of movement dis- that significantly exceed those typically prescribed clini- orders characterized by briefly sustained, intermittent, or cally.29,31,32 Dopaminergic activity could account for the prolonged spasms or contractions resulting in involuntary adverse toxicity seen with higher twisting, and repetitive movements or postures.43-45 Drug- doses of amantadine. Some evidence suggests amanta- induced dystonia is an acute movement disorder that dine might also increase the number of post-synaptic can be painful and distressing, and can negatively impact dopamine receptors.31 medication adherence.8,46 Dystonia typically is observed Although it is unclear from in vitro studies whether within a few hours of antipsychotic exposure, especially amantadine possesses any direct anticholinergic activ- via parenteral administration, and appears within the first ity,32,33 it exhibits anticholinergic-like adverse effects in 5 days of treatment in 95% of cases.8,43,47 Drug-induced clinical studies (blurred vision, dry mouth, urinary reten- dystonia can affect any muscle group, but usually is focal tion, and constipation).1,34,35 Some of its anticholinergic and restricted to 1 or a few muscle groups. Common areas activity, at least in the CNS, could be the indirect result affected are the head, jaw, mouth, eyes, and neck.47 of inhibition of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor- The overall incidence of dystonia is estimated to mediated acetylcholine stimulation.29 Previous studies be 2% to 5% with use of first-generation antipsychotics demonstrated that amantadine is a weak, non-competi- (FGAs). However, up to 90% of young men on parenteral, tive NMDA .36-38 Amantadine exhibits high-potency antipsychotics could be affected; dystonia is

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less common in patients age >45.8 Drug potency, dosage, reactions) by avoiding unnecessary peripheral atropinic and titration rate correlate with dystonia risk. This risk is adverse effects seen with anticholinergic treatment.47 reduced with second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs), Parkinsonism. Drug-induced parkinsonism is char- and antipsychotics with weak dopamine antagonism and acterized by bradykinesia, rigidity, and . It is a prominent anticholinergic effects.48 subacute syndrome that mimics idiopathic PD; the 2 Dystonic reactions can last from a few seconds to conditions can be clinically indistinguishable.53 Although several hours and might be sustained, episodic, or fluc- less acute than dystonia, parkinsonism is more common, tuating. The movements can be alarming and could be more difficult to treat, and may cause significant disabil- life threatening if pharyngeal or laryngeal dystonia com- ity. Although parkinsonism could appear relatively early promises breathing. Rapid parenteral administration of after initiating treatment with antipsychotics, onset could , , or benzodiazepines is be delayed from days to weeks. Most cases (50% to 75%) indicated to treat acute dystonia. These drugs are highly occur within 1 month, and 90% occur within 3 months.8,16,43 effective, and usually begin to alleviate symptoms within Parkinsonism occurs in 13% to 46% of patients receiv- 10 to 20 minutes.8,49 Oral administration of these drugs ing antipsychotics. Reported rates of parkinsonism vary might be sufficient in less acute cases. If the antipsychotic depending on age, duration of follow-up, sensitivity of is discontinued, oral anticholinergics are continued for diagnosis, and potency of antipsychotics used in the pop- 24 to 48 hours after dystonia suppression. If the antipsy- ulations studied.16,54-56 Drug-induced parkinsonism is the chotic is not stopped, oral anticholinergics are continued second most common cause of parkinsonism after PD for several days after dystonia suppression and are gradu- itself.8 Although parkinsonism is correlated with increased ally tapered to prevent recurrence.19 antipsychotic dosage and potency, dose-response rela- The use of anticholinergics for acute dystonic reac- tionships have been unclear in view of differences in indi- tion prophylaxis is controversial.8,45 Preventing dys- vidual susceptibility. While SGAs have reduced liability for tonia outweighs potential adverse effects in high-risk parkinsonism compared with high-potency FGAs, even populations, including patients who are young, para- SGAs could cause significant parkinsonism, especially in noid, ambivalent about treatment, receiving parenteral susceptible individuals (eg, those with underlying PD or antipsychotics, or receiving high-potency antipsychot- Lewy body dementia), with the exception of ics. However, prophylactic anticholinergics can cause and possibly .57,58 Additionally, even if the risk adverse events, which are of particular concern in geri- of parkinsonism is lower with selected SGAs, their wide- atric patients. Prophylactic anticholinergics commonly spread use for both on- and off-label indications results cause serious atropinic adverse effects (blurred vision, in a significant overall burden of SGA-associated parkin- dry mouth, constipation, cognitive impairment, or mem- sonism. Because of the often gradual or subacute onset ory loss), and could precipitate urinary retention or acute of parkinsonism, patients should be monitored closely. narrow-angle .50 The risk of acute dystonic reac- Upon detection of parkinsonism, consider antipsychotic tions can be mitigated by the use of less-potent SGAs or discontinuation, dosage reduction, or switching to lower- by concomitant administration of anticholinergics given risk antipsychotics. Clinicians should weigh these adjust- prophylactically with FGAs.51 ments against the risk of psychotic relapse. Symptoms of Amantadine has not been tested for dystonia treat- parkinsonism usually are reversible after discontinuing ment in controlled trials, but a study of 37 participants antipsychotics, but in approximately 15% to 25% of cases, reported that 6 individuals with oculogyric crises reported symptoms could reflect underlying PD unmasked by anti- relief after oral administration of 100 mg of amantadine psychotic treatment and might persist.8,55,59 Prophylaxis in liquid form.52 However, amantadine is of limited value with anticholinergic drugs to prevent parkinsonism is even in emergency situations because of the lack of a parenteral less compelling than for dystonia, introducing significant preparation in the United States. risk of anticholinergic toxicity with questionable benefit. Although amantadine might not be practical as a res- If a given antipsychotic cannot be changed in a cue drug for acute dystonia, its use as a prophylactic agent patient with parkinsonism, treatment with anticholin- might have overlooked advantages in certain high-risk ergics might be effective. However, there is surprisingly patients (eg, young males treated with high-potency paren- limited controlled evidence for anticholinergic use.60,61 A teral antipsychotics or those with recent or prior dystonic survey of the prevalence of parkinsonism among patients

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with schizophrenia found a correlation between parkin- equally effective as benztropine.71 Similarly, a 2-week, dou- sonism and anticholinergic treatment and concluded ble-blind trial of 42 patients with schizophrenia reported that anticholinergics might not be effective. However, it significant and equivalent improvement in ratings of par- is more likely that these findings simply represent a pre- kinsonism between amantadine and .72 scribing bias of attempts to treat extant parkinsonism.54 A 26-day -controlled crossover trial of the Once patients are successfully maintained on adjunctive relationship between clinical response and plasma levels anticholinergic therapy for 3 to 6 months, cautious taper- of amantadine in 15 psychiatric patients with parkinson- ing can be attempted.43 However, several studies show that ism not well controlled on anticholinergic drugs found 62% to 96% of patients on maintenance antipsychotics significant improvement in parkinsonism with amanta- could still experience parkinsonism after anticholinergic dine.39 Another randomized, double-blind, placebo-con- drug discontinuation.62 trolled, 2-week crossover trial of amantadine compared Evidence for dopamine replacement therapy with biperiden found that both drugs were more effective (eg, levodopa) to treat drug-induced parkinsonism has than placebo in relieving parkinsonism without worsening been inconsistent. Dopaminergic agents are believed to TD.73 In contrast, a double-blind trial of 43 inpatients with be ineffective because of ongoing drug-induced blockade schizophrenia reported neither amantadine nor orphen- of dopamine receptors, and also could raise the risk of adrine was better than placebo in alleviating parkinson- worsening psychotic symptoms.53,63 ism symptoms.74 It should be noted that these findings Therefore, amantadine could offer an alternative for are difficult to interpret because of the complexity of the patients at high risk of developing parkinsonism. Because multiple drug crossovers employed in the trial. Another of amantadine’s efficacy in PD, the drug was tested as a randomized trial of amantadine vs benztropine found that treatment for drug-induced parkinsonism.7 Initial reports among 22 patients with DIMDs previously maintained on from open-label studies with amantadine showed promis- anticholinergics, one-half of amantadine-treated patients ing effects with a favorable safety profile.64-66 could not complete the trial because of distressing move- An early, small, double-blind crossover study found ments and psychotic symptoms.75 no difference in antiparkinsonian efficacy between aman- Although these trials of amantadine for drug- tadine and benztropine.67 Another double-blind crossover induced parkinsonism are limited by small samples, trial of amantadine vs benztropine in 37 patients with variable outcome measures, different rating instruments, DIMDs found that although both drugs were effective, carryover effects inherent in crossover designs, absence amantadine showed a more rapid onset of action and fewer of placebo controls, and short-term durations, the evi- adverse effects.52 In another early, randomized, double- dence is mostly consistent that amantadine is as effec- blind trial involving 41 patients, amantadine and benztro- tive as anticholinergics and might have a more favorable pine were equally effective in reducing parkinsonism, but adverse effect profile. These cumulative findings suggest differed in anticholinergic adverse effects.68 A randomized, that amantadine could be considered a first-line agent controlled, double-blind crossover trial of amantadine in in patients with drug-induced parkinsonism who are at 39 psychiatric inpatients treated with amantadine vs tri- risk for developing anticholinergic adverse effects. This hexyphenidyl found that both drugs were equally effective is a special concern when anticholinergics are used with in achieving improvement of approximately 50% in par- other psychotropic drugs that have anticholinergic prop- kinsonian symptoms while amantadine produced fewer erties (eg, quetiapine, ). and less severe adverse effects.69 A randomized, double- It is unclear whether amantadine affects peripheral blind trial comparing amantadine with benztropine in 44 muscarinic receptors, which are largely responsible for patients with schizophrenia concluded that amantadine many of the toxic effects of anticholinergic drugs. Many appeared equally effective and as rapid-acting as benz- of the trials comparing amantadine to anticholinergics tropine.70 Although benztropine had a slight advantage focused on patients with schizophrenia. It might be that in reducing rigidity, it produced more atropinic adverse anticholinergic adverse effects are even less well toler- effects. This led the authors to recommend amantadine in ated among higher-functioning patients, or patients with patients for whom anticholinergic effects might be contra- mood disorders. Geriatric patients are at particular risk indicated. Another randomized controlled trial of 55 inpa- both for parkinsonism and confusion or delirium from tients with schizophrenia reported that amantadine was anticholinergics.76 Consistent with our understanding of

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NMDA-mediated central anticholinergic effects, clinical these options all incur the risk of psychotic exacerbation experience suggests that amantadine might also adversely or relapse.81 In some reports, lipophilic beta-adrenergic affect cognition in geriatric patients. However, earlier stud- blockers such as were effective, but were lim- ies suggested an advantage with amantadine compared ited by hypotension, bradycardia, and medical contraindi- with specific anticholinergic agents. Therefore, the impact cations. Anticholinergics traditionally have been used, but of amantadine on cognition in geriatric patients requires evidence of their efficacy is mixed. In a meta-analysis to further study.76,77 Finally, anticholinergics can directly support or refute the use of anticholinergics in akathisia, worsen existing choreiform or stereotyped forms of TD.78,79 there were no randomized clinical trials that met rigorous Considering that a not insignificant percentage of patients inclusion criteria.88 It also has been suggested that anticho- with parkinsonism also might have TD,80 amantadine linergics might be more effective for akathisia in the pres- could be a useful alternative to mitigate adverse effects on ence of concomitant parkinsonism, but this is untested.31,89 concurrent TD. Benzodiazepines have been useful because of their anx- Akathisia. Akathisia is distinctive among DIMDs iolytic and sedative properties.90 Recently, serotonin because it is defined as much by subjective features (irri- (5-HT2A) receptor antagonists have attracted interest in tability, anxiety, inner tension, or discomfort) as by objec- treating akathisia, with mirtazapine showing equal effi- tive findings. Signs of akathisia include pacing, persistent cacy and better tolerability compared with propranolol.91 fidgeting, or repeatedly crossing and uncrossing the legs. The clinician should evaluate the patient’s comorbidities Misdiagnosis of akathisia as anxiety or agitation can to guide treatment decisions.81 result in symptom exacerbation if the clinician increases Several early trials of amantadine as treatment for the antipsychotic dosage.81-83 Although symptom severity DIMDs included outcomes among patients with akathisia. varies with stress and arousal, it can become intolerable. A trial of amantadine in 4 patients with akathisia reported Symptoms also have been associated with violence and encouraging results.65 A controlled crossover trial of aman- suicide.8,84 Akathisia might begin within days, but preva- tadine vs benztropine found that amantadine reduced lence increases with duration of treatment. It occurs within symptoms of akathisia, but results were comparable to 1 month in up to 50% of cases, and within 3 months in 90% patients receiving benztropine.52 Another randomized of cases.8,43 A tardive form of akathisia also might arise after controlled trial of amantadine vs benztropine reported antipsychotic discontinuation or dosage decrease.81 reductions in akathisia scores, but could not compare Depending on the population susceptibility, sensitiv- amantadine with benztropine because of the small num- ity of diagnosis, and the potency of drug treatment, 15% to ber of patients with akathisia in the study.68 A controlled, 35% of patients on antipsychotics could develop akathi- parallel, double-blind trial reported significant improve- sia, and akathisia often co-exists with parkinsonism.81,85 ment in akathisia among 24 patients receiving amanta- Akathisia occurs with SGAs, but is more likely with high- dine or benztropine.70 Another controlled trial reported potency drugs84,86,87 and can be induced by non-antipsy- that amantadine proved superior to benztropine for alle- chotic drugs, including antiemetics, selective serotonin viating akathisia.71 A different trial reported improvement reuptake inhibitors, preoperative sedatives, and calcium in akathisia with amantadine but diminished after 1 week channel blockers.87 Understanding the pathophysiology of treatment.92 These few trials provide limited support for of akathisia is difficult because of these disparate causes. A placing amantadine in a treatment paradigm for akathi- proposed mechanism of induction involves an overstim- sia, a condition for which first-line treatment remains ulation of the locus coeruleus. Another theory suggests uncertain. Amantadine might be worth exploring as an akathisia is caused by dysregulation of the dopaminergic/ alternative treatment for akathisia only if more conven- cholinergic and dopaminergic/serotonergic systems.87 tional approaches (antipsychotic modification, serotonin There are no data on akathisia prophylaxis, and there antagonists, beta-adrenergic blockers, anticholinergics) is no compelling evidence for a definitive treatment. have failed.31 Because of its subacute onset, the best preventative mea- Tardive dyskinesia. In contrast with acute DIMDs, sure is close observation for early signs. Once akathisia TD is delayed after initiation of antipsychotic treatment, is detected, clinicians should consider reducing antipsy- and often is masked by ongoing treatment with dopamine chotic dosage, discontinuing antipsychotic treatment, or receptor blocking agents. The onset of TD often occurs switching to a less potent , although within weeks or months of treatment initiation. Tardive

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dyskinesia most often affects the face and mouth, manifest- anticholinergic drugs had an equivalent effect, raising ing as classic orobuccolingual dyskinesia, although it also questions about the phenomenology of movements in affects the trunk and limbs.8 Tardive dyskinesia typically these studies.70,73 More recently, amantadine was tested describes hyperkinetic movements that are involuntary, in an 18-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-con- purposeless, heterogeneous, non-rhythmic and repeti- trolled trial of 16 patients receiving antipsychotics with tive, appearing stereotyped and/or choreiform. However, symptoms of TD.111 Overall, the mean improvement was other tardive syndromes are dominated by tics, dystonia, 15% with amantadine, which was significantly greater or akathisia. Although usually mild in amplitude or fre- than placebo.111 The only adverse effects were drowsiness quency, TD can compromise eating, speaking, breathing, and , which occurred with significantly higher fre- or ambulation. Tardive dyskinesia also can become socially quency in patients receiving amantadine than placebo.111 disfiguring. Symptoms of TD might transiently worsen after Another double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover antipsychotic discontinuation, and appear to be irreversible study examined the effects of 2 weeks of amantadine on in most patients if antipsychotics are continued.19,93 TD in 22 patients.112 The study found the mean symptom Studies have shown a cumulative TD incidence of scores decreased 21.8% in patients receiving amantadine approximately 4% to 5% annually, and a prevalence rate of compared with no reduction seen in patients receiving 20% to 43%.9,94,95 Recent studies confirmed that the relative placebo.112 Only minor adverse effects were reported.112 risk of TD with FGAs is significantly higher than with SGAs.9 Based on this limited evidence and recent consensus Clinicians are encouraged to routinely monitor guidelines, amantadine might be considered as effective for patients receiving antipsychotic therapy for incipient signs short-term use to treat TD.97 A potentially unique niche for of TD.96 Once TD is noted, patients and caregivers should amantadine might apply to patients experiencing concur- collaborate on decisions of antipsychotic dosage modifi- rent parkinsonism and TD.16 Tardive dyskinesia and par- cation and anticholinergic prescribing. Prompt diagnosis kinsonism could coexist in ≥13% of patients.80 There is no and antipsychotic cessation in patients who can be safely treatment strategy to address TD and parkinsonism concur- tapered off treatment may allow for resolution of early or rently (eg, anticholinergic treatment of parkinsonism could withdrawal TD. If TD remains persistent and bothersome, worsen TD while dopamine-depleting agents effective in consider specific anti-dyskinetic agents. A broad spectrum suppressing TD could excerbate parkinsonism).80 Recent of drugs has been tested for TD treatment, but controlled trials of ER amantadine in levodopa-induced dyskinesias evidence has been uninformative because of method- in PD found that amantadine treatment results in reduc- ological limitations.97 However, recent controlled trials tion of both parkinsonian “off-time” and dyskinesias.113 By of novel vesicular -2 inhibitors extrapolation, amantadine could have positive effects in (, ) have shown promising patients with both drug-induced parkinsonism and TD.16 efficacy.98,99 These agents have now become the first-line, Considering recent interest in potential antidepressant FDA-approved treatments for TD.100,101 properties of NMDA-receptor antagonists, amantadine In early, open-label case series, amantadine treat- could be useful for patients with TD who do not respond ment resulted in significant decreases in dyskinetic move- to vesicular monamine transporter-2 inhibitors, or who ments.64,102,103 However, other clinical reports found no present with risks for comorbid depression or suicidality.114 effect on TD with amantadine.104-107 Interestingly, an ani- However, further clinical studies in these patient populations mal study reported that amantadine prevented dopamine are needed. receptor supersensitivity, which led them to propose that Catatonia. Although symptoms of catatonia extend the agent might have a prophylactic effect in preventing beyond movement disorders to include disorders of con- TD when given concurrently with antipsychotics.108 Other sciousness and volition, catatonia has been associated studies support this finding, which contrasts with the find- with antipsychotics. Drug-induced catatonia often pres- ing that anticholinergics might augment supersensitiv- ents as rigidity, akinesia, mutism (), and ity.42,109,110 Clinical trials of amantadine to prevent TD have stupor. It can be associated with waxy flexibility and cata- not been reported. lepsy, but these occur less frequently.8,115-117 Drug-induced Although 2 randomized, double-blind, controlled catatonia develops within hours to days of antipsychotic trials of DIMDs reported that amantadine had a signifi- treatment initiation, and should resolve in a similar period cant effect in suppressing existing dyskinetic movements, of time after drug discontinuation.

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Catatonia onset with antipsychotics can occur after parkinsonism and catatonia.129 Classic signs of NMS are discontinuing concomitant benzodiazepines or antipar- generalized muscle rigidity with tremors, altered con- kinsonian agents, including amantadine.8 Although signs sciousness, hyperthermia, and autonomic instability.130,131 of idiopathic catatonia could occur in up to 18% of psychi- Neuroleptic malignant syndrome could develop within atric inpatients,118 only 6 cases of “catatonic neuroleptic hours of antipsychotic initiation, but usually evolves over syndrome” were attributed to antipsychotics among 86,439 days. Approximately 66.6% of NMS cases occur during the patients in a retrospective drug surveillance program.119 first 1 to 2 weeks after drug initiation.8 Catatonia primarily is associated with high-potency drugs, Although only approximately 0.02% of patients but SGAs are not without risk.119 Published case reports treated with antipsychotics will experience NMS, it has document the occurrence and worsening of catatonia the potential to be a lethal crisis.8 Neuroleptic malig- with SGAs, including precipitation of malignant cata- nant syndrome is more likely to occur with use of tonia120 or neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS).57,121 high-potency agents, but it has been observed with all However, SGAs also have been proposed as treatments for antipsychotic drugs. Approximately 50% of all reported catatonia.122,123 cases are associated with .8 Case reports There are no data on whether prophylaxis with ben- have described NMS after SGA treatment, but large- zodiazepines or other agents could prevent catatonia. A scale surveys suggest a reduced NMS risk for SGAs com- more conservative approach would be to limit antipsy- pared with FGAs.119,132 chotic use in patients with catatonia, and to treat pre-exist- Neuroleptic malignant syndrome management relies ing catatonia with benzodiazepines or electroconvulsive on early diagnosis, dopamine antagonist discontinua- therapy (ECT).8 Catatonia can occur in schizophrenia or tion, and supportive medical care. Approximately 63% of mood disorders, independent of antipsychotic treatment. NMS cases resolve within 1 to 2 weeks of discontinuating This results in the “catatonic dilemma,” in which it might dopamine-blocking drugs, with an average NMS dura- be difficult to distinguish primary catatonia from the effect tion of 7 to 10 days.131 The use of dopamine , dan- of drug treatment.124 This dilemma could be resolved by trolene, benzodiazepines, and ECT have been advocated. discontinuing the antipsychotic medication, which leads However, controlled trials comparing these agents are not to resolution of catatonia in drug-related cases. There have feasible because NMS is rare, heterogeneous, and often been no controlled studies of treatment of drug-induced self-limited after drug discontinuation.8 catatonia. Treatment should include reconsidering the In a review of case reports of NMS, Weller and offending antipsychotic agent to prevent medical com- Kornhuber133 summarized “good” responses with aman- plications, including NMS. Although most patients with tadine in 11 cases, questionable responses in 2 cases, catatonia of all causes respond to benzodiazepines or and treatment failures in 5 cases. A comprehensive ECT, some patients have a partial response, non-response, meta-analysis of published NMS treatment outcomes or might not be candidates because of comorbid medi- found that amantadine was judged to be effective by cal conditions.125 A systematic review of alternative treat- treating clinicians in 16 of 30 cases (53%). Amantadine ments for catatonia, including use of amantadine in 18 monotherapy was effective in 12 of 19 cases (63%). The cases, reported that amantadine monotherapy often led mortality rate among amantadine-treated cases (3%) to resolution after a few doses.125,126 Another study con- was significantly lower compared with controls who cluded that NMDA antagonists were effective, even in received supportive care alone (21%). When aman- cases of catatonia that were secondary to medical condi- tadine was prematurely discontinued, 6 (35%) of 17 tions.127 Animal studies of drug-induced catatonia have patients experienced a recurrence of NMS symptoms.134 reported the reversal of antipsychotic-induced catalepsy In another clinical report, the risk of catatonia or NMS by NMDA antagonists in rats.128 A study of 8 patients emerging after amantadine withdrawal was highlighted reported that drug-induced catatonia that occurred in 3 cases.135 It is worth emphasizing that anticholin- with parkinsonism responded to amantadine (200 to ergics are ineffective for NMS and could contribute 300 mg/d) but not to benztropine (up to 6 mg/d).115 to hyperthermia by blocking peripheral muscarinic Neuroleptic malignant syndrome is a rare but receptors that enable sweating, whereas amantadine potentially lethal form of DIMD. Neuroleptic malig- might be effective in NMS without compromising heat- nant syndrome combines features of advanced loss mechanisms.131

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TABLE NMS. Akathisia remains challenging to treat and evidence Summary: Amantadine in drug-induced is too limited to consider amantadine for this disorder. movement disorders Considering its possible ability to suppress movements of DIMD Role of amantadine in treatment both TD and levodopa-induced dyskinesias while limiting Acute dystonia Possible role as second-line parkinsonism and depression, amantadine might have an prophylactic agent Parkinsonism Similar efficacy to anticholinergics advantage in selected cases of TD. More rigorous controlled Reduced risk of adverse effects trials of amantadine in clinical practice are warranted. ■ compared with anticholinergics Akathisia Insufficient evidence for efficacy ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: This manuscript was funded by Catatonia Possibly effective Osmotica Pharmaceuticals PLC, Bridgewater, New Jersey. Neuroleptic malignant Possibly effective Writing and editorial support was provided by Jennifer syndrome Meyering, RN, MS, CMPP, of AlphaBioCom, LLC, King of Tardive dyskinesia Possibly effective Prussia, Pennsylvania, and financial support was provided DIMD: drug-induced movement disorder. by Osmotica Pharmaceuticals PLC, Bridgewater, New Jersey. The authors did not receive financial compensation for their contribution to this review. The views expressed in CONCLUSIONS this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the Department of Veterans Long-term treatment with antipsychotics can be highly Affairs or the US government. effective for patients with chronic or relapsing psychotic disorders. Patients with mood disorders or other episodic DISCLOSURES: Dr. Caroff received a research grant from conditions increasingly are prescribed antipsychotics dur- Neurocrine Biosciences, and has served as a consultant for ing acute episodes. These patients sometimes unnecessar- Neurocrine Biosciences, Teva, Osmotica Pharmaceuticals ily remain on antipsychotic therapy for extended periods. PLC, and DisperSol Technologies. Dr. Morley has received Prolonged exposure to antipsychotics increases the prob- honoraria from the Michael J. Fox Foundation and ability of ≥1 DIMDs, which remain a significant concern receives research funding from GE Healthcare and the in clinical practice. This is particularly true of susceptible Department of Veteran Affairs. Dr. Jain has served as a populations such as geriatric patients and those receiving consultant, advisory board member, or speaker for Acadia, high-potency antipsychotics. Alfasigma, Alkermes, Allergen, Eisai, Evidera, Impel, Amantadine has a long history of clinical use. Multiple, Ironshore Pharmaceuticals, Janssen, Lilly, Lundbeck, small, controlled trials show it has similar efficacy to anti- Merck, Neos Therapeutics, Neurocrine Biosciences, in reducing drug-induced parkinsonism with Osmotica Pharmaceuticals PLC, Otsuka, Pamlab, Pfizer, fewer atropinic adverse effects (TABLE). Anecdotal evi- Shire, Sunovion, Supernus, Takeda, Teva, and Tris dence suggests it might have a role as a second-line agent Pharmaceuticals, and received research support from in preventing acute dystonia and in treating catatonia and Allergan, Lilly, Lundbeck, Otsuka, Pfizer, Shire, and Takeda.

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208 August 2020 | Vol. 32 No. 3 | Annals of Clinical Psychiatry