

(19) World Intellectual Property Organization International Bureau

(43) International Publication Date (10) International Publication Number 15 February 2007 (15.02.2007) PCT WO 2007/016766 Al

(51) International Patent Classification: [CA/CA]; 64 Grover Drive, Scarborough, Ontario MlC A61K 9/70 (2006.01) A61K 47/14 (2006.01) 4V7 (CA). A61K 31/196 (2006.01) A61K 47/20 (2006.01) (74) Agents: HEPPELL, Victoria, A. et al; Gowling Lafleur (21) International Application Number: Henderson LLP, Suite 1600, 1 First Canadian Place, 100 PCT/CA2006/001271 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario M5X 1G5 (CA). (81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every (22) International Filing Date: 4 August 2006 (04.08.2006) kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM, AT,AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, (25) Filing Language: English CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FT, (26) Publication Language: English GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, (30) Priority Data: LU, LV,LY,MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NA, 60/705,498 5 August 2005 (05.08.2005) US NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RS, RU, SC, 60/771,030 8 February 2006 (08.02.2006) US SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW (71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): NUVO RESEARCHING. [CA/CA]; 7560 Airport Road, Unit 10, (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every Mississauga, Ontario L4T 4H4 (CA). kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, (72) Inventor; and ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), (75) Inventor/Applicant (for US only): SINGH, Jagat European (AT,BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, [Continued on next page]


(57) Abstract: The present invention provides a An approved and non-approved transdermal formulation for the delivery of at least CPE for permeation - one active agent. The formulation includes (i) a first compound comprising an organic , and (ii) a Franz cells/Pig second compound selected from the group consisting of a , a fatty acid, an azone-related compound and mixtures thereof.

Oleic Oleic 45.5% 45.5% 45.5% Acid 5% Acid DMSO- DMSO- 10% 5% 10% Oleic Oleic Acid Acid Substance FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT,LU, LV,MC, NL, PL, PT, For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid- RO, SE, SI, SK, TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations "appearing at the begin- GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette. Published: TRANSDERMAL FORMULATION


The present invention relates to a transdermal drug delivery formulation. In a particularly preferred embodiment, the present invention relates to a transdermal drug delivery formulation including (DMSO) and a compound selected from the group consisting of a fatty acid ester, a fatty acid, an azone-related compound and mixtures thereof.


Transdermal drug delivery involves the administration of an active agent through the skin for either local or systemic distribution to affected . Transdermal application of active agents avoids first pass and can alleviate some of the problems associated with oral delivery of an active agent to the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Orally administered non-steroidal anti-inflammatory , for instance, can cause significant adverse gastro-intestinal (GI) side effects. By avoiding or reducing delivery of an active to the GI tract, a topical can reduce the incidence of adverse GI events. A topical dosage form also offers a simple means of administration.

However, the skin is an effective barrier to entry of foreign agents into underlying tissues. Structurally, the skin consists of two principle parts: (i) a relatively thin outermost layer (the 'epidermis'), and (ii) a thicker inner region (the ''). The outermost layer of the epidermis (the 'stratum corneum') consists of flattened dead cells which are filled with keratin. The region between the flattened dead cells of the stratum corneum are filled with lipids which form lamellar phases. The highly impermeable nature of skin is due primarily to the stratum corneum. Delivering an active agent at clinically active body concentrations generally requires some means for reducing the stratum corneum's hindrance of penetration. A number of methods for lowering the stratum corneum's barrier properties have been developed. One method involves the use of penetration enhancers. Numerous chemical penetration enhancers have been identified and researched but suprisingly few have been successfully developed into commercial formulations. One example of a commercialized transdermal formulation is described in patent 4,575,515 [Sandborn]. Sandborn teaches a formulation that includes a medicine and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), and that purportedly allows for rapid and deep penetration of the medicine into the underlying tissue.

While the transdermal formulation taught by Sandborn represents an advance in the art, there is room for improvement. In particular there is a need for a transdermal formulation having improved flux of the active ingredient through the skin as compared to the transdermal formulation taught by Sandborn.


It is an object of the present invention to provide a novel transdermal formulation.

It is another object of the present invention to provide a transdermal formulation having improved flux properties through the skin as compared to the transdermal formulation taught by Sandborn.

Accordingly, in one of its aspects, the present invention provides a transdermal formulation comprising: (i) a first compound selected from organic , and (ii) a second compound selected from the group consisting of a fatty acid ester, a fatty acid, an azone-related compound and mixtures thereof

Accordingly, in an alternative aspect, the present invention provides a transdermal formulation comprising: (i) a first compound comprising an organic sulfoxide, and (ii) a second compound comprising a fatty acid.

Accordingly, in an alternative aspect, the present invention provides a transdermal formulation comprising: (i) a first compound comprising an organic sulfoxide and (ii) oleic acid.

Accordingly, in an alternative aspect, the present invention provides a transdermal formulation comprising: (i) a first compound comprising an organic sulfoxide, and (ii) a second compound comprising an azone-related compound.

Accordingly, in an alternative aspect, the present invention provides a transdermal formulation comprising: (i) a first compound comprising an organic sulfoxide and (ii) azone. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS

Preferred embodiments of the present invention will be described with reference to the accompanying drawing, in which:

Figure 1 is a graph that illustrates a comparative evaluation of the permeation of various formulations described in Example 1below;

Figure 2 is a graph that illustrates the permeation (µg/cm2) of various transdermal formulations described in Example 2 below; and

Figure 3 is a graph that illustrates a comparative evaluation of the permeation of various formulations described in Example 2 below.


The present invention provides a transdermal formulation that may be used for the transdermal delivery of at least one active agent.

As used throughout this specification, the term 'transdermal', refers in the broadest sense to being able to pass through the skin. Further the terms 'transdermal' and 'percuatneous' are used interchangeably throughout this specification.

The term 'penetration enhancer' is used herein to refer to an agent that improves the transport of an active agent (e.g., a medicine) to pass through the skin. A 'penetration enhancer' is used to assist in the delivery of an active agent directly or indirectly to the site of the .

The terms "azone" and "1-dodecyl azacycloheptan-2-one" may be used interchangeably herein.

In one embodiment the present invention provides a transdermal formulation comprising: (i) a first compound selected from organic sulfoxides, and (ii) a second compound selected from the group consisting of a fatty acid ester, a fatty acid, an azone-related compound and mixtures thereof.

The first compound of the present transdermal formulation is an organic sulfoxide compound. Non-limiting examples of the organic sulfoxide compound may be selected from the group consisting of a dialkyl sulfoxide compound, a cyclic sulfoxide compound and mixtures thereof. Preferably, the first compound is selected from the group consisting of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), 1-methylpropyl methyl sulfoxide, 1,1-dimethylpropyl methyl sulfoxide, 1,1- dimethyl ethyl methyl sulfoxide, 1-methylbutyl methyl sulfoxide, 1,1-dimethylbutyl methyl sulfoxide, 1-ethylbutyl methyl sulfoxide, 1-propylpentyl methyl sulfoxide, trimethylene sulfoxide, 1-propyltrimethylene sulfoxide, 1-butyltrimethylene sulfoxide, thiophene oxide, methyl ethyl sulfoxide, methyl ethylene sulfoxide, 2-hydroxyundecyl methyl sulfoxide, JV- decylmethyl sulfoxide and mixtures thereof. More preferably the first compound is selected from the group consisting of dimethyl sulfoxide, 2-hydroxyundecyl methyl sulfoxide, decylmethyl sulfoxide and mixtures thereof. In a preferred embodiment the first compound is dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO).

In one embodiment of the transdermal formulation described above the second compound is a fatty acid ester selected from the group consisting of butyl , cetyl lactate, decyl n,n- dimethylamino acetate, decyl «,n-dimethylamino isopropionate, diethyleneglycol oleate, diethyl sebacate, diethyl succinate, diisopropyl sebacate, dodeyl n,«-dimethylamino acetate, dodecyl (rc,n-dimethylamino)-butyrate, dodecyl «,«-dimethylamino isopropionate, dodecyl 2- (dimethylamino)proprionate, eo-5-oleyl ester, ethyl acetate, ethylaceto acetate, ethyl proprionate, monoethers, glycerol monolaurate, glycerol monooleate, glycerol monolinoleate, isopropyl isostearate, isopropyl linoleate, isopropyl myristate, isopropyl myristate/fatty acid monoglyceride combination, isopropyl myristate//l-lactic acid combination, isopropyl palmitate, methyl acetate, methyl caprate, methyl laurate, methyl propionate, methyl valerate, 1-monocaproyl glycerol, monoglycerides (medium chain length), nicotinic (benzyl), octyl acetate, octyl w,n-dimethylamino acetate, oleyl oleate, n-pentyl «-acetylprolinate, propylene glycol monolaurate, sorbitan dilaurate, sorbitan dioleate, sorbitan monolaurate, sorbitan monooleates, sorbitan trilaurate, sorbitan trioleate, sucrose fatty ester mixtures, sucrose monolaurate, sucrose monooleate, tetradecyl «,«-dimethylamino acetate and mixtures thereof.

In an alternative embodiment of the transdermal formulation described above the second compound is a fatty acid selected from the group consisting of alkanoic acids, , diacid, ethyloctadecanoic acid, hexanoic acid, lactic acid, lauric acid, linoelaidic acid, linoleic aid, linolenic acid, neodecanoic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, pelargonic acid, , vaccenic acid and mixtures thereof.

In an alternative embodiment of the transdermal formulation described above the second compound is an azone-related compound selected from the group consisting of N-acyl- hexahydro-2-oxo-lH-azepines, N-alkyl-dihydro-l,4-oxazepine-5,7-diones, N-alkymorpholine- 2,3-diones, N-alkylmorpholine-3,5-diones, azacycloalkane derivatives (-, -thione), azacycloalkenone derivatives, l-[2-(decylthio)ethyl]azacyclopentan-2-one, N-(2,2- dihydroxyethyl)dodecylamine, 1-dodecanoylhexahydro- 1-H-azepine, 1-dodecyl azacycloheptan-2-one, N-dodecyl diethanolamine, N-dodecyl-hexahydro-2-thio-l H-azepine, N-dodecyl- -(2-methoxyethyl), N-dodecyl-N-(2-methoxyethyl)isobutyramide, N- dodecyl--2-thione, N-dodecyl-2-piperidinone, N-dodecyl -3,5-dione, N- dodecyl pyrrolidine-2-thione, N-dodecyl-2-pyrrolidone, l-farnesylazacycloheptan-2-one, 1- farnesylazacyclopentan-2-one, 1-geranylazacycloheptan-2-one, 1-geranylazacyclopentan-2- one, hexahydro-2-oxo-azepine-l - esters, N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-pyrrolidone, 1- laurylazacycloheptane, 2-(l-nonyl)-l,3-, l -N-octylazacyclopentan-2-one, N-(I- oxododecyl)-hexahydro- 1H-azepine, N-(I -oxododecyl)-morpholines, 1-oxohydrocarbyl- substituted azacyclohexanes, N-(I -oxotetradecyl)-hexahydro-2-oxo-l H-azepine, N-(I- thiododecyl)-mo φ holines and mixtures thereof.

In an alternative embodiment of the transdermal formulation described above the second compound comprises a mixture of the fatty acid esters, the fatty acids and the azone-related compounds described above.

In one embodiment the second compound is selected from the group consisting of azone, oleic acid, dodecyl-2-( N,N-dimethylamino) propionate and mixtures thereof. Preferably the second compound is selected from azone, oleic acid and mixtures thereof.

In another embodiment of the transdermal formulation, the weight ratio of the first compound to the second compound is in the range of from about 60:1 to about 1:10, preferably from about 60:1 to about 1:1, more preferably from about 60:1 to about 10:1, more preferably in the range from about 60:1 to about 5:1. In a preferred embodiment the weight ratio of the first compound to the second compound is in the range of from about 20:1 to about 5:1. The transdermal formulation described above may additionally comprise at least one therapeutically active agent.

The at least one active agent may be an anti-inflammatory drug such as a non-steroidal anti¬ inflammatory drug (NSAID). The NSAID may be selected from the group consisting of diclofenac; ; ; ; indomethacin; meclofenamate; ; ; ; ; ; ; salicylates and ; , , , , , , , sunlidac and mixtures thereof. Other suitable active agents include those in the class of cox-2 inhibitors such as , , , , ; such as tolnaftae, , ; such as ; Musculoskeletal agents such as ; such as isotretinoin; Antivirals such as acyclovir; Vasodilating agents such as nitroglycerine, ; and synthetic substitutes such as , , ; such as , , ; Local Anaesthetics such as , and and buryl-para-aminobensoate; Antiinflammatories such as ; NMDA antagonists such as , and .

Examples of other therapeutically active agents that may be used include the following: agent; adrenocortical ; adrenocortical suppressant; antagonist; ; anabolic; ; ; ; anorectic; anti- agent; anti- adrenergic; anti-allergic; anti-amebic; anti-anemic; anti-anginal; anti-arthritic; anti-asthmatic; anti-atherosclerotic; antibacterial; ; ; ; ; antidiabetic; antidiarrheal; antidiuretic; anti-emetic; anti-epileptic; antifibrinolytic; ; antihemorrhagic; ; antihyperlipidemia; antihypertensive; antihypotensive; anti-infective; anti-inflammatory; antimicrobial; antimigraine; antimitotic; antimycotic, antinauseant, antineoplastic, antineutropenic, antiparasitic; antiproliferative; ; antirheumatic; antiseborrheic; antisecretory; ; ; antiulcerative; antiviral; appetite suppressant; regulator; resorption inhibitor; ; cardiovascular agent; ; ; diagnostic aid; ; agent; receptor agonist; fibrinolytic; fluorescent agent; free radical scavenger; gastric acid suppressant; gastrointestinal motility effector; ; hair growth ; hemostatic; H2 receptor antagonists; ; hypocholesterolemic; hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic; hypotensive; imaging agent; immunizing agent; immunomodulator; immunoregulator; immunostimulant; immunosuppressant, keratolytic; LHRH agonist; mood regulator; mucolytic; mydriatic; nasal decongestant; neuromuscular blocking agent; neuroprotective; NMDA antagonist; non-hormonal sterol derivative; ; activating factor antagonist; platelet aggregation inhibitor; psychotropic; radioactive agent; scabicide; sclerosing agent; ; sedative-; selective Al antagonist; antagonist; serotonin inhibitor; serotonin ; steroid; thyroid hormone; thyroid inhibitor; thyromimetic, tranquilizer; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis agent; cerebral ischemia agent; Paget's disease agent; unstable angina agent; vasoconstrictor; vasodilator; wound healing agent; oxidase inhibitor; and the like.

Specific examples of pharmaceutical agents that may be included within the present transdermal formulation, both alone or in combination, include but are not limited to:

Adrenergic : Adrenalone; Mesylate; Hydrochloride; ; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Dipivefrin; Hydrochloride; Sulfate; Epinephrine; Epinephrine Bitartrate; Epinephryl Borate; Esproquin Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Hydroxyamphetamine Hydrobromide; Levonordefrin; Sulfate; Bitartrate; Metizoline Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Bitartrate; ; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Phenylpropanolamine Polistirex; Hydrochloride; ; Hydrochloride; Tetrahydrozoline Hydrochloride; Tramazoline Hydrochloride; and Hydrochloride.

Adrenocortical steroid: ; Desoxycorticosterone Acetate; Desoxycorticosterone Pivalate; Acetate; Acetate; ; Hemisuccinate; Hemisuccinate; ; ; Acetate; and .

Adrenocortical suppressant : ; and .

Alcohol deterrent: . Aldosterone antagonist : Canrenoate ; ; ; ; ; and .

Amino acid: ; ; ; Carnitine; Hydrochloride; Cystine; ; ; Isoleucine; ; ; Lysine Acetate; Lysine Hydrochloride; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; and Valine.

Ammonia detoxicant : Arginine Glutamate; and Arginine Hydrochloride.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis agents: .

Anabolic : Dipropionate; ; Undecylenate; ; ; ; Methenolone Acetate; Methenolone Enanthate; ; Cyclotate; Norbolethone; Pizotyline; ; Acetate; ; and .

Analeptic : .

Analgesic : Acetaminophen; Hydrochloride; Aminobenzoate Potassium; Aminobenzoate ; Anidoxime; ; Anileridine Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Anirolac; Antipyrine; ; ; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Maleate; Sodium; Hydrochloride; Butacetin; Butixirate; ; Butorphanol Tartrate; ; Carbaspirin ; Carbiphene Hydrochloride; Citrate; Succinate; ; Ciramadol Hydrochloride; Clonixeril; ; ; Codeine ; Codeine Sulfate; Conorphone Hydrochloride; ; Hydrochloride; Dexpemedolac; ; Diflunisal; Bitartrate; Dimefadane; Dipyrone; Hydrochloride; Drinidene; Hydrochloride; Epirizole; Tartrate; Ethoxazene Hydrochloride; ; Eugenol; Fenoprofen; Fenoprofen Calcium; Fentanyl Citrate; ; Flufenisal; ; Flunixin ; Maleate; ; Fluradoline Hydrochloride; Flurbiprofen; Hydromorphone Hydrochloride; Ibufenac; ; ; ; Tromethamine; Letimide Hydrochloride; Levomethadyl Acetate; Levomethadyl Acetate Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Tartrate; Lofemizole Hydrochloride; ; Lorcinadol; ; Salicylate; Mefenamic Acid; Menabitan Hydrochloride; Meperidine Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Methadyl Acetate; Methopholine; Methotrimeprazine; Metkephamid Acetate; Mimbane Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Molinazone; Sulfate; ; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Namoxyrate; Nantradol Hydrochloride; Naproxen; Naproxen Sodium; Naproxol; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Octazamide; Olvanil; Fumarate; Oxycodone; Oxycodone Hydrochloride; Oxycodone Terephthalate; Hydrochloride; Pemedolac; ; ; Pentazocine Hydrochloride; Pentazocine Lactate; Hydrochloride; Phenyramidol Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Pinadoline; Pirfenidone; Piroxicam Olamine; Pravadoline Maleate; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Fumarate; Propoxyphene Hydrochloride; Propoxyphene Napsylate; ; Proxazole Citrate; Tartrate; Pyrroliphene Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Salcolex; ; Salicylate Meglumine; ; ; Mesylate; ; Sufentanil Citrate; Talmetacin; Talniflumate; Talosalate; Tazadolene Succinate; Tebufelone; Tetrydamine; Tifurac Sodium; Hydrochloride; Tiopinac; Mesylate; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Trolamine; Veradoline Hydrochloride; Verilopam Hydrochloride; ; Mesylate; Hydrochloride; Zomepirac Sodium; and .

Androgen : ; ; ; ; Nandrolone Phenpropionate; Acetate; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Testosterone Ketolaurate; Testosterone Phenylacetate; ; Acetate.

Anesthesia (adjunct to): .

Anesthetic : Aliflurane; Benoxinate Hydrochloride; ; Biphenamine Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; ; Butamben Picrate; Hydrochloride; ; Cocaine Hydrochloride; ; ; Dexivacaine; Diamocaine Cyclamate; Dibucaine; Dibucaine Hydrochloride; Dyclonine Hydrochloride; ; ; Ethyl Chloride; ; Hydrochloride; Euprocin Hydrochloride; Fluroxene; ; Isobutamben; ; Ketamine Hydrochloride; Levoxadrol Hydrochloride; Lidocaine; Lidocaine Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Sodium; ; Hydrochloride; Midazolam Maleate; ; Norflurane; ; Oxethazaine; Hydrochloride; Pramoxine Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Propanidid; Proparacaine Hydrochloride; ; Hydrochloride; Pyrrocaine; ; Rodocaine; Roflurane; Salicyl ; ; Teflurane; ; Tetracaine Hydrochloride; ; Thiamylal Sodium; Thiopental Sodium; Hydrochloride; and Hydrochloride.

Anorectic compound : .

Anorexic agents: ; Amphecloral; Hydrochloride; ; Hydrochloride; Diethylpropion Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; ; ; ; Levamfetamine Succinate; ; Hydrochloride; Phemnetrazine Hydrochloride; ; and Hydrochloride.

Antagonist : ; Atosiban; ; ; Cimetidine Hydrochloride; Maleate; Detirelix Acetate; ; Donetidine; Etintidine Hydrochloride; ; Hydrochloride; ; Acetate; Icotidine; ; ; Nadide; ; Hydrochloride; ; ; ; Hydrochloride; Oxmetidine Mesylate; Mesylate; ; Ranitidine Bismuth Citrate; Ranitidine Hydrochloride; ; Teludipine Hydrochloride; Tiapamil Hydrochloride; Tiotidine; Vapiprost Hydrochloride; and Zaltidine Hydrochloride.

Anterior pituitary activator: .

Anterior pituitary suppressant: .

Anthelmintic : Albendazole; Anthelmycin; Bromoxanide; Bunamidine Hydrochloride; Butonate; Cambendazole; Carbantel Lauryl Sulfate; Clioxanide; Closantel; Cyclobendazole; Dichlorvos; Citrate; Dribendazole; Dymanthine Hydrochloride; Etibendazole; ; Furodazole; Hexylresorcinol; Mebendazole; Tartrate; Niclosamide; Nitramisole Hydrochloride; Nitrodan; Oxantel Pamoate; Oxfendazole; Oxibendazole; Parbendazole; Piperamide Maleate; ; Piperazine Citrate; Piperazine Edetate Calcium; Proclonol; Pamoate; Pyrantel Tartrate; Pyrvinium Pamoate; Rafoxanide; Stilbazium Iodide; Tetramisole Hydrochloride; Thiabendazole; Ticarbodine; Tioxidazole; Triclofenol Piperazine; Vincofos; and Zilantel.

Anti-acne : Adapalene; Salnacedin; Acetate, keratolytics such as (o-hydroxybenzoic acid), derivatives of salicylic acid such as 5-octanoyl salicylic acid, and resorcinol; retinoids such as retinoic acid and its derivatives (e.g., cis and trans), retinol, retinyl palmitate, retinyl propionate or retinyl acetate as well as synthetic mimics; -containing D and L amino acids and their derivatives and salts, particularly their N-acetyl derivatives, a preferred example of which is N-acetyl-L-cysteine; ; antibiotics and antimicrobials such as benzoyl peroxide, octopirox, , 2,4,4'- trichloro-2'-hydroxy diphenyl ether, 3,4,4'-trichlorobanilide, and its derivatives, , phenoxypropanol, phenoxyisopropanol, ethyl acetate, clindamycin and meclocycline; sebostats such as ; and salts such as scymnol sulfate and its derivatives, deoxycholate, and cholate

Anti-adrenergic : ; Hydrochloride; ; Tosylate; Bunolol Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Dexpropranolol Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Mesylate; Dilevalol Hydrochloride; Esmolol Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Sulfate; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Metalol Hydrochloride; ; Metoprolol Tartrate; ; Sulfate; Sulfate; Mesylate; ; Hydrochloride; Proroxan Hydrochloride; Solypertine Tartrate; Hydrochloride; ; Timolol Maleate; Hydrochloride; ; and Hydrochloride.

Anti-allergic : ; ; Hydrochloride; Eclazolast; Minocromil Nedocromil Calcium; Nedocromil Sodium; Nivimedone Sodium; Potassium Pentigetide; Pirquinozol; Poisonoak Extract; Probicromil Calcium; Proxicromil; Repirinast; Tetrazolast Meglumine; Thiazinamium Chloride; Tiacrilast; Tiacrilast Sodium; Tiprinast Meglumine; and Tixanox.

Anti-amebic : Berythromycin; Bialamicol Hydrochloride; ; Chloroquine Hydrochloride; Chloroquine Phosphate; Clamoxyquin Hydrochloride; Clioquinol; Emetine Hydrochloride; Iodoquinol; Sulfate; Quinfamide; Symetine Hydrochloride; Teclozan; Tetracycline; and Tetracycline Hydrochloride.

Anti- : ; ; Acetate; Acetate; ; ; and .

Anti-anemic : Epoetin Alfa; Epoetin Beta; Ferrous Sulfate, Dried; and Leucovorin Calcium.

Anti-anginal : Besylate; Amlodipine Maleate; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Butoprozine Hydrochloride; ; Maleate; Metoprolol Succinate; ; Maleate; ; Hydrochloride; Tosifen; and Hydrochloride.

Anti- agent: Hydrochloride; Alpidem; Mesylate; ; ; Hydrochloride; Mirisetron Maleate; Ocinaplon; Hydrochloride; Panadiplon; Pancopride; ; Hydrochloride; Citrate; and Hydrochloride.

Anti-arthritic : Lodelaben.

Anti-asthmatic : Ablukast; Ablukast Sodium; Bunaprolast; Cinalukast; Cromitrile Sodium; Cromolyn Sodium; Enofelast; Isamoxole; Fumarate; Levcromakalim; Lodoxamide Ethyl; Lodoxamide Tromethamine; Sodium; Ontazolast; Oxarbazole; ; Piriprost; Piriprost Potassium; ; Pobilukast Edamine; Quazolast; Ritolukast; Sulukast; Tiaramide Hydrochloride; Tibenelast Sodium; Tomelukast; Tranilast; Verlukast; and Verofylline Zarirlukast.

Anti-atherosclerotic : Mifobate; and Timefuronc.

Antibacterial : Acedapsone; Acetosulfone Sodium; Alamecin; Alexidine; Amdinocillin; Amdinocillin Pivoxil; Amicycline; Amifioxacin; Amifloxacin Mesylate; Amikacin; Amikacin Sulfate; sodium; Aminosalicylic acid; ; Amphomycin; Ampicillin; Ampicillin Sodium; Apalcillin Sodium; Apramycin; Aspartocin; Astromicin Sulfate; Avilamycin; Avoparcin; Azithromycin; Azlocillin; Azlocillin Sodium; Bacampicillin Hydrochloride; Bacitracin; Bacitracin Methylene Disalicylate; Bacitracin ; Bambermycins; Benzoylpas Calcium; Betamicin Sulfate; Biapenem; Biniramycin; Bispyrithione Magsulfex; Butikacin; Butirosin Sulfate; Capreomycin Sulfate; Carbadox; Carbenicillin Disodium; Carbenicillin Indanyl Sodium; Carbenicillin Phenyl Sodium; Carbenicillin Potassium; Carumonam Sodium; Cefaclor; Cefadroxil; Cefamandole; Cefamandole Nafate; Cefamandole Sodium; Cefaparole; Cefatrizine; Cefazaflur Sodium; Cefazolin; Cefazolin Sodium; Cefbuperazone; Cefdinir; Cefepime; Cefepime Hydrochloride; Cefetecol; Cefixime; Cefmenoxime Hydrochloride; Cefmetazole; Cefmetazole Sodium; Cefonicid Monosodium; Cefonicid Sodium; Cefoperazone Sodium; Ceforanide; Cefotaxime Sodium; Cefotetan; Cefotetan Disodium; Cefotiam Hydrochloride; Cefoxitin; Cefoxitin Sodium; Cefpimizole; Cefpimizole Sodium; Cefpiramide; Cefpiramide Sodium; Cefpirome Sulfate; Cefpodoxime Proxetil; Ceφ rozil; Cefroxadine; Cefsulodin Sodium; Ceftazidime; Ceftibuten; Ceftiroxime Pivoxetil; Ceftizoxime Sodium; Ceftriaxone Sodium; Cefuroxime; Cefuroxime Axetil; Cefuroxime Sodium; Cephacetrile Sodium; Cephalexin; Cephalexin Hydrochloride; Cephaloglycin; ; Cephalothin Sodium; Cephapirin Sodium; Cephradine; Cetocycline Hydrochloride; Cetophenicol; Chloramphenicol; Chloramphenicol Palmitate; Chloramphenicol Pantothenate Complex; Chloramphenicol Sodium Succinate; Chlorhexidine Phosphanilate; Chloroxylenol; Chlortetracycline Bisulfate; Chlortetracycline Hydrochloride; Cinoxacin; ; Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride; Cirolemycin; ; Clinafloxacin Hydrochloride; Clindamycin; Clindamycin Hydrochloride; Clindamycin Palmitate Hydrochloride; Clindamycin Phosphate; Clofazimine; Cloxacillin Benzathine; Cloxacillin Sodium; Cloxyquin; Colistimethate Sodium; Sulfate; Coumermycin; Coumermycin Sodium; Cyclacillin; ; Dalfopristin; ; Daptomycin; ; Demeclocycline Hydrochloride; Demecycline; Denofungin; Diaveridine; ; Dicloxacillin Sodium; Dihydrostreptomycin Sulfate; Dipyrithione; Dirithromycin; Doxycycline; Doxycycline Calcium; Doxycycline Fosfatex; Doxycycline Hyclate; Droxacin Sodium; Enoxacin; Epicillin; Epitetracycline Hydrochloride; Erythromycin; Erythromycin Acistrate; Erythromycin Estolate; Erythromycin Ethylsuccinate; Erythromycin Gluceptate; Erythromycin Lactobionate; Erythromycin Propionate; Erythromycin Stearate; Ethambutol Hydrochloride; Ethionamide; Fleroxacin; Floxacillin; Fludalanine; Flumequine; Fosfomycin; Fosfomycin Tromethamine; Fumoxicillin; Furazolium Chloride; Furazolium Tartrate; Fusidate Sodium; Fusidic Acid; Gentamicin Sulfate; Gloximonam; Gramicidin; ; ; Hetacillin Potassium; Hexedine; Ibafloxacin; Imipenem; Isepamicin; ; ; Josamycin; Kanamycin Sulfate; Kitasamycin; Levofuraltadone; Levopropylcillin Potassium; Lexithromycin; Lincomycin; Lincomycin Hydrochloride; Lomefloxacin; Lomefloxacin Hydrochloride; Lomefloxacin Mesylate; Loracarbef; Mafenide; Meclocycline; Meclocycline Sulfosalicylate; Megalomicin Potassium Phosphate; Mequidox; Meropenem; Methacycline; Methacycline Hydrochloride; Methenamine; Methenamine Hippurate; Methenamine Mandelate; Methicillin Sodium; Metioprim; Metronidazole Hydrochloride; Metronidazole Phosphate; Mezlocillin; Mezlocillin Sodium; ; Minocycline Hydrochloride; Mirincamycin Hydrochloride; Monensin; Monensin Sodium; Sodium; Nalidixate Sodium; ; ; Nebramycin; Palmitate; Neomycin Sulfate; Neomycin Undecylenate; Netilmicin Sulfate; Neutramycin; Nifarthiazole; Nifuradene; Nifuraldezone; Nifuratel; Nifuratrone; Nifurdazil; Nifurimide; Nifurpirinol; Nifurquinazol; Nitrocycline; Nitrofurantoin; Nitromide; Norfloxacin; Novobiocin Sodium; Ofloxacin; Onnetoprim; Oxacillin Sodium; Oximonam; Oximonam Sodium; ; Oxytetracycline; Oxytetracycline Calcium; Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride; Paldimycin; Parachlorophenol; Paulomycin; Pefloxacin; Pefloxacin Mesylate; Penamecillin; Penicillin G Benzathine; Penicillin G Potassium; Penicillin G Procaine; Penicillin G Sodium; Penicillin V; Penicillin V Benzathine; Penicillin V Hydrabamine; Penicillin V Potassium; Pentizidone Sodium; Phenyl Aminosalicylate; Piperacillin Sodium; Pirbenicillin Sodium; Piridicillin Sodium; Pirlimycin Hydrochloride; Pivampicillin Hydrochloride; Pivampicillin Pamoate; Pivampicillin Probenate; Sulfate; Porfiromycin; Propikacin; Pyrazinamide; Zinc; Quindecamine Acetate; Quinupristin; Racephenicol; Ramoplanin; Ranimycin; Relomycin; Repromicin; Rifabutin; Rifametane; Rifamexil; Rifamide; Rifampin; Rifapentine; ; Rolitetracycline; Rolitetracycline Nitrate; Rosaramicin; Rosaramicin Butyrate; Rosaramicin Propionate; Rosaramicin Sodium Phosphate; Rosaramicin Stearate; Rosoxacin; Roxarsone; ; Sancycline; Sanfetrinem Sodium; Sarmoxicillin; Sarpicillin; Scopafungin; Sisomicin; Sisomicin Sulfate; Sparfloxacin; Spectinomycin Hydrochloride; Spiramycin; Stallimycin Hydrochloride; Steffimycin; Sulfate; Streptonicozid; Sulfabenz; Sulfabenzamide; Sulfacetamide; Sulfacetamide Sodium; Sulfacytine; Sulfadiazine; Sulfadiazine Sodium; Sulfadoxine; Sulfalene; Sulfamerazine; Sulfameter; Sulfamethazine; Sulfamethizole; Sulfamethoxazole; Sulfamonomethoxine; Sulfamoxole; Sulfanilate Zinc; Sulfanitran; ; Sulfasomizole; Sulfathiazole; Sulfazamet; Sulfisoxazole; Sulfϊ soxazole Acetyl; Sulfisoxazole Diolamine; Sulfomyxin; Sulopenem; Sultamicillin; Suncillin Sodium; Talampicillin Hydrochloride; Teicoplanin; Temafloxacin Hydrochloride; Temocillin; Tetracycline Phosphate Complex; Tetroxoprim; ; Thiphencillin Potassium; Ticarcillin Cresyl Sodium; Ticarcillin Disodium; Ticarcillin Monosodium; ; Tiodonium Chloride; Tobramycin; Tobramycin Sulfate; Tosufloxacin; Trimethoprim; Trimethoprim Sulfate; Trisulfapyrimidines; ; Trospectomycin Sulfate; Tyrothricin; ; Vancomycin Hydrochloride; Virginiamycin; and Zorbamycin.

Anti- supplementary potentiating agents: Amitryptyline; ; ; Antiarrhythmic drugs (e.g., ); Antihypertensive drugs (e.g., ); Ca++ antagonists (e.g., Verapamil; Calmodulin inhibitors (e.g., ; ); ); ; Clomipramine); ; ; ); ; ; Non- anti-depressant drugs (e.g., ; ; ; Sulfoximine) and Multiple reducing agents such as Cremaphor EL; depleters (e.g., Buthionine; ; Tricyclic anti-depressant drugs (e.g., ; Trifluoroperazine; ; and Triparanol analogues (e.g., ).

Anticholelithic : Monoctanoin.

Anticholelithogenic : Chenodiol; Ursodiol.

Anticholinergic : Alverinc Citrate; Anisotropine Methylbromide; ; Atropine Oxide Hydrochloride; Atropine Sulfate; Belladonna; Benapryzine Hydrochloride; Benzetimide Hydrochloride; Benzilonium Bromide; ; Biperiden Hydrochloride; Biperiden Lactate; ; Hydrochloride; ; Dicyclomine Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Domazoline Fumarate; Elantrine; Elucaine; Ethybenztropine; Eucatropine Hydrochloride; Glycopyrrolate; Heteronium Bromide; Hydrobromide; Homatropine Methylbromide; ; Hyoscyamine Hydrobromide; Hyoscyamine Sulfate; Iodide; Bromide; Nitrate; Metoquizine; Chloride; Parapenzolate Bromide; Pentapiperium Methylsulfate; Phencarbamide; Methylsulfate; ; ; Propenzolate Hydrochloride; Hydrobromide; Tematropium Methylsulfate; Tiquinamide Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Toquizine; Triampyzine Sulfate; Hydrochloride; and . Anticoagulant : ; ; ; Bromindione; Desirudin; Dicumarol; Lyapolate Sodium; Mesylate; ; ; and Sodium.

Anticoccidal : Maduramicin.

Anticonvulsant : Albutoin; Ameltolide; Atolide; Buramate; Cinromide; Citenamide; ; Cyheptamide; Dezinamide; Dimethadione; Divalproex Sodium; ; ; ; Hydrochloride; Fluzinamide; Sodium; ; Ilepcimide; ; ; ; Mephobarbital; Methetoin; Methsuximide; Hydrochloride; Nabazenil; Nafimidone Hydrochloride; ; ; ; Phenobarbital Sodium; ; ; Phenytoin Sodium; ; Progabide; Ralitoline; Hydrochloride; Ropizine; ; Stiripentol; Sulthiame; ; ; Sodium; Valproic Acid; Vigabatrin; Zoniclezole Hydrochloride; and .

Antidepressant : ; Adinazolam Mesylate; ; Aletamine Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Maleate; Azaloxan Fumarate; ; Hydrochloride; Bipenamol Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; ; ; ; Hydrochloride; Mesylate; Clodazon Hydrochloride; Clomipramine Hydrochloride; Fumarate; Cyclindole; Hydrochloride; Cyprolidol Hydrochloride; Cyproximide; Tosylate; Hydrochloride; Dazadrol Maleate; Dazepinil Hydrochloride; Desipramine Hydrochloride; Dexamisole; Deximafen; Hydrochloride; Dioxadrol Hydrochloride; Dothiepin Hydrochloride; Doxepin Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Maleate; Encyprate; Hydrochloride; Fantridone Hydrochloride; ; Fumarate; Hydrochloride; ; Fluoxetine Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Gamfexine; Guanoxyfen Sulfate; Imafen Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Imipramine Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; ; ; Ketipramine Fumarate; Hydrochloride; ; Maprotiline; Maprotiline Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; ; ; Modaline Sulfate; Napactadine Hydrochloride; Napamezole Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; ; Nitrafudam Hydrochloride; Maleate; Nortriptyline Hydrochloride; Phosphate; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; ; ; Sulfate; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Protriptyline Hydrochloride; Maleate; Rolicyprine; Hydrochloride; Sertraline Hydrochloride; ; Suritozole; Hydrochloride; Fumarate; Hydrochloride; Thiazesim Hydrochloride; ; Tomoxetine Hydrochloride; Trazodone Hydrochloride; Trebenzomine Hydrochloride; Trimipramine Maleate; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Zimeldine Hydrochloride; and .

Antidiabetic : ; Buformin; Butoxamine Hydrochloride; Camighbose; ; ; Englitazone Sodium; Etoformin Hydrochloride; Gliamilide; ; Glicetanile Sodium; Gliflumide; ; ; Glyburide; Glyhexamide; Glymidine Sodium; Glyoctamide; Glyparamide; Insulin; Insulin Human; Insulin Human Zinc; Insulin Human Zinc, Extended; Insulin Human, Isophane; ; Insulin Zinc; Insulin Zinc, Extended; Insulin Zinc, Prompt; Insulin, Dalanated; Insulin, Isophane; Insulin, Neutral; Linogliride; Linogliride Fumarate; Metformin; Methyl Palmoxirate; Palmoxirate Sodium; Pioglitazone Hydrochloride; Pirogliride Tartrate; Proinsulin Human; Seglitide Acetate; ; ; Tolpyrramide; ; and Zopolrestat.

Antidiarrheal : Hydrochloride; Methylprednisolone; Metronidazole; and Rolgamidine.

Antidiuretic : Argipressin Tannate; Desmopressin Acetate; and Lypressin.

Antidote : ; Edrophonium Chloride; ; Levoleucovorin Calcium; ; and .

Antidvskinetic : Hydrochloride.

Anti-emetic : Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; ; Benzquinamide; ; Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride; ; Hydrochloride; ; Diphenidol; Diphenidol Hydrochloride; Diphenidol Pamoate; Mesylate; ; ; Flumeridone; Galdansetron Hydrochloride; ; Granisetron Hydrochloride; Lurosetron Mesylate; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; ; ; Prochlorperazine Edisylate; Prochlorperazine Maleate; Hydrochloride; ; Thiethylperazine Malate; Thiethylperazine Maleate; Hydrochloride; and Hydrochloride.

Anti-epileptic : ; Iamotrigine; ; and Tolgabide.

Anti-estrogen : Clometherone; Hydrochloride; Citrate; Hydrochloride; Tamoxifen Citrate; Citrate; and Mesylate.

Antifibrinolvtic : Nafamostat Mesylate .

Antifungal: Acrisorcin: Ambruticin; Azaconazole; Azaserine; Basifungin; ; Nitrate; Calcium Undecylenate; Candicidin; Carbol-Fuchsin; Chlordantoin; Ciclopirox; Ciclopirox Olamine; ; Cisconazole; ; Cuprimyxin; Doconazole; Econazole; Econazole Nitrate; Enilconazole; Ethonam Nitrate; Nitrate; Filipin; ; ; Fungimycin; ; ; ; Kalafungin; ; Lomoftmgin; Lydimycin; Mepartricin; ; Miconazole Nitrate; Monensin; Monensin Sodium; Naftifϊne Hydrochloride; Nifuratel Nifurmerone; Nitralamine Hydrochloride; ; Octanoic Acid; Orconazole Nitrate; Nitrate; Oxifungin Hydrochloride; Parconazole Hydrochloride; Partricin; ; Pyrrolnitrin; Rutamycin; Sanguinarium Chloride; Saperconazole; ; Sinefungin; Nitrate; ; ; Thiram; ; ; Tolindate; ; Triacetin; Triafungin; ; Viridofulvin; Zinc Undecylenate; and Zinoconazole Hydrochloride.

Antiglaucoma agent: Alprenoxime Hydrochloride; ; Dipivefrin Hydrochloride; Naboctate Hydrochloride; ; and Pirnabine.

Antihemorrhagic : Poliglusam.

Antihemorrheolo gic: Phentoxifylline.

Antihistaminic : ; Phosphate; Maleate; Barmastine; Bromodiphenhydramine Hydrochloride; Maleate; Maleate; Hydrochloride; Chlorpheniramine Maleate; Chlorpheniramine Polistirex; Cirmarizine; ; Clemastine Fumarate; Closiramine Aceturate; Cycliramine Maleate; Cyclizine; Hydrochloride; Maleate; Maleate; Dimethindene Maleate; Citrate; Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride; Dorastine Hydrochloride; Succinate; ; HCI; Hydrochloride; ; Hydrochloride; Noberastine; Citrate; Pyrabrom; Pyrilamine Maleate; Pyroxamine Maleate; Rocastine Hydrochloride; Rotoxamine; Tazifylline Hydrochloride; Temelastine; ; Citrate; Tripelennamine Hydrochloride; and Hydrochloride.

Antihyperlipidemic : Cholestyramine Resin; Clofibrate; Colestipol Hydrochloride; Crilvastatin; Dalvastatin; Dextrothyroxine Sodium; Fluvastatin Sodium; Gemfibrozil; Lecimibide; ; ; Pravastatin Sodium; Probucol; ; Tiqueside; and Xenbucin.

Antihyperlipoproteinemic : Acifran; Beloxamide; Bezafibrate; Boxidine; Cetaben Sodium; Ciprofibrate; Gemcadiol; Halofenate; Lifibrate; Meglutol; Nafenopin; Pimetine Hydrochloride; Theofibrate; Tibric Acid; and Treloxinate.

Antihypertensive : Hydrochloride; Alipamide; Althiazide; Amiquinsin Hydrochloride; Anaritide Acetate; Maleate; Belfosdil; Bemitradine; Bendacalol Mesylate; ; Benzthiazide; Sulfate; Biclodil Hydrochloride; ; Bisoprolol Fumarate; Hydrochloride; ; Buthiazide; Candoxat rilat; ; ; Ceronapril; Sodium; ; Cilazapril; ; Clonidine Hydrochloride; ; ; ; ; Debrisoquin Sulfate; Delapril Hydrochloride; Diapamide; ; Hydrochloride; Diltiazem Malate; Ditekiren; Mesylate; ; Enalapril Maleate; Enalaprilat; Enalkiren; Endralazine Mesylate; Epithiazide; Eprosartan; Eprosartan Mesylate; Mesylate; Flavodilol Maleate; Flordipine; ; Sodium; Fosinoprilat; ; Guanabenz Acetate; Guanacline Sulfate; Sulfate; Guancvdine; Monosulfate; Guanethidine Sulfate; Hydrochloride; Guanisoquin Sulfate; Sulfate; Guanoctine Hydrochloride; ; Sulfate; Guanoxvfen Sulfate; Hydrochloride; Hydralazine Polistirex; ; ; Indolapril Hydrochloride; ; Indoramin Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; ; Leniquinsin; Lisinopril; Hydrochloride; Losartan Potassium; Losulazine Hydrochloride; Mebutamate; Hydrochloride; ; Medroxalol Hydrochloride; Methalthiazide ; Methyldopate Hydrochloride; ; Metoprolol Fumarate; Metyrosine; ; ; ; Nifidipine; Ofornine; Hydrochloride; Pazoxide; Hydrochloride; Perindopril Erbumine; Hydrochloride; ; Pivopril; ; Hydrochloride; Prizidilol Hydrochloride; Quinapril Hydrochloride; Quinaprilat; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Quinuclium Bromide; Ramipril; Rauwolfia Serpentina; Reseφ ine; Saprisartan Potassium; Saralasin Acetate; Sodium Nitroprusside; Hydrochloride; Tasosartan; Temocapril Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Terlakiren; ; Tiamenidine Hydrochloride; Ticrynafen; Tinabinol; ; Tipentosin Hydrochloride; ; Hydrochloride; Trimethaphan Camsylate; Trimoxamine Hydrochloride; Tripamide; ; Zankiren Hydrochloride; and Zofenoprilat Arginine.

Antihypotensive : Hydrochloride; and Hydrochloride.

Anti-infective : Acyclovir; Difloxacin Hydrochloride; Integrase Inhibitors of HIV and other retroviruses; Lauryl Isoquinolinium Bromide; Moxalactam Disodium; Ornidazole; Pentisomicin; Protease inhibitors of HIV and other retroviruses; and Sarafloxacin Hydrochloride.

Anti-infective (topical): Alcohol; Aminacrine Hydrochloride; Benzethonium Chloride; Bithionolate Sodium; Bromchlorenone; Carbamide Peroxide; Cetalkonium Chloride; Cetylpyridinium Chloride; Chlorhexidine Hydrochloride; Domiphen Bromide; Fenticlor; Fludazonium Chloride; Fuchsin, Basic; ; Gentian Violet; Halquinols; Hexachlorophene; Peroxide; Ichthammol; Imidecyl Iodine; Iodine; ; Mafenide Acetate; Meralein Sodium; Mercufenol Chloride; Mercury, Ammoniated; Methylbenzethonium Chloride; Nitrofarazone; Nitromersol; Octenidine Hydrochloride; Oxychlorosene; Oxychlorosene Sodium; Parachlorophenol, Camphorated; ; Povidone-Iodine; Sepazonium Chloride; Silver Nitrate; Sulfadiazine, Silver; Symclosene; Thimerfonate Sodium; Thimerosal; and Troclosene Potassium.

Anti-inflammatory : ; Dipropionate; Acetonide; Alpha Amylase; ; ; Sodium; Amiprilose Hydrochloride; Anakinra; ; Apazone; Disodium; ; Bromelains; Broperamole; ; ; Cicloprofen; Cintazone; Cliprofen; Propionate; Butyrate; Clopirac; Propionate; Cormethasone Acetate; Cortodoxone; ; ; ; Dexamethasone Dipropionate; Diclofenac Potassium; Diclofenac Sodium; Diacetate; Diflumidone Sodium; ; Diftalone; Dimethyl Sulfoxide; ; Endrysone; Enlimomab; Enolicam Sodium; Etodolac; ; Fenamole; ; ; Fenclorac; Fendosal; Fenpipalone; ; Flazalone; ; ; ; Acetate; Butyl; Acetate; Fluquazone; Fluretofen; Propionate; Furaprofen; Furobufen; ; Halobetasol Propionate; Acetate; Ibuprofen; Ibuprofen Aluminum; Ibuprofen Piconol; Ilonidap; Indometbacin Sodium; Indomethacin; Indoprofen Indoxole; Intrazole; Acetate; Isoxepac; ; Ketoprofen; Lomoxicam; Etabonate; Meclofenamate Sodium; ; Meclorisonc Dibutyrate; Mesalamine; Meseclazone; Methylprednisolone Suleptanate; ; Nabumetone; Nimazone; Sodium; Orgotein; Oφ anoxin; Oxaprozin; Oxyphenbutazone; Paranyline Hydrochloride; Sodium; Phenbutazone Sodium Glycerate; Piroxicam; Piroxicam Cinnamate; ; ; Sodium Phosphate; Prifelone; Prodolic Acid; ; ; Romazarit; Salnacedin; Seclazone; Sermetacin; Sudoxicam; Sulindac; ; Talniflumate; ; Tenidap Sodium; ; Tesicam; Tesimide; Pivalate; Tolmetin; Tolmetin Sodium; ; Triflumidate; and Zidometacin.

Antikeratinizing agent: Doretinel; Linarotene; and Pelretin.

Antimalarial : Hydrochloride; Amquinate; Artefiene; Chloroquine; Chloroquine Hydrochloride; Cycloguanil Pamoate; Enpiroline Phosphate; Halofantrine Hydrochloride; Sulfate; Hydrochloride; Menoctone; Primaquine Phosphate; Pyrimethamine; Sulfate; and Tebuquine.

Antimicrobial : Aztreonam; Chlorhexidine Gluconate; Imidurea; Lycetamine; Nibroxane; Pirazmonam Sodium; Propionic Acid; Pyrithione Sodium; and Tigemonam Dicholine.

Antimigraine : Hydrochloride; Maleate; Succinate; and Maleate.

Antimitotic : Podofϊlox. Antimycotic : .

Antinauseant : Hydrochloride; and Cyclizine Lactate.

Antineoplastic : ; ; Acodazole Hydrochloride; Acronine; Adozelesin; Aldesleukin; ; Ambomycin; Ametantrone Acetate; ; ; ; ; Asperlin; ; Azetepa; Azotomycin; Batimastat; Benzodepa; ; Bisantrene Hydrochloride; Bisnafide Dimesylate; Bizelesin; Sulfate; Brequinar Sodium; Bropirimine; ; Cactinomycin; ; Caracemide; Carbetimer; ; ; Carubicin Hydrochloride; Carzelesin; Cedeflngol; ; ; ; Mesylate; ; ; ; ; Hydrochloride; ; Dexorinaplatin; Dezaguanine; Dezaguanine Mesylate; Diaziquone; ; ; Doxorubicin Hydrochloride; ; Droloxifene Citrate; Dromostanolone Propionate; Duazomycin; Edatrexate; Eflornithine Hydrochloride; ; Enloplatin; Enpromate; Epipropidine; Hydrochloride; Erbulozole; Esorubicin Hydrochloride; ; Sodium; Etanidazole; Ethiodized I 131; ; Etoposide Phosphate; Etoprine; Hydrochloride; Fazarabine; Fenretinide; ; Phosphate; ; Flurocitabine; Fosquidone; Fostriecin Sodium; ; Gemcitabine Hydrochloride; Au 198; Hydroxyurea; Hydrochloride; ; Ilmofosine; Alfa-2a; Interferon Alfa-2b; Interferon Alfa- n3; Interferon Alfa-nl; Interferon Beta- I a; Interferon Garmna- I b; Iproplatin; Hydrochloride; Isotretinoin; Lanreotide Acetate; ; Leuprolide Acetate; Liarozole Hydrochloride; Lometrexol Sodium; ; Hydrochloride; ; Maytansine; Mechlorethamine Hydrochloride; Acetate; Acetate; ; Menogaril; ; ; Methotrexate Sodium; Metoprine; Meturedepa; Mitindomide; Mitocarcin; Mitocromin; Mitogillin; Mitomalcin; Mitomycin; Mitosper; ; Hydrochloride; ; ; Nogalamvcin; Ormaplatin; Oxisuran; ; ; Peliomycin; Pentamustine; Peplomycin Sulfate; Perfosfamide; ; Piposulfan; Piroxantrone Hydrochloride; ; ; ; ; Hydrochloride; ; Puromycin Hydrochloride; Pyrazofurin; Riboprine; Rogletimide; Safingol Safingol Hydrochloride; ; Simtrazene; Sparfosate Sodium; Sparsomycin; Spirogermanium Hydrochloride; Spiromustine; Spiroplatin; Streptonigrin; Streptozocin; Chloride Sr 89; Sulofenur; Talisomycin; ; Taxoid; Tecogalan Sodium; ; Teloxantrone Hydrochloride; ; ; Teroxirone; ; Thiamiprine; Thioguanine; ; Tiazofarin; Tirapazamine; Hydrochloride; Triciribine Phosphate; Trimetrexate; Trimetrexate Glucuronate; Triptorelin; Tubulozole Hydrochloride; Mustard; Uredepa; Vapreotide; ; Sulfate; Sulfate; ; Vindesine Sulfate; Vinepidine Sulfate; Vinglycinate Sulfate; Vinleurosine Sulfate; Tartrate; Vinrosidine Sulfate; Vinzolidine Sulfate; Vorozole; Zeniplatin; Zinostatin; and Hydrochloride.

Anti-neoplastic compounds (additional): 20-epi-l,25 Dihydroxyvitamin D3; 5-Ethynyluracil; Abiraterone; Acylfulvene; Adecypenol; ALL-TK Antagonists; Ambamustine; Amidox; Amifostine; ; ; ; Andrographolide; Angiogenesis Inhibitors; Antagonist D; Antagonist G; Antarelix; , Prostatic Carcinoma; Anti-

Dorsalizing Morphogenetic Protein- 1; ; Antineoplaston; Antisense Oligonucleotides; Aphidicolin Glycinate; Modulators; Apoptosis Regulators; Apurinic Acid; Ara-CDP-DL-PTBA; Arginine Deaminase; Asulacrine; ;

Atrimustine; Axinastatin 1; Axinastatin 2; Axinastatin 3; ; Azatoxin; Azatyrosine; Baccatin III Derivatives; Balanol; BCR/ABL Antagonists; Benzochlorins; Benzoylstaurosporine; Beta Lactam Derivatives; Beta-Alethine; Betaclamycin B; Betulinic Acid; bFGF Inhibitor; Bisantrene; Bisaziridinylspermine; Bisnafide; Bistratene A; Breflate; Budotitane; Buthionine Sulfoximine; Calcipotriol; Calphostin C; Derivatives; Canarypox IL-2; ; Carboxamide-Amino-; ; CaRest MI; CARN 700, Cartilage Derived Inhibitor; Casein Kinase Inhibitors (ICOS); Castanospermine; Cecropin B; ; Chlorins; Chloroquinoxaline ; Cicaprost; Cis-; analogues; Collismycin A; Collismycin B; Combretastatin A4; Combretastatin Analogue; Conagenin; Crambescidin 816; Crisnatol; Cryptophycin 8; Cryptophycin A Derivatives; Curacin A; Cyclopentanthraquinones; Cycloplatam; Cypemycin; Cytarabine Ocfosfate; Cytolytic Factor; Cytostatin; Dacliximab; Dehydrodidenmin B; Dexifosfamide; Dexverapamil; Didemnin B; Didox; Diethylnorspennine; Dihydro Azacytidine; Dihydrotaxol, 9-; Dioxamycin; Diphenyl Spiromustine; Docosanol; Dolasetron; ; Duocarmycin SA; Ebselen; Ecomustine; Edelfosine; Edrecolomab; Eflomithine; Elemene; Emitefur; Epirubicin; Estramustine Analogue; Estrogen ; Estrogen Antagonists; ; Fadrozole; Fiezelastine; Flavopiridol; Fluasterone; Fludarabine; Fluorodaunorunicin Hydrochloride; Forfenimex; ; Fostriecin; ; Texaphyrin; Gallium Nitrate; Galocitabine; Ganirelix; Gelatinase Inhibitors; Inhibitors; Hepsulfam; Heregulin; Hexamethylene Bisacetamide; ; Ibandronic acid; Idarubicin; ; Idramantone; Ilomastat; Imidazoacridones; Immunostimulant ; Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Receptor Inhibitor; Interferon Agonists; ; Interleukins; Iobenguane; Iododoxorubicin; Ipomeanol, 4-; Irinotecan; Iroplact; Irsogladine; Isobengazole; Isohomohalicondrin B; Itasetron; Jasplakinolide; Kahalalide F; Lamellarin-N Triacetate; Lanreotide; Leinamycin; Lentinan Sulfate; Leptolstatin; Leukemia Inhibiting Factor; Leukocyte Alpha Interferon; Leuprolide + Estrogen + ; ; ; Liarozole; Linear Polyamine Analogue; Lipophilic Disaccharide ; Lipophilic Compounds; Lissoclinamide 7; Lobaplatin; Lombricine; Lometrexol; ; Losoxantrone; ; Lutetium Texaphyrin; Lysofylline; Lytic Peptides; Maitansine; Mannostatin A; Marimastat; Maspin; Matrilysin Inhibitors; Matrix Metalloproteinase Inhibitors; Merbarone; Meterelin; Methioninase; Metoclopramide; MIF Inhibitor; ; ; Mirimostim; Mismatched Double Stranded RNA; ; Mitolactol; Mitomycin analogues; Mitonafide; Mitotoxin Fibroblast Growth Factor-Saporin; Mitoxantrone; Mofarotene; Monoclonal Antibody, Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin; Monophosphoryl Lipid A + Myobacterium Wall Sk; Mopidamol; Multiple Drug Resistance Gene Inhibitor; Multiple Tumor Suppressor 1-Based Therapy; Mustard Anticancer Agent; Mycaperoxide B; Mycobacterial Extract; Myriaporone; N-Acetyldinaline; Nafarelin; Nagrestip; Naloxone + Pentazocine; Napavin; Naphterpin; Nartograstim; ; Nemorubicin; Neridronic Acid; Neutral Endopeptidase; ; Nisamycin; Modulators; Nitroxide ; Nitrullyn; N- Substituted ; 06-Benzylguanine; Okicenone; Oligonucleotides; ; Ondansetron; Oracin; Oral Cytokine Inducer; ; ; Oxaunomycin; Paclitaxel Analogues; Paclitaxel Derivatives; Palauamine; Palmitoylrhizoxin; Pamidronic Acid; Panaxytriol; ; Parabactin; Pazelliptine; Peldesine; ; Pentrozole; Perflubron; Perillyl Alcohol; Phenazinomycin; Phenylacetate; Inhibitors; Picibanil; Pilocarpine Hydrochloride; ; Piritrexim; Placetin A; Placetin B; Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor; Platinum Complex; Platinum Compounds; Platinum- Triamine Complex; Propyl Bis-Acridone; J2; Proteasome Inhibitors; Protein A- Based Immune Modulator; Protein Kinase C Inhibitor; Protein Kinase C Inhibitors, Microalgal; Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Inhibitors; Phosphorylase Inhibitors; Purpurins; Pyrazoloacridine; Pyridoxylated Hemoglobin Polyoxyethylene Conjugate; Raf Antagonists; ; ; Ras Famesyl Protein Transferase Inhibitors; Ras Inhibitors; Ras-GAP Inhibitor; Retelliptine Demethylated; Rhenium, Re 186 Etidronate; Rhizoxin; Ribozymes; RII Retinamide; Rohitukine; Romurtide; Roquinimex;

Rubiginone B 1; Ruboxyl; Safingol; Saintopin; SarCNU; Sarcophytol A; Sdi 1 Mimetics;

Senescence Derived Inhibitor 1; Sense Oligonucleotides; Signal Transduction Inhibitors; Signal Transduction Modulators; Single Chain Antigen Binding Protein; Sizofiran; Sobuzoxane; Sodium Borocaptate; Sodium Phenylacetate; Solverol; Binding Protein; Sonermin; Sparfosic Acid; Spicamycin D; Splenopentin; Spongistatin 1; Squalamine; Stem Cell Inhibitor; Stem- Inhibitors; Stipiamide; Stromelysin Inhibitors; Sulfinosine; Superactive Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide Antagonist; Suradista; ; Swainsonine; Synthetic Glycosaminoglycans; Tallimustine; Tamoxifen Methiodide; Tauromustine; Tellurapyrylium; Telomerase Inhibitors; ; Tetrachlorodecaoxide; Tetrazomine; Thaliblastine; ; Thiocoraline; Thrombopoietin; Thrombopoietin Mimetic; Thymalfasin; Receptor Agonist; Thymotrinan; Thyroid Stimulating Hormone; Tin Ethyl Etiopurpurin; Titanocene Dichloride; Topotecan; Topsentin; Toremifene; Totipotent Stem Cell Factor; Translation Inhibitors; Triacetyluridine; Triciribine; ; ; Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors; Tyrphostins; UBC Inhibitors; ; Urogenital Sinus-Derived Growth Inhibitory Factor; Receptor Antagonists; Variolin B; Vector system, Erythrocyte Gene Therapy; Velaresol; Veramine; Verdins; Vinorelbine; Vinxaltine; Vitaxin; Zilascorb; and Zinostatin Stimalamer.

Antineutropenic : Filgrastim; Lenograstim; Molgramostim; Regramostim; and Sargramostim.

Antiobsessional agent: Maleate.

Antiparasitic : Abamectin; Clorsulon; and .

Antiparkinsonian : Benztropine Mesylate; Biperiden; Biperiden Hydrochloride; Biperiden Lactate; -Levodopa; Carmantadine; Hydrochloride; Dopamantine; Ethopropazine Hydrochloride; ; Levodopa; Lometraline Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Naxagolide Hydrochloride; Pareptide Sulfate; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; and .

Antiperistaltic : Difenoximide Hydrochloride; ; Fluperamide; Lidamidine Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Malethamer; Nufenoxole; .

Antipneumocvstic : .

Antiproliferative agent: Piritrexim Isethionate.

Antiprostatic hypertrophy : Sitogluside.

Antiprotozoal : Amodiaquine; Azanidazole; Banmidazole; Camidazole; Chlortetracycline Bisulfate Chlortetracycline Hydrochloride; Flubendazole; Flunidazole; Halofuginone Hydrobromide; Imidocarb Hydrochloride; Ipronidazole; Misonidazole; Moxnidazole; Nitarsone; Ronidazole; Sulnidazole; and Tinidazole.

Antipruritic : ; Methdilazine Hydrochloride; and Trimeprazine Tartrate.

Antipsoriatic : Acitretin; Anthralin; Azaribine; Calcipotriene; Cycloheximide; Enazadrem Phosphate; Etretinate; Liarozole Fumarate; Lonapalene; and .

Antipsychotic : Maleate; Hydrobromide; Alpertine; ; Maleate; ; Benzindopyrine Hydrochloride; Brofoxine; ; Bromperidol Decanoate; Hydrochloride; ; Butaperazine Maleate; Carphenazine Maleate; Carvotroline Hydrochloride; ; Cinperene; Cintriamide; Clomacran Phosphate; ; ; Clopipazan Mesylate; Cloroperone Hydrochloride; Clothiapine; Clothixamide Maleate; ; Cyclophenazine Hydrochloride; ; Hydrochloride; Fenimide; ; ; Decanoate; Fluphenazine Enanthate; Fluphenazine Hydrochloride; Fluspiperone; ; Flutroline; Hydrochloride; Halopemide; ; ; ; Imidoline Hydrochloride; ; Mazapertine Succinate; ; Mesoridazine Besylate; ; Milenperone; Milipertine; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Neflumozide Hydrochloride; ; ; Oxiperomide; ; Pentiapine Maleate; ; ; Hydrochloride; ; ; Palmitate; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; ; Remoxipride Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Seperidol Hydrochloride; ; ; ; ; Thioridazine Hydrochloride; Thiothixene; Thiothixene Hydrochloride; Tioperidone Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; ; ; Triflupromazine Hydrochloride; and Hydrochloride.

Antirheumatic : ; ; Bindarit; Lobenzarit Sodium; Phenylbutazone; Pirazolac; Prinomide Tromethamine; and Seprilose.

Antischistosomal : Becanthone Hydrochloride; Hycanthone; Hydrochloride; Niridazole; Oxamniquine; Pararosaniline Pamoate; and Teroxalene Hydrochloride.

Antiseborrheic : ; Piroctone; Piroctone Olamine; and Resorcinol Monoacetate.

Antisecretory : Arbaprostil; Deprostil; Fenoctimine Sulfate; ; Octreotide Acetate; Sodium; Rioprostil; Trimoprostil.

Antispasmodic : Stilonium Iodide; Hydrochloride.

Antithrombotic : Anagrelide Hydrochloride; Dalteparin Sodium; Sodium; Hydrochloride; Efegatran Sulfate; ; ; Ifetroban Sodium; and Trifenagrel.

Antitussive : ; Citrate; Chlophedianol Hydrochloride; Codeine Polistirex; ; Dextromethorphan; Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide; Dextromethorphan Polistirex; Ethyl ; Guaiapate; Bitartrate; Hydrocodone Polistirex; Napsylate; ; Pemerid Nitrate; Pipazethate; and Suxemerid Sulfate.

Anti-ulcerative : Aluminum; Cadexomer Iodine; Hydrochloride; Enisoprost; Isotiquimide; ; Succinate; ; ; Nolinium Bromide; ; Pifamine; Hydrochloride; Sodium; Remiprostol; Hydrochloride; ; Sucrosofate Potassium; and Tolimidone. Anti-urolithic : Cysteamine; Cysteamine Hydrochloride; and Tricitrates.

Antiviral : Acemannan; Acyclovir; Acyclovir Sodium; Adefovir; ; Alvircept Sudotox; Amantadine Hydrochloride; Aranotin; Arildone; Mesylate; Avridine; Cidofovir; Cipamfylline; Cytarabine Hydrochloride; Mesylate; Desciclovir; Didanosine; Disoxaril; Edoxudine; Enviradene; Enviroxime; Famciclovir; Famotine Hydrochloride; Fiacitabine; Fialuridine; Fosarilate; Foscarnet Sodium; Fosfonet Sodium; Ganciclovir; Ganciclovir Sodium; Idoxuridine; Kethoxal; Lamivudine; Lobucavir; Memotine Hydrochloride; Methisazone; ; Penciclovir; Pirodavir; ; Hydrochloride; Saquinavir Mesylate; Somantadine Hydrochloride; Sorivudine; Statolon; Stavudine; Tilorone Hydrochloride; Trifluridine; Valacyclovir Hydrochloride; Vidarabine; Vidarabine Phosphate; Vidarabine Sodium Phosphate; Viroxime; Zalcitabine; Zidovudine; and Zinviroxime.

Appetite suppressant: Dexfenfluramine Hydrochloride; Tartrate; and Phentermine Hydrochloride.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia therapy agent: Hydrochloride.

Blood glucose regulators : Acetohexamide and Glipizide; Chloropropamide; and Human insulin.

Bone resorption inhibitor: Alendronate Sodium; Etidronate Disodium; and Pamidronate Disodium.

Bronchodilator : Albuterol; Albuterol Sulfate; Azanator Maleate; Hydrochloride; Mesylate; Butaprost; Hydrochloride; Clorprenaline Hydrochloride; Mesylate; Doxaprost; ; Dyphylline; ; Ephedrine; Ephedrine Hydrochloride; ; Fenprinast Hydrochloride; Guaithylline; Sulfate; Hoquizil Hydrochloride; ; Isoetharine; Isoetharine Hydrochloride; Isoetharine Mesylate; Isoproterenol Hydrochloride; Isoproterenol Sulfate; Metaproterenol Polistirex; Metaproterenol Sulfate; Nisbuterol Mesylate; Oxtriphylline; Picumeterol Fumarate; Piquizil Hydrochloride; Acetate; Pirbuterol Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Pseudoephedrine Sulfate; Quazodine; Quinterenol Sulfate; Racepinephrine; Racepinephrine Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Hydrobromide; ; Salmeterol Xinafoate; Soterenol Hydrochloride; Sulfonterol Hydrochloride; Suloxifen Oxalate; Sulfate; ; Xanoxate Sodium; Zindotrine; and Hydrochloride.

Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor: ; Acetazolamide Sodium; Dichlorphenamide; Dorzolamide Hydrochloride; Methazolamide; and Sezolamide Hydrochloride.

Cardiac depressant : Acecainide Hydrochloride; Chloride; Actisomide; Adenosine; ; ; Aprindine Hydrochloride; Artilide Fumarate; Dihydrochloride; Bidisomide; Bucainide Maleate; Bucromarone; Capobenate Sodium; Capobenic Acid; Cifenline; Cifenline Succinate; Clofilium Phosphate; Disobutamide; ; Disopyramide Phosphate; ; Drobuline; Edifolone Acetate; Emilium Tosylate; Hydrochloride; Acetate; Fumarate; Indecainide Hydrochloride; Ipazilide Fumarate; Hydrochloride; Lorcainide Hydrochloride; Meobentine Sulfate; Mexiletine Hydrochloride; Modecainide; Moricizine; Oxiramide; Pirmenol Hydrochloride; Pirolazamide; Pranolium Chloride; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Pyrinoline; Quindonium Bromide; Quinidine Gluconate; Quinidine Sulfate; Recainam Hydrochloride; Recainam Tosylate; Risotilide Hydrochloride; Ropitoin Hydrochloride; Sematilide Hydrochloride; Suricainide Maleate; Tocainide; Tocainide Hydrochloride; and Transcainide.

Cardioprotectant : Dexrazoxane; and Draflazine.

Cardiotonic agent: Actodigin; Amrinone; Bemoradan; Butopamine; Carbazeran; Carsatrin Succinate; Deslanoside; ; ; Digoxin; ; Dobutamine Hydrochloride; Dobutamine Lactobionate; Dobutamine Tartrate; Enoximone; Imazodan Hydrochloride; Indolidan; Isomazole Hydrochloride; Levdobutamine Lactobionate; Lixazinone Sulfate; Medorinone; Milrinone; Pelrinone Hydrochloride; ; Piroximone; Prinoxodan; Proscillaridin; Quazinone; Hydrochloride; and .

Cardiovascular agent: ; and Dopexamine Hydrochloride.

Cerebral ischemia agent: Hydrochloride. Choleretic : Dehydrocholic Acid; Fencibutirol; ; ; ; Tocamphyl.

Cholinergic : ; Chloride; ; Demecarium Bromide; Dexpanthenol; Echothiophate Iodide; Isoflurophate; Chloride; Neostiamine Methylsulfate; Neostigmine Bromide; ; Physostigmine Salicylate; Physostigmine Sulfate; Pilocarpine Nitrate; and Pyridostigmine Bromide.

Cholinergic agonist : ; and Xanomeline Tartrate.

Cholinesterase Deactivator : Chloride; Chloride; Pralidoxime Iodide; and Pralidoxime Mesylate.

Coccidiostat : Arprinocid; Narasin; Semduramicin; and Semduramicin Sodium.

Cognition adjuvant : Mesylates; ; Hydrochloride; Pramiracetam Sulfate; and Hydrochloride.

Cognition enhancer : Besipirdine Hydrochloride; ; and Sibopirdine.

Contrast Media : Barium Sulfate; Diatrizoate Sodium; Erythrosine Sodium; Iopanoic Acid; Ipodate Calcium; ; and Tyropanoate Sodium.

Diagnostic aid: Aminohippurate Sodium; Anazolene Sodium; Arclofenin; ; Benzylpenicilloyl Polylysine; Butedronate Tetrasodium; Butilfenin; Coccidioidin; Ovine Triflutate; Corticotropin Zinc Hydroxide; Corticotropin, Repository; Diatrizoate Meglumine; Diatrizoic Acid; Diphtheria Toxin for Schick Test; Disofenin; Ethiodized Oil; Etifenin; Exametazime; Ferristenc; Ferumoxides; Ferumoxsil; Fluorescein; Fluorescein Sodium; Gadobenate Dimeglumine; Gadodiamide; Gadopentetate Dimegiumine; Gadoteridol; Gadoversetamide; Histoplasmin; Hydrochloride; Indigotindisulfonate Sodium; Indocyanine Green; Iobenguane Sulfate I 123; Iobenzamic Acid; Iocarmate Meglumine; Iocarmic Acid; Iocetamic Acid; Iodamide; Iodamide Meglumine; Iodipamide Meglumine; Iodixanol; Iodoxamate Meglumine; Iodoxamic Acid; Ioglicic Acid; Ioglucol; Ioglucomide; Ioglycamic Acid; Iogulamide; Iohexol; Iomeprol; Iopamidol; Iopentol; Iophendylate; Ioprocemic Acid; Iopronic Acid; Iopydol; Iopydone; Iosefamic Acid; Ioseric Acid; Iosulamide Meglumine; Iosumetic Acid; Iotasul; Iotetric Acid; Iothalamate Meglumine; Iothalamate Sodium; Iothalamic Acid; Iotrolan; Iotroxic Acid; Ioversol; Ioxagiate Sodium; Ioxaglate Meglumine; Ioxaglic Acid; Ioxilan; Ioxotrizoic Acid; Ipodate Sodium; Iprofenin; Isosulfan Blue; Leukocyte Typing Serum; Lidofenin; Mebrofenin; Meglumine; Metrizamide; Metrizoate Sodium; Metyrapone Tartrate; Mumps Skin Test Antigen; Pentetic Acid; Propyliodone; Quinaldine Blue; Schick Test Control; Acetate; Sodium Iodide I 123; Sprodiamide; Stannous Pyrophosphate; Stannous Sulfur Colloid; Succimer; Acetate; Tetrofosmin; Tolbutamide Sodium; Tuberculin; and Xylose

Diuretic : Ambuphylline; Ambuside; Hydrochloride; Azolimine; ; Brocrinat; ; Chlorothiazide; Chlorthalidone; Clazolimine; ; Ethacrynate Sodium; Ethacrynic Acid; ; ; ; ; Isosorbide; ; ; ; ; Torsemide; ; Triflocin; and .

Dopaminergic agent : .

Ectoparasiticide : Nifluridide; .

Emetic : Hydrochloride.

Enzyme inhibitor : 30 Polignate Sodium; ; Alrestatin Sodium; Aprotinin; Benazepril Hydrochloride; Benazeprilat; Benurestat; ; Bromocriptine Mesylate; Sodium; Flurofamide; ; Lergotrile Mesylate; Levcycloserine; Libenzapril; Pentopril; ; Perindopril; Sodium Amylosulfate; Sorbinil; Spirapril Hydrochloride; Spiraprilat; ; Teprotide; Tolfamide; and Zofenopril Calcium.

Estrogen : ; ; ; Diethylstilbestrol Diphosphate; ; ; ; Estradiol Enanthate; ; ; Hydrobromide; ; Estrofiαrate; Estrogens, Conjugated; Estrogens, Esterified; ; ; Ethinyl Estradiol; ; ; Nylestriol; and .

Fibrinolytic : ; Bisobrin Lactate; and Brinolase.

Free oxygen radical scavenger : Pegorgotein. Gastric Acid Suppressant: :Lansoprazole, Pantoprazole and Omeprazole.

Gastrointestinal Motility agents: .

Glucocorticoid : ; Beclomethasone Dipropionate; ; ; ; Betamethasone Dipropionate; Betamethasone Sodium Phosphate; ; Sodium; Acetate; ; ; Corticotropin; Acetate; ; Acetonide; Dexamethasone; Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate; ; Diflucortolone Pivalate; Flucloronide; Flumethasone; Flumethasone Pivalate; Flunisolide; Acetonide; ; ; Fluocortolone Caproate; Fluorometholone; Acetate; ; Fluprednisolone Valerate; Flurandrenolide; ; Hydrocortisone; ; ; ; Hydrocortisone Sodium Phosphate; Hydrocortisone Sodium Succinate; ; ; Methylprednisolone Acetate; Methylprednisolone Sodium Phosphate; Methylprednisolone Sodium Succinate; Nivazol; Acetate; ; Prednisolone; ; Prednisolone Hemisuccinate; Prednisolone Sodium Succinate; ; ; Prednival; Propionate; ; ; ; Triamcinolone Acetonide Sodium; ; and Triamcinolone Hexacetonide.

Gonad-stimulating principle: Buserelin Acetate; Clomiphene Citrate; Ganirelix Acetate; Gonadorelin Acetate; Gonadorelin Hydrochloride; , Chorionic; and Menotropins.

Hair growth stimulant: Aminocaproic Acid; Minoxidil Hemostatic; Oxamarin Hydrochloride; Sulmarin; ; and Tranexamic Acid.

Hormone : 17 Alpha Dihydroequilenin; 17 Alpha Dihydroequilin; 17 Alpha Estradiol; 17 Beta Estradiol; 17 Hydroxy Progesterone; ; Clomiphene; Cosyntropin; ; Dihydroestosterone; ; Ethyndiol; Follicle Regulatory Protein; Follicle Stimulating Hormone; Folliculostatin; Gonadoctrinins; Gonadorelin; ; Han Memopausal Gonadotropins; Human Chorionic Gonadotropin; Insulin Growth Factor; Leuprolide; ; ; Luteinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone and Analogs; ; Megestrol; ; Norethindrone; Norethynodrel; ; Oocyte Maturation Inhibitor; Oxytocin; Pituitary, Posterior; Progesterone; ; Seractide Acetate; Somalapor; Somatrem; Somatropin; Somenopor; Somidobove; Tamoxifen; Urofollitropin; and Vasopressin.

Hypocholesterolemic : Lifibrol.

Hypoglycemic : Darglitazone Sodium; and .

Hypolipidemic : Azalanstat Dihydrochloride; Colestolone; Surfomer; and Xenalipin.

Hypotensive : Viprostol.

Immunizing agent: Antirabies Serum; Antivenin; Antivenin (Crotalidae) Polyvalent; BCG Vaccine; Botulism Antitoxin; Cholera Vaccine; Diphtheria Antitoxin; Diphtheria Toxoid; Diphtheria Toxoid Adsorbed; Globulin, Immune; Hepatitis B Immune Globulin; Hepatitis B Virus Vaccine Inactivated; Virus Vaccine; Measles Virus Vaccine Live; Meningococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine Group A; Meningococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine Group C; Mumps Virus Vaccine Live; Pertussis Immune Globulin; Pertussis Vaccine; Pertussis Vaccine Adsorbed; Plague Vaccine; Poliovirus Vaccine Inactivated; Poliovirus Vaccine Live Oral; Rabies Immune Globulin; Rabies Vaccine; Rho(D) Immune Globulin; Rubella Virus Vaccine Live; Smallpox Vaccine; Tetanus Antitoxin; Tetanus Immune Globulin; Tetanus Toxoid; Tetanus Toxoid Adsorbed; Typhoid Vaccine; Vaccinia Immune Globulin; Varicella-Zoster Immune Globulin; and Yellow Fever vaccine.

Immunomodulator : Dimepranol Acedoben; Imiquimod; Interferon Beta-lb; Lisofylline; Mycophenolate Mofetil; and Prczatide Copper Acetate.

Immunoregulator : Azarole; Mesylate; Frentizole; Oxamisole Hydrochloride; Ristianol Phosphate; Thymopentin; and Tilomisole.

Immunostimulant : Loxoribine; and Teceleukin.

Immunosuppressant : ; Azathioprine Sodium; Cyclosporine; Daltroban; Gusperimus Trihydrochloride; ; .

Impotence therapy adjunct: Delequamine Hydrochloride. Inhibitor: Acarbose; Atorvastatin Calcium; ; Brocresine; Carbidopa; Clavulanate Potassium; Dazmegrel; Docebenone; Epoprostenol; Epoprostenol Sodium; ; ; Flurbiprofen Sodium; Furegrelate Sodium; Lufironil; Miglitol; ; Hydrochloride; Pirmagrel; Ponalrestat; Ridogrel; Sulbactam Benzathine; Sulbactam Pivoxil; Sulbactam Sodium; Suronacrine Maleate; Tazobactam; Tazobactam Sodium; Hydrochloride; Mesylate; Tolrestat; Velnacrine Maleate; Zifrosilone; and .

Keratolvtic : Alcloxa; Aldioxa; Dibenzothiophene; Etarotene; Motretinide-I Picotrin Diolamine; Salicylic Acid; Sumarotene; Tazarotene; Tetroquinone; and .

LHRH agonist: Deslorelin; ; Histrelin; Lutrelin Acetate; and Nafarelin Acetate.

Liver disorder treatment : Malotilate.

Luteolvsin: Fenprostalene.

Memory adjuvant: Dimoxamine Hydrochloride; and Ribaminol.

Mental performance enhancer: .

Mood regulator : Fengabine.

Mucolytic : ; Carbocysteine; and .

Mucosal Protective agents: Misoprostol (Cytotec).

Mydriatic : .

Nasal decongestant : Nemazoline Hydrochloride; Pseudoephedrine Polistirex.

Neuroleptic : Duoperone Fumarate; and .

Neuromuscular blocking agent: Atracurium Besylate; Cisatracurium Besylate; ; ; Iodide; ; ; ; ; Succinylcholine Chloride; ; and . Neuroprotective : Maleate.

NMDA antagonist : .

Non-hormonal sterol derivative : Succinate.

Oxytocic : ; Carboprost Methyl; Carboprost Tromethamine; Dinoprost; Dinoprost Tromethamine; Dinoprostone; Ergonovine Maleate; Meteneprost; Methylergonovine Maleate; and Sulfate.

Paget's disease agents : Tiludronate Disodium.

Progestin : ; Acetate; Acetate; Acetate; ; Acetate; Acetate; ; ; ; ; Ethynodiol Diacetate; ; Flurogestone Acetate; ; ; ; ; ; Hydroxyprogesterone Caproate; ; ; Medroxyprogesterone Acetate; Methynodiol Diacetate; Norethindrone Acetate; ; ; Phenpropionate; Acetate; ; and .

Prostaglandin : Sodium; Fluprostenol Sodium; ; Prostalene; and .

Prostate growth inhibitor : .

Prothyrotropin : Protirelin.

Psychotropic : Minaprine.

Radioactive agent : Fibrinogen I 125; Fludeoxyglucose F 18; Fluorodopa F 18; Insulin I 125; Insulin I 131; Iobenguane I 123; Iodipamide Sodium I 131; Iodoantipyrine I 131; Iodocholesterol I 131; Iodohippurate Sodium I 123; Iodohippurate Sodium I 125; Iodohippurate Sodium 1 131; Iodopyracet I 125; Iodopyracet 1 131; Hydrochloride I 123; Iomethin I 125; Iomethin I 131; Iothalamate Sodium I 125; Iothalamate Sodium I 131; Iotyrosine I 131; Liothyronine I 125; Liothyronine I 131; Merisoprol Acetate Hg 197; Merisoprol Acetate Hg 203; Merisoprol Hg 197; Selenomethionine Se 75; Technetium Tc 99m Antimony Trisulfide Colloid; Technetium Tc 99m Bicisate; Technetium Tc 99m Disofenin; Technetium Tc 99m Etidronate; Technetium Tc 99m Exametazime; Technetium Tc 99m Furifosmin; Technetium Tc 99m Gluceptate; Technetium Tc 99m Lidofenin; Technetium Tc 99m Mebrofenin; Technetium Tc 99m Medronate; Technetium Tc 99m Medronate Disodium; Technetium Tc 99m Mertiatide; Technetium Tc 99m Oxidronate; Technetium Tc 99m Pentetate; Technetium Tc 99m Pentetate Calcium Trisodium; Technetium Tc 99m Sestamibi; Technetium Tc 99m Siboroxime; Technetium Tc 99m Succimer; Technetium Tc 99m Sulfiir Colloid; Technetium Tc 99m Teboroxime; Technetium Tc 99m Tetrofosmin; Technetium Tc 99m Tiatide; Thyroxine I 125; Thyroxine I 131; Tolpovidone I 131; Triolein I 125; and Triolein 1 131.

Regulator : Calcifediol; ; Calcitriol; Clodronic Acid; Dihydrotachysterol; Etidronic Acid; Oxidronic Acid; Piridronate Sodium; Risedronate Sodium; and Secalciferol.

Relaxant : Adiphenine Hydrochloride; ; ; Azumolene Sodium; ; Hydrochloride; ; Chlorphenesin ; ; Cinflumide; ; Clodanolene; Hydrochloride; Dantrolene; Dantrolene Sodium; Fenalamide; Fenyripol Hydrochloride; Fetoxylate Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; ; Flumetramide; Hexafluorenium Bromide; Isomylamine Hydrochloride; ; Hydrochloride; Mesuprine Hydrochloride; ; Methixene Hydrochloride; ; Nafomine Malate; Nelezaprine Maleate; Papaverine Hydrochloride; Pipoxolan Hydrochloride; Quinctolate; ; Ritodrine Hydrochloride; Rolodine; Theophylline Sodium Glycinate; Thiphenamil Hydrochloride; and Xilobam.

Repartitioning agent : .

Scabicide : ; Crotamiton.

Sclerosing agent : Ethanolamine Oleate; Morrhuate Sodium; Tribenoside.

Sedative : .

Sedative-hypnotic : ; Alonimid; ; Sodium; ; ; Butabarbital; Butabarbital Sodium; Butalbital; Capuride; Carbocloral; ; Chloral Hvdrate; Hydrochloride; Cloperidone Hydrochloride; Clorethate; ; Dexclamol Hydrochloride; ; ; ; ; Fenobam; ; ; ; ; Lon-netazepam; ; ; ; ; ; ; Pentobarbital Sodium; ; ; ; ; Roletamide; ; Secobarbital Sodium; ; ; Maleate; ; Tricetamide; Sodium; ; ; ; Hydrochloride; and Tartrate.

Selective adenosine Al antagonist: Apaxifylline.

Serotonin antagonist: Tartrate; ; ; and .

Serotonin inhibitor: Hydrochloride; ; Fonazine Mesylate; and Tosylate.

Serotonin receptor antagonist: Hydrochloride.

Steroid: ; and Furoate.

Stimulant: ; Sulfate; Ampyzine Sulfate; Hydrochloride; Azabon; ; ; Ceruletide Diethylamine; Fumarate; ; Dextroamphetamine Sulfate; Difluanine Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Ethamivan; Etryptamine Acetate; Hydrochloride; Flubanilate Hydrochloride; ; Histamine Phosphate; Indriline Hydrochloride; ; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; ; Hydrochloride; ; and Xamoterol Fumarate.

Suppressant: Amflutizole; ; Tazofelone.

Symptomatic : Fampridine.

Synergist: Hydrochloride.

Thyroid hormone : Sodium; Liothyronine Sodium; and Liotrix.

Thyroid inhibitor: Methimazole; and Propylthiouracil.

Thyromimetic : Thyromedan Hydrochloride. Tranquilizer : ; Hydrochloride; Chlordiazepoxide; ; ; Dipotassium; Clorazepate Monopotassium; ; ; Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; Hydroxyphenamate; Hydrochloride; Hydroxyzine Pamoate; ; ; Lorzafone; ; Loxapine Succinate; Hydrochloride; ; ; ; ; ; ; Rolipram; ; Taciamine Hydrochloride; ; ; ; and .

Unstable angina agents: Hydrochloride.

Uricosuric : ; Irtemazole; Probenecid; .

Vasoconstrictor : Angiotensin Amide; Felypressin; ; and Methysergide Maleate.

Vasodilator : Alprostadil; Azaclorzine Hydrochloride; Bamethan Sulfate; Hydrochloride; Buterizine; Cetiedil Citrate; Chromonar Hydrochloride; Clonitrate; ; Droprenilamine; Erythrityl Tetranitrate; ; Hydrochloride; ; ; Niacinate; Iproxamine Hydrochloride; ; ; Hydrochloride; ; Mefenidil; Mefenidil Fumarate; Dihydrochloride; Mioflazine Hydrochloride; Mixidine; Nafronyl Oxalate; Hydrochloride; ; ; Nicotinyl Alcohol; ; ; Oxfenicine; Hydrochloride; Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate; ; Pentrinitrol; Maleate; ; Pirsidomine; Prenylamine; Propatyl Nitrate; Suloctidil; Hydrochloride; Tipropidil Hydrochloride; Hydrochloride; and Xanthinol Niacinate.

Vulnerary : Allantoin.

Wound healing agent: Ersofermin.

Xanthine oxidase inhibitor: ; and Oxypurinol.

Other pharmaceutical agents include: 16-Alpha Fluoroestradiol; 16Alpha-Gitoxin; 16- Eplestriol; 17Alpha Estradiol; 17Beta Estradiol; lAlpha-Hydroxyvitamin D2; 1- Decpyrrolidinone; 1-Dodecpyrrolidinone; 22-Oxacalcitriol; 2CW; 2'-Nor-cGMP; 3-Isobutyl GABA; 6-FUDCA; 7-Methoxytacrine; Abacavir Sulfate; ; Abecarnil; Acadesine; ; Acebutolol Hydrochloride; ; Acetomepregenol; Acetrizoate Sodium; Acetylcysteine, N-; Acetyldigitoxin; Acetyl-L-carnitine; ; Acipimox; Acitemate; Aclatonium; Aconiazide; Acrivastinet; ; Adatanserin; Adefovir Dipivoxil; Adelmidrol; Ademetionine; Adiposin; Adrafmil; Alacepril; Aladapcin; Alaptide; Alatrofloxacin Mesylate; Albolabrin; Albumin Chromated Cr-51 Serum; Albumin Human; Albumin Iodinated 1-125 Serum; Albumin Iodinated 1-131 Serum; Aldecalmycin; Alendronic Acid; Alentemol; Alfacalcidol; Alfuzosin; Alglucerase; Alinastine; ; Alkavervir; Allopurinol Sodium; Malate; Alosetron; Alpha Idosone; Alpha-Tocopherol; Alpha-Tocopherol Acetate; ; Altromycin B; Amantadine-HCI; Ambenonium Chloride; ; Amezinium Metilsulfate; Amfebutamone; Amifloxacin; Aminolevulinic Acid Hydrochloride; Aminosalicylic Acid Resin Complex; Amiodarone Hydrochloride; ; Amlodipine; Ammonium Lactate; Amphetamine Adipate; Amphetamine Aspartate; Amphetamine Resin Complex; ; Amprenavir; ; Amythiamicin; Ananain; Anaritide; Anileridine Phosphate; ; ; Apadoline; Apafant; Apraclonidine; ; Aprosulate Sodium; Aprotinin Bovine; ;

Aranidipine; Arbekacin; Arbidol; Arbutamine; Arecatannin B 1; ; Aripiprazol; ; ; Hydrochloride; Ascorbic Acid; ; Aspalatone; Asperfuran; Aspoxicillin; Atazanavir Sulfate; Atenolol, S-; Atevirdine; Hydrochloride; Atpenin B; Atrinositol; Aureobasidin A; ; Azadirachtine; Azelaic Acid; Azelastine; ; Azimilide; Azithromycin Dihydrate; Aztreonwn; Baccatin III; Bacoside A; Bacoside B; Bactobolamine; Balazipone; Balhimycin; Balofloxacin; Balsalazide; ; Baohuoside 1; ; Batebulast; Beauvericin; Becaplermin; Becliconazole; Beclomethasone Dipropionate Monohydrate; ; Bellenamine; Benflumetol; ; Bentoquatam; Benzisoxazole; Benzoidazoxan; Benzoyl Peroxide; Hydrochloride; Benzquinamide Hydrochloride; Benztropine; Benzyl Benzoate; Benzyl Penicilloyl-Polylysine; Bepridil; Beractant; ; Berlafenone; Bertosamil; Besipirdine; Beta-Carotene; Betaine, Anhydrous; Betamipron; Betaxolol; Hydrochloride; Bevantolol; ; ; ; ; Bimithil; Binospirone; Biotin; Bioxalomycin Alpha2; Biriperone; Bisaramil; Bisaziridinylsperrnine; Bis- A; Bis-Benzimidazole B; Bismuth Subsalicylate; Bistramide D; Bistramide K; Boldine; ; ; Brefeldin; Brimonidine; Brinzolamide; Bromfenac; Bucindolol; ; ; Butenaf ϊ ne; Hydrochloride; Propionate; ; ; Calanolide A; Calcitonin Human; Calcitonin, Salmon; Calcium; Calcium Acetate; Calcium Gluceptate; Calcium Metrizoate; Calfactant; Camonagrel; Candesartan; Candesartan Cilexetil; Candoxatrilat; Capromab; ; Carbarnazepine; Carbazomycin C; Carbetocin; Carbidopa/Levodopa; Carbovir; Carboxymethylated Beta- 1,3- Glucan; Carperitide; Carteolol; Carumonam; Carvotroline; Acetate; Cebaracetam; Cefadroxil/Cefadroxil Hemihydrate; Cefcapene Pivoxil; Cefdaloxime Pentexil Tosilate; Cefditoren Pivoxil; Cefepime Hydrochloride (Arginine Formulation); Cefetamet; Cefetamet Pivoxil; Cefffietazole; Cefluprenam; Cefminox; Cefodizime; Cefoselis; Cefotiam; Cefotiam Hexetil; Cefozopran; Cefpirome; Cefsulodin; Ceftazidime (Arginine Formulation); Ceftazidime Sodium; Cefteram; Ceftibuten Dihydrate; Ceftriaxone; Celastrol; Celecoxib; Celikalim; Celiprolol; Cellulose Sodium Phosphate; Cepacidine A; ; Cerivastatin; Cerivastatin Sodium; Certoparin Sodium; Cetiedil; Cetirizine; Cetyl Alcohol; Hydrochloride; , Hg- 197; ; Chloroorienticin A; Chloroorienticin B; Cholecalciferol; Cholestyramine; Choriogonadotropin Alfa; Chromic Phosphate, P-32; Chymopapain; ; Cibenzoline; ; Cicloprolol; ; ; Cilobradine; ; Cimetropiurn Bromide; ; ; Ciprostene; Cisapride Monohydrate; Cisatracurium, Besilate; Cistinexine; Citalopram; Citalopram Hydrobromide; ; Citreamicin Alpha; Clausenamide; Clidinium Bromide; Clinafloxacin; ; ; Clopidogrel Bisulfate; Cobalt Chloride, Co-57; Cobalt Chloride, Co-60; Colesevelam Hydrochloride; Colestimide; ; Complestatin; Contignasterol; Contortrostatin; Corticotropin-Zinc Hydroxide; Cosalane; Costatolide; Cotinine; Cournermycin AI; Cryptenamine ; Cryptenamine Tannates; Cucumariosid; Curdlan Sulfate; Curiosin; Cyanocobalamin; Cyanocobalamin, Co-57; Cyanocobalamin, Co-58; Cyanocobalamin, Co-60; Cyclazosin; Cyclic HPMPC; Cyclobenzaprine; Cyclobut A; Cyclobut G; Cyclocapron; Cyclosin; Cyclothialidine; ; Hydrochloride; Cyproterone; Cysteamine Bitartrate; Cytochalasin B; Dactimicin; ; ; Danaparoid; Daphnodorin A; Dapiprazole; Dapitant; ; Darlucin A; Darsidomine; Daunorubicin Citrate; DdUTP; Bromide; Deferiprone; Deferoxamine Mesylate; Dehydrodidemnin B; Delapril; Delequarnine; Delfaprazine; Delmopinol; Delphinidin; Deoxypyridinoline; ; Depsidomycinderamciclane; ; ; Desirudin; ; Desmopressin; Desoxoamiodarone; Desoxyribonuclease; Detajrniurn Bitartrate; ; ; Hydrochloride; Dexrazoxane Hydrochloride; Dexsotalol; Dextrin 2-Sulphate; Dextroamphetamine Adipate; Dextroamphetamine Resin Complex; Dextroamphetamine Saccharate; Dextrose; Diclofenac Digolil; Dicranin; ; Diethylhomospennine; Diethylnorspermine; Difenoxin Hydrochloride; ; Diltiazeim; Dimethyl Prostaglandin Al; Dimethylhomo ; Dimiracetarn; Dimyristoyl ; Diphemanil Methylsulfate; Diphencyprone; Hydrochloride; ; Dipropylnorspermine; Discodermolide; Divalproex; Docaφ arnine; Docosanol, 1-; Dolasetron Mesylate Monohydrate; Domitroban; Hydrochloride; Dorzolamide; Dosmalfate; ; Doxazosin; Doxercalciferol; Draculin; Drosperidone; ; Acephyllinate; ; ; Ebiratide; ; Ecabapide; Ecabet; Ecdisteron; Echicetin; Echistatin; Ecteinascidin 722; Ecteinascidin 729; Ecteinascidin 743; Edaravone; Edetate Calcium Disodium; Edetate Disodium; Edobacomab; Edrecolornab; ; Efegatran; ; Egualen; Elcatonin; ; Eletriptan Hydrobromide; Elgodipine; ; Eltenac; Emakalim; ; Emedastine Difumarate; Emiglitate; Emoctakin; Emtricitabine; Enalapril; Enazadrem; Enfuvirtide; Englitazone; ; Enterostatin; ; Epoxymexrenone; Eptastigmine; ; ; Ergocalciferol; ; Ertapenem Sodium; Erythritol; Oxalate; Magnesium; Estazolam; ; ; Etanterol; Ethacizin; Ethchlorvynol; ; Ethinyl estradiol; Ethoxzolamide; Etidocaine Hydrochloride; ; Etrabamine; Eveminomicin; Examorelin; Ezetimibe; Faerieftmgin; ; Famciclovir; Faropenem; Fasidotril; ; ; Felbarnate; Fenofibrate; Fenoldopam; Fenspiride; Fentanyl; Fenticonazole; Fepradinol; Ferpifosate Sodium; Ferristene; Ferrixan; Ferrous Citrate, Fe-59; Fexofenadine Hydrochloride; Fibrinogen, 1-125; ; Flecainide; Flerobuterol; ; Flezelastine; Flobufen; Flomoxef; Florfenicol; Florifenine; Flornastat; Flosatidil; Fludeoxyglucose, F-1 8; Flumecinol; Flunarizine; Fluocalcitriol; Fluoxetine, R-; Fluoxetine, S-; Fluparoxan; Flupirtine; Flurbiprofen Axetil; Flurithromycin; ; ; Fluvastatin; Fluvoxamine; Folic Acid; Follitropin Alfa; Follitropin Alfa/Beta; Fomivirsen Sodium; Sodium; Forasartan; ; Formoterol Fumarate; Formoterol, R,R-; Fosinopril; Fosphenytoin; Succinate; ; Furosernide; Gadobenic Acid; Gadobutrol; Gadodiamide-EOB-DTPA; Gadopentetate Dimeglumine; Gadoteric Acid; ; Galantamine Hydrobromide; Galdansetron; ; Gamolenic Acid; Gatifloxacin; Gefitinib; Gemifloxacin Mesylate; Gemtuzumab Ozogamicin; Gepirone; ; Glaspimod; Glatiramer Acetate; Glaucocalyxin A; Glucagon Hydrochloride; Glucagon Hydrochloride Recombinant; Glucagon Recombinant; Gluconolactone; Glutapyrone; ; Glycopine; Glycopril; Goserelin Acetate; Grepafloxacin; Grepafloxacin Hydrochloride; ; Hydrochloride; Halichondrin B; Halofantrine; Halomon; Haloperidol Lactate; Halopredone; Hatomarubigin C; Hatornambigin D; Hatornamicin; Hatomarubigin A; Hatomarubigin B; Calcium; Heparin Sodium; Methylsulfate; Hydrochloride; Histrelin Acetate; Hyaluronidase; Hydrochloride; ; Hydrocortisone Probutate; Hydroquinone; ; Hydroxypropyl Cellulose; Hydroxystilbamidine Isethionate; Ibandronate Sodium; ; ; Ibuprofen Potassium; Icodextrin; Illimaquinone; ; Mesylate; Imidapril; ; Imiglucerase; Imipramine Pamoate; Inamrinone Lactate; Indapamide; ; Indinavir Sulfate; Indium In-1 11 Oxyquinoline; Indium In-I l l Pentetate Disodium; Indium In-1 11 Pentetreotide Kit; ; Indometacin Farnesil; Indomethacin Sodium; Inocoterone; ; Inolimomab; ; Insulin Aspart Protamine; ; Insulin Lispro Protamine; Interferon Alfa; Interferon Alfa-NI; Interferon Beta; Interferon Beta-lal; Interferon Gamma- 1A; Interferon Gamma- 1B; Interferon Omega; Interferon, Consensus; Interieukin-3;

Interleukin- 1; Interleukin- I Beta; Interleukin-10; Interleukin-1 1; Interleukin-12; Interleukin- 15; Interleukin-2; Interleukin-4; Interleukin-5; Interleukin-7; Interleukin-8; Interleukinl Alpha; Intrinsic Factor; ; Invert Sugar; Iobenguane Sulfate I 131; Iobitridol; Iodamide Meglumine; Iodipamide Sodium; Iodoamiloride; Iodohippurate Sodium, 1-123; Iodohippurate Sodium, 1-131; Iofetamine Hydrochloride 1-123; Iofratol; Iopromide; Iopyrol; Iorneprol; Iothalamate Sodium, 1-125; Iotriside; Ioxaglate Sodium; Ipazilide; Ipenoxazone; Ipidacrine; Ipomeanol, 4; Ipriflavone; Ipsapirone; Irbesartan; Irloxacin; Iron Dextran; Iron Sucrose; Irternazole; Isalsteine; Isbogrel; Iseparnicin; Isofloxythepin; Isopropyl ; Itameline; ; Ketoprofen, R-; Ketoprofen, S-; Ketorolac; Lactitol; Lactivicin; Lactulose; Laennec; ; Lanoconazole; ; Larnifiban; Lamotrigine; ; Lateritin; Laurocapram; ; Lemefloxacin; Leminoprazole; Lenercept; ; ; ; ; Lemildipine; ; Letrazuril; Leucomyzin; Levalbuterol Hydrochloride; Tartrate; Levamisole Hydrochloride; ; Levobetaxolol; Levobunolol; ; Levobupivacaine Hydrochloride; Levocabastine; Levocarnitine; ; Levofloxacin; Levopropoxyphene Napsylate, Anhydrous; ; Levornoprolol; ; ; Lindane; ; Linotroban; Linsidornine; Lintitript; Lintopride; Lipase; Lirexapride; Carbonate; ; Lodoxamide; ; ; Lopinavir; ; Losartan; Losigamone; Loteprednol; Loviride; Loxapine Hydrochloride; LpdR; ; Lutetium; Luzindole; Lydicamycin; Lysostaphin; Magainin 2 Arnide; Magnesium Acetate; Magnesium Acetate Tetrahydrate; Magnolol; Malathion; Mallotochromene; Mallotojaponin; Mangafodipir; Mangafodipir Trisodium; ; Maniwamycin A; Mannitol; Manurnycin

E; Manurnycin F; Mapinastine; Martek 8708; Martek 9221 1; Massetolide; Meglumine Metrizoate; Meloxicam; Melphalan Hydrochloride; Menadiol Sodium Diphosphate; Menadione; ; Mequinol; Sodium; ; Metformin Hydrochloride; Bromide; Metharbital; Hydrochloride; Methoxatone; Methoxsalen; Methscopolamine Bromide; Methyclothiazide; Methyldopa; Methylhistamine, R-; Methylinosine Monophosphate; Methylprednisolone Aceponate; ; Metiparnide; Metipranolol Hydrochloride; Metolazone; Metoprolol Fumarate; Metoprolol, S-; Metoprotol Tartrate; Metrifonate; Metrizoate Magnesium; Metrizoic Acid; Mezlocillin Sodium Monohydrate; Michellarnine B; Microcolin A; Midodrine; Miglustat; Milacemide; Milarneline; Mildronate; ; Milrinone Lactate; Miokarnycin; Mipragoside; Mirfentanil; ; Mixanpril; ; Mizoribine; Moexipril; Moexipril Hydrochloride; ; Mometasone; Mometasone Furoate Monohydrate; Monobenzone; Montirelin; ; Moricizine Hydrochloride; ; ; Motilide; Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride; Moxiraprine; ; Mupirocin; Mupirocin Calcium; Mycophenolate Mofetil Hydrochloride; Nadifloxacin; ; ; Nafamostat; ; Naglivan; Nalmefene Hydrochloride; Naltrexone Hydrochloride; Napadisilate; Napsagatran; Naratriptan; Nasaruplase; ; Nateplasel; Nelfϊnavir Mesylate; ; Niacinamide; ; Nicotine Polacrilex; ; ; Nisin; Nitazoxanide; ; Nitisinone; Nitrendipine, S-; Nitrofurantoin Monohydrate; Nitrofurantoin Sodium; Nitrofurantoin, Macrocrystalline; Nitrofurazone; Nitroglycerin; Nonoxynol-9; ; Octyl Methoxycinnamate; Olmesartan Medoxomil; ; Olopatadine Hydrochloride; Olprinone; Olsalazine; Omeprazole Magnesium; Ondansetron, R-; Oral Hypoglyceremics; Orphenadrine Hydrochloride; Phosphate; ; Oxamisole; Oxaprozin Potassium; ; Oxiconazole; ; ; Oxybenzone; Oxybutynin; Hydrochloride; ; ; Palauarnine; Palinavir; Hydrochloride; Pamaparin Sodium; ; Pancrelipase; Panipenem; Panipenum; Pannorin; Panornifene; Pantethine; Pantoprazole Sodium; ; ; Paricalcitol; Parnaqueside; Parnicogrel; Paroxetine Hydrochloride; Paroxetine Mesylate; ; Pazufloxacin; Pegademase Bovine; Pegvisomant; Pemirolast; Pemirolast Potassium; Penciclovir Sodium; ; Pentafuside; ; ; Pentamidine Isethionate; Pentetate Calcium Trisodium Yb- 169; Pentigetide; Tartrate; Pentosan; Perflexane; Perfluoropolymethylisopropyl Ether; Perflutren; ; Pergolide Mesylate; Perindoprilat; Pernedolac; ; ; ; Maleate; Hydrochloride; PhenotoxifVline; Phenserine; Phensuccinal; Phentermine Resin Complex; Phentolamine Mesilate; Phenylalanyl Ketoconazole; Phenylephrine Bitartrate; Phenytoin Sodium, Extended; Phenytoin Sodium, Prompt; ; Phytonadione; Picenadol; Picroliv; Picumeterol; Pidotimod; ; Pimagedine; Pimecrolimus; Pimilprost; Pinocebrin; Pioglitazone; Piperonyl Butoxide; ; Pirmenol; Pirodornast; ; Polyethylene Glycol 3350; Polytetrafluoroethylene; Poractant Alfa; Potassium Chloride; Dihydrochloride; Praziquantel; Prazosin; Prilocaine; Procaine Merethoxylline; Proguanil Hydrochloride; Propagermanium; ; Propiolactone; Propiomazine Hydrochloride; Propionylcamitine, L-; Propiram; Propiram + ; ; Prostratin; Protegrin; Protein Hydrolysate; Hydrochloride; Protosufloxacin; Prulifloxacin; Pyrethrins; Pyridoxine; Pyridoxine Hydrochloride; Quazeparn; ; Quetiapine Fumarate; Quiflapon; ; Quinapril; ; Quinidine Polygalacturonate; Raloxifene; ; Ranelic Acid; Ranolazine; ; Recainarn; Regavirumab; ; ; Resinferatoxin; Reticulon; ; Revizinone; Riboflavin; Riboflavin Phosphate Sodium; ; Rilopirox; Rimantadine; Rimexolone; Rimoprogin; ; Ripisartan; Risedronic Acid; Rispenzepine; Ritipenem Acoxil; Ritipenern; ; Rivastigmine Tartrate; Benzoate; Rnibefradil; Rnivacurium Chloride; Rofecoxib; Rokitamycin; Ropinirole; ; Ropivacaine Hydrochloride Monohydrate; Roquinirnex; Sodium, 1-131; Rosiglitazone Maleate; Roxatidine; ; Rb-82; Rufloxacin; Rupatidine; Ruzadolane; Sacrosidase; Safflower Oil; Safironil; Salbutarnol, R-; Salnacedin, R-; Samarium Sm 153 Lexidronam Pentasodium; Sanfetrinem; Saprisartan; Sapropterin; Saquinavir; Sarcophytol A Sargramostim; Sarneridine; Sarnpatrilat; Saφ ogrelate; ; Saterinone; Satigrel; Satumomab Pendetide; Scopolamine; ; Selenomethionine, Se-75; Sematilide; Sermorelin; Sernotiadil; ; Sertraline; Sertraline-HCI; ; Sevelamer Hydrochloride; Sevirurnab; Sezolamide; Citrate; Silipide; Silteplase; Silver Sulfadiazine; Simendan; Simethicone; Simethicone-Cellulose; Sinitrodil; Sinnabidol; Sipatrigine; Simvastatin; Somatomedin C; Somatropin Recombinant; ; Somatomedin B; Somatrem; Somatropin; Sotalol; Staurosporine; ; Stobadine; Strontium Chloride, Sr-89; Succibun; Sulfanilamide; Sulfaphenazole; Sulfapyridine; Sulfoxamine; Sulfoxone Sodium; Sulfur; Sultarnicillin; ; Sumatriptan; Sutilains; Symakalim; ; Tandospirone; Tannic Acid; Tapgen; Taprostene; Tartaric Acid; Tazanolast; Maleate; ; Telmesteine; ; Temocapril; Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate; Tenosal; Tepirindole; Terazosin; Terbinafine Hydrochloride; Terflavoxate; ; Terlipressin; Terodiline; ; Testosterone Bucielate; Thallous Chloride, Tl-201; Thiamine; Thiamine Hydrochloride; Thiofedrine; Thiomarinol; ; Thiosemicarbazone; ; Thyroglobulin; Thyrotropin; Thyrotropin Alfa; Tiagabine; Tiagabine Hydrochloride; ; Tiapafant; Ticlopidine; ; ; Tilnoprofen Arbamel; Tiludronic Acid; ; ; Tirandalydigin; Tirilazad; Tirofϊban; ; Tocopherol Acetate; Tartrate; ; Trafennin; Trandolapril; Sulfate; ; Traxanox; Trazodone-HCI; Sodium; Tretinoin Tocoferil; Triarntevene; Tricaprilin; Trichohyalin; Trichosanthin, Alpha; ; Chloride; Trientine; Trientine Hydrochloride; Triflavin; ; Trimethoprim Hydrochloride; Trioxsalen; Triptorelin Pamoate; Trolamine Polypeptide Oleate Condensate; Trombodipine; Trometamol; Tromethamine; Tropine Ester; Trospectomycin; Trovafloxacin; Trovafloxacin Mesylate; Trovirdine; Tucaresol; ; Tylogenin; ; Undecoylium Chloride; Undecoylium Chloride Iodine Complex; Unoprostone Isopropyl; ; Urea, C-13; Urea, C-14; Triphosphate; Valaciclovir; Valdecoxib; Valganciclovir Hydrochloride; Valproate Magnesium; Valproate Semisodium; ; Valsartan; Vamicamide; Vanadeine; Vaninolol; Vasopressin Tannate; Venlafaxine; Verapamil, (S); Veratrum Viride; Veroxan; Vexibinol; Vinbumine Citrate; Resinate; Vinconate; Vinpocetine; Vinpocetine Citrate; Vintoperol; Viomycin Sulfate; Vitamin A; Vitamin A Palmitate; Vitamin E; Vitamin K; ; Voxergolide; Warfarin Potassium; Xemilofiban; Ximoprofen; Yangarnbin; Zabicipril; Zacopride; Zacopride, R-; ; Zalospirone; ; ; Zanarnivir; Zankiren; Zatebradine; Zatosetron; Zenarestat; Zinostatin Stimalamer; Ziprasidone; Ziprasidone Mesylate; Zoledronic Acid; ; Zolpidem; ; Zopiclone, S-; Zopolrestat; and .

Still other examples of pharmaceuticals are listed in 2000 MedAd News 19:56-60 and The Physicians Desk Reference, 53rd. Edition, pages 792-796, Medical Economics Company (1999).

In an alternative embodiment the present invention provides a transdermal formulation comprising a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) having a flux of at least about 2 µg/cm 2-hr as determined by the Franz cell procedure. In a further embodiment the transdermal formulation has a flux of at least about 3 µg/cm2-hr as determined by the Franz cell procedure. In yet a further embodiment the transdermal formulation has a flux of at least about 4 µg/cm 2-hr as determined by the Franz cell procedure. In a preferred embodiment the transdermal formulation has a flux of at least about 5 µg/cm2-hr as determined by the Franz cell procedure. The Franz cell procedure includes the use of human cadaver skin.

In an alternative embodiment the present invention provides a transdermal formulation comprising a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) having a flux in the range of from about 2 to about 5 µg/cm2-hr as determined by the Franz cell procedure. Examples of NSAIDs that may be used in the transdermal formulation are described above.

The transdermal formulation described above having a flux of at least about 2 µg/cm2-hr as determined by the Franz cell procedure may further comprise (i) a first compound selected from organic sulfoxides, and (ii) a second compound selected from the group consisting of a fatty acid ester, a fatty acid, an azone-related compound and mixtures thereof. Examples of organic sulfoxides, fatty acid esters, fatty acids and azone-related compounds that may be used are described above. In addition, the weight ratio of the first compound to the second compound may be in the range of from about 50:1 to about 10:1, as described above. Preferably the weight ratio of the first compound to the second compound is in the range of from about 10:1 to about 20:1. More preferably the weight ratio of the first compound to the second compound is in the range of from about 5:1 to about 20:1 The transdermal formulations described herein may also include one or more pharmaceutically acceptable carriers/excipients. Suitable carriers/excipients that may be used in the transdermal formulations discussed herein are known in the art and include, but are not limited to, solubilizers such as C2 to C straight and branched chain , diols and triols, moisturizers and humectants such as glycerine, amino acids and amino acid derivatives, polyaminoacids and derivatives, pyrrolidone carboxylic acids and its salts and derivatives, surfactants such as sodium laureth sulfate, sorbitan monolaurate, emulsifiers such as cetyl alcohol, stearyl alcohol, thickeners such as methyl cellulose, ethyl cellulose, hydroxymethylcellulose, hydroxypropylcellulose, polyvinylpyrollidone, polyvinyl alcohol and acrylic .

The penetration enhancing effect may be measured using techniques known in the art. An example of one measurement method is described in the examples below.

In a preferred embodiment of the invention, the transdermal formulation includes DMSO and oleic acid wherein the weight ratio of the DMSO to oleic acid is in the range described above.

In an alternative embodiment of the invention, the transdermal formulation includes DMSO and azone wherein the weight ratio of the DMSO to azone is in the range described above.

Preferably, the transdermal formulation includes at least one active agent. Examples of suitable active agents are described above. Preferably, the at least one active agent comprises a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). Examples of suitable NSAIDs that may be used in the present transdermal formulation are described above. For example the formulation described above may include diclofenac, and particularly diclofenac sodium, as the at least one active agent.

One embodiment of the transdermal formulation preferably comprises up to about 45% DMSO by weight of the formulation, about 5% oleic acid by weight of the formulation and diclofenac sodium as the active agent - it will be understood that the balance of the formulation may additionally comprise at least one pharmaceutically acceptable carrier/excipient. For example, the formulation may also include at least one of ethanol, propylene glycol, polyethylene glycol 300 and at least one moisturizer.

The transdermal formulation described above may also include propylene glycol. The propylene glycol may be present in the formulation between about 1% to about 25% w/w. Additionally the transdermal formulation may also include ethanol and/or polyethylene glycol 300. The ethanol may be present in the formulation between about 1% to about 25% w/w. The polyethylene glycol 300 may be present in the range of between about 1% to about 80% w/w. In addition the transdermal formulation may include at least one moisturizer/humectant.

In a further embodiment the formulation comprises up to about 45% DMSO by weight of the formulation, about 10% oleic acid by weight of the formulation and diclofenac sodium - it will be understood that the balance of the formulation may additionally comprise at least one pharmaceutically acceptable carrier/excipient, as described above.

In an alternative embodiment the transdermal formulation preferably comprises about 45% DMSO by weight of the formulation, about 5% azone by weight of the formulation and diclofenac sodium. It will be understood that the formulation may additionally comprise at least one pharmaceutically acceptable carrier/excipient. For example, the formulation may also include at least one of ethanol, propylene glycol, polyethylene glycol 300 and at least one moisturizer.

The transdermal formulation described above may also include propylene glycol. The propylene glycol may be present in the formulation between about 1% to about 25% w/w. Additionally the transdermal formulation may also include ethanol and/or polyethylene glycol 300. The ethanol may be present in the formulation between about 1% to about 25% w/w. The polyethylene glycol 300 may be present in the range of between about 1% to about 80% w/w. In addition the transdermal formulation may include at least one moisturizer/humectant.

In a further embodiment the formulation comprises about 45% DMSO by weight of the formulation, about 2% azone by weight of the formulation and diclofenac sodium. It will be understood that the formulation may additionally comprise at least one pharmaceutically acceptable carrier/excipient, as described above.

In a further embodiment the formulation comprises about 30% DMSO by weight of the formulation, about 5% azone by weight of the formulation and diclofenac sodium. It will be understood that the formulation may additionally comprise at least one pharmaceutically acceptable carrier/excipient, as described above. In one embodiment of the present invention the transdermal formulation includes at least one active agent, DMSO, azone, ethanol, propylene glycol, polyethylene glycol 300 and a moisturizer. In particular the formulation comprises:

(i) between about 25% to about 90% w/w DMSO;

(ii) between about 1% to about 10% w/w azone;

(iii) between about 1% to about 25% w/w ethanol;

(iv) between about 1% to about 25% w/w propylene glycol;

(v) between about 1% to about 80% w/w polyethylene glycol 300;

(vi) at least one moisturizer; and

(vii) at least one active agent.

In a further embodiment, the formulation comprises:

(viii) between about 30% to about 45% w/w DMSO ;

(ix) between about 2% to about 5% w/w azone;

(x) between about 1% to about 25% w/w ethanol;

(xi) between about 1% to about 25% w/w propylene glycol;

(xii) between about 1% to about 80% w/w polyethylene glycol 300;

(xiii) at least one moisturizer; and

(xiv) at least one active agent.

In an alternative embodiment of the present invention the transdermal formulation includes at least one active agent, DMSO, oleic acid, ethanol, propylene glycol, polyethylene glycol 300 and a moisturizer. In particular the formulation comprises:

(i) between about 25% to about 90% w/w DMSO;

(ii) between about 1% to about 10% w/w oleic acid;

(iii) between about 1% to about 25% w/w ethanol;

(iv) between about 1% to about 25% w/w propylene glycol; (v) between about 1% to about 80% w/w polyethylene glycol 300;

(vi) at least one moisturizer; and

(vii) at least one active agent.

In a further embodiment, the formulation comprises:

(viii) between about 30% to about 45% w/w DMSO ;

(ix) between about 5% to about 10% w/w oleic acid;

(x) between about 1% to about 25% w/w ethanol;

(xi) between about 1% to about 25% w/w propylene glycol;

(xii) between about 1% to about 80% w/w polyethylene glycol 300;

(χ iϋ) t least one moisturizer; and

(xiv) at least one active agent.

The present invention provides an improved transdermal formulation for the delivery of at least one active agent into systemic circulation. The improvement being an enhanced permeation effect provided by the formulation and the combination of DMSO and at least one of azone and oleic acid. This enhanced effect is discussed further below and shown in the examples provided and the accompanying Figue 1.

The following examples provide a comparison of a new improved transdermal formulation, according to the present invention, comprising diclofenac sodium as the active ingredient compared with Pennsaid® a transdermal formulation manufactured by Nuvo Research Inc. (previously Dimethaid Research Inc.) and including diclofenac sodium as the active agent.



Porcine skin: Lampire Biological Laboratory, Pipersville PA

Formulations: 4formulations, details provided below

HPLC Models used: Agilent 1100 with auto sampler HPLC : HPLC grade Acetonitrile HPLC grade Phosphoric acid HPLC grade

HPLC Column: Reverse Phase Ci8

The formulations listed in Table 1 were prepared. As will be apparent from Table 1, Control 1 contained no oleic acid and Controls 2/3 contained no DMSO. Accordingly, Control 1, Control 2 and Control 3 are provided for comparative purposes only and are not encompassed by the present invention.

Table 1

Each of the formulations in Table 1 was tested for permeation through porcine skin using the Franz cell method, discussed below.

Thus, Franz cells with a 5 ml receptor well volume were used in conjunction with full- thickness porcine skin harvested at Perry Scientific. The porcine skin was shaved free of hair, washed with water and subcutaneous was removed. The donor well had an area of ~ 0.5 cm . Receptor wells were filled with isotonic phosphate buffered saline doped with 0.01% sodium azide. The flanges of the Franz cell were coated with vacuum grease to ensure a complete seal and were clamped together with uniform pressure using a pinch clamp (SS #18 VWR 80073-350). After Franz cells were assembled, the porcine skin was allowed to pre- hydrate for 45 minutes with PBS. PBS was then removed and 200 µl of the formulation was applied to the donor well. Receptor wells of the Franz cells were maintained at 37°C (temperature on the surface of the skin is ~30°C) in a stirring block with continual agitation via a stir bar. The flux rates were calculated by assuming a radius of 0.4cm in the donor well (i.e. an area of 0.503 cm ). The HPLC calibration curve for diclofenac was determined to have a slope of 115.6 AUC/(µg diclofenac/ml).

The results of this testing are reported in Table 2. Samples were drawn for from the receptor wells at t = 24hrs and t = 48 hrs for all formulations except Control 1. Samples were drawn for Control 1 from the receptor well at t = 48 hrs. Measurements were made in five-fold replicates.

Table 2

These results illustrate Formulation A had a flux that was synergistically improved with respect to the formulations of Control 1 and Control 2. Further, these results illustrate Formulation B had a flux that was synergistically improved with respect to the formulations of Control 1 and Control 3.



Human cadaver skin: Male US Tissue and Cell, Inc., # 06713, 06600, 07043

Formulations: Dimethaid, A-E

HPLC Models used: Hewlett Packard 1100

HPLC Solvents: Water HPLC grade, J.T.Baker Acetonitrile HPLC grade, Acros Glacial Acetic acid/Phosphoric acid Sigma-Aldrich

HPLC Column: Reverse Phase C8 As provided by Dimethaid

Permeation Measurements

The following formulations A through C were tested and compared to the controls. Pennsaid®, (formulation D) and a formulation containing azone with no DMSO (formulation E) were used as the controls. Table 3 provides a detailed composition of each of the formulations.

Table 3

The procedure used to measure permeation was the Franz cell procedure, as described in Franz, TJ, Percutaneous : on the relevance of data. J Invest derm 1975, 64; 190- 195. Vertical Franz cells (receptor volume 5.1 ml-PermeGear, Bethlehem, PA) were used with a donor area of 0.64 cm . The receptor of the cell contained isotonic phosphate buffered saline stirred at 600 rpm using a magnetic stirrer (PBS prepared by dissolving 1 tablet in 100 ml water). The samples were placed in the Franz diffusion cell and prehydrated for an hour before the experiment. In-vitro penetration using human cadaver skin (three donors) was carried out with Franz diffusion cells in triplicates for each formulation, three donors per formulation. In brief, 15 µl of each formulation was applied to the skin and spread with a glass rod. Air bubbles were removed at the beginning and after each sampling. Fresh PBS was substituted each time a 400 µl sample was withdrawn. Calculations accounted for these dilutions. Sampling times were as follows: Formulation A to C: 0,4,8,10,12,24,36

Formulation D: 0,8,10,12,22,24,26,36

Formulation E: 0,8,10,12,22,23,24,36

The applications were bid at 0 and 8 hr. The 8 hr sample was taken before the second application. Analysis by HPLC and subsequent calculations yielded penetration parameters, including flux (J) and enhancement ratio (ER).

Formulations A and B showed the highest enhancing effect with the least lag time for the permeation of diclofenac sodium compared with the controls, formulations D and E, as illustrated in Figures 1 and 2. Statistical analysis, using the student t test, showed no significant difference in flux and Q 4 between formulations A and B. A comparison of formulations A and

B to C, D and E showed both formulations A and B having a significantly higher flux and Q24 of diclofenac sodium.

Table 4 includes the data for formulations A through E, when ER=enhancement ratio=flux of formulation A/flux of formulation D, n=number of replicants and the values in the brackets are standard deviations.

Table 4



Human cadaver skin: Male US Tissue and Cell, Inc., # 06713, 06600, 07043 Formulations: Dimethaid, A-E

HPLC Models used: Hewlett Packard 1100

HPLC Solvents: Water HPLC grade, J T.Baker Acetonitrile HPLC grade, Acros Glacial Acetic acid/Phosphoric acid Sigma-Aldrich

HPLC Column: Reverse Phase C8 As provided by Dimethaid

Permeation Measurements

Table 5 provides a detailed composition of formulations 3A-3F that were tested using the procedure discussed below.

Table 5

The procedure used to measure permeation was the Franz cell procedure, discussed above. Franz cells with a 3ml receptor well volume were used in conjunction with split thickness cadaver skin (0.015" - 0.018" from AlIo Source). The donor well had an area of 0.5cm2. Receptor wells were filled with isotonic phosphate buffered saline doped with 0.01% sodium azide. The flanges of the Franz cells were coated with vacuum grease to ensure a complete seal and were clamped together with uniform pressure using a pinch clamp (SS #18 VWR 80073-350). After Franz cells were assembled, the skin was allowed to pre-hydrate for 45minutes with PBS. PBS was then removed and 200 µl of the formulation was applied to the donor well. Receptor wells of the Franz cells were maintained at 370C (temperature on the surface of the skin is ~ 3O0C) in a stirring dry block with continual agitation via a stir bar. Samples were drawn from the receptor wells at t = 24 hrs and t = 46 hrs. Measurements were made in five-fold replicates. Analysis of receptor fluid for diclofenac sodium was by HPLC.

The results of this testing are reported in Table 6. Samples were drawn from the receptor wells at t = 24hrs and t = 48 hrs. Measurements were made in five-fold replicates.

Table 6

The transdermal formulation according to the present invention may be applied to the skin by any means known in the art including, but not limited to, by an aerosol, spray, pump- pack, brush, swab, or other applicator. Preferably, the applicator provides either a fixed or variable metered dose application such as a metered dose aerosol, a stored-energy metered dose pump or a manual metered dose pump. Preferably the drug delivery system is applied to the skin of the human or animal covering a delivery surface area between about 10 and 800 cm2, more preferably between about 10 and 400 cm2, and most preferably about 10 and 200 cm2. The application is most preferably performed by means of a topical metered dose spray combined with an actuator nozzle shroud which together accurately control the amount and/or uniformity of the dose applied. One function of the shroud is to keep the nozzle at a pre¬ determined height above, and perpendicular to, the skin to which the drug delivery system is being applied. This function may also be achieved by means of a spacer-bar or the like. Another function of the shroud is to enclose the area above the skin in order to prevent or limit bounce-back and/or loss of the drug delivery system to the surrounding environment. Preferably the area of application defined by the shroud is substantially circular in shape.

The drug delivery system may be a unit volume dispenser with or without a roll-on or other type of applicator. It may also be necessary to apply a number of dosages on untreated skin to obtain the desired result.

While this invention has been described with reference to illustrative embodiments and examples, the description is not intended to be construed in a limiting sense. Thus, various modifications of the illustrative embodiments, as well as other embodiments of the invention, will be apparent to persons skilled in the art upon reference to this description. It is therefore contemplated that the appended claims will cover any such modifications or embodiments. Further, all of the claims are hereby incorporated by reference into the description of the preferred embodiments.

Any publications, patents and patent applications referred to herein are incorporated by reference in their entirety to the same extent as if each individual publication, patent or patent application was specifically and individually indicated to be incorporated by reference in its entirety. What is claimed is:

1. A transdermal formulation comprising: (i) a first compound selected from organic sulfoxides, and (ii) a second compound selected from the group consisting of a fatty acid ester, a fatty acid, an azone-related compound and mixtures thereof.

2. The transdermal formulation defined in Claim 1, wherein the first compound is selected from the group consisting of a dialkyl sulfoxide compound, a cyclic sulfoxide compound and mixtures thereof.

3. The transdermal formulation defined in Claim 1, wherein the first compound is selected from the group consisting of dimethyl sulfoxide, 1-methylpropyl methyl sulfoxide, 1,1- dimethylpropyl methyl sulfoxide, 1,1-dimethylethyl methyl sulfoxide, 1-methylbutyl methyl sulfoxide, 1,1-dimethylbutyl methyl sulfoxide, 1-ethylbutyl methyl sulfoxide, 1- propylpentyl methyl sulfoxide, trimethylene sulfoxide, 1-propyltrimethylene sulfoxide, 1-butyltrimethylene sulfoxide, thiophene oxide, methyl ethyl sulfoxide, methyl ethylene sulfoxide, 2-hydroxyundecyl methyl sulfoxide, iV-decylmethyl sulfoxide and mixtures thereof.

4. The transdermal formulation defined in Claim 1, wherein the first compound is selected from the group consisting of dimethyl sulfoxide, 2-hydroxyundecyl methyl sulfoxide, decylmethyl sulfoxide and mixtures thereof.

5. The transdermal formulation defined in Claim 1, wherein the first compound is dimethyl sulfoxide.

6. The transdermal formulation defined in any one of Claims 1-5, wherein the second compound is a fatty acid ester selected from the group consisting of butyl acetate, cetyl lactate, decyl «,«-dimethylamino acetate, decyl «,«-dimethylamino isopropionate, diethyleneglycol oleate, diethyl sebacate, diethyl succinate, diisopropyl sebacate, dodeyl «,n-dimethylamino acetate, dodecyl (n,n-dimethylamino)-butyrate, dodecyl n,n- dimethylamino isopropionate, dodecyl 2-(dimethylamino)proprionate, eo-5-oleyl ester, ethyl acetate, ethylaceto acetate, ethyl proprionate, glycerol monoethers, glycerol monolaurate, glycerol monooleate, glycerol monolinoleate, isopropyl isostearate, isopropyl linoleate, isopropyl myristate, isopropyl myristate/fatty acid monoglyceride combination, isopropyl myristate/ethanol/1-lactic acid combination, isopropyl palmitate, methyl acetate, methyl caprate, methyl laurate, methyl propionate, methyl valerate, 1- monocaproyl glycerol, monoglycerides (medium chain length), nicotinic esters(benzyl), octyl acetate, octyl n,n-dimethylamino acetate, oleyl oleate, n-pentyl n-acetylprolinate, propylene glycol monolaurate, sorbitan dilaurate, sorbitan dioleate, sorbitan monolaurate, sorbitan monooleates, sorbitan trilaurate, sorbitan trioleate, sucrose coconut fatty ester mixtures, sucrose monolaurate, sucrose monooleate, tetradecyl n,n- dimethylamino acetate and mixtures thereof.

7. The transdermal formulation defined in any one of Claims 1-5, wherein the second compound is a fatty acid selected from the group consisting of alkanoic acids, capric acid, diacid, ethyloctadecanoic acid, hexanoic acid, lactic acid, lauric acid, linoelaidic acid, linoleic aid, linolenic acid, neodecanoic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, pelargonic acid, propionic acid, vaccenic acid and mixtures thereof.

8. The transdermal formulation defined in any one of Claims 1-5, wherein the second compound is an azone-related compound selected from the group consisting of N-acyl- hexahydro-2-oxo-l H-azepines, N-alkyl-dihydro- 1,4-oxazepine-5,7-diones, N- alkymorpholine-2,3-diones, -alkylmorpholine-3,5-diones, azacycloalkane derivatives (-ketone, -thione), azacycloalkenone derivatives, l-[2-(decylthio)ethyl]azacyclopentan- 2-one, N-(2,2-dihydroxyethyl)dodecylamine, 1-dodecanoylhexahydro-l-H-azepine, 1- dodecyl azacycloheptan-2-one, N-dodecyl diethanolamine, N-dodecyl-hexahydro-2- thio- 1H-azepine, N-dodecyl-N-(2-methoxyethyl)acetamide, N-dodecyl-N-(2- methoxyethyl)isobutyramide, N-dodecyl-piperidine-2-thione, N-dodecyl-2- piperidinone, N-dodecyl pyrrolidine-3,5-dione, N-dodecyl pyrrolidine-2 -thione, N- dodecyl-2-pyrrolidone, 1-farnesylazacycloheptan-2-one, 1-farnesylazacyclopentan-2- one, 1-geranylazacycloheptan-2-one, l-geranylazacyclopentan-2-one, hexahydro-2- , oxo-azepine-1 -acetic acid esters, N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-pyrrolidone, 1- laurylazacycloheptane, 2-(l-nonyl)-l,3-dioxolane, l -N-octylazacyclopentan-2-one, N- (1-oxododecyl)-hexahydro- 1H-azepine, N-( 1-oxododecyl)-morpholines, 1- oxohydrocarbyl-substituted azacyclohexanes, N-(I -oxotetradecyl)-hexahydro-2-oxo- 1H-azepine, N-(1-thiododecyl)-morpholines and mixtures thereof. 9. The transdermal formulation defined in any one of Claims 1-5, wherein the second compound is selected from the group consisting of azone, oleic acid, dodecyl-2-(JV,iV- dimethylamino) propionate and mixtures thereof.

10. The transdermal formulation defined in any one of Claims 1-5, wherein the second compound is azone.

11. The transdermal formulation defined in Claims 1-5, wherein the second compound is oleic acid.

12. The transdermal formulation defined in any one of Claims 1-1 1, wherein the weight ratio of the first compound to the second compound is in the range of from about 50:1 to about 5:1.

13. The transdermal formulation defined in any one of Claims 1-1 1, wherein the weight ratio of the first compound to the second compound is in the range of from about 20:1 to about 5:1.

14. The transdermal formulation defined in any one of Claims 1-13, further comprising at least one therapeutically active agent.

15. The transdermal formulation defined in Claim 14, wherein the active agent is a non¬ steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAlD).

16. The transdermal formulation defined in Claim 15, wherein the NSAID is selected from the group consisting of diclofenac; diflunisal; fenoprofen; ibuprofen; indomethacin; meclofenamate; naproxen; oxyphenbutazone; phenylbutazone; piroxicam; sulindac; tolmetin; salicylates and zomepirac; ketoprofen, etodolac, flurbiprofen, mefenamic acid, meloxicam, nabumetone, oxaprozin, sunlidac and mixtures thereof.

17. A transdermal formulation comprising a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) and having a flux of at least about 2 µg/cm2-hr as determined by the Franz cell procedure. 18. A transdermal formulation comprising a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) and having a flux of at least about 3 µg/cm2 hr as determined by the Franz cell procedure.

19. A transdermal formulation comprising a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) and having a flux of at least about 4 µg/cm2-hr as determined by the Franz cell procedure.

20. A transdermal formulation comprising a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) and having a flux of at least about 5 µg/cm2-hr as determined by the Franz cell procedure.

2 1. A transdermal formulation comprising a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) and having a flux in the range of from about 2 to about 5 µg/cm2-hr as determined by the Franz cell procedure.

22. The transdermal formulation defined in any one of Claims 17-21, wherein the NSAID is selected from the group consisting of diclofenac; diflunisal; fenoprofen; ibuprofen; indomethacin; meclofenamate; naproxen; oxyphenbutazone; phenylbutazone; piroxicam; sulindac; tolmetin; salicylates and zomepirac; ketoprofen, etodolac, flurbiprofen, mefenamic acid, meloxicam, nabumetone, oxaprozin, sunlidac and mixtures thereof.

23. The transdermal formulation defined in any one of Claims 17-22, further comprising: (i) a first compound selected from organic sulfoxides, and (ii) a second compound selected from the group consisting of a fatty acid ester, a fatty acid, an azone-related compound and mixtures thereof.

24. The transdermal formulation defined in Claim 23, wherein the first compound is selected from the group consisting of a dialkyl sulfoxide compound, a cyclic sulfoxide compound and mixtures thereof.

25. The transdermal formulation defined in Claim 23, wherein the first compound is selected from the group consisting of dimethyl sulfoxide, 1-methylpropyl methyl sulfoxide, 1,1-dimethylpropyl methyl sulfoxide, 1,1-dimethylethyl methyl sulfoxide, 1- methylbutyl methyl sulfoxide, 1,1-dimethylbutyl methyl sulfoxide, 1-ethylbutyl methyl sulfoxide, 1-propylpentyl methyl sulfoxide, trimethylene sulfoxide, 1- propyltrimethylene sulfoxide, 1-butyltrimethylene sulfoxide, thiophene oxide, methyl ethyl sulfoxide, methyl ethylene sulfoxide, 2-hydroxyundecyl methyl sulfoxide, N- decylmethyl sulfoxide and mixtures thereof.

26. The transdermal formulation defined in Claim 23, wherein the first compound is selected from the group consisting of dimethyl sulfoxide, 2-hydroxyundecyl methyl sulfoxide, decylmethyl sulfoxide and mixtures thereof.

27. The transdermal formulation defined in Claim 23, wherein the first compound is dimethyl sulfoxide.

28. The transdermal formulation defined in any one of Claims 23-27, wherein the second compound is a fatty acid ester selected from the group consisting of butyl acetate, cetyl lactate, decyl «,«-dimethylamino acetate, decyl «,«-dimethylamino isopropionate, diethyleneglycol oleate, diethyl sebacate, diethyl succinate, diisopropyl sebacate, dodeyl «,«-dimethylamino acetate, dodecyl («,«-dimethylamino)-butyrate, dodecyl n,n- dimethylamino isopropionate, dodecyl 2-(dimethylamino)proprionate, eo-5-oleyl ester, ethyl acetate, ethylaceto acetate, ethyl proprionate, glycerol monoethers, glycerol monolaurate, glycerol monooleate, glycerol monolinoleate, isopropyl isostearate, isopropyl linoleate, isopropyl myristate, isopropyl myristate/fatty acid monoglyceride combination, isopropyl myristate/ethanol/1-lactic acid combination, isopropyl palmitate, methyl acetate, methyl caprate, methyl laurate, methyl propionate, methyl valerate, 1- monocaproyl glycerol, monoglycerides (medium chain length), nicotinic esters(benzyl), octyl acetate, octyl «,«-dimethylamino acetate, oleyl oleate, n-pentyl n-acetylprolinate, propylene glycol monolaurate, sorbitan dilaurate, sorbitan dioleate, sorbitan monolaurate, sorbitan monooleates, sorbitan trilaurate, sorbitan trioleate, sucrose coconut fatty ester mixtures, sucrose monolaurate, sucrose monooleate, tetradecyl n,n- dimethylamino acetate and mixtures thereof.

29. The transdermal formulation defined in any one of Claims 23-27 wherein the second compound is a fatty acid selected from the group consisting of alkanoic acids, capric acid, diacid, ethyloctadecanoic acid, hexanoic acid, lactic acid, lauric acid, linoelaidic acid, linoleic aid, linolenic acid, neodecanoic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, pelargonic acid, propionic acid, vaccenic acid and mixtures thereof.

30. The transdermal formulation defined in any one of Claims 23-27, wherein the second compound is an azone-related compound selected from the group consisting of N-acyl- hexahydro-2-oxo-lH-azepines, N-alkyl-dihydro-l,4-oxazepine-5,7-diones, N- alkymorpholine-2,3-diones, N-alkylmorpholine-3,5-diones, azacycloalkane derivatives (-ketone, -thione), azacycloalkenone derivatives, l-[2-(decylthio)ethyl]azacyclopentan- 2-one, N-(2,2-dihydroxyethyl)dodecylamine, 1-dodecanoylhexahydro-l-H-azepine, 1- dodecyl azacycloheptan-2-one, N-dodecyl diethanolamine, N-dodecyl-hexahydro-2- thio-lH-azepine, N-dodecyl-N-(2-methoxyethyl)acetamide, N-dodecyl -N-(2- methoxyethyl)isobutyramide, N-dodecyl-piperidine-2-thione, N-dodecyl-2- piperidinone, N-dodecyl pyrrolidine-3,5-dione, N-dodecyl pyrrolidine-2 -thione, N- dodecyl-2-pyrrolidone, 1-farnesylazacycloheptan-2-one, 1-farnesylazacyclopentan-2- one, l-geranylazacycloheptan-2-one, l-geranylazacyclopentan-2-one, hexahydro-2- oxo-azepine-1 -acetic acid esters, N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-pyrrolidone, 1- laurylazacycloheptane, 2-(l-nonyl)-l,3-dioxolane, 1-N-octylazacyclopentan-2-one, N- (1-oxododecyl)-hexahydro- 1H-azepine, N-(I -oxododecyl)-morpho lines, 1- oxohydrocarbyl-substituted azacyclohexanes, N-(I -oxotetradecyl)-hexahydro-2-oxo- 1H-azepine, N-(l-thiododecyl)-morpholines and mixtures thereof.

31. The transdermal formulation defined in any one of Claims 23-27, wherein the second compound is selected from the group consisting of azone, oleic acid, dodecyl-2-(N,N- dimethylamino) propionate and mixtures thereof.

32. The transdermal formulation defined in any one of Claims 23-27, wherein the second compound is azone.

33. The transdermal formulation defined in any one of Claims 23-32, wherein the weight ratio of the first compound to the second compound is in the range of from about 50:1 to about 5:1.

34. The transdermal formulation defined in any one of Claims 23-32, wherein the weight ratio of the first compound to the second compound is in the range of from about 20: 1 to about 5:1. 35. A transdermal formulation comprising DMSO and azone wherein the weight ratio of the DMSO to azone is in the range of from about 50:1 to about 10:1.

36. The transdermal formulation defined in Claim 35, wherein the weight ratio of the DMSO to azone is in the range of from about 20: 1 to about 10:1.

37. The transdermal formulation according to claim 35 or 36, further comprising at least one active agent.

38. The transdermal formulation according to claim 37, wherein the at least one active agent is an NSAID.

39. The transdermal formulation according to claim 38, wherein the NSAID is selected from the group consisting of diclofenac; diflunisal; fenoprofen; ibuprofen; indomethacin; meclofenamate; naproxen; oxyphenbutazone; phenylbutazone; piroxicam; sulindac; tolmetin; salicylates and zomepirac; ketoprofen, etodolac, flurbiprofen, mefenamic acid, meloxicam, nabumetone, oxaprozin, and sunlidac.

40. The transdermal formulation according to any of claims 35 to 39 further comprising at least one pharmaceutically acceptable carrier.

4 1. A transdermal formulation comprising:

(i) between about 25% to about 90% DMSO by weight of the formulation;

(ii) between about 1% to about 10% azone by weight of the formulation;

(iii) between about 1% to about 25% ethanol by weight of the formulation;

(iv) between about 1% to about 25% propylene glycol by weight of the formulation;

(v) between about 1% to about 80% polyethylene glycol 300 by weight of the formulation;

(vi) at least one moisturizer; and

(vii) at least one active agent. 42. The transdermal formulation according to claim 41, wherein the DMSO is present between about 30% and about 45% by weight of the formulation.

43. The transdermal formulation according to claim 41, wherein the azone is present between about 2% and about 5% by weight of the formulation.

44. The transdermal formulation according to claim 41, wherein the at least one active agent is an NSAID.

45. The transdermal formulation according to claim 44, wherein the NSAID is selected from the group consisting of diclofenac; diflunisal; fenoprofen; ibuprofen; indomethacin; meclofenamate; naproxen; oxyphenbutazone; phenylbutazone; piroxicam; sulindac; tolmetin; salicylates and zomepirac; ketoprofen, etodolac, flurbiprofen, mefenamic acid, meloxicam, nabumetone, oxaprozin, and sunlidac.

46. The transdermal formulation according to claim 45, wherein the NSAID is diclofenac.

47. A transdermal formulation comprising:

(i) about 45.5% DMSO by weight of the formulation;

(ii) about 5% azone by weight of the formulation; and

(iii) diclofenac sodium.

48. The transdermal formulation according to claim 47, further comprising at least one of propylene glycol, glycerine, ethanol and PEG 300.

49. A transdermal formulation comprising:

(i) about 45.5% DMSO by weight of the formulation;

(ii) about 2% azone by weight of the formulation; and

(iii) diclofenac sodium.

50. The transdermal formulation according to claim 49, further comprising at least one of propylene glycol, glycerine, ethanol and PEG 300. 51. A transdermal formulation comprising:

(i) about 30% DMSO by weight of the formulation;

(ii) about 5.0% azone by weight of the formulation; and

(iii) diclofenac sodium.

52. The transdermal formulation according to claim 51, further comprising at least one of propylene glycol, glycerine, ethanol and PEG 300.

53. A transdermal formulation comprising DMSO and oleic acid wherein the weight ratio of the DMSO to oleic acid is in the range of from about 10:1 to about 5:1.

54. The transdermal formulation defined in Claim 53, further comprising at least one active agent.

55. The transdermal formulation defined in Claim 54, wherein the at least one active agent is an anti-inflammatory drug.

56. The transdermal formulation defined in Claim 55, wherein the anti-inflammatory drug is selected from the group consisting of diclofenac; diflunisal; fenoprofen; ibuprofen; indomethacin; meclofenamate; naproxen; oxyphenbutazone; phenylbutazone; piroxicam; sulindac; tolmetin; salicylates and zomepirac; ketoprofen, etodolac, flurbiprofen, mefenamic acid, meloxicam, nabumetone, oxaprozin, sunlidac, celecoxib, rofecoxib, valdecoxib, lumiracoxib, etoricoxib and mixtures thereof.

57. The transdermal formulation defined in any of Claims 53-56 further comprising at least one pharmaceutically acceptable carrier.

58. A transdermal formulation comprising:

(i) between about 25% to about 90% DMSO by weight of the formulation;

(ii) between about 1% to about 10% oleic acid by weight of the formulation;

(iii) between about 1% to about 25% ethanol by weight of the formulation; (iv) between about 1% to about 25% propylene glycol by weight of the formulation;

(v) between about 1% to about 80% polyethylene glycol 300 by weight of the formulation;

(vi) at least one moisturizer; and

(vii) at least one active agent.

59. The transdermal formulation defined in Claim 58, wherein the DMSO is present between about 30% and about 45% by weight of the formulation.

60. The transdermal formulation defined in Claim 58, wherein the oleic acid is present between about 5% and about 10% by weight of the formulation.

61. The transdermal formulation defined in Claim 58, wherein the at least one active agent is an anti-inflammatory drug.

62. The transdermal formulation defined in Claim 61, wherein the anti-inflammatory drug is selected from the group consisting of diclofenac; diflunisal; fenoprofen; ibuprofen; indomethacin; meclofenamate; naproxen; oxyphenbutazone; phenylbutazone; piroxicam; sulindac; tolmetin; salicylates and zomepirac; ketoprofen, etodolac, flurbiprofen, mefenamic acid, meloxicam, nabumetone, oxaprozin, sunlidac, celecoxib, rofecoxib, valdecoxib, lumiracoxib, etoricoxib and mixtures thereof.

63. The transdermal formulation defined in Claim 62, wherein the NSAID is diclofenac.

64. A transdermal formulation comprising:

(i) about 45.5% DMSO by weight of the formulation;

(ii) about 5% oleic acid by weight of the formulation; and

(iii) diclofenac sodium.

65. The transdermal formulation defined in Claim 64, further comprising at least one of propylene glycol, glycerine, ethanol and PEG 300.

66. A transdermal formulation comprising: (i) about 45.5% DMSO by weight of the formulation;

(ii) about 10% oleic acid by weight of the formulation; and

(iii) diclofenac sodium.

67. The transdermal formulation defined in Claim 66, further comprising at least one of propylene glycol, glycerine, ethanol and PEG 300.

INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT International application No. PCT/CA2006/001271

A. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECT MATTER IPC: A61K 9/70 (2006.01) , A61K 31/196 (2006.01) , A61K 47/14 (2006.01) , A61K 47/20 (2006.01) According to International Patent Classification (FPC) or to both national classification and IPC

B. FIELDS SEARCHED Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols) P C (2006.01): A61K-9, A61K-31/196 , A61K 47/14, A61K 47/20

Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched

Electronic database(s) consulted during the international search (name of database(s) and, where practicable, search terms used) Canadian Patent Database, Delphion, PubMed, Google Scholar and Scopus

C. DOCUMENTS CONSIDERED TO BE RELEVANT Category* Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages Relevant to claim No

X WO 2005/009510 (Mitragotn et al), 03 February 2005 35-36, 39-40, 45-53, 56-57 and 62-67 pagel , line 23; page 17, line 16; page 34, lines 21-22; page 66, lines 17-18; page 67, lines 1, 2 and 10-13, page 68, lines 14-22, example 1, claims 33, 4 1 and 44

Y WO 94/15609 (Min et al), 2 1 M y 1994 35-36, 39-40, 45-53, 56-57 and 62-67 page 4, lineslO-18, examples 7-8, claims 1 and 9

A US 4652557 (Sandborn et al), 24 March, 1987 35-36, 39-40, 45-53, 56-57 and 62-67

A EP 271983 (Francoeur et al), 22 June 1988 35-36, 39-40, 45-53, 56-57 and 62-67

Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C. [X ] See patent family annex.

* Special categories of cited documents "T" later document published after the international filing date or priority date and not m conflict with the application but cited to understand "A ' document defining the general state of the art which is not considered the principle or theory underlying the invention to be of particular relevance "X" document of particular relevance, the claimed invention cannot be "E" earlier application or patent but published on or after the international considered novel or cannot be considered to involve an inventive filing date step when the document is taken alone

"L" document which may throw doubts on priority claim(s) or which is "Y" document of particular relevance, the claimed invention cannot be cited to establish the publication date of another citation or other considered to involve an inventive step when the document is special reason (as specified) combined with one or more other such documents, such combination being obvious to a person skilled m the art "O" document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or other means "&" document member of the same patent family "P" document published prior to the international filing date but later than the priority date claimed Date of the actual completion of the international search Date of mailing of the international search report

15 September 2006 (15-09-2006) 20 November 2006 (20-1 1-2006) Name and mailing address of the ISA/CA Authorized officer Canadian Intellectual Property Office Place du Portage I, Cl 14 - 1st Floor, Box PCT Nasreddine Slougui (819) 956-6132 50 Victoria Street Gatineau, Quebec KlA 0C9 Facsimile No.: 001(819)953-2476

Form PCT/ISA/210 (second sheet ) (April 2005) Page 3 of 4 INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT International application No PCT/CA2006/001271

Box No. π Observations where certain claims were found unsearchable (Continuation of item 2 of the first sheet) This international search report has not been established in respect of certain claims under Article 17(2)(a) for the following reasons .

1 [ ] Claim Nos because they relate to subject matter not required to be searched by this Authority, namely

[X] Claim Nos 1-34, 37, 38, 41-44, 54, 55, 58-61 because they relate to parts of the international application that do not comply with the prescribed requirements to such an extent that no meaningful international search can be carried out, specifically

Claims 1-34, 37, 38, 41-44, 54, 55 and 58-61 relate to an extremely large number of possible formulations Support withm the meaning of Article 6 of PCT and/or the disclosure withm the meaning of Article 5 of PCT is to be found, however, for only small proportion of the formulations claimed In the present case, the claims so lack support, and the application so lacks disclosure that a meaningful search over the whole of the claimed scope is impossible, Consequently, the search has been carried out for those parts of the claims which appear supported and disclosed, namely the parts supported by the examples

[ ] Claim Nos because they are dependant claims and are not drafted in accordance with the second and third sentences of Rule 6 4(a)

Box No. Ill Observations where unity of invention is lacking (Continuation of item 3 of first sheet)

This International Searching Authority found multiple inventions in this international application, as follows hi view of D1-D3, claims 35-36, 39-40, 45-53, 56-57 and 62-67 lack unity a posteriori Group A Claims 35-36, 39-40 and 45-53 are mainly directed to a formulation of DMSO, azone and excipients to enhance the skin penetration of an active ingredient which could be a NSAID such as diclofenac Group B : Claims 62-67 are mainly directed to a formulation of DMSO, oleic acid and excipients to enhance the skin penetration of an active ingredient which could be a NSATD such as diclofenac The common link of these two compositions is DMSO, a well known skin penetration enhancer (see D1-D3) and thus cannot be regarded as a technical feature that defines a contribution over the prior art

1 [ ] As all required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant, this international search report covers all searchable claims

2 [X] As all searchable claims could be searched without effort justifying additional fees, this Authority did not invite payment of additional fees

3 [ ] As only some of the required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant, this international search report covers only those claims for which fees were paid, specifically claim Nos

No required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant Consequently, this international search report is

restricted to the invention first mentioned in the claims, it is covered by claim Nos

Remark on Protest [ ] The additional search fees were accompanied by the applicant's protest and, where applicable, the payment of a protest fee [ ] The additional search fees were accompanied by the applicant's protest but the applicable protest fee was not paid withm the time limit specified in the invitation [ ] No protest accompanied the payment of additional search fees Form PCT/ISA/2 10 (continuation of first sheet (2)) (April 2005) Page 2 of 4 INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT International application N o Information on patent family members PCT/CA2006/001271

Patent Document Publication Patent Family Publication Cited In the Search Date Members(s) Date Report

WO2005009510 03-02-2005 CA2530407 A 1 03-02-2005

WO9415609 21-07-1994 AT202476T T 15-07-2001 AU706123B B2 10-06-1999 AU2618797 A 04-09-1997 AU5718494 A 15-08-1994 BR9307754 A 24-10-1995 CA2153166 A 1 21-07-1994 DE69330388D D 1 02-08-2001 DE69330388T T2 03-01-2002 EP0676962 A 1 18-10-1995 ES2160623T T3 16-1 1-2001 JP2847578B2 B2 20-01-1999 KR212961 B B 1 02-08-1999 PT676962T T 30-10-2001 RU21 10261 C 1 10-05-1998 US5916587 A 29-06-1999

US4652557 24-03-1987 CA1 236029 A 1 03-05-1988 EP0235424 A 1 09-09-1987 US4575515 A 11-03-1986

EP271983 22-06-1988 AT64306T T 15-06-1991 AT80313T T 15-09-1992 AU595948B B2 12-04-1990 AU8054287 A 05-05-1988 CA1331 137 C 02-08-1994 CA1 338008 C 30-01-1996 CN87 107548 A 11-05-1988 DE3770786D D 1 18-07-1991 DE68902753D D 1 15-10-1992 DE68902753T T2 21-01-1993 DK93289 A 30-08-1989 DK568187 A 01-05-1988 EG 18324 A 30-09-1992 EP0331382 A2 06-09-1989 ES2031518T T3 16-12-1992 ES2051998T T3 01-07-1994 FI92650B B 15-09-1994 GR3002137T T3 30-12-1992 GR3005657T T3 07-06-1993 HU45403 A2 28-07-1988 IE60379 B 1 13-07-1994 IE61946 B 1 30-1 1-1994 IL84269 A 16-08-1991 JP2003613 A 09-01-1990 JP2019453C C 19-02-1996 KR9003697B B 1 30-05-1990 MX171058 B 27-09-1993 NO175617B B 01-08-1994 NZ222346 A 28-08-1990 PH25498 A 24-07-1991 PT86023 A 01-1 1-1987 PT89837 A 04-10-1989 RU2107515 C 1 27-03-1998 SU1836078 A3 23-08-1993 US4959365 A 25-09-1990 US5196410 A 23-03-1993 US5391548 A 21-02-1995 ZA8708161 A 28-06-1989

Form PCT/ISA/210 (patent family annex ) (April 2005) Page 4 of 4