
University of Southern Denmark

Amantadine reappraisal of the timeless diamond—target updates and novel therapeutic potentials Danysz, Wojciech; Dekundy, Andrzej; Scheschonka, Astrid; Riederer, Peter

Published in: Journal of Neural Transmission

DOI: 10.1007/s00702-021-02306-2

Publication date: 2021

Document version: Final published version

Document license: CC BY

Citation for pulished version (APA): Danysz, W., Dekundy, A., Scheschonka, A., & Riederer, P. (2021). : reappraisal of the timeless diamond—target updates and novel therapeutic potentials. Journal of Neural Transmission, 128(2), 127–169. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00702-021-02306-2

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Download date: 10. Oct. 2021 Journal of Neural Transmission (2021) 128:127–169 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00702-021-02306-2


Amantadine: reappraisal of the timeless diamond—target updates and novel therapeutic potentials

Wojciech Danysz1 · Andrzej Dekundy1 · Astrid Scheschonka1 · Peter Riederer2,3

Received: 22 October 2020 / Accepted: 13 January 2021 / Published online: 23 February 2021 © The Author(s) 2021

Abstract The aim of the current review was to provide a new, in-depth insight into possible pharmacological targets of amantadine to pave the way to extending its therapeutic use to further indications beyond Parkinson’s disease symptoms and viral infec- tions. Considering amantadine’s afnities in vitro and the expected concentration at targets at therapeutic doses in humans, the following primary targets seem to be most plausible: aromatic amino acids decarboxylase, glial-cell derived neurotrophic factor, sigma-1 receptors, phosphodiesterases, and nicotinic receptors. Further three targets could play a role to a lesser extent: NMDA receptors, 5-HT3 receptors, and potassium channels. Based on published clinical studies, , [e.g., in (MS)], and chorea in Huntington’s disease should be regarded potential, encour- aging indications. Preclinical investigations suggest amantadine’s therapeutic potential in several further indications such as: depression, recovery after spinal cord injury, in MS, and cutaneous pain. Query in the database http:// www.clini​caltr​ials.gov reveals research interest in several further indications: cancer, autism, abuse, MS, diabetes, attention defcit-hyperactivity disorder, obesity, and schizophrenia.

Abbreviations MAO Monoamine oxidase 5-HT 5-Hydroxytrytamine (serotonin) NA Noradrenaline Ach NMDA N-Methyl-d-aspartate AMPA (S)-α-Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4- PDA Phosphodiesterase isoxazolepropionic acid QNB Quinuclidinyl benzilate ATP cAMP Cyclic adenosine-monophosphate DA Introduction DTG 1,3-Di-o-tolylguanidine GABA γ-Aminobutyric acid Highlights and lowlights of drug development GDNF Glia-derived neurotrophic factor GlycineA Inhibitory receptor Drug development and introduction of new treatments bear some similarity to sports. In the frst half of twentieth cen- tury, Olympic long jump records were beaten, sometimes Dedicated to the memory of Dr. Chris G. P. Parsons (1961– 2020), our friend, colleague, companion, and never-ending markedly, at nearly every Olympic Games. However, the source of inspiration for so many (but not enough) years. Bob Beamon’s long jump Olympic record from 1968 (8.9 m) is still standing (Wikipedia 2020). Similarly, in the twentieth * Peter Riederer century, numerous new drugs were introduced at a very fast [email protected] pace often turned out to be breakthrough therapies. How- 1 Merz Pharmaceuticals GmbH., Eckenheimer Landstraße ever, nowadays, this is no longer the case because of the 100, 60318 Frankfurt am Main, Germany following reasons: 2 Clinic and Policlinic for Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy, University Hospital Würzburg, 1. There are plenty of drugs on the market, many of them University of Würzburg, Margarete‑Höppel‑Platz 1, already generics with good efcacy. 97080 Würzburg, Germany 3 Department Psychiatry, University of Southern Denmark Odense, Vinslows Vey 18, 5000 Odense, Denmark

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2. In turn, it is more and more difcult to develop treatment discussion of further plausible indications of this compound that is clearly superior to existing generics to justify high in relation to reappraisal of its . pricing allowing return of investment. 3. It seems that novel treatments for neurological and psy- Historical introduction to amantadine chiatric disorders must be multifactorial, and it is not possible to develop such substances by high-throughput Amantadine (Fig. 1) was initially developed in early 60s and screening. registered for anti-infuenza A2 activity in 1966 (Gerzon 4. On top of that, regulatory requirements for approval of et al. 1963; Maj et al. 1974). Few years later, a woman suf- a new drug were signifcantly raised which dramatically fering from Parkinson’s disease observed radical improve- increased the costs and development time especially ment of symptoms after taking amantadine taken for ani- regarding limited duration of patent validity. viral purposes and reported it to Schwab et al. Following that, the authors performed a clinical study on 163 patients This clearly leads to the necessity to look back at exist- with a positive outcome (Schwab et al. 1969). Following ing drugs and explore their alternative, potential indica- that, he performed a clinical study on 163 patients with a tions. This process is called repurposing and amantadine positive outcome. A few years later, amantadine was regis- may serve as an interesting example thereof. In fact, aman- tered for use in Parkinson’s disease. In the next 5 decades, tadine was frst introduced for infuenza and later due to there were many clinical studies of amantadine in various clinical observations found to be benefcial for the treatment indications which are discussed later in this review. Selected of Parkinson’s disease. The present review is focusing on discoveries related to increasing our knowledge on amanta- dine or extending therapeutic use are listed in Table 1. In recent years, a lot of attention has been devoted to efcacy in traumatic brain injury (TBI) of diferent origins Fig. 1 Chemical structure of + (Butterworth 2020a; Gualtieri et al. 1989). As follow on, amantadine (1-aminoadaman- NH3 cellular protection has been proposed in various insults or tane) neurodegenerative conditions including Parkinson’s disease, stroke, and infectious disease (Brison et al. 2014; Butter- worth 2020c; Khasanova et al. 2009; Quarato et al. 2014; Rejdak and Grieb 2020; Uitti et al. 1993). Independently, very recently, putative activity of amantadine against SARS- CoV-2 (COVID-19) has been described and widely dis- cussed (Butterworth 2020c; Rejdak and Grieb 2020).

Table 1 Chronology of major discoveries/fndings related to amantadine Year Discovery description References

1963 First description of amantadine as medication—antiviral activity Gerzon et al. (1963) 1966 Amantadine (Symmetrel) by E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company and approved by FDA in Hubsher et al. (2012) and Maugh (1979) the USA for prevention of infuenza A2 1969 First description of antiparkinsonian activity based on case observation (1968) by woman tak- Schwab et al. (1969) ing amantadine for viral infection 1970 Registered by Merz Pharmaceuticals as PK-Merz (amantadine sulfate) for the treatment of Zimmermann (1997) Parkinson’s disease, vigilance and neuralgia in herpes zoster 1971 Efect in tardive Crane (1971) 1971 Efect on chorea in Huntington’s disease Scotti and Spinnler (1971) 1073 Efect in akinetic crisis and akinetic end stages of patients with Parkinson’s disease Danielczyk (1973) 1973 Amantadine hydrochloride (Symmetrel) registered as treatment for Parkinson’s disease Hubsher et al. (2012) and Maugh (1979) 1981 Anti- activity Manyam (1981) 1989 First report of NMDA receptor binding by amantadine Kornhuber et al. (1989) 1989 Utility in traumatic brain injury (TBI) Gualtieri et al. (1989) 1991 First demonstration of NMDA receptor antagonism by amantadine Kornhuber et al. (1991) 1993 Binding to sigma receptors Kornhuber et al. (1993) 1997 Efect in l-DOPA-induced dyskinesia Rajput et al. (1997) 2020 Approval of Gocovri (ADS-1502, Adamas Pharma) for treatment of DOPA-induced dyskinesia Adamas (2020)

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It should be noted that there are two amantadine salts on 1995; Danysz et al. 1997; Hubsher et al. 2012; Kornhuber the market: amantadine hydrochloride originally introduced et al. 1994; Schwab et al. 1972; Smieszek et al. 2020; Stani- by Dupont as Symmetrel and amantadine sulfate introduced cova et al. 2001; Tipton and Wszolek 2020). by Merz Pharmaceuticals as PK-Merz (Table 1, Fig. 1). It is noteworthy that after oral treatment, the increase in plasma levels after amantadine sulfate (PK-Merz) is more gradual Amantadine therapeutic concentrations and lasts longer due to slower absorption which is likely the (animal and human data) result of lower solubility (Danielczyk 1995). See Tables 2 and 3. Aim of the review

The frst goal of the present review was to analyze pos- Plausible mechanism of therapeutic action sible molecular targets of amantadine considering actual of amantadine therapeutic concentrations and to accordingly reappraise its mechanism of action. The second goal was to collect The mechanism of action (MoA) of amantadine has to be data supporting clinical and preclinical efects in indications analyzed in relation to its concentrations reached at a given beyond viral infections and Parkinsons disease and to dis- target in humans (Table 3) following therapeutic doses and cuss them in the light of the updated view on the mechanism its afnity at the target (Table 4). With this information, one of action. The ultimate aim is to propose the most promising can judge the plausibility of the targets responsible for the indications to encourage studies leading to the expansion of mechanism of action. indications. Cerebrospinal fuid (CSF) levels of amantadine in the Readers interested in antiviral or antiparkinsonian/anti- human brain are slightly (24%) lower than plasma levels dyskinetic activity should refer to one of the previously pub- (Kornhuber et al. 1995). Extracellular concentration has lished reviews (Aranda-Abreu et al. 2020b; Bailey and Stone been assessed in animals using the microdialysis technique 1975; Butterworth 2020b; Crosby et al. 2003; Danielczyk with in vivo recovery leading to values ranging from 2.2

Table 2 Plasma/serum/tissue concentrations of amantadine in animals Species Dose (mg/kg), route Use Body fuids, µM Brain—CSF/ECF, µM Brain homog, µM References

Rat 25, p.o. Antiparkinsonian-like 4.5 (s) – Danysz et al. (1994b) 50, p.o. activity 10.5 (s) 90.0 100, p.o. 21.0 (s) – 15, i.p. in 14.8 (p) Brigham et al. (2018) 45, i.p. relation to antidyski- 37.2 (p) 90, i.p. netic efects 132.6 (p) 100 (s.c.) PK study, infusion, ca. 8 (s) ca. 4.6/4.0 ca. 70 Hesselink et al. (1999) dose per day 23, i.p. Antiparkinsonian-like 7.7 Kornhuber et al. (1995) 46, i.p. activity, pharmacoki- 11.9 and Quack et al. 92, i.p. netics, microdialysis 23.1 (1995) 5, i.p. TBI, repetitive treat- 5.3 (s) Wang et al. (2014) 15, i.p. ment 3 × per day for 21.3 (s) 45, i.p. 16 days after TBI 63.9 (s) 100, s.c. Neuroprotection study, 8.77 (s) 107.5 Wenk et al. (1996) dose per day—infu- sion for 14 days Mouse 25, p.o. Pharmacokinetics 42.7 (b) Bleidner et al. (1965) 10, i.p. Pharmacokinetics in 6.8 (p) Brigham et al. (2018) 30, i.p. relation to antidyski- 19.9 (p) 60, i.p. netic efects 47 (p) Macaques 1, i.p. Pharmacokinetics in 0.86 p) Brigham et al. (2018) 3, i.p. relation to antidyski- 2.9 (p) 10, i.p netic efects 8.5 (p) 30, i.p. 24.7 (p) s serum, p plasma, b blood, CSF cerebrospinal fuid, ECF extracellular fuid, homog. homogenates

1 3 130 W. Danysz et al.

Table 3 Plasma/serum/tissue concentrations of amantadine in humans Dose (mg) Use Body fuids, µM Brain–CSF, µM Brain References homog, µM

200, p.o. > 8 days Antiparkinsonian 5.0 (s) 4.0 159 Kornhuber et al. (1995)a 300, p.o 13.5 (s) 9.5 281 300, p.o. 3 weeks Antidepressive 3.6–5.4 (p) Rizzo et al. (1973) 200, i.v. Antiparkinsonian 3–5 (s) 1.3 Brenner et al. (1989) 600, p.o. 1–24 weeks 8–11 (s) 200, p.o. 2 weeks Antagonism of drug-induced Parkinson- 2.1–4.5 (p) Pacifci et al. (1976) ism ca. 280–350, p.o Pharmacokinetics 2.7–3.2 (b) Bleidner et al. (1965) 274, p.o. ER Pharmacokinetics extended release for ca. 7.5 (p) Hauser et al. (2019) 8 weeks in PD patients 129, p.o. ER Pharmacokinetics extended release vs. 1.74 (p) deVries et al. (2019) 193, p.o. ER immediate release 2.45 (p) 259, p.o. ER 3.35 (p) 129, p.o. IR (BID) 2.15 (p) 50–300, p.o. 78 Parkinsonian patients 5.3 (average p) Nishikawa et al. (2009) 200, p.o. Side efects in comparison to rimanta- 4.8 (p) Hayden et al. (1983) 300, p.o. dine. Values after 9 doses 9.3 (p) 100, p.o. Efcacy and PK in tardive dyskinesia 2.9 (p) Greenblatt et al. (1977) 100, p.o. BID Pharmacokinetics, interaction with 3.39 (p) Morrison et al. (2007) , treatment for 5 days 350, p.o. (average) Antidyskinetic activity 4–23 µM Verhagen Metman et al. (1998) 50, p.o. Infuenza A 0.59 (p) Aoki and Sitar (1988) and 200, p.o. 1.62 (p) Aoki et al. (1979) 300, p.o. 3.06 (p) 15 days steady state s serum, p plasma, b blood, BID twice daily, CSF cerebrospinal fuid, IS interstitial fuid, homog. homogenates a The values given for brain homogenates are not derived from the same group of patients as serum and CSF levels b CSF levels specifed as 1.3 times higher than serum to 6.4 µM (depending on recovery mode). In experimental consideration this aspect. In green, we marked up the targets study in rats, serum level of 8.7 µM was associated with CSF with afnity within therapeutic concentration, i.e., which are level of 7.5 µM (Hesselink et al. 1999). afected at clinically used doses. In yellow, there are targets However, intracellular concentrations are 10 or 20 times with afnity up to 3 times lower which could potentially higher than plasma levels in animal and human studies, play a supportive role. All other targets are left white. We respectively, due to lysosomal trapping (Danysz et al. 1994b; set criteria for extracellular targets at 10 µM and below and Hesselink et al. 1999; Kornhuber et al. 1995). For lipophilic for intracellular targets at 200 µM and below. with LogP > 1 and ionizable amino group (pKA > 6), It should be also kept in mind that amantadine is an agent a strong concentration accumulation gradient is created as with multiple targets. Therefore, it may not be possible to follows: > cytosol > blood (Daniel et al. 2001; explain given therapeutic efcacy by a single target but Stark et al. 2020). Amantadine fulflls these criteria with rather by a combination of actions. LogP of 2.44 and pKA of 10.45. Lysosomes have pH of 4–5, In early preclinical studies, it was reported that aman- cytosol 7.0–7.2, and blood 7.4. Amantadine molecule in not- tadine causes excitation in rats and mice and—at higher ionized state difuses to lysosomes. It is then protonated, dose—enhances motor behavior (Vernier et al. 1969) and i.e., charged and not able to difuse back to cytoplasm and that it potentiates the L-DOPA-induced effects in mice later to circulation. In turn, a steady-state gradient is created (Svensson and Stromberg 1970). As the efect of amantadine leading to signifcant intracellular accumulation of amanta- on motor behavior could not be abolished by pre-treatment dine. As a consequence, amantadine plasma concentrations with , but was antagonized by pre-treatment with which are below its in vitro afnity for given targets may ɑ-methyl-p-, MoA at the catecholaminergic systems still afect this target if it is intracellular, e.g., enzymes or was suggested (Ofermeier and Dreyer 1971). This action receptors on endoplasmic reticulum. In Table 4, we took into was also claimed to be responsible for a benefcial efect in

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Table 4 Compilation of in vitro actions of amantadine

(Demisch 1986, unpublished)

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Table 4 (continued)

(Demisch 1986, unpublished)

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Table 4 (continued)

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Table 4 (continued) ca.—the approximate concentration that produces 50% inhibition or stimulation Extracellular targets with afnity up to 10 µM and intracellular up to 200 µM were considered as certain and are indicated in green. In yellow, intracellular targets with 10–30 µM afnity and intracellular between 200 and 600 µM are presented. All other targets remain white

Parkinson’s disease (ibid). In addition, it was suggested that globus pallidus, entorhinal cortex, and entopeduncular amantadine increases the turnover of tyrosine to l-DOPA nucleus (Nakano et al. 2019). and enhances the synthesis of dopamine (Scatton et al. 3. There are clear diferences in neuroprotective efects 1970). This was further supported by later fndings showing of amantadine, , and (+)MK-801 between changes in aromatic amino acids decarboxylase (Table 4). cerebellar, cortical, mesencephalic, and mesencephalic In rats and mice, amantadine even in low dose potentiates dopamine (DA) , since amantadine in contrast stereotypic behavior induced by (Simon and to other two agents provided efect in the frst two tis- Boissier 1970). In turn, amantadine was initially perceived sues only (Weller et al. 1993). as dopaminomimetic agent (Grelak et al. 1970; Herblin 4. In rats, amantadine inhibited convulsions produced 1972; von Voigtlander and Moore 1973). However, studies by NMDA with ­ED50 of 116 mg/kg, while memantine of urine, CSF, and human post-mortem tissue of patients had ­ED50 of 4.6 mg (Parsons et al. 1995). In contrast, with Parkinson’s disease have not supported amantadine anti-parkinsonian-like efects of amantadine are seen MoA via catecholaminergic or serotonergic systems (Jones starting from 25 mg/kg (Danysz et al. 1994b). et al. 1972; Parkes 1974; Rinne et al. 1972). Later, NMDA 5. In rat Parkinson’s disease model, amantadine produced receptor antagonism was discovered (Kornhuber et al. 1989) a diferent pattern of changes in STN than the selective and dominated in the scientifc literature. In our opinion, NMDA (+)MK-801 (Allers et al. NMDA antagonism probably is not the predominant mode 2005). of action. 6. Amantadine antagonized the blood pressure responses In Table 4, there is only one out of 25 publications evoked by electrical stimulation of the central and assessing in vitro NMDA receptor activity in green zone peripheral nerves possibly due to an efect on auto- (up to 10 µM) and there are 8 out of 26 in the yellow zone nomic ganglia (Dhasmana 1975). (10–30 µM). This puts into question NMDA receptors as 7. Amantadine in electrophysiological experiments has major target for therapeutic activity of amantadine. On top approx. 10 times stronger blocking afnity at choliner- of that, it should be stressed that only a few studies were gic muscle plate than at NMDA receptors (Gmiro and performed in the presence of physiological (1 mM) concen- Serdiuk 2000). trations of ­Mg2+. In the study of Otton and colleagues (Otton 8. Amantadine at 15 or 30 mg/kg in rats decreased prolac- 2+ et al. 2011), introduction of ­Mg increased amantadine ­IC50 tin levels indicating enhancement of DA-ergic activity at NMDA receptors from 49 to 165 µM, i.e., over threefold. (Fayez et al. 1985; Siever 1981). It should be stressed that plasma peak levels of amantadine 9. Amantadine produced a diferent pattern of locomo- reach maximally 10 µM and often are lower (Table 3). On tor activity changes in laboratory animals than selec- the other hand, we do not know what levels of NMDA recep- tive NMDA receptor antagonists (Danysz et al. 1994a; tor inhibition are sufcient to produce an efect. Amantadine Starr and Starr 1995). has been suggested to inhibit NMDA receptors by accelerat- 10. Similar to , amantadine given to rats at ing the channel closing, in turn leading to stabilization of the 20 mg/kg increased c-fos expression in the striatum channel in the closed state (Blanpied et al. 2005). 2 h later, while (+)MK-801 was devoid of this efect There is ample evidence, indicating that amantadine pro- (Rappaport and Yells 1996). Interestingly, amantadine fle is diferent from pure NMDA receptor antagonist. efect in the striatum was attenuated by the NMDA antagonist (+)MK-801 (Tomitaka et al. 1995). 1. Amantadine at 10 µM increased lev- 11. Amantadine and memantine diferently modulate dopa- els in astrocytes, while selective NMDA antago- minergic transmission in the basal ganglia (Peeters nist (+)(5S,10R)-(+)-5-methyl-10,11-dihydro- et al. 2003) and amantadine-induced increase in DA in 5H-dibenzo[a,d]cyclohepten-5,10-imine the striatum was antagonized by the selective NMDA maleate ((+)MK-801) was not efective even at 1 µM receptor antagonist (+)MK-801 (Takahashi et al. concentrations, i.e., over 500 times exceeding its afn- 1996). ity (Nakano et al. 2019). 2. In vivo, in microdialysis study in rats, the stimulatory In conclusion, it is likely that NMDA receptor antago- efects of amantadine (10 or 40 mg/kg) on l-glutamate nism by amantadine possibly contributes dose-dependently release were diferent from those of MK-801 in the to the therapeutic efcacy, but it is not its major mechanism.

1 3 Amantadine: reappraisal of the timeless diamond—target updates and novel therapeutic… 135

There are few other candidates afected by therapeutically rosis (ALS) (Mancuso et al. 2012), Alzheimer’s disease relevant amantadine concentrations which are shortly dis- (Meunier et al. 2006), ischemia (Oneill et al. 1995), cussed below and listed in Table 4: anxiety (Ji et al. 2017), and depression (Raupp-Barcaro et al. 2018; Skuza et al. 2014). Moreover, activation 1. Aromatic amino acids decarboxylase (AADC) AADC of sigma-1 receptors may enhance recovery from TBI (which is an intracellular target) is responsible for the through increase in synaptogenesis and inhibition of synthesis of dopamine (Fig. 3) and increases dopamine infammation (Dong et al. 2016; Ryskamp et al. 2019). levels available for synaptic release. AADC expression 3. Nicotinic receptors Amantadine is an open-channel (mRNA) is increased by amantadine (10 µM) by 70% blocker of α4ß2 nicotinic receptors (Fig. 3, Table 4) with in pheochromocytoma (PC12) cells (Li et al. 1998). Of high potency of ­IC50 of 3.44 µM (Buisson and Bertrand course, it should be taken with caution, because efect 1998). It also shows blocking properties at α7 nicotinic on protein levels has not been shown so far in vitro and receptors with IC­ 50 of 6.5 µM (Albuquerque et al. 1998; translational aspect of PC12 cells vs. human brain should Matsubayashi et al. 1997). In general, it is difcult to be considered. In ex vivo animal study, amantadine at explain the benefcial therapeutic efects of amantadine 40 mg/kg increased the activity of AADC threefold in by nicotinic receptor antagonism (Dineley et al. 2015; the striatum and tenfold in the substantia nigra 1 h after Tizabi and Getachew 2017) except for antidyskinetic injection (Fisher et al. 1998). This efect was not shared activity and anti-infammatory efects. , by selective NMDA antagonist (+)MK-801. In rats with an α3ß4 receptor antagonist which seems to block 6-OHDA lesion to the system, amantadine α4ß2 receptors, produces antidyskinetic efect in hemi- at 30 mg/kg increased ex vivo AADC activity in the stri- parkinsonian rats (Bordia et al. 2010), however, some atum as evidenced by L-DOPA conversion assay (Arai other authors did not observe such efect in this model et al. 2003). This efect was not observed in the presence (Dekundy et al. 2007). Furthermore, similar effects of which, according to the authors’ interpre- were found after , but were attributed tation, argues against the role of AADC in the increase to receptor desensitization efect (Bordia et al. 2010). in striatal DA produced by amantadine. Further support 4. Phosphodiesterase (PDE) Amantadine inhibits calm- comes from in vivo human study using 6-[18F]fuoro- odulin-dependent phosphodiesterase 1 (PDE1, Fig. 3, l-DOPA (l-DOPA = 3,4-dihydroxy-l-phenylalanin), as Table 4) with ­IC50 of ca. 5 µM which may increase aden- exogenous substrate for AADC (Deep et al. 1999). Deep osine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) and in turn and colleagues found that amantadine given for 3 days produce neuroprotective activity (Kakkar et al. 1997) at 100 mg increased the activity of AADC up to 27% in and connected anti-infammatory properties of aman- ventral striatum (Deep et al. 1999). The efect on AADC tadine (O’Brien et al. 2020). In another study, in vitro would obviously result in an increase in dopaminergic amantadine at concentration of 6 µM inhibited PDEs activity and could be clearly supportive in Parkinson’s responsible for guanosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate disease and in other indications such as fatigue or recov- (cGMP) and cAMP degradation by up to 30 and 20%, ery from TBI. respectively (Sancesario et al. 2014). This efect ana- 2. Sigma 1 receptors Amantadine is a very potent ligand lyzed ex vivo was stronger in dyskinetic animals reach- of sigma-1 receptors (Fig. 3, Table 4) which has been ing 50% efect. Moreover, amantadine treatment (40 mg/ frst described by Kornhuber and colleagues (Kornhuber kg) decreased cGMP in the striatum of dyskinetic ani- et al. 1993). These receptors are also located intracel- mals as evidenced by brain microdialysis (Sancesario lularly, e.g., on membranes of endoplasmatic reticulum et al. 2014). D1 receptor functional super-sensitivity, and control ­Ca2+ signaling (Monnet 2005). Sigma-1 abnormal modulation of cAMP cascade, and enhanced receptors enhance tyrosine hydroxylase activity (Weiser dopamine- and cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein kDa et al. 1995), modulate NMDA stimulated DA release (DARPP-32) phosphorylation have been suggested as (Gonzalez-Alvear and Werling 1995), increase DA the most plausible long-standing mechanism of l-DOPA in vivo in the striatum (Gudelsky 1995), and decrease (Feyder et al. 2011). There is an indication DA uptake (Thompson et al. 2001). All these efects may that PDEs may be upregulated in TBI and some PDEs, participate in the symptomatologic efects of amanta- particularly from group 4, have been proposed as pos- dine in Parkinson’s disease. Sigma-1 receptors have been sible treatments (Titus et al. 2014; Wilson et al. 2016). suggested as targets for neuroprotection in Parkinson’s 5. Glial-cell-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) In vitro, disease (Francardo 2014; Mori et al. 2012; Rousseaux amantadine produced a stronger increase in GDNF and Greene 2015). Sigma-1 agonists may be benefcial (Fig. 3, Table 4) mRNA than memantine (both at 5 µM) for: neuroprotection in general (Decoster et al. 1995; (Caumont et al. 2006). Efect on release was seen with Maurice and Lockhart 1997), amyotrophic lateral scle- EC­ 50 of 6.2 µM, while memantine which is approx. 20

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Fig. 2 Graphic presentation Extracellular 10 -4 Intracellular of known in vitro actions of concentraon 10 -3 concentraon amantadine positioned on the (plasma, M) (ssue homogenates, M) concentration scale in relation to therapeutic levels. On the left NMDA rec. range extracellular targets are shown while on the right intracellular Concentration range Potassium channels covered by therapeutic 5-HT3 receptor doses

-5 10 Concentration range covered -4 10 by 1-3 fold higher doses than therapeutic doses

Nicotinic α7 receptor GDNF

Nicotinic αβ42 receptor

10 -6 Sigma-1 10 -5 AA Decarboxylase Phosphodiesterase

Fig. 3 Scheme of cellular location of amantadine targets. Likely targets are in green and possible targets in yellow

times more potent at NMDA receptors had similar or 2014) and improved recovery after postoperative insult. lower potency (Caumont et al. 2006). In vitro, amanta- Another study showed that exercise produced antidyski- dine reduced neuronal toxicity produced by lipopoly- netic efect which was associated with increase in BDNF saccharide (LPS) and 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium expression (Speck et al. 2019). Amantadine (60 mg/kg) ­(MPP+, ca. 10–20 µM) presumably through decrease also attenuated dyskinesia, but did not produce an addi- in infammation and increase in GDNF mRNA produc- tive efect to exercise suggesting similar mechanisms tion in astroglia (Ossola et al. 2011). Amantadine in rats (ibid). It should be added that NMDA receptors do not given at 10 mg/kg for 2 weeks increased GDNF mRNA seem to be involved in this neuroprotective efect of expression in cortex and hippocampus (Rogoz et al. amantadine. GDNF seems also to be involved in alle- 2007). It was suggested that amantadine may increase viation of postoperative cognitive dysfunction in rats by mRNA GDNF expression by inducing the amantadine given at low dose of 25 mg/kg (Zhang et al. of histone H3 and/or by inhibiting the histone dea- 2014; Zhong et al. 2020). Efect on GDNF could poten- cetylase (Ossola et al. 2011). In another study, aman- tially improve L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia (Speck et al. tadine given for 3 days in rats at the dose of 25 mg/ 2019) and aford neuroprotection in Parkinson’s disease, kg increased GDNF on the protein level (Zhang et al. Huntington’s disease, ALS, and other disorders involv-

1 3 Amantadine: reappraisal of the timeless diamond—target updates and novel therapeutic… 137

ing motor neurodegeneration (Allen et al. 2013; DA concentrations by blocking its reuptake and facilitating Biju et al. 2010; Cheng et al. 2018; Lapchak 1996). its synthesis (Baldessarini et al. 1972; Brown and Redfern Clearly, an increase in GDNF would be supportive in 1976; Gianutsos et al. 1985; Von Voigtlander and Moore recovery after TBI (Minnich et al. 2010). Based on pre- 1971). Moreover, the drug has been shown to increase den- clinical studies, it has been suggested that amantadine sity (Gianutsos et al. 1985) or changing the conformation may produce also efect through GDNF (Allen 1983) of postsynaptic DA receptors. In summary, (Tsybko et al. 2017). DA-ergic probably indirect actions of amantadine comprise presynaptic and postsynaptic efects (Meythaler et al. 2002). There are also several targets which are likely afected by Similarly, anti-infammatory efects described for aman- concentrations 1- to 3-fold above the range achieved after tadine below may be secondary: administration of amantadine at clinically used doses and which are defned as “possible targets” (see Table 4): 1. Using cultured microglial cells, it was demonstrated that the drug inhibited infammatory activation of microglia 1. NMDA receptors Although the majority of the in vitro by ca. 25% at 4 µM concentration and a signaling path- studies investigating the efect of amantadine on NMDA way that governs the microglial activation following receptors show efects with IC­ 50 values above plasma LPS stimulation. Moreover, at 49 µM, it protected neu- therapeutic range of 10 µM (Fig. 2, Tables 3, 4); never- rons in co-culture (Kim et al. 2012). theless, this action should not be neglected and may have 2. In vitro, amantadine at 1 µM inhibited by 30% produc- supportive potential as add-on to other actions. tion of infammatory cytokines such as -γ 2. Serotonergic (5-HT) receptors type 5-HT3 Ondansetron (IFN-γ) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) in human (5-HT3 antagonist) has been shown to inhibit dyskine- blood (Kubera et al. 2009). sia-like behavior in rats treated with L-DOPA (Aboul- 3. In vivo in mice amantadine (10 mg/kg) given for 4 days ghasemi et al. 2019). Moreover, 5-HT3 antagonism has inhibited microglia activation and at 25 mg/kg provided been proposed as a therapeutic approach for a number of protection against MPTP (Kim et al. 2012). indications such as depression, emesis, irritable bowel 4. Amantadine stimulates production of interleukins in syndrome (IBS), schizophrenia, anxiety, cognitive def- humans (Wandinger et al. 1999). cit, pruritis, infammation, and pain (Thompson and Lummis 2007) 3. Potassium channels At drug concentrations approxi- mately three times higher than therapeutically relevant Preclinical and clinical evaluation (Table 4), amantadine blocks inwardly rectifying potas- of amantadine’s non‑canonical indications sium channels (Kir2) that control the intrinsic excit- ability of GABAergic spiny projection neurons (SPNs, Neuroprotection and disease modifcation: general ­IC50 = 27 µm), without signifcantly diminishing synap- aspects tic NMDA currents (Shen et al. 2020). These efects were implied to contribute to the antidyskinetic efects While there is only limited knowledge about specifc causal of amantadine following l-DOPA treatment and possibly mechanisms underlying neurodegenerative diseases, there is in pain (Bhave et al. 2010; Shen et al. 2020). accumulating evidence that oxidative stress, excitotoxicity, calcium-dependent cell death, dysfunction of key proteins, These targets are graphically shown in Fig. 2 in relation lysosomal and autophagy dysfunction, etc. are responsible to their afnity and additionally according to their location for the degeneration of nerve cells. However, there is lack in Fig. 3. of knowledge as to the follow-up of such processes and their It should also be mentioned that Moresco and col- interaction in the various stages of disease process makes it leagues observed that amantadine treatment for 10–14 days very difcult to develop specifc neuroprotection. Therefore, at 200 mg produced in patients an enhancement (ca. 10%) a more recent strategy is to develop drugs, which may lead in [­ 11C-] binding indicating an increase in dopa- to “disease modifcation”, meaning that they infuence the minergic 2 (D2) receptors which may be involved in anti- disease process in slowing the degenerative progression. parkinsonian activity (Moresco et al. 2002). This is most Amantadine has shown protective properties in several probably consequence of one or several actions listed in experimental studies. For example, it reduced activation Table 4. Similarly, the indirect DA-mimetic efect could of microglia, induced expression of GDNF in astroglia in increase arousal in comatose patients (Sawyer et al. 2008). primary cultures with diferent composition of neurons, Amantadine, in addition to its weak NMDA antagonist microglia, and astroglia (Ossola et al. 2011). Furthermore, properties, has been demonstrated to increase extracellular amantadine in vitro showed antioxidative activity in the

1 3 138 W. Danysz et al.

2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay (Kranthi et al. Brison and colleagues clearly demonstrated that S-mutant 2019). In rats, it attenuated the loss of nucleus basalis mag- HCoV-OC43 infection in mice caused glutamate excitotoxic- nocellularis cells induced by NMDA injected ity expressed as dysregulation of glutamate recycling via the directly into this region (Wenk et al. 1995). In the same glial transporter-1-protein and synthase (Brison model, amantadine neuroprotection was provided by aman- et al. 2014). In the same study, memantine—a derivative of tadine infusions at 100 mg/kg/day as evidenced by corti- amantadine—improved clinical scores related to paralytic cal acetyl transferase (ChAT) activity (Wenk et al. disease and motor disabilities. Of interest is the notion that 1996). Furthermore, amantadine prevented a decrease memantine also reduced HCoV-OC43 replication in the CNS of striatal homovanillic acid concentration induced by in a dose-dependent manner (Brison et al. 2014). To under- 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) treat- stand the MoA of aminoadamantanes as anti-SARS-CoV-2 ment in mice (Rojas et al. 1993). agents, Abreu et al. (2020) proposed that amantadine blocks Amantadine blocked 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium the E channel of SARS-CoV-2, thus preventing the (MPP­ +) cytotoxicity involving noradrenaline (NA) trans- release of the viral nucleus into the cell cytoplasm (Aranda- porter starting with 30 µM, while and memantine Abreu et al. 2020c). Using docking models, Abreu et al. were not protective up to 100 µM (Sommerauer et al. 2012). (2020) demonstrated that the ligand site of amantadine could In cells expressing DA uptake or NMDA receptors, protec- interact with the PHE26 amino acids of the alpha helix. This tive efect of amantadine against ­MPP+ was weaker (Som- work is based on earlier research (Evans and Havlik 1994; merauer et al. 2012). The lower potency of amantadine in Jimenez-Guardeno et al. 2014; Thomaston et al. 2018; Tor- cytotoxicity assays on NR1/2A receptor-expressing cells as res et al. 2007; Wang et al. 1993). The mechanism of action compared to patch-clamp recordings can be explained by the could apart from above mentioned blockade of absence of ­Mg2+ in the electrophysiological experiments, involve also action at lysosomes (Brenner 2020; Smieszek whereas cytotoxicity assays were performed in cell culture et al. 2020), some other yet unknown efect, or a combina- medium with ­Mg2+ concentrations in the low millimolar tion thereof. range as to be expected in vivo. Some support for potential neuroprotective action of amantadine came from retrospective analysis of survival Human studies which suggests increased life expectancy of Parkinsonian patients treated with amantadine (Uitti et al. 1996). Amantadine has been used as an antiviral agent and it In conclusion, amantadine in experimental studies shows readily crosses the blood–brain barrier, making the drug neuroprotective properties related to antioxidative, anti- a potential candidate for the treatment of viral infections infammatory, and molecular mechanisms. These proper- afecting the . Notwithstanding, clini- ties at a cellular level could be secondary to amantadine’s cal data regarding the efects of amantadine on neurologi- complex MoA. cal symptoms in course of viral infections remain scarce. There was a limited early evidence that it may be treating Infections with CNS involvement: neuroprotection the prion-induced Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (Sanders 1979). Robertson et al. reviewed 38 cases of subacute sclerosing Preclinical studies panencephalitis (SSPE) associated with measles or rubeola infections. These pediatric patients showed a broad array of The antiviral potency of aminoadamantanes discovered psychiatric and neurological alterations including but not over 5 decades ago (Davies et al. 1964; Gerzon et al. limited to learning defcits, personality changes, seizures, 1963) has been attributed to inhibition of virus replica- myoclonus, spasticity, and extrapyramidal dysfunction. tion (Kendal and Klenk 1991; Tanner et al. 2005). These Twenty four of the 38 patients died; 15 received antiviral drugs recently regained again focus of research and drug treatment with amantadine or . Of the two drugs, development (Kesel et al. 2012) due to their possible poten- only amantadine apparently increased survival duration and tial in the COVID-19 (Brison et al. 2014; But- led to prolonged remissions (Robertson et al. 1980). Aman- terworth 2020c; Riederer and Ter Meulen 2020). In the tadine studies comprise partly conficting case reports, e.g., present review, we decided not to discuss the direct efects for Borna virus infection (Bode et al. 1997; Stitz et al. 1998). of amantadine on the virus, since several reviews on that On the other hand, some evidence can be found on benefcial topic have been published already elsewhere (Aranda-Abreu efects of amantadine on some psychiatric symptoms associ- et al. 2020c; Brenner 2020; Butterworth 2020b; Smieszek ated with neurotropic virus infections (see the Sect. 5.11). et al. 2020; Tipton and Wszolek 2020). However, we discuss In confrmed COVID-19 patients sufering from MS, PD shortly below the protective actions of amantadine on nerv- and cognitive impairment treated with amantadine (100 mg ous system against viral infections. QD) or memantine (10 mg BID) did not develop clinical

1 3 Amantadine: reappraisal of the timeless diamond—target updates and novel therapeutic… 139 manifestations of infectious disease (Rejdak and Grieb 2014). It should be stressed that even the low dose (45 mg/ 2020). There are also two low-powered studies suggesting kg) amounted to daily dose of 135 mg/kg/day which is a benefcial efect of amantadine in SARS-CoV-2-infected very high. In turn, translational value of this particular patients (Aranda-Abreu et al. 2020a; Cortes Borra 2020). study is questionable as such high plasma (ca. 64 µM) lev- If confrmed with higher numbers of patients, amantadine els cannot be achieved in humans (Wang et al. 2014), see may add to the therapeutic armamentarium fghting SARS- also Tables 2 and 3. CoV-2 infection. Nevertheless, given all above-discussed studies, pre- However, in the available literature, there are no relevant clinical evidence suggests the utility of amantadine in randomized clinical trials specifcally addressing the neuro- post-treatment in TBI to improve recovery. This is also protection by amantadine in viral infections or its efects on supported by several clinical studies (see next section). COVID-19 symptoms. Human studies Traumatic brain injury (TBI): recovery enhancement In their classical manual “Diagnosis and Treatment of Preclinical studies Stupor and ”, Plum and Posner defned coma as a pathology marked by severe and prolonged dysfunction Wang and colleagues (Wang et al. 2014) administered of vigilance and consciousness (Plum and Posner 1972). amantadine for 1 h after TBI followed by dosing three More recently, consciousness has been described as a com- times daily for 16 consecutive days at 15, 45, and 135 mg/ bination of arousal (i.e., wakefulness, sustained attention, kg/day. The highest dose improved Morris maze spatial or vigilance, clinically determinable by the presence of eye learning and provided neuroprotection in the hippocampus opening) and awareness (comprising all subjective percep- (Wang et al. 2014). However, the efective dose produced tions, feelings, and thoughts) (Posner et al. 2007; Zeman 12,000 ng/ml (ca. 80 µM) serum levels which are far above 2001). The level of arousal is maintained by the brainstem therapeutic range (see Table 3). and the thalamus (Lin 2000; Schif 2008). Normal vigi- After cortical impact injury, treatment with amantadine lance requires preserved reticular activating system (RAS) (20 mg/kg) starting 24 h after insult for 19 days improved in the upper pons, as well as the intralaminar nucleus of motor and learning functions tested 24 h after the last the thalamus, involved in fltering and integrating sensory amantadine dose, but failed to decrease cortical lesion inputs (Buckwalter et al. 2008; Sherman and Guillery volume (Bleimeister et al. 2019). There was no additive 2002). These structures cooperate with some fronto-pari- efect with enriched environment. etal regions shown to be afected in patients with impaired Amantadine (10 mg/kg/day for 18 days) treatment start- consciousness (Laureys 2005; Laureys et al. 1999, 2000). ing 1 day following TBI improved recovery as evidenced There are two primary mechanisms leading to coma: a by water maze performance tested on days 14–18 after difuse bilateral insult to cerebral hemispheres or a focal injury (Dixon et al. 1999). Motor performance (beam coma comprise stroke, trauma, and drug overdose. On a walking and beam balance) and hippocampal neuron sur- neurochemical level, DA is thought to play a major role in vival were not improved. arousal and in the TBI, as widespread damage to axons in In cerebral cortical fuid percussion injury in rats, infu- the brain is associated with a reduction of DA availability sion of amantadine at 86.4 mg/kg/day starting at day 5 for (Bales et al. 2009; Meythaler et al. 2002). 8 weeks reversed dopamine release defcit and improved Studies with amantadine in patients with disorders motor performance on rotarod and learning in novel object of consciousness are heterogenous in terms of outcome recognition test (Huang et al. 2014). measures and populations studied. The available evidence In the study assessing restorative efect in rats, thera- suggests, however, benefcial efects of amantadine in peutic beneft could be observed at an amantadine dose the recovery of patients with acute TBI (Ma and Zafonte of 20 mg/kg, while at 10 and 40 mg/kg, no efect was 2020). An early -controlled crossover randomized- observed, indicating bell-shaped dose–response curve controlled trial (RCT) of 10 subjects with moderate- (Okigbo et al. 2019). to-severe TBI found no diference in the rate of cogni- In another study, amantadine given at 45 or 135 mg/kg tive recovery with amantadine (Schneider et al. 1999). 3 times a day for 28 days following TBI decreased the neu- However, a later RCT demonstrated that patients having ronal degeneration and apoptosis in the substantia nigra received amantadine improved compared to those receiv- (Tan et al. 2015). Amantadine also reversed the decrease ing placebo on the Disability Rating Scale (DRS) involv- of dopamine in the striatum and decreased depressive-like ing sustained attention score, and further tests of cognitive behavior (forced swim test, sucrose preference) and learn- function. Patients in the placebo group improved further ing defcit induced by TBI (Tan et al. 2015; Wang et al. when switched to amantadine (Meythaler et al. 2002). A

1 3 140 W. Danysz et al. more recent large-sample (n = 184) placebo-controlled recent clinical practice guidelines (Anghinah et al. 2018; RCT of amantadine involved patients 4–16 weeks after Butterworth 2020a; Plantier and Luaute 2016). severe TBI presenting as the vegetative state or minimally conscious state demonstrated faster recovery on the DRS Stroke and Coma Recovery Scale-Revised (CRS-R) in an active- treatment group during the 4-week treatment period (Gia- Preclinical studies cino et al. 2012). The improvements were maintained dur- ing a 2-week wash-out period in both groups, but its rate In a rat model of ischemia based on the middle brain artery decreased in the amantadine group, so that no diference occlusion, amantadine sulfate produced enhancement of heat in DRS and CRS-R scores was found between the active shock protein 70 (HSP 70) expression indicative of the activ- and placebo groups 6 weeks. Both groups were similar in ity of preventive mechanisms (Khasanova et al. 2009). Two terms of adverse efects (Giacino et al. 2012). other studies showed that amantadine at low dose of 25 mg/ The results of the RCTs in patients with disorders of con- kg given after common carotid artery narrowing decreased sciousness are, in general, in agreement with other studies of cognitive defcit in rats (Zhang et al. 2014; Zhong et al. various designs, e.g., retrospective chart reviews, case–con- 2020). trol studies, or case reports (Chandler et al. 1988; Gualtieri et al. 1989; Kraus and Maki 1997a, b; Kraus et al. 2005; Human studies Nickels et al. 1994; Rafaele et al. 2002; Saniova et al. 2004, 2006; Whyte et al. 2005; Wu and Garmel 2005; Zafonte There are several very heterogenous reports on potential et al. 2001, 1998). Amantadine treatment was also demon- efectiveness of amantadine in patients who underwent dif- strated to produce specifc metabolic changes in afected ferent kinds of stroke. Khasanova et al. compared the clini- brain areas, which correlated with some improvements in cal efectiveness of infusions of amantadine (N = 20) and TBI patients (Kraus et al. 2005; Schnakers et al. 2008). sulfate (N = 20) in the acute period of ischemic Amantadine was also relatively widely tested in pediatric stroke. Patients treated with amantadine showed more pro- populations with TBI. McMahon et al. (2009) compared the nounced restoration of consciousness and regression of neu- drug with placebo in a crossover RCT in children (n = 7). rological defcits, observed particularly in the frst time of Although there were no diferences between the active and the therapy (Khasanova et al. 2009). Krivonos et al. inves- placebo groups, there were greater improvements in con- tigated the efect of co-treatment with amantadine (200 mg sciousness observed with amantadine (McMahon et al. in 500 ml i.v. over 3 h for 10 days) plus standard-of-care 2009). Furthermore, Patrick et al. (2006) compared amanta- (N = 23) versus standard-of-care therapy (N = 10) in patients dine to in an RCT in children and adolescents in with ischemic stroke. The therapy was initiated in the major- a low-responsive state 1 month post-injury. Patients in both ity of patients within 24–48 h of onset. The efcacy was groups made signifcant improvements on the Coma/Near assessed using National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale Coma Scale, the Western NeuroSensory Stimulation Pro- (NIHSS), the modifed Rankin scale, and the Barthel Daily fle, the DRS weekly gains, and Rancho Los Amigos Scale. Living Index on in-patient day 10 and 3 months after stroke. There were no signifcant side efects to treatment (Patrick On day 10, the group administered amantadine showed a et al. 2006). In a study by Green et al. (2004) evaluating the signifcant 39.1% reduction in neurological defcit on the safety of amantadine in a pediatric population, only 5 of 54 NIHSS, especially in mild stroke, but regardless of age or patients experienced side efects that were readily reversible stroke subtype; in the corresponding reduction in the con- (Green et al. 2004). Beers et al. (2005) studied the efects trol group reached 24.4%. Likewise, after 3 months, the of amantadine in pediatric patients after TBI and found the neurological defcit on the NIHSS in the amantadine group medication safe. Even though the diferences in cognition decreased by 58.7%, while in the control group by 41.8%. were not found statistically signifcant, the authors suggested In line with the above, also was a signifcant reduction in a potential cognition improvement with amantadine (Beers Rankin scale scores were higher in amantadine-treated group et al. 2005). than in the group treated with standard-of-care therapy, with Even though amantadine failed to produce favorable signifcant diferences observed at 3 months. Three months efects in some of the studies conducted [e.g., (Hughes et al. after stroke, the Barthel Daily Living Index score increased 2005; Schneider et al. 1999)], it can be concluded that there signifcantly in both treatment groups, with no signifcant is some evidence that amantadine safely improves arousal diferences between the groups (Krivonos et al. 2010). and some aspects of cognitive function (e.g., attention, con- Recently, Akcil et al. (2018) studied the efects of aman- centration, alertness, arousal, and mobility) in comatose tadine on neurocognitive function recovery from subarach- patients with acute brain injury at diferent stages (DeMarchi noid hemorrhage (SAH) over 6 months. A group of fve et al. 2005; Sawyer et al. 2008). This is refected by several patients received the standard-of-care plus amantadine for

1 3 Amantadine: reappraisal of the timeless diamond—target updates and novel therapeutic… 141

30 days, while the other seven patients received the standard protective efect occurred via stimulation of angiogenesis, treatment only on the frst and ffth days and at the third and decreasing infammation, oxidative stress, and apoptosis. sixth months after admission. The data suggested that adding This study is in line with TBI experiments showing utility amantadine to the standard treatment during the early period of amantadine in improvement of recovery after insult, and of SAH may improve neurocognitive function recovery eval- is encouraging enough to follow this indication in further uated using the Coma Recovery Scale-Revised (CRS-R) and preclinical studies and later with clinical investigations. Disability Rating Scale (DRS) (Akcil et al. 2018). In the most recent and most extensive retrospective study, Human studies Leclerc et al. (2020) reviewed hospital records to evaluate safety and efectiveness on neurostimulants amantadine and/ In the publicly available scientifc literature, no relevant or modafnil (both mostly at the daily dose of 100 mg b.i.d) clinical reports on efects of amantadine in patients with used for acute stroke care in the intensive-care unit (ICU). spinal cord injury could be identifed. The drugs were initiated 1–27 (median 7) days post-stroke. Only patients receiving amantadine monotherapy and/or Multiple sclerosis (MS) combination of amantadine and modafnil met the responder defnition (2 of 3 criteria within 9 days of neurostimulant Preclinical studies initiation: ≥ 3 points increase in Glasgow coma scale (GCS) score from pre-treatment baseline; improved wakefulness; In the experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) clinical improvement). The median time to response was model in rats (based on injection of Freund’s complete 3 days, and the responders were more frequently discharged adjuvant, CFA), amantadine at the dose of 100 mg/kg/day home or to acute rehabilitation than non-responders (Leclerc suppressed signifcantly disease score and decreased expres- et al. 2020). sion of pro-infammatory cytokines (IL-1β, IL-6, fractalkine, Two very recent studies by Gao et al. add to the already MIP-1, and MIP-3) (Sulkowski et al. 2013). It should be available evidence that amantadine may be useful in the stressed that 100 mg/kg is an amantadine dose which is management of sequelae of cerebrovascular events. In a ret- regarded as slightly above clinically relevant levels. In the rospective cohort study, amantadine (100–200 mg/day p.o.) follow-up study, in the same model, it was shown that aman- was demonstrated to accelerate recovery (as measured on tadine also partially attenuates increase in glutamate in the Glasgow Out Scale 5 months after onset) in patients with brain observed in EAE rats (Sulkowski et al. 2014). It should persistent vegetative state after severe cerebral hemorrhage be added that synaptic morphology was not improved by scores compared to a matched control cohort (Gao et al. amantadine in these animals. 2020b). In a case-series study, amantadine administration In another study in EAE mouse model of MS 40 mg/kg (150–200 mg/day p.o.) showed benefcial efects on neuro- amantadine, applied daily by a feeding cannula, did not sup- logical recovery of 7 patients after severe cerebral hemor- press the incidence or severity of EAE, but improved signif- rhage, as evaluated using revised coma recovery scale (CRS- cantly the recovery phase. In addition, a signifcant increase R) recovery (Barrett and Eslinger 2007; Gao et al. 2020a). in ­CD4+, ­CD25+, ­Foxp3+, and T cells could be detected in Of note, a pilot open-label study investigated verbal response to amantadine treatment (Fukumoto et al. 2019). fuency on and of amantadine (100 mg BID) in aphasic It could be concluded that, so far, there is no strong pre- patients after stroke or other brain insults using Controlled clinical evidence that amantadine could be useful in the Oral Word Association Test. Amantadine administration sig- treatment of pathology of MS in humans. nifcantly improved word generation (Barrett and Eslinger 2007; Gao et al. 2020a). Human studies

Spinal cord injury Amantadine is one of the pharmacological interventions that were most extensively studied for MS-related fatigue. Preclinical studies Already in 1985, Murray et al. carried out a double-blind placebo-controlled trial of amantadine (100 mg BID) in 32 Amantadine (45 mg/kg/day) treatment for 7 days directly patients with MS and observed improvements in fatigue following spinal cord injury (SCI, clip compression insult) in 62.5% of patients on amantadine and 21.8% on placebo decreased oxidative stress markers malondialdehyde (MDA) (Murray et al. 1985). Management of MS-related fatigue and myeloperoxidase (MPO), increased glutathione (GSH) with amantadine has been studied in controlled trials, dem- levels, improved histology, and decreased apoptotic markers onstrating improvements in both subjective and objective (Dogan and Karaca 2020). In turn, it was suggested that a ratings of fatigue (see Table 5). However, neither amantadine

1 3 142 W. Danysz et al. nor other drugs used in MS-related fatigue (i.e., modafnil and movement times with amantadine in a subset of patients or ) were found superior to placebo in a with olivopontocerebellar atrophy (Botez et al. 1996). Further recent randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind crosso- well-designed studies in this indication are warranted. ver trial. Furthermore, the use of these drugs was associated with increased rates of adverse events (Nourbakhsh et al. Huntington’s disease 2020). Yang et al. (2017) performed an extensive review of phar- Preclinical studies macological treatments for fatigue in patients with MS and performed a meta-analysis on fve studies comparing aman- We could not detect any studies of amantadine in animal tadine treatment with a placebo for fatigue in MS patients, models of Huntington’s disease. indicating that amantadine might be the most efective drug for treating MS fatigue (Yang et al. 2017). Likewise, a recent Human studies meta-analysis including a total of 11 clinical trials with aman- tadine using both validated fatigue scales the patients’ subjec- The frst reports on putative benefcial efects of amanta- tive responses revealed improvement of MS-related fatigue dine in Huntington’s disease chorea (Scotti and Spinnler with amantadine (Perez et al. 2020). 1971) were initially considered controversial (Weiner and Consensus guidelines from the German Multiple Sclerosis Klawans 1972). Later randomized studies of Class II and Society (GMSS) conclude that amantadine produces moder- Class I brought positive or mixed results, respectively ate improvement in subjective fatigue, concentration, memory, (O’Suilleabhain and Dewey 2003; Verhagen Metman et al. and problem-solving compared with placebo based on strong 2002). Accordingly, the evidence-based guideline of Ameri- evidence (Generali and Cada 2014). can Academy of Neurology (AAN) concluded that blinded Although several placebo-controlled trials have shown patient-reported outcomes in one Class I study, as well as favorable results for subjective measures of fatigue associ- one Class II study suggest that amantadine is likely efective ated with MS (see Table 5 for details), a Cochrane Database in decreasing HD chorea (Armstrong and Miyasaki 2012). Review by Pucci et al. (2007) concluded that the efcacy and The above results found confrmation in further open-label tolerability of amantadine in this population is poorly docu- and double-blind-placebo-controlled studies. mented. They indicated the necessity of further improvement of knowledge on mechanisms of MS-related fatigue, determi- Tardive dyskinesia nation of appropriate outcome measures, and new high-quality randomized clinical trials (Pucci et al. 2007). Also, studies Preclinical studies demonstrating benefts in diferent subsets of patients (e.g., those with advanced illness) are still necessary. In one study, it was shown that amantadine co-treatment reduced the development of dopaminergic receptor hyper- Olivopontocerebellar atrophy and Friedreich sensitivity in the striatum after administration as evidenced by analysis of stereotyped behavior and a D-2[3H] Preclinical studies spiroperidol receptor binding assay (Allen et al. 1980). This suggests potential utility in the prevention of tardive dyski- In a coat-hanger test in lurcher mutant mice amantadine at nesia but requires confrmation from further studies. 40 g/kg improved performance, a similar efect was observed after ketamine (Lalonde et al. 1993) indicating involvement Human studies of NMDA receptors. Several clinical studies examined the efect of amantadine Human studies on patients with tardive dyskinesia (Allen 1982; Angus et al. 1997; Decker et al. 1971; Freudenreich and McE- The initially promising case reports in patients with Friedre- voy 1995; Pappa et al. 2010). An 18-week, double-blind, ich’s ataxia, showing some improvements with amantadine crossover, randomized placebo-controlled trial reported in visual and auditory reaction times and movement times or amantadine (300 mg/day for 7 weeks) to be benefcial in on the Functional Ataxia Scoring Scale (FASS) (Botez et al. tardive syndrome when co-administered with neurolep- 1989; Peterson et al. 1988), failed to fnd their confrmation tics. In patients taking amantadine, tardive dyskinesia in later, larger double-blind placebo-controlled clinical tri- symptoms quantified using the Abnormal Involuntary als using similar clinical tools (Botez et al. 1996; Filla et al. Movements Scale (AIMS) were reduced by 15% (Angus 1993). However, the study of Botez et al. (1996) shows sig- et al. 1997). Pappa et al. (2010) administered amantadine nifcant improvements in visual and auditory reaction times (100 mg/day) in patients with tardive dyskinesia and stable

1 3 Amantadine: reappraisal of the timeless diamond—target updates and novel therapeutic… 143 patients had reduced patients had reduced and increased MDA (anti - beta-carotene as as well oxidant), survival, after improved of treatment 1 week only frontal lobe dysfunction frontal lobe dysfunction TBI, and 4 were from while 3 “responders”, “non-responders” were amantadineto treatment, in with improvements alertness, attention, function, cog - executive behavior, nition, speech, motor mood, motivation, - abilities, and psychomo as less speed, as well tor dyscontrol subjects had a greater in their improvement during their level RLA admission. Subjective in noted improvements patients adminis - most amantadine.tered Side minimal and efects were when treatment resolved reduced was and concentration, alertand concentration, - processing ness, arousal, speed, time, psychomotor vocalization, mobility, and agitation, anxiety, participation in therapy Results Amantadine-treated All patients had signifcant Amantadine-treated Improvements in attention Improvements QD Amantadine- dose, treat ment duration 200 mg i.v. BID 200 mg i.v. 100 mg BID to 400 mg 100 mg BID to 25–400 mg/day 50–200 mg/day BID - (GCS), survival, bio - parameters: chemical malondial - glycaemia, marker (MDA; dehyde of lipid peroxidation), total SH beta-carotene, groups (RLA) ment; Clock Drawing Drawing ment; Clock The Hopkins Test; Learning Test; Verbal Hopkins Attention The Test; Screening of Attention; Brief Test fuency tests; verbal Making Test; The Trail Test Naming Boston Examination (MMSE), Examination Impair Severe for Test havioral and cognitive and cognitive havioral status (e.g., attention, alertness,concentration, time, reaction arousal, agitation, and anxiety) - Clinical outcome param scales, scores eters, Glasgow Coma Scale Glasgow Ranchos Los Amigos Ranchos The Mini-Mental State - neurobe Functional,

tive N = 54) Population, design Population, - Retrospec Case–control, N = 118 (amantadine RCT, Open Label RCT, 32 (amantadine N = 18) Case series N = 7 Case series N = 12 tation following brain brain tation following injuries Description of the disorder TBI (pediatric) Closed head injury TBI - in-patient rehabili Acute References Green et al. ( 2004 ) et al. Green Saniova et al. ( 2006 ) et al. Saniova Kraus and Maki ( 1997b ) Kraus Nickels et al. ( 1994 ) et al. Nickels Summary of clinical studies with amantadine for not conventional indications (not for Parkinson’s disease and viral infections) disease and viral Parkinson’s for indications (not conventional not Summary with of clinical studies amantadine for 5 Table Indication TBI

1 3 144 W. Danysz et al. the of functional rate during active recovery Amantadinetreatment. the increase inci - did not efects dence of adverse amantadine had a faster amantadine had a faster in of improvement rate their during GCS scores - of treat the week frst functional dif - ment. No observed were ferences at 6-month follow-up tolerated, but had no tolerated, signifcant efect on CNC Scale or CRS-R shorten the time to coma from emerge the CNC scale, DRS, and the CNC NeuroSensory Western was Profle Stimulation greater with signifcantly amantadine- or prami than without and pexole after 6 weeks slowed termination)treatment improved recovery improved Results Amantadine accelerated Patients having received received having Patients Amantadine was well well Amantadine was Amantadine failed to to Amantadine failed Weekly rate of change in of change rate Weekly Amantadine signifcantly Amantadine signifcantly Amantadine- dose, treat ment duration 200 mg BID 100 mg BID 400 mg/day 200 mg BID 100 mg BID Not provided Not - (GCS) Scale or Coma Recov ery Scale-Revised ery Scale-Revised (CRS-R) evoked potentials evoked (CNC) scale, DRS, and (CNC) NeuroSensory Western Profle Stimulation (DRS) - Clinical outcome param scales, scores eters, Glasgow–Coma Scale Glasgow–Coma Functional recovery Functional Coma Near Coma (CNC) Coma (CNC) Coma Near GCS and somatosensory Coma Near Coma Coma Near Disability Rating Scale Disability Rating

N = 19) N = 87) N = 28) N = 6) N = 47) Population, design Population, ​ RCT N = 40 (amantadine RCT, crossover RCT, N = 184 (amantadine RCT, crossover RCT, N = 7 Retrospective Cohort N = 123 (amantadine ​ RCT N = 10 (amantadine Cohort N = 124 (amantadine of consciousness population Description of the disorder Severe TBI Severe Post-traumatic disorders disorders Post-traumatic Brain injuriesBrain in pediatric Severe TBI Severe TBI TBI ( 2010 ) References Ghalaenovi et al. ( 2018 ) et al. Ghalaenovi Giacino et al. ( 2012 ) Giacino et al. Hughes et al. ( 2005 ) Hughes et al. Patrick et al. ( 2006 ) et al. Patrick Whyte et al. ( 2005 ) et al. Whyte Vargus-Adams et al. et al. Vargus-Adams (continued) 5 Table Indication

1 3 Amantadine: reappraisal of the timeless diamond—target updates and novel therapeutic… 145 - 6 months follow (≥ 6 months post-TBI) with moderate-to-severe aggression, amantadine reduced signifcantly aggression, with no ben - efcial efect on anger moderate-severe irritabilmoderate-severe - ity (≥ ing TBI), 4 weeks of ing TBI), 4 weeks amantadine signifcantly the frequency improved of irritabiland severity - ity and aggression and safe was placebo efect, amanta - signifcantly dine did not irritability improve (in patients with moderate- irritability, who severe sufered TBI ≥ 6 months prior enrollment) to cantly more prevalent prevalent more cantly in the amantadine given group. Patients amantadine had longer and ICU lengths of stay more received on the rate of patients’ on the of patients’ rate recovery. cognitive small limited by Results - size, heterogene sample ous population, acute time course, and limited and high power, study rate drop-out Results Among patients Among patients with Because of a very large large Because of a very Agitation was signif - was Agitation Amantadine had no efect 2 weeks Amantadine- dose, treat ment duration 100 mg BID 50–150 mg BID over 50–150 mg BID over 100 mg BID, 4 weeks 100 mg BID 100 mg BID Score (NRS) Score attention, executive recovery tive tory-Irritability (NPI-I); Neuropsychiatric Inventory-Aggression (NPI-A) tory-Irritability (NPI) in intensive-care unit in intensive-care (ICU) - Clinical outcome param scales, scores eters, Neurobehavioural Rating Rating Neurobehavioural Orientation, memory, cogni - of patients’ Rate - Inven Neuropsychiatric - Inven Neuropsychiatric Agitation, length of stay lengthAgitation, of stay Aggression, anger Aggression,

2 weeks wash-out, wash-out, 2 weeks on placebo 2 weeks N = 38) N = 82) N = 70) N = 61) Population, design Population, RCT, Crossover RCT, N = 10 on AMH, 2 weeks ​ RCT N = 76 (amantadine ​ RCT N = 168 (amantadine Cohort, retrospective N = 139 (amantadine ​ RCT N = 118 (amantadine Description of the disorder TBI TBI TBI TBI TBI References Schneider et al. ( 1999 ) et al. Schneider Hammond et al. ( 2014 ) Hammond et al. Hammond et al. ( 2015 ) Hammond et al. Gramish et al. ( 2017 ) et al. Gramish Hammond et al. ( 2015 ) Hammond et al. (continued) 5 Table Indication

1 3 146 W. Danysz et al. - - performance on execu cor function tests, tive withrelated a signifcant in leftincrease prefrontal cortex metabo - glucose lism in the6 male frst subjects enrolled - attention and concentra fatigue tion, and reduced amantadine in cognitive amantadine in cognitive when compared testing and severity- age- to TBI control matched in patients observed those ≤ 2 years post- The results injury. limited, since just were was analysis per-protocol used in the MMSE, DRS, GOS, and FIM cognitive scale in both groups of from patients recovering acute TBI during the frst but of the study, 6 weeks in the amantadine- only grouptreatment during the second 6 weeks. the groups However, had similar functional after thehad study levels fnished the population study Results Amantadine improved Amantadine improved Amantadine improved Amantadine improved Improvements with Improvements Signifcant improvements Signifcant improvements in safe Amantadine was 10 10 y/o) y/o) Amantadine- dose, treat ment duration 400 mg/day Up to 150 mg/day (< 150 mg/day to Up or (> 200 mg/day Up to 150 mg BID to Up 200 mg/day over 6 weeks over 200 mg/day tion, fatigue Scale (ABS); Mini- - Mental Examina Status tion (MMSE); Disabil - Scale (DRS); ity Rating Outcome Glasgow - Scale (GOS); and Func tional Independence (FIM-cog) Measure Ori - scale; Galveston entation and Amnesia (GOAT) Test - Clinical outcome param scales, scores eters, Executive function Executive - and concentra Attention Cognition Agitated Behavioural Behavioural Agitated

N = 17); N = 13 analyzed: (amantadine N = 9) ver 6 weeks on placebo 6 weeks Population, design Population, RCT (BUT: no placebo) (BUT: RCT N = 27 (amantadine set per-protocol Only - open label, crosso RCT, N = 22 RCT, crossover RCT, N = 35 on AMH, 6 weeks RCT, crossover RCT, N = 6 Description of the disorder TBI (pediatric subjects) TBI Acute TBI Acute Brain injuriesBrain References Beers et al. ( 2005 ) Beers et al. Kraus et al. ( 2005 ) et al. Kraus Meythaler et al. ( 2002 ) et al. Meythaler Rafaele et al. ( 2002 ) et al. Rafaele (continued) 5 Table Indication

1 3 Amantadine: reappraisal of the timeless diamond—target updates and novel therapeutic… 147 motor aphasia performed motor Oral on Controlled better Association test Word when during the 6 days amantadine given 6 months after intensive- unit admission, care patients (who sufered aneurysmal ) who were amantadine had given higher CRS-R and lower DRS scores groups were observed observed groups were - of treat after 60 days ment, but the placebo high. were responses battery Cognitive the for baseline scores grouptreatment were the increasing higher, to susceptibility group’s day ceiling efects. At for 28, the mean change the placebo group was greater tadine-treated patients made signifcantly greater improvements memory and in verbal as time, as well reaction persistent reported fewer - symp post-concussion when compared toms, (by controls matched to and concussion sex, age, history) Patients with transcorticalPatients At both 5 days and both 5 days At Results No diferences between between diferences No After 3–4 weeks, aman - After 3–4 weeks, BID 200 mg/day or 100 mg 200 mg/day 100 mg BID Amantadine- dose, treat ment duration 100 mg BID 100 mg BID Revised (CRS-R), Revised Scale Disability Rating (DRS) Word Association test) Word tability time Coma Recovery Scale- Coma Recovery Aphasia (Controlled Oral Oral Aphasia (Controlled - Clinical outcome param scales, scores eters, Cognitive battery, irri battery, - Cognitive Verbal memory, reaction reaction memory, Verbal

N = 5) N = 59) N = 25) tive ​ RCT N = 12 (amantadine Case Series N = 4 Population, design Population, ​ RCT N = 119 (amantadine - retrospec Case–control, N = 50 (amantadine rysmal subarachnoid rysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage) injury prior enrollment, to with moderate-severe irritability) head concussion – Stroke (due to aneu - (due to Stroke Stroke (3), postoperative (3), postoperative Stroke Description of the disorder TBI (at least 6 months TBI (at least Subjects with history of ( 2007 ) Akcil et al. ( 2018 ) Akcil et al. Barrett and Eslinger Barrett and Eslinger References Hammond et al. ( 2018 ) Hammond et al. Reddy et al. ( 2013 ) et al. Reddy (continued) 5 Table Stroke Indication

1 3 148 W. Danysz et al. demonstrated the efcacy demonstrated of treatment and safety with the glutamate antago receptor - NMDA amantadinenist sulfate duringadministered the It acute period of stroke. indicated is particularly in patients with mild to neurological moderate defcit tadine sulfate exhibited exhibited tadine sulfate the signifcant more of conscious - restoration dynamics ness and better (regress) of neurological defcit with the most of restoration intensive defcit in neurological that allows the day frst the recommend to use of in the amantadine sulfate hours of ischemic frst the- pre and for stroke of reperfusion vention - in recanalisa damage of ischemic tion therapy stroke Results The results obtainedThe results here Patients treated with treated aman - Patients infusion over 3 h over Amantadine- dose, treat ment duration 200 mg (in 500 ml) i.v. 200 mg (in 500 ml) i.v. 200 mg (500 ml) i.v. 200 mg (500 ml) i.v. 10 days logical defcits Defcit on the National Defcit on the National of Health Institutes Scale (NIHSS), Stroke the modifed Rankin scale, and the Bartel Living Index Daily - Clinical outcome param scales, scores eters, - Consciousness, neuro Severity of Neurological of Neurological Severity

Merz) = 20, magnesium control) sulfate N = 23) stand - group received treatment ard-of-care Population, design Population, N = 40 (amantadine (PK- 10 patients in the control N = 33 (amantadine or cardioembolic, acute or cardioembolic, period) (within 24–48 h of onset) Description of the disorder Stroke (atherothrombotic (atherothrombotic Stroke Acute ischemic stroke stroke ischemic Acute References Khasanova et al. ( 2009 ) et al. Khasanova Krivonos et al. ( 2010 ) et al. Krivonos (continued) 5 Table Indication

1 3 Amantadine: reappraisal of the timeless diamond—target updates and novel therapeutic… 149 initiated a median of 7 post- (4.25, 12.75) days 1–27 days) (range stroke somnolence (77%), for com - following not of eye mands (32%), lack opening (28%), or low GCS (17%). The most common starting dose 100 mg twice daily was both amantadine for (86%) and modafnil (54%). Of the 79 patients included in the efec - 42 evaluation, tiveness considered (53%) were including responders, 34/62 (55%) receiving amantadine monotherapy and 8/24 (33%) receiving both amantadine and modafnil at the time the defnition of met they patient No a responder. modafnil receiving was monotherapy a responder. considered The median time from was response initiation to - Respond 3 (2, 5) days. frequently more ers were home or to discharged acute rehabilitation com - non-responders to pared 62%, p = 0.006). (90% vs 63/72 Among survivors, prescribed (88%) were at a neurostimulant The hospital discharge. common potential most drug efect was adverse sleep disruption (16%) Results Neurostimulants were were Neurostimulants 6; 8%), 200 mg QD = 86%), 100 mg QD ( N ( N = 1; 1%) Amantadine- dose, treat ment duration 100 mg BID ( N = 61; commands, eye open - commands, eye coma ing, Glasgow scale (GCS) score - Clinical outcome param scales, scores eters, Somnolence, following Somnolence, following (82%) or both in 3 (3%) patients Population, design Population, N = 87 Amantadine in N = 71 Modafnil N = 13 (15%) - rhagic, 33% ischemic, 33% ischemic, rhagic, 20% subarachnoid hemorrhage) Description of the disorder Stroke (47% hemor Stroke References Leclerc et al. ( 2020 ) et al. Leclerc (continued) 5 Table Indication

1 3 150 W. Danysz et al. neous and evoked sciatic neous and evoked amantadine or pain vs. placebo. Maximal pain the from base - reduction line with amantadine was leg raise 7%. Straight also signifcantly test with lidocaine improved pain of painful peripheral (efect sus - neuropathy 1 week at least tained for after the infusion weight with amantadine weight weight with amantadine weight weight with amantadine weight weight with amantadine weight weight with amantadine weight Lidocaine reduced spontaLidocaine reduced - Results Amantadine the reduced Signifcantly reduced body reduced Signifcantly Signifcantly reduced body reduced Signifcantly Signifcantly reduced body reduced Signifcantly Signifcantly reduced body reduced Signifcantly Signifcantly reduced body reduced Signifcantly over 2 h) over 12 weeks 8 weeks average) mg over mg over average) 16 weeks 2.5 mg/kg (i.v. infusion (i.v. 2.5 mg/kg Amantadine- dose, treat ment duration 200 mg (i.v. infusion) 200 mg (i.v. 200 mg over 3 weeks 200 mg over up to 300 mg over 300 mg over up to 100–200 mg over 100–200 mg over 100–300 (236 mg on 400 mg over 2 weeks 400 mg over and evoked pain and evoked every leg raise) (straight 3 h 30 min for tom Score (NSS), Score tom with visual together analogue scale (VAS) and 1 pretherapy was wk later VAS-P with together repeated assess used to a VAS in pain (VAS- relief R) and the Physicians Global Evaluation used to (PGE) score to assess response therapy Spontaneous pain VAS Spontaneous pain VAS - Symp The Neuropathy - Clinical outcome param scales, scores eters, Change in body weight Change Change in body weight Change Change in body weight Change Change in body weight Change Change in body weight Change

a placebo N = 18) crossover N = 12) N = 21 (amantadine N = 61 (amantadine N = 31) N = 60) N = 125 (amantadine crossover N = 11) ​ RCT and lidocaine (5 mg/kg), N = 30 ​ RCT N = 17 Population, design Population, RCT, double-blind, RCT, N = 36 (amantadine RCT, double-blind RCT, RCT, double-blind RCT, RCT, double-blind RCT, RCT, double-blind, RCT, N = 22 (amantadine fective disorder fective fective disorder, bipolar disorder, fective disorder disorder Sciatica Diabetic neuropathy Diabetic Description of the disorder - schizoaf Schizophrenia, Schizophrenia Schizophrenia - schizoaf Schizophrenia, Schizophrenia, bipolar Schizophrenia, ( 1999 ) ( 2003 ) Medrik-Goldberg et al. et al. Medrik-Goldberg References Amin and Sturrock Amin and Sturrock Silver et al. ( 2005 ) et al. Silver Ji et al. ( 2014 ) Ji et al. Pappa et al. ( 2010 ) et al. Pappa Graham et al. ( 2005 ) et al. Graham Deberdt et al. ( 2005 ) et al. Deberdt (continued) weight gain weight 5 Table Indication Pain Neuroleptic-induced Neuroleptic-induced

1 3 Amantadine: reappraisal of the timeless diamond—target updates and novel therapeutic… 151 - 22) and a 56% reduc 28 days in a greater 28 days = > cant efect over placebo cant efect over on the primary variable. (19) subjects Nineteen on amantadine and only 6 subjects on placebo reported improvements Quality-of- in chorea. improved scores life versus signifcantly placebo after amantadine treatment extremity chorea with chorea extremity amantadine (400 mg) in patients ( all evaluable N plasma ( tion in highest N = 10) amantadine and placebo of pain up in duration observation 28 days to period. duration Pain N proportion of placebo than amantadine patients relief between amanta - between relief dine and placebo was signifcant. statistically Mean pain intensity signifcantly remained during the 48 h lower amantadine following than during 48 h before. Amantadine reduced pain in 4 “wind up”-like patients Amantadine had no signif - A 36% reduction in A 36% reduction Results No diference between between diference No The diference in pain The diference 500 ml) over a 3 h 500 ml) over 100 mg TID over 14 days 100 mg TID over 100 mg QID over 14 days 100 mg QID over Amantadine- dose, treat ment duration 200 mg (infusion in 100 mg BID, 28 days idated within the study, idated within the study, assessment subjective patients, by of chorea Quality of Life Disease Rating Scale Disease Rating score (UHDRS) motor measuring chorea 7 body for severity on a scale from areas 4 (maximum total 0 to of 28) score pain were measured for for measured pain were treatment, 48 h before during and treatment, 48 h following for An average treatment. of 85% pain reduction at the recorded end was of AMAN infusion vs. placebo 45% following administration to 28 days and after 28 days to 28 days - scale val 24-point chorea Unifed Huntington’s Huntington’s Unifed - Clinical outcome param scales, scores eters, Spontaneous and evoked Spontaneous and evoked duration of pain up duration

crossover vs. Placebo vs. crossover 24 evaluable) crossover vs. Placebo vs. crossover N = 54) Placebo RCT, double-blind, RCT, N = 28 (25 randomized, RCT, double-blind, RCT, N = 24 (22 evaluable) Population, design Population, RCT, double-blind, vs. double-blind, vs. RCT, N = 100 (amantadine ​ RCT N = 15 vs. Placebo hyperkinesias acute herpes zoster infection cancer pain Huntington disease withHuntington Huntington disease withHuntington Description of the disorder Pain associated with Pain Surgical neuropathic Surgical Dewey ( 2003 ) Dewey ( 2002 ) O’Suilleabhain and Verhagen Metman et al. et al. Metman Verhagen References Galbraith ( 1973 ) Pud et al. ( 1998 ) Pud et al. (continued) 5 Table Huntington’s disease Huntington’s Indication

1 3 152 W. Danysz et al. - - ence between treatment treatment ence between groups (similar signif - with cant improvements both amantadine and placebo) carnitine group as com - amantadine to pared improved on tests of on tests improved mem - attention, verbal speed. and motor ory, between diferences No amantadine, , and placebo ment on FSS in the pemoline group. Sig - on nifcant improvement MS-FS in amantadine group to placebo in improving placebo in improving to fatigue with drugsfrequent than with placebo ence between treatment treatment ence between groups (similar signif - with cant improvements both amantadine and placebo) dyskinesia scores during scores dyskinesia amanta and oral - both i.v. treatment dine sulfate No signifcant difer No Signifcant improvement in Signifcant improvement All three groups treatment - signifcant improve No Neither drug was superior drugNeither was more were events Adverse No signifcant difer No Results A signifcant reduction of A signifcant reduction 12 weeks wash-out 12 weeks 500 ml saline) over 2 h) 500 ml saline) over or placebo (acute vs blinded phase) open (chronic 1 year phase) 200 mg QD 8?/10 weeks 100 mg BID per treatment, 12 weeks 100 mg BID 6 weeks 100 mg BID 6/8 weeks < 100 mg BID (p.o.) 100 mg BID 10 weeks Amantadine- dose, treat ment duration 200 mg (i.v. infusion in 200 mg (i.v. 100 mg TID (p.o.) over (FSS) (FSS) (FSS) (FSS), MS-Specifc Scale (MS-FS) Fatigue Scale (MFIS)—primary efcacy bank, and the Epwroth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) (VAS) untary movement scale untary movement (AIMS) Fatigue Severity Scale Severity Fatigue Fatigue Severity Scale Severity Fatigue Fatigue Severity Scale Severity Fatigue Fatigue Severity Scale Severity Fatigue Modifed Fatigue Impact Impact Modifed Fatigue item fatigue Neuro-QoL, Visual Analogue Scale Visual - Clinical outcome param scales, scores eters, - Modifed abnormal invol 16) or pemoline ( = 127 (in addition to 127 (in addition to = placebo carnitine (2 g) ( N N = 139 amantadine vs. placebo amantadine vs. placebo - amantadine, methylphe nidate, and modafnil investigated) crossover, vs. placebo vs. crossover, placebo placebo followed by by placebo followed open-label extension RCT, parallel, vs. vs. parallel, RCT, N = 42 RCT, Crossover, vs. vs. Crossover, RCT, N = 36 RCT, Parallel RCT, N = 45 (amantadine N = 16) placebo Amantadine vs. RCT, Parallel, 200 g Parallel, RCT, 56,25 mg pemoline vs. N = 93 RCT, double-blind, RCT, N RCT, Crossover vs. vs. Crossover RCT, N = 115 Population, design Population, RCT, acute crossover vs. vs. acute crossover RCT, ( N = 9) fatigue (mean duration (mean duration fatigue 5.7 years) fatigue (mean duration (mean duration fatigue 10.2 years) fatigue (mean duration (mean duration fatigue 14.5 years) fatigue (mean duration (mean duration fatigue 11 years) fatigue (mean duration) fatigue fatigue (mean duration (mean duration fatigue 7.8 years) hyperkinesias Multiple sclerosis withMultiple sclerosis Multiple sclerosis withMultiple sclerosis Multiple sclerosis withMultiple sclerosis Multiple sclerosis withMultiple sclerosis Multiple sclerosis withMultiple sclerosis Multiple sclerosis withMultiple sclerosis Description of the disorder Huntington disease withHuntington Ashtari ( 2009 ) et al. Tomassini et al. ( 2004 ) et al. Tomassini Geisler et al. ( 1996 ) Geisler et al. Krupp ( 1995 ) et al. Nourbakhsh et al. ( 2020 ) et al. Nourbakhsh Hader et al. ( 1987 ) Hader et al. References Lucetti et al. ( 2003 ) et al. Lucetti (continued) 5 Table Multiple sclerosis Indication

1 3 Amantadine: reappraisal of the timeless diamond—target updates and novel therapeutic… 153 - - AIMS, p = 0.05) ondansetron reduce reduce ondansetron in MS patients, fatigue but the efcacy of aman - tadine the in reducing MS-associated fatigue is greater than that of ondansetron tolerated and improved and improved tolerated speed walking dine group and one sub - ject in the placebo group of reported improvement symptoms fatigue ence between treatment treatment ence between groups amantadine improved amantadine improved in patients with fatigue MS relapsing–remitting MFIS. by as evaluated of a trend or only No seen was improvement within patients treated modafnil or ALCAR, respectively ence between treatment treatment ence between groups (similar signif - with cant improvements both substances) 15% Improvement on 15% Improvement Both amantadine and ADS-5102 was well well ADS-5102 was Six subjects in the amanta - No signifcant difer No One-month with treatment Results No signifcant difer No 4 weeks 300 mg over 18 weeks 300 mg over 100 mg BID over 100 mg BID over 274 mg QD over 4 weeks 274 mg QD over 200 mg 200 mg 200 mg QD 4 weeks Amantadine- dose, treat ment duration 100 mg BID 10 weeks - Movements Scale Movements (AIMS) (FSS) questionnaire (T25FW), Timed Up Up (T25FW), Timed and Go (TUG), 2-min Multiple Test, Walk Walking Sclerosis Scale-12, fatigue, and cogni - depression, and toler tion, safety, ability Inventory (FAI) Inventory Scale (MFIS) (FSS) Abnormal Involuntary Abnormal Involuntary Fatigue Severity Scale Severity Fatigue Timed 25-Foot Walk Walk 25-Foot Timed Fatigability Scale (0–4) Fatigability Fatigue Assessment Fatigue Modifed Fatigue Impact Impact Modifed Fatigue - Clinical outcome param scales, scores eters, Fatigue Severity Scale Severity Fatigue

-carnitine (2 g) l placebo Ondansetron Placebo N = 30) placebo placebo Modafnil (200 mg) or acetyl- acetylsalicylic acid acetylsalicylic (500 mg) RCT, crossover, vs. vs. crossover, RCT, N = 16 RCT, Crossover, vs. vs. Crossover, RCT, N = 53 RCT, double-blind, vs. double-blind, vs. RCT, N = 60 (amantadine RCT, Crossover, vs vs Crossover, RCT, N = 10 RCT, Crossover, vs vs Crossover, RCT, N = 29 N = 60 Population, design Population, RCT, Parallel, vs. vs. Parallel, RCT, RCT, Crossover, vs vs Crossover, RCT, N = 52 fatigue fatigue fatigue fatigue (mean duration (mean duration fatigue 6.6 years) fatigue (mean duration (mean duration fatigue 3 years) Tardive dyskinesia Tardive Multiple sclerosis Multiple sclerosis withMultiple sclerosis Multiple sclerosis withMultiple sclerosis Multiple sclerosis withMultiple sclerosis Description of the disorder Multiple sclerosis withMultiple sclerosis Multiple sclerosis withMultiple sclerosis ler ( 1988 ) ( 2012 ) Angus et al. ( 1997 ) Angus et al. Cohen et al. ( 2019 ) Cohen et al. Khazaei et al. ( 2019 ) Khazaei et al. Rosenberg and Appenzel - Rosenberg Cohen and Fisher ( 1989 ) Cohen and Fisher References Ledinek et al. ( 2013 ) Ledinek et al. Shaygannejad et al. et al. Shaygannejad (continued) Tardive dyskinesia Tardive 5 Table Indication

1 3 154 W. Danysz et al. 50% reduction or two or two 50% reduction (≥ 50% reduction) vs. 25% in placebo group vs. used median (≥ - on Operational steps Criteriaized Diagnostic OCPCRIT) System, (≥ 40% reduction) antigen BDV with Ag2 pramine bination amantadine/ in tardive neuroleptic dyskinesia from 19 to 3 19 to from quantitative scale quantitative AIMS ( p = 0.000) 50% of patients responded 50% of patients responded comparison post vs. Pre 67% of patients improved 67% of patients improved criteriaDiagnostic not below score Response: 68% of patients improved 68% of patients improved 63% of patients improved 63% of patients improved associated response Better Results Potentiated efect of imi - Potentiated Palliative efect of com - Palliative Decrease in AIMS score in AIMS score Decrease Improvement on Crane on Crane Improvement 21.8% improvement on 21.8% improvement (for 2 weeks followed followed 2 weeks (for and washout 4-day by of placebo) 2 weeks 100–300 mg 4 weeks 100–200 mg 4 weeks 100–300 mg (mean) 11 weeks 200–350 mg 8–12 weeks Amantadine- dose, treat ment duration 100 mg 6 weeks 100–300 mg/day 100 mg b.i.d 100 mg over 2 weeks 2 weeks 100 mg over 300 mg over 3 weeks 300 mg over Rating Scale (HDRS), Rating CGI = Clinical Global (CGI) Impressions (SRS) Rating Scale (HDRS) Rating ing Scale (MADRS) Rating Scale (HDRS) Rating Movements Scale Movements (AIMS) Movements Scale Movements (AIMS) Movements Scale Movements (AIMS) Hamilton Depression Depression Hamilton Zung Self-Rating Scale Zung Self-Rating Hamilton Depression Depression Hamilton - Rat Montgomery-Asberg - Clinical outcome param scales, scores eters, Hamilton Depression Depression Hamilton Abnormal Involuntary Abnormal Involuntary Abnormal Involuntary Abnormal Involuntary Abnormal Involuntary Abnormal Involuntary Crane quantitative scale quantitative Crane blind, placebo-con - trolled - and imipra mine + amantadine Open-label, add-on N = 8 Randomized, double- Randomized, 16–18/group Open-label, add-on N = 25 Open-label, add-on N = 30 Population, design Population, Open-label Comparison between N = 25/group Case series N = 6 Case report N = 1 ​ RCT N = 22 ​ RCT N = 6 tory) syndrome depression, dysthymia dysthymia depression, virus infection depression, Bornadepression, Dis - ease virus infection tory) - (refrac depression Major Chronic depressive depressive Chronic Major depression, bipolar depression, Major Major depression, bipolar depression, Major Description of the disorder - (refrac depression Major Tardive dyskinesia Tardive Tardive dyskinesia Tardive Tardive dyskinesia Tardive Tardive dyskinesia Tardive 1995 ) voy ( Stryjer ( 2003 ) et al. Vale et al. ( 1971 ) et al. Vale Dietrich et al. ( 2000 ) et al. Dietrich Ferszt et al. ( 1999 ) et al. Ferszt References Rogoz et al. ( 2007 ) et al. Rogoz Allen ( 1982 ) Pappa et al. ( 2010 ) et al. Pappa Freudenreich and McE - Freudenreich Decker et al. ( 1971 ) et al. Decker (continued) 5 Table Depression Indication

1 3 Amantadine: reappraisal of the timeless diamond—target updates and novel therapeutic… 155

psychiatric condition in a double-blind placebo-controlled study. The authors observed a highly signifcant reduction on total AIMS score by approximately 22%, as well as on individual AIMS items—including AIMS severity score— with amantadine but not with placebo (Pappa et al. 2010). In a small involving 6 subjects, improvements were observed with amantadine on the quantitative scale depression factor depression of in a subset symptoms patients of depression depression score, score, depression cocaine craving, reduced and consumption Results No efect on POMS No depressive Prevented Prevented depression Prevented criteria:Exclusion history Prevented increase in increase Prevented by Crane (1968) and Decker et al. (1971). The remaining few studies comprise case reports showcasing benefcial efects of amantadine and pointing out the heterogenicity of the indication (Allen 1982; Freudenreich and McEvoy 1995). Based on the results of the available clinical studies, an evidence-based guideline prepared by Guideline Develop- ment Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology Amantadine- dose, treat ment duration 200 mg 48 weeks 200 mg 24 weeks 300 mg 12 weeks (AAN) “Treatment of tardive syndromes” granted amanta- dine administered for a short term together with a neurolep- tic the recommendation Level C, corresponding to “might be considered as tardive syndrome treatment” (Bhidayasiri et al. 2013, 2018). This guideline suggested that the evi- dence for amantadine’s efcacy exists only for the neuro- leptics fupentixol decanoate, , haloperidol, (POMS) Depression Scale Depression (HADS) tory (BDI) Profle of Mood States of Mood States Profle - Clinical outcome param scales, scores eters, Hospital and Anxiety - Inven Depression Beck trifuoperazine, and , as only these drugs were tested with amantadine.

Neuroleptics‑induced weight gain

Preclinical studies blind, placebo-con - trolled blind, placebo, and comparator active - ()-con trolled In female rats, chronic administration amantadine for Randomized, double- Randomized, N = 131–136/group Population, design Population, Open-label, add-on N = 6–8/group Randomized, double- Randomized, N = 5–9/group 3 weeks decreased body weight at 100 mg/kg (but not at 50) in naive rats and in rats treated with . Hyperpro- lactinemia was not afected (Baptista et al. 1997). It should be stressed that 100 mg/kg is above therapeutically relevant dose and lack of efect on prolactin levels argue against the usefulness of amantadine for this indication. interferon-α interferon-α cocaine addiction Description of the disorder Depression induced by induced by Depression Depression induced by induced by Depression Depression secondaryDepression to Human studies

The most recent meta-analysis taking the results of 5 ran- domized clinical trials into consideration (for details see Table 5) demonstrated that administration of amantadine was associated with a 2.22 kg reduction in body weight (Zheng et al. 2017), which roughly remains in agreement ( 2007 ) ( 1991 ) with previous somewhat limited meta-analyses showing References Kronenberger et al. et al. Kronenberger (Quarantini et al. ( 2006 ) et al. (Quarantini Ziedonis and Kosten Ziedonis and Kosten reductions of slightly less than 2 kg (Kishi and Iwata 2013; Praharaj and Sharma 2012). Results of the meta-analysis by Zheng and colleagues not only showed that amantadine was efectively reducing weight gain associated with antipsychot- ics therapy but is also safe and well tolerated in patients (continued) with schizophrenia. It should, however, be mentioned that metformin was associated with a weight reduction of 3.42 kg 5 Table Indication in a similar population (Zheng et al. 2017). A head-to-head

1 3 156 W. Danysz et al. study comparing the efects of amantadine and metformin infusion of amantadine (200 mg) failed to enhance postop- could be envisaged. erative analgesia in patients undergoing abdominal hysterec- tomy (Gottschalk et al. 2001). Similarly, perioperative oral Pain administration of amantadine (100 mg BID) failed to prevent pain syndrome commonly associated with nerve injury fol- Preclinical studies lowing breast surgery with axillary lymph-node dissection (Eisenberg et al. 2007). Concerted preclinical and clinical Subcutaneous treatment with amantadine with ED­ 50 of eforts might elucidate the potential of amantadine in the 36.1 mg/kg decreased tactile nociception on the back of rats treatment of diferent kinds of pain. as measured using back skin twitches after von Frey flament stimulation (Chen et al. 2012). Since the efect was seen at Epilepsy therapeutically relevant dose, this fnding is encouraging and warrants further preclinical investigations, and, if they are Preclinical studies positive, they should be followed by clinical trial. We could not localize any studies on amantadine in specifc Human studies models of epilepsy. However, amantadine seems to have very weak anticonvulsive activity against convulsions in The potential efcacy of NMDA receptor antagonists in neu- general. In mice, in maximal electroshock seizures, NMDA- ropathic pain was suggested by several authors. Aiyer et al. induced seizures, and seizures, ED50 of (2018) performed an extensive review of publications from amantadine was, respectively, 184, 116, and > 100 mg/kg 58 randomized-controlled trials with clinically approved (Parsons et al. 1995). drugs with known NMDA antagonist or anti- properties. However, there is not much clinical evidence that Human studies amantadine may be useful for the treatment of pain of any type. Only two of three trials with amantadine considered Shields et al. assessed the efect of add-on amantadine in 10 showed analgesic properties in patients with neuropathic pediatric patients with refractory seizures over 12–16 weeks. pain [for review, see (Aiyer et al. 2018)]. In a pilot study Improvements in control of myoclonic or atypical absence in subjects with diabetic neuropathy, amantadine reduced seizures were observed in some of the patients (Shields et al. the pain of painful peripheral neuropathy [efect sustained 1985). Likewise, in a more recent study in a cohort of pedi- for at least 1 week after the infusion (Amin and Sturrock atric patients, the efcacy of amantadine has been demon- 2003)]. Pud et al. demonstrated amantadine to statistically strated in the treatment of refractory absence and myoclonic signifcantly relieve pain compared to placebo as well as type seizures. To this end, the authors performed a retro- to decrease “wind up”-like pain in patients with surgical spective review of medical records for patients with absence neuropathic cancer pain (Pud et al. 1998). Medrik-Goldberg seizures who were treated with amantadine. The patients et al. (1999) compared spontaneous and evoked pain origi- had been taking multiple antiepileptic drugs or had been nating from the sciatic nerve pathway after treatment with implanted a stimulator of the vagus nerve. An ≥ 50% reduc- lidocaine, amantadine, or placebo in a double-blind, rand- tion in seizures was reported in more than 50% of patients omized, controlled study. Lidocaine was signifcantly better after 3, 6, and 12 months of adjunctive treatment. A major- than placebo or amantadine to relieve both kinds of pain ity of responders had > 90% reduction in seizure frequency (Medrik-Goldberg et al. 1999). (Perry et al. 2012). There are several further studies addressing efect of It can be concluded that amantadine may be useful as an amantadine in pain of different origin. A double-blind, add-on treatment in refractory atypical absence or myoclonic placebo-controlled trial of amantadine carried out in 100 seizures. Further high-quality randomized-controlled trials patients with acute herpes zoster showed no difference are warranted. between amantadine and placebo in the duration of pain that disappeared during the 28 days’ observation period. Sexual dysfunction However, pain duration exceeded 28 days in a signifcantly greater proportion of patients on placebo than of those on Preclinical studies amantadine (Galbraith 1973). In the study of Chiba et al. (1992) in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients, over 70% of In male rats, amantadine (1.25–50 mg/kg) decreased latency patients with pain showed a marked reduction in heavy for mounts and at higher doses decreased the number of and tingling pain in the face and the back mostly lasting for mounts and intromission latency (Ferraz and Santos 1995). months (Chiba et al. 1992). On the other hand, preoperative Lower doses also increased ejaculation latency and increased

1 3 Amantadine: reappraisal of the timeless diamond—target updates and novel therapeutic… 157 intromissions frequency. Some of these efects were attenu- considered as indicative of antidepressive activity (Messiha ated by haloperidol and atropine. 1988). Since there is only one study supporting this kind of In rats, amantadine decreased reserpine-induced hypo- activity of amantadine, it can be concluded that there is no thermia (starting at 40 mg/kg) and attenuated increase in sufcient preclinical evidence supporting amantadine utility despair in forced swim test starting at 20 mg/kg (Moryl et al. in sexual dysfunction. 1993). In another study, amantadine at 20 mg/kg decreased immobility in forced swim test and enhanced efect of imi- Human studies pramine (Rogoz et al. 2004). Combination of sigma1 or sigma2 agonists (1-(3,4-dimethoxyphenethyl)-4-(3-phenylpropyl) Literature regarding putative efects of amantadine in sexual dihydrochloride, SA4503) or (1′-[4-[1-(4-fuo- dysfunction is mostly confned to observations in patients rophenyl)indol-3-yl]butyl]spiro[1H-2-benzofuran-3,4′- undergoing antidepressant therapy experiencing anorgas- ], respectively, with amantadine (10 mg/kg) pro- mia, orgasmic delay, and hypoactive sexual desire as adverse duced stronger antidepressive-like efect in the forced swim efects of [for review, see (Woodrum and test in rats than each treatment given alone at particular dose Brown 1998)]. (Skuza and Rogoz 2002). In another study, the antidepres- In a large retrospective study in patients treated with ser- sive efect of sigma1 ligands PB212 and PB190 was also otonin reuptake inhibitors, 57.9% (11/19) patients treated enhanced by amantadine at 10 mg/kg in tail suspension test with amantadine (administered at the dose of 100 mg BID) in mice or forced swim test in rats (Skuza et al. 2014). reported no change or worsening, 15.8% (3/19) experi- In animals exposed to chronic unpredictable stress for enced “some improvement”, and 26.3 (5/19) were “much 21 days, amantadine (25 mg/kg) administrated p.o. for improved” (Keller Ashton et al. 1997). The improvements 20 days from the 4th day to the ­23rd day increased sucrose in amantadine-treated patients were comparable to those consumption and attenuated spatial learning in Morris water in patients receiving but clearly less pro- maze (Yu et al. 2016). Amantadine also decreased impair- nounced in that given as “antidotes” (Keller ment of hippocampal synaptic plasticity (LTP and depoten- Ashton et al. 1997). tiation) and enhanced the expression of hippocampal NR2B There are also few case reports, suggesting that aman- and PSD-95 in stressed rats (ibid). tadine could be useful for the treatment of sexual dysfunc- A diferent aspect related to amantadine on depression tion induced by serotonergic antidepressants (Balogh et al. involves the postulated anti-Borna virus activity. In vitro, 1992; Balon 1996; Masand et al. 1994; Shrivastava et al. treatment of rabbit brain cells with amantadine inhibited 1995). However, there are also case reports evidencing the human Borna virus (BDV-Hu-H1) at 0.2 µg/ml (Bode et al. lack of efect of amantadine in such patients (Gitlin 1995). 1997). The same study also involved a human experiment Likewise, in a randomized trial comparing efects of bupro- (see next section). This original fnding was not replicated pion with those of amantadine over 4 weeks in patients with in further preclinical experiments and in clinical studies selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)-associated (see below). In monkey vero cells, in vitro infection with sexual dysfunction, the improvement in the group Borna virus was not afected by amantadine (up to 1 µg/ml) was signifcantly more pronounced than in the amantadine at concentrations 400-fold higher than active at infuenza group (Zahiroddin et al. 2015). A (Hallensleben et al. 1997). Similarly, in the same study, It is worth mentioning that a small open-label drug amantadine at therapeutically relevant doses/concentrations study by Valevski et al. suggests that amantadine (100 mg failed to improve brain infections in BALB/c mice. Similar daily over 6 weeks in 12 subjects) may also be efective for results were obtained in in vitro (cell lines) and in vivo (rats) improving sexual function in male schizophrenic patients preclinical experiments by Stitz and colleagues (Stitz et al. administered neuroleptics. Indeed, amantadine improved 1998). Another in vitro study also confrms a lack of activ- the patients’ scores of desire, erection, and satisfaction from ity up to 10 µM concentration (Cubitt and delaTorre 1997). sexual performance. However, there was no change in ejacu- In summary, results from animal models suggest useful- latory function score (Valevski et al. 1998). ness of amantadine in depression; however, it should be Depression taken with caution, since translational predictability of ani- mal models of depression is low. Preclinical studies Human studies

Amantadine at 100 mg/kg attenuated reserpine-induced Potential of amantadine as treatment of depression was already sedation in mice, an efect which was a few decades ago recognized in the early 70 s of the twentieth century (Vale et al.

1 3 158 W. Danysz et al.

1971). Nevertheless, the studies conducted ever since do not Anxiety allow drawing reliable conclusions due to their limitations, mainly small sample size and an open-label design [for review Preclinical studies see (Raupp-Barcaro et al. 2018)]. In the earliest, randomized and placebo-controlled Amantadine at 50 and 75 mg/kg (but not 25 mg/kg) study of amantadine in depression, Vale et al. compared decreased anxiety in mice as shown in light–dark box and patients receiving antidepressant medications and aman- elevated plus maze tests (Walia et al. 2020). Interestingly, tadine (100–200 mg) for 4 weeks to patients receiving amantadine also decreased brain nitrate levels. antidepressants and placebo, and observed an improve- ment with amantadine; the effect disappeared upon dis- Human studies continuation of amantadine (Vale et al. 1971). Further two studies evaluated the efficacy of amantadine in To the best of our knowledge, no clinical studies specifcally treatment-resistant depression. Stryjer et al. evaluated addressed the efects of amantadine in anxiety disorders. amantadine (up to 300 mg/day for 4 weeks) as adjunct However, anxiety was assessed as one of the parameters treatment in eight patients with treatment-resistant depres- in studies evaluating amantadine for the treatment of other sion, but found no significant improvement in symptoms indications. For example, improvements in anxiety scores of depression (Stryjer et al. 2003). Rogoz et al. evaluated accompanied amelioration of depressive scores in patients the effects of amantadine (150 mg BID) as an add-on drug with treatment-resistant depression who were administered to imipramine (100 mg/day) in treatment-resistant unipo- amantadine at the dose of 300 mg over 4 weeks (Stryjer lar depression patients. The Hamilton Depression Rating et al. 2003). Anxiety was also reported to be one of the areas Scale (HDRS) scores were not changed by imipramine showing most consistent improvements in a retrospective alone, but they did decrease at 6 weeks with the combined review of the hospital charts of 12 subjects with brain injury administration of imipramine plus amantadine. Any con- who were treated with amantadine (Nickels et al. 1994). On tribution of a pharmacokinetic interaction to this effect the other hand, amantadine added to stable selective sero- was excluded (Rogoz et al. 2007). Repetitive treatment tonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) regimen in patients with with imipramine and amantadine produced increase in D3 obsessive–compulsive disorder reduced total score and receptor binding in lymphocytes which correlated with compulsivity subscale of Yale Brown Obsessive Compul- symptoms improvement of depressive patients (Dzied- sive Scale (Y-BOCS), but levels of anxiety and depression zicka-Wasylewska et al. 2002). in those patients remained unaltered (Stryjer et al. 2014). In a very recent case study, amantadine (100 or 200 mg In conclusion, there is no sufcient evidence to justify the daily) improved depressive symptoms in four bipolar I disorder testing of amantadine in anxiety disorders. patients resistant to common antidepressants (Krzystanek and Palasz 2020). Other indications Further studies evaluated the effects of amantadine in the treatment of secondary depression: in patients with Amantadine treatment also reduced B-cell lymphoma 2 pro- receiving interferon treatment (Kronenberger tein (Bcl‑2) and increased the Bcl-2-associated X protein et al. 2007; Quarantini et al. 2006), in cocaine addiction (Bax) and mRNA levels in hepatocellular carcinoma cell (Ziedonis and Kosten 1991), and in depression related line increasing apoptosis (Lan et al. 2015). This could be a to Borna disease virus infection (Dietrich et al. 2000; hint for utility in cancer treatment. Ferszt et al. 1999). In most of these studies, amantadine given in a daily dose range 100–300 mg and combined with the patients’ usual medication improved depressive Conclusions: perspectives on extension symptomatology. of therapeutic applications of amantadine The efects of amantadine observed in these few clini- cal studies are generally in alignment with the efects of The frst impression from re-evaluation of amantadine pub- this compound in diferent animal models of depression. lications was that we should reappraise its MoA. If we con- Furthermore, some evidence suggests that amantadine sider amantadine’s afnity to diferent targets in vitro and may enhance the therapeutic efects of antidepressants. expected concentration at these targets after therapeutic Given the preclinical evidence and the fact that the drug is doses in humans (Fig. 2), AADC, GDNF, sigma-1 receptors, being used in neurology, amantadine might be a promis- PDEs, and nicotinic receptors seem to be the most plausible ing choice for the treatment of depression. However, fur- primary therapeutic targets. NMDA receptors, 5-HT3 recep- ther controlled studies are still necessary to confrm this tors, and potassium channels appear as further possible yet hypothesis. less feasible targets. Amantadine’s activity profle at these

1 3 Amantadine: reappraisal of the timeless diamond—target updates and novel therapeutic… 159

“new” receptors supports the expansion of its use to new Adamas (2020) Gocovri_Adamas. https​://www.acces​sdata​.fda.gov/ indications refected in published or ongoing (Table 5). drugs​atfda​_docs/label​/2017/20894​4lbl.pdf Aiyer R, Mehta N, Gungor S, Gulati A (2018) A systematic review The authors believe that discussed clinical studies allow of NMDA receptor antagonists for treatment of neuropathic stating that beyond motor efects in Parkinson’s disease and pain in clinical practice. Clin J Pain 34:450–467. https​://doi. ani-infuenza efects, there are several encouraging indica- org/10.1097/AJP.00000​00000​00054​7 tions that deserve further exploration in carefully designed Akcil EF, Dilmen OK, Vehid H, Tunali Y (2018) Can amantadine ameliorate neurocognitive functions after subarachnoid haem- and sufciently powered randomized clinical trials. These orrhage? A Preliminary Study. Turk J Anaesthesiol Reanim include recovery after TBI, fatigue (e.g., in MS) related to 46:100–107. https​://doi.org/10.5152/TJAR.2018.20280​ neurostimulatory efect and tardive dyskinesia. It is notewor- Albuquerque EX, Pereira EF, Braga MF, Matsubayashi H, Alkondon thy that amantadine is recommended in practice guidelines M (1998) Neuronal nicotinic receptors modulate synaptic func- tion in the hippocampus and are sensitive to blockade by the for disorders of consciousness, TBI recovery, MS fatigue, convulsant and by the anti-Parkinson drug amanta- tardive dyskinesia, and Huntington’s disease (Armstrong and dine. Toxicol Lett 102–103:211–218 Miyasaki 2012; Bhidayasiri et al. 2018; Butterworth 2020a; Allen RM (1982) Palliative treatment of tardive dyskinesia with Generali and Cada 2014; Giacino et al. 2018; Plantier and combination of amantadine-neuroleptic administration. Biol Psychiatry 17:719–727 Luaute 2016). Allen RM (1983) Role of amantadine in the management of neuro- Preclinical investigations suggest amantadine’s utility in leptic-induced extrapyramidal syndromes: overview and phar- several further indications; however, clinical confrmation of macology. Clin Neuropharmacol 6(Suppl 1):S64-73. https​:// such activities is still lacking. Among these indications are doi.org/10.1097/00002​826-19830​0061-00009​ Allen RM, Lane JD, Brauchi JT (1980) Amantadine reduces recovery after spinal cord injury, MS, and cutaneous pain. haloperidol-induced hypersensitivity Query in the clinical study database http://www.clinicaltr​ ​ in the striatum. Eur J Pharmacol 65:313–315. https​://doi. ials.gov reveals ongoing or planned studies in both estab- org/10.1016/0014-2999(80)90409​-4 lished and potential indications. These studies sorted accord- Allen SJ, Watson JJ, Shoemark DK, Barua NU, Patel NK (2013) GDNF, NGF and BDNF as therapeutic options for neuro- ing to the number of occurrences could be summarized as degeneration. Pharmacol Ther 138:155–175. https​://doi. follows: Cancer (15), Parkinson’s disease (15), L-DOPA- org/10.1016/j.pharm​thera​.2013.01.004 induced dyskinesia (7), autism (6), TBI (6), cocaine abuse Allers KA, Bergstrom DA, Ghazi LJ, Kreiss DS, Walters JR (2005) (5), MS (5), diabetes (3), and ADHD, dental caries, obesity, MK801 and amantadine exert diferent efects on subthalamic neuronal activity in a rodent model of Parkinson’s disease. and schizophrenia with two studies each; there are also iso- Exp Neurol 191:104–118. https​://doi.org/10.1016/j.expne​ lated studies for several further indications. urol.2004.08.030 The present reappraisal of pharmacological target profle Amin P, Sturrock ND (2003) A pilot study of the benefcial efects and therapeutic potential of amantadine suggests that this of amantadine in the treatment of painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy. 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