Wei et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2017) 16:206 DOI 10.1186/s12939-017-0702-z

RESEARCH Open Access Evaluating medical convenience in ethnic minority areas of Southwest via road network vulnerability: a case study for Dehong Xiaoyan Wei1,2,3,4,5, Xuejun Liu1,2,3*, Liang Cheng6,7,8,9*, Lele Sun10, Yingying Pan4,5 and Wenwen Zong9

Abstract Background: is home to more than 30 ethnic minority groups. Since most of these populations reside in mountainous areas, convenient access to medical services is an important metric of how well their livelihoods are being protected. Methods: This paper proposes a medical convenience index (MCI) and computation model for mountain residents, taking into account various conditions including topography, geology, and climate. Data on road networks were used for comprehensive evaluation from three perspectives: vulnerability, complexity, and accessibility. The model is innovative for considering road network vulnerability in mountainous areas, and proposing a method of evaluating road network vulnerability by measuring the impacts of debris flows based on only links. The model was used to compute and rank the respective MCIs for settlements of each ethnic population in the Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture of Province, in 2009 and 2015. Data on the settlements over the two periods were also used to analyze the spatial differentiation of medical convenience levels within the study area. Results: The medical convenience levels of many settlements improved significantly. 80 settlements were greatly improved, while another 103 showed slight improvement.Areas with obvious improvement were distributed in clusters, and mainly located in the southwestern part of , northern Longchuan County, eastern , and the region where Lianghe and Longchuan counties and Mang City intersect. Conclusions: Development of the road network was found to be a major contributor to improvements in MCI for mountain residents over the six-year period. Keywords: Ethnic minority areas, Medical convenience, Road network, Vulnerability, Mountainous areas

Background border areas [1, 2]. People from all 55 groups can be China has 55 different ethnic minority groups in found in Southwest China, where their numbers amount addition to the Han Chinese. These groups are mainly to 35.55 million, accounting for 31% of China’s total located in eight of the country’s central and western ethnic minority population. This region hosts 30 ethnic provinces: Xinjiang, Qinghai, Tibet, Yunnan, Guizhou, minority groups with populations exceeding 5000 each. Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, and Ningxia. Most ethnic Some of these groups are unique and indigenous to the minorities live in remote mountainous areas, deserts, or region. Southwest China, centered on the Yunnan–Gui- zhou Plateau, has the highest global distribution density * Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected] of ethnic minorities. 1Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment (Nanjing Normal The southwestern region of China is situated at the University), Ministry of Education, Nanjing 210023, China junction of the Eurasian, Indian, and Pacific tectonic 6Collaborative Innovation Center for the South Sea Studies, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China plates. The topography here is rugged and, it is one of Full list of author information is available at the end of the article the world’s steepest and most remote regions. The

© The Author(s). 2017 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Wei et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2017) 16:206 Page 2 of 16

forbidding and complex terrains can present extreme in- distance is commonly used because the requisite data convenience for everyday activities [3]. Access to basic are easily available, the calculation method is simple, medical and healthcare services has been recognized as and the results are readily understood [6–11]. “a basic right of the people” [4]. Medical convenience In recent years, the most widely used method for level is closely related to the lives and safety of ethnic studying medical accessibility and the balance between minorities. It reflects the public service capacity in ethnic the demand and supply of medical and healthcare minority areas, and is an important assurance for main- facilities is floating catchment area (FCA), and associated taining unity and stability in those areas. Therefore, it is enhancements such as the two-step floating catchment very important and necessary to evaluate medical conveni- area (2SFCA) method, enhanced two-step floating catch- ence in ethnic minority areas of Southwest China. ment area (E2SFCA) method and the three-step floating The total area of Southwest China is about 2.35 mil- catchment area (2SFCA) method. FCA originated from lions square kilometers, where 19.8 million people live. spatial decomposition [12], and is a special case of grav- According to China’s Health and Family Planning Statis- ity model [13]. The application and improvement of this tical Yearbook (2015), there are totally 2153 first-class method made calculations simpler and the results more and above hospitals in mountain areas of Southwest rational [5, 6, 14–20]. Methods used in other studies in- China, which mainly distribute in urban regions. In this cluded the gravity model [6, 16, 21] and kernel density region, the hospitals are very rare at remote mountain estimation (KDE) [20, 22, 23]. Neutens (2015) [24] fur- areas and the distances from some settlements to a hos- ther analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the pital are very long. Roads in mountain areas are highly aforementioned methods when studying medical accessi- vulnerable and complex, which are easily affected by bility. However, there remains a lack of research on road topography and debris flow. It is difficult and inconveni- network vulnerability and its impact on residents’ ent for residents in some remote mountainous regions medical convenience levels. to go to those hospitals. Despite numerous studies on road network vulnerabil- Aiming to the medical convenience evaluation, this study ity in the past two decades, the concept of vulnerability focuses on road network analysis within ethnic minority has yet to be clearly defined. It is often jointly explained areas, since the construction and development of road net- with other related terms such as risk, reliability, flexibil- works is one of the most important factors affecting med- ity, robustness, and resilience. Many scholars have also ical convenience levels among ethnic minority attempted to explore the inter-relationships between communities in mountainous areas. Medical convenience those terms [25–28]. A review of the literature indicated index (MCI) and evaluation models are proposed from that research on road network vulnerability generally three perspectives: vulnerability, complexity, and accessibil- adopts one of the following perspectives: ity. In 2012, in order to gain a comprehensive understand- ing of China’s current geographical conditions and meet the i. The connectivity of the road network, taking into need of social and economic development and ecological account its topological structure. For example, civilization construction, the State Council of China re- Kurauchi et al. (2009) [29] determined the critical leased a notification to conduct the First Survey of National index of each road segment by calculating the Geographical Conditions, also called the first China Geog- number of connecting links between journey origin raphy Census (CGC), from 2013 to 2015. The CGC has and destination, thereby identifying critical segments two aspects of contents:(1)to survey the attributes of nature in the road network. Rupi et al. (2015)[30]evaluated geographical factors, including the type, site, scope, area of the vulnerability of mountain road networks by topography, vegetation cover, water area, desert, open examining the connectivity between start and end ground, and etc..(2)to survey the attributes of human geo- points, before grading them. graphical factors, including the classification, site and scope ii. After a segment has deteriorated, the road network of transport network, settlements, geography units, and becomes disrupted or its traffic capacity declines. etc., which are closelyrelatedto human activities. The census This reduces regional accessibility and leads to provides the most authoritative, objective, and accurate socioeconomic losses. These losses are used to geographical data for the present study. determine and grade critical segments of the road network. For example, Jenelius et al. (2006) [27] Related work ranked the importance of different roads based on Current studies by Chinese and international scholars their daily traffic volumes. Next, the impact of each on medical and healthcare services for residents mostly road grading on traveling options and durations focus on accessibility to hospitals, or uniform distribu- under various scenarios were simulated. Chen et al. tion of medical and healthcare facilities [5]. When ana- (2007) [31] determined the vulnerability level of a lyzing medical accessibility, the minimum travel time/ road segment by the impact of its failure on regional Wei et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2017) 16:206 Page 3 of 16

accessibility, while Qiang and Nagurney (2008) suffered extreme poverty. There was also a serious lack [32]identified the relative importance and ranking of of medical and healthcare services, with various diseases nodes and links within a road network by and illnesses being transmitted over successive years. documenting the traffic volumes and behaviors of Dehong Prefecture is situated in the province’s western the network. Similarly, Jenelius and Mattsson (2012) section and the southern foothills of the Gaoligong [33] used traffic volumes to calculate the importance Mountains, and borders to the southwest and of the road network within each grid. northwest. The border has a length of 503.8 km and iii. The impact of a road network’s deterioration or total land area is 11500 km2. Mang City, the state cap- obstruction for regional accessibility is assessed by ital, is 679 km from , the provincial capital. simulating a particular scenario, for example the Currently, the prefectural jurisdiction includes two cities occurrence of a natural disaster or deliberate attack. (Mang and ), three counties (Longchuan, Yingjiang, The results provide decision support on the and Lianghe), 50 townships, one sub-district office, 336 transportation and delivery of relief provisions, as village committees/groups, and 40 urban neighborhood well as disaster recovery efforts. Bono and Gutiérrez committees. (2011) [34] analyzed the impacts of road network More than 30 ethnic minority groups live within the disruption caused by the Haiti earthquake on the territory of Dehong Prefecture, including five indigenous accessibility of the urban area of Port Au Prince. groups (Dai, Jingpo, Lisu, Achang, and De’ang), and iv. Computational models for evaluating road network eight that are transboundary. The total population of the vulnerability are subjected to optimization. Some prefecture at the end of 2013 was 1.0678 million. Of this, scholars have focused on model optimization 513000 (48%) are from the Han ethnic group, while the because they believe that the computational burden remaining 52% consist of ethnic minority groups. The is very heavy when grading the vulnerability of each larger ethnic minority groups are the Dai, Jingpo, segment within the overall road network. On the Achang, Lisu and De’ang, with population sizes of 337 basis of the Hansen integral index, Luathep (2011) 300, 128900, 28400, 26200, and 13200, respectively. [35] used the relative accessibility index (AI) to The other ethnic minority groups include the Yi, Bai, analyze the socioeconomic impacts subsequent to Zhuang, Hmong, Hui, Lahu, Nakhi, Yao, Tibetan, Blang, road network deterioration, which causes network Bouyei, Hani, Va, Pumi, Mongol, Nu, Jino, Shui, Man- disruption or reduction in traffic capacity. Next, the chu, and Derung. Their distribution is shown in Fig. 1. AIs of all critical road segments before and after The entire territory of the prefecture is a low-latitude network deterioration were compared for mountainous region that mainly comprises mountains of categorization and ranking. This method reduces low and medium elevations. Mountainous areas form 89% both computational burden and memory of its total land area, while basins, dams, plains, and val- requirements. leys make up the remaining 11%. The general elevation is 210.0–3404.6 m, and most of the ridge line lies at an alti- In the present study, road network vulnerability is tude of approximately 2000 m. The mountains are mostly determined by combining data on the paths of debris aligned northeast-to-southwest. The northeastern portion flow hazards with only links in the topological structure is high and steep; the southwestern portion is lower and of a road network. gentler, with an inclined distribution towards the south- west. The valley and fault zone have the same orientation, Study area and data with the former having developed on the latter. Study area The road network within the prefecture has complex Yunnan Province is located at China’s southwestern morphology. Some roads are built along gullies, while border. It is far from the country’s political and cultural others straddle the two sides; some follow the moun- center, and is relatively undeveloped economically. The tains’ topography and meander upwards in a zigzag province’s terrain comprises mountains, plateaus, and alignment, while others are cut into cliff faces. The roads highlands, with 94% of the total land area classified as have many bends and gradient changes, and there is mountainous. Yunnan has the most ethnic minority a very high ratio of bridges and tunnels to roads. In groups in China, account for 33.37% of the province’s addition, Dehong Prefecture is affected by the south- total population. The National Autonomous Areas cover west monsoon from the Indian Ocean, and has a 276700 km2 of land (70.2% of the province’s total land South Asian tropical monsoon climate with the year area). Prior to the founding of New China in 1949, many divided into dry and wet seasons. Precipitation is con- ethnic minorities living in Yunnan’s various border areas, centrated during May–October (accounting for 70– ethnic minority areas, and alpine mountainous areas 80% of annual rainfall), which often causes soil on were still practicing slash-and-burn agriculture and the slopes to become saturated. Debris flows and Wei et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2017) 16:206 Page 4 of 16

Fig. 1 Study area and distribution of its ethnic minority groups Wei et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2017) 16:206 Page 5 of 16

landslides are easily triggered as a result of heavy Preprocessing of data on villages rainfall or storms. Consequently, traffic capacities are The rural village committees within the study area were reduced and roads may even be obstructed. Overall, treated as ethnic minority settlements. The 2015 CGC road vulnerability is extremely high (Fig. 2). provides the most current, complete, and accurate data- set for the study area, indicating 376 rural village com- mittees. In the 2009 Basic Surveying and Mapping data Data sources at 1:50000 scale, rural village committees were included Preprocessing of road network data under the general category of ground features without The study used road network data from two periods, separate coding; furthermore, the data were also incom- obtained from 2009 Basic Surveying and Mapping data plete. Hence, this study extracted settlements from 2009 and 2015 CGC data, both of which used 1:50,000 road data for the Yunnan Provincial Administrative Division. categorization systems. However, as a result of their dif- These were supplemented by the 2015 CGC data for a ferent collection purposes, the latter has more abundant complete set of data on the village committees in 2009, data on road networks. In order to accurately reflect the numbering 374 village/urban neighborhood committees. study area’s road situation in 2009, Google high reso- lution images were used. Google images coordinate Preprocessing of data on hospitals (World Geodetic System 1984, WGS-84) were converted Hospitals are graded according to their scales and service to China Geodetic Coordinate System 2000(CGCS levels in China. When studying medical convenience 2000). These images were used to check and revise road levels, primary consideration was given to settlements’ networks at 2009.The use of the Google historic images accessibility to hospitals graded as first class and above as helps to gather more minor roads at 2009. the delegations of all medical establishments. More small

Fig. 2 Examples of road network vulnerability within the study area Wei et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2017) 16:206 Page 6 of 16

scale hospitals and clinics provide very low Medical ser- Table 1 Data Source vices, most of which have no assistant doctor or high-level No. Data Year doctor [Hu et al., 2013]. Data on this category of hospital 1 1:50000 DLG, DOM, DRG 2009 situated within the study area were obtained from the 2 CGC 2015 CGC data. In the 2009 Basic Surveying and Mapping data 3 Yunnan Provincial Administrative District 2009, 2016 at 1:50000 scale, hospitals were not included under the category of ground features. Hence, field research was 4 Geological disaster spots 2011 conducted to ascertain whether qualifying hospitals short- 5 GDEM 30 M listed from the CGC already existed prior to 2009, have DLG digital line graph, DOM digital orthophoto map, DRG digital raster graph relocated, or have been reclassified. proposed MCI and computational model, which specific- Data on geological disaster spots ally considers ethnic minority residents of mountainous The locations of debris flow events within the research areas. The characteristics of the road network represent area were obtained from Yunnan Geological Survey De- one of the most important factors affecting medical con- partment (YGSD).The YGSD routinely monitors debris venience levels. Hence, a model was constructed based flow events since 2000, and surveyed the hidden debris on three aspects of the mountain road network: vulner- flow disaster spots in Yunnan, China in 2011. The au- ability, convenience, and complexity. thors collected these data from Yunnan Bureau of Geo- X 4 logical Survey. A ¼ wixi ð1Þ i¼1

Other data Here, wi is the evaluation factor, and xi is the factor’s Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) 30 M was weighting. downloaded from www.gscloud.cn. Villages located in The model is innovative because it focuses on road the Yunnan Provincial Administrative District were ob- network vulnerability in mountainous areas, and pro- tained from annual handbooks published by the prov- poses a method of evaluating road network vulnerability ince’s Department of Civil Affairs. All data used in the by measuring the impact of debris flow based on cut research were listed in Table 1. highway links. The construction process for the model is shown in Fig. 3. Methods Evaluation model for medical convenience This study examines the medical convenience levels of Vulnerability ethnic minority communities in mountainous areas. The This study focused on ethnic minority areas in South- study focuses on the medical and healthcare situation as west China. These are located mainly in mountainous this best represents the extent to which people’s liveli- areas, with road networks being constrained by the terrain. hoods are protected. This was measured using the The resulting highway topology is a tree-like structure with

Fig. 3 Evaluation process for medical convenience levels based on road networks Wei et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2017) 16:206 Page 7 of 16

many only links. Separately, there are also high incidences Step 1: Obtain the shortest path of debris flow hazards in these areas due to climate and A settlement and its nearest qualifying hospital are used geological structure. as journey start and end points respectively. Next, the Following from the above, this study combined only road network is searched to determine the shortest path links in the topological structure of the road networks between the two points. with geographical locations prone to debris flows. This led to the proposed method of measuring the impact of debris flow based on cut highway links, Step 2: Segmentation of the shortest path which then facilitated the evaluation of road network The shortest path is divided into multiple segments vulnerability (Fig. 4). based on the network nodes and road hierarchy.

Fig. 4 Flow chart for determining road network vulnerability Wei et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2017) 16:206 Page 8 of 16

Step 3: Check for only links the flow distance. Finally, the drainage area of the debris Obstruction points are set up for each segment in turn. flows and total extent of areas impacted are calculated. When one particular segment is obstructed, the entire 0:1901 road network is searched to determine whether there is Lf ¼ 0:2024ðÞW Ã H ð2Þ an alternative road(s) that allows travel between the start and end points. If there is no alternative route, then the In equation (2), Lf is the predicted maximum distance obstructed segment is deemed to be an only link for a single obtrusion, W is the landslide volume of the (Fig. 5). This process is repeated for the next seg- debris flow sources, and H is the maximum relative ment, until all segments along the shortest path have height difference of the drainage area Table 2. been checked. Eventually, all only links along the The landslide volume W of a debris flow source can shortest path are obtained. be obtained from the corresponding flow level (see Table 2), which is based on attribute data for the debris Step 4: Calculate the maximum obtrusion range of a debris flow hazard locations. flow Data on debris flow hazard locations are combined with Step 5: Map debris flow paths GDEM data to simulate the direction of debris flows. Simulation of debris flow direction involves superimpos- Next, the equation for the maximum obtrusion range of ing the location of the debris flow hazard onto the debris flows, as proposed by [36], is used to constrain GDEM using the same coordinate system. The GDEM

Fig. 5 Schematic of only link-based debris flow Wei et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2017) 16:206 Page 9 of 16

Table 2 Grading of debris flows Complexity Flow level Population affected Corresponding scale Volume of flow Curvature (103 m3) When designing a non-linear road, the degree of curva- A >1000 Huge ≥ 50 ture reflects the number and type of bends in the road. B 100–1000 Large 20–50 The larger the curvature, the more complex is the road C10–100 Medium 2–20 geometry, and the lower its convenience level. This study employed curvature to describe the amount of D0–10 Small < 2 bends in the road network. The entire road is treated as one curve, and the curvature is calculated individually pixel for the location of the debris flow hazard is then for each of its segment. The cumulative curvatures of all designated as the center, before the elevation values of segments form the overall curvature of the road, as the eight pixels surrounding the central pixel are ob- follows: tained. Of the eight elevation values, only those lower X i¼n Δφi than the central pixel are selected. From the selection, k ¼ ð3Þ the pixel with the lowest elevation becomes the subse- 1 Δsi quent point in the direction of debris flow. Mapping is terminated when the length of the flow path exceeds the where Δφi is the change in angle between three adjacent Δφ Δs value of Lf (maximum obtrusion distance) as calculated points on the curve; 0° < < i< < 180°; and i is the arc in Step 4. This process is repeated for all debris flow length of the three adjacent points. hazard locations, until the paths of the overall debris flows have been mapped out. Gradient The gradient of a road has the same impact on its cap- Step 6: Check for intersection between debris flow path and acity as curvature, with excessive gradients greatly redu- only links cing speeds and thereby increasing the travel time to After the entire flow path is mapped, the model checks medical facilities. The threshold gradient for general whether it intersects any only links. If the flow path in- roads is 11°. Steeper gradients impose significant reduc- tersects the road link, the debris flow poses a potential tions in a road’s capacity, making travel much more diffi- threat to those only links, making the affected segments cult. Gradient is the ratio of the elevation difference extremely vulnerable. This in turn greatly affects the between two points to the horizontal distance between medical convenience level of settlements located along those points. The overall gradient of a road is the sum of those highway segments. those gradients for all its segments, expressed as follows: X  n h i ¼ k  100% ð4Þ Accessibility k¼1 lk The assessment of medical convenience levels should consider the accessibility of settlements to hospitals. Ac- where h is elevation difference and l is horizontal cessibility can be measured using many methods, includ- distance. ing spatial distance, time–distance, economic distance, The setting of weightings for both gradient and curva- and cumulative opportunities. Regardless of the model ture is similar: only the impact on convenience resulting used, transportation costs between the point of demand from vulnerability (as caused by the gradient) is and a facility must be calculated. considered. Since the topography of the study area comprises mostly mountains and plateaus, the hierarchy and design Setting weightings the various indices speed of roads have a major impact on travel times be- For the setting of weightings, prior knowledge of the tween an origin and destination. Medical convenience study area was combined with scoring by experts. The can make the difference between life and death, and weighting of each index in the model was determined time is critical during emergencies. Thus, the time–dis- after repeated experiments (Table 3). tance method was adopted in this study as the proxy for accessibility of settlements to hospitals graded first class Evaluation and grading of medical convenience and above. Using this method, shorter travel time repre- The model for evaluating medical convenience in moun- sents greater convenience for residents to make use of tainous areas was used to compute the MCIs of the vari- medical and healthcare facilities. This reflects that such ous settlements. The results were then compared with facilities having been planned and established via a more the actual medical and healthcare situations on the rational approach, as well as a higher level of medical ground. The MCI was divided into five levels as shown convenience. in Table 4. Wei et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2017) 16:206 Page 10 of 16

Table 3 Weighting of each index in the model mountainous areas far from towns and cities, and had Index Threshold Weighting poorer road networks. Examples include the northern Vulnerability Only link-based Only link 0.2 part of Yingjiang County, southern Mang City, and the debris flow Debris flow 0.2 region where Lianghe and Longchuan counties and Mang City intersect. Settlements graded quite good/good and Combined effect of only Infinite link and debris flow quite poor/poor accounted for 34.5% and 52.5% respect- ively of the total number of settlements within the study Accessibility Time–Distance 0–4 0.05 area (see Table 5). (min) – 4 24 0.12 Ruili City and the surrounding county had generally 24–54 0.25 good levels of medical convenience: Of its 40 settlements, > 54 0.4 24 (60%) were graded quite good/good, far exceeding the Complexity Curvature 0–0.1 0.01 average level for the study area. Ever since Ruili withdrew 0.1–0.2 0.06 from the county and was established as a city in 1992, rapid developments in border trade led to continuous im- > 0.2 0.1 provements in the quality of its basic infrastructure (in- – Gradient 0 0.03 0.005 cluding municipal administration, transportation, power 0.03–0.05 0.02 supply, communication, water conservation, education, 0.05–0.08 0.05 and sanitation). Its road network density, number of road 0.08–0.11 0.08 nodes, and distribution of hospitals were superior to those > 0.11 0.1 of the other counties (cities). Ranked next were Mang City and Longchuan County, for which 38% and 39% of settlements were graded quite Results and discussion good/good for medical convenience. These levels were Data for Yunnan Province from the first CGC in 2015 similar to that for Dehong Prefecture as a whole. Mang and basic surveying data from 2009 were used to con- City is the capital of Dehong Prefecture, and the roads struct a model of medical convenience levels in moun- surrounding the capital are in good condition. Long- tainous areas. The levels for 2015 and 2009 were then chuan County is adjacent to Ruili City. Road conditions evaluated separately. in its southwestern part (near Ruili City) are good, such that the medical convenience level matches that of the Spatial differentiation in medical convenience levels overall prefecture. Spatial differentiation in 2009 Lianghe and Yingjiang counties are located far from The study area contained 374 settlements in 2009, of the open frontier ports and the prefectural capitals, which 87 were graded as level A. These were mostly where economic conditions are better. The northern concentrated in the urban areas of Yingjiang, Long- part of Yingjiang County and southeastern Lianghe chuan, Ruili, and Lianghe counties and in Mang City. County are also further from their respective county Specifically, these are locations where the respective towns. The road networks and provision of hospitals in county or city governments are sited, and are areas with those two areas are relatively less developed. These fac- well-developed road networks. Their spatial distributions tors are detrimental to medical convenience levels, with were clustered, as shown by the areas colored dark- only 24% and 26% of their respective county settlements green in Fig. 6. There were 44 and 49 settlements graded graded quite good/good, and 66% and 60% respectively levels B and C, respectively (light-green and yellow areas graded quite poor/poor (Fig. 6). respectively in Fig. 6). These were mostly located along the road networks and radiated outwards from the urban Spatial differentiation in medical convenience levels of areas and their surroundings. Dehong prefecture, 2015 There were 88 settlements classified as level D and The number of settlements in the study area increased 106 level E. These areas (colored orange and red re- to 376 in 2015. Of these, 156 and 52 were graded Levels spectively in Fig. 6) were mainly located in remote A and B (colored dark-green and light-green respectively in Fig. 7). These jointly accounted for 55.3% of settle- Table 4 Classification standards for medical convenience levels ments within the study area. Settlements with better in the study area MCIs have stripe-like distributions, and are located on Medical AB C D E both sides of highways/higher-hierarchy roads and in convenience Good Quite Good Average Quite Poor Poor areas with denser road networks. There were 62, 52, and level 43 settlements graded C, D, and E, respectively. Those MCI < 0.18 0.18–0.34 0.34–0.54 0.54–0.78 0.78–1 graded quite poor/poor jointly accounted for 28.2% of Wei et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2017) 16:206 Page 11 of 16

Fig. 6 Medical convenience levels of Dehong Prefecture, 2009

Table 5 Ranked medical convenience levels of settlements in settlements within the study area, and were mainly dis- the study area, 2009–2015 tributed in areas with lower-hierarchy roads and simple Year Level Number of settlements Percentage road network structures (areas colored red and orange 2009 A 87 22.5% respectively in Fig. 7). B 44 12% At the county/city level, in 2015, Ruili City maintained C 49 13% its top position for medical convenience: 85% of its set- D 88 24% tlements were categorized as levels A or B combined, and the remaining 15% were graded level C. Settlements E 106 28.5% that were previously graded levels D and E had been Total 374 eradicated. Such progress cannot be dissociated from the 2015 A 156 41.5% city being located at the open frontier, and its mainten- B 52 13.8% ance of consistently high economic growth rates. C 62 16.5% Longchuan County ranked second: 68% of its settle- D 63 16.8% ments were graded quite good/good, which was far better than the average for the overall study area. These E 43 11.4% settlements mostly formed strip-like distribution patterns. Total 376 Construction of new roads in recent years has greatly Wei et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2017) 16:206 Page 12 of 16

Fig. 7 Medical convenience levels of Dehong Prefecture, 2015

improved the county’s overall road network, resulting in slight improvement. Areas with obvious improvement better levels of medical convenience than those of the were distributed in clusters, and mainly located in the remaining three counties/cities. southwestern part of Yingjiang County, northern Longchuan County, eastern Lianghe County, and the Changes in medical convenience levels region where Lianghe and Longchuan counties and Quantitative evaluation was conducted of changes in Mang City intersect (Fig. 8). Improvements in medical medical convenience levels within the study area be- convenience levels resulted from the development and tween 2009 and 2015. The results were categorized as construction of basic infrastructure: 1401 new roads follows: unchanged, slightly improved (by one grade), were constructed in 2009–2015, which added 1 and greatly improved (by two grades or more). 044 km to the network length. Overall, road coverage had increased substantially. Changes in medical convenience levels of Dehong prefecture at the prefectural level Changes in medical convenience levels of Dehong The number of settlements in the study area increased prefecture at the county level from the original 374 to 376. Evaluation of medical con- Although there was an overall improvement in medical venience levels showed that the situation was greatly im- convenience levels in Dehong Prefecture over the six proved for 80 settlements, while another 103 showed years, the situation for individual counties and cities Wei et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2017) 16:206 Page 13 of 16

Fig. 8 Changes in medical convenience levels of Dehong Prefecture at the prefectural level, 2009–2015

within the prefecture varied. Longchuan County showed Jiangdong, Wuchalu, and Xishan, all located in the the most obvious improvement, with 25 settlements hav- northern part of the city (areas colored purple in Fig. 9). ing improved greatly and 15 slightly. These were con- Ruili City already had generally good medical conveni- centrated in the northern and central parts of the ence levels. On that foundation, 11 and 13 of its settle- county, and include the following townships: Huguo, ments had great and slight improvements, respectively Husa (Achang group), Qingping, and Wangzishu (areas (areas colored green in Fig. 9). colored blue in Fig. 9). For Lianghe County, 20 settlements showed greatly Areas with no changes in medical convenience levels and improved and 22 slightly improved medical convenience associated causes levels. These were mainly concentrated in the southern Some areas did not see any significant improvements in and eastern parts of the county (areas enclosed by blue medical convenience levels over the six years, such as ovals in Fig. 9). In comparison, in Yingjiang County, 13 the northern and western parts of Yingjiang County, and settlements showed great improvement and 26 slight im- southern Mang City. The topography of these areas is provement. Most of these were distributed along S233 complex, and their road networks are poorly developed (areas enclosed by purple ovals in Fig. 9). and highly vulnerable. These pose objective difficulties In Mang City, 11 settlements improved greatly and 27 when attempting to improve accessibility for people liv- improved slightly. These areas were in the townships of ing in these areas. Wei et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2017) 16:206 Page 14 of 16

Fig. 9 Changes in medical convenience levels of Dehong Prefecture at the county level, 2009–2015

Conclusion mountainous locations, such as convenience levels The following conclusions are drawn from the analysis: for educational services and public security. ii. There was a six-year interval between the two data i. The validity of the proposed model was sets. Comparison of each settlement between the demonstrated by evaluating the medical convenience two periods showed that medical convenience levels levels of more than 370 settlements within the study had generally improved for ethnic communities area. The model was separately applied to data from located in the mountainous parts of the study area. 2009 and 2015, indicating that ethnic minority Areas with obvious improvements mainly benefited communities located in areas with comparatively from newly-constructed road networks. It can therefore rapid economic development, gentler terrain, and be concluded that the development of road networks better-developed road networks enjoyed higher has a substantial impact on medical convenience levels levels of medical convenience. Conversely, conveni- among ethnic communities in these mountainous ence levels were low in areas with steep terrain, fre- areas. quent natural hazards, and less-developed road iii. The findings reflect the positive effects of road networks. The proposed model and index are also networks for protection of people’s livelihoods. Thus, applicable to other parameters concerning the pro- when attempting to improve quality of life and tection of ethnic minority livelihoods in livelihoods for ethnic minority communities, in Wei et al. International Journal for Equity in Health (2017) 16:206 Page 15 of 16

addition to constructing new roads to reduce the Consent for publication vulnerability of road networks, efforts should also be Not applicable. made to improve the condition of existing roads, as well as reducing the complexity and improving the Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests. accessibility of roads.

The core of this study is to model medical conveni- Publisher’sNote ence based on roadnetwork vulnerability in mountainous Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. areas. In this study, we take Dehong Autonomous Pre- fecture, Yunnan Province, China, as a case study area. Author details 1 This model may be applied in other mountainous areas Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment (Nanjing Normal University), Ministry of Education, Nanjing 210023, China. 2State Key with the characteristic of road network vulnerability. On Laboratory Cultivation Base of Geographical Environment Evolution (Jiangsu the other hand, this model may also be applied not only Province), Nanjing 210023, China. 3Jiangsu Center for Collaborative for the calculation of the medical convenience from set- Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application, Nanjing 210023, China. 4Yunnan Provincial Archives of Surveying tlements to hospitals, but also for the educational con- and Mapping, Kunming 650034, China. 5Yunnan Provincial Geomatics Centre, venience from settlements to school. We also think, if at Kunming 650034, China. 6Collaborative Innovation Center for the South Sea 7 non-mountainous area(with developed road network or Studies, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China. Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Geographic Information Science and Technology, Nanjing University, no debris flow), the medical convenience evaluation Nanjing, China. 8Collaborative Innovation Center of Novel Software work do not need this model. Technology and Industrialization, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China. 9 When constructing a road network model for evaluat- Department of Geographic Information Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China. 10School of Tourism and Geographical Sciences, Yunnan Normal ing medical convenience levels in ethnic minority areas, University, Kunming 650500, China. the main foci of this paper were static factors such as network vulnerability, accessibility, and complexity. The Received: 10 April 2017 Accepted: 17 September 2017 findings can inform the construction and improvement of future road networks. In subsequent studies, other References factors affecting medical convenience levels will also be 1. Qin X. 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