Broadway Complex, 55 Broadway, London SW1H 0BD PDF 1 MB
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Item No. 1 CITY OF WESTMINSTER PLANNING Date Classification APPLICATIONS SUB For General Release COMMITTEE 26 May 2020 Report of Ward(s) involved Director of Place Shaping and Town Planning St James's Subject of Report Broadway Complex, 55 Broadway, London, SW1H 0BD, Proposal Conversion of buildings for use as hotel (Class C1) with ancillary flexible retail, leisure/spa, restaurant or bar use and other associated facilities, use of 10th floor roof terraces, internal and external alterations including creation of new service bay off St Ermin’s Hill, reconfiguration of entrances/exits to St James’s Park Underground Station and rooftop plant. Agent DP9 Limited On behalf of Blue Orchid (St James) Limited Registered Number 19/09813/FULL and Date amended/ 19/09814/LBC completed 3 April 2020 Date Application 16 December 2019 Received Historic Building Grade 55 Broadway – Grade l Conservation Area Broadway And Christchurch Gardens 1. RECOMMENDATION 1. Grant conditional permission and conditional listed building consent subject to a S106 legal agreement to secure the following: i) Operational Management Plan for the hotel, restaurants, bars, retail, event spaces, external roof terraces and spa/gym facilities ii) Employment and Training Strategy for the construction phase and operational phase of the proposed development iii) Payment for all necessary highway works including the following to be carried out prior to the occupation of the hotel: * Changes to parking and loading restrictions in St Ermin's Hill * Footway widening to retain Pedestrian Comfort Level (PCL) A on Petty France and Broadway iv) Cost of monitoring 2. If the S106 legal agreement has not been completed within four weeks of the Committee resolution then: a) The Director of Place Shaping and Town Planning shall consider whether the Item No. 1 permission can be issued with additional condition to secure the benefits listed above. If this is possible and appropriate, the Director of Place Shaping and Town Planning is authorised to determine and issue such a decision under Delegated Powers, however, if not b) The Director of Place Shaping and Town Planning shall consider whether permission be refused on the grounds that it has not proved possible to complete an agreement within an appropriate timescale, and the proposal is unacceptable in the absence of the benefits that would have been secured; if so, the Director of Place Shaping and Town Planning is authorised to determine the application and agree appropriate reason for refusal under Delegated Powers. 3. Grant conditional listed building consent 4. Agree the reasons for granting listed building consent as set out in Informative 1 of the draft decision letter 2. SUMMARY The application site comprises 55 Broadway, 100 Petty France and Wing Over Station collectively known as the ‘Broadway Complex’. 55 Broadway is a Grade l listed building designed by Charles Holden as the headquarters of Underground Electric Railways Company of London Ltd (UERL), who operated many of the earliest underground railway lines, and was completed in 1929. 100 Petty France is a 1970’s building which was rebuilt and extended following bomb damage sustained in WWll. This building is linked internally to 55 Broadway and to Wing Over Station which was built in the 1920s. 100 Petty France and Wing Over Station are listed by virtue of their connection to 55 Broadway. All three buildings are currently occupied as offices by TfL who are in the process of relocating their staff to other TfL offices. At ground floor level, 55 Broadway is comprised of an arcade of small retail units (arranged around the centrally positioned TfL office reception area) and the main entrance to St James’s Park Underground station; there is a further entrance to the Underground Station from Palmer Street, below Wing Over Station. The current applications, for conversion to a hotel with ancillary restaurant, bar, retail, leisure/spa and event spaces, have been submitted on behalf of Blue Orchid Hotels (an independent hotel operator with other hotels in Westminster) who has purchased a 150 year lease on the buildings, with the exception of the operational areas associated with St James’s Park Underground station which are retained by TfL. Objections have been received on land use, highways, amenity and historic building grounds. The key issues in this case are: • the impact on residential amenity and quality of the local environment • highway issues particularly servicing and deliveries and the closure of the eastern entrance to St James’s Park Underground Station and the impact on other road users and pedestrians • the impact on the appearance and historic integrity of the Grade l listed building. For the reasons set out in the report, the proposals are considered to be acceptable and in accordance with relevant policies, subject to appropriate conditions and a S106 legal agreement. Item No. 1 3. LOCATION PLAN This production includes mapping data licensed from Ordnance Survey with the permission if the controller of Her Majesty’s Stationary Office (C) Crown Copyright and /or database rights 2013. Item No. 1 4. PHOTOGRAPHS Item No. 1 5. CONSULTATIONS TWENTIETH CENTURY SOCIETY Any response received to be reported verbally by officers. VICTORIAN SOCIETY Any response received to be reported verbally by officers. GEORGIAN GROUP Any response received to be reported verbally by officers. SOCIETY FOR PROTECTION OF ANCIENT BUILDINGS Any response received to be reported verbally by officers. COUNCIL FOR BRITISH ARCHAEOLOGY Any response received to be reported verbally by officers. ANCIENT MONUMENTS SOCIETY Any response received to be reported verbally by officers. HISTORIC ENGLAND Do not wish to comment. Authorisation to determine received. HISTORIC ENGLAND (ARCHAEOLOGY) (GLAAS) As there is no demolition/construction groundworks and/or new services proposed which would affect buried archaeology, a programme of archaeological work does not appear necessary. However, should any demolition and/or alteration be proposed which may affect historic fabric and/or features of interest, a historic building recording condition is recommended. ENVIRONMENT AGENCY No objection . TRANSPORT FOR LONDON (TfL) Content with the (draft) delivery and servicing arrangements subject to a condition to secure the submission and approval (in consultation with TfL) of the final Delivery and Servicing Plan. Also request that a Construction Logistics Plan is secured by condition. The footway and carriageway on Broadway and access to St James’s Park Underground Item No. 1 station must not be blocked during construction or subsequently for maintenance. LONDON UNDERGROUND (INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION) No objection. Have a legal agreement with the applicant through which the development will be managed (in so far as it relates to railway safety and operation). WESTMINSTER SOCIETY Welcome the respectful approach taken by the new owners and their architects, aimed at ensuring all necessary changes are sensitive to the original fabric and cause the least possible harm to this exceptional building. Also welcome the reconfiguration of the ground floor, which will re-instate the original circulation pattern envisaged by the architect and the opening up of the retail units and hotel to the surrounding streets which will sweep away the introspective parade of shops that contributed to the previously dead ground floor streetscape for so many years. The conservationist approach is exactly what one would wish for, for a landmark of this quality. Urge the City Council to approve the proposal, subject to stringent conditions which secure the sensitive adaptation of original finishes and details to 21st century circumstances. VICTORIA NEIGHBOURHOOD FORUM Any response received to be reported verbally by officers. HIGHWAYS PLANNING MANAGER The proposed servicing strategy which is off-street and does not block the highway is supported. The off-street servicing bay will have a turntable which will enable vehicles to enter and leave via St Ermin’s Hill in forward gear. The new hotel and the adjacent St Ermin’s Hotel should both be able to service from St Ermin’s Hill; with an element of cooperation. A (final) Delivery and Servicing Plan must be secured by condition. The developer must also pay for all costs associated with the required changes to the current parking and loading restrictions on St Ermin’s Hill; secured by S106 legal agreement. There is an existing taxi rank close to the site on Broadway. Finding space for a longer rank, would be difficult given the security restrictions outside neighbouring buildings and could also result in the loss of other well-used facilities such as the nearby motorcycle parking on Broadway. It should however be possible to serve the hotel using existing taxi facilities. The proposed hotel does not intend to accept coach parties however, there are coach parking bays close by in Tothill Street which could be used. Long stay and short stay cycle parking is proposed and welcomed. The closure of the eastern pedestrian entrance/exit (off Broadway) to St James’s Park Underground station will put more pedestrians on the footways around the building as they make their way to the north and south entrance/exit points. On the southern footway of the east-west section of Broadway this will reduce the Pedestrian Comfort Level (PCL) from level A to level B. The developer is therefore required to pay for a Item No. 1 footway widening scheme on Petty France and Broadway; all costs associated with this must be secured by S106 legal agreement. WASTE PROJECT OFFICER No objection to storage arrangements for waste and recyclable materials subject to condition. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH No objection subject to conditions controlling plant noise, the use of the external terrace areas and requiring the submission and approval of a supplementary acoustic report (mechanical plant and external terraces) and full details of the kitchen ventilation system. TREE SECTION No objection to amended planting strategy for 10th floor roof terraces (now includes smaller trees and shrubs) subject to a condition requiring the submission and approval of full details including soil volumes and composition, irrigation and maintenance.