by Trent M. Sutton

Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in

Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences


UL bes Oe arg OK Alan G. Heath Briar A. urphy

Karol| Jett an 7 kc \ A A | J. Orth Eric P. Smith

December, 1997 Blacksburg, Virginia

Keywords: Striped Bass, Recruitment, Growth, Survival, Stocking








Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences (ABSTRACT)

The early life history dynamics of stocked, fingerling striped bass (Vorone

saxatilis) were evaluated in Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia, from 1994-96 and incorporated into an individual-based model to assess various stocking strategies

in terms of their largest percent increases in first-year growth, overwinter

survival, and recruitment to age 1. Age-O striped bass exhibited dissimilar patterns of dispersion and size-dependent spatial distribution as a result of

differences in habitat availability between stocking sites and water temperature

preferences. Although size increased over the growing season, a bimodal length distribution developed by fall during both 1994 and 1995; this distribution

consisted of large-mode juveniles (> 180 mm TL) that weighed several times

more than small-mode fish (<140 mm TL). Differential growth was attributed primarily to size-dependent differences in food habits and diet quality: small- mode striped bass maintained a mixed, low quality diet of invertebrates and

small, age-O cyprinids, while large-mode juveniles consumed only larger, energetically more profitable age-O alewives. This disparity in food habits,

largely due to the inability of small-mode striped bass to consume distributionally- and morphologically-invulnerable age-O alewives, resulted in size-dependent differences in physiological well-being as large-mode juveniles had amassed greater absolute energy stores than small-mode fish by the end of

the growing season. Spring sampling revealed that the bimodal length

distribution had become unimodal and was comprised almost entirely of large- mode juveniles. Because the few surviving small-mode striped bass collected

during spring were extremely emaciated, it appears that this size group

exhausted their energy stores and, consequently, starved over the winter.

Individual-based model simulation results indicated that stocking juvenile striped bass at a median total length of 52 mm on O8 June, while maintaining the current stocking density at 300,000 fingerlings, would result in the largest percent increases in first-year growth, survival, and number of age-1 recruits. This strategy was also less sensitive to perturbations in alewife population

parameters and water temperature regime, and was more robust to these variations than the existing stocking scheme (300,000 fingerling striped bass with a median total length = 42 mm introduced on 15 June). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

Throughout the course of this journey, many people have given freely of their time and thoughts. | would like to express my sincerest gratitude for these significant inputs, without which the completion of this dissertation would not

have been possible.

Dr. John J. Ney, my major professor, provided the guidance | needed at

numerous points during my graduate education and has had a significant impact

on my life. His friendship and mentoring over the past four years have been an invaluable component of my development as a professional, and his excellence

as an educator, researcher, and writer have provided the standards for which | will measure my own progress in the future. Further, his humor (“] bet that dog won't let you pet him”), wit, and mannerisms have provided for an endless

source of amusement and banter. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to

be one of your students.

The members who have served on my graduate committee, Drs. Alan G.

Heath, Louis A. Helfrich, Brian R. Murphy, Richard J. Neves, Donald J. Orth,

and Eric P. Smith, encouraged continual attention to scientific principles and

provided valuable suggestions during the development and completion of this study. Your insights and advice truly made my graduate experience at Virginia

Tech more rewarding. Numerous other people were involved in this study in a variety of ways.

| particularly appreciate the efforts of Dr. Kenneth A. Rose for lending his expertise, time, and modeling skills to Chapter Il of this dissertation. Without

his generous help, | would still be trying to figure out the difference between sensitivity and robustness analysis. | also thank Steve Arthur, Mike Duval, Arthur “Bud” LaRoche, and Scott Smith of the Virginia Department of Game and

Inland Fisheries for their insights, advice, humor, and assistance during the field

and writing aspects of this study. In addition, all of the faculty, staff, and

students in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences have made my

time at Virginia Tech a rich and rewarding experience. | would particularly like

to thank Daniel Michaelson for his assistance and perseverence through

sometimes difficult and demanding times and conditions at Smith Mountain Lake. Special thanks also go out to David Argent, Jason Bettinger, Michael

Cyterski, Ladd Knotek, Kirk Rundle, and Steve Sammons for their technical

support in the field; Brian Barr, William Ensign, Kevin Leftwich, Edmund Pert, Roy Smogor, and Marty Underwood for their friendship and _ insightful

discussions during my stay in Blacksburg; and Mark Kidd for his considerable devotion to rearing Phase Il striped bass at the Virginia Tech Aquaculture Facility.

| am grateful to Dr. Robert Otto for awarding me a graduate research fellowship through the Electric Power Research Institute’s COMPMECH Striped

Bass Key Species Program. In addition, | appreciate the financial support provided by American Electric Power/Appalachian Power Company for the field component of this study. | also owe special thanks to the faculty, staff, and students of Lake Superior State University for their patience and understanding over the past year as | completed “my opus”.

| cannot adequately describe the importance of the love, support, and encouragement | received from my parents and their impact on my life. Last, but certainly not least, | thank my best friend and wife Michelle for the love, understanding, patience, and encouragement that enabled me to complete what was beginning to seem like a neverending endeavor. TABLE OF CONTENTS

Tah dgele [Urey tc) p penn nnn nn 1 Chapter 1...... cc cc ccccc ccc cccc eee eeseeeeeeuesseeeeeeugeceeeuseuuteceteenuggentesttnegugaenseneagags 15 INTFOCUCTION. 0... cc cccce eee eect e ene ee ene eee e seen ate ee esate ee eaeeseeeeaeeeeenaneneaes 15 STUY Ala... iccccccccec ence ence eee een ene en EEE EERE SEE E EEE SEES EOE SEER EE ES OEEEE EES 18 Striped Bass Stockings, 1994 & 1995... cccee nese ee teeeeetaeees 22 Methods...... cccccccceceneceee ec cece neces eae eeeeneeteeaeeeeesaeeteneeaneeeseneneneneneees 25 Field CollectionS...... ccccccceccescence eens ence eneeeeeeteaeesaeensesenenas 25 Contribution of Phase JI FingerlingS...... scccsseveseeseeeneeeseees 27 Dispersal and Spatial DistriDUtion...... ccccceceeeeeneeeeeeeeuuees 27 First-Year Striped Bass Growth...... ccccccseeseeeeeeeeeeeetesesenas 28 Overwinter Survival...... cccccceeceeeceeeeeeteneeeeeaeeeeanteeaeeeeneenagen 31 FOO Ha@bits...... ccccccc cece ee eee eee e eee ene eens eeeeeeeseeneeteeeeeaeeneeeaaeeas 32 Diet Overlap...... ccccccccceseeeeeeeseeeeseeeesteesuseteseeeeneeeesaeenanensags 33 Predator-Prey Size Relationships...... ccccceccceeeesseteeeeesaeees 34 Physiological Indices of Health...... cccceecseseeeeeseeeeeseneees 37 Relative COndition...... cccccccceeeeeesecece ee eesaeeeeteensnaneees 37 Liver-SOmatic INGOX...... cccceeeeeeeeetesco eeseeeeneeetneeenseeenas 39 LIPId INGOX...... cece cesceceeeneseeeeeeneesaeeseeteceesaueeteeteseagans 39 Stomach-Fullness INdOX...... ccecceceesceeetear eeetneeeseeaeeaees 42 Statistical ANALYSES...... ccceccccceccccceececeeeeeeseteeeseeeeeeeeeteeeeeeeeees 42 RESUITS. 0... cccc ccc cccc eee cere n nee e nn eee en ERE EEE E RHEE EE EEE EEE E EEE E EEE E EEE E EE ES 47 Field CollectionS...... cccccccessecenaeeeeeneeeenneeeeeeaseeennanetenaanenes 47 Contribution of Phase II FingerlingS...... scceeeeeeeeeneeneeee 49 Dispersal and Spatial Distribution...... cccccesecceeeeeeeeeeeeeees 50 First-Year Striped Bass Growth...... ccccccecceseeesseesvneeteeeeeeenens 56 TOF cece cence ene nee e ene ene tees nets een E REO Ee EEE EEE EEE 56 LD ccc cece nee e een e EERE ESE Eee EEE E ESSE EERE SERRE ES 62 Overwinter SUrVIVAl...... cc ccce cece cece eee ee eee eneeeeeeneeeennaeneeeaenenes 66

vi FOO Habits..... 0... cece cece cece cceeneceeecceeeteeusseuuseneuseucesauspeneeeunes 68 Striped BaSS...... ccccccceeeeeneeesceeeneeeeeenaeeeeeesseteneaaeenes 68 Black BaSS@S...... cccccceecece erence eee e cnet eee e nese tte eneeaeee ees 72 Diet OVErIAP...... ccccccece cnet nent eee e net eee eee near teen reat eee teen eneeees 75 Predator-Prey Size RelationshipsS...... cccceceeseeeeeenneeeeeecneeeees 78 Physiological Indices of Health...... cccccceeeceeeeseeeeeeeeeeenesnaes 84 LOO4. ccc ccc n een nee eae e eee e eae eeeaeeeseneeneeeneaaeenanees 84 LOL ccc cece eee e eee n eee e eee eee e ee nee ee EE ee ed EE ESE SE REESE EEE ES 89 Size-Dependent Seasonal Health Indices...... 94 ID) =Yor © }-3<) (0) an 99 Dispersal and Spatial DistriDUtion...... cccceeseeeeeceseneneeeeeeees 99 First-Year Growth...... ccccscccceeceeeeeeneeeeseeneeeeeeeeeeenaeeneetaaeees 106 Mechanisms Influencing First-Year Growth Patterns...... 108 Hatching Date/Nursery Site Influence on Growth Rate.109 Stocking of Disparate Size Classes...... cceeseeees 112 Sex-Related Differences in Growth Rates...... 115 Nonsexual Genetic Differences in Growth Rates...... 116 Food Habits and Prey Availability...... ccccceseseneees 117 Competition for Limiting RESOUICES...... ccceeeeeeeees 133 Overwinter SurViVal...... c cece cece eee e eee cece een eeeeeeeeeteneeeeeeeeees 138 CONMCIUSION...... cccccc cece ence este ener e ence teen Renn eee RE SEE ERG EER EE HERES HENGE EEE EE EES 146 Ot oF]9) =) oak | 149 INTPOCGUCTION...... 2. cece cece cece eee e ence enna ee et en nese tenneteenneaenetnnaeeeteaaees 149 Methods...... ccccce cece cece ene nee nee eee ee een e eset Dna A Een DERE E ERE a EEE EERE ES EE EES 154 Model D@SCTIPtion...... :cccccccceeennceeeeeeenenaeeeeeeeenaneneeteeaaes 154 Spatial Scaling...... cccceccecenceeeeeneeseeseveceeveeseeeeeeseenes 157 Daily Water Temperatule...... ccccccsseccceeeeesseeeeeees 159 STOCKING... .ccceccccee see eee eens tere enact eee eneeeeeeeeeeenneeaeeneees 159 DISPEISiON...... cccccccccceuecsncnucuccuuceserseeeceeteeustsnussauaueues 160 GrOWID...... ccccc ccc e eee cece eee ece ene e snes eaneeaseeeeeeneteeeeeneeenees 160

Vil Maximum CoOnSumption...... cccccsccsesccecceseeneeeeneteeees 162 Adjustment for Caloric Density...... cccceeceeseeneeeetenees 163 Metabolism...... ccccccecceecceeeseeeeseeeesseeesseeesnneneanensaes 163 Computation Of P...... cccceeeeeeneeeeeceeuveececerseeesenseanns 165 Prey EMCOUNTESS...... cc ccc cec eset cece tenet eeeeeeseesnucunssenaeees 166 Prey Capture...... ccccccccccceesseceeeseeeeeesaeeeeeeaeeenenganeesens 167 Prey SelOCtION...... ccccceesceeecnceencccuceeescaeeeeecnaseeseeneees 167 Prey Types and Demnsitie€S...... ccccsssceecessceeeeneeeveees 168 Prey Availability...... cccccecscececeveceevesteetecsuneuseseneueues 172 Mortality...... cccccccccccsceeee eeseeeeeeeeeuuaeeeeeeeeeugeneesenees 172 STOCKING StrateGieS...... ccceeeeeeceects en eeeeeeeeeteeneaeeeeteeteaeas 174 Sensitivity and Robustness AnalySis...... cccccceeeeeeeeaeeeeees 178 Model Calibration and Corroboration...... cccccsesceesseeeeeeeneeeneeaeees 184 Food Habits and Predator-Prey Size Relationships...... 6. 184 First-Year Survival...... cccccccescescceseeesseeseseceeeeseeeseecueeenegs 186 First-Year Growth...... ccccccccecceceeecesseeseeteseeenseeeeeeeseneeeeegeers 187 RESUITS...... ccecec cece cece ence ence enna eee neeeeeeeeaeeeeeseeneeeeseneteaeeesaneeeenergngs 191 Stocking Strategy Simulations...... cccccesceseeeeeeneeeeeeneeeenes 191 Sensitivity and Robustness AnalySis...... cccccceseeeeeesneeeeees 198 DISCUSSION...... ccccce ccc e nee e teen eee nena nee nee A EEE EEE E EEE; EOE E EOE HEE E ESSE EEE EEE EES 206 CONCIUSION...... ccc ccc cece e ence nett enact eee eens eeeeeeeeeteeeeeenaseeeaeteeaeneeneees 215 SUMM ALY... ccc cece cece cence eee eee e nen e eee eee Pent See PORE E ARE REEDED ODES ESE EE SESE ES EEE SHEE EES 216 Management IMpliCations...... cccc cece eeee ee eneceeesaneeeesaceeesseeeteeneueteenaanes 223 Mh X=) g-) 40] ¢ =n ©) p=10 229 APPeNdix TableS...... ccc cccccee cee ee cece eens eee eee eneen eee eee eseeeeeeeseenaeeneneenaaes 267 A = 284


Page First-year survival and stocking density for striped bass in Smith Mountain Lake, 1973-96...... cccccccscecence este ee eee e enna eee eeeee sane eeeeaeenaenaes 3

Relationship between the number of stocked fingerling striped bass and their Marginal yield...... ccccecece eee cece eee eee ete e nese eee ee sete naan eneaee ees 5

1.7 Map of Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia, with locations of juvenile Striped bass SAMpIINg ALFEAS...... ccc ccc eceeeeeenceeeceneeesterscetasenatenaeeesenas 19

Map of the Hales Ford stocking site of the Roanoke River arm of Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia, showing locations of SAMPIINGTANSECTS...... ccccceeceeecence eee e sense eee t sees ee eeae teat eneeteeeenaeennteases 29

Map of the Penhook stocking site of the Blackwater River arm of Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia, showing locations of SAMPIINGTrANSECTS...... cece cece eee ee ENE E EEE EERE EEE Ee EOE eee EE EEE EEE EEE EEE 30

Regression relationship between lipid index and percent body water for juvenile Striped DaSS...... ccccccecccceeteccenceeceectenteeseeseestenenateseessenees 43

Standardized catch-per-unit-effort for juvenile striped bass by gear type for each sampling region of the Hales Ford site in Smith Mountain Lake over the 1994 growing S€ASON...... ceeeeceeeeeceeeeeenees 51

Standardized catch-per-unit-effort for juvenile striped bass by gear type for each sampling region of the Hales Ford site in Smith Mountain Lake over the 1995 growing S@aSON...... cceeeeseeeeeee eeeeneeae 52

Standardized catch-per-unit-effort for juvenile striped bass by gear type for each sampling region of the Penhook site in Smith Mountain Lake over the 1994 growing S@ASON...... cceceeceeeneeeseeeeeeees 54

Standardized catch-per-unit-effort for juvenile striped bass by gear type for each sampling region of the Penhook site in Smith Mountain Lake over the 1995 growing S€ASON...... ccceeeeeeeeeeeeneeeaes 55 Length-frequency distributions of juvenile striped bass collected within and outside the stocking coves at the end of the GFOWINGSEASON.,..... cece ccceccceecceeccteueteeseeeseneeneeteeeeeeeeseeneeeeaeeesaaeeenneeags 57

.10 Patterns of first-year increases in total length and wet body weight of striped bass in the Roanoke and Blackwater River arms of Smith Mountain Lake from stocking until the end of the 1994 GFOWINGSEASON..... ccc cece cece tenet eee erent eee eee OE eee EE EEE EEE Ee Reet EEE bE EEE EES 58

11 Monthly length-frequency distributions of juvenile striped bass over the 1994 Growing SEASON...... ccccceccences enc eneseneeacenseneenatentecnteeteneeseas 60

.12 Patterns of first-year increases in total length and wet body weight of striped bass in the Roanoke and Blackwater River arms of Smith Mountain Lake from stocking until the end of the 1995 GFOWINGSEASON...... ccccececccesctencentceneeseeesteseeenseeaeeegeseaseeastseteseenanesgers 63

13 Monthly length-frequency distributions of juvenile striped bass over the 1995 Growing SEGSON...... ceece eee cee eee ee eect ee eee een eeaeeneeeeteeeeseeatenenes 65

.14 Length-frequency distributions of juvenile striped bass before and after overwintering Smith Mountain Lake for both the 1994-95 and 1995-96saMpliINGSEASONS...... cece sees e eee e sees eeeeeeneetseeesneeasetaeeaneeas 67

.15 Temporal patterns in juvenile striped bass diet composition in the Roanoke and Blackwater River arms during the 1994 and 1995 GFOWING SCASONS...... ccceccceccenenseneseeneneeesteeeeeeeeeneseeeteaseeateatepaneegers 69

.16 Size-dependent patterns in juvenile striped bass diet composition in the Roanoke and Blackwater River arms during the 1994 and TOO 5SGrOWINGSEASONS...... ececcec eee ee etna eens eee nae ne ene eaeeeenenateatnetaenaenees 71

17 Temporal patterns in juvenile black bass diet composition in the Roanoke and Blackwater River arms during the 1994 and 1995 GFOWING SCASONS...... cece eee e nce e eect ee eee teen etna nee nese eee ee tena etna eb ae ene e tenets 73

.18 Size-dependent patterns in juvenile black bass diet composition in the Roanoke and Blackwater River arms during the 1994 and 1 OOS GrOWING SEASONS...... ccceccesee eee e tees nee ene ene e eee e neces enn enaseneeeneeeaetees 74 Relationship between size of age-O cyprinids and alewives consumed by juvenile striped DaSS...... ccccccceese eee eee eee eee e eae ee eres ene en eee 80

Comparison of the estimated and actual sizes of age-O cyprinids and alewives consumed by juvenile striped basS...... ceeeeeeeeneeserene 82

Patterns of first-year increases in total length for cyprinids and alewives In Smith Mountain Lake...... ccccccceececeeeeeeeeeecceeeeessaeeeneanes 83

Percent of first-year biomass of age-O alewives ingestible by median length smaill- and large-mode striped bass over the QGFOWINGSEASON...... cece ccc ecc eee e nce e ene eee e nent e ane DA AREA RGA RO EES EA EERE SEE ERO HEE EEES 85

Temporal patterns in physiological indices of health for juvenile striped bass in the Roanoke and Blackwater River arms (0 (0) dale chs._ 87

Size-dependent patterns in physiological health for juvenile striped bass in the Roanoke and Blackwater River arms during 1994...... 90

Temporal patterns in physiological indices of health for juvenile striped bass in the Roanoke and Blackwater River arms CGUIING 1995... cece ccc eee ence neeenseeceeneeeaeenseeueeesseegeeeseeegetenensensnanenes 92

Size-dependent patterns in physiological health for juvenile striped bass in the Roanoke and Blackwater River arms during 19995...... 95

Comparison of juvenile striped bass physiological indices of health before and after overwintering in Smith Mountain Lake during the 1994-95 and 1995-96 sampling SEASONS...... ccecceeeeeeceseteeeecensenaeees 96

2.1 Schematic representation and spatial scaling of Smith Mountain Lake MOdel COMPAMtMENtS...... cccesssccceeeseseeseeeeessseeeenetecnsueeeneesaees 158

2.2 Sigmoidal relationship between the multiplier for the daily probability of dying and juvenile striped bass density...... s00eeeee 175

2.3 Comparison of observed and predicted size relationships of age-O cyprinids and alewives consumed by juvenile striped bass...... 185

4 2.4 Comparison of the estimated and predicted relationship between first-year survival and stocking density for striped bass in Smith MountainLake, 1973-96...... ccc ccc ccc e eee eneceeneee tas eeegeeeeeeeteneeeenaeenaates 188

2.5 Comparison of the observed and predicted length-frequency distributions of stocked age-O striped bass before and after the 1994-95 and 1995-96 overwintering periods in Smith MOUNtain Lake...... cccccccessccent eeeasecceeeeeeseeeesseenseeeeneetessetesaeeeaneenaes 189

2.6 Responses for age-O striped bass at the end of the overwintering period to fingerling SIZE at STOCKING...... cccceesecece eects eee teeeeetneenaenaey 192

2./ Responses for age-O striped bass at the end of the overwintering period to time of year At StOCKING...... ccesceceseen scene eee eeeeenereeteneeeees 194

2.8 Responses for age-O striped bass at the end of the overwintering period to fingerling Stocking GENSIty...... cccccuceseeneeeceeeeseeeeeeeeeuueas 195

2.9 Surface responses for age-O striped bass at the end of the overwintering period to fingerling size and time of year at STOCKING... ..cccccccescccceccecceeeeenetseeeetsceereeeeeneeateaseateaseesessetastaetantenas 197

Response for the recommended striped bass stocking strategy at the end of the overwintering period to fingerling stocking density...... 199

2.11 Comparison of sensitivities in juvenile striped bass model outputs at the end of the overwintering period for the existing versus the proposed stocking strategies from baseline conditions to perturbations in age-O alewife population dynamics and Smith Mountain Lake water temperature varied individually...... ccseeveeee 201

Comparison of sensitivies in juvenile striped bass model outputs at the end of the overwintering period for the existing versus the proposed stocking strategies from baseline conditions to perturbations in age-O alewife population density during simulated WAIN AN COI YEAMS...... ccsccceccccceccceccecscesetesresneeecetsetessesasenseesseeans 202


Page Numbers of juvenile striped bass stocked, actual and corrected catch-per-unit, first-year survival, and number of age-1 striped bass in Smith Mountain Lake, 1973-96...... ccccccceeeceeee scene teen eee eeee ees 6

Summary of juvenile striped bass stockings during 1994 and 1995 in Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia...... cccecceecceeseecceccteecsecneenceesnecees 23

Statistical procedures used to analyze Smith Mountain Lake data...... 44

Total number of juvenile predators collected by sampling season, sampling period, and location from Smith Mountain Lake...... 6006 48

Descriptive statistics for juvenile striped bass length-frequency distributions over the first growing season after stocking and after overwintering in Smith Mountain Lake...... cece cece eee seeceeeeeeaeeenennees 61

Diet overlap values for juvenile striped bass x black basses calculated by sampling period and location for both the 1994-95 and 1995-96 sampling SCASONSG...... ccccescesenceeseeeeeaeeaeesesseatentseeaeees 76

Diet overlap values for juvenile striped bass x black basses calculated by 10-mm size class interval for both the 1994-95 and 1995-96 SAMPLING SEASONS...... ccsccsceneeneeneeeeeeeeeeeneeneeseneatneenesenenaeees 77

Monthly Dunn’s multiple comparisons of differences in physiological indices of well-being for juvenile striped bass in the Roanoke and Blackwater River arms during the 1994-95 and 1995-96 SAMPIING SCASONS...... ccccecc ese see eee ee eee een tee Renee EOE EEE EEE EAE ES EOE HEE E REESE 88

Dunn’‘s multiple comparisons by 20-mm size class interval of differences in physiological indices of well-being for juvenile striped bass in the Roanoke and Blackwater River arms during the 1994-95 and 1995-96 sampling SCASONS...... cceceececeec eee eee ee ee eneneneteetaeeeteeeees 91


2.1 Simulated density and growth of 10 age-O cyprinid cohorts IN Smith Mountain Lake...... ccc ence cece eee eee eee eee tena etna eee e eee 169

2.2 Simulated density and growth of 10 age-O alewife cohorts in SMItN MOUNTAIN LAKE...... cece cece cee ee eset eee e nee e eee ee nena ee ee eee teeter ene nenes 170

2.3 Simulation scenarios examined using an individual-based model for stocking fingerling striped bass in Smith Mountain Lake...... 177

2.4 Alewife population dynamics and water temperature perturbation simulations used to compare the sensitivity of the existing versus the proposed fingerling striped bass stocking strategies...... cce00e 180

2.5 Alewife population density and warm and cold year perturbation simulations used to compare the sensitivity of the existing versus the proposed fingerling striped bass stocking strategies...... 04 181

2.6 Percent relative increases in juvenile striped bass model outputs for the proposed versus the existing stocking strategies to perturbations in age-O alewife population dynamics and Smith Mountain Lake water temperature varied singly and in combination.....204


The discovery in the mid-195Qs that the striped bass (Morone saxatilis)

could successfully complete its life cycle in freshwater (Scruggs 1957) resulted

in the development of a nationally-recognized sport fishery in Santee-Cooper

Reservoir, South Carolina (Stevens 1958). The popularity of this fishery led other state fisheries management agencies to examine the possible utility of this anadromous sportfish for stocking in the large multipurpose impoundments that had been created throughout the southern United States. Because most of these systems contained resident populations of gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) and threadfin shad (D. petense), ostensibly underutilized by indigenous shore-oriented predator species such as largemouth bass

(Micropterus salmoides), fisheries managers were hopeful that striped bass would not only control overabundant populations of these forage fishes, but also fill the vacant ecological niche (i.e. the pelagic zone) created during the formation of these impoundments (Radonski and Martin 1986).

Although introductions of newly-hatched striped bass fry were initiated by a number of state agencies throughout the South, several years of evaluation demonstrated that stocking this life stage was almost completely ineffective.

As a result, more efficient artificial propagation and rearing techniques were developed in the 1960s that permitted rearing of fry to fingerling size prior to stocking (Stevens 1967a; Bailey 1975). The dramatic increase over the past several decades in the number of striped bass sport fisheries created in freshwater impoundments throughout the southern United States can be viewed as a testament to this change in stocking strategy (Axon and Whitehurst 1985).

However, because striped bass require long stretches of free-flowing river for successful reproduction (Scott and Crossman 1973; Crance 1984), a

characteristic lacking from most inland impoundments, self-maintaining

populations have rarely been established. Consequently, most landlocked

striped bass fisheries have been maintained strictly on a put-grow-take basis

through annual stockings of fingerlings. These stockings have been largely a

trial-and-error process with regards to stocking densities and the size and time at stocking; large numbers of small (<50 mm total length) fingerlings are

stocked during summer months to offset the low (< 20%) survival rates often

observed for this species (Bailey 1975). Although striped bass fisheries have been established successfully in many of these systems, a paucity of

information exists on the mechanisms influencing recruitment of stocked

juveniles to the adult population. More knowledge concerning the early life

history dynamics of striped bass stocked into freshwater impoundments should

not only make stocking efforts more efficient, but management of this species

less uncertain.

Smith Mountain Lake, an 8,343-ha hydroelectric impoundment in southcentral Virginia, is in many respects typical of other freshwater systems in which striped bass populations have been supported on a put-grow-take basis. Since 1964, the stocking of striped bass (between 180,000 and 800,000 fingerlings annually) has led to the development and maintenance of a successful sport fishery. Initial stockings of striped bass throughout the

1970s established an exceptional trophy fishery, with growth and harvest rates among the highest reported for freshwater systems throughout the United

States (Hart 1978). Despite the success of this fishery, fingerling stocking density and survival to age 1 varied inversely from 1973-83 (Figure I.1; Moore

1988). Based on marginal yield analysis, it was determined that an annual 60

; , Y = 43.42 - 0.05(X) N=23 r= 0.42 Ss | P = 0.002

= 40+ ee >S °

_ ~ o Ns ws 207 S~


0 200 400 600 800 Number of Stocked Fingerlings (Thousands)

Figure |.1. First-year survival versus fingerling stocking density for striped bass in Smith Mountain Lake, 1973-96. stocking density between 250,000 and 300,000 fingerlings would optimize the

number of year-class recruits in this system (Figure I.2; Moore et al. 1991). In response, the number of striped bass stocked annually in Smith Mountain Lake

by the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (VDGIF) has fluctuated

between 200,000 and 400,000 fingerlings since 1984. However, the inverse

pattern continues to the present; first-year survival estimates have ranged from

12% to 40% at these stocking densities (Table |.1).

Despite a significant decline in harvest rates for striped bass in Smith Mountain Lake since the late 1970s (LaRoche 1981), growth rates for adults

continue to remain above the national average (Duval 1996). It is thus quite

possible that this system can support more harvestable fish than are now produced under the current stocking regime. However, production of more adult fish can only occur if the recruitment bottleneck observed at higher stocking densities for juvenile striped bass is identified and overcome.

Van Den Avyle and Higginbotham (1979) reported a similar inverse relationship between density of stocked fingerling striped bass and first-year survival in Watts Bar Reservoir, Tennessee. Although the authors could not determine the cause(s) of this empiric relationship, they believed that size at stocking, rather than density-dependent mechanisms, was primarily responsible for the observed relationship. White (1989) reported that natural recruitment of juvenile striped bass in the Santee-Cooper system had declined substantially since 1980. Bulak et al. (1997) demonstrated that spring flow rates from upstream dams in this system played a significant role in influencing recruitment variability. By managing water releases relative to the timing of striped bass spawning events, these authors believe that increased recruitment could be achieved through optimizing temperature and flow regimes so that striped bass 60

90 aA ©


Yield Marginal

-10 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Number of Stocked Fingerlings (Thousands)

Figure I[.2. Relationship between the number of stocked, fingerling striped bass and their marginal yield. Marginal yield is the number of age-1 recruits produced per additional stocking of fingerling striped bass (from Moore et al. 1991). Table I.1. Numbers of juvenile striped bass stocked, actual and corrected catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) for fish the following year, estimated first-year survival, and estimated number of age-1 striped bass in Smith Mountain Lake, 1973-1996. For methodology used to calculate estimates, see Moore et al. 1991.

Year Number Actual Corrected First-Year Number Interval Stocked CPUE CPUE Survival (%) Age-1 Recruits

1973-74 293,925 0.296 0.296 54.3 159,601

1974-75 306,884 0.111 0.309 19.5 59,850

1975-76 455,241 0.120 0.458 14.2 64,703

1976-77 618,020 0.150 0.622 13.1 80,879

1977-78 416,732 0.160 0.420 20.7 86,271

1978-79 546,354 0.040 0.550 3.9 21,568

1979-80 809,246 0.153 0.815 10.2 82,497

1980-81 593,978 0.128 0.598 11.6 69,017

1981-82 412,790 0.169 0.416 22.1 91,124

1982-83 267,153 0.151 0.269 30.5 81,418

1983-84 205,654 0.111 0.207 29.1 59,850

1984-85 214,860 0.154 0.216 38.6 83,036

1985-86 308,501 0.069 0.311 12.1 37,204

1986-87 384,047 0.215 0.387 30.2 115,927

1987-88 355,936 0.128 0.358 19.4 69,017

1988-89 302,992 0.132 0.305 23.5 71,174

1989-90 197,534 0.146 0.199 39.9 78,722

1990-91 300,131 0.097 0.302 17.4 52,302

1991-92 301,346 0.099 0.303 17.7 53,380

1992-93 282,281 0.184 0.271 38.9 108,736

1993-94 287,054 0.174 0.253 37.3 93,820

1994-95 339,337 0.162 0.303 29.1 87,349

1995-96 236,100 0.118 0.231 27.7 63,625

eggs hatch in more suitable regions of the impoundment. Although density-

independent processes, strongly influenced by the environment, have been

shown to regulate recruitment of larval striped bass in both freshwater (Bulak et al. 1997) and tidal ecosystems (Ulanowicz and Polgar 1980; Uphoff 1989; Rutherford and Houde 1995), these mechanisms most likely have little influence on recruitment of striped bass in Smith Mountain Lake because: (1) no natural reproduction occurs; (2) fish are stocked as larger, less vulnerable juveniles; and

(3) reservoir hydrology and water quality are relatively stable (Ney et al. 1988, 1990). Consequently, the cause(s) of this compensatory phenomenon appear to be trophic in nature.

Identifying the mechanisms resulting in the recruitment bottleneck of age-

O striped bass in Smith Mountain Lake is further constrained because fish are not monitored until fifteen months post-stocking when the VDGIF conducts its annual fall gillnet survey; it is during this time that the bottleneck manifests itself. To determine the cause(s) of the inverse pattern between stocking density and first-year survival, it is necessary to increase the understanding of the ecology and life history dynamics of striped bass during the first year of life so that scientifically sound stocking and management strategies can be identified and applied in Smith Mountain Lake.

Variability in recruitment has been identified as a central problem in fisheries research (Sissenwine et al. 1988). Although it has long been understood that year-class strength of most fish populations is set early in life, knowledge of the mechanisms affecting recruitment of age-O fishes is generally poor. Whereas fish recruitment can be affected by many different biotic and abiotic factors, size-dependent mechanisms such as growth, cannibalism, predation, and starvation-induced overwinter mortality have been hypothesized to explain survival and recruitment variability of age-O fish populations

(Sissenwine 1984; Gutreuter and Anderson 1985; Miller et al. 1988; Cushing 1995). Because recruitment is affected by such a large suite of factors, their

impacts may vary on a system-by-system, as well as temporal basis, for many species.

For juvenile piscivores in lakes and reservoirs, the principal factor limiting growth is the availability of forage-fish prey throughout the first year of life

(Jenkins 1979; Noble 1981). The problem of forage-fish availability is immediate and acute for fingerlings that become piscivorous at or soon after stocking but are limited in their consumption to very small forage fish, usually of the same year class (Ney and Orth 1986). For these fingerlings, a lack of small, ingestible fish prey, resulting in poor or negligible growth, can have a tremendous impact on the size distribution of juveniles by the end of their first growing season (Shelton et al. 1979; Timmons et al. 1980; Keast and Eadie

1985) because many of them are relegated to feeding on prey types, such as invertebrates, that have a lower caloric content per unit body mass than fish prey (Cummins and Wuycheck 1971; Prus 1975; Penczak et al. 1984; Moore

1988). Aggus and Elliott (1975) reported that in Bulls Shoal Lake, Missouri-

Arkansas, age-O largemouth bass were able to grow twice as large in length by the end of the first growing season by feeding on gizzard shad, threadfin shad, and brook silversides (Labidesthes siccu/us) than did their cohorts which consumed predominantly invertebrates. Forney (1976) reported that in Oneida

Lake, New York, when age-O yellow perch (Perca flavescens) were too large to be preyed upon by juvenile walleyes (Stizostedion vitreum), first-year growth was relatively slow because walleyes could consume only invertebrates.

Conversely, when yellow perch were small enough to be vulnerable to walleye predation, age-O walleye growth was rapid.

For piscivorous fishes in temperate climates, rapid growth during the first months of life is particularly critical for survival. Age-O fishes that grow at less than the maximal rate are vulnerable to predation for longer periods of time and, as a result, subsequent recruitment is typically poorer than that exhibited by populations of faster-growing individuals (Ricker and Foerster 1948). This premise has been observed for walleyes in both Oneida Lake, New York, and Lake Mendota, Wisconsin, in which cannibalism by older fish on slow-growing juveniles was one of the most important factors governing recruitment

(Chevalier 1973; Forney 1976, 1980; Madenjian et al. 1991). Additionally, size-dependent predation has been shown to have a significant influence on recruitment variability in populations of largemouth bass (Minton and McLean

1982) and yellow perch (Nielsen 1980; Craig 1982; Post and Prankevicius 1987).

Size-dependent predation may be particularly acute in systems that rely on stocked fingerlings, not only because these fish may be “naive”, lacking the necessary predator avoidance behaviors that wild fish exhibit (Stein et al. 1981;

Santucci and Wahl 1993), but because they may remain concentrated at high densities in nearshore regions, further exacerbating the problem by attracting predators. Carline et al. (1986) found that 168-184 mm total length (TL) tiger muskellunge (Esox /ucius x E. masquinongy) stocked in sixteen small ponds and impoundments in Ohio suffered losses as high as 100% within 50 days post- stocking from predation by largemouth bass. The authors hypothesized that these mortality events were largely a result of two factors: (1) tiger muskellunge

<250 mm TL were within the ingestibility limits of most adult largemouth bass; and (2) thermal stratification in these systems, coupled with an anoxic hypolimnion, forced largemouth bass and tiger muskellunge to concentrate in nearshore areas. Comparable results on post-stocking predation by nearshore piscivores (primarily largemouth bass) have also been reported for other stocked juvenile esocids (Stein et al. 1981; Wahl and Stein 1989; Szendrey and Wahl

1996), percids (Johnson et al. 1988), ictalurids (Krummrich and Heidinger

1973), and salmonids (Keith and Barkley 1971) in similar systems. However, in sharp contrast, Michaelson (1996) demonstrated through both field-collected data and bioenergetics modeling that predation on juvenile striped bass by largemouth bass in Smith Mountain Lake immediately post-stocking until dispersal from nearshore regions by the end of the first summer of life was negligible (0.1% in 1994 and 1.2% in 1995). Although size-dependent predation on juvenile fishes, particularly smaller, slower-growing individuals, may be a significant factor regulating first-year recruitment in some freshwater systems, this mechanism does not appear to contribute to the recruitment bottleneck for fingerling striped bass stocked in Smith Mountain Lake.

Alternatively, size-dependent survival may be a result of differential starvation. Body size of age-O fishes at the end of the first growing season has been identified as a critical factor in influencing overwinter survival (Forney

1976; Oliver et al. 1979; Shuter et al. 1980; Toneys and Coble 1980; Adams et al. 1982; Carline et al. 1986; Adams and DeAngelis 1987; Henderson et al.

1988; Post and Evans 1989; Post and Shuter 1990; Thompson et al. 1991;

Miranda and Hubbard 1994; Johnson and Evans 1996). Smaller individuals within a cohort have higher maintenance requirements per unit body mass than larger ones (Paloheimo and Dickie 1966). During winter at temperate latitudes when activity is slowed by cold temperatures and food density is low (Keast

1968), smaller individuals have been shown to exhaust stored energy earlier to

10 meet basal metabolic requirements (Shuter et al. 1980; Henderson et al. 1988;

Post and Evans 1989). As a consequence, smaller individuals are more vulnerable to overwinter mortality due to starvation than larger fish of the same cohort. These results have been demonstrated in a number of studies on juvenile fishes. Larger age-O black basses (Micropterus spp.) tend to accumulate more stored lipid reserves (Adams et al. 1982) and utilize these energy stores at a slower rate (Oliver et al. 1979; Shuter et al. 1980; Miranda and Hubbard 1994) than smaller fish of the same cohort. Larger bass also are more likely to encounter ingestible-sized prey in early spring (Adams et al. 1982;

Adams and DeAngelis 1987), a critical period for young piscivores because appropriate-sized prey and energy reserves are often limiting (Adams and

DeAngelis 1987; Tisa 1988). Adams et al. (1982) reported disproportionately greater overwinter survival for age-O largemouth bass that were >160-mm TL at the end of the growing season than bass smaller than this size. A similar result was also reported for walleyes >175 mm TL (Forney 1976) and tiger muskellunge >200-mm TL (Carline et al. 1986). Because size-dependent, overwinter survival has not been examined for populations of juvenile striped bass, it may be possible that this mechanism is the primary factor driving the recruitment bottleneck for this stocked piscivore in Smith Mountain Lake.

One approach to aid the analysis of first-year recruitment variability of piscivorous fishes is the use of an individual-based model (IBM; Huston et al.

1988). An IBM provides the framework to realistically conceptualize a complex system by synthesizing empirical data in order to simulate biotic and abiotic mechanisms. By incorporating dynamic processes such as feeding success, bioenergetic constraints on growth and consumption, and size-dependent mortality, this approach tracks the growth and survival of individual fish through

11 an iterative, time-step basis and aggregates them to provide an opportunity to test hypotheses, examine the consequences of and generate insights into population-level variation in life-history strategies, and evaluate existing data.

Through the process of parameter alteration, IBMs are able to identify essential mechanisms that drive biotic ecosystems (Van Winkle et al. 1993). The expectation is that these more realistic, detailed models will improve the identification of factors ultimately responsible for population variability.

Individual-based models have been shown to accurately simulate growth of age-

O largemouth bass in a Tennessee reservoir (Adams and DeAngelis 1987), growth and recruitment of age-O walleye in the Great Lakes drainage basin (Madenjian 1991; Madenjian and Carpenter 1991; Madenjian et al. 1996), size- dependent predation on age-O smallmouth bass in boreal North American lakes

(DeAngelis et al. 1991, 1993), predator-prey interactions between alewife

(Alosa pseudoharengus) and larval/juvenile bloater (Coregonus hoy/) in Lake Michigan (Rice et al. 1993), and competitive interactions between rainbow trout

(Oncorhynchus mykiss) and brook trout (Sa/velinus fontinalis) in southern

Appalachian streams (Clark and Rose 1997a, 1997b, 1997c).

An IBM has also been developed for striped bass in the Potomac River,

Maryland (Rose and Cowan 1993). In its present state, the IBM is highly precise for both the egg and larval stages but is considerably more speculative regarding dynamics of the juvenile life stage. Simulations using the model, in combination with site-specific data, can help to identify those factors having the most influence on growth, survival, and recruitment when they operate. Cowan et al. (1993) used the above-mentioned IBM to determine which factors had the greatest impact on recruitment of age-O striped bass. Analysis and predictive assessment of the factors affecting striped bass recruitment also will provide

12 an opportunity to simulate the consequences of changes in size distribution, day of introduction, and density at stocking, both singly and in combination.

Madenjian et al. (1991) used an IBM to simulate and assess various stocking strategies for fingerling walleyes in Lake Mendota, Wisconsin. The IBM approach thus provides a framework within which to conceptualize life-history dynamics, combine empirical studies and modeling in a synergistic fashion, and provide quantitative justification for making scientifically sound management decisions. Quantitative assessments are generally lacking regarding the biotic mechanisms influencing recruitment variability of age-O fishes in freshwater systems, in particular stocked juvenile piscivores in reservoirs. The goal of this study was to quantitatively assess the relationship between recruitment to age 1 and first-year growth and survival of stocked juvenile striped bass in Smith

Mountain Lake, Virginia. Additionally, an individual-based model was utilized to assess various stocking strategies in terms of their utility for maximizing first- year growth, survival, and recruitment to age 1. Ancillary information required for this individual-based model includes spatial dispersion from stocking sites, growth patterns, overwinter survival, food habits, and predator-prey size relationships. This dissertation incorporates these data in two chapters.

Chapter | details the early life history dynamics of juvenile striped bass stocked into Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia, during 1994-95 and 1995-96.

Specifically | evaluated, through an extensive field-collected data set, the following: (1) temporal patterns of spatial dispersion and distribution of striped bass juveniles from the time of stocking through the first overwintering period;

(2) temporal patterns and trends in size distribution and growth of juvenile striped bass during the first year of life; (3) food habits of age-O striped bass

13 and black basses by size class and season (to assess competitive interactions);

(4) size relationships between juvenile striped bass and consumed fish prey; and (5) a suite of physiological indices of health (relative condition, liver-somatic index, lipid index, and stomach-fullness index) to assess both temporal and size- dependent trends in feeding success and energetic well-being

Chapter II utilizes an individual-based model, that was tailored using the above field-collected data, to assess various scenarios for stocking juvenile striped bass in Smith Mountain Lake. Specifically, | examined the influence of size distribution at stocking, day of stocking, and stocking density to determine which scenario(s) maximized first-year growth, overwinter survival, and, consequently, the number of age-1 recruits. | then examined the effects of IBM perturbations in age-O alewife cohort density, timing of adult alewife spawning, and age-O alewife growth and mortality rates, as well as Smith Mountain Lake water temperature, singly and in combination, to determine the sensitivity and robustness of the proposed, “new” versus the existing, “old” stocking strategy.



Management of inland fish populations can be improved by gaining knowledge of the factors controlling growth, survival, and recruitment of early life stages (Hayes et al. 1993). Identification of the mechanisms affecting early growth and survival of fishes should not only allow the successful prediction of future recruitment, but it may also permit fisheries managers to take appropriate remedial actions that will increase recruitment to the adult population, thereby dampening population fluctuations or reversing long-term population declines.

For fisheries biologists managing populations of stocked piscivores, this is particularly true because a considerable degree of control potentially exists in managing these fish populations through the regulation of size, time, and/or density at stocking (Stein et al. 1981; Carline et al. 1986; Hume and Parkinson

1987; Madenjian et al. 1991; Fielder 1992a, 1992b; Santucci and Wahl 1993;

Stahl and Stein 1994; Szendrey and Wahl 1996). Therefore, an increased understanding of the specific mechanisms regulating the early life history dynamics of stocked piscivores should not only allow stocking efforts to become more efficient, but management of these fish populations less uncertain.

The literature is replete with studies examining the early life-history dynamics of striped bass (Morone saxatilis) in marine environments and associated tributaries (Merriman 1941; Rathjen and Miller 1957; Mansueti

15 1961; Trent 1962; Heubach et al. 1963; Chadwick 1966; Markle and Grant

1970; Schaefer 1970; Bason 1971; Turner and Chadwick 1972; Koo and Ritchie 1973; Manooch 1973; Wigfall and Barkuloo 1975; Ulanowicz and Polgar

1980; Boynton et al. 1981; Dey 1981; Kernehan et al. 1981; Setzler-Hamilton et al. 1981; Polgar 1982; Martin et al. 1985; Setzler-Hamilton et al. 1987;

Boreman and Klauda 1988; McGovern and Olney 1988; Uphoff 1989; Rulifson and Manooch 1990; Dorazio et al. 1991; Wells et al. 1991; Chesney 1993; Pace et al. 1993; Wallin et al. 1993; Rutherford and Houde 1995; Secor and Houde 1995). Additionally, hatchery studies have been conducted to identify factors influencing growth and survival of age-O striped bass in freshwater culture environments (Sandoz and Johnston 1965; Logan 1967; Harper et al. 1968; Harper and Jarman 1971; Humphries and Cumming 1971, 1973).

However, little comparative data exist on the early life history dynamics of striped bass post-stocking in freshwater impoundments. Although numerous investigators have conducted research on stocked juvenile striped bass, these studies have focused primarily on first-year growth and/or food habits (Stevens

1967b; Gomez 1970; Mensinger 1970; Ware 1970; Erickson et al. 1970;

Weaver 1975; Axon 1979; Van Den Avyle and Higginbotham 1979; Saul 1981; Saul and Wilson 1981; Nifong 1982; Richardson 1982; Humphreys 1983; Van

Den Avyle et al. 1983; Matthews et al. 1992), with little attempt to link these dynamics to the recruitment process. As a result, information is lacking on the specific interactions regulating recruitment to the adult population for this species in freshwater impoundments.

The purpose of this investigation was to assess the factors influencing first-year growth, overwinter survival, and recruitment to age 1 for stocked juvenile striped bass in Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia. Specific objectives were

16 to: (1) describe the temporal patterns of dispersion and spatial distribution of juvenile striped bass post-stocking during their first year of life; (2) characterize temporal changes in growth patterns and size distribution of juvenile striped bass through the critical overwintering period; (3) determine the relationship among juvenile striped bass size and food habits, feeding success, physiological indices of health, and overwinter survival during the first year of life; and (4) assess the constraints on feeding success of juvenile striped bass in terms of availability of forage-fish prey and the diets of other juvenile predators (black basses).


Smith Mountain Lake is an 8,343-ha (20,600-acre) impoundment in south-central Virginia. The lake consists of two long, narrow tributary arms, the

Roanoke River (65 km) and the Blackwater River (32 km) segments, and a broad and deep lower lake extending 10.5 km above the dam (Figure 1.1). This deep storage reservoir (3.2-yr retention time) was created in 1965 and is operated by American Electric Power (formerly Appalachian Power Company) as a run-of- the-river and pump-storage hydroelectric facility in concert with downstream

Leesville Reservoir. Smith Mountain Lake has a maximum pool elevation of

242.4 m, a maximum depth of 63.7 m, a mean depth of 16.8 m, and an 805- km (500-mi) shoreline that is highly dendritic (Simmons and Neff 1969; Duval

1996). The average annual vertical water fluctuation due to hydroelectric operation is 0.56 m (LaRoche 1981; Duval 1996).

Smith Mountain Lake is oligotrophic at its lower end, mesotrophic at the confluence of its tributary arms, and eutrophic further upstream (Benfield and

Hendricks 1975; Obenshain and McLeod 1981). Littoral areas (<5 m in depth) in the lower lake section contain only sparse fish cover and grade sharply into the profundal zone. Oxygen concentrations in the cool hypolimnetic waters of this region of the lake are reduced to approximately 2-4 mg - L' during the summer months (Ney et al. 1988). In contrast, the lake is riverine in the upper tributary arms with expansive and vegetated littoral areas that slope more gradually into the main channel. During summer months, these upper reservoir waters may be devoid of oxygen 5 m below the surface (Ney et al. 1988).

Because of these habitat differences, Smith Mountain Lake is divided into two distinct regions with arbitrary boundaries: (1) the upper reservoir, which

18 ‘uoiBas(FIN) axe] samo] saddn (p) pue aAIYy JayeMxOe]1gBU} JO


YS Jo deyy “LL eanbi4 BAINO-s saddn (1) :seabuesBuydwes sseq padiuys yo suoneso; ym ‘eluiBui,‘aye ] UleyUNOY]


WwVG ur <~® NIW HAAS ne U4 19

aoaqiua N Guo4 SA1VH YIAIY JIONVOU consists of the Roanoke River above the upper s-curve area (USC) and the Blackwater River above the Gills Creek confluence (GCC); and (2) the lower

reservoir, which consists of the Roanoke River below the upper s-curve area,

the Blackwater River below the confluence of Gills Creek, and the lower lake region (Figure 1.1). For the purposes of this study, sampling was confined primarily to the lower reservoir because few juvenile striped bass were collected

from regions above the stocking sites of both river arms.

The lake’s fish assemblage is diverse, consisting of 45 species of indigenous and introduced fishes (Hart 1978). Largemouth bass (Micropterus

salmoides) and smallmouth bass (M. do/omieu) were the primary game species

after the initial formation of the reservoir and continue to provide an important

sport fishery. Native centrarchids (Lepomis and Pomoxis spp.) and ictalurids

(/ctalurus and Ameiurus spp.), and the introduced flathead catfish (Py/odictus

olivaris), (Morone chrysops), and white perch (M/. americana), also

contribute to the sportfishery in Smith Mountain Lake. The forage complex

consists of age-O sportfish as well as various cyprinids (Cyprinella, Pimephales,

Notemigonus, and Notropis spp.), percids (Etheostoma spp.), and crayfish

(Orconectes spp.), but it is dominated by the native gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) and the introduced alewife (A/osa pseudoharengus; Tisa 1988).

Threadfin shad (D. petense), sometimes numerically abundant in Smith

Mountain Lake, were first detected in 1993 and probably made their way into the lake as an angler introduction in 1991 or 1992 (M.C. Duval, VDGIF, personal communication). Stocking of piscivorous pelagic sport species on a put-grow-take basis, such as striped bass, walleye (Stizostedion vitreum), muskellunge (Esox masquinongy), and tiger muskellunge (£. /ucius x E. masquinongy), began in 1965 to utilize the open-water habitat and to both

20 diversify and augment the sportfish harvest. Although the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (VDGIF) still stocks fingerling muskellunge and tiger muskellunge at low densities, walleye are no longer stocked due to poor angling success for this species (LaRoche 1981). However, striped bass, the primary pelagic sport fish sought in this system, are stocked annually at high densities in two locations: the Penhook state boat ramp (PSB) on the Blackwater River arm and Hales Ford state boat ramp (HFSB) on the Roanoke River arm

(Figure 1.1).


1994. - Running-ripe striped bass from Kerr Reservoir (approximately 100-km downriver from Smith Mountain Lake) were collected from the Roanoke

River by VDGIF personnel from Brookneal Hatchery (Brookneal, Virginia) in early May and used as broodstock for striped bass stocking in Smith Mountain Lake.

After hatching, 5-6 day old fry were transported to rearing ponds at the hatchery and allowed to grow to stocking size (30-50 mm TL). After grow-out

(approximately 42 d), these Phase | fingerlings were seined from the rearing

ponds, loaded into an aerated 2500-L tank, and transported (approximately a 2-

h trip) to Smith Mountain Lake. Upon arrival, fish were tempered gradually

using lake water over a 45-60 min period within the transport tank and stocked

in the early afternoon.

A total of 300,447 Phase | striped bass fingerlings were stocked at the

Penhook (Blackwater River arm; 140,342) and Hales Ford (Roanoke River arm; 160,105) state boat ramps in mid- to late June (Table 1.1). Additionally,

accelerated-growth Phase II fingerling striped bass (38,890 total), reared at the Virginia Tech Aquaculture Facility (Blacksburg, Virginia), were stocked at the

Hales Ford state boat ramp in two equal groups one week apart in early to mid-

July (Table 1.1). These fish were obtained from the Brookneal Hatchery as 35- day-old fry on 27 May and reared indoors on an artificial diet in circular, 2,200- gallon recirculating aquaculture chambers. In addition, to differentiate between

Phase | and Phase Il juveniles, Phase Il fish were batch marked as 4-day-old fry in a solution of oxytetracycline hydrochloride (OTC) by VDGIF hatchery personnel at the Brookneal Hatchery according to the procedure of Secor et al. (1991b).


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O€°0 cE AIDGA - AlayoieH ysiy jeaux001g Ya4H GOL‘OOL SUNL 2? I

(€G°L-Z2'0) (vG-O0€) (VA ‘[eeu40019) vé66lL Ysiy jeauyoosg Yad CVE'OVL BUuNnrGL | g9°0 cv ASIDGA - Asayoiey (6B) (UU) aus aus pay901S payxd01S adA, ea, 1YBIaAA yyBuay Buiesy Buiya01S JaqunN a1eq aseud 18M JE}O]

"(QAIY @xOUROY) dwey 1eOg PJOY sajeH = YA4H ‘(UaAIY saleEMyOe]G) dwey Jeog yOOYUsY, =

Hdd ‘s1yuBiamjam pue syHus] (e210)WwiNuwiIxelW pue LUNWIUILU 84} ase SasaujUaled Ul SaNjen ‘suelpaw ase s}yBiIaM Jem pue syiGug] je1o] “eiuIBuA ‘aye7] UleJUNOYW YUWS 1e GEE, pue pEE_L Guunp sbhurys01s sseq padiis ajiuaant yo Asewiuuns “LL aqey 7995. - Phase | fingerling striped bass from the Brookneal Hatchery were

not stocked in Smith Mountain Lake in 1995 because heavy rainfall and severe

flooding at the hatchery in mid-June washed all fish from rearing ponds into the Roanoke River. Instead, Phase | fingerlings for stocking were obtained from both the McKinney (Rockingham, North Carolina) and Watha (Cape Fear, North

Carolina) Hatcheries. Although these fish were brought from North Carolina, they were of the same brood-stock origin (Roanoke River strain) and were reared

in a similar fashion as Phase | striped bass in Virginia (S. Arthur, VDGIF

Brookneal Hatchery, personal communication).

A total of 228,800 Phase | fingerling striped bass were stocked at the

Penhook (125,800) and Hales Ford (103,000) state boat ramps during mid-July (Table 1.1). An additional 7,300 accelerated-growth Phase II fingerling striped

bass from the Virginia Tech Aquaculture Center were stocked at the Hales Ford state boat ramp in early July (Table 1.1). These fish, reared as in 1994, were obtained from the Brookneal Hatchery as 30-day-old fry on 25 May. However, accelerated-growth Phase II striped bass were not batch-marked with OTC in

1995. Instead, Phase | fish that were washed out of the Brookneal Hatchery rearing ponds had been OTC marked. Therefore, collected Phase | and Phase

Il juvenile striped bass could not be differentiated during this sampling year.


This study involved two years (1994-95 and 1995-96) of field collection

and laboratory analysis. Most of the effort during the first year of sampling

consisted of logistical arrangements, learning general patterns of fish

distributions within Smith Mountain Lake, and developing analytical laboratory

procedures. Through an intensive sampling effort, | was able to gain a very good understanding of the dynamics of stocked juvenile striped bass in this

system so that the remaining year could be devoted strictly to research collections and finishing laboratory analyses.

Field Collections

Age-O striped bass and black basses (largemouth and smallmouth bass)

were collected from the Hales Ford and Penhook cove stocking sites of Smith

Mountain Lake using a suite of gear types. Shoreline seining (six to ten hauls

per night using a 10-m long and 1-m deep beach seine with a 3.18-mm bar mesh bag and wings) was conducted at least two nights each week from mid-

June through August 1994 and mid-July through August 1995 because some juvenile striped bass and black basses <50 mm TL inhabited shallow (<1 m), littoral areas of the stocking coves and, as a result, were inaccessible to

electrofishing. Additionally, the entire shoreline of both stocking coves was electrofished at least two nights each week during this time period to collect juveniles in deeper, littoral areas (1-2 m) using a 4.3-m aluminum-hulled boat with a boom-type Smith-Root Model 3.5 Gas-Powered Pulsator, AC-DC

electrofishing unit (3-6 A pulsed DC at a frequency of 60 pulses per second)

powered by a 200-W generator. For the remainder of each sampling year (at

25 least one night each week from August through mid-December 1994 and

August through November 1995; at least two nights each week during March 1995 and March through mid-April 1996), boat electrofishing was the primary

gear type used to collect juvenile striped bass and black basses in nearshore

areas of the stocking coves.

Horizontal gillnets were used at least one night each week from August

through mid-December 1994 and August through November 1995, and at least four nights each week during March 1995 and March through mid-April 1996

to collect larger age-O striped bass (>90 mm TL) that had dispersed from the stocking coves to deeper, more pelagic areas of the main channels in Smith

Mountain Lake. Because juvenile striped bass rarely frequented the upper

reservoir following dispersion from the stocking areas, collections using gillnets were conducted from the Roanoke River arm below Hales Ford Bridge (HFB) and the Blackwater River arm below the Gills Creek confluence (GCC) to the upper lower lake (ULL) region (Figure 1.1). Fifteen bi-panel monofilament gillnets (50- m long and 2-m deep consisting of two 25-m long panels with bar mesh sizes of 12.7 mm and 19.05 mm, 12.7 mm and 25.4 mm, or 19.05 mm and 25.4 mm; five nets of each mesh size combination) were set perpendicularly from the shore along the lake bottom and anchored using one 4.5-kg weight on the offshore end. Suspension of the gillnet float line underwater was maintained using three one-gallon plastic floats spaced equidistantly along the length of each net from the top of float line. Additionally, juvenile striped bass collected by the VDGIF as part of their annual fall gillnet survey (two nights per month in

October, November, and December 1994 and 1995) were used to supplement field collections. All gillnets were set in late afternoon, and captured striped bass were removed the following dawn.

26 | sought to collect at least 60 juvenile striped bass and 30 black basses

(both largemouth and smallmouth bass in combination) in total using all gear types employed during each weekly sampling period. All striped bass and black basses collected were immediately sacrificed with an overdose of MS-222 (tricaine methanesulfonate) and preserved on ice. Upon returning from

sampling, all fish were measured for total length to the nearest 1 mm, weighed to the nearest 0.01 g (fresh wet weight), and frozen pending further laboratory


Contribution of Phase II Fingerlings

Because of equipment and time constraints, a random sample (N= 100)

of all age-O striped bass collected from the Roanoke River arm of Smith

Mountain Lake during the 1994-95 sampling year was examined for OTC marks.

Juvenile striped bass captured from the Blackwater River arm during 1994-95 were not examined for marks because Phase II fish were only stocked in the Roanoke River arm. Removal and preparation of the saggital otoliths from these fish was conducted according to Secor et al. (1991a). Otoliths were examined whole and in cross-section using an epifluorescence microscope at 10x magnification under phase-contrast conditions. Presence of an OTC mark was noted as a gold-yellow ring near the center of the otolith. Because no striped bass stocked in Smith Mountain Lake during 1995 were marked with OTC, otolith removal and analysis was not conducted for juveniles collected during this sampling year.

Dispersal and Spatial Distribution

Dispersal and spatial distribution of juvenile striped bass within and out

27 of the Hales Ford (Roanoke River) and Penhook (Blackwater River) stocking

coves during both the 1994 and 1995 growing seasons were examined by comparing temporal trends in catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) from shoreline

electrofishing and gillnetting data. Data were evaluated by standardizing CPUE by gear type as follows: number of fish collected per minute of electrofishing and number of fish collected per gillnet night. Beach seine data were not used to evaluate dispersal and spatial distribution of juveniles because suitable locations in which to conduct seine hauls were limited. As a result, few juvenile striped bass were captured using this gear type.

Transects within each stocking cove were classified as inner (INN),

intermediate (INT), and outer (OUT) regions according to the shoreline distance from the stocking site (0 to 100 m, 100 to 400 m, and >400 m, respectively), and right (R) or left (L) of the stocking site (Figures 1.2 and 1.3). Spatial distribution of juvenile striped bass throughout main channel areas was described by examining temporal trends only in gillnetting CPUE data because no fish were collected using electrofishing equipment in these regions of the lake. Because the primary purpose of this study was to collect juvenile striped bass and not to characterize all regions of Smith Mountain Lake in which fish did/did not occur, these data serves only as a relative description of temporal trends in dispersion and spatial distribution within this system.

First-Year Striped Bass Growth

The median length and weight of juvenile striped bass collected from the

Roanoke and Blackwater River arms were calculated at bi-weekly intervals and plotted over the growing season (mid-June through mid-December 1994; mid-

July through November 1995) to describe temporal patterns in growth.

28 ‘Apaaizoadsad ‘sjoasues) Bulj|dwes 49}NoO pue ‘ajeipauajul ‘JauU! aJeoIpUl | MO pue

“ENE ‘NNj pue ‘Ajaaioadsas ‘azisBulyooys jo }YyHu pue Yo; azed!pul y pue 7 ‘evs Burjoois (yYq4H) dwey ie0g p10-4 SajeY 94} WO4j sseq padiijs Q-abe jo Susajz,edUOlsJadsip a}ewNsa 0} pasn s,Dasuel) Buydwes 4o suoleo0}

We JBAIY @YOUROY BY} UO AUIS PsO4 Sale} ay} yo dn-asojD ‘zp aanBbi4 Buimoys ‘eluiBii,,‘axe7z uleyUNOYy YWS jo JLIS GQYOd SATVWH

TNNI Vino ¥adH 1-1NI





“AjaAinoedsas ‘S}Q9sues} Buydwes 18}nNoOpue ‘ajelpauwJaju!‘aauU! ayesIPUul[MO pue

‘LNI ‘NNI pue ‘Ajaanoedsai ‘ays Burydois jo 1YyBu pue ja] ayeo!pul Y pue 7] ‘azIsBulyooi1s (Ygq) dwey jeog yooyusy ay} Wold sseq padisjs Q-abe jo susajjed uolsiadsip a}ewi}sa 0} pasn sjJasues] Buljduwiesyo suoijes0| Buimoys ‘eruBai,p‘axe7] UleJUNOPY YPWS JO We JBAIY J9}eM¥Oe}G BY} UO djs YOOYUSaY ay} Jo dn-asojD ‘E'p,aanbiy ALIS MOOHNAd

Y-LNI 30





Additionally, monthly length-frequency histograms for 1994-95 and 1995-96

(Roanoke and Blackwater River arm data pooled for each sampling year) were

developed to further describe patterns in juvenile striped bass growth and size


Overwinter Survival Length-frequency histograms of juvenile striped bass before and after winter were compared (November-December 1994 versus March 1995;

November 1995 versus March-April 1996; Roanoke and Blackwater River arm data pooled for each sampling year) to evaluate whether divergences in length distribution through summer and fall resulted in differential size-dependent overwinter mortality in Smith Mountain Lake. Because length-frequency distributions were not significantly different between November and December

1994 (x*=3.16, df=15, P=0.68) or March and April 1996 (x?=3.15, df=8,

P=0.99), these months were pooled to increase sample sizes in order to facilitate comparisons between fall and spring samples.

Determination of size-dependent overwinter mortality was based on the assumption that if the median length of fish increased over the winter while the variability in length decreased, the decrease in variability should be due to an upward shift in the minimum but not the maximum length (i.e. small fish were lost from the population). It was also assumed that smaller striped bass were not growing at a faster rate over the winter than their larger conspecifics and, as a result, catching up in length. This assumption is reasonable because several studies have documented that age-O striped bass discontinue feeding after water temperatures have declined below 10°C (Scofield 1931; Viadykov and Wallace 1952; Koo and Ritchie 1973). Because water temperatures in

31 Smith Mountain Lake were below 10°C from the end of November through mid-

March during both sampling years, it is unlikely that juvenile striped bass, regardless of size, were growing during winter months. Additionally, if fish were growing over this period and there was no or little length-based overwinter mortality, both the median and variance in size would be expected to increase.

Food Habits In the laboratory, fish were thawed and stomachs (from the base of the esophagus to anterior portion of the intestine) were removed from both striped bass and black basses, and preserved in 10% buffered formalin for subsequent analysis. Stomach contents were examined under magnification using a dissecting microscope, identified to the lowest practical taxa, and each prey item was blotted to remove excess fluid before being weighed to the nearest

0.01 g. Diet composition for striped bass and black basses was expressed as the average percent contribution of each prey type consumed to the total food weight during each month of the growing season and 10-mm size class interval for each river arm using the following equation:

%WTP, = (SWTP/ZWT)/N, where %WTP, is the average percent contribution by weight for prey type i,

2WTP, is the summed weight of prey i consumed by each predator, 2WT, is the summed weight of prey type i consumed by each predator, and N is the total number of predators sampled, including those with empty stomachs (Hyslop

1980). This approach was chosen because it allows food types to be quantified in directly comparable mass units so that the relative importance of these diet

32 items can be estimated in terms of approximate nutrition gained by the predator

(Bowen 1996).

Diet Overlap Diet overlap, as an index of potential interspecific trophic competition,

was calculated between juvenile striped bass and black basses by month and

10-mm size class interval separately for both the Roanoke and Blackwater River

arms during the 1994 and 1995 growing season using diet composition weight

percentages and Schoener’s overlap index (1970), which is defined as:

C,, = 1.0-0.5 5 IPxi- Pyil, i=1 where C,, is the overlap index, p,,; is the proportion of food type i used by species x (striped bass), p,; is the proportion of food type i used by species y

(black basses), and n is the total number of food categories. Wallace (1981) determined that this symmetrical index, used with weight percentages, was the most appropriate method for calculating overlap when accurate data on prey abundance were unavailable. The index ranges from O (no overlap) to 1 (complete overlap). Values greater than 0.6 are considered indicative of substantial overlap and potential resource competition (Zaret and Rand 1971).

Only samples which adequately described the diet of striped bass and black basses, as determined by cumulative prey species curves (Brodeur and

Pearcy 1984), were used in diet comparisons because small sample sizes often lead to spurious results (Smith 1985). Cumulative prey species curves for both striped bass and black basses (by month and 10-mm size class interval for the

Roanoke and Blackwater River arms separately during both 1994 and 1995)

33 were obtained by plotting the cumulative number of prey taxa found in a

progressively larger number of randomly-ordered stomachs. The asymptote of

the curve corresponded to the minimum number of stomachs needed to

adequately describe the diet. If an asymptote was not reached, the sample was considered inadequate for subsequent comparisons.

Predator-Prey Size Relationships

To quantify size relationships between age-O striped bass and forage-fish prey, total, standard, and backbone lengths of identifiable fish in the stomachs of juvenile striped bass were measured to the nearest 1 mm. Standard lengths (SL) and backbone lengths (BL.) of consumed age-O alewives and spottail shiners (Notropis hudsonius; hereafter termed cyprinids), the two primary forage fish species consumed by juvenile striped bass, were converted to total lengths

(TL) using linear regression equations developed from specimens collected in

Smith Mountain Lake. Additionally, linear regression equations were developed to back-calculate maximum body depth (BD, measured as the linear distance from the anterior origin of the dorsal fin to the ventral surface) from total length

(TL) estimates for these two forage-fish prey at the time of consumption. The regression equations for alewife were:

TL = -1.99 + 1.26(SL), N=400, r?=0.99

TL = -2.99 + 1.62(BL.), N=400, r?=0.98 BD = -0.72 + 0.22(TL), N=400, r?=0.97.

34 Similar equations for cyprinids were:

TL = 1.90 + 1.16(SL), N=450, r?=0.98

TL = 8.85 + 1.15(BL.), N=450, r?=0.97 BD = -0.95 + 0.16(TL), N=450, r?=0.97.

Morphological constraints on forage-fish prey utilization were evaluated to determine whether the maximum size of cyprinids and alewives consumed were consistent with juvenile striped bass ingestibility limitations. Because the nutritional value of a prey item is directly proportional to its mass (Bowen

1996), the relationship between the weight of consumed cyprinid and alewife prey relative to striped bass weight was also evaluated to estimate differences in energetic gains from these two forage fishes. Linear regression equations were developed to compare: (1) TL of cyprinids and alewives consumed versus striped bass TL; (2) the ratio of consumed fish prey TL to striped bass TL versus striped bass TL; (3) body weight of cyprinids and alewives consumed versus striped bass body weight; and (4) the ratio of consumed fish prey body weight to striped bass body weight versus striped bass TL. In other studies examining the size relationship between consumed forage-fish prey and juvenile piscivores, fish prey body depth relative to predator gape width has been shown to be a factor limiting ingestibility (Lawrence 1958; Kerby 1979; Dennerline 1990;

Hambright 1991). To further assess ingestibility limitations, the estimated maximum total lengths of cyprinids and alewives that could be consumed by a given size striped bass were predicted based on linear regression relationships between predator gape width (measured as the horizontal distance between the maxillary bones) and fish prey body depth. These relationships were compared

35 to measured total lengths of cyprinids and alewives actually consumed to determine whether fish prey were consumed at or near the maximum ingestibility limits of juvenile striped bass. Ingestibility limits were applied to growth data for both predators and fish prey to identify periods over the growing season when cyprinids and alewives could/could not be consumed by different sizes of juvenile striped bass. To estimate growth rates and size distributions of age-O cyprinids, fish were collected monthly from June through November 1995 by shoreline seine hauls in nearshore areas of both stocking coves. During each month of sampling, three seine hauls were conducted using a 10-m long and 1-m deep seine with a 3.18-mm bar mesh bag and wings. At least 200 age-O cyprinids were collected during each monthly sampling period. These fish were measured for TL to the nearest 1 mm, weighed to the nearest 0.01 g, and temporal trends in size distribution were described. Although size distributions over the growing season were not determined in 1994, 1995 data were used for both years because age-0O cyprinid size distributions from cove rotenone sampling in August of both 1994 and 1995 were not significantly different (x*=5.45, df=7, P=0.68).

Because monthly growth and size distribution data for age-O alewives in

Smith Mountain Lake already exist (Tisa 1988), this species was only collected during the annual VDGIF cove rotenone survey in August 1994 and 1995 to ensure that growth dynamics had not changed significantly since the study was conducted from 1982-1984. Because age-O alewife length-frequency distributions from cove rotenone surveys did not differ significantly between these two studies (x?= 10.51, df=10, P=0.35), it was assumed that alewife growth rates had not changed appreciably over the past twelve years in Smith

36 Mountain Lake. As a result, age-O alewife growth and size distribution data

from Tisa (1988) was compared to juvenile striped bass ingestibility limits to

identify periods during the growing season when this forage-fish prey species

could be consumed by different size modes of striped bass. These periods were

then transformed to determine the percentage of the age-O alewife cohort

biomass ingestible by both small- and large-mode juvenile striped bass

(estimated as the 25th and 75th percentiles, respectively, from first-year growth


Physiological Indices of Health

The performance and physiological health of juvenile striped bass from

stocking to age 1 were monitored using a suite of physiological measures indicative of relative well-being. Because these parameters do not directly

measure a change in size (i.e. growth), they can only be used as a surrogate for the rate of growth or performance of individual fish. The value of these

parameters is in their ability to describe changes in growth rate over short

periods of time, particularly growth in response to changing environmental conditions or food type and supply (Busacker et al. 1990).

Relative Condition. - Body condition of each juvenile striped bass was calculated using the relative condition factor (K,), which is defined as:

K, = W/W’ x 100,

where W is the measured wet weight (nearest 0.01 g) and W’ is the length- specific expected wet weight (nearest 0.01 g) for fish in the population as predicted by the weight-length regression equation for that population (LeCren

37 1951). Weight-length equations used to determine K,, for juvenile striped bass

were calculated from fish collected in this study using the following linear

regression equations:

1994-95 LogWT = -5.12 + 3.06(LogTL), N=1628, r°=0.99, P<0.0001

1995-96 LogWT = -5.08 + 3.04(LogTL), N=1272, r?=0.99, P<0.0001,

where LogWT is the base ten logarithm of the wet weight and LogTL is the base

ten logarithm of the total length. Juvenile striped bass from both the Roanoke

and Blackwater River arms were pooled for each sampling year to develop each

weight-length regression equation.

Although the traditional approach to the assessment of condition involves the use of the Fulton factor (K; Fulton 1904), this index is length-dependent, thereby preventing comparisons of individuals of the same species with disparate lengths (Bagenal and Tesch 1978). The relative weight index (W,) represents a refinement of K, (Wege and Anderson 1978; Murphy et al. 1991) and allows assessment of how energy is allocated across length classes within a species (Brown and Murphy 1991b). However, this index does not work for striped bass <150 mm TL due to high variability in the length at which the growth form changes for this species (Brown and Murphy 1991a).

Because relative condition is only affected by changes in weight, a K,, value equal to 100 reflects the expected, “average” condition for a fish at a given length (i.e. has attained 100% of its expected weight for its particular length). Juvenile striped bass with K, values greater than or equal to 100 indicate better than expected physiological condition (i.e. “good plumpness”) within the population. Conversely, K, values less than 100 indicate that

38 physiological condition within the population is “poor” (i.e. weight is less than

expected for a particular length). Liver-Somatic Index. - Because fish accumulate energy in the form of

glycogen in their liver (Hinton et al. 1972) during periods of high energy intake and utilize this energy when not feeding, the relative size of the liver should be

positively correlated with nutritional state of a fish (Anderson and Gutreuter

1983). Thus, a high liver weight relative to body weight should correspond to profitable forage and growth conditions and a low liver weight relative to body weight should indicate the converse. This indirect measure of condition is

referred to as the liver-somatic index (LSI; Anderson and Neumann 1996).

In the laboratory, striped bass were thawed, and livers were removed by dissection (minus the gall bladder) before weighing to the nearest 0.01 g. LSI was calculated for each fish as:

LSI = (LVW/WT) x 100, where LVW is the wet weight of the liver minus the gall bladder and WT is the measured liver-free wet body weight (nearest 0.01 g) of the fish. By subtracting liver weight from body weight, liver weight is removed from the denominator, thereby eliminating bias from the estimator. Since LSI is a more sensitive indicator of recent energy dynamics than condition factor (Heidinger and Crawford 1977; Adams and McLean 1985), this parameter was used as a measure of short-term food consumption and metabolic energy demand.

Lipid Index. - Although lipids may be transient body materials, they are a very important source of potential chemical energy during periods of low food availability or environmental stress. As a consequence, their presence reflects

39 the physiological capacity of the fish. The capacity to store energy and rate of usage of these energy reserves often vary with body size; large fish typically have accumulated more lipid reserves, on a per unit mass basis, and utilize this energy source at a slower rate than smaller fish (Oliver et al. 1979; Miranda and

Hubbard 1994). This suggests that overwinter survival, a period when fish feed very little, could be a problem for juvenile fishes that do not attain some minimum size (and consequently adequate lipid reserves) prior to their first overwintering period. All juvenile striped bass were frozen, freeze-dried to a constant weight

(4-7 d) at -60°C, reweighed (to the nearest 0.01 g dry weight), and ground with a commercial Waring blender. Weight loss (due to the freeze-drying process) provided an estimate of body water content, which was used to develop a linear regression relationship between percent water and lipid content because these physiological measures are inversely related (Love 1970; Niimi 1972; Toneys and Coble 1980; Cunjak and Power 1986). A random sample (N= 250) of all freeze-dried striped bass was chosen for the lipid extraction procedure.

Samples (dried homogenate) were oven dried at 105°C for 24 h to reach a constant weight and cooled in a desiccation chamber at 0% humidity for 24 h, reweighed to the nearest 0.01 g, and stored in the chamber pending lipid extraction. Filter paper was oven dried at 105°C to a constant weight (24 h), cooled in a desiccation chamber at 0% humidity for 24 h, and weighed to the nearest 0.01 g. Dry homogenate (1-2 g from each individual striped bass) was then packaged in filter paper and reweighed to the nearest 0.01 g. The filter paper packages plus contents were placed in a Soxhlet lipid extraction apparatus, and lipid was extracted from the packages over a 24-h period using anhydrous (ethyl) ether as the solvent. Extraction was conducted with

40 anhydrous ether because this solvent removes nonpolar, storage lipids (i.e.

usable energy stores) with little removal of polar, structural lipids (i.e. unusable energy stores; Dobush et al. 1985; Reznick and Braun 1987). There is some

indication that petroleum ether may be a more appropriate solvent for quantifying storage lipids because anhydrous ether may remove small quantities of structural lipids. However, Dobush et al. (1985) found that anhydrous ether removed, on average, only 3.3% more material than did petroleum ether and this difference was not found to be significant.

Following extraction, sample packages were oven dried for 24 h to constant weight, cooled in a desiccation chamber, and reweighed to the nearest

0.01 g. Lipid index (LI) was calculated as:

LI = (LPW/LFDW) x 100,

where LPW is the weight of extracted lipid and LFDW is the lipid-free dry body weight. This index scales the lipid content by a measure of structural size (Owen and Cook 1977) in recognition that 1 g of lipid has different meaning to a fish of 5 g dry weight than to one of 50 g dry weight. This scaling is particularly important for life stages, such as juveniles, that vary considerably in size (Johnson and Stewart 1973; Johnson et al. 1985). Schmidt-Nielsen

(1979) illustrated how a ratio such as lipid index is preferable for portraying the importance of a body constituent. Likewise, Morton et al. (1990) demonstrated that changes in lipid index are proportional to incremental changes in lipid weight for a given lipid-free dry weight, while percent lipid changes at a decreasing rate as lipid weight increases incrementally for a given lipid-free dry weight.

41 Linear regression was used to express the relationship between lipid index and percent body water (Figure 1.4). This equation was used to estimate the lipid index for the remainder of the juvenile striped bass samples based on their percent body water content as determined from the freeze-drying process.

Stomach-Fullness Index. - As an index of feeding intensity, stomach- fullness index (SFI) was calculated for each striped bass as the ratio of the blotted wet weight of food contents to the wet body weight minus the stomach contents x 100 (Bowen 1996). By subtracting stomach content weight from body weight, food content weight is removed from the denominator, thereby eliminating bias from the estimator. This permits more reasonable comparisons between age-O striped bass with varying degrees of stomach fullness.

Statistical Analyses

Statistical procedures used to analyze data sets in this dissertation are listed in Table 1.2. Although no formal statistical tests were performed on spatial distribution (except for comparisons of length-frequency distributions), those data were examined and compared among sampling periods in order to describe temporal trends in dispersion within and out of each stocking cove site.

Differences in median size and size range at the time of stocking were compared among sites, and between Phase | and Phase Il striped bass. Size distributions of juvenile striped bass were compared sequentially month versus month to describe differences in growth, and between fall and spring to evaluate size- based overwinter mortality. For growth and overwinter mortality analyses, size distribution data from both river arms were pooled to more meaningfully describe these trends in juvenile striped bass growth. Additionally, tests for skewness (symmetry of observed data about the median, where values >0O

42 0.6 >

f LI = 1.84 - 0.02(\WATER) L N = 0.5+

~ 04¢- oN : x i a [ OG 03- cc LL O L a - _ 0.2 - 0.1+ 0.0 &.. | poe te tt

60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95

Body Water (%)

Figure 1.4. Regression relationship between lipid index (LI) and percent body water (WATER) for juvenile striped bass collected from Smith Mountain Lake.


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$]U9191}J809 sdiysuoijejasuolssas6a1 aAoge ay} JO} pauinsuod saAimaye JO |AA SNSJBA PawiNnsuod uoissajbad 10} 1$9-} spiuudAd jo | AA pue palunsuod saAimaye jo ] SNsiaA pawnsuos spiudAd jo FL aiNpsd0lg |eos1e1S 19S ejeq

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skewed distribution; Zar 1984) and kurtosis (shape of observed data about the median, where positive kurtosis indicates a unimodal distribution and negative

kurtosis indicates a bimodal distribution; Sokal and Rohlf 1981) were conducted

to further aid interpretation of age-O striped bass length-frequency distributions. Diet composition data were tabulated by location (Roanoke and Blackwater River arms), month of the growing season (mid-June through mid-

December 1994 and mid-July through November 1995), and 10-mm size class intervals to evaluate differences in food habits and feeding success.

Relationships using linear regression analysis between consumed forage-fish

prey and juvenile striped bass size were pooled for both the 1994-95 and 1995-

96 sampling seasons to increase sample sizes to facilitate comparisons among the two forage fish prey types. All the above statistical analyses (size distribution and diet composition data) were performed as in Zar (1984). Preliminary tests (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) revealed that physiological measures of health data were not normally distributed (D=0.31, P<0.0001). Because parametric statistical analyses can lead to misinterpretation of results when assumptions of normality and homoscedasticity are not met (Pirie and

Hubert 1977), nonparametric statistical procedures (Gibbons 1985) were used to analyze these data sets. Data were grouped by location (Roanoke or

Blackwater River arm), month, and 10-mm size class interval to facilitate comparisons of changes in well-being. Additionally, comparisons between fall and spring were made for relative condition, liver-somatic index, and lipid index by 10-mm size class intervals to detect differences in physiological health over winter. Statistical analyses, both parametric and nonparametric, were considered significant at P<0.05 for Type | error.


Temporal patterns of juvenile striped bass dispersion within and out of the stocking coves were described to assess size-dependent differences in spatial distribution. Additionally, growth of juvenile striped bass was evaluated to assess temporal patterns in size distributions over the growing season and after the overwintering period. Finally, trends in food habits, diet overlap with black basses, forage-fish prey-predator ingestibility relationships, and physiological indices of health were examined for juvenile striped bass to aid analysis of growth and size distribution patterns, size-dependent overwinter mortality, and recruitment to age 1.

Field Collections

A total of 3,649 age-0 piscivores (N= 2,299 for striped bass; N= 1,350 for black basses) were collected from Smith Mountain Lake during the 1994-95 and 1995-96 sampling seasons (Table 1.3). Juvenile striped bass, the target species for this study, were most commonly collected in nearshore areas of the stocking coves during the summer months before they dispersed to more pelagic regions of the main channels of Smith Mountain Lake. Following dispersion from the stocking coves, the range of striped bass distribution extended primarily from the upper s-curve of the Roanoke River arm and the

Gills Creek Confluence of the Blackwater River arm to the upper lower lake region (for a more thorough description, see Dispersal and Spatial Distribution).

In contrast, age-O black basses (about 95% largemouth bass) occupied nearshore regions throughout Smith Mountain Lake, typically areas containing underwater timber and/or aquatic vegetation.

47 Table 1.3. Total number of juvenile predators collected by sampling season, sampling period, and location from Smith Mountain Lake.

Striped Bass Black Bass

Sampling Sampling Roanoke Blackwater Roanoke Blackwater Season ‘Period River River Total River River Total

1994-95 16-30 Jun 52 58 110 41 64 105 01-15 Jul 137 80 217 24 30 54 16-31 Jul 111 63 174 75 59 134 01-15 Aug 93 86 179 38 56 94 16-31 Aug 71 55 126 46 31 77 01-15 Sep 48 32 80 36 33 69 16-30 Sep 37 21 58 32 39 71 01-15 Oct 66 25 91 14 10 24 16-31 Oct 34 15 49 28 17 45 01-15 Nov 53 16 69 6 8 14 16-30 Nov 28 6 34 4 8 12 01-15 Dec 7 5 12 2 0 2 15-31 Mar 125 113 128 0 0 0 Total 862 575 1327 346 355 701

1995-96 16-31 Jul 64 64 128 110 63 173 01-15 Aug 74 92 166 80 51 131 16-31 Aug 35 66 101 65 60 125 01-15 Sep 17 66 83 42 41 83 16-30 Sep 42 78 120 27 47 74 01-15 Oct 26 53 79 10 26 36 16-31 Oct 29 57 86 7 5 12 01-15 Nov 22 52 74 4 6 10 16-30 Nov 22 38 60 1 4 5 15-31 Mar 8 6 14 0 0 0 01-15 Apr 26 35 61 0 0 0 Total 365 607 972 346 303 649

48 Although more juvenile striped bass were collected during 1994-95 than

1995-96 (1,327 versus 972; Table 1.3), the numbers of age-O black basses collected during each sampling year were approximately equal (701 during

1994-95 and 649 during 1995-96; Table 1.3). Additionally, despite similar

sampling effort in both river arms, greater numbers of juvenile striped bass were

captured from the Roanoke River arm during the 1994-95 sampling season (862 versus 575 in the Blackwater River arm), whereas more were collected from the

Blackwater River arm during the 1995-96 sampling season (607 versus 365 for

the Roanoke River arm). In contrast, approximately equal numbers of black basses were collected from both the Roanoke and Blackwater River arms during each sampling season (346 versus 355, respectively, in 1994-95; 346 versus

303, respectively, in 1995-96).

Contribution of Phase II Fingerlings

Only two of the 100 otoliths examined to estimate the contribution of

Phase Il fish to the total number of age-O striped bass in the Roanoke River arm during 1994-95 exhibited a discernable fluorescent mark when examined using epifluorescence microscopy. Chi-square analysis revealed that these results were significantly different than expected (y?= 13.36, df=1, P<0O.0001). Had the contribution of Phase II striped bass been proportional to the total number of fish stocked, twenty juveniles would have been expected to display the fluorescent mark. Interestingly, by factoring in the high initial stocking mortality observed for Phase Il striped bass during 1994 (99.5% and 51.0% for those stocked on 06 and 13 July, respectively; Michaelson 1996), only six of the 100 otoliths would have been expected to contain a fluorescent mark. Although this adjusted estimate is still greater than the observed percentage (six versus two),

49 these proportions were not significantly different (x?=1.92, df=1, P=0.13).

However, the apparently poor contribution of Phase II fingerlings to the striped bass population during 1994-95 should be interpreted with caution because: (1) the small number of-otoliths examined may not be representative of the entire sample collected; (2) Phase | striped bass, because of their affinity for nearshore areas and greater susceptibility of capture, may have been collected at a greater frequency than their occurrence in the age-O striped bass population; and (3) the inability to distinguish OTC marks from background fluorescence may have resulted in misidentified Phase II fish.

Dispersal and Spatial Distribution Dispersion patterns for age-O striped bass stocked from the Hales Ford state boat ramp, as characterized by catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) data, were nearly identical in 1994 and 1995. During both years, CPUE was highest within

100 m of the stocking site (INN-L and INN-R) during the first week post- stocking before slowly declining over the remainder of the growing season as juveniles dispersed throughout the stocking cove (electrofishing only; Figures

1.5 and 1.6). Although striped bass were collected within the cove for the duration of the growing season, the outermost sampling regions (OUT-L and

OUT-R; both electrofishing and gillnetting; Figures 1.5 and 1.6) yielded the highest CPUE during fall sampling, particularly shallow, structureless zones containing a mixture of sand and gravel that graded gradually to deep water. Because fish were rarely collected from intermediate (INT-L and INT-R) or innermost (INN-L and INN-R) regions of the cove after early fall (both electrofishing and gillnetting; Figures 1.5 and 1.6), it would appear that juvenile striped bass had dispersed to areas containing the most suitable habitat (for a

50 Jaquinu


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52 more thorough description of juvenile striped bass habitat requirements, see Dispersal and Spatial Distribution in the Discussion section), either along the outermost regions of the cove or outside the cove itself (OUT-C; gillnetting only;

Figures 1.5 and 1.6). Although juvenile striped bass stocked at the Penhook state boat ramp exhibited similar patterns of dispersion between 1994 and 1995, these observations differed markedly from those described at the Hales Ford stocking cove. Striped bass at the Penhook cove dispersed rapidly away from the immediate stocking site by the first night post-stocking, and only the outermost region (OUT-R) of this cove exhibited high CPUE during the growing season

(both electrofishing and gillnetting; Figures 1.7 and 1.8). A likely explanation for this observation is that OUT-R was the only area that contained suitable habitat (shallow, structureless zones containing a mixture of sand and gravel that graded gradually to deep water) for juvenile striped bass; all other sampling regions were characterized as having combinations of highly-developed shorelines (boat docks and piers), large gravel and cobble substrates, or submerged timber and aquatic vegetation.

Because striped bass CPUE in those regions of both the Hales Ford and

Penhook stocking coves from which fish were collected exhibited a temporally declining trend during the 1994 and 1995 growing seasons (both electrofishing and gillnetting; Figures 1.5-1.8), it would appear that juveniles were dispersing from shallow, littoral areas of the stocking coves to deeper, pelagic areas of the main channel. Although this movement appears to have occurred primarily from late summer to mid-fall (gillnetting only; Figures 1.5-1.8), dispersal out of the coves could have begun earlier but undetected because gillnets were not employed until the beginning of August and most were initially set within the

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55 stocking coves. By the end of the growing season, juvenile striped bass that

had moved out of the coves were distributed widely in Smith Mountain Lake and were captured primarily from the lower s-curve area (LSC) of the Roanoke River arm and Gills Creek confluence (GCC) of the Blackwater River arm to the

upper lower lake region (ULL; see Figure 1.1 for exact locations of these areas).

Juvenile striped bass that remained within the stocking coves by the end

of the growing season (defined as mid-December in 1994 and the end of

November in 1995) were significantly smaller in size range than those captured

in pelagic areas of the main channel (90-150 mm TL versus 151-270 mm TL, respectively; X*=42.34, df=17, P=0.001; Figure 1.9) during both sampling

years. Juveniles < 150 mm TL were rarely captured outside the stocking coves, even when sampling gears used to collect these fish within the coves (boat

electrofishing and 12.7-mm bar mesh gillnets) were used in these regions of the

lake. These results indicate that small juvenile striped bass demonstrate fidelity to nearshore habitats and do not disperse away from these areas during the

growing season. In contrast, juvenile striped bass >150 mm TL were never

collected from the stocking coves after initial dispersal to deeper, pelagic areas

of the lake, and these fish were distributed widely throughout Smith Mountain Lake by the end of the growing season.

First-Year Striped Bass Growth

7994. - Age-O striped bass in both river arms of Smith Mountain Lake exhibited increases in length and weight, and considerable divergences in size distribution over the 1994 growing season (Figure 1.10). Fingerling striped bass stocked in the Blackwater River on 15 June were slightly larger in length and weight than those stocked in the Roanoke River on 22 June (30-54 mm TL,

56 15 | (a) Within Cove L — N = 126 12+ | r i 7

9 |

se—~ 6FOL oD L 2 SE D L

Ll | i | ! Lt ! | | | | ! | | 1 ! | 5 © | (b) Outside Cove o r N = 105 012 - > oO - L

v 9 [ —— Oo L o | Li 6 _ _




1 l l ! l l l [| | l l L_| 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Striped Bass Total Length (mm)

Figure 1.9. Length-frequency distributions of juvenile striped bass collected (a) within and (b) outside Smith Mountain Lake stocking coves (both Roanoke and Blackwater River arms pooled) at the end of the growing season (December 1994 and November 1995).


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58 0.22-1.53 g versus 24-41 mm TL, 0.10-0.67 g, respectively); however, length and weight distributions at the time of stocking did not differ significantly between river sites (length: y?=7.82, df=4, P=0.10; weight: x*=8.77, df=4,

P=0.07). By September, a significant divergence in size had occurred: striped

bass in the Roanoke River ranged from 78-150 mm TL (median = 86 mm TL) and 4.1-33.3 g (median= 5.7 g), whereas fish in the Blackwater River ranged from

90-150 mm TL (median= 115 mm TL) and 6.0-33.3 g (median= 14.7 g). Size

ranges continued to diverge over the remainder of the growing season and by mid-December, juveniles in the Roanoke River ranged from 91-214 mm TL

(median=114 mm TL) and 6.1-97.2 g (median=14.5 g), while fish in the

Blackwater River arm ranged from 112-259 mm TL (median = 180 mm TL) and 13.6-182.3 g (median =63.9 g). Although striped bass in the Blackwater River were larger by the end of the growing season in both length and weight, length-

and weight-frequency distributions did not differ significantly from those observed in the Roanoke River (length: x*=8.21, df=23, P=0.06; weight: xX? = 23.19, df=23, P=0.18).

Even though median length of juvenile striped bass was significantly

different between river arms, length-frequency distributions were pooled from

each site to more closely examine and explain the divergence in size over the growing season because: (1) juvenile striped bass in both river arms displayed similar patterns of size divergence; and (2) length-frequency distributions did not differ significantly between sites. Month-by-month histograms (Figure 1.11)

illustrate the development and growth of two different size modes of fish from the same cohort. At the time of stocking in mid-June, juvenile striped bass were relatively uniform in length (24-54 mm TL), with a unimodal distribution that was only slightly positively skewed (Table 1.4). However, length

59 40 June E N = 788 20 EC

T | 1 J | l | ! ! !

40 = July C N = 254 20 -

- Ld | Lt | Po,

> 40+ August oS C N = 305

52 L ! | i Pore j l | ! | ! ! ! |

3 405 September Oo r N = 138 O 20

oO | | | | ! | 1 L_| | | | ! ! !

© 40-F October o 90 N = 140


br | Lo [| 4 | TR | | | | |

40 - November ’ N = 102

mE Lt flat bee pO et 40 December - N = 114

mE - l ry | yy 4 lo |e ee ee ee l

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Striped Bass Total Length (mm)

Figure 1.11. Monthly length-frequency distributions of juvenile striped bass in Smith Mountain Lake (both Roanoke and Blackwater River arms pooled) over the 1994 growing season.


98°€ GQL- 6EZ- ELZ - 8ZL Z9Z GZz GL idy 8L-L0

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"194]960] pajood d49M sue JaAIY JOJEMHAIe|G Pue ayxOUeOY 9} Y}OQ U! Ppa}da]]09sseq padisjs ajiuaAn! jo suoiinquisip Aouanbelj-yjHua] ‘(96-G66L PUB G6-~pEE|) UOSess Buljdwes yoes 104 ‘ayey]uleJUNO|Y YYUS UI (O66L IUdV “G66L YoseW)) HuajuUIMIaAO Jaye Pue (GEE JaqUIBAON-AjNGC ‘PEEL 4aquiadaq-auns) Buryjd0jssaqye uoseas BuimoiB jsilj ay) 4aA0 SUOIINqUIsIP AOQUaNbasj-y Hua, sseq padisjs ajluaAn! 40J SOIWSIWeYS BAIWGUOSEG “pL a1qeL distributions diverged considerably over the growing season (Figure 1.11),

becoming more kurtotic and positively skewed (Table 1.4); by mid-October, a distinct bimodal distribution was evident (Figure 1.11). Negative kurtosis, an indication of bimodality (Sokal and Rohlf 1981), further supports these results

(Table 1.4). The size distribution continued to diverge over the next two months so that by the end of the growing season in mid-December, the median total length of large-mode juveniles (225 mm TL, range 182-266 mm TL) was significantly greater than small-mode fish (94 mm TL, range 84-140 mm TL) from the same stocked cohort (Figure 1.11; Mann-Whitney, U=595.5,

P=0.001). In addition, there were also differences in the proportion of large- and small-mode striped bass collected at the end of the 1994 growing season from each river arm; approximately 63% of large-mode juveniles were collected from Blackwater River sampling sites, whereas 60% of small-mode fish were collected from Roanoke River sampling sites. 7995. - Juvenile striped bass growth patterns in both river arms during the 1995 growing season were similar to those observed in 1994 (Figure 1.12) despite initial differences in size distributions at the time of stocking. Although the range in both length and weight of juvenile striped bass at the time of stocking in mid-July was quite broad (Figure 1.12; Roanoke River: 31-97 mm TL and 0.2-11.1 g; Blackwater River: 38-81 mm TL and 0.5-6.1 g), these distributions were not significantly different (length: x?= 7.83, df=5, P=0.17; weight: x?=9.23, df=5, P=0.10). However, juvenile striped bass were significantly larger and had a broader size range at stocking in July 1995 than did fish stocked in June 1994 (Mann-Whitney, U=8,531.0, P=0.01; x?= 29.44, df=6, P=0.01). Surprisingly, both medians and ranges in size of fish stocked in July 1995 were significantly less than those observed for fish



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63 collected by electrofishing in the same areas at the same time during July 1994

(Mann-Whitney, U=1,164.0, P=0.01; yx?=15.52, df=6, P=0.01). Despite these initial differences in size between the two years, juvenile striped bass

collected by the end of August 1995 displayed a broader range in size for both the Roanoke (x?=34.41, df=10, P<0.001) and Blackwater (x?=40.12, df=11, P<0O.001) River arms than those collected at the same time in 1994.

As in 1994, size ranges of juvenile striped bass over the 1995 growing season diverged considerably from initial stocking distributions. By the end of

November, striped bass from the Roanoke River ranged from 115-240 mm TL

(median = 180 mm TL) and 15.3-141.9 g (median = 59.4 g), while the size range of juveniles from the Blackwater River was 94-225 mm TL (median= 150 mm

TL) and 6.6-127.6 g (median= 34.6 g). In contrast to observed sizes and size distributions in 1994, juvenile striped bass in the Blackwater River were smaller in both length and weight than juveniles in the Roanoke River at the end of the growing season (Figure 1.12). However, length and weight distributions were not significantly different between river arms (length: y?=24.84, df=18,

P=0.13; weight: x*= 23.63, df=18, P=0.17).

Length-frequency distributions were again pooled from each river arm to examine the size divergence of juvenile striped bass over the 1995 growing season. These month-by-month histograms also portray the development and divergence of two distinct size modes of fish within the same cohort (Figure

1.13). At the time of stocking in mid-July, the length-frequency distribution was unimodal, quite broad (31-97 mm TL), and positively skewed (Table 1.4).

During August and September, the length-frequency distribution broadened considerably (Figure 1.13), becoming more positively skewed (Table 1.4).

Although the length-frequency distribution flattened and lost its positive


r July 40 | N = 905

20 |-

i Lt [ | l l l L l l | | l l | l l |

r August 40 - _ N =_ 267 P se 20 Lb > c

© | L 7 ho, j | L | | ! | |

d r September 5 407 N = 203 O 6 r w 20- Oo L

=~ lam O L

© l L l l tots l | ! l l l

@S 40° Lr OctoberN= 164 K [ 20 - eoeet

F November 40 | N = 221 20 -

Po it eee a. oy

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Striped Bass Total Length (mm)

Figure 1.13. Monthly length-frequency distributions of juvenile striped bass in Smith Mountain Lake (both Roanoke and Blackwater River arms pooled) over the 1995 growing season.

65 skewness by mid-October, a distinct bimodal distribution was evident (Figure 1.13). These two size modes, masked slightly by the continuous nature of the length-frequency distribution, were negatively kurtotic (Table 1.4), further indicating a bimodal size distribution. Divergence between the two size modes continued over the next month; by the end of November, the median total length of large-mode juvenile striped bass (226 mm TL, range 183-261 mm TL) was significantly greater than small-mode juveniles (100 mm TL, range 80-137 mm TL) from the same cohort (Figure 1.13; Mann-Whitney, U=6,441.5, P=0.001). Although there were again differences in the proportion of large- and small-mode striped bass collected at the end of the 1995 growing season from each river arm, these results were the converse of those observed in

1994; approximately 58% of large-mode juveniles were collected from Roanoke

River sampling sites, whereas 55% of small-mode fish were collected from

Blackwater River sampling sites.

Overwinter Survival

Observed length-frequency distributions for juvenile striped bass differed markedly between late fall and early spring sampling periods. Although length- frequency distributions for juvenile striped bass were bimodal at the end of both the 1994 and 1995 growing seasons, spring sampling revealed that only a single mode, consisting primarily of fish >150 mm TL, remained in March 1995 and April 1996 (Figure 1.14). Length-frequency distributions and variance in length-frequency distributions in December 1994 (range 84-266 mm TL; 25th- and 75th-percentile range 105-261 mm TL) were significantly greater than in March 1995 (range 97-268 mm TL; 25th- and 75th-percentile range 230-257 mm TL; x?= 70.21, df =20, P<0.001; Variance ratio test, F=2.96, P<0.001).

66 ‘(pajood sue JaAlYyJayeMyoe}G Pue ayoUROY YO) suOseas Buljdwes 96-GEE| PUP G6-~EE|L 24} BuuNnp ayeq

uleJUNOYY YUWS Ul Bulsa}UIM4saA0Jaye pue B1JOJaqSseq padisjsajluaAn! Jo SuOIINquIsipAouanbad-yybue7 “pL *L eunbiy

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+ om [or 8 Cc

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JOQUISAON Jaquis0eq 4

9661 Buuds ‘SAGé6L IIe G661 Buds ‘sap66 1 I1e4 Similarly, length-frequency distributions in November 1995 (range 80-261 mm

TL; 25th- and 75th-percentile range 109-219 mm TL) were significantly greater than in April 1996 (range 128-262 mm TL; 25th- and 75th-percentile range

213-239 mm TL; x?=42.51, df =20, P<0.001; Variance ratio test, F=3.18,


Further evidence for loss of bimodality due to the disappearance of small- mode striped bass over winter comes from measures of skewness and kurtosis.

Although spring length-frequency distributions were negatively skewed (a few

small-mode fish were collected during these sampling periods), positive kurtosis,

indicating a unimodal distribution (Sokal and Rohlf 1981), was observed for

both March 1995 and April 1996 (10.05 and 3.86, respectively; Table 1.4). Additionally, small-mode fish (< 150 mm TL) comprised 72.3% and 62.5% of

all striped bass collected during late fall sampling in 1994 and 1995,

respectively. In sharp contrast, small-mode fish comprised only 3.2% and 2.7% of all striped bass collected during March 1995 and April 1996, respectively.

Thus, the transformation from bimodal to unimodal length-frequency distributions between late fall and early spring for juvenile striped bass in Smith

Mountain Lake appears to be due to the disappearance of small-mode fish

(<150 mm TL) over the 1994-95 and 1995-96 winters (Figure 1.14).

Food Habits

Striped Bass. - Although food habits for age-O striped bass were initially

dissimilar between sampling years, juveniles exhibited comparable temporal trends in consumed food items for both river arms of Smith Mountain Lake over the remainder of the 1994 and 1995 growing seasons (Figure 1.15). During the first two weeks post-stocking in June 1994, zooplankton (cladocerans and


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69 ) and benthic aquatic insects (chironomid larvae and pupae, and

ephemeropteran and odonate nymphs) comprised the majority of stomach

contents by weight (approximately 60%). In contrast, age-O cyprinids (mainly

Notropis hudsonius) were the most important food item by weight (85%) in

striped bass stomachs immediately post-stocking in July 1995. Over the

remainder of the 1994 and 1995 growing seasons, age-O fishes were the

principal prey items consumed by juveniles in both river arms (Figure 1.15).

Age-O cyprinids comprised the majority of the diet by weight until late September and occurred consistently in the diet throughout the remainder of the

growing season months. However, age-O alewives were the dominant food

item consumed by juvenile striped bass during fall months, comprising an

increasingly greater percentage of stomach content weight from late September through mid-December 1994 and late August through November 1995. Additionally, age-O sunfishes (Lepomis spp.) and darters (Etheostoma spp.) were

consumed, albeit infrequently, by juvenile striped bass during both growing seasons.

Age-O striped bass in both river arms also demonstrated similar size- dependent shifts in food habits over the 1994 and 1995 growing seasons (Figure 1.16). Although juveniles were piscivorous at all sizes (except for the smallest 10-mm size interval in the Roanoke River 1994 and Blackwater River 1995), stomach contents of striped bass <130 mm TL contained varying amounts of zooplankton, benthic aquatic insects, and age-O cyprinids (Figure

1.16). For these juveniles, the contribution of age-O cyprinids to diet composition increased progressively with size. Interestingly, these smaller juveniles in the Roanoke River during 1994 contained greater proportions of invertebrates than those in the Blackwater River over this same time period; in


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09 09

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71 1995, the converse observation was detected (Figure 1.16). For age-O striped

bass >130 mm TL, fishes (age-O cyprinids, sunfishes, darters, and alewives) totaled greater than 85% of the stomach contents by weight (Figure 1.16).

However, age-O alewives were the dominant dietary component for these larger

size classes, comprising at least 80% by weight of consumed fish prey.

Black Basses. - Age-O black basses (primarily largemouth bass) also

exhibited temporal trends in food habits that were similar over the 1994 and 1995 growing seasons in both river arms of Smith Mountain Lake (Figure 1.17).

Through September, diets of black basses in both river arms consisted primarily

of age-O fishes (at least 70% for cyprinids, sunfishes, and darters in

combination). Additionally, zooplankton (cladocerans and copepods), aquatic insects (chironomid larvae and pupae, ephemeropteran nymphs, and gerrid adults), and terrestrial insects (coleopteran and formicid adults) occurred consistently in black bass stomachs during this time period. Over the remainder of the growing season, age-O cyprinids became an increasingly smaller component of the diet, while age-O darters and, to a lesser extent, sunfishes increased in the proportion of stomach content weight (Figure 1.17). Age-O alewives, although consumed by two largemouth bass in October, were never a significant component of the diet for these juvenile piscivores. From

September until the end of the growing season, darters were the dominant prey item by weight consumed by age-O black basses (Figure 1.17).

Like juvenile striped bass, black basses also demonstrated comparable size-dependent shifts in diet composition over the 1994 and 1995 growing seasons in both river arms of Smith Mountain Lake (Figure 1.18). Although black basses consumed invertebrates until 120 mm TL, the contribution of these prey items decreased with increasing size as juveniles became more piscivorous.

72 1994 1995

rv} a 2 ~ or or O O 5 Cc — oo 0


WZ oO t+ t+ oO



mo & a 2 o ~~ O s oF fame ® 91Q - ooo





E t+ t+ A

Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jul Aug Sep Oct \

[___]Zooplankton (77 AquaticInsects EEE] TerrestrialInsects E==] SunfishKW Darter383 CyprinidI Alewife

Figure 1.17. Temporal patterns in juvenile black bass diet composition in the Roanoke and Blackwater River arms of Smith Mountain Lake during the 1994 and 1995 growing seasons. “suoseas Bulmoib GEEL Pue PEEL By} Buinp aye] ulejuno|y YyyiwuSJO Sue

JaAlYyJa}eEMyAOe|G Pue ByOUeOY ay} Ul UOIISOdWOD JaIp sseq yOe]q a!uaANn{ Ul SUJa}Jed JUBPUSdap-aZIS “gL*L aunbi4

aMely FRR piuudio Bey sopeq KG usyuns E> speasy jeujseueayFRA sjoasujoyenby (7777 uopuejdooz [|

(iw) yjGua7je}0] sseg yorlg (iu) ujBue7jejo, sseg yorg

OSL O€F Ol O06 OL OS o€ O91 OvL OZL OOL 08 O09 OF OZ

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OOL OO & JOAY Jayemyoelg JOAIY JOyEMyYOe|G aa

0 0 2

0Z 02 = a Or Ov ~

09 09

08 08

0OL OOF JaAny ayouROY JOAlY BYHOUBO S661 v661 For basses <120 mm TL, darters were the dominant fish prey consumed by

weight, although age-O cyprinids, sunfishes, and to a small extent, alewives, also contributed to the stomach contents items (Figure 1.18). Juvenile black

basses >120 mm TL were strictly piscivorous; diet contents for these larger size classes consisted primarily of age-O darters and sunfishes (Figure 1.18).

Diet Overlap

During months in which the minimum number of stomachs necessary to

adequately characterize juvenile striped bass and black bass diets were

collected, overlap values greater than 0.6 were only detected during June 1994 for both the Roanoke (0.62) and Blackwater (0.87) River arms (Table 1.5).

During this month, striped bass and black bass diets consisted of zooplankton

(cladocerans), benthic aquatic insects (chironomid larvae and pupae, and ephemeropteran nymphs), and age-O cyprinids. Throughout the remainder of the summer and early fall for both river arms in 1994 and 1995, diet overlap was insignificant and exhibited a temporally declining trend (Table 1.5) due to increasing divergence in prey items consumed by these two juvenile predators; striped bass consumed primarily aquatic insects (chironomid larvae and pupae, and ephemeropteran nymphs), and age-O cyprinids and alewives, whereas black bass diet composition primarily consisted of terrestrial insects (coleopteran and formicid adults), and age-O sunfishes and darters.

Diet overlap was only calculated between juvenile striped bass and black basses that ranged from 40-120 mm TL because the number of predator stomachs necessary to adequately characterize size-dependent differences in diet composition for fish outside this range was less than that determined by cumulative prey species curves (Table 1.6). Evaluation of diet overlap between

75 Table 1.5. Diet overlap for juvenile striped bass x black bass in Smith Mountain Lake calculated by sampling period and location for both the 1994 and 1995 growing seasons. Only samples that exceeded the minimum number of stomachs necessary to adequately characterize predator diets (as determined by cumulative prey species curves) were used in this analysis.

1994 1995

Sampling Roanoke Blackwater Roanoke Blackwater Period River River River River

Jun 0.62 O87 2 2 weer wee

Jul 0.57 0.52 0.57 0.22

Aug 0.33 0.60 0.22 0.16

Sep 0.27 0.24 0.21 0.12

Oct 0.06 0.34 0.04 0.13

----- No fish collected during this sampling period.

76 Table 1.6. Diet overlap for juvenile striped bass x black bass in Smith Mountain Lake calculated by 10-mm size class interval and location for both the 1994 and 1995 growing seasons. Only samples that exceeded the minimum number of stomachs necessary to adequately characterize predator diets (as determined by cumulative prey species curves) were used in this analysis.

1994 1995

Size Roanoke Blackwater Roanoke Blackwater Interval River River River River

20-29 RH HH

30-39 ** *% HH

40-49 0.77 0.83 0.52 **

50-59 0.44 0.71 0.31 0.69

60-69 0.43 0.48 0.15 0.57

70-79 0.35 0.30 0.12 0.39

80-89 0.26 0.26 0.11 0.24

90-99 0.19 0.26 0.09 0.18

100-109 0.14 0.09 0.08 0.10

110-119 0.12 ** ** 0.10

120-129 0.12 ** ** **

** Minimum number of stomachs to adequately characterize predator diets not exceeded.

----- No fish collected during this sampling period.

77 striped bass and black basses over this size range was most critical because it

is at these sizes when both juvenile predators co-occur in nearshore areas and, as a result, have the greatest potential for interspecific competition for food resources. Diet overlap greater than 0.6 was detected only for the 40-mm TL

(both Roanoke and Blackwater River arms in 1994) and 50-mm TL (Blackwater

River arm only in both 1994 and 1995) size intervals (Table 1.6). Stomachs for

these sizes of predators strictly contained zooplankton (cladocerans), benthic aquatic insects (chironomid larvae and pupae, and ephemeropteran nymphs), and age-O cyprinids. For the remainder of the 10-mm size intervals in both river

arms for 1994 and 1995, diet overlap between these two juvenile predators

exhibited a declining trend with increasing size (Table 1.6) due to increasing

divergence in diet composition (primarily forage-fish prey); larger juvenile striped

bass fed on age-O cyprinids and alewives, whereas larger juvenile black basses consumed age-O sunfishes and darters.

Predator-Prey Size Relationships

To determine length relationships between consumed fish prey (age-O cyprinids and alewives) and juvenile striped bass, ingested fish prey TL, as well as fish prey TL to striped bass TL, were each regressed versus striped bass body length. Significant size-dependent trends were detected in linear regression relationships for cyprinid TL to striped bass TL (slope = +0.18, r’ = 0.31, N=154, P=0.001), alewife TL to striped bass TL (slope = +0.28, r? = 0.31, N=217, P=0.001), cyprinid TL to striped bass TL versus striped bass body length (slope = -0.03, r? = 0.01, N=154, P=0.001), and alewife

TL to striped bass TL versus striped bass body length (slope = -0.05, r* 2 =

0.07, N=217, P=0.001). Smaller striped bass (40-120 mm TL) exclusively

78 consumed cyprinids that ranged in size from 9-40 mm TL, whereas large striped

bass (175-270 mm TL) primarily ate alewives that ranged from 50-125 mm (Figure 1.19a). Juvenile striped bass ranging in total length from 120-175 mm

consumed both cyprinids and alewives. Additionally, consumed age-O cyprinids

ranged from 7-39% of small striped bass TL, while age-O alewives eaten by

large striped bass ranged from 23-52% of predator TL (Figure 1.19b). Although

these relationships overlap, alewife TL to striped bass TL was significantly greater than cyprinid TL to striped bass TL (t-test between regression

coefficients, t=3.86, P=0.002). However, a flat or declining trend with

increasing striped bass body length was evident for both prey types consumed

(Figure 1.19b). For striped bass that fed on cyprinids, a 40- and 120-mm

striped bass consumed this prey item, on average, at ratios of 21% and 20%

of their TL, respectively, whereas 150- and 270-mm striped bass ate alewives,

on average, at ratios of 41% and 35% of their TL, respectively.

Significant size-dependent trends were also detected for the linear

regression relationships between of cyprinid body weight to striped bass body weight (slope = +0.01, r? = 0.34, N=154, P=0.001), alewife body weight to striped bass body weight (slope = +0.04, r? = 0.31, N=217, P=0.001),

cyprinid body weight to striped bass body weight versus striped bass TL (slope

= -0.01, r? = 0.03, N=154, P=0.04), and alewife body weight to striped bass body weight versus striped bass TL (slope = -0.02, r? = 0.05, N=217,

P=0.001). Smaller striped bass (40-120 mm TL) exclusively consumed

cyprinids that ranged from 0.1-0.5 g, whereas large striped bass (150-270 mm

TL) primarily ate alewives that ranged from 2.0-17.5 g (Figure 1.19c).

Additionally, consumed age-0O cyprinids ranged from 0.3%-4.0% of small striped

bass body weight, while age-O alewives eaten by large striped bass ranged from

79 SNSJBA Jayemyoe|g



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80 2.0%-11.3% of striped bass body weight (Figure 1.19d). Although these

relationships overlap, the alewife body weight to striped bass body weight was significantly greater than cyprinid body weight to striped bass body weight (t- test between regression coefficients, t= 3.33, P=0.001). However, once again a declining trend with increasing striped bass body length was evident for both prey types consumed (Figure 1.19d). For striped bass that fed on cyprinids, a

40- and 120-mm striped bass consumed this prey item, on average, at ratios of

1.1% and 0.8% of their body weight, respectively, whereas 150- and 270-mm striped bass ate alewives, on average, at ratios of 5.8% and 3.6% of their body weight, respectively.

Because size-dependent differences in the types and sizes of fish prey consumed by age-O striped bass were observed, the maximum total lengths of age-O cyprinids and alewives that could be ingested by progressively increasing

25-mm striped bass size classes (range 25-300 mm TL) were estimated based on the relationship between measured predator gape width and fish prey body depth. Juvenile striped bass consistently consumed age-O cyprinids that were significantly less than the predicted maximum size (t-test between regression coefficients, t=3.35, P<0.001; Figure 1.20). Because the size distribution of cyprinids available throughout the growing season (Figure 1.21) was within predator ingestibility limits, juvenile striped bass were not gape limited for this fish prey type. For example, based on ingestibility limitations, a 100-mm striped bass in August could consume age-O cyprinids as large as 50 mm TL. Although this size was morphologically available at this time (Figure 1.21), 100-mm striped bass consumed cyprinids ranging from 10-30 mm TL, much less than the predicted ingestibility limit (Figure 1.20).

Although sizes of most age-O alewives consumed by larger juvenile

81 "(yyBus] 1210} = 7) sseq pedis ajiuaan{ Aq pauinsuod Aaid ysij Jo Sazis jenjoe ay} }UaSaidas Jojd yoes

JO} S9jOID MO|JOY ay, “YyYdepApog Aaid ys pue yipIm edeb sseq padisjs usamMjeq diysuoljejas 94} UO paseq auuNnsuod ued sseq pedis ajluanni e }eyy Asid ys O-abe Jo 7] WinwIxewW pa}eWi}sa ay} }JUaseidasSalenbs pijos aul “TL sseq pediijs ajiueAn{ 0} 7, saaimaje pue spiulidAodQ-ebe pauunsuod uaamjeq sdiysuonejay ‘Oo?L aunbig

(uw) yybue7je}o| sseg pediiys (lu) yjGue7jej}o] sseg pediijs

OO€e OSC OOC OSt OO O0€ OS2 O02 OSL OO OS 0 OS 0 PY Rrrrprrrryprrrryprrrr perry | yp rrr perry ry Prrryprrrryprrrryrrrryrrrer |

0S ysi4 82 Asi OOL OOL


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(BBGEL) (BBGEL) pejuaseidas pejuaseidas

rT uleyUNOWY uleyUNOWY




ase ase



uolNquisip uolNquisip

si si

aimaly aimaly Ul Ul


eJep eJep


Bny azis azis


O-eby O-eby

Pue Pue

ul ul ajimaje ajimaje


spIULIdAD spIULIdAD saBues saBues



pue pue

ay} ay} JO} JO} trp pp te ppp tu gp yp Pep py ty pt i Lu

Apnis Apnis Gc pue OS







Saul; Saul; siy} siy}



Pljos Pljos Woy Woy


je}0} je}0}

ay} ay}

si si


eep eep

Aq Aq Ul Ul


pajUaseidas pajUaseidas

SaseasoU! SaseasoU!

YyMoIB YyMoIB pluldAD pluldAD


piuldAD piuldAD

JeAaA-jSJIJ JeAaA-jSJIJ ase ase


Q-eby Q-eby

sy}Hug] sy}Hug]

‘seul; ‘seul; JO JO



|e10} |e10}

paysep paysep


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LE LE ounbiy ounbiy (wu) yyBue7 je}0) Aes ysi4

83 striped bass (150-270 mm TL) were less than predicted, a few alewives slightly

larger than estimated maximum ingestibility limits were also eaten (Figure 1.20).

However, actual sizes of alewives consumed relative to maximum predicted sizes were significantly less (t-test for regression coefficients, t=3.32,

P=0.01). Because age-O alewives were only consumed by striped bass 2120 mm TL (Figure 1.20), smaller predators may have been gape limited for this prey type. Based on the prey body depth-predator gape width regression relationship, a 120-mm striped bass could consume age-O alewives as large as

48 mm TL. Age-O alewife growth data from Smith Mountain Lake (Tisa 1988) suggests that some ingestible-sized alewives (<48 mm TL) are morphologically available throughout the growing season (Figure 1.21). Further, patterns of age-O alewife cohort biomass availability to small (<120 mm TL) juvenile striped bass support these results (from Tisa 1988; Figure 1.22). However, only 23% of first-year alewife biomass is available to small striped bass throughout the growing season. In addition, available age-O alewife biomass for small-mode individuals drops sharply beginning in November and declines throughout the remainder of the growing season, further limiting consumption of this prey fish type. In contrast, alewives provide a continuous supply of forage to large juveniles (>150 mm TL) throughout the growing season. Overall, 67% of the first-year alewife production is within the morphological constraints of larger striped bass during the first season of growth.

Physiological Indices of Health

7994. - Relative condition (K,; range 76-105), liver-somatic index (LSI; range 0.47-1.40), and lipid index (LI; range 0.08-0.37) for juvenile striped bass in both river arms of Smith Mountain Lake displayed similar temporal patterns


40 | |—-— Small-Mode SB

r Large-Mode SB

& 30> on” 7 c© L Oo - @ae L = 90 oO L

=Can | \ Z | L 0 | | | | | |

Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Figure 1.22. Percent of age-O alewife biomass ingestible by median total length small- and large-mode age-O striped bass over the growing season in Smith Mountain Lake (data from Tisa 1988).

85 over the 1994 growing season, while stomach-fullness index (SFI; range O-

2.38) values were highly variable during this period (Figure 1.23). Although median health indice values for striped bass were lowest immediately post- stocking in both river arms, striped bass stocked in the Blackwater River were in significantly better health than juveniles stocked in the Roanoke River (K,: 89 and 76, respectively, Mann-Whitney, U= 1,383.5, P<0.01; LSI: 0.75 and 0.47, respectively, Mann-Whitney, U=928.0, P<0.01; LI: 0.15 and 0.08, respectively, Mann-Whitney, U=1,326.0, P<0.01). However, physiological health of striped bass in both river arms increased progressively over the growing season and, by mid-December, median indice values were greater than at any time during the growing season in both the river arms (K,: 101 and 105, respectively; LSI: 1.25 and 1.40 respectively; LI: 0.30 and 0.37, respectively).

Interestingly, striped bass from the Blackwater River displayed smaller positive increases in these indices from the time of stocking until the end of the growing season (K,= 113%; LSI= 226%; LI= 247%) than did juveniles in the Roanoke

River (K,= 138%; LSI= 264%; LI=375%). Despite these differences, median fall values for were significantly greater then median summer values for both the

Roanoke (K,: Kruskal-Wallis, H= 280.0, df=6, P<0O.0001; LSI: Kruskal-Wallis, H = 250.8, df =6, P<0.0001; LI: Kruskal-Wallis, H= 427.9, df =6, P<0.0001;

Table 1.7) and Blackwater (K,: Kruskal-Wallis, H=122.2, df=6, P<0.0001;

LSI: Kruskal-Wallis, H=37.1, df =6, P<0.0001; LI: Kruskal-Wallis, H= 235.5, df=6, P<0.0001; Table 1.7) River arms. Although median SFI values were typically higher during summer months, no significant differences existed among months over the growing season for either the Roanoke (Kruskal-Wallis,

H=10.2, df=6, P=0.17; Table 1.7) or Blackwater (Kruskal-Wallis, H=3.0, df=6 P=0.23; Table 1.7) River arms.

86 9}

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bass in both river arms of Smith Mountain Lake, while SFI displayed no distinct trend with striped bass body length (Figure 1.24). Median values for the indices

of health were lowest for the smallest size classes in both the Roanoke and

Blackwater River arms (K,: 80 and 90, respectively; LSI: 0.67 and 0.45,

respectively; Ll: 0.06 and 0.15, respectively). However, indices of health

values increased progressively as striped bass increased in size and were

significantly higher for the largest size classes (K,: 108 and 104, respectively;

LSI: 1.48 and 1.67, respectively; Ll: 0.43 and 0.42, respectively) in both the

Roanoke (K,: Kruskal-Wallis, H= 283.7, df= 18, P<0.0001; LSI: Kruskal-Wallis,

H=259.3, df=18, P<0.0001; LI: Kruskal-Wallis, H=367.2, df=18,

P<0.0001; Table 1.8) and Blackwater (K,: Kruskal-Wallis, H= 366.7, df=18,

P<0.0001; LSI: Kruskal-Wallis, H=360.0, df=18, P<0.0001; LI: Kruskal-

Wallis; H= 205.4, df =18, P<0.0001; Table 1.8) River arms. Stomach-fullness index (SFI) was highly variable (Figure 1.24) and no significant differences existed among 10-mm size classes in either the Roanoke (Kruskal-Wallis,

H=6.9, df=18, P=0.32; Table 1.8) or Blackwater (Kruskal-Wallis, H= 17.5, df=18, P=0.31; Table 1.8) River arms. 7995. - As occurred in 1994, relative condition (K,; range 89-106), liver- somatic (LSI; range 1.03-1.63), and lipid (LI; range 0.19-0.30) indices of juvenile striped bass in both the Roanoke and Blackwater River arms displayed similar temporal patterns over the growing season, while stomach-fullness index

(SFI; range 0-2.62) values were highly variable during this period (Figure 1.25).

Although physiological health for juveniles in both river arms was significantly greater in 1995 than 1994 immediately post-stocking (K,: Mann-Whitney,

U=2,302.5, P<0.01; LSI: Mann-Whitney, U=2,699.0, P<0.01; LI: Mann-

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0Z| nN © e4nBbig e4nBbig 0 r x IS] I4S Whitney, U= 2,803.0, P<0.01), index values were not significantly different

between years at the end of the growing season (K,: Mann-Whitney, U= 136.5,

P=0.07; LSI: U=137.0, P=0.07; LI: Mann-Whitney, U= 135.5, P=0.08). In

contrast to 1994, striped bass stocked in the Blackwater River were in similar health to juveniles stocked in the Roanoke River (K,: 88 and 95, respectively,

Mann-Whitney, U=356.0, P=0.13; LSI: 1.22 and 1.03, respectively, Mann-

Whitney, U= 144.5, P=0.24; LI: 0.19 and 0.19, respectively, Mann-Whitney,

U=19.0, P>0.17). In both the Roanoke and Blackwater River arms, median

values increased progressively over the growing season and by the end of

November were greater than at any time during the growing season (K,: 106

and 101, respectively; LSI: 1.63 and 1.44, respectively; Ll: 0.30 and 0.25,

respectively). However, striped bass collected from the Roanoke River displayed greater increases over the growing season (K,=111%; LSI= 154%;

LI= 163%) than did juveniles in the Blackwater River (K,= 107%; LSI=119%;

LI=132%). Despite these differences, median fall values were significantly greater than median summer values for both the Roanoke (K,: Kruskal-Wallis,

H= 84.6, df =6, P<0.0001; LSI: Kruskal-Wallis, H= 38.9, df =6, P<0.0001;

LI: Kruskal-Wallis, H= 162.4, df=6, P<0.0001; Table 1.7) and Blackwater (K;,;:

Kruskal-Wallis, H=38.5, df=6, P<0.0001; LSI: Kruskal-Wallis, H= 141.8, df =6, P<0.0001; LI: Kruskal-Wallis, H= 20.7, df=6, P<0O.0001; Table 1.7)

River arms. Although no significant differences existed among median SFI values over the growing season for either the Roanoke (Kruskal-Wallis, H= 10.3, df=6, P=0.37; Table 1.7) and Blackwater (Kruskal-Wallis, H= 11.8, df=6,

P=0.33; Table 1.7) River arms, SFI was typically higher during late summer and early fall (Figure 1.25).

Size-specific patterns in K,, LSI, and LI were again observed for juvenile

93 striped bass in both river arms, while SFI displayed no distinct trend with striped bass body length (Figure 1.26). Median indices of health were again lowest for the smallest size classes in both the Roanoke and Blackwater River arms (K,: 82 and 85, respectively; LSI: 0.23 and 0.50, respectively; Ll: 0.17 and 0.12, respectively). However, median indices of health values increased progressively with striped bass body length and were significantly greater for the largest size classes (K,: 110 and 108, respectively; LSI: 2.74 and 2.39, respectively; LI:

0.46 and 0.42, respectively) for both the Roanoke (K,: Kruskal-Wallis,

H=290.4, df=18, P<0.0001; LSI: Kruskal-Wallis, H=301.1, df=18,


Blackwater (K,: Kruskal-Wallis, H=328.8, df=18, P<0O.0001; LSI: Kruskal-

Wallis, H=353.2, df=18, P<0.0001; LI: Kruskal-Wallis, H= 363.7, df=18,

P<0.0001; Table 1.8) River arms. However, SFI was highly variable (Figure

1.26) and no significant differences existed among size class intervals for either the Roanoke (Kruskal-Wallis, H=12.2, df=18, P=0.33; Table 1.8) or Blackwater (Kruskal-Wallis, H= 17.6, df=18, P=0.24; Table 1.8) River arms.

Sized-Dependent Seasonal Health Indices. - Measures of health (K,, LSI, and LI) for large-mode juvenile striped bass (150-270 mm TL) were greater than those observed for small-mode fish (90-120 mm TL) during late fall in both

1994 and 1995 (Figure 1.27). During late November and December 1994, K,,

LSI, and LI for small-mode striped bass were approximately 10%, 33%, and

47% less, respectively, than those observed for large-mode fish. Similarly, K,,

LSI, and LI were approximately 16%, 34%, 39% less, respectively, for small- mode striped bass during November 1995. Differences among these indices for small- versus large-mode striped bass during both fall 1994 and 1995 were significant (K,: Mann-Whitney, U=11,905.0, P<0.0001; LSI: Mann-Whitney,

94 10419


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96 U=12,766.0, P<0.0001; LI: Mann-Whitney, U= 2,526.5, P<0.0001).

During spring 1995 and 1996, large-mode striped bass had greater physiological indices of health than small-mode fish of the same cohort (Figure 1.27). Index values for small-mode juveniles were lower during both March 1995 (K,=-22%, LSI=-54%, LI=-67%) and April 1996 (K,=-19%, LSI=-

58%, Ll=-75%) than those observed for large-mode fish. In addition, smaller individuals were thin and emaciated, whereas larger striped bass were plump and appeared to be in good health. These results, particularly differences in lipid index values, suggest that greater overwinter stress and consumption of stored energy reserves were imposed on smaller individuals because median health indice values were significantly less for small- versus large-mode striped bass

(K,: Mann-Whitney, U=3,865.0, P<0.0001; LSI: Mann-Whitney, U=4,015.5,

P<0.0001; LI: Mann-Whitney, U=2,306.5, P<0.0001). However, actual differences in index values may have been greater than estimated because only small-mode striped bass that had survived the winter and were collected during spring sampling; small individuals that may have depleted their energy reserves and suffered starvation-induced, overwinter mortality over this period would not have been included in these comparisons.

Although indices of health declined for both small- and large-mode juvenile striped bass between fall and spring sampling for both collection years, small-mode fish suffered considerably greater decreases in health over this period than large-mode fish (Figure 1.27). Over the winter of 1994-95, K,, LSI, and LI of small-mode juveniles declined by 20%, 44%, and 54%, respectively; in contrast, these indices declined by only 5%, 10%, and 13%, respectively, for large-mode striped bass. Similarly, over the winter of 1995-96, small-mode fish displayed greater decreases in K, (30%), LSI (55%), and LI (72%) than

97 large-mode striped bass (19%, 21%, and 23%, respectively). Differences in health indices for both small- and large-mode striped bass between fall and

spring sampling periods were significantly different (K,: Mann-Whitney, U=5,029.5, P<0.0001; LSI: Mann-Whitney, U=5,337.5, P<0.0001, LI: Mann-Whitney, U= 2,743.5, P<0.0001). Additionally, both small- and large-

mode striped bass collected during spring 1996 had suffered significantly

greater decreases in physiological indices of health than fish collected during

spring 1995 (K,: Mann-Whitney, U=452.0, P<0.01; LSI: Mann-Whitney,

U=636.5, P<0.01; LI: Mann-Whitney, U=670.5, P<0.01), possibly reflecting the greater severity and duration of low temperatures that occurred during the

1995-96 winter.


Temporal and size-dependent patterns of spatial distribution and

population dynamics of age-O striped bass post-stocking were examined to determine which factor(s) contribute to the recruitment bottleneck that has been observed in Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia, over the past three decades. These

are considered within the context of trophic relationships, in particular forage-

fish availability, and physiological indices of health in order to evaluate feeding

opportunities and success relative to growth, overwinter survival, and

recruitment to age 1 for this juvenile predator.

Dispersal and Spatial Distribution

Although age-O striped bass exhibited dissimilar patterns of dispersion and spatial distribution between stocking sites in Smith Mountain Lake during the 1994 and 1995 growing seasons, these within-site patterns were similar for each stocking cove between sampling years. Juveniles stocked at the Hales

Ford state boat ramp on the Roanoke River arm remained within the immediate vicinity of the stocking site for the first week post-stocking before gradually dispersing to outermost regions of the cove adjacent to the main river channel.

In contrast, fingerlings stocked at the Penhook state boat ramp on the Blackwater River arm dispersed rapidly from the immediate stocking site by the first night post-stocking and were only collected along the outermost region of the cove during the remainder of the growing season. However, in both stocking coves, age-O striped bass were collected primarily from shallow, littoral areas containing a mixture of sand and fine gravel substrate with little physical habitat structure and that graded gradually to deep water. This type of habitat

99 typifies the Hales Ford stocking cove and, not surprisingly, juveniles were

collected within this cove throughout the 1994 and 1995 growing seasons. In contrast, the Penhook stocking cove contains primarily large gravel and cobble

with an underlying clay substrate, an abundance of physical structure (boat

docks, piers, and submerged timber), and a shoreline that grades steeply to

deep water. Shallow, gradually-grading shorelines with appropriate substrate types and no physical structure occur only along the outermost region of this

cove, which is where juvenile striped bass were collected. Therefore, it appears that the dissimilar patterns of dispersion observed for juvenile striped bass

between the Hales Ford and Penhook stocking sites during the 1994 and 1995 growing seasons may be attributed to differences in the availability of suitable habitat between these two coves.

The movement patterns and habitat preferences observed for juvenile striped bass within the stocking coves of Smith Mountain Lake are consistent with studies on this life stage in other systems. In Tennessee reservoirs that are morphometrically similar to Smith Mountain Lake, it has been documented that striped bass <120 mm TL dispersed rapidly away from the immediate stocking vicinity but tended to remain in the general area throughout the growing season as long as shallow, littoral zones containing sand and/or gravel substrate occurred nearby (Van Den Avyle and Higginbotham 1979; Saul 1981; Richardson 1982; Humphreys 1983; Van Den Avyle et al. 1983). Additionally, similar observations have been reported for juvenile striped bass in systems with self-sustaining populations. Matthews et al. (1992) documented that age-O striped bass < 150 mm TL in Lake Texoma, Oklahoma-Texas, preferred shallow shorelines with rock-gravel or sand substrates with little physical habitat structure over those with either coarse gravel or sand/silt substrates.

100 Additionally, catch rates for estuarine populations of juvenile striped bass were

reportedly highest in shallow areas with slow to moderate current and sand or fine gravel substrate, and lowest along steep shorelines riprapped with large

boulders in both the Delaware River system (Kernehan et al. 1981) and Potomac

River estuary (Setzler-Hamilton et al. 1981) of Chesapeake Bay, the Hudson

River, New York (Wells et al. 1991), and the Sacramento-San Joaquin estuary on the California coast (Turner and Chadwick 1972).

Limited dispersal from the stocking coves by juvenile striped bass during summer months may also be attributed to preference for warmer water temperatures in these nearshore areas of Smith Mountain Lake. These shallow regions, where active feeding and growth occur, typically had water temperatures that exceeded 25°C through mid-September in both 1994 and 1995. Results of laboratory experiments on temperature selection and growth of age-O striped bass match these field observations. Studies by Meldrim and

Gift (1971) suggested that the preferred temperature for 80-130 mm TL striped bass is 25°C, while Cox and Coutant (1981) determined that optimal growth temperatures for similar-sized juveniles ranged from 24-26°C. Additionally,

Coutant et al. (1984) observed that striped bass ranging from 82-222 mm TL preferred temperatures >26°C in summer. These results support the hypothesis of a thermal niche (Magnuson et al. 1979) for juvenile striped bass that lies in the 24-27°C range. Because these data clearly lie above the 20-

24°C range of summer temperatures selected in the field by subadults (Coutant and Carroll 1980) and the 18-22°C range occupied by adults (Schaich and

Coutant 1980; Waddle et al. 1980; Cheek et al. 1985), it would appear that striped bass may partition their habitat ontogenetically by age or size class along a thermal gradient. As a result, juvenile striped bass in Smith Mountain Lake

101 may select shallow, littoral areas not only because of habitat preferences, but

because temperature regimes in these areas are more optimal for feeding and

growth during this life stage.

Despite these habitat and temperature preferences of age-O striped bass,

catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) for juveniles within both stocking coves gradually

declined from late summer through the end of the growing season.

Concurrently, CPUE increased in main channel areas of both river arms over this same time period, suggesting that juveniles were dispersing from the stocking

sites to deeper, pelagic regions of the lake. For striped bass collected during

this time period, significant size-dependent differences were observed within

versus outside the stocking coves; fish <150 mm TL were rarely captured

outside the stocking coves while fish greater than this size were always collected from main channel areas. Although my sampling design was not

sufficiently extensive to statistically analyze these dispersal patterns and

quantitatively survey all regions within Smith Mountain Lake in which age-O

striped bass occurred, several hypotheses can be generalized to explain these

temporal and size-dependent trends of juvenile striped bass movement.

It is possible that dispersal of hatchery-reared fish is a slow process; these fish might be disoriented initially, requiring time to adapt to the natural environment, before dispersing slowly after several weeks of acclimation.

Alternatively, dispersal may take place shortly after release, but the migrants are captured less easily than fish that do not migrate. For example, dispersal of juveniles from shallow, littoral zones of the stocking coves to deeper, pelagic areas of the main channel appears to have begun in late summer. However, dispersal out of the coves could have begun earlier and was not detected because deeper water areas were not sampled with gillnets until August. In the

102 Potomac River, Setzier-Hamilton et al. (1981) documented that beginning in August and continuing through the fall, age-O striped bass > 100 mm TL were

collected with increasing frequency at deeper, downriver stations. In contrast,

fish less than this size were collected primarily from shallow, upriver stations during this same time period. Similar observations have also been reported in

the Hudson River (McLaren et al. 1988; Wells et al. 1991), the Delaware River

system (Kernehan et al. 1981), and Cherokee Reservoir, Tennessee (Saul 1981; Humphreys 1983). Although these studies are consistent with the differential

size-dependent dispersion of juvenile striped bass during fall months observed

in Smith Mountain Lake, they do not explain why larger juveniles disperse to

deeper, offshore areas while smaller individuals remain in shallow, nearshore regions.

In a laboratory study by Coutant et al. (1984), it was observed that 82- 222 mm TL striped bass selected water temperatures <25°C during fall. The authors hypothesized that lower temperature preferences during this time period may be a seasonal effect induced by declining photoperiod that lowers thermal preferences independently of thermal acclimation. Although these results suggest that juvenile striped bass prefer cooler water masses during fall months and may actively search for these areas, water temperatures in nearshore regions of Smith Mountain Lake during this time period were also <25°C. As a result, water temperature regimes during fall months alone are not sufficient to explain movement patterns of age-O striped bass from shallow, littoral zones to deeper, pelagic areas.

A more probable hypothesis to explain size-dependent dispersal patterns is the search for and availability of appropriate-sized food resources. In Smith

Mountain Lake, striped bass <100 mm TL collected by electrofishing in

103 nearshore regions were typically caught singly, while larger juveniles that were collected using gillnets from deepwater areas almost always occurred in groups of 3-6 individuals. Although this disparity can perhaps be viewed as a bias associated with using different sampling gears, a more reasonable explanation can be derived by examining food habits and associated foraging behaviors between these different size classes. Small striped bass consumed prey items

(invertebrates and age-O cyprinids) which were abundant and distributed throughout nearshore regions of Smith Mountain Lake. In contrast, larger striped bass were strictly piscivorous, feeding primarily on age-O alewives, a pelagic schooling species with a highly contagious distribution. In terms of optimal foraging theory (Emlem 1966; MacArthur and Pianka 1966), small juvenile striped bass may utilize a saltatory search mode (cruise between locales and scan upon stopping; O'Brien et al. 1990; Browman and O’Brien 1992) to locate abundant, small prey in nearshore regions, whereas low encounter rates and search for large, schooling prey may cause larger striped bass to become more active in areas where these food resources are encountered (Helfman

1994). Therefore, dispersion of striped bass >150 mm TL to pelagic areas in search of larger food items (i.e. age-O alewives) and the adoption of an adult-like schooling behavior (Matthews et al. 1988) can be viewed as an adaptive strategy of active search that optimizes the probability of encounter with patchily-distributed forage fish prey. Small striped bass, in contrast, occupy shallow, nearshore areas throughout the growing season and individually search for abundant, ingestible-sized prey items that are located throughout these regions. The size-dependent differences in juvenile striped bass foraging behaviors and dispersal observed in Smith Mountain Lake are consistent with reports from

104 other impoundments. Humphreys (1983) reported that age-O striped bass

tended to remain in nearshore areas of the stocking vicinity when invertebrates

and ingestible-sized threadfin shad were abundant, and moved away from these areas when food resources became limited. In Keystone Reservoir, Oklahoma, larger age-O striped bass were always collected in small schools and showed a

well-defined pattern of migration to downriver sites in search of ingestible-sized

age-O gizzard shad (Mensinger 1970). Higginbotham (1979) reported that larger (>100 mm TL) juvenile striped bass feeding on age-O threadfin and gizzard shad

in Watts Bar Reservoir, Tennessee, also exhibited a schooling tendency.

Additionally, Bowles (1975) showed that presence of food reduced the area

traveled by striped bass fingerlings held in circular tanks. These observations

suggest that size-dependent differences in dispersion may have been due to

differences in distribution and ingestibility of available food resources in the

stocking coves and main channel areas of Smith Mountain Lake. Growth rates,

food habits, and forage-fish availability, which will be discussed in the next section, also support this hypothesis and provide an answer to the size disparity

observed between juveniles that disperse to pelagic areas and those that remain

in littoral zones near the stocking sites.

In summary, age-O striped bass exhibited dissimilar patterns of dispersion and spatial distribution from stocking sites in Smith Mountain Lake. This disparity can be attributed to differences in suitable habitat (gently-sloping littoral zones with sand and fine gravel substrate with little or no physical habitat structure immediately adjacent to deep water areas) between these two coves. Lack of dispersal by small juvenile striped bass during the growing season can be attributed to preferred water temperatures (>25°C) during summer months and an abundance of ingestible-sized prey (invertebrates and

105 age-O cyprinids) in nearshore regions. Movements of larger individuals to main

channel areas and adoption of schooling behavior appear to be a result of active search for larger prey items (i.e. age-O alewives) located in these pelagic regions

of Smith Mountain-Lake.

First-Year Growth

Progressive increases in total length from the time of stocking through

the end of the growing season were observed for age-O striped bass in both

river arms of Smith Mountain Lake. In the Roanoke River, juveniles increased from a median total length of 32 to 114 mm in 1994 and 47 to 180 mm in

1995, while striped bass from the Blackwater River increased from 42 to 180

mm in 1994 and 48 to 150 mm in 1995. Although these observed size

increases vary between sites and years, they are consistent with first-year growth estimates observed in other waters. For anadromous populations of striped bass, total length estimates at the end of the first growing season

ranged from 76 mm in the Hudson River (Rathjen and Miller 1957; Dey 1981;

Wells et al. 1991) to 186 mm in the Choctawatchee River, Florida (Wigfall and

Barkuloo 1975). Total length estimates for juvenile striped bass in Chesapeake

Bay and its tributaries (Mansueti 1961; Bason 1971; Kernehan et al. 1981;

Setzler-Hamilton et al. 1981), Albemarle Sound, North Carolina (Trent 1962), and the Sacramento-San Joaquin River system (Heubach et al. 1961; Turner and Chadwick 1972) were also within this range. Additionally, Humphries and

Cumming (1973) observed that fingerlings retained in freshwater hatchery ponds through their first year grew rapidly and reached larger sizes (170 mm

TL) than fish from natural waters. Growth studies on age-O landlocked striped bass have been reported to be much higher than coastal and hatchery-reared

106 juveniles. First-year growth to total lengths >200 mm is common (Stevens

1957; Mensinger 1970; Ware 1970; Erickson et al. 1971; Weaver 1975; Axon

1979; Van Den Avyle and Higginbotham 1979; Saul 1981; Moss and Lawson

1982; Nifong 1982; Richardson 1982; Humphreys 1983), and growth to over 300 mm TL has also been documented (Mensinger 1970; Ware 1970; Erickson et al. 1971; Axon 1979). Although increases in weight over the first growing

season of life have not been reported in other studies, it would be reasonable to assume that estimates observed from Smith Mountain Lake would concur with juvenile striped bass in both marine and freshwater systems.

Although striped bass exhibited consistent increases in first-year growth

post-stocking, month-by-month length-frequency histograms over the 1994 and

1995 growing seasons illustrate the development of two distinct size modes of fish from the same stocked cohort. Further, contrasting intersite differences in juvenile striped bass growth rates were observed during both sampling years.

In 1994, striped bass stocked in the Blackwater River were larger (median =

42 mm TL) than juveniles stocked one week later in the Roanoke River (median

= 32 mm TL), while striped bass stocked in the Roanoke River in 1995 were slightly larger (median = 52 mm TL) than juveniles stocked one week later in the Blackwater River (median = 50 mm TL). Despite these initial differences, length-frequency distributions for juvenile striped bass in both river arms during both sampling years diverged over summer months and by October, a distinct bimodal distribution was evident. At the end of the growing season, the initial differences in size between river arms were still evident; striped bass in the

Blackwater River were larger (median = 180 mm TL) than juveniles in the

Roanoke River (median = 114 mm TL) by mid-December 1994 and _ striped bass in the Roanoke River were larger (median = 180 mm TL) than juveniles in

107 the Blackwater River (median = 150 mm TL) by the end of November 1995.

However, regardless of river site and sampling year, large-mode juveniles (1994: range 186-266 mm TL; 1995: range 183-261 mm TL) were twice as large in

length than small-mode fish (1994: 84-140 mm TL; 1995: 80-137 mm TL). In

addition, a greater proportion of small- and large-mode striped bass at the end

of the 1994 growing season were collected from the Roanoke and Blackwater

Rivers, respectively, whereas the converse was observed at the end of the

1995 growing season. Because size at the end of the first growing season has

been shown to be a critical determinant of overwinter survival and, ultimately,

recruitment to the adult population (see Overwinter Survival), processes influencing both growth rates and the size divergence observed for age-O striped bass stocked in Smith Mountain Lake will be examined in the next section.

Mechanisms Influencing First-Year Growth Patterns Growth depensation (divergence in size over time among individuals in the same age class; Keast and Eadie 1985) has been observed for a variety of marine and freshwater fishes. Current hypotheses attribute this phenomenon to: (1) hatching date and nursery site influence on growth rates; (2) stocking of disparate size classes; (3) sex-related differences in growth rates; (4) nonsexual genetic differences in growth rates; (5) influence of food habits and prey availability; and (6) competition for limiting resources. However, all explanations, to some extent, involve food habits and prey availability as a factor that perpetuates and accentuates the size disparity. Because the mechanisms influencing growth depensation in landlocked populations of age-O striped bass have not been adequately examined, each hypothesis will be considered in terms of its potential contribution to the differential growth and

108 development of bimodality observed for this life stage in Smith Mountain Lake.

Hatching Date and Nursery Site Influence On Growth Rates. - Extended

spawning or hatching periods of fish should increase the probability that the

environment experienced by individuals of the same year class will differ with hatch date. This has been observed for some fish species that have protracted or disrupted spawning periods, and has been linked to hatching-date-dependent differences in growth (Kramer and Smith 1962; Summerfelt 1975; Thorpe and Morgan 1978; Bailey et al. 1980; Crecco and Savoy 1985; Phillips et al. 1995).

For example, studies on largemouth bass have demonstrated that rapidly falling water temperatures during spring disrupted spawning activity, resulting in differences in hatching date between early- and later-spawned progeny.

Subsequently, the initial length advantage afforded to early-hatched fish resulted in greater increases in size and a significant size advantage during summer months (Kramer and Smith 1962; Summerfelt 1975; Miller and Storck 1984;

Isely and Noble 1987; Phillips et al. 1995). Additionally, larger adult largemouth bass have been observed to spawn earlier than smaller adults (Miranda and

Muncy 1987; Goodgame and Miranda 1993). On average, fingerlings from large adults reached swim-up about one week earlier than fingerlings produced by smaller largemouth bass. However, size of larvae at hatching did not differ significantly between small and large adults. Because length increases of the earlier-hatched age-O largemouth bass were greater during summer months than those of later-hatched fish, the authors believed that length advantages obtained from being spawned earlier resulted from having a longer growing season, and possibly first choice and a wider selection of ingestible-sized prey. Although early spawning was not directly linked to greater progeny survival, their greater lengths and greater length increases during summer months indicate that early-

109 hatched largemouth bass may be recruited to the adult population in greater

proportion than later-hatched fish. Therefore, age-O fish of the same age but hatched on widely-different dates could experience initial differences in size

distribution that could affect their food habits and, consequently, growth.

Although striped bass do not naturally reproduce in Smith Mountain Lake,

hatching date, duration spent in hatchery ponds, and individual variability in growth rates among striped bass within and among these ponds may have

contributed to the observed differences in size distribution at the time of stocking. Further, the relative time at which larvae were introduced to grow-out

ponds and subsequently harvested for stocking, coupled with initial variability

in size distribution, may have initiated the growth depensation observed in

Smith Mountain Lake. As a result, examination of the procedures utilized for spawning and rearing striped bass at Brookneal Hatchery is warranted to determine the plausibility of these factors in terms of their contribution to differential growth of age-O striped bass prior to stocking, as well as the time at which these fish were introduced to Smith Mountain Lake. Beginning in mid-April and continuing until mid to late May, running-ripe striped bass broodstock were collected from the Roanoke River and artificially spawned at Brookneal Hatchery. Although the 4-6 wk period in which striped bass were spawned is somewhat protracted, each grow-out pond was stocked with the progeny from 6-8 females and 12-16 males; swim-up larvae that were transferred from spawning tanks to each pond were similar in both age (5- or

6-days-old) and size (3-4 mm TL) at the time of introduction. Striped bass remained in hatchery ponds until the available food supply (zooplankton) began to decline; this occurred approximately 5-6 wk after the ponds had been stocked with swim-up larvae. At this point, fingerlings were harvested from the

110 ponds for stocking in the order that they were initially stocked. For example,

swim-up larvae stocked in one pond in mid-April would reach stocking size and

begin to depress zooplankton populations earlier than striped bass stocked in a

different pond in early May (S. Arthur, VDGIF Brookneal Hatchery, personal

communication). Because the duration that striped bass spent in rearing ponds

was approximately the same among ponds, and larvae within a pond were the

same age and size at the time of introduction, differences in hatching date, initial sizes, and duration of the grow-out period appear to be negligible. However, early-hatched striped bass were ready for removal from hatchery

ponds before later-hatched fish. For example, in 1994, age-O striped bass

stocked in the Blackwater River one week earlier than fingerlings stocked in the

Roanoke River (15 June versus 22 June, respectively) were also hatched and transferred to grow-out ponds one week earlier (30 April versus O07 May, respectively; S. Arthur, VDGIF Brookneal Hatchery, personal communication).

Interestingly, striped bass stocked in the Blackwater River were also larger

(median = 42 mm TL) than juveniles stocked in the Roanoke River (median = 32 mm TL). Although individual variability in feeding success and metabolic efficiency among striped bass larvae within the same or different hatchery ponds was not examined in this study, other studies on fingerling striped bass culture in hatchery ponds have indicated that these factors may play a significant role in determining the size distribution at the time of stocking

(Harper et al. 1968; Harper and Jarman 1971; Humphries and Cumming 1971,

1973). However, whether individual variability can be attributed to genetic differences (see Nonsexual Genetic Differences In Growth Rates) or serendipity

(i.e. a good first feeding encounter may promote the chance of a second and so on) cannot be determined at this time. Regardless of the actual source of the

111 initial differences in size distribution, the advantage afforded to fingerling striped

bass that have reached a slightly larger size prior to stocking and/or that are

stocked one or two weeks earlier in the growing season may allow a wider

selection of ingestible-sized prey to be available, particularly forage fish (see Food Habits And Prey Availability), which may, in turn, have contributed

significantly to the divergence in length-frequency distributions and development

of bimodality observed in Smith Mountain Lake during the 1994 and 1995 growing seasons.

Stocking Of Disparate Size Classes. - Fingerling size at stocking can be a critical factor in the success of stocking programs designed to maintain fish

populations. However, stocking programs using small predators must be coordinated with the size and abundance of prey available because the narrow size range of prey vulnerable to small predators (Gillen et al. 1981; Ney and

Orth 1986). For example, Fielder (1992a) reported that walleyes stocked as fingerlings (36 mm TL) exhibited greater growth rates over summer months than fry (10 mm TL) stocked at the same time in Lake Oahe, South Dakota. The author concluded that the initial length advantage afforded to fingerling walleyes provided this size class with a broader range of ingestible-sized prey throughout summer months, resulting in a larger size by the end of the growing season and a significantly greater contribution to fall young-of-year abundance. In contrast,

Serns and Andrews (1991) observed that among three size classes (100 mm,

200 mm, and 300 mm TL) of muskellunge fingerlings stocked in Arrowhead

Lake, Wisconsin, 100-mm fish exhibited significantly greater growth over summer months than the other two size classes. The authors attributed the greater growth rate of the smallest size class to an abundance of ingestible- sized age-O yellow perch, which co-occurred in littoral areas with these small

112 muskellunge fingerlings. Although other studies comparing first-year growth

rates of smaller- versus larger-stocked size classes of walleye (Jennings and

Phillipp 1992), muskellunge (Hanson et al. 1986; Margenau 1992; Szendrey and Wahl 1996), northern pike (Flickinger and Clark 1978), brown trout (Sa/mo trutta; Garman and Nielsen 1982), striped bass (Dorazio et al. 1991), and hybrid striped bass (MM. saxatilis x M. chrysops; Yeager 1988) have reported variable results, the consensus was that adequately-sized prey relative to size of predators at the time of stocking was the primary determinant affecting growth rates in these populations.

In Smith Mountain Lake, the divergence in size distribution and development of bimodality observed in 1994 could have been strictly a result of stocking two distinct size classes of age-O striped bass (Phase I: range 24-51 mm TL; Phase Il: range 53-97 mm TL). However, several lines of evidence indicate that this may not be the case. Cage studies conducted immediately post-stocking demonstrated that while Phase | striped bass stocked in mid-June suffered only 1.8% mortality within 48 hours, Phase II fish stocked on 06 and

13 July suffered high initial mortality (99.5% and 51%, respectively;

Michaelson 1996). Assuming these post-stocking mortality estimates are representative of actual stocking mortality rates, Phase || fish comprised no more than 3% of the population of age-O striped bass stocked into Smith

Mountain Lake. Examining the bimodal size distribution in mid-December, large- mode fish (>150 mm TL) comprised 28% of age-O striped bass population.

Although the large-mode of fish observed at the end of the growing season probably contained Phase II fish, these differences (3% versus 28%) indicate that Phase | fish probably also contributed to the larger mode. Additionally, microscopic examination of otoliths revealed that only 2% of fish collected

113 during 1994 contained OTC marks (only Phase Il fish were marked).

Furthermore, both field (Shelton et al. 1979; Timmons et al. 1980) and modeling (DeAngelis and Mattice 1979; DeAngelis and Coutant 1982) studies

have demonstrated that bimodal length distributions can develop naturally in

populations of age-O fishes from initial unimodal distributions due to differences

in feeding success. Therefore, these lines of evidence indicate that the bimodal

distribution observed in mid-December 1994 was primarily a result of

divergence in length of Phase | striped bass, probably mediated by size- dependent differences in food habits and forage-fish prey availability (see Food

Habits And Prey Availability), and not strictly due to stocking of larger Phase I! fingerlings.

In contrast to 1994, Phase I and Phase Il striped bass in 1995 had overlapping size distributions (range 31-81 mm TL and 45-97 mm TL, respectively) at the time of stocking in July. Additionally, Phase | fingerlings in

1995 had a considerably broader size distribution than Phase | fish in 1994.

Because Phase II fish were not OTC marked, it is not possible to directly determine the contribution of this group of fish to the bimodal size distribution observed in mid-November. However, only 7,300 Phase II striped bass were stocked in 1995 (versus 228,800 Phase | fish). Adjusting these numbers using

1995 stocking mortality data from Michaelson (1996; Phase I: 32%; Phase II:

6%), Phase || fish comprised approximately 4% of the age-O striped bass population immediately post-stocking. In comparison, the proportion of large- mode fish (>150 mm TL) in the age-O striped bass population at the end of the growing season was 38%. Therefore, it would appear once again that Phase

Il fish were not the primary cause of bimodality observed in mid-November. A more plausible explanation is that the broad length distribution of Phase | striped

114 bass at the time of stocking, in addition to Phase II fish, continued to diverge

over the growing season, probably driven by size-dependent differences in food habits and forage-fish prey availability (see Food Habits And Prey Availability).

Sex-Related Differences In Growth Rates. - Numerous studies on

reproductively-mature fish populations have demonstrated that sex-related

differences in growth rates often exist due to the differential costs associated with the elaboration of gametes (Beckman 1949; Padfield 1951; MacKinnon

1972; Hodgkiss and Mann 1978; Wootton et al. 1978; Diana 1979; Wootton

et al. 1980; Diana and Makay 1979; Diana 1983a, 1983b; Diana and Salz

1990; Adams et al. 1992). For example, the ovaries of female threespine

sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) comprise approximately 20% of total

body weight, while the testes of males constitute less than 2% of total body weight (Wootton et al. 1978, 1980). In northern pike (£. /ucius), 6-18 times more energy is deposited in the ovaries by females than in the testes by males

(Diana 1983a, 1983b). Because the amount of energy available for both somatic and reproductive tissues is finite, greater energetic expenditures by female fishes after the onset of sexual maturity, which is typically delayed to later ages in female sport fishes in order to increase the probability of a successful breeding event (Wootton 1990), at the expense of somatic growth, result in differential growth rates between sexes.

Although sex-related differences in growth have been observed for reproductively-mature fishes, age-O striped bass are immature and put no energy into gonad growth. As a consequence, there should be no difference in growth between males and females at this life stage due to lack of reproduction. Diana

(1983a) observed that both male and female age-O northern pike allocated 0% of their energy budget to reproduction and grew at similar rates over the

115 growing season in Lac Ste. Anne, Alberta. Additionally, Shelton et al. (1979)

and Timmons et al. (1980) determined that the bimodal length distributions

observed for age-O largemouth bass in West Point Reservoir, Alabama-Georgia,

were not caused by sex-related growth differences as both male and female juveniles were equally distributed in the two modes. Similar observances have also been reported for bimodal distributions that developed in hatchery-reared

Atlantic salmon (Sa/mo salar; Thorpe 1977; Thorpe and Morgan 1978; Bailey

et al. 1980). Although juvenile striped bass were not sexed in this study, it would be reasonable to assume that because these fish were not yet

reproductively mature, the divergence in size distribution observed in Smith

Mountain Lake could not be attributed to differences in growth between male and female fish.

Nonsexual Genetic Differences In Growth Rates. - Because the genetic contribution of parental broodstock and genotype variability among age-O striped bass was not examined in this study, it is not possible to positively determine if faster-growing individuals (i.e. large-mode fish) inherited “superior” growth traits from their parents than slower-growing, small-mode fish.

However, it would seem reasonable to assume that if male and/or female striped bass parents contained attributes favoring fast growth and/or aggressive feeding behavior, these traits would be passed on to their progeny. Further, the large number of adult striped bass (6-8 females and 12-16 males) used for producing larvae stocked into each hatchery pond make it highly possible that some degree of genotypic variability exists among striped bass within a given pond, resulting in the differential growth rates observed in this study and have been documented in others. For example, Thorpe and Morgan (1978) reported that for bimodal length distributions of hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon, 80-90% of

116 the variation between mean size and proportion of individuals within each size mode were due to genetic factors. Although interfamily variation in the proportion of individuals within each size mode was due to both parents, the

male parent was determined to be more influential. In contrast, variation in the

mean length of individuals in each size mode was influenced almost entirely by the female parent. Additionally, Thorpe (1977) and Bailey et al. (1980) observed that larger mean length in the upper mode of Atlantic salmon was

strongly favored by early-smolting male parents and to a lesser extent by late-

smolting female parents; mean length in the upper mode may be related to age at various life stages of both male and female. However, the proportion of individuals in the upper mode was more strongly correlated with the age of female parents; late-smolting and early-maturing female Atlantic salmon tended to produce relatively greater proportions of fish in the upper mode. Although the degree of genetic variability within the age-O striped bass population is unknown, it is quite possible that differential inheritance of parental genotypes among striped bass larvae favoring disparate growth rates may have contributed to the development of bimodality observed in Smith Mountain Lake.

Food Habits And Prey Availability. - \n general, food habits of age-O striped bass in Smith Mountain Lake agreed with diet data collected for striped bass in other systems. For coastal populations in spawning tributaries and estuaries, juveniles <145 mm TL relied heavily on invertebrate forage (Merriman

1941; Heubach et al. 1961; Markle and Grant 1970; Schaefer 1970; Bason

1971; Boynton et al. 1981). Although age-O fishes were of minor importance in smaller striped bass diets during the first year, significant utilization of fish by larger juveniles was observed (Merriman 1971; Wigfall and Barkuloo 1975;

Boynton et a. 1981). Freshwater hatchery-pond studies have shown that

117 fingerling striped bass consumed primarily copepods and cladocerans at smaller

sizes (<60 mm TL), while aquatic insects became more important as fish grew to larger sizes over the duration of the growing season (Sandoz and Johnston 1965; Harper et al. 1968; Harper and Jarman 1971; Humphries and Cumming

1971, 1973). However, utilization of fish prey (larval gizzard shad and

cyprinids) was observed only for the largest Juveniles (> 100 mm TL; Sandoz and Johnston 1965; Logan 1967; Harper et al. 1968; Harper and Jarman 1971; Humphries and Cumming 1973). Similar ontogenetic shifts in food habits have

also been observed for reservoir populations of age-O striped bass; juveniles

switched from primarily zooplankton and aquatic insects (chironomid larvae and

pupae, and ephemeropteran nymphs) to strictly larval fishes (gizzard shad,

threadfin shad, inland silversides (Wenidia beryllina), brook silversides, and/or cyprinids) at sizes >100 mm TL (Stevens 1957; Gomez 1970; Ware 1970;

Weaver 1975; Ricci and Ney 1978; Axon 1979; Higginbotham 1979; Saul

1981; Richardson 1982; Van Den Avyle et al. 1983; Humphreys 1983; Matthews et al. 1992).

Size-dependent differences in diet composition between small- and large- mode juvenile striped bass appears to be the primary factor causing differential growth in Smith Mountain Lake. Small-mode juveniles (<120 mm TL) maintained a mixed diet throughout the growing season, consuming invertebrates (zooplankton and benthic aquatic insects) and age-O cyprinids. In contrast, large-mode fish (> 150 mm TL) were strictly piscivorous, consuming primarily age-O alewives. Other studies on landlocked striped bass populations have documented that an abundant supply of ingestible-sized, age-O clupeid prey is critical for rapid growth during the first year of life. Age-O striped bass in Cherokee (Saul 1981; Humphreys 1983) and Norris (Richardson 1982)

118 Reservoirs, Tennessee, grew slowly in years when larval gizzard and threadfin

shad were not abundant. Humphreys (1983) also reported that age-O striped bass stocked in July 1981 attained an average total length of only 94 mm by

December and that 96% of their diet was composed of invertebrate prey. In

1982, when juvenile striped bass exhibited good growth (>200 mm TL by the

end of their first growing season), fish prey (primarily age-O threadfin shad) comprised the majority of their diet. Axon (1979) documented that first-year

growth of one of five year classes of striped bass in Herrington Lake, Kentucky,

was poor due to low standing stocks of ingestible-sized gizzard and threadfin

shad during that year. Similar reports of size-dependent differences in diet

resulting in differential first-year growth of striped bass have also been observed

in Santee-Cooper Reservoir, South Carolina (Stevens 1957), Canton Reservoir,

Oklahoma (Gomez 1970), Lakes Hollingsworth, Parker, and Hunter, Florida

(Ware 1970), and J. Percy Priest Reservoir, Tennessee (Weaver 1975).

Differential growth rates within an age-O cohort of predatory fishes may result because faster-growing individuals change to the next developmental stage at a point when forage-fish prey are within ingestibility limits. However, slower-growing individuals reach the transition size at a later date and may not be able to successfully make the transition to piscivory because fish prey may be too large for consumption at this time. For example, in Bulls Shoal Lake,

Missouri-Arkansas, Aggus and Elliott (1975) observed that age-O largemouth bass that could begin feeding on larval gizzard shad early in the growing season not only grew rapidly, but these individuals were able to maintain a sufficient length advantage and continue to utilize this forage-fish prey throughout the growing season. In contrast, smaller age-O largemouth bass that could not completely switch from a diet of invertebrates to larval fish grew slowly, even

119 in the presence of abundant zooplankton and aquatic insect prey, and, over the growing season, had progressively less fish prey available to them because gizzard shad outgrew their ingestibility limits. Several studies have also reported similar observations for populations of age-O piscivores (Paloheimo and

Dickie 1966; Applegate 1967; Popova 1967; Chevalier 1973; Pasch 1975;

Rainwater and Houser 1975; Shelton et al. 1979; Timmons et al. 1980; Miller and Storck 1984; Keast and Eadie 1985; McIntyre et al. 1987; Wicker and

Johnson 1987; Buijse and Houthuijzen 1992; Phillips et al. 1995). Therefore, larger juvenile striped bass could become piscivorous earlier in the growing season than smaller conspecifics, and, because smaller individuals may not encounter ingestible-sized fish prey when they reach the transition size, they are relegated primarily to an invertebrate diet and grow at a considerably slower rate.

Differences in the size of fingerling striped bass at stocking and the time of the growing season at stocking, in addition to inter-annual variability between stocking sites, may have also contributed to differences in growth rates observed within the age-O striped bass cohort. In 1994, fingerlings stocked in the Blackwater River (15 June, median TL = 42 mm) grew at a faster rate than juveniles stocked itn the Roanoke River (22 June, median TL = 32 mm). In contrast, striped bass stocked in the Roanoke River in 1995 (12 and 14 July, median TL = 52 mm) grew at a faster rate than fingerlings stocked in the

Blackwater River (14 and 20 July, median TL = 50 mm). Because fingerlings that are stocked at a larger size and/or earlier in the growing season will have a wider selection of ingestible-sized prey items available, particularly age-O forage fishes (Madenjian et al. 1991), these disparities may be strictly a direct result of differences in the size and time at stocking. For example, Van Den

120 Avyle and Higginbotham (1979) reported that in Watts Bar Reservoir,

Tennessee, a strong correlation existed between size and date of stocking, and

first-year growth, presumably due to a greater abundance of ingestible-sized forage-fish prey for larger and/or early-stocked fingerling striped bass. In addition, reservoirs are dynamic systems (Hayes et al. 1993; Annett et al.

1996). As aresult, feeding conditions, and consequently growth rates, may vary within fish populations on both a temporal and spatial basis; conditions at a particular stocking site one year that favor rapid growth may not the following year. However, because temporal and spatial variability in feeding conditions between stocking sites and river arms was not examined in this study, it is not possible to directly attribute this factor to the observed differences in juvenile striped bass growth rates between years and river sites.

Because differences in diet quality are linked directly to the composition of prey types consumed (Keast and Eadie 1985), it is very likely that the growth divergence observed for age-O striped bass in Smith Mountain Lake is due to differences in caloric densities among prey items consumed by small- and large- mode fish. Fish prey provides more energy per gram wet weight than aquatic invertebrates (Cummins and Wuycheck 1971; Prus 1975; Penczak et al. 1984; Moore 1988), and among invertebrates, zooplankton provides the least amount of energy per gram wet weight (Cummins and Wuycheck 1971). In addition, assimilation efficiency for fish prey is greater than for invertebrates (Brett and

Groves 1979). Although energetic quality and assimilation efficiency of consumed prey items were not evaluated for age-O striped bass in Smith

Mountain Lake, studies on other juvenile piscivores have shown that size- dependent differences in prey types consumed (invertebrates versus fish) resulted in differential growth rates between small and large individuals over the

121 growing season. Keast and Eadie (1985) observed that large-mode largemouth

bass in Lake Opinicon, Ontario, which consumed strictly fish prey, had a higher gross energy content in their diet and were able to maintain a greater energy level throughout summer months because of their piscivorous food habits than small-mode fish which consumed primarily zooplankton and aquatic insect prey.

The inability of small-mode largemouth bass to switch to piscivory forced this size class to rely completely on lower energetic-quality prey items which, not only resulted in slower growth, but also further restricted their ability to consume larger fish prey. Stahl and Stein (1994) reported that greater efficiency in assimilation and consumption, coupled with high caloric density of fish prey, likely accounted for faster saugeye (S. vitreum x S. canadense) growth in Ohio ponds with an abundance of ingestible-sized gizzard shad.

Therefore, differences in diet quality, as a consequence of dissimilarities in prey items consumed relative to their availability, appears to have contributed significantly to differential growth within the age-O striped bass cohort observed in Smith Mountain Lake.

In a laboratory feeding experiment, Miranda and Muncy (1989) determined that for largemouth bass consuming gizzard shad, faster bass growth rates were observed when shad were consumed at sizes greater than

5% of predator body weight. Although larger prey items have lower relative surface-to-volume ratios and evacuate slower in proportion to their size (percent per hour) than smaller prey items (Fange and Grove 1979), Miranda and Muncy

(1989) hypothesized that the faster growth rates observed for largemouth bass that consumed larger gizzard shad (>5% of body weight) could be attributed to greater absolute energetic returns relative to the time spent feeding and higher utilization efficiencies for these larger prey items. These results are

122 interesting in that they may further explain differences in growth rates observed

between piscivorous small- and large-mode striped bass. In the present study,

small-mode striped bass consumed age-O cyprinids that ranged from 0.3%-

4.0% of their body weight, whereas large-mode juveniles consumed age-O alewives that ranged from 2.0%-11.3% of their body weight. Because the

alewife to striped bass body weight ratio lies primarily above 5% while the

cyprinid to striped bass body weight ratio lies entirely below this value, it would seem intuitive to assume that large-mode juveniles consuming relatively larger

alewives not only gain more energy on an absolute basis, but utilized this prey

type more efficiently, resulting in faster growth than small-mode fish consuming relatively smaller, less-energetically profitable cyprinids. However, utilization

efficiencies and nutritional content may differ between largemouth bass-gizzard

shad and striped bass-cyprinid-alewife; therefore caution must be used when extrapolating bioenergetic relationships among similar fish species (Ney 1993).

Nonetheless, these results seem to indicate that differences in the relative weight relationship between forage-fish prey consumed by small- versus large- mode juvenile striped bass may have contributed to the growth depensation observed during the 1994 and 1995 growing seasons in Smith Mountain Lake.

Kerr (1971), using a bioenergetics approach to examine the hypothesis that growth efficiency of predatory fishes may be directly linked to the metabolic costs associated with searching for prey, determined that not only did growth efficiency decrease when prey organisms were small relative to predator size, but that sustained growth required increasingly larger prey items even if they were not abundant. Support for this hypothesis comes from evaluation of physiological indices of health. Although median relative condition (K,), liver- somatic index (LSI), and lipid index (LI) for all sizes of juvenile striped bass

123 increased progressively over the 1994 and 1995 growing seasons, size- dependent differences in these indices were clearly apparent as large-mode striped bass had significantly higher indice values than small-mode fish. These differences observed for age-O striped bass in Smith Mountain Lake are consistent with those observed in other systems. In Tennessee reservoirs, striped bass <125 mm TL consistently had lower Fulton-type condition values

(0.69-0.91) than larger juveniles (1.08-1.28; Saul 1981; Richardson 1982; Humphreys 1983); in Smith Mountain Lake, relative condition ranged from 80- 90 and 104-110 for small- and large-mode fish, respectively. Brown and

Murphy (1991a) observed that liver weight (mg/g) of age-O striped bass increased with body size and attributed this relationship to the greater deposition of surplus energy reserves (glycogen and lipid) in this organ by larger individuals as has been observed in studies of other fishes (MacKinnon 1972;

Tyler and Dunn 1976; Heidinger and Crawford 1977; Bulow et al. 1978;

Delahunty and de Viaming 1980; Allen and Wootton 1982; Adams and McLean

1985). Additionally, lipid content, measured in this study as lipid index, was also observed to increase with increasing age-O striped bass body size (Brown and Murphy 1991a). Similar observations have also been reported for largemouth bass (Isely 1981; Wicker and Johnson 1987; Miranda and Hubbard

1994), smallmouth bass (Oliver et al. 1979), bluegill (Cargnelli and Gross 1997), brook trout (Cunjak 1988), rainbow trout (Li and Brocksen 1977), and

Colorado squawfish (Ptychocheilus lucius; Thompson et al. 1991). Because deposition of energy stores, in particular lipids, has significant implications for overwintering starvation in age-O fishes, size-dependent differences in physiological indices of health will be discussed in greater detail later (see

Overwinter Survival). Therefore, it would appear that a prolonged diet of small

124 prey items (invertebrates and age-O cyprinids) for small-mode juvenile striped

bass during the first growing season does not provide sufficient surplus energy

to sustain growth and physiological health for this size class, whereas consumption of larger fish prey by large-mode individuals supports rapid growth

and the deposition of energy stores.

Because significant size-dependent differences in relative condition (K,) were observed between small- and large-mode striped bass, these results should be viewed with caution as they indicate bias inherent with using this condition- factor approach. As stated by Le Cren (1951), K, is calculated with the regression coefficient 6 for within subgroups and the adjusted value for y- intercept a for the subgroup with the maximum value of a. Therefore, comparisons of condition must be limited to subgroups having the same regression coefficient 6. However, regression coefficients for small-mode juvenile striped bass (<150 mm TL) were lower than large-mode individuals (>150 mm TL) during both sampling years (1994-95: 2.98 versus 3.20, respectively; 1995-96: 2.98 versus 3.33, respectively). The result of these differences was that relative condition values were biased too high for large- mode striped bass and too low for small-mode fish. Thus, when used correctly,

K, can only compare the condition between subgroups as long as they have the same value of b. Because of dissimilarities in regression coefficient values between small- and large-mode juvenile striped bass during both sampling years, the use of relative condition as an index to detect size-dependent differences in physiological well-being within the same cohort lead to spurious results.

Although larger age-O striped bass exhibited greater relative condition, liver-somatic, and lipid indice values than smaller juveniles, size-dependent differences in stomach-fullness index (SFI), a measure of feeding intensity, were

125 not apparent. In theory, one would expect that predators that consumed larger

prey (i.e. fish) would have higher SFI values than those feeding on smaller prey

(i.e. invertebrates). Humphreys (1983) reported that significant size-dependent

differences in SFI during the growing season were detected between small- and large-mode age-O striped bass in Cherokee Reservoir; SFI averaged 2.4% and

4.0% for small and large juveniles, respectively. A similar observation was also

documented for juvenile striped bass collected from Suisun Marsh, California

(Herbold 1986). Conversely, Lewis et al. (1974) observed that SFI values were inversely related to body size for age-O largemouth bass; values averaged 4.0%

and 1.5% for small and large fish, respectively. Although no discernable increasing or decreasing trend in SFI with body size was observed for striped

bass in this study, several hypothesis can be ventured to explain this

phenomenon. Larger juveniles collected using gillnets may have partially

regurgitated their diet contents. However, visual evidence of regurgitation was

not observed in this study, although it is quite possible that this could have

occurred as fish struggled upon entanglement (Ney 1990). Further, loss of

stomach contents through the digestive process, which will continue even after death (Eggers 1977), could have contributed to SFI variability as striped bass were not retrieved from gillnets until the morning after these gears were set.

Additionally, greater susceptibility of “hungry” fish that were actively seeking prey to electrofishing equipment and gillnets could also have influenced stomach-fullness estimates. Bryan (1974) observed that both arctic char

(Sa/velinus alpinus) and arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) had lower stomach content levels when taken by angling than by seine and attributed this discrepancy to angling selectivity for hungrier fish. However, the low proportion of empty stomachs observed for age-O striped bass in this study does not

126 support this hypothesis (see appendix tables A.2a-d). Finally, small striped bass

in poor condition may have had higher SFI values than expected because stomach content weights would be greater relative to body weight than those observed for larger individuals in better condition. Regardless of the source for the high variability observed in estimated SFI values, this index was not a useful indicator of feeding intensity for age-O striped bass in Smith Mountain Lake.

Differing life history characteristics of age-O piscivores and forage fishes indicate that stocked sportfishes may encounter food deficiencies during the first-year of life (Ney and Orth 1986). Therefore, the inability of striped bass

<120 mm TL to make the transition to a strictly fish diet, coupled with the nearly complete lack of age-O alewife consumption by this size group, suggests that forage-fish prey, particularly age-O alewives, may be limited in their vulnerability to striped bass during their first growing season. For a successful feeding event to occur, prey must be distributionally, behaviorally, and morphologically available to predators (Ney 1990). Because the magnitude of influence of each of these three components on overall availability varies as a function of the predator, the prey, and the system, limited accessibility of forage-fish prey to juvenile striped bass may be a critical factor regulating food habits, and, consequently, differential growth patterns observed in Smith

Mountain Lake. Since predators will only encounter prey when their spatial distributions overlap, co-occurrence in both space and time is the first requirement necessary for a successful feeding event. In Smith Mountain Lake, spatial distribution of age-O cyprinids and alewives relative to small- and large-mode striped bass may partially explain the observed differences in food habits. Age-O cyprinids were numerically abundant in shallow, littoral zones throughout the growing season,

127 but were infrequently observed in pelagic areas of the main channel. In

contrast, age-O alewives, which were frequently observed in littoral zone during

summer months (June through September), seemed to be more pelagically

oriented, preferring main channel areas of Smith Mountain Lake. Although

spatial distributions of cyprinids have not been characterized in other studies,

comparable observations for alewives have been reported previously for Smith

Mountain Lake (Tisa and Ney 1991) and other freshwater systems (Scott and Crossman 1973; O'Gorman and Schneider 1986). Large-mode striped bass, like alewives, frequented pelagic areas of the main channel; not surprisingly, alewives were the fish prey species identified most frequently in the stomachs of this size group. However, small-mode juveniles, which spatially overlapped with age-O alewives only during summer months, rarely consumed this fish prey species; cyprinids were primarily identified in the stomach contents of those individuals that consumed fish prey. Therefore, because age-O alewives did overlap in both space and time with juvenile striped bass in Smith Mountain Lake during summer months, factors in addition to distributional availability must have contributed to the limited utilization of this forage fish species by small-mode individuals.

Spatial and temporal availability of prey alone does not assure utilization by predators. Availability also includes a behavioral component; the predator must recognize the prey as a potential meal and successfully pursue this item.

Although numerous studies have observed that juvenile striped bass prefer age- O clupeid prey fishes (Stevens 1957; Sandoz and Johnston 1965; Logan 1967;

Harper et al. 1968; Harper and Jarman 1971; Humphries and Cumming 1971;

Wigfall and Barkuloo 1975; Axon 1979; Higginbotham 1979; Saul 1981;

Richardson 1982; Humphreys 1983; Van Den Avyle et al. 1983), including

128 alewives in Smith Mountain Lake (Ricci and Ney 1978; Moore 1988), it is

possible that the limited consumption of this forage-fish species by small-mode

striped bass resulted from a failure to recognize this prey species as a potential

food source and/or poor capture success. Small-mode striped bass in the littoral

zone fed primarily on invertebrate prey and may not have yet developed a search image for fish prey. As a result, even though small juveniles distributionally overlapped with age-O alewives that were within their

ingestibility limits during summer months, they may not have recognized this

prey type as a potential food resource. In addition, even if small-mode striped

bass had developed a search image for fish prey, the search mode utilized by this size class in the littoral zone may have further contributed to the limited consumption of age-O alewife prey. Field collections indicated that small-mode striped bass appeared to search for prey singly, whereas large-mode individuals utilized a schooling search mode. Further, alewives are a schooling species, and this type of behavior is most effective against solitary predators because the school causes the predator to be unable to focus on single targets (Shaw

1978), thereby limiting capture success for individual prey. As a consequence, availability may be limited due to the schooling behavior utilized by alewives which is most likely pronounced for solitary predators, such as small-mode striped bass, that have not coevolved with this forage-fish species. Analyses of morphological availability and cohort biomass patterns demonstrated that the size distribution of age-O alewives relative to small-mode juvenile striped bass was a critical factor limiting their ability to utilize this prey resource. Although age-O alewife growth data from Smith Mountain Lake (Tisa

1988) suggest that ingestible-sized alewives are available to both small- and large-mode striped bass during the growing season, analysis of percent first-year

129 alewife biomass availability on a monthly basis revealed that large-mode striped

bass (>150 mm TL) had a substantially greater proportion of alewife prey within their ingestibility limits than small-mode fish (<150 mm TL). Larger

striped bass could utilize approximately 67% of total first-year alewife biomass

compared to only 23% for small-mode individuals. In addition, ingestible-sized age-O alewives would only be available to small-mode striped bass until late

September because this forage-fish species became pelagic during fall months and, as a result, no longer overlapped spatially with small-mode striped bass.

In contrast, age-O alewives provide a continuous supply of forage to larger-mode juveniles throughout the growing season. Therefore, ingestibility limitations, coupled with temporal dissimilarities in spatial overlap and behavioral constraints in forage-fish prey recognition and capture success, appear to be the primary factors preventing small-mode striped bass from utilizing age-O alewives during the growing season in Smith Mountain Lake. As a consequence, smaller juveniles are relegated to feeding on a mixed diet of invertebrate and age-O cyprinid prey that is lower in energetic quality than the strictly alewife diet of larger individuals.

Ingestibility limitations may also explain why juvenile striped bass in

Smith Mountain Lake were not observed to consume age-O gizzard and threadfin shad even though other studies have reported extensive utilization of these forage-fish species (Stevens 1957; Sandoz and Johnston 1965; Logan 1967;

Harper et al. 1968; Harper and Jarman 1971; Humphries and Cumming 1971;

Wigfall and Barkuloo 1975; Axon 1979; Higginbotham 1979; Saul 1981;

Richardson 1982; Humphreys 1983; Van Den Avyle et al. 1983). Tisa (1988) demonstrated that because age-O gizzard shad grew rapidly during summer months, this forage-fish species was morphologically unavailable to striped

130 bass, including larger-mode juveniles, during their first year of life. Although

threadfin shad were not a component of the forage-fish complex during Tisa’s study, Humphreys (1983) reported that age-O threadfin shad often outgrew the

ingestibility limits of juvenile striped bass in Cherokee Reservoir. Therefore,

results from Tisa (1988) indicate that gizzard shad were not utilized by age-O striped bass in Smith Mountain Lake because they outgrew the morphological

limitations of this piscivore and, as a result, were too large for consumption.

Although the growth rate and temporal patterns in size distribution of threadfin

shad in Smith Mountain Lake have not been examined, it is possible that this forage-fish species also outgrew the ingestibility limitations of both small- and

large-mode striped bass, thereby preventing consumption this prey type. An interesting result from this study is that for age-O cyprinids and alewives consumed by small- and large-mode striped bass, respectively, prey

TL/predator TL ratios declined with increasing predator size. Perhaps the commonly observed ontogenetic increase in the range and mean size of prey ingested by piscivores has led to the assumption of ontogenetic increases in preferred prey sizes (Nielsen 1980; Knight et al. 1984; Polis 1988). However,

Popova (1978) showed that for five freshwater species of piscivorous fishes, mean prey size ingested tended to be closer to the minimum size available; relative prey size was largest at the transition to piscivory (approximately 50% of total length), but tended to decline dramatically as predator size increased, stabilizing at approximately 10%. Similarly, many other studies, including this one, have also demonstrated that piscivorous fishes tend to ingest prey much smaller (20-30% of their total length; Hoogland et al. 1956; Lawrence 1958;

Kerby 1979; Gillen et al. 1981; Ott and Malvestuto 1981; Humphreys 1983;

Hoyle and Keast 1987; Dennerline 1990; Hambright 1991; Juanes 1994;

131 Dettmers et al. 1996) than the maximum possible size. These common patterns

in predator-prey sizes are likely due to an ontogenetic increase in relative predation success rate (Nursall 1973; Werner 1977; Hoyle and Keast 1987;

East and Magnan 1991; Juanes 1994). Because encounter rate is generally

assumed to be a positive function of prey size while capture success is assumed to be negatively related to prey size, the resulting vulnerability relationship is typically a convex parabola (Juanes 1994). Greene (1986) has argued that the interaction of differential encounter and capture success rates can lead to perceived predator preference without any active predator choice. Such

“passive” foraging tactics can often explain patterns in prey size selectivity as well as optimal foraging models that assume active prey selection (Pastorok

1981; Dunbrack and Dill 1983; Scott and Murdoch 1983; Osenberg and

Mittelbach 1989). For example, Hart and Hamrin (1990) suggest that although small fish prey are usually less profitable in terms of energy gained per unit handling time, they are selectively ingested by northern pike because they are

“easier to catch”. If passive prey selection rather than active predator choice determines the observed selectivity of piscivorous fishes for small prey sizes, peak vulnerabilities at small prey sizes imply that piscivore capture success rates are strongly size-dependent. In addition, prey vulnerability can be reduced through temperature preferences, habitat choice, schooling, and escape responses (Savino and Stein 1982; Coutant et al. 1984; Pitcher and Parrish

1986; Tisa 1988; Christensen and Persson 1993), resulting in piscivores consuming only smaller, more vulnerable prey. Therefore, these factors may, in part, explain the decline in prey size/predator size ratios with increasing predator size observed for age-O striped bass with piscivorous food habits in

Smith Mountain Lake.

132 Although the size divergence observed for age-O striped bass is likely a function of food habits and forage-fish prey availability, it does not suggest how the size discrepancy arises initially. The most plausible hypothesis is that the

initial differences in total length of fingerlings at the time of stocking was a result of individual variability in feeding success and metabolic efficiency within hatchery ponds. However, whether this individual variability can be attributed directly to genetic differences (i.e. differential inheritance of genotypes favoring faster growth and/or aggressive feeding behavior) or chance (i.e. a good first feeding encounter may promote the chance of a second and so on) cannot be determined at this time. Another mechanism which may contribute to the initial size divergence is that some individuals may accumulate more of the assimilated energy into increases in length at the expense of weight. These individuals would more rapidly obtain a greater length, and because body length, not weight, determines gape width and, consequently, the size of prey that can be ingested (Lawrence 1958; Kerby 1979; Dennerline 1990; Hambright 1991), larger fish could obtain a higher quality diet and possibly gain weight rapidly before the end of the growing season. Comparable late season growth of smaller striped bass would be limited by reduced forage-fish availability as a result of their smaller size. Therefore, there may be alternative growth strategies within a cohort of age-O predatory fishes, including striped bass.

Competition for limiting resources. - Competitive effects on growth occur when direct and/or indirect interactions between fish cause an unequal distribution of a resource, and resource supply does not meet consumer demand; food and space are the resources that most frequently are unequally distributed and become limited by such interactions (Sale 1979). Dominant fish sequester a disproportionately greater amount of the resource and,

133 consequently, grow faster than they would if the resource was distributed

equally among all individuals. The faster growth of the competitively-dominant

fish usually enhances their dominance, allowing them to sequester resources

even more effectively, and further increases the difference in growth rate.

However, competition will exist only when the requirements of two or more

individuals for a particular resource exceed the supply of that resource in the

location they occupy. For example, when food resources are restricted, large medaka (Oryzias latipes) chase small fish away from the food and grow faster,

but when this resource is present in excess, large fish have no competitive

advantage over smaller fish (Magnuson 1962). Additionally, if demands do not

actually exceed food supply, individuals may interfere with one another in their joint efforts at obtaining this resource. For stream salmonid populations, the most dominant individuals maintain and defend feeding stations at locations that are most profitable, so growth rate is correlated with dominance rank (Li and

Brocksen 1977; Fausch 1984). Because competitive interactions between fishes in freshwater lentic systems have been shown to significantly influence growth (Werner and Hall 1977; Hanson and Leggett 1985, 1986; Ossenberg et al. 1988), both intraspecific competition between small- and large-mode striped bass and interspecific competition with juvenile black basses may contribute to differential patterns of growth observed in Smith Mountain Lake.

Although intraspecific competition between small- and large-mode age-O striped bass was not directly quantified, it would appear that prey availability and spatial segregation would preclude intense interactions between these two size groups. Small-mode fish primarily occupied shallow, nearshore zones of

Smith Mountain Lake and consumed small, ingestible-sized prey items such as zooplankton, benthic aquatic insects, and age-O cyprinids. In contrast, large-

134 mode fish were always collected from deeper, pelagic areas of the main channel and consumed almost strictly age-O alewives. Assuming that size-dependent

differences in diet composition and habitat preferences are representative of the

entire age-O striped bass population, it appears that small- and large-mode fish are, in general, limited in their interactions along these niche axes. In addition, because striped bass is a schooling species, it is not likely that aggressive behavior (i.e. interference competition) among small-mode individuals in nearshore areas contributed to differential growth within the age-O cohort.

Diet overlap analysis indicated competitive interactions could occur between age-O striped bass and black basses, but only during early summer for fish <60 mm TL. During this time period, food habits of these small predators were most similar, consisting of zooplankton (primarily cladocerans), benthic aquatic insects (chironomid larvae and pupae, and ephemeropteran nymphs), and age-O cyprinids. Additionally, striped bass and black basses at these sizes were not spatially segregated, as both were numerically abundant in shallow, nearshore zones of both stocking coves. Although similar food resources were utilized by small size classes in these locations, interspecific competition will occur only if resources become limiting, as during crunches in resource availability (Wiens 1977). Because availability of these food resource types was not quantified, these results only suggest that if food resources were to become limiting, these size classes of predators would most likely compete.

In contrast to smaller size classes, juvenile striped bass and black basses

>60 mm TL exhibited little diet overlap; striped bass consumed primarily age-O cyprinids and alewives, while black bass diets contained terrestrial insects, and age-O sunfishes and darters. Additionally, divergence in habitat use between these two predators with increasing size probably facilitated these differences

135 in diet utilization. Largemouth bass, regardless of size, were collected strictly

in nearshore zones, typically areas with submerged timber and/or aquatic vegetation, whereas striped bass became increasingly more pelagic at sizes >100mm TL. Lack of significant overlap in food and habit use has also been

observed between age-O striped bass and largemouth bass in Lake Texoma

(Matthews et al. 1992), age-O hybrid striped bass and largemouth bass in Sooner Lake, Oklahoma (Gilliland and Clady 1982), and adult striped bass and

largemouth bass in Smith Mountain Lake (Moore 1988). Therefore, these

results suggest that although the smallest size classes of juvenile striped bass

and black basses in nearshore areas may compete for food when these

resources become limiting, divergence in diet and habitat use by larger size classes minimizes competitive interactions between these two predators in

Smith Mountain Lake.

In summary, although initial differences in the size and time at introduction existed between stocking sites and years, age-O striped bass exhibited similar consistent increases in size during the 1994 and 1995 growing seasons in Smith Mountain Lake. Further, a distinct bimodal length distribution developed by fall in both years, consisting of large-mode striped bass that were twice as long as small-mode juveniles (> 180 mm TL versus <150 mm TL).

Although individual variability in growth and behavior among larvae within and among hatchery ponds, time at stocking during the growing season, variability in conditions between stocking sites and river arms, stocking of Phase Il fingerlings, and genetic differences in growth cannot be completely discounted as mechanisms contributing to the observed size divergence, hatching date influence, sex-related differences in growth, and trophic competition did not appear to be significant factors influencing first-year growth. However, size-

136 dependent differences in food habits and forage-fish prey availability appear to

be the primary factors causing differential growth within the age-O cohort. Small-mode juveniles maintained a mixed diet of small, lower-energetically

profitable prey items throughout the growing season, consuming invertebrates

and age-O cyprinids. In contrast, large-mode fish were strictly piscivorous,

consuming primarily larger, more-energetically profitable age-O alewives. These

results are substantiated by observations of prey/predator weight relationships;

the ratio of consumed alewife to large-mode striped bass body weight was greater than the ratio of consumed cyprinid to small-mode striped bass body

weight. This disparity in food habits and energy content also resulted in

significant size-dependent differences in physiological indices of health.

Although median relative condition, liver-somatic index, and lipid index for all

sizes of age-O striped bass increased progressively over the 1994 and 1995 growing seasons, size-dependent differences were clearly apparent as large-

mode juveniles had significantly higher indice values than small-mode fish.

However, stomach-fullness index exhibited no clear temporal or size-dependent trend and was not a useful index for assessing food intensity or prey consumption for juvenile striped bass in Smith Mountain Lake. The inability of small-mode striped bass to make the transition to a strictly fish diet was due to the combined effects of distributional, behavioral, and morphological unavailability of age-O alewife forage prey. Only a small fraction of the age-O alewife cohort biomass (approximately 23%) was within the ingestibility limits of small-mode striped bass throughout the growing season. However, even though ingestible-sized age-O alewives overlapped spatially with small striped bass during summer months, this prey type was not utilized, possibly due to behavioral constraints in prey recognition and/or capture success. Further, once

137 small-mode striped bass had began to become more piscivorous during fall

months, age-O alewives had become pelagic and no longer spatially overlapped with this size class of predator. In contrast, large-mode juveniles were large enough to consume alewife prey from the time they switched to piscivory

through the end of the growing season. Therefore, differences in diet quality,

as a consequence of dissimilarities in prey items consumed by small- and large- mode striped bass relative to their availability, appears to have contributed

significantly to the differential growth and development of bimodality observed within the age-O striped bass cohort in Smith Mountain Lake during the 1994

and 1995 growing seasons.

Qverwinter Survival

Differences in observed length-frequency distributions between late fall

and early spring sampling periods for both 1994-95 and 1995-96 suggest that size-dependent overwinter mortality plays a_ significant role in limiting

recruitment of juvenile striped bass to the adult population in Smith Mountain Lake. Length-frequency distributions at the end of the growing season during

both sampling years were clearly bimodal, consisting of both small- and large- mode juveniles. In contrast, length-frequency distributions in early spring had become unimodal and were comprised almost entirely of large-mode individuals. Numerous field and laboratory studies have reported that overwinter survival of age-O fishes is inversely related to length and that the smaller mode of bimodal length distributions tends to experience disproportionately greater overwinter mortality (Forney 1966; Hunt 1969; Chevalier 1973; Aggus and Elliott 1975; Oliver et al. 1979; Shelton et al. 1979; Toneys and Coble 1979; Nielsen 1980;

Shuter et al. 1980; Timmons et al. 1980; Toneys and Coble 1980; Isely 1981;

138 Adams et al. 1982; DeAngelis and Coutant 1982; Cunjak and Power 1987;

Post and Prankevicius 1987; Wicker and Johnson 1987; Cunjak 1988;

Henderson et al. 1988; Post and Evans 1989: Shuter et al. 1989; Johnson and Evans 1990; Shuter and Post 1990; Johnson and Evans 1991; Thompson et al. 1991; Buijse and Houthuijzen 1992; Miranda and Hubbard 1994; Cargnelli and Gross 1996; Jonas et al. 1996; Cargnelli and Gross 1997; Lyons 1997).

The loss of small-mode striped bass from the age-O cohort in Smith Mountain Lake corroborates these results and can be attributed to size-dependent overwinter mortality.

Winter mortality appears to be caused by depletion of energy reserves and eventual starvation that follows a prolonged period of limited food consumption. The disappearance of small-mode fish demonstrates that to survive through the first winter of life, age-O striped bass must either accumulate a certain critical amount of energy before winter or feed during this period to partially offset the drain on energy reserves typical of this time of year. Shu’Iman (1960) noted that stored lipids frequently constitute the main energy source for winter maintenance but structural proteins may also be used as an energy source as lipid reserves become depleted (Jobling 1980). Niimi

(1972) demonstrated that stored lipid and protein were utilized in similar proportions by largemouth bass within the first 20 days of laboratory starvation experiments; after this initial period, protein was utilized at a significantly greater proportion than lipid. Although protein levels were not examined in this study, they may serve as an important source of energy for age-O striped bass during winter months, particularly after lipid reserves have been depleted. Body lipid content was examined in this study and was observed to increase throughout the growing season for all sizes of juvenile striped bass before

139 declining during winter months. The increase during the latter part of the

growing season was likely influenced by decreasing water temperatures, which reportedly prompt fish to accumulate lipids (Shu’Iman 1960). At that time, age-

O striped bass appeared to be consuming enough food to maintain metabolism and to build energy reserves, but only juveniles in the larger mode were sequestering enough food to also invest in somatic growth. Reduction in physiological indices of health of juvenile striped bass, in particular lipid content, after the end of the growing season was observed for both small- and large- mode fish. However, the greatest decrease was evident in surviving small-mode juveniles, confirming that a positive relationship exists between fish length and physiological health after the growing season. Not only did small-mode striped bass suffer the greatest percent decreases in physiological health over winter, but they had a lower relative energy reserves (mg/g) than large-mode fish at the end of the growing season. Henderson et al. (1988) observed that the rate of accumulation of lipid reserves in age-O sand smelt (Atherina boyeri) was also size-dependent; larger individuals switched energy input from somatic growth to lipid reserves before winter, while smaller fish directed more energy into somatic growth and maintenance requirements. The authors concluded that the disproportionately greater overwinter mortality observed for smaller smelt was due to depletion of lower accumulated lipid reserves during this stressful period.

Similar size-dependent decreases in body lipids and overall physiological health during winter have also been observed for largemouth bass (Toneys and Coble

1979, 1980; Isely 1981; Adams et al. 1982; Wicker and Johnson 1987;

Miranda and Hubbard 1994), smallmouth bass (Oliver et al. 1979; Toneys and

Coble 1979; Shuter et al. 1980; Cunningham and Shuter 1986), walleye (Kelso

1973), muskellunge (Jonas et al. 1996), brook trout (Toneys and Coble 1980;

140 Cunjak and Power 1986; Cunjak 1988), green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus;

Toneys and Coble 1980), bluegill (Booth and Keast 1986; Cargnelli and Gross

1997), yellow perch (Newsome and Leduc 1975; Toneys and Coble 1979,

1980; Johnson and Evans 1991), white perch (M. americana; Johnson and Evans 1991; Johnson and Evans 1996), Colorado squawfish (Ptychocheilus lucius; Thompson et al. 1991), gizzard shad (Pierce et al. 1980), and pikeperch

(Stizostedion lucioperca; Buijse and Houthuijzen 1992).

The physiological mechanism hypothesized to explain size-dependent

overwinter mortality is based on metabolic allometry. Smaller fish, with lower absolute energy stores and higher relative metabolic rates (Paloheimo and Dickie 1966; Brett and Groves 1979), would be expected to suffer higher mortality rates during winter after energy stores become exhausted and the fish can no longer meet metabolic demands. Johnson and Evans (1990, 1991, 1996) reported that age-O white perch that had lost >55% of their stored energy reserves died, regardless of body size, when held at simulated winter temperatures. The authors concluded because a certain proportion of body energy is incorporated in essential tissues and is unavailable for catabolism

(Brett and Groves 1979), starved fish at death have exhausted the usable portion of body energy. These results, consistent with the starvation mechanism proposed for other freshwater fishes (Savitz 1971; Shuter et al.

1980), are similar to those observed in this study. Loss of lipid stores over the winter was high for surviving small-mode juveniles (>50%), while large-mode individuals had utilized only 20% of their lipid reserves. Therefore, significantly lower lipid index levels observed for surviving small-mode fish support the hypothesis that size-dependent overwinter mortality may be a result of exhaustion of energy reserves.

141 Because large-mode striped bass emerged from the overwintering period

in better physiological health than surviving small-mode juveniles, the size- dependent differences in health indices observed in spring are probably due to

physiological allometry, i.e. positive allometric relationships between body size

and energy reserves and negative allometric relationships between body size and

metabolic rate (Brett and Groves 1979; Shuter and Post 1990). In adult bluegill

populations in Lake Opinicon, Cargnelli and Gross (1997) reported that the

relatively greater amounts of lipid energy stored by larger fish before the onset of winter was due to a positive allometric relationship between body size and

energy reserves. Additionally, relatively greater depletion of these energy stores

by smaller individuals was attributed to the negative allometric between body

size and metabolic rate. Because similar observations were made for the age-O striped bass cohort in Smith Mountain Lake, it would appear that allometric

relationships between body size, and energy storage and depletion resulted in

the size-dependent differences in physiological health during the overwintering


Although liver-somatic and relative condition indices were also lower in

spring than fall for both small- and large-mode striped bass, small-mode fish had suffered greater declines in these physiological indices of health than large-mode individuals. However, overwinter declines in relative condition and liver-somatic indices for both small- and large-mode juveniles were not as proportionately large as those observed for lipid index. Because the liver of striped bass is relatively small and glycogen is the primary storage product (Hinton et al.

1972), this organ probably provides short-term supplies of intense energy for activity metabolism, such as pursuit of prey, and does not function as a major winter storage repository as it does in piscivorous fishes in more northern

142 climates (Jensen 1979). In addition, Love (1970) suggested that, with

starvation and utilization of lipid reserves, body weight, and consequently body condition, does not decline in proportion to energy losses because water is

taken up to compensate for losses in lipid reserves. Similar observations have

been reported for other age-O freshwater fishes (Niimi 1972; Jobling 1980;

Toneys and Coble 1980; Isely 1981; Cunningham and Shuter 1986). This phenomenon has been interpreted as reflecting an increase in the relative size

of the extracellular space due to lipid loss. Concomitant changes in muscle structure, such as a decline in the cross-sectional area and volume of contractile

fibers (Moon 1983; Creach and Serfaty 1974), a decline in the total

mitochondrial volume of muscle cells (Moon 1983), and shrinkage of muscle cells with a consequent increase in the extracellular space (Creach and Serfaty

1974; Love 1980), lead to an increase in the relative size of the extracellular

space in muscle tissue and an increase in the water content of muscle cells. Therefore, the lower proportional changes in liver-somatic and condition indices

relative to lipid index observed for age-O striped bass in Smith Mountain Lake

during winter months can perhaps be attributed to these physiological


It is possible that the observed variation in energy with body size may be due to factors other than physiological allometry. For example, juvenile striped

bass may feed during the winter. Additionally, small-mode juveniles may grow at a greater rate during winter months and catch up in total length. However, several studies have documented that age-O striped bass discontinue feeding after water temperatures have declined below 10°C (Scofield 1931; Vladykov and Wallace 1952; Koo and Ritchie 1973). Because water temperatures in

Smith Mountain Lake were below 10°C from the end of November through mid-

143 March during both sampling years, it is unlikely that juvenile striped bass,

regardless of size, were growing during the overwintering period. Further,

Spigarelli et al. (1982) reported that brown trout, like other fishes, show a

preferential deposition of lipid stores rather than protein (i.e. somatic) growth

at low water temperatures. Therefore, it is not likely that the observed variation

in energy reserves with body size or disparity in length-frequency distributions

between fall and spring sampling was a result of juvenile striped bass growth during winter months. Another possibility to explain size-dependent variation in energy reserves

is that large-mode striped bass may begin feeding earlier in the spring than small-mode juveniles. However, spring sampling began before feeding resumed and the percentage of empty stomachs did not differ between small- and large- mode fish once they began to feed after spring water temperatures increased above 10°C. Greater energy reserves of large-mode juveniles may also be due to behavioral differences associated with body size that are independent of allometric physiology. For example, if large-mode individuals face less predation risk, they may consume more prey items than do smaller individuals, and thus build up greater energy reserves prior to winter irrespective of allometric physiology. In addition, small-mode juveniles in shallow, littoral areas may face greater exposure to predation because they can be prey to smaller predators, including their larger siblings, and are weaker than these larger striped bass, as suggested by the observation that smaller fish deplete their energy reserves at a faster rate. However, age-O striped bass did not appear to be preyed upon by

Smith Mountain Lake predators (Moore 1988; Michaelson 1996), including larger age-O striped bass, and no size-dependent trends were observed in stomach-fullness index. In conclusion, the observed physiological allometric

144 relationships between metabolic rates and energetics (Paloheimo and Dickie 1966; Brett and Groves 1979; Shuter and Post 1990) appear to be the most likely explanations for the data.

In summary, differences in observed length-frequency distributions

between late fall and early spring sampling periods for age-O striped bass in

Smith Mountain Lake appear to confirm that size-dependent overwinter mortality

plays a significant role in regulating recruitment to the adult population. Length- frequency distributions were clearly bimodal during fall sampling, consisting of

both small- and large-mode fish. However, spring length-frequency distributions

had become unimodal and were comprised almost entirely of large-mode

juveniles. The loss of small-mode fish over winter months appears to be a

result of starvation and exhaustion of energy stores; this size group had less

absolute energy stores at the onset of winter and used a significantly greater

proportion of these reserves during this period than did large-mode juveniles.

Further, surviving small-mode fish collected in spring were extremely emaciated

and in poor condition, while large-mode juveniles were deep-bodied, thick, and

appeared in good condition. Because large-mode striped bass emerged from the overwintering period in better physiological health than small-mode juveniles, the size-dependent differences in health indices observed in spring are probably due to physiological allometry; positive allometric relationships between body size and energy reserves and negative allometric relationships between body size and metabolic rate. These results confirm the energy linkage with body size that has been postulated to explain why energetic variance may be important for overwinter survival, such as in the relationship between body size and survival in age-O fishes.


Temporal and size-dependent patterns of spatial distribution and food habits, coupled with the seasonality of forage-fish prey abundance and

constraints of morphology, explain divergences in growth patterns, overwinter

mortality, and, consequently, affect recruitment of stocked fingerling striped

bass to age 1 in Smith Mountain Lake. Disparity in patterns of dispersion within stocking sites can be primarily attributed to differences in suitable habitat

preferred by juvenile striped bass. Whereas small-mode striped bass (< 150 mm

TL) remained in littoral, nearshore regions throughout the growing season, large-

mode juveniles (>150 mm TL) became pelagic and dispersed widely throughout main channel areas of Smith Mountain Lake. Although differences in dispersion

patterns and spatial distribution, coupled with variability in the initial size

distribution at stocking, inter-annual variability in conditions between stocking

sites and river arms, stocking of larger Phase Il fingerlings, and genetic

differences in growth cannot be discounted as mechanisms influencing the

observed divergence in size distribution over the growing season, hatching date

influence, sex-related differences in growth, and intra- and interspecific trophic competition did not appear to contribute to growth depensation within the age-O cohort. However, this phenomenon can be directly attributed to differences in energy content levels between disparate food habits of small- and large-mode age-O striped bass. Large-mode juveniles were strictly piscivorous, consuming larger, energetically-more profitable age-O alewife prey which were morphologically available to this size mode throughout the growing season. In contrast, the inability of small-mode fish to switch completely to piscivory, primarily a consequence of distributional and behavioral constraints which

146 limited the consumption of age-O alewife prey during the growing season,

resulted in prolonged reliance on small, less-energetically profitable food items

such as invertebrates and small, age-O cyprinids. Thus, a primarily invertebrate

diet likely stunted growth of striped bass in the smaller mode, and differences in food habits and diet quality between striped bass in the two modes promoted

formation of bimodality. In addition, small-mode striped bass accumulated less

energy stores prior to the nonfeeding, overwintering period and utilized these reserves at a greater rate during this time than did large-mode juveniles. As a

consequence, the unimodal length distribution observed in spring, which

consisted almost entirely of large-mode juveniles, suggests that small-mode fish suffered disproportionately greater overwinter mortality as a result of depletion

of limited energy reserves and eventual starvation.

From these results, it would appear that stocking age-O striped bass at

a larger size and/or earlier in the growing season should allow juveniles to

become piscivorous immediately upon introduction to Smith Mountain Lake.

Support for this change in stocking strategy comes from 1994 data; striped

bass were stocked in the Blackwater River at a slightly larger size (median = 42

mm TL) and earlier (15 June) than fingerlings stocked in the Roanoke River

(median = 32 mm TL, 22 June). Subsequently, juvenile striped bass in the

Blackwater River grew at a faster rate and reached a larger size by the end of the growing season than did striped bass stocked in the Roanoke River.

Unfortunately, the stocking of larger, Phase II fingerlings (median = 72 mm TL) during 1994 did not result in the desired outcome, in part because of poor

hatchery-stocking practices (i.e. high initial stocking mortality due to inadequate time spent acclimating fish to warmer lake water temperatures). However, stocking larger juvenile striped bass should allow them to maintain a length

147 advantage over age-O alewife prey and utilize this forage species throughout the entire growing season. Faster growth due to consumption of larger, higher caloric density fish prey and, consequently, larger size at the end of the growing season, in addition to greater accumulated energy stores, should allow a larger proportion of the stocked cohort to survive over the first winter of life. Because survival in Smith Mountain Lake after age 1 has been reported, on average, to be significantly greater than at age 0 (40% versus 20%, respectively; Moore 1988), increased survival of age-O striped bass during the first year of life, particularly during winter months, should alleviate the recruitment bottleneck that has been observed in this system since the creation of this fishery and reduce angler angst by increasing the number of catchable-sized, adult fish.




Although the dynamics of all fish populations depend on the combined effects of recruitment, growth, and mortality (Smith 1988), recruitment is the regulating and most variable component of fish production (Gulland 1982; Sissenwine 1984). As a result, recruitment variability has been identified as the central problem in fishery science and a major contributor to uncertainty in fisheries management (Sissenwine 1984; Rothschild 1986; Cushing 1995).

Because the mechanisms governing recruitment operate at the level of the individual and mortality sources that regulate survival are selective, some individuals may be more likely to survive than others based on differences in some phenotypic characteristic (Miller et al. 1988). As a result, understanding the mechanisms controlling cohort recruitment and other population-level responses in relation to individual variability within and among age-O fish populations, particularly those characteristics important to first-year survival, provides a means by which fisheries managers can enhance fishery production in aquatic ecosystems.

For age-O fishes, body size appears to be an important variable affecting first-year survival. Most fishes grow 2-3 orders of magnitude in mass during the first few months of life (Werner and Gilliam 1984), and some of the major sources of mortality during this time period, such as predation and starvation,

149 are strongly size dependent (Ricker and Foerster 1948; Gutreuter and Anderson

1985; Rice et al. 1987a; Miller et al. 1988; Luecke et al. 1988; Cushing 1995).

In particular, larger fish may exhibit higher survival than smaller individuals of

the same cohort (Nielsen 1980; Craig 1982; Post and Prankevicius 1987; Henderson and Cass 1991), and several studies suggest that faster-growing

individuals may be favored over slower-growing conspecifics (Forney 1976;

Adams et al. 1982; Rosenberg and Haugen 1982; Carline et al. 1986; Rice et al. 1987b). Because growth rate may be a critical determinant of survival,

especially when size-dependent mortality is important, relatively small

reductions in mean growth rate during the early life stages may cause cohort

survival to decrease simply by prolonging the period of vulnerability to mortality

sources (Chambers and Leggett 1987; Houde 1987; Pepin 1990). Growth rate variation among individuals within a cohort may also have significant effects as growth rate and size often vary substantially among individuals within a cohort

(Paloheimo and Dickie 1966; Aggus and Elliott 1975; Rainwater and Houser 1975; Shelton et al. 1979; Timmons et al. 1980; Miller and Storck 1984; Keast and Eadie 1985; Mcintyre et al. 1987; Miranda and Muncy 1987; Wicker and

Johnson 1987; Buijse and Houthuijzen 1992; Goodgame and Miranda 1993;

Phillips et al. 1995). Consequently, one might expect some individuals to differ markedly from the average fish in response to size-dependent mortality, causing the combined outcome of individual interactions to differ substantially from that for the average individual (Sharp 1987). One approach to aid the analysis of the factors influencing first-year recruitment mechanisms and variability in abundance of piscivorous fish populations is the use of an individual-based model (IBM; Huston et al. 1988;

DeAngelis et al. 1994). An IBM provides a framework within which researchers

150 can conceptualize natural processes, design their research, analyze results, and

combine empirical studies and modeling in a synergistic fashion (Van Winkle et

al. 1993). Murdoch et al. (1992) demonstrated that individual-based models

are, by their nature, predisposed to incorporating the mechanisms that determine a system’s dynamic processes and, as a result, in their more detailed

form, are highly testable. For that same reason, IBMs lend themselves to a

process of progressive removal of particular features, which should facilitate

distinguishing the essential mechanisms from those that account for detail rather than major dynamic features. Each individual in a population can be

described conceptually by a vector of attributes characterizing the individual's phenotype and location at a given time. Repeated observations on individuals

can be differenced to derive rate variables (i.e. growth, feeding, and mortality

rates) or integrated to yield cumulative performance (i.e. recruitment and year- class strength). In nature, the consequences of this phenotypic variability can

be manifested as differential growth, mortality, and recruitment rates.

Mechanisms of phenotypic selection (i.e. size-dependent feeding and mortality)

are grounded in differences among individuals, and analysis of the consequences of these differences requires observations at the individual level.

The trend in population models is to include more detail regarding depictions of individual members. Along with the increased phenotypic detail, there has been more frequent inclusion of fundamental processes such as feeding, growth, mortality, and recruitment. The expectation is that these more detailed models will improve the identification of factors responsible for population fluctuations and variability. These factors can, in turn, be used to provide more accurate predictions of population size and structure, and to improve management decisions and strategies.

151 An_ individual-based model (IBM) approach has been shown to successfully capture the variation in growth and size-dependent mortality exhibited by several age-O populations of piscivorous fishes. Adams and

DeAngelis (1987) applied an IBM to simulate the influence of environmental factors on the predation and growth of age-O largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) feeding on age-O shad (Dorosoma spp.) in a Tennessee reservoir.

The authors concluded that age-O largemouth bass size distribution at the end of the growing season was extremely sensitive to the timing of spawnings of both bass and shad populations and, because overwinter mortality of bass is strongly dependent on the size attained by the end of this period, recruitment of both bass and shad to the adult population depends heavily on the degree of predation. Madenjian (1991), Madenjian and Carpenter (1991), and Madenjian et al. (1996) produced and utilized an IBM for growth and recruitment of age-O walleyes (Stizostedion vitreum) in Oneida Lake, New York, Lake Mendota, Wisconsin, and western Lake Erie. These researchers concluded that size relationships between age-O walleyes and prey fishes had a tremendous impact on the size distribution, overwinter survival, and recruitment to age 1. Further,

Madenjian et al. (1991) used an IBM to investigate the effects of initial size of fingerling walleyes and the timing of stocking on first-year growth and population structure in order to determine what size and time at stocking resulted in the greatest number of age-1 recruits. In addition, Rose and Cowan

(1993) have developed an IBM to describe and predict population dynamics of striped bass (Morone saxatilis) from spawning through the first year of life in the

Potomac River subestuary of Chesapeake Bay. Cowan et al. (1993) have also used this model to test the hypothesis that the high degree of recruitment variability often observed for striped bass can be explained by abiotic and biotic

152 stochasticity, resulting in large changes in growth and mortality rates for early

life stages. The purpose of this study was to evaluate various strategies for stocking

fingerling striped bass in Smith Mountain Lake, an 8,343-ha hydroelectric impoundment in southcentral Virginia. An IBM was used because it provided a framework for synthesizing site-specific information and evaluating age-O striped bass population structure and dynamics based on both biotic and abiotic interactions. Specific objectives, which were investigated through a series of model simulations, were to examine the influence of size at stocking, day of stocking, and stocking density, both singly and in combination, to determine which scenario(s) maximized first-year growth and survival, and, consequently, the number of age-1 recruits. These results, in turn, led to recommendations for management of the VDGIF striped bass stocking program in Smith Mountain

Lake. Additionally, perturbations in alewife population dynamics (age-O alewife cohort density, timing of adult alewife spawning, and age-O alewife growth and mortality rates), and Smith Mountain Lake water temperature, varied both singly and in combination, were examined to determine the sensitivity and robustness of the IBM for the proposed, “new” versus the existing, “old” stocking strategy.


The Potomac River striped bass individual-based model, which served as

a precursor to the one | utilized to analyze the influence of different stocking strategies on first-year growth, survival, and recruitment of striped bass in

Smith Mountain Lake, was a joint effort among striped bass researchers

throughout the United States and individual-based modelers, specifically Dr. Kenneth A. Rose at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tennessee,

and Dr. James H. Cowan at the University of South Alabama in Mobile,

Alabama, through the Electric Power Research Institute’s COMPMECH Striped

Bass Key Species Program. My involvement in the development process of the

Smith Mountain Lake striped bass IBM included the following: (1) learning specifically how the Potomac River version of the striped bass IBM operated; (2) determining what information was necessary to make the IBM site-specific for

Smith Mountain Lake; (3) two years of field collection, and laboratory and data analysis to understand the dynamics of stocked juvenile striped bass in Smith

Mountain Lake; and (4) working with Dr. Rose to incorporate this information into the model so that it not only worked, but also closely mimicked the nature and degree of dynamics and variability observed for age-O striped bass in Smith

Mountain Lake. Once this was determined, the final year was dedicated to running model simulations and analyzing model outputs.

Model Description

The Smith Mountain Lake striped bass IBM is a modified version of the one developed by Rose and Cowan (1993) for the Potomac River, Maryland.

The Potomac model consists of an individual-based young-of-the-year (YOY)

154 model coupled to an adult model. The adult model is used to generate the

number and length distribution of female spawners each year in order to determine the number of eggs spawned. The growth and mortality of each

female's progeny is followed daily as they develop through the egg, yolk-sac larvae, feeding larvae, and juvenile stages during their first year of life. In

contrast, the Smith Mountain Lake version of the IBM only utilizes the juvenile

component of the YOY model. The adult model was not incorporated into this

version because striped bass do not naturally reproduce in this system due to

habitat constraints. As a result, the population is maintained strictly through

stocking on a put-grow-take basis. Although the egg, yolk-sac larvae, and

feeding larvae life stage components of the YOY model are not utilized because

striped bass are stocked as larger juveniles, more detail was incorporated into the juvenile life stage of this model such as temporal and size-dependent

dynamics in spatial distribution and piscivory. Therefore, the Smith Mountain

Lake IBM, which incorporates site-specific data collected from this study and

others (Moore 1988; Tisa 1988; Michaelson 1996), is a modified version of the

one originally developed for the Potomac River.

The Smith Mountain Lake striped bass IBM begins by specifying input values for fingerling density, size distribution, and Julian date at the time of stocking. After introduction, the model simulates growth and mortality peocesses of juvenile striped bass on a daily basis until 01 May of the next year. These dynamics are represented in two, well-mixed model compartments: the littoral and pelagic zones. Juveniles are introduced into the littoral compartment and begin dispersing to the pelagic compartment after reaching a total length of 150 mm (see Chapter |, Dispersal and Spatial Distribution).

The environmental conditions considered in each compartment include temporal

155 dynamics in water temperature and forage-fish prey densities. Age-O striped bass were followed day-by-day through growth and mortality processes. Because modeling large numbers of individuals presents

logistical problems (i.e. computer memory and computational limitations), the

attributes of every individual in the population cannot be tracked feasibly on a

day-to-day basis. Although it is possible to develop computer code dimensioned

to the number of individuals and to use supercomputers to follow hundreds of thousands of individuals, these alternative programming approaches result in much higher computational costs and inconvenience, and thus more

importantly, substantially diminish the general utility of the individual-based

simulation approach (Rose et al. 1993). Asa result, juvenile striped bass were

sampled from the stocked cohort in proportion to their contribution to the total

number of surviving individuals. At the beginning of each simulation, the initial

value of n, was computed as T/N for each model individual, where T was the

total number of introduced juveniles and N was the total number of model

juveniles to be followed. Values of n; were allowed to vary for all fish and over time; there were always a fixed number of model individuals in each simulation.

To reduce computational time, the IBM was run using a resampling algorithm

(Rose et al. 1993). A fixed number of randomly-chosen individuals were

followed, with each modeled individual representing some number of identical

population individuals. As each sampled individual died, a donor individual was

replaced with another randomly-selected individual and n; was reduced to account for daily mortality. Dead individual’s attributes were then replaced with those of the donor individual. Differences in model output, when run with and without the resampling algorithm, are negligible (Rose et al. 1993).

Growth, in terms of both length and weight, was based upon a

156 bioenergetics approach where maximum consumption and metabolism were dependent on striped bass body weight and Smith Mountain Lake water temperature. The fraction of maximum consumption realized was set to a fixed

value for striped bass feeding on zooplankton and benthic aquatic insects (i.e. invertebrates), and computed dynamically based on encounter rates and capture

efficiencies for juveniles consuming fish prey (age-O cyprinids in the littoral

compartment and age-O alewives in the pelagic compartment; see Prey Types and Densities for justification), where encounter rate was determined by forage-

fish prey density and capture efficiency was determined by the relationship of

encountered fish prey total length relative to striped bass total length.

Therefore, daily feeding success of juvenile striped bass, and consequently

growth rate, was a function of encounter rate, capture efficiency, maximum

consumption, caloric density of forage-fish prey, and metabolism. Because growth rates have a direct influence on the size of an individual and size, in turn, effects survival, predation and starvation mortality were a function of juvenile striped bass length and weight, respectively, and were evaluated each day for each individual.

Spatial Scaling. - Two spatial compartments, which were scaled proportionately to their actual, estimated volumes, were used to represent

Smith Mountain Lake in the IBM (Figure 2.1). Compartment dimensions were as follows: littoral zone (990 m x 990 m x 2 m deep) and pelagic zone (7,319 mx 7,319 mx 16.8 m deep before 01 October and 9,129 mx 9,129 mx 16.8 m deep afterwards). The pelagic compartment was increased in size after 01

October to simulate dispersal of juvenile striped bass from stocking cove sites to pelagic, main channel areas of Smith Mountain Lake. During the growing season, juvenile striped bass were allowed to occupy either the littoral or pelagic

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158 compartment depending on their total length (see Dispersion for justification).

Daily Water Temperature. - Daily water temperatures in each model compartment were generated from trigonometric functions, in radians, fit to

observed average weekly temperatures. The average was based on weekly water temperatures recorded during the 1994-95 and 1995-96 sampling years

at a depth of 1 m from both the littoral and pelagic areas of Smith Mountain

Lake. Because bi-weekly water temperature estimates were not significantly different between these two areas of Smith Mountain Lake at this depth

(x? = 20.16, df=15, P=0.11), the temporal temperature regime was assumed

to be the same for both model compartments. The equation defining the annual

temperature cycle (T; °C) in Smith Mountain Lake, which was modified from

Dalton (1987), was:

T = 15.94 - 9.07-cos(0.0172:jday) - 6.10-sin(0.0172-jday), (1)

where jday was the Julian date and 0.0172 was a conversion factor to transform degrees to radians.

Stocking. - Input parameters, that defined the age-O striped bass cohort at the time of stocking, were required to run the model and included the following: (1) stocking density (number/m?); (2) Julian date of introduction; and

(3) the median, minimum, and maximum total lengths (mm) which determined the bounds of a normal length-frequency distribution at the time of stocking.

These parameters were altered singly and in combination to investigate the effects of density and size of stocked fingerlings, and timing of stocking on subsequent juvenile striped bass growth and mortality (see Stocking Strategies for a more detailed description of simulations performed).

159 Dispersion. - All fingerling striped bass were introduced into the littoral compartment at the time of stocking. Individuals remained in the littoral compartment until they reached a total length of 150 mm at which point they had a daily probability of 0.2 of moving into the pelagic compartment. Although the dispersal rate of juvenile striped bass from the stocking sites was not quantitatively determined in this study, a daily dispersal probability of 0.2 into the pelagic compartment was chosen because it allowed the length-frequency distribution of juvenile striped bass within and outside the stocking coves to approximate that observed in Smith Mountain Lake at the end of the growing season (see Figure 1.9, Dispersal and Spatial Distribution in Chapter |). After

O1 October, the pelagic compartment was expanded to simulate fish dispersing throughout the pelagic, main channel areas of Smith Mountain Lake as observed during the field component of this study. Because large age-O striped bass

(>150 mm TL) were rarely collected within the stocking cove sites (see Figure

1.9), juveniles were not allowed to return to the littoral compartment after dispersing to the pelagic compartment. Growth. - Simulation of daily food consumption by juvenile striped bass employed a bioenergetics approach based on optimal foraging theory (Emlem

1966; MacArthur and Pianka 1966). Bioenergetics considers the rates of energy intake, and energy transformation losses and uses as functions of the whole organism (Brett and Groves 1979). In the following sections, a brief description of each model component is provided. Rose and Cowan (1993) provide a full description of the logic used in the bioenergetics section of the

Potomac River IBM. Unless specifically noted, the Smith Mountain Lake version of the model uses the same equations as Rose and Cowan (1993) to define the foraging and growth of juvenile striped bass.

160 Site-specific modifications were required to obtain realistic growth rates

in the warmer waters of Smith Mountain Lake, relative to the Potomac River. Daily growth in dry weight (W,; mg) of an individual striped bass, beginning

after stocking, was represented with a difference form of a bioenergetics


WwW, = We + p-Ciax"K ~ Rrots (2)

where p was the proportion of C,,,, realized, C,,,, was the maximum dry weight consumption rate (mg/d), K was the ratio of forage prey to striped bass caloric

density (which accounts for assimilated and nonassimilated wastes), R,,, was the total dry weight metabolic rate (mg/d), and t was time (d). The dry weight

(W,), which varied on a day-to-day basis, was converted daily into length (L;

mm) using the following laboratory-determined relationship for age-O striped

bass (Tuncer 1988):

L, = 9.63 x W297, (3)

In order for model-simulated growth rates and patterns to parallel those observed in the field, the maximum daily increase in length allowed was 1.5%; individuals adding weight that would convert to greater than a 1.5% increase in length became relatively fat individuals. However, juvenile weight was partially uncoupled from length; length, once established, could only increase or stay the same, whereas weight could also decrease. On days that juveniles lost weight, their lengths were not changed. Following a weight loss, length was increased only after the individual had recovered to the weight predicted

161 by the weight-length relationship. Maximum Consumption. - Maximum daily consumption (C,,,,) of a juvenile was dependent on its body weight and water temperature. The dependence of

Cia, oN temperaturewas a slowly rising function that reached 1.0 at an optimal temperature and quickly dropped to zero at a maximum temperature for

consumption (Hewett and Johnson 1987). The optimal temperature for age-O

striped bass consumption was 25°C (Meldrim and Gift 1971; Cox and Coutant

1981; Coutant et al. 1984), and maximum temperature was near the upper

lethal temperature reported for juveniles of this species (35°C: Westin and

Rogers 1978; Setzler et al. 1980). In addition, juveniles were not allowed to consume prey items after water temperature declined below 10°C because

other studies, including this one, have documented that juvenile striped bass

discontinue feeding at this temperature (Scofield 1931; Vladykov and Wallace

1952; Koo and Ritchie 1973).

In order to match model-simulated growth rates of piscivorous striped

bass <175 mm TL with those observed from field collections, juveniles were

allowed to consume up to twice the fish prey mass that their stomachs would

allow, depending on encounter rate and feeding efficiency. As a result, consumed fish prey weight was near C,,,, as striped bass made the transition to piscivory. Because growth rates of model-simulated juvenile striped bass

>175 mm TL agreeably matched those estimated from field collections, these individuals were only allowed C,,, for fish prey. Fish prey mass in the stomach of each individual striped bass (XS,) was tracked using the following equation:

XS, = XS.E + p Cra, (4)

162 where E was the daily fraction of consumed fish prey evacuated from the gut (i.e. gastric evacuation rate) and p was as defined previously. Evacuation rate

(E) was computed as reported in He and Wurtsbaugh (1993) for adult,

piscivorous brown trout (Sa/mo trutta) feeding on fingerling rainbow trout using the following relationship:

E = expl[-0.053:exp(0.073-T)]-24, (5)

where T was water temperature. On each day, striped bass were allowed to consume fish prey less than 2:(C,,,,-XS). If all fish prey were digested each day

(which was dependent upon fish prey size, predator size, and water temperature), then striped bass would be allowed to consume twice their C,,,, each day. As residual fish prey accumulated in the stomach of an individual striped bass, less new fish prey was allowed for consumption.

Adjustment For Caloric Density. - Caloric density adjustment (K), the ratio of prey to predator caloric density, varied depending on the type of prey consumed by a juvenile striped bass. Average striped bass caloric density was

1143.3 cal/g wet weight (Rogers et al. 1980) and average prey caloric densities were 972.0 cal/g wet weight for zooplankton and benthic aquatic insects, 1123.3 cal/g wet weight for age-O cyprinids, and 1464.4 cal/g wet weight for age-O alewives (Moore 1988).

Metabolism. - Metabolic weight loss (R,,,) was estimated as the sum of a routine component (R,), which depended on body weight and water temperature, and an active component, which accounted for periods of activity.

The relationship was defined as:

163 Rio = R, + (ACT - 1)-R,-FF, (6)

where ACT was the activity multiplier of routine metabolism, and FF was the fraction of a day in which metabolism was considered active.

Routine metabolism (R,), which is a function of striped bass body weight

and a Q,, water temperature relationship, was determined using the following


R, = 0.076-W°7®.G(T); (7)

G(T) _ e@ IMQTON/TONT Te) (8)

where T was the water temperature and T, was the reference water temperature for routine metabolism. These equations were derived from

Eldridge et al. (1982) for age-O striped bass and from Moore (1988) for age-1 striped bass. In contrast to the Potomac River model, the reference temperature for routine metabolism (T,) was increased from 22°C to 25°C to account for the warmer water temperature regime in Smith Mountain Lake relative to the Potomac River. Because Q,, values for metabolism vary widely among fish species (1.5-4.9), a value of 1.5 was chosen based on the reported average for age-O marine fishes at water temperatures ranging from 5 to 30°C (Houde


The active (or feeding) metabolism multiplier (ACT) was assumed to be constant at 2.0 for juvenile striped bass. This value was chosen because the ratio of feeding to nonfeeding metabolism for 30-80 mm TL white bass ranged from 1.2-2.0 (Wissing and Hasler 1971) and averaged 1.7 for adult fishes (Brett

164 and Groves 1979). The fraction of the day during which active metabolism occurred (FF) was assumed to be the fraction of day required to achieve realized consumption (C,), which was defined as:

Cc, = >n B-PW, (9) I=1 where B, was the number of prey type | eaten and PW, was the dry weight (mg) per individual of prey type i. If feeding by juveniles during all hours of the day would result in consumption exceeding maximum consumption, | assumed that striped bass achieved maximum consumption and only searched the fraction of the day needed to achieve maximum consumption. Only applying active metabolism to the fraction of the day needed for feeding is realistic, assuming that, on a daily basis, juvenile striped bass expend less energy in nonfeeding compared to feeding activities.

Computation of p. - The proportion of maximum consumption realized by an individual each day was defined as p and was critical for getting model- simulated striped bass growth rates and length-frequency distributions to match those observed from field collections. Computing p involved determining the number of each prey type that was eaten each day. Because zooplankton and benthic aquatic insect densities were not estimated in this study, the value of p was fixed at 0.12 for juveniles feeding on these prey types (lumped together as invertebrates). This value was chosen because it allowed striped bass that consumed strictly invertebrate prey to reach a size range of 90-120 mm TL at the end of the growing season, thereby matching the size range observed for small-mode fish at this time. For striped bass feeding on fish prey, p was based

165 on the number of encounters and probability of capture (CAP). Juveniles got

a minimum p equal to 0.3 when feeding on fish resulted in a realized

consumption value less than 0.3, which allowed model-simulated length-

frequency distributions to match those observed from field collections.

Although age-O striped bass do not feed at water temperatures below 10°C

(Scofield 1931; Vladykov and Wallace 1952; Koo and Ritchie 1973), a minimum p equal to 0.12 was given to juveniles at water temperatures <10°C

in order to allow model-simulated weight loss and mortality over winter months

to match that observed from spring field collections. Rose and Cowan (1993)

provide a more detailed description of the logic associated with calculation of

the proportion of maximum consumption realized on a daily basis. Prey Encounters. - Encounters of each striped bass with fish prey were determined stochastically and depended on an individual’s mean encounter rate with each fish prey type (age-O cyprinids or age-O alewives). The mean number of encounters of a striped bass with a given fish prey type was computed as the

product of the volume searched for each prey cohort and the density of each cohort. Search volume was computed as the volume of a cylinder with a radius equal to the reactive distance and height equal to the distance swum at a swimming speed of 0.3 body lengths per second. The actual fish prey cohort(s)

(see Prey Types and Densities for a more thorough explanation of the different fish prey cohorts) encountered was estimated from a Poisson distribution with a mean equal to the mean number encountered. However, the number of fish prey from a cohort(s) actually encountered and captured was estimated from a binomial distribution, with the number of trials equal to the actual number fish prey encountered and the probability of success equal to the probability of capture.

166 Prey Capture. - |In the model, the proportion of forage-fish prey

encountered that were subsequently ingested was the product of the probability of attack, pursuit, capture, and retention (O’Brien 1979). A single capture

probability (CAP) term and a prey selection algorithm were used to encompass

all of the events between encounter and successful ingestion. Juvenile striped

bass capture success for forage fish, which was based on results from Chapter

| (see Predator-Prey Size Relationships) declined with increasing prey to predator

body length ratio (R) in the following manner:

1 for R<0.2

CAP -3.33-R + 1.66 for0.2

O for R>0.5.

Prey Selection. - Juvenile striped bass consumed the optimal prey type

(fish prey) when it was present and switched to less-preferred prey types

(invertebrates) when optimal prey were rare or absent. Based on size

relationships between predator and prey and whether striped bass occurred in

the littoral or pelagic compartment, Smith Mountain Lake striped bass were allowed to select whether they would eat invertebrates and/or forage fish on a daily basis. Based on field-collected data, it was assumed that age-O striped bass in the littoral compartment would only encounter age-O cyprinids because age-O alewives appeared to be behaviorally unavailable when they co-occurred with juvenile striped bass in the littoral zone. However, juvenile striped bass in the pelagic compartment would only encounter age-O alewife prey. Selection of a prey item by an individual striped bass was based on encounters with fish prey, from the largest to the smallest forage-fish cohort (see Prey Types and

167 Densities for a more thorough explanation of the different fish prey cohorts)

available on a particular day, ranked in descending order of preference based on the product of prey dry weight and capture probability (PW-CAP). Forage-fish

prey within the ingestibility limits as determined by capture probability (CAP)

were consumed, starting with the most preferred, energetically profitable until all eligible prey items had been consumed or until consumption exceeded

maximum consumption.

Prey Types and Densities. - Zooplankton and benthic aquatic insects, although utilized by smaller juvenile striped bass, were not explicitly

incorporated into the IBM because densities for these prey types were not quantified during the field component of this study. As a result, invertebrate prey were represented only through the proportion of C,,,, realized (pb =0.12), which remained constant throughout all model simulations for all sizes of juvenile striped bass.

Age-O cyprinids and alewives were chosen to represent forage fish in the littoral and pelagic compartments, respectively, because they were the primary forage fishes consumed by piscivorous striped bass in Smith Mountain Lake.

Both prey types were represented by 10 cohorts which were introduced at subsequent time periods in order to simulate the range in sizes available throughout the growing season as determined in the present study for age-O cyprinids and by Tisa (1988) for age-O alewives. Therefore, cyprinids were introduced at 5-d intervals beginning on 10 May and alewives were introduced at 10-d intervals beginning on 20 May (Tables 2.1 and 2.2). Mean total length

(TL; mm) of each cohort was represented separately over time and converted to mean wet weight (WT; mg) using the following weight-length regression equations determined in the field component of this study:



9°S 91L°O 00°0 GO'0 OL*O 8L°O UAP BL 6

£9 vé'0 00°0° gO0°O GL°O 820 unr TL 8

28 O£'0 00°0 OL'O 02°0 6£°0 UNF 6O L

€Ol ve 'O 00°0 OL'O Gc'O 870 UNF vO 9 169 Gil 6£°0 00°0 OL'O G20 69°0 AeW O€ G

Evi vo'0 00°0 OL'O 0€°O0 O20 Kew GZ v

BGI 0€'0 00°0 OL’O 0€°O €G°0 Aew 07 €

v6l 8L°O 00°0 OL'O Ge"0 GeO Aew SL c

8°02 OL'O 00°0 OL'O SE'0 L2'O AeW OL L

10 99g JAWW =§=6—L098g 0} LO idag_ = 190 1daS alojag Ayisuaq 21eq ywoyo) yibue7 3 =Alsuag Ge sunt YIMOIL) Jeliu| YoreH

"WLW Q'G 9q 0} pawinsse sem Bulyozey ie yBua jeyo} “Ajaaioadsas

‘LO Jequiadeq Jajje pue a1OJaq 410}PaluNSse SEM P/10'C PUueP/ZO'O JO (Z) 8}e1 AqeisowW snoauejUeRsuU!je30}

Y ‘axe7] uleyUNoyy Yyyws Ul syOYoS piludAD Q-abe Q) jo (p/w) yyMoJH pue (,w/#) Allsuap pareiNUs “LZ aqeL

9°g 90°0 00°0 O£°0 GS‘O L0°0 81 Bny OL

OLL 80°0 00°0 O£°0 09°0 LL°O 80 Bny 6

L831 LL°O 00°0 O€'0 G90 81°0 6c Ine 8

€'8¢ GL°O 00°0 0€'0 GLO v2'0 6L IAF L

8°GE 9L°O 00°0 O€'0 GLO LEO 60 Int 9 170 B'S 02°0 00°0 O€'0 08°0 vr'o 6c unt G

6°9¢ S720 00°0 O€'0 G80 v9'0 6L unr v

6°89 ae) 00°0 O€'0 06°0 €£'0 60 unr €

0°28 90°0 00°0 O€°0 G60 C20 Oe Aew Cc

0°96 €0°0 00°0 O€'0 OO'L €L'O oc Aew L BIOjag Aylsuag ajeq yoyos) yiBua] = Ajyisuaq LO 99q J38eyV LO 99q 0 190 1daS- —sL.Q. 31daS yoreH 61 ysnBny YIMoIH ; jernsuy

"WW O'G aq 0} pauinsse sem Bulyojey ye yyHusaj jeyoy “Ajaaljoadsal ‘LO Jaquiaceq J31Je pue a1OJaq 10} paluNsse SEM p/1O'CO Pue P/ZO'O JO (7) aes AjjeqoW SsnoauejUue}sU

|210} YW “aye] UleJUNOYWyYUWS Ul SHOYOS ayimaje Q-abe O| 40 (p/wity)YIMoJH pue (,wW/#)Ajsuap payeinUs “Z°Z a1qey Cyprinids WT 0.000003311-TL??" (11) Alewives WT 0.000005623-TL*®. (12)

Wet weight was converted to dry weight by using a multiplier of 0.28. The initial density of each forage fish cohort was based on specifying an

initial total year-class density (3.5 cyprinids/m* as estimated in this study; 2.2

alewives/m? from Tisa 1988) divided among the 10 cohorts such that peak

abundance occurred on 25 May for age-O cyprinids (Jenkins and Burkhead 1993) and 19 June for age-O alewives (Tisa 1988). Total length of forage

fishes at the time of hatching was assumed to be 5 mm and daily growth was based on assigned growth rates as estimated by examining temporal changes

in length-frequency distributions in this study (for cyprinids) and Tisa (for alewives; see Chapter /).

Because daily mortality rates of cyprinids in Smith Mountain Lake were unknown, densities of both forage-fish prey (numbers/m*) were reduced daily

using a mortality rate of 0.02/d before 01 December and 0.01/d after 01 December as estimated for age-O alewives by Tisa (1988). However, only age-

O alewife cohort densities were reduced further due to juvenile striped bass consumption. This was not allowed for age-O cyprinid cohort densities because model-simulated striped bass consumption resulted in the depletion of this prey type from the littoral compartment. Even though age-O cyprinids were abundant in the littoral zone throughout the 1994 and 1995 growing seasons in Smith

Mountain Lake, density estimates for this forage-fish prey type, as determined during the field component of this study, appear to have under-represented their actual, field densities. For example, a 3.18-mm bar mesh beach seine was used to capture cyprinids in the littoral zone of Smith Mountain Lake. Based on the

171 relationship between cyprinid body depth and total length, a beach seine with

this mesh size would not be restrictive enough to representatively capture age-O

cyprinids <35 mm TL. As a result, field-determined density estimates for this

forage-fish prey that were used in model simulations were too low, which

probably contributed significantly to their depletion by juvenile striped bass in

model simulations. Prey Availability. - Prey densities were multiplied by a constant in model

simulations to adjust for their availability to juvenile striped bass. Model calibration consisted of trial-and-error adjustment of prey availability factors for

invertebrates and forage fishes until model predictions of median total length at

the end of the growing season and the beginning of spring were similar to

observed values (see Model Calibration and Corroboration). Availability factors were fixed as previously stated for invertebrates (represented as p) and at

0.00065 and 0.0002 for cyprinids and alewives, respectively. Estimation of prey availability factors was necessary to help mimic expected behaviors, such as burrowing of benthic insects, schooling of forage fishes, and prey search by juvenile striped bass.

Mortality. - Mortality of individual striped bass depended on their length and weight. Weight-dependent mortality was based on laboratory data at low food levels without predators (see below) and, therefore, was interpreted as starvation. Length-dependent mortality was based on field data and, therefore, represented predation and other losses.

Individuals died in the simulations if their weight declined below some minimum weight (W,,,), defined as a fraction (K,,,) of their expected weight based on their length (W,):

172 Won = Kent'W, (13)

where W, was the predicted weight from length (equation 3). For juvenile

striped bass, the fraction of expected weight that triggered starvation (K,,,,) was set to 0.5 based on mortality of age-O smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu)

and white perch (M. americana) at weights 0.4-0.6 of their initial weights in

starvation experiments (Shuter et al. 1989; Johnson and Evans 1991, 1996).

Predation mortality consisted of a length-based component and a density-

dependent component:

P, = (1-e%)-DDM.,, (14)

where P, is the daily probability of dying, Z is the daily instantaneous length- based mortality rate, and DDM, is the density-dependent multiplier. If a generated random number from a uniform distribution between O and 1 was less than the probability of dying (P,), the individual was assumed to die. The length-based component was defined using a nonlinear regression equation fit to reported mortality rates (d'') of various size ranges of juvenile striped bass (see Figure 7 in Rose and Cowan 1993) from the data of Turner and Chadwick (1972), Polgar (1977), Dey (1981), Logan (1985), Houde

(1987), Uphoff (1989), and Dorazio et al. (1991). Instantaneous daily mortality rate (Z; d'') of juvenile striped bass was defined according to each individual's total length (TL):

Z = 0.003 + 0.295e°°7°™, (15)

173 Because first-year survival estimates of stocked age-O striped bass in

Smith Mountain Lake from 1973-96 were correlated with fingerling stocking density (r?=0.42; see Figure |.1), model-simulated first-year survival was adjusted to fit this trend using a multiplier for the daily probability of dying for

each individual. The multiplier for daily mortality (DDM,), which was dependent on striped bass density each day (SD,), used the following sigmoidal function:

DDM, = a +b/(1 + eS °4), (16)

where a = 0.39, b = 4.45, c = 334,749.33, andd = 138,111.62 (Figure

2.2). These coefficients were estimated by adjusting the model-predicted survival estimates until they mimicked the observed density-dependent survival trend. Although this adjustment in mortality rate does not allow for the same degree of variability observed in the field-collected data set nor does it directly explain how or why density-dependent first-year survival occurs, maintaining first-year survival estimates close to the observed trend allows for the evaluation of various strategies for stocking fingerling striped bass into Smith

Mountain Lake, the primary objective of this chapter, and not to explain the density-dependent mortality in the field-collected data.

Stocking Strategies

Various strategies for stocking fingerling striped bass into Smith Mountain

Lake were examined via IBM simulations. Baseline stocking conditions, which represented the existing stocking strategy, were 300,000 fingerling striped bass with a median total length of 42 mm (range 35-50 mm total length) introduced on 15 June (day 166); these values were used unless otherwise noted. Four

174 5

© OQ Oo £ 5 8 3-5 © oO > ‘Oo D2 | ge Oo a a S i+ Ss Oe _ { Le [ L L l L L

0 200 400 600 800 1000 Number of Juvenile Striped Bass (Thousands)

Figure 2.2. Sigmoidal relationship between the multiplier for the daily probability of dying and fingerling striped bass stocking density.

175 different stocking scenarios were conducted: (1) median total length at stocking

was allowed to vary from 22 to 112 mm in 10-mm increments; (2) date of stocking was allowed to range from 18 May (day 138) to 20 July (day 201) in

7-d increments; (3) stocking density was allowed to vary from 100,000 to

1,000,000 fingerlings in 100,000-fingerling increments; and (4) median total

length was allowed to vary from 22 to 112 mm in 10-mm increments and date of stocking was allowed to range from 18 May (day 138) to 20 July (day 201) in 7-d increments (Table 2.3). Based on the results of simulations (1)-(4), which

were used to formulate the proposed, “new” stocking strategy, fingerling

striped bass stocking density was examined again to determine whether the

recommended stocking density from simulation (4) remained the same at the

proposed fingerling size and date at stocking. As a result, an additional

simulation was conducted at these conditions; (5) stocking density was allowed to vary from 100,000 to 1,000,000 fingerlings in 100,000-fingerling increments (Table 2.3). Thus, 10 x 1 or 10 IBM simulation trials were

performed for stocking scenarios (1)-(3) and (5), and 10 x 10 or 100 IBM

simulation trials were performed for stocking scenario (4).

For every simulation, the shape of the length-frequency distribution of

age-O striped bass was identical to that observed just prior to stocking in Smith

Mountain Lake; normal and unimodal with a SD= +2.74 mm. For example, a cohort of fingerling striped bass stocked at a median total length of 42 mm was

normally distributed with a minimum total length of 35 mm and maximum total

length of 50 mm. However, the length-frequency distribution at the time of stocking used in each simulation was positioned along the length axis in order to correspond to the selected median total length for that particular simulation. The number of large-mode striped bass (NLMSB), median total length,


(SjUBWIIDU] OOO’OOL) (Jue {sSUOy) (zUue\SUOTD) Ayisuaq

000‘000'L 93 0OO0‘OOL (6GL Aeq) aunr go wu ZG pue ‘ajeq ‘8z!g Bulya01g Gg 177 (jue su0D) (S}UsWSIOUY P-7/) (S]JUSWIIDU] WUW-O })

000'00€ (Loz Aeq) Aine OZ 01 (gEeL Aeq) AeW 8L wil JEL 0} ZZ ajeq pue azig Buljo0ilg:—op

(SJUBWIIOU] OOO’OOL) (yuUesuo) (jue {sSUudZ))

000‘000'L 9} 000‘001 (QQL Aeq) eunr GL wu CY Ayisuag Buly901s €

(jue sSUOZ) (S}JUBWAIOU] P-/) (jue\suoDd)

000'00€ (Loz Aeq) Aine OZ 03 (geL Aed) AeW 81 WwW Zp ayeq Burys01g Z

(}UeISUOD) (jue 1SUOJ) (SJUBWIBIDU] WUW-O |) 000‘00€ (991 Aeq) eunr gL uu ZL 0} ZZ aZIS Bury901s L Bury901S ly Buly901S ly Bury901S ly SOMeUBDS # Ayisuag 6Bursabul4 (a1eq ueline)ajeq Japuajea yiBua] [e301 ueipayy uonejnus Buryo01s

‘aye7]ulejuNoy ylws Olu! sseq padijs Buysabuly Bulyoois 10} japow paseq-jenpiAipulue Hulsn pauiwexa soueuads uoNeinwisg “E's aqes and first-year survival of the age-O cohort were recorded at the end of each

simulation run (01 May). NLMSB refers to the number of age-1 striped bass

recruits on 01 May with a total length >150 mm. This minimum length was

chosen because: (1) field results (Chapter I) indicated that age-O striped bass that do not reach 150 mm total length by the end of the growing season suffer

disproportionately greater overwinter mortality than juveniles larger than this

length; and (2) individual-based model bioenergetics during winter months did

not realistically simulate starvation mortality over this time period as it appears to have occurred in Smith Mountain Lake.

Replicate simulations could be performed that differ only in their random

number sequences which, in turn, affect the outcome of stochastic processes such as water temperature regime, fish prey encounters, and striped bass mortality. Because analysis of IBM simulation outputs showed that the average predicted NLMSB and first-year survival among replicate simulations varied less than 8% and that average predicted median total length varied less than 6%, only single simulation results are presented in this chapter.

Sensitivity and Robustness Analysis

Sensitivity analysis was performed on model inputs related to daily Smith

Mountain Lake water temperature, and age-O alewife population density, daily growth and mortality rates, and the timing of adult alewife spawning to determine the extent of their relative influence and to compare their importance on NLMSB, median total length, and first-year survival predictions at the end of the overwintering period under the existing and proposed stocking strategies.

Striped bass stocking conditions for each strategy were as follows: (1) existing strategy: 300,000 fingerlings with a median total length of 42 mm (range 35-

178 50 mm total length) introduced on 15 June (day 166); and (2) proposed

strategy: 300,000 fingerlings with a median total length of 52 mm (range 45-

60 mm total length) introduced on 08 June (day 159). For this analysis, water

temperature and alewife population dynamics were varied singly (Table 2.4) and

in combination (Table 2.5) from their baseline values. Combinations represent

how these inputs would vary in a linked manner under both warm and cold

years. For example, during a warm year, Smith Mountain Lake water

temperature would be warmer, prompting adult alewives to spawn earlier in the

growing season. Further, age-O alewives would grow at a faster rate and would

be expected to suffer a higher degree of mortality due to intra- and interspecific trophic competition, disease, and predation. In contrast, the converse conditions would be expected during a cold year. To determine sensitivity, the percent relative change from baseline of each of the three prediction variables for both stocking strategies was computed as: ((Y, - Y,)/Y,)-100, where Y, was the predicted model output value for the ith input perturbed and Y, was the predicted model output value under baseline conditions.

The same results from sensitivity analyses were also used to confirm the robustness of the proposed stocking strategy. For robustness analysis, predicted model output values were compared between the proposed and existing stocking strategies to confirm that the proposed stocking strategy was advantageous under variable conditions in alewife population dynamics and

Smith Mountain Lake water temperature regime. However, percent relative change in model predictions was computed in a different manner than for sensitivity analysis simulations. To establish robustness, percent relative change in each of the three prediction variables was computed as: ((Y’,; -

Y»)/Y,)°100, where Y,, was the predicted model output value for the ith input


DDO Vt DUoseY DUIOSEY —Suryssey DUTOSeY TSUne KK, Yonpyp

P/D.0°7 + auyjeseg auljaseg eaulyjeseg auljaseg JaUUe AA ‘9

P/2.0°Z - auljaseg auljaseg auljeseg asuljaseg 43]00D “q

YON “e P/D.0'P - auyjeseg auljaseg auljeseg euiyaseg 48}002

1OSHJO aunjesadway salep, Ajieq °

auyaseg Ayyewow Moz -q auljaseg P/%O'OL - suleseg suljaseg

auljaseg P/%O'OL + aulyjaseg auljaseg auljaseg Ayjevow ybip, -e

JAIN) Bey Ae EW Ayleq °

auljaseg auyaseg P/OG'L auljaseg auljaseg UIMOID Ise4 “q

euljaseg euljaseg P/GL'O auljaseg auyaseg YIMOID MOIS ‘e


auljaseg auljaseg auljaseg PrLt+ auljaseg Ja1e7]SY8B\\ OML “Pp

auljaseq suyaseg auljaseg P ZO0+ auyaseg Jae] J9BAA BUO “9

aulaseg auljaseg auljaseg pP/0- auljaseg JaI1e4 Y99A\ BUDO “G 180

euljaseg auiyeseg auyaseg PtL- suljeseg Jase SHI9AA OM] “2

198jj0 Aeq Bulumeds *

suljaseg auljaseg auljeseg auljaseg eW/ LL paajey Alisuag “q

auljaseg auljaseg auljaseg auljaseg o/b by pajqnog Allsuag ‘e Ajisuag uoinejndog °

0 O 0 0 e/°S SUOHIPUOD sUljaseg ° WS}j3O dwa;, Jsaiydginw eley = saiydyjynyy siey yas}j}O Aeg | Ausuaq UOIJE(NWIS |BPO| Jayeny Ajieq = AyyjeqyuoyyAjleg UIMOID Ajleg Buiumeds uoije|ndog soiwueuAg uoleindog ajImajy

‘saibaleis Bulyosois sseq padiuis Bulyabuiy pasodoid ayy snsian Buljsixe ay) JO AVIANISUBS 9Y} BJedWOD 0} pasn suONejNWis UOsJequNyad ainjesadwia} JaJeEM Pue solWeUAp UOI}eEjnNdodaIMe|yY “P'S BGeL

PpLt eU/ LL Ayisuaq MO7 *d P/D.0°R - P/%O0'OL - P/GZL°0

PpLt eU/C°S Aysuaq aulijaseg“q P/%O'OL - P/GL°0 P/D.0° -

Ayisuag yBbIH ‘e PpLt c/o Pp P/D.0°0 - P/%O'OL - P/GL°0 181

JeaX PlOD “€

MO7 °9 P/D.0°0 + P/%O'OL + P/OG'L PL - eU/ LL Ayisuaqg

P/D.0°'V+ P/%O0'OL + P/OG'L PPL - c/2°S Aysuaq auljaseg “q

P/D.0'V+ P/%O'OL + P/OG'L Pl - eb p Ayisuaq yBbiH ‘e

1RB, WEA “7

0 O O 0 cU/Z°C SUOHIPUOD suUljaseg"| 1S}J#O dway Jandninyy aey JaydniNyy aiey 1asfjJoOAeq Ayisuaq uolejnuUNs japoyw Jajena Ajieg Ayyeqyoyy Ayleg YIMOID Ajleg 6Bulumeds uonejndod soiumeuAg uonejndog apIMalVy

‘soi6aje1s Bulyoojs sseq paduis BuljseBuy pasodoid ayy snsiaa Buijsixa aU} JO ALIAIIISUaSBy} sIedWOD O} pasn SUOHe|NWIs UONequnjiad yeaA pjoo pue WAeM pue AjySUap UONeiNdod ayimMaly “G’'ZaqeL perturbed under the proposed stocking strategy and Y,, was the predicted model output value for the ith input perturbed under the existing stocking strategy.

The magnitudes of variation imposed on model inputs were determined

from knowledge about Smith Mountain Lake and other systems (Tables 2.4 and

2.5). Annual water temperature regime was allowed to vary +2.0°C and

+4.0°C based on data collected during the 1994-95 and 1995-96 sampling

seasons from the field component of this study and annual Smith Mountain Lake

water temperature records compiled by the VDGIF (M.C. Duval, unpublished data). Variability in the timing of alewife spawning (+7 d, +14 d) was

determined from a previous study on Smith Mountain Lake (Tisa 1988) and

reports from Cayuga Lake, New York (Rothschild 1966), Milwaukee Harbor,

Lake Michigan (Norden 1967), the Kalamazoo River, Michigan (Edsall 1970), and Claytor Lake, Virginia (Nigro 1980). In addition, the degree of variation in daily growth (0.75/d, 1.50/d) and mortality rate (+10.0%/d) multipliers for age-O alewives were also based on Tisa’s study (1988) and, in addition, observations on growth rates from Claytor Lake (Kohler 1980) and Wautauga

Reservoir, Tennessee (Daniel 1984), as well as mortality rates from a small

Massachusetts coastal pond (Essig and Cole 1986) and Lake Michigan

(Mansfield and Jude 1986). However, estimates for the variability in age-O alewife density were not based directly on known values. Tisa (1988) observed that the relative abundance of age-O alewives in Smith Mountain Lake did not vary significantly between 1983 and 1984. Further, year-to-year variations in age-O alewife density in other systems have not been reported in the literature.

Because clupeid populations are characterized by large fluctuations in year-class strength (Lasker 1985) and age-O alewife cohort density in Smith Mountain

Lake, as estimated from hydroaccoustic assessments, has been observed to

182 fluctuate considerably in recent years (M.C. Duval, VDGIF, personal communication), age-O alewife cohort density was allowed to vary + 200%/m° from the estimated baseline value of 2.2/m°.


Before using the IBM to examine strategies for stocking fingerling striped

bass, simulations were calibrated and compared to data from Smith Mountain

Lake to examine the model's internal consistency. All calibration and

corroboration simulations were performed using data collected from Smith

Mountain Lake during the 1994-96 sampling periods, and were run under the existing stocking strategy and baseline conditions for alewife population

dynamics and water temperature regime. For model calibrations, one-year simulation runs were used to portray juvenile striped bass fish prey food habits

and length relationships between consumed forage-fish prey and juvenile striped

bass. Further, multiple, one-year simulation runs, using the actual numbers of

fingerling striped bass stocked in Smith Mountain Lake from 1973-96 and the density-dependent daily mortality multiplier (Figure 2.2), were used to mimic

density-dependent first-year survival observed for stocked fingerling striped bass. In addition, the efficacy of the model in realistically representing juvenile

striped bass growth rates was examined by comparing observed and predicted

length-frequency distributions before and after the overwintering period using one-year simulation runs.

Food Habits and Predator-Prey Size Relationships

Model predictions of juvenile striped bass fish prey food habits and size relationships between consumed fish prey total length (TL) relative to juvenile striped bass TL generally agreed with empirical data (Figure 2.3). Observations from field-collected data demonstrated that smaller striped bass (range 40-120 mm TL) exclusively consumed age-O cyprinids that ranged in size from 9-40 mm

184 "(y}6us| }2101 = TL) TL sseq padisjs snsidan 4X1 sseq padisjs 0} 71 Aoid ysiy pauinsuod jUasasda SjO|d JSOUUSMO] BY} pue TL SSeq paedisjssnsiaA TL Adid ysiy pawinsuod jJuaseidal sjojd Jsouueddn ayy ‘sseq padijs ajluaAan{Aq pawinsuod (spuOWeIP MO}JOY) SAaAIMal|e pue (sajosidpyos) spiulidAdQ-aBe 4o sdiysuoljejasazis pejoipaid-japow pue paAsesqo-pjalyjo uosuedwoy ‘E’g ainbiy

(wt) 71 sseg pediiys (wit)71 sseg pedis 00Z OSL 002 OSI 0 6% o —< + 02 O a

Op &

wo ®

o 185 09 “4 —



OS | OG +

O <= — Lf OOl | 001 >

Li 3

OSL OSL sdiysuoljejayeZis payipeid Sdiysuoljelay aZiSgpanajesqo TL, whereas larger striped bass (range 150-270 mm TL) primarily ate alewives

that ranged in total length from 50-125 mm. Additionally, although the ratio of alewife to striped bass TL (range 23-52%) was, on average, greater than the

ratio of cyprinid to striped bass TL (range 7-39%), a declining trend with increasing predator size was clearly evident for both consumed forage fishes.

Even though model-simulated predator-prey dynamics were fitted to the above

field-collected data and simulation outputs were similar to field observations,

IBM predator-prey size relationship predictions were generally less than those

estimated from stomach content analysis. For example, age-O striped bass less

than 130 mm total length (TL) consumed primarily age-O cyprinids that ranged

in total length from 6-37 mm, while juvenile striped bass greater than 130 mm

TL consumed entirely age-O alewives that ranged from 40-95 mm total length.

Furthermore, a declining trend in the ratio of fish prey to striped bass body

length with increasing predator size was apparent for both consumed forage fishes, and the ratio of alewife to striped bass TL was, on average, greater than the ratio of cyprinid to striped bass TL (range 16-49% and 10-32%,

respectively), although both ranges were slightly lower than field observations. However, despite these differences in the relative sizes of age-O cyprinids and alewives consumed by juvenile striped bass, estimates for predicted first-year growth and size distributions of age-O striped bass were consistent with field observations.

First-Year Survival

Model-simulated first-year survival estimates, using the actual numbers of fingerling striped bass stocked in Smith Mountain Lake from 1973-96, resulted in an inverse relationship that agrees appreciably with the one

186 estimated from fall gillnet surveys (Figure 2.4). For example, at the highest

stocking density (809,246 fingerlings), the field-estimated survival rate was 10.2% and the model-predicted survival rate was 11.3%. Likewise, at the

lowest stocking density (197,534 fingerlings), the field-estimated survival rate

was 39.9% and the model-predicted survival rate was 28.8%. Although the

degree of variability in first-year survival was less for predicted than the

observed estimates (r? = 0.42 for observed versus 0.77 for predicted), the

slopes of these relationships were not significantly different (slope = -0.04

versus -0.05, respectively; t-test between regression coefficients, t=3.45, P=0.002).

First-Year Growth

Growth patterns and length-frequency distributions for juvenile striped bass from model simulations during fall and spring were similar to those observed during the 1994-95 and 1995-96 sampling seasons in Smith Mountain

Lake (Figure 2.5). Model-simulated striped bass growth resulted in the development of a bimodal distribution by the end of the growing season (15 December) with a range (86-262 mm TL) similar to that observed during December 1994 (84-266 mmTL) and November 1995 (80-261 mm TL).

Further, model large-mode striped bass (223 mm TL, range 182-262) were greater than twice as large as small-mode juveniles (93 mm TL, range 86-144 mm TL) from the same stocked cohort at the end of the growing season; similar estimates for large- and small-mode striped bass were also observed in 1994

(225 mm TL, range 182-266 mm TL and 94 mm TL, range 84-140 mm TL, respectively) and 1995 (226 mm TL, range 183-261 mm TL and 100 mm TL, range 80-137 mm TL, respectively). By spring (01 May), the model-predicted


60 | (a) e Y = 43.42 - 0.05(X) : N = 23 i a = 0.42 P = 0.002

40 -— e, 8

20 -

- L 4

s _ 5 0 -

“” _ (b) Y = 35.17 - 0.04(x) o | N = 23 nt =0.77 w i P < 0.001 ic 40

t L 20 -

0 | —_ L L L L | 1 | L

0 200 400 600 800 1000 Number of Stocked Fingerlings (Thousands)

Figure 2.4. Comparison of the relationship between first-year survival and fingerling striped bass stocking density in Smith Mountain Lake, 1973-96, from (a) fall gillnet surveys (observed) and (b) individual-based model simulations (predicted). 188 00€ 00€



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189 striped bass length-frequency distribution had become unimodal as was observed in March 1995 and April 1996. However, the model length-frequency distribution had a narrower range (161-262 mm TL) than observed in 1995 (97-

268 mm TL) and 1996 (128-262 mm TL). Despite these slight differences between the field-observed and model-predicted length-frequency distributions, the IBM accurately portrayed the general shape and pattern of first-year growth for juvenile striped bass in Smith Mountain Lake.


Stocking Strategy Simulation The NLMSB, median total length, and percent first-year survival of the

stocked, juvenile striped bass cohort at the end of the simulation period increased with increasing fingerling size at stocking on 15 June (Figure 2.6).

Although the greatest increase in the NLMSB occurred when the median total length at stocking was increased from 32 to 42 mm (0 to 64,320 age-1

recruits), a similar increase in the NLMSB also occurred when the median total

length at stocking was increased from 42 to 52 mm (64,320 to 126,310 age-1 recruits; +49%). However, stocking fingerling striped bass at median total lengths greater than 52 mm resulted in significantly lower percent increases in

NLMSB (< +5% per 10-mm increase in size at stocking). Examination of final median total length and percent first-year survival for juvenile striped bass showed that these output parameters increased from 160 to 256 mm (+38%) and 23.9 to 43.0% (+44%) when the size at stocking on was raised from 42 to 52 mm (Figure 2.6). As was observed for NLMSB, the percent increases in final median total length and first-year survival also declined after a median stocking size of 52 mm total length (< +9% and < +4% per 10-mm increase in the size at stocking, respectively). Therefore, model simulations indicate that a modest increase in the median total length of age-O striped bass stocked on

15 June in Smith Mountain Lake at a stocking density of 300,000 fingerlings from the current target size of 42 mm to 52 mm should result in the greatest returns in NLMSB, final median total length, and percent first-year survival.

The NLMSB, final median total length, and percent first-year survival of the stocked, juvenile striped bass cohort declined with increasing date of

191 150 ~ T (a) e e e e e ° B 120+ ° Cc L S© L

< - =mo 60+[ e = + z Or 9 LL» —_! L oe

[| (b) e ~ e E£ 300 | e e e e = L e 2 200+ s e Te) LL £& 100 - Li L 9 LL _@-——_ L | L Lo |

50 mC0 ;

L e e e e@ e ® S404 S 30+ e ' @ @ 20 10 - 0 —__e 4 _ a

22 Ww

NO 42 52 62 72 82 92 102 112 Initial Length (mm)

Figure 2.6. Response of (a) number of large-mode striped bass (NLMSB), (b) median total length (Final Length), and c) first-year survival (Survival) of juvenile striped bass on 01 May to median total length of fingerlings at the time of stocking (Initial Length).

192 stocking (Figure 2.7). Although NLMSB increased from 64,320 to 80,194 age-

1 recruits (+ 20%) when fingerling striped bass were stocked one week earlier (08 June; day 159) than baseline (15 June; day 166), the largest relative

increase occurred when stocking was moved two weeks earlier (01 June; day 152) from the baseline stocking date (80,194 to 107,440 age-1 recruits;

+25%). Similarly, final median total length and percent first-year survival,

which also increased when fingerling striped bass were stocked one week earlier (160 to 172 mm total length (+7%), and 23.9 to 27.3% (+12%), respectively), exhibited the largest relative increases when stocking was moved

two weeks earlier from the baseline stocking date (172 to 222 mm total length

(+23%), and 27.3 to 37.8% (+28%), respectively). Therefore, it would appear from these model simulation results that stocking juvenile striped bass at a median total length of 42 mm and at a density of 300,000 fingerlings approximately two weeks earlier than they are presently introduced (01 June versus 15 June) would result in the greatest returns in the NLMSB, final median total length, and percent first-year survival.

The NLMSB increased whereas final median total length and first-year survival decreased with increasing density of stocked striped bass (Figure 2.8).

Although the NLMSB increased with the number of stocked striped bass

(31,853 at 100,000 fingerlings to 85,570 age-1 recruits at 1,000,000 fingerlings), the largest percent increase in age-1 recruits occurred as stocking density was increased to 300,000 fingerlings (+ 22%), before leveling off after this stocking density (< +6%). Additionally, final median total length and first- year survival also declined most substantially from 200,000 to 300,000 fingerlings (-14% and -21%, respectively) and to a lesser extent after this stocking density (<-3% and <-12%, respectively). Therefore, simulation

193 150 = (a) om 120;- ® G r ° ee S gb = - e oO 60 | ° 2 L e jt 30F < r e 0 - | L L | e o o


E€ ~ | rm c e e - e e 200 = F ° ° e @ e i© 100 100” yf | L L L [ | 4 é

50 _()Lc

S 4o- ° e@ | — _ 2 30- B20Foo. "8 , 10 — e 0. Po | [oT L | @ o o

138 145 152 159 166 173 180 187 194 201 Day of Year

Figure 2.7. Response of (a) number of large-mode striped bass (NLMSB), (b) median total length (Final Length), and c) first-year survival (Survival) of juvenile striped bass on 01 May to Julian date at the time of stocking (Day of Year).

194 ~ 150 be co 120- = L Zo: ° ° ° ° E : e e e e 60+ — 30 — e@ 2 r O Lo L L L LL L L L { L

_ 0°) &£ 300 F

xom 2 200 = e e © a e e e e e e e e © 100 - it | mE — Le | L | LL [ L |

020 Cc se 407 Oo e > 30| = e 2 e D 20 ° . 10 + ce © «6 e

0 200 400 600 800 1000 Stocking Density (Thousands)

Figure 2.8. Response of (a) number of large-mode striped bass (NLMSB), (b) median total length (Final Length), and c) first-year survival (Survival) of juvenile striped bass on 01 May to density of stocked fingerlings (Stocking Density).

195 results from the model developed and used in this study do not indicate that

incremental increases or decreases in the stocking density from the current level of 300,000 fingerlings will result in greater returns in the NLMSB, final median

total length, and percent first-year survival than are now presently realized under

the existing stocking scheme.

The combined effects of stocking fingerling striped bass at a larger

median total length and earlier in the growing season also resulted in an increase

in the NLMSB, final median total length, and percent first-year survival response surfaces (Figure 2.9). These simulations were conducted at a stocking density

of 300,000 fingerlings because increasing the number of stocked fish did not

have an appreciable effect when varied alone. The NLMSB exhibited a steep gradient, especially with respect to initial median total length of stocked

fingerling striped bass (Figure 2.9a). For this output parameter response

surface, the greatest percent increase occurred when the median total length

at stocking was increased from 42 to 52 mm and as the date of stocking was

moved earlier from 15 June (day 166) to 08 June (day 159). A similar result

was also observed for the percent first-year survival response surface (Figure

2.9c). Although the final median total length response surface revealed a less distinct trend, median total length gradually increased as both the size of

fingerling striped bass at the time of stocking was increased and fingerling

striped bass were stocked earlier in the growing season cumulatively (Figure

2.9b). Therefore, it would appear from these IBM simulation results that

increasing the median total length of age-O striped bass at the time of stocking

from 42 to 52 mm and stocking these fish in Smith Mountain Lake one week

earlier in the growing season (08 June instead of 15 June) should result in the greatest returns in the NLMSB, final median total length, and percent first-year

196 (a)

— wv ww Cc oO wn DS oO — KE ma ” S


(mm) (mm) Length Length Final

(Cc) (%) Survival

Figure 2.9. Response surfaces for (a) number of large-mode striped bass (NLMSB), (b) median total length (Final Length), and c) first-year survival (Survival) of juvenile striped bass on 01 May to median total length of fingerlings (Initial Length) and Julian date (Day of Year) at the time of stocking.


survival response surfaces at a stocking density of 300,000 fingerlings.

Under the proposed, “new” stocking strategy (52 mm TL and 08 June), the three model outputs exhibited similar trends as those observed at existing

stocking conditions when the density of stocked striped bass was increased

from 100,000 to 1,000,000 fingerlings (Figure 2.10). Although the NLMSB at

the end of the simulation period increased with the number of stocked striped bass (72,650 at 100,000 fingerlings to 175,440 age-1 recruits at 1,000,000

fingerlings), the largest percent increase in age-1 recruits again occurred as stocking density was increased to 300,000 fingerlings (+16%), before

declining substantially after this stocking density (< +7%). Additionally, final

median total length and first-year survival, which both declined as stocking

density was increased from 100,000 to 1,000,000 fingerlings (255 to 235 mm

total length and 72.7 to 17.5%, respectively), also declined most substantially

from 200,000 to 300,000 fingerlings (-2% and 20%, respectively) and to a

lesser extent after this stocking density (<-1% and <-17%, respectively).

Therefore, these simulation results do not indicate that at the proposed stocking

size and date (52 mm total length and O8 June), a change in stocking density

from 300,000 fingerlings will result in greater returns in the NLMSB, final

median total length, and percent first-year survival.

Sensitivity and Robustness Analysis

Sensitivity analysis revealed that NLMSB, median total length, and percent first-year survival for juvenile striped bass stocked at the existing and proposed strategies were most strongly influenced by alewife spawning day offset, age-O alewife daily growth rate multiplier, and daily water temperature











. (C) 80- e

i e 20 + ° e ® )

0 ; Le LL l | L | LL L Lo LL

0 200 400 600 800 1000 Stocking Density (Thousands)

Figure 2.10. Response of (a) number of large-mode striped bass (NLMSB), (b) median total length, and c) first-year survival (Survival) of juvenile striped bass on 01 May to density of stocked fingerlings (Stocking Density) at the proposed stocking size (52 mm TL) and date (O08 June).

199 offset (Figure 2.11). In particular, an alewife spawning day offset of +14 d,

daily growth rate multiplier of O0.75/d and 1.50/d, and daily water temperature offset of +4°C/d resulted in the largest percent relative changes from baseline conditions for the three model output predictions. In contrast, variations in age-

O alewife cohort density and daily mortality rate multiplier resulted in smaller

percent relative changes from baseline for NLMSB, median total length, and

percent first-year survival at both stocking strategies (Figure 2.11). Further, for

the existing and proposed strategies, perturbations in alewife and water

temperature input parameters resulted in greater percent relative changes in

NLMSB and first-year survival than for median total length. Although the

pattern in percent relative change in the three model outputs was parallel for

both stocking strategies, the existing stocking strategy was more sensitive (i.e.

had a greater percent relative change from baseline) to parameter perturbations among the three model outputs than the proposed stocking strategy (Figure


Sensitivity analysis also indicated that combined perturbations in alewife

and water temperature parameter inputs also influenced NLMSB, median total

length, and percent first-year survival for fingerling striped bass stocked at the existing and proposed stocking strategy (Figure 2.12). During warm year

simulations, NLMSB, median total length, and first-year survival exhibited

percent relative decreases from baseline values at both stocking strategies

(Figure 2.12). In addition, the percent relative change from baseline for the

three output parameters increased during simulated warm years as age-O

alewife density was reduced from 4.4/m? to 1.1/m® at the existing and

proposed stocking strategies. For cold year simulations, the NLMSB, median total length, and first-year survival exhibited percent relative increases from

200 A


ay} euljaseq ainjeisdwa}



































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201 ‘sishjeuy Sssaujsngoy pue A}IAllISUaS :spoyjJayy a—as ‘sisAjeue AjIAI}ISUas UO s]ieyep

JO4 ‘sueaA pjoodpue Wwuem pajejnuis Buunp Ayisuap uoijejndod ajimayje Q-abe ul suoijzeqinjsad 0} SuO!{IpPUod suljaseq wos} saibajeijs (Ssieqpljos) pasodojd pue (sueq MojjoyU) Bulysixa ay} }e payxD0}s poled Bui9a}U!MsaAO ay} JO pus ay} je sseq padisjs ajiuaAn{ jo (% ‘}eEAIAINS)JeAIAINS JeaA-jS4ly (9 PUe ‘(LULU ‘Yy}BUeT Jeu) yiBua] je}0} ueipaw (q) ‘(GSIWIN) sseq pedisjs apow-abie; yo Jaquunu (e) JO} SaIVIAIISUaS Jo UOSHedWOD “ZL*g aunbiy4

JEaA ploy payejnwis Jed, WIeAA payeyNWisS

N A e) N “A x.)

G G G & w w& Or- TT T ; ———F T T T T T T se ye - m | i,

02 2 202 |

IEAIAINS (9)q o a Ov = om T 4°" oO T T T I - T T T T a 30¢ 35

oso CU a es ee 4° g

}Hua] jeu! (a): v6 nf Y 1! uly (9) 5 OV % oe i .

rs eee 4 Ov- 2 “] rr , nas | TO l OO

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{|02 | | - GSWIN (e)5 oe Ov

baseline values at both stocking scenarios (Figure 2.12). Further, the percent

relative change from baseline for the three output parameters decreased during

simulated cold years as age-O alewife density was reduced from 4.4/m°® to

1.1/m? at the existing and proposed stocking strategies. Although the observed

percent relative change was greater for NLMSB and percent first-year survival

than for median total length at both stocking strategies, the pattern was

identical for the existing and proposed stocking strategies. However, the existing stocking strategy was more sensitive (i.e. had a greater percent relative

change from baseline) to combined parameter perturbations among the three

model outputs than the proposed stocking strategy (Figure 2.12). Comparison of NLMSB, median total length, and percent first-year

survival between the existing and proposed stocking strategies revealed that despite perturbations in the alewife and water temperature input parameters,

both singly and combined, the proposed stocking strategy consistently resulted

in percent relative increases in all three model outputs (Table 2.6). For model

inputs varied singly, the greatest percent relative increases in the proposed over

the existing strategy were observed for NLMSB and first-year survival outputs

(range +96.8% to + 145.6% and 96.9% to 145.2%, respectively; Table 2.6). Median total length also increased, albeit to a lesser extent (range +53.8% to

+ 60.6%), than the other two model outputs. In addition, lower age-O alewife density, early alewife spawning, faster age-O alewife growth, lower age-O alewife mortality, and warmer water temperatures resulted in the greatest

percent relative increases in model outputs when these input parameters were varied singly for the proposed over the existing stocking strategy. When model inputs were varied concurrently, the greatest percent relative increases in the proposed over the existing strategy were also observed for NLMSB and first-

203 Table 2.6. Percent relative increases in the number of large-mode striped bass (NLMSB), median total length (Length), and first-year survival (Survival) at the end of the overwintering period for the proposed versus the existing fingerling striped bass stocking strategies to perturbations in age-O alewife population dynamics and Smith Mountain Lake water temperature varied singly and in combination. For details on simulation conditions used to examine robustness analysis, see Methods: Sensitivity and Robustness Analysis.

Model Simulation Parameter Variation NLMSB Length Survival

Baseline Conditions = 2 — ----- +118.4 +57.5% +118.7 Population Density Density Doubled 4.4/m3 +110.4 +57.1% +110.2 Density Halved 1.1/m? +131.8 +57.1% +131.6 Spawning Day Offset Two Weeks Earlier -14d + 145.6 +60.5% +145.2 One Week Earlier -O7d + 128.2 + 60.0% + 128.3 One Week Later +07 d + 109.0 +54.4% + 109.0 Two Weeks Later +14d +96.8% +56.6% +96.9% Daily Growth Rt Multiplier Slow Growth 0.75/d + 103.6 +58.7% + 104.0 Fast Growth 1.50/d + 127.4 +59.6% + 138.3 Daily Mortality Rt Multiplier High Mortality +10.0%/d +114.6 +56.3% +114.4 Low Mortality - 10.0%/d +126.0 +59.1% +126.5 Daily Water Temp Offset Much Cooler - 4°C/d + 100.4 +55.2% + 100.4 Cooler - 2°C/d + 108.0 +53.8% +107.7 Warmer + 2°C/d + 137.0 +60.1% + 137.4 Much Warmer + 4°C/d + 141.4 +61.6% +141.0 Simulated Warm Year High Density 4.4/m? +129.9 +55.5% + 130.6 Baseline Density 2.2/m° + 153.0 +55.3% + 153.5 Low Density 1.1/m° + 170.5 +51.8% + 170.9 Simulated Cold Year High Density 4.4/m? +85.7% +53.0% + 85.8% Baseline Density 2.2/m? +88.5% +49.1% +88.7% Low Density_ 1.1/m3 +95.5% +48.9% +95.5%

204 year survival outputs (range + 85.7% to +170.5% and +85.8% to 170.9%), while median total length also increased to a lesser extent (range + 48.9% to +55.5%; Table 2.6). Further, low age-O alewife density during warm years and high age-O alewife density during cold years resulted in the largest and smallest percent relative changes (+ 170.5% and +85.7%, respectively) among the three model outputs for the proposed over the existing stocking strategy.

Therefore, these results indicate not only that the proposed stocking strategy results in greater returns in NLMSB, median total length, and percent first-year survival over the existing stocking strategy regardless of input perturbation, but that the percent relative change remains the same magnitude (i.e. is robust) under fluctuations in alewife population parameters and Smith Mountain Lake water temperature regime.


Individual-based model simulation results clearly demonstrated that

stocking juvenile striped bass into Smith Mountain Lake at a slightly larger size (52 mm total length) and one week earlier in the growing season (08 June),

while maintaining the current annual stocking density at 300,000 fingerlings,

resulted in the largest percent increases in median size, first-year survival, and number of age-1 recruits. Based on the life-history characteristics and factors

regulating recruitment of this stocked sport fish in Smith Mountain Lake

identified in Chapter /, these increases would arise in response to greater feeding opportunities afforded to stocked fingerlings. For example, juvenile

striped bass stocked at a larger size and earlier in the growing season would

have a greater initial length advantage over age-O forage-fish prey, in particular age-O alewives. Further, calculations from model simulations indicate that a greater proportion of the age-O alewife cohort biomass would be morphologically available during the growing season to juveniles stocked at the

proposed than the existing strategy (68% versus 21%, respectively). As a consequence, larger and/or earlier stocked fingerling striped bass will be able to maintain a higher degree of piscivory, grow at a faster rate, and reach a larger size by the end of the growing season. Because larger individuals tend to accumulate greater absolute energy stores and have lower relative weight- dependent metabolic rates than smaller conspecifics (Paloheimo and Dickie

1966; Brett and Groves 1979; Oliver et al. 1979; Shuter et al. 1980), increasing the size of juvenile striped bass by the end of the growing season will allow a considerable increase in the overwinter survival of the age-O cohort; consequently, the success of striped bass stocking program will be increased

206 in Smith Mountain Lake. The close agreement of model simulation results with empirical data does not necessarily mean that the mechanisms in the model are the sole explanation

for the age-O striped bass cohort growth, survival, and recruitment trends observed in Smith Mountain Lake. Conditions in aquatic ecosystems are more

complex, and somewhat different mechanisms can interact, resulting in similar

outcomes. For example, model-simulated mortality was primarily a result of disproportionately lower overwinter survival for juvenile striped bass <150 mm total length; individuals that did not reach this size by the end of their first growing season were not allowed to survive the winter. Because studies on

other age-O sport fishes have reported that individuals that do not reach some critical size prior to the onset of the overwintering period suffer disproportionately greater starvation-induced overwinter mortality (Forney 1976;

Adams et al. 1982; Carline et al. 1986), the critical size designated for juvenile striped bass in Smith Mountain Lake has a sound biological basis. As reported in Chapter /, juvenile striped bass smaller than 150 mm total length were rarely collected during the 1995 and 1996 spring sampling periods. Based on size distribution and physiological indices of health data, it would appear that the inability of these smaller individuals to store sufficient energy reserves prior to the overwintering period, coupled with their relatively higher weight-dependent metabolic rates (Paloheimo and Dickie 1966; Brett and Groves 1979; Oliver et al. 1979; Shuter et al. 1980), resulted in disproportionately greater overwinter mortality for small- versus large-mode striped bass. However, whether small juveniles in Smith Mountain Lake actually reached the starvation point or other sources of mortality (i.e. disease, parasitism, predation) removed these fish first is not entirely clear. Nonetheless, any mechanism by which age-O fishes are

207 rapidly lost from the population due to causes directly or indirectly related to a

loss in body weight should produce behaviors similar to those observed in the

model simulations; the precise mechanism by which individuals are lost should not affect these results. Although the highest mortality for fish populations typically occurs shortly

after hatching when larvae are numerous and most vulnerable (Rice et al. 1993),

these simulation results suggest that mortality processes for older life stages,

such as size-dependent overwinter starvation, can also have a substantial

impact on recruitment to age 1. Further, sensitivity analyses revealed that

biotic and abiotic factors influencing the size relationship between age-O striped

bass and their forage-fish prey can influence the recruitment process through

their effects on growth during the first year of life. For example, water

temperature not only alters the timing of alewife spawning relative to the time

that fingerling striped bass are introduced, but it also impacts age-O alewife

growth rates. These will, in turn, influence forage-fish prey morphological availability, growth of age-O striped bass, and ultimately, the size distribution

of the stocked striped bass cohort at the end of the first growing season.

Because population structure appears to be a major determinant regulating

recruitment of striped bass to the adult stock in Smith Mountain Lake, environmental factors such as water temperature, which influence prey fish

population dynamics, can be a greater factor regulating year-class strength later during the first year of life than has been assumed for other naturally-

reproducing populations of fishes (Sale 1990).

The Smith Mountain Lake version of the IBM projects juvenile striped bass growth and survival as a function of the size distribution of fingerling striped

bass at the time of stocking, the day of year at introduction, fingerling stocking

208 density, water temperature regime, and population dynamics of forage-fish prey

species. However, the success of the striped bass stocking program may also depend on biological factors not explicitly incorporated within the model utilized for this study; these factors include availability of prey types such as

invertebrates and other forage fishes, genetic variability inherent within the

stocked age-O striped bass cohort, and variation in the physiological health of

striped bass fingerlings at the time of stocking and throughout the growing

season. Further, the age-O cyprinid component of the model did not allow for

the realistic characterization of predator-prey dynamics in the _ littoral

compartment; the best available field-collected data regarding age-O cyprinid

growth and density resulted in the depletion of this prey type by juvenile striped

bass. Because age-O cyprinids were highly abundant in nearshore regions of

Smith Mountain Lake throughout the growing season, it is unlikely that juvenile

striped bass could completely exhaust this prey resource. Support for this assumption comes from the relationship between cyprinid body depth and total

length relative to beach seine mesh size used to estimate density of this forage-

prey type during the field component of this study; a beach seine with 3.18-mm

bar mesh would not be restrictive enough to representatively capture age-O cyprinids <35 mm TL, resulting in density estimates that were likely lower than actual densities in the littoral zone of Smith Mountain Lake. As a result of this bias in density estimation, age-O cyprinids, which were consumed in the littoral compartment, were not allowed to be removed from the population in order to allow the model to accurately portray first-year growth of striped bass post- stocking. Because of these limitations, the model could not be used, in its present form, to identify the specific sources and mechanisms involved in the development of density-dependent mortality or examine alternative hypotheses

209 which may potentially explain this phenomenon. These hypotheses include, but

are not restricted to: (1) size-selective predation exerted on juvenile striped bass during vulnerable periods, such as winter months, by larger piscivores which may only become a significant source of mortality at unusually high stocking

densities or during particularly adverse climatic conditions; (2) the influence of

stress on the physiological well-being of juvenile striped bass during

transportation from grow-out facilities to Smith Mountain Lake; (3) an artifact of using different sampling gears to collect juvenile striped bass over both spatial and temporal scales; (4) movement of smaller juvenile striped bass into

the pelagic zone to avoid predators, resulting in a mismatch in the size

relationship with forage-fish prey; and (5) density-dependent growth of juvenile

striped bass in the littoral zone before they disperse to pelagic areas of Smith Mountain Lake. As more specific information becomes available regarding the

effects of these factors, in particular age-O cyprinid dynamics, on juvenile

striped bass growth, survival, and recruitment, these data can be incorporated

within the model and used to identify the specific mechanisms resulting in the

recruitment bottleneck observed in Smith Mountain Lake.

A significant limitation of the IBM used in this study resulted from the utilization of the density-dependent daily mortality rate multiplier, calibrated to empirical data, that operated throughout the first year of life to mimic the observed relationship between fingerling striped bass stocking density and first- year survival. Although model density estimates at the end of the simulation period increased as the number of stocked fingerlings was increased, one would expect to see a decline in the number of age-1 recruits at higher densities, particularly as densities were increased above 300,000 fingerlings. A reasonable explanation for the observed model-simulated results is that the

210 density-dependent mortality multiplier did not allow for the same degree of

variability observed in the empirical data. Further, because striped bass have

not been stocked at densities greater than 400,000 fingerlings since the early 1980s, and only twice at densities greater than this during the late 1970s, a

high degree of uncertainty exists as to how striped bass populations would

respond if stocking densities were increased above the current level of 300,000

fingerlings. For example, because the support capacity for striped bass in Smith

Mountain Lake is unknown, it is possible that sustaining high fingerling striped

bass stocking densities over a several year period could result in a recruitment

bottleneck for older age classes due to competition for forage-fish prey, such

as alewives. Further, it is also unknown how other sport fishes, such as

largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, walleye, and muskellunge, and forage fish populations in Smith Mountain Lake would respond to an increase in the number

of adult striped bass. As a result, striped bass stocking densities in Smith

Mountain Lake should not be increased above 300,000 fingerlings until the

relationship between forage fish supply and sport fish demand has been adequately addressed in this reservoir system.

The individual-based model presented in this chapter could be also used to predict, prior to the onset of the growing season, the size, survival, and number of recruits at age 1 for the stocked striped bass cohort should biotic and/or abiotic conditions change in Smith Mountain Lake. Although the proposed stocking strategy is robust to variability in alewife population dynamics and water temperature regime, it is possible that the limnological and ecological status of Smith Mountain Lake could become altered in the future due to reservoir aging, watershed perturbation, and/or exotic species introductions

(Kimmel and Groeger 1986). As a result, utilization of the IBM used in this

211 study may become important in the future should changes in the Smith

Mountain Lake system occur at some point in time. However, for this to occur, some prediction of population abundances, growth schedules, and mortality rates of age-O forage fishes would be necessary in order to make predictions, with some degree of certainty, before the start of the growing season.

Monitoring of spring water temperatures and sampling of forage-fish larvae prior to the stocking of juvenile striped bass, as well as how much year-to-year variation to expect in growth and mortality rates of other age-O forage fishes, such as cyprinids, would be useful in this regard. The results of IBM simulations, coupled with field-collected data, could then be used to determine the most appropriate size, time, and/or fingerling density at the time of stocking for a particular year based on the given conditions. In addition, IBMs like the one presented in this chapter may also be useful in helping to determine the limits on the ability of fisheries managers to predict cohort population response in regards to variations in abiotic and biotic processes because they incorporate the uncertainty inherent in the mechanisms determining growth, survival, and, consequently, recruitment. Although these results may only provide “bounds” on the ability to accurately predict year-class variability In response to environmental stochasticity, little more could be expected even from models which perfectly summarize and document the recruitment process.

Cowan et al. (1993), utilizing an IBM developed by Rose and Cowan

(1993), investigated the influence of both abiotic and biotic factors on the recruitment of age-O striped bass in the Potomac River, Maryland. Although their model followed the fates of individual fish in a naturally-reproducing population, it was not originally designed to examine the effects of different stocking strategies and harvest regimes on the striped bass fishery. The IBM

212 presented here could be incorporated into a more detailed model of the Smith

Mountain Lake striped bass fishery, or modified to simulate another landlocked striped bass fishery, to be used as a predictive tool by fisheries managers to

evaluate the effects of stocking and harvest policies on long-term population dynamics and sustainable yield. Such a model would describe the entire striped

bass recruitment sequence from the time of stocking as fingerlings through the

adult life stage. However, more detailed information on the striped bass fishery

would be needed to further develop and apply a more elaborate IBM to the

Smith Mountain Lake striped bass population. In summary, based on the IBM simulations presented in this chapter,

length of the growing season and age-O forage-fish availability, which is directly

related to the size relationship between predator and prey, set the potential for growth of the stocked striped bass cohort in Smith Mountain Lake. Because age-O striped bass growth and size reached by the onset of the first overwintering period are regulated primarily by the size of forage-fish prey

relative to juvenile striped bass size throughout the course of the growing season, stocking juveniles at a slightly larger size (52 mm TL) and earlier in the growing season (O8 June), while maintaining the current stocking level of

300,000 fingerlings, were the most reasonable and sound means by which to enhance stocking success in this system taking into account year-to-year variation in alewife population dynamics and water temperature regime. If prey fish were too large to be vulnerable to predation (i.e. not within ingestibility limits), such as when fingerling striped bass were stocked at a smaller size and/or later in the growing season, then age-O striped bass growth would be relatively slow because lower energetic-quality invertebrate prey would primarily comprise the diet. As a consequence, juveniles would reach a smaller size by

213 the end of the growing season and suffer a higher degree of overwinter mortality. In contrast, if prey fish were vulnerable to predation throughout the growing season, such as when fingerling striped bass were stocked at a larger size and/or earlier in the growing season, then juvenile striped bass would be able to maintain a greater degree of piscivory and exhibit faster growth, resulting in a larger size reached by the end of the growing season and increasing the probability of surviving during winter months. Therefore, the relationship between forage-fish prey and juvenile striped bass size, as mediated by size and/or day at introduction, has a significant influence on stocking success for striped bass in Smith Mountain Lake.


The individual-based model presented in this chapter has been used to evaluate different strategies for stocking fingerling striped bass into Smith

Mountain Lake. Similar analyses would also be appropriate for other freshwater systems and applicable to other species of age-O piscivorous fishes, assuming that relevant site- and species-specific information has been incorporated into the model. Because the model is relatively complex, it more accurately describes predator-prey dynamics by taking into account size-dependent spatial overlap and the size relationships of individual predators relative to the size of encountered prey. As a result, the IBM approach represents a significant innovation for exploring stocking strategies for piscivorous fishes in temperate, freshwater systems. The model has been shown to accurately portray the influence of variability resulting from individual differences in body size on first- year striped bass growth and survival, both critical determinants of successful stocking programs. Further, the proposed fingerling striped bass stocking strategy is robust to variability in alewife population dynamics and water temperature regime that might be observed on an annual basis in Smith

Mountain Lake. As a result of these attributes, the IBM approach not only appears well suited to evaluate management plans for stocking juvenile striped bass, but other juvenile piscivorous fishes as well.


1. Age-O striped bass exhibited dissimilar patterns of dispersion and spatial distribution between Smith Mountain Lake stocking cove sites in both 1994 and

1995. Juveniles stocked in the Hales Ford cove remained within the immediate vicinity of the stocking site for the first week post-stocking before gradually dispersing to outermost regions of the cove. In contrast, fingerlings stocked in the Penhook cove dispersed rapidly from the immediate stocking site by the first night post-stocking and were only collected along the outermost region of the cove during the remainder of the growing season. This disparity was attributed to differences in habitat availability between these two coves.

2. Size-dependent differences in dispersal patterns and spatial distribution for age-O striped bass appear to be a result of water temperature preferences and the search for appropriate-sized food resources. Lack of dispersal by small juveniles (< 150 mm TL) from stocking cove sites during the growing season was due to a preference for warmer water temperatures (>25°C) and an abundance of ingestible-sized prey items (invertebrates and age-O cyprinids) in nearshore areas. In contrast, movements of larger individuals (>150 mm TL) to deeper, pelagic areas of the main channel was in response to a preference for cooler water temperatures and active search for larger, schooling prey items

(age-O alewives).

3. Progressive increases in total length from the time of stocking through the end of the growing season were observed for the age-O striped bass cohort in both river arms of Smith Mountain Lake during both sampling years. In the

216 Roanoke River arm, juveniles increased from a median total length of 32 to 114

mm in 1994 and 47 to 180 mm in 1995, while striped bass from the Blackwater River arm increased from 42 to 180 mm in 1994 and 48 to 150 mm

in 1995. Further, a distinct bimodal length distribution developed by fall during both 1994 and 1995; this distribution consisted of large-mode striped bass

(>180 mm TL) that were greater than twice as long as small-mode juveniles

(<140 mm TL).

4. Several factors were examined to identify those causing growth

depensation. Individual variability in growth and behavior among larval striped

bass within and among hatchery ponds, time at stocking during the growing

season, variability in conditions between stocking sites and river arms, and genetic differences in growth rate could not be discounted as mechanisms

causing the dissimilar patterns of growth observed within the age-O striped bass cohort. However, hatching date influence, stocking of Phase II fingerlings, sex-

related differences in growth rates (males versus females), and trophic

competition with juvenile black basses in littoral areas of Smith Mountain Lake

did not appear to be significant factors influencing first-year growth.

5. Size-dependent differences in food habits and diet quality appear to be the primary factors influencing differential growth within the age-O striped bass cohort. Small-mode juveniles (< 120 mm TL) maintained a mixed diet of small prey items, consuming primarily invertebrates (zooplankton and aquatic benthic insects) and small age-O cyprinids. In contrast, large-mode fish (>150 mm TL) were strictly piscivorous, consuming almost entirely age-O alewives.

Differences in diet quality, as a consequence of dissimilarities in prey types

217 consumed, seem to have contributed to growth depensation because: (1) fish

prey provides more energy per gram wet weight and is assimilated with greater efficiency than invertebrate prey items; and (2) the ratio of consumed alewife to large-mode striped bass body weight was greater than the consumed cyprinid

to small-mode striped bass body weight, resulting in greater gains in energy per

unit time spent feeding.

6. The disparity in food habits and diet quality also resulted in significant

size-dependent differences in physiological indices of health. Relative condition,

liver-somatic index, and lipid index values increased progressively over the

growing season for all sizes of striped bass; however, size-dependent

differences in these indices were clearly apparent as large-mode juveniles had significantly higher values than small-mode fish. Stomach-fullness index

exhibited no clear temporal or size-dependent trend and was not a useful metric

for assessing feeding intensity for juvenile striped bass.

7. The inability of small-mode age-O striped bass to make the transition to

a strictly fish diet was due to the unavailability of age-O alewife prey on a distributional, behavioral, and morphological basis. This forage-fish prey rapidly outgrew the ingestibility limits of small-mode striped bass; only 23% of the total first-year alewife cohort biomass was available to small-mode fish throughout the growing season. Further, when small-mode striped bass did co-occur spatially with age-O alewives early in the growing season and were also large enough to consume this forage-fish prey species, they did not appear to have developed a search image for fish prey or were not successful in capturing age-

O alewives due to their prey search behavior. In contrast, large-mode juveniles

218 could utilize approximately 67% of the total first-year alewife cohort biomass and this prey type provided a continuous supply of forage for this size group throughout the the growing season. Additionally, gizzard and threadfin shad, forage-fish species utilized by juvenile striped bass in other freshwater impoundments were not utilized by age-O striped bass in Smith Mountain Lake because it appears that they are not within the ingestibility limits of this juvenile piscivore.

8. The total length of age-O cyprinids and alewives relative to small- and large-mode striped bass total length, respectively, declined with increasing predator size. These observations suggest that even though small fish prey are usually less profitable in terms of energy gained per unit handling time, they may be selectively ingested by predators because they are easier to catch, resulting in piscivore capture success rates that are strongly size dependent.

Additionally, temperature preferences, habitat choice, schooling, and escape responses may also reduce prey fish vulnerability to predators, resulting in the consumption of small, vulnerable individuals.

9. Differences in length-frequency distributions of juvenile striped bass between late fall and early spring sampling periods appears to confirm that size- dependent overwinter mortality plays a significant role in regulating recruitment to age 1. Length-frequency distributions were clearly bimodal during fall sampling, consisting of both small- and large-mode fish. In contrast, spring sampling revealed that length-frequency distributions had become unimodal and was comprised almost entirely of large-mode juveniles.

219 10. The loss of small-mode juvenile striped bass over winter months appears to be a result of starvation and exhaustion of energy stores because this size group had less absolute energy stores at the onset of winter and used a significantly greater proportion of these reserves during this period than did large-mode individuals. Further, surviving small-mode fish collected in spring were extremely emaciated and in poor condition, while large-mode juveniles were deep-bodied, thick, and appeared in good condition.

11. Because large-mode striped bass emerged from the overwintering period in better physiological health than small-mode juveniles, the size-dependent differences in health indices observed in spring are probably due to physiological allometry: positive allometric relationships between body size and energy reserves and negative allometric relationships between body size and metabolic rate. These results confirm the energy linkage with body size that has been postulated to explain why energetic variance may be important for overwinter survival, such as in the relationship between body size and survival in age-O fishes.

12. The above site-specific, field-collected data were incorporated into a modified individual-based model (IBM) to evaluate the influence of size distribution at stocking, day of year at introduction, and stocking density, singly and in combination, to determine which scenario(s) maximized first-year growth, survival, and number of age-1 striped bass recruits in Smith Mountain Lake.

Based on model simulation results, stocking juvenile striped bass at a median total length 10 mm larger (52 mm) and approximately one week earlier in the growing season (08 June), while maintaining the current stocking density at

220 300,000 fingerlings, would result in the greatest percent returns in the number of age-1 recruits (140,470 individuals), median total length (252 mm), and first- year survival (46.8%) by the beginning of the following growing season (01


13. Sensitivity analysis revealed that alewife spawning day offset, age-O alewife growth rate multiplier, and Smith Mountain Lake water temperature offset resulted in the largest relative increases from baseline conditions for the number of age-1 recruits (3.8% to 9.3%), median total length (3.1% to 8.3%), and first-year survival (3.8% to 9.4%) at the end of the simulation period for both the existing and proposed stocking strategies. In contrast, variations in age-O alewife density and daily mortality rate multiplier resulted in smaller relative changes from baseline conditions for the number of age-1 recruits

(4.8% to 5.6%), median total length (3.6% to 4.8%), and first-year survival

(4.9% to 5.6%) for both stocking strategies. Although the number of age-1 recruits and first-year survival were more sensitive (i.e. had a greater percent relative change from baseline) than median total length to perturbations in alewife and water temperature input parameters, the existing stocking strategy was more sensitive to parameter perturbations among all three model outputs than the proposed stocking strategy.

14. Sensitivity analysis also demonstrated that variations in age-O alewife density during simulated warm and cold years also had an influence on the number of age-1 recruits, median total length, and first-year survival for fingerling striped bass stocked at the existing and proposed stocking strategies.

During warm year simulations, output parameters exhibited percent relative

221 decreases from baseline values (-9.9% to -18.3%) at both stocking strategies.

In addition, the percent relative change from baseline for the three output parameters increased during simulated warm years as age-O alewife density was reduced from 4.4/m? to 1.1/m? The converse was observed for cold year simulations (+ 2.4% to +14.3%). However, the existing stocking strategy was more sensitive (i.e. had a greater percent relative change from baseline) to combined parameter perturbations among the three output parameter values than the proposed stocking strategy.

15. Based on sensitivity analysis results, the proposed stocking strategy resulted in much greater marginal returns in terms of first-year growth (+ 53.8% to +61.6%), survival (+96.8% to +145.2%), and the number of age-1 recruits (+96.8% to +145.6%) than the existing stocking strategy when alewife and water temperature parameter inputs were varied singly and in combination. Further, the percent relative change for the proposed over the existing stocking strategy remained the same magnitude (i.e. is robust) under fluctuations in alewife population parameters and Smith Mountain Lake water temperature regime.


Fisheries managers must consider factors regulating first-year growth, survival, and recruitment to age 1 for fingerling piscivores that are stocked on an annual, put-grow-take basis when formulating hatchery production and management strategies. Results of this study indicate that size at stocking and day of year at introduction for fingerling striped bass are the most critical factors affecting recruitment success in Smith Mountain Lake. During a typical year, age-O striped bass are stocked at a median total length of 42 mm in mid to late June. As a result, most juveniles are too small relative to forage-fish prey to make the complete transition to piscivory and are relegated to a mixed, low-quality diet of invertebrates and small age-O cyprinids during their first growing season. The slower growth afforded to most of the age-O cohort, coupled with their lower accumulated energy reserves and higher relative weight-dependent metabolic rates, results in disproportionately greater size- dependent, starvation-induced mortality during the non-feeding, overwinter period. Only those juveniles which grow large enough to begin feeding on age-O alewives and can continue to utilize this prey resource throughout the growing season reach a sufficient size (>150 mm total length) and amass adequate energy stores to survive the critical overwintering period. Therefore, behavioral and morphological invulnerability of age-O alewives to striped bass during periods when these two species spatially overlap in Smith Mountain Lake can be remedied by stocking this juvenile piscivore at a larger size (52 mm TL) and earlier in the growing season (08 June) while maintaining the current stocking density of 300,000 fingerlings. Results of individual-based model simulations indicate that this proposed stocking strategy will allow juvenile striped bass to

223 make the transition to piscivory earlier in the growing season and, as a result,

utilize a higher caloric density prey source (alewives) throughout the growing season, thereby accelerating first-year growth rates and increasing the

probability of surviving over the winter. Modification of the VDGIF striped bass fingerling culture program to

accommodate the recommended stocking regime might be accomplished in a

number of ways. For example, striped bass eggs could be obtained and hatched

earlier, either by collecting wild broodstock from sections of the Roanoke River

downstream of the Brookneal Hatchery or by maintaining captive broodstock

onsite at the Brookneal Hatchery. Alternatively, striped bass eggs could be

obtained later, and larvae could be reared indoors in heated raceways and/or

circular tanks and fed high daily rations of artificial feeds in order to get them to a larger size by the recommended stocking date. Currently, running-ripe

striped bass from Kerr Reservoir are collected from the Roanoke River adjacent

to Brookneal Hatchery from mid-April to early May (S. Arthur, VDGIF Brookneal

Hatchery, personal communication). However, striped bass eggs could

potentially be made available approximately 2-3 wk earlier by collecting

spawning adults from downstream locations of the Roanoke River or Kerr Reservoir, instead of waiting for fish to move upstream near the Brookneal

Hatchery facility. Conversely, adult striped bass broodstock could be

maintained onsite year-round. Although this option would most likely result in a significant increase in hatchery-production costs, particularly in the short term as holding facilities would have to be designed and constructed (S. Arthur,

VDGIF Brookneal Hatchery, personal communication), the high degree of control

over egg availability, size of fingerlings at the time of stocking, and day of year at introduction may far outweigh the increase in operating costs. However,

224 regardiess of the culture method eventually adopted and utilized, practical constraints on the rearing and maintenance of striped bass, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each technique, must be considered within the specified goals and objectives of the VDGIF stocking program in relation to their budgetary limitations. Because additional considerations not included in this analysis, such as costs (time, effort, and capital), could affect the feasibility of different rearing and stocking schemes, implementation of these strategies would require a detailed consideration of these constraints. Although fingerling stocking density has been identified in a previous study as the primary factor regulating first-year survival of striped bass in Smith

Mountain Lake (Moore 1988), field observations and model simulation results do not indicate that fingerling density post-stocking plays as significant a role as previously thought. However, it is possible that density-dependent mechanisms may have an influence on larval striped bass growth rates during the rearing process in hatchery ponds. For example, in 1994, striped bass stocked at the Penhook site were reared in grow-out ponds at a lower density than fish stocked at the Hales Ford site (140,342 versus 160,105 fingerlings, respectively). In addition, the median total length and size distribution of fingerlings stocked at the Penhook site was greater (42 mm, range 30-54 mm) than those stocked at the Hales Ford site (32 mm, 24-41 mm). Although pond size and productivity may have contributed to these growth differences (S.

Arthur, VDGIF Brookneal Hatchery, personal communication), it would seem reasonable to assume that age-O striped bass stocked at the Hales Ford site became food limited during the rearing process, resulting in slower growth rates and, aS a consequence, were smaller in size than fish stocked at the Penhook site. Therefore, rearing larval striped bass at lower densities and/or augmenting

225 the prey base with artificial pellet feeds after zooplankton densities have been

reduced may alleviate the potential for density-dependent mechanisms during

the rearing process. Location of stocking sites, as well as the size and date at which fingerling

striped bass are stocked, can also be used to maximize forage fish availability.

Stocking striped bass at a larger size and earlier in the growing season may

allow this juvenile predator to begin to utilize age-O gizzard and threadfin shad, forage-fish species which under the current stocking regime are not utilized by striped bass during their first-year of life due to morphological constraints.

Because densities of shad species are greatest in the upper tributary arms of

Smith Mountain Lake, while alewives are most numerous in the mid and lower

lake regions, stocking fingerling striped bass in both of these areas should

ensure good growth and survival for at least some portion of the cohort even

in the event that one clupeid species should suffer reproductive failure or

produce a weak year class. Juvenile striped bass can tolerate warmer water

temperatures than adults (Meldrim and Gift 1971; Coutant and Carroll 1980;

Schaich and Coutant 1980; Waddle et al. 1980; Cox and Coutant 1981; Coutant et al. 1984; Cheek et al. 1985); therefore, the thermal regime of the upper lake should not pose any significant problems in terms of their thermal tolerance. Although predation by littoral piscivores (i.e. largemouth bass) in the upper lake could potentially impact age-O striped bass survival, the ability of larger stocked fingerlings to consume forage-fish prey earlier in life should accelerate their growth rates, thereby minimizing predation mortality. Further, largemouth bass do not selectively prey on juvenile striped bass when these two species spatially overlap (Michaelson 1996). Therefore, sites in the upper tributary arms, as well as additional locations in downlake areas of Smith

226 Mountain Lake, should be identified in terms of appropriate habitat availability

(shallow, littoral areas containing a mixture of sand and fine gravel substrate with little physical habitat structure that grade gradually to deeper water), accessibility, and forage-fish productivity for stocking of fingerling striped bass. Finally, in addition to providing a means to evaluate striped bass stocking strategies in Smith Mountain Lake, utilization of the individual-based model used in this study provides a useful tool for VDGIF fisheries managers to predict recruitment dynamics of stocked striped bass prior to introduction in a given year or in the face of changing limnological and ecological conditions in Smith

Mountain Lake. Further, the juvenile model could be coupled to an adult model to evaluate the effects of stocking and harvest policies on long-term population dynamics and sustainable yield; such a model would describe the entire striped bass recruitment sequence from the time of stocking as fingerlings through the adult life stage. However, more detailed information on the striped bass fishery and Smith Mountain prey base would be needed to further develop and apply a more elaborate model to the Smith Mountain Lake striped bass fishery.

Therefore, fall gillnet surveys should continue each year and catch-per-unit- effort of age-1 striped bass should be used as an index to monitor success of the stocking program. Survival rates of stocked fingerlings and probable future densities of harvestable adults should also continue to be estimated using the method described by Moore (1988). Monitoring of clupeid populations should also be continued and intensified, particularly for alewives on which no reliable estimates for population density and dynamics exist at the present time.

Population dynamics and biotic interactions of threadfin shad with other forage fishes should also be assessed as recent density trends have indicated that in years of high age-O threadfin shad cohorts, year-class strength of age-O

227 alewives is lower that in years of poor threadfin shad recruitment (M.C. Duval,

VDGIF, personal communication). Cyprinid densities should also be monitored as this prey fish type plays a critical link in the transition to piscivory for juvenile striped bass. Therefore, by incorporating and utilizing these data within an individual-based model approach, more efficient and sound management can occur for the Smith Mountain Lake striped bass fishery.


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Denby ‘(podadoyd) adog ‘(uesaD0peRjD)pejD - uo yUe|dOOZ “9G6-GEEL ‘Axe] UleJUNOWP YIWUS JO JAAIY JaIeMAe|g - $D8suj ay} ul sseq pedis ajiuaan{ Aq pawinsuod Aaid jo sadAj juasa}jip Aq paindisju0d 1YyBlam poo} je}0} Jo JUBDIag “PL'W ayqeLy Table A.2a. Percent of total food weight by different types of prey consumed by juvenile striped bass in the Roanoke River of Smith Mountain Lake, 1994-95. Zooplankton - Clad (Cladoceran), Cope (); Aquatic Insects - Baet (Baetid mayfly nymphs), Chir (Chironomid midge larvae), Anis (Anisoptera - dragonfly naiads); Fish - Cyp (Cyprinidae - shiners), Ale (alewife), Sun (sunfish), Dart (darters), UnID (unidentified fish).

Stomachs Zooplankton Aquatic Insects Fish

Length Empty (mm) (%) Clad Cope Baet Chir Anis Cyp Ale Sun Dart UniD

20 4 25 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

30 49 32 10.00 0.00 33.34 36.67 0.00 19.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

40 32 56 4.00 0.00 24.00 16.00 0.00 54.67 0.00 000 000 1.33

50 65 25 3.03 1.21 18.94 14.70 0.00 62.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

60 130 22 3.82 3.12 17.18 1535 0.00 60.21 0.00 000 000 0.32

70 131 35 3.46 7.43 15.09 1345 0.00 60.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

80 119 39 5.86 6.18 17.35 1054 0.94 59.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

90 82 22 4.73 7.89 14.86 8.28 1.48 61.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.43

400 30 2/ 3.30 7.85 10.39 6.73 0.00 71.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

110 36 22 1.41 7.51 932 604 2.59 56.50 16.18 0.00 0.00 0.45

120 29 24 0.98 4.22 5.52 455 0.98 25.25 5850 0.00 0.00 0.00

130 6 17 0.00 1.49 3.57 2.24 2.99 18.07 7164 0.00 0.00 0.00

140 5 0) 0.00 0.00 5.45 0.00 0.00 10.15 8425 000 0.00 0.15

150 6 33 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 £0.00 0.00 100 0.00 0.00 0.00

160 2 50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 £0.00 0.00 100 0.00 0.00 0.00

170 2 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 0.00 0.00 0.00

180 10 10 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 # £0.00 5.21 87.34 685 0.00 0.60

190 5 20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 0.00 000 0.00

200 10 40 0.00 0.00 000 000 £0.00 5.04 94.21 000 000 0.75

210 5 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 £0.00 0.00 93.39 0.00 661 0.00

220 14 43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 £0.00 5.32 91.80 000 281 0.07

230 23 74 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 £0.00 8.54 90.08 000 0.88 0.50

240 29 86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 £0.00 8.37 9163 000 000 90.00

250 23 70 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 14.75 8525 0.00 0.00 0.00

260 15 67 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 £0.00 2.92 94.47 261 0.00 0.00

272 Table A.2b. Percent of total food weight by different types of prey consumed by juvenile striped bass in the Blackwater River of Smith Mountain Lake, 1994-95. Zooplankton - Clad (Cladoceran), Cope (Copepod); Aquatic Insects - Baet (Baetid mayfly nymphs), Chir (Chironomid midge larvae), Anis (Anisoptera - dragonfly naiads); Fish - Cyp (Cyprinidae - shiners), Ale (alewife), Sun (sunfish), Dart (darters), UnID (unidentified fish).

Stomachs Zooplankton Aquatic Insects Fish

Length Empty (mm) N (%) Clad Cope Baet Chir Anis Cyp Ale Sun Dart UnlD

40 48 42 13.51 0.00 29.73 29.43 0.00 27.03 000 000 0.00 0.30

50 64 29 5.37 0.67 18.12 1476 0.00 61.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

60 48 14 3.00 3.93 7.72 7.82 0.00 76.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.42

70 46 24 2.26 2.26 5.30 4.51 0.00 85.62 0.00 000 000 0.05

80 67 21 3.65 1.21 3.31 2.15 0.00 88.47 0.00 000 0.00 1.21

90 76 24 3.24 2.14 425 395 0.00 85.55 0.00 000 0.00 087

100 44 20 3.63 3.98 492 487 0.00 82.18 0.00 000 000 042

110 19 11 2.34 3.87 4.74 1.77 0.00 82.07 000 000 521 & 0.00

120 10 20 1.46 1.50 3.13 1.04 0.00 48.12 4475 0.00 0.00 0.00

130 3 33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.05 8419 0.00 000 1.76

140 4 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 #£0.00 20.58 78.75 0.00 0.00 0.67

150 4 0 0.00 0.00 017 000 0.00 1212 8220 0.00 3.52 2.16

160 3 67 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 £0.00 0.00 100 0.00 0.00 0.00

170 1 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 #0.00 0.00 100 0.00 0.00 0.00

180 4 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 £0.00 5.46 94.11 0.00 0.00 0.43

190 6 17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 £0.00 14.35 8565 0.00 0.00 0.00

200 10 60 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 #£0.00 13.24 8653 000 000 0.23

210 19 58 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 £0.00 1250 8719 0.00 000 0.31

220 18 67 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 £0.00 11.28 8872 0.00 0.00 0.00

230 21 29 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 4.16 95.84 000 088 0.00

240 25 68 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 £0.00 3.76 96.24 0.00 0.00 0.00

250 20 60 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 #0.00 2.76 95.42 0.00 0.00 1.82

260 15 67 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 #£0.00 0.00 100 0.00 0.00 0.00

273 Table A.2c. Percent of total food weight by different types of prey consumed by juvenile striped bass in the Roanoke River of Smith Mountain Lake, 1995-96. Zooplankton - Ciad {Cladoceran), Cope (Copepod); Aquatic Insects - Baet (Baetid mayfly nymphs), Chir (Chironomid midge larvae), Anis (Anisoptera - dragonfly naiads); Fish - Cyp (Cyprinidae - shiners), Ale (alewife), Sun (sunfish), Dart (darters), UnID (unidentified fish).

Stomachs Zooplankton Aquatic Insects Fish

Length Empty (mm) N (%) Clad Cope Baet Chir Anis Cyp Ale Sun Dart UnilD

40 22 18 25.74 0.00 5.15 2.20 0.00 66.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

50 36 27 6.64 0.00 2.21 1.33 0.00 89.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.32

60 47 12 0.87 0.00 1.39 0.07 0.00 97.03 0.00 000 0.00 0.64

70 31 13 0.67 0.00 1.12 0.00 0.00 96.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.49

80 22 26 0.59 0.00 6.26 0.59 0.00 92.34 0.00 000 000 0.22

90 16 19 1.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 88.10 1056 0.00 0.00 0.00

100 18 17 0.84 0.00 0.60 0.00 0.00 72.56 2489 0.00 0.00 1.11

110 12 25 0.50 0.00 0.00 80.31 0.00 76.40 22.31 0.00 0.00 0.48

120 15 27 0.00 0.00 0.49 0.00 0.00 34.15 65.36 0.00 0.00 0.00

130 10 10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.43 80.18 6.43 0.00 0.96

140 10 36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34.34 6566 0.00 0.00 0.00

150 11 25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 39.80 5866 0.00 0.00 1.54

160 20 20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1598 7983 000 362 0.57

170 15 25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.31 83.87 000 000 2.82

180 4 20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.85 91.15 0.00 0.00 0.00

190 9 44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.11 94.88 000 000 1.01

200 11 36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.39 8783 0.00 0.00 1.78

210 15 47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.81 91.97 000 000 0.22

220 16 56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 §©0.00 11.29 8871 0.00 0.00 0.00

230 12 7§ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.52 95.48 0.00 0.00 0.00

240 7 71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.99 94.01 000 0.00 0.00

250 4 25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 0.00 0.00 0.00

260 2 50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 0.00 0.00 0.00

274 Table A.2d. Percent of total food weight by different types of prey consumed by juvenile striped bass in the Blackwater River of Smith Mountain Lake, 1995-96. Zooplankton - Clad (Cladoceran), Cope (Copepod); Aquatic Insects - Baet (Baetid mayfly nymphs), Chir (Chironomid midge larvae), Anis (Anisoptera - dragonfly naiads); Fish - Cyp (Cyprinidae - shiners), Ale (alewife), Sun (sunfish), Dart (darters), UnID (unidentified fish).

Stomachs Zooplankton Aquatic Insects Fish

Length Empty | (mm) N (%) Clad Cope Baet Chir Anis Cyp Ale Sun Dart UniD

40 5 60 67.00 0.00 0.00 33.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

50 52 17 26.00 0.41 31.02 9.80 0.00 32.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

60 116 16 26.62 0.63 36.22 9.39 1.25 25.47 0.00 000 000 0.42

70 99 11 11.71 6.52 27.87 660 0.44 46.02 0.00 000 000 0.84

80 65 10 8.46 3.89 22.74 516 0.00 56.87 0.00 000 000 2.88

90 47 6 7.86 0.00 20.76 4.71 0.00 45.29 2113 0.00 0.00 0.25

100 27 0 5.02 0.00 10.41 1245 0.00 35.39 31.03 000 534 0.36

110 18 11 1.65 0.00 0.00 11.52 0.00 38.22 4066 666 0.00 1.29

120 18 44 0.00 0.00 000 9.19 0.00 25.43 5481 9.70 0.00 0.87

130 10 20 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.81 0.00 12.90 83.06 0.00 0.00 0.23

140 9 66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.92 8836 000 0.00 0.72

150 10 40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.32 90.32 0.00 0.00 1.36

160 10 30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.75 90.25 0.00 0.00 0.00

170 10 40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.06 94.94 000 0.00 0.00

180 11 45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 0.00 0.00 0.00

190 8 25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 0.00 0.00 0.00

200 9 33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 0.00 0.00 0.00

210 30 63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 0.00 000 0.00

220 21 67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 0.00 0.00 £0.00

230 19 53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 0.00 0.00 0.00

240 11 82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 0.00 0.00 0.00

250 2 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100 0.00 0.00 0.00


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Trent Michael Sutton was born on May 20, 1969, in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

He spent his formative years in the sticks of Coloma, Michigan, where he

developed a fond interest for wild critters, in particular those wet and slimy. Following graduation from Coloma High School in 1987, he enrolled at Michigan

State University, and graduated with honor in June 1991 with a Bachelor of

Science degree in Fisheries and Wildlife. In August 1991, he began graduate research studies at Michigan Technological University, focusing on the feeding ecology of larval lampreys, and received a Master of Science degree in Aquatic

Ecology in June 1993. After a brief one month hiatus from academia, he entered the doctoral program in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife

Sciences in August 1993 at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, where his research focused on examining factors affecting recruitment of stocked fingerling striped bass in Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia. During his tenure at VPI&SU, he served as president of the Virginia Tech Chapter of the

American Fisheries Society and received the Society’s Skinner Memorial Award.

Prior to completing his doctoral dissertation in December 1997, he accepted an offer to return to his home state as an assistant professor of fisheries biology and director of fisheries research and culture for the Aquatic Research

Laboratory at Lake Superior State University in Sault Sainte Marie.

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