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Yanomami the fierce controversy and what we can learn from it

Robert Borofsky Hawaii Pacific University with

Bruce Albert, Raymond Hames, Kim Hill, Lêda Leitão Martins, John Peters, and Terence Turner

university of california press berkeley los angeles london UC_Borofsky.qxd 9/13/04 2:39 PM Page 343


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acculturation, 310 American Anthropological Association Ache, 129 (AAA), 35–36, 95–96, 146, 266. See Aguilera, Judge, 36 also anthropology, cultural, Ameri- Albert, Bruce, 60, 123, 137–38, 220, 270 can; El Dorado Task Force background, 73–74 Ad Hoc Task Force, 46–48 on biomedical ethics, 245–47 advocacy for Yanomami, 292 informed consent and blood sample avoidance of divisive issues, 92–94, collection, 79, 88, 170, 171, 184– 140 88, 204, 223–24, 246, 257, 267. “Code of Ethics,” 39–40 See also blood samples gap between AAA response to Roche’s iodine uptake research, 172 Yanomami controversy and, on Chagnon, 81, 82, 161–65 91–93 on distorted portrayals of indigenous relevant provisions of, 274–75 peoples, 97 “Commission to Review the AAA and “do no harm” ethic, 161–65 Statements on Ethics,” 92–93, on ensuring professional integrity, 113– 285, 287 14, 214, 216–17 Committee on Ethics, 35, 46, 104–5, 121 on establishing credibility, 112, 166, 214, ethics (and norms), 8–10, 103, 284–85. 230 See also “do no harm” ethic; on genealogical research, 82, 164–65, informed consent 300 ambivalent response, 14–15, 44–52 and informed consent, 114–15, 160–61, educational efforts regarding, 287–88 168, 221–24 membership participation in ethical interview with Kopenawä, 62–64 deliberations, 288–89 on just compensation, 118, 124, 163, financial struggles, 92 165, 219, 220, 226 holding it accountable, 103–5, 267 on land rights, 245 initial response to Darkness in El on lawsuits, 188, 260 Dorado, 150–51, 267 on missionaries, 268 Kopenawa and, 70 on Neel as facilitating the spread of maintaining collegial relations with measles, 113, 159 other associations, 287. See also and reduction of indigenous suffering, Brazilian Anthropological 245 Association, relations with AAA on violent stereotype of Yanomami, 81, membership, 92 161–62 open forum at 2000 annual meeting, alcohol use, 144 46–48 “Alpha males,” 202 “Questions and Answers,” 46

359 UC_Borofsky.qxd 9/13/04 2:39 PM Page 360

360 Index

AAA (continued) Yanomami views of anthropology and, “Statement on Allegations Made in the 69–71 Book Darkness in El Dorado”, 46 anthropology, cultural, 94–95 American Anthropologist, 94 American. See also American Anthropo- American Philosophical Society (APS) logical Association archive, 151, 152 concern with ethics, 94–95 anthropological research, 269. See also ethics, 102–3. See also ethics specific topics as four-field discipline, and lack of toward collaborative models of, 312–13 coherence, 93–94 anthropologist(s), 196. See also specific state of, 93–94 topics unifying principles in, 93–94 accountability for their ideas, 98–99 definitions, 53 arguing past one another, 16–17 postcolonial vision of, 95–96 credibility. See credibility Asad, Talal, 54 criticism of indigenous activists, 83 Asch, Timothy, 31, 180 disclosure of theories to subjects, 264 Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), 115, in the field, 145–46 117, 164. See also measles vaccination sharing their first-hand experience, program 57–58 as hero, 43 behavioral ecology, 90n impact of their ethnographic accounts, biomedical-anthropological ethical 81–82, 144, 286–87. See also “double standard,” 218–21 ethnographic description biomedical ethics, 127–28, 185, 217–18. personality traits, 102 See also under Albert, Bruce; Hill, priorities, 203–5 Kim private vs. public behavior of, 102–3 health care and, 110–12 problematic way they seek to resolve biomedical research, 158–61 controversies, 57–60 epidemiological surveillance vs. as “professional,” 146–47 experimentation vs. observational, profits gained by, 53–54, 56–57 185–86 from book royalties, 68–69, 132, 133, “biopiracy,” 259 168n6 blood samples, 63–66 relations with the people they study, collection of, 30, 42, 115, 153. See also 261–65 under Albert, on biomedical ethics ethical obligations regarding, 39–40. as critical to saving Yanomami lives, See also “do no harm” ethic; 204 informed consent as having negative impact, 224–25 models/styles of, 40–43 informed consent regarding, 64–65, as researcher, 142–45 78–79, 114–16, 170–73, 204–5, experience of superior status, 143 223–24, 227–31, 254–61, 333– response to misuse of their work, 80 34. See also informed consent, in responsibility and representation, 310 Neel’s research scrutinizing their own behaviors, lawsuits and, 228, 230 268–69 commercial use of, 227–28 specialization, 72–73 and DNA detection, 227–31 who have studied Yanomami, 6, 273 intellectual property rights and, 258 working in foreign countries, 89–91 trade goods received in exchange for, questions to ponder regarding, 91 64, 223, 226, 227 working with communities to address what should be done to address needs as they stipulate, 89 UC_Borofsky.qxd 9/13/04 2:39 PM Page 361

Index 361

Yanomami concerns regarding, 65, failure to provide aid or support for 86, 333 Yanomami, 208 Albert on, 117–18, 227 falsification of data, 32, 33, 130, 206, Kim Hill on, 187–88 339. See also films, related to Boas, Franz, 94 Chagnon’s fieldwork book royalties, 68–69, 132, 133, 168n6. feelings about his own style of field- See also under Chagnon, writings work, 42 Borgman, Don, 166 fieldwork with Yanomami Bortoli, Jose, 37 confrontational style of interaction, Brazilian Anthropological Association 40–43, 82 (ABA) contradiction between accepted ethical critique of Chagnon, 198 practice and, 38–44 “fierce” stereotype and, 112 “first contact” experiences, 22–23, 25, relations with AAA, 35, 140, 162, 287 33 warning letter, 189 moving from place to place, 41–42, Brazilian government. See also specific 164 topics physical endangerment in, 40, 43, 44 role of, 245–46 relations with Yanomami, 27 Brazilian Indian Service. See FUNAI restriction from continuing, 90, 133, Brenneis, Donald, 101 208, 259, 340 Brewer-Carías, Charles, 33, 36, 131–32, Yanomami perceptions of, 67–68 207, 279, 312 Yanomami’s reactions to his presence, 40 Cadman, Wes, 306 gift giving, 67–69, 87–88, 129–30, cameras, fear of, 31 206. See also under violence and Campana, Jennie, 294 warfare, types and causes of Cappelletti, Father, 37 impact of his work in Brazil, 80, 135– Carneiro da Cunha, Maria Manuela, 35, 39, 189–92. See also “fierce 137–39, 189 people,” Yanomami as, political CCPY (Pro-Yanomami Commission), ramifications 166, 167, 168n7, 215, 218, 232n8 taking responsibility for, 80, 139–40 Cetina, Karin Knorr, 96 increasing concern for Yanomami, 26 Chagnon, Napoleon. See also specific topics interview in Veja (“Indians Are Also adaptive/evolutionary approach, 7, 8, People”), 81, 83, 163, 192, 236, 27–28. See also sociobiology 309–10 association with disreputable charac- involvement in Yanomami political ters, 131–32, 207, 279 affairs, 302–3 broken promises, 68 motivations, 24–28 critiques of, 163, 192 Neel’s collaboration with, 7, 42 are not ideological witch hunt, 208–9 overview, 7–9 denial of coevalness and image of public criticism of indigenous Yanomami as endangered, 279, Yanomami spokespeople, 138, 140, 310 236, 263, 336. See also Kopenawä efforts to gain control of land reserve, public dialogue with members of study 338–39. See also FUNDAFACI communities, 303–4 “enemies” of and opposition to, 90–91, on the real character of Indians, 192, 132, 192, 193 236, 253–54, 309–10 Yanomami as coached by, 194–95, recent efforts to collect blood, 115 208 redistribution of financial gains and “anti-Chagnon plot,” 165–66 UC_Borofsky.qxd 9/13/04 2:39 PM Page 362

362 Index

Chagnon, Napoleon. (continued) conservation, 26 response to media’s misuse of his work, Coronil, Fernando, 48–51, 299 236, 336–37 credibility response to politicians’ abuse of his defining, 98 work, 80, 191–92 establishing, 96–100, 179–81 sharing his first-hand experience, 57–58 Albert on, 112, 166, 214, 230 students’ criticism of, 52 Hames on, 120, 125, 170, 235, 240 threats against, 40 Kim Hill on, 130, 133–34, 176, 179, unethical conduct. See under El Dorado 182, 250, 252 Task Force reports, allegations Martins on, 190–91, 193, 194 writings. See also Yanomamo participants’ positions on, 324–27 “Doing Fieldwork among the Terence Turner on, 150, 156, 202–4, Yanomami,” 22–24 206, 272, 273, 278, 281 impact of, 137–39, 178–79 ways of, 57–60, 325–26 “Life Histories, Blood Revenge, and status and, 58–60 Warfare in a Tribal Population,” Cristaldo, Janer, 138, 192 28, 32, 119, 121, 137, 189, 214, 339 cultural adjustments. See acculturation; royalties from books, and compensa- Chagnon, adaptive/evolutionary tion to Yanomami, 87, 132–33, approach; social change 163, 165, 173, 339–40 cultural difference writing style, 39 attitudes toward, 94, 212 Yanomami lives put at risk by, 302 colonialists and, 123 Yanomami’s knowledge about, 195 educating Western audiences about, 95 Chagnon-Salesian controversy. See honoring, 94, 95 missionaries, Salesian, Chagnon’s Cushing, Frank, 41 criticisms of Chernela, Janet, 48, 49, 63, 295, 299 Dalstrom, Matthew, 294 Chiñas, Beverly, 123 Darkness in El Dorado (Tierney), 9–10, Clifford, James, 40, 54 112–13 “Code of Ethics.” See under American accusations against Chagnon, 11–13, Anthropological Association 112, 128–33 comparative method, 93 degree of justification and truth in, compensation. See also gifts from 120–22, 328 anthropologists accusations against Neel, 4, 11, 13, 112, dynamics of, 173–74 127–28, 241 just, 87–89, 118, 165 Tierney’s feelings about, 33 Albert on, 118, 124, 165, 219, 220, 226 Albert on, 112–13, 159 Chagnon’s royalties from his books credibility, 99, 179–81 and, 87, 132, 339–40 El Dorado Task Force and, 101–2 guidelines for assessing, 88–89 ethical issues raised by, 44, 147–51, Hames on, 170, 173 195–97, 243–45, 254. See also Kim Hill on, 127–28, 132–33, 182, specific issues 187–88 best manner for dealing with, 125–34 Martins on, 257 ethically problematic conduct described offering, 16, 87–89 in, 275–77 participants’ positions on what ethics in anthropology and, 140–42 constitutes, 320–22 Hames on, 170, 240, 241 Peters on, 146 initial reactions to publication of, 150– questions to ponder regarding, 89 51 Terence Turner on, 155–56, 274, 277 Martins on, 261 UC_Borofsky.qxd 9/13/04 2:39 PM Page 363

Index 363

media and, 12 Edmonston B vaccine. See measles portrayal of scientists in, 252–53 vaccination preliminary vs. published versions, 150– education of indigenous peoples, 247 51, 159 El Dorado Task Force, 48–50 problematic aspects of, 134–35, 248–49 composition, 48–49, 242 Kim Hill on, 99, 125–27, 134–35, 179, criticisms of, 48–49 181, 249, 253, 271–73 formation, 48 main inaccuracies, 327 joint letter sent to, 282–90 questions of validity and ethics, 272–74 organic solidarity, 72 reflections on, 110–12 purpose, 48 science vs. antiscience and, 193–94 release of documents, 288–89 sociobiology and, 250–53 El Dorado Task Force reports, 101, 104, Terence Turner on, 45, 60, 99, 152, 159, 282–83, 289–91. See also “Preface 204, 248–49, 273, 278 for the El Dorado Task Force Papers” Tierney’s motives for writing, 134 allegations, 304–7 Turner-Sponsel memo and, 44–47, against Chagnon, 277–81, 300–304, 118n2, 149–52 307–12 value, 328–29 against Neel, 281, 293–300 Darwinian perspective. See sociobiology relating to Chagnon’s problems of Dawson, Mike, 32n representation, 308–10 death. See dying persons; violence and “Beginning to Mend the Damage,” warfare 299–300 deceit. See informed consent; name Final Report, 105, 241–43, 277–81, taboos 295–99, 307–13 Denis, Bayna, 31, 175, 191 preface vs., 101–2 disasters, 85. See also measles epidemic of introductory sections, 291–92 1968 Preliminary Report, 14–15, 50, 293–97, disease, 70. See also health care; measles 300–306 Western treatment of sick persons, positive outcome from uproar 267–68 following, 51 Doctors without Borders, Dutch branch problems regarding, 50–51 of, 217–18 epidemiological surveillance, 185–87 “do no harm” ethic, 16, 39, 55, 56 ethical conduct in private vs. in public, Albert and, 161–65 102–3 following the, 80–86 ethical decisions, 259–60 Hames and, 121, 122, 175, 236, 241–43 ethical universalism, 212, 213 issues raised by, 80–86 ethics, 163–67, 217–18. See also Kim Hill and, 130–32, 178, 179 biomedical ethics; specific topics Martins and, 136–38, 140, 190–92 anthropology’s concern with, 94–95 participants’ positions on, 318–20 of the discipline of anthropology, 102–3 Peters and, 267 double standards in, 131 privacy and, 82. See also name taboos institutional responsibilities, from questions to ponder regarding, 86–87 “atomic” to “genomic” eras, 115–18 Terence Turner and, 198–99, 207, 276 ethnocentrism, 123, 143 Durkheim, Émile, 72 ethnographic description, political impact dying persons of, 119–22, 161–63, 235–37. See also filmed, 306 under anthropologist(s) Western treatment of, 267 on funding NGOs, 124–25 on government officials, 122–24 Early, John, 166 eugenics, 251, 252 UC_Borofsky.qxd 9/13/04 2:39 PM Page 364

364 Index

Evans-Pritchard, E. E., 41, 42 FUNDAFACI (Foundation to Aid Peasant evolutionary perspective. See sociobiology and Indigenous Families) project, experimentation, 185, 186 12, 207 allegations against Chagnon relating to, Fabian, Johannes, 310 310–12 Farage, Nadia, 160 Kim Hill on, 131, 132 Feast, The (film), 26 Terence Turner on, 207, 277 Federation of Indian Organizations of the Chagnon accused of violating Venezue- Rio Negro (FIORN), 221 lan law, 33 “Feminists Attack the Yanomami,” 213 Ferguson, R. Brian Gaccetta, Dominic, 302 on competition for women and Geertz, Clifford, 59, 60 Yanomami conflict, 240 gender roles, 202. See also reproductive criticism of Chagnon, 31, 112, 191, 242– behavior; women 43, 302 genealogical research. See blood samples; on distribution of trade goods and name taboos warfare, 112, 242–43, 302 genetic fallacy and reductionism, 240 on metal tools, 5 genetic variation. See also sociobiology Ficker, Harvest, 304 research in, 187–88. See also blood “fierce people” samples, and DNA detection; Yanomami as, 8, 81. See also violence radioiodine experiments and warfare; Yanomamo genocide, accusations of, 33–34 accuracy of Chagnon’s representations gifts from anthropologists. See also of, 337–38 Chagnon, gift giving; compensation; Albert on, 161–62 trade goods challenges to the depiction of, 8, 44, conflicts caused by, 129, 206 66–67, 279 goiter, 187. See also radioiodine experi- discussed in Yanomami interviews, ments 66–67. See also “Indians Are gold mining, 8, 31, 36, 80, 132, 207, 279. Also People” See also Haxima massacre; mining Hames on, 81–82, 121, 175, 198, 238 Gomez, Gale Goodwin, 164, 167 Kim Hill on, 129 Good, Kenneth, 305 Martins on, 190–91 overview, 10–11 political ramifications, 62, 119, 121, government, role of, 245–46 122, 135–39, 161–62, 178–79, Griaule, Marcel, 40 198, 214. See also Chagnon, impact of his work in Brazil Hames, Ray, 90n, 162 sociobiology and, 238, 239 on anthropologists, 81–82, 269 Terence Turner on, 201–2, 276, 279 appointed to Task Force, 49, 50 Yanomami self-perception as, 62 background, 49, 74 films, xvii–xviii. See also Warriors of the on Chagnon, 83, 97, 173, 223, 236, 243, Amazon 300, 302 related to Chagnon’s fieldwork, 26 on Chagnon’s genealogical research, The Feast, 26 174, 300–301 and sales of Yanomamo, 39 on Chagnon’s statements on “fierce- as staged by Chagnon, 11–12, 31–32 ness,” 81–82, 121, 175, 198, 238 Fischer, Michael, 18 and “do no harm” ethic, 121, 122, 175, food sharing, 23 236, 241–43 FUNAI (Fundação Nacional do Índio), on ensuring professional integrity, 241, 121, 159, 167, 189, 193, 215, 228 242 UC_Borofsky.qxd 9/13/04 2:39 PM Page 365

Index 365

on establishing credibility, 120, 125, 170, on ethics of (medical) research on 235, 240 indigenous groups, 157, 159–61, on informed consent, 170–72, 218, 204, 205, 218–19, 223–25, 227, 226, 256–57, 260 231, 257, 259–61, 267 on just compensation, 170, 173 on financial gains and compensation, on missionaries, NGOs, and Chagnon’s 132, 133, 165 Veja interview, 83 sharing royalties, 168n6, 173 on Neel as facilitating the spread of on genealogical research and breaking measles, 170, 241 name taboo, 82, 130–31 on NGOs, 214 on human nature, 203 objectivity, 263 on human rights advocacy, 262, 263 on political uses of Chagnon’s work, on “ideological holy war,” 193 81–82, 121–23, 174–75, 189–91, on indigenous rights, 262 235–37, 302 on informed consent, 128, 185–86, on radioiodine experiments, 222 246–47, 263–64 on relations between researchers and on just compensation, 127–28, 132–33, indigenous peoples, 221 182, 187–88 resignation from Task Force, 52, 280, on lawsuits, 230, 260–61 307 on missionaries, 268–69 Hammond, E., 229 on “moral criticism,” 262 Haviland, William, 39 on Neel, 84, 183, 188, 218, 245, 260. See Hawarixapopitheri, Alexandre, 65 also under measles vaccination Haxima massacre, 138, 192, 215–16 program health care, providing, 217–19, 267–68. on Nuremberg Code, 222–23 See also biomedical research objectivity, 263 Neel’s responsibility for, 334 sociobiology and, 90, 194, 200, 202, health project, 137–39 203, 209 health promotion, 196, 197, 230–31 on Tierney’s book, 99, 125–27, 134–35, Helsinki Declaration, 76, 77, 114–15, 222, 179, 181, 184, 249, 253, 271–73 259 on Tierney’s ethical problems, 204–6, purpose, 258 209 Hereniko, Vilsoni, 54 on trade goods causing conflicts, 129, 163 Hill, Jane H., 48, 49, 292, 304–6 on vaccinations, 84, 159–60, 205, 260 Hill, Kim. See also Darkness in El Dorado Holy, Ladislav, 93 on access and use of knowledge, 194 homosexuality, 305. See also under sexual on anthropologists, 162, 203, 211, 214, behavior 231, 232, 262–64, 269, 271 Hopkins, Elizabeth, 301 background, 74 Human Genome Diversity Project Bruce Albert on, 210–15 (HGDP), 225, 231, 261 criticisms of Albert and Turner, 219 blood samples available to, 116, 171 criticisms of Chagnon, 165, 207 informed consent and, 169, 171, 258–59 defense of Chagnon, 82, 87–88, 102, Human Genome Project (HGP), 247, 261 129–34, 165, 178–79, 194, 202, human rights, 26 206, 208, 249–50, 303–4 cultural relativism and, 210–13 and “do no harm” ethic, 130–32, 178, human rights advocacy, 262. See also 179 indigenous activists on establishing credibility, 130, 133–34, credibility and, 179 176, 179, 182, 250, 252 truth and responsibility in, 214–17 on ethical decisions, 259–60 human rights organizations. See on ethics concept, 197 nongovernmental organizations UC_Borofsky.qxd 9/13/04 2:39 PM Page 366

366 Index

human rights violations, 211 in Neel’s research, 77–79, 293–95, Hurtado, Magdalena, 129, 132, 133, 175n3 330–31. See also under blood Hymes, Dell, 94 samples, collection of one-time vs. continuous, 79 Ik, 55–56 parameters of, 76–79, 246, 268 Index of Innate Ability (IIA), 200, 201 participants’ positions on, 317–18 Indian rights groups, 81 Peters on, 171, 268 Indians, idealized image of vs. the “real,” questions to ponder regarding, 79–80 192, 236, 253–54, 309–10 in radioiodine experiments, 10, 128, “Indians Are Also People” (Chagnon), 81, 160, 222, 230, 246, 258 83, 163, 192, 236, 309–10 and telling it like it is, 168–73 indigenous activists, 83, 84, 262. See also Terence Turner on, 152, 277 human rights advocacy Institutional Review Boards (IRBs), 168 indigenous cultures interviews with Yanomami, 61–63, 84. contributions to their own problems, See also under Kopenawä 144–45 blood samples discussed in, 63–65 falsely portraying, 97. See also “fierce depiction of Yanomami fierceness people,” Yanomami as; human discussed in, 66–67 rights advocacy, truth and Irons, W., 47 responsibility in; Yanomami, aspects omitted in research and jury trial model, 73, 110 publications in overly positive light, 214, 236, 262. , 228 See also under Indians; non- Katz, Samuel, 45, 151 governmental organizations Keesing, Felix, 53 norm of keeping the status quo in, 166 Koch-Grünberg, T., 121 rights of, 97. See also human rights; Kopenawa, Davi, 137 native rights Albert’s interview with, 63, 64 indigenous suffering, pragmatic steps to on anthropologists, 68–70 reducing, 245 on blood samples, 63–65 infanticide, 122, 197, 235, 236 on Chagnon, 66–69, 81, 84 informed consent, 15–17, 76–79, 240. Chagnon’s criticisms of, 13, 26–27, 37, See also under Albert, on biomedical 83, 163, 195, 208, 303, 304 ethics; blood samples Chernela’s interview with, 63, 66–69 Albert and, 114–15, 160–61, 168, 221– human rights groups and, 163 24 as spokesperson for non-Yanomami biomedical research and, 112–17, 160, “mentors,” 83 184, 221–26, 246–47 on Tierney, 68 extreme views regarding, 226 as translator, 63 cultural assumptions and, 171 view of the controversy, 68–69 definition and elements of, 76, 184, 246 Kroeber, Alfred, 53, 102 education of native peoples and, 247 Hames on, 170–72, 218, 226, 256–57, Lamphere, Louise, 48–50, 179, 242 260 land reserve, 132. See also FUNDAFACI vs. helping one’s research subjects, 78 argument over, 8, 136–37 historical perspective on, 76, 77, 168 Chagnon’s efforts to gain control of, Kim Hill on, 128, 185–86, 246–47, 338–39 263–64 “fierceness” of Yanomami and, 62, 119, levels of information required, 246 121 Martins on, 195, 255–57, 334 land rights, 245 UC_Borofsky.qxd 9/13/04 2:39 PM Page 367

Index 367

lawsuits, 118, 188, 230, 260–61 Neel accused of not doing enough to Leach, Edmund, 139 help Yanomami, 30, 84–85, 91 leaders. See also spokesperson(s)/ Neel’s concern about research vs. representative(s) helping Yanomami during, 30, 113, puppet, 248 153–55, 260, 295–99, 331–33 Leo, John, 179 measles immune gamma globulin (MIG), Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 54, 185, 219 85–86, 114, 297 Lizot, Jacques, 117, 306 measles vaccination, violent reactions to, on Chagnon, 5, 10, 32, 37 85 overview, 10 measles vaccination program, Neel’s sexual relations with Yanomami boys, 1968 Orinoco, 7, 78, 83, 163, 170, 10, 112, 305–6 205. See also measles epidemic of support for Yanomami, 10 1968 on Yanomami violence, 5, 10, 32 biomedical and anthropological research ethics and, 217–18 Mabalot, Diana, 305 and biomedical research, 158–61 Macuxi, 195 contradictions in Terence Turner’s male-female relations, 43. See also position regarding, 182–83 reproductive behavior; women as facilitating the spread of measles, Márquez, Colonel, 36 29–30, 113, 125, 151–52, 245, 329– Martins, Lêda Leitão, 162 30 on AAA code of ethics, 90–91 Albert on, 113, 159 background, 74 Hames, 170, 241 on blood sampling, 78–79, 334 Terence Turner on, 151 on Chagnon, 90–91, 137–40, 191–92, flaws in how it was conducted, 114 263 governmental authorization for on Chagnon’s portrayal of Yanomami, vaccination, 172 190–91, 236 Kim Hill on, 84, 125, 127, 159–60, 182, criticism of Neel, 260 183, 205, 245, 260 on Darkness in El Dorado, 261 Neel’s priorities in, 153–55 and “do no harm” ethic, 136–38, 140, as reckless human experimentation, 113, 190–92 125–27 on education of native peoples, 247 Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)- on ensuring professional integrity, 140, Holland, 217 264 media, 12 on establishing credibility, 190–91, 193, Chagnon’s response to misuse of his 194 work by, 236, 336–37 on informed consent, 195, 255–57, 334 Albert on, 162–63 interviews of Yanomami, 62–65 Hames on, 121–23, 174–75, 235–37 on just compensation, 257 Kim Hill on, 178, 179 Kim Hill on, 178, 179 Martins on, 137–40, 191–92 on NGOs, 235, 237, 238, 247 Peters on, 267 massacre, Haxima, 138, 192, 215–16 Terence Turner on, 198–99, 206, Matos, Cecelia, 33, 131–32, 207, 279 275 Maybury-Lewis, David, 124 medicines, 174. See also biomedical McFeely, Eliza, 41 research Mead, Margaret, 315 Miller, D. W., 48, 51 measles epidemic of 1968, 7, 84, 151–53, miners, expulsion of, 137 223. See also Tierney, accusations mining, 33, 132, 207. See also gold mining against Neel missionaries, 83, 176–78 UC_Borofsky.qxd 9/13/04 2:39 PM Page 368

368 Index

abuses by, 176–77, 210–11 nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), anthropologists and, 145 105, 111, 144, 166, 248 evicted by native groups, 177–78 anthropologists’ relations with, 83 portraying indigenous peoples in overly Chagnon on, 236 positive light, 214, 236 criticisms of, 236, 237, 247–48 Salesian, 11, 134 goals, 237 Chagnon’s criticisms of, 36–37, 138, Hames on, 83, 214 175, 236 issues not addressed by, 197 “us” vs. “them” distinction, 268 Martins on, 235, 237, 238, 247 vaccinations placed in hands of, 296–97 negative portrayals of indigenous Möawä, 40 peoples and funding for, 124–25, Monaghan, Peter, 303 262. See also Indians portraying indigenous peoples in overly Nader, Laura, 93 positive light, 214, 236. See also name taboos, 164 Indians and ethics of Chagnon’s methods of types of, 248 collecting genealogies, 23–24, 32, Nuer of Sudan, 41 40, 82, 164–65, 334–35 Nuremberg Code, 76, 77, 114–15, 160, Albert on, 164–65 185, 222–23 Kim Hill on, 130–31 blood sampling and, 257–59 Kopenawa on, 67, 83 purpose, 258 Task Force’s Preliminary Report, 300– 301 objectivity, 18, 97, 99 Terence Turner on, 206, 276, 280 observational research, 185–86 Tierney on, 130–31 organic solidarity, 72, 93 Yanomami on, 82–83 orientalism, 44 Nanda, Serena, 39 Orinoco epidemic. See measles epidemic native rights, 26 of 1968 naturalistic fallacy, 133 Orinoco expedition. See measles nature reserve. See land reserve vaccination program Neel, James V. See also blood samples, collection of; Darkness in El Dorado; Paleolithic, life in the, 239 El Dorado Task Force reports, peace-making negotiation, 302 allegations; informed consent; Peer, Karisa, 301 measles epidemic of 1968; measles Peters, John F. vaccination; sociobiology; Tierney; background, 74–75, 142, 166 Turner, Terence on CCPY, 166, 168n7 background, 183 criticism of Chagnon, 267 collaboration with Chagnon, 7, 42 and “do no harm” ethic, 267 Kim Hill on, 84, 218, 260 on ensuring professional integrity, 144, overview, 6–7 146–47, 268 responsibilities for dealing with medical ethical issues raised by, 92, 176 problems, 334 genealogical research, 82 Kim Hill on, 183, 188, 245 on informed consent, 171, 268 Martins on, 260 on just compensation, 146 Neel-Chagnon model of primitive society, Kim Hill on, 176, 178, 188 202, 203 missionaries and, 166, 167 Nelson, Jeffrey, 295–98 on power and economic differentials, 173 noble savage image, 238 on research efforts vs. helping indige- nous peoples, 197, 267 UC_Borofsky.qxd 9/13/04 2:39 PM Page 369

Index 369

sharing royalties, 173 Rappaport, Roy, 140 on sharing royalties and just compensa- Rappaport, Skip, 178 tion, 87 Rawls, John, 56–57, 88, 103, 286 spiritual world of Yanomami and, 166, reductionism, 240 167 Reiss, Spencer, 237 Task Force and, 50, 242 religion. See spiritual world on Tierney, 145 representatives. See spokesperson(s)/ on trade goods and warfare, 243 representative(s) pneumonia, 30, 85, 155 reproductive behavior, sociobiology and, political agendas and credibility, 97 200–202, 239 “political correctness,” 38, 81, 131 reserve, land. See land reserve political uses of ethnographic description, respiratory infections, 85 119–25 Ritchie, Mark, 112, 180 Porapitheri, Peri, 63 Roche, Marcel. See also radioiodine Posey, Darrel, 125 experiments power. See also specific topics overview, 10 relations of, 75, 317–23. See also Romero, Egidio, 172 compensation; “do no harm” ethic; Roraima, 193 informed consent Roundtable, 109–10 power differentials in the anthropological endeavor, 15, 53–57, 173 Sahlins, Marshall, 95, 112 equalizing, 103, 286 Salamone, Frank, 36, 38–39, 175 how anthropologists respond to, 54–55 Salesians. See missionaries, Salesian “Preface for the El Dorado Task Force Salopek, Paul, 259 Papers,” 101, 104 Salzano, Francisco, 181 primitive social structure, 201, 202, 279 Santos, R. V., 229 privacy, invasion of, 41, 82. See also under “science,” 148–49, 196–97, 271–72 name taboos vs. “nonscience”/antiscience, 176, 193– professional integrity. See also anthropolo- 94, 240, 271 gist(s), as “professional” scientific approaches. See also credibility ensuring, 16, 91–96 multiplicity of, 96 participants’ positions on, 323–24 scientific truth. See also human rights questions to ponder regarding, 96 advocacy, truth and responsibility in regulation of, 16, 323–24 ideological politics and the search for, proselytizing. See missionaries 324–25 Pro-Yanomami Commission (CCPY), self-determination, 123 166, 167, 168n7, 215, 218, 232n8 Seripino, José, 63, 64, 66–68 Public Anthropology Web site, 103–6 sexual affairs, 43 puppet leaders/puppet masters, 248, 304. sexual behavior. See also reproductive See also Kopenawä behavior allegations of inappropriate relation- radioiodine experiments, 117. See also ships with Yanomami, 304–6. See Roche, Marcel also under Lizot informed consent in, 10, 128, 160, 185, Shah, Nirvi, 304 222–23, 230, 246, 258 shamanism, 166–67, 269 medical benefit for Yanomami from, Shaylor, D., 114 172, 187, 246 shotguns given to Yanomami by raiding party aided by Chagnon, 302 Salesians, 36 Ramos, Alcida, 60, 123, 137–38, 168n5, Siapa expedition, 217–18 228 Simoneau, K., 166 UC_Borofsky.qxd 9/13/04 2:39 PM Page 370

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social change. See also acculturation; accusations against Chagnon, 11–14, Chagnon, adaptive/evolutionary 28–33 approach American anthropology’s response to, anthropological and missionary views 14–15 of, 166–67 validity of, 205–8, 249 social solidarity, mechanical vs. organic, accusations against Neel, 7, 11–14, 28– 72, 93 30, 45–48, 249 social structure/organization, 201, 202 credibility, 179–81 social value judgments, 143 criticism of Neel, 251, 252 sociobiology, 238–40, 249–53 Kopenawä on, 68–69 campaign against, 133–35, 250–53 overview, 9–10 “anti-sociobiological plot” against Peters on, 145 Chagnon, 165–66 sharing his first-hand experience with connotations of the term, 90n Yanomami, 58 in the work of Chagnon and Neel, 90, Terence Turner on, 60, 149, 150, 194, 133–34, 200–203, 251–53 208, 281 Yanomami’s conception of, 194 writings, 147 Souza, Alexandra de, 230 accuracy of, 179–81 Spindler, George, 39, 43 The Highest Altar: The Story of Human Spindler, Louise, 39, 43 Sacrifice, 9 spiritual world, Yanomami, 166–67, 269 Torry, Antonio Luis, 165 spokesperson framework, 83 trade goods. See also gifts from anthropol- spokesperson(s)/representative(s). See ogists also Kopenawä and conflicts, 112, 163–64, 242–43, 302 for indigenous peoples, 248 in exchange for blood samples, 64, 223, for Yanomami, 61, 83, 336 226, 227 coached to legitimize their ideological trickery. See informed consent; name oppression, 133–34, 263 taboos lack of a single, 61, 83 Turnbull, Colin M., 55–56 Sponsel, Leslie Turner, Terence criticisms of Chagnon, 58, 60, 208, 242 background, 49, 75 Darkness in El Dorado and, 242. See also Chagnon’s criticisms of, 37–38 Turner-Sponsel memo contradictions of his position, 182–83 on El Dorado Task Force, 292–93 criticisms of, 295–96 on measles vaccination campaign, 45– criticisms of Chagnon, 45–46, 58, 60, 46 83, 198–99, 206–8, 249, 275–77, on political use of portrayals of 279–80 Yanomami violence, 241 on Darkness in El Dorado, 45, 60, 99, warning to leadership, 280, 281 159, 248–49. See also Turner- on Yanomamo, 39 Sponsel memo Stevenson, Matilda, 41 and “do no harm” ethic, 198–99, 207, students, anthropology, 51–52, 95 276 Surui Indians, 228 on ensuring professional integrity, 277– Survival International, 238 78, 281 on establishing credibility, 150, 156, taboos, violating, 41. See also under name 202–4, 206, 272, 273, 278, 281 taboos on informed consent, 152, 277 Taylor, Kenneth, 167 on just compensation, 155–56, 274, 277 Ticuna Indians, 229 on Neel, 50, 84, 151–55, 158–59, 205, Tierney, Patrick. See also Darkness in El 251, 252, 296, 297 Dorado; specific topics on sociobiology, 238–39, 250 UC_Borofsky.qxd 9/13/04 2:39 PM Page 371

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on Task Force, 297 Wilson, E. O., 8, 90n on Tierney, 60, 149, 150, 194, 208, 281 women on Yanomami “fierceness,” 201–2, 276, abuse of, 212, 213. See also sexual 279 behavior Turner, Trudy, 48, 49, 293–98 conflicts over, 8 Turner, Victor, 18 Wongk, 8 Turner-Sponsel memo, 44–47, 118n2, 149–52 Xiriana, Piri, 61, 83

Ulrich, Andrew, 306–7 Yanomami, 4. See also specific topics unokai, 201, 202 aspects omitted in research and publications, 269 Valero, Helena, 12, 32 the bad, the good, and the hopeful, Vance, Amy, 305–6 269–70 “veil of ignorance” approach, 56, 88, 103, collaboration between research 286 community and, 105 Villarías-Robles, Juan, 293 ethnographers who have written about, violence and warfare, 43, 269. See also 5–6 “fierce people”; infanticide; women, exploitation by outsiders, 121 abuse of; Yanomami Warfare; expulsion of outsiders, 137 Yanomamo importance in anthropology, 4–6 against Chagnon, 40, 43, 44 isolation, 121 Chagnon’s depiction of Yanomami as in knowledge regarding Yanomami state of chronic, 5, 25 controversy, 195 Chagnon’s portrayal of, 28, 30–31, 130, as last major primitive tribe, 5 174–75 names for, 4 American audiences’ reactions to, 43– outside changes engulfing, 26 44 positive publicity received by, 70 comparison of Yanomami and Western, present perceptions of 1968 expedition, 81 318 as intermittent, 31 relations with other societies, 5, 121 types and causes of, 43, 239–40. See self-representations, 62, 81 also reproductive behavior, Yanomami, Geraldo Kuesitheri, 63, 65, 69 sociobiology and Yanomami, Toto, 63–65 Chagnon’s gift giving as stimulating Yanomami controversy, 3, 11. See also violence, 31, 38, 66, 129–30, specific topics 164, 206, 242–43, 276, 279– accusations, 11–14 80, 335 American anthropology’s response, 14– Ferguson’s theory, 242–43 15, 44–52 male conflicts over women, 201–2, 239 early rumblings, 35–38 impact on Yanomami, 13–14 waiteri (courageous), 66 larger questions, 15–17 Ward, Ryk, 170, 298 main characters in, 6–10 Warms, Richard, 39 methods of decision making regarding, Warriors of the Amazon (film), 32n 72–73 allegations of unethical conduct new evidence and new readings, 270 regarding, 306–7 specialization and, 72–73 Watkins, Joe, 48, 49 what is right about controversies such Wawanawetery, Ivanildo, 64–65 as, 17–19 Wichato, Julio, 63, 64, 67, 83 Yanomami perspectives, keeping in Wilbert, J., 166 mind, 61–62 UC_Borofsky.qxd 9/13/04 2:39 PM Page 372

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Yanomami studies, darkness in, 112–13. revisions of, 24, 42, 308–9 See also Darkness in El Dorado subtitle dropped in fourth edition, Yanomami Warfare: A Political History 122, 235 (Ferguson), 38 themes revealed by the changes made, Chagnon’s review of, 38 24–28 Yanomamo: The Fierce People (Chagnon), use of word “fierce,” 25, 31 4, 7–8 Yanomamö Survival Fund, 163 “Balancing the Image of Fierceness” Yarima, 10, 305 added to, 122 Ye’Kwana, 172–73 Chagnon’s self-portrayal in, 43 popularity and sales, 39, 43–45, 241 Zapotec sex/gender variants, 123–24 with student audiences, 25–26 Zuni, 41

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