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! Open Access Land Coombegreen Wood (AW, LWS)


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Codham Hall (AW)

! Codham Hall !(LWS)


Hobbs Hole (AW, LWS)

! ! ! Thames Chase Community Forest



Barn and Stable Block Clay Tye Wood (AW) to the North of Broadfields Farmhouse Open Access Land


! ! ! ! Cranham Conservation Area !

North Ockendon ! Conservation Area



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Former Gateway at Groves Barns


Open Access Land

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Moat Bridge and

Gatehouse at South ! Ockendon Hall

! Roman barrow 260m ! north east of South ! Ockendon Hall (SM) Gatehouse and moat of South Ockenden Springfield style enclosure and Old Hall (SM) Iron Age enclosures south of Thatched Barn at Whitfields Hill House, Baker Street. (SM)

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Baker Street Windmill

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Crop Mark Complex, ! ! ! (SM) !

! Causewayed enclosure and Whitecrofts Farmhouse Anglo-Saxon cemetery 500m ENE of Heath Place (SM) !

Little Wellhouse ! ! Mucking Heath (LWS)

! Orsett Golf Course Greygoose Farmhouse ! Heath Place !

! Blackshots Nature ! Area (LWS) Rainbow Wood a.k.a. Rainbow Shaw (LWS) and Ancient Woodland (AW) ! ! Thatched Cottage !

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1 and 2 Grays Corner Cottages Heath Cottage

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West Conservation Area Conservation Area


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! Polwicks ! ! ! !! ! !

! ! ! Low Street Pit (LWS) ! ! !

Buckland Walnut Tree Cottage ! East Tilbury Battery (SM)

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The Lytag (LWS)

Coalhouse Fort Battery and Artillery Defences (SM)

Tilbury Marshes (LWS)



Goshems Farm (LWS)

River Thames



Thames Estuary & Marshes (SPA)

Water Environment Features and Agricultural Land Canal and Grazing Marsh, Higham (LWS)

Thames Estuary & Marshes (Ramsar) South Thames Estuary ! ! !! Granary at Little & Marshes (SSSI)

! ! Filborough Farm ! !


Barn to North West of Filborough Farmhouse

! East Court ! ! Farmhouse Southern Valley Golf Course Filborough Farmhouse

Church of St Mary (Chalk Church)

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Thong (CA) ! ! !

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Claylane Wood (AW) ! White Horse ! !! ! Thong Cottage !


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! ! Shorne and Ashenbank Woods (SSSI)

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Timeball & Telegraph Trail !!

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Ashenbank Woodland ! Trust Reserve (AW) ! ! !! ! !

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Cobham Hall Registered Kent Downs (AONB) Park and Garden

Main Map Legend: LOWER THAMES CROSSING LTC Route Alignment Timeball and Telegraph Area of Outstanding Local Nature Reserve Ancient Woodland (AW) Trail Natural Beauty (AONB) (LNR) SUPPLEMENTARY CONSULTATION Development Boundary Conservation Area Golf Course Marine Conservation Zone Local Wildlife Site (LWS) Listed Buildings (LB) (MCZ) Noise Important Area Open Access Land Special Protection Area ! PROPOSALS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL Grade I Ramsar (SPA) Air Quality Management Scheduled Monument ! Area CONSULTATION CONSTRAINTS Grade II* (SM) Site of Special Scientific Registered Park and

! Interest (SSSI) Garden Inset Map Legend: Main Map Frame (km) Grade II Copyright: Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database rights 2018. Ordnance Survey 100030649. Use of this data is 0 0.5 1 2 subject to terms and conditions.

MXD Location: Z:\Environment\Volumes\EGN - Environment General\Environmental Constraints_A1.mxd Do not scale © Lower Thames Crossing