7.1 Sudjojono (14.12.1913, Or 1917-25.3.1986) [Note: Sources for the Following Are Largely SY [Hardiwadoyo] Sanento Yuliman, 1981 & Sidharta, 2006
The Asian Modern, Volume II © John Clark, 2014 1 7.1 Sudjojono (14.12.1913, or 1917-25.3.1986) [Note: sources for the following are largely SY [Hardiwadoyo] Sanento Yuliman, 1981 & Sidharta, 2006. MB is interview with Sri Nasti Rukmawati & Mia Bustam, at former’s home in Cinere, 13. 12. 2010, and RP is interview with Mrs Rose Pandanwangi and daughters at home in Cirendeu, 14. 12. 2010. S is Sudjojono]. Thanks to Siobhan Campbell, Matt Cox, Werner Kraus, Yvonne Low, and Adrian Vickers for further suggestions and additions. Precursor discourses domestic Role of European artists living in Java, ‘tourist painters’, drawing teachers at colonial high schools [Allgemene Middelbare School] teachers had Middelbare Onderwijus diplomas and teaching licenses. Their presence could not substitute for criticism and intellectual discourse [Supangkat in Sidharta, 2006, 253,] Under Dutch colonial rule only three Indonesians received the Middlebare Akte, official certificate for teaching painting: RJ Katamsi, first head of ASRI; Siafei Soemardja, first Indonesian teacher at Balai Pendidikan Universitas Guru Gambar Bandung, predecessor of Faculty of Arts and Design at ITB; Soemarno [Wiyanto, 2010, 98: Middlebare Akte, Bandung: Institut Teknologi Bandung, Galeri Soemardja, 2010] Signs of modern art seen in Dutch painters Jan Frank, Piet Ouburg, Sudjojono and PERSAGI. Pirngadie (1875-1936) of central Javanese aristocracy, student of Du Chattel, a resident Dutch painter, known as a landscapist and illustrator, especially for J.E. Jasper and Pirngadie, De Inlandsche Kunstnijverheid in Nederlandsch Indië, 5 vols, Den Haag: Mouton, 1912-1927. A direct teacher of Sudjojono and Suromo. Abdullah Surio Subroto (1878-1941) child of an aristocrat adopted by a Javanese doctor Mas Ngabehi Wahidin Sudiorhusodo.
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