Fascist Ideology and Dialectics; Spiritual, Organic Politic

-David William Findley Introduction The Judeo-Catholic New World Order Original Fascist and National Socialist Doctrine Catholic Basis for the Fascist Revolution The Truth about the Nazi party Truth about Marxism The Actors of Today; Present Circumstances What is Fascism? The Social-body as an Organism in-Itself Fascist Metaphysics What is Spirituality in Hegelian, Fascist Metaphysics? Expansion on the Social-Organic Body: Archetypes and Collective-Consciousness Expansion on the Rise of the Overman Why Fascist Revolution is Spiritually Inevitable Introduction

“It will be seen that, as used, the word ‘Fascism’ is almost entirely meaningless. In conversation, of course, it is used even more wildly than in print. … almost any English person would accept ‘bully’ as a synonym for ‘Fascist’. That is about as near to a definition as this much-abused word has come.” -George Orwell, What is Fascism?

There is nothing we have been more misinformed about or brainwashed against than Fascism. What is Fascism? Fundamentally it is the populist revolt against Internationalism, and the 'New World Order' that seeks to disenfranchise mankind under a single, one-world government.

In it's historical context, Fascism was born in the early 20th century. By then, 'liberal' Democratic Republics had long been established, arising from the various revolutions against Monarchism. This democratic mode of government was so new and uncertain that the revolution in the United States was once adequately described as 'The Great Experiment'. The Fascists arise as a consequence the failure of this experiment, these so- called democratic institutions having since been wholly usurped by an Internationalist elite.

Through these few centuries of 'experimental' democratic governance the reigns of social-political and economic power were never long wielded by the governments of the People themselves, but rather belonged to super-wealthy private entities and secret societies, such as Free Masonry or the International Banking and Finance syndicate managed by Rothschild. By the early 20th century it was well understood that the power of the Internationalist elite's vast wealth and corrupting influence reduced the democratic process to a mere charade -- a psuedo- democratic bureaucracy of the ultra-rich and powerful. Since the failure of Fascism and National Socialism to take root, these psuedo-democratic institutions continue to flourish and are still more or less widely understood as deceptive, false paradigms. These establishments serve as mere pretense of democracy, whilst serving the motives of the shadowy elite. Therefore it is not necessarily the Democratic-Republic per se against which the Fascist revolts, but the corrupt institution of Internationalist hegemony it has since become the platform for.

Who exactly are these 'Internationalists'? Who or what are these powers which have, over the last two centuries, become what we now call the 'New World Order'? To begin to understand this is to begin to understand the Fascist revolt. The Judeo-Catholic New World Order


This pyramid is an appropriate representation of the hierarchy of power or de facto government that dominates the US, UK, and imperially much to most of the 'West'. The so-called 'Democratic Republics' are bottom-tier establishments, (relics,) that exist primarily as illusion cast by the mainstream media. That is, literally as a television show that molds the belief-systems of it's viewers in a way not entirely unlike religion. The genuine government is a shadow government, that operates behind the scenes in ways unseen by the public.

The facade of the 'Democratic Republic' then exists secondarily through peripheral institutions, especially of taxation and law enforcement. Media

The media is the primary means of public mind control, or brainwashing. The corporations that manage general media have long been consolidated, that today 90% of it is controlled by five media conglomerates, or approximately 15 billionaires. The science of public mind control is simultaneously the art of propaganda. It directs our social lives and shapes public opinion. Perhaps the most prominent pioneer in this field was Edward Bernays in the early 20th century, who preferred the term 'public relations' for mind control. His works include: Crystallizing Public Opinion; Propaganda; Public Relations, and The Engineering of Consent. He also sat on the short-lived Committee on Public Information that successfully seduced the American public into supporting her entry into World War I.

Edward Bernays, Propaganda;

"If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, is it now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing it. . . . Mass psychology is as yet far from being an exact science and the mysteries of human motivation are by no means all revealed. But at least theory and practice have combined with sufficient success to permit us to know that in certain cases we can effect some change in public opinion . . . by operating a certain mechanism."

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. ...We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. ...In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons...who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”

“There are invisible rulers who control the destinies of millions. It is not generally realized to what extent the words and actions of our most influential public men are dictated by shrewd persons operating behind the scenes.”

“Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government.”

The art and science of public mind control through the media has advanced considerably in the century or so since it's inception, and comes hand-in-hand with the express 'dumbing down' of the public through the education system and entertainment culture. It plateaued in the age of the television and is now in the process of consolidating 'alternative' media over the internet.


The education sector pushes the illusory democratic paradigm through false historical narrative and the maintenance of prescribed status quo. The school and college-university systems are primarily institutions of social-conditioning and indoctrination wherein the mass psychosis engendered by the media is shared and becomes stronger. It is often not even necessary to regulate the education system, as the religiosity of the belief-system becomes self-perpetuating. Directors and psuedo-intellectuals are planted in key positions to manage 'academia' and ensure operations run smoothly. Anyone who challenges the popular belief-system will be charged either as an anti-semite or conspiracy theorist and run out of the institution. Currently any attempt to expose the organizations which dominate the hegemony is charged as 'hate-speech', a term practically synonymous with 'wrong-think'. It is unforgiveable if a teacher should stray from the curriculum provided for her, unless it suits the psuedo-liberal agenda pushed by the media.

Public education has come to be defined by an emphasis on rotary memorization, the mere association of facts without the presumption of critical thinking. Standardized tests that enforce rigid curriculum based on prescribed 'facts'. Curricula modules that are empty of genuine content. In at least the United States, the goal of the public college-university system is mind control, to provide the people with a false sense of education, all whilst saddling them with debt and preparing them for the average debt- based life-cycle.

The management of 'science' and the authority of what I call 'material scientism' has through the school and academic system become our de facto religion, at that point when natural philosophy contorts itself into naked 'science' -- really the cultural marxist's 'logical positivism'. Academic authorities publish 'scientific studies' which suit the purpose of social-engineering on behalf of elite agenda in the guise of 'science'. The current eschatology of climate change is one example of this, but it is pervasive throughout the food and pharmacuetical industry as well. The untold number of lies fed to us in the name of science, or 'paid science', seems the pinnacle achievement of the establishment.

The deliberate dumbing down of America has climaxed.

Ellwood Cubberley, Dean of the Stanford School of Education, 1917-33;

"Our schools are, in a sense, factories, in which the raw products (children) are to be shaped and fashioned into products to meet the various demands of life. The specifications for manufacturing come from the demands of twentieth-century civilization, and it is the business of the school to build its pupils according to the specifications laid down.”

William Torrey Harris, US Commissioner of Education, 1889- 1906;

"Ninety-nine [students] out of a hundred are automata, careful to walk in prescribed paths, careful to follow the prescribed custom. This is not an accident but the result of substantial education, which, scientifically defined, is the subsumption of the individual."

Frederick Taylor Gates, Rockefeller's General Education Board, 1903;

"In our dream.. the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hand.. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or of science. We are not to raise up from among them authors, orators, poets, or men of letters.. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians. Nor will we cherish even the humbler ambition to raise up from among them kawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen, of whom we have ample supply.. For the task that we set before ourselves is a very simple as well as a very beautiful one: to train these people as we find them for a perfectly ideal life just where they are.. an idyllic life under the skies and within the horizon, however narrow, where they first open their eyes."


The next-highest tier of governance belongs to the realm of major corporations. They govern the population primarily in terms of the manufacture of culture and through social-engineering. They pull the strings of social convention through advertising and control of the consumer market. They are the bedrock of mainstreet economy, and control the physical resources of the nation. The food and pharmaceutical industry is one prominent example. Note it is termed explicitly as a single industry. The highly carcinogenic and sugar-based food culture, engendered through advertising and control over the market of goods, (availability,) has been engineered to steer the people into the medical- pharmaceutical industry and manage the average life-expectancy of the population by creating a hyper-dependency on drugs until death. The consolidation of the toxic food and 'medical' industries helps ensure that the the average citizen dies shortly after retirement, with little to no money or deep in medical debt, that they have nothing to leave to their progeny -- and the standard debt-based life- cycle engineered for their children and grandchildren continues. To cover this up, the statistics indicating rising life-expectancy in the US have been manipulated upward with the introduction of 100+ year olds that do not really exist.

The accumulation of wealth by the middle-class, which is a direct challenge to system, is thus by the food and pharmaceutical industry severely limited. This is known by some as the 'Cancer- Industrial Complex', and is but one, though profound, affect of socio- cultural engineering via our corporate mode of governance. Another goal of the pharmacological industry, as founded by Rockefeller, was described by Aldous Huxley in a speech to the Tavistock Institute:

“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution...”

"...we are in process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy who have always existed and presumably will always exist to get people to love their servitude."

The generation of this kind of pharmacutical dependency was particularly pronounced in the '90s with the invention of ADD, ADHD, depression, anxiety and a various array of other psychiatric disorders, each provided with their pharmaceutical solution in the form of life-long dependencies on drugs such as anti-depressants, relaxants, stimulants, antipsychotics, and mood stabilizers.

The Food and Pharmaceutical industries aside, almost every facet of our lives has been determined in an environment of social- engineering, especially via ideological consumerism, advertising, and the control of market goods available and managed by the corporate tier of political hegemony. It is by means of this, in conjunction with the utility of media, that our lives as consumers are largely determined.

Think-Tanks and Secret Societies

The next, next- highest tier of heirarchy in the pyramid outlines 'think-tanks', which should include: The Round Table, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Club of Rome, etc.; but also more cultish secret socities such as Skull and Bones, Free Masons, and the Illuminati. These various think- tanks, societies, foundations, or cults, of which there seem countless, each serve their own little agenda in complement the whole.

The power of these social organizations manifests in common life, wherein members give preference to each-other in business and politics, conspiring together in all things. Any religious, corporate or political party, or even national government, by means of this can then easily fall under their control in time. This is exactly what has happened to the United States Federal government and is what many refer to as 'the deep state', which reflects the extent of their infilitration and proliferation by multiple social organizations throughout the system.

Let us take just one such group for an example, the Trilateral Commission. The Trilateral Commission was founded as a branch of the Bilderburg Group by elitist Illuminati Rockefeller and Brzezinksi, a technocratic intellectual. in 1973. US Senator Barry Goldwater, in his autobiography With No Apologies, describes it thusly:

"The Trilateral Commission is international and intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States. The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power -- political, monetary, intellectual and ecclesiastical."

Officially, the Trilateral Commission's policy was to establish a 'New International Economic Order'. Unofficially they would be guided by Brzezinksi's philosophy of International Technocracy.

Three years after it's founding, Trilateral Commission member Jimmy Carter was picked for the Presidency of the United States. President Carter then appointed Trilateral Commission founder Brzezinksi to the office of National Security Advisor, and then almost one third of Trilateral Commission members to top cabinet and administrative posts in his government. All but one member of President Carter's cabinet were Trilateral Commission members. In the period 1976-2016, 9 of 12 US Trade Representatives, 6 of 8 World Bank presidents, 10 of 17 National Security Advisors, and 7 of 12 US Presidents and Vice Presidents would be Trilateral Commission members. This is absolutely representative of the total hi-jacking of the so-called democratic Republic by Internationalists, and is not a solitary event but a consistently occurring phenomenon.

The ridiculous number of think-tanks, foundations, cults, secret socities or whatever social organization are due to the fact that most are spin-offs of spin-offs, establishing long branching social networks that perhaps an innocent-seeming NGO on the periphery would have a long roster but only a single founder who might be considered genuinely 'elite'. For this reason, it is possible to have two or more disparate, apparently antagonistic social organizations unwittingly working in collusion with one-another to engineer the political environment and achieve goals determined by the elite. One prominent example is between Free Masonry and the Catholic Church, which outwardly may seem antagonistic but ultimately act in collusion, (whether Masonry was founded by crypto-Catholics or if it was deeply infiltrated and usurped by them.) Another notable example of this is the American Republican-Democrat bipartisan platform. The conspiring of actors between the parties sets a stage of superficial politics for the television media, to give the American public a false sense of political reality and inclusion, whilst genuine political affairs are carried out in backrooms out of sight.

The wide expanse of organizations help provide impetus for a higher agenda, but they also develop into extensive recruitment pools, that they have manpower to draw upon to staff political and administrative roles, as we saw in the case of the Trilateral Commission. The Council on Foreign Relations is perhaps the most notable 'recruitment pool' for these purposes. One need only browse their roster to see the influence their organization has upon the US government and it's policy.

Historically these social organizations rely on degrees of initiation and exclusivity of membership leading to inner circles, which may be highly coveted by ambitious lower-ranking members. Members may find that the stated reason for the founding of a particular organization is different than the real reason, which is only discovered in higher degrees of initiation. Fraternal bonds between members in a cult may be emphasized through shared rituals, ceremonies, traditions, secret signs and symbols, and so on; more modern organizations may follow a more corporate culture, wherein higher initiation is implicit and unspoken within social circles. In either case, the hold the social organization has upon the individual becomes profound. The group may even go so far as to force individuals to engage in criminal conduct, such as pedophilia and murder, that can be used for blackmail purposes and to enhance dependency upon the group.

British Prime Minister Benjamin Disreali, in the House of Commons, July 14, 1856:

"It is useless to deny, because it is impossible to conceal, that a great part of Europe--the whole of Italy and France and a great portion of Germany, to say nothing of other countries--is covered with a network of these secret societies, just as the superficies of the earth is now being covered with railroads."

President JFK, 1961;

"The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control...

Today no war has been declared -- and however fierce the struggle may be, it may never be declared in the traditional fashion. Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe. The survival of our friends is in danger. And yet no war has been declared, no borders have been crossed by marching troops, no missiles have been fired. If the press is awaiting a declaration of war before it imposes the self-discipline of combat conditions, then I can only say that no war ever posed a greater threat to our security. If you are awaiting a finding of "clear and present danger," then I can only say that the danger has never been more clear and its presence has never been more imminent.

For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.

It's preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match."

International Banking and Finance

The next-highest tier of governance belongs to the central banks and international financial institutions. This is appropriate considering these ages-old instutitions have manipulated and controlled national economies for longer than can be studied. By controlling the currency and the principles of inflation and deflation, they have at their power the ability to manipulate the wealth of nations and engineer economic crises. By controlling the lending and financial institutions, they can establish a military- industrial complex and determine the course and victor of war, or if a war will even be fought. Having usurped the power of finance from government, it is solely they who have the power to initiate national or international infrastructure projects that require vast amounts of investment. They have the power to build a nation -- or destroy it. They could be considered the prime movers of modern history.

The national economy of the United States itself has been formally hi-jacked since 1913, since the establishment of their private, central bank as the Federal Reserve. Since then, they have engineered a Great Depression to consolidate economic control over the country by bankrupting and acquiring their competition. They also manage the currency which has since become the fiat petro-dollar of today, by means of which they rob the world of untold value through unbridled money printing.

They were particularly the international financiers, the 'international money power', to whom we may attribute, as primary instigators, much to most of the warfare that occurred through at least the 19th-20th centuries, hence the phrase 'all wars are banker wars'. They were the banker tools of debt and fiat that funded the war machine of imperial Great Britain since 1797, and of America's today. And they were especially the international bankers and financiers against whom the Nazi's revolted, and thus were the chief and primary cause of WW2.

It is the power in the hands of the bankers that affords the conspiracy for a New World Order.

Professor Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope:

"...The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements, arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the worlds' central banks which were themselves private corporations. The growth of financial capitalism made possible a centralization of world economic control and use of this power for the direct benefit of financiers and the indirect injury of all other economic groups."

President Theodore Roosevelt, 1918;

"These International bankers and Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests control the majority of newspapers and use the columns of these papers to club into submission or drive out of public office officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government."

New York City Mayor John Hylan, 1922;

"The real menace of our republic is this invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over city, state and nation. Like the octopus of real life, it operates under cover of a self created screen....At the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller Standard Oil interests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as international bankers. The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both political parties."

Banker Internationalist James Warburg, to the CFR, 1950;

"We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest"

There are innumerable sources describing the historical power and influence of the Internationalists as bankers. For sake of brevity I will conclude them here and refrain from making it the core thesis of this book.

Of course they are not the banking and financial institutions themselves that are at the root of the problem, but rather the powers behind them, that wield and control them. Historically the banking and finance industry developed through the Holy Roman Empire, under the control of the Roman Catholic Church, before it was handed off to the Jewish community at the turn of the 19th century. The subsequent rise of Rothschild through the 19th century, and general Jewish hegemony over world of money and finance, can readily be acknowledged as possible only with the help of the Jesuits, the Catholic Church, and their various cults and secret society offshoots, such as Free Masonry. From this Judeo-Catholic alliance there is what we historically refer to as the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy theory, (as most fail to associate Masonry directly with Catholicism.) I will discuss the role of the Catholic Church and it's Jesuits more below, as we progress towards the top of the pyramid.

The Elite

Next are the various elite families and individuals, often from powerful dynasties or of rich ancestry. These include royal families stemming from the period of Monarchism, but also various other elite financiers and industrialists from the capitalist class, such as: Rothschild, Rockefeller, Astor, DuPont, and many more. Today we might better recognize names such as Bush, Gates, Clinton, Bezos, Soros, Kissinger. It is difficult to impossible to come to a comprehensive list of the master elite, and not least in part because there is undoubtedly a lot of rise and fall and sway in power between them over the decades and centuries.

David Rockefeller, Memoirs:

"...Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'Internationalists', and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure -- one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and am proud of it." ...Unfortunately it would literally take an intelligence agency of no small power to get to the bottom of the 'master elite'. What was the extent of Rockefeller's social connections within this cabal? Who initially fed the Rockefeller family this theory of world government, and from whence does it originally come?

The Judeo-Catholic New World Order

How to begin exploring the Catholic roots of the New World Order? One important source of New World Order ideology can be traced back to the 18th century Bavarian cult of the 'Illuminati', founded by Adam Weishaupt, (Rockefeller is or was an Illuminati family.) Weishaupt was a Jewish convert into the Catholic Church, groomed as a Jesuit. The Illuminati was established by him as an off-shoot of the Jesuit order during a time of their banishment, to continue to further the agenda of the Catholic Church.

According to Marxists.org;

"..the aims of the Illuminati may be summarized in the following six points: 1. Abolition of monarchy and all ordered government. 2. Abolition of private Property. 3. Abolition of inheritance. 4. Abolition of patriotism. 5. Abolition of the family (ie., marriage and all morality and the institution of the communal education of children). 6. Abolition of all religion.”

This is one source of early New World Order ideology. The fact that Weishaupt, a Jewish Jesuit, propogated these Internationalist- Communist ideals approximately half a century before Marx published his Communist Manifesto is of partifular significance that I will get back to in the later section, Truth about Marxism.

We also have the Skull and Bones cult, whose symbolism is traced back to Catholic tradition and thus also assumed to be a Jesuit off-shoot. Some prominent members of the Skull and Bones cult include President Bush Sr., President Bush Jr, and Bush Jr.'s oppossing candidate in the 2004 presidential elections, John Kerry. (Literally both 'options' for the 2004 presidency were Skull and Bones members.)

In regards President Bush Sr.'s agenda, I will pull one of several quotations:

"The world can therefore seize the opportunity to fulfill the long- held promise of a New World Order where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind."

President Bush Sr's use of the term 'universal' is important, as the meaning of word 'Catholicism' is actually 'Universalism'. ...But to continue to prove the point that the New World Order is originally a Catholic conspiracy, we can turn finally to John Paul II, as quoted by his Jesuit Malachi Martin;

"By the end of this decade we will live under the first One World Government that has ever existed in the society of nations ... a government with absolute authority to decide the basic issues of human survival. One world government is inevitable."

Pope Paul VI also declared in a 1976 Populorum Progressio;

"Who can fail to see the need and importance of thus gradually coming to the establishment of a world authority capable of taking effective action on the juridical and political planes? Delegates to international organizations, public officials, gentlemen of the press, teachers and educators--all of you must realize that you have your part to play in the construction of a new world order."

The current Pope, Francis, is also widely regarded, even amongst Catholics, as expressly catering to the Internationalist agenda, as particularly noted in his speeches to the United Nations. Finally let's point to the most direct and obvious correlation between the New World Order and the Catholic Church, as we see it on the US dollar bill:

The Eye of Providence over the pyramid on the left is in fact of Catholic origin. The Pope's jurisdiction is indeed referred to as the '', and so may be representative of a play on words that implies world domination. The inscription around the pyramid is in Latin, the traditional language of the Catholic Church, and reads: "God Favors Our Works" and "New Order of the Ages", or better, "New World Order". On the right, the banner held in the eagle's mouth, reads: "out of many, one". There cannot be any better evidence than this to prove that it is ultimately the Catholic Church that is the origin and prime mover of this New World Order ideology... Though I might also point out that the Capitol Building in Washington D.C. itself is in fact a replica of the Vatican.

The Pope, according to their religion, is considered a universal monarch. He represents God's authority over the Earth, and over all 'souls' that dwell upon it. Any sense of soveriegnty independent of the Pope's authority might then be regarded as blasphemous. Remember, the term 'Catholic' itself means 'Universal', and the nature of the Catholic Church is inherently and historically imperial. The Medieval Holy Roman Empire, which was ruled through Catholicism, may be chiefly defined as the forced conversion of Europeans to Catholicism, and subsequently the unification of the resultant 'Christendom' into a singular political entity -- much in the same spirit of conquest of the Roman Empire that preceded it in the ancient world.

The Jesuits, of the 'Society of Jesus', are an interesting bunch, especially considering their official propaganda and weak biographical account of their founder, Ignatius Loyola. According to Jesuits.org, they 'seek to find god in all things', and to dedicate themselves to the 'good of humanity'. Actual historical accounts of Jesuit operations, on the other hand, tell a much darker story.

The Jesuits were established in 534, largely in response to the protestant reformation. Their mission to consolidate universal political power under the Catholic Church, especially through the principles of infiltration and subterfuge.Through the protestant reformation, the Jesuits inserted themselves as spies into any 'enemy' organization they could fit themselves into. Their axiom, 'to be all things, to all men,' as spies and great deceivers. According to Catholic scholar and historian Edmond Paris, in his book, The Secrt History of the Jesuits;

"Loyola's sons started to concentrate on the souls of men, especially amongst ruling classes. Politics are their main field of action, as all the efforts of these "directors" concentrate on one aim: the submission of the world to the papacy, and to attain this the "heads" must be conquered first."

"Their theocratic ideal: to bring the world under the Holy See's authority, required that they should go into all the regions of the globe, in the conquest of souls."

"It is the same today; the 33,000 official members of the Society operate all over the world in the capacity of her personnel, officers of a truly secret army containing in its ranks heads of political parties, high ranking officials, generals, magistrates, physicians, Faculty professors, etc., all of them striving to bring about, in their own sphere, "l'Opus Dei", God's work, in reality the plans of the papacy."

Within their order the principle of obedience is absolute to the point of total loss of automony and the complete renunciation of self. This submission to authority absolves the individual Jesuit from culpability for any sin or immoral action committed on behalf of the Church. Their founder, Loyola, himself wrote, "We must see black as white, if the Church says so." The implication is the advocation of the principle or spirit of Satan and the right to do evil, if it is deemed conducive to the Church's goals. The leader of the Order, the Superior General, is also called the 'Black Pope', probably for this reason. The following was a secret Jesuit oath, exposed in 1689:

I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Masons, as I am directed to do, to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex nor condition, and that will hang, burn, waste, boil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics; rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women, and crush their infants' heads against the walls in order to annihilate their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly I will secretly use the poisonous cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honour, rank, dignity or authority of the persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agents of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Father of the Society of Jesus. In confirmation of which I hereby dedicate my life, soul, and all corporal powers, and with the dagger which I now receive I will subscribe my name written in my blood in testimony thereof; and should I prove false, or weaken in my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the militia of the Pope cut off my hands and feet and my throat from ear to ear, my belly be opened and sulphur burned therein with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth, and my soul shall be tortured by demons in eternal hell forever. A small list of crimes perpetrated by the Jesuits include: fomenting of the 30 years war; fomenting civil war in Switzerland no less than 3 times; war in Poland and Russia; civil war in Ireland and England; war between Spain and England; civil war in France; the Crimean war between Russia and France and her allies; the American Civil War; and instigating World Wars I & II. This is a small list of primary wars instigated by the Church and it's Jesuits, if not by them directly then by their proxies, such as Rothschild and his community of Jews. The list of crimes against humanity, from crusades and inquisitions to theocratic enslavement of primitive societies would fill an entire book in itself.

Since the founding of the Jesuit order and their subsequent infiltration in all corners of the globe, they have been banished from no less than 83 countries. In 1773, the Pope himself, Clement XIV, dissolved the order. He was murdered by poisoning 14 months later. The order was reconstituted in 1814 under Pope Pius VII. It seems perhaps because of this temporary banishment of the Jesuits, which forced them create substitute organizations for themselves, such as the Illuminati, that they had learned better to disguise themselves completely to avoid recognition. They began the emphasize the use of proxy organizations to disguise themselves at the core of conspiracy.

Jesuit subterfuge has since led to their near-complete hegemony over the Western world. Even before the end of the 19th century, the Jesuits had complete control over the empire of France, including it's education system and military, which was sent into many wars around the globe.

We can look to the testimony of historical political figures for further context:

John Adams, second President of the United States:

“My history of the Jesuits is not eloquently written, but it is supported by unquestionable authorities, is very particular and very horrible. Their restoration is indeed a step toward darkness, cruelty, despotism, death. … I do not like the appearance of the Jesuits. If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on earth and in hell, it is this Society of Loyola.”

General Marquis de LaFayette, who served under President Washington:

“It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country – the United States of America – are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated most of the wars of Europe.”

Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States:

“The [American Civil] war would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits.”

Napolean Bonaparte:

“The Jesuits are a military organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is power – power in its most despotic exercise – absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms – and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses…”

We also have the testimony of Charles Chiniquy, an ex-Catholic Priest from the 19th century, author of Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, who denounced the Catholic Church and warned that the Vatican actively plotted to overthrow the Republic of the United States. He was successfully defended in court by then- lawyer and future president, Abraham Lincoln. He also accused the Jesuits for the later assassination of Lincoln. Chiniquy: "long before I was ordained a priest, I knew that my church was the most implacable enemy of this republic. My professors … had been unanimous in telling me that the principles and laws of the Church of Rome were absolutely antagonistic to the principles which are the foundation stones of the Constitution of the United States of America.”

The list of historical personalities exposing and denouncing the Jesuit order might continue for some time, but I believe the men above are most prominent. Do we have more proof that the conspiracy continues into at least the 20th century? It has been advertised in the news;

New York Times, 1959:

"World Unity Held Catholic Goal By Leader of Sodality Congress

Roman Catholic lay leaders have a task in developing a world government far stronger than any federation that has existed in the past, the International Director of the Secretariat of World Sodalities said yesterday.

...One practical result of the congress ... should be strengthening of the supra-natural-minded spirit among Catholic laymen who attend. "The spirit of Catholics is much stronger than the national spirit," Father Paulussen said,"A new world is in the making, and it will be one world. The church concept of the Mystical Body of Christ is the idea of world federation." Indirectly, he said, the sodalities, which are local organizations of 8,000,000 lay leaders over the world, back world government by making alive in Catholics a feeling for world federation."

This 1959 NY Times article asserts no less than 8 million Catholic leaders working together towards their New World Order.

Now we have before us a dilemma: has the Westen world been dominated by the International bankers, financiers, and industrialists, (and especially 'The Jews',) or is it rather the Jesuits and the Catholic Church that is spear-heading this terrible New World Order? If the answer is not obvious, the New World Order has been so well achieved because of an ages -long coalition between these communities. The Jews and the Catholics together form a well-orchestrated, two-pronged attack upon the rest of humanity, each playing their role in complement the other. This is however not to say that the Jewish community stands as equal to the Catholic Church, but more as front-line proxy, central amongst a host of less significant proxy organizations, behind which the Catholic Church can recede and hide in the shadows.

The history of this Judeo-Catholic alliance lies in the Jesuit Order itself. In medieval Europe, Jews were considered by Catholics as intrinsically evil (by blood), and they were refused entry into the Church. It was only through Ignatius Loyola's founding of the Jesuit Society for Jesus that Jewish converts had a means to 'serve' the Church -- as Loyola fought hard to take them under his wing and into his order. In sharp contradiction to other orders of the Church, the Jesuits declared, 'We take pleasure in admitting those of Jewish ancestory.'

The fact that Loyola was Spanish nobility and welcomed Jews into his order as he did, (a reported 'judeophiliac',) in an environment of complete and total hostility towards Jews, may imply the fact that Loyola was a crypto-Jew himself. He had even been incarcerated for suspicion of this on one occasion, in part for the reason that he consorted within a known community of crypto- Jews. Whatever the case it is known that the Jesuits were staffed by some unknown minority of Jews and crypto-Jews, who were placed in key positions amongst the order. This, no doubt, is the beginning of the Judeo-Catholic conspiracy for global supremacy. It will also mark the beginning of a slow transition in which political power and intrigue will seem to gravitate from the Catholics to the Jews.

"Civilta Cattolica", the Jesuits' official publication, under the title "Il caso Dreyfus": "The Jews' emancipation has been the result of the so-called principles of 1789, whose yoke weighs heavily on all French people...

...The Jews hold the Republic in their hands, which is more Hebraic than French... The Jew has been created by God to be used as a spy wherever some treason is being prepared..."

How else can we prove the enlistment of the Jewish community unto the service of the Jesuits and the Catholic Church? Rothschild. Besides the fact that it is historically true that Rothschild served as long-time bankers and financiers for the Vatican, we can look to the Star of David for evidence, as it currently adorns the flag of Israel. This star is not of Jewish origin, but Catholic. It seems first bestowed upon the Jews of Prague by the Catholic Holy Roman Emperor, Charles IV, in 1357. It was again given to the Jewish Community by the Jesuits in 1648, in return for Jewish assistance in the Thirty Years' War. The star was then again taken up by Mayer Amschel Bauer, the original name of Rothschild, when he first began his money- lending business, of course in collusion with Catholic authorities. That this is the banner of Rothschild clearly implies that they are not just Jewish, but colluding with, if not converts to Jesuitism.

Besides representing the Judeo-Catholic alliance, the Star of David has no other history, except in the legends of medieval occult mysticism -- the ancient Jewish King Solomon of Israel used the symbol in magic rituals to summon and control demons. In many Christian sects the symbol is usually equivocated with the anti-Christ, 'whose number is 666', (6-6-6 mathematically demonstrated by the design of the symbol; 6 trilateral (60 degree) triangles on the periphery, and 6 angles in the hexagram at the core.)

In regards the Jewish 'synagogue of Satan ', as many Christians refer to them, it is important to note the rise of the Sabbateans in the mid-17th century, which reportedly converted half the Jewish population into a kind of Jewish Satanism. The founder of the cult, Sabbatai Zevi, took the original moral code of the religion and reversed it. ...Unbelievable, but true, this new Jewish cult embraced the opposite of their original moral-ethical religious laws as 'holy'. Their religion became one of overt sin.

This cult ebbed on and was revived with vigor in the 18th and 19th centuries, especially in Poland and Eastern Europe. This may be a substantial, unspoken cause for the pogroms and general persecution of the Jews in those areas that occurred through this time. Interestingly, Jacob Frank, the 'second messiah' of this satanic cult, retired to Frankfurt, where his influence most certainly mingled with Mayer Amschel Rothschild and the Frankfurt lodge of the Illuminati, (a Jesuit off-shoot.)

Jewish Satanism undoubtedly lives on today in the shadows and it's members achieve elevated social status. It is not unreasonable to assume that Rothschild and the general Jewish financial, cultural, and political domination over 19th, 20th century Europe and the United States has much to do with Sabbatean-Frankism. Hollywood, the music and entertainment industry, and pornography are considered to be rife with Jewish Satanism, if not their direct product. The epidemic of pedophilia amongst the elite may also be attributed to them. If the culture of the West has become increasingly degenerate in the last century, it may be in large part due to their influence.

Why would a primarily Catholic New World Order allow, and even foster, the existence and prominence of a satanic cult in the United States? Perhaps it is an extension of the Catholic war on Protestantism, (the US being historically predominated by Protestant denominations.)

The Orthodox Jewish religion is no darling, either. They are religious supremacists, viewing non-Jews to be less than human. According to their religious prophecy, the rest of humanity are destined to be enslaved by Jews. It is undesirable for Jews to perform physical labor, which is best suited for non-Jews, and so they restrain themselves to intellectual occupations. Even their moral code applies to relations amongst themselves only, and they set a double standard for non-Jews, which means it is permissable to lie, cheat, steal and even kill non-Jews, especially when it is pragmatic to do so. If these allegations sound unreal to the reader, I recommend he take a close look at their history, the Talmud, and at State of Israel today. In US Congressman David Duke's work, Jewish Supremacism, My Awakening to the Jewish Question, we find the following:

"-Israelites are a "chosen people," chosen by God above all other people of the world.

-Israelites have a right to rule over all other people and are promised that they will someday own and rule over the whole world.

-Israelites boast of genocide against whole peoples and kingdoms.

-Israelites are commanded to murder all the people of foreign nations that do not submit themselves in slavery.

-Israelites are forbidden to make slaves of their own people, but are encouraged to enslave non-Israelites whom they may pass down as slaves to their descendants forever.

-Israelites are forbidden to intermarry or "mix their seed" with other peoples."

"...For thou art a holy people unto the Lord Thy God: the Lord Thy God has chosen thee to a special people unto himself, above all people that are on the face of the earth. (Deuteronomy 7:6) Now therefore give not your daughters unto their sons, neither take their daughters unto your sons, nor seek their peace or their wealth for ever, that ye may be strong and eat of the good of the land, and leave it for an inheritance to your children for ever. (Ezra 9:12)" In the Jewish holy scripture, the Talmud, it is taught:

"Only Jews are human. [Gentiles] are animals."

"If a Jew is tempted to do evil he should go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there."

"If a Jew finds an object lost by a heathen [Gentile] it does not have to be returned."

"Gentiles’ flesh is as the flesh of asses and whose issue is like the issue of horses."

"What a Jew obtains by theft from a Cuthean [Gentile] he may keep."

"[Gentiles] are outside the protection of the law and God has ‘exposed their money to Israel."

"Jews may use lies (‘subterfuges’) to circumvent a [Gentile]. "

"All [Gentile] children are animals."

Of course this exclusive sense of racial supremacy does not bode well for them when they are a minority amongst a hostile Christian population. Jewish scripture teaches that Jesus' punishment in the after life is to boil forever in semen; Jesus' followers (Christians,) are destined to boil in feces:

David Duke, Jewish Supremacism,

"Balaam [Jesus] is raised from the dead and being punished in boiling hot semen. Those who mock the words of the Jewish sages and sin against Israel are boiled in hot excrement."

They are taught to indirectly, and directly only if possible, attack Christians and Christianity. Even today in Israel, a Jew will openly spit on a cross and assault a Christian in public. This kind of behavior and belief system would not be especially welcome to the devout Christians of the middle ages and renaissance. In those times, they accused Jews of a practice called 'blood libel', wherein Jews would kidnap Christian children and use them for ritualistic blood sacrifice. Jews were also accused of spreading plague. And of course the financial and economic parasitism, especially through money-lending, is their forte. To speak of any of this today is to be charged with anti-semitism and hate speech, (wrong-think.) This kind of religious animosity, Jewish Satanism aside, are excellent reasons why the Jews have been expelled and persecuted in almost every country they have ever resided.

This Orthodox Judaism does not seem, however, the dominant party spear-heading the New World Order, though they serve as a 'front line' and are central to it's machinations. The fact that they are primarily scapegoats is again best evidenced by the fact that the Star of David, a symbol given to the Jews by the Catholics, adorns their state flag -- and not the genuinely jewish symbol such as the menorah. We will also see how they were quick to be sacrificed in the holocaust at the end of WWII.


In any regards, psuedo-liberal 'democracy' was, and still is, enthusiastically supported by Judeo-Catholic Internationalist imperialists because it is a convenient mode of government for them to control. The system is, by it's nature, fractured, divisive, and fraught with ignorance and scandal. In an environment such as this, especially as it is engendered by them directly, it is easiest to maintain power by means of deceit. Fascism and National Socialism rose in response to this deception, to overthrow the corrupting powers subverting the instititions and establish a public, single-party bureaucracy in service of the People of the nation. So we see Fascism as the revolutionary overturning of a corrupt paradigm of psuedo-democracy and Judeo-Catholic Internationalism much in the same way democracy was seen as an overturning of the earlier monarchical systems. Only the Peoples' Authoritarian regime can stand against, and overthrow, the Judeo- Catholic Internationalist scheme to suppress popular soveriegnty.

What does a healthy Fascist want, in respect to the above? An end to the lies. A liberated media. A liberated education system. A liberated economy. Liberation from secrecy and shadowy politics. Liberation from the Judeo-Catholic New World Order, and the re- establishment of an enlightened government of the People, by the People, and for the People. Original Fascist and National-Socialist Doctrine

Italian Fascism

It seems the first manifestation of Fascism was a short, one-page 'Fascist Manifesto', printed in Mussolini's newspaper, The People of Italy. It makes a series of demands including: universal suffrage, minimum wage, and a policy of peace, amongst other things. Unfortunately it is too short and does not describe Fascism or the nature of it's politic in any real depth; the word 'Fascism' in this case meaning little more than 'populism' or 'collectivism'. It would not be for another several years until Fascism began to be developed into a living philosophy by Giovanni Gentile.

Gentile was an Italian philosopher, a Hegelian, and one of the most prominent intellectuals in Europe at the time. He is regarded as the philosophical godfather of Fascism, as the original author of Fascist doctrine. If one is to understand the tenets of Fascist doctrine, he must look to Gentile's Origins and Doctrine of Fascism for reference. Due to the nature of war propaganda, secondary literature is offensive and contorts the living philosophy of Fascism into terrible mistruths. For example, what is Fascist Totalitarianism? 'Totalitarianism' for Gentile meant nothing more than the holistic philosophical conception of being, a total or systemic philosophical doctrine. Never was the word meant to imply tyrannical control over the populace. We can look to section IX of his treatise, The Origins and Doctrine of Fascism, for elucidation:

"[Fascism is] a conception of integral politics, a notion of politics which does not distinguish itself from morality, from religion, or from every conception of life that does not conceive itself distinct and abstracted from all the other fundamental interests of the human spirit...

...the political man is he who possesses a moral, religious, and philosophical doctrine. Should one desire to seperate ... that which is merely political from that which is his religious, his ethical intuition, moral enjoinments, his metaphysical convictions, one can no longer account for the great historical importance of his belief system...

...the analysis that does not always presuppose a unity, does not lead to a clarification, but rather to a destruction of those ideas...

...It is evidence that human beings do not deal with life in slices, but rather as an indivisible unity.

The first point, therefore, that must be established in a definition of Fascism, is the totalitarian character of it's doctrine, which concerns itself not only with political order and direction of the nation, but with it's will, thought and sentiment."

Unless the 'indivisible unity' of a living philosophical system can be interpreted as 'tyrannical', there is no basis for the misconception and common use of the word. 'Totalitarian' philosophy is a product of Hegelian metaphysics, which incorporates all aspects of being into a single, spiritual whole. I will discuss the Hegelian basis for Fascist Totalitarianism in the section 'Fascist Metaphysics'.

Where and how does the false definition of Totalitarianism arise? On google, the definition given is: a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state.

"democratic countries were fighting against totalitarianism."

So we see that the very definition of the word in dictionaries is incorrect -- and not just incorrect, but product of war propaganda. The use of the term in academia is worse still. For example, demonic Jewess and so-called 'philosopher' Hannah Arendt, who wrote a book Origins of Totalitarianism, describes in an academic essay On the Nature of Totalitarianism: An Essay in Understanding: "Totalitarianism is the most radical denial of freedom...

...terror is the essence of totalitarian government...

...terror [is] an all-embracing characteristic of totalitarian rule...the very condition of it's permanence."

This truly evil Jewess basically represents corrupt academia, as she stands as an authoritative figurehead on the topic. She contorts and disfigures and destroys the concept of totalitarainism as a matter of blood-thirsty war propaganda. Nowhere in her essay will she even mention, let alone address, the true origins of Fascist totalitarian doctrine as it was introduced by Gentile. As I wrote for the first sentence of this book, there is nothing we have been more misinformed or brainwashed against than Fascism.

Gentile's Fascist Totalitarianism is also anti-Individualist and Authoritarian. Be wary before you read these terms with a prejudiced eye. What does Gentile mean by this?

"...man with all his activity, when he is not abstractly considered. is intimately related to all reality. Only in such a relationship can the human being understand himself and find guidance...

...[Fascism] is an anti-individualistic conception, in so far as it affirms a spiritual reality, a reality that is universal—not the result, but the ideal principle and the original source of the concrete life of individuals possessed of moral value."

Gentile is anti-Individualist as a natural extension of his Totalitarian belief-system. That is, if all of reality is together a singular, spiritual whole, then it is impossible to consider the individual as somehow seperate and unrelated. The human being is a culmination of affects, birthed through his relations to the rest of reality. He does not exist in a vacuum by himself. Fascism incorporates this metaphysical truth into it's system, and insists on the Individual's right and role within his political community. This is intended to stand as a stark contrast to the pseudo-liberal democratic and capitalistic conception of man as a singular entity free and distinct and seperate and alienated from his political environment. We must instead focus on Man's de facto integrated being, especially politically. Further, in section XII of Gentile's manifesto, we see:

"Both Nationalism and Fascism place the State at the very foundation of every individual value and right. For both, the State is not a consequence, but a beginning. The relationship between the individual and the State proposed by Nationalism was the direct antithesis of that advanced by individualistic liberalism and socialism. For Nationalists, the State is conceived as prior to the individual. For liberals and socialists, on the other hand, the individual is understood to be something that precedes the State, who finds in the State something external, something that limits and controls, that suppresses liberty, and that condemns him to those circumstances into which he is born, circumstances within which he must live and die. For Fascism, on the other hand, the State and the individual are one, or better, perhaps, “State” and “individual” are terms that are inseparable in a necessary synthesis."

I will discuss the dialectical synthesis between the Individual and his State, as it is a philosophical conception, in the section, Fascist Metaphysics.

From the above conceptions of Totalitarianism and anti- Individualism, Gentile develops his Authoritarianism;

"It is an authoritarianism that is—only for those who do not know how to conceive ideas except in their abstraction—the negation of political liberty."

Fascist totalitarianism is liberal populism -- there can be no room for revolutionary politics within the state. That is, we cannot allow the political state to be divided amongst such lines as, for example, Marxist-Bolshevism, Catholic theocracy, liberal- democratic capitalism, anarchism, etc. The negation of 'political liberty' in this sense demands authoritarianism, for the sake of the whole of the state. This is not to say that political philosophy and conjecture (really, free thought on the matter,) must be illegal, but only that it cannot be permissable to allow official political factions to form in antagonistic contradiction to the state. Gentile emphasizes that Fascism is a living philosophy, suited to change and adapt and evolve through history, according to the circumstances in which it finds itself -- if one should choose to practice political philosophy, to politically influence or even guide the evolution of state policy, then he must do it respectfully and conservatively within the legal and bureaucratic confines of the law, and cannot be allowed to threaten the peace by dividing the state against itself through the construction of hostile political affiliations. Political change must be the result of philosophical dialogue and diplomacy amongst statesmen. Further,

"Fascist authoritarianism rejects license—which is not liberty at all. Only through the State can liberty be realized...

...It is an authoritarian State that does not accept the anarchic liberalism of the individualist—who does not recognize the a priori and immanent necessity of the State. And yet, it is more liberal than the liberal State itself."

Essentially, Fascist Authoritarianism is the power of the Peoples' Republic to govern in it's interest to achieve a state of maximum liberty for the People, in stark contrast to the psuedo-liberal Democratic Republic fantasy that has succumbed so completely to the subterfuge of Judeo-Catholic Internationalism. In other words, Fascism is a genuinely liberal force, as opposed to the false liberalism of the individualist who alienates himself from the state, and is more likely than not completely mind-controlled by the Judeo-Catholic elite. In section XV of Gentile's manifesto, Liberty, Ethics, and Religion, we see;

"...the authority of the State and the liberty of citizens is an infrangible circle in which authority presupposes liberty and vice versa. Liberty is found only in the State and the State is authority...

..Fascism, in truth, does not oppose itself to liberalism as a system of authority against a system of liberty. [It sees itself] rather as a system of true and concrete liberty as opposed to abstract and false liberty. Liberalism commences with the breaking of the circle above indicated—opposing the individual to the State, and liberty to authority. Liberalism seeks a liberty in itself, that confronts the State. It wants a liberty that is the limit of the State, resigning itself to a belief that the State is the (unfortunately inevitable) limit of liberty....

...The merit of Fascism was that it courageously and vigorously opposed itself to the prejudices of contemporary liberalism— to affirm that the liberty proposed by liberalism serves neither the people nor the individual....

...[Fascism] actually aspires to be the most perfect form of liberalism and democracy,"

I cannot make the merits of Fascist Totalitarianism, as it is anti- Individualist and Authoritarian, any more clear -- except for walking the reader through the basic philosophical foundations we find as precursor in Hegel. This is reserved for the section Fascist Metaphysics.

Does Fascist 'Totalitarianism' mean tyrannical control? No. Does Fascist anti-Individualism mean that everyone must think and act and look the same? Never. Is Fascist Authoritarianism the 'complete negation of freedom and liberty'? absolutely not. We must rid ourselves of these misconceptions with which we have all been so thoroughly brainwashed.

If the popular state is ever going to rise against Judeo-Catholic imperialism, we must join ourselves spiritually to our respective Peoples, to establish the Fascist bonds by means of which we might have the strength to overthrow their tyranny -- and demand for ourselves the right of sovereignty of state.

German National Socialism

What were the foundations of the original Nazi party? To answer this question, I implore you look no further than the original, founding literature. That is primarily of founding father Gottfried Feder's Manifesto for the Abolition of Interest Slavery; The Programme for the NSDAP; and The German State on a National and Socialist Foundation. Or perhaps you might explore the works of Goebbels, Why Are We Nationalists? and Questions and Answers for National Socialists. Nowhere in any of this founding Nazi literature will you find principles of aryan supremacy, tyranny, world domination, or any other nonsense that we have been brainwashed to believe.

What do we discover within this literature? The revolt against Jewish dominance and their virtual hegemony over German economy, politics, and culture. What was the nature of this Jewish domination? Nothing less than the nascent New World Order. The Jewish proxy front in Germany controlled the banks, the finance, the newspapers, the democracy, and even the Bolshevism -- all enemies of the German People. This is the original basis for German anti-semitism, not theory of racial supremacy. Let us look at the true definition of National Socialism:

The Programme for the NSDAP;

"The Common Interest Before Self -- That is the Spirit of the Programme. Abolition of the Thraldom of Interest -- That is the Core of National Socialism."

In the Manifesto for the Abolition of Interest Slavery, they describe themselves as fighting;

"...the overwhelming international money-powers, the supragovernmental financial power enthroned above any right of self-determination of peoples, international big capital, the purely Gold International...

...the sinister, invisible, mysterious reign of the great international money-powers...

...Therefore liberation from enslavement to interest on money is the clear motto for the global revolution, for the liberation of productive labor from the chains of the supragovernmental money-powers...

... The great money-powers indeed financed the terrifying mass- homicides of the World War. The great money-powers have indeed, as owners of all great newspapers, woven the world into a web of lies. They have with satisfaction whipped up all lower passions, have diligently fostered the growth of present tendencies, and have through clever press-propaganda brought French revanchism to a boil...

...With astonishment we must ask ourselves .. whence international big capital derives its irresistible power..

...It is not to be overlooked that the international collaboration of the great money powers represents a completely new phenomenon. We have no parallel for this in history. International obligations of a monetary nature were practically unknown. Only with the rising global economy, with general global commerce, did the idea of international interest- economy establish itself, and here we touch the deepest root, here we have hit upon the innermost source of strength from which the Golden International draws its irresistible power: Interest.

... Interest has caused the great money-powers to grow. Loan- interest is the diabolical principle from which the Gold International was born. Loan-capital has firmly attached its blood-funnel absolutely everywhere. Like the arms of an anemone big loan capital has ensnared all states, all peoples of the world.

Government loans, government bonds, railroad bonds, war bonds, mortgages, covered-bond obligations -- in short loan- instruments of every kind have in a manner ensnared our entire economic life, so that henceforth all the peoples of the world wriggle helplessly in the golden webs. For the sake of the interest principle, in keeping with a thoroughly mad political delusion that every kind of possession carries an entitlement to earnings, we have submitted to enslavement to interest on money..

..Never has Mammonism been prepared in such a world- encompassing manner to begin world-domination."

...This was the basis for the Nazi revolution: a Peoples' Fascist revolt against the Internationalism that we now call today the New World Order, and the enslavement of mankind which it represents. By striking out specifically against the International banking and finance system, run by the Jewish syndicate under Rothschild, Feder was hitting at their heel. How much more can this be proven? Do not believe anything outside these original, founding texts! Do not trust any secondary literature which aims to re-interpret Nazi foundations as evil-maniacal and genocidal racism!

Notice I do not present Hitler's Mein Kampf for evidence, though it is replete with testimony against the International Money Power, the International Financiers, and International Jewry -- but Hitler did not write original party doctrine, and neither is it the case that he wrote Mein Kampf. Mein Kampf was in fact ghost- written for Hitler by a Jesuit Father Staempfle -- and with subtle intrigue planted subversive propaganda within that would support the false narrative in which most understand Nazism today. On Hitler and this point I will elaborate further in the section, The Truth about the Nazi party. Spanish Fascism

Besides Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, there was also Fascist Spain under General . This Fascist regime persisted beyond WWII until 1975. They fought specifically against what we call the 'Judeo-Masonic Conspiracy.' This interpretation of what was then the nascent New World Order emphasized the collusion of International Jewry, (especially Jewish banking, media monopolization, subversion of democratic institutions, and Bolshevism,) with Free Masonry (whose product was psuedo-liberal democracy, Individualism, and monopolistic Capitalism.) Both International Jewry and Masonry were considered, ultimately, satanic organizations. The fact that the Spanish Fascists understood as well as the Germans that Bolshevism was a product of International Jewry is a topic I will discuss more in a later section, Truth about Marxism.

Unfortunately, regarding Spanish Fascism, there is little to no formal party doctrine, literature, or propaganda available. There is no official trace of their understanding of the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy, outside of hearsay from the historical account. This seems suspicious, considering the regime survived WWII into the mid-70s. How could this be? And why was Spanish Fascism allowed to persist for so long? Perhaps it is because Fascist Spain restored Catholicism within her country as the official religion and principle ruling force. Franco was, afterall, a Knight of the Supreme , under the Pope... Catholic Basis for the Fascist Revolution

Simply put, the Fascist revolution was possible only through the support of the Catholic Church. In Italy, the home of Rome and an already entirely Catholic country, Mussolini's rise in power came hand-in-hand with the rise of the Church in Italy. An alliance between Mussolini and the Vatican was formalized in 1929 with the Lateran Treaty, wherein the Vatican officially recognized the Fascist government in exchange for the restoration of the Church and their mutual support and cooperation.

Gentile, the philosophical godfather of Fascism in Italy, justified the existence of the Church as essential to the spirit of the nation, a cornerstone of Italian history, tradition, and culture. Interestingly, this is antithetical to Gentile's assertion, in his Origins and Doctrine of Fascism, that Fascism is virtually a religion unto itself, as the 'Totalitarianian' nature of the Fascist spirit must be considered all-pervasive in every aspcct of life -- even juxtaposing the religiousity of Fascism with Catholicism directly. It is clear, however unspoken, that Gentile expected Fascist Italy to continue to evolve beyond it's Catholic roots.

How did Mussolini come to power? The Parliamentary elections of 1922, the Catholic Christian-Democrat Party voted unanimously for Mussolini, making him Prime Minister. It is difficult to say if Mussolini himself had great love for Catholicism, or if he was more progressive and accepted Catholicism as a political fact, something he would have to acquiesce to in order to achieve long-term goals. Afterall, it would have been absolutely impossible for Mussolini to carry out his agenda without the support of the Church. The Vatican, on the other hand, loved Mussolini. The Pope even went so far to say that Mussolini was sent by God at the signing of the Lateran treaty.

Paris, Secret History of the Jesuits; "The pope, in February 1929, at the time of the treaty of Lateran, calls Mussolini "the man whom Providence allowed us to meet".

As mentioned in the previous section, Spanish Fascism was wholly Catholic without pretense, and the Church enjoyed it's restoration after a long and bitter Bolshevik revolt. Once the Bolshevik revolution had finally been put down by Franco and his Fascists, the Church reigned supreme in Spain. Dictator Franco was made a Knight of the Supreme Order of Christ.

But what of Nazi Germany? Nowhere in the founding doctrine is there any hint of association or relation with the Catholic Church. The question of the Church would appear to be completely unspoken and irrelevant. No, the Catholic influence would not come until the arrival of Hitler, and well after his usurpation of the Party. We should find, however, that prominent Nazi leaders Goebbels and Himmler were both almost certainly Jesuit or Jesuit-influenced...

Goebbels, virtually second-in-command to Hitler himself, was born devout Catholic and, in his early life, wanted to become a Catholic priest. He went on to study at different Catholic universities, until earning his PhD at the (Jesuit) University of Heidelberg. However the fact there is no further apparent relation between Goebbels and the Church, (or particularly over the fact,) and considering his future role as Hitler's right-hand man, it is safe to say that Goebbels was almost certainly a clandestine Jesuit. He would be given the title Minister of Propaganda, and manage cultural production in Nazi Germany.

Himmler, also born into a devout Catholic family, would eventually become commander of the SS and architect of the holocaust. He was named after his godfather Prince Heinrich of Bavaria, a member of the royal family. What is the extent of his family's loyalty to Catholicism?

Paris, Secret History of the Jesuits; "His father had been director of a Catholic school in Munich, then tutor of Prince Ruprecht of Bavaria. His brother, a Benedictine monk, lived at the monastery of Maria Laach, one of the Pan-German high places. He also had an uncle who had held the important position of Canon at the Court of Bavaria, the Jesuit Himmler."

Himmler 'remained a devout Catholic' until his mid-twenties, when he was supposedly inducted into the occult Thule society. The SS, much the product of Himmler, would reflect the influences of both the Jesuit and Thule societies.

Paris, Secret History of the Jesuits;

"Hitler did not award the palm of Jesuitism to his chief of propaganda, though to the Gestapo's chief, as he told his favourites: "I can see Himmler as our Ignatius of Loyola"

According to Paris, the SS was 'impregnated' by Catholics, priests, and Jesuits, and even goes so far to suggest that Himmler's uncle, a Jesuit from the Court of Bavaria, was in fact the true leader of the SS. Himmler's uncle was indeed a superior officer of the SS, and died mysteriously in his cell before trial at an international tribunal after the war.

Walter Schellenberg, head of Nazi counter-intelligence, reports:

"The S.S. organisation had been constituted, by Himmler, according to the principles of the Jesuits' Order. Their regulations and the Spiritual Exercises prescribed by Ignatius of Loyola were the model Himmler tried to copy exactly... The "Reichsfuhrer SS"— Himmler's title as supreme chief of the SS—was to be the equivalent of the Jesuits' "General" and the whole structure of the direction was a close imitation of the Catholic Church's hierarchical order. A mediaeval castle, near Paderborn in Westphalia, and called "Webelsbourg", was restored; it became what could be called a SS monastery." Considering Himler's family, particularly his Jesuit uncle, and the fact that he modelled the SS after the Jesuit order, I do not find it out of the question to assume that he was directly or indirectly associated with Jesuitism, and particularly the product of (some kind of,) Catholic influence.

Hitler himself was born to a devout Catholic family, baptized Catholic, and attended Catholic schools. A Jesuit ghost-wrote his Mein Kampf. At the end of Hitler's life, Spanish Fascist Dictator Franco had this published of Hitler in the newspaper:

Paris, Secret History of the Jesuits;

"Adolf Hitler, son of the Catholic Church, died while defending Christianity. It is therefore understandable that words cannot be found to lament over his death, when so many were found to exalt his life. Over his mortal remains stands his victorious moral figure. With the palm of the martyr, God gives Hitler the laurels of Victory."

How was Hitler's ascent to power, first through the Nazi Party and eventually through the democratic institution that elected him into power possible? Co-conspirators. They were the Internationalist Catholics, Jews, Masons, Illuminati, and Skull and Bones that initially invested in and funded the Nazi campaign. It was the Catholic Center Party that elected Hitler into his dictatorship, even at the cost of dissolution of their own party.

Nazi policy was expressly endorsed by the Catholic officials. In 1933 the Nazi Party signed the Reichskonkordant with the Vatican, which guaranteed the role of the Catholic Church in Nazi Germany. These were also means by which, albeit guaranteeing Catholicism, allowed the Catholic Church to distance itself from the Nazi Party for future alibi, as it is becomes clear by now that the Nazi party, being wholly usurped by secret society infiltrators, was being set up for disaster.

Guenter Lewy, The Catholic Church and Nazi Germany; "At a time when the heads of the major nations in the world faced the new Germany with cool reserve and considerable suspicion, the Catholic Church, the greatest moral power on Earth, through the Concordant expressed it's confidence in the new German government."

Joseph Rovan, Jewish elite and convert to Catholicism;

"The choice of Germany's "regenerators" will fall upon Hitler, who is destined to triumph over the "democratic mistakes" under the Holy Father's standard. Of course, he [Hitler] is a Catholic, like his principal collaborators."

Mercure De France, in a French literary magazine, 1934:

"In the beginning of 1932, German Catholics ... had been told that "the Pope was personally in favour of Hitler." ...That Pius XI was sympathetic to Hitler should not surprise us... For him, Europe could settle down again only through Germany's hegemony..." The Truth about the Nazi Party

Hitler: a Spy and Usurper

The original Nazi Party was founded by Dietrich Eckart, Anton Drexler, Karl Harrer, and Gottfried Feder, who wrote the party doctrine and literature. Karl Harrer was Chairman and represented the occult Thule Society but was quickly replaced in this respect by Hitler. (I will discuss this 'Thule Society', an occult pagan- Germanic organization, more below.) Very little is known about Harrer, and despite being Chairman he does not seem to have had any real influence on the party. He reportedly died in 1926 at the age of 35.

The official story is Hitler worked as a spy and propagandist for the German Army, and was sent to infiltrate the new Nazi party, then called the German Workers' Party. (The commander who sent Hitler to spy on the German Worker's Party, Major Karl Mayr, was himself associated with, and funding, new pagan- Germanic cults, such as the Thule Society, in an effort to curb the rise of German Bolshevism.)

Upon infiltrating the German Worker's Party, Hitler was quickly elevated to the position of Chief Propaganda Officer. Within two years Hitler had complete control of the party, pushing the original founders to the sidelines. This is the beginning of Hitler's total hi-jacking of the Nazi party.

Konrad Heiden, The Fuhrer -- Hitler's Rise to Power;

"He (Hitler) had grown too powerful for the founders; they - Anton Drexler among them-wanted to limit him and press him to the wall. But it turned out that they were too late. He had the newspaper (Völkischer Beobachter) behind him, the backers, and the growing S.A. At a certain distance he had the Reichswehr (German Army) behind him too. To break all resistance for good, he left the party for three days, and the trembling members obediently chose him as the first, unlimited chairman, for practical purposes responsible to no one, in place of Anton Drexler, the modest founder, who had to content himself with the post of honorary chairman."

How does a spy, in a period of two years, take complete control of a political party, push it's original founders to the side-lines, and have behind him the newspaper, financial backers, and even the powerful SA militia at his command? By no means less than a web of secret-society connections. What secret societies?

Germanic Occult Societies

Early 20th century was a virtual renaissance of mystical occultism. In Germany and Austria we saw the advent of several occult secret societies forming around the idea of German racial consciousness, considering the Germans as the descendents of greater, spiritual 'Aryan' race. This is what is popular knowledge. Considering that there were 'leading secret societies within secret societies', which were ultimately Masonic and Jewish (and hence inevitably Jesuit,) I hesitate to assert if these roots of Aryan Supremacy theory from the more peripheral and inclusive cults were the genuine agenda of the inner-most circles. They were however the outer-rim of these secret societies, specifically the Thule society, from which not just ideology, but the adoption of the swastika and mystical runes as symbols for the Nazi party, arise, as adherents were motivated to return to their mystical pagan-Germanic roots.

What did the Thule Society believe? Apparently that the Aryan race or races were descended from an ancient and superior ancient race of giants, called 'hyperboreans', from around the North Pole. 'Thule' is the name of the landmass upon which this Hyperborean race of giants lived. This story is not entirely unlike the legend of Atlantis, of the Atlantean empire, and then claiming to be descendents of the Atlanteans.

Now, apparently, one of the goals of the Thule Society was to breed 'pure-blood' aryans with the hopes of re-combining enough hyperborean genetics so as to establish a super race. Himmler's SS, which took close measure of racial characteristics of it's applicants, may have been used in part for this purpose.

I stress the word 'apparently' because the story is obviously ridiculous. Whatever the case, it may be best to say that the Thule Society and others like it stressed the importance of returning to their pagan-Germanic origins, including religiously. This is important because we know that the Thule Society at least was founded by a Free Mason under the alias 'Rudolf Sebottendorf'. If a Masonic lodge was responsible for founding the Thule Society, then we may further assume that the Jesuits had their hand in it. If the Jesuits, through the Masons, could foster heretical Paganism amongst political leadership, it would only justify their future annihilation.

If it is the case that original National Socialist doctrine devolved into occult interpretations of 'aryan supremacy', then it is due to the influence of these Germanic cults of Masonic origin. This matter is of utmost importance in understanding how the Nazi party was subverted from within.

Now, the Thule Society and it's various other satellite societies were actively combatting the spread of Bolshevism in post-WW1 Germany, and hence were quick to promote new nationalist and anti-semitic political parties. This is where we come again to the original Nazi Party. As mentioned above, occult Thule Society member Karl Herrer was among the founding fathers of the party, but was replaced upon the appearance of Hitler.

As the Nazi party gained in prominence, official association with the Thule Society appeared to diminish until it completely vanished from public view in 1925. Of course the influence of the Thule Society rather just quietly bled into the new Nazi culture, as evidenced by the allegiance of it's members and the use of symbols such as the swastika, which was adopted by Hitler from the Thule Society. The swastika is of critical importance. This swastika was not initially representative of Nazism as it was born from the doctrine of Gottfried Feder. How did it come into use, designed by Hitler himself, and why is it significant? The swastika, representing Germanic occult racial identity, is a pagan symbol, and thus would be seen as heretical to the Catholic Church. The Nazi's rallying under the new banner of the pagan swastika, and then ultimately to whatever cultish godhead it represented, (such as the Germanic warrior god Woden,) could be interpreted as satanic worship by the Catholic Church.

Paris, The Secret History of the Jesuits;

"During the 20th century also, Cardinal Lepicier, notoroius prince of the Church, wrote: 'If someone professes publicly to be a heretic or tries to pervert others, by his speech or example, he can not only be excommunicated, but also justly killed...'"

The introduction of the swastika, and the devolution of Nazism into occult theories of aryan supremacy, is a clear sign that the seeds of destruction were planted from within the party itself. This would give the Church the spiritual justification to annihilate a 'pagan' Nazi Germany. This is also important to note as we compare it to the Communist hammer-and-sickle design in the next section. It is also interesting to consider in respect to our contemporary United States, which has also devolved culturally in the direction of satanic paganism, implicitly or explicitly, over the last several decades.

The best concluding remark to make in this respect is that the evidence best suggests that these pagan-Germanic trends were a front the Catholic subversion of the party; that is, Hitler, Himmler, and Goebbels, obvious Catholic infiltrators, used the pagan-Germanic occult as both a cover and a means to corrupt the original National Socialist doctrine. Funding Hitler and the Rise of the (Hi-jacked) Nazi Party

Who funded the rise of Hitler? It is clear that initial funding came from the Masonic Thule Society, but such a small society cannot fund the Nazi revolution in it's entirety. We can look to Antony Sutton's Wallstreet and the Rise of Hitler for further resource. Prior the 1933 election in which Hitler was elected Chancellor of Germany, there was a fundraising meeting, which Hitler attended. Who else attended this meeting to fund and support Hitler's campaign?

Frtiz Thyssen, a devout Catholic, who was partner with W.A. Harrimen, American elite and Skull and Bones Member, of The Union Banking Corporation of New York City; Max Ilgner of I.G. Farben, a chemical and pharmaceutical conglomerate directed at the time by the infamous Jewish Internationalist elite family, Warburg; Gustav Krupp, the elite Krupp family representing the Illuminati. The meeting was hosted by Hjalmar Schact, a German elite banker and politician, a high-level Free Mason and self- proclaimed 'wizard', who was president of the Reichsbank of the Weimar Republic and was to become president of Hitler's National Bank.

The fact that Hitler colluded with the Masonic, Jewish, Illuminati and Catholic Internationalist elite to fund his political campaign sounds out his hypocrisy and deceit. These are the very enemies of Fascist and National Socialist doctrine. By this time, the Nazi Party had been completely infiltrated and usurped, betrayed and distorted by secret-society Internationalists to use for their own purposes. The soul of the Nazi party had been sold.

What is worse is that this secret-society Internationalist elite funded early Nazi Germany with an emphasis on building up it's military-industrial complex for future warfare.

Sutton, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler;

"The business press was aware, from 1935 on, that German prosperity was based on war preparations. More important, it was conscious of the fact that German industry was under the control of the Nazis and was being directed to serve Germany's rearmament, and the firm mentioned most frequently in this context was the giant chemical empire, I. G. Farben. [directed by Jewish Internationalist, Warburg.]"

The Internationalist conglomerate I.G. Farben and it's role in establishing Hitler as a war power was discussed in this respect by the US War Department;

Sutton, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler;

"Without I.G.'s immense productive facilities, it's intense research, and vast international affiliations, Germany's prosecution of the war would have been unthinkable and impossible; Farben not only directed its energies toward arming Germany, but concentrated on weakening her intended victims, and this double-barreled attempt to expand the German industrial potential for war and to restrict that of the rest of the world was not conceived and executed "in the normal course of business." The proof is overwhelming that I. G. Farben officials had full prior knowledge of Germany's plan for world conquest and of each specific aggressive act later undertaken ...."

That is, it is literally the case that Nazi germany was funded with the express intention of engineering another world war. Later we will see that this Nazi war machine was built that Germany for no reason less than serve as the frontline against Stalin's Soviet Union.

Hitler's Banker

How else to prove the betrayal of Nazism by Hitler? Let's look again at his masonic banker, Hjalmar Schact. Schact publicly proclaimed himself to have been a Free Mason since 1908 in his own autobiography. His induction into Masonry marked the beginning of his ascent to power as an elite banker. Undoubtedly he did some terrible things in private to rise to such heights. But what is most curious is that Hitler publicly denounced Free Masonry as a tangent of International Jewry, as part of an over-all 'Judeo-Masonic' conspiracy. The Free Masons of Germany were directly targetted for persecution by the Nazi party, reportedly to the effect of 80,000 or so dead masons. But it is, through Schact, literally the case that Hitler colluded with extremely high-level Masonry, whilst persecuting the lower-level masonic strata that would consist of common people. This vile hypocrisy on Hitler's part, again, only sounds out his traitorous collusion with the elite, and of his betrayal of the principles of National Socialism.

Besides organizing the initial campaign fundraiser for Hitler mentioned above, it was also Schacht who architected a letter, an industrial petition, to then-President Hindenberg to make Hitler Chancellor. This petition was signed by the German industrial and banking elite, and Hindenberg promptly heeded the recommendation and made Hitler Chancellor, less than six months after which Hitler made himself dictator. Considering Schacht was a Mason and disinterested in the Nazi party, why was he so motivated and instrumental in Hitler's success? -From initial funding, to securing the elections which made him chancellor and dictator?

Schact was also co-founder of the Bank of International Settlements, which operated through the reign of the Nazi regime, and was founded by the Internationalist elite with the intention of becoming the 'central bank of central banks'. This role of the BIS is essential to the internationalist's goals, what Prof. Carroll Quigley describes, as;

"... nothing less than to control a world system of financial control, in private hands, able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole."

The 'official' role of the BIS at the time was to manage Germany's war reparations, which were almost immediately defaulted and forgotten. What the BIS was really used for at the time was to illegally channel funds into Hitler's Germany for the purpose of fueling it's war machine.

The 'economic miracle' often attributed to Hitler through the 1930's was due much to the fact of financial fraud committed by Schacht through the BIS. For example, Schacht created a dummy 'Metallurgical Research Corporation' and with it company 'bills' which he used to pay German contractors, who in turn could exchange those bills at banks for real currency. This magical creation of 'money' eventually amounted up to 12 billion reichsmarks by 1939, at the dawn of the war. The consequences of inflation from this money printing would not be realized as Germany was soon to be destroyed, but for the time being proved to be immensely profitable and efficacious at building Germany's military might.

The BIS was the brainchild of the international bankers, the very men whom the proto-Nazi promised to fight, and plays a pivotal role in Internationalist's world financial order, described by Prof. Quigley as the "apex of the system". Today it maintains it's reserves in SDRs, designed to work as international units of exchange or currency, and it's mission is to 'ensure financial stability'. It is a platform for organization between the central bankers of the world, and presumably sets world financial policy and precedent.

...Did Hitler ever dismiss his Masonic Internationalist banker, or strike out at the BIS which he created? Never. I cannot any better than this spell out Hitler's betrayal of Nazism.

Night of Long Knives

Shortly after being appointed Chancellor of Germany Hitler ordered a purge of the Nazi party. The purpose was to murder or expel his opposition within the party and consolidate control over his new brand of Nazism. The executions were carried out by Himmler's Jesuitical SS. The victims? The more genuinely National Socialist leaders of the paramilitary SA, who initially brought Hitler to power. The more genuinely National Socialist Gregor Strasser, who saw clearly Hitler's betrayal of the Party through his associations with secret society elite. Strasser was wise enough to foresee his fate. In a letter penned to a friend, Strasser wrote:

"I am a man marked by death. We shall not be able to go on seeing each other for long and in your own interests I suggest you do not come here any more. Whatever happens, mark what I say: From now on Germany is in the hands of an Austrian who is a congenital liar, a former officer who is a pervert, and a clubfoot. And I tell you the last is the worst of them all. This is Satan in human form."

According to Strasser's testimony, Hitler was a liar, Himmler was a sexual deviant (perhaps a pedophile, as is common amongst secret society elite,) and Goebbels, 'worst of them all', was 'Satan', which most certainly refers to his role as a Jesuit.

In total, the official death toll was 85. How did Hitler explain himself, almost two weeks later in a national broadcast?

"If anyone reproaches me and asks why I did not resort to the regular courts of justice, then all I can say is this. In this hour I was responsible for the fate of the German people, and thereby I became the supreme judge of the German people. I gave the order to shoot the ringleaders in this treason, and I further gave the order to cauterise down to the raw flesh the ulcers of this poisoning of the wells in our domestic life. Let the nation know that its existence—which depends on its internal order and security—cannot be threatened with impunity by anyone! And let it be known for all time to come that if anyone raises his hand to strike the State, then certain death is his lot." Hitler did not arrest these men and take them to trial because he did not want to be exposed as a fraud and usurper, reneging on the original National Socialist doctrine. More, he blatantly threatens to murder any who might step against him.

And what about our champion of National Socialism, Gottfried Feder, who wrote the original party doctrine? Feder had only been appointed as under-secretary at the Ministry of Economics in 1933. According to another socialist, Konrad Heiden,

"The post of under-secretary was an humiliating position ... His new superior was almost a stranger to the party, but familiar to the stock exchange... he was Doctor Karl Schmitt, general director of the largest German insurance company. A more pronounced representative of rapacious capital would have been hard to find; Schmitt had spent his life lending money and collecting interest; he had literally bought his way into the National Socialist Movement by giving the party generous aid in hard times."

Worst yet, it would be the elite Free Mason Hjalmar Schacht who would lead Hitler's National Bank. Feder was not 'under-secretary' at the Ministry of Economics for long, as he resigned from the Nazi Party after the Night of Long Knives. Hitler's gross betrayal of National Socialism could certainly not be felt by anyone more so than by Feder, the author of the original Party doctrine, and it seems a small miracle that he was spared from the purge. Feder retreated to a professorship at a small university in Berlin, where he would quietly die in 1941 for unknown reasons at the age of 58.

The Destruction of Germany

Why would agents of Catholic and Catholic-satellite organizations infiltrate, subvert, build up and then destroy Nazi Germany? The are three primary reasons. First, Germany was a Protestant nation. Second, National Socialism and the principle of popular, national sovereignty is antithetical to the Internationalist- imperialist agenda of the Catholic Church. Third, the rise of Marxist-Bolshevism in the East posed a dire threat to the European Continent, which dcmanded a war machine in Germany to serve as a frontline against it.

Firstly, Germany was a bastion of Enlightenment and Protestantism against the Catholic hegemony. It is not taught, and apparently forgotten by virtually all WWII historians, that less than 50 years prior to the rise of Nazi Germany, in the 1870's, Chancellor Otto von Bismark had carried out a KulturKampf, or 'Culture War', against the Catholic Church. Germany by then was a bulwark for the progressive ideals of the Enlightenment, resisting sharply the orthodoxy of the Catholic Church and it's dogmatic tyranny. The Church had set strict guideliness through the century condemning liberalism, free press, free thought, seperation of Church and state, civil marriage, popular sovereignty, nationalism, democracy, and socialism. In 1870 the Vatican went so far as to press a 'dogma of Papal infallibility' -- that it is literally impossible for the Pope 'to be wrong'. Needless to say, Enlightened, Protestant Germany and the Catholic Church were at near-violent odds with one another.

Beginning 1871, Bismarck upheld the principle of seperation of Church and state, uprooted the Catholic influence in the schools. nationalized the system of education, and revoked Catholic authority in all matters. In 1872, diplomatic relations with the Vatican were suspended, and the Jesuits and other Catholic societies were banned from the German empire. The KulturKampf and anti-Catholic policy would intensify through the 70's until the next decade, when a new Pope would successfully negotiate with Bismarck to de-escalate the conflict. Despite an official bridge of peace, animosity would simmer and the Protestant-Catholic divide (a bloodless conflict,) would not be mended.

It is particularly for this reason that Catholic subterfuge with the goal of destroying and then subjugating Protestant Germany becomes a matter of course. That this historical issue of Protestant-Catholic antagonism is unspoken of in academia only clues us in further to the fact that authoritative discussion is controlled. Almost nowhere will you see the relevance of this religious conflict brought to light in the context of Nazi Germany.

Regarding all these series of truths concerning the Nazi Party, it becomes clear that Catholic agents infiltrated and subverted National Socialism and built up it's war machine all with the goal of sending the pagan-Protestant Nazi armies to their deaths on the Soviet front. Here I am refering to Operation Barbarossa, notoriously one of the greatest military "blunder's" in history, whereby Hitler and his duplicitous elite sent the Nazi armies to their deaths in the bleak cold of Russian winter. Casualties from this failed invasion was staggering and both sides, and the on- going conflict on Germany's Eastern front would eventually leave them susceptible to the invasion of US forces from the West.

If it were not for Operation Barbarossa, (which Hitler had named after a Catholic Holy Roman Emperor, Frederick I,) neither Germany nor the Soviet Union would succumb to US ground forces. If Nazi Germany had not dealt such a hard blow to the Soviet Union, the Bolsheviks would have most certainly conquered the entirety of the European continent.

The best way to control the opposition is to lead it. The quasi- Nazi Catholic elite sabateurs butchered the German pagan- Protestant population and forced the state's transition back to the pseudo-liberal, pseudo-democratic Republic to be subjugated by the Judeo-Catholic Internationalism. The principles of liberal nationalism and popular sovereignty in Europe have since been lost to the imperialist dictates of the pseudo-democratic European Union. Truth about Marxism

It's important to go into detail regarding the original development of Marxism, and the wide-spread belief that Marxist Bolshevism was the product of a greater 'Judeo-Masonic' conspiracy -- a belief that fueled much of WWII.

The origins of Marxist 'philosophy' lie in the Jesuit offshoot, the Illuminati, before the end of the 18th century. This was mentioned in Chapter 1, but I will reproduce it here;


"..the aims of the Illuminati may be summarized in the following six points: 1. Abolition of monarchy and all ordered government. 2. Abolition of private Property. 3. Abolition of inheritance. 4. Abolition of patriotism. 5. Abolition of the family (ie., marriage and all morality and the institution of the communal education of children). 6. Abolition of all religion.”

These summarized points are much the basis for Marxism. Tracing Marx's foundation to the Illuminati is of utmost importance, and simultaneously sheds light on how future illuminati members, such as Rockefeller, would condone and support the Communist revolutions, including financially.

Let's look at the man himself. Marx was a Jew. Both his grandfathers were rabbis. His paternal line supplied rabbis for a hundred years. It is not unreasonable to assume that this tradition of Jewry merely went underground with Karl Marx himself. Worse, there is strong evidence that Marx devolved to Satanism, (not far removed at all from the influence of the historically recent renaissance in Sabbateanism, Frankist-Sabbateanism.) Here is one of young Marx's poems, containing overtly Satanic messages; Invocation of One in Despair

So a god has snatched from me my all In the curse and rack of Destiny. All his worlds are gone beyond recall! Nothing but revenge is left to me! On myself revenge I'll proudly wreak, On that being, that enthroned Lord, Make my strength a patchwork of what's weak, Leave my better self without reward! I shall build my throne high overhead, Cold, tremendous shall its summit be. For its bulwark-- superstitious dread, For its Marshall--blackest agony. Who looks on it with a healthy eye, Shall turn back, struck deathly pale and dumb; Clutched by blind and chill Mortality May his happiness prepare its tomb. And the Almighty's lightning shall rebound From that massive iron giant. If he bring my walls and towers down, Eternity shall raise them up, defiant.

The above poem demonstrates Marx's hateful resentment and desire for revenge against Godhead, eternal defiance, the desire to raise himself above said Godhead, and then the wish of painful death for congregants of the Godhead's religion. There are also Marx's other poems, 'The Player', 'The Pale Maiden', 'Human Pride', and his drama 'Oulanem' which all further illustrate Marx's Satanic intimations.

Of particular relevance here is the work of Richard Wumbrand, Marx & Satan, which goes into much greater detail on the historical account of Marx's Satanic background. Perhaps most significant is the fact that, apparently, three of Marx's children died of malnutrition. This is also repeated by Anthony Kenny in his work, Philosophy in the Modern World. It is impossible to imagine how one could let his children die in such a way. It is feasible that Marx's children were ritually sacrificed to Satan, a particularly wicked element of the Satanic cult. It is also reported that two of Marx's daughters and a son-in-law died of suicide. Three of Marx's grandchildren seem to have died the same way. Marx's daughter Eleanor, one of whom died by suicide, was married to one Edward Aveling, who like Marx also expressed satanic devotion in poetic format;

To thee my verses, unbridled and daring, Shall mount, 0 Satan, king of the banquet. Away with thy sprinkling, 0 priest, and thy droning. For never shall Satan, 0 priest, stand behind thee. Thy breath, 0 Satan, my verses inspires, When from my bosom the gods I defy Of kings pontifical, of kings inhuman: Thine is the lightning that sets minds to shaking. o soul that wanderest far from the straight way, Satan is merciful. See Heloisa! Like the whirlwind spreading its wings, He passes, 0 people, Satan the great! Hail, of reason the great Vindicator! Sacred to thee shall rise incense and vows! Thou hast the god of the priest discnthroned.

I highly recommend Wumbrand's treatise to any interested in reading his extensive account of the matter. One note in particular I would like to add is the fact that Marx, obviously an astute student of philosophy, utterly corrupted Hegelian Dialectics and general philosophy by rejecting the essential (necessary,) element of Spirit, without which metaphysics are rendered non-sensical. For any unacquainted with Hegelian philosophy, and in particular his Science of Logic, the laughable absurdity of Marx's corruption is left obscure. Clearly Marx's intention was not to practice philosophy, but only advance his satanic crusade against godhead. I will discuss this briefly in the section Fascist Metaphysics. How else might we trace Marxist-Bolshevism to Jewish Satanism? Perhaps the hammer-and-sickle design:

The symbol on the left is the astrological symbol of 'Saturn', the theological and etymological derivation of 'Satan'. The communist symbol on the right can be achieved by holding a hammer in your left hand, a sickle in your right hand, arms crossed in front of you; and if you pull your arms apart you will produce the Satanic symbol on the left. The sickle itself is also, perhaps not so coincidentally, the implement of the ancient god Saturn.

The Jewish-Satanic element in Marxist-Bolshevism aside, it's necessary to produce definitive proof that Marx colluded with secret-society elite. How can we do this? Look no further than his magnum opus, Das Kapital.

Das Kapital, subtitled 'a critique of political economy ', was written to educate on the socio-political history of economy in Europe. It took 'decades' of research, until it was published in 1866. Marx exposes the malicious nature of capital and focuses on the plight of the average laborer in a Capitalist system.

But what is most important to note is that Das Kapital is published at the height of Rothschild dominion over Europe. The Jewish International Banking syndicate was already well- established and well- known, infamous for it's power over nations. At that very time colluded with the Rothschild syndicate in masterminding the unification of Germany, funding wars in Denmark, Austria, and France. A Rothschild sat in British Parliament. Benjamin Disreali, another puppet of the Rothschild syndicate, was Prime Minister of England. How did Benjamin Disreali describe Rothschild?

Disreali, Conigsby, 1844;

"...the lord and master of the money markets of the world, and of course virtually lord and master of everything else."

Only a few decades later, prominent German economist and historian Werner Sombart in his 1911 treatise, The Jews and Modern Capitalism, would say of the Rothschild family;

"There is but one power in Europe, and that is Rothschild."

It could be said that since Rothschild was instrumental in the defeat of Napolean through the Napoleonic wars of 1803-1816, that they had their hand in literally every European war through the 19th century. The military- industrial complex that fueled Great Britain's imperialist war machine was based on Rothschild genius in and management of financial fraud. They controlled the wealth of nations by manipulation of the money supply through the principles of inflation and deflation. The stock markets were under their complete control. They were the true champions of International Banking and Finance, the centralization of national banks, and the beginning of world domination through money and finance.

Now, going back to Das Kapital, that 'critique of political economy', what does Marx have to say about Rothschild, or the International Banking and Finance syndicate? Not a word. The single most powerful and influential socio-economic and political force in Europe, the kings of money, and Marx does not speak a single word of it. You could be fully 'educated' by Marxist doctrine and still be totally oblivious to this Jewish hegemony. How is this possible? Conspiracy.

Michael Bakunin, 1871;

“Himself a Jew, Marx has around him, in London and France, but especially in Germany, a multitude of more or less clever, intriguing, mobile, speculating Jews, such as Jews are every where: commercial or banking agents, writers, politicians, correspondents for newspapers of all shades, with one foot in the bank, the other in the socialist movement, and with their behinds sitting on the German daily press — they have taken possession of all the newspapers — and you can imagine what kind of sickening literature they produce. Now, this entire Jewish world, which forms a single profiteering sect, a people of blooksuckers, a single gluttonnous parasite, closely and intimately united not only across national borders but across all differences of political opinion — this Jewish world today stands for the most part at the disposal of Marx and at the same time at the disposal of Rothschild. I am certain that Rothschild for his part greatly values the merits of Marx, and that Marx for his part feels instinctive attraction and great respect for Rothschild. This may seem strange. What can there be in common between Communism and the large banks? Oh! The Communism of Marx seeks enormous centralization in the state, and where such exists, there must inevitably be a central state bank, and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, which. speculates on the work of the people, will always find a way to prevail..."

The fact that Marx completely and totally omits Rothschild and International Banking and Finance does not only prove conspiracy and collusion, but that Marxist doctrine itself was disingenuous. What Marx had really done was weaponize political philosophy, specifically for the purpose of inciting civil war. Afterall, against whom does Marxism incite murderous violence? Certainly not the genuine elite. With the help of satellite secret-societies and the printing press, the Internationalist elite could import Marxism to unfriendly countries, (particularly Russia and Germany and the time,) and stir up violent revolt. In Russia, when the Marxist revolt ignited into full-scale civil war, it would be none other than these secret societies and the Jewish International Banking syndicate that would provide the funding.

We can look to Antony Sutton's research in Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution for elucidation;

"we shall see... an enthusiastic alliance of Wall Street and Marxist socialism."

Sutton goes into extensive detail chronicalling what he referred to as an 'unholy alliance ' between Capitalists and Bolsheviks. Internationalist actors, including William Boyce Thompson, then- director of the Federal Reserve, contributed directly to the Bolshevik revolution. Complicated webs of Internationalist subsidiaries illegally laundered money into the revolution. Jewish Internationalist of the Rothschild syndicate, Jacob Schiff, donated 20 million for the cause. British secret-society elite, Lord Alfred Milner, founder of The Round Table, likewise donated. Eventually even the American government under president FDR and the British government under Prime Minister Churchill would be directly contributing substantially to Stalin's war machine, to the tune of approximately 20 tons of military and civilian goods transferred.

But focusing again on the obvious Jewish collusion between Marx and the Rothschild syndicate, how else can we prove that the Marxist revolution was the product of Jewry? We can look to puppet Winston Churchill's own testimony, in a 1920 article ZIONISM versus BOLSHEVISM, A STRUGGLE FOR THE SOUL OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE; "International Jews.

...The adherents of this sinister confederacy are mostly men reared up among the unhappy populations of countries where Jews are persecuted on account of their race. Most, if not all, of them have forsaken the faith of their forefathers, and divorced from their minds all spiritual hopes of the next world. This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played... a definitely recognisable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.

Terrorist Jews.

There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews. It is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders. Thus Tchitcherin, a pure Russian, is eclipsed by his nominal subordinate Litvinoff, and the influence of Russians like Bukharin or Lunacharski cannot be compared with the power of Trotsky, or of Zinovieff, the Dictator of the Red Citadel (Petrograd), or of Krassin or Radek – all Jews. In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astonishing. And the prominent, if not indeed the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commissions for Combating Counter-Revolution has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses. The same evil prominence was obtained by Jews in the brief period of terror during which Bela Kun ruled in Hungary. The same phenomenon has been presented in Germany (especially in Bavaria), so far as this madness has been allowed to prey upon the temporary prostration of the German people. Although in all these countries there are many non-Jews every whit as bad as the worst of the Jewish revolutionaries, the part played by the latter in proportion to their numbers in the population is astonishing."

...The extent of Jewishness in the first soviet government is today reaffirmed by Vladimir Putin, in a 2013 press release at a Jewish musuem in Moscow;

"The first Soviet government.. was 80-85 percent Jewish.. guided by false ideological considerations.."

Of course Lenin had to take to bullhorns in the street to combat anti-semitism. When laws against anti-semitism were (immediately,) drafted by the new Jewish government, Lenin wrote:

"Only completely ignorant and backward people can believe the lies and calumny spread against the Jews... hatred or contempt are punishable by law."

Perhaps the above is a perfect segue to Lenin's future sentiment that:

“The state does not function as we desired. The car does not obey. A man is at the wheel and he seems to lead it, but the car does not drive in the desired direction. It moves as another force wishes.”

Could it be that Lenin did not have actual control of the State because it had been quietly usurped by the Jewish-Satanic element, which he had previously lied to protect?

What were the consequences of this new, Jewish Bolshevism for Russia? Besides the implementation of the new Satanic hammer- and-sickle banner? Russia's religion, Orthodox Christianity, (heretical to the Roman Catholic Church,) was criminalized. The result was the horrific torture and mass murder of countless Russian Orthodox Christians. Vladimir Moss, a Russian Orthodox Christian, writes;

"So the Russian revolution was Jewish not so much because of the ethnic composition of its leaders as because the Satanic hatred of God, Christ and all Christians that is characteristic of the Talmudic religion throughout its history was transferred – by spiritual ratherthan genetic heredity – from the nationalist Talmudic fathers to their internationalist atheist sons."

Finally, there is the curious effect of Stalin's 'Great Purge' in 1936, which estimates suggest led to the deaths of 680,000 – 1,200,000 people, especially government, party, and military officials. Could this purge have been Stalin's attempt to 'rescue' Soviet Communism from it's Satanic roots? I am afraid if this is only wishful thinking.

I do not think I need to go into further detail describing the horrific consequences of Soviet Russia. Czarist Russia, once bitter enemies of the Roman Catholic Church, of Jewry, and the International Banking and Finance syndicate, had been thoroughly destroyed. The Actors of Today; Present Circumstances

As of writing, Spring 2020, Trump is in the White House. His administration is the perfect marriage between the Catholic and Jewish-Isreali power. This goes beyond the marriage between Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, which is indicative.

It is unknown to what extent the public accounts of Trump's heritage are accurate. Some public accounts are complete fabrications, (such as Donald Trump's own claim that his father was a Swedish immigrant.) We do know that Trump has a distant cousin, Johannes Steiniger, who is a career politician currently sitting in German parliament with the (Catholic,) Christian Democratic Union of Germany. This implies a linking heritage of elite foundations, but specific information does not seem accessible.

Trump's (German,) grandfather reportedly ran a brothel in Seattle, which implies connections to underground criminal organizations. The profit from the brothel was the basis for the early Trump family real-estate ventures. Trump's father, Fred 'Christ' Trump, continued the family business in real estate development in New York. It was Fred Trump who built the real-estate empire that Donald Trump owns today. It is also with Fred Trump that ties with International Jewry are formed, perhaps through their respective mafia's in New York -- It was Fred Trump who initially formed the family friendship with Isreali Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Donald Trump spent his youth at New York Military Academy, a boarding school with alumni featuring politicians, bankers, and mafioso. Trump then attended the explicitly Jesuit-run Fordham University, and then the implicitly Jesuit-run University of Pennsylvannia. (His daughter, Ivanka, and son, Trump Jr., both also attended the University of Pennsylvannia. His son Eric Trump attended notorious and explicitly Jesuit- run Georgetown University.) Trump would later be made President of his father's real-estate empire at the age of 25. Trump's own adventures in business include branching into the gambling sector, which again implies mafia. In 1987 Trump acquired Resorts International, allegedly a front-company for the CIA and Mossad for profit and money-laundering. Trump's role would be as front-man, the official face of the organization; the shadow-owners included elite names such as Rockefeller and Rothschild.

When Trump's real-estate empire in New York collapsed, Rothschild agent Wilbur Ross would provide Trump the funds necessary to stay financially afloat. Wilbur Ross is currently Secretary of Commerce in the White House. He represents Rothschild's direct influence in Trump's cabinet.

Trump would later move on to television media. It is this period wherein Trump cultivates his celebrity status and his ability to act and perform in front of large, live audiences. Today, Trump continues his role as front-man, serving as the face of the Presidency. He is blatantly subservient to the Judeo-Catholic hegemony, and has done everything he can to support Israel.

Vice President Mike Pence was born a Catholic, and was 'born again' in a protestant tradition as part of his political campaigning. He describes himself as a 'Catholic Evangelical' and as a 'Christian, a conservative, and a Republican in that order,' (emphasis mine.) He is a fundamentalist and Christian supremacist. Serving as Vice President, he is undoubtedly an elite Catholic asset.

Publicly Pence propagates the status quo of the false political paradigm, whilst also appealing to Christians who support the role of their religion in life and government. As a Catholic, he will be pushing the agenda towards a New World Order with an eye on the end times of biblical revelations. This makes Pence extremely dangerous.

The Federal government is now completely under the control of Judeo-Catholic actors. For example, the Supreme Court consists of three Jews and six Catholics. The Federal Reserve is currently Chaired by Jerome Powell, a Jesuit, (after Janet Yellen, Ben Bernanke, and Alan Greenspan, all Jews.) The CIA, however highly-compartmentalized, is at it's core Jesuit-run, as proven by it's founding and perpetual directorship at the hands of Skull and Bones operatives. The CIA works with it's Jewish-Isreali counterpart Mossad to become the world's greatest international criminal organization in history, responsible for false flags such as 9/11, engineering political or military coups in unfriendly countries, assassinations, and other such world-historical feats of villainy.

Much of the rest of European civilization is dominated in much the same fashion, though not in so pronounced a way as the United States. Leaders, especially, are selected in accordance their allegiance to the correct affiliations. Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany is a Catholic New World Order conspirator. Prime Minister Boris Johnson is a front-man in the same fashion as Trump. French president Macron is a Rothschild banker and agent.

The United Nations

The United Nations is the current official paradigm of world government, a veneer for Judeo-Catholic global hegemony. It is the successor the the League of Nations, sponsored by the same traitorous US president who implemented the US Federal Reserve and duped the American people into World War I.

The concept of the United Nations was conjured by the Council On Foreign Relations and was established by Internationalist- Masonic US president FDR during WWII. Membership was extended to any country, including Stalin's Soviet Union, who fought the Fascist and National Socialist Axis powers.

Despite the pretense for maintaining 'world peace and security', it's founding member, the United States, has engaged in perpetual warfare across the globe. The crimes committed internationally by the Judeo-Catholic's New World Order puppet state have gone wholly unimpeded. The United Nations has also protected the state of Israel from virtually all threats ot indictment. United Nations agencies such as: World Bank Group, World Health Organization, World Food Programme, UNESCO, and UNICEF are all corrupt or, at best, extremely misguided.

Could the UN itself ever possibly enforce it's law upon independently sovereign nations? Perhaps one day. In a US Department of State Document, Freedom From War: The United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World, we see,

Jasper, The United Nations Exposed;

"In Stage III progressive controlled disarmament ... would proceed to a point where no state would have the military power to challenge the progressively strengthened U.N. Peace Force."

That is an interesting perspective on nuclear disarmament, whereby peacefully disarmed nations would eventually be unable to defend themselves from invasion by UN military forces. In a 1962 study at the Kennedy State Department, A World Effectively Controlled By the United Nations, we see,

Jasper, The United Nations Exposed;

"A world effectively controlled by the United Nations is one in which "world government" would come about through the establishment of supranational institutions, characterized by mandatory universal membership and some ability to employ physical force. Effective control would thus entail a preponderance of political power in the hands of a supranational organization.... The present UN Charter could theoretically be revised in order to erect such an organization equal to the task envisaged, thereby codifying a radical rearrangement of power in the world."

So despite the UN's stated mission of peace, the development of it's 'peacekeeping' forces for the purpose of subjugating independent nations is not out of the question. In fact, It is suggested by the author of the above-mentioned study that it might be possible for the UN to achieve it's goal of military prowess "as a result of a series of sudden, nasty, and traumatic shocks." This potentiality, therefore, may not be far off.

The Next Great Depression

The great depression into which the United States is veering has been in the making for decades. This could arguably have it's beginnings in 1971, when President Nixon took the United States Dollar off the gold standard to establish a full fiat currency. Fiat currency, without any backing, can be endlessly inflated via money printing until it becomes a self-destructive force, and this fact has been demonstrated repeatedly throughout history.

The US then forced it's fiat currency on the world by initiating the 'petrodollar' -- that is, in dealing with the major oil exporting nations in the Middle East, (OPEC,) they established a pact whereby all oil exports must be paid for with US dollars. This in turn forces the nations of the world to maintain reserves of US dollars if they wish to procure oil. This forced demand for dollars is then the basis of it's value, and the means by which it becomes international currency. When the nations of the world are forced to maintain US dollar reserves in this way, then the US government can freely print new dollars and inflate the currency, indirectly taxing the world by perpetually reducing the value of their dollar reserves. The (official) rate of inflation ranges between 2-4%, and unofficially may be higher yet. This means the value of dollar reserves held by foreign countries decreases equally by that amount. It is a criminal system wherein the US robs the world of it's wealth. This financial racket is largely the basis for the perceived wealth of the United States. It is how the United States manages to run a service-based economy whilst exporting (outsourcing,) a vast proportion of it's productive industry. It is also by this means that they have managed to bankroll a perpetual state of war.

The criminal practice of inflation has also taken it's toll on American citizens, who have become increasingly impoverished over the decades. The people have become more dependent on social welfare programs and government expenditures. The result is a policy of growing deficits on the city, state, and federal levels. That is, the federal deficit (spending more money than is available by manufacturing debt,) has risen to extreme levels. The national debt, as of writing, is over $25 trillion USD. 40 of the 50 states are likewise in debt. All the major US cities are also in debt. None of this debt, on any level, can feasibly be repaid. US unfunded liabilities, (promises of future payment,) amount to over $147 trillion. This is almost double the world's total broad money supply, which is estimated to be approximately $80 trillion.

This is not just a debt bubble, but a ticking time-bomb. The debt and unfunded liabilities will continue to escalate until the only recourse is hyperinflation, at which point the US dollar becomes worthless. The inevitable result will be the total economic devestation of the United States, and a global depression. As of writing, spring 2020, this process has already begun.

Many experts believe that in the process of hyperinflation will be tempered by a debt jubilee and monetary reset, whereby the US reverts again to gold-based currency. Officially the United States has approximately 8 thousand tons of gold in reserves, the highest in the world, though many experts doubt that this estimate is legitimate. If it is true, there is a good chance the US and the world will again use gold as the basis for international currency. This eventuality may possibly save the US from devolving into complete, starving anarchy.

This has not all happened by accident. It is a process that has been carefully planned, manipulated, and engineered to affect a paradigm shift of major social-political circumstances. Further, they have the power to trigger the process of hyperinflation and begin the descent into this economic armageddon as suits their goals.

Corona Virus as Catalyst for Destruction

The Corona virus has most probably been engineered as a red flag threat against China. The West is exaggerating their response to the virus to the effect that it should serve as a scapegoat for the economic collapse. In the USA, approximately 50 million people will have already lost their jobs, with an (official) unemployment rate at around 32%. The government is raining free money upon the people to delay the immediate onset of mass starvation. Food banks are running beyond maximum capacity and organizations are actively working to bridge supply lines directly to farms, relying on 'donations' without payment. The 'government' and mass media are promising quick recovery after re-opening the economy, but most assuredly food banks will devolve into FEMA camps for the perpetually needy as the country sinks deeper into another great depression.

It seems that this economic collapse, triggered by the Corona virus, is a covert means of executing UN Agenda 2030 / 21 policy.

Agenda 21

Agenda 2030 / 21 is official United Nations strategem for their New World Order. According to the UN's official website,

"Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment." "The [Agenda's] Sustainable Development Goals are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives and prospects of everyone, everywhere. "

The official goals of Agenda 21 include (all goals are of a global nature): end poverty; end hunger; ensure good health and well- being; provide quality education; enforce gender equality; management of water and sanitation; manage clean and sustainable energy; promote decent work and economic growth; build resilient infrastructure and sustainable industry; reduce inequality; develop sustainable cities and communities; ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns; combat climate change; manage all oceans, seas, and marine resources; manage all land resources; manage legal institutions at all levels; revitalize global partnership for sustainable development.

In truth, Agenda 21 is the enforcement of tyrannical international communism in the guise of 'sustainability'. Activist Rosa Koire adequately describes it as;

"The [global] inventory and control plan. Inventory and control of all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all food, all energy, all information, and all human beings in the world...

...It's about moving populations into concentrated city centers and clearing them out of the rural areas...

..the goal of agenda 21 is one world government, and total control from a central unity...

..It's about impoverishing huge portions of the population and bringing down the developed nations."

UN Agenda 21 demands strict control over human populations and every faucet of our life in the name of ecological sustainability. We can look to elitist think-tank, Club of Rome, and their publication The First Global Revolution, as precursor to Agenda 21 policy in 1991, (for clarification,):

"In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together. But in designating these dangers as the enemy, we fall into the trap, which we have already warned our readers about, namely mistakes symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself."

Here, the Club of Rome, prefacing Agenda 21, declares war on humanity for the sake of the environment (true or not,) as a means of triggering global revolution to restructure society socially, politically, and culturally.

Already now, for a long time, UN Agenda 21 laws have been enforced in the United States without the people even knowing. The United States has further been split into 10 FEMA regions, ignoring State sovereignty, in league with Agenda 21 policy. The UN ignores popular and national sovereignty, supercedes all constitutions of the world, and forwards it's premise for 'global citizenship' under 'world governance', which unites you with the 'human family'. You do not have a right to your own family, your own community, and most certainly no right to be a People. The UN plans to subjugate the peoples of the Earth to the last man:

Daniel Sitarz, Agenda 21: The Earth Summit Strategy to Save Our Planet;

“Agenda 21 proposes an array of actions which are intended to be implemented by every person on earth….it calls for specific changes in the activities of all people. … Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all humans, unlike anything the world has ever experienced.”

The UN is effectively pushing tyrannical international communist revolution and must be stopped at all costs. It is no more than the facade for Judeo-Catholic international imperialism. We can look to the Pope's speech to the United Nations, regarding Agenda 21, in 2015;

"I can only reiterate the appreciation expressed by my predecessors, in reaffirming the importance which the Catholic Church attaches to this institution and the hope which she places in its activities...

...I pay homage to all those men and women whose loyalty and self-sacrifice have benefitted humanity as a whole...

...The work of the United Nations, according to the principles set forth in the preamble and the first articles of its founding charter, can be seen as the development and promotion of the rule of law, based on the realisation that justice is an essential condition for achieving the ideal of universal fraternity...

..Any harm done to the environment, therefore, is harm done to humanity..

...Our world demands of all government leaders a will which is effective, practical and constant, concrete steps and immediate measures for preserving and improving the natural environment and thus putting an end as quickly as possible to the phenomenon of social and economic exclusion...

...To this end, there is a need to ensure the uncontested rule of law and tireless recourse to negotiation, mediation and arbitration, as proposed by the Charter of the United Nations, which constitutes truly a fundamental juridical norm...

...I assure you of my support and my prayers, and the support and prayers of all the faithful of the Catholic Church, that this Institution, all its member States, and each of its officials, will always render an effective service to mankind..."

The Pope's speech affirms that the values of the United Nations are at one with the values of his Church -- because the United Nations is an extension of Judeo-Catholic hegemony. It is the epitomy of foolishness to trust the dishonest naivete in the Pope's words in regards his vision of global conquest. Historically the Catholic Church is the most evil and grandiose institution humanity has ever known, and we cannot allow our countries to subjugate themselves and surrender their sovereignty to it even indirectly through the UN. The peoples of the world must fight to have the UN, and it's Agenda 21 policy, dissolved. Judeo-Catholic authority over the world must be nullified completely. We must, each of us, reject the notion of it's 'global citizenship' and turn our backs on the authority of it's world governance.

Here, we come full circle to the Corona virus and the economic collapse, serving as primary catalysts to execute Agenda 21 policy. The people of the United States, as they sink into the new great depression, will soon be herded from FEMA camps to sustainable 'smart cities' as part of a 'Green New Deal'. The American future is one of tyrannical control and virtual enslavement.

The Peak Oil Crisis

Despite whatever is said above, or of the ultimate veracity of climate change, the stark reality of peak oil is genuine. Easily accessible oil reserves across the globe are becoming scarce. Less profitable methods of oil extraction, such as fracking and deep- sea drilling, will gradually raise the price of oil as we continue into the 21st century. According to some estimates, the cheap availability of oil has indeed already peaked, and we are looking at a future of tapered decline.

Cheap oil does not just mean cheap gas. The vast majority of consumer goods are in fact petroleum products. This means that as the availability of cheap oil dwindles, then so will the cost of general goods increase -- with an economic impact that will only intensify over time.

Unless there is a new technology developed to substitute for the efficacy of 20th century fossil fuels, which is unlikely, then we may very well be looking at the end of our era.

Ali Samsam Bakhtiari, Vice President of the National Iranian Oil Company;

"In my humble opinion, we should now have reached peak oil. So it is high time to close this critical chapter in the history of international oil industry and bid the mighty peak farewell."

OIl is the lifeblood of modern civilization. The vital element of all human progress through the 20th century. Most importantly, it was on the basis of oil that the human population on Earth could boom from 1.6 billion in 1900, to approximately 8 billion today. Viewed on a historical line chart, this sharp explosion of the population is begging for correction. The obvious conclusion is that, without the cheap abundancy of oil previously available, we cannot adequately sustain the human population at current levels.

Though unspoken, it is almost certainly in respect to the peak oil crisis that Agenda 21 has been developed. Undoubtedly it is in respect to the peak oil crisis that the economic implosion of the West has been engineered. The Corona virus phenomena is a socio-engineered trigger-event to serve as catalyst and scapegoat for the Western world's transition into 'sustainable', 'smart city' tyrannism.

For the rest of the world outside the US, we cannot bow down and surrender our sovereignty to the heinous Internationalist entities that are largely responsible for the problem in the first place. The primary problem of global over-population, for example, is their direct product. It should be especially noted that the developed European-Caucasian peoples have had for a long time negative population growth trends. Has this organic and spontaneous shift towards equilibrium with the environment been embraced by the Judeo-Catholic political elite? No.They have exercised policies of mass immigration and reverse-colonization. European-Caucasians in the United States have already been supplanted to become the minority. Today the US population is pushing 328 million, but if it were not for policy of reverse- colonization for the past half century, the population might be closer to 200 million. This is not only a terrible violence against the people, an attack on the democratic institution, but a direct exacerbation of the imminent economic and peak oil crises. What is worse is the racial antagonisms between American 'peoples' and what will eventually prove their inability to maintain cohesive society in the face of starvation through the next great depression. The lies of multiculturalism and multiracialism will come to a violent, anarchic conclusion -- unless everyone is equally under the heel of tyrannical martial law. This is a situation that has been explicitly engendered by Judeo-Catholic New World Order policy.

Despite UN's Agenda 21 policy to taper the effects of the inevitable peak oil crisis, it is incorrect and ultimately immoral to surrender popular sovereignty to it's International jurisdiction. It's historical track record is one of heinous villainy, insofar as it is the smokescreen behind which the Judeo-Catholic shadow government operates.

Conclusion of the War on the United States

If it has not become self-evident by now, the Judeo-Catholic hegemony has puppeteered the United States to destruction as a matter of undeclared war on it's traditional institution of sovereign democratic republicanism. This war has been waged against the US since it's very inception, and may be attributed primarily to the Protestant heritage and the Enlightened values of freedom and liberty on which it was originally established. No war was declared. No soldiers fielded battle. There was no frontline. The enemy seemingly did not even exist -- and if they did, they were confused as victims and martyrs and liberators.

What is worse is this subterfuge is expressly equivocating the UN, the New World Order, and especially this transition to Agenda 21 policy with Protestant biblical interpretations of 'the End Times' and the coming of the antichrist. This is freaking the Protestant communities out big time, and as they see events unfold as they expect them to, according to their interpretations of religious prophecy, they will resist to the death. The result will likely be a purging of the Protestant communities in the United State through the course of the economic collapse and centralization of power under the United Nations.

This war was lost purely through covert means of infiltration and sabotage. Agents fielded by Catholic and sub-Catholic secret societies ravaged the democratic platform and rendered it a weapon against the People for whom it was meant to serve. By means of mind control through the mass media and control of the industrial and financial sectors, they have achieved their goal of tyrannical dominion. Now we can only expect the final transition to total loss of sovereignty under the heel of UN 'Peacekeeping' forces. What is Fascism?

The term ‘Fascism’ is best described as a ‘Populism’ or ‘Collectivism’, as opposed to the Individualist-oriented of the capitalist, pseudo-democratic. ‘Fascia’ in latin means ‘a bundle’, used symbolically to illustrate the strength of a bundle of sticks bound together in purpose. The Fascist flag is often an axe made out of a bundle of sticks bound together as one, symbolizing the collective strength of a People, organized together in one spirit. The emphasis of the Fascist state is therefore best described as the unification of the People under the premise of a single-party governing body which rules in their favor. The governing body represents genuine popular soveriegnty – and the Fascist state is truly the People’s state. 'A Government of the People, by the People, for the People..’

Fascism is also a mode of Authoritarianism, necessary to check the power of the Internationalists over society. ‘Liberalism’, it is understood, is a cornerstone of Internationalist’s power, as the ‘liberal’ establishment cannot stand against their influence. Only when the People take for themselves the power of soveriegn authority can they ever hope to arrest the Internationalist. The ‘Authoritarianism’ of the Fascist Peoples’ Republic, necessary to effectively carry out acts of governance in the face of vast and subversive Internationalist power, has been spun into ‘Totalitarianism’ in liberal war propaganda, confusing and conflating the two terms to encourage the people to reject both as one and the same. It should be remembered that they were really the Marxists that invented said 'Totalitarianism', as the term is popularly interpreted.

The West has been immensely brainwashed with psuedo-liberal ‘Individualist’ sentiment against the idea of Authoritarianism. In the United States, the ‘people’ have been broken down and divided into any and every antagoniostic category possible, rendering their so-called democratic institutions easy prey for the Internationalist’s subversion. Legitimate democratic process cannot function appropriately if there is no body or community of People acting in concert to regulate their government. When the People are fractured, any hope of a unified show of power through the establishment evaporates, proving the incapacity of the democratic institutions to serve their purpose. If we refer again to the axe of fasci symbol on the Fascist flag, we understand that whereas a collective bundle of individual fasci are strong – smaller bundles, and especially individual sticks, are weak and easily broken.

New World Order society is largely one without community. All too often our only resource for community is the work-place or local religious organization. Even the institution of the family has been broken down and almost completely defeated. We are strangers to one another, lacking sense of brotherhood or comradeship. Our social, communal bonds have been replaced by political and entertainment media, which is our cultural domination. Being reduced to 'individuals' as such, each dependent upon our mutual cultural domination, we will forever lack the power of community necessary to affect change in government.

Further, we see that Individualism, especially in a capitalist context, emphasizes competition; Fascists emphasize cooperation. For the Individualist, the accumulation of wealth is centered around the individual; for the Fascist, the accumulation of wealth is centered around the community and society as a whole. For the Individualist-oriented capitalist state, an oligarchy of the elite maintain their de facto ruling class, which should ultimately belong to the Fascist’s ‘Philosopher Kings’.

We must recognize the Individual and his respective Society in terms of dialectic – the psuedo- liberal democratic emphasized the prior, and Fascism the latter. It is best rather to say that both are equally important. Whereas it is the Individual’s ethical duty and responsibility to serve, honor, and contribute to his Society, it is Society’s role and responsibility to serve and cultivate the Individual. So while the Aristotelian adage that ‘the whole is greater than the sum of it’s parts’ still holds true, and that the State is the highest expression of the People, it is still necessary that the Individual be in turn championed by the State. We must find a balance, a synergy, between the two: that the Individual be dutifully obligated to the State, that the State can in turn foster an environment of maximum freedom and prosperity for the Individual. One of the Fascist State’s primary functions, then, is to establish fertile grounds for the spontaneous development and fulfillment of the Individual, that he may in turn give glory to, and advance, the State.

I will expand upon this evolutionary synergy between the Individual and his State in the section, Fascist Metaphysics. For now it is best to say that at this point in history, and for the foreseeable future, the collective and unified will of the People is the only defense against a malicious Internationalism that threatens it’s global tyranny. The collective, authoritarian will of a Fascist Peoples’ Republic is absolutely necessary to overthrow this evil.

Finally, Fascism implies a State culture of superior virtue. Perhaps the philosophical question ‘what is virtue? ‘ is open to conversation, but generally there are core values implicit in ethical behavior: truth over deception, courage over cowardice, benevolence over maliciousness, cooperation over competition, and so on. Whereas the Internationalist manufactures a culture of degeneracy, the Fascist party must take it upon itself to actively extol a culture of strength in virtue. Only when the People are bound with mutual respect and ethical behavior, with a sense of brotherhood and comradeship, can their state truly prove effective.

What Fascist Ideology is not

As mentioned above, Fascism and Authoritarianism is not tyrannical 'Totalitarianism'. Please refer again to the section on Original Fascist and National Socialist Doctrine in regards the original meaning of the term 'Totalitarian' as a matter of philosophical holism. Nor is Fascism, or it’s implied National Socialism, any form of racial supremacy. Conflating and equating Fascism and National Socialism with ‘Aryan Supremacy’ is a product of war propaganda. Instead, The Fascist nation externalizes and projects it’s values, respecting the soveriegnty of other nations and popular entities, refraining from infringing upon their rights. Therefore neither is it the case that Fascism is necessarily imperialism, which also rather belongs to the realm of Internationalism.

Whereas the Internationalist foresees a New World Order in the form of One World Government, an oligarchy of their Judeo- Catholic elite, the Fascist foresees a decentralized alliance of soveriegn nations. With the advent of technology, globalism is inevitable. The Earth may indeed one day prove to be a melting- pot for humanity as a whole, as limited and responsible immigration policies between nations would allow for it – but such a process should arguably take hundreds if not thousands of years to occur naturally and organically. That the Internationalist forces such a process in a period of a few decades is a terrible violence against the People, a policy which leads explicitly to their destruction.

Nor is it the case that Fascism is necessarily ‘Corporatism’, a common misconception. Corporatism is an exploration of socio- economic theory which emphasized the cooperation of guilds (unionized professions,) across the state. The theory has become an anachronism that gives itself to misnomer, or the idea that corporations, as we understand them today, should govern the state. This could not be further from the truth. Fascism is fundamentally the soveriegnty of the People via the democratic- bureaucracy of a single, Peoples’ party. Somehow this argument has confused Fascism with aspects of Internationalism, which does indeed govern largely through it’s control of international corporations.

Finally, again Fascism is not the suppression of the People or the destruction of Individuality. It is quite the opposite – the liberation of the People and the cultivation of the Individual. We should find that each is the vehicle of liberation for the other. The Social-body as an Organism in-Itself

The direct and explicit assertion that society is an organism in- itself, especially in terms of a 'super-organism', is not widely considered or explored. In regards the development of a proper Fascist political philosophy, it is of paramount importance.

Imagine for a moment that you are visiting Earth for the first time. What is it that you see, sprawling across the surface of the planet, like some array of advanced bacteria? Clearly, they are the many different civilizations and ‘social-bodies’ that blanket the face of the planet. Plainly, as an extraterresterial perhaps, you would recognize them as the dominant life-form.

The ‘Social-body’ certainly does lay claim to all of the basic characteristics necessary to be classified as a biological organism. They respond to stimuli; grow and evolve over time, (often birthing daughter civilizations as they do so, passing their traits and characteristics onto their offspring;) they have a metabolism and feed directly from the planet, producing waste in the process; they are made up of various cells, ’tissues’ and organs.

That the social-body as an organism in-itself is not merely a philosophical supposition – it is an undeniable fact in accordance to the biological science. We can even see directly into it’s structure: transportation as circulation; buildings as tissue; the day-night cycle as heartbeat; police as immune response; economy and money as nervous impulse; government as brain and central nervous system; culture as spirit or soul. The Individual human being in this context is basically synonymous with RNA, which merely carries out it’s daily tasks, producing various 'proteins', in accordance to instructions bequeathed by the spirit of it’s culture, which is in turn likened to DNA. At first it seems unfortunate to relegate the Individual to such a lowly and unconscious state, (however ‘unconscious’ the bulk of the population admittedly is,) but in the next section Fascist Metaphysics, we will find that it is through the Individual that greater expressions of reality are realized. This matter-of-fact biological interpretation of society has been suppressed on grounds for our enslavement. Recognizing the greater organism as such, we have a solid foundation for an appropriate political science. Having explicitly acknowledged the greater organism, so can we better recognize congruous function.

All of the various organs and tissues of the organism must act in concert on behalf of the whole. If circulation is poor, tissues and organs suffer. If the immune response is suppressed, antigens destroy the body from within. If the nervous impulse of economy is jeopardized, cells, tissues and organs whither and die, threatening the health of the body as a whole. If the brain does not function, the organism is retarded. If culture is base, the spirit is degenerate. The various sub-systems cannot claim autonomy from the brain lest they threaten the body as a whole. ..What if your colon decided to go on strike, or decide to perform tasks outside the purview of it’s role and function?

Already the dangers of psuedo-liberal democratic policies become apparent. The Internationalists long ago laid claim to the economy, which is synonymous with the nervous impulse that should be directed by the brain and central nervous system. By hijacking the economy and taking power over the circulation of money, the Internationalists effectively bypass the role of government and take direct control over the body. The result is a parasitic ‘zombification’ of the social organism.

The Internationalists, basically a parasitic virus devouring their hosts, then suppress the immune response and flood the body with large masses of foreign bodies, which effectively become something like a cancer that cannot be recovered from. It further retards the body by destroying the brain, and spreads itself to other social organisms via violence and corruption. This is a more than adequate description of the biological process through which Internationalism has spread itself across the Earth.

The organic interpretation of society is perhaps also one of the most significant bases upon which we establish Fascism – as the most appropriate mode of government at this point in history. It emphasizes the cooperation of all for the sake of the whole, and it is only by means of a healthy, functional body that the Individual can thrive, let alone resist and survive the tyrannical maliciousness of Internationalism.

Democratic theories of government become somewhat non- sensical and even absurd in respect to the social organism. Nowhere else in the animal kingdom will you find a biological entity that reduces it’s core functions to a vote from it’s constituent parts. This might seem like an offensive assertion, but the reality is undeniable.

The question on how to establish a Fascist society in accordance to a natural and organic, non-contrived way, however, does come to the fore..

In any organism, cells are born with innate directives derived from original stem cells. That is, the various organs, tissues, and cells of the body are born of their specific type – brain cells, immune cells, carriers, etc. In humanity we see the same thing, generally described as personality types. Plato, in The Republic , was the first to identify the phenomenon of personality type and it’s relevance to government. He described the four basic types of temperament, or personality, in terms of: Guardians, Artisans, Idealists, and Rationals. In this over-simplified context, people born of the Guardian’s temperament belong to the warrior class; those born of the Artisan’s temperament belong to the economy; Idealists are creatures of culture; Rationals of government. By means of identifying temperament, Plato assumed a system of public education through which people of certain types would naturally gravitate to their proper role and place in society, fulfilling their instinctive function. The Rationals, (or rather the best of the best of the Rationals,) would in time rise to take their place in government as ‘Philosopher Kings’. Describing a system by which people simply ‘gravitate’ to their appropriate role in society is indeed genius, as it implies zero arbitrary contrivance on our part, leaving the process natural and organic, as one ought to assume it should be.

The science of personality has evolved to be just slightly more complicated, but is generally the same. The Kiersey or Myers- Briggs systems are well developed and excellently suited for identification of temperament types. We need only focus on a fair and equal system of public education to facilitate this process, and establish something of a Fascist Peoples’ Republic to advance our Philosopher Kings.

Expanding on this, and in spirit with the original tenets of Italian Fascist doctrine, public education must be asserted with prime and central significance. It is the best and most efficient means to stratify society in accordance to the propensities of the Individual, that each find freedom to fulfillment with respect to their talents.

Another interesting discussion is on the ideal or upper-limit size of the socio-organic body. That is, there are certain biological factors that determine healthy and appropriate size for any given life-form. This might be identified by the organism's ability to transmit signals or circulate nutrients in the general process of metabolism through it's entire volume area. In respect the social politic, this implies comparing the organic size of the State to the Empire. Historically, Empires have an average life-span of roughly 500 years, about as long as the ancient Roman Empire. Smaller kingdoms or States, on the other hand, have life-spans two to three times longer, and often survive the rise and fall of domineering empires.

What is the significance in this? First of all, that the possibility of a New World Order seems literally impossible in respect to the socio-organic limitations. Secondly, it becomes relevant in regards how we organize a National or Federal government in respect to State or Provincial Government, and how the relation between the two should be considered. Fascist Metaphysics

Fascism was originally developed, by Gentile, as a neo-Hegelian mode of government. Hegelian philosophy had it’s heyday in the century before World War II, but has since been largely suppressed via the Internationalist’s control over the academic instititions. I encourage the reader to explore Hegel and his philosophical tradition on their own; here I will re-produce my own, perhaps over-simplified reiterations of some of his basic concepts for the reader to understand.

Why are metaphysics relevant or significant at all, in our discussions on political philosophy? It is because the political system, (indeed all systems,) are to be understood within the grandiose context of a single system -- an all-encompassing Spirit. Within the current and predominant theme of Material Scientism, (a psuedo-intellectual mode of logical positivism. It is a subversive philosophical method established by Jewish- Internationalist thinkers from early-20th century Frankfurt as a tangent of cultural Marxism,) there is implicitly asserted a fundamental seperatism between all manifest entities. That is, there is assumed ‘material nature’, which is something different and seperate from the Individual; which is seperate and different from the political system; which is seperate and different from the economy, ethics and morality, and so on.

The Hegelian Fascist, however, tries to recognize Nature (or rather, ‘Spirit’,) as all-encompassing. That is, all sub-systems are to be realized, ultimately, as One. This is why Fascism is 'Totalitarian' philosophy. The political system is an aspect of greater Nature, and not something purely artificial in it’s own, disparate realm of reality. ...How this is notion is relevant should be made more clear by the end of the following philosophical investigation...


...We begin with the single most important and fundamental question in the entirety of the history of philosophy: why is there Being, instead of just Nothingness?

The question on how and why our reality came forth into Being, presumably from Nothingness, is the first basis of our investigation. And ironically there is no answer to this question. No logic to fathom it. It is a question impossible to answer until, perhaps, the end of time. This mystery of mysteries is what I call ‘The Paradox of Being and Nothingness,’ and I believe this paradox colors our reality and day-to-day existence.

Now, however the fact we cannot answer to this 'Paradox of Being and Nothingness', we can look about ourselves at our reality to address it’s features. The first to be acknowledged, the central governing principle of our natural reality, is of Change. Everything changes, without exception. The universe itself, and all it’s physical laws, came forth into being and will eventually, it is thought, go out of being. But from what does this central principle of Change stem? Change requires at least a single binary to serve as it’s foundation. In our case, having just previously acknowledged ‘The Paradox of Being and Nothingness’, we can assume the relation of Being and Nothingness as our initial binary, from which the rest of our reality comes to manifest. This principle of Change, understood as born from a fundamental binary and thereby expanding into a multitude, is what we call Hegelian Dialectic.

But do not be disturbed by my use of the word, ‘Nothingness’. It is a term used for temporary convenience. ‘Nothingness’ is concieved by me as the opposite of ‘Being’ to suppose the question, ‘Why is there Being instead of just Nothingness?’ But what is 'Being' amd 'Nothingness? When we investigate the nature of Being and Nothingness, in terms of their contrast from one another, we can determine that ‘Nothingness’ is not absolute nothingness, but rather carries with it transcendental properties..

As we begin to acknowledge ‘Being’ in terms of manifest 'Nature', in respect to Change, what do we discover? -That the manifest is spatial, temporal, and everything is in a constant state of flux and impermanence. Every thing is limited, restrained by it’s own finitude. If ‘Being’, or manifest Nature, is understood in such a way, and it holds as the binary opposite to contrast with ‘Nothingness’, then what can we determine about the nature of this so-called ‘Nothingness’? That whereas Nature is spatial- temporal, ‘Nothingness’ is aspatial, atemporal. Whereas Nature is described as a flux of the limited finitude, ‘Nothingness’ is then realized as the eternal, and the infinite.

So how can we consider the term ‘Nothingness’, if it is not really 'nothingness' at all, but pertains to such transcendental attributes as ‘eternal’, ‘infinite’, beyond space and time? Hegel originally coined the fundamental binary not as ‘Being and Nothingness’, but rather as ‘Nature and Spirit’ — and I believe he was right to do so. He assumed that all logos, and eventually consciousness, was derived from what I originally termed ‘Nothingness’, but may better perhaps call ‘Spirit’ in his favor.

We can also look into the nature of mathematics for elaboration. Can anyone deny the existence or truth-value of mathematics? But is mathematica materially existential? Can we see it, feel it, touch it? Mathematics are a purely Spiritual product, arising as a consummation of relations between manifest Nature and pure Spirit. Such is the case with logic, as well, and all modes and manners of truth. If 'God' is anything, it seems, it is Absolute Truth.

..And how might we determine that consciousness might spring from Spirit? For this, we need only reflect upon ourselves. When we think on the nature of our conscious being in respect to an overall system of Nature and Spirit — what do we find? ..Do we not see that we ourselves are but a limited aspect of greater Nature, reflecting back on it’s very self? That is, as we, an aspect of Nature herself, perceive the material world through the spirit of our conscious mind, we are acting as a medium by which Nature acquaints itself with it’s self. This act of reflexion requires more than mere materiality to come to fruition. This ‘mirroring’ effect is essentially the introduction of Spirit into what was, before, base Nature – a completion or consummation of evolutionary dialectic. In this respect, the Individual is the pinnacle of reality.

Further, in this we see that the principle of Change, as a dialectic of Nature and Spirit, is not merely random and chaotic, but gives itself to evolutionary trends. By identifying these evolutionary trends underlying the principle of Change, we can develop theory of teleology.

Teleology considers the ends of this evolution. The rise of the sentient Individual is but a stage in an on-going process that may never end. Here, we can only guess and fathom at the possibilities, in accordance to historical progressions. In respect to the Individual, we see that the rise and development of Individual consciousness was a slow and tedious process that began in very primitive organic forms, and has advanced in depth and complexity ever since. By identifying this trend of increasing profundity of organic consciousness, we can assume that it is the 'will of God' that it continue on this path. In which way do we recognize the ever-greater profundity of our minds? Through the history of Philosophy. Philosophy is the act of Nature’s re- acquaintance with itself, as Truth. That is, it is through our curious inquiries that we come to greater understanding of our reality. As we come to greater understanding, always veering towards greater Truth, then so does Nature continue to realize itself through the medium of our Spirit.

Now, finally, how does this evolution of Individual consciousness relate to our development of Fascism? Before, the Fascist state acknowledged the Individual as subordinate, potentially perhaps even in a state of oppression. Now, instead we acknowledge the State in respect to it’s role in accordance to the evolutionary trends of Nature. That is, if the State is to be natural and organic, and the evolutionary trends tend to greater Individuality and the consummation of Philosophy, then the Fascist State should act in league with Nature, this ‘will of God’, and actively serve to further it’s purpose. That is, the Fascist State should accord itself to Nature’s evolutionary trends, explicitly cultivating an environment of freedom for the spontaneous development of the Individual.

But does this imply that the Individual is, therefore, greater than the State? Absolutely not. The Individual is borne from the State, the socio-organic body, and is wholly reliant upon the State through the course of his development. Further, we must remember that the State is a collective of Individuals.

Let me refer again to a passage from the last section of this manifesto:

..So while the Aristotelian adage that “the whole is greater than the sum of it’s parts” still holds true, and that the State is the highest expression of the People, it is still necessary that the Individual be in turn championed by the State. We must find a balance, or even a synergy, between the two: that the Individual is dutifully obligated to the State, the State in turn fosters an environment of freedom for the Individual, that he may prosper. One of the Fascist State’s primary functions, then, is to establish fertile grounds for the spontaneous development and fulfillment of the Individual, that he may in turn give glory to, and advance, the State.

It is the responsibility of the Individual to develop through the State, then existentially transcend the State in a process of Individualization and self-realization, then return to contribute to, and advance, the State in all it’s propensities. This process of Individualization, and then benefaction, is what we might call the rise of the Overman.

The Overman is merely the Individual who, upon self-fulfillment, advances the State through history. These are the great artists, philosophers, writers, and musicians, whose masterpieces define their culture and lead it to flourish; the great scientists and engineers that build a better society; the great leaders and politicians that lead us into the future. The State is the vehicle through which the the Individual achieves ascension — and vice versa.

We determine, then, that it is the primary role of the Fascist State to cultivate an environment of maximum freedom and nurturement for the People, that the Overman might rise. The social creed need not be ‘king and country!’, ‘freedom and democracy!’, but for the Fascist: ‘For the Overman!‘ ..For it is the archetype of the Overman that represents his greatest potential, the highest embodiment and product of appropriate, statist ideals; the glory in both one’s self, and his People.

These are the basic Hegelian metaphysics through which we realize and develop Fascism. This is our Totalitarianism. The State is to be regarded as an organic entity, acting in in league with Nature, in accordance to her evolutionary tendencies, furthering her purposes, in one all-encompassing philosophical system. What is Spirituality in Hegelian, Fascist Metaphysics?

So when we talk of Hegelian ‘Spirit’, we often do so at an intellectual distance, failing to realize the very literal ramifications. Really, Hegelian philosophy is a thoroughly spiritual philosophy, much as you might imagine most Eastern philosophical traditions.

In fact, we think on the binary of Nature and Spirit, some might remember the Daoist Yin/Yang symbol. Daoism was almost certainly a precursor to Hegelian metaphysics — much as Buddhism was inspiration for Schopenhauer.

The origination of this influence probably goes back to Leibniz, when he Westernized the Daoist I Ching to establish a binary counting system. This emphasis on binary, especially as we see it in the Yin Yang symbol, is easily recognized as a primary basis of Hegelian philosophy.

We can see the Eastern influence extends beyond the introduction of the binary, and helps qualify ‘Spirit’ as well.

So for example, when we think on the quality of Spirit as it manifests in the Individual, in the Hegelian system, we find it is less the case that the Individual have his own unique, eternal ‘soul’ that might traverse into an afterlife, (a Platonic- Christian notion,) In the Hegelian system, we have something more akin to an ‘Oversoul’. That is, ‘Spirit’ is One and Whole in itself, and only manifests as unique as it is molded into individual ego and personality. The Spirit or ‘soul’ in the Individual is unique only insofar as the Individual is uniquely conditioned by material circumstances.

This has extremely interesting implications.

If we’re thinking about Spirit and spirituality in this context, we recognize that the ‘core’ of our consciousness, or ‘Primal Spirit’, or ‘Source’, is shared in common amongst all sentient beings. There is, afterall, only one Spirit. If this is the case, then it’s not so ridiculous to wonder on the possibility of psychic phenomena, such as telepathy. You need only regress into the depths of your conscious awareness to begin to pick up on what is ultimately a singularly ‘shared’ consciousness.

Hegel himself was interested in the Occult, though unfortunately I’m not aware of the extent. ..You can definately see why, and how his work might lead one in such a direction.

So, let me walk you through a guided meditation to help give you an idea on how you might explore consciousness in this respect, based on my personal alteration of an ancient Tantric text. We’ll advance through stages of conscious awareness until we realize ‘Source’, or primal Spirit.

The first stage of conscious awareness, one sees all things as external, independent objects. (Desk. Chair. Coffee. Pen.) This mode of consciousness is basically how the ego functions. Take a minute to make this mode of awareness explicit for yourself.

The second stage of conscious awareness, one begins to see that all these external objects are not existing independently of each- other at all, but in fact share the same, singular space together. Their disparity is an illusion cast by the egotistical mode of awareness.

The third stage of conscious awareness, one begins to see that it is not just all external reality that exists together in Oneness, but that it includes one’s own internal sense of ‘body’ as well. It is as if your very own body is thrust forward into the same, singular space as ‘external’ objects.

The fourth stage of conscious awareness, one begins to see that it is not just all external objects and one’s body that exist together in the same, singular space, but that it includes one’s mind and very thoughts as well. There is no distinction to be made between your ‘external’ world and ‘internal’ self . Give yourself a moment to dissolve this illusion of ‘external’ and ‘internal’.

When this happens, you might recognize that there is something subtle underlying the mind and it’s thoughts. This is ‘Source’, the root of awareness or consciousness. It does not share the same center as the thinking mind, but is rather a ‘centerless center’, ‘everywhere, and nowhere,’ (…though perhaps you might associate it with your heart or diaphragm.)

Here, one realizes that there is no internal ‘me’, nor any external ‘everything else’. Overcoming external and internal, you see that there is no ‘space’, ‘distance’, or ‘seperateness’ between anything. The illusion of distinction and ‘seperateness’ is crafted by egotistical consciousness to manage and interact in the world — it is this very surface-level, egotistical interaction with the world that defines the fundamental dialectic of Nature and Spirit and the perpetual evolution of our reality! But primal to this, there is the ontological ‘Source’, which we can realize through wisdom and self-realization in meditation. Here, there is only manifest reality and the unmanifest mind, Source, or Spirit, observing it.

Now, this is only one technique useful for detaching from the thinking, egotistical mind. It involves a sense of detachment, maybe even to the point of losing one’s ‘sense of self’ in an envelope of sensual stimuli from your immediate environment. Perhaps it is possible, if one cultivates this basic awareness, (ie, if you are a ‘Source-rer’,) that you might begin to pick up on subtle telepathic intimations from others around you.

At least, this is something one might consider exploring for himself. There are other techniques of ‘self-realization’, and mayhaps it is possible to develope and master occult senses, but I’ll conclude this discussion here and move on.

What I’d like to discuss next is the predominate ‘Material Scientism’ of today. I say ‘Scientism’, because so-called ‘science’ has developed it’s own, authoritative world perspective in the same sense as any religion. This Material Scientism is largely the result of Logical Positivism, a tangent of cultural Marxism, both developed by subversive Jewish ‘philosophers’ through the Frankfurt School and Vienna Circle.

Now this Material Scientism of today, as it is Logical Positivism, tries to assert that whatever cannot be conclusively proven to be material does not therefore exist. This argument therefore assumes that there is no ‘god’, and neither is there any basis of legitimacy for spiritual phenomena in general.

Of course this logic is fallacious. Just because we cannot prove that something exists in a material context, does not mean that it does not exist at all. Unfortunately however, this Materialist bias serves as the basis of our very quiet, very implicit indoctrination through the school and university systems.

It seems the goal of cultural Marxism and Material Scientism is to produce a nihilist environment of degenerate individuation, explicitly to counter the possibility of spirituality and community necessary to spur revolution and liberation from our enslavement unto New World Order Internationalism.

…However I do also suspect this may be in some part due to an elite underground of occult ‘Saturnism’, or Judeo-Catholic Satanism. The elite are fully acquainted with the occult sciences and hope to ‘corner the market’ by inhibiting advanced spirituality in the general public. If the general public culture was extremely spiritual, topics such as telepathy may be common knowledge. As it is now, in an artificially retarded environment, mention of something as simple as telepathy is met with wary dubiousness or worse.

It’s difficult to impossible for me, a solitary philosopher, to understand how far the elite occult sciences are taken, and to what affect, but I am seriously concerned that they may be more powerful than we realize. We have at least the testimony of psychics who have worked with the formal and shadow governments that they practice remote viewing and remote influencing, but it is impossible to determine to what extent these occult powers are taken to produce affects.

I’ll conclude this discussion with the suggestion that the viewer keep an open mind on the subject, and explore it for himself. For now, I’d like to continue on the topic of spiritual fulfillment in a Hegelian-Fascist model.

For many practitioners of Eastern systems, the goal of their practice is some sort of spiritual ‘enlightenment’. Many dedicate their lives to such lofty ambitions, usually with very little pay-off. The problem is they divorce themselves from material reality and, in particular, the paradigm of evolution.

Remember, reality is to be regarded fundamentally in terms of an evolutionary interplay of Nature and Spirit. History is the unfolding of this interplay. In our case, as human beings, fulfillment lies in philosophical self-realization and Individualization (in terms of the ‘Overman’ archetype,) and the State is the vehicle through which the Overman achieves this ascension. A harmonious State and culture that tends to this evolutionary teleology may be regarded as ‘The End of History’, which is something of a culmination of political evolution and the attainment of a virtual Golden Age. But more than that, it is our Spiritual evolution in manifest terms. That is, synergistic dialectic between the Individual and his State is manifest spirituality.

So how does one achieve spiritual fulfillment? By advancing History, through the vehicle of the State, as Overman, in perpetual revolution towards the Ends of History. In other words, through individual self-realization and, then, social benefaction. This is in sharp contrast to many of the 'anti-material' and ‘anti-egotistical’ trends of thought in the Eastern traditions, but assuredly more correct. The ‘enlightenment’, or self-realization of Overmen such as Bach or Mozart, Newton or Einstien, Descartes or Hegel, Thomas Jefferson or Andrew Jackson, is infinitely more spiritually rewarding than anything attained to by common buddhist monks. Ask Newton or Jackson, at the end of their lives, if he would rather have spent his time on Earth as a buddhist monk. Not only would they scoff at the idea, but had such been the case, then humanity, and indeed History, would be at a great loss.

We do not shirk the reality of our Individual consciousness or ‘ego’. We do not hold the material reality of Nature in disdain. We do not ignore socio-political revolution. Instead, we embrace all aspects of reality together as a unified, spiritual whole, in one singular system. Our spiritual enlightenment is tailored to the evolution of complete reality. Expansion on the Social -Organic Body: Archetypes and Collective-Consciousness

Asserting the socio-political body as a singular organic entity in itself, literally and in a biological sense, is no small matter or change in perspective; but neither is it the case that the human ‘collective’, the socio-organic body as I call it, finds itself as unique in this respect amongst the animal kingdom. We find that insects such as ants and bees live primarily in the context of such a collective, from which there is derived the term ‘superorganism’. In the case of such insects and their collective ‘superorganisms’, it is further made clear that there exists a ‘collective consciousness’ between individuals amidst the collective. It is almost entirely on the basis of this ‘collective consciousness’, often referred to as ‘hive mind’, that such organisms operate.

Of course we find evidence of this collective consciousness, which ties the superorganism together, in other animals: schools of fish, flocks of birds, pods of dolphins, packs of wolves, and so on. In each and every case we find evidence of the collective forming a ‘superorganism’, albeit to varying degrees, with the implication of a collective consciousness present, uniting the individual members together in mutual psychic bondage.

Suppressed by the Material Scientism of the 20th century, we cannot yet discern the full and potential nature of this collective consciousness. From whence does it spring? What is it’s substance? Despite myriad unanswered questions, we can however determine that it seems the basis for psychic phenomena.

Watch on as a flock of geese come together in self-organization to line up and, in sync, take off into flight in their notable ‘V-shape’ pattern. Immediately one must understand that these geese share a psychic bond by which such organized, synchronous action is made possible. Otherwise there are no means to communicate and plan such action, simultaneously and without fault. Explanations founded on theory of pure ‘instinct’ prove insufficient for this collective, well-concerted action.

Again, the collective consciousness is most obviously the basis of psychic phenomena. Psychism may be assumed to be most profound between individuals with strong emotional bonds, such as within the family unit, but undoubtedly there are more far- reaching racial bonds, (or per species,) that may lay more dormant, subtle, or unconscious within us. ..The work of Carl Jung and his theory of the ‘Collective Unconscious’ may come to mind, with his emphasis on archetypes as conceptual logos of consciousness.

For Jung the archetypes implicit in the collective unconscious are the basis for our identifying simple, common concepts in the individually conscious mind: mother, father, family, house; or simple natural principles such as birth, death, or creation. Simple conceptual logos may then develop into complexity to form such notions as ‘hero’, ‘martyr’, ‘christ’, or into whatever else might manifest out of common spiritual-religious and moral-ethical belief-systems prevalent.

Unfortunately Jung’s theory of the collective-unconscious has been rendered ‘psuedo-scientific’ by the predominant Material Scientism, and is largely ignored or forgotten. I suspect it is no accident that the archetypical logos of conscious entities, described by Jung as emenating from the collective unconscious, has been raped and hi-jacked by elite psuedo-intellectual Noam Chomsky in an attempt to smother and bury this interpretation, explicitly in attack on Fascist philosophy. Chomsky is perhaps primarily famous for suggesting that the basis of language, and then of our common conceptual logos , as ‘innate’ to our psychology, the physical structure of our brain — but without or beyond explanation. It is unfortunate he never ran across Jung in his studies, no? Chomsky is then also notorious for propagating political ‘Anarchy’ amongst the young and naive, who are disillusioned with the corrupt political system that they see but do not fully understand. Chomsky’s clandestine, two-pronged attack against Fascism and rebellious American youth is a strong example of Jewish psuedo-intellectualism with the specific mission of subverting and controlling the academic environment, in this case the victim being the science of conceptual logos in terms of archetypes and how they should better be attributed to the collective unconscious of the greater super-organism that is mankind and his various racial-social collectives.

It’s clear that Chomsky specifically raped the developing theory of conceptual logos because the fact of the collective unconscious only bolsters and supports the development of Fascist political theory, as it complements the nature of the greater socio-organic body or collective super-organism.

Jung was also a primary proponent of temperament or personality theory, as it stemmed from Plato’s own in The Republic. Interestingly, however well-accepted and well- proven temperament theory has become, we still fail to determine the nature or originary bases for these differences in personality. How does a child develop into a rational type, instead of an ‘artisan’ or ‘guardian’ type? Of course it is made immediately clear that each temperament ‘type’ is an archetype in itself, therefore a matter of conceptual logos, and thus obviously emenating from the collective unconscious and manifesting in our conscious psychology in some mysterious way. Temperament theory is of crucial importance in regards the Fascist’s central emphasis on public education as the most appropriate means to organize and stratify society — in accordance to the talents and aptitudes of the individual in his respective social-body.

In any regards we’re left questionning the means by which each individual is psychically connected to the collective. Presumably it is a matter of the ‘6th sense’, which might be associated with a now-vestigial organ, maybe the pineal gland, (which has been brutally attacked and fossilized by flouridated drinking water.) Another theory pushed by some semi-succesful remote viewers is that it is a matter of ‘right-brain activity’, in contradistinction the logical ‘left-brain’, with the implication that our advanced capacity for thought clouds out our latent psychic capacities. Perhaps the answer lies in the autonomic nervous system? ..There are other theories regarding our ‘blindness’ in this respect that I personally entertain but will not divulge, for fear of gaslighting the audience. I might also point to popular and successful psychic-mediums that hide in plain sight for further investigation. I myself have devoted vast amounts of time and energy towards developing psychic capacities, but unfortunately fail to establish any prowess that would be scientifically verifiable and substantiated, so cannot profess any further authority on the matter.

I would like to point out that psychic phenomenon does not seem restricted to the immediate collective consciousness to which the individual may belong, and rather seems to reach through the animal kingdom and even into the natural, material world itself. I assume that this pervasive potential of psychism is the basis for more far-reaching psychic experience such as remote viewing. The implication here is that we are ultimately connected to the primal Spirit, and through primal Spirit might potentially bridge over anywhere, or to anything, in the natural universe.

I’ll end this section by exploring some central archetypical- conceptual motif’s that I believe drive the history of political dialectic, particularly in terms of freedom and prosperity of the individual. Even this mode of Fascism, which stresses the dialectic and synthesis between the Individual and his State, puts the Individual and his freedom forward on equal footing with the State. Every mode of just or unjust governance always comes with the promise of greater states of being for the Individual, even if indirectly. This is not merely because the State wishes or needs to placate the masses with promises of welfare, but because it is the natural, evolutionary tendency of the socio-organic entity to elevate the Individual unto higher states of expression. The Individual stands as the pinnacle of our reality, the microcosmic reflection of the macrocosm, and it is the State’s conscious or unconscious instinct to suit itself to this process of realization. Even our common moral and social-ethical values, which profess good-will and beneficence towards our fellow man, attest to and emanate from Nature’s intrinsic push towards the greater welfare of the Individual.

By means of this we may better recognize the archetypical principles of Individual freedom, justice, and prosperity not merely as vague ethical ideals, but as signs or indications of fundamental drivcs which propel the natural evolution of political dialectic — as the State itself is merely the organ by means of which greater Nature may make it’s final product manifest.

The archetype of the Overman, the hero which lies latent in the souls of each of us, is perhaps this ultimate Spiritual product. Expansion on the Rise of the Overman

Previously, I asserted the Overman abstractly as an archetype, and manifestly as the Historical figure. He is the Individual that realizes his full potential and highest aspirations, his success verified and substantiated by society. He is the figure that significantly advances his State and his People through History. It is to be assumed that this archetype is universal in all men. The role of the Fascist State is to facilitate and maximize the potential for this ‘rise of the Overman’.

The rise of the Overman demands the freedom to become Overman. Economic freedom, social-political freedom, psychic and existential freedom. It is the responsibility of the Fascist State to provide for at least the first two conditions of freedom, economic and social-political. It is the responsibility of the Individual to provide for his own psychic and existential conditions of freedom. When conditions of freedom are met, as best they may be, then perhaps there is room for the ascension of the Overman.

In regards economic and social-political freedom, there is little the Individual can do to save himself. If an Individual finds himself in an environment of stark oppression, then his struggle for ascension is immensely inhibited. Again, this is a primary reason why we must collectivize as Fascists, to come together to establish a State which maximizes such freedoms. ..However it should also be said that it is sometimes the intensity of the struggle towards ascension which defines the Overman as an Overman. An Individual’s capacity to succeed in an oppressive enviroment is therefore largely determined by his own psychic and existential fortitude.

What does it mean to attain to such existential fortitude? To have the strength to ascend in the face of struggle? To have the spiritual aptitude to succeed?

Most men are creatures of circumstance, their lives almost entirely determined by social-material factors. For the Overman, they are his passions which determine the course of his life. Many men dream, only to cast the dream away for any multitude of reasons. The Overman, however, holds on to his dreams. Whereas the common man allows his social-material factors of circumstance to determine his existemce, the Overman instead rearranges his social-material circumstances to suit the consecution of his ascension.

The Overman’s capacity to forge his own existence is no small feat of intelligence and dedication, and involves a protracted exercise of Free Will. The common man, determined by causal factors, exhibits relatively little in terms of ‘Free Will’. The Overman, in contrast, is exactly the result and consequence of an ardently exercised Free Will.

Today’s predominant Material Scientism, which denies the realm of Spirit, tries to assert that man in principle is merely and completely a result of causal factors — that ‘freedom of will’ is sheer illusion. Of course this only serves to produce a nihilist, soulless environment of spiritual oppression. We, instead, recognize that Free Will is a spiritual product arising primarily out of advanced modes of awareness, most especially of self- awareness.

As one becomes profoundly self-aware, their psychology, life situation, and trajectory into the future becomes more and more apparent. As one’s explicit self-understanding matures, then the easier it is to manage social-material factors influencing one’s life to achieve the desired trajectory into the future. This is when ‘Free Will’ manifests, as one begins to determine the course of one’s own life, first through self-contemplation and second by the autogenous management and organization of one’s own enviroment and social-material causal factors and circumstances.

To illustrate, let me use myself as an example. I currently teach English part-time at a small university. I make just enough money to be comfortable, but only if I am very frugal and maintain a strict, and very small, budget. Now, I have many social-material factors which push me in the direction of getting a second job. If I had a second job, my material wealth would accumulate, and this is always a highly desirable potential. It is also the cultural norm, and expectation, for which I might be quietly punished for ignoring. Despite this, I choose to create a space of leisure and free time, by means of which I can explore, research, create and produce. It is literally this simple: I can accumulate time, and perhaps produce philosophy, or I can get a second job and accumulate wealth, but I know I cannot do both. If I were even a hint of a coward, or succumbed to social norms and pressures, then I might easily be swayed to make the wrong choice.

One thing I feel I need to make clear — this process of self- determination, and potentially ascension, is not a matter of ‘hard work’. It is a matter of making lifestyle choices that contribute to one’s end goals; creating for one’s self an appropriate environment and conditions by means of which one might realize his success. But it is not ‘hard work’. Imagine asking any Historical figure, from Mozart to Einstein or Hegel, if their art was a product of ‘hard work’. Without a doubt, their art was product of passion and inspiration, and felt nothing like ‘hard work’ at all. ‘Hard work’ is the whip of the slave-master, the virtue and ethic of a culture of enslavement. If one makes the mistakes of internalizing this ethic, then one’s art becomes his dread. His passion will become a matter of incessant guilt and self-resentment, until finally he himself wrecks his own dream, and he shirks the burden of it off his shoulders with a sigh of relief.

It is not ‘hard work’ that makes the master, but an environment of leisure and contentment. The inspiration that drives the masterpiece arises spontaneously when conditions are right. They are these social-material conditions that one must strive to create for himself.

Beyond social-political and economic freedom, the capacity for self-awareness, self-contemplation and the conjuration of one’s own Free Will, there may be other psychic (or psychological,) needs that must to be catered to. These ‘needs’ may be conscious, or unconcious, depending on the depth of your self-awareness. These may be primarily classified as needs for carnal, social, and/or romantic relationships, though perhaps you could argue there are still others.

As long as extraneous ‘needs’ remain unconscious or unresolved, they will inhibit one’s capacity for self-realization and potential ascension. The key to resolving them is through self- contemplation and, if necessary, satisfaction. They must be taken into account as one establishes and organizes his own environment of causal and social-material factors. The nature of these exceptions are highly dependent upon the Individual, and must be managed by him alone. If ‘needs’ such as these begin to gnaw at your mind, demanding and fixating your attention, then clearly they must be managed.

In any regard, we cannot lay claim to an appropriate model of State until we successfully maximize all conditions of freedom necessary for the spontaneous ‘rise of the Overman’ in all people. Politically speaking, in terms of organizing the social-political infrastructure to achieve this goal, it is primarily through a highly- developed system of public education that the Fascist State facilitates this process — that Individuals might have the freedom to explore and exercise their talents, naturally gravitating to their proper place in society. This organic and self-organizing system of social-stratification thrusts the Individual into an open field of freedom, the basis of which contributes to his potential ascension.

When ideals such as these are realized, then we might truly lay claim unto the Golden Age. Why Fascist Revolution is Spiritually Inevitable

It is easy to balk and lose courage when facing the New World Order. On what basis can we continue to resist our Internationalist oppressor?

Remember, reality is to be regarded fundamentally as the evolutionary interplay of Nature and Spirit. However it be the case that these evolutionary trends are not perfect, (and in fact are rather violent,) they are still nothing less than ‘the will of god’.

As we acclimate to the reality of Spirit as Oversoul, and of an individualized-yet-shared consciousness which manifests from Spirit directly, then we must recognize our ultimate submission to this ‘will of god’, as we are on the perpetual cusp of it’s evolutionary tide. In analogy, we are the bubbling froth excited upon the roaring stream of History.

We can determine with certainty that it’s path veers towards enlightenment via self-realization. This includes the Individual, which already attains this to some degree, but also the organic State, which as of yet is still unrealized.

What does it mean for a State to become self-realized? The State achieves self-realization through it’s People, who come together to establish a harmonious whole in it’s natural and organic context. It is realized when the collective consciousness of a People assert it’s reality justly and appropriately, as they serve it, and it serves them — when they become a part of it, and it becomes a part of them. This synergistic sublimation, between Individuals and their State, is simultaneously the great awakening of the State — and it is this great awakening, this self-realization, towards which the will of god makes it’s way. This is why Fascist revolution is Spiritually inevitable — for it lies at the Ends of History. BACK COVER:

What is Fascist Totalitarianism? It is liberal populism. It is national socialism. ...It is the concept of State-politic integrated into a holistic system of living philosophy. It is a historical force, a spiritual movement – the total or indivisible unity of conceptual being.

Do not believe the lies and war propaganda that have contorted the essence of Fascist philosophical doctrine into abysmal mistruths. Fascism is the bastion of resistance against Judeo-Catholic New World Order imperialism – militarily, economically, and culturally. Will you join your spirit to the cause?