Strengths: Age, knowledge, a wide af spell selection, and a natural physical advantage (the Eӧlnar, her race, are a good deal stronger, faster, fairer, and more agile than humans. Not to mention, they’re immortal. However, her strength would pale next to, say, a giant or dragon.)

Weaknesses: Not fully adjusted to her new power level post-mending

Martial combat ability: Before her ascension, Gaia was a soldier in one of the greatest hosts her world had ever seen. After she was downed in combat and ascended, she didn’t touch a sword for a long time. But after her redemption, she sought to become reacquainted with her roots. As such, she renewed her practice with the blade, and now exercises that skill as a means of self-expression, creativity, and a way to remember who she was and how far she’s come. But as an oldwalker, she didn’t really have the need to cross blades with another being, since her spellcasting was so much more powerful. She hasn’t been in a death match with a sword for a long time. At most, she may have dueled friends or entered tournaments for fun. Her weapons of choice are a long, curved, and slender yatagan in her main hand, with a straight dagger in her off hand.

Magical skills:

Before going to sleep, Gaia had millennia to dabble in a wide variety of magics. Some of these magics she mastered. Some of them she has moderate skill with, but due to a combination of disinterest or a lack of talent was never able to master. Others she has only a basic or no capability with. I’m sorry if the following list sounds strong and overpowered, but I had really made Gaia with the intention that she would never fight another flake. And it seemed logical to me that she would have to have a detailed understanding of and skill with a wide array of magics in order to create a balanced and stable plane. So I made her accordingly. With that in mind, here is a bit of a breakdown of her mage skill.

Magics she has/had mastered (DOMAIN):

 Elemental creation/summoning (Natural affinity. Post-mending, she would still have a very high skill level and power level in this area)  Leyline manipulation (Pre-ascension, she could see leylines. Manipulating them is one of the primary means by which she made her plane. While she has lost most of her skill in this area, she still maintains some ability to manipulate leylines to suit various functions. But she can’t do anything near the scale that she used to.)  Electromancy (She maintains a high ability with this post-mending. She can probably summon ball lightnings, when combined with her elemental skill)  Pyromancy (Natural affinity. Maintains a high skill/power.)  Biomancy (she probably still has a moderate skill with this post-mending)  Unsummoning (To pair with her elementalism/summoning, she probably maintains some skill here post-mending)  Archeomancy (this is one of those magics that she gained through time, study, research, and exploration. As such, it doesn’t rely on her natural as much as it does with her accumulated knowledge. She probably maintains this skill post-mending)  Auramancy/Enchantments (Natural affinity. She maintains a high skill here post-mending)  Illusions (Like, archeomancy, she gained this skill through practice and research. Still, while she can probably perform illusion magic, it would be at a lesser skill than, say, Ugin.)  Mind magic (Same as Illusions)  Growth magic (Natural affinity. She still has a good amount of skill here.)

Magics she has/had moderate ability with (DOMAIN):

 Lithomancy/ (This magic was a natural evolution of her leyline magic. She is not as skilled as someone like Nahiri post-Mending, but she can probably still do it.)  Death magic/Sangromancy (War Gaia employs these abilities a lot. It’s one of the reasons why, after 900 years, she’s so much darker than normal Gaia. MU Gaia rarely uses them, because she is horrified with how repeated use of such dark magic slowly alters her way of thinking, as it requires her to draw upon her darkest side. Post-Mending, MU Gaia has forgotten how to perform this magic altogether, since she didn’t utilize it for so long.)  (She was always more attuned to the land than the sea, and so she only was ever at most moderately skilled at manipulating the waters. As such, she has forgotten this skill post- Mending.)  Spirit summoning/Affinity (While she slept, her dream was the realm of souls, dreamers, and dead things. During this time, she gained an affinity with souls unconsciously. As such, when she awakes she has a newfound and unexplored talent in communing with/summoning the dead.)  Artifice/Ferromancy (She is less skilled in artifice/ferromancy than with the other items on this list. Manipulating stable substances, such as base elements and metals, is a natural trait of her race, though. So I included it on this list as opposed to the one beneath it. She generally prefers to work with living things, and is better at it. Post-Mending, she has probably forgotten ferromancy and has little skill with artifice left. Mostly, she’d use artifacts to enhance her other casting and nothing more.)  Hieromancy/law magic (She lost a small amount of skill here with the Mending. She is still capable of some law magic, but it is much MUCH weaker than it was before. Hell, maybe she’s even forgotten it? This one I’m unsure on.)

Magics she has/had limited, or no skill with (Colorless, mostly):

 Chronomancy (She tried to learn it once, but didn’t have a knack for it. She has a better understanding than the average mage, of course, just because of how long she spent trying to learn chronomancy. She achieved moderate success with it, but ultimately decided it wasn’t for her, and gave up. That is why the enchantments protecting her plane were so susceptible to time paradoxes, and thus this is what allowed Will to pop those enchantments. Post-Mending, she would know how to read the patterns of chronomancy and how to recognize its use. She may have some success avoiding the lesser chronomantic antics of mages like Zix. But she cannot manipulate time herself, and would be positively outclassed by a more skilled time mage.)  Æther magic (Almost no skill post-Mending. Excellent skill pre-Mending. Hence why she was able to make a plane and cut it off from the blind eternities. However, post-Mending, she can still make tiny pocket realms which she uses for mobile storage. But they are small and don’t last any more than a few centuries at best without constant upkeep. In time, she could relearn some of what she’s forgotten in this area, but never to the ability she once had.)  (Once upon a time, Gaia was actually quite good at necromancy. It was when she was called Terah, and during the darkest time of her life. After her redemption and repentance from this time period, she intentionally wiped the knowledge of how to reanimate the dead from her memory, so she wouldn’t be tempted to go down that path again.)

Magics that she had a natural affinity with before her ascension (RG):

 Auramancy/Enchantments (Very high skill and talent, both post and pre-Mending)  Elemantals (as above)  Growth magic (as above)  Pyromancy (generally, her pyromancy manifested as lesser fire elementals. So you could combine this with her elementalism, if you want.)  Leyline reading (but not manipulation. She could just see the flows of magic, not manipulate it. She maintains this ability post-Mending.)