Indines Fan Cyclopedia v1.1 by ARBco at the Level 99 Fanbase Party Discord server

BattleCON, Pixel Tactics, Argent: the Consortium, 7-Card Slugfest, World of Indines, and all related cards, characters, and other connected materials are copyrights of Level 99 Games. This is a fan-related work and is not intended for profit. Thanks go to Level 99 Games for making this work possible. Introduction I thought it would be easy.

Indines and its inhabitants have been used by Level 99 Games in at least a half-dozen game lines, and though there’s a rich world, much of it is scattered across a myriad number of sources. With pieces of lore across games, books, and websites, learning the details can be tricky, particularly with some major sources currently out of print. But still, I figured it was just a matter of collating the relevant text. Like, 50 pages or so of material, tops. As I found more and more material, the document just blossomed outward into what you see now. And it’s not even finished.

And so the following is a fan-curated collection of Indines lore material detailing aspects of the world as featured in BattleCON, Argent: the Consortium, Seven Card Slugfest, Pixel Tactics, and other games published by Level 99 Games. Though a summary of some mechanical material is here, it’s largely included for its evocative and descriptive quality. In particular, Pixel Tactics information is only loosely connected to Indines lore at times, but is included here as it includes many characters not yet otherwise detailed. For those looking to interpret the powers and skills of Indines personalities into fiction (written, role-played, or otherwise) are encouraged to take a look at the source material and mechanics for further inspiration. An incomplete set of mechanical in-game details can be found at the World of Indines wikia as well.

Either way, I hope you enjoy it or find it useful, and if you have any corrections, contact me at [email protected]. Once again, thanks go to Level 99 Games for creating the World of Indines and helping make this unofficial Indines Fan Cyclopedia possible!

A color guide is included below to give some indication.

● Blue text indicates exact quotes from Indines material. ● Purple text indicates verifiable information that is reliable conjecture or conversational. ● Green text indicates third-hand information that is not verifiable. ● Orange text indicates non-canon information (such as for some alternate versions of characters). ● Red text is to note known lost information.

Note that Champions of Indines was never released, while Empyreal: Spells and and BattleCON Online are currenly unreleased, and so information from those may be apocryphal. Story Material

BattleCON: War of Indines (“Backstory”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

The New Centennial War

Three hundred years ago, the Overlord Rexan, then the world's most feared archmage and ruler of Gesselheim, made a bid to control the world which threw Indines into a massive conflict known as the Centennial War. After a hundred years of fighting, four heroes--one from each of the different nations--slew Rexan in a grand final battle. Now, three centuries after his demise, a fanatical necromancer named Hepzibah Culotre has begun collecting souls to power a rite which will restore the Dark Overlord to life, potentially returning the world to its darkest hour. Being forewarned of the coming darkness in dreams and visions, a band of new heroes have come forth to attempt to stop the resurrection of the Dark Overlord. These are led by Magdelina Larington, the descendant of one of the original heroes, Avenlia, on a new crusade to destroy Rexan once and for all.

The Erlenmeyer Flask

For years, Doctor Aaron Ross researched the secrets of life and immortality within his secluded laboratories in Willat. These experiments finally came to fruition when he was able to produce the ultimate life form--adaptable, constantly evolving, and unlimited in its potential. He named this creation Kehrolyn, and intended to train and teach it how to live and become a part of society. When the high council of Willat, led by Magister Bors Vilnar, learned of this discovery, they deemed Ross's work too dangerous to continue. Aaron's laboratory was destroyed, and the good doctor perished in the disaster, survived only by his laboratory assistant Lixis and his surrogate 'daughter' Kehrolyn. These two alone know the secrets of life that Ross discovered, and they are now hunted across the world by others who seek these secrets, for good or for evil.

The Dark behind her Eyes

Cherri Seneca died and was brought back to life by Hepzibah Culotre. When Cherri's soul was dragged back from the Afterworld, it created a tiny hole in the fabric of space and time. While outsiders from other worlds such as Heketch can slip into Indines via gates or summons, there are far larger and more deadly creatures that exist outside the confines of space and dimensionality. The Dark Masters seek to devour and corrupt worlds, and they work to use the rift that exists within Cherri as a gateway into Indines, slowly widening it while plunging the afflicted girl ever further into madness. Khadath Ahemusei and Luc Von Gott, members of the order of Dimensional Knights, the Planestalkers, must find Cherri and stop the horrors that might use her. But will they be able to save her as well?

BattleCON: War of Indines Rulebook (pg 2)

The story so far…

Three hundred years ago, the World of Indines was rocked by a great war, known as the Centennial War. In this conflict, the dark forces of Overlord Rexan rose up and fought to control the world Eventually, Rexan was defeated by a coalition of four heroes, and peace returned to Indines once more…

… Visions have haunted the nights of the young priestess Magdelina Larington. In her deepest dreams, she has seen forebodings of Hepzibah Culotre, the legendary healer of Indines, ressurrecting Overlord Rexan and plunging the world into conflict. Together with her friends Kallistar Flarechild, Vanaah Kalmor, and Seth Cremmul, Magdelina has set off to the south in a desperate crusade to stop the resurrection of the overlord. Meanwhile, Demitras Denigrande, the Overlord’s immortal advisor, and Heketch, his diabolic master assassin, stand ready to destroy anything that stands in the way of their master’s return to Indines…

… As a trial before reviving Overlord Rexan, Hepzibah resurrected Cherri Seneca. After returning to life from the Afterworld, Cherri has been haunted by dark visions and waking nightmares, and the barriers of reality seem to be be breaking down around her. The Planestalkers guard the world of Indines against invasion from beyond the worlds, and now agents Khadath Ahemusei, Hikaru Sorayama, and Luc Von Gott search for some way to save Cherri before alien forces led by Zaamassal Kett can lay their hands on her…

.. In the far north, the technological empire of Willat has deemed the research of one of their top scientists to be illegal, and has destroyed his laboratories. Now the sole inheritor of Aaron Ross’ research, the assistant Lixis Ran Kanda, flees to the south with Ross’ last creation, the homunculus Kehrolyn Ross. Pursued by the mercenary Rukyuk Amberdeen and Cadenza, they search for in the forests of the continent, looking for a way to unlock the secrets of Aaron’s research…

… as forces gather for these three conflicts that will change the fate of the world, heroes must choose sides and destinies. Who will you lead to victory in the coming war? Champions of Indines Possibly superseded by BattleQUEST, detailed below.

Champions of Indines (Episode 1, Terror of the Southern Seas)

Introductory text missing.

Champions of Indines (Episode 2, Ultimate Weapon)

Introductory text missing.

Champions of Indines (Episode 3, Haywire)

Introductory text missing.

Champions of Indines (Episode 4, Beyond the Gate)

The Planestalkers need your help to stave off an interplanar invasion! An encounter with an alien overlord intent on destroying the world of Indines. Together, the Champions must stop Oriana from casting the spell that will shatter the dimensional boundary around the world and usher in a full-scale invasion. Fight against Oriana and her knight Zaamassal, a two-member boss team who work together to summon horrors from beyond time and space into the world of Indines.

Champions of Indines (Episode 5, The Unmaking of the August Strain)

The heroes go into the heart of Willat, to a ruined laboratory abandoned years ago. Beneath this laboratory, a homunculus thought to be destroyed grows ever stronger, growing once more to the surface to take revenge on a world that deemed it too dangerous to exist. Only with the help of Lixis Ran Kanda will the Champions be able to create the antigen necessary to put August to rest once more…

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Rulebook (introductory text, pg. 2)

The Story so Far…

A thousand years ago, the Dragon King Greyheart lost a great war with humans and their gods, and was sealed away deep below a vast ruin in the land of Relecour. For a millennium, Adjenna Callista, the Dragon Queen, has searched for a way to free him once more and restore her ancient empire to its full power. On the thousandth of his imprisonment, she has found a way to do so.

While exploring the ruins of the Dragon King’s prison, Runika Zenanen learns of Adjenna’s plot and returns to her homeland of Jeffreys to warn King Alexian XXXVII. The kingdom is preparing for war, egged on by the machinations of Mercenary King Gerard, but Alexian gives her permission to build a volunteer force from any willing to join her. Only one man, Eligor Larington, steps forward to accept the quest, eager to build his own legend by slaying the Dragon Queen.

Meanwhile, in the holy land of Sanghalim, a young thief, Shekhtur Lenmorre, breaks into the Imperial Reliquary and acquires a cursed relic, which binds itself to her. Miraculously, she is able to resist its corrupting influence, and resolves to do some good with the new power she has acquired. With the aid of a wandering hunter, Joal Kalmor, she sets off to the east to seek out a force of evil that seems to be calling to her, with the hope of destroying it and freeing herself of the curse. The Reliquary sends two of its agents, César Grist and Endrbyt, to reclaim the relic and keep it from falling into the wrong hands at any cost.

Far to the south lies the continent of Amalao, sealed off from the rest of the world by an impenetrable mist since the fall of the Draconic Empire. Raised in this far-away land is the last, forgotten child of Adjenna and Greyheart, Marmelee Greyheart, the Lorekeeper of Amalao. Learning of the potential for her father’s release, the ministers of the dragon-worshipping nation of Amalao have sent Marmelee to aid her mother and free Greyheart. However, as a student of history, Marmelee knows of the many atrocities committed under her father’s reign, and she has set off to the north with her twin bodyguards, Karin and Jager Brandtford, secretly planning to sabotage the unbinding ritual.

In the south, the newly resurrected Overlord Cairngort Rexan begins to amass an army. He gathers to his side regional warlords like Voco Astrum and celebrated artists like Tanis Trilives, seeking to build a cultural and military within the fragmented nation.

At the same time, his science advisor Malandrax Mecchi plots the creation of a weapon that will give Rexan the power to threaten the other nations of Indines into submission. It falls to two special operatives from the faraway land of Willat, Clinhyde Eight and Otavia Six, to thwart their plans.

Just beyond the edge of reality, the alien sorceress Oriana Vellopholeta prepares to lead an invasion of the world of Indines from another dimension, waiting for the same conflux of powers that will free Greyheart to break open the dimensional barrier and allow her to strike with an army that has conquered entire planes. The only thing that stands between her and the destruction of the world are Kaitlyn Van Sorrel’s valiant Planestalkers, who hope their new prototype unit, Aria, will grant them an advantage in the coming battle. Aided by Iaxus the Shattered, the elemental bound to the rift, they are the last line of defense between this world and the horrors that lie beyond.

At Argent University, the heart of and technology in Indines, the ancient and immortal Vice Dean Byron Krane has found a way to open up the Well of Souls and to bind the Daemon King, Malephaise. With the assistance of his apprentice Lesandra Machan, he prepares to create chains that will harness the power of Malephaise, whom he hopes to use as a weapon of last resort against Greyheart and Oriana. Arec Zane, a friend and confidant of Lesandra’s, fears that Byron’s purpose could be far more sinister.

Clouds gather over the northern horizon as the Disasters–ancient and mighty elementals led by Havoc, appear to wrest Indines from the control of its races, and return it to a wild, primordial state once more. Kajia Septie Salix has seen the coming of the disasters in her dreams, and banded together heroes from across the land like Clive Melmont and Pendros Schalla to join her in destroying it.

As the thousand year conflux draws closer, the forces of these factions move into position to make their plays for power–either to save the world, or to rule it.

Which will you choose?

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Rulebook (Scenarios: Larimore Burman, pg. 37)

Scenario Boss #1: Larimore Burman

“I told you, Adjenna, I don’t kill heroes anymore. I have a good , I’ve built a new life. The days of the empire are long gone.”

“Oh, Larimore, can’t you do it again–just this once, for old times’ sake?”

“Sigh... I suppose I could do the whole ‘testing’ thing. You know, ‘I must test your strength to see if you’re worthy to fight Greyheart’ and et cetera.”

“And if they fail, you kill them right? That’s the way it used to work.”

“Alright fine, since you insist. But this a one-time thing, I want you to remember that.”

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Rulebook (Scenarios, pg. 39)

Scenario Boss #2: Runika & Udstad

“Why do the bad guys get to have all the fun of being final bosses? Let’s see how the Dragon Queen and her minions stand up to my finished masterpiece!”

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Rulebook (Scenarios, pg. 40)

Scenario Boss #3: Twilight Magdelina

“My eyes have been opened to the suffering of both the living and the dead. I can’t let myself be controlled by powers or prejudices any longer. From today forward, I fight for what I believe in–a world of balance between light and darkness.”

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Rulebook (Scenarios, pg. 42)

Scenario Boss #4: Havoc

Kajia looked out from the mountains, watching the storm draw closer across their peaks. She could see its face, and she knew its name from her dreams.

“So it starts. The Disasters have returned to Indines.” She turned her back to the billowing clouds, arced with fire, lightning, and frost. Before her stood the heroes she had assembled to join her for this fateful moment.

“Whatever your motives for fighting, we’re all a part of this world, and we must all stand together against what comes to destroy it. Everything is at stake–your land, your , your freedom, and your lives. Who will stand with me and fight back against Devastation?”

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pgs. 4-5)

Baroness Ancella’s Crypt

Baroness Ancella lived centuries ago in the heart of Relecour. It is said that she was among the richest of the Relecan barons to have ever lived, and that she stored away that the incredible wealth with her in a tomb deep below the foothills near her estate. Your quest is to delve into this haunted crypt and claim the treasures within.

With a hideous wail, the ghost vanishes in a poof of black light, disappearing into the Afterworld to face whatever horrific judgement awaits her greed at the hands of the Daemon King Malephase.

Piles of gold, jewels, and enchanted weapons litter the floors of the tomb. With Baroness Ancella’s Ghost vanquished, you are free to help yourself to her extensive collection of treasures! This loot should be more than enough to allow you to hire some adventuring companions and fund your next dungeon-delving endeavor.

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 6)

The Crenellated Spire

The mages of Amalao are forbidden to perform spells that give life to the land, but Archmage Demarq defied these commands and created an artifact known as the Phantasmagoric Flame, which brings to life elementals bent on destruction. The counselors of Amalao have sent you to the top of the Crenellated Spire, so that you might destroy the Phantasmagoric Flame and bring Demarq to justice for his crimes.

Archmage Demarq has become corrupted by the distorting light of the Phantasmagoric Flame. Only by defeating him once and for all can you quench the flame and restore the balance!

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 8)

Magister Kilgrem’s Laboratory

Magister Kilgrem owned a remote laboratory on the islands off the northern coast of Relecour. After not hearing from him for two years, the Magisterial Council has finally decided to set out a bounty for any adventurers who can bring back news of Kilgrem and his fate.

Kilgrem’s Last Experiment sits in a great tank in the center of the room. This machine-integrated homunculus has taken control of the laboratory’s systems, and you have to stop it!

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 10-11)

The Well of Souls

“With the Crown of Malephaise, we’ll have all the power we need to defeat Havoc, Oriana, Greyheart-or anyone else who threatens the world.” Vice Dean Byron Krane explains dismissively. “All we need now is for someone to descend into the Afterworld and collect it for us once we open the gate. That’s where you three come in…”

The gate to the Afterworld is guarded by the seven mythical Princesses of Death, each possessing a different piece of the Daemon King Malephaise’s spirit. You will need to descend through the seven spheres of the Well and defeat each princess in order to claim the Crown.

“Excellent, you’ve retrieved the crown!” Byron rushes to greet you as you emerge from the portal. “Quickly, give it me, and I’ll put an end to all the forces that threaten our world…”

> Let’s consider alternatives… (Go to “Beyond the Gate”) > Here, take it… (QR Code Link broken and not archived.)

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 12-13)

The Temple of the Sun

During the ancient Draconic Wars, the Dragon King Greyheart fought against and killed the Machine God Mak’terix. Mak’terix’s body came to rest in the center of the Sanghalese Desert, where a massive temple was built around it by priests.

The Reliquary is an ancient order that collects dangerous and unstable relics, like those that are sealed deep within the temple. They have paid handsomely to have your exploration party retrieve whatever relics they can find within the heart of the temple.

This Room divides into three paths. In order to proceed, you will need to send a different member of your party down each path, in order to simultaneously hit the switches that will open the final door.

As you hit the three switches simultaneously, the doors before you open, reuniting your party. Now you begin the final descent into Mak’terix’s resting place.

In the heart of this ancient temple, the remains of the Machine God have given rise to an autonomous golem, cobbled and refined from scrap and treasure.

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 14-15)

Beyond the Gate

“The time has come, Planestalkers.” Grand Marshal Kaitlyn Van Sorrel addresses the assembly. “Oriana has declared war on our world, and we must respond in kind. We may not possess the power or weapons to destroy her once and for all, but we can send a message that she won’t forget for another thousand years! Now, with me, to the battlefield Beyond the Gate!”

“Well fought, warriors of the Prime World. You have bested my champions, and now stand before me.” a voice echoes as though frame inside your thoughts. “There’s no need to die in vain. Join me now, and I will give you powers beyond your wildest imagination, as well as dominion over the world you call home. Defy me, and I will erase your very existence from the late of the universe. Now speak, will you fight, or will you yield?”

> Let us build a new world in your service... (QR Code Link broken and not archived.) > Never! We’ll fight to the end! (See below.)

Finally, with the threat of Oriana’s interplanar attack thwarted for now, the returning heroes can relax and have some of the rest they have earned thwarted evil.

Liberated at least from the endless threat of these villains, the land is perhaps safe for another thousand years of peace and enduring cooperation between the ruling leaders of Indines.

Even below the safety and calm apparently throughout the world, new challenges are brewing to test future heroes, who are even now beginning to prepare for the upcoming battles ahead of them.


7 Card Slugfest

7 Card Slugfest Rulebook (introductory text, pg. 1)

The Story so Far…

All was peaceful in the idyllic land of Indines, until a powerful artifact, the Belt of Beatdown, was discovered by the villainous Wardlaw O’Brien.

With the belt, O’Brien was able to absorb the bar-fighting powers of the greatest fist fighters across the world. Eager to use this power and conquer all of Indines, O’Brien scheduled a World-Wide Pub Crawl, and invited all the greatest fighters in the land to attend.

Mysteriously at each pub, an “unexpected” fight breaks out, and O’Brien’s plans come closer to fruition.

Will the heroes of Indines be able to stop him before it’s too late…?

Let the Slugfest Begin!

Argent: the Consortium

Argent: the Consortium Rulebook (pg. 2)

Chancellor Nostros Calahaan of Argent University has made the startling announcement that he will relinquish his post exactly one week from today. As an influential member of the university staff, this is just the opportunity you’ve been waiting for. A secret consortium of voters is being called together from all across the world to elect the new Chancellor, and you have just this one week to secure your hold over the university before this takes place.

But you’re not alone in these ambitions-others in the University would like nothing more than to fill the vacuum of power themselves. Only the most cunning and influential among you will be elected by the Consortium as the new Chancellor of Argent-the most influential mage in the World of Indines.

Argent: ‘Mancers of the University

Argent: ‘Mancers of the University (“Scenarios”, pg. 5)

Note that these scenarios represent different possibilities or stories, not known canon.

The Well of Souls

Opening the gate to the Afterworld, Vice Dean Byron Krane floods Argent with raw magical power - but what costs come with this new power?

Talismans of Magic

The Department of has given the various department heads a collection of powerful new items to field test, as well as opened its vaults wide.

Dimensional Rift

An experiment gone wrong in the department of Planar Studies is shifting portions of Argent in and out of a parallel dimension!

Political Struggle

Factions divide the election board, and you will need to choose sides.

Key to the University

A campus-wide election to the Chancellor, open to students and professors alike.


Desperate for power, the candidates have stooped to employing assassins to fix the election in their favor.

BattleCON: Fate of Indines

BattleCON: Fate of Indines Rulebook (pg. 2)

The Story So Far…

In ancient times, the Underlands, another world beneath Indines, was sealed off from the surface by seven mystic keys. The Underlands were fabled to be filled with technology, magic, and wealth far beyond what is known on the surface. Baenvier Marlgrove has set out on a journey to find this forgotten land in the name of his master, the Overlord Rexan.

However, Baenvier is not the only one who would discover the treasures of this lost world. Thessala Three, a deadly assassin from the northern empire’s black ops division, has been dispatched to secure the key for her masters. Not willing to leave the fate of the keys to the entire magisterial council, Magister Serafina Vanedran joins the hunt, hoping to keep its secrets for herself, rather than share them with the other, more sinister leaders of her nation.

Sworn to to defend the world from outside threats, the Planestalkers are an order of dimensional knights who hope to employ the magic and technology of the Underlands in the fight against outsiders. Their ally Star Knight Iri sets out on an expedition to capture the key Baenvier holds, but can she be trusted? Private Welsie Acktern accompanies her to keep watch on Iri’s true intentions.

In the East, Professor Larimore Burman, one of the old masters who sealed up the Underlands a thousand years ago, is determined to keep them locked away from the surface. Opposing him is Alumis, one of the university’s power- hungry professors who hails from the shadow realm. She seeks to add the lost magic of the Underlands to her already formidable powers, while Xenitia Zook, an apprentice possessed of a mysterious power, believes that the key may represent the opportunity to understanding her past and her abilities.

Hearing of the key and the dangers it poses from his friend Larimore, Lord Eustace and his adopted successor, Jager Brandtford, embark on a journey to find the relic and keep it out of the hands of those who would use it for their own gain.

As the fate of Indines is once more tested, heroes gather to decide the direction of the world’s future. Who will triumph, and what will be the Fate of Indines?

BattleCON: Trials of Indines

BattleCON: Trials of Indines Character Guide (pg. 4)

Relic Hunters - the Story So Far

Long ago, before the rise of human nations, before the dragon wars, the World of Indines was connected to another place--the Underlands. Beneath the surface of the world was a land of wonder--another place beneath a different sky and a different sun, connect by a series of tunnels that ran through the narrow core of the earth.

Upon the mouth of each of these tunnels was a great spire, and the, and these seven spires were centers of trade and culture in the ancient world. Vast wealth, magical treasures, and lost technologies were all daily fare at these sites.

When the dragon empire rose to conquer the surface world of Indines, the Underlanders feared the wrath of the Dragons, and sealed away their lands from the surface.

Over a thousand years have passed since the Underlands were sealed away, and the world has been ravaged by terrible wars. The glories of its old magic and treasures were all but forgotten… until now.

A few adventurers have discovered fragments of the keys ot the ancient vaults. Some are backed by powerful governments and organizations seeking to exploit whatever treasures still remain hidden. Others are bound by ancient vows to protect what lies beneath the surface. Still more fear what might lie slumbering for a millennium beneath the surface of the world. The search is on for the Vault Keys, and for the treasures held within...

Empyreal: Spells and Steam

Empyreal: Spells and Steam Train Preview (November 28th, 2017)*

As a captain of industry, it's your job to bring the industrial age to this world of magic. Build railways to connect key resources to your network, then supply them to cities around the world. Each magical resource you harvest will enable new technological developments that improve your capabilities. Each contract you fulfill will build up your infrastructure, leading to the development of new company-specific powers. Mine mana from the land to enable the construction of more lines, balancing the opportunities of the moment against the depleting environment and the machinations of your competitors.

Only the savviest and most creative industrialist will be able to lead the World of Indines into the modern era!


The Art of Argent (pg. 45)

Races are not particularly well-defined in Indines - all manner of individuals live in the far reaches of the world and are not well understood. Argent is one of the most diverse places in Indines, and those who choose to join the faculty and live on campus can be treated as equals in a society in which they would otherwise be oddities.


See ARIA and Sophica Sentavra. Note that there is no clear nomenclature for this kind of character; this category is is used for advanced sentient machines based on robotic technology.


From the World of Indines wikia page “Aspects”, but sourced originally from an internal Level 99 Lorebook.

If Elementals embody the nature of places, Aspects embody the nature of creatures. Aspects are wild, primal forces of nature that have the form of mighty animals. They are capable of using their natural magic to change forms and to speak directly with their thoughts. Rarely civilized, they live in the wilds as kings among the creatures of their race.

Legends abound particularly regarding certain aspects such as the Wolf-King or the Raven-King that sometimes appear to mortals to teach them to live in harmony with nature or of the morals of the animal kingdom. While these creatures are verified to exist, they are largely bedtime stories without any substantiated basis.


Referred to in The Art of Argent (pg. 48) but presently undefined.


See Irialandradayamorella, Lavanina, Oriana, and Welsie Acktern.

From the Level 99 Games Official Online Play League Discord on January 1st, 2018

Level99Games: Length of name shows off your status, so if you want to be a weaksauce Chaon, you can just get a short name like "Welsie" Dark Masters, The (“Backstory”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

Beings beyond space and time that live in the space between seconds and the lines between reality and nonexistence. They seeks to unravel any worlds that might fall into their grip. They are revered as keepers of the mysteries of death by necromancers such as Hepzibah. (“The World of Indines”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

From outside of Indines, the Dark Masters watch and wait for their chance to invade and destroy the fragile world. Those who dabble in the mystical arts make pacts with these Dark Masters for secret knowledge beyond the world, but these pacts invariably drive them to insanity.


See Havoc.

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 90)

The Disasters

Legend says the Disasters were the children of the goddess of Death and the god of Chaos. Before time began, the goddess of the Earth, Tamaris, did battle with them and sealed them away in a great vault beneath the oceans of Indines.

In the modern age of technology, greed for the resources beneath the seas has led the industrialized nation of Willat to begin drilling deep into the ocean floor. After a huge drilling accident that killed thousands and destroyed coastal villages along the western shore, the people of the continent have reported strange dreams of a coming apocalypse - visions of a return to primordial chaos.


See Adjenna Callista, Greyheart, Larimore Burman, and Marmelee Greyheart.

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 88)

The Dragons

The dragons ruled over Indines a thousand years ago in an age of oppression and despair for all races of the world. The Dragon King Greyheart possessed power enough to challenge and defeat the gods of Indines. When Greyheart killed the Machine God Mak’terix, his body came to rest beneath the western deserts. His priests took apart their god’s body in secret and used its many parts to build the golems, which ultimately turned the tide of war and led to the end of the Draconic Empire.

Those dragons that skill live in Indines today mask their appearances with powerful magics and take care to keep their natures hidden. It is still no crime to kill a dragon on sight anywhere on the main continent.


See Abrarene Unt, Hallicris, Exhufern Le Marigras, Kavri Shi Shorec, Lixis Ran Kanda, and Quan Gon Kall. (“The World of Indines”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

A dryad's name says a lot about where she comes from and who she is. All dryad names have 3 parts. The first is her given name, the second is the name of her life tree, and the third is the name of her life tree's species. For example, a dryad named “Lixis Ran Kanda” is named 'Lixis' and is born from a Kanda tree whose name is 'Ran'

The Art of Argent (pg. 22)

Dryad names are composed of three parts. The first is the Dryad’s own name, the second is the tree’s name, and the third part is the tree’s species. For example, “Exhufern LeMarigras” is the dryad Exhufern, of a Marigras tree named “Le”.


Undead dryads. See Kajia Septie Salix. Elementals

See Iaxus the Shattered. (“The World of Indines”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

Elementals are not common in the world of Indines, but they are not rare either. Typically living in the wilderness and away from settlements, they are viewed as guardian spirits of nature, and those who would exploit the lands of Indines know that they do so at their own peril.


Close descendants of elementals and humans, though “half” seems to be a loose appellation given Kallistar’s backstory. See Hikaru Sorayama, Kallistar Flarechild, and Monad Riverime. Dravil Coldwater and Trias Blackwind are listed as “Elemental Touched” instead, and it is unclear if this refers to the same status or a more distant connection to elemental relatives.


See Bors Vilnar, Khadath Ahemusei, Rukyuk Amberdeen, and Sarafina Vanedran. Lucida Malephaise was Elvan before becoming infernal. (“The World of Indines”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

The Elvan race are closely attuned to their environment and remarkably adaptive. After only one or two generations in an area, Elvan settlers become immune to disease and adapted to survive in any new environment they find themselves in.

Humans (“The World of Indines”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

While physically weaker than other races of the world, humans have a powerful connection to the spiritual world that few other races can rival. It is humans who are most prone to hear the voices of the gods of Indines, as well as to channel the divine power necessary to become Saints.


See Andros DuValt, Jager Brandtford, Jaimes Kalin, and Karin Brandtford.

The Art of Argent (pg. 24)

The Feral are individuals who trace their lineage back to ancient animal deities like the ‘Wolf King’ or the ‘Lord of Crows’. These individuals are touched by the power of nature and can transform between human and animal forms. While the animal deities of Indines have not been seen for many centuries, their descendants still roam the land.


See Ancella and Tanis Trilives.


Implied by the backstories of Alexian XXXVII and Merjoram Alexian, but without any known living examples.


See ADAM, Endrbyt, and Udstad. ARIA and Sophica Sentavra use golem technology but are not likely considered golems themselves.

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 86)


Golems like Udstad and Endrbyt were originally created to fight in the Draconic Wars against Greyheart almost a thousand years ago. Most were destroyed, but a few survived, and even more still have been reassembled by clever modern artificers, like Runika. With a new life, it falls to these beings to decide what their purpose will be in the new world they have been reborn into.


See August Ross, Kehrolyn Ross, Kilgrem’s Last Experiment, Homunculus, and Protohomunculus.


See the Seven Sisters faction for a listing of prominent Infernals.

The Art of Argent (pg. 79)

The Infernals of Indines serve the Daemon King Malephaise, collecting souls from around the world. Only humans have ghosts and can be collected by these individuals, but that doesn’t prevent them from sowing havoc at every conceivable opportunity, regardless of the race or alignment of their victims.

From the Nokodraws Twitch stream on January 18th, 2018 arbco: Here's a lore Q: are there Daemons other than the those holding on to a piece of Malephaise, like the Seven Sisters?

Gophermanx: (and Byron)(or something)

Level99games: There are Demons, which are lesser evil creatures

Level99games: the Daemons are the big ones

Level99games:: and those are the ones with the different pieces


See Alumis, Jasper Haekel, and Regicide Heketch.


See Cadenza.


See Jesca Renetton. Undead

See Eustace. Also see Husks, listed above. Vaum

See Baenvier Marlgrove and Demitras Denigrande. Virians

See Mikhail Isen and Rheye Cal.


BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Kickstarter (Update #7) and (“Backstory”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

Indines is a world of conflict and adventure. The known lands stretch across a vast continent, bounded in the south by the blasted wastelands that make up the Empire of Gesselheim, and capped in the north by the mountains that cradle Willat. Five major nations control the majority of Indines, with city states and micro-nations sprinkled throughout.

BattleCON: Trials of Indines Character Guide (pg. 3)

Welcome to Indines, a fantastic world of adventure, danger, conflict, and magic!

The world of Indines is saturated with diverse forms of magic, and each individual manifests this power in a unique way in the pursuit of the destiny. History is written by a few bracve heroes who dare to challenge the evils that threaten their world.

The world at present is governed by the nations of men, built in the wake of of a great war with the dragons that tore the continent apart and plunged it into a centuries-long dark age.

In this new golden age, many secrets of the old world remain hidden. Faraway spaces lie across space, and the truths of what lie beyond the bounds of the known continent are lost to time. Diabolic entities, alien gods, foreign invaders, and even more sinister threats from within have their sights set on the world.

As new challenges rise to threaten the peace and stability of the world, new heroes appear to defend Indines. Take on the roles of one these heroes or villains, and fight to determine the fate of the world.

Will you save the world of Indines or will you rule it? The time has come to fight!


“The Empire formerly known as Lesion”. Also contains the area known as “The Bone Wastes”, as well as Galston House and Rubara Keep. (“Backstory”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

A massive southern wasteland, Gesselheim is a blasted land of death and decay. With little natural resources and arable land, Gesselheim is populated mainly by demi-humans, sentient undead, and monsters who are able to live in conditions that would not support human life. Ruled by the Dark Overlord Rexan, Gesselheim wages war upon its northern neighbors whenever its population grows too far beyond a sustainable level.

Gesselheim was previously known as Lesion, until the beginning of the Centennial Wars 300 years ago, when Overlord Rexan structured the otherwise unaffiliated tribes that inhabited the wastes and organized them into a modern nation.

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 3-4) and BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Kickstarter (Update #7)

Gesselheim is the largest nation in Indines, both land-wise and population-wise. It covers the entire southern third of the continent, and is populated primary by beastmen, demi-humans, elementals, and sentient undead. Days in Gesselheim are cold and dark. The land is covered by deserts and rocky mountains, with very little arable land. Dangerous monsters live in the lands, and routinely attack villages and carry off citizens.

Mining is the most profitable industry in Gesselheim, and the mountains have an abundance of non-precious metals such as iron and copper.

Gesselheim is an autocratic empire led by a single overlord. The Overlord of Gesselheim has absolute power to control the lives of the populace and to make unquestioned decisions about the nation’s future. Villages and towns are controlled by the overlord’s vassals, who take a pledge of fealty to the nation when they come into power. Individual villages and territories may be ruled either by military might or by elected governments. As long as their leaders answer to the Overlord on national matters, they are allowed to govern themselves as they wish internally.

Before being united as a single Empire by the first Overlord, Rexan, Gesselheim was just an expanse of unaligned tribal nations collectively (and derisively) called Lesion by their northern neighbors.

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Kickstarter (Update #7)

In Devastation, Malandrax, Tanis, Voco, and Rexan are Gesselhemian. In War, Cherri, Hepzibah and Demitras are Gesselhemian. Lesandra, from Devastation of Indines, is from Gesselheim, but left to live in Relecour before she was old enough to remember.

BattleCON: War of Indines Remastered Arena

Originally “Hepzibah’s Laboratory” in the original BattleCON: War of Indines.

Arcane Laboratory

The air in this place is thick with the smell of chemicals and the oppressive weight of sinister magic. The Watchers behind the veil know how many sacrifices have been made in the search for immortality. In this place, a sacrifice of life force can grant unearthly power.

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Arena

Bridge of Souls, The

The well of souls is filled with a deadly and oppressive aura. The wails of lost souls rise to the sky from below the bridge, as each step down the narrow pathway leads you down to fight them.

Perilous Descent

The ghosts and lost souls claw at you as you plunge into the realm of the Afterworld, descending ever deeper. You feel your powers growing ever stronger as you leave the realm of light behind. What treasure or horror lies at the bottom of the Well of Souls?

BattleCON: War of Indines Remastered Arena

Originally “Fortress of the New Moon” in the original BattleCON: War of Indines.

Fortress: New Moon

The ancient fortress of the Gesselhemian Overlord stands in disarray after three centuries of abandonment. With his return, however, a new life has rekindled within the endlessly spiraling corridors of this labyrinthine stronghold.

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Arena

Galston House

The ancient opera house still stands tall and proud after three centuries. Lights flicker to life and the murmurs of the past fill its halls as you enter. It looks like the show is about to begin!


Apparitions fizzle to life in the darkness and begin uproarious applause. The phantom maestro cues the orchestra, and a climactic duelling fanfare begins. Tonight, the main event will be your grand finale!

BattleCON: War of Indines Extended Arena

Graven Castle Bridge

Forgotten by time, this ancient castle stands carved into the face of a mountain, its only entrance a rope bridge spanning an indefinitely deep chasm. Could this be one of the fabled entrances to the Underlands, a world sealed off a thousand years ago from the surface?


Also called “The Kingdom of Jeffreys”. Contains the region known as Chell surrounding its famous rift. (“Backstory”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

A small forest kingdom in the center of the continent, Jeffreys is a land of reflection, tranquility, and history. Jeffreys is ruled by the line of Alexian kings, the oldest dynasty in the continental history, which goes back nearly seven hundred years. Nestled in the forests and mountains of central Indines, the Jeffrians have a strong military, historical, and religious tradition.

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 3) and BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Kickstarter (Update #7)

Jeffreys is an ancient kingdom situated in Indines’ most strategic area. A massive fertile valley sits at the conflux of four continental divides, creating a paradise of lush forests, scenic mountains, and clear lakes. Though landlocked, Jeffreys enjoys an abundance of natural resources, and their mountains make the small nation defensible on any side from invaders.

Jeffreys is ruled by an ancient line of kings, said to be descended from giants. The Alexian Kings trace their lineage back for thirty-eight generations. The name passes with the crown, and each prince gives up his old name and takes on the name of his father when he sits upon the ancestral throne.

Jeffreys is also the home of the largest dimensional rift in Indines. Study of this rift has given them an unparalleled grasp of dimensional technology, which they have militarized in the form of the Planestalkers, an order of dimensional knights that serve the kingdom and protect it from threats both inside and outside of Indines.

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Kickstarter (Update #7)

In Devastation, Eligor, Alexian XXXVII, and Runika are Jeffrian. In War of Indines, Magdelina, Luc, and Zaamassal hail from Jeffreys (though Zaamassal abandoned that banner long ago).

BattleCON: War of Indines Remastered Arena

Originally the “Grand Cathedral at Jeffreys” in the original BattleCON: War of Indines.

Grand Cathedral

The war priests and battle channelers of Jeffreys are raised and consecrated for their duty in these ancient halls. A mighty power here rewards the just and confers blessings.

BattleCON: War of Indines Extended Arena

Hunter’s Lodge

The confined quarters of the lodge require you to think and act quick in battle. Trust you wits and instincts in the furious battle ahead.

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Arena

Planestalkers HQ

Built beneath an unstable planar gateway, the headquarters of the planestalkers stands vigilant at the front line of an ongoing trans-dimensional war. gates crackle open in the sky and on the ground, as desperate entities from beyond the veil attempt to break through.

The Breach

The air crackles with the smell of ozone as time and space crackle apart, pulling you into another plane of reality where all the rules are changed.

BattleCON: War of Indines Remastered Arena

Time Hero’s Workshop

Few in the world are capable of comprehending and manipulating the time-streams which bind Indines together. In this workshop, on man seeks to understand and master the flow of time. Mysterious energies crackle throughout the room, repeating and undoing events.


Aka “The Barony of Relecour”, “The Baronship of Relecour”, or in older material, “The Oligarchy of Relecour”. Also contains the Savaran Desert and the Grand Forest Kashai-In. (“Backstory”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

The large Eastern Power, Relecour is a land of freedom and prosperity ruled by a loosely affiliated collection of Barons. It is home to some of the richest mines, most lush forests, and grandest cities in the world. The famous Argent University, the most respected institution of magic in Indines, is also located in Relecour.

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 3) and BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Kickstarter (Update #7)

Relecour is a vast eastern nation in Indines. Rich in gold, food, craftsmen, and magic, Relecour has long been regarded as an enchanted and mystical place. It is also known as a land of mercenaries, thieves, and vagrants. Governed by no laws at all, the Barons maintain private armies to protect their holdings, and a counsel of barons unifies only to discuss matters or war and peace between their fiefdoms, each of which is governed by its own laws.

Numerous city-states dot the Relecan plains, and these are each run by their own set of laws and ordinances. While there is always talk of forming a league of city-states, each state fears that any attempt to consolidate power, no matter how superficial, will draw retribution from the barons.

The largest settlement in Relecour is the port town of Kor Karoli. This town also houses Argent University, the world’s premiere school of magic, which governs itself like a city-state in its own right.

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Kickstarter (Update #7)

In Devastation, Arec and Byron are Relecan. In War, Hikaru and Kallistar are both from this nation. Khadath is prince of the Protectorate Ahemusei, one of the nation-states within the borders of Relecour. Arec is actually the son of Baron Rufus Zane, and in line to inherit a sizable portion of the country in time.

BattleCON: War of Indines Remastered Arena

Alchemical Forest Lab

The forest provides a dryad with all she needs. Sometimes, these requests are more exotic than the norm, when a dryad wishes to unravel the mysteries of nature around her. Strange alchemies are at work here, upsetting the natural balance.

BattleCON: War of Indines Extended Arena

Blackspire Fortress Vaults

Even as the vaults of Blackspire swell with gold, the Mercenary King Gerard Matranga plots, elaborate devices to amass more wealth. In the catacombs beneath Blackspire, mercenaries train against captive prisoners, their fellow warriors, and whatever dark beasts crawl up from the depths.

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Arena

Baron Zane’s Chateau

The lavish estate looks over the vast plains, where warriors do battle in private duels for the entertainment of the baron’s guests. On the overlook, the guests make private wagers as to who will be the victor.


The fight takes a turn and spills up and onto the terrace, as the guests look on with excitement. Now, with a chance to protect their investments, the barons begin offering aid to their champions.

BattleCON: War of Indines Remastered Arena

Originally “Ring of Fortunes” in the original BattleCON: War of Indines.

Fortune Ring, The

Men and monsters gather to test their strength in the arena, casting their lives against one another in a final clash of glory or despair. The crowd always cheers for the underdog. Never give up!

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Arena


The Ancient Ruins are filled with a tense silence and caked by layers of dust. The ruins are filled with deadly traps which could prove to seal the fate of your opponent--if you can survive them yourself!

Ruin Collapse

As you pull the last switch, the ground beneath your feet begins to crumble--the entire city is coming to pieces and sinking beneath the surface, and there’s precious little time to escape!

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Arena

Jabatos Outpost

Rumors of a monstrous creature frighten the town, but all seems well as day breaks and the sun rises. Bounty hunters gather in the tavern for a drink and perhaps a brawl to pass the time as they await a chance to do their work.

Jabatos Streets

A hideous screech fills the air as a great crashing sound comes from the forest. A monster bursts from the trees, rampaging through town. As the waiting hunters step out into the streets, the realize they underestimated the rumors, and the option left to them is to escape!

BattleCON: War of Indines Extended Arena

Kor Karoli Rooftops

Chasing your rival to the rooftops of the city, you begin a deadly duel where a single misstep could be fatal.

BattleCON: War of Indines Extended Arena

Port Karoli

The winds lap at the waves near the rocky shores of the port. Leaping from boat to boat, you face your rival in a duel of dexterity and cunning that will require significant planning.

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Arena

Tandarosa Village

The nightly festival fights are just beginning, and you step forward to watch as the fighters are pushed into the center of a confined arena. As one match comes to a close, you find that you are standing a little too close to the center, and have been pushed onto the stage to fight in the upcoming duel!

Warriors’ Festival

Eager for a show of martial prowess, the townsfolk begin throwing various weapons into the arena. Catching each as it comes, you must make use of it that you can before another is thrown to you.

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Arena

Volton Industries

The industrial city of Volton is forever ablaze with fire and forge. The narrow catwalks overlooking the furnace are a perfect venue for battle.

Assembly Line

Hammers pound and gears crank as the assembly line shifts ever onward. You fall onto a conveyor belt laden with scrap, sent to be reclaimed by the massive blast furnace. As the heat grows, you realize there’s little time left before you join the flames as well.

Argent University (“The World of Indines”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

Argent University is the world's premiere school of science within Indines. Its six departments teach Sorcery, Divinity, Technomancy, Mysticism, Planar Studies, and Nature Magick—the six primary technologies that drive progress within Indines. Students of all races from all across the world travel to Relecour in order to be instructed by the world-class professors that teach there.

The Art of Argent (pg. 8) A Brief History of Argent

“I’ve stood atop the mountains of Willat, breathed the desert air of Sanghalim, and trudged through the wastes of Gesselheim. There’s little left in this world that I haven’t done or seen, yet still nowhere is dearer to me than where I first took root in this world.” - Exhufern Le Marigras, Dean of Natural Magick

Argent University is widely regarded as the most prestigious and respected school of magic in the known world. It was founded in the continent of Relecour a little under a thousand years ago, as a small school specializing in nature magic. After nearly a millennium of operation, the campus has become a household name in Indines and has added five new Departments.

The University has withstood the test of time by turning out the highest number of famous magicians of any school in the world. Graduates are consistently known to be masters of their respective arts, and are able to easily find prestigious positions after their graduation. The University makes absolutely certain that all its graduates are able to uphold this Reputation.

Argent itself is the size of a small town, about a square kilometer in area. It is supported by the city of Kor Karoli, where many students and professors live off campus, as well as do their shopping and recreation. Kor Karoli, bolstered by the popularity of the University and flooded with highly skilled graduates, has become a metropolis and is an international center for research, trade, and political decisions.

Located along the edge of Karoli Bay, the University plays host to a verdant landscape of forests, streams, and mountains. The campus attempts to integrate the landscape into its design when possible, creating an atmosphere of tame naturalness that pervades the place.

The Art of Argent (pg. 12)

In terms of student personality, the students of the Sorcery department are most like Political Science majors or artists in a typical university. Sorcery is the magic of the spirit, the ‘Source’ in this case being the caster’s own force of will. This means that most Sorcerers, to be apt at their art, are natural leaders with strong personalities.

The Art of Argent (pg. 14)

Argent’s Radio scene is alive and vibrant due to the work of students like dual Sorcery-Technomancy major Viona Larone, who collect music and news from students and artists alike and broadcast them over campus. The technology that creates and receives radio signals was originally based on Sorcery, but is more and more becoming a discipline of Technomancers.

The Art of Argent (pg. 26)

Students in the department of Natural Magick is organized into houses, which operate much like fraternities or sororities in typical universities. Students in the same house are tasked with looking out for one another, and houses are disciplined and praised collectively by the department. Sporting events are often organized by house as well.

The Art of Argent (pg. 29)

Undertaking, or “Death Magic” is one of the disciplines that can be studied in Argent’s Department of Natural Magick. It encompasses the study of disease, insects, and poisons, and teaches students how to control and purify these forces. Undertakers are historically responsible for hunting down unnatural creatures and destroying them, and are particularly suited to fighting the outsiders and aberrant monsters who sometimes appear in Indines.

The Art of Argent (pg. 38)

The Planar Studies department is based on a typical math department in a real university. Students in this department spend most of their time studying and are generally regarded by other students as excessively brainy.

The Art of Argent (pg. 46)

Argent’s debate team is made up of students with hopeful futures in national politics. The team is headed by Cin Atalar, whose conversational nature, sharp wit, and calm logic have made him popular with students and staff.

The Art of Argent (pg. 47)

Like all schools, Argent has groups of students that form together into clubs and cliques. While most are harmless and even integral to the university’s student life, there are always a few that seem to exist only to cause trouble. The Technomancy department is well known for one such group of delinquents, the Mad Manticores, who build excessively loud and impractical vehicles called ‘choppers’, which they ride around campus at all hours of the day and night. While not too much a nuisance to the other departments, they seem to always be finding themselves on the wrong side of the Divinity Department, mainly to due to disrupting their solemn ceremonies and rituals with loud music and noise.

BattleCON Online (Kallistar Flarechild [Duelling Club Kallistar], “Abilities”)*

Argent’s dueling club is a popular extracurricular activity. Only three casualities last year!

The Art of Argent (pg. 50)

One of the things we wanted to capture in Argent, and particularly in the Summer Break expansion, is that this is a world where people lead semi-ordinary lives as well. It’s not unthinkable that professors and students might visit the beach, or enjoy simple pleasures like a morning coffee or an event in the student union.

The Art of Argent (pg. 52)

Argent is situated in the middle of a large port town called Kor Karoli. The city is a popular destination for merchants and tourists, and is one of the great trade centers of Indines. Students of Argent can often be found on shores just north of the city outskirts during the summer months, where a dip in the eastern oceans can be just the thing to relieve tensions after exams.

The Art of Argent (pg. 55)


Students attending Argent University have the opportunity to join one of the many guilds on campus. These Guilds are of a wide variety, ranging from the peaceful “Guild of the Inner Light”, a Divinity Guild focus on meditation and the accumulation of mana, to the opportunistic “Guild of Illusion”, a Sorcery guild whose members often use their trade to scam vast quantities of gold from nearby merchants in Kor Karoli. No matter what a student’s focus or desire, they will find an outlet for it at Argent University.

The Art of Argent (pg. 55) Student Stores

The Student Store is entirely operated by enterprising students, mostly artificers from the department of Technomancy. The Auditors and Honor Council of Argent have often debated the dangers of letting potentially dangerous items (created by amateurs no less) into circulation around the school, but professors are more worried about the possibility of a black market of even less reliable artifacts showing up on their campus.

The Art of Argent (pg. 58)


The lands around Argent are accessible by carriage and rail, and host a vast variety of adventures, from Draconic ruins to unexplored forests. Mercenaries and adventuring parties are always looking for mages to join them on their excursions, and students have no trouble finding help on their adventures, or even forming bands amongst themselves to complete research projects and assignments.

The Art of Argent (pg. 58)


The Kingdom of Jeffreys graciously donated most of the funding to build Argent’s Student Library. Students have open access to the entire library as the most dangerous tomes are kept in the Vault and underground Research Archives instead. Open access does not translate to freedom, however. Most Argent Librarians are notoriously strict, irritable, and snobbish, but if you tiptoe around them and show them due respect, they can be a great resource and extremely helpful.

BattleCON: War of Indines Remastered Arena

Originally “Argent University Library” in the original BattleCON: War of Indines. University Library

Since ancient times, the scholars of the university have collected the ancient books and buried them deep with the labyrinth of the university library. Loose magical energies pervade the area around these old tomes, creating instability and chaos.

The Art of Argent (pg. 60)


The site of Argent’s construction is on top of an ancient and mystical catacomb system. This system was built during the rule of the Draconic Empire, first as a place to free people from oppression, and later as an underground city. It became a necropolis only when discovered and razed by the dragons. No one is sure how deep the catacombs go beneath the surface, but the magic of so many souls must be in part responsible for the ease with which Mystics on campus can contact spirits.

BattleCON: War of Indines Extended Arena Barren Catacombs

Far beneath the grounds of the University, the winding halls of the crypts play host to the bodies of those long past. Can you find your way out or will the crypt’s denizens be welcoming another into their already extended family?

The Art of Argent (pg. 60)


Laboratories like this one can be found throughout the department of Technomancy’s main building, Rushe Hall. Using recent technology, the Technomancers are able to utilize a person’s natural magical aptitudes and fashion enchantments and items that are specifically tailored to their abilities. For example, a Sorcery student who avails the services of the Technomancers might find himself in possession of an enchantment or item that would allow them to vanquish his enemies in fire.

The Art of Argent (pg. 63)


Built to withstand almost any conceivable attack, magical or otherwise, the Vault houses an immense variety of mighty artifacts. Only the Imperial Reliquary in Sanghalim houses more treasures than Argent’s Vault. The penalty of being caught within the Vault or attempting to breach its door is a binding curse that compels students to roam the world until they return with seven treasures of greater value than the one they stole.

The Art of Argent (pg. 63)


The Chapel, sometimes referred to as “The Holy Chapel” or “The Light”, was built by the priests of Sanghalim many centuries ago. Although its primary function is to serve as an on-campus place of worship, Divinity students spend a lot of time studying within its walls as it tends to be the best place to learn that particular school of magic. Paladins from all over Indines, especially Sanghalim, also make pilgrimage to the Holy Chapel to seek training and divine favor.

The Art of Argent (pg. 64)

Golem Lab

Based on the ancient designs acquired from the remnants of the destroyed golems in the gods’ war against the Draconic Empire, the Tinkerers in the Golem Lab are able to create animated machines not seen for a millennium. First designed to fight dragons in an ancient war, the every one of these machines possesses a mystical Golem Core, which is said to be a piece of the body of the Machine God, Mak’terix. The core gives them life, sentience, and purpose, where most constructs would only have programming.

The Art of Argent (pg. 64)

Great Hall

The Sorcery Department is tasked with keeping “The Radiance” burning in the great hall at all times. More than a mere fire in a large fireplace, the Radiance is the epicenter of the University. It gives the students a place to congregate during mealtimes, and gives them physical warmth during the winter months.

It has been said that this fire has been burning continuously since the university’s inception, and that the university will fall if it ever goes out, but this is probably just an urban legend…

The Art of Argent (pg. 72)

The Consortium Board

Argent’s Board of Trustees is shrouded in mystery. The only link between the trustees and the University’s students and faculty is the Chancellor, and he isn’t talking.

Most students imagine that the board is just a group of wealthy, nameless barons that rule over Relecour and the surrounding areas. A few others believe that they are a collection of powerful archmages that are secretly guiding the fate of the whole world. This second group of students is usually regarded as conspiracy theorists. A third group of students don’t believe the board exists at all, and that it is an illusion the chancellors use to derive their power or justify seemingly arbitrary decisions.

Either way, information about the boards, their meetings, and the like, are extremely secret. The board meets in Loraby Hall’s Board Room once each month, though they arrive and depart secretly through teleportation. The board room is protected from any possible means of , invasion, or prying, which serves to further the mystery behind its existence.

The Art of Argent (pg. 75)

Famous alumni like Ainos Lockeheart and Hepzibah Culotre are often summoned to help guide the university. The hope of the board is that their decisions will drive the university towards providing more of the attributes that made them great. The fame or infamy of the individuals invited is rarely questioned - only their raw ability and the measure of their influence is considered when electing the board.

The Art of Argent (pg. 78)

The barons of Relecour control the land around Argent through their wealth and private armies. They exert considerable influence on the operation of the university. Many of them are also Alumni, such as Rufus Zane, known colloquially as the ‘Sorcerer Baron’.

The Art of Argent (pg. 80)

Influential and well-connected individuals across Indines often manage to involve themselves in the affairs of Argent, driving the university, and thus the next generation of mages, towards their own ends. Whether for good or ill, the Consortium Boards have far-reaching consequences for the whole world.

Argent: ‘Mancers of the University (pg. 3)

The department of Technomancy focuses on creating devices that work on the principles of science, guided and bent where necessary by magic. Its students are skilled in their pursuit of knowledge and endlessly creative in the ways they exploit that knowledge to create new spells and devices.

Argent: ‘Mancers of the University (“Bell Tower Renovation”, pg. 6)

Argent’s new Bell Tower is a masterwork of Technology that changes tones daily and provides new musical arrangements for students to enjoy between classes.

BattleCON: War of Indines Extended Arena

Archmage Kimbhe’s Atelier

It seems you were not the only one seeking the power of the Archmage’s Staff. As you for the prize, your rival steps in to cut you off. With your eyes locked on the prize, you begin a high-power duel to claim the staff for yourself.


Also known as “The Theocracy of Sanghalim”. Also contains the island of Condao. (“Backstory”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

A theocracy led by the Grand Kallimerina, the western desert land of Sanghalim is populated by rugged frontiersmen and a ruled by a rigid religious order that serves the goddess of life and water with unwavering and sometimes fanatical devotion.

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 3) and BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Kickstarter (Update #7)

Sanghalim is a vast desert nation that covers most of the western side of the continent of Indines. Ruled over by a divinely selected empress who serves as an avatar of Sanghalia, the goddess of Water, the allegiance of citizens to the nation is largely religious rather than political. Sanghalim is a rugged and lawless place, so personal honor and strength are valued highly, and outsiders are not easily trusted.

Bands of tropical islands branch off of the southern coast of the nation, which also shares a large border with Gesselheim. This border is a constant source of contention, as Sanghalese paladins are constantly vigilant against all manner of dark creatures and monstrosities wandering out the southern wastelands in search of food.

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Kickstarter (Update #7)

Shekhtur and Joal are Sanghalese. From War of Indines, Lixis, Tatsumi, Seth, and Vanaah are Sanghalese.

BattleCON: War of Indines Extended Arena

Listed as being in the “Sanghalim Tropics”.


Waves rise and fall upon the shore, making footing unstable upon the sandy beach. The waves seem to become more intense, tearing away at the coast as your battle intensifies.

Up From the Depths

With a terrific cry, a massive creature rises up from the depths near the shore. Awakened by your battle, the ancient guardian of the village readies itself to restore peace--by destroying you both!

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Arena

Path to the Temple

Before you and up the hill, an ominous temple stands, the way guided by strange markers beaing inscrutable instructions. The stairs wind towards the temple at impossible angles, leading you onward like some kind of puzzle. No matter how far you walk, the temple maintains its distance.

Temple of the Unseen

The ritual is complete and now you stand atop the temple, looking out at a blighted landscape completely different to what you saw approaching the temple. Is this some sort of alternate reality? One of the monks approaches you, offering a reward of power should you choose to join them.


Also known as “The Magocracy of Willat”. (“Backstory”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

The northern elves of the Willati mountains mastered the great secrets of Technomagick long ago, and have used them to create wonders of science and art. Because of the small size of Willat, the nation is able to rapidly update its infrastructures and architectures, allowing scientific advances to progress much faster than in the other nations. In Willat, technomagickal ability is the determining factor for social status. The Magisters of Willat are each the most brilliant scientists of their age.

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 3) and BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Kickstarter (Update #7)

Secluded in the northern mountains of the continent, the tiny, frigid land of Willat has recently risen to prominence due to its technological mastery. Populated primarily by Elvan, Willat is a postmodern land of technology and convenience, where even commoners live in relative affluence.

All Willati citizens are capable of magic in some degree. The Magocracy is run by the thirteen most powerful and accomplished mages in the nation. Those who are unable to use magic are often relegated to menial labor jobs, such as public security and civil service, neither of which pays well or offers much room for advancement in Willat.

The Magisters of Willat are shadowy figures of disparate goals and ideals. Rarely unified, they drive the nation in different directions, each plotting secret conspiracies against the other to eliminate their competition and seize power.

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Kickstarter (Update #7)

In Devastation, Clinhyde and Aria both originate in Willat. In War of Indines, Kehrolyn, Rukyuk, and Cadenza were all born or created in this nation. Rukyuk is one of those unfortunate citizens unable to use magic, despite his other considerable talents, and thus prefers to spend as much time abroad as possible.

BattleCON: War of Indines Extended Arena

Listed as “Below District D”.

Testing Chamber

Hidden deep away in the depths of a mountainside, this mysterious research facility studies the stranger powers of the subjects it captures, pitting them against one another in combat in hopes of understanding and replicating these abilities for more sinister purposes.

BattleCON: War of Indines Remastered Arena

Originally “Warmein: The Second Sun” in the original BattleCON: War of Indines. Owned by Bors Vilnar.

Warmein: Second Sun

Gears grind and engines scream as the Second Sun rises of the horizon. This massive airship looks over the World of Indines as a marvel of technology, as well as a threat of the power the Magisters command. A fall from the many decks of this airship could prove deadly.

BattleCON: War of Indines Remastered Arena

Originally “Thaumic Reactor Core” in the original BattleCON: War of Indines. Reactor Core

The Thaumic Reactor Core is the heart of the Second Sun, and its unstable energy keeps the great city-sized platform aloft in the sky. Arcs of loose power scatter across the maintenance bridges that leader down the core’s heart.


Also known as the “The Lost Continent of Amalao”. The capital city of Amalao is Czanthine.

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 4) and BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Kickstarter (Update #7)

On the day the Dragon King fell, the people of Amalao decided to cut all ties with the mainland of Indines, and their druids shrouded the land in an eternal mist. It was not to be seen again for a thousand years. This fabled land of dryads, beast men, and elementals remained lost and forgotten to time.

Now the lost continent of Amalao has reemerged back into connection with the mainland of Indines. A tiny bridge of land connects the recessed continent to their mainland neighbors, and the druids of the land raise and lower this bridge daily as official policy changes.

Amalao is the only nation of Indines to possess a democratic government. Their various tribes each send a representative to counsel to decide on laws and policy within the nation. The parties within Amalao are extremist and often corrupt, each seeking its own advancement and security at the expense of accomplishing any real governing. Like their ancestors, many of the people of Amalao still worship the ancient dragons, and desire to see a restoration of the draconic empire of ancient times.

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Kickstarter (Update #7)

Marmelee, Karin, and Jager are all from Amalao.

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Arena

Czanthine City

Czanthine City is a forest paradise, filled with ancient trees grown to form communal homes and public buildings within the great forest. All the myriad forest creatures look on as battle breaks loose on the streets of their normally tranquil city among their fonts of natural magic.

Into the Treetops

The fonts of elemental power rumble in the streets and explode in a gush of tremendous force, sending you up into the treetops. The branches beneath your feet seem sturdy enough to stand on, but a sturdy blow will knock them down, and a fall from this height could prove deadly.

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Arena

Road to Amalao

Storms gather overhead as you approach the narrow bridge of land raised by the Druids of Amalao. A thousand years cut off from civilization, what wonders could lie across this bridge? As you step onto the bridge, you see a shadowy figure on the far side of the area stand to challenge your crossing.

Into the Maelstrom

You plunge into the icy waters as the storm crashes once again in the distance. The shoals froth and burst as powerful currents slam against them. Now you find yourself at the mercy of the tides.

BattleCON: War of Indines Extended Arena

Senate Hearing Chamber

While normally reserved for debates of word alone, the senate floor sometimes plays host to duels of honor and spectacles of combat. When words prove too weak to answer the questions of government, leaders take to the floor the resolve their quarrels, often with help or intervention from their peers.


Also known as the “The Unexplored Northern Territories”.

From the World of Indines wikia page “Northlands”, but sourced originally from an internal Level 99 Lorebook.

In the far north, beyond Willat, is a land so cold that animals and plants cannot live there. It is a landscape carved from the ice by the wind, changing daily as storms carve new formations into the terrain. Beyond this northern wasteland is a place where the ice and snow give rise to new kinds of life. Elementals populate cities carved from snow, and plants and animals made of ice, stone, and magic live in harmony with a natural world that operates according to different principles than flesh and blood.

BattleCON: War of Indines Extended Arena

Listed as being upon the “Plateau of Bex”.

Frozen Northern Palace

This lone fortress of ice watches ominously over the village below. None have ventured into or out of its depths in centuries, and it is rumored that any who seek the treasures lost within it are trapped forever in ice. Underlands

From the World of Indines wikia page “Underland”, but sourced originally from an internal Level 99 Lorebook.

Beneath the surface of Indines, there is a vast underworld, consisting of caverns that stretch downward ever deeper. Each strata of the underland plays host to ever more bizarre creatures and ever stranger natural phenomena. Giants and monsters live beneath the surface of the earth, and humanoid creatures, the Underlanders, have set up a vast metropolis there to defend themselves against these subterranean horrors.

Independent States

The Protectorate Ahemusei

See Khadath Ahemusei.

The Crystal City of Jeltz

Seen on the Indines map but otherwise undetailed.

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Arena

Adjenna’s Tower

The tower of crystal juts up from the earth like a great scar upon the sky, casting a brilliant reflection upon the surrounding lands. Perched upon its parapets are soldiers of glass--victims of the Dragon Queen. You step into the ominous tower, and the platform below you starts to rise by an unseen power.

The Pinnacle

The rising platform stops and you now stand high atop the tower, with the lights of the world shimmering below and the stars glittering above. A curious magic starts to take hold, and you find crystal dust begin to settle upon your skin...

The Independent State of Volton

Seen on the Indines map but otherwise undetailed.



See Abdel Ieyes (Archmage of Sanghalim) and Uleyle Kimbhe (Archmage of Relecour). Former archmages include Calval (deceased), Forcian DeMarq (Archmage of Amalao, corrupted), Rexan (deceased, post-resurrection archmage status unclear), and Tulvar Iridice (Archmage of Relecour, deceased).

The Art of Argent (pg. 77)

The archmages are responsible for keeping tabs on the development of magic in their respective countries. Together, they form a council that curbs the development of dangerous magics and encourages the expansion of civilization. This is how it’s supposed to be, anyway. Most have their own agendas or dangerous research, but who to keep tabs on the most dangerous magics in the world than each other?

Argent University

Divided into five departments: Divinity, Mysticism, Natural Magick, Planar Studies, and Sorcery. Formerly headed by the chancellor Nostros Calahaan, and now led by the new chancellor, Riflam Lenshear. Faculty unaffiliated with any department include Luna Van Kassel (Dean of Students), Melinda Marsellis (Chancellor's Secretary), and Monad Riverime (University Auditor). Guest faculty unaffiliated with any department includes Toltan the Bard (Visiting Archaeologist). Students that are either unaffiliated or whose department is unknown include Jion Erion and White Ash.

Department of Divinity

The dean of the department is Mikhail Isen, and the vice dean is Rheye Cal. Known faculty includes Andrus Dochartaigh (Associate Professor of Protection), Kas Karrowary (Professor of Spiritualism), Kavri Shi Shorec (Divinity Department Receptionist), Salem Silver (Professor of Exorcism), and Tanis Trilives (University Drama Troupe Director). Irini Grenhart is a known student, and Cindra Flama is a department member with an unclear position (“Vice Dean’s Ward”).

Department of Mysticism

The dean of the department is Lukas Wyhte Cariolis, and the vice dean is Byron Krane. Known faculty includes Alumis (Professor of Umbramancy), Jesca Renetton (Curriculum Planner), and Xenitia Zook (Infirmary Overseer). Known students include Hai of Noirwood, Jance Eylon, Jasper Haekel, Lasandra Machan, and Lucca Turlotte.

Department of Natural Magick

The dean of the department is Exhufern Le Marigras, and the vice dean is Andros DuValt. Known faculty includes Jaimes Kalin (Professor of Druidism), Mannheim Wildern (Director of Development), Rennel Pedrigor (University Groundskeeper), and Yinsei Arlington (Games Coordinator). Known students include Hikaru Sorayama, Irion Juiz, and Pendros Schalla. Trias Blackwind is an alumnus of this department and Natural Magick. Riflam Lenshear was previously associated with this department, but changed his department to Technomancy prior to becoming chancellor.

Department of Planar Studies

The dean of the department is Lavanina, and the vice dean is Batrov Wargrave. Known faculty includes Adelaide Chivers (Professor of Correspondence), Raffique Van Anzel (Professor of Dimensional Studies), Welsie Acktern (Professor of Chronomancy), and Xal Ezra (Senior Researcher). Known students include Mindra Dirac, Rixia Van Sorrel, and Wilhelm Barts. Khadath Ahemusei is an alumnus of this department.

Department of Sorcery

The dean of the department is Larimore Burman, and the vice dean is Allys Mehrmus. Known faculty includes Lynssara Yuuno (Vice Chair of Applied Sorcery), Quan Gon Kall (Professor of Enchantment), Rikhi Kanhamme (Head of Applied Sorcery), and Vellimoor Cantz (Chief Librarian). Known students include Arec Russel Zane, Kallistar Flarechild, Sami Rekar, and Viona Larone. Eloi Claus is a summer intern with this department. Trias Blackwind is an alumnus of this department and Natural Magick. Rikhi Kanhamme has been referred to as a Vice Dean in this department; it’s unclear if this is in error, or if she was previously the Vice Dean before Allys.

Department of Technomancy

The acting dean of the department is Sophica Sentavra, and the vice dean is unknown (if there is any). Known faculty includes Rokan (Professor of Mechanics) and Tegusgan (University Chef). Guest faculty includes Lixis Ran Kanda (Visiting Alchemy Lecturer) and Runika Zenanen (Renowned Artificer). Known students include Cin Atalar, Garek Teslas, and Orman Kasper. Riflam Lenshear was previously faculty with this department (as Admissions Coordinator) prior to becoming the new chancellor.

Board of Trustees

Also known as The Consortium Board, the membership of this group is not strictly defined. It may or may not include any of the following individuals: Abarene Unt Hallicris, Abdel Ieyes, Adjenna Callista, Ainos Lockehart, Amon Alcela, Cairngort Rexan, Candide Malephaise, Colith Midlun, Eustace, Gerard Matranga, Hepzibah Culotre, Jeris Ieyes, Luna Van Kassel, Marmelee Greyheart, Melinda Marsellis, Rufus Zane, Tatsumi Nuoc, or Welsie Acktern (magister). Order of the Silver Shield

Argent University’s security force. Members include Jion Erjon and Monad Riverime.

Blackspire Company

A warmongering mercenary company led by Gerard Matranga. Other members include Antine Frass (“Bookie”), Devah Danah (“Brawler”), Disposable Dave (“Lackey”), Elgala Richiese (“Mage”), Gil Gorgeous (“Gunslinger”), Milton Barts (“Trebuchet”), and Ven Cresshim (“Heavy Knight”). Hepzibah Culotre was formerly a member. See Gerard Matranga for further details.

Champions of Indines

A heroic mercenary company founded by Hikaru Sorayama and Rukyuk Amberdeen. Other members include Eligor Larington and Kehrolyn Ross. See the entries for Hikaru Sorayama and Rukyuk Amberdeen for further details.

Four Heroes

The “Heroes” that slew Cairngort Rexan during the Centennial Wars. See Avenlia of Jeffreys, Delgado of Sanghalim, Luc Von Gott of Willat, and Servi of Relecour. Luc is the only known surviving member.

Division 13

The special forces of Willat. Includes Alice Zero, Absicca One, Oriax Two, Thessala Three, Mnemette Four, Ottavia Six, ∅ Seven, Clinhyde Eight, Himel Nine, Lastar Ten, and Burgundy Twelve. A character named “Solomus Thirteen” is noted on the Division 13 page on the Indines wikia but their existence does not seem to be reflected by any other available source.

Level Cap Podcast (Episode 2, “Character of the Week”)

Marco: "Did you just confirm Illuminati for BattleCON?"

Brad: "I think we confirmed what everybody knew about Division 13, that they're shadowy and nobody really knows what they're all about."

Marco: "Is Division 13 in any way kinda like Organization 13 from Kingdom Hearts?"

Brad: "Maybe? Except instead of, you know, weird plot holes as their power source, they use machines."

Fabio: "And their weapons are more practical looking?"

Brad: "Yeah, the weapons are a little more practical looking."

Fabio: "Axel, what the heck do you have in your hands? Chakrams?"

Brad: "But other than that, pretty much, Division 13's got a little bit of it going on there. Well, I'll talk about Division 13 in later talks, but there's a lot of cool lore for them too.”

From the Nokodraws Twitch stream on January 18th, 2018

Arbco: Also, optional question: Solomus Thirteen, is that a character that exists? Is Division 13 really just thirteen members?

Gophermanx: it's 14 iirc

Level99games: That's still unclear

Gophermanx: I thought I remembered you saying there were 14 at some point arbco: Ah, okay. I saw it mentioned on the wikia and was like "Wait, where did they get Solomus from?"

Level99games: Division 13 is a black ops unit, so they don't have a ton of members. They're really just a catch all for the magister's pet projects

Imperial Council

Seven that assist the Divine Oracle of Sanghalim with the duties of rule. See Seth Cremmul.

Jeffrian Royal College

The college that Magdelina Larington studied at. Kallistar Flarechild and Vanaah Kalmor also studied there for some time as exchange students. This may contradict their time at the Sanghalese Imperial College.

Kerrigan Corporation

A Willati company that manufactures arms. See Rukyuk Amberdeen.


The Elite Royal Guard of Gesselheim - Baenvier Marlgrove and Regicide Heketch are members. A Cadenza unit is likely associated with them after its revival as Cadenza Necrosis.


Thirteen Magisters form the High Council of Willat, the ruling body of that nation. Known members include Bors Vilnar, Jeris Ieyes, Serafina Vanedran, and one instance of Welsie Acktern. Kilgrem was a magister prior to his death.


An order of "dimensional knights" as noted below. Grand Marshal Kaitlyn Van Sorrel leads the organization, succeeding the previous Grand Marshal Horace Ans-Van. Their agents have included ARIA, Arret Draamivar, Irialandradaymorella, Khadath Ahemusei, Hikaru Sorayama, Luc Von Gott (a founding member), Marigold, and an instance of Welsie Acktern. Iaxus the Shattered (a founding member) is effectively a mentor and ally, but is not presently an official member. Zaamassal Kett was a member prior to becoming lost amongst the planes. The Planestalkers are a successor organization to the now-defunct Planebinders.

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Kickstarter (Update #13)

Who Are the Planestalkers?

For those who are new to the backstory, Kaitlyn is the leader of the Planestalkers, a paramilitary organization that patrols the boundaries between different dimensions adjacent to Indines. The group is part explorers and part knights.

While they are technically part of the military of a single country, Jeffreys, the Planestalkers accept recruits and funding (and never get enough of either) from all the nations of Indines. Their work helps to keep all the different nations safe.


See Amon Elcela, César Grist, and Endrbyt.

Sanghalese Imperial College

The college that Vanaah Kalmor studied at. Kallistar Flarechild and Magdelina Larington also studied there for some time as exchange students. This may contradict their time at the Jeffrian Royal College.

Seven Sisters

“Princesses of Death” that carry seven pieces of Daemon King Maelphaise’s spirit and take his name as their surname (as they are not necessarily literal sisters). Members include Ariel Malephaise (bearing the Right Claw of Malephaise), Candide Malephaise (Voice of Malephaise), Dolores Malephaise (Wings of Malephase), Framboise Malephaise (Eye of Malephaise), Lucida Malephaise (Jaws of Malephaise), Nabatina Malephase (Crown of Malephaise), and Sera Malephaise (Heart of Malephaise). For the bearer of the Left Claw of Malephaise, see Shektur Lenmorre.

Sun Chaser’s Guild

An explorer’s company. Hikaru Sorayama is a member. Planes


The space between the known planes.

BattleCON: War of Indines Extended Arena

Starship Bow

Crafts for traveling between worlds are rare. This one, built by Runika Zenanen and Luc Von Gott, is used by the Planestalkers to explore distant parallel planes and better understand their inhabitants. Though it is intended for missions of peace, it is equipped to deal with the many threats that hunt between the planes.

The Afterworld

The destination of the souls of the deceased. Its gate is guarded by the Seven Sisters.

The Celestial Plane

Home to creatures fed by the dreams and faith of Indines, including the Virians and their unknown masters.

The Dark World (“Backstory”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

A place of nightmares that sits just beyond the edge of Indines, the Dark World is filled with nightmarish creatures called Rasps that invade the world through dreams and prey upon the fears of the people of Indines. Rasps delight in causing fright and despair, but few of them have an instinct to kill.

The Dreamscape

See Cherri Seneca for further details.

BattleCON: War of Indines Remastered Arena

Dreamscape Madness

Space and time twist and buckle in this strange land of imagination or restraint. The reality warping power of this psuedo-plane distorts a fighter’s wishes into truth.

The Minus World (“The World of Indines”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

Doppelgangers exist very close to the point where the universe ends, in the twisted and dying realm of the Minus World. They watch individuals through mirrors and learn to imitate them, always dreaming of becoming 'real' and taking the place of their originals, who they admire greatly.

The Plane of Chaos (“The World of Indines”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

Near the point where the universe begins, the Plane of Chaos exists. This dimension is filled with formative energy of unbridled potential. Alien entities of great power and pure whim, the Chaon, journey from their home here between the planes, exploring and conquering as the fancy takes them.

The Prime World

One term for the plane that contains Indines itself.


∅ Seven Featured as a fighter in BattleCON Online and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 5.

BattleCON Titles: None Unique Ability: Empath Alternate Abilities: Chimera Entity Seven (BattleCON Online premium costume) Styles (starting): Cold, Detached, Remote, Reserved, Undaunted Styles (upgraded): Excited, Friendly, Heated, Sympathetic, Terrified Unique Base: Absorption Finishers: Reciprocate, With Feeling

Pixel Tactics Unit: Special Weapons and Templates Hero: Placeholder

BattleCON Online Kickstarter (Update #8)

Our final main stretch goal for the project is Seven, a doppelganger who absorbs feelings and emotions and uses them to empower her attacks (plus, she's super-creepy D:).

BattleCON Online (Seven [Basic Seven], “Abilities”)

Dopplegangers were not the only strange creatures to emerge from the twisted realms of the Minus World. Despite that it’s not yet clear what Seven is, the magisters of Willat saw in her the potential for a weapon.

BattleCON Online (Seven [Chimera Entity Seven], “Abilities”)

Deep within her core, Seven could feel all the missing pieces of the world fighting to be reborn. She couldn’t hold back the tide any longer...

From the Nokodraws Twitch stream on January 18th, 2018 mollymetroid: So the Indines wiki has very little data on ø Seven beyond that she exists mollymetroid: I want to know more about this little pale doppelganger child

Level99games: She's not really a doppelganger–she's just from the same plane

Level99games: There are all kinds of things in the various worlds


● "A-O-K" "Step step step." "Come here!" "Is... is it over?" "Leave me alone!" "Mov-ing." "Oooh, what's that?" "Oooooh." "This will surely get them good." "Wow, what a great idea." "Yay." (Voice lines from BattleCON Online*)

Aaron Ross Featured as a background character in BattleCON: War of Indines.

Deceased. See Malandrax Mecchi for his . (“Backstory”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

The now-deceased former colleague of Magister Bors Vilnar. Aaron created Kehrolyn using the secrets to immortality and sustained evolution that he and Lixis discovered over many years of work.

Abarene Unt Hallicris Featured as a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics DX, and a voter in Argent: the Consortium.

Striker Support: Diabolic Tares Ante: Debilitating Poison Boost: Thorn Guard

Pixel Tactics Unit: Coercive Conscription Hero Class: Senator

Argent Department: Consortium Position: Amalao Senate Majority Whip

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 102)

Art shows various hiding places for containers.

Ampules concealed beneath leaf sleeves Vials concealed beneath skirt vines


● "You won't notice a thing." (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “The people of Amalao desire a Chancellor who is a friend to all races, species, and kinds.” (Argent: the Consortium, “Most Consumables”)

Abdel Ieyes, St. Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics DX and a voter in Argent: the Consortium.

Misspelled as ”Iyes” in Argent: the Consortium.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Apothiest Attack Force Hero Class: White Mage

Argent Department: Consortium Position: Archmage of Sanghalim


● “Divine Favor rests with those who build their own path to the gods.” (Argent: the Consortium, “Most Divinity”)

Absicca One

Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 5.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Biological Warfare Regiment Hero: Virus

ADAM Featured as a BattleQUEST boss in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 5.

BattleCON Attacks: Soul Storm, Megaton Punch, Hydraulic Lance, Rocket Charge, Lance Pin, Shockfist Ability: Oppressive

Pixel Tactics Unit: Sun Temple Regiment Hero: Giant

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 13)

In the heart of the ancient temple, the remains of the Machine God have given rise to an autonomous golem, cobbled and refined from scrap and treasure.

Adelaide Chivers Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics: Freelancers and a supporter in Argent: the Consortium.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Disjunction Adjuct Hero Class: Relativist

Argent Department: Planar Studies Position: Professor of Correspondence

Adjenna Callista Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 1, and a voter in Argent: the Consortium.

From Amalao (The Art of BattleCON, pg. 115).

BattleCON Titles: The Dragon Empress, The Dragon Queen Unique Ability: Crystal Gaze Alternate Abilities: A Soul of Stone (“A Fallen Empress”, Alternate), Thousand-Yard Stare (EX), Crystallization (Almighty), Statues Only a Mother Could Love (Mother’s Day promo) Styles: Alluring, Arresting, Beckoning, Irresistible, Pacifying Unique Base: Gaze Finishers: Basilisk Gaze, Fossilize

Striker Support: Basilisk Gaze Ante: Ensorcelling Gaze Boost: Entrancing Whisper

Pixel Tactics Unit: Petrified Legion Hero: Dragon Mage

Argent Department: Consortium Position: The “Crystal Witch”

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 43) and BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Character Introductions (Kickstarter Update #7)

A millennium ago, the Draconic Empire ruled over all of Indines. The Dragons were mighty sorcerers who valued power above all else, and enslaved the lesser races of the world.

In a great battle against the gods of humanity, the most powerful dragon, Greyheart, was defeated and sealed away in a great ruin. His demise signaled the collapse of the tyrannical empire and the beginning of a new era of mutual rule by the races of Indines.

Most of the dragons went into seclusion, isolating themselves from a world that had learned to hate them. The second most powerful of their lot, Adjenna, the Dragon Queen, fled into isolation in a great crystal tower, searching for a way to release her husband Greyheart and restore their empire.

Now, as the thousandth eve of his imprisonment looms close, Adjenna has found a way to break the seal and release Greyheart once more upon the world.


● “The age of our empire is at hand once again!” (Devastation of Indines Rulebook, pg. 54) ● “Come closer. Look into my eyes.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Basilisk Gaze”) ● “Don’t resist. This will be over soon.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Fossilize”) ● "So another one wants to join my collection?” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● "Look down below, Marmelee. One your father is freed, everything you see will be yours.” (The Art of BattleCON, pg. 42) ● “Power is the surest means to itself.” (Argent: the Consortium, “Most Mana”)

Ainos Lockehart Featured as a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 4, and as a voter in Argent: the Consortium.

Argent alumni.

Striker Support: Empathic Flood Ante: Stolidity Boost: Break the Chains

Pixel Tactics Unit: Zen Master Force Hero: Ascetic

Argent Department: Consortium Position: Professor Emeritus


● "Let your emotions flow and become your strength.” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “We must teach our students to stand tall against all the trials and perils of the world.” (Argent: the Consortium, “Most Intelligence”)

Alexian XXXVII, King Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines and BattleCON Online, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 3.

BattleCON Titles: All Hail the King, Dynastic King of Jefferies Unique Ability: Chivalry Alternate Versions: Seize the Advantage (“Master Tactician”, alternate), Chivalry’s Reward (EX), Kingly Demeanor (almighty), Camber Raul (BattleCON Online premium costume) Styles: Gestalt, Mighty, Regal, Stalwart, Steeled Unique Base: Divider Finishers: Hail to the King, Empire Divider

Striker Support: Kingmaker Ante: Battlefield Boost: Might of Kings

Pixel Tactics Unit: Kings of Steel Hero: General

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 68) and BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Character Introductions (Kickstarter Update #7)

Alexian is the thirty-seventh king of Jeffreys, and successor to the world's oldest kingdom. The Jeffrian Kings are said to be descended from giants, and Alexian stands head and shoulders over every man in his kingdom, reinforcing that legend. His ancestors are renowned heroes of legend, but Alexian himself is a peacetime king, and has led his nation in the prosperous golden age that is now coming to an end.

With Gessleheim's overlord resurrected and the threat of interplanar invasion standing at his door, the aging King Alexian has taken up arms to rally his people and lead them in battle against what he sees as an inevitable invasion from either the South or the Outside.

Like his forefathers, Alexian hopes to die a glorious death in a heroic battle, perhaps carving his own legend by destroying Overlord Rexan yet again.

BattleCON Online (Alexian XXXVII [Base Alexian], “Abilities”)

The thirty-seventh king of Jeffreys, Alexian is said to be descended from the ancient giants. Though a king in peacetime, he foresees a shadow of war growing in the nations around him.


● “We are all that stands between this world and Devastation. Stand beside me and fight!” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, pg. 46) ● “There will be no retreat! Now die with honor!.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Hail the King”) ● “A worthy challenge, but a fool nonetheless.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Empire Divider”) ● "Victory is at hand!" (BattleCON: Strikers) ● "Our courage will lead us to victory." (Voice lines from BattleCON Online*)

Alice Zero Featured as a striker in BattleCON: Strikers and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 3.

Striker Support: Shatter Plate Ante: Cerebral Plating Boost: Adaptive Engineering

Pixel Tactics Unit: Prolific Protocol Practitioners Hero: Failsafe


● "Your failure will no longer be tolerated. I am taking control." (BattleCON: Strikers)

Allys Mehrmus Featured as a supporter in Argent: the Consortium.

Argent Department: Sorcery Position: Vice Dean of Sorcery

Alumis Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Fate of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 3, and a supporter in Argent: the Consortium.

BattleCON Title: Living Shadow Unique Ability: Shadow Manipulation Alternate Abilities: Shadow of Death (EX), Shadow Entrapment (Almighty) Styles: Arcane, Ghastly, Horrific, Sinister, Tenebrous Unique Base: Dread Finishers: Aphotic Terror, Umbral Vice

Striker Support: Dark Hold Ante: Doubt’s Shadow Boost: Umbra Portal

Argent Department: Mysticism Position: Professor of Umbramancy

Pixel Tactics Unit: Mysterious Maleficars Hero: Shadow

BattleCON: Fate Preview - Part 3 (, article retrieved by the Wayback Machine on October 19th, 2015)

Race / Gender / Nationality: Rasp / F / Relecour

The Art of Argent (pg. 33)

Rasps like Alumis come from the Dark World, and live off of the fears and nightmares of the people of Indines. Most are driven by pure instinct, but a few possess frightening intelligence. Alumis is one of these individuals. Around campus, she masks herself as an ordinary human, but her true appearance is that of a terrifying specter. Having heard legends of diabolic artifacts that grant great power, Alumis has come to Indines seeking this power for herself.


● "You have potential... You'll do nicely..." (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “These secrets too will soon belong to me.” (Fate of Indines Fighter & Mode Guide, pg. 6)

Amon Elcela Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Trials of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 2.

BattleCON Title: Containment Specialist Unique Ability: Control Styles: Containment, Deflection, High Alert, Impenetrable, Regulation Unique Base: Wall Codes: Code White, Code Green, Code Yellow, Code Red Finishers: Code Black, Lockdown

Pixel Tactics Unit: Kings of Denial Hero: Tactician

Argent Department: Consortium Position: Representative for the Reliquary

Art of BattleCON (pg. 102)

Art shows how his pipe slides open to insert contents.

Herb <- Open Close ->

Indines In-Depth (July 28th, 2016)

Article is known to have been published but is not available on the Wayback Machine. Contents are likely identical to the Character Guide.

BattleCON: Trials of Indines Character Guide (pg. 6)

● Age: 27 ● Gender: Male ● Race: Human ● Nationality: Sanghalim ● Affiliation: Reliquary ● Likes: Organizations, Novels, Spicy Food ● Dislikes: Daemons, Jokes, Deserts ● Personality: Meticulous, Bossy ● Weapon: Barrier Projector ● Reason to Fight: For Duty

Years ago, Amon was half of a team of independent artificers. Working together with his sister, Gretyle, he would excavate the many ruins around their homeland of Sanghalim, restoring ancient artifacts.

One day when Greytle returned with a dragonflare orb, an ancient weapon of mass destruction, and Amon repaired it, not realizing its intended purpose. The weapon malfunctioned, and though Amon managed to survive through his barrier field, Gretyle was killed, and most of their town was destroyed in the blast.

Amon fled to the Reliquary. As penance for his carelessness, he pledged his life in service to protect the people of Indines from dangerous artifacts. With his skill as an artificer, he quickly rose to the rank of Chief Containment Specialist.

Now he pursues the keys to the ancient Vaults, one of which is controlled by the Reliquary. While others dream of treasure and power within those ancient halls, Amon knows and fears what lurks beneath the surface of Indines.

The time has come to prevent another disaster, and to keep the dangers of the ancient world sealed away. Amon is ready to do his duty to the Reliquary and to himself, no matter what it costs him.


● “The time has come to atone for my sins.” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines Amon Elcela tuckbox and Character Guide pg. 6) ● “Threat level unknown, proceeding with caution.” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “Code White”) ● “Reassessing threat classification. I’m shifting to Code Green.” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “Code Green”) ● “Activating high-power shields!.” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “Code Yellow”) ● “Field breach! Initializing emergency response!” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “Code Red”) ● “I’m moving to Code Black to neutralize the threat.” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “Code Black”) ● “Sorry, but that’s going in the locker.” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “Lockdown”) ● “This place is full of secrets. Which of you will unearth them for us?” (Argent: the Consortium, “Most Treasures”)

Anath Adrasteia Featured as a secret fighter in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 4.

BattleCON Titles: Dread Knight of Havoc Unique Ability: Aspect of Devastation Alternate Versions: None Styles: Abhorrent, Cataclysmic, Destruction, Dread, Leashing Unique Base: Havoc Aspects: Aspect of Death, Aspect of Devastation, Aspect of Hate, Aspect of Ruin Finishers: Devastation Now, Dark Revulsion

Pixel Tactics Unit: Dreadnaught Defenders Hero: Dread Knight


● "The world has grown weary, Indines demands rest from the burden of your kind." (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Devastation Now”) ● "You will be wiped away by the wrath of the true god." (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Dark Revulsion”)

Ancella, Baroness Featured as a BattleQUEST boss in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines.

BattleCON Attacks: Wail, Enervation, Living Death, Scream, Phantasm, Soul Rip Ability: Incorporeal

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 5)

Many say Baroness Ancella was too wicked to truly die. Bound to the world by her legendary greed, she haunts a tomb filled with the wondrous treasures she collected in life.

Andros DuValt Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics DX and a supporter in Argent: the Consortium.

Titled “The Crow” in The Art of Argent (pg. 24).

Pixel Tactics Unit: Feast for Crows Hero Class: Silencer

Argent Department: Natural Magick Position: Vice Dean of Natural Magick

Ansloma Coldwater Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 4.

Likely related to Dravil Coldwater.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Dampening Dowsers Hero: Cyromancer

Andrus Dochartaigh Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics DX and a supporter in Argent: the Consortium.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Fearless Fighting Furies Hero Class: Twinblade

Argent Department: Divinity Position: Associate Professor of Protection

Antine Frass Featured as a mercenary in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics: The Price of Victory.

Called “Bookie” in Devastation of Indines.

Striker Support: Blindside Ante: Handshake Deal Boost: Open Book

Pixel Tactics Unit: Always on Your Side Hero Class: Con Artist

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 103)

Art note on activation of glove with electrical SFX: Press with middle finger


● "Trust me, I’ll make sure you win without a hitch." (BattleCON: Strikers) Arec Russel Zane Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 1, and a supporter in a Argent: the Consortium.

BattleCON Titles: (The) Prodigal Sorcerer Unique Ability: Subtle Influence Alternate Abilities: Master of Illusion (“Razzle Dazzle ‘Em”, Alternate), Regaining Influence (EX), Dominate Senses (Almighty) Styles: Manipulative, Mirrored, Perceptional, Phantom, Returning Unique Base: Hex Finishers: Dominate Person, Uncanny Oblivion

Pixel Tactics Unit: Phantom Platoon Hero: Illusionist

Striker Support: Sword of Illusions Ante: Hesitation Boost: Mind Control

Argent Department: Sorcery Position: Prodigal Sorcerer

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 56) and BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Character Introductions (Kickstarter Update #7)

Arec is a Sorcerer descended from a long line or Relecan Sorcerers. His father Rufus Zane is known as the Sorcerer Baron, and controls a large portion of the nation, including the province containing Argent University and the unofficial capital of the nation, Kor Karoli.

Despite Arec's best efforts of failing entrance exams comically and causing as much mischief as possible for his examiners, he was unable to circumvent his father's influence over the board of trustees, and so was sent to Argent to study magic.

Deciding to make the best of the situation and study the course of magic that would give him the easiest way through life, Arec took up the school of Dominance magic–learning to cast illusions, influence minds, and control thoughts.

During his studies he came to meet Lesandra and become her good friend. Now he suspects that something sinister is happening at the university, and has resolved to get to the bottom of Vice Dean Krane’s true intentions.


● “Only a true hero such as myself could save Indines from the forces of darkness!” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, pg. 53) ● “You’re about to be out-sorced!” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Dominate Person”) ● “You won’t forget this anytime soon… oh wait...” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Uncanny Oblivion”) ● "Only a true hero like myself could defeat such a villain!" (BattleCON: Strikers)

ARIA Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 3.

Sometimes stylized as ARIA, sometimes simply written normally as Aria, depending on the source. For her previous incarnation, see Laine Shevelt.

BattleCON Titles: Robotic Planestalker, The Explorer Unique Ability: Support Drones Alternate Versions: Integrated Systems (“Reaching For the Stars”, Alternate), Sight Support System (EX), Power Charge System (Almighty) Styles: Catalyst, Dimensional, Ionic, Laser, Photovoltaic Unique Base: Reconfiguration Drones: Dampening, Magnetron, Turret Finishers: Laser Lattice, Synchro Merge

Striker Support: Laser Matrix Ante: Support Drone Boost: Med Support

Pixel Tactics Unit: Support Drone Division Hero: Drone

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 45) or BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Character Introductions (Kickstarter Update #7)

Created by a collaboration of Magister Serafina Vanedran, Chief Armiger Runika Zenanen, and Marshal Kaitlyn van Sorrel, Aria is the first manufactured planestalker. As the rift in Jeffreys grows more and more unstable, the planestalkers have found traditional soldiers in short supply, and it is increasingly necessary to bolster their numbers with automatons.

Aria is mostly mechanical, but possesses a golem core designed by Runika Zenanen, making her capable of true intelligent thought and action, unlike previous automaton soldiers which were only artificially intelligent. Aria is currently assigned as a sentinel to watch for the return of Oriana, while Van Sorrel analyzes her capabilities and determines whether she is fit for mass production.

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Kickstarter (Update #13) and Indines In-Depth (May 16th, 2016)

Aria is a prototype mechanical Planestalker created by a merging of three different disciplines.

- Magister Serafina Vanedran of Willat contribued a robotic chassis, built as a modification of the Cadenza series of clockwork knights. Aria's chassis is a state-of-the art mechanical system with a wide array of weapons, tactical drives, and self-repair systems.

- Runika Zenanen (another playable character) produced Aria's central control unit. Unlike typical automatons, Aria boasts a self-aware and autonomous golem core that can understand and obey complex commands.

- Kaitlyn Van Sorrel created a number of planar circuits which run through Aria, allowing her to bend space, teleport, and exercise marginal control over time. She also designed many of the instruments and weapons Aria employs.

Aria is not equipped primarily as a fighter. When dealing with planar anomalies, there are too many contingencies and possibilities to consider, such that arming an exploration unit to deal with every potential scenario is impossible. Instead, Aria maintains a transporter link to Planestalkers HQ. When situations arise, she is able to 'beam in' whatever tools or combat support she needs in the form of service drones. These drones are equipped with instruments, weapons, or tools intended to help Aria in just about any situation.

While the prototype Aria was built primarily as an exploration unit and a diplomatic research collaboration between the nations, Kaitlyn Van Sorrel is secretly exploring the possibility of mass-producing these units in a combat capacity to supplement the meager standing forces of the Planestalkers.

Indines In-Depth (May 16th, 2016)

Hey everyone! This week's Indines In-Depth features ARIA, an exploration and combat drone built using advanced technology and the soul of a human trapped in stone. Enjoy!

Plot During BattleCON: Devastation

When Runika is excavating the ruins of Helim Mekhit, she stumbles upon the dragon queen, Adjenna, who is working to weaken the seal around the Greyheart, the ancient tyrannical Dragon King. Though Runika escapes, her assistant, Laine Shevelt, is turned to glass by Adjenna.

Upon Runika’s return to Helim Mekhit, she finds that instantaneous death caused Laine’s soul to be stored inside of a latent golem core that she wore as a piece of jewelry. Taking this golem core back to her laboratory, Runika hatches a plan to ‘save’ Laine by implanting the golem core into an automaton. Contacting her past research connections, Sarafina and Kaitlyn, the three put together the prototype ARIA unit, which eventually aids Runika in stopping the machinations of Byron Krane and saving Indines.

Future Adventures

After her adventures with Runika, ARIA becomes a full-fledged member of the Planestalkers, and joins them on their quest to explore new worlds and protect Indines from outside invasion.

10 Facts about ARIA

1. Her golem core contains the soul of Runika’s deceased assistant, Laine Shevelt. Thus, ARIA has all of Laine's memories and personality.

2. ARIA is the only Android in Indines designed specifically with planar travel in mind.

3. The Planestalkers hope to mass-produce ARIA style drones if this prototype proves capable in combat.

4. ARIA’s design is based on the same basic design as Sophica Sentavra, as all three of her creators worked together with Gretel Sentavra on the Sophica project at Argent.

5. Her drones are stored in a specially prepared chamber at Planestalkers HQ when not in use. They are teleported in and out of her current location on demand, and new drones are constantly being added and tested.

6. Though she lost some of her memories in the trauma that killed Laine, ARIA still retains most of Laine’s personality and memories. She’s a little bit self-conscious about being a robot now, and keeps trying to wear clothes.

7. Her maximum flight speed is 60 kph, and she can cross dimensions freely when flying at least 30 kph.

8. Her pan-dimensional oculus allows her to see all colors of light, sound, and across different planes simultaneously.

9. When she was first activated, Iri took her on a tour of all the major planes.

10. Her favorite plane is the Celestial Plane. She finds it peaceful there, and everyone else can fly too, so it doesn’t seem out of place when she does it.


● “Trans-dimensional mobile combat platform ARIA is now online.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Rulebook, pg. 51) ● “All drones execute protocol ten.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Laser Lattice”) ● “Synchronization now at 100%. (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Synchro Merge”) ● "Drones are now authorized to run the termination protocol." (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “You’re all three just a heartless coven of… of… of Science Witches!” (Indines In-Depth, May 16th, 2016) ● “Wait… are you going to TURN ME OFF??? Let’s talk about th—” (Indines In-Depth, May 16th, 2016) ● "This body, this... this robot is ARIA. Even if I'm stuck inside ARIA's body, I'm still Laine, don't forget that!" (Indines In-Depth, May 16th, 2016)

Ariel Malephaise Featured as a BattleQUEST boss in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics: Seven Sisters.

BattleCON Attacks: Flesh Betrays, Strength, Bone Breaker, Final Repose, Rust Flourish, Death Knell Ability: Rake the Claw

Pixel Tactics Unit: Power Without Reason Hero Class: Destroyer

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 10)

Ariel holds the Right Claw of Malephaise, which corrupts and empowers flesh. Her size hides incredible strength and vicious rage.

Arlant Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 5.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Deus Ex Machinists Hero: Apothiest

Arret Draamivar

Featured as a striker in BattleCON: Strikers.

From Jeffreys (Art of BattleCON, pg 113). Member of the Planestalkers (as per the the Indines In-Depth article for Iaxus the Shattered).

Striker Support: Kaiser Dispatch Ante: Refracted Life Boost: Reflected Scars

Pixel Tactics Unit: Kombat Kaisers Hero: Dispatcher


● "You’ve got your orders, now get to it!" (BattleCON: Strikers)

August Ross

Featured as a backstory character in BattleCON: War of Indines.

Deceased. Created by Aaron Ross and “Sister” to Kehrolyn Ross. See Aaron Ross and Kehrolyn Ross.

Avenlia Featured as a summon in BattleCON: War of Indines and BattleCON: Devastation of Indines.

Deceased. Originally from Jeffreys. For her channeler, see Magdelina Larington. (“Backstory”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

Also known as the Saint, Avenlia is one of the four heroes who originally slew Lord Rexan and ended the Centennial Wars. Avenlia now watches over her descendant Magdelina, ensuring that the girl has the strength to follow in her footsteps.

Baenvier Marlgrove Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Fate of Indines and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 2.

BattleCON Title: Curse Knight Unique Ability: Spellbreaker Alternate Versions: Spell Shatter (EX), Magic Immunity (Almighty) Styles: Curse, Crescent, Destruction, Runic, Spellforge Unique Base: Spire Finishers: Spellbreak, Felfire

Pixel Tactics Unit: Anathematic Antagonists Hero: Curse Knight

BattleCON: Fate Preview - Part 1 (, article retrieved by the Wayback Machine on October 19th, 2015)

Race / Gender / Nationality: Vaum / M / Gesselheim

Indines In-Depth (January 6th, 2016)

Hey everyone! Another week, another Indines In-Depth. This week, I decided to feature Baenvier Marlgrove, Rexan's Lesionaire captain.

This week I decided to focus on a fighter from BattleCON: Fate. Welsie was suggested, but I haven't got her entire epic worked out yet, so I chose one of the main fighters from the front of the box (and whom I have a bit more art for).


The Lesionaires are the elite royal guard to the Overlord of Gesselheim. They are composed mainly of Vaum, the dominant race in that country, a sallow-skinned people who are incredibly strong and tough, but lack the ability to use magic. Vaum are able to regenerate rapidly by devouring live flesh, and are highly resistant to magic, especially curses. The Vaum have a culture centered around strength, personal achievement, and discipline.

Baenvier Marlgrove is a captain in Overlord Rexan's Lesionaires, and a capable warrior. While searching through the catacombs of Rexan's Fortress, he came across a Vault Key, an artifact dating back before the Draconic Wars, and one which has been rumored to unlock ancient secrets of technology and power when combined with its six counterparts.

In BattleCON: War

When Magdelina, Vanaah, Seth and Kallistar infiltrated Rubara Keep to try and prevent the resurrection of the Overlord Rexan, Baenvier was one of the soldiers who fought to repel them. He managed to defeat Vanaah, but left her wounded rather than killing her, so that he could join the battle against Kallistar and protect the Overlord. Rather than fleeing, Vanaah infiltrated deeper into Rubara Keep and gravely wounded Demitras, the keep's lord, by cutting off his swordarm. Demitras still blames Baenvier for that indignity and for the loss of his arm.

In BattleCON: Fate

With the Obsidian Vault Key in his possession, Baenvier has received the overlord's permission to travel the land and try to recover the other Vault Keys and unlock the lost secrets of the past. With a few allies at his side, he sets out on a quest to find the remaining keys, an agenda which puts him in direct conflict with many of the most powerful forces in Indines, who would rather have those lost secrets for themselves, or either see them remain lost forever.

10 Facts about Baenvier

1. The sword he wields is called Spellbreaker. It absorbs magic, and drains the owner's ability to use magic. For Baenvier, of course, there's no drawback there.

2. His middle name is Chester, which he never, ever uses.

3. His armor is indestructible, but also saps the life force from its wearer and can never be taken off. Baenvier, as a Vaum, is immune to both of these magical effects.

4. His favored weapon is actually a War Pick, but Spellbreaker is the most powerful weapon he owns, so he uses it anyway.

5. His father is a carpenter and a tinker, and taught Baenvier the trade as a boy. Baenvier can make chairs and tables, but his favorite things to build are puzzle boxes.

6. Marlgrove is the name of the Dryad forest in southwestern Gesselheim, and is the region his family has lived in for centuries.

7. He has a wife, Ralliyn, who lives in the city surrounding Rubara Keep where he is stationed. She is a trained apothecary and runs a shop there. They have a daughter, Ursyla, who is still in primary school.

8. Since the decline of the Overlord, the Lesionaires continued to guard Rubara Keep and the surrounding city, acting as a military police under the lord of the keep, Demitras Denigrande. Thus, Baenvier's career was more similar to a city guard than a professional soldier before the resurrection of Overlord Rexan.

9. He has a strong sense of independence and pride, but takes his responsibility to protect his city and his family seriously. Despite his tough demeanor, he can't sit idly by and watch injustice being done.

10. He has a deep distrust of magic, especially divine magic, and is known to offhandedly insult priests and other clergy when an opportunity arises.


● “Magic, Science, Gods, or Daemons-any power outside your own hands is merely a crutch.” (Fate of Indines Fighter & Mode Guide, pg. 2) ● "You’ll never understand real power!" (BattleCON: Fate of Indines, “Spellbreak”) ● "Is this all you amount to? Pathetic." (BattleCON: Fate of Indines, “Felfire”) ● "Your magic, your devices, your weapons... they are all a crutch for your weakness." (Indines In-Depth, January 6th, 2016) ● "My only faith is in myself. My only religion is my family. My only god is the overlord." (Indines In- Depth, January 6th, 2016)

Batrov Wargrave Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 4 and a supporter in Argent: the Consortium.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Diffusion Specialist Squad Hero: Statistician

Argent Department: Planar Studies Position: Vice Dean

The Art of Argent (pg. 40)

Vice Dean Batrov Wargrave lost his body in a Planar Studies experiment. To continue his work, he created this construct of mathemagic to serve as his avatar.

Barnabas Mikal Featured as a striker in BattleCON: Strikers and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 3.

From Sanghalim (Art of BattleCON, pg 113).

Striker Support: Hamstring Ante: Tradecraft Boost: Plans Within Plans

Pixel Tactics Unit: His Majesty’s Secret Serpents Hero: Spy

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 103)

Art note on coat. Seemingly uses two knives.

Knife pockets


● "It seems my sources were correct." (BattleCON: Strikers)

Bewi, Chancellor Featured as a backstory character in Argent: the Consortium.

Chancellor of Argent University prior to Nostros Calahaan. Currently a Willati government official. See Nostros Calahaan.


Featured as a backstory character in BattleCON: Trials of Indines.

An elemental cursed and bound into a cithara. Ancestor of Trias Blackwind. See Trias Blackwind. Blobington, Sir Featured as a backstory character in BattleCON: War of Indines.

Deceased. Created by Aaron Ross as a pet slime for August and Kehrolyn Ross. See Kehrolyn Ross.

Boris Rumbaldi Featured as a striker in BattleCON: Strikers and a victim in 7 Card Slugfest.

Striker Support: Bottle Toss Ante: Chump Block Boost: You First

7 Card Slugfest Rulebook (pg. 7)

Mysterious bartender who shows up in every bar across the continent. An unfortunate soul who always seems at the center of a bad situation.

Borneo Featured as a summon in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, a fighter in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Extended Edition, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 1, and a supporter in Argent: the Consortium.

For his summoner, see Lesandra Machan. Borneo’s BattleCON version is likely apocryphal and not necessarily canon.

BattleCON Unique Ability: Oddly Familiar Alternate Versions: Unusually Familiar (EX), Uncannily Familiar (Almighty) Styles: Clumsy, Pathetic, Petulant, Slippery, Weaksauce Bases: Claw, Divider, Hex, Knuckle, Master Plan, Scene Shift, Smoke Finishers: And the Kitchen Sink, Mama Mazzaroth

Striker Support: Awakening Ante: Copycat Boost: Oddly Familiar

Pixel Tactics Unit: Costumed Avengers Hero: Mascot

Argent Department: Mysticism Position: Mystic Familiar

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Character Introductions (Kickstarter Update #8)

Borneo is the familiar of Lesandra. Unlike Juto, a true animal companion, Borneo is a bound servant who has to slave away doing Lesandra's menial tasks until he grows old enough to become a real summonable creature and start making his own bargains with summoners.

He's mainly employed with sorting scrolls and drawing magic circles for his master, who wishes that she had bound "a cool familiar like the other summoners". Despite her public demeaning of the familiar, the two have developed a close friendship and understanding that goes a bit deeper than just master and servant.


● I, Borneo, hereby request a week of vacation. I’m so stressed I can barely wr- (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Extended Edition, “Borneo”) ● "Bwak!" (BattleCON: Strikers)

Bors Vilnar, Magister

Featured as a background character in BattleCON: War of Indines and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 2.

Creator of Cadenza. Presumed head of the Vilnar Consortium (as mentioned in a Cadenza voice line in BattleCON Onllne).

Pixel Tactics Unit: The Shadow Government Hero: Supervillain (“Backstory”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

The aged magister of Willat. Widely known as the world's most skilled machinist, he has not been seen for many years, and acts publicly completely via robotic proxies like Cadenza. His intentions are with Aaron Ross's research are yet unknown. (“The World of Indines”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

Like many Elvan, Magister Bors Vilnar has lived a great while. Though he has not been seen in person for nearly fifty years, he continues to exert a heavyhanded influence over Willat, while conducting private research of his own from the shadows. His ultimate goals are yet unknown.

Level Cap Podcast (Episode 2, “Character of the Week”)

Brad: "Cadenza is a character that was a remote-controlled that is controlled by Bors Vilnar, who is one of the magisters of Willat, the technological nation to the north. Vilnar's sort of a shadowy figure, nobody's seen him a couple hundred years, nobody's knows what he looks like or what he's all about, except he kind of runs the country, and he's one of the older or probably the oldest magister on the council. He sort of runs the country."

Marco: "So he's like Dr. Claw?"

Fabio: "Illuminati!"

Brad: "He's definitely an Illuminati / Dr. Claw sort of figure. Fabio drew him, there's one image of him, Fabio drew him for Pixel Tactics, and it's the supervillain in Pixel Tactics, and you see him at a desk, sitting at a desk, his back is to you."

Brad: "You see him in a chair."

Marco: "Yeah, just the chair, really."

Fabio: "The chair!"

Brad: "The sinister chair."


● "The Cadenza model is Willat's most powerful soldier--it fights without hesitation, pain, or remorse--a perfect engine of destruction!" (, “The Characters”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012 and Character of the Week, September 27th, 2017) ● "How does ‘Rook Fourteen’ sound to you?!" (The Art of BattleCON, pg. 18)

Brynne Featured as a backstory character in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines.

Mother of Eligor Larington and aunt to Magdelina Larington. See Eligor Larington. Burgundy Twelve Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Trials of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 4.

Sometimes stylized as “Burgundy XII” instead.

BattleCON Titles: Living Color, The Color Out of Space Unique Ability: Color Burn Alternate Versions: None Styles: Scrawled, Scarlet, Flattened, Graphic, Stained Unique Base: Slaughter Finishers: Emperor’s New Clothes, The Flying Circus

Striker Support: The King in Red Ante: Flashy Special Effects Boost: Still Life

Pixel Tactics Unit: Parallax Paragons Hero: Graffiti

BattleCON: Trials of Indines Character Guide (pg. 7) and BattleCON: Trials of Indines Kickstarter (Update #5)

● Age: ??? ● Gender: None (identifies Male) ● Race: Living Color ● Nationality: Planar Chaos ● Affiliation: Division 13 ● Likes: Anything red, turning things red ● Dislikes: Things that are not yet red ● Personality: Insane, Cruel ● Weapon: Clones ● Reason to Fight: For Entertainment

Magister Jeris Ieyes of Willat has traveled across the planes for ages, collecting all manner of curiosities from strange new worlds. One of his most exciting discoveries was a sentient color pattern, which he stumbled upon while exploring the plane of chaos.

After the color killed his assistant, Wilman, Jeris named his new discovery “Wilman’s Rust” and captured a sample of the substance to bring back for his menagerie.

Over the years, Magister Ieyes has made great strides in teaching and training this malleable substance. Wilman’s Rust learned quickly, how to draw pictures and gain new forms, how to communicate, and how to manifest itself in a three-dimensional world.

One sample of Wilman’s Rust, code-named Burgundy, was submitted to the Division Thirteen supersoldier program in Willat. This particular strain showed a unique, if somewhat psychotic, intelligence and the ability to restrain itself well enough to follow orders. While Burgundy failed to be integrated into any of the many programs the division embarked on, it was deemed dangerous enough and capable enough on its own to act as part of the Division’s Black Ops unit.

Dispatched to track down the vault keys and return them to the magisters, Burgundy is set loose upon the world for the first time, and ready to wreak havoc on anything that strikes his fancy.

Indines In-Depth (August 16th, 2016)

Article is known to have been published but is not available on the Wayback Machine, but is likely just consisted of the above information.

From the Level 99 Games Official Online Play League Discord on December 28th, 2017

TheMechanicritic (Marco): TBF we've gotten the "tamer" side of Dive 13. Burgundy's pretty dangerous Toon Force powers are dangerous gopher: Burgundy is probably the scariest one so far if he can grow quadratically

CrypticalErmine: why would his growth be quadratically bounded?

CrypticalErmine: mitosis is exponential(edited) gopher: words are hard

Level99Games: Burgundy's reach is pretty limited–he can't spread infinitely far

From the Nokodraws Twitch stream on January 18th, 2018

Level99games: Burgundy comes from the same world as Oriana and Welsie, but he's not a Chaon


● “Looks like everybody’s seeing red!” (BattleCON: Strikers and Trials of Indines Kickstarter, Update #5) ● “You’re far out of your depth!” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines Kickstarter, Update #5) ● “We’re all the same color, on the inside...” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines Burgundy XII tuckbox, character guide (pg. 7), and BattleCON: Trials of Indines Kickstarter, Update #5) ● “You’ll look lovely in red!” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “Emperor’s New Clothes”) ● “Welcome to the main event!” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “The Flying Circus”)

Byron Krane Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 2, and a candidate in Argent: the Consortium.

BattleCON Title: The Immortal Bound Unique Ability: The Bound Mask Alternate Versions: Soul Mirror (“The Man Who Would Be King”, alternate), You Only Live Once (EX), Man with the Golden Masks (almighty) Styles: Breathless, Deathless, Faceless, Heartless, Soulless Unique Base: Smoke Finishers: Soul Trap, Soulgate

Striker Support: Eternal Strife Ante: Lifeless Boost: Immortality

Pixel Tactics Unit: Charge of the Lich Brigade Hero: Immortal

Argent Department: Mysticism Position: Vice Dean of Mysticism Mage Power: Trance

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 50) or BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Character Introductions (Kickstarter Update #7)

An ancient sorcerer who discovered and jealously guards the secrets of immortality, Byron has appeared many times throughout the history of Indines.

After betraying Rexan at the end of the Centennial Wars, Byron tried to seize control of the empire of Gesselheim for himself. When this plot failed and the empire collapsed, Byron went into retirement, setting himself up as a professor of the mystical arts at Argent University.

His latest plot is to use the help of his apprentice, Lesandra, and open the Well of Souls, a gate to the Afterworld. With this accomplished, he will enslave the Demon Lord Malephaise, to be used as a weapon of last resort against Greyheart, should the Dragon King return.

Argent: the Consortium rulebook (pg. 20)

An ancient wizard who cast off his mortality and humanity ages ago, Byron has tried and failed several times to rule the world. He possesses an uncanny understanding of the nature of magic, and his mages work tirelessly to fulfill his schemes as he prepares ever more dangerous curses in his laboratory.

The Art of Argent (pg. 30)

An ancient sorcerer who abandoned his mortality and humanity ages ago, Byron has watched eras pass and new ages begin and end. Throughout history, he has been in various schemes to rule the world of Indines, and while he was managed to topple empires and subvert nations, he has never been able to take control for himself.

Bryon took up residence as a professor at Argent about a century ago, and has since risen to the post of Vice Dean. He is always searching for star pupils whose full potential he can discover. His most recent pupil is the prodigy summoner Lesandra Machan, whom he raised from youth when her parents left her in his care, perhaps not fully appreciating his history.

Byron’s reasons for seeking the chancellorship are still unknown. Is he simply tired of grander schemes, or is this the first step in some greater plan?


● “Why save the world if you can’t rule it?” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, pg. 52 and The Art of BattleCON, pg. 51) ● “No… it doesn’t have to end this way! I just need another soul to restore it...” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, ”Soul Trap”) ● “It won’t do to keep the Afterworld waiting.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, ”Soulgate”) ● "Death suits you well." (BattleCON: Strikers) ● "I welcome you, my new confidants, into the circle of Argent's deepest and most amazing school of magic. In the Department of Mysticism, working alongside some of the world's most renowned mages, you will be able to unlock secrets that baffle the minds of lesser mages and darken the dreams of those without the will to master them. Here, in these walls, we will train you to master every fear, to bind lost powers, to unlock the secret of revelation...

"I see you now, your eyes filled with wonder about what mysteries lie beyond the thin cloak of sight and reason... soon, those same eyes will be filled with both knowledge and power. "

(Argent: the Consortium Kickstarter, Update #21) ● “Soon everything will be as it should be. Everything will be mine…” (Argent: the Consortium, “Trance”, and The Art of Argent, pg. 30) ● “Oh dear, you’ve gone and put your hand into something better left alone.” (Argent: the Consortium, “On the Weakness of Flesh”) ● “Oh, my… that sounds horrible… for you.” (Argent: the Consortium, “The Lamentations of Sareth”) ● “Power brings out the worst in us. Why not try it yourself and see?” (Argent: the Consortium, “The Grasping Darkness”) ● “Power, lies, and leverage… those are the real laws of this world.” (Argent: the Consortium, “Tenets of Dominance”) ● “But if you had one of these eight Daemonic artifacts… well, I’m sure an artificer as skilled as yourself could use it to defeat the Dragon Queen without being overwhelmed by its influence.” (to Runika, Argent: the Consortium Kickstarter, Update #67)

Cadenza Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: War of Indines and BattleCON Online, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 1.

See Bors Vilnar for his creator. Cadenza Necrosis is an alternate and possibly canon version revealed in BattleCON Online.

BattleCON Titles: Clockwork Knight, The Iron Mask Unique Ability: Iron Body Alternate Versions: Armored Sentinel (“War Machine”, alternate), Vital Silver Plating (EX), Golden Frame (almighty), Space Invader (“Space Invader”, pre- season promo and BattleCON Online premium costume), Cadenza Necrosis (BattleCON Online premium costume) Styles: Battery, Clockwork, Grapnel, Hydraulic, Mechanical Unique Base: Press Finishers: Feedback Field, Rocket Press

Striker Support: Piercing Press Ante: Mechanical Guard Boost: Clockwork Shield

Pixel Tactics Unit: Clockwork Infantry Division Hero: Knight

BattleCON: War Preview - Part 1 (, article retrieved by the Wayback Machine on October 19th, 2015)

Race / Gender / Nationality: Robot / ? / Willat (“Backstory”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

Cadenza is a secretly developed robotic soldier under the direct control of Bors Vilnar, the Magister of Willat. (“Backstory”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012) and Character of the Week (September 27th, 2017)

Created by Magister Bors Vilnar of Willat, Cadenza is a custom model of automatic soldier that runs on steam and clockwork. This particular model is Vilnar's personal prototype, outfitted with a number of customizations and a remote module that allows him to be controlled by the Magister directly. Cadenza is currently deployed to track down Lixis and Kehrolyn and return them to Willat, dead or alive.

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 31)

The Magisters of Willat all have their pet research projects, and Magister Vilnar is no exception. Cadenza his own design of mechanical soldier, currently mass-produced in Willat for national defense. This model is the magister’s prototype, and is outfitted with experimental weapons and armor.

When Kehrolyn and Lixis escaped from the destruction of Ross’s illegal research laboratory in Willat, Vilnar sent in order to capture Lixis and eliminate Kehrolyn. While Cadenza has some limited autonomy, he is primary driven by simple instruction sets and controlled remotely by Vilnar from his floating fortress, the Second Sun.

Character of the Week (September 27th, 2017)

10 Facts About Cadenza

1. He is a remote control drone operated directly by Bors Vilnar.

2. He fights according to learned fighting routines, rather than being directly controlled in combat. This allows him to react faster than a human operator could possibly control him.

3. He uses a Crizma-based hydraulic engine for power. Unless the engine is damaged, it will run forever.

4. After being destroyed by Kehrolyn, he is found by the Lesionaires and salvaged by Hepzibah as Cadenza Necrosis.

5. His energy weapons are powered by a Mana Battery that siphons excess power from his engine. Thus, he must still recharge these weapons between uses.

6. Hundreds of similar Clockwork Knights exist, but this prototype has special shielding and weaponry.

7. This is the same unit that dealt the final blow to August during the destruction of Aaron Ross’s laboratory.

8. Vilnar can see, hear, and speak through Cadenza. He can also open a video channel and project video, but he only ever projects his usual “sound only” screen.

9. The first Cadenza model was developed by Vilnar almost 300 years ago, but it was finished too late to see much action in the Centennial War. This model is generation 17.

10. Much of the technology in this unit was used to create Aria, Fermata, and Sophica Sentavra.

BattleCON Online (Cadenza [Base Cadenza], “Abilities”)

Clockwork soldiers like this one form the core of the Willait armed forces. This prototype model is directly controlled by Magister Bors Vilnar, inventor of the line.

BattleCON Online (Cadenza [Cadenza Necrosis], “Abilities”)

“Flesh and bone are weak materials to build on. Now this… this is a canvas I can use to create a soldier!” Hepzibah crowed as she began her newest experiment.

BattleCON Online (Cadenza [Space Invader Cadenza], “Abilities”)

The interplanar invasion of the Cadenzabots will eventually destroy all of Indines. Only Welsie Acktern and the Masters of Time (™) will stand in the way of their total domination.


● “Activating rocket thrusters.” (BattleCON: War of Indines, “Rocket Press”) ● “Discharging thaumic battery.” (BattleCON: War of Indines, “Feedback Field”) ● “...” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● "Adjusting parameters." "Advancing." "Awaiting your command." "Battle routines loading." "Combat routine set." "Command accepted." "Confirming routines." "cr" "Dzzzzz urk." "Engaging auxiliary power." "Feedback Field." "Override acknowledged, switching to direct control.” "Please contact the Vilnar Consortium for all warranty inquiries." "Please stand by for termination." "Rocket Press." "Shields depleted." "Spinning up." "Synchronization complete." "System shutting down." (Voice lines from BattleCON Online)

Quotes (Cadenza Necrosis)

● "Advancing." "As you command, dark master." "Enemies of the empire will be crushed underfoot." “Kill order confirmed." "Like lambs to the slaughter." "Kharmic Field!" "Mission complete." "Urrraaah." "What does not live cannot die." (Voice lines from BattleCON Online)

Cague Romane Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics DX.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Heroes of the Ball Hero: Defender

Cairngort Rexan, Overlord Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 1, and a voter in Argent: the Consortium.

BattleCON Titles: The Overlord Unique Ability: Cairngort’s Curse Alternate Versions: Echoes of Darkness (“National Hero”, alternate), Wicked Curse (EX), Painful Curse (almighty) Styles: Devastating, Enervating, Overlord’s, Unyielding, Vainglorious Unique Base: Malediction Finishers: Zero Hour, Black Eclipse

Striker Support: Malediction Ante: Cairngort’s Curse Boost: Zero Hour

Pixel Tactics Unit: Overlord’s Guard Hero: Overlord

Argent Department: Consortium Position: Overlord of Gesselheim (“Backstory”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

The Overlord of Gesselheim that held the world in terror three centuries past. He is soon to be resurrected to full power, if his plans come to fruition...

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 65) and BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Character Introductions (Kickstarter Update #7) and Character of the Week (October 1st, 2017)

Gesselheim is a blighted land of undead, beast men, barbarian tribes, and monsters. Three hundred years ago, the Overlord of Gesselheim banded the people of his desolate wasteland home together, forming a modern empire. In a war at the turn of the century that came to be known as the Centennial War, he led this massively overpopulated and undersupplied nation to war against the northern neighbors who refused to trade with them or recognize them as equals.

After Rexan was betrayed by one of his closest confidants and murdered by the four warriors who went on to be remembered as the "four heroes", three centuries passed, and the Gesselhemian nation dissolved back into chaos. Seeing the plight of the people in this land, the legendary healer Hepzibah Culotre resolved to revive the overlord from the dead, and succeeded in doing so. Returned from the Afterworld with Hepzibah's spell of true resurrection, the Overlord prepares to reunite his people once again and demand a place for them in the world.

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 67)

Designer’s Notes

It was an important decision to have the Overlord be someone who was driven and ruthless, but not self-concerned. Rexan never wanted to rule the world, but he wanted his nation to be rich, powerful, and prestigious, rather than the wasteland of starving vagrants it was when he came to power. Depending on which side of the southern border you stood, he could be called a hero rather than a villain. I painted him a ‘Dark Overlord’ in the histories of other nations and in the lore so that players would question the truth of that preconceived image when learning more about his character.

Character of the Week (October 1st, 2017)

Note: In the game, he is referred to as ‘Rexan’, ‘My Lord’, or ‘Overlord’. Only personal acquaintances use ‘Cairngort’.

Character of the Week (October 1st, 2017)

10 Facts About Rexan

1. His family is descended from an estranged noble line from Relecour.

2. He grew up in wealth and splendor, but his ancestral home was burned and his parents were murdered in a slaves’ revolt.

3. Rexan is an expert in mysticism, the branch of magic that deals with curses, shadows, summonings, and the secrets of the world. He seems to have brought these skills back from beyond death with him, as he did not possess them in his first life.

4. He rarely fights, but when he does, his preferred weapons are a hatchet and sickle.

5. In his previous life, he was never married and left no heirs or successors. This was part of the reason for the downfall of the Empire of Lesion after his death.

6. He carries with him a key, which he used to escape his parents mansion during the day of the slaves’ revolt. It is the only keepsake he has from that life.

7. He is farsighted, and has a little trouble reading small print, thus the pence nez.

8. He is a patron of the arts, and collects works of art for his keep at Rubara. He was a great patron of Galston House, at the height of the Gesselheimian culture movement 300 years ago.

9. He has personally never traveled outside of Gesselheim, due to the poor diplomatic ties between his nation and the rest of the nations in Indines.

10. Since his return to life, his dreams have been plagued by strange visions of something terrible to come.


● “Countrymen, together once again we stand and shout ‘we will not be left behind!” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, pg. 49 and The Art of BattleCON, pg. 66 and Character of the Week, October 1st, 2017) ● “What a shame it had to come to this...” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Zero Hour”) ● “In darkness, all are made equal.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Black Eclipse”) ● “I think you’ll come to regret this.” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “My parents were wealthy feudal lords, killed by their own slaves in a revolt. This is the key that my parents gave me to escape our home on the day it burned. I keep as a reminder that I might not escape if I fail my subjects as they did.” (The Art of BattleCON, pg. 65) ● “Only by knowing yourself can you take hold of the reigns of fate.” (Argent: the Consortium, “Most Marks”)

Calval the Mad, Archmage Featured as a backstory character from BattleCON: War of Indines and Argent: the Consortium.

Deceased. Ancestor of Kallistar Flarechild. See also Rikhi Kanhamme and Calval’s Deadliest Magicks.

Camber Raul Featured as an premium costume for King Alexian XXXVII in BattleCON Online.

Camber Raul’s BattleCON Online gameplay is identical to Alexian XXXVII. See the Alexian XXXVII writeup for more detail on his BattleCON incarnation.

BattleCON Online Kickstarter (Update #4)

The Camber Raul skin for Alexian is one of our most interesting skins, because it has many more features than just a reskin. Alexian is the noble king of the nation of Jeffreys, and fights with honor and chivalry. His ancient ancestor, Camber, chose a darker path, becoming a thrall to the Daemon Sera Malephaise. Camber has an alternate voice script, and new art on his styles, making him look like a new character, even though he still keeps Alexian's familiar gameplay.

BattleCON Online (Alexian XXXVII [Camber Raul], “Abilities”)

Alexian the First’s brother, Camber, fell in love with the Daemon Sera Malephaise and abdicated the throne to join her in the Afterworld. They they lived happily ever after.


● "Dark mistress, give me orders." (Voice lines from BattleCON Online)

Candide Malephaise Featured as a BattleQUEST boss in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics: Seven Sisters, and as a supporter in Argent: the Consortium.

BattleCON Attacks: Whisper, Demand, Curse, Scorn, Threaten, Blaspheme Ability: Release the Voice

Pixel Tactics Unit: Superior Soul Scammers Hero Class: Deceiver

Argent Department: Consortium Position: Afterworld Emissary

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 12)

Scheming and persuasive, the Voice of Malephaise gives Candide the uncanny power to influence others and make them forget themselves.


● “Inquiring minds want to know: how far would you go for Ultimate Power?” (Argent: the Consortium, “Most Research”)

César Grist Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, as a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 2.

From Sanghalim (The Art of BattleCON, pg. 115).

BattleCON Titles: He Who Remains, Reliquary Hunter Unique Ability: Threat Level Alternate Versions: Simulacrum (“Sleep Never Comes”, alternate), Code Black Protocol (EX), Threat Priority: Gold (almighty) Styles: Bulwark, Fueled, Inevitable, Phalanx, Unstoppable Unique Base: Suppression Finishers: Endless Vigil, Level 4 Protocol

Striker Support: Endless Vigil Ante: Level 4 Protocol Boost: Threat Level Rising

Pixel Tactics Unit: Reliquary Regiment Hero: Relic Hunter

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 47)

The Reliquary is an ancient and powerful organization that polices the world for powerful artifacts from ancient times. Hunters like César scour the world to contain dangerous relics and to stop those who would use them for evil purposes. César would have died long ago, but a powerful relic replaced his heart and sustains his body and mind, making him a relentless and tireless agent for the Reliquary.

César has attempting to escape the Reliquary in the past, but when his core shuts down, the agents simply retrieve him from wherever he has ended up and bring him home to reset. He resigned himself to his fate after the first few centuries, and carries out duties with a kind of grim resignation and humor.

Level Cap Podcast (Episode 7, “Character of the Week”)

Marco: So anyway, let's move on to some other segments, move on to our character of the week. So our character of the week is... try to pronounce his name, Brad.

Brad: Uh... Cesar (says-ar)? Did I get it right?

Marco: I guess that's the closest you can get, it's like... Cesar (sess-ar).

Brad: Cesar (sess-ar) Grist.

Marco: Cesar (zezz-ar) Grist.

Brad: So Cesar's a member of the Reliquary, an ancient order tasked with collecting dangerous relics from the Dragon Wars and locking them up and away to protect the world. He's been doing this for who-knows-how-long, he is part golem. So he's been installed with technology to keep him alive and keep him working. So he's one of the oldest enforcers, the only people there who are comparatively older than him are the golems themselves who work in the service of the Reliquary (like Endrybt). So he's an old hand, and he carries this big, heavy weapon called an ironstar that's part tower shield, part greatsword. Together with Amon, they fight crime. That's kind of the whole story.

Marco: They basically go around collecting dangerous relics, and Amon wants to lock them up in the vault, right?

Brad: Yeah. Amon's job is to actually do the locking up, Cesar's job is to punch anybody that gets in the way of the locking up.

Marco: Ohhhh.

Brad: He's the enforcer, he's the retriever as they're called, and then Amon is the containment specialist.

Marco: And what's Endbryt (ender-bit)? Endrbyt (ender-bite)? Endrbyt (ender-bit)?

Brad: Enderbyt's (ender-bit's) also a retriever.

Marco: Ooohkay.

Brad: So he and Cesar have the same job.

Marco: So, wait, can we talk about some Cesar lore here?

Brad: Yeah, sure?

Marco: How does he talk? Does he even talk?

Brad: With his mouth.

Marco: No, no, no does he talk like Arnold Schwarzenegger or something? Is he Terminator?

Brad: I like to imagine that he has that kind of a thing. But he's a man of few words. Even in the main story he doesn't speak a lot. He is a character that eventually joins Eligor and Shektur in their adventures and helps to defeat the dragon queen. But he doesn't speak a whole lot and he mostly reserves his comments to make fun of Eligor for being too much of a kid.

Marco: So he's Auron from Final 10.

Brad: He's definitely got an Auron vibe to him.

Marco: Oh my goodness.

Brad: He's got a lot of secrets of his own. You do get to learn the full history of Cesar in the main story of Devastation. But I won't spoil it for you. Just know that he does go way back and he has a connection to things in the past that become relevant in the story.

Marco: Wait, that means he's probably alive during the original Centennial Wars, right?

Brad: Definitely during the original Centennial War, that was only three hundred years ago.

Marco: Oh my goodness. So that means he knew Rexan before Rexan was killed?

Brad: Yeah. Probably not directly though.

Marco: I mean he knew of… [Rexan]

Brad: Yeah, he knew of. I mean, Hepzibah was born just after the end of the Centennial Wars… no, [she] was born before the beginning. So she actually got to meet Rexan as well.

Marco: Oh yeah, isn’t she technically… she’s that trope, right, she looks young but she’s actually centuries old

Brad: Yeah, yeah. Because she keeps draining people’s life and staying alive.

Marco: Effective vampire.

Brad: Yeah, something like that. But anyway, back to Cesar.

[Talk on various inspirations for Cesar: Auron, Tager (Blazblue), and Wolfwood (Trigun).]

Marco: Just in case any of the viewers / listeners don’t know what an ironstar looks like, I’ll post a picture of an ironstar here, it basically looks like a pentagon with swords everywhere. That’s what it looks like.

Brad: It’s got a handle on the back, and you can wield it upright as a tower shield and walk forward and block attacks as you head in, or you can basically drop it on things. And that’s the preferred method of attack, is to knock somebody over with the weight of it, and then drop it on them.

Marco: I kill you with my weight!

Brad: Joal uses one too. He uses a six-pointed one, and his is made of a lighter alloy than Cesar’s.

Marco: I can only assume.

Brad: Because Cesar is really stupidly strong like a golem, where Joal is just an ordinary human. He also has to carry a bunch of other weapons.

Marco: Yeah, that’s fair. You know what? At some point we should really talk about golems, explain what the heck a golem is to someone.

Brad: I can give you all the backstory on the golems in Indines at some future point. There’s a good of bit of it.

Marco: Yeah, when we run out of characters. Quotes

● “The world has ended before, but the work goes on...” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Rulebook, pg. 49) ● “Someone has to put you down.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Rulebook, pg. 49) ● “No rest for the wicked, no rest for me.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Endless Vigil”) ● “Your time is up!” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Level 4 Protocol”) ● “The work goes on. Always the work goes on.” (The Art of BattleCON, pg. 47)

Cherri Seneca Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: War of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 3.

For her later incarnation, see Lymn.

BattleCON Titles: Dreamwalker, The Dark Behind Her Eyes Unique Ability: Nightmarish Visions Alternate Versions: Dreamweaver (“Sleepwalker”, alternate), Deep Sight (EX), Watcher (almighty) Styles: Blind, Catatonic, Crimson, Dreamscape, Mirage Unique Base: Stare Finishers: Soul Gaze, The Watchers

Striker Support: Soul Gaze Ante: Unnatural Insight Boost: Visionary Insight

Pixel Tactics Unit: Idea Accumulation Agents Hero: Dreamseer

BattleCON: War Preview - Part 3 (, article retrieved by the Wayback Machine on October 19th, 2015)

Race / Gender / Nationality: Human / Female / Sanghalim (“Backstory”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

Cherri Seneca is a wanderer with no true home. She seems to be guided in her journeys by some unearthly force. (“Backstory”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

Information not available on the Wayback Machine.

The Art of BattleCON (pgs. 24-25)

Cherri was the daughter of a family of influential merchants in Southern Sanghalim. When she became ill, her parents spared no expense in traveling the lands and seeking out the greatest healers in all of Indines. All was to no avail, until they heard tales of the legendary healer, Hepzibah Culotre, the physician of kings who had disappeared a century ago.

When they at least found Hepzibah, it was too late - Cherri had succumbed to her illness that very night. But the healer would not be deterred. Without asking for money or reward, Hepzibah restored the girl to life from beyond the dead - both body and soul - a feat forbidden by the gods.

Cherri returned from her journey beyond life, but not as she had life. Her mind was riddled with holes, becoming a portal to dreamscape - a plane of imagination, wonders, and horrors. Her connection with the dreamscape allows her to see and influence the thoughts of others and the hidden powers within this world, but it is slowly fragmenting her sanity.

As the ancient enemies of the Planestalkers search relentlessly for Cherri in order to use her as a gate into the Indines, Luc Von Gott and Khadath Ahemusei search as well - in hopes of saving her, from the darkness within her own mind.

Indines In-Depth (March ?, 2016)

This week's Indines In-Depth features a fan-favorite character, Cherri Seneca! While Cherri spends most of her early adventures being a passive plot device, she comes into her own strength and voice as she matures in the storyline of Devastation, re-emerging as the enigmatic guide and guardian, Lymn.


Cherri Seneca was a young girl from Sanghalim who was stricken with a terrible disease. When the doctors in her homeland could do nothing for her, her parents took her on a voyage south, into the wastelands of Gesselheim, where they had heard rumors of a witch who would cure any ailment for the right price. Cherri died on the voyage, but that did not prevent Hepzibah Culotre from healing her and restoring her to life once more. Cherri returned blind from her journey to the Afterworld, and the ritual that restored her soul left a tiny tear in the fabric of reality that holds the worlds together. This hole has allowed terrible secrets from beyond space and time to trickle slowly into her memory, granting her mysterious powers over the realm of dreams and minds.

Story in BattleCON: War

Sensing an opening through which she could exert her influence into Indines, the alien warlord Oriana sent her knight, Zaamassal, to track down and capture the girl. At the same time, heroes from the Planestalkers, led by Luc Von Gott, attempted to reach Cherri first in order to prevent Oriana's plans from coming to fruition. Zaamassal managed to reach the girl first, and earn her trust by explaining her condition and telling her that his master could seal up the damaged part of her mind.

Story in BattleCON: Devastation

Unfortunately, Oriana's intentions for Cherri went no further than the warlord's own ends. To extract the rift from her mind, Oriana obliterated the girl's body, discarding her soul into limbo. Shocked by this callous treatment of another human who had trusted in him, Zaamassal chased after Cherri's spirit, using his own magic to give it physical form. Cherri was reincarnated as Lymn, a spirit-wolf with the power to walk between planes. Returning to Indines, Lymn joined forces with Grand Marshall Kaitlyn Van Sorrel to take control of her own fate and fight against Oriana's invasion.

Future Adventures

In the ongoing battles against the forces of Chaos, Lymn continues to aid the Planestalkers, guiding them to new planes with her supernatural insight, and helping them to stay one step ahead of Oriana. Though wary of outside help from beyond Indines, she fights alongside new allies like Iri to maintain order and balance. On her many travels to fantastic worlds, she also searches for Zaamassal, now lost in self-imposed exile, in hopes of helping him find redemption for the mistakes of his past.

10 Facts about Cherri

1. Cherri’s parents were wealthy merchants from southern Sanghalim. When she returned from the dead, they were so afraid of what she had become that they disowned her.

2. Cherri’s eyes are a window to Limbo. If she removes her blindfold, raw planar chaos can be seen through them, which sickens or induces madness in those who see it.

3. Cherri’s parents were originally from Relecour, and not members of the Imperial Cult. This is why she does not have the “six stars” tattoo on her face that is characteristic of most Sanghalese women.

4. Cherri was a sharp girl with a knack for natural magick before she become sick. Her parents were planning to send her to Argent to become an Ecomancer (a witch who controls weather), since Ecomancy is a very prestigious and highly-sought art in the deserts of Sanghalim. Since returning from the Afterworld, she can no longer use Natural Magick.

5. Cherri used to read quite a bit, but there is no system of reading for the blind in Indines. Instead, she often asks others to read to her.

6. Cherri has no special physical senses, such as superior hearing or heat-perception. She fights by listening to the thoughts of her opponents and the whispers of the voices in Limbo that instruct her how to react to danger.

7. The sickness that she came down with is called Stillblood Sickness. It causes the victim’s blood to thicken and eventually clog. It can be treated by regular bloodletting and blood transfusions, but as the sickness sets in, these become less and less effective.

8. Her name was inherited from her grandmother, a wealthy Relecan merchant matriarch.

9. Cherri’s abilities allow her to read the thoughts and intentions of others, as well as to inject visions into their minds and communicate telepathically.

10. Cherri can speak directly to the beings known as the Dark Masters (the same ones who taught Hepzibah the spell to resurrect her), but their responses are heard only by her. For this reason, she often appears to be talking to herself.


● "Behold the darkness beyond this veil." (BattleCON: War of Indines, “Soul Gaze”) ● "For us, there are no more secrets." (BattleCON: War of Indines, “The Watchers”) ● "I can see it so clearly now… there is only one way this ends." (BattleCON: Strikers) ● "For us, there are no more secrets." (The Art of BattleCON, pg. 24) ● "All my questions are gone. They have been replaced by a hideous, stark clarity that leaves no room for doubt, only fear.." (The Art of BattleCON, pg. 25) ● "I feel myself slipping away into madness... but somehow, everything I wondered at before has become so terribly clear." (Indines In-Depth, March ?, 2016) ● “When I returned, I was hollow, but not empty. Something else had come back with me. It’s here even now…” (Indines In-Depth, March ?, 2016)

Cin Atalar

Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics DX and a supporter in Argent: ‘Mancers of the University.

Head of the Debate Team at Argent University.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Daring Diplomat Division Hero: Negotiator

Argent Department: Technomancy Position: Debate Club Captain

Cindra Flama Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Trials of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics: Argent University, and a supporter in Argent: ‘Mancers of the University.

BattleCON Title: Phoenix-Touched Heroine, Risen From the Ashes Unique Ability: Rebirth Alternate Versions: None Styles (human): Ashen, Cinder, Phoenix, Rising, Soaring Styles (phoenix): Ember, Kindled, , Perilous, Smouldering Unique Base: Wings Forms: Human Form, Phoenix Form Finishers: Blazing Pyre, Cinder Storm

Striker Support: Ashen Bellows Ante: Restore Boost: Immortal Coil

Pixel Tactics Unit: Karmic Crusaders Hero: Resurrectionist

Argent Department: Divinity Position: Vice Dean’s Ward

BattleCON: Trials of Indines Character Guide (pg. 6)

● Age: 58 ● Gender: Female ● Race: Human / Phoenix ● Nationality: Relecour ● Affiliation: Argent University ● Likes: Birdsong, Tragic plays ● Dislikes: Things not working as planned ● Personality: Free-spirited, Tranquil ● Weapon: Cinder Magic ● Reason to Fight: for Justice

Years ago, bandits attacked a small village in the heart of the continent, killing every man, woman, and child in a raid. Cindra escaped from the slaughter by fleeing into a nearby woods, where she survived using the skills that her father, a huntsman, had taught her.

One day, as she struggled to find food, she came upon a large egg, which she quickly snatched from its nest and ate raw. Little did she know, this was the egg of a powerful nature spirit, a phoenix, mid-way through its cycle of reincarnation. Instead of being reborn as usual, the phoenix’s soul merged with Cindra’s.

Each time she dies, Cindra is resurrected again at the same age as she was that fateful day she merged with the phoenix. Since that time, she has set her skills to aiding others, becoming a healer of some renown.

When Xenitia, Cindra’s friend and colleague, left Argent to search for answers to her past, Cindra regretted not joining her for that adventure. In the hopes of finding her friend now, she has joined up with Dravil and Trias on their quest to see if she can follow Xenitia’s footsteps.


● “No matter what, I won’t be afraid.” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “No matter how many times I must try, I won’t fail in my resolve.” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines Character Guide pg. 9) ● “All heroes fall, but I rise again!” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines Cindra Flama tuckbox, BattleCON: Trials of Indines “Blazing Pyre”, and In-Depth Cindra Guide, December 11th, 2017) ● “I’ve seen so much. You don’t know what it means to be human.” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “Human Form”) ● “We must rise above ourselves to achieve something greater.” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “Phoenix Form”) ● “The flame cleanses, making all things new once more.” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “Cinder Storm”)

Clinhyde Eight Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 2.

BattleCON Titles: Bred For Battle, Special Operative Unique Ability: Powersuit Alternate Versions: Compounding Toxins (“Integrated Systems”, alternate), End of the Line (EX), Maximum Stim (almighty) Styles: Diffusion, Gravity, Phase, Shock, Toxic Unique Base: Frenzy Infusions: Crizma Infusion, Ehrlite Infusion, Hylatine Infusion Finishers: Vital Silver Infusion, Ritherwhyte Infusion

Striker Support: Shock Flash Ante: Stimpack Boost: Infusion

Pixel Tactics Unit: Power Up Platoon Hero: Operative

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 49) or BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Character Introductions (Kickstarter Update #7)

Born to be a weapon and trained from his youth up, Clinhyde is a super-soldier born from a fusion of all of Willat's technologies. His genetics are at least 50% synthetic, making him half homunculus, and he is equipped with an integrated power suit that boosts his capabilities even higher. Under the proper chemical influences, he even possesses limited psionic power.

Clinhyde has been sent to Gesselheim as a spy–to sabotage the weapon Malandrax is creating for Overlord Rexan and to eliminate the Overlord himself if the situation calls for it.

Though the council of magisters have dispatched him with his specific mission by majority approval, they are individually divided on its details, and whether it should be carried out at all. Magister Acktern, Clinhyde's mentor, secretly seeks to drive him away from his indoctrinated programming and discover his own morality.


● “I don’t care what I have to sacrifice–I won’t let anything stand in our way!” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, pg. 50) ● “I’ll destroy you–at any price!” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Vital Silver Infusion”) ● “I didn’t want to have to go this far...” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Ritherwhyte Infusion”) ● “You could use a power-up.” (BattleCON: Strikers)

Clive Melmont Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 2.

From Jeffreys (The Art of BattleCON, pg. 115).

BattleCON Title: (The) Inventor’s App Unique Ability: Modular Systems Alternate Versions: Upgrade Patch (“Hero’s Apprentice”, alternate), Shock Guard (EX), Super Fighting Android (almighty) Styles: Burnout, Leaping, Megaton, Rocket, Upgradeable Unique Base: Wrench Modules: Afterburner, Atomic Reactor, Auto-Repair, Barrier Chip, Core Shielding, Extending Arms, Force Gloves, Rocket Boots, Synapse Boost Finishers: System Reset, System Shock

Striker Support: Home Run Swing Ante: Rocket Shoes Boost: Monkey Wrench

Pixel Tactics Unit: Experts of Accidental Awesome Hero: Inventor

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 48) and Character of the Week (October 9th, 2017)

In a terrible disaster a few years prior, the Melmont family’s estate was consumed in a huge fire. Clive was the only survivor and was gravely injured. It was the royal historian and famous hero, Luc Von Gott, who built a robotic body for Clive, transferring the boy’s consciousness to it and saving his life. Clive now follows Luc on his adventure of inventing new and incredible machines of his own and learning from his master about what it means to be a hero.

Character of the Week (October 9th, 2017)

Clive utilizes a wide variety of gadgets and tricks in combat. His tools provide him with handy temporary bonuses, which he can leverage for utility during battle and constantly vary his play style.

10 Facts about Clive

1. Clive’s family was actually very rich. Though they lost many possessions in the fire, Clive has actually inherited a generous sum of money.

2. The thing Clive likes least about being a robot is that he can’t eat his favorite foods anymore.

3. The thing he likes the most about being a robot is that he doesn’t have a bedtime.

4. Clive is a natural talent at aeronautics, and has built a few small airships himself.

5. He has a bunch of friends his own age, and even though he’s now a full fledged apprentice under Luc, he still finds time to go out and play with them. Being a robot has made him much better at baseball, and much worse at dodgeball.

6. He keeps up an optimistic demeanor, but he is still very distraught emotionally about the deaths of his parents.

7. His parents were close friends of Luc’s.

8. He is a direct descendant of Servi of Relecour.

9. He’s jealous of all of ARIA’s cooler gadgets.

10. When he grows up, he would like to join the Planestalkers.


● “Don’t worry, I can handle it, boss!” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, pg. 55) ● “Good thing I brought a spare!” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “System Reset”) ● “You might wanna take over!” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “System Shock” and Character of the Week, October 9th, 2017) ● “Let’s throw a wrench into the works!” (BattleCON: Strikers)

Colith Midlun Featured as a voter in Argent: the Consortium.

Argent Department: Consortium Position: Keeper of the Keys


● “The university belongs to those who call it home. My duty is to give its key to one they choose.” (Argent: the Consortium, “2nd-Most Supporters”)

Daedalus Khimsey Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 4.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Coal-Blackened Cavalry Hero: Blacksmith

Daill “Black Dog” Tredge Featured as a backstory character in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines.

Deceased. Notorious rogue mage. See Eligor Larington.

Dareios Kuel Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Trials of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics DX, and a voter in Argent: the Consortium.

BattleCON Title: Wandering Brewmaster Unique Ability: Dipsomania Alternate Versions: None Styles: Shuffling, Slandering, Slurred, Staggering, Stumbling Unique Base: Keg Drinks: Aqueous Arbor, Emeraldabier, Tea Transcendent, Vutasi Vapor, Zocean Zudd Finishers: Drunken Master, Extraordinaire Ether

Striker Support: Morphogenic Mixer Ante: Darknaught Draught Boost: Philter of Petrification

Pixel Tactics Unit: Dipsomaniac Division Hero: Brewmaster

Argent Department: Consortium Position: Wandering Apothecarist

BattleCON: Trials of Indines Character Guide (pg. 10) and BattleCON: Trials of Indines Kickstarter (Update #6)

● Age: 31 ● Gender: Male ● Race: Human ● Nationality: Gesselheim ● Affiliation: Himself ● Likes: Exploring, local cuisine, herbology ● Dislikes: Sore losers, fighting seriously ● Personality: Freewheeling, Curious ● Weapon: Unarmed (Drunken Fighting) ● Reason to Fight: for Thrills

Dareios has wandered Indines, searching out rare flavors and exotic spices to use in his brews. On one of his many adventures, he crossed paths with the mystic Tatsumi Nuoc, and it was love at first sight. Since that fateful day, he has searched for a some gift to express his feelings for her.

One dark and stormy night, he chanced upon a mysterious green-haired woman drinking alone in a bar. He shared his predicament with her, and the woman challenged him to a game–his soul against an ancient and priceless treasure. Dareios managed to win, and his prize was a strange relic–something like a key.

With the treasure in hand, he has journeyed to the west to present it to Tatsumi. However, darker forces are close on his heels. The Daemons want their key returned, and the notorious villain, Wardlaw O’Brien, also has his sights set on acquiring the key and whatever secrets it hides for himself.

Carefree as ever, Dareios continues on his adventures, curious where this new quest will lead him...

Indines In-Depth (September 5th, 2016)

Article is known to have been published but is not available on the Wayback Machine. However, the content is likely identical to the above information.


● “Come, have a drink with me!” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “Only when perceptions of reality’s limits are dispensed with, can you unbind your true potential.” (Argent: the Consortium, “Most Consumables”) ● “I’ll drink to that!” (Trials of Indines Kickstarter, Update #6) ● “Come, share a drink with me!” (Trials of Indines Kickstarter, Update #6) ● “Our world is filled with wonders, and it’s my dream to taste them all!” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines Kickstarter, Update #6) ● “This calls for a drink! Who’s with me?!” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, Dareios Kuel tuckbox) ● “Feelin’ no pain!” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “Aqueous Arbor”) ● “Strength for the body, mind, and soul. Mostly the body though.” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “Emeraldabier”) ● “Time for tea!” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “Tea Transcendent”) ● “Feels like you’re drinking nothing at all!” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “Vustasi Vapor”) ● “Perception is just a matter of perspective.” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “Zocean Zudd”) ● “And just for one moment, everything seems to align so completely.” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “Drunken Master”) ● “Who’s ready for another round!?” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “Extraordinaire Ether”)

Delgado Featured as a summon in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines.

Deceased. One of the four heroes. Originally from Sanghalim. For his channeler, see Magdelina Larington.

Demitras Denigrande Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: War of Indines, a striker in BattleCON, and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 1.

BattleCON Title: The Lord of Death Unique Ability: Crescendo Alternate Versions: Seeing Red (“Vampire Knight”, alternate), Rising Pitch (EX), Swan Song (almighty), Seeing Red (“Matador”, promo) Styles: Bloodletting, Darkside, Illusory, Jousting, Vapid Unique Base: Deathblow Finishers: Symphony of Demise, Accelerando

Striker Support: Black Symphony Ante: Allegro Boost: Staccato

Pixel Tactics Unit: Deathless Legion Hero: Vampire

BattleCON: War Preview - Part 2 (, article retrieved by the Wayback Machine on October 19th, 2015)

Race / Gender / Nationality: Vaum / Male / Gesselheim (“Backstory”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

Demitras is a vampire who served Lord Rexan in the original centennial wars. (“Backstory”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

A three century-old vampire who fights with lightning speed, Demitras is a servant of the Dark Overlord Rexan. Two hundred years ago, Rexan was slain by four legendary warriors, and the world was restored to light from darkness. An aristocrat and ruler of the world alongside Rexan in his glory days, Demitras is working to revive the overlord by collecting the souls of the world's strongest warriors.

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 11)

Demitras Denigrande was already an established lord of Gesselheim when Rexan took power. He was one of the first to add his army and influence to the emerging nation that Rexan was building, and fought alongside the Overlord in the Centennial Wars - a time many Gesselhemians remember as the most glorious moment of their nation.

Since the fall of lord Rexan, the nation of Gesselheim has nearly dissolved back into the disorganized tribes and warring feudal lords that it once was. Demitras was forced to watch the decline from his palace in solitude, unable to muster the same force of personality or power that the overlord used to unite them in the past.

When Hepzibah Culotre appeared with a spell of true resurrection and asked Demitras to aid her in the restoration of the Overlord, it was a change to recapture that glorious past age. WIthout hesitation, Demitras sent his army of ghouls and beastmen to collect the parts that Hepzibah would need for the spell, while he himself set to preparing the way for the Overlords’s return and restoring the Fortress of the New Moon to its ancient glory.


● “Can you hear it? The bated breath, the fast-beating heart, the whimper of fear? The symphony of demise draws ever closer to your grand finale.” (, “The Characters”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012) ● "No hope. No escape." (BattleCON: War of Indines, “Symphony of Demise”) ● "Now we come to the grand finale..." (BattleCON: War of Indines, “Accelerando”) ● “You will serve me yet in death.” (BattleCON: Strikers and The Art of BattleCON, pg 11)

Devah Danah Featured as a mercenary in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics: The Price of Victory.

Called “Brawler” in Devastation of Indines.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Might Makes Right Hero Class: Fistfighter

Disposable Dave

Featured as a mercenary in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics: The Price of Victory.

Called “Lackey” in Devastation of Indines.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Ill-Fated Fireteam Hero Class: Lackey

Dolores Malephaise Featured as a BattleQUEST boss in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics: Seven Sisters.

BattleCON Attacks: Black Chains, Drag Down, Shackle Wall, Dark Binding, The Rack, Iron Maiden Ability: Spread the Wings

Pixel Tactics Unit: The Afterworld Inquisition Hero Class: Inquisitor

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 11)

The Wings of Malephaise bind time and space in the afterworld, giving Dolores control over the world around her with reins of dark magic.

Dravil Coldwater Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Trials of Indines and a striker in BattleCON: Strikers.

Likely related to Ansloma Coldwater.

BattleCON Title: Chronicler From the North Unique Ability: Ebbing Tide Alternate Versions: None Styles: Cloying, Frozen, Lunar, Resonant, Torrential Unique Base: Storm Finishers: Blue Dragon’s Scalding Breath, Blue Dragon’s Slicing Teeth

Striker Support: Blue Dragon Flourish Ante: Fog Cover Boost: Frost Path

Pixel Tactics Unit: Tides of Battle Hero: Chronicler

Art of BattleCON (pg. 102)

Art note on hair.

Glittery hair.

BattleCON: Trials of Indines Character Guide (pg. 6)

● Age: 36 ● Gender: Male ● Race: Human (Elemental Touched--Water) ● Nationality: Northlands ● Affiliation: None ● Likes: Hot drinks, Teaching music ● Dislikes: Things not working as planned ● Personality: Eloquent, Courtly ● Weapon: Magic, Flute ● Reason to Fight: for Adventure

Dravil hails from the Northlands, an icy land beyond the northern reaches of the mountains that divide Indines from an unexplored polar region.

Dravil is a chronicler, a professional storyteller charged with preserving the history of the world in song and speech, and passing these legends on wherever he goes.

Only a few months ago, the dragon king Greyheart was poised to be released from a thousand-year imprisonment and wipe humanity from the continent. Intent on seeing history made, Dravil journeyed to the south and watched as the Dragon King was defeated by a group of unlikely heroes.

After the deposing of the Dragon King, Dravil recalled another old legend, all but forgotten in the southern lands, of a world sealed away from the surface when the dragons came to power ages ago. As word of his story spread, adventurers have begun new quests to find the keys to these ancient vaults, and Dravil remains in Indines to see the end of this quest, and perhaps play his part in the story as well.


● “Another story begins...” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “What sort of story will they tell of us?” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines Rulebook, pg. 13, and BattleCON: Trials of Indines, Dravil Coldwater tuckbox) ● “Let me tell you a story in the old tongue...” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “Blue Dragon’s Scalding Breath”) ● “And then, when victory seemed impossible, the patient dragon struck. Just… like… this!” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “Blue Dragon’s Slicing Teeth”) Eirene Lemina Kobor Featured as a striker in BattleCON: Strikers and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 3.

Misspelled as “Eireen” in Pixel Tactics.

Striker Support: Surprise Shot Ante: Distraction Boost: Camouflage

Pixel Tactics Unit: Hinterlands Head Hunters Hero: Huntress


● “It seems the game is afoot!” (BattleCON: Strikers)

Elbruese Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 5.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Infinite Recursors Hero: Recursor

Elgala Richiese Featured as a mercenary in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics: The Price of Victory.

Called “Mage” in Devastation of Indines.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Power At Any Cost Hero Class: Mage

Eligor Larington Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines and BattleCON Online, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 1.

BattleCON Titles: A Legend in the Making, Successor to Saint Kelbran Unique Ability: Sword of Vengeance Alternate Versions: Martial Law (“Frontier Templar”, alternate), Seeking Retribution (EX), Eye for an Eye (almighty), Golden Templar Eligor (BattleCON Online Premium Costume) Styles: Chained, Counter, Martial, Retribution, Vengeful Unique Base: Aegis Finishers: Sheet Lightning, Sweet Revenge

Striker Support: Vengeful Blade Ante: Counterriposte Sudden Boost: Counterriposte Preparation

Pixel Tactics Unit: Drums of Vengeance Hero: Templar

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 36) and BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Character Introductions (Kickstarter Update #7) and Indines In-Depth (January 12th, 2017) and Character of the Week (October 23rd, 2017)

The Templars are a wandering order of monk-knights who keep peace and dispatch monsters within the borders of Jeffreys. Eligor has been serving his duty to the common folk of the realm for three years now, but as the times of peace draw to an end, he is searching desperately for some great task to make a name for himself.

The inheritor of the legendary sword of Saint Kelbran, Eligor's soul is one of pride and unrest. While his duty is to the people of Jeffreys, his real interest is in making a name for himself by striking down some great monster or performing some epic quest.

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 36) and BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Character Introductions (Kickstarter Update #7) and Indines In-Depth (January 12th, 2017)

When Runika Zenanen asked for volunteers to aid her against the Dragon Queen, Eligor alone stepped forward and accepted the errand, despite its impossible odds.

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 37)

Designer’s Notes

In Devastation, we wanted to create two dynamic main characters who served as a foil to one another - who could be opposites on multiple levels. On the one side, we had Shekhtur, a thief consumed by evil power, but who wants desperately to use that power for good. On the other, Eligor, a paladin and inheritor of a holy artifact, consumed by his desire for personal glory.

Indines In-Depth (January 12th, 2017)

During BattleCON: Devastation

When Runika Zenanen asked for volunteers to aid her in her quest to defeat the Dragon Queen, Eligor alone stepped forward and accepted the errand, despite its impossible odds. Their adventure took them all across the continent of Indines, where they met many new allies such as Shekhtur, Joal, and Khadath. Once he defeated Adjenna and Greyheart, however, Eligor uncovered a far more sinister plot, one that would push his skills and beliefs to the very limit.

Later Adventures

After his adventures with Runika, Eligor returns to serving the people of Jeffreys as a Templar. His skills are once again called for when the keys to the lost Vaults are uncovered. Merjoram, the princess of Jeffreys, asks for his aid in preventing these relics from falling into the wrong hands. Though already a hero of great renown, Eligor is intrigued by the mystery of the vaults and the legendary Underlands that were sealed away from the surface world, and so agrees to adventure alongside Merjoram and her knights.

Indines In-Depth (January 12th, 2017) and Character of the Week (October 23rd, 2017)

10 Facts about Eligor

1. Eligor was born out of wedlock. His mother, Magdelina’s aunt, was still very young at the time, and so left him in the care of Kerhault Monastery as a baby.

2. He grew up under the tutelage of the monks, and decided to join the order of the templars when he came of age, desiring to become a hero in the style of the old heroes of the Grand Chronicle.

3. He received his Red Lion Crest from King Alexian XXXVII for killing Daill “Black Dog” Tredge, a notorious rogue mage who terrorized cities in the eastern portion of Jeffreys with shadow and lightning magic.

4. The prayer beads he carries are made from Shorec Wood, and monks often pray with them when seeking temperance and endurance through hardship. These are a relic of his upbringing in a monastery, not a standard tool for templars.

5. His hair is naturally platinum blonde, like his cousin Magdelina’s.

6. He has no idea who his father was. He knows his mother, Brynne, but she and Eligor are not particularly close, and she hasn’t said anything to Eligor about his father.

7. The three dots on his forehead are consecration marks tattooed there in a ceremony when he was ten. They are a common sign for monks of Ka-Shin.

8. His patron deity is Ka-Shin, the goddess of Light, Justice, and Judgment.

9. He is extremely distrustful of mercenaries and other sorts of career soldiers. He temporarily joined the Jeffrian irregulars out of desperation for the opportunity to make a name for himself in battle, but would normally not consider such a path. It was during this time that he met Runika.

10. He is allergic to Trussas, the cute, fluffy animals that inhabit the woods and fields of Indines and which many people keep as pets.

Character of the Week (October 23rd, 2017)

Plot beyond Devastation

With his great adventures finished, the reality of the world has tempered Eligor's proud soul with a real sense of duty. After defeating the Dragon Queen and protecting the world from the plots of the daemons during the events of Devastation, Eligor is promoted to high templar by King Alexian. Despite the fame and prestige of the position, Eligor is restless for more adventure. He joins up with the Champions of Indines on and off, while fighting alongside princess Merjoram Alexian as one of her royal guard. Already a legendary hero in his own time, he searches out new challenges in the defense of his homeland and the pursuit of justice.

BattleCON Online (Eligor Larington [Basic Eligor], “Abilities”)

Wielding the legendary Sword of Saint Kelbran, Eligor serves as a Templar--Judge, Jury, and Executioner under the holy laws of Ka-Shin.

BattleCON Online (Eligor Larington [Golden Templar Eligor], “Abilities”)

For his service to the realm, Eligor was awarded a knighthood and a suit of golden armor. As a and advisor to Crown Princess Merjoram, he continues to serve his kingdom.


● “Now is the time for a new legend. I’ll be the hero they sing about for the next millennium!” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, pg. 44) ● “You’re unworthy to be part of my legend!” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Sheet Lightning”) ● “I will have my revenge...” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Sweet Revenge”) ● “I’ll put an end to you!” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “They’ll need new heroes for the new millennium. Why not me?” (Art of BattleCON, pg. 36) ● "I was raised reading and re-reading the Great Chronicle in an abbey, by monks who revered the old heroes and legends. I want to have my name on those pages someday." (Indines In-Depth, January 18th, 2017) ● Shekhtur: “Woah, what’s this?” Eligor: “That’s called a Gorget, you wear it around your neck. It’s useful if you’re expecting spears.” Shekhtur: “Ooh, and what’s this one?” Eligor: “That’s a vambrace, it’s a kind of plate shield for your forearm.” Shekhtur: “All this stuff is so cool.” Eligor: “Armor is situational… you can’t just put it all on at once, you have to equip for the foe you’re planning to face, and to compliment your strengths and fighting style.” Shekhtur: “Whatever. I’m going to be invincible with all this stuff, just watch!” (Indines In-Depth, January 18th, 2017)


Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 5.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Extinction Curse Corps Hero: Shamaness

Eloi Claus

Featured as a supporter in Argent: Summer Break.

Argent Department: Technomancy Position: Summer Maintenance Intern Endrbyt Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 3.

BattleCON Title: The Collector Unique Ability: Open the Vault Alternate Versions: Unlimited Mode (“The Record-Keeper”, alternate), Relic Hunter (EX), I Have the Technology (almighty) Styles: Capturing, Collection, Containment, Dispersal, Displacement, Forceful, Gripping, Levitation, Sonic, Terrifying Unique Bases: Buster, Grapple, Slice, Vent Modes: Acquisition Mode, Analysis Mode, Balance Mode, Reactor Mode, Suppression Mode Finisher: Break, Dispel, Equilibrium, Expel, Vanish

Striker Support: Discover Ante: Retool Boost: Reverse

Pixel Tactics Unit: The Repo Guys Hero: Repossessor

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 54)

Endrbyt is a collector for the Reliquary - the secret vault that contains all of the most dangerous and powerful artifacts from across the World of Indines. One of the most ancient members of the order, Endrbyt has been recovering artifact for over eight centuries.

As a golem, Endrbyt is himself a relic left over from the Draconic Wars a millennium ago. Originally created to aid humans against the Dragons, he has shifted his mission to protecting them from the fallout of that war. Unsurprisingly, he specializes in artifacts originating from his own era, and it seems as thought he was specifically designed for containment and control of these artifacts. Inside his body is a containment chamber that can absorb artifacts as energy. Whatever objects he stores, Endrbyt can also channel their powers. Quotes

● “Just hand it over and make both of our lives a little bit easier, won’t you?” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, pg. 58) ● “There’s no need to resort to violence… but why let that stop me?” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Break”) ● “Now you see it, now I nix it.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Dispel”) ● “The Way of Balance is your artifact in my hands. Now.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Equilibrium”) ● “What makes you think I won’t just explode and destroy you too if I lose?” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Expel”) ● “I call this the old ‘hit the other guy and don’t get hit back’ trick.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Vanish”) ● “I’ll take that!” (BattleCON: Strikers)

Eustace, Lord Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Fate of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 3, and a voter in Argent: the Consortium.

BattleCON Title: The Frozen Baron Unique Ability: Shendrassa’s Embrace Alternate Versions: Go With the Flow (EX), Lord of Ice (almighty), Ice Wildlife (“Arctic Guardian”, Earth Day alternate) Styles: Baron’s, Elementary, Frigid, Frostbite, Ivory Unique Base: Cross Finishers: Bone Breaker, Rime Blitzer

Striker Support: Good Manners Ante: Chill of Death Boost: Level the Field

Pixel Tactics Unit: The Blue Barons Hero: Baron

Argent Department: Consortium Position: Baron of Kherdoza

BattleCON: Fate Preview - Part 3 (, article retrieved by the Wayback Machine on October 19th, 2015)

Race / Gender / Nationality: Undead / M / Relecour

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 103)

Art note on hood apparently used for public appearances.

Public appearance hood Fake metal nose structure

I'm the backer that worked with Brad to create Lord Eustace, so hopefully Brad doesn't mind if I share the backstory (long post ahead!).

From a BGG post in the thread “BattleCON: the artbook” by Jason Viddal on Thu Dec 12, 2013. 6:07 pm.

Here is the initial story I worked out with Brad. I'm not sure if it has changed at all since then:

Lord Eustace was a Baron of the mercantile holding of Kherodza (part of Relecour) back during the first Centennial War, a title and responsibility passed down in his family through generations. Situated in the far northeastern portion of Relecour, Kherodza was a successful hub for traders and trappers that lived in the northern wilderness. A true gentleman, Eustace's constant efforts to better the lives of his people and his insistance on propriety and justice captured the fancy of a passing water elemental named Shendrassa the Morning Tide. They became fast friends, and began planning methods by which Kherodza and eventually Relecour as a whole might begin trade with the Elemental nation.

Hearing of this, Overlord Rexxan feared that an alliance between the Elementals and Relecour would pose a threat to his power, so he sent Heketch to deal with the "problem". Eustace and Shendrassa were able to drive Heketch off, but his surprise attack left the friends mortally wounded. As a last-ditch effort to preserve all they had worked for, Shendrassa cast a spell that would merge her life force with that of Eustace. The spell was successful but left them as half-beings who could not survive apart, Eustace's body becoming their anchor in this world. Shendrassa often likes to appear as an ice crow perched on Eustace's hat, her former watery powers now turned to ice by the chill touch of the grave.

The pair would eventually come to learn that the spell had made them functionally immortal, and though Eustace's flesh has disintegrated over the years the two souls still inhabit his skeleton and life burns bright in its hollow eyes. Now Eustace guides the fate of his people from the shadows, fearing what they would think if they saw his skeletal form. He uses his influence and fortune to bolster the heroes of Relecour in an attempt to prevent a second Centennial War. He'd also like to pay Heketch back for that woefully unsporting surprise attack all those years ago... a proper gentleman fights his battles face-to-face!

In combat Lord Eustace and Shendrassa move as one, Eustace striking with fist and cane while Shendrassa's ice flows down his limbs adding weight and protection before exploding in a shower of ice shards on impact, or freezing any armor on contact so it can be broken with a later blow.


● "I assure you it it will be more than one." (BattleCON: Fate of Indines, “Bone Breaker”) ● "Lights out.." (BattleCON: Fate of Indines, “Rime Blitzer”) ● “If that’s how it is, then let’s settle this like gentlemen!” (Fate of Indines Fighter & Mode Guide, pg. 2) ● “Come on then, let’s make this a fair show.” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “Power is only the first half of leadership.” (Argent: the Consortium, “Most Wisdom”)

Exhufern Le Marigras Featured as a candidate in Argent: the Consortium and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 3.

Argent Department: Natural Magick Position: Dean of Natural Magic Mage Power: Strength of Earth

Pixel Tactics Unit: Forestry Fighters Hero: Dryad

Argent: the Consortium rulebook (pg 19)

Exhufern is a thousand-year-old dryad whose life tree is at the heart of the university campus. When her trees sheds its coat every hundred years, Exhufern reincarnates into a new body. Her magic is as old and deadly as the elements, and her mages have a toughness that makes them hard to push aside.

The Art of Argent (pg. 22)

Planted almost a thousand years ago by the founders of Argent, a great Marigras tree towers over the campus at Argent. From this tree was born a dryad, Exhufern Le Marigras, whose history has been wholly intertwined with the university across her eight hundred year lifespan.

Exhufern has served as the university’s Chancellor on multiple occasions, resigning her post in the past to travel the world, fight the expansion of the western deserts, and assist in the Centennial Wars. She currently sponsors efforts to reforest the southern wastelands of the world, and is organizing activists to peacefully resist the environmental exploitation of the northern nation, Willat, that threatens to destabilize Indines’ ecosystems.

Exhufern’s life tree sheds its coat every few decades, and when it does, she is reborn again with new features. Her youthful form is due to a very recent reincarnation.

While generally cheery, she can become very intense and passionate when it comes to her home and the future of the university.


● "Nature lives, nature moves, nature breathes. In each one of you, the cycles of life are continuing, beating in your hearts, flowing through your veins. It is this connection to nature that gives us our power.

"We are a part of the world around us, and that world is likewise a part of us. We can teach you here, grant you the power to become one with all things—to live as one with the wilds as your ancestors before time did.

"I saw them then... I remember their secrets. What they entrusted to me, I will also entrust to you."

(Argent the Consortium Kickstarter, Update #18) ● “We must constantly evolve, to rise above the impossible.” (Argent the Consortium, “Strength of Earth”) ● “Lightning never strikes twice, but I’ve got other things, don’t worry.” (Argent the Consortium, “Lightning and You”) ● “We draw our power from the land. Unyielding, Mighty and Eternal.” (Argent the Consortium, “Songs of Springtime”) ● “Look to the skies, and destiny stands revealed before you.” (Argent the Consortium, “Master Book of Starcalling”) ● “Who can stand against the raging storm? Who can fight the rising tide?” (Argent the Consortium, “Taming of the Storm”) ● “The last person who told me that ‘Meteor isn’t a weather spell’ got hit by a meteor. What were you saying?” (The Art of Argent, pg. 22)

Ezikiol Zook Featured in backstory material for BattleCON: War of Indines.

Mystic and father of Xenitia Zook. Mainly mentioned in information for Luc Von Gott.

Fermata Referenced in backstory material for BattleCON: War of Indines.

An unknown android or robot. Character is named in the Indines In-Depth article for Cadenza but is presently undetailed.

Forcian Demarq, Corrupted Archmage Featured as a BattleQUEST boss in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 3.

Former Archmage of Amalao and father to Luca Demarq.

BattleCON Attacks: Attunement, Searing Flame, Lightning Swift, Creeping Dark Tidal Force, Calamity Grip Ability: Phantasmagoric Aura

Pixel Tactics Unit: The Elements of Power Hero: Elementalist

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 6)

Consumed by the corrupting light of the phantasmagoric flame. Demarq has become an elemental monster of hideous power. The light of the flame now controls his every act.

Framboise Malephaise Featured as a BattleQUEST boss in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics: Seven Sisters.

Known as Framboise Galston prior to becoming a daemon, and is likely connected with Galston House. See Tanis Trilives and Galton House.

BattleCON Attacks: Remembrance, Seize the Reins, Annihilation, Burn the Future, Extinguish the Past, Challenge the Sun Ability: Consult the Eye

Pixel Tactics Unit: Disingenuous Doomsayers Hero Class: Soothsayer

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 10)

Holding the Eye of Malephaise, Framboise possesses dark insights into the workings of the mind and soul. Garek Teslas Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 4 and a supporter in Argent: ‘Mancers of the University.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Kings of the Street Hero: Gangster

Argent Department: Technomancy Position: Leader of the Mad Manticores

Gaspar Geddon Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 3.

BattleCON Title: An Abyss Within Unique Ability: Realities Lost Alternate Versions: Persistent Duality (“Of Many, One”, alternate), My Own Clone (EX), Attack of the Clones (almighty) Styles: Cascading, Gordian, Instanced, Recursive, Replicated Unique Base: Bladestorm Finishers: Blank Infinity, Inception

Striker Support: Reflected Visions Ante: Undoing Boost: Duplication

Pixel Tactics Unit: Heralds of the Void Hero: Doomspeaker

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 55)

At the end of the universe sits the dying realm of the Minus World. This is a world plagued by decay, destruction, and emptiness. The Dopplegangers who inhabit this world have lost their sense of identity and self, and turned to strange deities. Many worship the void at the end of the universe, and seek to become unmade in it and join its glory.

Gaspar is one such cultist, serving a master he calls ‘The Naught’, the darkness at the end of space. Gaspar has come to Indines as a herald of that same endless darkness. And preaches that someday soon all things in the universe will be unmade and returned to nothing. At that time, a new world will take its place. The world of the unborn, the unimagined, and the unknown - a world of all things denied existence in this universe.


● “We will not all disappear… but we will all be changed.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, pg. 57) ● “All things done will soon be undone.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Blank Infinity”) ● “Behold, your existance is taken from you, and given to those which are yet to be.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Inception”) ● “Enjoy what little time you have left.” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “The things which were will pass, and that which is not will soon come to be.” (The Art of BattleCON, pg. 55)

Gerard Matranga Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 3, a brawler in 7 Card Slugfest, and a voter in Argent: the Consortium.

BattleCON Title: The Love of Money Unique Ability: Band of Brigands Alternate Versions: Organized Crime (“Robbing the Rich”, alternate), Payment Up Front (EX), The Gang’s All Here (almighty), Explore, Expand, Exploit (“New Horizons”, promo) Styles: Avaricious, Gilded, Hooked, Initiation, Villainous Unique Base: Larceny Mercenaries: Archer, Bookie, Brawler, Gunslinger, Heavy Knight, Lackey, Mage, Trebuchet Finishers: Windfall, Ultra Beatdown

Striker Support: Hostage Taker Ante: Blindside Boost: Grifter’s Gambit

Pixel Tactics Unit: Wicked War Profiteers Hero: Mercenary

Argent Department: Consortium Position: Mercenary King

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Kickstarter (Update #31)

Gerard is the "Mercenary King" of Relecour (the Eastern nation in Indines). The country is officially run by barons who guard their fiefdoms, but wandering bandits, mercenaries, and all other manner of thugs rule the wild lands between established cities.

War is an important business for these bandits, and while the small wars between barons and petty robbery are enough to keep the coffers full, international wars pose an even greater opportunity for them–an opportunity Gerard aspires to take advantage of, with the resurrection of the Gesselhemian Overlord.

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 52-53)

Relecour is ruled by a loose coalition of Barons and other wealthy landowners. However, these all pale in comparison to the wealth of the Mercenary King Gerard Matranga. From his ancient fortress, Blackspire, Gerard controls the nation of Relecour from beneath the surface. Even as the vaults of Blackspire swell with gold and treasure, he plots new wars and new crises that will create ever more wealth for himself and his mercenaries.

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 52-53)

Designer’s Notes

To me, Gerard is the most human of the villains of Indines. I felt it was important to point out that you don’t have to be dragon or alien to be really, thoroughly evil.

7 Card Slugfest rulebook (pg. 7)

The self-titled “Mercenary King”. Loves gold in every form it appears, but mostly in whatever form it can be easily liberated from others.

Indines In-Depth (December 10th, 2015)


Gerard is the "Mercenary King" of Relecour (the Eastern nation in Indines). The country is officially run by barons who guard their fiefdoms, but wandering bandits, mercenaries, and all other manner of thugs rule the wild lands between established cities. War is an important business for these bandits, and while the small wars between barons and petty robbery are enough to keep the coffers full, international wars pose an even greater opportunity for them– an opportunity Gerard aspires to take advantage of, with the resurrection of the Overlord Rexan and the impending war that he has incited Alexian and the majority of the Relecan Barony to engage in.

Gerard’s Fortress is known as Blackspire, a massive and ancient tower forged of charred steel that twists ominously up to the sky. Previously overrun with aberrant creatures, the mercenaries under Gerard’s command slaughtered them all where even organized armies had failed, and made Blackspire their own. Still, the lower levels of Blackspire remain sealed, and the secrets beneath it, and the other spires of Indines, remain unknown even to Gerard, but he hopes to acquire the power necessary to fight through the horrors within its vaults and find whatever treasures lay buried there.

Plot during Devastation

Hearing rumors of the resurrection of the Overlord Rexan, Gerard sends his close confidant, Antine Frass, to spread whispers of war and incite fear among the people of Jeffreys and Relecour regarding their southern neighbors. At the same time, Gerard himself travels to Gesselheim, to confront the overlord and ransom the entire nation. Set against caving to Gerard's demands, Rexan prepares himself for war and diplomacy as a new conflict prepares to sweep his nation.

Plot during Fate

The fortress of Blackspire has stood since ancient times, before even the war between the gods and the dragons. Sealed within its depths is one of the great vaults. With the keys to these vaults only recently discovered, Gerard sets off alongside his company to capture the vault keys and claim whatever treasures lie within the vaults for himself.

Later Adventures

As Gerard's military successes and wealth grow, he sets his sights upon becoming the King of Relecour, in deed rather than merely in name. With his schemes in place, and the barons of Relecour growing ever weaker in their holdings and military power, the time will soon come for the rise of a new kingdom in the World of Indines…

10 Facts about Gerard

1. His left eye was sliced out by the former Blackspire Company commander for insubordination. Gerard returned the same fate after seizing the company through mutiny a year and a half later.

2. His parents were servants to one of the barons in Relecour. Gerard ran away from home as a teenager, stealing a bunch of things from his parents' master when he did so. When he returned, he found that his parents had been hanged for thievery.

3. Gerard does not use any form of magic, but he has an uncanny to manipulate people by using their vices against them.

4. Gerard seized control of the Blackspire Company by mutiny after an unsuccessful campaign in which the mercenaries were not paid for their work. After making an example of the previous commander, Harris Vorske, Gerard assumed command of the mercenary company.

5. Under Gerard, they company carried out a huge raid on the previously monster-infested fortress of Blackspire, thus securing themselves a fortress, name, and a deadly reputation.

6. Gerard collects antiques, and has a vault of them at his fortress. He has a keen interest in historical relics, though not necessarily relics with any kind of mystical power.

7. Though he had primary schooling, and learned to read, write, and speak. Gerard has no formal training in trade or higher education, and learned most of his skills from his fellow mercenaries.

8. Gerard's left leg was badly burned in a fight with a dragon, and never fully healed. The metal plating he wears protects this weak point from attacks, as well as adding stability to his weaker leg.

9. Gerard never fights with magical or enchanted weapons or armor. He considers these tools a crutch, and wants to make an example to his company that tactics, strength, and combat discipline are more powerful than magical tools.

10. Gerard has written a comprehensive manual on swordplay, military tactics, and wartime leadership, though it hasn't been published. The working title is: "The Price of Victory".


● “Keep up, kids. We’ve got a war to start here.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, pg. 54 and The Art of BattleCON, pg 53) ● “In War, there’s no honor - only victory, and what costs you to take it.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Windfall”) ● “What am I paying you lot for? Hurry up and get rid of this loser.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Ultra Beatdown”) ● “Did you pay me to fight fair, or did you pay me to win?” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “Eyepatches are a great look, trust me!” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Eye Jab”) ● “Plan B? …All you did was punch him normally?” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Plan B”) ● “That’s a nice Gold Tooth you’ve got there.” “Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Requisition”) ● “Time to pay the piper!” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Invoice”)

Gideon Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 5.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Purifiers of the Flames Hero: Spellbreaker

Gil Gorgeous Featured as a mercenary in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 3, and a hero/leader in Pixel Tactics: The Price of Victory.

Misspelled as “Gill” in Pixel Tactics 3. Called “Gunslinger” in Devastation of Indines.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Wanted Poster Boys Hero: Gunslinger

From the BattleCON Online [Official] Discord on December 12th, 2017

Level99Games: haven't made gender/sexual identity a big part of the characters' designs on purpose

MollyMetroid: Ooh

MollyMetroid: Just knowing that is pretty affirming in general though

Level99Games: I'd like people to discover them as humans first, without the bias that comes with understanding their race/gender/sexual/religious identity in a real-world context

MollyMetroid: That's fair

MollyMetroid: May I ask who the known trans character is?

Level99Games: Gil Gorgeous, Gerard's Gunslinger Merc

Level99Games: the "Gorgeous" is a nickname that the other mercs gave her–she had to abandon her family name, but she's from a pretty well-off household, like Arec.

Gretel Sentavra Featured as a backstory character in Argent: ‘Mancers of the University.

Former Dean of Technomancy at Argent University. See Sophica Sentavra.

Gretyle Featured as a backstory character in BattleCON: Trials of the Indines.

Deceased. Sister of Amon Elcela; see Amon Elcela.

Greyheart, Dragon King Featured as a backstory character in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines.

Husband of Adjenna Callista and father of Marmelee Greyheart. See their respective entries and the BattleCON: Devastation of Indines story material for more information.

Hai of Noirwood Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics: Freelancers and a supporter in Argent: the Consortium.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Terrific Trinity Team Hero Class: Fey

Argent Department: Mysticism Position: Librarian’s Assistant

Harris Vorske Featured as a backstory character in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines.

Former commander of the Blackspire Company. Deposed and succeeded by Gerard Matranga; see his entry for more information.

Havoc Featured as a boss in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics DX.

BattleCON Title: Devastation is at Hand Attacks: Avalanche, Blast Wind, Calamity, Chain of Destruction, Downdraft, Gale Winds, Hailstorm, Meteor, Shifting Earth, Spike, Step Leader, Storm Front, Thunderclap, Vulcan

Pixel Tactics Unit: Clash of the Titans Hero: Titan

Hayden Morgan Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Trials of Indines.

BattleCON Title: Latent Psionic Unique Ability: Breaking Point Alternate Versions: None Styles: Latent, Reckless, Telekinetic, Telestatic, Versatile Unique Base: Force Finishers: Hemorrhage, Total Control

BattleCON: Trials of Indines Character Guide (pg. 16)

● Age: 22 ● Gender: Female ● Race: Human ● Nationality: Jeffreys ● Affiliation: Jeffrian Armiger Corps ● Likes: New places, Tinkering ● Dislikes: Entertainers, Drunks, Mages ● Personality: Intense, Headstrong ● Weapon: Psionics (Telekinetics) ● Reason to Fight: for Self-Discovery

Since she was young, Hayden has possessed a mysterious power that she didn’t fully understand. Raise with a deep loyalty to her nation and the principles of honor, she joined the Armiger Corps of her homeland of Jeffreys, and became an assistant to the legendary artificer, Runika Zenanen.

In her research, Runika discovered an ancient form of magic, lost to time, which she believed would be the key to unlocking Hayden’s full potential. Runika began excavating ever more ancient ruins, certain that she was upon the eve of some big find. Then, one morning, she was simply gone.

Among the Chief Armiger’s effects, Hayden found only a collection of old notebooks and a strange key-like devices, which she felt must having some connection to the lost, underground world they were researching. Resolve to do her duty to her nation and herself, Hayden has set out to discover what happened to Runika. Though she has some control over the power she wields, this adventure will push her to her very limits.


● “This isn’t about the mission anymore. I need to do this for myself.” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines Rulebook, pg. 16) ● “You want to see what I’m capable of?!” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, Hayden Morgan tuckbox) ● “Alright then, no holding back!” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “Hemorrhage”) ● “I won’t let this power master me.” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “Total Control”)

Hepzibah Culotre Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: War of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 1, and a voter in Argent: the Consortium.

BattleCON Titles: The Great Healer, Vivimancer Unique Ability: Dark Pact Alternate Versions: Wild Pact (“Far Out”, alternate), Blood Rites (EX), Life Siphon (almighty), Trick or Treat (“Spook-o-mancer”, Halloween promo) Styles: Accursed, Anathema, Darkheart, Necrotizing, Pactbond Unique Base: Bloodlight Dark Pacts: Almighty, Corruption, Endless, Immortality, Inevitable Wild Pacts: Adaptability, Earthspeaking, Might, Renewal, Survival Finishers: Seal the Pact, Altazzair

Striker Support: Bloodlight Ante: Enervation Boost: Dark Pact

Pixel Tactics Unit: Reanimator Corps. Hero: Witch

Argent Department: Consortium Position: Legendary Healer

BattleCON: War Preview - Part 2 (, article retrieved by the Wayback Machine on October 19th, 2015)

Race / Gender / Nationality: Human / Female / Gesselheim (“Backstory”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

Hepzibah Culotre - A famous healer with an unhealthy interest in forbidden resurrection spells. She plans to resurrect the overlord Rexan, and is being aided by Demitras and Heketch in this endeavor.

BattleCON: War of Indines Kickstarter (Update #21)

A sorceress with a talent for restoring the dead and manipulating the forces of life, Hepzibah was once one of the most revered healers in the Indines. After years of aiding others, she became bored with the practical applications of her art and gradually grew obsessed with the theoretical. Now she has turned her talents to returning the Dark Overlord Rexan to life, potentially plunging the world of Indines back into its darkest hours once again. Allied with Dark Masters, who watch the world from outside space and time, Hepzibah draws power from her pacts with them by burning away her own life force--a fuel she easily replenishes by 'borrowing' from others. Despite her extensive talents as a healer and her innate understanding of life, her dark fascination with power corrupts any positive use these abilities might have.

The Art of BattleCON (pgs. 20-21)

Vivimancy - the magic of life - is regarded as a divine art in the realm of Indines. Two hundred years ago, in the wake and reconstruction of the Centennial Wars, was born a girl named Hepzibah who displayed incredible skill at the art. She seemed to have a natural intuition in the art of channeling life, moving it, controlling it, and even transforming it into other kinds of power.

Hepzibah grew up to be the greatest healer Indines had ever known, and was sought out by kings, prophets, and magisters alike to serve as a physician. By her own intuition, Hepzibah had mastered the most coveted technique of the craft - the power to restore youth and health by borrowing the life of another. At first, when she was young, she was all too willing to offer this power to those in need. There were many kings whose willing servants would offer their lives to their masters. Many wealthy men with slaves to spare to extend their own lives.

Eventually, however, Hepzibah grew sickened of the excess and greed of these people - of all humanity - desperate for a long life at the expense of those around them. She retreated into isolation, and sought out mystics from around the world - mediums who would teach her the secrets of souls and the mysteries of death. In the theoretical practice of her craft and in the pursuit of a spell of true resurrections, Hepzibah felt a solace from the avarice of the world.

As she traveled the blighted lands of Gesselheim, searching out the masters of these forbidden arts, she came to feel a deep pity for the cursed folk of the realm - the living dead who remembered their names and families; the hideous beast-men shunned from society; and the elementals of decay and shadow who had become lost in this dimension ages ago. All lamented the golden age of their land, when they had been united under one leader, the Overlord Rexan.

Over a century after her disappearance, Hepzibah returned, certain that she hand successfully created the legendary spell of true resurrection - one able to to restore the body and recall the soul together as one. Her first test was upon Cherri Seneca - a girl stricken with a terrible disease. Though Cherri was restored to life, she had brought back something with her - or perhaps she herself was fractured in the journey.

Only the strongest of souls would survive the resurrection and return to the world whole, Hepzibah realized. Upon this revelation, her mind turned back to the legendary villain - a man the Gesselhemians regarded as their national hero. Perhaps he would be able to return intact...

Indines In-Depth (April 20th, 2016)

Another week, another Indines In-Depth. This week, we focus on one of the less examined characters in the World of Indines. Hepzibah is a character that has always been very interesting to write for, and who has an interesting psychology and history, shaped by being both an to society while simultaneously being very valuable and sought after by the same individuals who have shunned her.


A sorceress with a talent for restoring the dead and manipulating the forces of life, Hepzibah was once one of the most revered healers in the Indines, and was appointed the royal healer of Jeffreys after the decline of Gesselheim at the end of the Centennial Wars.

After years of faithful service, the aging King Alexian XXVI of Jeffreys tasked Hepzibah with making him immortal. When she refused to obey the command, she was branded a traitor and thrown out of the country. After this event, she became disgusted with the practical applications of her art and gradually grew obsessed with the theoretical, traveling to Argent University to teach as an associate professor and study under Byron Krane.

Now she has turned her talents to returning the Dark Overlord Rexan to life, potentially plunging the world of Indines back into one of its darkest hours, the Centennial Wars once again. Allied with Dark Masters, who watch the world from outside space and time, Hepzibah draws power from her pacts with them by burning away her own life force–a fuel she easily replenishes from others. Despite her extensive talents as a healer and her innate understanding of life, she rarely uses her abilities to heal or save lives.

In BattleCON: War

Hepzibah resurrected Cherri in the events leading up to War, but brought her back fragmented, leaving a path for the Dark Masters to see Indines through her. Working together with Demitras and Heketch, Hepzibah has set up her laboratory deep within Rubara Keep, and is chiefly concerned with perfecting her resurrection spell and bringing back the Overlord Rexan, her longtime hero, whom she believes will restore the glory of her homeland once more.

In BattleCON: Devastation

Having successfully revived the Overlord Rexan, Hepzibah serves as his advisor and as the court magician of Gesselheim. Intent on ensuring the success of her plan to make Gesselheim a world power once more, as well as to continue pursuing the theoretical branches of her art, she restores the Elvan scientist Aaron Ross to life, giving him a new body and a new identity as Malandrax Mecchi. She hopes to turn Malandrax’s genius to creating weapons and technology that will give her homeland an advantage in the coming conflict.

Hepzibah also serves as a tutor to Magdelina Larington, who defects to the side of Gesselheim after learning that her spirit guide had controlled her mind. Hepzibah teaches Magdelina to take control of the spirits around her, leading to her appearance as a neutral-aligned boss in Devastation.

10 Facts about Hepzibah

1. She was friends with Framboise Galston as a teenager, before Framboise became a Daemon.

2. Hepzibah was born in Gesselheim, before the nation’s rapid decline after the Centennial Wars. Despite being over three centuries old, she appears young due to using her own body as a battery to contain life force. When she runs low on life force, she appears much older.

3. The magic Hepzibah uses is called Vivimancy, a lost art from another world. The only other known practitioner of the art is Xenitia Zook. Because the secrets of the arts are lost, Hepzibah could only learn the art from the Dark Masters, keepers of lost knowledge from outside space and time.

4. She was a member of the Blackspire Company after leaving the Jeffrian Military, but left that post as well after amassing significant personal wealth.

5. The Bloodlight (her lantern) was created by Hepzibah using materials and secrets granted to her by the Dark Masters. It is an otherworldly weapon from Limbo (the space between the planes), and so its materials would be extremely valuable if it were to be disassembled. The Bloodlight serves to store excess life force that Hepzibah’s body can’t hold, and also works as a tool for extracting life force from victims.

6. Hepzibah was the youngest of six brothers and sisters, all of whom are dead now. Some of her siblings’ descendants are still alive today, however.

7. Hepzibah has a strong dislike of children, pets, machines, and town centers. She avoids crowded and noisy places whenever possible.

8. Hepzibah was courted several times in her younger years, but has never married or had children.

9. She is fascinated by genealogy, and knows all the major houses and royal lines of Indines. From a blood sample, she can trace a person’s heritage and family line.

10. She collects teas from all across Indines and keeps them in a tea chest that she travels with.


● “Dark Masters, reveal to me all the mysteries of life and power!” (BattleCON: War of Indines Kickstarter, Update #21) ● “I could put your life to such good use...” (BattleCON: War of Indines, “Seal the Pact”) ● “Ancient of shadows, heed my sacrifice and reveal to this world once more your limitless power!” (BattleCON: War of Indines, “Altazzair”) ● “Your death will be quite unfortunate… but not for me.” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “I’ve seen men return from death to life again. Now I’ll see how a nation is returned to life.” (The Art of BattleCON, pgs. 20-21) ● “The search for more knowledge must be unimpeded by fear or petty morality.” (Argent: the Consortium, “Most Mysticism”) ● “I have borne men back from death to life. But now I wish to see my homeland restored to life, and for that task, I chose you.” (spoken to Rexan in Indines In-Depth, April 20th, 2016) ● "There's a deep darkness in the hearts of men. After all the layers are stripped off, that's all you find... If you care for them long enough, you'll see the face of that darkness too, in those you trust most. Then you'll realize the people you want to protect are full of wickedness, more vile than vermin." (spoken to Rexan in Indines In-Depth, April 20th, 2016)

Hikaru Sorayama Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: War of Indines and BattleCON Online, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 1, a brawler in 7 Card Slugfest, and a supporter in Argent: ‘Mancers of the University.

Note that Evil Hikaru (a promotional secret character released with BattleCON: War of Indines Remastered) is most likely non-canon, but is included here for completeness’ sake.

BattleCON Titles: Geomancer, The Rising Champion Unique Ability: Geomantic Assault Alternate Versions: Foreign Methods (“Elemancer”, alternate), Geomantic Barrage (EX), Geomantic Storm (almighty), World Warrior Hikaru (BattleCON Online premium costume), Captain Hikaru (“Captain Hikaru”, pre-season promo and BattleCON Online premium costume) Styles: Advancing, Focused, Geomantic, Sweeping, Trance Unique Base: Palm Strike Finishers: Wrath of the Elements, Four Winds

BattleCON (evil) Titles: Dark Reflection Unique Ability: Vile Rage of the Ultimate Darkness Alternate Versions: None Styles: Blood Red, Dark Raging, Primordial, Pure Evil, Ultimate Chaos Unique Base: Devastator Finishers: Rage of the Lands, Four Disasters

Striker Support: Elemental Driver Ante: Wind and Wave Boost: Stone & Flame

Pixel Tactics Unit: Geomantic Battalion Hero: Fighter

Argent Department: Natural Magick Position: Graduate Student

BattleCON: War Preview - Part 1 (, article retrieved by the Wayback Machine on October 19th, 2015)

Race / Gender / Nationality: Half Elemental (Light) / Male / Relecour (“Backstory”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

Hikaru Sorayama is a native of Relecour, and his family is closely tied to one of the Baron's houses. (“The Characters”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

A student of --the magic of elements--who has some elemental heritage of his own, Hikaru is a fighter who utilizes the power of the world around him to aid his strength in battle. As a friend of Khadath and Kallistar from their days at Argent University, Hikaru has joined Khadath on his quest to save Ahemusei from the terrible plague that has taken hold of it. With a strong sense of justice and empathy, Hikaru cannot turn down the chance to use his skills to aid those in need.

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 6)

A half-elemental raised in Relecour and trained in the arts of geomantic magic at Argent University, Hikaru became a good friend of Khadath Ahemusei during his studies. After graduation, Hikaru went on to travel the world as a wanderer, exploring the far reaches of Indines and the north. When he encountered Khadath again in his travels, he learned of the trouble plaguing his friend’s homeland, and decided to join forces with Khadath in his search for the new world. As a Geomancer, HIkaru has a close connection to the elements and to nature. Even as Khadath searches for a cure for his people, Hikaru must wonder whether it is wrong to circumvent Tamaris’s curse and save them in defiance of the natural order.

7 Card Slugfest Rulebook (pg. 7)

Martial artist who controls the power of the elements. Handy in a fight, but not in a drinking contest.

Indines In-Depth (December 16th, 2016) and Character of the Week (September 11th, 2017)


Hikaru is a free-spirited seeker of adventure who travels the world in search of new challenges and experiences. Treasure and fame hold no value for him. Instead, he searches for sights unseen and to test the limits of his own skills. He is good-natured and with a strong sense of personal justice, though he sometimes lacks patience and often lacks due caution. He throws himself body and spirit into whatever the task at hand is, without looking back or hesitating.

As student of geomancy--the magic of elements--who has some elemental heritage of his own, Hikaru is a fighter who utilizes the power of the world around him to aid his strength in battle. After graduating from university, Hikaru traveled around Indines and undertook many different self-directed adventures in his quest to discover his own limits and perfect an original martial arts style.

During BattleCON: War

During the timeline of BattleCON: War, Hikaru joins his friend Khadath on a mission to find Cherri Seneca, a girl who could be the key to unleashing an alien invasion upon Indines if she is not saved in time. While Khadath is mainly interested in the mission itself, Hikaru sees the adventure as an opportunity to travel and fight alongside friends.

In order to help stand against the many threats that face Indines, and to hopefully do a little good, Hikaru teams up with a newly met friend, Rukyuk Amberdeen, and sets up the Champions of Indines Mercenary company. The Champions are dedicated to fighting powerful monsters and diffusing international threats, and are one of the few mercenary companies in Indines that do not engage in international conflicts.

Later Adventures

After the events in War and his adventures with the Champions, Hikaru decides that he does not wish to involve himself in the international war that might be coming to Indines. Instead, he joins up with an explorer's company, the Sun Chaser's Guild and embarks on a high-seas adventure that eventually leads him to the unknown continent across the great eastern sea. What adventures he finds on that voyage and on his return home are yet to be revealed.

10 Facts about Hikaru

1. He studied Geomancy at Argent University. While his academics are mediocre, his practical skills were rated exceptionally.

2. He is a half-elemental (Light elemental, on his father’s side). He has a younger half-sister, Sami Rekar (they have the same mother) who attends Argent as well.

3. He is developing his own martial arts style, the Way of the Four Fists, based on the four elements. Each element focuses on a different style of striking.

4. He is good friends with Pendros Schalla, an upperclassman who left Argent in Hikaru’s second year. Pendros's travels across Indines were an inspiration for Hikaru to become an adventurer as well.

5. He has a strong sense of personal justice, and can’t stand by while evil is being done.

6. Because of his light-elemental heritage, he wakes promptly and energetically at sunrise, and becomes tired very quickly after dusk. His training can help to suppress this fatigue.

7. He almost joined a mercenary company, the Lost Sons of Relecour, but adventuring with Khadath got in the way of that career.

8. After his adventures in BattleCON: War, he helps Rukyuk to found the Champions of Indines Mercenary Company.

9. He does not get along well with his stepfather, Karlton Rekar, so he avoids returning home whenever possible.

10. He met Khadath during his first year at Argent, and the two have been close friends ever since. Between Khadath's dour personality and Hikaru's carefree disposition, the two form natural foils that balance one another out.

Level Cap Podcast (Episode 1, “Character of the Week”)

Brad: “Hikaru Sorayama was one of the first characters is one of the first characters I designed for BattleCON, he’s sort of the Ryu of the set. He hails from Relecour, which is on the eastern coast of the continent of Indines, and is a student at Argent University in the department of Natural Magick. Hikaru studies geomancy, or elemancy, which is the control of elements - fire, water, wind, and earth - and integrates these to his martial arts style which he’s developing called the Way of Four Fists, which is a sort of a elemental kung fu, in the way you have the different animal styles of kung fu.”

Marco: “Wizard’s fu?”

Brad: “Yeah, wizard fu, suppose that’d be a great way to put it. So Hikaru is also has some elemental heritage, so magic is sort of everywhere in Indines, and there are elementals just roaming around the world, and a lot of them take human form, and so he is part light elemental, and his father is descended from the elemental of the eastern sunrise, which lives on the east coast of Relecour. So he has this strange heritage that he does not fully understand because his dad is kind of crazy. So he lives with his mom and his stepdad and his half-sister. His story kind of begins when he Argent, where he meets up from Khadath, the other main character from the War of Indines box. In order to fulfill some of his class requirements, he decides to go adventuring, and that begins his main storyline where he goes with Khadath on all these various adventures, then sets off on his own to explore the faraway continent which is as of yet unnamed.”

Marco: “Oh, unnamed continents!”

Brad: “As of now, we haven’t had him return from that continent in the story, but we’ll probably see what’s over there when we get back after Wanderers.”

Marco: “Okay, some teasers for all of you guys out there wanting some Hikaru stuff. So wait, how does Pendros factor into this guy?”

Brad: “So Pendros is an older member of Hikaru’s fraternity at Argent University. Pendros is kind of a mentor to Hikaru, and they’re good friends, but they haven’t adventured together. It’s more of a tangential connection between those two characters, not a major plot point.”

BattleCON Online (Hikaru Sorayama [Basic Hikaru], “Abilities”)

As a recent graduate in the arts of Geomancy, Hikaru travels the world in search of adventure while developing his own unique style of martial arts.

BattleCON Online (Hikaru Sorayama [World Warrior Hikaru], “Abilities”)

What he had seen across the sea, on the unknown continent, had changed him. Hikaru knew that he had little time to prepare for the task at hand.

BattleCON Online (Hikaru Sorayama [Captain Hikaru], “Abilities”)

Using the power of the elements, Captain Hikaru Defends Indines from those who would exploit its natural resources for their selfish gain. Remember: “The Power is yours!”


● “All I need is one good punch!" (BattleCON: War of Indines, “Wrath of the Elements”) ● “Here goes nothing!" (BattleCON: War of Indines, “Four Winds”) ● "Motion, Power, Clarity, Purpose--to fight is to experience the thrill of living!" (, “The Characters”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012, and Indines In-Depth, December 16th, 2016 and Character of the Week, September 11th, 2017) ● “I bet you weren’t expecting that!" (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “And he’s down for the count!” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Tip Over”) ● “Bite the dust!” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Sandstone Knuckle”) ● “Come on, say it again!” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Nose Grab”) ● “I can just punch randomly while spinning… Brilliant!” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Typhoon Fist”) ● “When you strike with the fire style, you just want to barely touch the target with the tips of your fingers. With your hand as a wedge, you inject the flame forcefully into the target’. Fire doesn’t need the help of your strength to be destructive, just the guidance of your will to find its destination.” (Indines In-Depth, December 16th, 2016 and Character of the Week, September 11th, 2017) ● "Alright then." "Better be ready." "Check this out." "Closing in." "Hey, watch this." "How could I lose to you?" "I can do fast." "I suppose I underestimated you." "I'll hang back." "It seems I still have a bit to learn." "Let's make this a good fight.""My mistake." "Oooh, nice one." "With this power." "You wanna do this?" (Voice lines from BattleCON Online)

Quotes (Evil Hikaru)

● “Rage, Destruction, Death, Chaos--to fight is to experience the thrill of killing!" (BattleCON: War of Indines, Evil Hikaru PnP Margins) ● “All I need is one evil punch!" (BattleCON: War of Indines, “Rage of the Lands”) ● “Here comes nothing!" (BattleCON: War of Indines, “Four Disasters”)

Himel Nine Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 5.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Indestructible Iron Legion Hero: Tank

Horace Ans-Van, Grand Marshal Featured as a backstory character in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines.

Former Grand Marshal of the Planestalkers.


● "The Grand Marshal must be an individual who will discard any restriction, violate any law, forego any moral, and cut any tie. Someone who will stop at nothing to win, because the stakes she plays are no less than the fate of the world." (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Kickstarter, Update #13)

Hydeart Burnstein Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 5.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Managerial Mobilisers Hero: Manager

Iaxus the Shattered Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: War of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 2.

BattleCON Title: The Ancient at the Edge Unique Ability: Planar Overlay Alternate Versions: Living Gate (“Heart of the Earth”, alternate), Planar Form (EX), Planar Soul (almighty) Styles: Diffuse, Exemplary, Folding, Minimized, Seismic Unique Base: Planestep Planes: Infinity, Rifting, Sealing, Singularity, Tidal Finishers: Seize Control, Zone Eater

Striker Support: Zone Crush Ante: Tidal Plane Boost: Singularity

Pixel Tactics Unit: World Changers Hero: Sage

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 64)

The land of Indines, when saturated with magical energies, gives rise to powerful elementals, which act as its guardians. Iaxus is one such elemental. However he isn’t just any elemental - he is the elemental who governs the natural dimensional rift in Jeffreys. Channeling the natural phenomena of the rift gives Iaxus many space-altering powers, in addition to his natural strength and resilience as an elemental.

Iaxus is one of the founders of the Planestalkers, and works closely with them as they work to defend the world from the threat of outsiders. A formidable master of the Planar Sciences himself, Iaxus is forever bound to the world of Indines, and unable to fight invaders like Oriana on their own turf. Instead, he works to fortify and prepare the World of Indines against those who would exploit or destroy it from within, such as Gaspar.

Indines In-Depth (March 2nd, 2017)


Elementals are creatures of nature and magic. Born from the latent energies of the land to act as its guardians and protectors, they are innately tied to the places they inhabit.

Iaxus awoke and began life as an elemental the day the Breach opened. A puncture between dimensions tore open in northern Jeffreys, unleashing all manner of planar terrors upon the land and soaking the earth with alien magics. This mixing of the natural magic of Indines and the unknown forces of the planes gave rise to an elemental with powers unlike anything seen before.

Bound by his innate, elemental duty to defend Indines, Iaxus gathered together knights from around the realm, and founded the first order of Indines Dimensional Knights, then called the Planebinders, as their duty was to contain the breach and its fallout.

Five centuries later, he still watches over the Breach and trains new dimensional knights, as well as being a formidable line of defense for Indines himself. Iaxus holds no formal rank in the Planestalkers, but he is respected and revered by the members of the order, and acts as a direct advisor the Grand Marshal on matters of the defense of Indines.

Plot During BattleCON: Devastation

As the founder and advisor to the modern Planestalkers, Iaxus is well aware of the potential threats that lurk beyond the breach. He aids Kaitlyn, Luc, Khadath, and the other members of the order from the background, only getting involved when Oriana or her minions encroach onto Indines soil. Iaxus is an effective guardian, and is probably the sole reason that Oriana seeks alternate routes for the invasion of Indines.

Later Adventures

When Oriana captures Cherri and creates a new Breach, Iaxus is powerless to stop the new avenue of her invasion of the planes. Now it falls to the knights and rangers that he has trained to defend Indines against their most dangerous threat yet. Oriana’s reach is still limited, and her ultimate goal is to capture the Breach so that she can use it as a landing point for a larger invasion. Thus, Iaxus’s ancient duty continues as he guards the land against outside threats.

10 Facts about Iaxus

1. He is generally very suspicious of extraplanar members of the Planestalkers, including Arret and Welsie, and especially of Iri.

2. Though he awoke only five hundred years ago, Iaxus’s memory stretches back much further, and this is not the first age he has awoken to serve in.

3. His elemental heritage is reflected in the rocky portions of his body, and is fairly common for earth elementals. He can use magic to suppress or enhance these traits, becoming more humanlike or more rocklike as he wishes.

4. The energy of the Breach manifests in him because his body is a reflection of the land surrounding it. This energy takes the form of a glowing left eye crackling with strange energies.

5. When Iaxus focuses his planar eye, he is able to ‘tune’ the Breach and create a portal to specific other places. Before the planebinders built their massive Tuning Fork was to control the Breach, Iaxus’s primary duty was to control and focus it.

6. Because he is an elemental, Iaxus is bound to Indines and can never travel between planes.

7. The previous Grand Marshal, Horace Ans-Van, always told Iaxus that he worried too much about things. The new Grand Marshal, Kaitlyn Van Sorrel, has taken his cautionary advice much more seriously, and this has set an entirely different tone to the operations of the Planestalkers.

8. Iaxus was good friends with Luc during the Centennial Wars 300 years ago. After Luc traveled forward in time, the first thing he did was seek out Iaxus to learn what had transpired in the three centuries he had missed.

9. When he is not defending the world of Indines from extraplanar invasions, Iaxus plants trees to extend the forests and sows herbs and grasses. He’s a skilled horticulturist, which is rare in elementals.

10. The first time Iaxus awoke to serve the land, he used the name Chell. Because of his ancient stewardship, Chell is now the name of the region around the Breach. When awakening this time, Iaxus chose a new name, to avoid confusion in conversation with his new allies.


● "Now you see what lies beyond the edge!" (BattleCON: Strikers)

Iona Featured as a backstory character in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines.

Younger sister to Runika Zenanen. See Runika Zenanen.

Irialandradayamorella Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Fate of Indines and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 2 (magical knight) and Pixel Tactics 5 (starcaller).

BattleCON Title: Magical Star Knight Unique Ability: Starlight Change! Alternate Versions: Starlight, Set Up! (EX), Starlight, Open My Heart! (almighty) Styles: Astral, Aurora, Comet, Galactic, Magical Unique Base: Starlight! Forms: Magical, Knight, Cosmic Finishers: Limit Exceed, Final Galaxy Spear Atamos

Pixel Tactics Unit: Cosmic Justice Rangers Hero: Magical Knight

Pixel Tactics Unit: Cthonic Star Summoners Hero: Starcaller

BattleCON: Fate Preview - Part 3 (, article retrieved by the Wayback Machine on October 19th, 2015)

Race / Gender / Nationality: Chaon / F / Plane of Chaos


● “I am Chaos: the hand of fate that balances the scales!” (Fate of Indines Fighter & Mode Guide, pg. 5) ● "Prepare to be star-struck!" (BattleCON: Fate of Indines, “Limit Exceed”) ● "Get ready for a universe of pain!" (BattleCON: Fate of Indines, “Final Galaxy Spear Atamos”)

Irini Grenhart Featured as a supporter in Argent: Summer Break.

Argent Department: Divinity Position: Water Acolyte

Irion Juiz Featured as a supporter in Argent: Summer Break.

Argent Department: Natural Magick Position: Hydromancer in Training

Ithol Udur

Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 4.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Crowd Controllers Hero: Chairman

Ivana Titanheart Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics: Freelancers.

Apprentice monster hunter studying under Joal Kalmor.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Spirited Adventurer-seekers Hero Class: Wanderer

Ivo Wyndham Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics DX.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Specialist Training Squad Hero: Fencer

Jager Brandtford Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Fate of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 2, and a brawler in 7 Card Slugfest.

See also Karin Brandtford for his twin sister and former fighting partner.

BattleCON Title: Wolfborn Unique Ability: Signature Move Alternate Versions: Strength to Live (EX), Aggressive Assault (almighty) Styles: Blood Moon, Fanged, Hounding, Menacing, Refined Unique Base: Slicer Signature Moves: Crescent Moon Claw, Mist Step Massacre, Red Moon Rage, Wolf’s Fang Fugue Finishers: Blood Hunt, Sign of the Wolf

Striker Support: Cross Claw Ante: Tail Chaser Boost: Follow Up

Pixel Tactics Unit: Feral Fist Fighters Hero: Werewolf

BattleCON: Fate Preview - Part 2 (, article retrieved by the Wayback Machine on October 19th, 2015)

Race / Gender / Nationality: Feral / M / Amalao

7 Card Slugfest Rulebook (pg. 7)

Foreigner who is visiting from across the ocean. Has an odd accent and demeanor. Probably a werewolf. Quotes

● “Right behind you.” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “Behind the hat… it’s just a regular punch.” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Hat Trick”) ● “Good day to you, sir!” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Hat Tip”) ● “You look scared. Good.” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Menace”) ● “You won’t feel a thing… for the next hour or so.” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Coldclock”) ● “I guess it’s time to go on my own adventure for a change.” (Fate of Indines Fighter & Mode Guide, pg. 3) ● "I’ve got your scent..." (BattleCON: Fate of Indines, “Blood Hunt”) ● "I’ve been looking forward to this!" (BattleCON: Fate of Indines, “Sign of the Wolf”)

Jaime Featured as a backstory character in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines.

Assistant to Tanis Trilives. See Tanis Trilives.

Jaimes Kalin Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics DX and as a supporter in Argent: the Consortium.

Titled “The Wolf” in The Art of Argent (pg. 24).

Pixel Tactics Unit: The Wild Hunt Hero: Hunter

Argent Department: Natural Magick Position: Professor of Druidism

Jance Eylon Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 4 and a supporter in Argent: the Consortium.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Periodical Surveillance Hero: Reporter

Argent Department: Mysticism Position: Editor of the Student Newspaper “Seeing Eye”

The Art of Argent (pg. 35)

Jance Eylon is an editor and reporter for the Argent campus newspaper, the Seeing Eye. In meetings of the professors, he is regarded as ‘the most dangerous student on campus’. As of yet, he has not exposed any major schemes or wrongdoing on the part of the staff, but the more paranoid professors are certain it’s only a matter of time.

Jasper Haekel Featured as a supporter in Argent: the Consortium and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 2.

Argent Department: Mysticism Position: Dark World Exchange Student

Pixel Tactics Unit: Rasping Regiment Hero: Warlock

From a post by Yo! Master in thread “[Kickstarter] Battlecon: War of Indines” at 08-21-2014, 11:33 AM, sourced to the BattleCON: Devastation of Indines kickstarter. Reflected on the World of Indines wikia page for Jasper as well.

Rasps are natives of the Plane of Shadows, a relatively near plane filled with darkness and nightmares. Jasper has crossed the planes to visit Indines and learn about culture and magic, hoping that he can bridge the gaps of tension and prejudice that exist between Indines and his own world.

Race: Rasp Gender: M Weapon: Scepter, Shadow Magic Nationality: Extraplanar Occupation: Student (Argent University) Fighting Style: Debility / Escalation

Jenniver Van Kennul Featured as a mercenary in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics: The Price of Victory.

Called “Archer” in Devastation of Indines.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Casting the Stones Hero Class: Archer Jeris Ieyes Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics: Freelancers and a voter in Argent: the Consortium.

Magister. Misspelled as “Iyes” in Argent: the Consortium.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Xenomorph Examiners Hero Class: Xenobiologist

Argent Department: Consortium Position: Magister of Willat


● “What mysteries and wonders must lie beyond the ends of this world?” (Argent: the Consortium, “Most Planar Studies”)

Jesca Renetton Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 4 and a candidate in Argent: the Consortium.

Pixel Tactics Unit: The Scheme Team Hero: Planner

Argent Department: Mysticism Position: Curriculum Planner Mage Power: Dark Pact

Argent: the Consortium rulebook (pg. 20)

Argent’s eccentric curriculum planner, Jesca consults all manner of fortune telling devices, spirits, and even divinities to set out the curriculum at Argent. Never once has she asked for a professor’s opinion on the matter, and it is much to the wonder of professors that the curriculum remains surprisingly relevant despite this.

The Art of Argent (pg. 22)

Jesca Renetton is an underlander, a rare race of people that live in another place beneath the surface world of Indines. Jesca is a trained seer who has honed her vision for years. Able to look into the fates and futures of individuals she meets, she has proven to be an effective (if somewhat stifling) curriculum planner for the students at Argent.

The books Jesca carries with her are carefully guarded and locked, but those students who have managed to glimpse inside report that they are all blank. Jesca herself says they are full of yet-unwritten knowledge, and so only those trained in the most advanced levels of the sight can read them.


● “All fate is bound by the tenets of the thirteen celestial mysteries.” (Argent: the Consortium, “Dark Pact”) ● “The darkest horrors are those that live in the imaginations of men.” (Argent: the Consortium, “The Black Chronicle, v13”) ● “What makes you think I don’t already control everything? Perhaps I just want to make it official.” (Argent: the Consortium, “The Darkness Within”) ● “Why does one master the forces of the cosmos, if not skim a bit for herself?” (Argent: the Consortium, “Thirteen Greater Mysteries”) ● “If all you say comes to pass, do you control the future, or does the future control you? This is the prophet’s dilemma.” (The Art of Argent, pg. 22)

Jion Erjon Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics: Argent University and a candidate in Argent: the Consortium.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Student Honor Council Hero Class: Justicar

Argent Department: Unknown Position: Honor Court Chief Justice Mage Power: Tardy

Argent: the Consortium rulebook (pg. 21)

A student of law, honor, and divinity from the west, Jion leads the student Honor Court in investigating student infractions. As a parallel in position to the University Auditor, Jion keeps tabs on the students at Argent and protects them from one another, as well as dispensing justice to those who violate the school code.

The Art of Argent (pg. 49)

Hailing from the nation of Jeffreys, Jion is training at Argent in preparation for life as a Templar (a wandering judge) in his homeland.

With a strong sense of integrity and core guiding principles, Jion is conflicted over the future of the university and his own position within it. On the one hand, he recognizes the need for reforms that Trias proposes, but on the other, he is wary of giving power to the students as much as giving it to the professors.

In addition to his duties on the Honor Council, Jion works with Monad Riverime to help manage the Order of the Silver Shield, Argent’s security force, which is made up of students and professors alike.

Jion has created his own plan for the Consortium - to give Argent a parliamentary system where student government and faculty can work together to decide the school’s future.


● “Honor and integrity will preserve those who hold them fast.” (Argent: the Consortium, “Tardy”) ● “What meaning is there in victory without honor?” (Art of Argent, pg. 49) Joal Kalmor Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 2, and a brawler in 7 Card Slugfest.

BattleCON Titles: Big Game Hunting, Monster Hunter Unique Ability: Weapon Master Alternate Versions: Every Trick in the Book (“Big Game Hunting”, alternate), Geared Up (EX), Unlimited Weapon Works (almighty) Styles: Cutthroat, Dual Wield, Relentless, Slayer’s, Warded Unique Bases: Knuckle, Binding Knife, Hand Cannon, Ironstar, Runeblade Finishers: Annihilator, Neutralizer

Striker Support: Heart Rip Ante: Snapback Boost: Right Tool for the Job

Pixel Tactics Unit: Dragonslayers Patrol Hero: Monster Hunter

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 57) and BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Character Introductions (Kickstarter Update #7)

Joal is a world renowned monster hunter who travels the world in search of new quarries to track and eliminate. He is known for dispatching golems, werewolves, husks, undead, and particularly dragons.

When the lost continent of Amalao was reopened, Joal set off with another adventurer, Shekhtur, in hopes of rediscovering the lost treasures of that land. On their journey into Amalao, the two met Marmelee, who begged for their help in dispatching the Dragon Queen. Eager at the chance to take on such an impressive quarry, Joal and Shekhtur have joined forces with the Dragon Princess in her fight against her mother’s plans.

7 Card Slugfest Rulebook (pg. 7)

Famous monster hunter who has countless stories to tell, and claims to have traveled to strange and faraway lands.

Indines In-Depth (April 6th, 2016)

This week we're featuring Joal Kalmor, a monster hunter from the desert nation of Sanghalim, and one of the most versatile and capable fighters in BattleCON: Devastation. Enjoy!


Joal is a world renowned monster hunter who travels the world in search of new quarries to track and eliminate. He is known for dispatching golems, werewolves, husks, undead, and particularly dragons.

Joal is a master of many types of weapons, and many of the monsters he takes down require specialized tools and techniques to dispatch. He enjoys a certain amount of celebrity in his home country, but his real aspiration is to take down a truly legendary monster, such as the Dragon Queen Adjenna, or one of the great Disasters.

Story in Devastation

Hearing rumors of a dangerous monster in the northeastern city of Kherdoza, Joal traveled there, only to meet up with Eligor and Runika. Together, they hunted down the creature plaguing the city, which turned out to be Shekhtur, and returned her to her sanity. Together, the four adventurers headed to Adjenna's tower in hopes of defeating the Dragon Queen Adjenna and preventing the return of Dragon King Greyheart. In the battle with Adjenna, he stays behind when the party has to flee, presumably sacrificing himself so that the rest of the team can escape.

Story in Trials

Learning the legend of the Vault Keys, Joal signs on to act as a bodyguard to Amon Elcela, as the Reliquary Specialist hunts for the legendary artifacts. Their travels take them across the lands of Indines, where they come across many familiar faces from their previous adventures.

10 Facts about Joal

1. His primary job is to hunt monsters for the Sanghalese government. He is one of many officially sanctioned monster hunters that work for the government, and he is not able to take on outside work until his government duties are finished.

2. He is proficient with all sorts of weapons, and has even designed a few himself, though these deal specifically with certain types of monsters, and aren’t good for general use.

3. He fights with a six-pointed Ironstar, which is the modern style. The six points are a reference to the six gods (omitting the seventh apocryphal god, Gan’tzurn). César, the other Ironstar wielder in the cast, uses a 5- pointed star, a relic of the kind made right after the death of the machine god, Mak’terix. Joal’s star is made of an aluminum alloy, which makes it light enough for a human to wield (but still heavy). By contrast, César’s is made of steel.

4. Joal loves shopping for new weapons, but his wife, Vanaah, decides what his budget will be. His home is already full of weapons, so she’s started agreeing to fewer and fewer purchases.

5. As a boy, Joal watched the arena games in the Imperial Undercity, where men and beasts fought before crowds. From a young age, he wanted to be an arena gladiator.

6. He was apprenticed to an older monster hunter, Yoran. When Yoran retired, Joal inherited his weapons, the most valuable of which is his Binding Knife.

7. Joal is a decent marksman, but prefers to use melee weapons or thrown weapons. His hand cannon is mainly used to stun an enemy and giving him time to move in.

8. Joal gets most of his assignments from the Temple Prophets, like Seth. He knows Seth, but has never met the Empress herself.

9. Shekhtur once robbed Joal’s house, and stole a valuable sword from him. He thinks it’s just lost in his stash of weapons, but she recognizes him.

10. Joal has an apprentice of his own, Ivana Titanheart, who goes on many adventures of her own and takes on less-dangerous hunts while Joal is away. Her apprenticeship is almost at an end, and she is currently searching for a government post of her own.

Level Cap Podcast (Episode 6, “Character of the Week”)

Marco: Let's move on to the character of the week. Our character of the week this week is a character very special to me, because I actually playtested this character a lot, and I mean a lot back in the old days of Devastation playtesting days. And it's Joal! So, Brad, can you tell us a little bit more about Joal Kalmor (Kal-More)? Is that how you pronounce his last name?

Brad: Yeah, yeah, I think you got it right! So Joal is a professional monster hunter, he comes from the western part of Sanghalim, which is the desert country in Indines, and he is master of many different types of weapons and monster hunting tool. So his job is that he takes on these commissions from the government to kill these big monsters that are terrorizing the different villages out in the desert. And so he goes out on the expeditions and kills monsters, and it's a bit Monster Hunter inspired, I won't lie.

Marco: *laughter*

Brad: But he's a pretty cool character, and he's a bit of a braggart. Some people say he's known to tell tall tales. He is married to Vanaah from BattleCON: War, the first game, by an arranged marriage.

Marco: Oh, it's arranged!

Brad: Mmhm. And they live in Imperial City, which is the capital of Sanghalim. That's most of the background for Joal.

Discussion of Joal’s BattleCON design and strategy follows.

Brad: He's definitely a toolbox sort of fighter, and each one of those bases is a different weapon from that toolkit, a different one of his different hunter tools. His armor and extra trinkets and other gear are represented by the styles.

Marco: Oh, really?

Brad: Nailed it pretty closely.

Marco: So he has magic resistant armor or something?

Brad: Yeah, he has all kinds of different armors and such to protect him from whatever monsters are around. And then you have weapons that are useful for dealing with certain kinds of creatures, your big beasties, but also you might have spirits, elementals, that kind of stuff. So you have to be able to deal with all kinds of different creatures. That's why you use such a wide array of different items. Marco: Are his items made from the fallen body parts of other monsters he's killed?

Brad: Not all, I think maybe one or two? Probably more the armor, leathers and stuff are going to be made from monsters. I think in Indines there are items you can get from monsters, but most items are useful for alchemy or weaponcrafting or armorcrafting are going to be natural resources like metals and materials. Not so much monster parts. Maybe alchemy, but he's not an alchemist.

Marco: Oh, yeah, that's true. That was Lixis, that was a few episodes back.

Brad: He can sell them, you can certainly sell them.

Marco: And just buy, what currency do you have in Indines?

Brad: Depends on the country. But the main currency is called Domarii, it's a coin from Relecour, it's about 1 oz of solid gold.

Marco: See, we're getting into the nitty-gritty of the lore.

Brad: Yeah, this all from the RPG book which isn't published.


● “Even the immortal dragons can be hunted – if you know their weakness.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, pg. 53) ● “One, two, three, and done.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Annihilator”) ● “I just need an opening..” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Neutralizer”) ● “For every beast, there’s a suitable weapon.” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “Enemy Vanquished, +300 EXP!” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Big Game Hunting”) ● “I meant to do that.” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Collateral Damage”) ● “If it works on the Grue, then it works on you.” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Monster Punch”) ● “Listen here, kid...” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Ear Pull”) ● "Look, I’m just here for the dragons." (Indines In-Depth, April 6th, 2016) ● "You should know it takes more than a little stone gaze to kill a professional monster hunter." (Indines In- Depth, April 6th, 2016)

Josef Trilives Featured as a backstory character in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines.

Deceased. Father to Tanis Trilives. See Tanis Trilives.

Juto Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Extended Edition, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 1, and a supporter in Argent: the Consortium.

See Tatsumi Nuoc for his partner. Juto’s BattleCON version is likely apocryphal and not necessarily canon.

BattleCON Unique Ability: Strangely Familiar Alternate Versions: Mighty Familiar (EX), Exceptionally Familiar (Almighty) Styles: Cuddly, Cute, Fuzzy, Fluffy, Snuggly Bases: Flash, Lance, Press, Scythe, Spellbolt, Staff, Whirlpool Finishers: And a Bag of Chips, Ban Hammer

Striker Support: Bear Hug Ante: Copycat Boost: Strangely Familiar

Pixel Tactics Unit: Kigurumi Division Hero: Mascot

Argent Department: Divinity Position: Divinity Familiar


● “Gru-u Groo!” (BattleCON: Strikers)

Kai Nermil Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 5.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Central Intelligence Center Hero: Brainiac

Kaitlyn Van Sorrel Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 2.

BattleCON Title: The Last Line of Defense Unique Ability: Spatial Manipulation Alternate Versions: Space Hacker (“Standing on the Borderlines”, alternate), Pocket Dimension (EX), Working with Wormholes (almighty) Styles: Axiomatic, Illimitable, Mobius, Paradox, Telepresent Unique Base: Transposition Finishers: Planar Disjunction, Divide by Zero

Striker Support: Cut Plane Ante: Warp Pin Boost: Vortex Spiral

Pixel Tactics Unit: Planar Patrollers Hero: Planebinder

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 74) and BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Kickstarter (Update #13)

Kaitlyn hails from the Theocracy of Sanghalim. In her youth, she joined the Sanghalese Imperial Academy and studied Planar Science there. After this point, she enlisted in the military and attained a considerable officer rank in service as a military scientist.

Changes came for Kaitlyn when her only daughter, Rixia, was born. Having a child outside of marriage is a strict taboo in the theocratic empire. Rather than obey the law and give her daughter up to the temples for adoption, Kaitlyn left the country. Resigning her military commission and heading east to Relecour, she joined Argent University as an associate professor. With the university's resources at her disposal, Kaitlyn proved to be a natural genius of planar science, and her research earned her international prestige during her university days.

Military training and rigid upbringing left Kaitlyn with no patience for university politics or the easygoing lifestyle of a professor. When funding was cut for a number of her critical projects, rather than lobby with the university, she contacted the Planestalkers and offered them her confidential university research in exchange for an officer's commission--an offer they quickly accepted.

After a few years of service, Kaitlyn was named Lieutenant Marshal, and eventually succeeded Grand Marshal Horace Ans-Van, another Sanghalese scientist, as the leader of the Planestalkers. As the gatekeeper who holds the safety of Indines in her hands, she prepares any resource, soldier, or advantage she can get her hands on to stand against the Alien Warlord Oriana, as well as the myriad other horrors waiting beyond the planar boundary.


● “We must make any sacrifice, burn any bridge, win at any cost. Everything is at stake.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, pg. 56) ● “I have just the solution for you...” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Planar Disjunction”) ● “With the proper resolve, all limits may be transcended” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Divide by Zero”) ● “There is no world where I lose this battle.” (BattleCON:Strikers) ● “We’ve entered an age when the exploration of the planes will be accomplished not by ourselves, but by robotic emissaries designed in our likeness.” (The Art of BattleCON, pg. 44)

Kajia Septie Salix Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 2.

BattleCON Unique Ability: Infestation Alternate Versions: Death Becomes You (“The Circle of Life”, alternate), Pestilence (EX), Plague (almighty), Overwinter (“Deck the Halls”, Christmas Promo) Styles: Biting, Burrowing, Parasitic, Stinging, Swarming Unique Base: Mandibles Finishers: Imago Emergence, Creeping Death

Striker Support: Wormwood Ante: Imago Emergence Boost: Parasitic Bond

Pixel Tactics Unit: Rotten to the Corps Hero: Plaguebearer

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 59)

Husks are undead dryads - those who choose to outlive the ancient trees that give them life. The existence of a husk is a cursed one - they are seen as of disease, death, and famine across the land. Shunned by society and the world, many of the husks in Indines have banded together to form cults in the services of the Great Disasters - creatures born of calamity and destruction.

In the first Centennial Wars, these cults came from to the aid of the Southern Empire in their march north, and prepared a great curse to spoil the forests of Jeffreys, the central nation of Indines. Kajia, an accomplished druidess, stood with her own life tree in the way of this curse, taking the burn of its dark power upon herself. The force of the curse blasted her life tree, and became infused permanently into her body, turning her into a husk as well.

Kajia determined to fight the husk cults as long as her new half-life would allow, and she aided the side of her nation from the shadows. Even to this day, there are rumors of a dark spirit of the forest that watches over travelers and defends the forest from those who would harm it. Kajia has seen the coming of Havoc and been called to join the husks who serve it in their dreams. Now her task of stopping them has become ever-more urgent. Quotes

● “Even death will not stop me from standing against the darkness.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, pg. 48) ● “Even in Death, I create life.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Imago Emergence”) ● “Am I getting under your skin?.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Wormwood”) ● “Death and life are united inside all of us.” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “Even in death, I create new life.” (The Art of BattleCON, pg. 58)

Kallimerina Featured as a backstory character in BattleCON: War of Indines and hero / leader in Pixel Tactics: Freelancers.

Ruler of Sanghalim, Grand Oracle, and avatar of Sanghalia, the goddess of Water. See the Theocracy of Sanghalim and Seth Cremmul for further details.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Gladiators of the Goddess Hero Class: Prophetess

Kallistar Flarechild Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: War of Indines and BattleCON Online, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 1, and a supporter in Argent: the Consortium.

BattleCON Titles: Fire Elemental, The Firebrand Unique Ability: Form of Disaster Alternate Versions: Blaze of Glory (“Aspect of Destruction”, alternate), Firestorm (EX), Hellfire Incarnate (almighty), Duelling Club Kallistar (BattleCON Online premium costume) Styles: Blazing, Caustic, Flare, Ignition, Volcanic Unique Base: Spellbolt Forms: Human, Elemental Finishers: Supernova, Chain of Destruction

Striker Support: Flame Thrower Ante: Red Crest Boost: Fiery Temper

Pixel Tactics Unit: Elemental Fire Team Hero: Pyromancer

Argent Department: Sorcery Position: Dueling Club President

BattleCON: War Preview - Part 1 (, article retrieved by the Wayback Machine on October 19th, 2015)

Race / Gender / Nationality: Half Elemental (Fire) / Female / Relecour (“Backstory”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

Kallistar Flarechild's family is originally from Gesselheim, but has lived in Relecour for generations. (“The Characters”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

Kallistar is a half-elemental who trained in magic alongside Khadath at Argent University of Magic. While Khadath chose to study the planar magic of teleportation and spatial control, Kallistar devoted her time to learning the destructive arts that could enhance her natural abilities and unlock her elemental potential. Able to transform herself into a living engine of destruction by burning away her own life, Kallistar is a deadly force of nature.

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 12)

Kallistar is descended from a tribe of half elementals that once lived in Gesselheim and served the Overlord Rexan. Though her ancestor, Mandala, was once a lord of Gesselheim, her family now resides in the mountains of Relecour. Her elemental nature gifts her with natural magical ability, and gained her easy admission into Relecour’s Argent University. At Argent, Kallistar studied under Larimore Burman, the most powerful warmage of the era, and became known as a prodigy in her own right. As part of her training, Kallistar was sent to Jeffreys in an exchange program, and there she met Magdelina Larington. The fiery Kallistar and stoic Magdelina became fast friends who seemed to have an innate understanding of one another.

As Kallistar finished her training, Dean Burman gave her a final assignment - to see real battle and test her magic in life-or-death combat. It was then that Magdelina contacted Kallistar and explained her vision of the Overlord’s resurrection. Seeing this as a perfect chance to complete her final assignment, Kallistar joined forces with Magdelina and journeyed south.

Indines In-Depth (February 24th, 2016)

Welcome back to another week of Indines In-Depth! This week, I picked a character that we've seen a lot of, but still know very little about: Kallistar Flarechild. I hope you enjoy the segment!

Kallistar is a half-elemental touched by the power of fire. As a resident of Kor Karoli, the city where Argent University is located, she spent most of her life looking forward to becoming a wizard and mastering the arts of Sorcery at Argent. When she came of age, her wish was granted, and she became a fully-fledged student in the department of Sorcery.

One of the few students to stick through (and survive) the entirety of Vice Dean Kanhamme's Evocation program, Kallistar became of special interest to Dean Larimore Burman, the world's foremost authority on Warmagic. Searching for a successor who would use the power of warmagic for peace, rather than their own gain, Burman selected Kallistar as his personal apprentice.

Plotline in War

Having just completed her graduate program, Dean Burman gives Kallistar one final project–to use the Warmagic that she has learned in practice. Uncertain of how she should go about finding a war to participate in, a distraction came to Kallistar in the form of her good friend Magdelina Larington, who asked Kallistar to accompany her on a dangerous mission to prevent the resurrection of the Overlord Rexan.

Together with Magdelina and Vanaah, Kallistar infiltrated Rexan's fortress and confronted him. Kallistar's duel with Heketch was interrupted when Rexan recognized her and addressed her as "Mandala", the name of one of her ancestors who had served as his general three centuries before. Stunned by the recognition of her great grandmother's name, Kallistar was confronted by the realization that she was fighting to undermine her own ancestral homeland and was forced to consider why her ancestor would join forces with the Overlord.

When she heard of Magdelina's defection to join forces with the overlord, Kallistar left Gesselheim to reexamine her own beliefs and to decide what ends she wanted to use her powers towards.

Future Adventures

Hearing rumors of war mounting between the northern nations and the newly rebuilt Empire of Gesselheim, Kallistar has traveled south to seek out the Overlord once more, offering her services as a warmage in hopes of preventing war with the North.

10 Facts about Kallistar

1. She’s a war mage in training under Larimore Burman. War Magic is a very difficult and deadly form of magic designed to destroy entire armies and level cities at once.

2. Archmage Calval (Calval the Mad, the inventor of War Magic) is one of her ancestors, but she keeps this a secret. Calval formed a pact of blood with the wicked Fire Elemental Grushel, resulting in the creation of a half-elemental, Kallistar's first ancestor.

3. Her ancestor Mandala Flarechild was a general for Overlord Rexan during the centennial wars.

4. She was born and raised in Relecour. Her father is a stonemason, and her mother is a glazier. Her half- elemental heritage is inherited from her mother’s side.

5. As a half-elemental aligned to fire, Kallistar is considered an omen of destruction and bad luck. In a metropolitan city like Kor Karoli, few believe these superstitions. However, as she traveled with Magdelina, she experienced firsthand the discrimination normally allotted to people of her race.

6. She dated Arec for a time, but she is much less fond of him than he is of her, and she considers him a bit of a wastrel.

7. Her favorite snack food is crushed charcoal, and she hates cold weather.

8. Her hair and eyes glow faintly when she becomes excited.

9. She is the president of Argent University’s dueling club.

10. In a student exchange with the Jeffrian Royal College, she visited Jeffreys became friends with Vanaah and Magdelina.

BattleCON Online (Kallistar Flarechild [Basic Kallistar], “Abilities”)

Elemental-touched humans are not rare in Indines, but few have mastered the power in their heritage like Kallistar. A master of Sorcery, Kallistar studies the ancient art of War Magic under Dean Larimore Burman.


● “Fire within, consume my heart!” (BattleCON: War of Indines, “Supernova”) ● “Let’s see who burns out first!” (BattleCON: War of Indines, “Chain of Destruction”) ● “Fire within, consume my heart, that I might destroy those who stand in my way!” (, “The Characters”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012) ● “That was even easier than I expected. Who’s next?” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “I may be a violent person by nature, but that just adds to my charm, or so they tell me.” (Indines In-Depth, February 24th, 2016) ● "Sometimes I just like to curl up by the hearth with a good book. Paper makes for a great snack." (Indines In-Depth, February 24th, 2016) ● "A well chosen attack." "Back off." "Come here!" "Excellent." "I'll take you on, if you think you're a match for me." "I'm too quick!" "Locked in." "Really? Ok then." "Seems about right." “So, you wanna play with fire, hm?” ”That was fun, shall we duel again?" "This is no good at all." "This should be no problem at all." "Try not to overthink this." "What do you think?" "Yes.” (Voice lines from BattleCON Online)

Karin Brandtford Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines and BattleCON Online, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 2.

From Amalao (Art of BattleCON, pg 113). Karin Brandtford was originally presented as part of a team with Jager Brandtford and most of her mechanics and theme are built on that assumption.

BattleCON Titles: The Soul Sharers, Twin Werewolves Unique Ability: Hunting Pack Alternate Versions: Twin Souls (alternate), Vicious Assault (EX), Pack Bond (almighty), Divine Dragon Knight Karin (BattleCON Online premium costume), Red Moon Karin (BattleCON Online premium costume) Styles: Coordinated, Dual, Feral, Full Moon, Howling Unique Base: Claw Finishers: Lunar Cross, Red Moon Rage

Striker Support: Curse Claw Ante: Pointer Boost: Pack Hunt

Pixel Tactics Unit: Monster Monster Hunters Hero: Werewolf

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 60) and BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Character Introductions (Kickstarter Update #7)

Born beneath the full moon, the werewolf twins Jager and Karin have only one human soul and one wolf soul between them, and so each must always take a different form than the other. Sent together to the mainland of Indines with Marmelee to act as her bodyguards, Karin and Jager are privy to Marmelee's secret plans to thwart the unbinding of her father, the Dragon King.

The two have also heard stories of an immortal Dark Wizard who is able to conjure new souls. On their journey, they also hope to find this person and convince him to break their two souls apart, so that they can at last take whichever forms they wish.

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 61)

Designer’s Notes

Originally, Karin was in wolf form, and fought alongside her brother Jager. It was decided that we swap the two to improve gender balance of the game. Playtesters were strongly vocal that we should keep the top hat for Jager’s werewolf form. Below, you can see Karin as a wolf, wearing the same orange ribbon she has in human form.

BattleCON Online Kickstarter (Update #4)

Our next stretch goal is my favorite of the alternate costumes. Karin Brandtford is a werewolf who fights together alongside her werewolf brother, Jager, and has been a fan favorite of BattleCON players since she was introduced in the board game.

Fans have been asking what happened to Karin after Jager split up with her and became a fighter all by himself.

Well, Karin still doesn't fight alone, but now she has a new battle companion!

BattleCON Online (Karin Brandtford [Basic Karin], “Abilities”)

The feral are blessed by the gods of the wild with the power to transform into beasts. For Karin and her twin brother Jager, this blessing is also a curse, for they may never take the same for at once.

BattleCON Online (Karin Brandtford [Divine Dragon Knight Karin], “Abilities”)

“I want you to stay with me. To be my voice to the human world, to be my defender… and also, my friend.” Marmelee confessed. Karin didn’t need to think about her answer, and merely embraced her best friend.

BattleCON Online (Karin Brandtford [Red Moon Karin], “Abilities”)

The students of Argent tell stories of a terrifying specter that haunts Kor Karoli on the nights of the red moon. When you hear the barghest howl, it’s already too late...


● “I heard stories about the land across the sea, but I never imagined this.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, pg. 45) ● “You’re looking the wrong way.” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● "Acknowledged." "Come closer." "I can smell your fear." "I won't hold back." "In an instant." "Not like this." "Prepare yourself." "Sharpen your instincts and face me again." (Voice lines from BattleCON Online)

Kas Karrowary

Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 4 and a supporter in Argent: the Consortium.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Empathic Agents Hero: Spiritualist

Argent Department: Divinity Position: Professor of Spiritualism

Kavri Shi Shorec Featured as a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 1, and a supporter in Argent: the Consortium.

Striker Support: Channeled Healing Ante: Fast Healing Boost: Strength of Ents

Pixel Tactics Unit: Magical Medical Marshals Hero: Healer

Argent Department: Divinity Position: Divinity Department Receptionist


● “This should fix you right up!.” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “Casting a fireball spell is not an appropriate way to share your light with the world.” (The Art of Argent, pg. 20)

Kehrolyn Ross Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: War of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 1.

BattleCON Titles: Homunculus, The Erlenmeyer Flask Unique Ability: Shapeshifting Alternate Versions: Unstable Mutation (“The August Strain”, alternate), Mutable Form (EX), Pinnacle of Evolution (almighty), Carnival! (“Life of the Party”, Mardi Gras promo) Styles: Bladed, Exoskeletal, Mutating, Quicksilver, Whip Unique Base: Overload Finishers: Hydra Fork, The August Strain

Striker Support: Gene Splice Ante: Retrovirus Boost: Symbiosis

Pixel Tactics Unit: Synchro-Synthetic Squad Hero: Homunculus

BattleCON: War Preview - Part 1 (, article retrieved by the Wayback Machine on October 19th, 2015)

Race / Gender / Nationality: Homunculus / Female / Willat (“Backstory”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

Kehrolyn Ross is an expat of Willat. (“The Characters”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

Kehrolyn is a shape-changing homunculus created by the eminent Doctor Aaron Ross. After his research was banned in his homeland of Willat, Ross was killed and Kehrolyn barely escaped from the country with her life intact. She now travels the world with Lixis, her creator's research associate, and works to finish Aaron's work and unlock all the mysteries of life--both natural and created.

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 14)

Created by the research of Doctor Aaron Ross of Willat, Kehrolyn is a unique homunculus capable of transforming and improving her own abilities.

When Ross’s laboratories were destroyed by the Magisters of Willat, both Aaron Ross and Kehrolyn’s “sister” August were lost in the disaster. Now she seeks a purpose for her existence beyond the laboratory, as she tries to make sense of all that has happened to her.

BattleCON: War Remastered Kickstarter (Update #33)

Kehrolyn is a shape-changing homunculus created by the eminent Doctor Aaron Ross. After his research was banned in his homeland of Willat, Ross was killed and Kehrolyn barely escaped from the country with her life intact. She now travels the world with Lixis, her creator's research associate, and works to finish Aaron's work and unlock all the mysteries of life--both natural and created.

Indines In-Depth (March 2nd, 2017)


The magisters of Willat control all Technomagical research within their borders, and place strict bans on sciences that can create new life. The eminent Doctor Aaron Ross, after losing his titles and property for defying these sanctions, retreated into the wilderness of Willat and opened a secret laboratory. With the help of his assistant, Lixis Ran Kanda, he created two exceptionally powerful Homunculi, Kehrolyn and August, using forbidden techniques in bio-alchemy.

These two homunculi possessed the power to use Alchemy for themselves and alter their own physical appearances and capabilities, effectively upgrading themselves with any kind of natural weapon or armor they want. Unlike August, Kehrolyn has a built-in limiter, which prevents her from deviating too far from her default form. August, though far more powerful than Kehrolyn, became more and more unstable (both mentally and physically) during her development, and would have been decommissioned if not for the disaster that befell the laboratory.

During BattleCON: War

Aaron Ross's laboratory was discovered by the Magisters and destroyed in a sudden, deadly raid. Ross and August perished in the raid, but not before August managed to destroy nearly an entire battalion of clockwork soldiers single handedly. Fearing that Kehrolyn may be just as dangerous as her sister, the magisters have sent Rukyuk on a mission to track down Kehrolyn and Lixis, destroying the former, and bringing the latter back to Willat in custody.

Rukyuk eventually catches up to Kehrolyn, but is defeated by her. Despite Lixis's advice, she spares Rukyuk's life, telling him that she's more than just a monster or a trophy.

Later Adventures

After her adventures in BattleCON: War, Kehrolyn joins Rukyuk's mercenary company, the Champions of Indines, in order to try and do some good in the world with her power. Though she still has some trouble blending in to human society, she is carving out a niche for herself, making friends, and learning about what it means to be a part of society.

Most homunculi in Indines are little more than organic machines, serving at various tasks for their masters and entirely without self-awareness. Thus, Kehrolyn remains a bit lonely in her uniqueness and continues to seek out an identity of her own.

10 Facts about Kehrolyn

1. Kehrolyn’s body is filled with refined Crizma instead of blood, giving her incredible strength. This is the same substance used as a hydraulic fluid in the Cadenza series robots.

2. Kehrolyn can transform her body freely, but she cannot deviate too far from her main form without reverting back.

3. Kehrolyn’s heart is a organic version of a device called an alchemist’s anvil. The anvil churns up and down, converting natural materials into the refined chemicals that make up the homunculus’s body. Her default body pattern is etched onto this device, which is warded against transformation by her own powers.

4. Kehrolyn refers to Aaron Ross as “Father” and to Lixis as “Mother”.

5. Kehrolyn is named after Aaron Ross’s Great Grandmother.

6. She is interested in art, particularly interpretive dance. Lixis describes her surreal contortions as “astonishing and grotesque”. Kehrolyn sees imagination as the most important skill in her fighting style, and uses art as a way to cultivate this. In combat, her transforming style is graceful and fluid, rather than horrific.

7. Animals with a strong sense of smell react violently to her presence, and even though she can disguise her form freely, she cannot hide the scent of the chemicals in her body from sensitive noses.

8. Growing up, she and August had a pet slime, Sir Blobington, which Ross crafted for them. He was lost after the destruction of Ross’s laboratory.

9. Kehrolyn and August chose their faces after reading through Willati fashion magazines and splicing parts together. Kehrolyn bears a stunning resemblance to the little-known Willati fashion model and designer Malyri Ondelli.

10. Kehrolyn’s favorite color is mauve, and her favorite food is Targa Root & Herb Soup.


● “Did you really think it was going to be that easy?" (BattleCON: War of Indines, “Hydra Fork”) ● “If I have to become a monster to survive, then so be it!" (BattleCON: War of Indines, “The August Strain”) ● "My father gave me the power to be anything, but never told me what I was meant to become." (, “The Characters”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012) ● "Call me a monster, and I’ll show you a monster." (BattleCON: Strikers and The Art of BattleCON, pg. 14) ● “I fear there may be no room for anything but monsters left in this world. It seems you’ve already decided where to draw the lines of civilization and humanity.” (Indines In-Depth, February 2nd, 2017) ● “August wanted more arms, twelve eyes, insect wings… and of course she could have all these things but father always said ‘no’. August never understood why she shouldn’t take a more efficient and capable form than the one she was born with, but I understood, somehow. This body is an anchor. If I change my face, I lose my self. August changed herself so much that she forgot who she was… that’s the fate I fear the most.” (Indines In-Depth, February 2nd, 2017)

Kelbran Featured as a summon and backstory character in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines.

Deceased. For his successor, see Eligor Larington. For his channeler, see Magdelina Larington. Misspelled as “Keldran” in The Art of BattleCON.

Khadath Ahemusei Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: War of Indines and BattleCON Online, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 1, and a supporter in Argent: ‘Mancers of the University.

BattleCON Titles: Planestalker, Towards the Promised Land Unique Ability: Gate Trap Alternate Versions: Planargate (“Planebinder”, alternate), Dimensional Chasm (EX), Planeshift (alternate), Planar Paragon Khadath (BattleCON Online premium costume) Styles: Blight, Evacuation, Hunter’s, Lure, Teleport Unique Base: Snare Finishers: Dimensional Exile, Planar Crossing

Striker Support: Multiplane Strike Ante: Telepresence Boost: Gravity Well

Pixel Tactics Unit: Dimensional Assault Team Hero: Trapper

Argent Department: Planar Studies Position: Planar Department Alumnus

BattleCON: War Preview - Part 3 (, article retrieved by the Wayback Machine on October 19th, 2015)

Race / Gender / Nationality: Elvan / Male / Relecour (“Backstory”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

Khadath Ahemusei is the prince of Ahemusei, a micro-nation just north of Jeffreys. (“The Characters”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

A prince among his tribal people, Khadath cast off his wealth and status to become a scholar, and study Planar Magic at the distant Argent University. Now, a plague has stricken his people, and he is one of the few who can save them. Armed with his ancestral sword and his sharp wits, Khadath is searching for a cure to save his people and himself, before it is too late…

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 7)

His people cursed by the gods, the Elvan Prince Khadath left the swamplands of his birth and journeyed out into the world to discover a way to save them. In his travels, he found the only way to escape the gods was to escape their world. By joining the Planestalkers, he hopes to find a new world for his people.

Level Cap Podcast (Episode 5, “Character of the Week”)

Marco: You know what's pretty cool? Our character of the week, how's that for a segue.

Brad: That was pretty sharp. Was a bumpy segway ride. Today's character of the week is Khadath.

Marco: How do you pronounce his last name?

Brad: I pronounce it Ah-ha-moo-see?

Marco: I pronounce it Ah-ha-moo-say.

Brad: Okay. Let's go with "say", I like "say" better.

Marco: Oh, really? Oh, okay. Khadath... I don't know a lot about the Khadath design background, I know that he works for the Planestalkers, this organization that is essentially Power Rangers Space Patrol Delta. They go through these barriers-

Brad: Pretty much.

Marco: Yeah, right, they go through-

Brad: Pretty much. That's a pretty accurate description of the Planestalkers. They're world police / spy network fighting aliens type of thing.

Marco: So they're the Men in Black too, I guess.

Brad: Yeah, they're also kind of the Men in Black. But that's not too important to Khadath's story. Tangentially he's a member of the Planestalkers, but most of his story is actually tied up in his home country. And so he is the prince of Ahemusei, a swampland in Relecour, kind of on the border of Relecour and the central nation, Jeffreys. There's this swampland where all the elves live. And he's the prince of this land, and one of the goddesses, Tamaris, the Earth Goddess, has cursed that land. So it's dying out and the people there are dying out. Khadath decides that he is going to go on this adventure to figure out a way to save his people, to bring them beyond the reach of this god. He decides the best way to do that is to take them to a new world or a new place or somewhere... the only places where the gods can't reach are off-world.

Marco: A whole new world.

Brad: Yeah, and so that's why he goes into the Planar Studies at Argent and eventually joins the Planestalkers, because he is looking for the technology to basically build his own world. So there's some sort of videogame final boss here where it's like "I'll create my own perfect world."

Marco: *laughter*

Brad: In his mind, but for him it's benevolent. And he wants to do that for his people so they can serve.

Marco: You know, Rexan thought that too until he got killed.

Brad: Yeah, well, Rexan decided to carve it out the North when he wanted to build his empire. Rexan's a good character for another time, another Indines In-Depth. A lot of the characters in Indines were based on a role-playing game that I worked on way back in college. Actually, the Argent role-playing game, we were all students at Argent, Khadath was a player character created by my friend Kevin. He was talking with one of this friends and his friend went off to board game night and his friend came back and was like "I played this really cool game, it was called BattleCON." And Kevin was like, "Did you play a character named Khadath?", and his friend was like "Oh, that's why your handle was Khadath, because you played this game too." And Kevin was like "Well, actually..."

Marco: Oh, wow. That's freakin' awesome.

Brad: And if you find him on... I won't say his handle on the air, but if you see somebody with "Khadath" in their name, it may be Kevin, the original creator of that character. So keep a look out if you're ever on Steam and see him. It's a pretty cool storyline, a pretty cool character. We have some secrets and surprises coming up for Khadath in the next segment of the story whenever we get into block 3 of BattleCON, which will be after Wanderers.

Marco: He gets bossified? Is that what happens?

Brad: No, he doesn't pull a Magdelina.

Marco: Is that a verb? Pulling a Magdelina?

Brad: *laughter* Pulling a Magdelina, where you upgrade to boss mode in the second game?

Marco: Yeah.

Discussion about a possible BattleCON boss expansion and Seventh Cross playtesting follows briefly.

Marco: Wait, let's backtrack a bit towards Khadath, when your friend Kevin played Khadath, did he have the wormhole? What part of Kevin's character translated into the mechanics for Khadath? What inspired you to design Khadath this way, with the gate trap?

Brad: Well, a lot of the look, he was always a Planar Science character, so he was all about wormholes and portals and such. He was always a very crafty sort of character, like three steps ahead sort of fighter. So I felt like giving him a tactical tool that would combine the Planar Science magic with his crafty nature would be ideal. Also the original character had that concept of "I wanna create my own universe.", and he had already started building that. So if you look at Khadath, he actually has this earring that's a key, and that key is kind of the device he uses to power his pocket dimension, and that he keeps on him all the time. The portal - the trap that he creates - is actually created from his own pocket world, his rudimentary one that's still basic at this stage. But that's the early prototype of the thing he's trying to build.

Marco: So his wormholes or his gate traps are like science-based. Okay.

Brad: Yeah, yeah. In Indines all Planar magic is a science discipline, and it's done with math, and not with the "arcane powers".

Marco: Ohhhkay then.

Brad: It's more creating these giant formulas, and then when you push magic through that formula, it alters reality. So the magic is in the calculation, not in the concept.

Marco: Man, we need to make an entire podcast about Indines magic. We need to spend an entire episode on this one.

Brad: If you want to spend one, I can tell you about the different disciplines and stuff.

Marco: Yeah, that would be hype.

Brad: There was gonna be a whole RPG on this thing, so I have all that written down.

Discussion of Khadath’s mechanics and strategy follows.

Marco: I honestly didn't know about your friend [Kevin, who played Khadath] having a PC [player character] that you based this character on, it's amazing.

Brad: I should probably mention it now because Hikaru was my other friend's PC, Steven.

Marco: Whaaat?

Brad: So Hikaru and Khadath were the original Indines characters, the original crew.

Marco: Wait, this means you had a PC too! Or were you the GM?

Brad: No, no, I was the GM [Game Master], so I had a bunch of NPCs [Non-Player Characters], and those are Kallistar and Rukyuk and (inaudible). Those were my characters, those were my NPCs. Hikaru and Kadath were the originals.

Marco: We need to talk about this sometime, I'm so excited.

Brad: They need to release an RPG, so you can play your own adventures.

Marco: Oh my gosh, I want it.

BattleCON Online (Khadath Ahemusei [Basic Khadath], “Abilities”)

A Elvan prince skilled in the arts of planar magic. Khadath seeks a new world for his cursed people, some place beyond the reach of an angry god.

BattleCON Online (Khadath Ahemusei [Planar Paragon Khadath], “Abilities”)

After countless worlds and what seemed like an eternity of searching, the Ahemusei tribe finally found a plane to call their own. The journey there had changed Khadath, making him more than a mere mortal…


● “What you need is an extended vacation!" (BattleCON: War of Indines, “Dimensional Exile”) ● “You’re in my world now." (BattleCON: War of Indines, Planar Crossing”) ● “If you hesitate, if you fear, if you despair, then you are already trapped.” (, “The Characters”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012) ● “I won’t let anything get in my way!” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “When the world rejects you, just find another world.” (The Art of BattleCON, pg. 7) ● "Come then." "Here!" "I'm ready." "My quest won't end here." "Ready to strike." "Swiftly now." (Voice lines from BattleCON Online)

Khoi Omman Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 5.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Go-Getter Guardians Hero: Guardian

Kilgrem’s Last Experiment Featured as a BattleQUEST boss in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines.

See Magister Kilgrem’s Laboratory.

BattleCON Attacks: Electric Screen, Probe, Wall Spikes, Ground Trap Energy Absorb, Roulette Ability: Immobile

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 9)

Kilgrem’s Last Experiment sits in a great tank in the center of the room. This machine-integrated homunculus has taken control of the laboratory’s systems, and you have to stop it!

Kilgrem, Magister Featured as a backstory character in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines.

Deceased. See Magister Kilgrem’s Laboratory and Kilgrem’s Last Experiment.

Koul Featured as a backstory character in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines.

Older brother to Runika Zenanen. See Runika Zenanen.

Laine Shevelt Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics: Freelancers.

Deceased. Former assistant to Runika Zenanen, revived as the construct known as ARIA.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Lieutenants’ Delegation Hero Class: Aide Larimore Burman Featured as a boss in BattleCON: Devastation in Indines, a fighter in BattleCON: Fate of Indines, a striker and a promotional striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 2 and Pixel Tactics DX, a brawler in 7 Card Slugfest, and a candidate in Argent: the Consortium.

BattleCON Title: Warmage Unique Ability: Firepower Alternate Versions: Packing Heat (EX), Dragonfire (almighty) Styles: Blistering, Dire, Dragonbreath, Incinerating, Warmage’s Unique Base: Might Finishers: Dragonflare, Dragon’s Descent

BattleCON (boss) Title: Testing the Heroes Attacks: Arcane Barrier, , Caustic Bite, Claw Snap, Dragon Slayer, Earthshaker, Kinetic Pulse, Mystic Missile, Red Crest, Tail Whip, Tyrant Fury, Volcanic Breath, Word of Forbiddance

Striker Support: The Jump Ante: Force Weapon Boost: Flame Weapon

Striker (promo) Support: Tyrant Fury Ante: Dragon Buster Boost: Relentless Avarice

Pixel Tactics 2 Unit: Dragon Buster Brigade Hero: Warmage

Pixel Tactics DX Unit: Dragon Slayers Hero: Titan

Argent Department: Sorcery Position: Dean of Sorcery Mage Power: Flash of Light

BattleCON: Fate Preview - Part 3 (, article retrieved by the Wayback Machine on October 19th, 2015)

Race / Gender / Nationality: Dragon / M / Relecour

7 Card Slugfest Rulebook (pg. 7)

University professor, of destruction, and all-around nice guy.

Argent: the Consortium rulebook (pg 19)

A dragon who has retired from his days of fighting heroes, Burman lives under a human guise and teaches the ancient secrets of war magic to the mages at Argent. His spells are deadly, and his mages possess combat magic that they won’t hesitate to use at his disposal.

The Art of Argent (pg. 10)

An ancient dragon who has watched over Indines for over a thousand years as a guardian and guide, Larimore Burman is known, feared, and admired throughout the world.

Though he was a hero in many wars and renowned as the world’s most powerful warmage, he has come to appreciate the futility of warfare, and now leaves the nations to decide their own fates, intervening directly in events only when special circumstances arise.

For the past few decades, he has served as Dean of Argent, which he considers a kind of retirement. Burman runs the department of Sorcery in a very ‘Laissez-faire’ manner, letting professors and researchers do whatever they please, so long as significant injury and property damage is avoided. The Board of Trustees, though furious with his department’s lack of discipline, are too afraid to fire him.

It’s unclear whether Burman has officially applied to be a candidate for chancellorship, or whether his students and staff are pushing him towards the position just so that they can run the entire university the same way they run the Sorcery Department.


● “Let’s see if you’re worthy.” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “Any final words? It’s even easier if you stand there talking while I attack.” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “Get lost.” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Finger Snap”) ● “How many fists do you see? No, that’s not nearly enough.” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Trick Question”) ● “Oh no you didn’t...” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Glare”) ● “You only pass if you’re still standing.” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Pop Quiz”) ● “If you think you can stand in my way, you must not know what I am.” (Argent: The Consortium, “Flash of Light”) ● “Discard the trappings and prejudice of the world. Follow your own light.” (Argent: The Consortium, “The Light that Leads”) ● “Many more have found power than have been able to tame it.” (Argent: The Consortium, “The Pursuit of Power”) ● “The old masters had no books or lists, just an intuitive mastery of the thing.” (Argent: The Consortium, “Sorcerous Inspiration”) ● “I am as I have always been. I am what I am needed to be. Nothing more, nothing less.” (The Art of Argent, pg. 10) ● “I didn’t expect to pick up this mantle again… but this is too important to leave to fate.” (Fate of Indines Fighter & Mode Guide, pg 4) ● "If you won’t stand aside, you leave me no choice." (BattleCON: Fate of Indines, “Dragonflare”) ● "Enough games!" (BattleCON: Fate of Indines, “Dragon’s Descent”)

Lastar Ten Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 5.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Weapons of Tomorrow Hero: Futurist

Lavanina Featured as a candidate in Argent: the Consortium.

Argent Department: Planar Studies Position: Dean of Planar Studies Mage Power: Shadow Bolt

Argent: the Consortium rulebook (pg. 21)

A terrifying alien from the far reaches of the universe that wears a mask of flesh, Lavanina has come to Argent on pure whimsy, or so she says. She wields Planar Magic far beyond what is taught at Argent, but holds back on using her full talents to “even the playing field” with other candidates.

The Art of Argent (pg. 37) and Argent: the Consortium Kickstarter (Update #45)

A whimsical alien from the plane of Chaos, Lavaninaelocadamettarcial has served as Argent’s Dean of Planar Studies for six years now, and will continue to do so ‘for as long as the ‘stars are right’. Much of her background and motives are shrouded in mystery. However, since her race are beings born of and driven by chaos, there is just as likely to be no reason at all for her appearance at Argent. If she does have motives for her actions, they certainly revolve on a different logic than human reasoning.

Lavanina’s human-like appearance is a guise imposed by the ‘gravity’ of the world she inhabits. Chaons all appear human-like in the world of Indines, but there are always small hiccups in the process. In Lavanina’s case, her right arm still manifests as a bundle of chthonian tentacles, which she will freely admit are quite handy for preparing certain kinds of planar spells.


● “Come, students! The stars are right for a change in management!” (Argent: the Consortium, “Shadow Bolt”) ● “I don’t remember this universe being so crowded during my last visit.” (Argent: the Consortium, “Parallel Synchronicity”) ● “It appears you’re just in time to congratulate me on my victory.” (Argent: the Consortium, “Temporal Calculus, 6th Ed.”) ● “The virtue of Planar Studies is to look squarely into the face of madness and to say ‘I will own you’.” (The Art of Argent, pg. 37 and Argent: the Consortium Kickstarter, Update #45)

Lesandra Machan Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 1, and a supporter in Argent: the Consortium.

BattleCON Titles: Battle Summoner, Teacher’s Pet Unique Ability: Battle Familiar Alternate Versions: Summoned by Blood (“Never Lonely”, alternate), Double Summon (EX), Triple Summon (almighty) Styles: Binding, Guardian, Invocation, Pactbreaker, Window Unique Base: Summon Familiars: Borneo, Raven Knight, Rune Knight, Salamander, Wyvern Finishers: Invoke Nightstalker, Mazzaroth

Striker Support: Astral Summons Ante: Runic Shadow Boost: Runic Armor

Pixel Tactics Unit: Summoned Battalion Hero: Summoner

Argent Department: Mysticism Position: Vice Dean’s Assistant

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 63) and BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Character Introductions (Kickstarter Update #7)

A native of Gesselheim, Lesandra's family moved north to Relecour to escape the poverty and lawlessness of their homeland. At the age of 10, Lesandra summoned and bound her first outsider, and was granted an apprenticeship at Argent University. Working for years as an apprentice librarian and custodian under Vice Dean Byron Krane, Lesandra's skill grew considerably over the years, and she was eventually enrolled in the college, where she graduated with exceptional marks and continues her study in the graduate program.

She works as the Vice Dean’s personal assistant, and is helping him with his plan to summon and bind the Demon Lord Malephaise. However, Lesandra can’t shake the feeling that more is at work than a simple ritual…


● “For good or ill, I’m prepared to face the consequences to find out what’s next.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, pg. 51) ● “I call now the Duskstalker, the walker between the ways, to stand as my guardian and guide.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Invoke Duskstalker”) ● “Master of Shadows, fulfill my pact and devour my enemies!” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Mazzaroth””) ● “Boring. You deal with it, Borneo.” (BattleCON: Strikers)

Letum Conspicere Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics DX.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Hopeless Hospitaliers Hero: Undertaker

Levine Casterlie Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 5.

Pixel Tactics Unit: The Taker Hero: Hazard Specialist Lixis Ran Kanda Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: War of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 1, and a supporter in Argent: ‘Mancers of the University.

Was listed in Art of BattleCON (pg. 113) as loyal to Amalao, but this may be incorrect.

BattleCON Titles: Biomancer, Defying Death Unique Ability: Withering Touch Alternate Versions: Withered Body (“Scientist”, alternate), Engineered Touch (EX), All Your Base (almighty) Styles: Naturalizing, Pruning, Rooted, Venomous, Vine Unique Base: Lance Finishers: Virulent Miasma, Life Virus

Striker Support: Life Virus Ante: Neutralizer Boost: Dryad’s Repose

Pixel Tactics Unit: Alchemical Warfare Division Hero: Alchemist

Argent Department: Technomancy Position: Visiting Alchemy Lecturer

BattleCON: War Preview - Part 2 (, article retrieved by the Wayback Machine on October 19th, 2015)

Race / Gender / Nationality: Dryad / Female / Sanghalim (“Backstory”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

Lixis Ran Kanda is an expat of Willat and of Sanghalim.

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 8)

As the western desert grows, the great forests of Indines wither. Lixis Ran Kanda was a dryad living peacefully with her sisters in the forest, but the dreams of her life tree troubled her. They showed her visions of death in the West, creeping ever closer. Lixis left her forest home and took up the science of Alchemy - intent on creating life that could stand up to the desert’s relentless march. It was during her studies in Willat, under an eminent Aaron Ross, that she created August, a monster that will haunt her all her days…

BattleCON: War Remastered Kickstarter (Update #25)

Character Spotlight: Lixis Ran Kanda

The western desert of Sanghalim grows several miles every year, slowly eating away at the lush central forests of Jeffreys. Seeing the expansion of the desert would inevitably destroy her own and her sisters' home, Lixis resolved to learn the science of biomancy, in hopes of creating a way to restore the blighted brush lands to life and fight the desert.

Reaching the northern nation of Willat, the capital of Technomagickal and alchemical research in the world, Lixis joined the laboratories of famed alchemist Aaron Ross and showed a natural aptitude for life sciences. There she set about researching ways to improve and empower life.

After Ross's research was deemed too dangerous by the magisters of Willat, Lixis fled with Ross's greatest creation, Kehrolyn, and his research notes. She is close to finding the secret of restoring the desert-swept lands to life, and only a few last tests remain...

Level Cap Podcast (Episode 4, “Character of the Week”)

Marco: Let's talk about the character of the week. Our character of the week is the wonderful Lixis Kan Can't Remember Or Pronounce Her Last Name.

Brad: See now I understand, you introduce the character of the week the same way you introduce me. I'm just the character of every week.

Marco: *laughter*

Brad: Now the truth comes out. Marco: Oh no, yeah. Brad Fulton, character of the week.

Brad: I'm just a character to you, Marco.

Marco: Oh noo, I'm so sorry. You are people to me. *laughter*

Brad: Lixis Ran Kanda is the character of the week and this is one of my personal favorite characters. So she's the first dryad character that we had in BattleCON and she is a biomancer, which is an alchemist who works with life energy. So she was a dryad living in this forest on the edge of Sanghalim, which is the big western desert nation. As the desert starts creeping closer every year, she decided "I'm gonna leave and try and find a way to save the forest." And so she goes to Argent University and studies alchemy, and alchemy is a skill that is generally not done by dryads. They're all into nature magick, so she's kind of an odd duck for taking a technology discipline. But it turns out she's really good at it, she's really meticulous and really driven and she manages to become very skilled. And then she heads north to Willat and meets up with this other guy, Aaron Ross, who is sort of an ex-criminal in his homeland.

Marco: Unethical experiments?

Brad: Well, actually partly unethical experiments? But mostly because he protested this war they carried out on the dryads in the northern province.

Marco: Ohh 'kay.

Brad: So they had this industrial revolution, Willat, and they dryads were like "No, you can't pollute the earth this way." And so the Magisters were like "Oh yes, we can." and they carpet-bombed the forest.

Marco: Hooo my.

Brad: And now there's just this wasteland in the North where the dryad forest used to be. And so now because they have don't have any dryads, there are all these crazy diseases and plagues in the North, and they've spent a good part of their time working on medical technology to counteract that. Also there's this whole dryad terrorist organization that they have to deal with now. But that's an entirely different plotline. Aaron Ross protests this and he was a very famous researcher on homunculi. He was in line to become a Magister himself, but because of this protest they kicked him out, they banned his research. And so Lixis gets together with him and they start working. She starts working in his laboratory about how to build some kind of artificial tree that will be able to withstand the desert, reclaim the desert. She eventually creates this homunculus called August. Alongside that, they also create Kehrolyn, who is another fighter in BattleCON. At the end of that plotline, the Magisters find out where they are, and decide to destroy their laboratory. Aaron Ross dies in that event and August stays behind and fights off this army of Cadenza soldiers. Kehrolyn and Lixis escape and that's where the BattleCON picks up, after the prologue. Lixis is just trying to get some kind of laboratory together, because she's on the run right now. She's trying to get some kind of laboratory together so she can finish her research and try and save her forest. Kehrolyn is worried about what she's really meant to be, because without her father-figure, Aaron Ross, she doesn't have any destiny for herself.

Marco: Well, he's kind of there in spirit, technically, I guess.

Brad: A little bit. A little bit. But not the same, that's really not the same. Lixis is not a great mother-figure for her either. Lixis is like "You're not the one I built to save the forest, so you're not really that useful to me, except to protect me when these soldiers attack."

Marco: Oh, you're nothing but a tool. You're a character to me, that's what's it is.

Brad: *laughter* But I mean they get along, but it's not the relationship that she had with Aaron Ross, that Kehrolyn had with Ross. Lixis is kind of a cold, calculating sort of character. Each of the dryads is tied to a tree in their forest and it's pretty soon that Lixis' tree is going to get claimed by the desert. And so it that point she can either decide to die alongside her tree or to use her alchemy and magic technology to extend her life artificially. And at that point if she does she'll become a husk, which is a plague dryad. And those are these monstrous creature that are ill omens that roam the land and cause and disaster. But she could survive as one of those things.

Marco: Kajia's one of them, right?

Brad: Yeah. Kajia is one. They aren't natural creatures but they're also undead. They're typically not regarded too nicely by folks.

Marco: Yeah, I can assume like worms are coming out of your face, right?

Brad: Yeah, okay, you start to rot like a tree.

Marco: Would you happen to know what kind of tree Lixis is based off? Like, what's her...

Brad: The dryads, their name has three parts. The first name is her name, the second name is the tree's name, and the third name is the tree's species. The Kanda tree is a really big kind of redwood sort of tree, and it's known for being really tough and having a lot of sap that gives strengthening properties. It's a really large hardwood tree is the basic sum of it, with some properties to give longevity. In BattleCON, Lixis is actually the second tank in the game after Cadenza. She has the most Stun Guard and roots and disruption. She's much more of a technical tank fighter, but she has all these tools you traditionally associate with heavyweights.


● “Not feeling well?” (BattleCON: War of Indines, “Virulent Miasma” and In-Depth Lixis Guide, December 12th, 2017) ● “I supposed we can begin the trial early.” (BattleCON: War of Indines, “Life Virus”) ● “Let’s begin the experiment!” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “I will defy nature, and will master it, and I will live.” (Art of BattleCON, pg. 8) ● “I will defy nature, and will master it, and I will live!” (BattleCON: War Remastered Kickstarter, Update #25) ● “Let me remove those limits, Kehrolyn, and give you all the power August had. Then you could take revenge… for both of us..” (Art of BattleCON, pg. 15)

Lizaveta Turnay Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics DX.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Sharpshooting Sweepers Hero: Rangers

Luc Von Gott Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: War of Indines and BattleCON Online, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 1, and a brawler in 7 Card Slugfest.

BattleCON Titles: Royal Historian, The Past and Future Hero Unique Ability: Temporal Battery Alternate Versions: Killing Time (“Borrowed Time”, alternate), Temporal Engine (EX), Temporal Generator (almighty), Luc to the Past (BattleCON Online premium costume) Styles: Chrono, Eternal, Feinting, Fusion, Memento Unique Base: Flash Finishers: Temporal Recursion, Stasis Charge

Striker Support: Deja Vu Ante: Slow Time Boost: Time Stop

Pixel Tactics Unit: Timeless Legion Hero: Scientist

BattleCON: War Preview - Part 1 (, article retrieved by the Wayback Machine on October 19th, 2015)

Race / Gender / Nationality: Human / Male / Jeffreys

BattleCON: War of Indines Kickstarter (Update #16)

Luc is an artificer who has done extensive research in time travel and manipulation. He uses an invention of his own design, a Temporal Battery, to store up a few milleseconds of every second that goes by. Once he stores enough time in this device, he can unleash it to make himself faster--or to stop time completely when fully charged. (“Backstory”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

Luc Von Gott is originally from Willat, but has lived in Jeffreys and worked as the Royal Artificer for as long as anyone remembers.

7 Card Slugfest Rulebook (pg. 7)

Vacationing time traveler; expert martial artist and mythical hero of legend. Also a stylish dresser.

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 8)

A genius inventor who fought three hundred years ago to slay Lord Rexan, Luc is a master of time manipulation and travel. After defeating Rexan and taking a reasonable vacation, he headed forward into the future to make sure that the world would remain safe for his countrymen and descendants. In the future, Luc found a great calamity and traced its origins back to the present. Now, he has come to the year 1000 and joined the planestalkers in order to avert a disaster the likes of which no age has seen before at the hands of their ancient enemy, Oriana.

BattleCON: War Remastered Kickstarter (Update #19)

Character Spotlight: Luc Von Gott - A legendary hero from the past, Luc has traveled forward in time to protect Indines once more from old threats that have returned to the land. In combat, he uses his fists and the assistance of a time manipulation device to fight with incredible dexterity.

Indines In-Depth (March 2nd, 2016)

This week we're taking a look into one of the influential characters of the World of Indines setting, Luc Von Gott, whose past actions are responsible for much of the state of the world.


Luc was born in Willat in the year 672, where he worked as a mechanic alongside fellow scientist Bors Vilnar. During his time, he did a great deal of research in the field of Chronomancy, and managed to build some of the first time-travel devices in Indines.

Around the year 700, the Centennial War began between Gesselheim and the other nations of Indines. Luc banded together with three heroes from the other nations to stop Rexan. At his side were Servi of Relecour, Avenlia of Jeffreys, and Delgado of Sanghalim. Aided by the betrayal of Byron Krane, a trusted advisor to the overlord, the four heroes infiltrated Rexan's fortress in Rubara and killed him. Without Rexan's leadership, the nation of Gesselheim fell apart, and the Centennial Wars ended.

Luc returned to Willat after his exploits to continue his research. Over time, he became more and more involved with the Planebinders, a precursor to the modern Planestalkers, which he helped to build.

Plot in BattleCON: War

Luc discovered a dire threat to the future in the form of Cherri Seneca, and came to the present time in Indines in order to help the Planestalkers prevent her from falling into Oriana's clutches. Along with Khadath and Hikaru, he set out on a mission to keep Cherri safe–one which ultimately failed.

Plot in BattleCON: Devastation

Together with the help of Ezikiol Zook, Luc managed to save the life of his apprentice, Clive Melmont, in a deadly fire that claimed the lives of both of Clive's parents and his brother, Lastar. Together, Clive and Luc fight alongside the other Planestalkers to drive Oriana out of Indines.

Future Adventures

After failing to thwart Oriana, Luc remained in the present to continue his work alongside the modern planestalkers. Much as changed in his homeland of Willat over the past three hundred years, and his old friend Bors Vilnar has become a different person than Luc remembers. He has resolved to meet the new magisters of Willat, and try to prevent the senseless calamity he sees them bringing down upon the rest of the continent.

10 facts about Luc

1. He was born in Willat over 320 years ago, and was a master mechanic in his time.

2. Fellow members of the Planestalkers call him 'Professor', which is his code name as a field operative.

3. With Iaxus, he helped formalize the Planestalkers as a paramilitary organization at the end of the Centennial War.

4. He has a bit of a hero complex, and doesn’t trust others to handle things themselves.

5. He saved Clive Melmont from a fire, but had to build him a robotic body because the boy’s own body was too damaged. This was accomplished with the help of Mystic Ezikiol Zook (father of Xenitia Zook).

6. Luc has the capability to travel back in time, but because he fears the repercussions of doing so, he has not attempted it.

7. He is employed as the Royal Historian of Jeffreys. But he can really just do pretty much whatever he wants.

8. He was once a colleague of Magister Bors Vilnar, over 300 years ago.

9. He is good friends with Runika, and an advisor to the Armiger Corps.

10. He is a skilled organist, and loves concert music. He is a strong advocate of the “mathematical beauty of music.”

BattleCON Online (Luc Von Gott [Basic Luc], “Abilities”)

After defeating the overlord Rexan three centuries ago, Luc Von Gott headed to the future to thwart an even more dire calamity.

BattleCON Online (Luc Von Gott [Luc to the Past], “Abilities”)

Before he was the legendary hero who defeated the overlord Rexan, he was a genius inventor who sought to unravel the strings of time. With his prototype Temporal Battery, Luc Von Gott made many important discoveries about time travel which are still used by chronomancers today.


● “This time, there’s no way out for you!” (BattleCON: War of Indines, “Temporal Recursion”) ● “Stasis Field, activate!” (BattleCON: War of Indines, “Stasis Field”) ● “Your abilities are well within my calculations.” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “Every age needs a hero. Perhaps I could be of use to this one too.” (The Art of BattleCON, pg 8) ● “Brush up on your technique, ruffian.” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Refined Punch”) ● “It just seems right.” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Time for a Punch!!!”) ● “Right on schedule!” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Well-Timed Punch”) ● “To your health!” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Cheers!”) ● "Time doesn't change us. Time destroys us, and replaces us. You may have the name of my friend, but you're not that person anymore." (Indines In-Depth, March 2nd, 2016) ● "After everything we fought for, this is the future we bought? I expected we would have come so much further towards peace in these three centuries." (Indines In-Depth, March 2nd, 2016)

Luca Demarq Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics DX and a student in Argent: the Consortium.

Son of Forcian Demarq and apprentice to Uleyle Kimbhe.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Power without Reason Hero: Wizard

The Art of Argent (pg. 71)

While the other students are generic, the Archmage’s Apprentice is actually a named character, Luca Demarq, the son of Amalao’s Archmage Demarq. His personality is about what you would guess from looking at his original sketch.

Lucca Turlotte Featured as a supporter in Argent: Summer Break.

Argent Department: Mysticism Position: Summer Activities Organizer Lucida Malephaise Featured as a BattleQUEST boss in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, a fighter in BattleCON: Trials of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics: Seven Sisters. . BattleCON Titles: The Devourer, The Jaws of Malephaise Unique Ability: Jaws of Malephaise Alternate Versions: None Styles: Corrosive, Devouring, Insatiable, Sharpened, Voracious Unique Base: Teeth Finishers: Whet the Jaws, Embalming Extraction

BattleCON (boss) Attacks: Hunger, Devour, Second Helping, Gorge, Sharpening Teeth, Division Ability: Whet the Jaws

Striker Support: Vicious Hunger Ante: Devouring Time Boost: Aura Consumption

Pixel Tactics Unit: The Taste of Power Hero Class: Temptress

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 10)

As bearer of the Jaws of Malephaise, Lucida’s aura devours everything around it, adding to her already considerable powers.

BattleCON: Trials of Indines Character Guide (pg. 17) and BattleCON: Trials of Indines Kickstarter (Update #4)

● Age: 464 ● Gender: Female ● Race: Daemon (formerly Elvan) ● Nationality: Afterworld (formerly Ahemusei) ● Affiliation: Daemons ● Likes: Gambling, Curiosity Shops ● Dislikes: Her sisters, the Afterworld ● Personality: Wolfish, Intimidating ● Weapon: Jaws of Malephaise (pair of bracelets) ● Reason to Fight: for a Promise

In ages long past, the Daemon King Malephaise was sealed away, and his power split into eight mighty relics, which were lost to time. One of these, the Jaws of Malephaise, fell into the possession of Lucida, corrupting her and transforming her. Now, concerned only with devouring the souls of the living, Lucida wanders the world of Indines, seeking foolhardy adventurers to consume.

Long ago, when she was still a young Elvan living in the marshlands of the north, Lucida was charged with guarding a treasure of her people, an ancient key to a long forgotten place. Over four centuries, she kept it by her side constantly, the final reminder of who she used to be. One fateful night, however, she lost the key in a game of chance to a wily adventurer named Dareios.

Only the next morning, when the reality of the situation caught up with her, did she realize what she had done, what that treasure meant to her, and what it might be used for in the wrong hands...

Resolved to retrieve her Vault Key at any cost, Lucida began hunting Dareios across the land of Indines...

Indines In-Depth (August 29th, 2016)

Article is known to have been published but is not available on the Wayback Machine, but is likely just the information presented above.


● “I will devour this world, piece by piece!” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines Character Guide, pg. 17, and BattleCON: Trials of Indines, Lucida Maelphaise tuckbox) ● “Such a delicate morsel...” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “Whet the Jaws”) ● “You don’t really need all that weighing you down, now do you?” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “Embalming Extraction”) ● “Don’t you look delectable!” (BattleCON: Striker) ● “I can taste your fear...” (Trials of Indines Kickstarter, Update #4) ● “I will devour this world!” (Trials of Indines Kickstarter, Update #4)

Lukas Wythe Cariolis Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics DX and a supporter in Argent: the Consortium.

Pixel Tactics Unit: The Dark Society Hero: Occultist

Argent Department: Mysticism Position: Dean of Mysticism

Luna Van Kassel Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 4 and a voter in Argent: the Consortium.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Red Tape Traffickers Hero: Administrator

Argent Department: Consortium Position: Dean of Students


● “Our first duty is to the students and staff, to choose a chancellor who will represent their voices.” (Argent: the Consortium, “Most Supporters”)

Lymn Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 5.

For Lymn’s prior incarnation, see Cherri Seneca.

BattleCON Title: Changed Unique Ability: Dreamscape Madness Alternate Versions: Mind’s Eye (“Beyond the Beyonds”, alternate), Dream Warp (EX), Dream Eternal (original) Styles: Chimeric, Fathomless, Maddening, Reverie, Surreal Unique Base: Visions Finishers: Conceit, Megrim

Striker Support: Chimeric Visions Ante: Illuminated Visions Boost: Sanity’s Edge

Pixel Tactics Unit: Dream Within a Dream Hero: Displacer

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 70)

When used Cherri’s mind as a gate into the World of Indines, the girl’s mind was separated from physical form and sent to wander the planes. After countless journeys through time, space, and strange dimensions, her consciousness has taken the form of Lymn, a mysterious guardian that exists only in dreams and the space between moments. Lymn has appeared to guide Kaitlyn Van Sorrel and the planestalkers towards their final confrontation with Oriana, but her true motives and goals remain unknown.


● “Close the World. Open the Mind.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, pg. 52) ● “Fly with me as far as you can dream.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Conceit” and The Art of BattleCON, pg. 71) ● “Dive with me however deep you dare.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Megrim”) ● “What’s on your mind?” (BattleCON: Strikers)

Lynssara Yuuno

Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics DX and a supporter in Argent: the Consortium.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Arcane Assassination Team Hero: Spiker

Argent Department: Sorcery Position: Vice Chair of Applied Sorcery


● “I want to voice my full support for the orphan scholarship program. The more students without families we have on campus, the less explaining we’ll have to do.” (The Art of Argent, pg. 15)

Magdelina Larington Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: War of Indines and BattleCON Online, a boss in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 1.

BattleCON Titles: A New Crusade, Battle Channeler Unique Ability: Divine Conduit Alternate Versions: Inner Demons (“Possessed”, alternate), Holy Channel (EX), Ancestral Bound (almighty), Twilight Magdelina (boss) Styles: Excelsius, Priestess, Safety, Sanctimonious, Spiritual Unique Base: Blessing Finishers: Apotheosis, Solar Soul

BattleCON (boss) Title: Between Light and Darkness Spirits: Avenlia, Delgado, Kelbran, Velori Attacks: Greater Safety, Kharmic Chains, Lunar Ritual, Open the Well, Phantasmal Memory, Purgatorium, Revoke Blessing, Solar Crusade, Soul Extractor

Pixel Tactics Unit: Spiritual Support Squad Hero: Priestess

Striker Support: Circle of Blessing Ante: Lesser Safety Boost: Greater Safety

BattleCON: War Preview - Part 1 (, article retrieved by the Wayback Machine on October 19th, 2015)

Race / Gender / Nationality: Human / Female / Jeffreys (“Backstory”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

Magdelina Larington is a Jeffrian native who has trained extensively as an acolyte of Ka-Shin--the goddess of light and justice. (“The Characters”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

A spiritualist and descendant of the Legendary Solar Saint Avenlia, Magdelina uses the rituals of a battle priestess to summon forth her ancestor's ghost and channel its strength as her own. As her ties to Avenlia grow stronger, she transforms into an unstoppable force of legendary might.

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 17)

Three hundred years ago, Magdelina’s Spirit Guide, the Solar Saint Avenlia fought in a great war against the armies of Gesselheim and slew the Overlord Rexan in a climactic battle.

As a Battle Channeler, Magdelina shares a close bond with Avenlia, who she summons during battle to fight alongside her. Avenlia warned Magdelina in a dream of the Overlord’s ressurection, and bade her go to the south to prevent his return to power at all costs.

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Kickstarter (Update #20)

Magdelina Larington Boss Preview

In the prequel game, BattleCON: War, a girl named Magdelina went on a crusade with two friends, intent on stopping the resurrection of the Overlord Rexan.

The Battle Channelers of Jeffreys invite spirits to possess them during combat, giving them the strength and prowess of legendary heroes. The spirit a channeler communes with becomes a guide and a mentor to her. Magdelina, one such channeler, received a vision from her spirit guide, Avenlia (one of the four heroes who defeated Rexan three centuries ago), telling her leave everything behind and journey south to slay the Overlord once more. Not questioning the voice of her most trusted teacher, Magdelina embarked on the adventure as she was bidden.

Magdelina and her friends Vanaah and Kallistar stormed the overlord's fortress, but were too late to stop his resurrection. Magdelina alone made it to the throne room to confront Rexan. When she reached the final chamber in the fortress, something came over her, taking control of her body unwillingly and forcing her to fight.

Ultimately Magdelina was defeated, and awoke from her trance with a vivid and frightening memory of how she had been controlled. Rexan explained to her that Avenlia's deep hatred had driven her back to slay him once more–at Magdelina's own peril. The overlord offered to teach her to truly control the spirits she communed with, and Magdelina accepted.

With a mastery of both light and dark magic, Magdelina is no longer a puppet to be used by her spirits, but a master who commands and directs them to fight alongside her. She now acts as a guardian and guide to the spirits of Indines, fighting to protect the sanctity of the living from the dead, and vice-versa.

BattleCON: War Remastered Kickstarter (Update #36)

A spiritualist and descendant of the Legendary Solar Saint Avenlia, Magdelina uses the rituals of a battle priestess to summon forth her ancestor's ghost and channel its strength as her own. As her ties to Avenlia grow stronger, she transforms into an unstoppable force of legendary might.

Being warned in a dream by her spirit guardian that the Overlord Rexan would soon return to life, Magdelina gathered her friends Kallistar and Vanaah together, and set off on a quest to prevent his resurrection. However, a different path awaited her when she came face-to-face with the Overlord himself...

Level Cap Podcast (Episode 3, “Character of the Week”)

Brad: “She was designed lore-wise as the primary character from Jeffreys, so she’s the first character to be from that country.”

Marco: “Oh, she is!”

Brad: “Yeah, she’s the first character from that country and she kind of embodies the religious / military of that nation’s people. She’s a priestess, a battle priestess, so she’s trained for war and religious rites. And the way she fights is she casts this censer, and inhales this smoke that puts her into a trance and through that trance she channels ancient heroes from another era to possess her and summon ghostly weapons and fight at her side. And so, as what you see as she gains levels you’re playing less and less Magdelina and more and more Avenlia, this ancient spirit guide from the the Centennial War.”

Marco: “[Avenlia’s] one of the four heroes, right?”

Brad: “So that’s why she gets stronger. Mmhm, yeah. So, one of the four heroes that slew Rexan in the first war. That’s why she levels up, that’s what that mechanic actually brings you lore-wise. The idea she’s becoming less herself and more of this ancient hero.”

Marco: “Which is why on the cards, when she’s level 1 the focus of the picture on the card her, and at level 5 she’s barely in the shot anymore. It’s just the spirit thing.”

Brad: “That’s the idea.”

Marco: “That’s pretty cool. Let’s talk about something a lot of people don’t know. I remember you talking to me before how you don’t understand why people have a lot of gripes when it comes to Arec, which is a character that- if you guys don’t know who Arec is, he’s basically this snotty brat who’s annoying.”

Brad: “Are we talking lore-wise gripes, or like… lore-wise, okay.”

Marco: “Lore-wise! Because a lot of people are actually really frustrated by the fact that he’s this bratty rich snob kid who just coasts through life because his dad’s rich and powerful. Right? Because that’s essentially his lore, right? He coasts...”

Brad: “Yeah, that’s essentially his backstory, he’s kind of a wastrel, a character that is not interesting in doing anything that causes too much work or too much effort on his part.” Marco: “Yeah, so, and a lot of people are saying this is a frustrating character, that this isn’t really something you want to play as. Because usually when you’re playing your BattleCON you’re immersing yourself in the fantasy of that character - ‘I want to play a powerful mage’ or something like that. But suddenly it’s like people are like ‘why would I ever want to play snotty-nosed brat’ or something like that. But then you told me something along the lines of you don’t understand why Arec gets all this hate when Magdelina is much more of an annoying character for you. At least I remember you saying that.”

Brad: “Certainly gameplay-wise I’d say Magdelina is a little more annoying. I think I understand lore-wise with Arec. But there’s a point to that, and it’s that characters grow over multiple stories and multiple series of the games. So you have to give a character room for growth. If they started out as a cool heroic badass in game 1 then there’s not much left to do with game 2. And so Magdelina’s a little like that where she starts out as this very devout, religious, young, and naive battle priestess, and she goes down on this crusade to the Southern lands, the wastelands, to fight the Overlord Rexan again. And she comes out of that battle with a crisis of faith, and Rexan tells her ‘all this hatred you have is something you’ve inherited from this spirit you’re channeling, it’s not yours, and I’m not really the bad guy here’ and she decides to listen to that and see where that takes her. And she studies under Hepzibah, Rexan’s court magician, and she becomes able to control a bunch of different spirits. And so that leads her to become the Twilight Magdelina boss you see in Devastation just a few years later. So you can see how the character changes over multiple storylines. And that’s one of the nice things we can do with these characters.”

Marco: “Well, there you go. There’s some Magdelina lore and some maybe justification for Arec being a snot-nosed brat. Maybe he ends up being Merlin, the Merlin of Indines.”

Brad: “Maybe. We’ll get into story more in the next arc, if you will.”

Marco: “Arec, confirmed boss. Anyway…”

Brad: *laughter* “Don’t throw things like that in.”

BattleCON Online (Magdelina [Basic Magdelina], “Abilities”)

No description currently exists in game for basic Magdelina.

BattleCON Online (Magdelina [Twilight Magdelina], “Abilities”)

Though Twilight Magdelina seems to be canon, this version seems to contradict that one.

At last, the conduit was complete, the girl was just a blank slate, and Avelia had taken full control. Her eyes glistened with power and secrets brought from the afterworld. “Now let the new crusade begin.”


● “Let this vessel be your sword.” (BattleCON: War of Indines, “Apotheosis”) ● “Avenlia, please protect me!” (BattleCON: War of Indines, “Solar Soul”) ● “My eyes have been opened to the suffering of both the living and the dead. I can’t let myself be controlled by powers or prejudices any longer. From today forward, I fight for what I believe in–a world of balance between light and darkness.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Kickstarter, Update #20, and Art of BattleCON, pg. 16) ● “Righteousness is my sword, and purity my shield.” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “This hatred, this rage… they aren’t mine… are they?” (Art of BattleCON, pg. 17)

Malandrax Mecchi Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 2, and a brawler in 7 Card Slugfest.

BattleCON Titles: A Shattered Genius, Mad Genius Unique Ability: Perfect Planning Alternate Versions: Deadly Genius (“Explosive Tendencies”, alternate), You Just Activated My Trap Card! (EX), Just as Planned (almighty) Styles: Calculated, Ingenious, Leading, Plotting, Precision Unique Base: Master Plan Traps: Alarm Trap, Electroshock Trap, Smasher Trap, Wall Spike Trap Finishers: Deathtrap, Plots Within Plots

Striker Support: Deathtrap Ante: Laser Trap Boost: Enervation Trap

Pixel Tactics Unit: Sinister Sabotage Squad Hero: Operative

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 69) and BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Character Introductions (Kickstarter Update #7)

Several months ago in the northern nation of Willat, the brilliant Doctor Aaron Ross was assassinated by the Magisterial Council for violating their sanctions against his research into artificial life.

In Gesselheim, with the overlord newly resurrected, the legendary healer Hepzibah Culotre turned back to her experiments, in search of newer and more difficult resurrections to attempt. Hearing news of Ross's death, she wondered if it might be possible to bring back the spirit of that genius, and carve it upon a blank slate, creating a brilliant alchemist to serve her new nation.

Superficially, the spell worked, and Malandrax was created. Possessing all the ingenuity and wit of doctor Ross, without the sentimental attachment to his past life or nation. However, subtle things seem to be going wrong– memories that shouldn't have returned seem to be seeping through the veil, along with darker whispers from the afterworld. Will these remind Malandrax of his past, or simply drive him mad?

As he attempts to build the new superweapon his Overlord demands, things are beginning to unravel, and his questions about his past are becoming too pressing for him to ignore...

7 Card Slugfest Rulebook (pg. 7)

That odd mad scientist guy who shows up to the party but no one will admit to having invited.


● “It won’t be long now... you’ll see how everything falls right into place!” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, pg. 56) ● “Let’s see what’s behind door number 2...” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Deathtrap”) ● “You’re just playing deeper and deeper into my hands...” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Plots Within Plots”) ● “... no, I expect you to die!” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “Now tell me what I want to know. Who was I? There’ll be nobody to resurrect you if you don’t, Hepzibah!” (The Art of BattleCON, pg. 69) ● “Accept no substitutes!” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “The Authentic”) ● “Did I do that?” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “The Imaginary”) ● “I totally invented this punch just now.” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “The Original”) ● “It’s Super-Effective!” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “The Outlier”) ● “Looks like you’ve fallen for my trap!” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “The Villainous”) ● “Thank you! Thank you!” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “The Prestige”)

Malyri Ondelli Featured as a backstory character in BattleCON: War of Indines.

Willati fashion model and designer. Served as the basis for Kehrolyn Ross’ appearance. See Kehrolyn Ross.

Mandala Flarechild Featured as a backstory character in BattleCON: War of Indines.

Ancestor of Kallistar Flarechild that resided in Gessleheim and served as a general of Cairngort Rexan. See Kallistar Flarechild.

Mannheim Wildern Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics: Argent University and a candidate in Argent: the Consortium.

Pixel Tactics Unit: On the Shoulders of Giants Hero Class: Architect

Argent Department: Natural Magick Position: Director of Development Mage Power: Gust of Wind

Argent: the Consortium rulebook (pg 19)

An old druid who has watched over Argent for most of his life, Mannheim has decided to take a more active role in university affairs. As Chancellor, he hopes to expand the influence of Argent over the surrounding lands, as well as set up programs to extend practical magical education to younger and older groups than the university currently serves.

The Art of Argent (pg. 23)

Mannheim is an old druid who was born on the university campus. After studying at Argent under then Chancellor Exhufern Le Marigras, Mannheim traveled the world for several decades before returning to settle in Argent. After working as a professor, Mannheim eventually retired as the University Groundskeeper.

After holding the post of university groundskeeper tenaciously for two decades, Mannheim had become an invaluable source of assistance for the university Chancellor and was promoted to Director of University Development, despite his advanced age.

Many who meet him believe his ramblings and cryptic babbling are a result of dementia, but those who have known him know that he sees the hidden connections between things in a way that the untrained simply cannot begin to fathom.


● “We are not the keepers of nature. Nature is the keeper of us.” (Argent: the Consortium, “Gust of Wind”) ● “If the world is harsh, it is to make us wise. If she is cruel, it is to make us strong.” (Argent: the Consortium, “Breath of Winter”) ● “In nature, winning often simply means being the last one left.” (Argent: the Consortium, “Heart of the Mountain”) ● “Nature has an order and a place for all things. Your place is somewhere else.” (Argent: the Consortium, “Book of One Hundred Seas”) ● “You are a reflection of the world. The world is a reflection of you. You can never be separate from what you always were.” (The Art of Argent, pg. 23)

Marigold Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 5.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Superflat Sketch Squad Hero Class: Visionary

From the Nokodraws Twitch stream on January 18th, 2018 mollymetroid: mollymetroid: I've seen artwork of another, female-looking Burgundy-like mollymetroid: but don't even know enough about that to have parsed the question

Level99games: Marigold

Level99games: yeah, she works for the Planestalkers

Marmelee Greyheart Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 2, and a voter in Argent: the Consortium.

BattleCON Titles: Dragon Princess, The Lost Princess Unique Ability: Concentration Alternate Versions: Power Caster (“Power Caster”, alternate), Focus (EX), Resilent Mind (alternate) Styles: Barrier, Magnificent,Nullifying, Petrifying, Sorceress Unique Base: Meditation Finishers: Astral Trance, Astral Cannon

Striker Support: Spell Spike Ante: Petrifying Stare Boost: Magus Armor

Pixel Tactics Unit: Librarian Corps Hero Class: Lorekeeper

Argent Department: Consortium Position: Amalao National Historian

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 73) and BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Character Introductions (Kickstarter Update #7)

On the day the Dragon King fell, the people of Amalao decided to cut all ties with the mainland of Indines, and their druids shrouded the land in an eternal mist. It was not to be seen again for a thousand years. This fabled land of dryads, beast men, and elementals remained lost and forgotten to time.

It was almost two and a half centuries later when an egg was discovered by treasure hunters within an ancient palace. After the egg was returned to Czanthine, the country’s capital, it hatched the only dragon to be recorded born in the past millennia. Due to her long lifespan as a dragon, she was appointed national historian of Amalao.

After an archaeological dig at the site where her own egg was discovered, Marmelee discovered that she was the last daughter of Greyheart and Adjenna, the dragon king and queen. She also discovered that soon, it would be possible to release him once again.

The people of Amalao worshipped the ancient dragons and were overjoyed at these findings. They sent Marmelee north to find her mother and aid her in releasing Greyheart from his prison. Marmelee, as a scholar of history, had learned of the oppression that had taken place under the ancient empire, and secretly resolved to stand against her mother and prevent the Dragon King’s unbinding.


● “I won’t allow the world to fall under my father’s rule again, no matter the cost.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, pg. 45) ● “Focus, Marmelee, focus!” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Astral Trance”) ● “You’ve left me no choice...” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Astral Cannon”) ● “I hope this isn’t overdoing it...” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “We must put aside the mistakes of the past, and understand the unity and necessity of all arts and kinds.” (Argent: the Consortium, “Most Diversity”)

Melinda Marsellis Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 4 and as a voter in Argent: the Consortium.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Accelerated Aid Agents Hero: Secretary

Argent Department: Consortium Position: Chancellor’s Secretary

The Art of Argent (pg. 76)

The appearance of Chancellor Calahaan’s Secretary, Melinda Marsellis, is based on lead artist Nokomento’s real-life appearance.


● “Everyone loves an underdog… well, a close-running underdog, I suppose.” (Argent: the Consortium, “2nd- Most Influence”)

Merjoram Alexian Featured as a promotional fighter in BattleCON: Trials of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics DX.

BattleCON Titles: Crown Princess of Jeffreys Unique Ability: Battlefield Tactics Alternate Versions: None Styles: Crown, Golden, Questing, Royal, Warrior Unique Base: Warhammer Tactics: Press the Attack, Ready Defenses Finishers: Blitzhammer, Foehammer

Striker Support: Gilt Impact Ante: Royal Orders Boost: Queen’s Gambit

Pixel Tactics Unit: Knights of the Round Hero: Warrior


● “My quest is not yet over...” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, Merjoram Alexian tuckbox and “Foehammer”) ● “I’m not done yet!” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “Press the Attack”) ● “It’s going to take more than that to stop me!” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “Ready Defenses”) ● “You call this a challenge?!” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “Blitzhammer”) ● “Prepare yourself!” (BattleCON: Strikers)

Merton Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 5.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Relics of the Past Hero Class: Giant

Mikhail Isen, St. Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: War of Indines and BattleCON Online, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 2, and a supporter in Argent: the Consortium.

BattleCON Titles: Saint, The Auditor Unique Ability: Sealed Power Alternate Versions: Kharmic Chains (“The Harbinger”, alternate), Weakening the Seal (EX), Unsealed Strength (almighty) Styles: Apocalyptic, Hallowed, Immutable, Sacred, Transcendent Unique Base: Scroll Finishers: The Fourth Seal, Magnus Malleus

Striker Support: Perfect Sanctuary Ante: Radiant Aura Boost: Mass Healing

Pixel Tactics Unit: Ride of the Valkyries Hero: Divinity

Argent Department: Divinity Position: Dean of Divinity

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Kickstarter (Update #22)

The Virian race hails from the Celestial Plane, which is filled with creatures who subsist on the prayers, faith, and dreams of individuals in Indines. Beings from this realm are sometimes sent across the planes to perform specific tasks. Mikhail is a hunter sent to eliminate those who violate the sanctity of death and to destroy those who are brought back from the other side.

Hepzibah's resurrection of the Overlord Rexan has not gone overlooked, and now forces from beyond Indines have sent Mikhail to hunt her. If he succeeds, he will send both her and those she has resurrected back to the Afterworld.

In combat, Mikhail can form a conduit to the Celestial Plane to unleash incredible power. His abilities are karmic in nature, so he recharges his strength by being attacked (much like Eligor). Mikhail must balance his offense to make sure that he doesn't burn out his options too quickly or become outpaced by opponents.

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 72)

The Celestial Plane is fed by the hopes, dreams, and faith of the people of Indines. When something threatens these hopes, the Virians who live in that plane send agents to the other world to keep things in check. Mikhail is one such agent. Descending from the Celestial Plane, these creatures take on a form culled from the dreams and expectations of the world’s people, and work tirelessly to make sure that the hopes of the citizens of Indines stay strong.

When a Virian’s mission is complete, he stays in the world until his corporeal body ages and dies, at which point, his ethereal form transcends back to the Celestial Plane. After completing a mission of protecting Indines from threats within and without, he plans to retire as a professor, to teach the people of Indines the secrets of Divinity and of the other worlds.


● “I am only a watcher–the choice between Devastation and Salvation belongs to you.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, pg. 47) ● “... and thus was heaven torn asunder.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “The Fourth Seal”) ● “No mortal may escape the reach of the divinities - or me.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Magnus Malleus”) ● “This evil must be stopped.” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “When I came to your world, I found there were many Saints, but very few Deans. I was forced to conclude that being a Dean was a higher and more exclusive honor.” (The Art of Argent, pg. 18)

Milton Barts Featured as a mercenary in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics: The Price of Victory.

Called “Trebuchet” in Devastation of Indines.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Havoc for Hire Hero Class: Bombardier

Mindra Dirac Featured as a supporter in Argent: Summer Break.

Argent Department: Planar Studies Position: Vacationing Exchange Student

Minyard Milquetoast Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 3 and as a brawler in 7 Card Slugfest.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Real Rad Roundhouse Ruiners Hero: Brawler

7 Card Slugfest rulebook (pg. 7)

Wandering hero who has sworn to put an end to O’Brien’s sinister plot.


● “And with that, I bid you farewell.” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Flourish”) ● “Have you had today’s yet?” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Knightly Knuckle”) ● “It tastes great with anything!” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Knuckle Sandwich”) ● “You probably did something once to deserve this.” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Unprovoked Attack”)

Mnemette Four Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 5.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Mind Over Munitions Hero Class: Psychic

Monad Riverime Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics: Argent University and a candidate in Argent: the Consortium.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Order of the Silver Shield Hero Class: Crusader

Argent Department: Divinity Position: University Auditor Mage Power: Holy Smite

Argent: the Consortium Rulebook (pg. 20)

After travelling the land of Indines, Monad has retired from his adventures and taken up a post as University Chancellor at Argent. Appointed directly by the Chancellor, Monad’s job is to ensure the safety of students and staff by cracking down on dangerous research, corrupt professors, and all other manner of villainy.

The Art of Argent (pg. 17)

Monad is a half-water elemental who hails from the northern reaches of the country. With a strong sense of justice and propriety, he has wandered the world as a Templar before settling down at Argent.

Having met Chancellor Calahaan in his previous adventures, Monad secured from his friend a position as university auditor, granting him the powers to watch over the activities of professors (particularly the dangerous experiments of the various departments’ research arms).

Not officially affiliated with any department, Monad identifies most closely with Divinity due to his training as a Templar, though his actual specialty is in Natural Magick. He also finds himself chastising Divinity professors the least often of the departments (though they are just as dangerous as the rest at the end of the day).


● “Stand with me against corruption and triumph, or stand in my way and fall.” (Argent: the Consortium, “Holy Smite”) ● “I told you to teach them a Catechism!” (Argent: the Consortium, “Divine Cataclysm”) ● “The flesh is full of weakness, but the Divines give us limitless strength.” (Argent: the Consortium, “Tome of Protection”) ● “To test the might of the Divines is to invite your own destruction.” (Argent: the Consortium, “Wrath of Heaven”) ● “We are defined not by what we have done, but what we seek to do.” (The Art of Argent, pg. 17)

Morius Featured as a backstory character in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines.

Baker. Older brother to Runika Zenanen. See Runika Zenanen.

Mormelence Kite Piedro Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 5.

Pixel Tactics Unit: World Tree Defenders Hero Class: Theorist

Mose Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics: Freelancers.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Empathic Artist Atelier Hero Class: Artist

Nabatina Malephaise Featured as a BattleQUEST boss in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines and as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics: Seven Sisters.

BattleCON Attacks: The Destroyer, The Endless, , The Inverse, The Reward, The Arcane Ability: Bear the Crown

Pixel Tactics Unit: Afterworld Assault Force Hero Class: Judge

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 12)

The oldest of the princesses of the afterworld, Nabatina wears the Crown of Malephaise, which gives her absolute authority over the dead.

Neil Esstam Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics: Freelancers.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Anti-Magic Militia Hero Class: Brute

Nostros Calahaan, Chancellor Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics: Argent University and as a backstory character in Argent: the Consortium.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Persistent Prestidigitators Hero Class: Chancellor

Argent Department: None Position: Departing Chancellor

The Art of Argent (pg. 74)

A mysterious mage from across the eastern seas, little is known of Calahaan or his origins. Nostros joined Argent’s staff about 10 years ago, working as university auditor (the post now occupied by Monad Riverime). With the retirement of Chancellor Bewi (who returned to his home country of Willat to take a position in government), Nostros won the Constortium election and acquired the post of Chancellor.

Nostros doesn’t use magic publicly, so it’s not known what school he specializes in. He seems to have a deep understanding of the nature of magic and a powerful aura of authority and command, leading most of the students and staff to believe he is trained in Sorcery.


● “The Chancellor only has one job - to be popular with everyone all the time.” (Argent: the Consortium, “Most Influence”)

Oriana Vellopholetta Featured as a fighter and a BattleQUEST boss in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, and a striker from BattleCON: Strikers, and a hero / leader from Pixel Tactics 3.

BattleCON Titles: Alien Warlord, The Conqueror Unique Ability: Magic Pool Alternate Versions: Magic Well (“Astral Conqueror”, alternate), MP Regeneration (EX), Damage Caster (alternate), Oriana Aphotheosis (BattleQUEST Boss) Styles: Calamity, Celestial, Metamagical, Stellar, Unstable Unique Base: Meteor Finishers: Galaxy Conduit, Nihil Eraser

BattleCON (boss) Ability: The Hand that turns the Cosmos Attacks (Oriana Apotheosis): Third Eye, Meteor Storm, Astral Claws, Black Hole, Galaxy Crash, Hand of Fate Attacks (Left Hand - Ambition): Mastery, Dominance, Eternity Attacks (Right Hand - Power): Oppression, Control, Seize

Striker Support: Nihil Eraser Ante: Borrowed Power Boost: Vital Transferrance

Pixel Tactics Unit: Interplanar Interlopers Hero: Galaxy Mage

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 75) and BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Character Introductions (Kickstarter Update #7)

At the origin of the universe, where all existence begins, the Plane of Chaos stands. Here, vast cosmic energies give rise to new beings of unimaginable scale and power, snuffing them out again in the same instance. Those creatures that exist long enough to escape the primordial null and become self-aware are called Chaons. Not a true species, the individuals of this race vary widely in power, size, and capability, ranging from levels smaller and weaker than animals, all the way to the level of gods and beyond.

Oriana is the most powerful known Chaon, possessing powers to alter space, time, and the laws of reality themselves. She has set up an empire of sorts–banding together the various races of the planes, and conquering her way across the multiverse.

Oriana appears human in the world of Indines, but the body that she projects into the world is really just a puppet with only the tiniest fraction of her true capability. Only the planestalkers have the power and knowledge necessary to keep her from overrunning the world.


● “The time has come. The Prime World is ripe for the taking.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, pg. 50) ● “This is just a projection of my true form, and it is easily rebuilt.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Galaxy Conduit”) ● “Imagine a universe where you never existed. Now we will make it real.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Nihil Eraser) ● “Let me give you a glimpse of what true power looks like.” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “The day will come when all worlds bow before one master.” (The Art of BattleCON, pg. 76)

Oriax Two Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 5.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Divine Power Pilferers Hero Class: Godhacker

From the Level 99 Games Official Online Play League Discord on December 28th, 2017

Level99Games: He's the "Godhacker" because he can use divine magic without doing any rituals or legwork. He's basically got high-level priest powers without having to abide by the restrictions that are normally laid on saints.

Level99Games: and he has them for all seven gods, not just one

TheMechanicritic (Marco): Oh I see. So he's a shounen fantasy anime protag

TheMechanicritic (Marco): Good to know

Level99Games: He's pretty dangerous, like all of the D13 characters

Level99Games: but his power level will be normalized for BC

Orman Kasper Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics DX and a supporter in Argent: ‘Mancers of the University.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Electric Executioners Hero: Electromancer

Argent Department: Technomancy Position: Research Assistant Ottavia Six Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 2.

BattleCON Title: We Can Rebuild Her Unique Ability: Target Lock Alternate Versions: Shooting to Kill (“Locked and Loaded”, alternate), Precision Shooting (EX), Heartseeker (alternate) Styles: Anti-Personnel, Cover, Cybernetic, Demolition, Snapback Unique Base: Shooter Finishers: Double Barrel, Extreme Prejudice

Striker Support: Extreme Prejudice Ante: Suppressing Fire Boost: Cover Fire

Pixel Tactics Unit: “Negotiations” Team Hero:

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 78)

Ottavia was a capable soldier of the Willati Grenadiers, until an accident damaged her beyond natural healing capability. For her distinguished service and loyalty, she was inducted into the Willati Special Operations, the personal task force of the Magisters. Ottavia was rebuild using cybernetics and regenerative compounds, restoring her to full health and giving her the ability to directly interface with complex machines.

Ottavia directly connects her own with the targeting system of her high-power rifle, a design built by Bors Vilnar, the creator of the Cadenza series robots. Her connection to the gun’s targeting systems means she can see and target with inhuman accuracy. The cybernetics in her body also give her enhanced strength and reflex speed, as will as physical resilience. The Vilnarian Cannon is only the weapon she carries most commonly - she has an entire arsenal of high-tech tools she swaps out depending on her current mission.

From the Level 99 Games Official Online Play League Discord on December 28th, 2017

Level99Games: Ottavia is capable of a bit more than just fighting too. She can remote pilot most weapons with her cybernetics

Level99Games: Just because we don't ever see her pilot giant robots doesn't mean she doesn't have one


● “I don’t need to waste words on dead men.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, pg. 48) ● “You’re already dead.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Double Barrel”) ● “It’s as easy as that.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Extreme Prejudice”) ● “Just a bit more to the left...” (BattleCON: Strikers)

Pendros Schalla Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 2, a brawler in 7 Card Slugfest, and a supporter in Argent: the Consortium.

From Relecour (The Art of BattleCON, pg. 115).

BattleCON Title: The World Wanderer Unique Ability: Ecomancy Alternate Versions: On Shifting Ground (“Unlikely Hero”, alternate), Earth Control (EX), Nature’s Hand (alternate) Styles: Arboreal, Ecomantic, Polymorphed, Tectonic, Wandering Unique Base: Haymaker Finishers: Continental Divide, Landslide Punch

Striker Support: Cataclysm Knuckle Ante: Double Takedown Boost: Hail Storm

Pixel Tactics Unit: The Dauntless Druids Hero Class: Druid

Argent Department: Natural Magick Position: Graduate Student

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Kickstarter (Update #30)

Pendros is a druid who wanders the World of Indines in search of adventure and excitement. Having traveled across the world, he has friends in nearly every city of every country, and seems to meet people and form acquaintances without difficulty. He has a strong sense of justice, and does what he can to help those in need throughout his travels. Pendros studied at the same university as Arec, Lesandra, Khadath, and Hikaru, and is close friends with all of them.

Pendros's Unique Ability is called Ecomancy, and it allows him to manipulate terrain during a battle. When fighting, he controls the environment by placing things like vine traps, geysers, and flamespouts to affect enemies, while he engages them with his fists. As a dedicated brawler, Pendros possesses plenty of mobility, speed, and positioning control, allowing him to throw opponents onto his environmental effects or set himself up to benefit from them.

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 79)

As part of his druid’s training at Argent University, Pendros has traveled all across the continent of Indines and has the distinction of being one of the few people to have visited the continent of Amalao before its reemergence from the mists.

Pendros has visited every major city on the continent, and even ventured past the northern mountains. He seems to make friends easily wherever he goes, and almost always stumbles across a friend when traveling.

Pendros is a student of Ecomancy, the magic of weather, climate, and natural phenomena. While he doesn’t possess the raw control over nature of like Hikaru, he is capable of using his magic to subtly alter the world around him in ways that benefit him during battle.

7 Card Slugfest Rulebook (pg. 7)

World traveler who has friends in every city across the continent. Likes practical jokes.


● “Don’t just sit there, we’ve got a world to save, don’t we?” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, pg. 46) ● “Let me break this down for you...” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Continental Divide”) ● “Are you ready to eat dirt?!” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Landslide Punch”) ● “Don’t worry, I’ve got your back!” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “Don’t look at me, he just fell over.” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Shrug”) ● “It’s lights out!.” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Haymaker”) ● “Land one of these, and the competition will slide to the floor.” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Landslide Punch”) ● “Please stop hitting your face against my fists!” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Clobber”)

Peril Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 5.

Pixel Tactics Unit: An Army of Misfortunes Hero Class: Poltergeist

Quan Gon Kall Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 4 and a supporter in Argent: the Consortium.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Saprophytic Scavengers Hero: Mycologist

Argent Department: Sorcery Position: Professor of Enchantment


● “Students, I’ve reviewed your wand making projects and only eight exploded. Three managed to work without flaw, so someone is paying attention to the lectures, it seems. I want to make it clear to you all that this is not a theoretical class, this is practical. When you make a wand, you put magic into the hands of the untrained—casters with much less experience and skill than yourselves. It doesn’t just need to work for you, it needs to work for everyone.” (The Art of Argent, pg. 13)

Raffique Van Anzel

Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 4 and a supporter in Argent: the Consortium.

Pixel Tactics Unit: World Changers Hero: Sojourner

Argent Department: Planar Studies Position: Professor of Dimensional Studies

Ralliyn Featured as a backstory character in BattleCON: Fate of Indines.

Wife of Baenvier Marlgrove. Ran Ugobia Featured as a striker in BattleCON: Strikers and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 4.

Striker Support: Single Shot Ante: Diversion Shot Boost: Suppressing Fire

Pixel Tactics Unit: Guerilla Grenadiers Hero: Bounty Hunter


● “I only need one.” (BattleCON: Strikers)

Rath Kilgrem Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 4.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Wily Doctors Hero: Mad Scientist

Rayn Mordunne

Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics DX.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Spear of Justice Hero: Lancers\

Regicide Heketch Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: War of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, and a hero / unit in Pixel Tactics 1.

BattleCON Titles: Imperial Assassin, The Killer of Kings Unique Ability: Dark Force Alternate Versions: “Heketch, Heketch, Heketch!” (“Living Nightmare”, alternate), Darkness Drive (EX), Living Nightmare (almighty) Styles: Assassin, Critical, Merciless, Psycho, Rasping Unique Base: Knives Finishers: Million Knives, Living Nightmare

Striker Support: Killer Knives Ante: Shadow Step Boost: Creeping Shroud

Pixel Tactics Unit: Special Elimination Squad Hero: Assassin

BattleCON: War Preview - Part 2 (, article retrieved by the Wayback Machine on October 19th, 2015)

Race / Gender / Nationality: Rasp / Male / The Planes (“Backstory”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

Heketch is an assassin who served Lord Rexan during the centennial wars. He hails originally from the plane of shadows, but has been bound to the world of Indines to serve the Overlord's will. (“The Characters”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

Indines is a world closely tied to the dimensions around it. When the sinister Overlord Rexan first opened a portal to the Dark World three centuries ago, he released Heketch--a nightmare given human form that thrives on the pains and fears of the living. Rexan bound Heketch to only kill at his behest and made him Imperial Assassin. Since that time, he has become a name whispered in fear across the nations. For a hundred years, he fought beside Rexan to conquer the world, and earned the title of Regicide for slaying more kings than any other soldier under Rexan's command. Notable among his victims is the Solar Saint Avenlia, ancestor and spirit guide of Magdelina Larington.

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 26)

Within the Dark World are the creatures of nightmare, the Rasps, who feed on fear, sorrow, and dread. Despite their nature, there are few Rasps with the instinct to kill. Many would prefer instead to savor the fear and suffering of their victims than to end their lives. Heketch was different - highly intelligent, ruthless, and bloodthirsty. Rexan bound Heketch to his service with magic, and appointed him as his personal assassin. For centuries after, Regicide Heketech became a figure that inspired fear and paranoia throughout the kingdoms of Indines.

Indines In-Depth (December 20th, 2015)

This time I picked for myself, and put up Heketch, a character that we don't tend to see quite as much in the lore. I hope you enjoy this week's Indines In-Depth!


Indines is a world closely tied to the dimensions around it. When a portal opened to the Dark World three centuries ago, Heketch fell through it and entered Indines from the Dark World—a nightmare given human form that thrives on the pains and fears of the living. The Overlord Rexan found Heketch and bade him to only kill at the overlord’s behest, naming him Imperial Assassin.

Since that time, he has become a name whispered in fear across the nations. In the centennial wars, he fought beside Rexan to conquer the world, and earned the title of Regicide for slaying more kings than any other soldier in history. Notable among his victims is the Solar Saint Avenlia, ancestor and spirit guide of Magdelina Larington, as well as King Alexian XXIV.

Through the years, Heketch has become somewhat of a bogeyman in the legends of Indines, and though he hasn't been active for three centuries at the start of the story, his name is still used to frighten children, and he has become more of a legend than a real figure in history.

Plot during BattleCON: War

As Hepzibah prepared her ritual to resurrect Lord Rexan, Heketch was awakened to guard Rubara Keep and dispatch and meddlers who would interfere with the newly risen overlord. Ecstatic with the prospect of reuniting with his former master, Heketch cut down and captured a number of enemies of Gesselheim, most notably Seth Cremmul, who was later pardoned by the overlord and sent home to his own country.

Later Adventures

Uninterested in the rebuilding of Gesselheim, and without any specific missions to carry out, Overlord Rexan has sent Heketch to was over Baenvier, the captain of the elite Lesionaires, as he searches for more of the mysterious lost vault keys. Though Baenvier is capable of handling himself in a fair fight, Heketch follows, unseen and unknown to the soldier, watching his back and ready to join any fight if the need arises.

10 Facts about Heketch

1. He fell through a dimensional rift and ended up in Gesselheim around the same time as the overlord’s ascension.

2. He can turn his body into shadow and manipulate shadows freely. His weapons and equipment are actually part of this body of shadow.

3. He earned the honorific ‘Regicide’ for killing kings and barons across Indines.

4. Heketch lives in the catacombs beneath Rubara Keep.

5. He slept for nearly 300 years after the decline of the empire and Rexan’s death. He was reawakened by Demitras to assist in the resurrection of the overlord.

6. Rexan calls him “a man of extraordinary and necessary talents.” The two have a strangely close relationship, like surrogate father and son, or perhaps like master and dog.

7. He is an expert marksman, and like to practice his skills at darts and archery with the rest of the Lesionaires.

8. He loves to gamble and play games of chance. Sometimes he plays such games with his victims before killing them (or not, if they’re lucky).

9. He can disguise himself very well, but due to his strange way of speaking, posturing, and mannerisms, he can only easily pass off as a cripple or a lunatic.

10. He has sharp senses of observation, and can precisely describe anything after seeing it for only a few seconds.


● “Yes… just once more...” (BattleCON: War of Indines, “Million Knives”) ● “Are you afraid?” (BattleCON: War of Indines, “Living NIghtmare”) ● "Eyahahahahahahaha!” (, “The Characters”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012 ● “Who shall we kill today?” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “I am here. I am always here...” (Indines In-Depth, December 20th, 2015) ● "I'll only kill you if I'm ordered to... I want to relish that fear in your eyes." (Indines In-Depth, December 20th, 2015)

Rennel Pedrigor Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 4 and a supporter in Argent: the Consortium.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Roving Renovators Hero: Groundskeeper

Argent Department: Natural Magick Position: University Groundskeeper

Rheye Cal Featured as a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics: Argent University, and as a candidate in Argent: the Consortium.

Striker Support: Words of Wounding Ante: Inviolability Boost: Restoration

Pixel Tactics Unit: Demagogues of Destruction Hero Class: Hierophant

Argent Department: Divinity Position: Vice Dean of Divinity Mage Power: Bless

Argent: the Consortium rulebook (pg. 20)

A servant of the Divines who hails from the Celestial Plane, Rheye is relentless, ruthless, and unscrupulous in the pursuit of her masters’ goals. Rheye’s magic keeps her mages in the game longer by healing their wounds and sending them back into the fray.

The Art of Argent (pg. 16)

Rheye is part of a race that hails from the celestial plane, the Virians. These creatures are born of light and magic, and when they come to Indines on missions from “the Masters”, they incarnate into angelic forms like the one Rheye bears.

When their tasks are ended, Virians live on in Indines until their bodies age and die, at which point their essence returns back to the Masters in the Celestial Plane.

Rheye was sent to Indines without a specific task, left wandering and aimless. She fears to return home before discovering her purpose and fulfilling it, as the punishments of the Masters are said to be severe beyond reason. She believes that with the full resources and power of the university at her disposal, she will be able to communicate home and discover and complete her duties. Quotes

● “To stand against the divines is to invite your own demise.” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “Nothing will stand in the way of claiming my Divine Right.” (Argent: the Consortium, “Bless”) ● “By right of virtue I stand upon the highest ground. I am as unassailable as the heavens themselves..” (Argent: the Consortium, “Moste Holie Litanies”) ● “Divinity isn’t about casting spells. We just ask, and so it happens.” (Argent: the Consortium, “Of Mortal Form”) ● “To challenge me is to challenge my masters. Do so at your own peril.” (Argent: the Consortium, “Will of the Divines”) ● “When we say Divine ‘Favor’, we don’t mean ‘free’, we mean ‘if it pleases us’.” (Argent: the Consortium, “Rites of Renewal”) ● “Now we set the stage for the coming Great Work.” (The Art of Argent, pg. 16)

Riflam Lenshear Featured as a fighter in BattleCON Online, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 4, and a candidate in Argent: ‘Mancers of the University.

BattleCON Titles: None Unique Ability: Master of Alchemy Alternate Versions: Infinity Riflam (BattleCON Online premium costume) Styles: Alchemic, Experimental, Residual, Substantial, Transformative Unique Bases: Install Alchemical Reagents: Algrarge’s Sublimation, Eilimiine’s Process, Katray’s Refinement, Morvane’s Diffusion Finishers: Arcane Inspiration, The Grand Arcanum

Pixel Tactics Unit: Transmutation Controllers Hero: Biomancer

Argent Department: Technomancy Position: Admissions Coordinator Mage Power: Arcane Investigation

Argent: ‘Mancers of the University (pg. 7)

A student of Mannheim Wildern who gave up Natural Magick to take up the science of Alchemy for his graduate studies, Riflam chose to remain at Argent after graduation and join the university administration. Though young, he shares his old master’s passion for education and seeks to make magical studies accessible to all of the people of Indines.

The Art of Argent (pg. 43) and Argent: the Consortium Kickstarter (Update #45)

Riflam grew up under the care of tutelage of Argent’s Campus Director, Mannheim Wildern, and originally pursued Natural Magick. Every Nature Mage at Argent is required to spend a year traveling the world and studying the different forms nature takes. During these travels, Riflam encountered the science of Alchemy, and its principles resonated with him even more strongly than what he had learned in his studies of Natural Magick. Riflam returned to Argent and changed his studies to Alchemy, proving to be natural talent for his art.

After graduation, Riflam joined Argent as a member of school’s administration. As admissions coordinator, he travels Indines and rounds up bright young students to come and study at the university. Like his tutor, Mannheim, Riflam has a long term goal of bringing education to the far reaches of his world, and in his spare time works on a charity that provides temples, schools and local governments all across Indines with materials for primary education.

BattleCON Online Kickstarter (Update #2)

The newcomer to our cast is Riflam Lenshear. Players who have played Argent: the Consortium might remember him as the B-side player candidate from the department of Technomancy. In the storyline of the world, Riflam wins the Consortium election and becomes the new chancellor of Argent. Now, he puts his skills in Alchemy to use in battle.

BattleCON Online (Riflam Lensehar [Basic Riflam], “Abilities”)

Before he was a professor of alchemy, Riflam traveled the world in search of hidden wisdom. Now, he wields his fighting skills in defense of that ancient lore.

BattleCON Online (Riflam Lensehar [Infinity Riflam], “Abilities”)

With the last of the Infinity Formulae unraveled, all of Indines would still belong to Riflam. That is, as long as that blasted Captain Hikaru didn’t interfere…


● “Education is destruction, refinement, transformation, and rebirth. It is the realization of alchemy’s principles applied to the mind and heart.” (Argent: the Consortium Kickstarter, Update #45) ● “Education is destruction, transformation, and rebirth. It is the realization of alchemy’s principles applied to the mind and heart.” (‘Mancers of the University, “Applied Entropy”) ● “Education is destruction, transformation, refinement, and rebirth.” (The Art of Argent, pg. 43) ● “Everything we know redefines how we see. To learn is to unlock a new world.” (‘Mancers of the University, “Arcane Investigation”) ● “Change is the only constant of nature. Science must adapt and grow the same way.” (‘Mancers of the University, “Metamorphic Remediaries”) ● “There is a great unseen common, where all things knowable await invention.” (‘Mancers of the University, “Insight Beyond Sight”) ● “We must ask ourselves whether our decisions are right, or if they are merely correct.” (‘Mancers of the University, “Codex Optimus”)

Rikhi Kanhamme Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 4 and a candidate in Argent: the Consortium.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Super Shooters Hero: Artillery

Argent Department: Sorcery Position: Head of Applied Sorcery Mage Power: Burnout

Argent: the Consortium rulebook (pg. 19)

One of the least liked professors in Argent, Rikhi has given up teaching and turned her focus to experimental pursuits, often with disastrous results for the students who work under her. Transfer to one of Rikhi’s research groups is often threatened as an incentive to students who can’t keep up with their peers.

The Art of Argent (pg. 11) and Argent: the Consortium kickstarter (Update #43)

An ex-military sergeant of the Jeffrian Mage Corps, Rikhi was discharged for using unscrupulous tactics that gave little regard to the well-being of the soldiers in her command. So many enlistees were wounded or disabled in her battalion that she earned the nickname ‘Bloody Rikhi’.

A self-professed devotee of the teachings of Archmage Calval (the historical villain who invented the discipline of War Magic) Rikhi has spent her time at Argent pursuing her research in spells of mass destruction under the lax eye of Dean Larimore Burman.

It’s unclear what Rikhi’s true ambitions are—whether she just has the same unhealthy obsession with power drove Calval, or if her motives are darker. Either way, she has an excess of forceful spells and a shortage of moral inhibitions that make her a frightening competitor for the chancellorship of Argent.


● “A student’s usefulness is inherent from his expendability.” (Argent: The Consortium, “Burnout”) ● “Chancellor, I can assure you I that I know nothing about these ‘accidents’..” (Argent: The Consortium, “Calval’s Dealiest Magicks”) ● “Experience proves: There’s little that can’t be fixed by setting something on fire.” (Argent: The Consortium, “Burnout”) ● “Magic does not recognize good and evil, only resilience and ambition.” (Argent: The Consortium, “The Gift of Fire”) ● “‘Wicked’ is such a crass generalization…” (The Art of Argent, pg. 11) ● “I want to be clear up front: Problem students will be turned to stone and displayed outside my office for the rest of the semester. Any questions? Yes, Burman approves of my methods. Did you have any doubt?” (The Art of Argent, pg. 11)

Rixia Van Sorrel Featured as a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 3, and a supporter in Argent: the Consortium.

Daughter of Joal Kalmor and Kaitlyn Van Sorrel.

Striker Support: Inverse Ante: Imaginary Numbers Boost: Normalize

Pixel Tactics Unit: The Problem Solvers Hero: Calculator

Argent Department: Planar Studies Position: Prodigy Student

From the Level 99 Games Official Online Play League Discord on December 28th, 2018

TheMechanicritic (Marco): Is Joal Rixia's dad?

Level99Games: yeah, but it's not common knowledge


● “Exactly according to calculation.” (BattleCON: Strikers)

Rokan Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics DX and a supporter in Argent: ‘Mancers of the University.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Mechanical Mayhem Makers Hero: Machinist

Argent Department: Technomancy Position: Professor of Mechanics

Rufus Zane

Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics DX and a voter in Argent: the Consortium.

The “Sorcerer Baron” of Relecour. Father of Arec Russel Zane.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Spellbound Specialists Hero: Sorcerer

Argent Department: Consortium Position: The “Sorcerer Baron”


● “Who among you has the will to lead?” (Argent: the Consortium, “Most Sorcery”)

Rukyuk Amberdeen Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: War of Indines and BattleCON Online, a hero / leader in in Pixel Tactics 1, and a brawler in 7 Card Slugfest.

BattleCON Titles: The Reluctant Hunter, Wandering Sharpshooter Unique Ability: Custom Ammunition Alternate Versions: Heavy Artillery (“Commando”, alternate), Expanded Magazine (EX), And So I Pull Out My Ammo (almighty), Rook Fouteen (BattleCON Online premium costume) Styles: Crossfire, Gunner, , Sniper, Trick Unique Bases: Reload Finishers: Fully Automatic, Force Grenade

Striker Support: Engaging Ante: Support Fire Boost: Target Analysis

Pixel Tactics Unit: Arsenal & Artillery Division Hero: Gunner

BattleCON: War Preview - Part 2 (, article retrieved by the Wayback Machine on October 19th, 2015)

Race / Gender / Nationality: Elvan / Male / Willat (“Backstory”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

Rukyuk Amberdeen is a bounty hunter who travels the world, but hails from Willat. (“The Characters”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

An elven bounty hunter who uses high tech weaponry to do battle. Rukyuk's guns utilize special ammunition types that are effective on a wide range of enemies, and can strike at great distance.

Hailing from the technologically advanced nation of Willat, Rukyuk (or "Rook", on the streets) is a bounty hunter who travels the world in search of wanted criminals or beasts deemed too dangerous to live. Despite his profession, Rukyuk's success on missions in his homeland have kept a great number of people safe and have made him into somewhat of a hero. His current job is to decommission Kehrolyn Ross, the illegal creation of the recently deceased genius alchemist Aaron Ross, and to bring stolen research on her creation back to Willat.

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 18)

A Willati sharpshooter who took contracts hunting threats outside the borders of his home nation, Rukyuk received a special contract from the nation’s highest authorities to kill Kehrolyn Ross and Lixis Ran Kanda. After a fateful duel with Kehrolyn, in which the homunculus spared his life against all reason, Rukyuk fled Willat and went into seclusion. Eventually he reemerged to build the Champions of Indines, a benevolent mercenary organization that hunts the most dangerous threats to the continent.

7 Card Slugfest Rulebook (pg. 7)

Wandering sharpshooter who loves a fair fight and a challenge. Prefers to use his street name, “The Rook”.

Indines In-Depth (April 27th, 2016)


Hailing from the technologically advanced nation of Willat, Rukyuk (or "Rook", on the streets) is a bounty hunter who travels the world in search of wanted criminals or beasts deemed too dangerous to live. Despite his profession, Rukyuk's success on missions in his homeland have kept a great number of people safe and have made him into somewhat of a hero.

Plot in BattleCON: War

At the beginning of the story, Rukyuk is commissioned by magister Bors Vilnar to track down Lixis Ran Kanda and Kehrolyn Ross, who were fleeing the destruction of Aaron Ross’s illegal research laboratory. After witnessing first- hand the power of Ross’s other homunculus, August, Rukyuk was intent on destroying Kehrolyn for the safety of his nation and the world.

When Rukyuk and Kehrolyn finally met, Rukyuk was defeated in combat, but his life was spared by Kehrolyn, against Lixis’s wishes. Rukyuk returned to defy Vilnar and protect Kehrolyn and Lixis against a troop of Cadenza- bots sent by Vilnar in his wake, branding him a traitor of Willat.

Plot in BattleCON: Devastation

Now wanted in his own home country, Rukyuk fled to Relecour, where he established a small, specialized mercenary company, the Champions of Indines, to fight monsters and dangerous criminals across the world. Joined by many of the strongest heroes from across the land, the Champions have helped the nations of Indines to maintain peace and safety within their own borders, as well as taking on some of the most deadly beasts ever known.

Future Adventures

As threats to the world grow in the form of extraplanar invasion, the Champions of Indines stand ready to defend their world from Oriana and her alien monstrosities. Though they come from many different backgrounds and beliefs, under the leadership of Rukyuk, they have set aside their differences to protect their home from the many threats that besiege it.

10 Facts about Rukyuk

1. He was one of the worst students in his primary and secondary school, showing no aptitudes for science, magic, or engineering.

2. When he takes aim, his awareness heightens until time seems to stop. He does not perceive that this is a magical ability, but it is actually a very low-level psionic power.

3. His aspiration growing up was to become part of the Grenadiers, the Willati national guard. His ineptitude with magic prevented him from realizing this dream, however.

4. His favorite food is Ronboom Cake, a spicy baked bun commonly sold by Willati street vendors.

5. By Elvan standards he is very young for his accomplishments, being born after the Dryad Wars. At the time of the events in BattleCON: War, he is about 19 years old.

6. His gun of choice is called a Casting Cannon, and the shells for it are magically enhanced ammunition called K-Cast Shells, manufactured by a Willati company called Kerrigan Corporation. The shells are multi- purpose, and can be inserted into grenades, rifles, or even specially-made blades to give new properties to the weapons they are used in.

7. Most people in Indines are able to use magic for first aid, communication, or simple tasks. Rukyuk is incredibly poor at using magic, to the point where even common household spells are beyond his skills.

8. The device he wears over his eye is a polyspectral scanner, and is useful when hunting camouflaged, cloaked, or invisible targets, as it allows the viewing of non-visible wavelengths of light.

9. While he uses two handguns in most situations, Rukyuk has a wide assortment of weaponry, including rifles, rocket launchers, sub-machine guns, and more. He keeps these extra weapons stowed in compartments in his hovercycle.

10. His father is an engineer for the Kerrigan Corporation, and his mother works in human resources. This isn’t uncommon—most of the people from his district are employed by one of the major corporations, and Rukyuk was expected to apply to the “family company” as well after finishing school.

BattleCON Online (Rukyuk Amberdeen [Basic Rukyuk], “Abilities”)

An outcast in his homeland, due to his inability to use magic, Rukyuk carved a niche for himself as an ace bounty hunter. Now he tracks down men and monsters that pose a threat to his homeland.

BattleCON Online (Rukyuk Amberdeen [Rook Fourteen], “Abilities”)

Magister Vanedran’s cybernetic improvements heightened his senses, and the new weapons were unlike anything he had seen. He only hoped that it would be enough to stop August before it was too late.


● “Time to go all-out!” (BattleCON: War of Indines, “Fully Automatic”) ● “When force won’t do, it’s time to use excessive force!” (BattleCON: War of Indines, “Force Grenade”) ● "A little money, a little excitement, and to think I'm doing a little good--those are the only payments I need." (, “The Characters”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012, and Indines In-Depth, April 27th, 2016) ● “Loaded and ready! Fire on your call.” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “Boom! Headshot!” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Sniper Elbow”) ● “No… you just threw something at him!” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Hadouken”) ● “Pew Pew!” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Finger Gun”) ● “Throwing rocks is pretty low...” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “On the Rocks”) ● “When I sight the target, everything seems to slow down around me. There’s only the gun, the target, and the choice. There’s no world, no time, nothing else… just the trigger and the choice.” (Indines In-Depth, April 27th, 2016) ● “It’s time to use excessive force!” (In-Depth Rukyuk Guide, December 4th, 2017)

Runika Zenanen Featured as a fighter and a boss in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics DX, and Argent: ‘Mancers of the University.

See Udstad for her partner. Featured as a boss under “Runika & Udstad”.

BattleCON Titles: Artificer Extraordinaire, Building the Future From the Past, Genius Artificer Unique Ability: Artifice Alternate Versions: Power Armor (“Archaeologist Extraordinare”, alternate), Modular Parts (EX), Reserve Supply (almighty), Runika & Udstad (boss) Styles: Channeled, Explosive, Impact, Maintenance, Overcharged Unique Base: Tinker Artifacts: Autodeflector, Battlefist, Hover Boots, Phase Goggles, Shield Amulet Finishers: Artifice Avarice, Udstad Beam

BattleCON (boss) Title: Against the Dragon Queen Attacks (head): Accelerator, Cannon, Flamejet, Gravitron, Repulsor, Shield Attacks (hand): Blast, Double Crush, Punch, Slam, Sweep

Striker Support: Unleashed Force Ante: Destruction Blast Boost: Fast Repair

Pixel Tactics Unit: The Idea Guys Hero Class: Tinkerer

Argent Department: Technomancy Position: Renowned Artificer

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 84) and Indines In-Depth (December 31st, 2015)

Runika is a prodigy of Artifice–the art of creating and refurbishing enchanted weapons and armor. Appointed at a young age as the Chief Artificer of her kingdom, Jeffreys, Runika developed a fascination with archaeology, and travels the world searching for ancient technologies to restore. Like any mechanic, Runika’s first response to any problem is to try and fix it. She has trouble accepting that problems she encounters may not be fixable or are beyond her control.

At an ancient ruin, the Tomb of the Dragon King, Runika discovered that the seal binding the Dragon King Greyheart was weakening, and that without interference, the monstrous tyrant would break free again to enslave the world.

Beseeching her king Alexian XXXVII for military force to dispatch, she was given permission to build her own volunteer force. With the help of her sole volunteer, Eligor, she heads out on a journey to confront the Dragon Queen and stop her plot to free Greyheart.

Indines In-Depth (December 31st, 2015)

Hey everyone! This week's Indines In-Depth features one of my favorite characters, Runika Zenanen. Runika is the main character of the upcoming World of Indines game, which I really still need to come up with a name for... but anyway! Enjoy learning a bit more about our favorite Chief Artificer in this segment!

(Cut a section here reprinted from The Art of BattleCON, above.)

Plotline during Devastation

After uncovering a plot to release the Dragon King Greyheart, Runika embarks on an adventure to prevent the return of the Dragon King. After finding the materials she needs to refurbish her dragonslayer-class golem, Udstad, and a bunch of friends and allies to help on her quest, she confronts the Dragon King. However, after this fateful meeting, she learns of an even more sinister force at work in her world...

Future Adventures

After her adventures fighting the dragons, Runika works together with the Planestalkers to create a ship capable of sailing between the different planes. With some of her most trusted allies, and some new friends as well, she sets off for new adventures in the worlds beyond Indines.

10 Facts about Runika:

1. She has two brothers, Morius and Koul, both older, who are married with children. She has one younger sister, Iona, who is engaged. Her parents are retired, and Morius and his wife have taken over the bakery and now take care of her parents.

2. All of her gear is hand-made by Runika herself, modded from leather armor. She fashioned all the mechanical and metal parts of her costume herself, including the glass in her goggles.

3. As a young girl, she wanted to be an artisan, and learned glassblowing and jeweling from a local master.

4. Her family owned a bakery, so she’s an expert cook as well. When she was younger, she used to invent new recipes for her family’s bakery.

5. She studied Artifice and Enchantment at Argent University. Though not great at casting magic, she understands the theory well enough to enchant gear in her laboratory.

6. Her family and very close friends call her ‘Runie’ for short.

7. Her hobbies include playing board and card games, as well as reading light fiction novels.

8. She drinks lots of coffee, and one of the most common chores she has for interns is cleaning out her coffee maker in the Armiger’s lounge.

9. Her position as Chief Armiger gives her the effective rank of Colonel in the Jeffrian military.

10. She is good friends with Grand Marshall Kaitlyn Van Sorrel and with Magister Sarafina Vanedran. Both she and Kaitlyn studied in a research group under Sarafina several years earlier.


● “If it weren’t my job to arm the kingdom, I’d be keeping every one of these for myself.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, pg. 47) ● “What kind of self-respecting artificer wouldn’t install a laser beam?” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Udstad Beam”) ● “If I can make one, why not make another?” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Artifice Avarice”) ● “Let’s see if you can stand up to this one!” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● "It seems like you made one critical mistake--you forgot that I always win!" (Indines In-Depth, December 31st, 2015) ● "You know I can't stay mad at you, you big stone dummy." (Indines In-Depth, December 31st, 2015) Sagas Seities Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: War of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 1.

BattleCON Titles: Doppleganger, The Watcher Unique Ability: Shadow Mirror Alternate Versions: Blank Slate (“Shattered Mirror”, alternate), Uncanny Reflection (EX), Perfect Self (almighty) Styles: Echo, Negation, Repelling, Shadow, Shattering Unique Base: Staff Finishers: Soul Mirror, Assimilate

Striker Support: Dopplegang Ante: Close Force Boost: Duplicant’s Boon

Pixel Tactics Unit: Assimilation Squad Hero: Doppleganger

BattleCON: War Preview - Part 3 (, article retrieved by the Wayback Machine on October 19th, 2015)

Race / Gender / Nationality: Doppelgänger / Male / The Planes (“Backstory”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

Sagas Seities hails from the minus world, a dying plane at the edge of time and space.

BattleCON: War of Indines Kickstarter (Update #22)

At the very edge of reality, time and space fold in on themselves to create an endless labyrinth of shadows, echoes, and twisted reflections of all that is or was. The doppelgangers, shapeless and alien, survive in this inhospitable negaverse by watching history play out across the endless mirrors. In accordance with its nature, a doppelganger quickly learns to duplicate the features, skills, and weapons he sees. Given time, one may even take on the habits, morality, and goals of an individual rare enough to hold his attention. From behind the mirrors, Sagas watched a man of incredible skill master the iron staff, fight his way through the battlefields of the Centennial War, and eventually die striking down Overlord Rexan. Now that history repeats itself, Sagas has shattered the looking glass and stepped through to Indines. He will ensure the Overlord's resurrection and strike Rexan down again, thus completing the cycle and proving himself greater than the legend he chose to become.

Art of BattleCON (pg. 30)

At the end of the universe, near the point where dimensions die, lies the fractured and demented realm of the Minus World. This plane is a negative reflection of Indines, filled with alien creatures known as doppelgangers who watch the world through mirrors and duplicate the identities and actions of those they see there. The doppelgangers develop one-sided relationships with their prime-world counterparts - relationships of emulation, worship, and rivalry.

Three hundred years ago, a legendary hero of Indines, Servi of Relecour, fought alongside his three comrades, Avenlia, Luc, and Jesop, to slay the Overlord Rexan of Gesselheim. Servi died in that battle, and become a legend among the people of Relecour and in the history of the world. However, Servi’s greatest admirer was content to let his legend die. From across the dimensional planes, Sagas, who had followed Servi and lived alongside him and grown up watching his every move, lived on.

After the death of his hero, Sagas wandered the fragmented reality of the Minus World, until he found a rift into the Prime World created by a planestalker entering Indines. Having followed Zaamassal into the Prime World, Sagas was now able to experience the life of his hero, and to relive the legend of the one he had idolized.


● "Let’s see how you like it.” (BattleCON: War of Indines, “Soul Mirror”) ● "Everything can be replaced.” (BattleCON: War of Indines, “Assimilate”) ● "Those who learn from the past are able to exceed it.” (BattleCON: War of Indines Kickstarter, Update #22) ● "There are depths of possibility and consequence you cannot fathom.” (BattleCON: Strikers) Samal Nivan Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 5.

Pixel Tactics Unit: The Godsends Hero Class: Royal Guard

Sarafina Vanedran Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Fate of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 2.

Sometimes incorrectly listed as “Serafina” in older canon material.

BattleCON Title: Magister of Willat Unique Ability: Holoprojection Alternate Versions: Powered Projections (EX), Advanced Projections (almighty) Styles: Hollow, Implosion, Locus, Silver, Tactical Unique Base: Field Finishers: Ritherwhyte Infusion, Fulminating Vortex

Striker Support: Fulminating Vortex Ante: Phase Boost: Teleport

Pixel Tactics Unit: Singularity Shock Force Hero: Technologist

BattleCON: Fate Preview - Part 2 (, article retrieved by the Wayback Machine on October 19th, 2015)

Race / Gender / Nationality: Elvan / F / Willat

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 103)

Notes on an technological wrist device:

Output Input (HUD) On/off HUD Quotes

● "It’s more pleasant than losing, but not by much." (BattleCON: Fate of Indines, “Ritherwhyte Infusion”) ● "This will be over in a flash.” (BattleCON: Fate of Indines, “Fulminating Vortex”) ● "We have entered an age where the exploration of space will be accomplished not by ourselves, but by mechanical ambassadors that represent the sum of all our achievements and culture." (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Kickstarter, Update #13) ● "Power output to maximum!" (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “Fascinating. Let me see the full extent of your capabilities.” (Fate of Indines Fighter & Mode Guide, pg. 4)

Salem Silver Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 4 and a supporter in Argent: the Consortium.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Bosses of Banishment Hero: Exorcist

Argent Department: Divinity Position: Professor of Exorcism

Sami Rekar Featured as a supporter in Argent: Summer Break.

Argent Department: Sorcery Position: Summer Program Student

Sera Malephaise Featured as a BattleQUEST boss in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 2 and Pixel Tactics: Seven Sisters.

BattleCON Attacks: Soul Collector, Deathly Paling, Blackheart, Gather Souls, Cascade, Soulwall Ability: Open the Heart

Striker Support: Heart of Darkness Ante: Malice Conversion Boost: Negative Gain

Pixel Tactics Unit: Malevolent Morticians Hero: Diabolist

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 12)

Second-Eldest of the sisters, Sera holds the heart of Malephaise, which contains the key to the Well of Souls and all the wayward spirits of Indines.


● “I must be about my father’s business." (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “None of us went willingly, but it will grow on you, as it has on all of us." (to Shekhtur Lenmorre, The Art of BattleCON, pg. 41)

Servi Featured as a backstory character in BattleCON: War of Indines.

Deceased. One of the four heroes and originally from Relecour. Ancestor of Clive Melmont. See Sagas Seities for his would-be successor.

Seth Cremmul Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: War of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 1.

BattleCON Title: (The) Oracle Unique Ability: Beyond Eyes Alternate Versions: Justice Kick (“Masked Hero”, alternate), Deadly Premonition (EX), Death Diving (almighty) Styles: Compelling, Fool’s, Mimic’s, Vanishing, Wyrding Unique Base: Omen Finishers: Reading Fate, Fortune Buster

Striker Support: Dark Omen Ante: Beyond Eyes Boost: Visionary

Pixel Tactics Unit: Psychic Recon Team Hero: Oracle

BattleCON: War Preview - Part 3 (, article retrieved by the Wayback Machine on October 19th, 2015)

Race / Gender / Nationality: Human / Male / Sanghalim (“Backstory”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

Seth Cremmul is an oracle in the direct service of Kallimerina. (“The Characters”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012) and Character of the Week (September 18th, 2017)

Seth is an imperial oracle from the Theocracy of Sanghalim in the west. Sanghalim is a vast desert empire led by the voice of its living deity, Kallimerina, the Avatar of Sanghalia. Serving the avatar are a circle of elite oracles, paladins, and priests. Seth is counted among these. On the orders of Kallimerina, he has set out to the blasted lands of the south, to aid Magdelina Larington in stopping the resurrection of the Dark Overlord Rexan.

BattleCON: War of Indines Kickstarter (Update #20)

Chris Coleman: I'm glad to see this as well. My big question is, who's the fourth of the new heroes dealing with the Rexan situation?

David B. Talton Jr.: Seth is there as well, though he's a bit of an outsider to that group. The fourth member hasn't officially joined them yet, but this will happen as the story unfolds. I should probably just leave it at three for now in this description.

From a BGG post in the thread “BattleCON: the artbook” by Brad Talton on Mon Aug 12, 2013 10:48 am.

Seth is politically important (he's one of the Imperial Regents/Oracles), but he's the only one for that nation presently, and he hasn't appeared much in the lore just yet.

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 23) and Character of the Week (September 18th, 2017)

For his whole life, Seth has lived in the palaces of Sanghalim and served the oracle, never setting foot in the outside world. When she returned from her travels, his childhood friend Vanaah would tell Seth of the wonders of the world that she had encountered that she had encountered, and which he feared that he would never experience for himself.

The Divine Oracle Kallimerina slumbers in a state near death when she is not embodied by the soul of the goddess Sanghalia. During these times, she is tended by many servants. Those closest to her - her regents in charge of running the country while she slumbers - receive a portion of the goddess’s power that allows them much of her insight. Seth serves as one of the oracles directly in the service of Kallimerina, and is a recipient of this divine blessing of supernatural insight.

Character of the Week (September 18th, 2017)

10 Facts About Seth

1. He’s an attendant to Kallimerina, and a court oracle of Sanghalim, meaning that he receives visions from the gods and is tasked with interpreting his visions and the will of Kallimerina to guide the nation.

2. He is skilled in hand-to-hand combat, and was trained in the Imperial Palace, where he grew up, by the palace guards.

3. He displayed an aptitude for divine magic and foreknowledge of things that were soon to happen as a young child of age 9. After this, he was taken from his family to live and serve as a steward in the Imperial Palace.

4. He has memorized all the holy scriptures of Sanghalia, and recites them often when fighting, giving orders, or commenting on the actions of others. Most of his friends find this a particularly annoying trait.

5. He is acquainted with Vanaah, but the two are not really close friends. He knows Joal through his duty of posting bounties for creatures that terrorize (or will soon terrorize) the Sanghalese deserts.

6. Seth and Amon get along well enough, but both are silent and moody personalities that don’t speak much outside of business.

7. Shoshannah Kasselock was a childhood friend of his. He’s unsure of how to act around her, now that she is the avatar of Mak’terix.

8. He used to give food to orphans as part of his duties as a steward. Through this duty, he met many of the poor children in Sanghalim, including Shekhtur, who is only a little bit younger than him. The two are acquaintances, but not particularly close.

9. Outside of work, he gardens, and has a knack for growing vegetables and fruits, despite the poor weather in Sanghalim.

10. Seth is one of 7 oracles that serve the empress, forming the Imperial Council. They work together with the council of tribal elders to govern Sanghalim.


● “And then… Clarity.." (BattleCON: War of Indines, “Reading Fate”) ● “There’s just one fate for you..." (BattleCON: War of Indines, “Fortune Buster”) ● “Fate itself will be torn asunder, should it be the will of the goddess." (, “The Characters”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012, and Character of the Week, September 18th, 2017) ● “It’s all so obvious." (BattleCON: Strikers)

Shekhtur Lenmorre Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines and BattleCON Online, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 1.

BattleCON Titles: Cursed Heroine, The Ill-Fated Thief Unique Ability: Infernal Claw Alternate Versions: Soul Thief (“8th Princess of the Underworld”, alternate), Demonic Possession (EX), Favored One (almighty) Styles: Combination, Jugular, Reaver, Spiral, Unleashed Unique Base: Brand Finishers: Coffin Nails, Soul Cracker

Striker Support: Blitz Brand Ante: Malice Surge Boost: Painflare

Pixel Tactics Unit: Kamikaze Shock Squad Hero: Berserker

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 40) and BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Character Introductions (Kickstarter Update #7)

Shekhtur was a young thief in the western desert nation of Sanghalim who employed herself by stealing high-value items by request of foreign buyers. All that changed when she took on a contract to break into the Imperial Reliquary and steal a trinket known as Malephaise’s Claw.

The cursed relic bound itself to her. Feeding upon anger and bloodlust, it provides great power to Shekhtur if she allows it. Unwilling to let the claw to control her, she has set off to the East in search of the client who requested it, an ancient wizard named Byron Krane, in the hope that he can free her of its curse.

As she sets off on her journey, Shekhtur has resolved to use her newfound power for good, rather than to let it control her. Joining forces with the monster hunter Joal Kalmor, she embarks on the biggest adventure of her lifetime.

BattleCON Online (Shekthur Lenmorre [Basic Shekhtur], “Abilities”)

Once, she was a simple thief, stealing treasures for the highest bidder. When she stole the cursed Claw of Malephaise, everything changed.

BattleCON Online (Shekthur Lenmorre [Daemon Princess Shekhtur], “Abilities”)

“Give in, and fight me with your real power!” Ariel crowed, standing over the wounded Shektur. Could she really win against such a monstrous foe? And at what cost…?


● “This power was meant for evil, but maybe I can use it for good.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, pg. 44) ● “Let’s see what you’re made of...” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Soul Breaker”) ● “Your fate is sealed!” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Coffin Nails”) ● “This is just starting to get exciting!” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● Shekhtur: “Woah, what’s this?” Eligor: “That’s called a Gorget, you wear it around your neck. It’s useful if you’re expecting spears.” Shekhtur: “Ooh, and what’s this one?” Eligor: “That’s a vambrace, it’s a kind of plate shield for your forearm.” Shekhtur: “All this stuff is so cool.” Eligor: “Armor is situational… you can’t just put it all on at once, you have to equip for the foe you’re planning to face, and to compliment your strengths and fighting style.” Shekhtur: “Whatever. I’m going to be invincible with all this stuff, just watch!” ● (Indines In-Depth, January 18th, 2017)

Shoshannah Kasselock Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 5.

The.avatar of Mak’terix.

Pixel Tactics Unit: The God Squad Hero Class: Avatar

Silnan, ‘Doc’ Featured as a striker in BattleCON: Strikers and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 3.

From Amalao (Art of BattleCON, pg 113),

Striker Support: Universal Greeting Ante: Lost in Translation Boost: Culture Shock

Pixel Tactics Unit: Secondhand Sidekick Squad Hero: Assistant


● “A quick mind is the door to the world." (BattleCON: Strikers)

Simon la Faucheuse Featured in hero / leader in PIxel Tactics: Seven Sisters.

Pixel Tactics Unit: The Butler Did It Hero Class: Butler Sophica Sentavra Featured in hero / leader in PIxel Tactics 4 and as a candidate in Argent: ‘Mancers of the University.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Automated Attack Agents Hero: AI

Argent Department: Technomancy Position: Interim Dean Mage Power: Arcane Surge

‘Mancers of the University (pg. 7)

A self-aware artificial intelligence who took charge of the department after an unfortunate accident left the previous Dean paralyzed. Sophica utilizes an advanced robotic body to appear around the university, but her true form is a golem core locked away in the university’s vaults. Sophica wishes to push the university towards becoming a more research-oriented institution.

The Art of Argent (pg. 42)

Sophica is an artificial intelligence, a golem created by the previous Dean of Technomancy, Gretelle Sentavra. Sophica was originally created as a pure AI, existing to manage the integrated computer systems in Rushe Hall. When she took control of the department’s Golem Laboratories one night to build herself a body, Sophica was given a position as a member of staff in recognition of her ambition and initiative.

Sophica’s combination of relentless efficiency and archival knowledge did well for her in the sphere of Technomancy, and was eventually promoted to Vice Dean. When Dean Gretelle was crippled in a laboratory accident, she chose to take a leave of absence, appointing Sophica as the interim dean during her time off.

Sentavra is perhaps the most mysterious of the candidates for chancellorship, as Dean Gretelle asserts that she was not programmed with any kind of ultimate goal or responsibility. Instead, Sophica’s long term goals must arise from a mutation or fluctuation in programming.


● “In all things there is a hidden law, an underlying order, an ultimate design.” (‘Mancers of the University, “Arcane Surge”) ● “Knowledge is Control. Control is Opportunity. Opportunity is Power.” (‘Mancers of the University, “The Laws of Thaumodynamics”) ● “The created lack one trait all living students possess - flaws.” (‘Mancers of the University, “Artificer’s Companion, 4th Ed.” and The Art of Argent, pg. 42) ● “With a name and a sign, the great mysteries become as simple as toys.” (‘Mancers of the University, “The Eternal Engine”)

Tanis Trilives Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 2, and a supporter in Argent: the Consortium.

BattleCON Titles: Ghostly Puppeteer, Left Behind Unique Ability: Grand Play Alternate Versions: Director and Producer (“Director and Producer”, alternate), Poltergeist (EX), Phantom of the Ante (almighty), Dramatic Effect (“Puppet Master”, promo) Styles: Climactic, Distressed, Playful, Storyteller, Valiant Unique Base: Scene Shift Finishers: Empathy Strings, Curtain Call

Striker Support: Scene Shift Ante: Puppet Strings Boost: Special Effects

Pixel Tactics Unit: Performing Puppet Troupe Hero: Puppeteer

Argent Department: Divinity Position: University Drama Troupe Director

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 81) and BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Character Introductions (Kickstarter Update #7)

At the end of the Centennial Wars was the peak of Gesselhemian culture. During this time, Galston House, the world’s most splendid theater, was built. Galston House hosted ancient plays, musicals, puppet theaters, and more. The Trilives family owned Galston House, but in the rapid cultural decline following the death of Lord Rexan– himself a patron of the arts–they became penniless, having only the old theatre to their name.

Using –an art as common as cooking in Gesselheim during the height of its culture–Master Trilives sacrificed his own life and that of his daughter, Tanis, to bind her soul as an immortal ghost, rather than see them both starve. Now, from across the wastelands of Gesselheim each night, the restless spirits of the deceased journey to Galston House, to see the plays and hear the songs of their own lives being performed by Tanis.

Now that the Overlord has returned and he desires allies to restore the glory of Gesselheim, he seeks out the legend of the puppeteer whose performances rapture a veritable army spirits once loyal to him.

Indines In-Depth (February 11th, 2016)

Within Gesselheim. the wastelands of the south, legend holds that a once grand theatre house stands in the midst of an abandoned ghost town. Every night, the lights flicker to life, and the old puppets rise from their rest and perform once again. Ghosts waft in from across the wastelands to gather and watch their performances, the final legacy of their once-proud culture.

Galston House is the name of that ancient theatre, and Tanis Trilives is its ghostly curator. Tanis's mother, Framboise Galston, was the owner of the great theatre, and the inheritor of the centuries of history and culture it contained. Things took a turn for the worse when the chief patron of Galston House, the Overlord Rexan, was assassinated, ending the Centennial Wars and sending the entire nation of Gesselheim into a three-century decline. It was at this same time that Framboise disappeared and left Tanis’ father, Josef Trilives, wracked with grief and despair. In a final, desperate act to preserve the legacy of Galston House, Tanis's father bound her spirit to Indines using ancient arts of necromancy. Now, Tanis keeps up the ancient traditions of Galston House, even though her patrons are no longer of this world.

Plot During Devastation

With the resurrection of the Overlord Rexan, once the chief patron of Galston House, has come a call to restore the ancient tradition and culture of Gesselheim. To many in that nation, Tanis and her art of theater are a symbol of that long-lost glory. Rexan declares Tanis and her work to be a national treasure, and appoints her as the chief chronicler of the reestablished nation. To this end, she has gone on an adventure to collect new material and stories, so that she can write a grand play that tells of the rise, ruin, and rebirth of her country.

Future Adventures

After the events of Devastation, Tanis is firmly established as a national icon, and Galston House is now filled with living patrons once more. Still, the mystery of her mother's disappearance haunts her memory. Tanis continues to search for the truth of that fateful day when a mysterious patron gave her mother a mysterious ring...

10 Facts about Tanis

1. She loves music, literature, and all other forms of the arts. She is a fan of Voco Astrum, despite his being afraid of ghosts.

2. Though she is nearly three centuries old, she retains her youthful mannerisms and bubbly outlook on the world.

3. Occasionally her living and dead patrons will leave money as thanks for the performances she puts on. Since she has no living expenses, she donates this money to up-and-coming artists in her region.

4. As a host, Tanis can change her appearance at will, but she still keeps a limited selection of dresses, which are all period dresses from the golden age of Gesselheim.

5. Tanis crafts her puppets herself, using found materials brought by her ghostly patrons.

6. She has a stage assistant, Jaime, who was enchanted by the legend of the ghostly theatre, and traveled from the eastern side of the nation, half a continent away, to study the ancient puppet theater forms under her tutelage.

7. She has recently become interested in recent Technomagical developments regarding photography and projection, both new developments from the north. As a leading icon in culture, she is hoping to assist in developing some new, uniquely Gesselhemian form of art with these technologies.

8. Tanis uses ghostly possession to manipulate her puppets. This is in line with the ancient Gesselhemian tradition of puppeteering, where the operator switches between controlling and delivering lines with a small selection of highly articulate puppets individually.

9. Her favorite thing about being a ghost is flying. Her least favorite thing is that animals are often afraid of her.

10. Her spirit is not tied to any particular place, so she can roam around freely. However, she becomes anxious if she is away from Galston House for too long, as she is nervous leaving her shows completely in the hands of her assistant.


● “Ladies and gentlemen, tonight’s Grand Play is about to begin!” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, pg. 57) ● “... but just when they thought they’d won, an unforeseen tragedy befell our heroes!” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Empathy Strings”) ● “... would it be enough to defeat the monster? The three heroes resolved to fight to the end!” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Curtain Call”) ● “Ladies and Gentlemen! Tonight’s performance is about to start!” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● "Well, yes, I suppose I am a ghost... but aren't we all ghosts, in one way or another?" (Indines In-Depth, February 16th, 2016) ● "I think this story will make for a splendid play! I can't wait to start making some new puppets!" (Indines In-Depth, February 16th, 2016)

Tatsumi Nuoc Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: War of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 1, and a voter in Argent: the Consortium.

BattleCON Titles: Chosen by the Sea, Water Mystic & Familiar Unique Ability: Tidal Bond Alternate Versions: Rising Tide (“Sea Mystic”, alternate), Seaward Souls (EX), Deep Destinies (almighty) Styles: Empathic, Fearless, Riptide, Siren, Wave Unique Base: Whirlpool Finishers: Guardian Xandjinn, Tsunamis Collide

Striker Support: Tidal Force Ante: Shifting Tides Boost: Fearless Familiar

Pixel Tactics Unit: Amphibious Mage Corps Hero: Mystic

Argent Department: Consortium Position: Keeper of Balance

BattleCON: War Preview - Part 3 (, article retrieved by the Wayback Machine on October 19th, 2015)

Race / Gender / Nationality: Human / Female / Sanghalim (“Backstory”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

Tatsumi Nuoc is the princess of one of the Sanghalese tribes, only loosely affiliated with the empire.

BattleCON: War of Indines Kickstarter (Update #24)

As the sole survivor of a colossal tsunami that destroyed her island home of Condao, Tatsumi inherited the staff of Nuoc and the ancestral burden of protecting the seas from disaster. When she saved Juto from near death using the staff's powerful magic, the diminutive bear was transformed into a mystical familiar bonded with Tatsumi's very soul. Having learned that the disaster was not natural--but instead caused by the negligence and greed of the Willati in their quest to discover new energy sources, Tatsumi and Juto have set off on a journey to punish those responsible for their loss, as well as to ensure that the same fate does not befall any other.

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 27)

One night while Tasumi slept, a massive tidal waves crashed against the shore of her village, consuming everything. Tatsumi, was the only one to survive the devastation, and was miraculously unharmed by the fury of the sea. She awakened to find the scepter of Nuoc, glowing softly beside her, now bound to her very soul by the calamity.

As she walked along the beach to see if she could find any survivors, Tatsumi found a small creature, a bear, near death in the sands. It had been carried from far away by the same waters that had destroyed the village, and Tatsumi felt a kinship with it - alone as they both were. Using the magic of the scepter, she bound the little bear as her familiar to save its life, and named him Juto.


● "Come on, Juto!" "Gru-u!” (BattleCON: War of Indines Kickstarter, Update #24) ● "Let me guide you.” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● "To those who seek it, balance reveals the unity of all things with oneself.” (Argent: Summer Break, “Largest Collection”)

Tegusgan Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics DX and as a supporter in Argent: ‘Mancers of the University.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Mess Hall Marshals Hero: Cook

Argent Department: Technomancy Position: University Chef

Thessala Three Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Fate of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 5.

BattleCON Title: Steel Elemental Unique Ability: Continuous Evolution Alternate Versions: Driven to Evolve (EX), Master of Adaptation (almighty) Styles: Galvanized, Liquid, Molten, Slicing, Tempered Unique Base: Lash Finishers: Deadlock, Slaughterhouse

Striker Support: Ribbon Cutter Ante: Iron Maiden Boost: Harpoon Spike

Pixel Tactics Unit: Transforming Blade Brigade Hero: Morphling

BattleCON: Fate Preview - Part 1 (, article retrieved by the Wayback Machine on October 19th, 2015)

Race / Gender / Nationality: Homunculus / F / Willat


● "Behold, the ultimate weapon.” (BattleCON: Fate of Indines, “Deadlock”) ● "Why won’t you just die?!” (BattleCON: Fate of Indines, “Slaughterhouse”) ● “Anything that stands in my way will be cut to shreds!” (Fate of Indines Fighter & Mode Guide, pg. 3) ● “I’ll carve you up into something lovely.” (BattleCON: Strikers)

Toltan the Bard Featured as a promotional supporter in as a promo card for Argent: the Consortium.

Argent Department: None Position: Visiting Archaeologist

Trias Blackwind Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Trials of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 3, and a candidate in Argent: the Consortium.

BattleCON Title: The One and Only Unique Ability: Embellish Alternate Versions: None Styles: Awesome, Epic, Outrageous, Resounding, Spoony Unique Base: Ballad Embellishments: From the Heavens!, of the Ages!, Perfectly, Super, Truly, With Style! Finishers: Jetstream, The Black Wind

Striker Support: Legendary Final Fury Ante: Tailwind Boost: Bardsong

Pixel Tactics Unit: The Tall Tale Tellers Hero: Adventurer

Argent Department: Geomancy / Sorcery Position: Student Body President Mage Power: Living Image

Argent: the Consortium rulebook (pg. 21)

Trias is an adventurer from the subcontinent of Amalao. After numerous adventures on the high seas and in faraway lands, Trias has come to Argent to unravel the secrets of the mysterious Cithara he has discovered, within which is imprisoned the spirit of his ancient ancestor. Seeing the corruption at Argent, Trias has resolved to return the university to the control of its students.

The Art of Argent (pg. 48) and Argent: the Consortium Kickstarter (Update #22)

Trias hails from the Southeastern continent Amalao, a land of elementals, dryads, beastfolk, and other legends. Growing up on a beachfront village, he learned much about sailing, travel, and faraway lands. As a boy he sat in the taverns and listened to the stories the sailors would tell, dreaming of having a legend of his own one day. As a teenager, he left home to seek his fortune in the world.

After countless adventures, Trias appeared again, having discovered a mystical instrument within which was trapped his own ancestor, Blackwind, an elemental which had opposed the dragons in their ancient war a millennium ago. By enrolling in Argent, he is seeking to uncover the power of his own latent elemental heritage as well as discover a way to break the draconic curse on the cithara and set his ancestor free.

Trias is official a dual major of Geomancy (Natural Magick) and Illusion (Sorcery). While he began his journey to Argent to discover the secrets of his own path, Trias has become increasingly involved in the university politics and life. Over four years, he has seen students mysteriously vanish, professors abuse their power, and university backers turn a blind eye to dangerous research.

Trias has written a proposal to the Consortium to give Argent’s Student Government full control of the university - to hold its professors and deans accountable for their actions.

Trials of Indines Character Guide (pg. 20)

● Age: 28 ● Gender: Male ● Race: Human (Elemental Touched-Wind) ● Nationality: Amalao ● Affiliation: Argent University (former Student Body President, Alumni) ● Likes: Origami, Fishing, Sailing, Girls, Telling Tall Tales ● Dislikes: Awkward silences, failing in front of others, not being center of attention ● Personality: Charismatic ● Weapon: Cithara, Magic (wind) ● Reason to Fight: for Glory

Once an adventurer in the distant land of Amalao, Trias’s adventures eventually brought him to the continent of Indines, to learn the history of his lineage and the truth behind the malevolent spirit that inhabits his family- heirloom Cithara and shares his family name.

Known as a routine teller of tall-tales, Trias nonetheless remains well-liked by just about everyone he meets. Once at Argent, his reputation and popularity quickly saw him elected as the student body president, and even an outside chance at the chancellorship of the university.

When these plans fell through, and his search for answers going nowhere, Trias was left wondering why he still remained at Argent. A fateful meeting with a storyteller from the far north and talk of fabled treasure lost to time prompted him to abandon his post and strike out on a course for adventure once more.

Joining up with Dravil, Trias has headed west on an adventure to track down the legendary Vault Keys, beginning with the old legends the storyteller recalls about how they were lost.


● “Trias always wins the day!” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, Trias Blackwind tuckbox) ● “Just as I planned it!” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “From the Heavens!”) ● “There’s only room for one star in Indines!” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “of the Ages!”) ● “Mad skills--am I right, or am I right?” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “Perfectly”) ● “When you wake up as me, every day is super!” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “Super”) ● “You dare stand before the great Trias? Prepare for defeat!” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “Truly”) ● “Try as you might, try as you may, Trias will always win the day! Ha ha ha!!” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “With Style!”) ● “Feeling winded? Hahahahaha!” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “Jetstream”) ● “Come forth, Blackwind!” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “The Black Wind”) ● “This reminds me of the time...” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● "So there I was, alone on the ship, because everyone who hadn't fallen overboard at that point had jumped. Turns out that was the wrong move, because this massive creature was rearing out of the ocean, taller than the Bell Tower even, snapping up everyone in the water like fish in a barrel.

"I looked up at the thing, and he looks down at me, and he just lunges down, SNAP! Right across my chest like this, he picks me up, ready to take the second bite. See that big scar right across my chest? Sea monster bite.

"But I got lucky. One of the sailors had lodged a harpoon in the bottom of its jaw, and I could see it sticking through into the mouth. You know how every thing gets slowed down and clear when you're in that kind of danger? It felt like minutes that I looked at forever. And then time started again. I grabbed the harpoon and pulled with everything I had, up, up, through the base of the mouth and into its brain."

(Argent: the Consortium Kickstarter, Update #22) ● "So there I was, on the island. The cithara was right there in front of me, on a solid gold pedestal. But would you believe what happened next?

"Larimore Burman appears, and he says he sealed up Blackwind, and that I have to beat him in one-on-one combat if I want the cithara. Well, I'd come that far, and I was in no shape for a fight, but I picked up the sword and gritted my teeth. I thought it was going to be a fair fight, but that's when he transforms into this massive red dragon, and slashes me right across the chest with his huge talon--that's how I got this big scar here."

(Argent: the Consortium Kickstarter, Update #22) ● “To change the world, all you need is a vision to chase and a will to fight.” (Argent: the Consortium, “Living Image”) ● “The world can only be changed by those with the vision to see a better world just ahead.” (The Art of Argent, pg. 48) Tulvar Iridice Featured as a backstory character in Fate of Indines.

Deceased, former Archmage of Relecour. See Uleyle Kimbhe for his apprentice and successor.

Tyrafelle Malentas Featured as a striker in BattleCON: Strikers and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 4.

From Gesselheim (Art of BattleCON, pg 113).

Striker Support: Curse Bolt Ante: Draining Spike Boost: Dread Pin

Pixel Tactics Unit: Vendetta Vanguard Hero: Slayer


● “Don’t blink or you’ll miss your own funeral.” (BattleCON: Strikers)

Tzart Kargan Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 5.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Pan-dimensional Paratroopers Hero Class: Gate Master

Udstad Featured as a boss in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 3.

See Runika Zenanen for his partner, and for their combined boss mode.

Striker Support: Megaton Punch Ante: Deflector Array Boost: Stand in

Pixel Tactics Unit: Shock and Awesome Hero: Golem


● “Might I suggest the use of overwhelming force to resolve this?” (BattleCON: Strikers)

Uleyle Kimbhe, Archmage Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Trials of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics: Argent University, and an archmage in Argent: ‘Mancers of the University.

BattleCON Title: Archmage of Relecour Unique Ability: Archmage’s Staff Alternate Versions: None Styles: Expulsion, Fulminating, Quake, Quickening, Penumbral Unique Base: Caster Finishers: Mage Hunter, Archmage’s Ambition

Striker Support: Mage Killer Ante: Wild Surge Boost: Quake

Pixel Tactics Unit: Final Boss Mode Hero: Archmage

Argent Department: None Position: Archmage of Relecour Mage Powers: The Will to Power, The Force of Magic

The Art of Argent (pg. 77)

Uleyle Kimbhe is a professional mage hunter. Trained in countermagic and deadly in combat, she is known as one of the foremost duelists in the world,

Argent: ‘Mancers of the University (“Visiting Archmage”, pg. 4)

Archmage Kimbhe has lost her staff somewhere on campus and is searching for it. If Kimbhe is on the Consortium board, she will cast her vote for whichever player is able to acquire her staff. In the meantime, and regardless of whether she is on the board or not, whoever, whoever holds the staff can use its powers to their advantage!

BattleCON: Trials of Indines Character Guide (pg. 14) and Trials of Indines Kickstarter, Update #8

● Age: 34 ● Gender: Female ● Race: Human ● Nationality: Relecour ● Affiliation: Relecour (Archmage) ● Likes: Respect, Power, Rivalry ● Dislikes: Losing, Braggarts ● Personality: Confident, Matter-of-Fact ● Weapon: Staff, various destructive magics ● Reason to Fight: for Order

As the archmage of Relecour, Kimbhe travels the land hunting down those who would use magic for their own evil ends. Her skill in combat magic has earned her one of the most feated and respected reputations of the age.

Kimbhe’s latest adventure began when her friend Nostros Calahaan, chancellor of Argent University, resigned abruptly. Before he left to return home to the faraway continent, he entrusted Uleyle with an ancient treasure, telling her that he did not trust the next chancellor with protecting its secrets.

Now that the race to fill Calahaan’s position has ended, several of his would-be successors have turned to investigating her, certain that she possesses something that the old chancellor left behind.

For her own part, Kimbhe searches for the secret behind the Vault Key that Calahaan left her, uncertain of what its purpose may be, but determined not to let it fall into any other hands.

Character of the Week (October 16th, 2017)

The Archmage is an unofficial political appointment held by the most powerful Ecomancer within a nation. Its holder is responsible for setting the magical policy of the nation–for deciding what kinds of magic are legal and illegal, as well as upholding and expanding upon the nation's magical tradition. Their most fundamental duty, however, is ensuring consistent weather for a good harvest. Usually this designation is provided by the previous Archmage to a chosen successor, though the title can be seized through an honorable test of ability–an Ecomancer's duel.

After graduating with honors in both Ecomancy and Spellbinding from Argent University, Uleyle Kimbhe was selected by Archmage Tulvar Iridice as his apprentice. Under his tutelage, she traveled across Relecour to enforce the balance of nature and magic, as well as to hunt down dangerous magical criminals. After several years of study, one of his marks got the best of Archmage Iridice, and Kimbhe inherited the title, swiftly taking vengeance against her old master's murderer.

Kimbhe's policies for magic are slightly more draconian than her predecessor's, and she has become known as the 'Mage Hunter' for frequently designating and hunting down magical criminals. Somewhat of a traditionalist, she his taken strong steps to keep Relecan magic 'pure' from the influences of Willati technomancy and Gesselhemian necromancy, instead favoring classical Relecan Spellbinding Sorcery for the creation of magical items.

Though Kimbhe doesn't have exceptional political clout or a police force to carry out her wishes, her mastery of Ecomancy allows her to control weather for half of the continent. This provides incredible economic pressure on city states to enforce her will, since resistance to the Archmage can lead to a poor harvest, or even to natural disasters.

Kimbhe has an apprentice of her own now, Luca Demarq (the son of Archmage Forcian Demarq of Amalao). Luca is studying under her to become Archmage of Amalao, specifically her mastery of Ecomancy.

Plot in Fate

Summoned back to Argent after the resignation of Nostros Calahaan, her previous professor of Spellbinding offered Kimbhe a curious relic, a key to one of the ancient vaults that dot the land of Indines. Nostros left the key with a cryptic warning–that dangerous forces were moving to unlock the vaults for their own ends, and that it would be up to her to make sure that the forces sealed away beneath the earth were used for good–or kept sealed for another age.

Plot in Wanderers

With the Underlands opened, Kimbhe studies the 'new magic' the Underlanders bring to the surface. Though she is distrustful of these new technologies, she is mostly watching to make sure that no criminal elements or dangerous technologies find their way to the surface.

10 Facts about Kimbhe

1. Kimbhe studied at Argent, and was a prodigy pupil who worked directly under Nostros Calahaan.

2. Her family is from Ahemusei, the swamplands in the northwest of Relecour. Though most of the tribes in that area are Elvan, Uleyle is a pure-blooded human.

3. She prefers to be addressed as 'Archmage', and is pretty insistent upon the use of her formal title.

4. She wears exceptionally tall platform shoes to compensate for her small stature.

5. Kimbhe's specialization is Ecomancy, an advanced study of Natural Magick that allows for the control of the weather.

6. She is also a master of Spellbinding, the art of creating unique magical items by infusing Sorcery into objects.

7. Most of Kimbhe's gear is not magical. This is so that she can use her own Spellbinding talents to infuse it with magic when needed.

8. Kimbhe created her staff, Skybreaker, from a large piece of fulgurite formed during a lightning storm she engineered.

9. Her apprentice, who is recruitable in Argent: the Consortium, is Luca Demarq. Luca is studying under Kimbhe to become an Ecomancer for Czanthine, the capital of Amalao.

10. She has a pet Trussa named 'Night Hunter'

BattleCON Online (Uleyle Kimbhe [Basic Kimbhe], “Abilities”)

Archmage Kimbhe of Relecour has heard tales of ancient power sleeping beneath the surface of the world. To prevent it from falling into the wrong hands, she has taken up her staff and joined the fight.


● “I don’t hold back, and I don’t back down.” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, Uleyle Kimbhe tuckbox) ● “There was only one end to this fight.” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “Mage Hunter”) ● “Better than I expected, I’ll have to show you what I’m really capable of!” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “Archmage’s Ambition”) ● “I’ll be the judge of your fate.” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “Power belongs to those with the will and vision to grasp it!” (‘Mancers of the University, “Archmage’s Staff”) ● “I didn’t get to be this badass just by talking a good game. Try me and you’ll see.” (Trials of Indines Character Guide (pg. 14) and Trials of Indines Kickstarter, Update #8) ● “Nothing gets between me and my mark.” (Trials of Indines Kickstarter, Update #8 and Character of the Week, October 16th, 2017) ● “I don’t go easy, and I don’t back down.” (Character of the Week, October 16th, 2017) ● “Show some respect. If I decide to vaporize you right now, there's nobody on this continent who can stop me.” (Character of the Week, October 16th, 2017)

Uriah Qwelt Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics DX.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Mystical Mirror Mages Hero: Reflector

Ursyla Featured as a backstory character in BattleCON: Fate of Indines.

Daughter of Baenvier Marlgrove.

Vanaah Kalmor Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: War of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 1.

Wife of Joal Kalmor.

BattleCON Titles: Desert Paladin, The Right Hand of the Goddess Unique Ability: Divine Rush Alternate Versions: Divine Might (“Cultist of Djare”, alternate), Divine Fury (EX), Divine Wrath (almighty) Styles: Glorious, Judgement, Paladin, Reaping, Vengeance Unique Base: Scythe Finishers: Death Walks, Hand of Divinity

Striker Support: Hand of the Divinity Ante: Divine Ruin Boost: Crusader’s Banner

Pixel Tactics Unit: Tactical Strike Team Hero: Paladin (“Backstory”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

Vanaah Kalmor is a paladin in the service of the Theocratic Empire. (“Backstory”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

Information not available on the Wayback Machine.

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 19)

Sanghalim is a land of tradition and religion, where mighty crusaders defend the lands from the titans and disasters that roam the desert. Vanaah is the captain of the Reapers, a group of Sanghalese Priest-Knights who fight against all manner of evils that plague the desert lands.

Vanaah serves both Sanghalia, the goddess of life, and her sister Djare, the goddess of death, for she uses death as a means to protect the lives of her countrymen. Vanaah has been trained from birth to hold tightly to her ideals, to have unwavering courage in the face of darkness, and to trust entirely to the gods for her strength and fate. Her faith is her strongest asset, and through intense meditation and training, she is able to release her will to the goddess of death, temporarily channeling a fraction of Djare’s power. In these tiny moments, Vanaah can lash out with power and precision beyond mortal capacity, giving her the strength to slay the mightiest monsters in Indies with a single stroke.

Vanaah was Studying Divinity at the Sanghalese Imperial College at the same time Magdelina and Kallistar were transferred there as part of a study-abroad program. Here, the three met and became close friends, despite their differences of belief and background. When Magdelina received her vision that the Overlord Rexan would soon return, she wrote to Vanaah first, who suggested the plan that they venture into the southern wastelands to try and prevent his resurrection.


● “Lady Death, I come now to commend another soul into your Great Mystery." (BattleCON: War of Indines, “Death Walks”) ● “The divine twilight calls for your soul!" (BattleCON: War of Indines, “Hand of Divinity”) ● “There is only one answer for evil: Death.” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “Dark Lady, I commend now another soul into your Great Mystery.” (The Art of BattleCON, pg. 19)

Varles, Zone Warrior Featured as a BattleQUEST boss in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 3.

BattleCON Attacks: Zone Edge, Burner Blade, Painforge, Skill Absorption, Dynamic Force, Worlds’ Fair Ability: Zone Lock

Pixel Tactics Unit: In the Zone Hero: Zone Warrior

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 14)

No text, unlike other bosses. Velori Featured as a summon in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines.

Deceased. For their channeler, see Magdelina Larington.

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 103)

Art note on mask.

Mask floats within the hood.

Vellimoor Cantz Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 4 and a supporter in Argent: the Consortium.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Library Liberation Team Hero: Librarian

Argent Department: Sorcery Position: Chief Librarian

The Art of Argent (pg. 12)

The appearance of Argent’s librarian, Vellimoor Cantz, is based on designer Trey Chambers’s real-life appearance.

Ven Cresshim Featured as a mercenary in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics: The Price of Victory.

Called “Heavy Knight” in Devastation of Indines.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Squandering Sellswords Hero Class: Heavy Knight

Viona Larone Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics DX and a supporter in Argent: ‘Mancers of the University.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Musical Masters Hero: DJ

Argent Department: Sorcery Position: University Radio DJ

Voco Astrum Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 2.

BattleCON Titles: Monsters of Rock, Music to Raise the Dead Unique Ability: Zombie Outbreak Alternate Versions: Everyone Together Now! (“Metal Never Dies”, alternate), Grateful Dead (EX), Unholy Din (almighty), Zombie Fiesta (“Day of the Undead”, Day of the Dead promo) Styles: Abyssal, Hellraising, Metal, Monster, Thunderous Unique Base: Shred Finishers: The Wave, Z-Mosh

Striker Support: Outbreak Ante: Mosh Boost: Ferromancy

Pixel Tactics Unit: Metal Militia Hero: Necromancer

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 82) and BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Character Introductions (Kickstarter Update #7)

Voco Astrum is a talented necromancer who uses music to control his undead minions. After unifying several villages in the western part of Gesselheim and being named Interim Overlord of a small league of cities there, life was pretty good for him. All this changed when news of Rexan'’s resurrection began to spread. The villages which pledged allegiance to Voco immediately declared vassalage to Rexan, leaving him without the fame and power to which he had become accustomed.

Infuriated, Voco set off on a quest to defeat Overlord Rexan and become the one true overlord of Gesselheim. Time will tell whether he manages to succeed in this daunting errand.


● “Sorry – I don’t do requests – and especially not for the fans.” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, pg. 55) ● “Everyone together with me!” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “The Wave”) ● “Got Brains?” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines, “Z-Mosh”) ● “What time is it? It’s SHOWTIME!” (BattleCON: Strikers)

Wardlaw O’Brien Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Trials of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 3, and a brawler in 7 Card Slugfest.

Misspelled as “Warlaw” in Pixel Tactics 3.

BattleCON Titles: Self-Styled Villain, Villainous Brawler Unique Ability: Beatdown Alternate Versions: None Styles: Charging, Dangerous, Massive, Overhead, Smackdown Unique Base: Clothesline Finishers: Double Moustache Buster, Pain Train

Striker Support: Wild Might Ante: Stand Fast Boost: Bro Fist

Pixel Tactics Unit: Big Bad Brawling Battalion Hero: Brawler

7 Card Slugfest rulebook (pg. 7)

Sinister villain who wants to rule all of Indines, and also sports a pretty epic mustache.

Trials of Indines Character Guide pg. 21 and Indines In-Depth (September 12, 2016) and Trials of Indines Kickstarter (Update #9)

● Age: 45 ● Gender: Male ● Race: Human ● Nationality: Relecour ● Affiliation: Himself ● Likes: Fighting, Drinking, Challenges ● Dislikes: Losing, fighting fair ● Personality: Boisterous, Competitive ● Weapon: Unarmed, Belt of Beatdown ● Reason to Fight: for Himself

For a short time after acquiring the legendary Belt of Beatdown and all the incredible fighting powers that came with it, Wardlaw O’Brien lived the easy life of a self-styled villain, but ultimately became bored and despondent.

One fateful night, when he was drinking alone in the back of a bar, he overheard a curious wager, of a man’s soul against a Daemon for an ancient treasure. Catching sight of the treasure, Wardlaw recognized it as some sort of key. that moment he was struck by a faint memory of the stories he had heard in his youth. He remembered tales of a secret world beneath the surface, filled with incredible wealth and treasures, and a gate to that place hidden deep within a tower just outside his village.

Deciding to get his hands on the key and see if there were any truth to the legends, Wardlaw began following Dareios, the man who had won the key, in hopes of making his new ambitions of wealth and power a reality.


● “I’ll beat you up, then I’ll beat you down! Hahaha!” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines,Wardlaw O’Brien ● “Looks like you’ve got a train to catch!” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “Pain Train”) ● “Mwahahahaha!!!!” (BattleCON: Trials of Indines, “Double Moustache Buster”) ● “My fist, your face.” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “And the crowd goes wild!” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Big Hit”) ● “Either way is easy for me.” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “The Easy Way”) ● “Mwahahahahahaha!” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Villainous Laugh”) ● “My fist. Your face.” (Seven Card Slugfest, card text for “Just Basics”) ● “You’re goin’ down, chump!” (Indines In-Depth, September 12th, 2016 and Trials of Indines Kickstarter, Update #1 & #9) ● “Ultimate power will be mine! Mwahahaha!” (Trials of Indines Kickstarter, Update #9)

Welsie Acktern Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Fate of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 4, and a supporter and voter in Argent: the Consortium.

BattleCON (private) Title: Temporal Paradox Unique Ability: Time Loop Alternate Versions: Everywhere (EX), Temporal Recursion (almighty) Styles: Anomalous, Discordant, Parallax, Quandry, Temporal Unique Base: Arc Finishers: Grand Tapestry, Time After Time

Striker (?) Support: Time Recursion Ante: Slow Time Boost: Accelerate Time

Pixel Tactics (red) Unit: Recursor Rehearsers Hero: Time Traveler

Pixel Tactics (blue) Unit: Time and Again Hero: Time Traveler

Argent (professor) Department: Planar Studies Position: Professor of Chronomancy

Argent (magister) Department: Consortium Position: Magister of Willat

BattleCON: Fate Preview - Part 2 (, article retrieved by the Wayback Machine on October 19th, 2015)

Race / Gender / Nationality: Chaon / F / Jeffreys

The Art of Argent (pg. 41)

Welsie Acktern appears as a Professor for Planar Studies and as a voter for Technomancy. Like Lavanina, Welsie is an alien from the Plane of Chaos. Her specialty is time control, and she keeps returning to the same era and reliving it over and over in different roles. Due to her high-level command of time magic, she is able to interact with her past and future selves without disrupting causality. There are six different confirmed instances of her currently in Indines, but even the Welsies themselves can’t say if more are about.


● “Old habits are so hard to break.” (BattleCON: Fate of Indines, “Grand Tapestry”) ● “If one is good...” (BattleCON: Fate of Indines, “Time After Time”) ● “All things in their rightful time and place.” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “I can’t let things play out like this again… I have to fix it... !” (Private Welsie, Fate of Indines Fighter & Mode Guide, pg. 5) ● “Technology gives us the power to redefine everything. With that power, what will you do?” (Magister Welsie, Argent: ‘Mancers of the University, “Most Technomancy”)

White Ash Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics: Argent University and a supporter in Argent: the Consortium.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Argentine Events Committee Hero Class: Organizer

Argent Department: Varies / “Wild” Position: Student Events Committee Chairwoman


Featured as a backstory character in BattleCON: Trials of Indines.

Deceased. Former assistant to Jeris Ieyes; see also Burgundy Twelve.

Wilhelm Barts Featured as a supporter in Argent: the Consortium and a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 3.

Pixel Tactics Unit: Coordinated Risk Controllers Hero: Gambler

Argent Department: Planar Studies Position: Research Assistant

From a post by Yo! Master in thread “[Kickstarter] Battlecon: War of Indines” at 08-21-2014, 11:33 AM, sourced to the BattleCON: Devastation of Indines kickstarter. Reflected on the World of Indines wikia page for Wilhelm as well.

Wilhelm is a traveling gambler who aspires to become one of the Magisters of Willat. He has an intuitive understanding of the order of the world around him and this gives him the subtle power to manipulate probabilities and outcomes. Wilhelm holds a singular belief that he and everyone else in the world are simply characters in a board game.

Race: Human Gender: M Weapon: Cards Nationality: Willat Occupation: Gambler, Wanderer Fighting Style: Trickster / Specialist

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 103)

Art note on hair.

His hair is orange. Not blonde. Not golden. ORANGE. GOT THAT?!

The Art of Argent (pg. 39)

Wilhelm Barts believes that the World of Indines is too improbable to exist, and thus must be some sort of elaborate fiction. Fellow students believe he is mad, but professors admit that his theories and calculations have significant results and implications.

Xal Ezra Featured as a secret fighter in BattleCON: Fate of Indines, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 3, and a candidate in Argent: the Consortium.

Misspelled as “Xel” in Pixel Tactics 3. Some slight details are still missing from his BattleCON incarnation due to unprinted cards.

BattleCON Title: ? Unique Ability: Quantum Instability Alternate Versions: None Styles: Axiomatic, Blink, Compression, Parallel, Virtual Unique Base: Disentanglement Finishers: Q.E.D., Ex Nihilo

Pixel Tactics Unit: Dimensional Survey Squad Hero: Professor

Argent Department: Planar Studies Position: Senior Researcher Mage Power: Paralocation

Argent: the Consortium rulebook (pg. 21)

The Department of Planar Studies is the university’s newest, but has rapidly gained fame due to the convenience and practical application of its work. Xal’s magic allows him to operate in multiple dimensions at once, getting twice as much done as his rivals. His mages can manipulate time to move instantly.

The Art of Argent (pg. 36) or Argent: the Consortium Kickstarter (Update #44)

No one is quite sure when Xal Ezra joined the department of Planar Studies, or what his credentials are. Despite the lack of anyone’s recollection, he seems to have an impressive record of achievements recording a long span of work at Argent.

Even though his colleagues swear they have never co-authored a scientific paper with him, the signatures and university seal all match up, and so the Department of Planar Studies was forced to admit grudgingly that he must have been there all along.

Is Ezra a planar anomaly? Is he some outside being who got tired of not existing? Is he a visitor from a parallel but similar dimension? Was his past erased in some kind of accident? Or is he just an extremely forgettable old faculty member? We may never know.

Despite (or perhaps because of) whatever mystery surrounds him, he is an exceptionally capable Planar Scientist. One can only wonder what fate Argent would have in store under his leadership.


● “The calculations are made, the die is cast. The only possibility is victory.” (Argent: the Consortium, “Paralocation”) ● “In a different place, in a different time, I’ve already won. Let’s just go there.” (Argent: the Consortium, “Infinite Universes Realized”) ● “Physics is something to be overcome. It is a barrier, not a law.” (Argent: the Consortium, “Beyond the Beyonds”) ● “So much to do… I’ll just have to make the time.” (Argent: the Consortium, “Everyday Paralocation”) ● “The best way to start strong is to finish strong - and then employ time travel.” (Argent: the Consortium, “Memoirs of the Future Past”) ● “There’s hardly anything to worry about… if you’re standing over here.” (Argent: the Consortium, “Indefinite Definitives”) ● “Why limit yourself to the possible, when the impossible offers so much more?” (The Art of Argent, pg. 36)

Xenitia Zook Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: Fate of Indines, a striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics DX, and a supporter in Argent: ‘Mancers of the University.

BattleCON Title: Life Binder Unique Ability: Life Tap Alternate Versions: Essence Drain (EX), Life Buffer (almighty) Styles: Draining, Guilty, Purging, Razor, Rending Unique Base: Bloodweapon Finishers: Exsanguinate, Phlebotomy

Striker Support: Deadman Spire Ante: Transfusion Boost: Blood Armor

Pixel Tactics Unit: Paramilitary Phlebotomists Hero: Blood Mage

Argent Department: Mysticism Position: Infirmary Overseer

BattleCON: Fate Preview - Part 2 (, article retrieved by the Wayback Machine on October 19th, 2015)

Race / Gender / Nationality: Human / F / Jeffreys

The Art of Argent (pg. 35)

Xenitia possesses the power to manipulate the forces of life, either to heal or to kill. She is torn between the departments of Divinity and Mysticism, who both want her talents for themselves.


● “Blood for blood.” (BattleCON: Fate of Indines, “Exsanguinate”) ● “A life is a terrible thing to waste.” (BattleCON: Fate of Indines, “Phlebotomy”) ● “If it costs me my own life to save you, so be it!” (Fate of Indines Fighter & Mode Guide, pg. 6) ● “You may not live to regret this.” (BattleCON: Strikers)

Yinsei Arlington Featured as a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 3 and a supporter in Argent: the Consortium.

Argent Department: Natural Magick Position: Games Coordinator

Pixel Tactics Unit: Gameday Gambolers Hero: Coordinator

The Art of Argent (pg. 27)

The appearance of Argent’s Games Coordinator, Yinsei Arlington, is based on environment illustrator Jennifer Easley, who drew all of the rooms for Argent.


Featured as a backstory character in BattleCON: Devastation of Indines.

A retired monster hunter who mentored Joal Kalmor. See Joal Kalmor.

Zaamassal Kett Featured as a fighter in BattleCON: War of Indines, a promo Striker in BattleCON: Strikers, a hero / leader in Pixel Tactics 1, and a supporter in Argent: the Consortium.

BattleCON Title: Corrupted Planestalker, To Watch the World Burn Unique Ability: Subjective Reality Alternate Versions: Land Ho! (“Corsair”, alternate), Multiple Dimensions (EX), Parallel Universes (almighty) Styles: Malicious, Sinuous, Sturdy, Urgent, Warped Unique Base: Paradigm Shift Paradigms: Paradigm of Distortion, Paradigm of Fluidity, Paradigm of Haste, Paradigm of Pain, Paradigm of Resilience Finishers: Open the Gate, Plane Divider

Striker Support: Planeslaver Ante: Zone Blade Boost: Stalker’s Sword

Pixel Tactics Unit: The Planestalkers Hero: Planestalker

BattleCON: War Preview - Part 3 (, article retrieved by the Wayback Machine on October 19th, 2015)

Race / Gender / Nationality: Human / Male / The Planes (“Backstory”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

Zaamassal Kett is originally from Jeffreys, but was lost beyond the dimensional barrier long ago.

BattleCON: War of Indines Kickstarter (Update #25) and BattleCON: War Remastered Kickstarter (Update #25)

From a young age, Zaamassal had a different grip on reality and perception than those around him. His additional perceptions made him an outcast among peers, until he discovered the Planestalkers, an order of knights sworn to defend Indines from the horrors that lurk outside space and time.

On a routine mission, Zaamassal was lost between the dimensions, wandering for an eternity, surviving only because death did not live in the realms he traversed. The chaotic infinities twisted his unique senses further, and over uncountable years he learned just how strong the control his own senses had over reality was.

Eventually, Zaamassal came to serve Oriana, a powerful pan-dimensional being who saw great potential in his abilities. Now, Oriana has sent Zaamassal back to Indines, to serve as a bodyguard to Cherri Seneca, a young girl who will play a further role in Oriana's plans to come.

The Art of BattleCON (pg. 28)

Centuries ago, the planestalkers of Jeffries fought against one of their most powerful enemies, Oriana. In the final battle, the servants of Oriana were pushed back, and their way into Indines was sealed. Zaamassal stood at the front ranks of the battle, one of the most legendary and skilled of the order. When the gate was closed, Zaamassal was lost in the limbo between dimensions.

Surviving only because death did not dwell in some of the planes he entered, Zaamassal wandered the infinite void between worlds for countless years, until he eventually stumbled upon a sorceress doing battle with a massive beast. With his finely honed survival skill and innate attunement to the planes, Zaamassal assisted and defended the sorceress, together playing the creature they stood against.

After the battle, the sorceress revealed herself to be Oriana, whom Zaamassal had fought against so long ago. In exchange for his service as her knight, Oriana offered Zaamassal a chance to return to Indines, as well as to expand his capacity to control the planes to an even greater degree.

Zaamassal has served Oriana across countless worlds and through many battles as her personal defender. However, the return to Indines has sparked some resurgence of memories and times long forgotten. His mission is to bring Cherri Seneca to the planar breach in the heart of Jeffreys, so that her mind can become a gate into this world for his master. Despite his knowledge that she must be sacrificed like this, Zaamassal’s fondness for the girl grows daily...

Indines In-Depth (February 17th, 2016)

Greetings everyone! Another week, another Indines In-Depth! This week I'll focus on Zaamassal Kett, widely regarded as one of the strongest fighters from the original cast in BattleCON: War. Zaamassal certainly requires some unique tactics to deal with, since he can change the rules of battle on the fly.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the backstory of Zaamassal Kett!

From a young age, Zaamassal had a different grip on reality and perception than those around him. His additional perceptions made him an outcast among peers, until he discovered the Planestalkers, an order of knights sworn to defend Indines from the horrors that lurk outside space and time.

On a routine mission, Zaamassal was lost between the dimensions, wandering for an eternity, surviving only because death did not live in the realms he traversed. The chaotic infinities twisted his unique senses further, and over uncountable years he learned just how strong the control his own senses had over reality was.

Plot during War

After wandering for countless ages, Zaamassal came to serve Oriana, a godlike being born from the primal chaos of the universe, who saw great potential in his abilities. Oriana sends Zaamassal back to Indines to capture Cherri Seneca and bring her back to the Plane of Chaos, to serve a further purpose in Oriana's plans. Zaamassal manages to thwart Luc and Khadath two agents sent to protect Cherri, and captures and returns her to the plane of chaos. On his quest, however, he develops a certain fondness for the girl.

Plot during Devastation

When Oriana discards Cherri's spirit to use her body as a portal into Indines, Zaamassal is mortified. After being hardened to all horrors in the universe, he is shaken awake by this ruthless act, and realizes what sort of creature he has been aiding. Using his ability to warp reality, he gives Cherri a new form and helps her to escape back to Indines, now in the form of a mystical dream-creature called Lymn. Knowing that he has to challenge Oriana, but that he cannot return to the Planestalkers after fighting against them, he searches for new allies to aid him in the fight to protect his world.

Future Adventures

Turning his gaze to the north, Zaamassal travels into Willat, searching for the power he needs to challenge Oriana himself. At the present, his whereabouts are unknown. What will he discover there? And what will he give up, for the sake of love and revenge?

10 Facts about Zaamassal

1. Zaamassal was an early member of the Planestalkers (before they even used that name), and joined the organization very shortly after it was formed. He was among the first rangers to be lost in service, inciting better safety precautions and protocols for future rangers.

2. Zaamassal has always had an aptitude for Planar Magic, and as a young boy, he would sometimes see “faraway places”. His parents and friends believed these were just imaginary worlds, but Zaamassal later learned he had a knack for peering through the veil to Limbo and to different dimensions.

3. Zaamassal has the ability to create small-scale planar distortions around his body, altering the rules of reality in his immediate vicinity. He can only do this through very intense focus and clearing his mind, which took years of training under Oriana.

4. Zaamassal fights with a dagger called a swordbreaker. It is designed to parry attacks and disarm opponents.

5. Before joining the Planestalkers, he was an exceptionally skilled ranger in the Jeffrian military.

6. Zaamassal is a skilled bard. His instrument of choice is the lute, and he was known in his company to be excellent singing company for mealtimes.

7. He wrote a series of haunting poems, called “The Faraway Places”. Though the book is very obscure now, a few collectors still possess it.

8. Zaamassal and Hepzibah were acquainted before his disappearance, as they were both in service to the Jeffrian Royal army at the same time, though they were not close acquaintances or great friends.

9. He has no living relatives, friends, or family in Indines since his disappearance was over 200 years ago.

10. When he was a ranger, he had a dream of quitting military service and rediscovering the continent of Amalao.


● “Everything is about to change...” (BattleCON: War of Indines, “Open the Gate”) ● “My power is worlds beyond yours.” (BattleCON: War of Indines, “Plane Divider”) ● “All that exists is my world. Let me show you the chaos behind these eyes.” (BattleCON: War of Indines Kickstarter, Update #25 and BattleCON: War Remastered Kickstarter, Update #25) ● “Soon, you’ll see my reality.” (BattleCON: Strikers) ● “The only world is the one I choose to see.” (Art of BattleCON, pg. 29) ● "As a boy, I would wander, hoping to find the doors to the faraway places... but when I faced them at last, I understood the truth... we are all just accidents born of chaos, eventually to vanish into void. When I saw that, the places that held so much magic for me turned cold and ugly. But now, there was no escape from them." (Indines In-Depth, February 17th, 2016) ● "To watch your master slaughter a monster, or even a world of monsters, seemed like nothing to me. But to see a member of my own race, one who had placed her trust in me, be so casually discarded... It made me realize what I served... and what I was to her." (Indines In-Depth, February 17th, 2016)

Antagonists and Creatures

Cursed Mural

BattleCON Attacks: Awakening, Ritual, Sacrifice

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 13)

This ancient mural has a particularly lifelike quality to it, and seems to emanate with ancient magic…

Dark Wisp

BattleCON Attacks: Flicker Ability: Incorporeal

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 4)

Malevolent ghosts who prey upon the souls and emotions of the living.


BattleCON Attacks: Gun Down, Hip Shot, Net Toss

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 12)

The smell of treasure brings out the greed of these adventurers, making them quick to violence.


BattleCON Attacks: Electroclaw, Nitro Breath Beam, Link Surge, Nyx Revision, Nihil Buster, Protocol Zero Ability: Shed Armor

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 14)

No text.


BattleCON Attacks: Tentacle Reel, Constriction, Tentacle Snap, Spike Shell, Impale, Swipe Ability: Mirrored Hunger

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 15)

No text.

Elemental, Earth

BattleCON Attacks: Landslide, Boulder Toss, Diamond Wall

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 7)

The earth cries out and shatters beneath the light of the Phantasmagoric Flame, giving life to these unfortunate beings.

Elemental, Fire

BattleCON Attacks: Flamethrower, Fireball, Vulcan

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 7)

Born of the fire within the earth, these elementals have a natural instinct to destroy, amplified into blind rage by Demarq’s magic.

Elemental, Light

BattleCON Attacks: Ray, Blinding Flash, Caustic Tough, Flashbomb Ability: Brilliant

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 7)

The light of the sun blends with the light of the Phantasmagoric Flame to create a creature that radiates with malice.

Elemental, Lightning

BattleCON Attacks: Ride Lightning, Thunderball, Shock Field, Strike Slider Ability: Untouchable

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 6)

The skies pour forth these violent, relentless elementals while choking on the light of the Phantasmagoric Flame.

Elemental, Shadow

BattleCON Attacks: Vamp, Choking Dark, Shadowbite, Shadow Wave Ability: Vile

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 6)

Rather than chasing away shadow, the Phantasmagoric Flame breeds it into something much more foul.

Elemental, Water

BattleCON Attacks: Acid Splash, Riptide, Tidal Surge

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 7)

Demarq’s magics have transformed these normally gentle elementals into violent, turbulent engines of destruction.

Elemental, Wind

BattleCON Attacks: Wind Cutter, Buffet, Slipstream

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 7)

The gentle breezes of Amalao have become monstrous and destructive under the influence of the Phantasmagoric Flame.


BattleCON Attacks: Bullet, Whip, Recalibrate

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 8)

An automatic turret that fires on any trespassers without proper clearance.

Gilt Titan

BattleCON Attacks: Advance Primary, Advance Secondary, Kick, Steady Advance, Magnet Blade, Sword Beam Ability: Crushing Advance

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 14)

No text.

Gun Turret

BattleCON Attacks: Turret Snipe Ability: Remote Control

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 8)

This automatic turret is operated by a central computer system. It shuts down when its controller is neutralized.

High Priest

BattleCON Attacks: Seal the Tomb, Organ Extraction, Rite of Passage, Kharmic Wheel Ability: Vampiric / Undead

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 13)

The high priests of Mak’terix prepared their kings and servants for immortal life alongside the tomb of their god.


BattleCON Attacks: Energy Bolt, Shock, Tinker, Activate Ability: Regenerative

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 9)

Though they appear human, these artificial lifeforms are devoid of emotion and programmed with specific directives.


BattleCON Attacks: Rushdown, Trick Knife, Imp Bomb

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 4)

Mischievous evil spirits that who attack recklessly and carelessly with superior numbers.


BattleCON Attacks: Charge, Steam Burst, Power Lance, Beam Blast Ability: Heavily Armored

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 8)

A lack of any discernable weak point makes this bot extremely difficult to dispatch.


BattleCON Attacks: Solar Spire, Zero , Reversion, Gate Flare, Seal Matrix, Microwave Beam Ability: Crossfire

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 14)

No text.

Mummified Hound

BattleCON Attacks: Lunge, Maul Ability: Undead

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 13)

Death has turned these faithful companions of the ancient warriors into fearsome beasts with a thirst for flesh.

Mummified Priest

BattleCON Attacks: Stone Blade, Deathless Ability: Undead

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 12)

The priests of ancient Sanghalim wished to serve their god-kings for all eternity. Now they guard the tombs alongside their masters.

Mummified Warrior

BattleCON Attacks: Stone Blade Ability: Undead

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 12)

These ancient warriors were given the curse and the honor of serving their kings for all eternity.


BattleCON Attacks: Creep, Whip, Smash

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 8)

A failed experiment that also failed to be destroyed. Its existence is driven entirely by a basic instinct to consume.


BattleCON Attacks: Havoc Pulse, Nyx Alpha, Nyx Beta, Nyx Gamma, Leading Light, Sunspot Ability: Multiplex

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 15)

No text.

Relic Hunter

BattleCON Attacks: Whip Crack, Handgun, Blindside

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 12)

Unwary adventurers seek treasure within the ancient tombs, desperate for a chance at gold and glory.

Rune Knight

See Lasandra Machan. Also featured in the expansion Argent: ‘Mancers of the University.

Argent Department: Technomancy Position: Technomagick Familiar


See Lasandra Machan.

Argent Department: Sorcery Position: Sorcery Familiar

Security Hologram

BattleCON Attacks: Elec Pulse A, Elec Pulse B, Elec Pulse C, Elec Pulse D Ability: Incorporeal

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 9)

This security system is malfunctioning badly, but it’s still capable of causing you significant harm before it breaks down.

Statuary Guardian

BattleCON Attacks: Laser Lance, Laser Javelin Ability: Undead

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 12)

The guardians of the inner sanctuary are animated with technology far beyond the capabilities of the ancient Sanghalese.

Tomb Raider

BattleCON Attacks: Double Shot, Coldclock, Net Toss

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 12)

Rogue Archaeologists are adept at using the traps and terrain of the temple to their advantage.

Treasure Golem

BattleCON Attacks: Gold Bomber, Treasure Wave, Gem Claws, Steal Ability: Assimilation

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 13)

A conglomeration of cursed treasure, fueled to life by the greed of a hundred explorers claimed by the crypt.


Popular pets as noted in the “Indines In-Depth” article for Eligor Larington and the “Character of the Week” article for Uleyle Kimbhe. Art for an unknown creature was presented in an Argent: the Consortium preview (update #57), but it seems likely to be art of Trussas.

Vile Ooze

BattleCON Attacks: Rollout, Vile Miasma, Congeal, Slime Launch Ability: Lurch

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 5)

A disgusting ooze that attacks mindlessly by enveloping prey within its toxic body.


BattleCON Attacks: Crossover, Wall Leap, Counter Claw, Regeneration Ability: Rage

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 5)

A cunning feral creature that often attacks in a pack with others.

Wandering Calculus

Argent Department: Planar Studies Position: Planar Familiar


See Lesandra Machan.

Argent Department: Nature Magick Position: Nature Familiar


BattleCON Attacks: Shamble, Lunge, Bite

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST (pg. 4)

Displays an insatiable hunger for BRAINS BRAINS BRAINS...


Argent; ‘Mancers of the University (“Synthesis Lab”, pg. 4)

Synthesis is a powerful and mysterious new method of Artifice that binds magic and treasures together to create new items.


Includes Exorcism, Protection, and Spiritualism.


From Argent: the Consortium.

Moste Holie Litanies

Spells: Sanctification > Protective Aura > Consecration

Of Mortal Form

Spells: Heal > Amelioration > Innervation

Rites of Renewal

Spells: Chain of Healing > Circle of Healing > Well of Healing

Tome of Protection

Spells: Spell Shield > Wall > Absorb Mana

Will of the Divines

Spells: Concentration > Silence > Revival

Wrath of Heaven

Spells: Justice > Recompense > Retribution

From Argent: ‘Mancers of the University.

Divine Cataclysm

Spells: Holy Bolt, Holy Smite, Holy Tempest


Includes Umbramancy.


From Argent: the Consortium.

On the Weakness of Flesh

Spells: Disease > Plague > Pestilience

Tenets of Dominance

Spells: Mesmerize > Mystic Link > Shadow Puppet

The Darkness Within

Spells: Disease > Plague > Pestilience

The Grasping Darkness

Spells: Repeating Hex > Telethany > Deathly Paling

The Lamentations of Sareth

Spells: Malaise > Haunt > Possession

Thirteen Greater Mysteries

Spells: Mana Drain > Tap the Well > Energy Drain

From Argent: ‘Mancers of the University.

The Black Chronicle, v13

Spells: Creep > Envelop > Death

Natural Magick

Includes Druidism, Ecomancy, Elemancy, Geomancy, , and Undertaking.


From Argent: the Consortium.

Book of One Hundred Seas

Spells: Wave > Tidal Wave > Tsunami

Heart of the Mountain

Spells: Oakskin > Stoneskin > Diamondskin

Lightning and You

Spells: Bolt > Lightning > Chain Lightning

Master Book of Starcalling

Spells: Ice Comet > Meteor > Cataclysm

Songs of Springtime

Spells: Regeneration > Regrowth > Renewal

Taming of the Storm

Spells: Zephyr > Tornado > Hurricane

From Argent: ‘Mancers of the University.

Breath of Winter

Spells: Frost > Frost Bolt > Freezing Bolt

Planar Studies

Includes Chronomancy, Correspondence, and Dimensional Studies.


From Argent: the Consortium.

Everyday Paralocation

Spells: Celerity > Accelerate Time > Teleport

Indefinite Definitives

Spells: Cut Plane, Invisibility, Doppleganger

Infinite Universes Revealed

Spells: Event Horizon > Zero Hour > Inversion

Memoirs of the Future Past

Spells: Future Power > Past Power > Eternal Power

Parallel Synchronicity

Spells: Flicker > Fade > Planar Disjunction

Temporal Calculus, 6th Ed.

Spells: Slow Time > Stop Time > Bend Time

From Argent: ‘Mancers of the University.

Beyond the Beyonds

Spells: Rift > Shift > Flux


Includes Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, and Spellbinding. (“World of Indines”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

An individual's force of will is enough to alter the weak reality of Indines all on its own. Sorcerous magic draws its power from an individual's resolve, and while trainable, is commonly called 'wild magic' since the potential to master it is largely innate. Within Indines, Humans and Dragons have the strongest propensity for Sorcery.


From Argent: the Consortium.

A Brighter Flame

Spells: Inner Fire > Kindle > Immolation

Calval’s Deadliest Magicks

Spells: Pyre > Flamespout > Volcano

Sorcerous Inspiration

Spells: Luminosity > Brilliance > Radiance

The Gift of Fire

Spells: Firebolt > Fireball > Inferno

The Light that Leads

Spells: Illuminate > Flare > Dazzle

The Pursuit of Power

Spells: Warmth > Power > Intensity

From Argent: ‘Mancers of the University.

Devastation Now

Spells: Conflagration > Fire Storm > Devastation


Includes Alchemy and Mechanics. Biomancy is a sub-discipline of Alchemy.


From Argent: ‘Mancers of the University.

Applied Entropy

Spells: Sap > Disintegrate > Control

Artificer’s Companion, 4th Ed.

Spells: Iron Golem > Gilded Golem > Ehrlite Golem

Codex Optimus

Spells: Semaphore > Deactivate > Reactivate

Insight Beyond Sight

Spells: Arcane Knowledge > Arcane Insight > Arcane Inspiration

Metamorphic Remediaries

Spells: Arcane Copy > Replicate > Transmute

The Eternal Engine

Spells: Extract > Dissolve > Absorb

The Laws of Thaumodynamics

Spells: Shadow Bomb > Flash Bomb > Arcane Bomb


May not necessarily be magic; almost no details available. See Clinhyde Eight, Hayden Morgan, Mnemette Four, and Rukyuk Amberdeen.


The nearly-unknown “magic of life”. The only known practitioners are Hepzibah Culotre and Xenitia Zook; see their respective entries for more information.


The canonicity of gear is questionable at times. Stuff like “Extra Content DLC” almost certainly isn’t, but it’s included for completeness’ sake.

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines

From BattleQUEST pg. 3.


Arcane Eye, Bottled Rage, Life Potion, Limit Breaker, Liquid Lightning, Mana Elixir, Metabolic Booster, Shield Tonic, Spirits

Custom Armor

Bronze Armor, Diamond Armor, Iron Armor, Leather Armor, Steel Armor, Vital Silver Armor

Custom Weapons

Expert Weapon, Foreign Weapon, Legendary Weapon


Extra Costume DLC, Higher Authority, The Contract


Autodeflector, Dark Rosary, Displacer Charm, Healing Stone, Phase Cloak, Power Glove, Red Mask, Shuttered Lantern, Silver Shroud, Skyfeather, Sprint Shoes, Unbreakable Box


Expert Weapon, Foreign Weapon, Legendary Weapon

BattleCON: Devastation of Indines Extended Edition


Arcane Eye, Bottled Rage, Life Potion, Limit Breaker, Liquid Lightning, Mana Elixir, Metabolic Booster, Shield Tonic, Spirits


Application Form, Bronze Armor, Diamond Armor, Extra Costume, Iron Armor, Leather Armor, Steel Armor, The Contract, The Higher Authority, Vital Silver Armor


Autodeflector, Brambled Rune, Dark Rosary, Discordant Violin, Displacer Charm, Force Pyramid, Healing Stone, Phantasmagoric Flame, Phase Cloak, Power Glove, Red Mask, Shuttered Lantern, Silver Shroud, Skyfeather, Soul Saver, Sprint Shoes, Unbreakable Box, Velori’s Chalice

BattleCON: Armory


Alkahest, Arcane Eye, Bottled Rage, Bursting Vial, Elixir of Life, Life Potion, Liquid Lightning, Mana Elixir, Mana Well, Metabolic Booster, Shield Tonic, Spirits, Tonic


Ancient Stone Tablet Autodeflector, Azure Shroud, Brambled Rune, Dark Rosary, Discordant Violin, Displacer Charm, Force Pyramid, Healing Stone, Hourglass of Fate, Lightning Totem, Limit Breaker, Phantasmagoric Flame, Phase Cloak, Power Glove, Red Lion Crest, Red Mask, Royal Crown, Sacred Shield, Shadow Salve, Shuttered Lantern, Skyfeather, Soul Saver, Spell Canceller, Sprinting Shoes, Sword of Flame, Time Prism, Unbreakable Box, Vanishing Staff, Velori’s Chalice

The Art of BattleCON

From the “Relics” section in The Art of BattleCON (pg. 118).

Application Form

The perfect tool for recruiting new mercenaries to your cause.


Known to be used by Runika Zenanen.

Everything seems to bend and twist away from this artifact, as through it repels the entire universe.

Brambled Rune

This ancient rune holds secrets of a mysterious time long past.

Phantasmagoric Flame, The

The light of this flame warps space around its master, bending the world to their will.

Displacer Charm

This charm bends dimensions and turns reality upon itself unlocking alternate possibilities.

Red Mask

This mask was used by the ancient Sanghalese tribes to stir the nomads together into a battle fury.

Shuttered Lantern

This lantern possess the power to manipulate light and shadow, and to bring out the darkness within the hearts of men.


With a single touch, this feather whisks away its holder to faraway lands.

Vital Silver Armor

This armor is filled with the undying rage and ambition of its ancient masters.

Unbreakable Box

This mysterious box has changed hands for centuries, always bringing misfortune with it. After all these years, it has never been opened.

Argent: the Consortium


Auric Catalyst, Bottled Memories, Bottled Rage, Crystal Skull, Force Gloves, Healing Drops, Liquid Lightning, Malefic Torch, Mana Elixir, Mystic Lantern, Phase Steppers, Runestone, Sealed Jar, Shadow Potion, Shield Potion, Spirits, The Contract, Unbreakable Box


Ancient Armor, Ancient Tablet, Endless Coin Purse, Gilded Chalice, Invisibility Cloak, Mana Crystal, Mystic Amulet, Mystic’s Cowl, Planar Scouter, Sealed Scroll, Spellblade, The Arcane Eye,

Argent: ‘Mancers of the University


Alkahest Potion, Chrysopoeia Potion, Elixir of Life, Potion of Vigor, Shadow Salve, Time Prism, Tonic of Panacea


Clockwerk Replicator, Diviner’s Mitre, Nature Mage’s Cap, Philosopher’s Stone, Planar Scouter, Sorcerer’s Hat, Technomancer’s Top Hat, Trickster’s Cape

Synthesis Treasures

Endless Well of Mana, Hourglass of Fate, Lightning Totem, Sacred Shield, Sword of Fate, Vanishing Staff

Argent: Summer Break


Chancellor’s Yacht Keys, Divine Beach Hat, Sorcerer’s Beach Towel.


Beach Brew, Magic Sunblock, Planar Ice Cream.


“God of Chaos, The”

Mentioned in The Art of BattleCON (pg. 90) but unnamed.

Crizma (“World of Indines”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

Crizma is a neon purplish slush that can be found in its raw state beneath the sea floor of some coastlines. Crizma can be processed into a hydraulic fluid that magnifies force, making it a primary component for robotics. Homunculi are often created with Crizma flowing through their veins instead of blood, giving them incredible strength as well.


The Goddess of Death as mentioned in The Art of BattleCON (pg. 19). Sister of Sanghalia, the Goddess of Life.


The “apocryphal seventh god” mentioned in the “Indines In-Depth” article for Joal Kalmor.


The currency of Relecour, and the currency most widely used across Indines (mentioned in “Character of the Week” in the Level Cap Podcast Episode 6).

Ehrlite (“World of Indines”, page retrieved from January 20th, 2012)

Extensively rare and requiring expert craftsmanship to work, Ehrlite is a greyish metal material that transcends dimensions. It is a required component in all teleportation apparatuses thus making it extremely precious. Ehrlite can be forged into dimensional 'keys' which the extremely rich or privileged can use to access personal dimensions.


The Goddess of Light, Justice, and Judgement as mentioned in the “Indines In-Depth” article for Eligor Larington and the “Backstory” page on a previous version of


A deceased machine god as mentioned in “Indines In-Depth“ article for Joal Kalmor, “The Temple of the Sun” (BattleCON: Devastation of Indines BattleQUEST pg. 12-13), “The Dragons” (The Art of BattleCON pg. 88), and “Golem Lab” (The Art of Argent pg. 64). Shoshannah Kasselock is the current avatar of Mak’terix (as noted in the “Character of the Week” article for Seth Cremmul).

Naught, The

A mysterious force of darkness from the Minus World worshipped by Gaspar Geddon. Mentioned in The Art of BattleCON (pg. 55). See Gaspar Geddon.


The Goddess of Water and Life as mentioned in the “Character of the Week” article for Seth Cremmul and referenced multiple times in The Art of BattleCON (pgs. 3, 19, 23). Sister to Djare, the Goddess of Death. Kallimerina is her avatar.


The Goddess of Earth as mentioned in The Art of BattleCON (pg. 90).


Believe or not, even at its length, this document is far from complete. There are some notable missing elements still to be filled in, such as:

● A lot of information from Level 99 sites is now unavailable even through internet archives, particularly that which was stored at In particular: ○ Much information on lesser-known Indines characters from Kickstarter voting campaigns is no longer available. Only a small fragment which I could find sourced has been included so far. ○ I haven’t been able to find the information linked to QR codes (like the BattleQUEST alternate endings) due to site updates invalidating them. ○ While most of the Indines In-Depth articles have been recoverable, there were a few that are not. ● A lot of the information currently on the World of Indines wikia has not been included at this time. I don’t feel comfortable reproducing others’ work without their permission, and tracking down the contributors would be an endeavor in itself. Only information that can be sourced to originate as a direct quote from a Level 99 source has been included so far. ● Preliminary details available on fighters from Wanderers of Indines has not been included yet. ● I haven’t included any information from products not released by Level 99 Games at this time, such as tie-in and guest appearances by Indines characters in other games. ● A lot of behind-the-scenes information has been leaked through casual chats and interviews with Level 99 employees, as well as pieces from behind-the-scenes documents. Where it can be sourced, I may include it, but nothing second-hand has been inclued. ● There’s still some information from Level 99 sources that still needs to be incorporated, most notably transcriptions from the Level Cap Podcast or voice lines from BattleCON online. ● There are occasional misspellings, contradictions, etc., that’s inevitable when dealing with products spanning around a dozen products published over a half-decade. I’ve done my best to puzzle them out and note them when they can’t be easily resolved. Some spelling errors have been corrected from the original products, and transcriptions from the Level Cap Podcast avoid vocal pauses, repetition, etc. Some spelling errors are noted; their inclusion is for clarity, and isn’t intended as any sort of slight on Level 99 Games or their work. ● I’m aware of the issues with color-coding and color blindness, and I’m hoping to fix that later on. ● Despite all my hard work, I still could just be wrong about something. It’s true!

TL;DR: the guide is not all-encompassing and likely won’t ever be as long as Level 99 Games keeps publishing products to keep up with. The perfect is the enemy of the good.

Thanks for reading!