Classic Dungeon Designer’s Netbook #4 OLD SCHOOL ENCOUNTERS REFERENCE This unauthorized reference sourcebook contains everything the Dungeon Master needs for designing encounters for 1st edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons™ adventures conveniently organized for online and tabletop use. Also compatible with OSRIC. Written & Edited by B. Scot Hoover
[email protected] Version 3 Revised (7.28.08) - 0 - TABLE of CONTENTS Prologue 2 Abbreviation Codes 3 Chapter I: Men 4 Chapter II: Demi-humans & Humanoids 50 Chapter III: The Underworld 66 Chapter IV: The Wilderness 81 Chapter V: Settlements & Civilization 103 Chapter VI: Treasures 113 Chapter VII: The Campaign 135 Chapter VIII: Forms & Appendices 144 Index 156 - 1 - PROLOGUE: On Designing Your Own Game Non-player character generation will generally follow the method(s) used to create PCs. However, there are necessary shortcuts and parcels of information included in a carefully done game, or else the poor GM will be forever immersed in the morass of finding out the precise nature of who his players meet, who opposes them, and the like. It should not be necessary for the GM to roll dice to determine all the attribute scores of every non-player character, for instance. The game must include provisions for defining NPCs so that they can be generated quickly, but without causing every such character to be a mirror image of every other one. Although it is a relatively short and minor part of any game, this area is still interesting, for it will show just how well thought out the design is. Opponents are the creatures and things that will generally be adverse, at best non- hostile, to the PCs.