Hicksville Illustrated News • Hicksville, New York • Thursday, Febru•Ry 7, 1991 Puge-8------For Information Call 334-6725

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Hicksville Illustrated News • Hicksville, New York • Thursday, Febru•Ry 7, 1991 Puge-8------For Information Call 334-6725 School Work Recognized ..... Page 3 Hicksville Heroes . ......... Page 3 PTA Founders Day ....... .. Page 4 Memory Lane ........ ..... Page 6 · . INCORPORATING THE HICKSVILLE EOITION OF THE MIO ISLAND HERALD Vol. 5 No. 33 Hicksville, N.Y. Thur,;duy, I 35C p,r copy ,.: lttl ,hto. C-••-'ll N"#~,n-, .r Ul•t hh_,, ,\II IU&)h khcr,N. C'~ltl,_I CHl"IH r lkl.-: T.al -111! Local Group Monitors School Board Actions By Rita Langdon New York State Education Department Angry and frustrated by continuing tur­ Commissioner co invcscig:uc- the board's moil intheschooldistrict, about 75 residents actions. have joined together to watch over school In an interview last Thursday, board board actions and to nominate people who member JamcsManillosaid, "They're ask­ they feel would be the best candidates ror the ing for our resignations. [but] they're not say­ May election. ing why? I didn't do an)1hing wrong:· Mc Organized in November after the r<signa­ added, "h's becoming a big poli1ical to do tions ofthen school board president Jo Ann gearing up fonhc big elect ion. They should !Vlihcnbcrg and vice-prcsidcm Patricia channel I heir energies other places 10 benefit Rooney, the Concerned Citizens of 1hc district:· "flicksvillc, which the group is ,Jllins itself, Hcsa1d 1hnt 1hcboard has been working met to discuss 1hc future of the seven "much belle(.' al1hough, m 1imcs, it may not member board. "\Ve were shocked at the appear 1ha1 way to the public. resignations oftwocliildadvocatCS:' said Joe "Internally... 1h c board has been \\0rk­ Visconti, one ofthe club's vice-presidents. In ing very""" 1ogc1hc(.' he said. Mc added tha1 their joint lcucr of resignation, Millcnberg he wi ll remain on 1he board un1il 1hecnd of 'Our community has been divided. We have a fractioned board. We've bottomed out. Let's pick overse/ves up and move forth with lhe c!,ildren in mind.' Bob Pape, presidellt Concerned Citizens of Hicksville and Rooney said th<'Y did not want to be his 1errn in June 1992. associated with board members who arc Trus1ecArle11c Rudin said Friday that the motiva1cd by politics, sclr imercSI and coalition has a right toscnd pe1i1ionsaround haired. The board iscurrcmlyopc.ra1ingwi1h "iftha1's what they feel:' but shcndded tha1 five members. with last week's nev,·s of proposed cuts in 20-Yt:AK R.ESIDl--41\lTAnthon y l..aVlola U)tS:lhrtirktl \'t'ndln$: m11chinc :U the Hicks,·itlt Rall fto11d "Ourcommuni1yhas been divided:' said school aid, residents should focus their shation. l.111rr 1hls )'("ar, ridtrs will be chi.ir~td a penally Ir lht)' b)'p.i.ss the machinr und purchllSl" Bob l'Jpe, club president, referring to ,chool energies elsewhere. lirktl.s from lr.1in condutlors. (IIJustr-'lC'd Phnto Uy Calh)' Gn"tnfit ld} closing conlro\'crsies, the sex abuse case " I don't sec ii being a produc1i,·e effort. agains1 school bus driver Robcn Izzo ~nd There's so many pn.'Ssing lhings. I reaUy wish board politics. "We ha,ea rractioned board:· we would gel on with the business of 1hc LIRR Tells· Riders: said P:ipe. "Wl!"e bottomed out. Let's pick district!' o,•crsclvcs up and move forth with the Referring 10 another petition already fil­ children in mind:' He added that 1hcreis too ed with 1hc State Commissioner of Educa­ mu, h "bickering" o n the board which tion 1hal asks for the removal of the entire Buy Now Or Pay Later distmm from other imponam issues. Fiscal board, Rudin said 1ha11hcullima1cdccision Susan McGowan, LIRR spokesperson. mponsibihy is also a concern of1hc group. would be I he comissioner's. Dy Rilu Langdon William Collins could not be reached for Corne spring, Long Island Rail Road "We'll have some public education going ?-\pc ~ id lh.tt the Concc.mcd C itizc1l.\ of cornrnu1ers will be charged a penally for on before thcchangC:' she said, adding1ha1 Hicksville is a "broad-based coali1ion" con­ comment by deadline. The coalition has also been discussing bypassing ticket vending machinc-s and LIRR personnel and literature will be sis1ing or members wi1 h children in the later purehasing fares on the tmin. available 10 explain how 1he machines district, some "ithout children in thesd,ools possiblecandidmcs for the May election. i\t the club's February mec1ing, ten1a1ivcly Riders now pay a S2 penalty if the')' ig­ operate. "They're really no different then and senior citizens. ''\Vc'rc across scc1ion of nore the manned 1ickct windows and buy using a bank card mat:hinc;• McGowan Hicksville. One 1hing agree abou1 is our scheduled for r-cb. 19, the coalition members we will have 1hcopportuni1y10 poscqucs1ions thcir1ickcts from conductors on the train. said. children's ru1urc which is at stake with our 10 candida1cs who ha,·e nominated by the But latcnhis year, the penally fare will aJ,o CUntnt board;' said Visconti. Currently 34 tickc1 vcndingnmchinesare Concerned Ci1i7.ens or Hicksville. applv1ocommu1crs who do not purchase used withi11 the I.IR R sysccm. The "We're opposed to any special interests i\l i1 s March meeting, all dub members tick~ts from the availnblc vending Hicksville branch currently has one g,oups "ho might If)' 10 gain control of 1he will vote on a secret ballot and nominate machines \\'h<:n t.hc manned ticket windo"'S machine i\n addiliona146machincsareon board:' he said. threecandidmes. Those 1hrcc residents will arc closed. order, said ~lcGowan. Since December 1he gronp has been cir­ bcspon,orcd by th,·clubin I he school board The dc-cision for 1he penally was made by the Me1rnr>0litan Tronsporation .. fl take, 12 times as Ion,; :rnying from cula1ing pctuions demanding 1he rc;i~na- ract' in ~.'Jay. comJuctor( .. who have other rcspon• 1ions or 1ru,tcc, William Collins, James Scats open in 1hc May election arc Alllhori1v board and will ca ke cffec1 Roon,-. 'sand William ll<:nncn's for a1hr<.'\:• ~ometimc after April of this )\:ar, alt hough ')1bilitt.-s:· said 1\ilcGcw.:1n. "The machines Manillo and Arlene Rudin. ,.... ill improw the cfriciency ofour prcxcss::· Uy the et1d of thi, 1110111h, 1hc club is c.,­ ;car tc;m. and Millenberg fonhe bala11ccof no exact date has been .set. according to pcmd to semi those JJ<:litions and ask 1hc her ttrm. ------------- --Hicks,·illc lllustrotcd News . Hick.-111•, N•w York - Thursday, February 7, 1991 Pagc-2--------------- ---------■ :t•l0i~i•i'i'l~ ■ U; 1 lU•& Stanley Celebrates VFW Post Notes Happy birthday wishes are being sent to Our friend, Curmine Sommu of the Stank')' Kacpr£ydd who celebrated his63rd William M. Gouse Jr. Post 321 I, always binhdayonJanuary II. Desi wish from your keeps us up to date on "happy" news wife, Dollie. children andgrandchildn:n and coming from the post. Herc's his latest many, many more. good wishes. • Congratulations to proud grand­ First Holy Communion parents Mr. and Mrs. Luis RivcrJ. 111cir BriunJ. Huycswill rcccivchisFirsl Holy son, Dr. Luis Rivera Jr., and his wife, Comrnunionnoa month at1linity Lutheran Or. Elise Belllos became proud parents Church. Prayers and best wishes from your of a son born on Oct. 14, 1990. Dnd, Jo Ann, Chris and Brittny Ann. • Congratulations to Lee and Vinnie Speaking of the month of February, Edwards on their 48th wedding annivcr• Valentine's Day is just around the comer and .;ary, Jeuo and Ed Kondrockc on their I hcartha1 it's no ordinary day in 1he Hayes 46th wedding anniversary. Home. • Happy birthday to F. Terry Runizic Four years ago, Ronnie, proposed lo Jo on December 2. Ann and she said yes. Three years ago, their daughter, Brittny 75 Birthday Candles Ann, was born. Sending her special wishes Emma Doris of Maynower Drive en• arc Mommy, daddy, brothers Chris and joyed celebrating her 75th birthday on Brian, Grandma and Grandpa (Sianlcy and December 3. Her friends-Virginia Brit­ Dorothy Kacprzycki) and Uncle Sias. "We tain. Dorothy Kacprzyzki. Laurie all love you, Brinny Ann:• Petrosillo and Jo Ann Hayes (a ll of The Hayes family also sent birthday Mayno"'" Drivc)-trca1ed hcrtoacclcbra• wishes in February 10 Prudence Munolukcs •iion at 1hc Millcridge Inn. and her husband, George. Prudence is a Emma was so happy and thoroughly en. teacher al 1hc Middle School and George joyed her special day. Why 1101? This lady is teaches in Plainview. Happy birthday to you anc.--:1raordinary woman who isrhough1ful both. and kind to all each and every dny. She Also, congra1ula1ions to Kim Schmidt of CSJX.'Cially IO\'CSChildrcn in the neighborhood Hicksville who racently became engaged. and they lo\'e hcrtoo. Happy birthday, Em• Dest wishes to her and her finance, Cr.iig for ma. and many, many more. much love and happiness. Mr. ~nd Mrs. J ostph I.J.>drrrr Lisa Braja,Bride Of Joseph Lederer Lisn Br.ju, daughter of Dolly and Stnn groom·ssis1cr, Lu uric Lederer, wm· hcr at• Braj:i, became the bride of Joseph lcndants. LL'derer,sonofDiuneandJoclcderer,on Lisa·s two god children, Erin Durolhy Kiu:pn,>t'kl. Jo Anu 11~, u . E.mm!I Septcmbcr1 14. The ceremony took plncc~t 1-1:ic hudoo.rian an~ Vincent U)fano ~ s Uorh, \ 'irt,;.ini!IOrhh1.ln11.nd LnuTirPttrosilloat St. lg:nntius Loyola Romnn Cnthollc thcnowcrgnlandnngbrorrr.Thcgrooms Emma"s 751h birlhduy p:&rl) :it lhe Millt'rid~e Welcome To Hicksville Church. Both the bride and groom's brother, David, was his best man. Inn. paren1s reside in Hicksville. Ushers ,0 ere John Lofuno and Mark Sean Michael Tuggurl arrived at SI. The bride had her sister, Debbie Patalano.
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