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UCRL- 90054 PREPRINT CLKF ^3i0c 'iU NOVETTE FACILITY: ACTIVATION AND PRELIMINARY EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Kenneth R. Manes UCEL—9C054 DEf,4 005213 This paper was prepared for submittal to the 10th Symposium on Fusion Engineering Philadelphia, Pennsylvania December 5-9, 1983 November 30, 1983 This is a preprint of a paper intended for publication in a journal or proceedings. '. changes may be nude before publication, this preprint is made available with the un derstanding that it will not be cited or reproduced without the permission of the author. DISCLAIMER This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsi bility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Refer ence herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recom mendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views -tfb\ and opinions or authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the OF THIS mrnin is UNIIMITED United States Government or any agency thereof. "£. FACILITY: ACTIVATION AND PRELIMINARY EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS* Kenneth R. Manes Lawrence Llvermore National Laboratory P.O. Box SS08, L-493 Livermore. California 94550 (415) 422-0681 wavelength laser-plasma interaction phenomena relevant to inertial confinement fusion. The The construction and performance of the Novette balance has been divided between high density Laser/Target interaction system are described. implosion research and non-iocal thermodynamic- eiulllbrlum plasma experiments. In short, Introduction Novette provides a high energy density, flexible experimental facility which bridges the gap between When an extremely intense bean of laser light SHIVA and NOVA while simultaneously probing each strikes a microscopic target containing detail in the NOVA design. deuterium-tritium fuel, it can generate an energetic plasma by imploding the fuel capsule. The rapid Design of Novette rise In temperature and density in the inertlally confined D-T fuel produces a tiny but powerful In the course of ICF research, the laser thermonuclear explosion. The Lawrence Llvermore program at LLNL has designed and built a series of National Laboratory has been the scene of active successively more powerful and complex laser inertial confinement fusion, or ICF, research since systems: first JANUS, then ARGUS, then SHIVA, now 1969, with the goal of eventually achieving UBable Novette, and soon NOVA. All of these lasers use or power from a future ICF reactor. used chains of neodymiura-glass amplifiers (in the form of sealed modules), and they all share the same As recently as three years ago, controversy fundamental design: a Master Oscillator driving a raged over the relative effectiveness of different single-pass Power Amplifier (MOPA). Each of the lasers as fusion driverB. Today the preponderance lasers in this evolving series was designed to of evidence favors a green to near-ultraviolet laser exploit the knowledge gained through experiments and we have assembled such a source for with its predecessor. Figure 1 1B an optical raultikilojoule target experiments. The Novette schematic which shows Novette's relation to other laser-target interaction system fulfills thiB LLNL HOPA system architectures. The fundamental requirement by combining salvaged components from design has been gradually improved through the use earlier LLNL lasers such as SHIVA, once the world's of increasingly reliable, efficient, damage most powerful, with parts borrowed from Nova, a 100 resistant and cost-effective components. Along the Wfty. a great deal has been learned about the TV device scheduled for completion in late 1984. [1] propagation of high-power laser pulses in the dielectric media typically found in neodymium-glass Novette was assembled on an accelerated amplifier chains. Novette and NOVA have been schedule in an existing building adjacent to the new profoundly affected by the new insights Into NOVA laboratory. Novette includes a complete NOVA laser-plasma coupling phenomena gained only Etyle control system, the .efurbished SHIVA target recently. Both theoretical and experimental studies chamber, and a full suite of target diagnostics. Indicate that coupling and, therefore, target The Novette test bed construction began in January performance improve significantly when the of 1982 and system activation was completed in wavelength of the incident laser light is shortened thirteen months. Today, Novette routinely delivers below 1 um. Accordingly, NOVA'S design calls for 18 kj infrared pulses 1 nsec in duration which are harmonic conversion of the fundamental Infrared then frequency doubled and focused on to targets. laser pulse (with a wavelength of 1.053 um) to During the past year a large body of data has been green (0.526 Mm) or to ultra-violet (0.351 um) gathered concerning the performance of Novette as a light before the beam Is focused on to the target. system. In the following, measurements on Novette's beams, taken at several locations within the laser chains, will be compared to simulation calculations. OPTICAL SCHEMATIC OF LLNL MOPA SYSTEM ARCHITECTURES L3 Each of Novette's two beam lines is optically very similar to a NOVA arm and so the emerging beams are 74 centimeters in diameter. Harmonic conversion takes place in two unique mosaic arrays of type II potasium dihydrogen phosphate crystals. The two - 4.5 TW green laser pulses so produced are concentrated onto targets by two, 74 centimeter aperture f/4 doublet lenses. Since the two pulses arrive at the target within five picoseconds of each other, a typical target may be irradiated essentially simultaneously from two sideB by about 9 •mplifitn kJ in one nanosecond. About half of Novetto'a e-<] Spatial filtari experimental time has been devoted to plasma physics W Faraday iiolaton studies whose aim 1B to better understand short KDPdoubtinBifrBvl \ i [ Mbran ocui lent (doublet) "Work performed under the auspices of the U.S. aZtQ-1180-M'] I.OSfim bum dump -1 1/13 Department of Energy by the Lawrence Llvermore National Laboratory under contract number V-7405-ENG-48. Figure 1 The drsign of the Navette test bed was premised computer code, HALAPPOP, has proven to be invaluable on the requirements of the NOVA laser. Since the as an estimator of peak fluxes impinging upon output of a repeatable, high-quality master optical components. [3] MAIAPROP calculates, oscillator ia typically about .0001 J, NOVA's power limited by its resolution, the electric field amplifier must provide a gain of 1,000,000,000. In experienced by each component in a hypothetical Novette, therefore, the weak pulse produced by the laser during a hypothetical shot. Realistic dirt master oscillator first passes through a and damage sites are Introduced Into each preamplifier, 'hich consists of glass-rod calculation In order to model typical operating amplifiers, beam-expanding spatial filters and conditions with this deterministic code. Staging beam-splitting elements, that produces two (in NOVA decisions are driven by risk of damage assessments ten) parallel spatially uniform beams with energies made using these computations. The components most of up to one joule each. At the master oscillator vulnerable to laser-induced damage in Novette are the laser beam is spatially Gaussian w*th a diameter the Input lenses to the last two spatial filters. at 10% of its maximum intensity of 1.5 mm. As it Neutral-solution antireflection coatings on these proceeds through the preamplifier, it 1B greatly optics have survived unharmed after being subjected expanded so that only the smoothest central region to over one hundred 1 nsec shots with average fluxes actually exits the preamplifier end is presented to of five to sevon J/cm2 and peak fluxes twice as the each of the arms indicated schematically ir large. Figure 1. Seven beam expanding spatial filters separate stages consisting of rod and disk The conversion of laser light to its harmonics amplifiers with Increasing apertures. The peak in nonlinear birefrlngent media is a well-known output flux from each stage is chosen to be near its process which was first demonstrated more than operating limit. Propagation is controlled by these twenty years ago. Because shorter wavelengths were spatial filters in order to minimize local intensity Bhown to couple more effectively to fusion targets, fluctu tlons and maintain the maximum laser flux considerable interest arose in using this below optical damage limits. Maximizing the "fill upconverslon process to generate short wavelength factor", or efficiency with which each amplifier's beams to Irradiate fusion targets. Within the last aperture Is used, minimizes the peak laser flux that three years, efficient conversion of 1.0 urn light each optical component muBt tolerate to produce a to its 2nd, 3rd, and 4th harmonics in KDP for beams given output. of up to 10 cm diameter has been accomplished in several laboratories. U, 5 & 6] Currently, In Buch a system the principal design material and optical coating limitations restrict constraint on the maximum energy delivered by each the harmonic fluxes tolerable