Nuclear Diagnostics for Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) Plasmas

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Nuclear Diagnostics for Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) Plasmas Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion TOPICAL REVIEW Nuclear diagnostics for Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) plasmas To cite this article: J A Frenje 2020 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 62 023001 View the article online for updates and enhancements. This content was downloaded from IP address on 07/01/2020 at 20:53 Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 62 (2020) 023001 (44pp) Topical Review Nuclear diagnostics for Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) plasmas J A Frenje Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, United States of America E-mail: [email protected] Received 12 December 2017, revised 13 September 2019 Accepted for publication 25 October 2019 Published 7 January 2020 Abstract The field of nuclear diagnostics for Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) is broadly reviewed from its beginning in the seventies to present day. During this time, the sophistication of the ICF facilities and the suite of nuclear diagnostics have substantially evolved, generally a consequence of the efforts and experience gained on previous facilities. As the fusion yields have increased several orders of magnitude during these years, the quality of the nuclear-fusion-product measurements has improved significantly, facilitating an increased level of understanding about the physics governing the nuclear phase of an ICF implosion. The field of ICF has now entered an era where the fusion yields are high enough for nuclear measurements to provide spatial, temporal and spectral information, which have proven indispensable to understanding the performance of an ICF implosion. At the same time, the requirements on the nuclear diagnostics have also become more stringent. To put these measurements into context, this review starts by providing some historical remarks about the field of ICF and the role of nuclear diagnostics, followed by a brief overview of the basic physics that characterize the nuclear phase and performance of an ICF implosion. A technical discussion is subsequently presented of the neutron, gamma-ray, charged-particle and radiochemistry diagnostics that are, or have been, routinely used in the field of ICF. This discussion is followed by an elaboration of the current view of the next-generation nuclear diagnostics. Since the seventies, the overall progress made in the areas of nuclear diagnostics and scientific understanding of an ICF implosion has been enormous, and with the implementation of new high-fusion-yield facilities world-wide, the next- generation nuclear diagnostics will play an even more important role for decades to come. Keywords: nuclear diagnostics, neutron, gamma-ray, charged particle, plasma, Inertial Confinement Fusion, ICF (Some figures may appear in colour only in the online journal) 1. Introduction filled with deuterium–tritium (DT) fuel, positioned inside a small cylindrical hohlraum, could be imploded by x-rays 1.1. Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF)—historical remarks produced in the hohlraum [1, 2]. However, at the time it was The history of ICF can be traced back to a meeting organized not clear how to heat the hohlraum and generate x-rays and by Edward Teller in 1957, which focused on the use of drive the capsule. With the introduction of the laser in 1960, it hydrogen bombs for peaceful purposes. One of the outcomes became clear that the laser represented a suitable driver for of that meeting was the initiation of John Nuckolls work on ICF applications. As a result, a large body of theoretical and significantly scaling down the secondary (the fusion part of a computational work was conducted in the United States (US), hydrogen bomb), while still generating energy gain. This Europe, Japan and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics early work pointed to the idea that a small spherical capsule (USSR) in the 60s and early 70s, which laid the foundation 0741-3335/20/023001+44$33.00 1 © 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 62 (2020) 023001 Topical Review for laser-driven ICF, both in direct-drive mode (where lasers ∼1013 [19]. At NOVA, the first fully integrated indirect-drive directly illuminate the capsule), and indirect-drive mode experiments were conducted in 1985 [20], and in 1990, (where lasers illuminate the inside of a hohlraum for pro- experiments with the upgraded NOVA laser symmetrically duction of x-rays that drive the capsule). Other types of driver compressed DT implosions about 100× in a 300 eV hohlraum concepts were also investigated such as electrons, heavy ions with little preheat. The enhanced NOVA capability also and magnetic fields [3, 4]. This era culminated in 1972 with produced neutron yields up to ∼1013, which were made the first unclassified ICF paper ‘Laser Compression of Matter possible by increasing the energy output per beam and by to Super-High Densities’ published by Nuckolls et al in substantially improving the suite of diagnostics. In parallel, a Nature [5], which formulates the foundation for the direct- series of implosion experiments with the OMEGA-24 system drive ICF scheme where 100 kJ–1 MJ lasers are used to demonstrated 100–200× liquid-DT density in 1988 [21], implode a millimeter-sized spherical capsule, filled with DT which was facilitated in part by implementing and using an gas, to densities and temperatures high enough for significant extensive array of diagnostics. In 1996, OMEGA-24 was thermonuclear fusion, ignition and energy gain to occur. The upgraded to OMEGA-60 [22] to achieve better uniformity scheme and the many challenges presented in this seminal and to lay the foundation for validating the direct-drive paper are still relevant today. approach for achieving ignition. After Nuckolls’ paper was published, several large-scaled The findings from the experiments in the 80s and early (hundreds of joule) laser facilities were built or used to 90s were reviewed by the National Academy of Science that explore the spherical implosion concept. In Japan, the Gekko- issued the Koonin Report [23], which stated that most mile- II laser was used to conduct spherical implosion experiments stones in the efforts in achieving the required implosion in 1973 [6, 7]. In 1974, the KMS Fusion in the US used a conditions had been met to initiate a large-scaled ignition two-beam laser system, capable of delivering up to 200 J in program. In that report, it was concluded that the predicted 100 ps pulse, to irradiate a set of DT gas-filled capsules, fuel densities were achieved, while neutron yields were orders which generated thermonuclear conditions and neutron yields of magnitude lower than predicted, indicating that the for- up to ∼107 [8]. At Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory mation of the hot spot and resulting ion temperature were (LLNL), similar experiments were conducted in 1974 with the impeded mainly by Rayleigh–Taylor (RT) instabilities. It was single-beam JANUS laser, and in 1975 neutron yields in also concluded that the required conditions for ignition could excess of 108 were generated [9]. By early 1976, the upgraded not be achieved with the facilities at hand, which initiated the 2-beam ARGUS laser generated ion temperatures of ∼10 keV effort of building the MJ-class lasers: the National Ignition and neutron yields up to ∼1010, which represented a big step Facility (NIF) [24] at LLNL, and the Laser Mega Joule (LMJ) forward in terms of performance. At about the same time, the [25] in France; which are primarily designed for indirect-drive six laser-beam ZETA system was built at the Laboratory for experiments. At the NIF, the first light was obtained in 2003, Laser Energetics (LLE) at the University of Rochester, where while the full operation of the system started in 2009, with the a series of symmetrical implosion experiments utilizing gas- first phase being the National Ignition Campaign that pro- filled, thin-glass capsules was carried out. These experiments duced highest fuel areal density (ρR) to date (∼1.6 g cm2) generated impressive results in terms of implosion symmetry [26]. This campaign was followed by several campaigns that and neutron yields up to 1.5×109 [10]. involved more stable implosions, which led to a hot-spot The downside with these first experiments was that they pressures in excess of 350 Gbar and record neutron yields of were performed with thin-glass capsules that could not gen- ∼2×1016 [27, 28]. The LMJ system started partial operation erate the required densities for ignition to occur. The program in 2014. In parallel, a cryogenic DT campaign at OMEGA-60 at LLNL was therefore redirected toward implosions based on was initiated in 2006 to validate the direct-drive approach for isentropic compression required for high convergence and achieving ignition. In the subsequent years, several important high fuel densities. In 1978, fuel densities of order 10× liquid milestones were achieved, culminating in a ρR of density were achieved in experiments with the 2 kJ ARGUS ∼300 mg cm−2 [29], hot-spot pressure of 56 Gbar and neu- laser, and about a year later fuel compression of about 100× tron yields in excess of 1014 [30]. was achieved with the 10 kJ SHIVA laser [11]. The ion The Chinese ICF program continued to advance the SG- temperature in these experiments was low (∼0.5 keV) to series. In 2001 the SG-II facility was operated at 6 kJ, and in maximize fuel density but to provide sufficient thermonuclear 2014 the SG-II upgrade operated at 24 kJ [31]. The 48-beam, yields for diagnostics purposes [11]. Several experiments at 180 kJ SG-III laser facility was commissioned in 2015 and SHIVA also explored the indirect-drive concept using subsequently started operation [32]. In addition, the MJ-class hohlraums. SG-IV laser represents the next step in China’s ICF program, The results from these first experiments were very and is being designed to explore ignition and burn [33].
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