ARTHROPODOLOGY 1 Course Title: ARTHROPODOLOGY 2 Course Code: VET3003 3 Type of Course: Compulsory 4 Level of Course: First Cycle 5 Year of Study: 3 6 Semester: 5 7 ECTS Credits Allocated: 2.00 8 Theoretical (hour/week): 1.00 9 Practice (hour/week): 0.00 10 Laboratory (hour/week): 2 11 Prerequisites: - 12 Language: Turkish 13 Mode of Delivery: Face to face 14 Course Coordinator: Prof. Dr. LEVENT AYDIN 15 Course Lecturers: 'Ro'U$2QXU*ø5øù*ø1 16 Contact information of the Course
[email protected] Coordinator: 17 Website: 18 Objective of the Course: To teach students diagnosis, treatment, control and prevention techniques of the Arthropod infestations in ruminants, carnivores, pigs, poultry and equidae. Introduce vectors which cause zoonotic diseases. 19 Contribution of the Course to Professional Development: 20 Learning Outcomes: 1 How to identify arthropod diseases on ruminants, equidae, pigs, carnivores and poultry 2 Biology of arthropods in domestic animals 3 Clinical and laboratory diagnosis of arthropods 4 Treatment, control and prevention techniques of arthropod infestations 5 How arthropods act as a vector and transmit diseases , and their medical / veterinary importance 6 7 8 9 10 21 Course Content: Course Content: Week Theoretical Practice 1 Introduction to Arthropodology, systematic, Comparing arthropods (Insecta between Acarina) biology, predators, vectors and control techniques 2 Taxonomy, morphology, and control of Usage drugs of flies on animals and in animal barn Diptera and mosquitos 3 Taxonomy, morphology and as a vector of Examination of fly species in laboratory Diptera, Muscidae, Culicidae, Phlebotomus, Glossina 4 Morphology, biology, control and prevention Lab diagnosis of myiasis flies and VCD of screw worm of myiasis species and Screw worm 5 Enfestations of Cimicidae, Blattaria, Odonata Preparation of Blattaria and Cimex spp.