Ava-Ye-Jalbe-e-Sayyahan The Institute for & Hospitality Training

Special English For Tourism

By . lalal Nassirian

Add.: No. 105, Adjacent to Ghods St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran-Iran Reg. No.: 172827 E-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: (+9821) 88952133 - 88952105 - 88961577 Ii 1 . i

Ava-Ye-Jalbe-e-Sayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Training

Introduction- what is and tourisnt? A simple answer to this question is that travel and tourism is a big business. It is set to become the world's biggest industry in the early years ofthe new millennium, with more people than ever before traveling in their own countries and exploring new destinations abroad. It covers all aspects of people traveling away from home, whether for leisure, business or visiting friends and relatives, and the industry that supports this activity. The travel and tourism industry is· very wide - ranging, covering many different sectors as shown in the following Figure.

Destination Tourist Management & attractions Marketing Organizations

Accommodation an'd catering Travel Organizations


Add,: No.1 05, Adjacent to Ghods St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran-Iran Reg. No.: 172827 E-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: (+9821) 88952133r 88952105 - 88961577 Ava-Ye-Jalbe-e-Sayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Training .

The figure shows that there are 5 main sectors in the travel & tourism industry. vi" Tourist attractions that can be either natural or man- made. (Some of different attractions are listed on the next page.) vi" Transportation ;e.g. airlines, scheduled & non' scheduled air carriers, car hire companies , shipping lines, coach I bus operators, rail companies. _ vi" Accommodation and catering: Types, of accommodations : , , pensions, apartment hotels , YMCs , YWCs , , boatels , villas, camping sitt:s , bungalows , chalets , guest houses , farm houses, apartments , flats , condominiums , time shares , villages, conference / exhibition centers, static and touring caravan, marinas, ...... Types of caterings / : family restaurants, business restaurants, gourmet restaurants, coffee shops, cafeterias, .... vi" Travel organizers: Tour operators, tour wholesalerslbrokers , retail travel agents­ , conference organizers, booking agencies, (e.g. . accommodation) , incentive travel organizers. vI", Destination Marketing & Management Organizations (D.M.O) : ' National Tourism Offices / Organizations ( NTOs ) National Tourism Administrations (NTAs) National Tourism Boards (NTBs) Regional/Province Tourist Offices Local Tourist Offices Tourist Associations

Add.: No. 105, Adjacent to Ghods St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran-Iran' Reg. No.: 172827 E-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: (+9821) 889521331 88952105 - 88961577 Ava-Ye-Jalbe-e-Sayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Training

/ Attractions

Cultural Natural Events Recreation Entertainment Attractions Attractions Attractions

Archeological Landscape Community Sightseeing Theme Parks Sites Events

Architecture Seascape Festivals Golf I Amusement Parks

Cuisine Parks Religious Swimming Casinos Events

Monuments Mountains Tennis Cinemas Sports Events

Industrial Flora Hiking Shopping Facilities Sites Trade I i Shows I Museums F~una Bikiug Performing Arts Corporate Centers I Ethnic Coasts Snow Sports Sports Complexes

Concerts .: tiSlanQi, A ~82~l to Ghods St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran-Iran I Rea. No. 1 E-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: (+9821) 88952133 - 88952105 - 88961577 3 Ava-Ye.Jalbe-e-Sayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Training

Defining travel and tourism There are many definitions of travel and tourism used throughout the world. The World Tourism Organization (WTO) affiliated to the United Nations and recognized as the leading international body on global tourisIIl:, states that tourism comprises: .... the activities of persons traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure , business and other purposes (World Tourisnl Organization, 1993) probably the most widely accepted definition of tourism in use in the UK today is: Tourism is the temporary, short term movement of people to destinations outside the places where they normally live and work, and activities during their stay at these destinations; it includes movenlent for all purposes, as well as day visits or (Tourism Society, 1976) . Both definitions clearly show that people we would think of as tourists are: 1. Away from their normal place of residence. 2.. On a visit that is temporary and short- term. 3. Engaged in activities which would normally be associated with leisure and tourism. 4. Not necessarily staying away from home overnight; they may be on a day trip or . 5. Not always away from home purposes; they could be on a business and still qualify as tourists. However, neither definition mentions the impacts, both negative and positive, that travel and 6. Tourism has on the environment and the people who live m destinations.

Add.: No. 105, Adjacent to Ghods St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran-Iran Reg. No.: 172827 E-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: (+9821) 889521433 - 88952105 - 88961577 Ava-Ye-Jalbe-e-Sayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Training.

The main types of tourism It is very important to remember that tourism is not just about going abroad! There is a common misconception that travel and tourism is only concerned with taking overseas holidays. Research shows us that people take nearly five times as many tourist trips as they take abroad, but the majority do prefer' overseas destinations for their main holidays. There are three main types of tourism: : When people take holidays, short breaks and day trips in their own country. Incoming / Inbound tourism: A form of which deals with people entering another country which is not their home. Outbound tourism: A form of international tourism which concerns people travelling away from their main country of residence. The reasons why people travel Contrary to popular belief, travel and tourism is not just about holidays! Tourism is usually divided into leisure. tourism, and visiting friends and relatives. Leisure tourism includes many of the types of activities which most people think of as " tourism II • However, business tourism is an increasingly important sector since it is often of high value and earns hoteliers, caterers and operators significant income. Indeed, many city- based travel agents operate a separate department geared exclusively to the needs of business clients.

Add.: No.1 05, Adjacent to Ghods St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran-Iran Reg. No.: 172827 E-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: (+9821) 8895213~- 88952105 - 88961577 Ava-Ye.Jalbe-e-Sayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Training

Visiting friends and relatives (VFR) is also an important contributor to tourism revenue. You may, be wondering how it is that, sO,mebody who stays for free with a friend or relative in their home is helping tourisnl in an area. The answer to this question is that the visitor, although enjoying free accommodation, is likely to spend money on other goods and services in the locality, such as food, entertainment and transport, so contributing to the local economy. Indeed, the very fact that he or she is not paying for accommodation may well be an incentive to spend more on such things as eating out and ' entertainment.

I Tourism I I 1 I Holidays Business to urism Health and fitness Business m eetings Sport Visiting Exhibitions and trade Education friends and fairs Culture and relatives Conferences/ religion (VFR) Conventions Social and spiritual Incentive travel

I I i

Add.: No.1 05, Adjacent to Ghods St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran-Iran Reg. 1\10.: 172827 E-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: (+9821) 88952133 - 88952105 - 88961577 6 Ava-Ye-Jalbe-e-Sayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Training

Accessible tourism: Tourism provided for disabled persons, semors and those with temporary incapacities (broken leg, etc.) Accompaniments: Equipment on a dining table such as salt, pepper, etc. Activity tour: A tour offering activities such as walking, cycling or painting for the participants of the tour. Adjoining: Next to each other. Advance Reservations: Reservations made by guests before they arrive. Adventure tour: A tour designed around an adventurous activity such as raft riding, hiking , ballooning or shark watching. Advertising agency: Company which prepares advertisements. Advertisement: Notice of object or service for sale. Affinity groups: Groups sharing common interest, usually passengers who are members of an organization. Also see pre-formed groups. Agent: A person authorized to sell the products or services of a supplier. Air transport services agreements: Bilateral accords with respect to schedule (And sometimes nonscheduled) air tr·ansportation services between n.ations. Air - conditioning system: System controlling air quality and temperature. All-expense tour: An inclusive tour that offers many included services for the stated price. It probably includes most, if not all, meals, sightseeing, taxes, tips and extras. Allocation of accommodation: Deciding in which room each guest will stay. . Allocentric tourists: Tourists with a strong need for variety and new experiences; when traveling they seek destinations that offer an opportunity to experience different cultures and environments. Also called Allocentrics :

Add.: No. 105, Adjacent to Ghods St., KeshavalZ Blvd., Tehran-Iran Reg. No.: 172827 E-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: (+9821) 88952133 - 88952105 - 88961577 7 Ava-Ye..Jalbe-e-Sayyahan The Institute for Tourism & HospitalitY Training

American and Association (AHMA): Lodging Industry Trade Association. Appeal: The main attraction. Appointment: Time arranged for a meeting. Aperit'if: A drink taken before a meal. Architecture: Buildings and styles of making them. Atmosphere: Feeling; ambience. Attraction: A natural or man-made public facility, location -or activity that offers items of specific interest. An attraction can be a natural or scenic wonder, a man-made theme park, a. cultural or historic exhibition or a wildlife / ecological park. Available: Ready for use. Average room rate: Total revenues from room sales in a hotel or collective room revenues of a destination, divided by the total number of available rooms. Average room rates may be computed on a daily basis for an individual property or an annual or seasonal basis for a destination. Back to back: A program of mUltiple air charters between two or more points with arrivals and departures coordinated to eliminate aircraft deadheading and waiting; that is, when one group is delivered at a destination, another is ready to depart from that point. Back to back tours: Tours between two or more points with arrivals and departures coordinated in order to maximize the utilization of the tour components such as transport means, accommodation, catering, etc. : The activity of going on long- distance trips or walks, carrying your clothes and equipment in a backpack . Balance of payments: A statistical statement linked to the national accounts, which provides a systematic record of a country's economic transactions with the rest of the world. Balance of trade: A practical definition of an economic concept. Each nation is assumed to be one' business entity dealing with other nations/business entities. When a business (country) sells (exports) more than it buys (imports), it has a positive balance of trade. When it buys (iniports) more than it sells (exports) it has a negative balance of trade. Tourism is a part of the balance of trade.

Add.: No.1 05, Adjacent to Ghods St., KeshavalZ Blvd., Tehran~lran Reg. No.: 172827 E-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: (+9821) 88952133 - 88952105 - 88961577 . 8 Ava-Ye..Jalbe-e-8ayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Training

Bed and breakfast (B & B) : A plan that includes breakfast with guesthouse or other lodging accommodations. : A leisure travel activity which involves touring, exploring or sightseeing by bicycle.

Bilateral air agr~ement: A treaty, or negotiated agreement, between two nations for reciprocal air services covering details of equipment, Scheduling, specific air freedoms, taxation, landing privileges and other factors of importance to each party in the agreement. Block booking: booking of a number of beds or seats at one time. Block: A number of rooms, seats or spaces reserved in advance, usually by wholesalers, group tour operators, or travel agents who intend to sell them as components of tour packages.

Bookstore tourism: A type of that promote~ independent bookstores as a group travel destination. Breakage: Expenses budgeted for a tour but not used or expended, thus resulting in additional profit for the , i.e., meals budgeted but not consumed, currency fluctuations in favor of the tour operator, or the tour selling much larger numbers of passengers than anticipated. Breakfasts: a : Continental = light breakfast = (bread and butter+ tea j coffee +jamj marmaladej honey). b : English breakfast= continental breakfast+ milk+ corn flakes+ eggs +juice). c : American = Full English breakfast= (English breakfast+ kinds of meat). Bulk fare : Fare available only to tour organizers or operators who purchase a specified block of seats from a carrier at a low, non commissionable price and then have the responsibility of selling the seats, including a commission in their marked-up price for the seats. Business ,class : A class of services on airlines that is geared towards business travelers and usually situated between first class and economy (coach) and offers such amenities as larger seats, free cocktails and hea:dsets, and early check-in privileges.

Business tourism: Trips and visits made by employees and others in the course of their work, including attending meeting, conferences and exhibitions. Add.: No. 105, Adjacent to Ghods St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran-Iran Reg. No.: 172827 E-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: (+9821) 88952133 - 88952105 - 88961577 9 Ava-Ye-Jalbe-e-Sayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Training

Business travel: Travel that is the result of one's occupation. In the case of conventions or where a side trip is added to what would otherwise be strictly business, pleasure may also be involved. involves a special market requiring some special services (typists, meeting rooms) and expectations that differ from those of the purely-for-pleasure tourist.

Cancellation: Message from a person with a booking saying he/ she isn't coming. Car hire: Use of a car for payment. Cargo liner (or freighter): Vessel principally engaged in transporting goods, which is licensed to carry a maximum number of passengers (usually 12). Carrier: Transport Company, e.g. airline, ferry company. Carrying capacity: The maximum use of any site without causing negative effects on resources, reducing visitor satisfaction, or adverse impacts upon the society, economy or culture of the area. Charter: To hire the exclusive use of a motor coach, aircraft, vessel or other vehicles.

Circle trip: A journey with stopovers that returns to th~ point of departure without retracing its route. Circuit tourism: Travel to one destination and then travel to another destination all in one trip. City tour: A sightseeing trip through a city usually lasts a half day or full day, during ~hich a guide points out that city's highlights. Clarification: extra information to make something clear. Classes: de luxe class = D.C, first class = F. C, business class J. C, club class =C.C, economy / coach / 2nd. / Tourist class =Y.C Classification: Way of dividing .Class action: A lawsuit filed by a number of people in a similar situation, e.g. participants in a particular package holiday might file a class action against the tour operator rather than take action individually. Coach Service: Transport service established for the carriage of passengers of fares and quality of service below that of first-class, business or club class service. It is also known as economy service.

Add.: No.1 05, Adjacent to Ghods St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran-Iran Reg. No.: 172827 E-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: (+9821) 8895213r6 88952105 - 88961577 Ava-Ye-Jalbe-e-Sayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Training

Coach: Comfortable bus, often used over long distances. Code of ethics: Rules drawn up by tourism societies which the members must follow when doing business . Also called code of practice. Commercial carrier: Any form of transport carrier that sells its seats to the public. .commercial rate: Special discounted rate offered by a hotel or other supplier to a company, group or individual traveler on a qualified basis.

Commissionable tours: Tours provided for sale through distribution systems with an agreed commission for both retail and wholesale agencies.

Common carrier: Anyone or any organization that offers transport for a fee. Commuter airlines : An airline that offers frequent roundtrip service to/from smaller 'communities and some larger airport hubs with a published flight schedule of such services principally to serve business commuters. Community tourism: Term used to describe an approach to tourism in which the needs and views of local residents are incorporated in the planning and development process.. Computerized reservation system (.cRS): An electronic information system connecting individual travel agencies to a central computer, making immediate inquiries and reservations on an airline, hotel, car rental, or other possible travel services. .

Concession: A part of the hotel operation that is leased to and operated by another party. Some examples are a parking garage, newsstand, barbershop, and beauty salon. Concierge: An individual who is professionally trained to handle special requests or services for guests, usually in a lUXUry - class hotel. Conference center: Refers to establishments offering facilities for congresses, conferences, course, vocational training, mediation, etc. The sleeping accommodation in these establishments is generally only available to participants of the specialized activities organized in or by the establishments. Confirm: Agree to a booking.

Add.: No.1 OS, Adjacent to Ghods St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran-Iran Reg. No.: 172827 E-mail: [email protected] . Tel/Fax: (+9821) 8895~1f3 - 88952105 - 88961577 o ~sr:fl ,~LC:--. Ava-Ye-Jalbe-e-Sayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Training

Consecutive days: One after the other; 1.e. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Consist of: Is composed of; is made of. Continental breakfast: Usually a beverage with rolls, butter, and jam/ marmalade or honey_ Contract: A legally enforceable agreement between two or more parties. : Business or professional meeting usually attended by large numbers of people. Types of conventions: (seminar, conference, congress, committee, commission, symposium, workshop, meeting, session. forum). : Specialized facility designed to meet the needs of large groups of people with ample parking, large and small meeting rooms, banquet facilities, audio-visual equipment, and so forth. Often publicly funded for the purpose of stimulating the business' of nearby hotels, motels, restaurants, and attractions, none of which could afford to provide a facility of sufficient size. . Costing: 'Process of itemizing and calculating all costs the tour operator will pay on a given tour. Usually the function of the operations manager.

Courier (tour escort, tour leader, and tour manager): A professional travel escort. . Courses: Different parts of a meal. Cruise ships: Ships used specifically for pleasure cruising, as opposed to point-to-point transportation. Cuisine: Cooking. (Kinds of cooking: baking, broiling, stewing, frying, roasting, steaming, poaching, scrambled). Culture broker: A person / or an organization that is a middleman or a mediator between the destination culture and the tourist culture. Cultural attraction: Attractions that are based on the heritage and traditions of a destination's people, past and present. Cultural tour: A tour that focuses upon the cultural heritage of a country.

Add.: No. 105, Adjacent to Ghods St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran-Iran Reg. No.: 172827 . E-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: (+9821) 88952H3 - 88952105 - 88961577 o L ~slf ==~~:;:::;'~'~~iCL. Ava-Ye-Jalbe-e-Sayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Training

Cultural tourism: Tourism that focuses upon the heritage and culture of a country and its people, preserved and portrayed in monuments, historic sites, traditional architecture, handicrafts, events, and cultural attainments in the arts. Currency restrictions: Limitations established by a country to control the amount of money taken in, out, or exchange~ within a country. Customs: Formal procedure whereby all persons entering a country must declare their possessions of specific kinds of amounts of items purchased in another country under the jurisdiction of a government Agency that has the right to inspect, restrict, seize, and/or impose taxes on goods brought into a country. Also refers to the normal manners or behavioral procedures of a country. Customs duty: Tax on certain goods being imported. Cutlery: Knives, forks, spoons, etc. : The travel to sites associated with death suffering Day rate: A special rate for a room used by a guest only during the day up to a specific hour, such as 4:00, 5:00, or 6:00 PM. Delays: Unscheduled periods of waiting. Demand: Quantity of tourism goods or services that buyers are ready to buy at a specified price in a given market at a given time. Deposit: Money required confirming a booking. Deserted: Empty"; without people. Destination: Place to which a person is going. Destination Marketing Organization (DMO): A category of membership of the National Tour Association which includes state or provincial tourism offices, convention and visitors bureaus and Chambers of commerce which promote a city, region or state as a travel destination. Destination development: The conscious planning, developing, and marketing of a destination to attract visitors. Diabetic: A person with the disease diabetes, which makes it necessary'to limit the amount of sugar eaten.

Add.: No. 105, Adjacent to Ghods St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran-Iran Reg. No.: 172827 E-mail: info@a+sayyahan.com Tel/Fax: (+9821) 889521?~ - 88952105 - 88961577 o L...,bslf Ava-Ye-Jalbe-e-Sayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitaiity Training

Diary: Daily record. Diets: Restricted-eating programs. Direct employment: Companies in the tourism industry whose employees are in contact with tourists or directly affect the tourist experience. Includes hotels, food service operators, airlines, cruise lines, travel agents, attractions and shopping outlets. :Traveling to a disaster scene, not primarily for helping but because it is interesting to see. Discount: Amount deducted from the price for reasons such as quick payment or cash payment. Domestic airline: Carrier providing service within its own country. DOUble-occupancy rate: The price per person for a room to be shared with another person. The rate most frequently quoted in tour brochures.

Double room rate: The full price of a room for two people. Drug tourism: Travel to a country to obtain or consume drugs, either legally or illegally.

Duty-free imports: Government specified list of item categories and 'their quantities that may be brought in the country free of tax or duty charges. Duty-free stores: Retail stores in which merchandise is sold completely or partially free of the taxes and duties that would otherwise be imposed by the country in which th~ store is located. Eco tour:, A tour designed to focus on preserving the environment, or to environmentally sensitive areas. Economy hotel:. Hotel with limited facilities and services targeted at budget travelers. Also referred to as second class or tourist hotel. Economy service: Transport service established for the carriage of passengers at fares and quality of service below first class and business class. It is also known as coach service.

Add.: No. 105, Adjacent to Ghods St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran-Iran Reg. No.: 172827 E-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: (+9821) 88952\~ - 88952105 - 88961577 o ~slf

:fE, Ava-Ye-Jalbe-e-Sayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Training

Educational tourism: May involve traveling to an education institution, a wooded retreat or some other destination in order to take persQnal - . interest classes, such as cooking classes with a famous chef or craft classes Efficiency unit: Room that has kitchen facilities, similar to a one­ room apartment. Also called a studio.

~mergency: Problem, which requires immediate attention. Empty leg: An empty flight between two consecutive scheduled stops in back to back tours. Entertainment: Amusement, show or performance. Entry requirements: The official documents required to enter a country, which may include a , visa, or document showing inoculations~ Entree: Course before the main course. Errors and omissions insurance: Coverage equivalent to malpractice insurance, insuring an agent's or operator's staff should an act of negligence, error or omission occur causing a client great hardship or expense, often referred to as E and 0 insurance. Escort : (1) A person usually employed or subcontracted (or independently co.ntracted) by the tour operator, who accompanies a tour from departure to return, as a guide, trouble-shooter, etc.; (2) a Person who performs such functions only at the destination. Also referred to as a courier, conductor, host, manager, director or leader.

. : A tour that includes the services of an escort. Also called a conducted tour. Escrow accounts: Funds placed in the custody of licensed financial institutions for safekeeping. Many contracts in travel require that agents and tour operators maintain customers' deposits and prepayments in escrow accounts. Establishments: Places of business. Ethnic tourism: a) Visits to places inhabited by indigenous and other exotic people to observe their life styles and cultures. b) Travel whose primary motivation is ethnic reunion. : Tourism associated with high risk.

Add.: No.1 05, Adjacent to Ghods St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran-Iran Reg. No.: 172827 E-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: (+9821) 889521?? - 88952105 - 88961577 o ~slf

'd'... . Ava-Ye-Jalbe-e-Sayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Training

Events: Happenings Exchange rate: Amount of one currency that can be obtained for an amount of another. Excluding: The opposite of "including" . Excursion: Usually a side trip out of a destination city, may be used interchangeably with tour or sightseeing. Excursionist: Temporary visitors staying less than 24 hours in the destination visited and not making an overnight stay (including travelers on cruises). ltxit restrictions: Restrictions enforced by a country to curb outbound travel. . Expatriate: Citizen of one country who resides for an extended period of time in another country. Exploration trip: A trip to find out about a place or to see something that you have never seen before. Extend: make longer. Extension: Internal telephone number. External calls: Calls to numbers outside the building (Hotel/Agency) . Familiarization trips or tours: A trip or tour offered to travel agents, travel writers, and so on to promote a new product or destination and the servic~s of the suppliers, usually at a discount price or FOC (free of charge). Also called a FAM trip. Family-oriented: Directed towards families. Fares: Prices of travel tickets. Farm tourism: Tourism centered on a working farm, which takes forms but invariably includes accommodation and often other services for users; also called agricultural tourism, farm stay tourism and vacation farm tourism. Favorable: Advantageous. Fill in: Complete. Fire notice: Instructions on what to do if there is a fire.

Add.: No. 105, Adjacent to Ghods St., KeshavalZ Blvd., Tehran-Iran Reg. 1\10.: 172827 E-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: (+9821) 88952133 - 88952105 - 88961577 . 10 Ava-Ye-Jalbe-e-5ayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Training

First-class hotel: Hotel offering a high standard and variety of services. In Europe a first-class hotel ranks below a lUxury or grand luxe hotel. In Asia, first class may mean a four-star property where five stars denote the top classification.

Fix: Repair; put in order. Fixed expense: Expenses related to the tour as a whole, which do not vary with the number of passengers in the group; i.e., promotional costs, tour manager's expenses, charters, etc. See also variable cost. Flag carrier: Term usually referring to the national airline of a country. Flight: Airline Journey Flight inclus.ve tours: Tours which include cost of flight, transfers, accommodation, etc. Fly cruise holidft,y: A holiday journey involving a charter or scheduled flight to a distant (usually foreign) point, cruising for a period and then return by air. Fly drive holiday: A holiday journey involving a charter or scheduled flight to a distant point and together with motor vehicles. Fly drive: Package that includes airfares and car rental (and sometimes accommodations). Fly rail holiday: A holiday journey involving a charter or scheduled flight to a distant (usually foreign) point and a rail pass' providing unlimited rail travel in a nominated area for a set period. Folio: An itemized record of a guest's charges and credits, which is maintained in the front office until.departure. Also refereed to as a guest bill and a guest statement. Forest recreation: Kind of tourism that is based on recreation in a forest such as: camping, trekking, etc. Fortnight: Two weeks. Franchise: The right to market a service and/or product, often exclusive for a specified area,- as granted by the manufacturer, developer, or distributor in return for a fee; prevalent in the fast-food 'service industry. Free and independent travelers (FIT): Travelers who have made independent arrangements, versus travel with a tour group..

Add.: No.1 05, Adjacent to Ghods St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran-Iran Reg. No.: 172827 E-mail: [email protected] . Tel/Fax: (+9821) 88952Y¥ - 88952105 - 88961577 _ o ~slf Ava-Ye-Jalbe-e-Sayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Training

Freedoms of the air: Basic traffic rights, as bilaterally arranged between nations or established by treaty. . Freight: Transported property, other than express mail, and excess passenger baggage. Frequent flyer programs (FFP): A program whereby bonuses are offered by the airlines to passengers who accumulate travel mileage. Fuel: Petrol, oil 'etc . Full board: accommodation and all meals. Fun Tourism: A type of tourism that focuses mainly on joy and fun. Gateway c;ity: A city that functions as the first destination for visitors to the area, due to location and transportation patterns Golf tourism: A type of tourism where the necessary facilities for golf players are provided. Ground arrangements: Arrangements made at the destination such as booking hotels, hiring cars, etc. Ground Tour operator: A supplier that provides local transportation, transfer service, sightseeing, and other services to a client at a destination. Also called ground operator. Group leader: An individual, acting as liaison to a tour operator, designed to handle tour and travel arrangements for a group. In some cases may also serve as the escort.

Guaranteed reservation: Used with hotel reservations to mean the room will be held all night in the 'case of late arrival of the passengers. With a guaranteed reservation, the traveler must pay for the room whether or not it is actually used. Guaranteed tour: A tour guaranteed to operate unless cancelled before an established cut-off date, usually 60 days prior to departure. Guide: (1) A person qualified to conduct tours of specific localities or attractions; many reliable guides are licensed; (2) an airline, bus, railroad or ship manual of schedules and fares, listings are not guaranteed, but travel agents and carrier reservationists use such manuals as a matter of necessity. Guide: A or person giving information about a place.

Add.: No.1 05, Adjacent to Ghods St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran-Iran Reg. No.: 172827 E-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: (+9821) 88952H3 - 88952105 - 88961577 Ava-Ye-Jalbe-e-8ayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Training ~oIIiNI:u.h (accommodation) establishments: Refers to health treatment and health care establishments providing accommodation, such as spas, thermal , (mountain) sanatoria, convalescent homes, health farms and other similar establishments. Health tourism: Tourism associated with travel to health spas or destinations where the primary purpose is to improve the traveler's physical well-being through a regimen of physical exercise and therapy, dietary control, and medical services relevant to health maintenance. Heart attack: Sudden illness of the heart. Help yourselves: Take what you want. Herbs: Plants whose leaves are used in cooking. High season: The part of the year with the most guests. Historical tourism: Tourism based on visiting historical attractions. Hiking: A form of walking, undertaken with the specific purpose of exploring and enjoying the scenery. It usually takes place in trails in rural or ,wilderness areas. Hold the line: Wait. Holidaymakers: People who are on holiday. tour: A tour taken by newly married couple immediately often after their wedding. Hors d'oeuvres: Small dishes served at the beginning of a meal. Host community: The residents of a town, area, or nation who is influenced by the presence of tourists and who serve officially or accidentally as hosts by sharing their land, facilities, highways, and culture with tourists. : Accommodations often for specific groups of users, such as youth, club members and so forth, where the facilities are shared, inexpensive, supervised and basic. Hotel register: Book in which information about guests is recorded. Hotel voucher: Form issued by travel agent reserving hotel accommodation and often recording part or full payment in advance. Hotels: Refers to hotels, motels, roadside .inns, beach hotels, apartment hotels and similar establishments providing hotel services, including 'more than daily bed-making and cleaning of the room and sanitary facilities.

Add.: No. 105, Adjacent to Ghods St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran-Iran Reg. No.: 172827 E-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: (+9821) 8895~~33 - 88952105 - 88961577 O'~slf Ava-Ye-Jalbe-e-Sayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Training

House specialty: Special dish prepared by a . Hub and spoke tours: Tours, which utilize a central destination with side trips of varying lengths to nearby destinations. Identification: Way of showing who you are. A passport, for example, identifies who you are. Import restrictions: Government regulations regarding the type and quantity of goods returning residents are allowed to import after a trip abroad. In season: At certain times of the year. In the region of: About; approximately. Inaugural: Opening. Incentive travel: Travel provided as a reward for sales or work performed by employees, distributors, members' of organizations, and so on. Inclusive tour (IT): An advertised package or tour that includes the accommodations and other components such as transfers and sightseeing. Independent tour: An unescorted tour sold though agents to individuals. For one price the client receives air travel, a hotel room, attraction admissions and typically, a car rental. Indirect employment: Employment in companies in the tourism industry that serve the direct employment companies. May include restaurant suppliers, construction firms that build hotels, aircraft manufacturers. Infrastructure: In a general sense, infrastructure appli~s to the physical necessities that must be supplied to tourists. This includes roads, electricity, water, telephone, airports and :so on. Inhabitants: People who live'in a place. Insurance: Protection against accidents, loss or damage. Intermodal tour; Tour using several forms of transportation such as plane, bus, ship, and rail to create a diversified and efficient tour package. Itemized: Detailed. Itinerary: The travel schedule provided by a travel agent for his or her client. A proposed or preliminary. itinerary may be rather vague or very specific. A final itinerary, however, spells out all details, i.e., flight numbers, departure times, etc., as well as describing planned activities. It should be delivered shortly before departure.

Add.: No. 105, Adjacent to Ghods St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran-Iran Reg. No.: 172827 E-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: (+9821) 8895~b33 - 88952105 - 88961577 Ava-Ye-Jalbe-e-Sayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Training nerary: Travel programs, travel plan, travel schedule. Joint-destination: Combination of two destinations. Junket: Expensive business trip ,paid for by a government . : Tourism which is both ethical and equitable. Kavir tourism: Traveling to a desert area to acquaint with ita nature, to study its fauna and flora , to experience special life in it and to enjoy its amazing tranquility .Also called desert tourism . Launch: Introduce on the market. Leisure: Free time. Linen: Sheets, towels, etc. Literally tourism: A form of tourism in which the primary motivation for visiting specific locations is related to an interest in literature. Load factor: Average number of seats occupied. Long haul: Long distance. Long haul Travel/ Tourism: A large distance journey especially between continents usually more than 5 to 6 hour flight. Low budget: Low cost. Magazines: Publications, usually weekly or monthly. Man-made attractions: Artificially created attractions such as them~ parks, special events such as Olympics, shopping, meetings and conventions, gambling, recreation and sports are significant motivators for potential visitors. Managem~nt contract: An agreement between the owner(s) of a property such as hotel, restaurant, convention center, or resort complex and a professional management company to develop and/or Operate such property for a consideration, typically a set percentage of the gross operating profit. . Mark-up: Difference between the cost and the selling price of a given product. Difference between the net rate charged by a tour operator, hotel, or other supplier and the retail-selling price of the service. Generally a percentage of the net rate than a fixed amount, as in a 20 percent mark-Up on the net. Market: A place where people meet to buy and sell. Marmalade: Type ofjam made with oranges, lemons, etc. Mass tourism: Contemporary tendency to create mass demand for specific locations or experiences as well as the.accommodations and transportation to serve such demand. Medium-sized: Between large and small. Meet and greet: Pre purchased service for meeting and greeting a client upon arrival in a city, usually at the airport, pier or rail statio}:,! and assisting the client with entrance formalities, collecting baggage and obtaining transportation. Add.: No. 105, Adjacent to Ghods St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran-Iran Reg. No.: 172827 E-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: (+9821) 889521r3 - 88952105 - 88961577 Ava-Ye-Jalbe-e-Sayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Training

Mentioned: Spoke about. Menus: menus: A la carte, table'd' h9te , table de jour, children's, buffet. Method of payment: Way of paying. Midcentric tourist: Tourists who are in midrange between allocentrics and psychocentrics. Midcentrics are !lot too adventurous, yet neither is afraid to try new experiences as long as they are not too challenging. Motor coach: Bus designed to carry passengers for touring, frequently equipped with toilet facilities. Motor coach tour operator: A company that creates tours in which group members is transported via motor coach to their destination, itinerary activities and back. Multilateral: An agreement among three or more countries, the terms of which apply equally to the signing countries. Multiplier effects: Concept that tourist expenditures in an area generate more expenditures, and thus more money, as the tourist income is spent by residents who receive it as wages or profits. The multiplier effect can be estimated statistically. . National Tourism Office or Organization (NTO): Also known as national tourism administration (NTA). The primary government agency charged with the implementation of national goals and public policy with respect to tourism. Natural attractions : Attractions which are based on features of the native environment and include parks and wildlife conservation areas, sites with special features such as high mountains, unusual geological formation, caves, geysers, hot springs, mild forms of volcanic activity and desirable climate conditions. Nature - based tourism: Refers to tourism experiences that are directly or indirectly dependent on the natural environment and require a land or water base. Neo tourism: Following the changes in the economic, social and cultural . paradigm of the last century, the form of tourism is changing as well. "Neo­ Tourism" is a term that comprehensively describes the new aspects of such changes and diversification of the tourism. Net Occupancy Rate (NOR): Refers to the use of available accommodations in a given period.

Add.: No. 105, Adjacent to Ghods St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran-Iran Reg. No.: 172827 E-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: (+9821) 889521if - 88952105 - 88961577 Ava-Ye-Jalbe-e-Sayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Training

(Total overnight stays) NOR= * 100 (Total available bed-places*number of nights)

Net whole Sale rate: A rate usually slightly lower than the wholesale rate, applicable to groups of individuals when a hotel is specifically mentioned in a tour folder. Rate is marked up by wholesale sellers of the tour to cover distribution, promotion, etc. Niche: Image: a suitable and satisfying role I or job or way of life. Niche Tourism: Is a kind of tourism which focuses on clearly defined group or groups of potential customers chosen for specific marketing attention. This kind of tourism is commonly defined by reference to demographic, socio economic and psych- graphic criteria. Nightlife: Evening and night entertainment. No show: A guest with confirmed reservations who does not arrive and whose reservation was not cancelled. Nostalgia: 1) a bitter sweet longing for things, persons, or situation of the past. 2) the condition of being homesick, homesickness. Nostalgic Tourism: A kind of tourism where people travel to places about which they have nostalgia. Occupancy rate: Refers to the proportion of the rooms or bed-places in a collective tourism establishment that is occupied over some period of time, such as a night, month or year. Old quarter: The oldest part of a town. Open round the clock: Open 24 hours a day, non- stop, day & night. Optional visit: Visit that can be made if desired. Origin: The starting point of a passenger. Outdoor man: Someone who enjoys outdoor activities. Outdoor recreation: Covers any diversionary activity taking place outside of enclosed structures. Overbooking: Refers to the practice of presenting more hotel rooms (or airline seats) than the hotel (or airline) has to offer. Overbook: Accepting reservations for more space than is available. Overcharged: Charged too much. Over flight charge: Fee assessed to air carriers for the privilege of flying over another nation. Over flight privileges: Permission granted by one country for an air carrier of another country to fly over its land.

Add.: No.1 OS, Adjacent to Ghods St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran-Iran Reg. No.: 172827 E-mail: [email protected] T~I/Fax: (+9821) 88952~i~3 - 88952105 - 88961577 Ava-Ye..Jalbe-e-Sayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Training

Override commissions: Extra commission paid to travel agents by suppliers based on incremental quantity or of sales. Package travel/holiday/tour: A "package" comprises two or more component products involved in a trip. Packages typically (but not necessarily) include some transport and accommodation, but may also include such items as meals, excursions, entrance to tourism attractions and items. Packages are sold to the consumer (Le., the visitor) as a single product for a single price. Package: Prearranged combination of elements such as air, sightseeing and social events packaged together and sold as all inclusive package price, not sold by component parts. Packet lunch: Picnic lunch. Participate: Take part. A person who takes part is participapt. Passenger ships: Ships whose primary purpose is to transport people from one destination to another as opposed to simply pleasure cruising. Person-night: A statistical term denoting one paying guest staying one night at a destination. Place of issue: Place where passport was obtained. Plan: Term used by a tour operator who describes the hotel arrangements for tour groups. Types of plans: AP, MAP, CP, EP. a : AP(American plan )= FB ( Full board) = All in =(room+ breakfast +lunch +dinner) b: MAP( Modified American Plan )= HB(Half Board) = Semi/Demi Board= (room +breakfast + lunch/ dinner) c: CP( Continental Plan)= (room+ continental breakfast) . d: EP( European plan)= (room only) Pleasure tour: Any prearranged tour associated with entertainment, leisure or recreation. Positioning: A marketing concept which "summarizes" all of the qualities of a givep operation that differentiates it from its competitors, both from the point of view of the guest and as a goal of a marketing strategy. Pre-formed tour: A tour group in existence prior to the tour, the members of which share a common bond, interest or organizational affiliation. Also referred to as an affinity group. Examples of pre­ formed groups include civic clubs, senior citizens groups and alumni associations..

Add.: No.1 05, Adjacent to Ghods St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran-Ir~n Reg. No.: 172827 E-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: (+9821) 889521241- 88952105 - ~8961577 O~51V Ava-Ye-Jalbe-e-Sayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Training

Prescription: written note used for obtaining medicine. Preserves: Marmalades and jams. Pricing; decision-making process of ascertaining what price to charge for a given tour once total costs are known. Involves determining the mark-up, studying the competition and evaluating the tour value for the price to be charged. Usually a management functions. Procedures: Methods; ways of doing things. Promotional fares: Special cheap fares. Promotional Tourism: Tourism in which the tourist authorities of a country make efforts to attract tourists & promote their region as a tourist destination. Protectionism: Theories and practices that attempt to protect a nation's economy by restricting the ability of foreign goods and services to compete in the domestic market. Psychocentric tourists: Tourists with a strong need for a consistency and the familiar or the tried and true in their lives; when traveling they prefer to visit "safe" destinations. Also called Psychocentric.

Public holiday: National holiday such as May 1st or December 25th . In the UK, the expression "bank holiday" is also used. Publicity; Information that gets people interested. Pull factors/Push factors: Tourism theory that identifies the "push" exerted on the tourist by factors such as employment, community and personal life-a force that implies him/her to seek change, challenge, recreation. This combines with the "pull" of attractive occasions and activities. Purpose of Visit: Refers to a motivation of the trip, the reason in the absence of which the trip would not have taken place. The main purpose of visit refers to the reason in the absence of which the trip would not have taken place or the given destination would not have been visited. Put you through: Connect you with. Quotes: P'rices offered by a supplier. The full form is quotations. Rare: Only cooked a little; underdone. Rafting: The activity of floating down a river on a raft. / A tourism activity in which, tourists floating down a river on a raft, meanwhile probably visiting a site, having lunch, and may participate in other activities like swimming and so on .

Add.: No.1 05, Adjacent to Ghods St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran-Iran Reg. No.: 172827 E-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: (+9821) 889521~ - 88952105 - 88961577 Ava-Ye-Jalbe-e-Sayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Training

Reasonable: not too much. Rebate: The practice of sharing, demanding, and collecting or receiving less compensation for air transportation, or for any service in connection therewith, than the rates, fares, or charges specified in the air carrier's currently effective tariffs. Receipt: Written notes recording money or valuable received. Reception agency: See receptive operator. Reception: Welcome party. Receptive tour operator: A tour operator or travel agent who specializes in services for incoming visitors. Also called incoming tour operator. Refund: Repayment. Regional carrier: A carrier serving a particular area only. Release-back Clause: Clause in a contract between a tour operator and hotelier, which provides for a period of notice, e.g. two months, if the tour operator does not need the beds he has booked. Repeat visitors: Visitors who return to the same place. Resident: The place where the visitor resides. Resort: Geographic or business area offering a variety of facilities services and activities for the accommodation, use and enJoyment of the visitors. Resort: Place where tourism is the main business. Responsibility clause: That section of a brochure that spells out the conditions under which a tour is sold. It should include the name(s) of the company (ies) that is financially responsible. Retail travel agent: A travel agent sells travel products on a retail basis on behalf of his/her principals, airlines, cruise lines, hotels, car rental, and so on, for a commission to the general pUblic. Retailer: Middlemen such as travel agents who sell directly to the consumer. Room board: Board showing room status. Room status: Condition and availability of each room. Rooming list: List of names of passengers on a tour or other group travels program, submitted to a hotel or motel. Names are not alphabetized as on a flight manifest, but rather room by room indicating who is rooming with whom. Twin-bedded rooms, singles and triples are usually listed in separate categories.

Add.: No: 105, Adjacent to Ghods St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran-Iran Reg. No.: 172827 E-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: (+9821) 889541~3 - 88952105 - 88961577 O~slf

JjK.. Ava-Ye.Jalbe-e-Sayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Training

Rude: Not polite; impolite. : Type of tourism that bases its appeal and offered services on some aspect of the real or imagined rural, non urban way of life, the vast quiet, uncrushed countryside, varieties of trees and animals, and so forth. Same day visitor: Temporary visitors staying less than 24 hours in the destination visited and not making an overnight stay. Same-day service: Service, which is completed on the same day it is requested. Scheduled air carrier: Airline or carrier that publishes its transportation services timetable. Seasonally: Change in the level and composition of tourism demand due to the time of the year. Seasons may be defined in terms of months or of groups of consecutive months with similar climatic condition&. Seasons : ( Peak, High, Shoulder, Low/Off, Dead) Self-catering arr~ngements: Arrangements where guests provide and prepare their own food. Senior citizen: Man over 65, woman over 60 years old. Shark watching: Is a form of where tourists are taken to the appropriate places to observe the sharks' behaviors & lives. Shopping expenditures: Refers to all outlays made for and during a trip on consumer goods other than food and drinks. Short haul: Short haul traveling or used for traveling = a short journey or distance. Short haul flight: A flight over a s short distance . Short haul Tourism: An intra continental and local journey less than 5 hour flight. Short haul Visitt,)r:A visitor who travels usually in the same continent Side trip: An optional trip offered to participants of a tour. Sightseeing company: A local company providing guided sightseeing in a city or town area. Sightseeing tour: A tour within the city limits showing to clients the main places of interest, avenues, churches, museums, monuments, and so on.

Add.: No.1 OS, Adjacent to Ghods St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran-Iran Reg, No.: 172827 E-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: (+9821) 88952~¥- 88952105 - 88961577 Ava-Ye-Jalbe-e-Sayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Training

Single supplement: An extra charge assessed to a tour purchased for single accommodations. . Site hardening: The addition of protective structures in an attempt to protect the environment. Six p.m.Release : Not holding rooms after six p.m. Snack: Light meal such as sandwich, Snowbird: Colloquial expression that refers to persons residing in northern climates who tend to migrate south for a warm vacation in the winter. Social tourism: Tourism participation of limited means and those disadvantaged through age, disability or family circumstances encouraged and made possible by special measures. Including subsides in practice by the state or another third party. Soft drinks: Non-alcoholic cold drinks. Soft-boiled eggs: Eggs boiled for about three minutes. Souvenir: Object that brings back memories. Special fare: Other than normal fares, special fares have various restrictions, for instance, advance purchase, specified length of stay, limited or no schedule change privileges, and limited or no cancellation rights. Special interest tour: Prearranged package itinerary designed to appeal to or respond to a request by a group of persons who have a particular interest area of study or activity, for example, culture and the arts, sports, preservation and shopping. Special interest tour: A tour designed to appeal to clients with a curiosity or a concern about a specific subject. Spring Break: A week long recess from studying in early spring at universities and schools in which students usually go on vacation. Standbys: Unreserved airline tickets obtained shortly before departure. Step-on guide: A freelance guide who comes aboard a motor coach to give an informed overview of the city or attraction to be toured. Suites: Hotel bedrooms with adjoining living rooms and kitchen net. Sunbathe: Lie in the sun to get brown skin. Supplier: One who offers the products or services as sold through the travel retailers or'in some cases directly with the pUblic.

Add,: No.1 05, Adjacent to Ghods St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran-Iran Reg. No.: 172827 E-mail: info@a-:i-sayyahan.com Tel/Fax: (+9821) 889521* - 88952105 - 88961577 Ava-Ye-Jalbe-e-Sayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Training

Supporting documents: Those additional papers necessary to verify a transaction, such as a birth certificate, passport, visa, voter registration card, and so on. : The ability of a destination to remain competitive against newer, less explored destinations; to attract first time visitors as well as repeaters; to remain culturally unique; and to be in balance with the environment. Tailor- made tours: tours designed for special interests as requested. Target market: Subset of some larger population identified as potential user·s of a product or service due to their income, location, lifestyle, ethnicity, previous use, or some combination of such factors. Time sharing: Concept dividing the ownership and use of a lodging property among several investors; generally each time-sharing purchaser is able to use the unit for a specified interval (e.g., 2 weeks) each, year at a specified period of time. Tough: Hard and difficult to eat. Tour: A combination of 2 or more travel elements sold at a single price. Tour departure: The start date of any individual or group of a particular travel program. Tour escort: A person designed as the leader of the group usually for the entire travel experience, although other guides may assist him. Tour groups: Groups of people traveling and staying in hotels under one booking. Tour leader: Person in charge of a tour groups locally. Tour retailer: An agent who sells tours to the ultimate consumer. Tour wholesaler: A person or a company that does not sell his/ its tours to consumer but sells them through the other retail travel agents. Also known as wholesale travel agent. : is the study of human relations with the environment in travel and leisure time. Tourism impact: the affect that tourists and tourism development have in a community or area. The impact is commonly categorized into economic, sodal and cultural, environmental.

Add.: No. i05, Adjacent to Ghods St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran-Iran Reg. No.: 172827 E-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: (+9821) 889521j~ - 88952105 - 88961577 O~slf ~T;;:~_ Ava-Ye-Jalbe-e-Sayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Training

Tourism police: Police appointed in some countries specifically to assist and protect tourists. Available to answer inquires and help in emergencies, they also protect tourists from exploitation by local traders. Tourism policies: Generally refers to public policies designed to achieve specific objectives relevant to tourism established at the municipal, state or federal level. Tourism receipts: Amount of money spent by tourists in a given area during a specific time period. Tourist (overnight visitor) : A visitor who stays at least one night in a collective or private accommodation in the place visited. An international tourist is an international visitor who stays at least one night in a collective or private accommodation in the country visited. Domestic tourist refers to a domestic visitor who stays at least one night in a collective or private accommodation in-the place visited. Tourist accommodation: Refers to any facility that regularly or occasionally provides overnight accommodation for tourists. Tourist enclave:-A more or less enclosed & separated tourism destination area, in which tourists are concentrated & isolated from contact with the resident population, sometimes by design in order to avoid conflict. Tourist flow: The movement of tourists on a specific route. : An organized event to bring people to a specific location to view a display of products and services, to exchange information, and/ or to buy and sell the products or services that are specific to a particular trade, business, or industry. Traditional: Not modern. Transfers: The services of transportation from an airport, railway, station, or other terminal to the hotel of the c1ien.ts. Travel: The act of moving outside one's community for business or pleasure but not for commuting or traveling to or from work or school. Travel/ Tourism forms / terms/types: Agricultural tour '. city tour· business tour - domestic tour - eco tour ethnic tour· farm tour - farm stay tour - green tour - health tour ­ heritage tour - In bound- Out bound tour - long haul tour - mass tour religious tour - rural tour - urban tour - sustainable tour - youth tour Travel agent: Persons, firm or corporation qualified to sell tours, cruises, transportation, hotel -accommodations, meals, transfers, sightseeing and all other elements of travel to the public as a service.

Add.: No.1 05, Adjacent to Ghods St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran-Iran Reg. No.: 172827 E-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: (+9821) 88952~1r - 88952105 - 88961577 Ava-Ye-Jalbe-e-Sayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Training

Travel agent commission: The payment by airlines and other travel suppliers to a travel agent of specified amounts of money .(usually cit percentage) in return for the agent's sales of travel products. Travel industry: The composite of organizations, both public and private, that are involved in the development, production, distribution, and marketing of products and services to serve the needs of travelers. Travel Principal: A term that encompasses accommodation providers , carders , ground handlers and any other provider of services to tourists, except for those whose primary function is to package and distribute tourism products ( i.e. tour operators and travel agents ). Traveler profile: Characteristics used to describe various travel market segments. Traveler: refers to any person on a trip between two or more localities. International traveler refers to any person on a trip between two or more localities in different countries. Domestic traveler refers to any person on a trip between two or more localities in his/ her country of residence. . Trekking: The activity of going on long and difficult journeys, usually on foot. Two-hourly intervals: Every two hours. Up to date: Current. Up-market: Expensive. Upgrade: To move to a better accommodation or class of service. Upset: Angry and unhappy; annoyed. Vacant: Free; unoccupied. Valuables: Things worth a lot of money. Variable cost: A cost that changes according to how many people take the tour. Vegetarians: People who don't eat meat and other animal products. Types of vegetarians: . a) Generally vegetarians abstain from eating meat , fish , and poultry as food for religious , ethical, ecological or health reasons . 1;» Demi vegetarians usually exclude red meat from their diet but generally not white poultry or fish. c) Lacto vegetarians eat milk and cheese but not eggs or anything which has been produced from a slaughtered animal. d) Ovo vegetarians are similar to lacto vegetarians but eat eggs. e) Vegans vegetarians don't eat any animals, food or product.

Add.: No.1 05, Adjacent to Ghods St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran-Iran Reg. No.: 172827 E-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: (+9821) 88952jf3 - 88952105 - 88961577 Ava-Ye-Jalbe-e-Sayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Training

Visa: An endorsement on a passport or document used in lieu of a passport by a consular office indicating that the bearer may gain entry into the country of issue. Virtual tourism : refers to pre - planning alternative touristic activity before your departure, by integrating multiple digital resources to explore regions of the world without having to physically travel. It helps focus attention onto people, places and exploring changes over time. . Voucher : Document that is exchanged for goods or services, confirming that payment has already been made. Also, called an exchange order. : to describe the idea of recreational travel to war zones for purposes of sightseeing and superficial voyeurism. Waitlist : Terms' used for a list of clients awaiting transportation or accommodations at times when they are unavailable. Waitlisted clients are confirmed as a result of subsequent cancellations. Walk :A usually pleasant journey on foot. : A Tour which maximizes experiences of a landscape with all senses. Water tourism : Traveling by boat on holiday ,with the express purpose of seeing things meant for the water tourist. Water tourist : A Person who travels by boat while on holiday .to satisfy his / her desires seeing water attractions . Well done: Well cooked. Wholesale travel agent : One who dose not sell on a commission basis (as opposed to a retail travel agent) but contracts for large blocks of advanced reservations on airlines and other services such as hotels and tour' packages at volume based prices for resale. The wholesale travel agent assumes his or her financial risk for all unsold products. : A type of tourism in which tourists travel to watch ,survey and / or study the fauna and flora of ecological destinations. Workshop: Study groups. World famous: Known allover the world. Youth hostels : Accommodations where the facilities' may be somewhat similar to dormitories associated with youth travel. Youth tourism : A segment of the tourism market variously seen to embrace those between 15-18 and 25-29 years of age.

Add.: No.1 05, Adjacent to Ghods St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran-Iran Reg. No.: 172827 E-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: (+9821) 889523~3 - 88952105 - 88961577 Ava-Ye-Jalbe-e-Sayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Training

ACRONYMSI Abbreviations AAA :Association of American Automobiles

AACO :Arab Air Carriers > Organization ABTA : Association of British Travel Agents ACTA: Association of Canadian Travel Agents Ad. : Advertisement Add. : Address AEA : Association Of European Airlines AEO :Association Of Exhibition Organizers AGM : Annual General Meeting AH&MA : American Hotel and Motel Association AIEST: International Association Of Scientific Experts In Tourism AlT : All Inclusive Tour AlTO: Association Of Independent Tour Operators A' la :( French Phrase Meaning " in the style of " ) AMEX: American Express a.m. Ante meridian( before noon) AP: American Plan APEX: Advanced Purchase Excursion Approx.: approximately APR: ~nnual Percentage Rate ASAP : As Soon As Possible ASTA: Ameri~an Society of Travel Agents ASEANTA: ASEAN Tourism Association ASEANTTA: ASEAN Tourism And Travel Association ATA: Association of Travel Agents ATB: Automatic Ticket & Boarding Pass ATO: Association of Tour Operators ATM: Automatic Teller Machine ATO: Arab Tourism Organization ATT: Association of Teachers ofTourism ATW: Around The World AV: Audio & visual BA : British Airways Add.: No.1 05, Adjacent to Ghods St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran-Iran Reg. No.: 172827 E-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: (+9821) 889521jj - 88952105 - 88961577 Ava-Ye-Jalbe-e-Sayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Training

BATA: British Air Transport Association B&B: Bed,& Breakfast BBQ : Barbecue Bkg : booking Blvd: Boulevard BP: Bermuda Plan CBA: Cost Benefit Analysis CCTV: Closed - Circuit Television CIP: Commercial/CO. Important Person CO: Company CP: Continental Plan CP: Canadian Pacific CRS: Computerized Reservation System C: Can,adian Dollar Cordoba (currency of niearagua) CTO: City Ticket Office CTR: City Tic.ket Reservation C.V. : Curriculum vitae D :five hundred ( Roman numeral) DBL :Double DBLB : Double Room With Bath DBLN : Double Room With No Bath DBLS: Double Room With Shower DET: Domestic Escorted Tour DTT: Domestic Independent Tour A$: :Australian Dollar EEC : European Economic Community EP : European Plan etc : et cetera( and so on ) EU : European Union FAM: Familiarization(as , e.g.fam trip) Fax:Facsimile Feb. :Februrary Fem. :Feminine F&B: Food & Breakfast FCFS: First Comes First Served

Add.: No.1 05, Adjacent to Ghods St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran-Iran Reg. No.: 172827 E-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: (+9821) 889521:~ik 88952105 - 88961577 Ava-Ye-Jalbe-e-Sayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Training

FET: Foreign Escorted Tour FFP: Frequent Flyer Programme FIFO: First In First Out FOC: Free Of Charge GATS: General Agreement ON Trade In Services GATT: General Agreement On Tariffs And Trade GDP :Gross Domestic Product lATA: International Air Transport Association ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organization IT: Information Technology MAP: Modified American Plan NGO: Non- Governmental Organization NTA: National Tourism Administration 000: Out OF Order PATA: Pacific Asia Travel Agencies' PAX: Passenger STP: Satellite Ticket Printer TIM: Travel Information Manual TWNB: Twin Bedded Room With Bath TWNS: Twin Bedded Room With Shower TWOV: Tourist Without Visa UFTTA: Universal Federation Of Tour and Travel Association USTTA: Universal Society Of Tour and Travel Association UNWTO: United Nations World Tourism Organization VAT: Value Added Tax V.C: Vacant & Clean VFR: Visiting Friends & Relatives VIP: Very Important Person VVIP: Very Very Important Person WATA: World Association Of Travel Agencies'

Add.: No.1 05, Adjacent to Ghods .St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran-Iran Reg. No.: 172827 E-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: (+9821) 8895211g-88952105 - 88961577 Ava-Ye-Jalbe-e-8ayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Training

Bibliography: Beaver, A.(1993) Mind your own Travel Business, A manual of Retail Travel Practice, volume 3, Encyclopedia of travel & Tourism Terminology . Colloni,P.H. (1994) Dictionary of Hotels , Tourism and Catering Management, Teddington : Peter collin pub.

Metelika , C.J. (1990)The Dictionary of Hospitality, Travel and Tourism, 3 rd edn , Albany, NY: Delmar Publishers.

World Tourism Organization, World Dictionary of Tourism Education and Training Institutions .

Essentials of Tour Management by Betsy Fay, Prentice Hall, Englewood cliffs, New Jersy 07632

Vocational A- Level Travel & Tourism Ray Youell Msc Mts MSA, Longman Highly Recommended English For the Hotel and Catering . Industry, Rod Revell & Trish Stott, Oxford University Press, 1994

First Class English for Tourism , Trish Stott & Roger Holt , Oxford University Press, 1992 lntroduction to Management in the 5th. ,. Tom Powers, School of Hotel and Food Administration, University of Guelph .

Introduction to cooperate Travel, 1994 by South-Western Co.Cincinnati , Ohio. Travel File, Marc Helgesen & Keith Adams, Longman ,2000

Add.: No.1 05, Adjacent to Ghods St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran-Iran Reg. No.: 172827 E-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: (+9821) 889521~- 88952105 - 88961577 Ava-Ye-Jalbe-e-Sayyahan The Institute for Tourism & Hospitality Training

Five Star Engli~h For the Hotel and Tourist Industry by Rod Revell & Chris Slott, Oxford University, 1993

English For International Tourism by Miriam Jacob & Peter Strutt , Longman 2000

Strategic Management in the Hospitality Industry by Michael D.OLSEN , Eliza Ching- yick Tse, Joseph J. West Van Nostrand Reinhold ,New york 10003.

J oumals & Periodicals: Annals of Tourism Research Quartely from' Elsevier Science Inc. 660 White Plains Road, Tarrytown, NY1059100- USA

The Cornell Hotel And Restaurant Administration Quarterly,biomonthly from Elsevier Science Inc.

Tourism Challenges in the 21st Century Human Resource Development in Asia and the Pacific World Tourism Organization Seminar Proceeding 2000

Add.: No.1 05, Adjacent to Ghods St., Keshavarz Blvd., Tehran-Iran Reg. No.: 172827 E-mail: [email protected] Tel~Fax: (+9821) 889521 ~1- 88952105 - 88961577