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SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2016 03 EDITORIAL 11 WASTE MANAGEMENT Natural Fertilizer from Sludge SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2016 03 EDITORIAL 11 WASTE MANAGEMENT Natural fertilizer from sludge CONTENT 04 ABOUT GELITA 12 CARBON FOOTPRINT Global leader and innovator Energy from hydropower 05 GLOBAL PRESENCE 13 AIR EMISSIONS Our locations Fat as a biodiesel raw material 06 QUALITY AND RESPONSIBILITY 14 PROGRESS IN MANY WAYS For mankind and the environment Environmental performance 07 GELITA PRODUCT PORTFOLIO 15 FOCUS ON PEOPLE Innovation for a better quality of life Motivated employees as a success factor 08 NATURAL CYCLE 16 EMPLOYEES From nature for nature Development of staff fi gures 09 ENERGY CONSUMPTION 17 SOCIAL COMMITMENT Less energy, higher Bloom Everyone at GELITA is dedicated 10 WATER FOOTPRINT 80,000 liters less water per day If you see this arrow on the following pages, please click it for more information. GELITA – SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2016 02 EDITORIAL Dear readers, Our world faces great challenges: globalization, digiti- Our sustainability management measures are manifold, za tion and a growing population on the one hand, and whether it is investment in new energy-saving tech- limited natural resources on the other, making it crucial nologies, improved production processes, measures to that everyone has suffi cient access to high quality food increase work safety, or social initiatives for people in and nutrition, medication and health care, in a way that the regions where GELITA is located around the world. protects and preserves the natural environment. In this report, you will learn more about the exemplary projects we launched last year and the progress that we As a global market leader for gelatine and collagen have achieved. peptides, we face these challenges. True to our vision of “Improving quality of life”, our products contribute 2016 was a successful year for GELITA. We will con- signifi cantly to a healthy diet and lifestyle. We are suc- tinue on this growth path. Our goal is clear: we want to cessful in pushing forward technical innovations while continue to be the world’s leading supplier of collagen conserving natural resources. In everything that we do, proteins, to be profi table, grow sustainably and act we are always aware of our special responsibility. Since responsibly and to do this for our company, our stake- its establishment more than 140 years ago, GELITA has holders and the world in which we live. stood for growth in harmony with mankind and the natural world. Our corporate value “Care” is also an expression of our responsible and respectful attitude. We take care of the health and safety of our employees, the needs of our Dr. Franz Josef Konert customers, society and the environment. We see our- CEO GELITA AG selves obliged to preserve our earth as a habitable place for humans and animals for the generations to come. Look at the world differently and learn about GELITA’s products – even in places you would not expect them to be – in our award-winning fi lm. GELITA – SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2016 03 ABOUT GELITA Global leader and innovator OUR BUSINESS UNITS GELITA is committed to a clear objective: Improving quality of life. We believe in natural solutions, science and the power of creativity. GELATINE Solutions for modern life Our innovative solutions are indispensable to modern life – for the food, Food health and nutrition, and pharmaceutical industries, and for numer- Pharma ous technical and medical applications. Gelatine, collagen peptides and Photo and collagen are the natural ingredients for tailor-made products – products Technical which enable our customers to achieve success in the markets of today and tomorrow. From the manufacturing of collagen proteins, we also ob- tain high quality fats, proteins and minerals, that are used, for example, in pet food or ecofriendly fertilizers. COLLAGEN Pioneering innovations PEPTIDES GELITA provides new ideas and overall solutions for our customers. As a strong partner, we help them in the development, implementation and Health and marketing of innovative products. On the basis of our clearly structured Nutrition innovation process and comprehensive experience, GELITA delivers pre- Medical mium solutions and adds considerable value to our customers’ portfolios. Our long history is the best evidence of our sustainable approach to business: family owned, we have stuck to our values since 1875. We have constantly invested in long-term partnerships with customers, with FAT, PROTEINS suppliers, and with our own staff. & MINERALS Food Pet Food Technical GELITA – SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2016 04 GELITA has its roots and GLOBAL PRESENCE headquarters in Germany, but is active as a global company Our locations on all continents. With our production sites and sales offi ces, we are represented in all the world’s important markets. THAILAND CHINA SWEDEN Bangkok Shanghai Stidsvig Sales offi ce Sales offi ce Pig skin Liaoyuan 2,500 USA Bone EMPLOYEES GREAT BRITAIN THE NETHERLANDS Chicago, Illinois Pingyang ** Pig skin Holmes Chapel Ter Apelkanaal* Pig skin Sioux City, Iowa Sales offi ce Functional proteins Beef hide Pig skin Pig skin FRANCE 22 % Beef bone Aix-en-Provence GERMANY MARKET SHARE Sales offi ce Eberbach Beef hide, bone MEXICO AUSTRALIA Göppingen SOUTH AFRICA Beaudesert 694 Leon** Pig skin Beef hide West Krugersdorp Beef hide TURNOVER IN MILLION EUROS BRAZIL Memmingen Toluca Beef hide (2016) Mococa Bone preparation Beef hide Beef hide Minden Maringá Pig skin NEW ZEALAND Beef hide Christchurch 35 Cotia Beef hide MILLION EUROS INVESTMENT Milling / blending IN OUR LOCATIONS (2016) * JV Minority Share, ** JV Majority Share GELITA – SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2016 05 QUALITY AND ETHICAL RESPONSIBILITY For mankind and the environment Gelatine, collagen and collagen peptides are natural Ethical, social, successful products. Thus, the unspoiled natural world is the An all-encompassing commitment to quality also foundation of our business. Our goal is to produce includes social aspects. As a global player, we deal high quality, safe and reliable products sustainably. with different cultures and societies. We respect ethical values and cultural differences – in our own Our production processes are state of the art and company and those of our customers. We also expect guarantee maximum safety. We monitor and doc- the same from our business partners. We are com- ument the quality of our products across the entire mitted to the standards of the International Labor value chain: from raw materials through logistics Organization (ILO) and the Ethical Trading Initiative and production to the packaging of the fi nal prod- (ETI) Base Codes. All GELITA locations are registered ucts. This includes continuous controls in accordance with SEDEX (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange). This with internationally applicable standards and guide- demonstrates that we work according to the princi- lines. The traceability of our products to their origins ples of ethically and socially sustainable production. makes our commitment to quality transparent to our customers. Our commitment has also been offi cially deemed “excellent”: in 2016, the GELITA subsidiary in Certifi ed locations Mexico was added to the list of socially respon sible Our quality management system is certifi ed accord- companies in Mexico. We also support the local ing to ISO 9001 or the norm for food safety FSSC communities in all our locations and are in close 22000. More than half of our production takes place contact with the local authorities. We are guided by in ISO 14001-certifi ed facilities with environmental the legislation of each respective country but our management system, and we aim to certify more. aim, however, is to exceed existing requirements. Thanks to numerous energy-saving measures, all our production sites in Germany are ISO 50001-certifi ed. An effi cient energy reduction management system also helps us to reduce costs. GELITA – SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2016 06 GELITA PRODUCT PORTFOLIO Innovation for a better quality of life We are always exploring new ways to keep the impact Fit and attractive in old age of our business on the environment to a minimum. Life expectancy is increasing from year to year. Our quality products themselves help to conserve Many people also want to be active and mobile when natural resources – for example, when they are used getting older. Collagen peptides in dietary supple- in fertilizers or detergents. They also contribute to ments provide for strong bones and supple joints. In health and wellbeing. conjunction with regular strength training, they help to maintain muscle strength. GELITA also manu- Naturally enjoyable factures products for smooth skin, shiny hair and More and more people are worried about additives in fi rm fi ngernails. Numerous scientifi c studies prove food. The demand for clean-label products with no their effectiveness. artifi cial or modifi ed additives is increasing. GELITA products themselves are natural foods and have no As the world’s leading manufacturer, we also offer E numbers. In addition, collagen proteins are free products meeting Kosher and Halal requirements. Our from allergens, purine and lactose. Gelatine, for innovation portfolio is well-fi lled and we are work- example, which is safe and well-tolerated, provides ing on other promising projects relating to the many foodstuffs with a sought-after texture. environment and the health, wellbeing, and success of our customers. Versatile in medicine and pharmaceuticals Gelatine can do even more: it is used in the produc- tion of hard and soft capsules and is also used as a binding agent in tablets or as stabilizer in vaccines. Due to their unique properties, hemostatic gelatine sponges are used in surgeries all over the world. Get to know the world of GELITA! The picture gallery presents a selection of our brands and products. GELITA – SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2016 07 NATURAL CYCLE From nature for nature An intact natural world is needed to manufacture natu- ral products. Sustainability is therefore the basis for success GELATINE COLLAGEN PEPTIDES FPM INGREDIENTS at GELITA. We need healthy animals, clean air, clear water and unpolluted fl ora to pro- duce our natural, high-quality products.
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