
Newsletter of the

Noyes School of Rhythm

Fall 2013 Vol. LXXXVII No. 2



Fall 2013

Noyes School of Rhythm Foundation, Inc. 6KHSKHUG·V1LQH-XQH-August Address only) 245 Penfield Hill Road Portland, CT 06480 www.noyesrhythm.org

Board Members: Linda Rapuano, President [email protected] (917) 991-4138 Meg Brooker, Secretary / Membership Liason [email protected] (347) 742-5241 Patricia Collins [email protected] (860) 344-1832 Skeeter Scheid [email protected] (705) 971-0490 Sue Bayley [email protected] (401) 729-1564 June Roche no email (508) 636-6853 Martha Mott-Gale [email protected] (215) 370-2403 Emily Arwen Mott [email protected] (781) 643-4105 Ann Partlow, Treasurer [email protected] (212) 924-0291 Mary Graham, Asst. Treas. [email protected] (610) 891-9550

Rhythm Committee: Chair-Emily Mott, Patricia Carhart Collins, Nancy Nichols, Amy Colon, Martha Mott-Gale

Finance Committee: Chair--Linda Rapuano, Ann Partlow, Treasurer, Sharon Rowe, June Christiaen

Property Committee: Chair-- Sue Bayley, Evelyn Foster, Mary Graham,

Artist-In-Residence Committee: Chair --Skeeter Scheid, Evelyn Foster, Mary Graham, Martha Mott-Gale

RHYTHM, the Noyes Newsletter, is published twice yearly and sent to members of the Noyes Rhythm Foundation, Spring and Fall. 6KHSKHUG·V1LQHFDPSHUVUHFHLYHWKH)DOOLVVXHDQGPD\VXEVFULEHIRUPRUHLVVXHV by sending $10 to Barbara Luke, 751 East 560 North, Provo, UT 84606.

Volume LXXXVII No.2 , 2013 The Noyes School of Rhythm Foundation, Inc. Editors: Sidni Jones, Martha Mott Gale

Cover Art: $UFKLYDOSKRWRRI*D\OH3DUWORZDQG´:DIWLQJµDSKRWRJUDSKRI(PLO\0RWW at Lake Champlain used by permission of Ms. Mott.


RHYTHM from Pegasus

Classes at the Pavalon were excellent this year and brought much refreshment to our physiques and spirits. When on Rhythm we all seem to be together and teachers were especially sensitive to thinking of each week as a whole. We tried to bring back more private lessons for teachers and for students, all levels.

The bats were gradually lured back into the Pavalon by the music and and left us a bit more to clean up by the end of summer. We received morning classes from Nancy Nichols (Clio), Barbara Luke (ThaLia), Cornella Wilder, Arline Terrell (Gaia), Linda Rapuano, Amy Colon, Patricia Carhart, Karen Fenswick, Mara Bennett, Emily Mott (Pegasus), Meg Brooker, Jennifer Speich (Birdi) and Martha Mathews. (If I forgot someone, sentence me to 20 sitting stretches).

Masque and group work was so satisfying this year; Patricia's week allowed us to go deeply into group awareness, technique and creativity. Mara's Selkies sequence was beautiful. Meg led us through a story about Arethusa and later brought back the Flower of Aidoneus group, both using delicious props such silk and fire. With Karen we took Medusa's point of view and explored her journey, losses, and redemption. Arline beckoned the 9 Muses in a semi- farce in which loses (and finds) Pegasus. Cornella and Clio continued to deeply reinforce our feeling for the myths and groups in their classes throughout the summer.

Saturday Nights were fun and brilliant. Many other wonderful planned and spontaneous events happened, too many to list, but which included an Auction, a fashion show, Gypsying to Salmon River, tunic dying, many artistic endeavors, dancing to the Victrola, storytelling, ƉŝĐŶŝĐĂƚďŽLJΖƐďĞĂĐŚ͕ŐŽŝŶŐƵƉƚŚĞŵŽƵŶƚĂŝŶ͙͘͘

Meg Brooker received her full teaching certificate--a cause for celebration!

We experienced ethereal playtimes with the new Baldwin grand piano, and even added singing after playtime at the Pavalon for several weeks.


Consider texting to a camp friend a memory you have of the summer. It would be a fun surprise for them!

Tanya Shrago, one of our shining pianists, has her own web page and youtube channel. She is especially excited about sharing her duets recorded lately. http://home.comcast.net/~sabotanya/index.htm

If you ever want to see issues of the Rhythm Newsletter, we have just started to put them online. It is not a page linked to the main website but does reside here: http://www.noyesrhythm.org/rhythm-newsletter/



Dear Noyes Friends,

&ORVLQJRQ\HWDQRWKHUZRQGURXVVXPPHUVHDVRQDW6KHSKHUGpV1LQH,EHJDQ wondering who might have been the muse or deities in charge? It was a bumpy, if not hair-raising pre-opening week with many behind-the-scene problems. Birdi, at first alone, then joined by Sue Bayley, Martha and Val Mathews, Martha Mott-Gale, Emily Mott, Patty Flynn, Mary Graham, and Sidni Jones had a leading role in a script of mishaps worthy of Fawlty Towersu guests coming and no toilets, tents not up, or up and wrongly placed, furniture not out, etc. In true Noyes fashion, all came together as the first guest arrivedubut all was not yet smooth sailing.

With a new cook in the kitchen, a shortage of Onions(!), the loss of our super- KHUR&KULV-RKQVRQWRqWKHUHDOZRUOGrDQGDODXQFKLQJRIRXUILUVWHYHU attempt to track payments in Quicken, the perfect storm kept nipping at our heels. Bill, our cook, quickly learned the difference between vegan and vegetarian, and his non-plussed manner in the face of it all, made it one of the most quiet years in the kitchen on record.

Our Summer season 2013 coordinators and staff carried off a season in which their tireless efforts were so seamlessly interwoven with their gracious attendance to all, that it behooves me here to do a drum roll for these quiet heroes: Patty Flynn, Sidni Jones, Birdi and Martha at the Farmhouse, Arwen, Clio at the Pavalon and those who did heavy lifting behind the scenes: Meg Brooker, Karen Fenswick, Mara Bennett, Amy Colon, together with those who continued unabated with their support year round: Sue Bayley and Mary Graham. And, there were others like Skeeter Scheid and Trudi Van Dyke who helped with the auction, and others still who jumped in and lent a handua round of thanks and applause to all. June Christiaenuthe gardensuthank you again. We are in your debt. To our wonderful artists-in-residence: Sue Schied,


Skeeter Schied, Bobbi Bailin, Gaia, Evelyn Foster, Lori Belilove, Barbara Lachman, Patricia Collins, to our amazing, incredible Noyes Rhythm teachers: Clio, Arwen, Cornella, Arlene, Patricia, Karen, Meg, Mara, Amy, Arlene, and Birdi, and to everyone who wDVDW6KHSKHUGpV1LQHWKLVVXPPHUDYHU\GHHS and heartfelt thank you for your participation and commitment to Noyes Rhythm.

$VIRUPH,ZDVDEOHWREHDWFDPSIRUDZHHNDQGFDQpWUHPHPEHUZKHQ,pYH enjoyed every single Noyes Rhythm class as much. Our teachers and pianists are gems--IRU\RXNQRZHYHU\FODVVLVDMRLQWFUHDWLRQ%DUEDUD/DFKPDQpV Hildegard week opened me up to a deeper kinship to yet another powerful IHPLQLQHYLVLRQDU\/LVWHQLQJWR+LOGHJDUGpVPXVLFLQ%ODFNELUGVHHPHGVR perfect.





News from Noyesians

Newlyweds Alison Mott and Johnathan Sawyer at Button Bay on Lake Champlain on August 11, 2013. CONGRATULATIONS!

dŚŝƐLJĞĂƌŵLJZŚLJƚŚŵĐƵƉƌƵŶŶĞƚŚŽǀĞƌ͙ďĞŐŝŶŶŝŶŐǁŝƚŚŵLJǀŝƐŝƚǁŝƚŚƚŚĞdĞdžĂƐ Noysians in San Antonio in January to editing the Newsletter most recently! Spring found ŵĞĂƚƚŚĞEŽLJĞƐZĞƵŶŝŽŶĂƚdƌƵĚŝ͛ƐŚŽŵĞŝŶƚŚĞďĞĂƵƚŝĨƵů^ŚĞŶĂŶĚŽĂŚĂƌĞĂ͘dŚĞĐŚĞƌƌLJ (blossom) on top was my week in DC being spoiled by Skeeter, Sue and their families. Balancing the new responsibilities that came with working in the office and trying to focus on the Rhythm work was a very challenging, yet wonderful, tightrope walk/juggling act.

ĞƌƚĂŝŶůLJ͕ďĞŝŶŐĂƚĐĂŵƉĨŽƌƚŚĞǁŚŽůĞƐŝdžǁĞĞŬƐǁĂƐĂĨŝƌƐƚĨŽƌŵĞ͙ĂŶĚĂƌĞĂů education! Thanks to all who supported me as I learned the ropes. I especially appreciated my partner in crime and office mate, Patty. She was a miracle worker. I gained a greater ĂƉƉƌĞĐŝĂƚŝŽŶĨŽƌǁŚĂƚŝƚƚĂŬĞƐƚŽŵĂŬĞĐĂŵƉĂƐƵĐĐĞƐƐ͘/ƚ͛ƐĂŵŝƌĂĐůĞďŽƌŶŽĨůŽǀĞĂŶĚ dedication. I so enjoyed being there with old friends and new. Sadly, my suggested camp name, Hydrangea, was soundly vetoed. In October I was fortunate to join the fun at Noyes North followed by a visit to Boston where I was spoiled by Linda Dehart and her Arthur. From New England I traveled to New Orleans to visit friends and family. While there I started working on the Newsletter and felt very connected to so many of you as I received your offerings. Since there are still a few weeks left in 2013, who knows what Noyesian fun is yet to come!

Hydrangea /Sidni Foster/Sidni Jones

Thanks to Sharon for thinking of me when she happened upon these beautiful hydrangeas.


Well, dear friends,

After my hasty and untimely departure from Shepherds Nine during the first week of camp, I knew that home was most surely the safest place to be. Things got worse for a FRXSOHRIPRQWKVDQGP\EDFNVWLOOELWHVPHLI,PRYHWKHZURQJZD\EXWE\QRZ,¶P WUXO\IHHOLQJPXFKEHWWHU0HGLFDWLRQVDUHDGMXVWHGFOLPDWHLVPRUHDJUHHDEOH,¶P getting plenty of rest, and my cats and chickens were so welcoming when I returned. ,¶PVORZO\JHWWLQJP\OLWWOH³IDUPHWWH´EHGGHGGRZQIRUWKHZLQWHUDQGKRSHWRKDYHD roof on the hen house pretty darn soon.

The autumn is such a lovely time here. The mountains to the east, which are only a 30 minute walk away, have turned vibrant colors right up to the tree line and a drive up the canyon is just not to be believed until you see it with your own eyes. As of yesterday, the mountainside has been blanketed with snow, but here on the valley floor we just got lots of rain. Winter is most definitely on its way.

I come in from working in the chilly outdoors to this cozy home that I was raised in and marvel at having a place of my own at last. To have my little family of two cats (a tiny starveling kitten, tortoise shell coloring, joined the family about five weeks ago and is looking much healthier by now) and four chickens out back and my wonderful sister, Jayne who visits me from Salt Lake every week makes my life complete.




Greetings one and all!

I am back in Paris wearing two pairs of socks, trying to imagine those hot sultry days back at camp when we got relief from tiny battery run fans that cooled our brows (thank you Sidni by the way). After camp, I stayed in Oregon for over a month staying with my sis and visiting friends. More and more I think that when I return to the U.S., Oregon will be my state of choice to set up my abode, unless June Christianson decides to give me her house.

Recently I returned to the stage and now can add "performed in Paris, France" to my resume. The Mona Bismarck American Center is exhibiting the photographs of Yousef Karsh, and in honor of Karsh we took the work of some of his subjects and performed them before an audience. The evening included a short story by Ernest Hemingway called "A Canary for One" and I gave a monologue of one of Eleanor Roosevelt's newsletters from Europe after WW II. We will perform in Angers in two weeks and again in Paris in January. It was fun!

For exercise, I walk up 112 steps almost everyday. (See photo). You don't have to join a gym in Paris, just walk everywhere.

Here comes Thanksgiving, and it is my favorite holiday with very fond memories of family; the living and the departed. I'll probably work that day and introduce words like stuffing, wishbone and cranberry sauce as new vocabulary to my students. On Saturday, however, I am gathering with friends for a Thanksgiving feast.

To all of you, I wish you all the best: good health, a warm hearth, and the love of friends and family.

Patty Flynn


From Sue Baker

It's been an amazing time for me with the birth of my first grandchild, Jackson James Fields, born at Lennox Hospital in NYC on August 6. I got to spend 5 of his first 8 weeks with him. He is a big, sweet boy who loves classical music! Jackson and his mom and dad now live in Toronto for half the year, and NYC the other half. This has really added to an already overburdened travel schedule, with my mother & stepdad in Florida, and my other daughter here in NC, but two hours away in Greenville, attending grad school.

All those years in the Schoolhouse with Evelyn Foster, Marilyn Banner, and Linda DeHart seem to have paid off. I've really been enjoying making sculpture, and have recently started to paint also. A lot goes into the trash bucket, but a few good piecHVDUHVWDUWLQJWRHPHUJH,¶m thinking about opening a small gallery this spring with another artist here in Siler City.

Gabriel Sunset Moon

Greetings Noyesites, I miss you all so much! The other day I sat down to play some Chopin . It brought me right back to the Noyes experience. It reminded me of the flower dance that Meg had choreographed to a Chopin . It reminded me, as I saw a squished insect on my D flat, about the lovely katydid dance along the top edge of the music that Emily and Arlene and a few others and I watched after playtime. New York is a such a different world from Noyes, but the music always brings me back. I haven't gotten up to do a caterpillar yet, but you never know. Love, Chris Chalfant

PS Fish taking a selfie.

Needs some Noyes Rhythm. Too much ego!


My summer @ Camp ... AHHH! ... Beautiful... rejoining of friendships ...new Shalom! I am ones & the well seasoned friends! With additional sweet memories of folks I currently in missed & times past ... where waning & the waxing meet in the Moonlight of Immokalee Florida memory & imagination's travel log. We even spoke of a "NOYES SOUTH" possibly with T'ruah: the this winter ( maybe February/March) that I could arrange here with the possibility Rabbinic Call for of Meg & Mara teaching ( with some Sacred Dance in the mix as well ) .... Human Rights where

ANY TAKERS? I'm learning about Presently ... here in Gainesville, Fl. Salina & I have joined a Ukulele the Coalition of "Orchestra" & having so much fun together with the simple delight of this Immokalee Workers' blossoming new experience! My Winter Garden is on its way from seed to sprouts efforts to rid the & I am already getting sugar peas & salad greens. The rabbits got my Broccoli tomato industry of leaves in their overnight feast ... the little rascals! The season is cooling down human trafficking pleasantly ...and here in North Florida... I am looking forward to Kayaking, Hiking and slave conditions. & Biking with gusto... Along with indoor Dancing! . Rachel Goldberg Come join in the FUN! Sending LOVE, Elle (Eleanor Nurallah Briseno) [email protected]

Time flies when you are having fun and my how the time has flown. Where has it gone! It has been many years since I have been at Camp and enjoyed those good times. My life now? Status quo as it has been right along. Not bad if it agrees with you. I think of the many Noyesians that I have shared dance with. Miss you all and wish many Blessings.

Warm regards, Jo Zacchio [email protected]

The Joslows have not been at camp in a long time, but our hearts are there.

Our family had the pleasure of spending a week together in Praiano, Italy on the Amalfi Doreen Joslow Coast in September. It was truly Paradise and when we visited the Villa Cimbrone and Scofield Lighting Villa Rufolo I could imagine Florence Fleming Noyes dancing amidst the gardens. Evelyn Foster is our local muse and hope that the Siren call of Noyes will lure us to Portland in 90 Pond Meadow Road Summer 2014. Ivoryton CT 06442 www.scofieldlighting.com Doreen Joslow 860-767-7032 ext 101

11 860-227-6457 cell 888-860-9266 FAX

Dear Dancing Friends,

I am happy to announce that I have found a wonderful My participation in the leadership of Noyes home for New Moon Dancing: my monthly creative Junior Camp goes back to 1985 when I dance workshops for women. It is in the lively, thriving answered the call and helped to direct neighborhood of Greenpoint, Brooklyn, at a beautiful proceedings there. My son, Eric, joined me Yoga and Wellness Center called "Awakening, New there - where I had already helped to York" www.awakeningny.com Right near the G train to establish Barbara Litchman (ThaLia) from Nassau Street. our associations in Greenwich, Connecticut.

They will take place the second Sunday of the month Enrichment is the word that comes to mind from 2pm-4pm starting December 8th. Cost $18 when I think of Noyes Junior Camp. When our Family Group from the First Congregational Church in Old Greenwich, Come join me to Dance, Meditate, Share, and Create. CT had spent a weekend there I became No prior dance experience necessary. convinced that it was the place for our girls, then in their early teens in the early 70"s. As always, snacks provided and silk tunics available to Gayle Partlow made life very meaningful for borrow. them as dancers and Barbara Litchman was Bring your bare feet! Please Tell and Bring your their dancing instructor in Old Greenwich. friends!! My being at Noyes in the 70's gave me Look forward to dancing opportunity to join the other older campers in dance, which meant much to me. My girls and being with you, had drawn me to the camp, it had become a "family affair". The spirit which permeates Rina Noyes followed us to Amherst, Massachusetts, where we discovered that Rina Rinkewich, M.F.A. www.returnofthesun.org Peg Schwartz had joined our neighborhood. When Gayle Partlow came to celebrate with Questions? Call (718)855-2080 or Cell(646)300-3004 Peg, I was here to do the same. It has been like that ever since.

My girls are active achievers and innovators, they continue to create the dance of life. Noyes was indeed a catalyst! I went to Noyes Camp in the late 60's/early 70's and Blessings, good wishes, have the most fond memories of my time there. My grandmother, Harriet, was the nurse in the Nancy Brose infirmary. My favorite memories are about dancing [email protected] in the pavillion, putting on shows in the barn, being in the little room with the fireplace during rainstorms, swimming in the lake, and climbing up in the rafters of our cabin during nap time. Anyway, I live in Norwalk, CT. with my husband, Kevin, our dog Abbey and our cat Molly. I am a special education teacher at Greenwich High School, in Greenwich, CT. Kevin and I love to travel, and are looking forward to a trip to Italy next summer.

Thanks! Susan Sloan Fitzpatrick [email protected]


:KHQDVNHG´:hat is your favorite season?µPRVW7H[DQVZRXOGDJUHHIDOOJHWVWKH vote, for the oppressive heat of summer is behind us and the glory of blue skies and bright

greens are still very much here. Having just given my little dog a hose bath, I am grateful for the drying sun. Like a Noyes camper just having arrived at the Pavalon after a ORQJDEVHQFHKHGRHVKLVYHUVLRQRIWKH´0RXQWDLQ7RSµOLNHWKHUHLVQRWRPRUURZ These lush lazy days of Indian Summer, before we get into the holiday frenzies, are perfect for getting the fall garden in order. For it is in the winter we become more aware of the bones of our gardens and indeed our lives. We examine where we have been, where we are heading and hopefully make adjustments. We notice what vegetables and flowers worked, and plan accordingly. 2QHWKLQJ,DPDOZD\VVXUHRILVWKHLPSRUWDQFHRI´FDPSµLQP\OLIHJDUGHQ,WLVVRKDUG

explaining to others, those who have never tasted the magic, but my friends all know when I disappear each summer, like a homing pigeon, it is a journey of necessity. Arline Terrell

As so many wonderful memories linger in my soul of Noyes North 2013, my grateful self spills over with Joy ! Such wonderful people - dear friends (and Sidni Jones too this year); good food; colorful vistas; smells of New England Fall in the air; Nancy, Emily, and Amy classes taking me into the Rhythm so integral in me; people's watercolor paintings coming into form all over Nancy's big table ; a mushroom to behold, both painted by Sue Bayley and then cooked and eaten by ALL---- AND SO MUCH MORE ----- Hospitality in Nancy's Big House and June's Cottage was at its best ! 7KDQN\RXDOO««

And my new left hip is doing just fine allowing my life to get back to a more balanced flow !

Hope you all are getting our Colors In Motion Touchstone audio visual meditations ! You can sign up at www.colorsinmotion.com on our home page ------And our whole collection is at http://www.colorsinmotion.com/touchstone.html ! They would be a " dry jag " for you to Enjoy ! Linda Dehart

From Cornella: "The awareness of the great From Birdi: Whispering winds that come in Autumn brings an example recorder in the "New of joy, especially when we see the leaves in the Horizan's Band". trees blowing and dancing. When the winds Great/grateful for so many blow through enormous flags their fluid,ease of wonderful memories of my response can be reflected by us in our minds Noyes Camp experience this and bodies." past season. Love to all!!


Dina Paisner has had a busy October this year. In a World Premier of "In the Kingdom of Sam," at the Manhattan Repertory Theatre Stagecraft Play Festival; "Uncle Vanya," (Marina) -- off-Broadway; in a model print ad - October 2013 - - issue No. 15 of "Acne" paper magazine; and, of course, at Noyes Camp in August of this year.

Thank you and all best wishes, Dina Paisner

I am having a lovely fall, although the northern California "autumn" is no match for New England. I am busy working through my second year of a PhD program in Art History, and enjoying the challenge of teaching undergraduates. There is not much time for dancing unfortunately, but I think of Noyes often. My girlfriend and I recently adopted a grey kitten, and we carved Halloween pumpkins inspired by her! Hope everyone is


Yours truly, Emma

First of all I want to say that Autumn is beautiful here in Boston area: clear blue sky, colorful foliage and warmth - what could be better at the end of October! The beginning of October was also nice: staying in June's house, so cozy, playing on the good piano in Nancy's and seeing all faces around you like - what else could you wish? As for me - I consider the recording on YouTube with my partners, Shizue Sano and Veda Kogan, good music as an achievement. You can find our playing typing my name or theirs and listen to Faure and Debussy, or Piazzola, Chopin and Darius Milhaud. Now I enjoy playing with violinist Irina Fainkihen. Our program we call "Small Gems from Great Music". It is Sarasate, Gershwin, Rachmaninoff and many others. So, good music and good weather make life beautiful. Wish everybody luck. Tanya


I had an exhibit of 34 encaustic paintings at Ceres Gallery in Chelsea, New York City, during the month of October. The opening was on October 5, and

Evelyn showed up! I was so pleased. She drove all the way down into the city to come to the opening and her daughter Juniper was there as well. They added joy to a wonderful and successful opening, and made me long for Camp as well. Meanwhile at home we are building a workspace/studio for me in our back yard. It is a last resort, as I wanted a big life change in my art, and BETWEEN EARTH AND SKY ϭϬdžϭϬ͟ searched for a new studio, preferably with other nearby artists, for over a year. Finally gave in and now I cannot wait to have my modest cottage like studio nearby, with skylights and clerestory windows (I love light!) and good ventilation for working with encaustic (beeswax based) paint. My husband started a house concert series in our music room about a year ago. We can fit 35 people and every month we sell out. My art is up around the room, like a gallery exhibit. Sales sometimes occur. So far, so good. We realize (both of us) that we are so focused on keeping our integrity around creating high quality art and music that we can't put up with a lot SUNSET AT HERRING COVE ϭϮdžϭϮ͟ of what goes on in the art and music "worlds." This is an ongoing topic of discussion. Fascinating and sometimes frustrating, as you might imagine. These don't seem to be issues at Camp, which I love. Depth and the "real stuff" seems to be a given. I look forward to being there again.

Love, Marilyn

PS All of these are encaustic paintings on wood. Encaustic is made of high grade pigment, damar, and beeswax and is used with heat, i.e it is molten. Hard to work with, but satisfying. SURF AT SEA GLASS BEACH ϭϬdžϭϬ͟ 15

Dear Noyes People,

The last five months have been eventful and thankfully wonderful. I retired from 42 years of nursing on May 31st. The beginning of June found me busy and at times overwhelmed with packing up my

belongings in preparation for the movers on June 26th. I lived in a one bedroom apartment for the last eight years and I really tried not to accumulate too much stuff, but despite this awareness, I still had TOO MUCH STUFF! I made several trips to donate to the Goodwill and finally scaled down to about

55 boxes plus the furniture.

I moved to the Rochester, NY area (where my cousins live and where my grandfather had his farm) on June 28th. On July 1st, I moved into my lovely apartment in a brand new ³DQGRYHU´EXLOGLQJULJKW by a lovely park with walking trails. ,KDYHWRSLQFKP\VHOIZKHQ,¶PLQP\DSDUWPHQWEHFDXVH,¶PVR happy.

My cousin has had a pet sitting/dog walking business for the last nine years. %HFDXVHRIKHUPRWKHU¶V (my aXQW¶V $O]KHLPHU¶V'LVHDVHVKHZDVKDYLQJWRWXUQGRZQMREV I started taking up the slack and am now pleasantly busy with pet sitting. Many of the clients have elderly dogs who want someone to stay overnight because these dogs have medicines and some have frequent feeding routines. I have been staying with dogs in many of the Rochester suburbs and even had a job about an hour south on

one of the beautiful ³)LQJHU/DNHV´LQ:HVWHUQ1< I must say that the dogs are much easier to deal with than the human patients that I dealt with for many years!

I am active in my church and have met wonderful people there. Once a week I volunteer at a convent WKDWKDVDXQLWIRUHOGHUO\QXQVZLWK$O]KHLPHU¶V'LVHDVH I read to them, apply lotion to their hands, take them for walks.

I am most grateful for all the blessings I am enjoying and I send my love to all.

Here is my new address and phone:

Carolyn H. Knight

830 Holt Road, Apt 219 Webster, NY 14580 585-643-4030

[email protected]

Sharon Rowe reports that Julian got a cartoon Found on Facebook

published in the New ŚĞĐŬŽƵƚ^ƵĞ͛ƐŶĞǁŚĂŝƌĚŽ͊ Yorker! The link is http: //www.newyorker.co m/humor/issuecartoons/20 13/10/21/cartoons2013101 4#slide=20


Scraps from the Notebook

Florence Fleming Noyes. Appeared in Newsletter IV, no.14 and on page 152 of "Rhythm for Dance and Art".

The rhythm goes on; the important part is the part that our movements are not describing. You cannot do it--rhythm-- you can just get caught on and swept up in it. Rhythm cannot be circumscribed by the limitations of our anatomy. It's a different premise, that's all. I have accepted the premise in movement that there is no matter. Believing and understanding are intellectual; realizing and experiencing are sympathetic. You are not moving--- but you are realizing movement. The movement of the spheres! Everything translated into rhythm, everything vibrating. First chaos, now cadence comes, then harmony. (Rest and fall over the point of gravity, and a big realization takes care of you.) Rhythms filling all space, and your body is caught and swept in them. All rhythm was before time began, and if you put anything into your movement, it is a case of matter coming in and destroying what always is and was.

Newsletter III, NO. 21 and p. 151 of the book

Mere motion is fraught with will. It is full of nervous tension. It has the unconscious projectivity of "getting"-- going forth to get. It has an element left of "the survival of the fittest." This motion is always across the surface; it is a short cut. It is sometimes animated by what is called personal inspiration (the projection of personality), yet remains crystallized. It cannot escape crystallization through personal inspiration.

These are old favorites, but I think we can always be reminded of this core truth of what we mean by Rhythm.

Martha Mott-Gale


Clymene Unbound

Hair streaming, arms reaching

she rises with the sun, to greet the breaking day, calling her upward and onward. With her titan spirit, fair Clymene, Dawn embraces the all, the ever and the will be, wearing dawn as her halo. I am the waking dawn, the sun about to burst over the She beckons Helios horizon, to set his course and warns the roof tops, the cluster of trees. young Phaeton to mind his journey, all the while I am the waking dawn, balancing night and day, the clear sky awaiting the sun sun and moon and a heart filled with both love to clarify my blueness and duty. to fill me with clouds of joy.

At dusk she has been seen, I am the stillness of the garden, wearing a diadem of stars, in the world of green hair flaming into the night sky, all held in anxious obeisance. where love is kindled and reborn, mourning the fate of her son, I am the tree tops awaiting and weeping a golden tear. the first kiss of light as it blows through Arline Terrell

the patterns of my leaves.

I am the light expanding each second awaiting the sacred moment of revival, when I can dance in the glory of a new dawn, knowing I have drunk deep of rain, and been swept clean by the winds.

I am ready.

Arline Terrell 18

Offerings from Masque Week

What would happen if we took the time to dig deeper and allow our Noyes Technique work to do more than build ͞ƐƚƌĞŶŐƚŚĂŶĚĐŽŽƌĚŝŶĂƚŝŽŶ͕͟ďƵƚůĞƚŝƚŝŶǀŝƚĞŽƵƌĂƌƚ͕ƉŽĞƚƌLJ , song and dance? A Rhythm-intensive and collaborative approach to creating a group production

There are diamonds in the grass. A One Word Poem Did you know? GREEN ZIPPER /ƚ͛ƐŝŶƚĞŶƐĞůŝŐŚƚĐĂƚĐŚĞƐƚŚĞĞLJĞĂŶĚĂƐƚŚĞ By Meg Brooker viewer moves gently to and fro.

Fern The intense light from the diamond develops a crimson glow. Did you know?

Oh! It is gone! But there is another diamond and another and then a whole field of diamonds glistening in the sunlight.

Cornela Wilder

This summer during Patricia's masque week, we spent one especially hot class time at the lake. I was inspired to write this poem, and on Saturday Night I read it as part of our presentation.


A vision of the group spreading out in the flat green lake, the day still as silence, the PRXQWDLQöVJUHHQUHIOHFWed on the smooth surface like itself oozed out. Heads slowly bobbing along, spread out like the water lily blossoms, moving as if they were walking across the pond. The dreamy hanging heat of the day. No one can move, except as in water. Time floats. We are born of this ooze, rising through layers of life and leaf-meal to breathe. All the rest of WKHOLYLQJEHLQJVWKHWUHHVWKHPRXQWDLQWKHELUGFKDWWHULQJDWXVøJRDZD\WKHVHDUHP\EXJVù-- all of this goes on without us. We just drift through. Martha Mott-Gale


Song of the Dance By Jennifer Birdi

DANCING TO; DANCING DANCING AT; FROM; Words Time Rhythm Myth DANCING WITH; WIND SPACE MEMORY DANCING WATER in between Rocks Story song FOR; self INNER SCIENCE Simile outer SELF Others silence stars Light Others up down Source SKY ELEMENTS AROUND Self Love DIVINE Origin Trees Music Through INNER EMOTIONAL The SKY MUSIC Love OUTER RELEASE MOON OTHERS Under Over Performance Rocks DANCING IN; DARKNESS In EXERCISE The MOON HEAT flow Balance between EXPRESSION Love Rhythm Poise

Freedom Freedom Joy Hope Stamina LOVE DANCING OF; flow Harmony Strength Love BLISS BLISS MEMORY PRIDE Joy hope

Coordination Joy Love FEAR Longing POETRY




February 8th, 2014 10am

Dance for Joy and Balance: Noyes Rhythm Class for Beginners (and all) in Lexington, M A In peaceful and historic Lexington, MA. Basic technique, discussion, and recreational class. Taught by Emily Mott, with live piano accompaniment. Register through Lexington Community Education (when winter classes are posted) http://www.lexingtoncommunityed.org/ ______Noyes Boston School: March, April, May 2014: Spring Workshop Series in Concord, M A Relax and refresh through joyful movement in historic New England. Unstiffen and thaw out with good friends. Enlighten your body and spirit in Beauty. Each Sunday workshop includes classes from two teachers, live music, and great company. (And good snacks too!) Register for each class separately $35, or get a discount for all three $75 DW(PHUVRQ*LIWVRPHRQHWKHFODVVHV\RXFDQ¶W attend.

x Three Sundays 1:30-4:00 pm: March 16, April 13, May 18th Emerson Umbrella in Concord, M A to register

Noyes School of Rhythm Camp 2014

June 29- August 10


Gift Giving/Receiving Ideas

Is gift giving and/or receiving a challenge? Well, this might be a

solution. When asked what you would like for any gifting

occasion, consider a donation to Noyes Rhythm Foundation! Do you have someone on your list who truly does not need or want one more thing? Consider a donation to the Noyes Rhythm Foundation which could be a thing of beauty and a joy IRUHYHU2IFRXUVHDFRQWULEXWLRQWRZDUG\RXUIDYRULWHFDPSHU·V tuition for next summer would be greatly appreciated.

SAVE THE DATE!!!!!! Noyes South SECOND REUNION! WHEN: APRIL 11-13, 2014 WHERE: Trudi's Beautiful Farm, 249 Jess Sine Road, Woodstock VA. IA combination weekend of Noyes dance, and art activities. IPlenty of FOOD and FUN. ICome for the weekend, come for a day. You may arrive early on Friday. IOvernight accommodations available, weather permitting, and tenting will be an option! IFeel free to bring friends, art supplies (we will have some available), food to share... ALL OF THESE ARE OPTIONAL Please RSVP ASAP to Skeeter at 703-971-0490; or Trudi at 703-503-3062 THIS IS A FUN AND CASUAL WEEK-END! Come and enjoy the beautiful Shenandoah Valley and fabulous company and NOYES RHYTHM!


Welcome, Clara! "In the Fall of 2012 I put out a plea to my friends and students to look for a decent piano to replace our retired Chickering. I set the email to automatically send itself out again in February and completely forgot it about it. So when I got a call from a students' father I was happily amazed to hear him say that his own father, who had passed away the previous year, owned a Baldwin grand piano and the family would like to look into donating it to us. We discovered it was quite a gem and in very good shape. So, of course, it was accepted with joy. It was transported from NH to climate-controlled storage in CT in March and stayed there until it came to camp this summer.

The piano has been named 'Clara' for Clara Schumann and seems to live up to her graceful title. It was a glory to have our excellent musicians, Blake Rowe, Tanya Shrago, Norine Grant, and Michelle Kelley play for our movement on a professional instrument and see her shining there on the Pavalon floor. She was outfitted with climate control system, a wheel system, and form-fitted cover thanks to donations from a couple of our members and the generous work of our tuner, Bruce Macleod. Bruce also worked magic connecting us with the Russell library in Middletown, who will not only store our piano for us off season, but can make happy use of it for their own concert season.

Welcome Clara! May you live a long, long healthy life." Emily



The AIR program at Noyes Senior Camp is a special afternoon offering taught by variou s artists each year. It is meant to enhance your experience of Noyes Rhythm and enrich your afternoon.

We are always seeking new and exciting artists to share with us. We have a formal proposal process, and if you know anyone that would be wonderful and interested please have them contact us.

We are seeking professional artists who are good teachers, and have offerings that are compatible with Noyes Rhythm work. We are seeking artists for the entire week, or that would like to offer something for a day or two in a combination week where we could offer several choices. For a week Artist In Residence tuition is free, and there is a $50 stipend towards supplies. AIR committee: SPREAD THE WORD! Skeeter Scheid [email protected]

6701 Jerome Street, Springfield VA 22150,

Martha Mott Gale, [email protected]

Mary Graham, [email protected]

Evelyn Foster, [email protected]


1. The Artist in residence proposal should be compatible with Noyes Rhythm 2. Proposal must be submitted by January 1. This is a FIRM deadline 3. The proposal should describe the proposed program and include the summer weeks the artist is available. 4. The artist must submit proposals to Skeeter Scheid at 6701 Jerome Street., Springfield VA., or [email protected]. 5. The AIR committee will determine the schedule for the upcoming summer with approval from the Board of Directors.


Dear Noyes Dancers and Friends,

In receiving this newsletter, I hope you will consider making a donation to Noyes Rhythm.

•›‘—‘™ǡ–Š‡•—‡”’”‘‰”ƒƒ–Š‡’Š‡”†ǯ•‹‡†‘‡•‘–’”‘˜‹†‡ƒŽŽ–Š‡‹ ‘‡–Šƒ–ǯ• necessary to keep The Noyes School of Rhythm running and fulfilling its mission of teaching and providing opportunities for students to experience and deepen in Rhythm. One hundred acres of property, incredibly wonderful but old and aging buildings, weathering stormsȄall require an immense amount of money, far beyond what we can incorporate into camp tuition. Members of our board and a number of other deeply committed Foundation members serve on committees and put in many hours of work behind the scenes overseeing our property, keeping track of our accounts, planning and organizing seasonal work and our programsȄand upkeep tasks too numerous to mention here.

The information in this Newsletter gives witness to the wonderful work of Florence Fleming Noyes that we have been able to carry on; we need your generous help in continuing to fulfill her work and her vision. You do realize, you are part of a lineage tracing back to Mrs. Noyes and her students! (If you are inclined, write down, and send in your Noyes Family Tree for our archives.)

The season of Thanksgiving is often a time for people to consider opportunities to support work that is important to them. Please consider contributing $100 to Noyes Rhythm at this time. Some may be in position to contribute more, or perhaps you have a friends or relative who may be open to sending a tax-deductible donation to your recommended organization.

Your gift will make a big difference to us.

Please forward donations to:

Mary Graham, 610 St. Andrews Drive, Media, PA 19063, or Contribute online at www.NoyesRhythm.org.

Wishing you peace and abundance this holiday season,


Linda Rapuano, President, Noyes School of Rhythm Foundation, Inc.









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Noyes North October 11-12, 2013

Columbus weekend saw Noyes dancers enjoying the rhythm of one another, movement, beautiful sunsets and changing colors. Nancy and June spoiled us all with their hospitality. One highlight of the weekend was the opportunity to attend the glorious classes taught by Amy, Emily and Nancy. While we had so joyfully greeted one another, goodbyes had to be said much too soon. Thanks to all who made the weekend special.


An excursion to the mushroom farm yielded an oyster mushroom which ŝŶƐƉŝƌĞĚ^ƵĞ͛ƐƐƉĞĐƚĂĐƵůĂƌ watercolor.


Words to Saturday Night Skit ´RULESµ

Hear us, dear Noyes Campers, old and new: We have the rules to keep you true. Listen clearly to our plea For only rules will keep you free. You shall keep your spot bright and clean And follow its direction in all things. You shall instruct your trailers to be light and free And never, ever move independently. You shall line up your units straight and tall Or, like Eve, you shall bring on a fall. And should your center line ever stray Pray dear God return it to the axis without delay. And you shall not mix your caterpillar with your panther Your seal shall not lie down with your bear.

Oh, God, come to our assistance; O Lord, make haste to help us. >WZWZ^&KZ͞Zh>^͟^

Oh, God, come to our assistance; O Lord, make haste to help us.


VERMICELLI HARLOT STYLE (Vermicelli alla puttanesca) Serves 6. 4 tablespoons olive oil 1 tablespoon safflower oil 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped 3 whole salted anchovies, washed. spine removed, and chopped, or 6 anchovy fillets packed in oil, chopped Hot pepper flakes to taste l2 dried black olives. pitted and coarsely chopped 2 cups chopped tomatoes, fresh if possible (drained, if canned) 2 tablespoons finely chopped Italian parsley 2 tablespoons drained capers 1 ½ teaspoons dried oregano 1 pound vermicelli or spaghettini Garnish: Chopped Italian parsley

Heat the oils in a medium skillet. Add garlic and chopped anchovies and sauté over medium heat until garlic begins to take on color. Add hot pepper flakes, olives, tomatoes, parsley, capers and oregano. Cover and cook over low heat about 15 minutes. In the meantime, boil pasta in a large pot of rapidly boiling salted water until done al dente, then drain thoroughly. Put in a serving bowl, add sauce and mix well. Serve portions in heated bowls, garnished with additional chopped parsley.