Entomologiske Meddelelser
Entomologiske Meddelelser BIND 59 KØBENHAVN 1991 Indhold - Contents Buh!, 0., P. Falck, B. Jørgensen, O. Karshol t, K. Larsen & K. Schnack: Fund af små• sommerfugle fra Danmark i 1989 (Lepidoptera) Records of Microlepidopterafrom Denmark in 1989 . 29 Fjellberg, A.: Proisotoma roberti n.sp. from Greenland, and redescription of P ripicola Linnaniemi, 1912 (Collembola, lsotomidae)................................ 81 Godske, L.: Aphids in nests of Lasius Jlavus F. in Denmark. 1: Faunistic description. (Aphidoidea, Anoeciidae & Pemphigidae; Hymenoptera, Formicidae) . 85 Hallas, T. E., M. Iversen, J Korsgaard & R. Dahl: Number of mi tes in stored grain, straw and hay related to the age ofthe substrate (Acari) . 57 Hansen, M. &J Pedersen: >>Hvad finder jeg i køkkenet«- en ny dansk skimmelbille, Adisternia watsoni (Wollaston) (Coleoptera, Latridiidae) A new Danish latridiid, Adisternia watsoni Wollaston. 23 Hansen, M., P. Jørum, V. Mahler & O. Vagtholm:Jensen: Niende tillæg til >>Forteg nelse over Danmarks biller« (Coleoptera) Ninth supplement to the list oj Danish Coleoptera . 5 Hansen, M. & S. Kristensen: To nye danske biller af slægten Monotoma Herbst (Cole optera, Monotomidae) Two new Danish beetles of the genus Monotoma Herbst . 41 Hansen, M., S. Kristensen, V. Mahler & J Pedersen: Tiende tillæg til >>Fortegnelse over Danmarks biller<< (Coleoptera) Tenth supplement to the list of Danish Coleoptera . 99 Heie, O. E.: Addition of fourteen species to the list of Danish aphids (Homoptera, Aphidoidea) . 51 Holmen, M.: Dværgvandnymfe, Nehalennia speciosa (Charpentier) ny for Danmark (Odonata, Coenagrionidae) The damselfly Nehalennia speciosa (Charpentier, 1840) new to Denmark ........... Nielsen, B. Overgaard: Seasonal development of the woodland earwig (Chelidurella acanthopygia Gene) in Denmark (Dermaptera) . 91 Pape, T.: Færøsk dermatobiose (Diptera, Oestridae, Cuterebrinae) - med en over- sigt over human myiasis i Danmark .
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