Lunar and Planetary Science XLVIII (2017) 1190.pdf EROSION AND BASIN MODIFICATION OF SMALLER COMPLEX CRATERS IN THE ISIDIS REGION, MARS. J.A. McLaughlin1 and A.K. Davatzes2, 1Temple University,
[email protected], 2Temple University,
[email protected]. Introduction: Crater erosion and morphology are Level of Degradation (LOD) was defined for each indicators of the climatic and erosional history of the crater using depth to diameter ratios (d/D) and percent- area in which the crater is found [1][2]. Here we pre- age of crater rim remaining. This categorizes craters sent a detailed analysis of crater erosion and morphol- into four types; 1 is the least degraded and 4 is the ogy in the Isidis Planitia Basin region. The goal of this most degraded. Criteria are based on the following: work is to produce a thorough database of crater prop- erties and document the modification processes that dominate locally and regionally. Crater degradation, age, and geomorphology are all considered and cross- correlated to narrow down the timing and dominance of persistent fluvial, lacustrine, and volcanic processes Floor features are complex and variable, but struc- on Mars. These geologic processes modify the crater tures indicative of the following processes were identi- rims and floor, often in distinguishable ways that pro- fied: Volcanic, Aeolian, Impact, Glacial, Mass Wast- vide insight into past environmental conditions. These ing, and Water Interaction. When possible, percent environments may hold clues to past habitable envi- floor cover of features such as lava flows, mass wast- ronments that are of particular interest for future mis- ing, dune and dust coverage were documented.