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"K rf sC'U 't ' wjpkiJ'aiAilrfy "j11" '.yj.jfegapyp.-jtji1- M THE BISBEE DAILY T vk EVIEW MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS. VOLUME 14. SECTION TWO BISBEE, ARIZONA, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 5, 1911 PAGES 9 TO 14. NUMBER 154. i , ! v Stories of the Early Days of Cochise County Written For The Review By James F. Duncan Of Tombstone ' In 187C I was at Signal, Arizona, a that it could not do tbc work, and to the Tombstone Mill and Mining would havo put to rest all the trumped lug of tlie trouble; dreaming of noth- Corblns up town at that time or probably one hun the jut a mill of their own, company f Hartford, Conn., by Rich- - tip stories that have been told by ing, only working away, and fifty people. to work tho ore from tho Lncky Cujs never think- dred L. j persons I first became acquainted with Dick mine, which they purchased In the P' Gus Barron's Own Storv jsrd Gird; Nellie, his. wife, Ed. who knew nothing only from ing for a moment of what was coming. Gird In the year l&i.,atthelia"kberry winter of 1878 or 187U. After the jH Schieffelln and A. H. Schieffelln of j hearsay. Although Gird was very Not so with Al Schieffelln. Ho re- mine, where ho was at that time run mm wits vrecicu nicy Hinrieu anu ran Arizona. I. S. Vosburg otjerous In dividing up with tho Schlef-Tucso- membered well how ho used to wort; It twenty-tw- o days, ning the mill. I met Al Schieffelln worklnc all of the A. P. K Safford of New York.fclln brothem the amount over what around In difficult places, wher(vhe, Jlrst in the winter of 187S-1S7- at the Lucky Cuss ore, netting bullion to thereabout, contained this paragraph: day of May, 1S78, that Gird and City, Elbert A. Corbin and Lottie, his' they had received, making himself go, &' ' Silver King mine. I also met W. K. the value of eighteen thousand dollar?. my wish, convenient, to and the dare not and it remained "it Is it Schieffelln brothers sold and deeded ' with AI to solve the enigma. He v.ery Meade there the same winter. They then bought the Schieffelln be buried In the garb of a prospector, wife, or the Lucky Cuss, Hast Side, share of money of each alike, still ho Al Schieffelln and I worked at tho brothers' interest in all the mines, my old pick and canteen with me, on to Josiah J I. White, the Contention Tribute, Owl's Nest and Owl's I.ast might havo thought Jt too much to have naturally chose the man with whom ho Silver King mine, taking out very rich paying, therefor Jl.OOO.'KKtOO. Dick top the granite hills about three mine ror the sum of SI 0,000. Also in equal Is had been associated for so long a Gird would of i h . K'ten credit. It certain that ore. This was Al Schieffelins hrst not sell. After the Corbirs miles westerly from the City of Tomb Book I, page JO, Deeds to Mines, on time. Accordingly, he wrote to Gus experience mining. We worked as put their mill Into '.n company block. i.,.Gird and Gus Barron, uatl " not - tor Kd Schieffelln. and Barron come at stone, Arizona; and that a monument, day of IS7S. Richard parties, to and help them out: mere was divi-dei.d- s. the 7th June. - the Con. partners about sJx months. In 1S76 Ai regular, large, monthly such as prospectors build when locat- i who were the most Interested in the, the fact cannot be denied. Dick Gird he sent the letter by courier. Barron Schieffelln went to the McCrackea OKI. when he sola obtained ing a mining claim, be built over my tention mine was sold, and deetl given development of tho Tombstone Mining1 never would have been known out camo and took charge of the mines, mine, and I went back to the Haekbcr-r-y i,0uO.O0O. for ):. e'ock. All tr. aCR grave, and no other monument or bj Josiah H. jwhlte to E. W. Dean dlstrSH .together with tho records of side c tne ordinary smelter man. and superintended the development ot mine. from the fl'"-- en claim.: And I none oi ban jrancisco, cal., ofr the sum of locations of the mines, and the deeds Gus Barron gives us a better insight them; and according to Dick Gird's slab erected. request that S 10,000. In Uie spring of 1877 troops with In- netted the three men over $2,000,000. i' my friends wear crape. Under no conveying the mines to other parties, to Ed Scbleffelln's movements than j story, it was not long before Gus Bar U dian spouts left Prescotl for southern Affer the company was dissolved I circumstances do I want to be buried It is not our intention to follow, up as noted, should convince the most Gird, and still there is a something ron was rurnishiriK more ore than tho Arizona. This was prior to the estab- quit and Professor Church took in any cemetery or graveyard." and give an historical record of these skeptical that this is the true story Ucking that is not explained. In mills could handle. The result was1 charge. mines. Wc will confine ourselves of mines, making statement there is one as we lishment of Fort Huachuca. They His Dying Wish. to of the discovery the and the this have stated in Barron's story A v.ere sent on account of the Apache Schieffelln's Last Vitit. the change from first hands .unless' develnnment of tho Tnmhstone dls point of which we must not lose sight, a dividend was declared monthly. That His wishes hive been respected. On in some Instances where it may hence ti let. This is no fancy story but a and we take this from Gird's own was what an expert miner could dot Indians being so troublesome. E1. Tho last time Ed Schieffelln was Jn Sunday, the 23rd day of May, the bells essary f Schieffelln secured a, position with Tombstone, he had me take him in to connect our story, so that plain statement of facts. Richard story. Neither Richard Gird, Ed ln those days. Miners of that clasi of Tombstone tolled Lis requiem, and it will make It plainly understood. Gird, in writing story of th Schieffelln nor Al Schieffelln were were scarce, development; these troops; he was not enlisted. a buggy to Falrbank. When we arrived was the true and in the After arriving at Tucson they then pro- at the place where Ed is now burled, all that was left of Ed Schieffelln Formation ot Companies. ing of the district and the city of expeit miners. UichaYd Gird was a ftf the mines Gus Barron is to be placed in grave hollowed the hill J ceeded to the Huachuca mountains abaut two miles from Tombstone, he a in In the transaction between SI White' Tombstone, made a rand mistake in mill man, assayer, and surveyor; ho credited with the success that was recr by. on whose crest ho slept the and W. E. Dean, Tor tho same amount eivln a detailed statement of lays no claim to being a miner. IM achieved as well as owners. and established the Post In a canyon had me get out of the buggy and night not the the ' New Mex- - him first after ho crossed tho San as Si White paid Gird and the Schief- - wanderings of Ed Schieffelln prior to 3:hic-ffeli- was a prospector and not; In closing-thi- s article we call at-- about seven miles from the walk with to the spot where he Tedro. It as wild place as sta- - his is a one ran senn nrotners, mere was some pri- - their first meeting Signal. In Jan a. miner. Ho could not, when he was tentlon to the fret that there are Ico. Arizona and Sonora railway had bed the night the Indians region, at here ' now known as Huachuca were so close In all that and the bould' vato understanding that has no 1878. It was a sure thing that j superintendent of the mines, furnish! residing in Tombstone, and who havf tion, the ing on twenty-si- x fcSS.fc this article. Ed had been roaming around to find the necessary amount or ore to run a made It and the county their home, siding, and miles from tbthat - confusion. In tho-grave present city of Tombstone burled, and made me promise the utmost The Gold and Si'ver Mill and Min- the niece of black rock, that Gird ten stamn mill. Al Schieffelln. al those who have taken part in tho where the wheMto see pick and canteen rest with him, and company Is located. After the Post had been that his wish was fulfilled. I told him ing was formed on January, speaks about in his story. And it is though having some experience In ups and downs of this district, eleven re- above it the rocks are piled, as he ljth. 1S79, and tlw following named as Ed had been In mining, considered the responsiblllt men who were here 1879, some established Ed Schieffelln went to that In all probability ho would live they piled. Just certain that in and side at the ranch owned by tho Bullet longer than I, to which he replied wished should bo ;u:nins claims were deeded to tho tho neighborhood where now stands too much for him.