Occult Review V20 N1 Jul 1914
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THE OCCULT REVIEW E D I T E D B Y RALPH SHIRLEY “ NOLLIUS ADDIOTU8 JURABE IN VERBA HAOI3TRI " VOL. X X JULY-DECEMBER 1914 LONDON WILLIAM RIDER & SON, LIMITED CATHEDRAL HOUSE, PATERNOSTER ROW, E.C. Original from Digitized by Goo HARVARD UNIVERSITY 25212.10 Butler & Tenner F.ome end London Original from Digitized by HARVARD UNIVERSITY CONTENTS JULY. PAGE N o tes of th e Mouth (Anna K in gsfo rd ) . The Editor .... I R alph W aldo T r in e ............................................... The Editor .... I4 No F lo w ers (Verse) .................................... Teresa Hooley . 17 T h e Soul of th e D e s e r t .................................. A leister Crowley . 18 T h e F u lcru m , E a r t h ......................................... Annie E. Cheney . 25 T h e P seudo-Occultist (Verse) .... A leister Crowley . 29 I ntermediate T y p e s among P r im it iv e F o lk . A R e v ie w ............................................................. Havelock Ellis . 30 N emo (V erse)....................................................... Meredith Starr and Grif- fyth Fairfax . 32 Olla P o d r i d a ...................................................... The Editor . 33 T h e I n flu en c e of P r e n a t a l Ca u ses in th e F ormation o f Ch a r a c t e r ........................... J.D.L............................. 4 1 - Correspondence ...................................................... 44 P erio d ica l L it e r a t u r e ......................................... 52 R e v i e w s .................................................................... 56 AUGUST. N o tes of t h e Month : (a) The Perfect Way and Hermetic Doctrine; (6) J udge Hatch The Editor . 61 T h e Mysticism of S c h e l l i n g ........................... Clare Eliot .... 74 H indu My t h o l o g y ................................................ H. S. Redgrove, B.Sc. 77 A donai ( V e r s e ) ................................................. Meredith Starr . 83 V oodooism on t h e W est Coast of A fr ic a . Edited by Irene E. Toye W arner........................ 85 Ma r y B e l l ............................................................. Lady Archibald Campbell 93 Some B reton L eg en d s and B e l ie f s . Vere D. Shortt . 98 Is Martyrdom P a in fu l ? .................................. Fielding Quid . 105 Correspondence ...................................................... 109 P erio d ica l L it e r a t u r e ......................................... ” 7 R e v i e w s .................................................................... 122 SEPTEMBER. N otes of th e Month (T h e K a is e r 's H oro sco pe, P ro ph ecies of t h e G rea t W ar) . The Editor . 127 Mag n etic R epu lsio n : I t s P ractical Sc ie n t if ic V a lu e . H. S. Redgrove, B.Sc. 138 I ts P sychological S ignificance . W. Gom Old . 144 I n t h e N ight-Watch es (Verse) .... Maude Annesley . 147 T h e G host of th e W in t e r P a la ce . M. E ................................. 148 B lack Magic in S outh A fr ic a .... Irene E. Toye Warner . 152 B aptism a s an I n itiato ry R it e .... Dudley Wright . 160 T he E t h e r e a l P lan e—I .................................. Helen Bourchier . *63 T he D oors (V e rse ).......................................... Jessie Annie Anderson . 169 T he G reat E uropean W a r ........................... Floyd B. Wilson. 170 Correspondence ...................................................... 173 P erio d ical L i t e r a t u r e .................................. 175 R e v i e w s ................................................................... 179 iii Original from Digitized by Google HARVARD UNIVERSITY IV CONTENTS OCTOBER. PAGE N otes of th e Month (More P ro ph ecies of th e W a r) ...................................................... The Editor . 185 S econd S ight in W a r ......................................... Mary L. Lewes . 200 B lack Ma g i c ............................................................. Vere D. Shortt . 207 T he S tran g e S to ry of K nighton G o rges . Ethel C. Hargrove, F.R.G.S. 212 A V oice from th e U n s e e n ........................... Katherine G. Lewis . 2l8 T he R elig io u s S ym bolism o f th e H and . G. M. Hort . 226 C orrespondence ...................................................... 23I P erio d ical L i t e r a t u r e .................................. 236 N ew and F orthcoming P ublications . 24O R e v i e w s ................................................................... 243 NOVEMBER. N otes of th e Month (B rother J o h annes’ and other P redictio ns of th e W a r ) . The Editor . 249 R oger B acon : A n A ppreciation . H. S. Redgrove, B.Sc. 260 S tran g e S to ries about G hosts . F. Creech Jones . 267 T he E t h e r e a l P lan e— II .............................. Helen Bourchier . 272 T he P assin g of a W o r l d .................................. Gerald Arundel . 277 S a b in e ( V e r s e ) ................................................. Meredith Starr . 284 P remonitions............................................................. H. A . Dallas . 285 Correspondence ...................................................... 292 P erio d ical L i t e r a t u r e .................................. 297 R e v i e w s .................................................................... 302 DECEMBER. N otes of th e Month (Fa t e versus F r e e w il l ) The Editor .... 307 A V ictim of H ig h er S p a c e ........................... Algernon Blackwood . 3i8 T h e P sychology of th e H and . C. W. Child .... 336 A N ew P henomenon in A r t ........................... H. Stanley Redgrove, B.Sc. 341 S u p e r -P h ysica l A spec ts of t h e W ar . A. P. Sinnett. 346 T he R etu rn ( V e r s e ) ..................................... Teresa Hooley 353 T he K a ise r and A n t i c h r i s t ........................... The Editor .... 354 T he Co llected P oems of A rthur E dward W a i t e ................................................................... Philip S. Wellhy . 360 T he F aith of R e a s o n ......................................... Scrutator......................... 364 Correspondence ...................................................... 368 P erio d ical L it e r a t u r e ........................................ 370 R e v i e w s ................................................................... 373 Original from Digitized by Google HARVARD UNIVERSITY OCCULT REVIEW A MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE INVESTIGATION OF SUPER. NORMAL PHENOMENA AND THE STUDY OF PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEMS. E d i t e d b y RALPH SHIRLEY " Nullius addictus jurat« in verba magistri ” Price S evbnpbnce net ; post free, E ightpbncb. Annual Subscription, for British Islrs, United States and Canada, S even S h illin gs (One Dollar seventy-five Cents) : for other countries, E ight S h illin g s. Entered at Stationers? Hall. Ambkican Agents : The International News Company, 85 Duane Street, New York ; The Macoy Publishing Company, 45-49 John Street, New York : The Occult and Modern Thought Kook Centre, 687 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. ; The Oriental Esoteric Lihrary, 1207 Q. Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. ; the Western News Company, Chicago. Subscribers in India can obtain the Magazine from A. H. Wheeler & Co., 15 Elgin Read, Allahabad; Wheeler's Building, Bombay; and 39 Strand, Calcutta; or from the “ Theosophist ” Office, Adyar, Madras. All communications to the Editor should be addressed c/o the Publishers, William R ider & Son, L im ited , Cathedral House, Paternoster Row, London, E.C. Contributors are specially requested to put their name and address, legibly written, on all manuscripts submitted. V ol. XX. JULY 1914 No. 1 NOTES OF THE MONTH WE are all of us familiar with the old proverb that marriages are made in Heaven, though there are few of us who believe it. It may, however, well be true that there are certain spiritual mar riages or associations which are made in Heaven in the sense that they have a certain cosmic foundation in the nature of things and in the relationship of one life to another. It may also be true that two lives are brought together for special and important purposes by influences working from another and a far higher plane. Collaboration is a very commonplace word, but there was certainly no element of the commonplace in the collaboration of Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland. History perhaps contains nothing more remarkable, and romance nothing more romantic, than this singular association of two strikingly ANNA diverse and original characters of opposite sexes for a KINGSFORD single and supreme purpose. To the two individuals AND concerned, the sacrifice of two lives to the ideal EDWARD which inspired them seemed but little in view of the MAITLAND. momentous character of the objects to be achieved. The world may not set the same store on the high mission of Original from Digitized by Google HARVARD UNIVERSITY 2 THE OCCULT REVIEW Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland, may not perhaps value it at the same price as the two co-workers who gave up their all in pursuit of their aims. Many may say, as many have said already, that, like Arthur’s Knights of the Round Table, they were pursuing a will-o'-the-wisp and not the Holy Grail of their hearts’ desire. But assuming that they partially misinterpreted the end to be achieved, or, alternatively, over-estimated their own powers of achieving that end with anything like the success that so high an ideal demanded, it should still be borne in mind that those who under-estimate the greatness of their own mission must inevitably fail to impress others with its value in the scheme of things, and it is therefore far better to over-estimate your own powers and the importance of the object aimed at than to underrate either the one or the other.