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Ik a ,Ii Ijj Naaahr - . i-V-S- I: '- C - IT - VP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 I 1 A! ii la H tl H ,H iW 13 . a H M ii H iM M !M ik a ,ii ijj n a a a h r a a m (SIX DOLLARS PER ANNUM. V U 1' i VOLUME 1. NUMBER 52. pi; BLISNGI) EEKIiV 5 25, 1857. IBXlll' 31. WIHT.V5 HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, JUNE ?ORZ:ZGXT. THE PACIFIC BXTSIIII1SS CARDS. BTJSISISSS OAHDS. lUSITJESS 21. Commercial Advertiser, P. FOLGEK, B. r. snow, AGENT FOR THE Will. KELLY, Importer and Dealer iu General Merchandise, Honolulu, Oahu, New York lonrl of UmItrvrE!rr. GENEUAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Ship Chandler and Geiv ral Commission Merchant. Quien street j II. I. 38 The undersigned takes leave to notify Merchants, Ship Masters.; nn 4 1TT opposite Makee k Anthon's brick block, Honolulu, Oahu, S.I Aireut for the t The Moor. vc, that he has ben duly apiointed as money un REFF.UENCES : New York Board of Underwriters. Will Fiipplv ships with provisions, Sc., ana advance FJLOUR COMI'A.WV s 43-l- y HAWAIIAN tex-m- for bills on the United States. I am fain Jams F. Ii. Marshall, Treasurer, iu the stone buildinps, oc- 13--y ALEX. J. CARTWRIGHT. faviraile To feci upon the beauty of the moon! J. & P. MArY, Nantucket. cupied by B. W. Field, up stairs. 17-- tf Sorrowful moon! seeming go drown'd in woe : Chas. G. 5; II. Copkiv, AGENT FOR THE E. II. Bakkkk k. Co., Boston. JIONOIUI.U MEDICAL 11 AIjTj, A whom battle-da- y Sc COMMISSION AGENT iueen, some grand has left Capt. E. Gapdxek, New Bedford. CORNER OF MERCHANT AND K AAIHTM ANU STREETS, Liverpool Underwriter's Association. CUSTOM" HOUSE Ur.kingdom'd The undersigned begs leave to notify Merchants, Ship owners, MANGONUI, NEW ZEALAND. and a widow, while the stars, 13 ly Dr. McKivbin to intimate that he ia now joined by his son receipt apiointment of Thy e?s and Ship master?, that he has the n-- siitTir.inc sunnlitHl on the most reasonable terms. I At handmaidens, are standing back in uwe. Dr. Robert McKibbin, member of the Royal Collepre of Sur- f--r UNDER y & AGENT at thme Islands the L7VERPOOL 35 6 S., long. 173 U3,K. il-l- Gazing in silence on thy mighty grief! U. COADY CO., geons, London, one f whom beinp always in attendance, AVRITER'S ASSOCIATION. -- Couniussion Merchant, Honolulu, S. will afford an additional guarantee to persons requiring l-- tf C. JANION. All men Shipping and ' July ROBERT have loved thee fur thy beauty, mtwn! C. M KB RILL.. REFERENCES. advice or medicine. MCRrra. J. Adara has turned fron Eve's fair face to thine, English Perfumery, Messrs. GF.ixr.Lt., Mixtcrn & Co., New York. He has just received an assortment of "Drus. AGENT FOR LLOYD'S And drank thy beauty s u best quality, with which establishment, will with his serene eye. "WiL-.trr- & Co., &C, of the the -- on undersigned beg to notify to Merchants, Ship owners and K, will be sold reasonable The MERCHANTS, Alexonin Smith. KIT K & -- Boston. constantly be supplied, and which AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION II Hll."., Shipmasters, he has received the :ppointment ofj YVkM.S, I'AKfiO & Co., San Francisco. terms. that POHK'S WABKHOrSl?, u Physician's and Surgeon's prescriptions prepared witn the AGENT at these Islands for LLOYD'S LONDON. ! & llKLK, sn-ee- t, SlIAW 1-- j 4 greatest Medicine chests carefully examined and July tf ROBERT C. JANION. Nos. 47 and California VARIETY' ALsor Co., -- Valparaiso. crre. G. F. Tk.vix Co., M elbourne. replenished. SAN office from 8 A. M., til! 6 o'clock P. M ., on NORTIIKRN ASSURANCE CO Ml A - FRANCISCO. WM. PlSTAl & CO., -- - Hong Kong, Attendance at the rEL days 8 o'c lock, A. M., to 11 o'clock, ny, (established 1S36.) Eor Fire and Life Assurance at TO : The of courtship are the happiest of our lives. B.IUINU BKUTHERS it Co., fiondon. week days, and on Sundays REFER A. M. At other times, at his residence. Union street. home and abroad. Capt. Jsmes Makee, Honolulu; Capt. D. C. WaUrmtn, Prudence is too often only and Europe. 14-6- m the virtue left us at Exchange for sale on the United States A consignment of best London While Paint and Linseed Oil Capital 1.25$),7GO, Sterling. Honolulu : Mt ssrs. Oilman & Co., Lahaina. seventy-tw- o. Honolulu, July 1, 1$"0. j'1" tv . 2d-- t The undersigned has been appointed Asrent fer the Sandwich Island. ROBERT CHESHIRE JANION. It is well for the 7-t- humble when they have sufficient M f. at Honolulu. &. to J)AN1HL WATER AN, P. II P. A. OWENS, education render them callous to contempt. C Honolulu, DR. FORD'S IMPORTERS AND DEAIJ2RS IN Commission Merchant and General Shipping Agent, X Premature Office and Dm? Store, Queen Street, near the market. Ship's U N Kit W RITE R'S AGE.VCV. consolation is but the remembrance of Oahu, S. I. prepiured sorrow. REFERENCES. Medicine chests refitted and prescriptions carefully rsilIK ITXDERSIGNEO, 15El(3 SPECIAL S BI I P. II 11 vapor, ADIiERT, a: Co., San Francisco. under th supervision of LANG ERNE. Hot, cold, M. AGENT for the Insurance Compr.nl k in Philadelphia, Messrs. Muucav, IUthaway, 7-- Iy 91, Front Street, clock-wor- hours. of are insured at any of the offices The fall of an apple taught Newton the k MACONhKAV & Co., shower and medicated Baths, at all requests all Minsters ;hips that to case of distr S:. SAN ef the universe. 1). R. tiiin:. k Co., -- New Bed6rd. in Philadelphia call on him in FRANCISCO. 14-- tf P. FOLGEli Jamks B. Cosonox, Esy., OllAS. GITITjTjOIT, The sum of all things is to serve God well and do , F. G. E. Foi-e- Esq., States Navy, Consular Physician to sick NAVAL STORES. no ill thing. .iyl-t- f Lute Surveon United KUULL & MOLL. Mess Beef, Hotiolnlu, July 1, 1850 American seamen. Oihee next door to J. O. SiMili;;m Naval Sloiv?, Death makes Kaaloin.:.n.i t., iici.itoee at tne late iivneh Premis- Agents of the Hamburg and Lubeck lTud.rv.riter5. Honolulu, Anchors, Chain Cables, " aud Prime Pork, our enemies cease to hate us, and scr-- July 1, lS6-t- Cordage. Pilot aud Navy Bread, our friends to love us more. If. W. FIELD, es, Alakea sreet. Respectfully offers his professional Oahu, H. I. f Blocks, Sjuulw ich vifis to resident families, to the shinmnir. and to strangers Oan?, Pauits and Oils, 1 lour, Merunatu, Ilorolulu, Ouhu, Islands. lS-l- y Praise, to be valuable, come good cn.iniatoii lerally. Medical and Surgical advice in English, French STAPENHORST, Duck, Bruslies, &c, &c. must from a By pennission, he refers to I'LORENS Spam and Italian. Oifiee hours frotu 11 A. M. to 2 P Agent for the Bremen board of Underwriter. Ail average clp.ims C. W. CAF.TwniWT, President of Manufacturers' Insurance M., and from 4 to o P. M. a rjnst the said Underwriter, wcurri'ig in or about this GRiKFrrr noR'iAV. C. 8. HATHAWAT. K. T. STOS1. 1-- Benefit love tf 1-- your friends that they may you more Company, iioston. At other hours enquire at his residence. Jy Kingdom, will hae to be certified before him. July tf dearly still. Messrs. II. A. Pixrce, Boston, 'MORGAN, HATHAWAY & CO., TitAVKa, Ktcr. & Co., it ! 13. The Ocean is estimated as three miles, New Bedford. HOFFMANN, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, San Francisco, Cal. Atlantic Edwai'.u Mitt Robixsox, c 7Tiiatcli.eb7 . Physician and Surgeon, office in the new drusr store, rner of References, T. S. Hathaway Esq. Messrs. T. & A. R. Ny and the Pacific as four miles deep. j J'.HN Yv'. BAKRtrr Ai Soxs, Nantucket. Smitp, New London. Kaaiiumanu and Queen sts. M kee's block. Jy : Swift & Perry, New Bedford, Messrs. Grinnell Mjnturn & J. Pkkkin Per- here are six or seven generations of gnats m a B. F. Sxo - Honolulu. Co., New York, John M. Forbes Esq., Boston, Mesrs. "', FORT STRE5;r, kins & Smith, New London, Daniel C. Waterman Esq. Hon- glimmer, and each lays '2o0 eggs. 2:?-- tf W. VINCENT, CIIAllIiKS & W. olulu. July 1, lS56-t- f. The undersigned would in- One door alve II. Hackfeld Co.'s store, ftud opposite N. There are about .),00U cells in a square foot "of CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. sto-- e. 42-- tf public, lie has taken the well Ladd's hardware honey-com- b. D . N. FlilTNFjR, form his friend3 and the that ,5,000 bees weigh a pound. premises of C. II. Lewers, Esq., on Fort UENRT JOnSSOS. EDWARD HALL. old ut the new store in Makee's new fire known Carpenter A bees from 10,000 to 50,000 in Continues his business would solicit that patronage heretofore so liberally THE HONOLULU IRON WORKS. swarm of contains iroof buildimr, next door above J.r Iloumann's Dru street, and WHOLES ALE a natural state, and from 30,000 to 40,000 in a hive. bestowed. All orders in th'j various branches of Building, UNDERSIGNED is now prepared" to repair or Store, on Kaahumami ftreet. Contracts attended to with prompt- THE all kinds of machinery, mill gearing, win it SSRX! t-- f Plans, Specifications and WAREHOUSE 1 by observations the sfln and stars ,.,fnl. ),MTDn o n.o. Chronometers raud ness and dispatch. lass gearing, ship forging ami smith work. witn a transit r.isiruiuem ieei.u.in-- i anju ted to the VINCENT.
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