
S12138 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 29, 2003 slaughter of non-ambulatory livestock, 1622, a bill to amend title 10, United Incredibly, while asking the Congress and for other purposes. States Code, to exempt certain mem- for an additional $87 billion for the war S. 1531 bers of the Armed Forces from the re- in , the Department of Defense At the request of Mr. HATCH, the quirement to pay subsistence charges wants to drop soldiers on leave off at names of the Senator from Kansas (Mr. while hospitalized. the Baltimore Airport and then make ROBERTS), the Senator from Hawaii S. 1630 them pay for their transportation (Mr. INOUYE) and the Senator from Ar- At the request of Mrs. DOLE, the home and back. Those service men and kansas (Mr. PRYOR) were added as co- name of the Senator from Minnesota women are serving with great courage sponsors of S. 1531, a bill to require the (Mr. COLEMAN) was added as a cospon- in 115-degree temperatures and other Secretary of the Treasury to mint sor of S. 1630, a bill to facilitate nation- truly awful conditions. They are being coins in commemoration of Chief Jus- wide availability of 2–1–1 telephone given 2 weeks leave—many of them— tice John Marshall. service for information and referral because they are in the Reserves or Na- tional Guard and they have just had S. 1545 services, and for other purposes. their 5- or 6-month tour extended by At the request of Mr. HATCH, the S. 1637 another 6 months. This will be the only names of the Senator from Iowa (Mr. At the request of Mrs. MURRAY, her time that many of them will have a HARKIN), the Senator from Minnesota name was added as a cosponsor of S. chance to see their families during an (Mr. DAYTON) and the Senator from Ne- 1637, a bill to amend the Internal Rev- entire year. braska (Mr. NELSON) were added as co- enue Code of 1986 to comply with the World Trade Organization rulings on The least we can do is get them home sponsors of S. 1545, a bill to amend the and back at Government expense. If all Illegal Immigration Reform and Immi- the FSC/ETI benefit in a manner that preserves jobs and production activi- 138,000 troops who are stationed in Iraq grant Responsibility Act of 1996 to per- were to take this leave to travel to mit States to determine State resi- ties in the , to reform and simplify the international taxation their homes, the total cost would be dency for higher education purposes approximately $69 million. My legisla- and to authorize the cancellation of re- rules of the United States, and for other purposes. tion would not increase the $87 billion moval and adjustment of status of cer- requested by the President, it would S. 1637 tain alien students who are long-term just direct that up to $69 million be United States residents. At the request of Mr. GRASSLEY, the available to be expensed for this pur- S. 1548 name of the Senator from South Da- pose. At the request of Mr. GRASSLEY, the kota (Mr. DASCHLE) was added as a co- Last week, I also cosponsored legisla- name of the Senator from South Da- sponsor of S. 1637, supra. tion introduced by Senator BOB GRA- kota (Mr. JOHNSON) was added as a co- S. 1668 HAM, which exempted soldiers wounded sponsor of S. 1548, a bill to amend the At the request of Mr. BROWNBACK, the in Iraq or Afghanistan from having to Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to pro- name of the Senator from Missouri pay for meals while they are hospital- vide incentives for the production of (Mr. TALENT) was added as a cosponsor ized. I was astonished to learn that the renewable fuels and to simplify the ad- of S. 1668, a bill to establish a commis- military would otherwise dock their ministration of the Highway Trust sion to conduct a comprehensive re- pay for the cost of their meals. We are Fund fuel excise taxes, and for other view of Federal agencies and programs appropriating over $400 billion for our purposes. and to recommend the elimination or military operations next year through S. 1558 realignment of duplicative, wasteful, the regular appropriations and supple- or outdated functions, and for other At the request of Mr. ALLARD, the mental bills. Surely, that provides name of the Senator from Montana purposes. enough money that U.S. troops who are (Mr. BURNS) was added as a cosponsor S. CON. RES. 33 fighting, risking their lives, being of S. 1558, a bill to restore religious At the request of Mr. CRAIG, the wounded, and dying can be treated freedoms. name of the Senator from Idaho (Mr. compassionately and fairly, not CRAPO) was added as a cosponsor of S. S. 1586 nickeled and dimed with travel and Con. Res. 33, a concurrent resolution meal costs while on leave, or, even At the request of Mr. SCHUMER, the expressing the sense of the Congress re- name of the Senator from Michigan worse, while being hospitalized with garding scleroderma. combat wounds and injuries. (Mr. LEVIN) was added as a cosponsor of The American people are generous S. 1586, a bill to authorize appropriate S. RES. 202 enough to support our troops properly action if the negotiations with the Peo- At the request of Mr. CAMPBELL, the and care for the wounded compas- ple’s Republic of China regarding Chi- name of the Senator from California sionately. The Department of Defense na’s undervalued currency and cur- (Mrs. FEINSTEIN) was added as a co- should not have to be required to do rency manipulations are not success- sponsor of S. Res. 202, a resolution ex- the right thing. It should be obvious ful. pressing the sense of the Senate re- garding the genocidal Ukraine Famine enough to them, but if not, they should S. 1605 of 1932–33. give me a call and I will let them At the request of Mr. GRAHAM of f know. Florida, the name of the Senator from Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- Nevada (Mr. ENSIGN) was added as a co- STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED sent that the text of the bill be printed sponsor of S. 1605, a bill to authorize BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS in the RECORD. major medical facility projects for the By Mr. DAYTON (for himself, Mr. There being no objection, the bill was Department of Veterans Affairs in con- KENNEDY, Mr. LAUTENBERG, Mr. ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as nection with Asset Realign- JOHNSON, and Mr. DURBIN): follows: ment for Enhanced Services initiative S. 1670. A bill to expand the Rest and S. 1670 and to satisfy Department of Veterans Recuperation Leave program for mem- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Affairs requirements on natural disas- bers of the Armed Forces serving in the resentatives of the United States of America in ters, and for other purposes. Iraqi theater of operations in support Congress assembled, S. 1622 of Operation Iraqi Freedom to include SECTION 1. EXPANSION OF REST AND RECUPER- ATION LEAVE PROGRAM TO IN- At the request of Mr. GRAHAM of travel and transportation to the mem- CLUDE TRAVEL AND TRANSPOR- Florida, the names of the Senator from bers’ permanent station or home; to TATION TO PERMANENT STATION Ohio (Mr. DEWINE), the Senator from the Committee on Armed Services. OR HOME. Vermont (Mr. LEAHY), the Senator Mr. DAYTON. Mr. President, today I (a) EXPANSION.—The Secretary of Defense shall expand the Central Command Rest and from Nevada (Mr. ENSIGN), the Senator am introducing legislation, S. 1670, Recuperation Leave program to provide trav- from New York (Mr. SCHUMER), the which would pay for the travel of U.S. el and transportation allowances to each Senator from New Mexico (Mr. BINGA- troops stationed in Iraq, or in that the- member of the Armed Forces participating MAN) and the Senator from Illinois (Mr. ater, to and from their homes for the 2- in the program in order to permit such mem- DURBIN) were added as cosponsors of S. weeks leave they are being granted. ber to travel at the expense of the United

VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:07 Jan 14, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2003SENATE\S29SE3.REC S29SE3 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY September 29, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S12139 States from an original airport of debarka- This legislation merely seeks to ex- not be specifically recognized for their tion to the permanent station or home of pand the boundaries of a wonderful na- service in Iraq. Instead, the Depart- such member. ture preserve already in place to pre- ment of Defense has decided to award (b) ALLOWANCES AUTHORIZED.—The travel and transportation allowances that may be serve this unique and special place them the Global War on Terrorism Ex- provided under subsection (a) are the travel called American Beach. peditionary Medal. I believe that this and transportation allowances specified in I ask unanimous consent that the is a mistake, and that our military de- section 404(d) of title 37, United States Code. text of the bill be printed in the serves better. Along with my col- (c) CONSTRUCTION WITH OTHER ALLOW- RECORD. leagues, Senator LUGAR, Senator BAYH ANCES.—Travel and transportation allow- There being no objection, the bill was and Senator LIEBERMAN, I propose to ances provided for travel under subsection ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as correct this mistake by offering legis- (a) are in addition to any other travel and follows: transportation or other allowances that may lation authorizing the Iraqi S. 1672 be provided for such travel by law. Lieberation Medal in lieu of the Global (d) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- War on Terrorism Expeditionary (1) The term ‘‘Central Command Rest and resentatives of the United States of America in Medal. Congress assembled, Recuperation Leave program’’ means the While some of us in this body have Rest and Recuperation Leave program for SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Timucuan not shared the administration’s view certain members of the Armed Forces serv- on this war, we are united when it ing in the Iraqi theater of operations in sup- Ecological and Historic Preserve Boundary port of Operation Iraqi Freedom as estab- Revision Act of 2003’’. comes to supporting our troops. These lished by the United States Central Com- SEC. 2. REVISION OF BOUNDARY OF TIMUCUAN young men and women from active mand on September 25, 2003. ECOLOGICAL AND HISTORIC PRE- duty, National Guard, and Reserves are SERVE, FLORIDA. (2) The term ‘‘original airport of debarka- all volunteers and exemplify the very Section 201(a) of Public Law 100–249 (16 tion’’ means an airport designated as an air- U.S.C. 698n) is amended— essence of what it means to be a pa- port of debarkation for members of the (1) by striking ‘‘(a) ESTABLISHMENT.—There triot. They continue to serve even Armed Forces under the Central Command is hereby’’ and inserting the following: though they do not know when they Rest and Recuperation Leave program as of ‘‘(a) ESTABLISHMENT.— will return home to family and friends. the establishment of such program on Sep- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—There is’’; and tember 25, 2003. They continue to serve despite the tre- (2) by adding at the end the following: mendous hardships they face and they ‘‘(2) MODIFICATION OF BOUNDARY.— continue to serve despite the constant By Mr. NELSON of Florida: ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—In addition to the land S. 1672. A bill to expand the described in paragraph (1), the Preserve shall threat to their lives. The President Timucuan Ecological and Historic Pre- include approximately 12.5 acres of land lo- agrees with our view of the exemplary serve, Florida; to the Committee on cated in Nassau County, Florida, as gen- service of these young men and women. Energy and Natural Resources. erally depicted on the map entitled On the deck of the U.S.S. Abraham Lin- Mr. NELSON of Florida. Mr. Presi- ‘Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve coln, President Bush proclaimed: ‘‘In dent, I rise today to introduce a bill American Beach Adjustment’, numbered 006/ this battle, we have fought for the that will preserve a part of the history 80012 and dated June 2003. cause of liberty and for the peace of the of Florida and America. My bill will ‘‘(B) DUTIES OF SECRETARY.—The Secretary world. Our Nation and our coalition are allow 20 acres of untouched, undevel- of the Interior shall— ‘‘(i) revise the boundaries of the Preserve proud of this accomplishment, yet it is oped sand dune land on American so as to encompass the land described in sub- you, the members of the United States Beach, Amelia Island, FL to become paragraph (A); and military, who achieved it. Your cour- part of Timucuan Ecological and His- ‘‘(ii) maintain the map described in sub- age, your willingness to face danger for toric Preserve. paragraph (A) on file and available for public your country and for each other made The history of American Beach is inspection in the appropriate offices of the this day possible.’’ partly the chronicle of Africa-Amer- National Park Service.’’. I was extremely disappointed when I ican achievement and economic auton- learned that those serving in Iraq By Mr. BINGAMAN (for himself, omy during the Jim Crow era. Amer- would not be specifically recognized for Mr. LUGAR, Mr. LIEBERMAN, and ican Beach was purchased in 1932 by their efforts. There will be no Iraqi the Afro American Life Insurance Com- Mr. BAYH): S. 1673. A bill to authorize the award campaign medal. Instead, the Depart- pany and its President, A.L. Lewis. ment of Defense will award them a This insurance company was the first of the Iraqi Liberation Medal as a cam- paign medal for members of the Armed Global War on Terrorism Expedi- insurance company owned by any Flo- Forces who serve in Southwest in tionary. I think this is a grave mis- ridian, either a black or white. Mr. connection with Operation Iraqi Free- take. Lewis’ granddaughter, affectionately dom; to the Committee on Armed Serv- During Operation Desert Storm, serv- referred to as the ‘‘Beachlady,’’ still re- ices. ice members received three separate sides on American Beach and is revered Mr. BINGAMAN. Mr. President, I rise military decorations for their service: for her colorful life and her work to today with my colleagues, Senators the Armed Forces Expeditionary preserve the American Beach from de- LUGAR, LIEBERMAN and BAYH to offer Medal, the Southwest Asia Service velopment and environmental degrada- legislation to honor our servicemen Medal, and the Liberation of tion. and women in Iraq, who serve far from medal. For service in Kosovo, our serv- American Beach was an integrated home, and far from family and friends. ice men and women received the NATO beach when all beach communities They left the freedom and security of Service Medal, and the Kosovo Cam- throughout the United States were seg- home to provide freedom and security paign Medal. regated. For decades, it flourished as to those who have not known it for Many within the military share this an ocean-side paradise for blacks from many years. The human cost has been view; according to the Army Times: all parts of the country. American great, over 300 American fighting men ‘‘Campaign medals help establish an Beach is still owned primarily by Afri- and women will never come home, and immediate rapport with individuals can Americans who are the descend- over 1,500 will return wounded. Today, checking into a unit.’’ An expedi- ants of the original owners. But, devel- over 130,000 troops remain in the re- tionary medal like the GWOT does not opers are slowly moving in to destroy gion. They remain to ensure that those necessarily denote combat. A campaign this property that holds a chapter of who paid the ultimate sacrifice did not medal is designed to recognize military American history. The sand dunes tell die in vain. They are also there to build personnel who have risked their lives many stories of generations long past— a new Iraqi nation of stability and free- in combat. writer Zora Neale Hurston, heavy- dom. My fellow Senators, the libera- Campaign medals matter. ‘‘When a weight champion Joe Louis, enter- tion of Iraq is turning out to be the Marine shows up at a new duty station, tainer Cab Calloway, and civil rights most significant military, occupation commanders look first at his decora- leader A. Philip Randolph vacationed and reconstruction effort since the end tions and his physical fitness score— on American Beach. But, most of the of World War II. the first to see where he’s been, the beach dwellers and visitors were ordi- Despite their sacrifice and courage, second to see if he can hang. ‘They nary working-class African Americans. these brave young men and women will show what you’ve done and how serious

VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:07 Jan 14, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2003SENATE\S29SE3.REC S29SE3 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S12140 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 29, 2003 you are,’ said Gunnery Sgt. James I also ask unanimous consent that Lt. Col. Keith Schultz, a B–52 Cuneo. ‘If you’re a good Marine, people the text of the bill be printed in the Stratofortress pilot with the Air Force Re- are going to award you when it comes RECORD. serve’s 917th Wing at Barksdale Air Force 1 time . . .’.’’ There being no objection, the mate- Base, La., spent 9 ⁄2 months deployed to Op- erations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Free- My fellow distinguished colleagues, rial was ordered to be printed in the dom. it is time. RECORD, as follows: On his last deployment, Schultz flew Iraqi We must recognize the sacrifice and [From the Air Force Times, Sept. 1, 2003] Freedom missions from England and then courage of our young men and women ONE SIZE FITS ALL? headed to the Indian Ocean and flew Endur- who liberated Iraq, including great (By Vince Crawley) ing Freedom assignments. Americans like Army Specialist Joseph ‘‘I saw them as separate conflicts,’’ Schultz Despite the weight of well over a century said. Hudson from Alamogordo, New Mexico, of military tradition and precedence, the If one medal is issued to represent both op- who was held as a prisoner of war. The Pentagon has no plans for campaign-specific erations, Schultz hopes the citation will ex- Nation was captivated as we watched medals for the most recent wars in Afghani- plain the operations in which the recipient Specialist Hudson being interrogated stan and Iraq, the nation’s most protracted fought. by the enemy. Asked to divulge his conflicts since Korea and Vietnam—both of Tech. Sgt. Michael Pierce, a B–52 weapons which were deemed medal-worthy. military occupation, Specialist Hudson loader with the 917th Wing, deployed to En- Military duty in Antarctica, Kosovo and during Freedom. stared defiantly into the camera and the 1991 Persian- also rates medals, He said there should be some way to show, said, ‘‘I follow orders.’’ Those of us as does ‘‘humane action,’’ ‘‘humanitarian such as with a device on the ribbon, how with sons and daughters were united in service’’ and ‘‘outstanding volunteer serv- many times an airman deployed or in what worry with Specialist Hudson’s family. ice.’’ Past generations of veterans have conflicts he served. The entire Nation rejoiced when he was qualified for medals and their accompanying Others are fine with the GWOT medals. liberated. ribbons for a wide range of operations, from ‘‘It’s nice to receive awards and decorations, the Civil War and both World Wars to Chi- We have also asked much from our but I was just there doing my job,’’ said a na’s Boxer Rebellion, the Spanish-American field artillery major who recently returned reserve and National Guard forces. The War and military actions against Mexico. from Iraq with the Army’s 3rd Infantry Divi- reconstruction of Iraq would not be But troops involved in the current battle sion. possible without the commitment and against terrorism instead will get two re- ‘‘This is my job, my profession,’’ he said. sacrifice of the 170,000 Guard and Re- cently approved awards, the Global War on ‘‘There are people doing things everywhere. servists currently on active duty. As Terrorism Service Medal and a Global War All of us are a part of this big [global war on recently as this weekend an additional on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, which terrorism].’’ 10,000 troops from Washington State are intended to cover all the bases in an ef- Bush signed an executive order March 12 to fort that President Bush says likely will last and North Carolina were activated for create the Global War on Terrorism medals many years and be fought on many shores. on the recommendation of Defense Secretary service in Iraq. In addition, veterans of these 21st-century Donald Rumsfeld. But none has yet been offi- My colleagues, Senator LUGAR, Sen- wars may receive each medal only once. In cially issued because Rumsfeld’s staff is ator LIEBERMAN, Senator BAYH, and I theory—and in current practice—troops working out the fine print for eligibility. are committed to honoring our over could spend years fighting in Afghanistan, The Army Institute of Heraldry said June 200,000 heroes who liberated Iraq. We Iraq, the Philippines and elsewhere and end 13 that Rumsfeld’s staff is ‘‘finalizing’’ the believe that current administration up with a single medal that doesn’t reflect criteria and implementation rules for the their specific duty history or even the fact two medals. policy does a disservice to our fighting that they deployed multiple times in the Asked Aug. 18 when the medals would be men and women. Therefore we propose, global war on terrorism. issued, Burr said she could not predict when in lieu of the GWOT medal, a new deco- The Pentagon isn’t saying much about its coordination on the eligibility policy would ration that characterizes the real mis- rationale for the decision. Defense officials be complete. sion in Iraq, one that is distinctive and believe ‘‘these two medals will provide ap- A March 15 Pentagon news release referred honors their sacrifice, the Iraqi Libera- propriate recognition for our service mem- to the medals as the GWOT Service Medal tion Medal. bers participating in the global war on ter- and GWOT Expeditionary Medal, using the rorism, whether that be in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pentagon’s acronym for the global war on What we do today is not without or elsewhere,’’ said Air Force Maj. Sandra terrorism. precedent; Congress has been respon- Burr, a Pentagon spokeswoman. The Expeditionary Medal will recognize sible for recognizing the sacrifice and Not all troops agree. Marine 1st Lt. Zeb service in operations Enduring Freedom and courage of our military forces through- Philpott, 26, weapons platoon commander for Iraqi Freedom. The Service Medal will recog- out history. Congress has had a signifi- Alpha Company, 2nd Light Armored Recon- nize duty in Operation Noble Eagle, the cant and historically central role in naissance Battalion at Camp Lejeune, N.C., homeland defense mission against further authorizing military decorations. Our said campaign medals help establish an im- terror attacks, as well as duty in support of Nation’s highest military decorations mediate rapport with individuals checking operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi into a unit. Freedom performed in geographic areas that were authorized by Congress, includ- ‘‘You can tell what he’s done,’’ Philpott don’t qualify for the Expeditionary Medal. ing: The Congressional Medal of Honor; said. ‘‘I can look at a gunny and tell that he In the past, some medals have been created the Air Force Cross; the Navy Cross; was in the Gulf War.’’ years or decades after the conflict they rep- the Army’s Distinctive Service Cross; And people look. When a Marine shows up resent. The medals can be established by the the Silver Star; and the Distinguished at a new duty station, commanders look first president or Congress. Flying Cross. at his decorations and his physical fitness They typically include official orders and We have also authorized campaign score—the first to see where he’s been, the become part of the service ribbons that ap- second to see if he can hang. pear on service members’ dress uniforms. and liberation medals similar to what ‘‘They show what you’ve done and how se- Below are examples of other campaign and we hope to accomplish with this legis- rious you are,’’ said Gunnery Sgt. James service medals. Most can be awarded more lation. A partial list includes: Spanish Cuneo, Alpha Company gunny. ‘‘If you’re a than once; commonly, a small bronze star War Service Medal; Army Occupation good Marine, people are going to award you device is attached to the ribbon for each ad- of Germany Medal; World War II Vic- when it comes time. My ribbons don’t make ditional award. tory Medal; Berlin Airlift Medal; Ko- me who I am, but they show my experience The Southwest Asia Service Medal was rean Service Medal; and Prisoner of level.’’ awarded for the 1991 Gulf War, with an eligi- After 15 years, he’s got quite a bit to show bility period from Aug. 2, 1990, to Nov. 30 War Medal. for his efforts—four full rows and the start of 1995. And the list goes on and on. The a fifth. They include the Navy/Marine Corps In October 1990, when U.S. forces in Saudi great men and women of our military Achievement Medal with three stars, a com- Arabia began preparing for a possible offen- forces are doing their jobs everyday in bat action ribbon for Desert Storm with a sive against Iraq, Pentagon personnel offi- Iraq. It is time to do our job and honor star pending for recent Iraq ops, the South- cials asked the Institute of Heraldry to pro- them with a medal that truly stands west Asia Service Medal with three stars and vide proposed designs for a Southwest Asia for their heroic service, the Iraqi Lib- the Kuwait Liberation Medal. Service Medal. Proposals were forwarded ‘‘I think they ought to have an Iraq rib- Oct. 30 to then-Defense Secretary Dick Che- eration Medal. bon,’’ Cuneo said. ‘‘They ought to have a ney. A proposed executive order to authorize I ask unanimous consent that an Air Djibouti ribbon. And they ought to have an the medal was drafted by Cheney’s office Force Times article also be printed in Afghanistan ribbon. They all mean different Feb. 11, 1991, before the ground war began. the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. things.’’ The medal was established by executive

VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:07 Jan 14, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2003SENATE\S29SE3.REC S29SE3 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY September 29, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S12141 order March 12, less than two weeks after the ations, far from family and friends, and for I was proud to sponsor the Senate cease-fire. an unknown duration. bill that originally authorized the cre- Three separate campaigns are recognized: (4) Since the beginning of Operation Iraqi ation of NORA during the 106th Con- the defense of , the liberation of Freedom, almost 300 members of the Armed gress, and I am pleased to report that Kuwait and patrolling the cease-fire agree- Forces of the United States have died in Iraq during its almost three years of exist- ment through Nov. 30, 1995, and service mem- and nearly 1,500 have been wounded in ac- bers can be awarded the medal up to three tion. ence, NORA has proved an unqualified times. (5) Congress has authorized and Presidents success. Its activities have created gen- The was estab- have issued specific decorations recognizing uine, tangible benefits for the heating lished by President Clinton on May 3, 2000, to the sacrifice and service of the members of oil industry and its consumers in the recognize service in the U.S.-led Kosovo war, the Armed Forces of the United States in the areas of research, education, safety and form March 24 to June 10, 1999, or in ongoing , the Vietnam conflict, and the training, as well as providing informa- Kosovo operations. It may be liberation of Kuwait. tion about the industry to existing and awarded more than once to troops who took (6) Current Department of Defense guid- potential customers. part in multiple Kosovo missions. ance authorizes the award of only one expe- The was estab- This bill is necessary because the ditionary medal for overseas duty in Afghan- original authorization statute for lished by Congress in 1960 for military mem- istan, the Philippines, and Iraq. bers and civilians, such as scientists, who (7) The conflict in Iraq is significant NORA included a sunset provision that, have supported U.S. government programs in enough in scope and sacrifice to warrant a without congressional action, will the antarctic since Jan. 1, 1946. The medal specific military decoration for the libera- force NORA to cease operations four most commonly goes to aircrews and Navy tion of Iraq. years after its creation. The provision personnel. (b) AUTHORIZATION OF AWARD OF CAMPAIGN was included to allow Congress to as- The Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal MEDAL.—The Secretary concerned may sess its performance and determine was established by President Kennedy on award a campaign medal of appropriate de- whether it deserved continued author- Dec. 4, 1961, for operations on or after July 1, sign, with ribbons and appurtenances, to any 1958, to recognize service in peacekeeping person who serves in any capacity with the ization. It is readily apparent, from its and peace enforcement missions. The Joint Armed Forces in the Southwest Asia region numerous activities and the wide sup- Chiefs have authorized 22 missions for this in connection with Operation Iraqi Freedom. port it enjoys from consumer, environ- medal, including operations in Somalia and (c) NAME OF MEDAL.—The campaign medal mental, and labor groups, along with Bosnia, as well as actions against Iraq in the authorized by subsection (b) shall be known the industry itself, that NORA should late . Multiple awards are allowed. as the ‘‘Iraqi Liberation Medal’’. continue in perpetuity. The Armed Forces Service Medal was es- (d) PROHIBITION ON CONCURRENT AWARD OF In a short time, NORA has set the tablished by Clinton Jan. 11, 1996, within GLOBAL WAR ON TERRORISM EXPEDITIONARY MEDAL.—A person who is awarded the cam- standard for industry-wide cooperative weeks of U.S. troops entering Bosnia. It is activity with its professionalism, effec- for troops participating in large military op- paign medal authorized by subsection (b) for erations who face no armed opposition or service described in that subsection may not tiveness, and most importantly, satis- threat of imminent hostile action. The also be awarded the Global War on Terrorism faction from its supporting members. medal is intended to fill a void in the cri- Expeditionary Medal for that service. Through its rigorous commitment to (e) OTHER LIMITATIONS.—The award of the teria between the Armed Forces Expedi- activities that benefit all of its mem- campaign medal authorized by subsection (b) tionary Medal and the Humanitarian Service shall be subject to such limitations as the bers, customers and the public at large, Medal. It has been awarded for service in the President may prescribe. NORA is able to harness the collective Balkans since June 1, 1992, and for service in (f) REGULATIONS.—(1) Each Secretary con- strength of its companies and their re- Haiti. cerned shall prescribe regulations on the sources to share cutting-edge techno- Previous wars and military actions have award of the campaign medal authorized by resulted in a host of campaign medals, logical advances, the latest in training subsection (b). methods, and promising environmental though in some cases they were approved (2) The regulations prescribed under para- years or even decades after the fighting. graph (1) shall not go into effect until ap- initiatives throughout the industry. They include: proved by the Secretary of Defense. Of particular note is the creation of The , established by (3) The Secretary of Defense shall ensure the National Oilheat Research Insti- President Johnson in 1965. Multiple cam- that the regulations prescribed under para- tute, or NORI, which oversees valuable paigns are recognized. graph (1) are uniform, so far as practicable. study as the industry moves toward the The , established by (g) SECRETARY CONCERNED DEFINED.—In introduction of low sulfur heating oil President Truman in 1950. Multiple awards this section, the term ‘‘Secretary concerned’’ to help reduce the amount of sulfur are allowed for up to 10 wartime campaigns. means the following: The Medal for Humane Action, established (1) The Secretary of the Army with respect emissions in the industry. This for- by Congress in 1949 for those who took part to matters concerning members of the Army. ward-looking work highlights NORA’s in the Berlin Airlift from June 1948 to Sep- (2) The Secretary of the Navy with respect genuine commitment to building an tember 1949. to matters concerning members of the Navy, environmentally sound oil heat indus- World War II saw three campaign medals— Marine Corps, and Coast Guard when it is op- try. the , the Asiatic erating as a service in the Navy. Other research undertaken by NORI Pacific Campaign Medal and the European- (3) The Secretary of the Air Force with re- includes a thorough, systematic eval- African-Middle Eastern Medal, approved by spect to matters concerning members of the uation of the fuel component of the oil President Roosevelt in 1942. All allow for Air Force. heat system to maximize fuel perform- multiple awards. (4) The Secretary of Homeland Security ance—and therefore lower heating with respect to matters concerning members S. 1673 of the Coast Guard when it is not operating costs—for oil heat customers. These Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- as a service in the Navy. and other consumer-friendly activities resentatives of the United States of America in have won NORA the support of the Congress assembled, By Ms. SNOWE (for herself, Mr. Consumer Energy Council of America, SECTION 1. AUTHORIZATION OF AWARD OF IRAQI LEAHY, Mr. WARNER, Mr. BUN- the oldest public interest energy policy LIBERATION MEDAL AS CAMPAIGN NING, and Mr. REED): organization in the Nation. MEDAL FOR SERVICE IN SOUTH- S. 1676. A bill to permanently author- In fact, NORA’s research and devel- WEST ASIA IN OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM. ize the National Oilheat Research Alli- opment activities were identified in a (a) FINDINGS.—Congress makes the fol- ance; to the Committee on Energy and report from the Brookhaven National lowing findings: Natural Resources. Laboratory, which concluded that the (1) According to President George W. Bush, Ms. SNOWE. Mr. President, I am NORA program ‘‘will provide economic Operation Iraqi Freedom was ‘‘fought for the pleased today to introduce the Na- support to millions of American house- cause of liberty, and for the peace of the tional Oilheat Research Alliance Act of holds by reducing fuel bills, and thou- world . . .’’ and ‘‘to free a nation by breaking 2003, and to be joined by Senators sands of small family businesses in the a dangerous and aggressive regime’’. SMITH, LEAHY, WARNER, BUNNING, and United States who will gain from hav- (2) The military victory in Iraq has been JACK REED. This bill permanently au- ing satisfied consumers and reduced op- characterized by President George W. Bush as one of the ‘‘swiftest advances in heavy thorizes the National Oilheat Research erating costs.’’ arms in history’’. Alliance, commonly referred to as NORA is also playing a leading role (3) There are more than 130,000 Soldiers, NORA, which was created by a ref- in continuing education and training Sailors, Airmen, and Marines of the United erendum of oilheat retailers and whole- for oil heat technicians through the in- States serving in the Iraqi Theater of Oper- salers in February of 2001. troduction of new and updated training

VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:07 Jan 14, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2003SENATE\S29SE3.REC S29SE3 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S12142 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 29, 2003 material, creation of a standardized isting heating oil units, providing substan- nity College Partnership Act of 2003 certification program to encourage tial savings for the energy costs of con- will encourage partnerships between professional development, partnerships sumers; community and technical colleges and with community colleges to provide (7) the Alliance is providing improved and 4-year colleges and universities. This up-to-date training material for oilheat equipment for training, and a new technicians, establishing a standardized cer- bill will provide $70 million for 6 to 12 website to provide easy access to tification program and encouraging con- grants to partnerships between 2- and NORA safety and training material. tinuing education methods that result in ef- 4-year institutions to identify and ad- NORA also understands that new ficient and highly trained professionals to dress barriers to staying in school, to homeowners who buy houses with ex- service their customers; transferring to a 4-year institution, isting oil heat systems have questions (8) the Alliance has prepared material for and to responding to the demand for about the best way to make use of and realtors and prospective home buyers for skilled workers in high-quality, emerg- maintain their heating source, and houses with existing heating oil systems, ex- ing and established industries. publishes a Homeowner’s Guide that plaining how to make the best use of oilheat The fact is employers depend on describes the cleanliness and efficiency and providing crucial safety and energy effi- ciency information; skilled workers to provide services and of their system, and offers helpful in- (9) the legislation providing for the cre- produce goods. Even in this time of formation for real estate purchasers. ation of the Alliance included a sunset provi- high unemployment, some employers This is just a sampling of the many sion that will require the Alliance to termi- are having hard times finding skilled activities taking place in states using nate activities in February 2005 unless Con- workers. For example, according to the oil heat all over the country. Numer- gress acts to extend the authorization; and American Hospital Association, there ous State associations benefit from (10) the outstanding progress of the Alli- are 126,000 nursing positions that are their partnership with NORA, which ance in the fields of research and develop- unfilled across the country. In Wash- supports local and statewide initiatives ment, safety and training, and education, the nearly unanimous support from industry, ington State, there are currently 2,564 for the heating oil industry, its cus- nursing vacancies even though our tomers, and the professionals working and the strong potential to yield future ben- efits for industry and consumers make the State ranks as one of the highest un- within it. Indeed, the Maine Oil Dealers Alliance deserving of permanent authoriza- employment States. Why are these jobs Association has provided me with uni- tion by Congress. going begging? The answer is that we formly positive feedback about its SEC. 3. PERMANENT AUTHORIZATION. have a lack of trained workers. partnership with NORA, including its Section 713 of the National Oilheat Re- From personal experience as both an assistance with development of infor- search Alliance Act of 2000 (42 U.S.C. 6201 employee and as an employer, I under- mation brochures and production of note) is repealed. stand the importance of skills in the safety manuals in both printed and By Ms. CANTWELL: private sector. When I changed careers electronic form. S. 1677. A bill to encourage partner- several years ago, I was able to succeed I am persuaded that NORA’s perform- ships between community colleges and as a software company executive be- ance has exceeded all expectation and 4-year institutions of higher education; cause I had the chance to get a good deserves permanent authorization from to the Committee on Health, Edu- basic education. I come from a work- the Congress. I look forward to helping cation, Labor, and Pensions. ing-class family, but I was able to be make sure that NORA can continue its Ms. CANTWELL. Mr. President, I the first in my family to get a college beneficial activities long into the fu- rise today to discuss one of the most degree, thanks to the Federal Pell ture. important issues facing our country Grant program. I ask unanimous consent that the today. How we prepare our students to As an employer in that software com- text of the bill be printed in the compete for the jobs that are still in pany, I realized that because of the fast RECORD. demand today and the jobs that will be pace of change we needed to hire a There being no objection, the bill was in demand tomorrow. In order to ad- workforce of people who were prepared ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as dress this issue, we must increase our to respond quickly to changing situa- follows: support for the entire education and tions. We also had to hire people who S. 1676 training continuum—incuding sec- could create new ways of doing busi- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- ondary schools, community colleges, 4- ness literally overnight. I strongly be- resentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, year colleges and universities. lieve that a good basic education cou- SECTION 1 SHORT TITLE. Today, I want to focus on one key pled with lifelong training opportuni- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘National part of this continuum: community ties are key to equiping workers with Oilheat Research Alliance Act of 2003’’. and technical colleges. Nationwide, the types of decision-making abilities SEC. 2 FINDINGS. there are now more than 1,100 of these necessary to be successful in today’s (a) Congress finds that— institutions, which enroll 10.4 million economy. (1) in 2000, Congress enacted the National students. For over a century, commu- Yet, we are failing at our job of pre- Oilheat Research Alliance Act of 2000 (42 nity colleges have grown and changed paring workers. There is a crisis in our U.S.C. 6201 note), authorizing a referendum with the times. No other segment of education and training system. Under- to create the National Oilheat Research Alli- funding is a significant issue. Both 2- ance; higher education is more responsive to (2) before enactment of that Act, similar its community and workforce needs and 4-year institutions lack the capac- legislation had passed the Senate by unani- than the community college. Whether ity to respond to demand. More State mous consent with 21 bipartisan Senate co- providing academic preparation for a 4- and Federal investment is essential. sponsors and the House of Representatives year degree, or technical training for a However, to truly close the skills gap, with 148 bipartisan cosponsors; job requiring a community college cre- we must also address the other prob- (3) the Alliance was approved by an indus- dential, 2-year institutions play a very lems 2- and 4-year institutions face. try-wide referendum held in January 2001, significant role in creating a skilled These problems center on keeping stu- with 97 percent of oilheat retailers and 99 dents in the system and advancing percent of oilheat wholesalers voting in workforce. favor of creation of the Alliance; However, transfer rates are low: only them to the next level. (4) during its nearly 3 years of existence, about one quarter to one third of those The sad reality is that along the way the Alliance has operated in 21 States and students who intend to transfer to a 4- to a good basic education, students get the District of Columbia, providing benefits year institution actually do so. These diverted away from their goals. In high for its members and oilheat consumers in the low transfer rates and the continuing school, they may lack information areas of research and development, safety, challenges employers face in finding about the opportunities higher edu- energy efficiency, training, and education; skilled workers mean that we must cation promises. If they make it into a (5) the Alliance successfully created the strengthen the connections between community college, they may be forced National Oilheat Research Institute, which to abandon their education because the is leading the way toward developing a low- community colleges and 4-year institu- sulfur heating oil product that will allow sig- tions and between community colleges opportunity cost of not earning a wage nificant progress in reducing emissions; and employers. is too high. If they do earn an associ- (6) the Institute is also at the forefront of I am introducing a bill today that ate’s degree, the transition to a 4-year developing new efficiency techniques for ex- will address these issues. The Commu- institution is fraught with challenges.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:07 Jan 14, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2003SENATE\S29SE3.REC S29SE3 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY September 29, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S12143 Agreements between 2- and 4-year in- previously as chairman of the Perma- for terrorist attacks that have killed over stitutions to accept students may not nent Subcommittee on Investigations, 800 Israelis in the last 3 years; exist. Credits may not easily transfer. I have had the opportunity to work Whereas Abu Mazen, the first ever Pales- Community or technical college stu- hand-in-hand with IGs to combat fraud tinian Prime Minister, recently resigned be- cause Yasser Arafat refused to turn over full dents may need additional tutoring, and waste in a variety of programs. control of the Palestinian Authority’s 53,000- mentoring or support to succeed in a 4- To cite just one example, I worked man security apparatus to the duly ap- year institution. Programs and sched- with the Office of Inspector General for pointed government and continued to wield ules may be structured to preclude the Department of Health and Human power over the General Intelligence Appa- work and study—a growing necessity Services to uncover flagrant examples ratus, the National Security Force, and the as college costs rise. of Medicare fraud. We found that the elite bodyguard unit known as ; These are significant barriers than Federal Government had been sending Whereas the dismantling of terrorist orga- can and should be addressed. That is Medicare checks to 14 fraudulent nizations is a precondition to a comprehen- sive peace in the Middle East; why I am introducing the Community health care companies that had pro- College Partnership Act today. I am Whereas Yasser Arafat can no longer be vided no services whatsoever. Indeed, trusted by the international community or proud of this bill and believe that it the address listed by one company did the 3,500,000 Palestinian people living in the will go a long way toward closing our not exist, and, if it had, the address and to be an honest skills gap. In addition, however, I re- would have been located in the middle broker for peace; and main committed to addressing the sig- of the runway of the Miami Inter- Whereas Yasser Arafat has presided over a nificant funding shortfalls that our national Airport. period of decay in economic and security educational institutions face. Ensuring The Offices of Inspector General have conditions affecting the Palestinian people students get the skills necessary for and has impeded any meaningful progress to- demonstrated a record of tremendous ward peace in the Middle East: Now, there- our new economy is essential. We must success over the past 25 years, and we meet the needs of employers who have fore, be it wish to commend them and their em- Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate unfilled jobs now, as well as employers ployees for their dedication and profes- that— in emerging technologies that will pro- sionalism in the performance of their (1) the leadership of the Palestinian people vide significant job opportunities in duties. by Yasser Arafat, who has condoned terror the coming years. I hope my colleagues will join Sen- and refused to dismantle terror organiza- tions, is a hindrance to efforts to reach a ator LIEBERMAN and me in passing this By Ms. COLLINS (for herself, Mr. comprehensive peace in the Middle East; and LIEBERMAN, Mr. VOINOVICH, Mr. resolution commending the IGS for (2) peace in the Middle East depends on the SUNUNU, Mr. COLEMAN, Mr. their many accomplishments. construction of independent, transparent, LEVIN, Mr. AKAKA, Mr. STE- f and accountable institutions that are free from the taint of terrorism. VENS, and Mr. DURBIN): SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS S.J. Res. 18. A joint resolution com- Mr. REID. Madam President, the mending the Inspectors General for struggle to win peace in the Middle their efforts to prevent and detect SENATE RESOLUTION 236—EX- East is at a critical juncture. In one di- waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanage- PRESSING THE SENSE OF THE rection lies more of the same: Constant ment, and to promote economy, effi- SENATE THAT THE LEADERSHIP fear, the old hatreds, terrorist murders ciency, and effectiveness in the Federal OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE and retaliations that too often claim Government during the past 25 years; BY YASSER ARAFAT IS A HIN- innocent lives, as well. to the Committee on Governmental Af- DRANCE TO PEACE IN THE MID- Down the other road are lasting fairs. DLE EAST, AND THAT SUCH peace and security for and a self- Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, I rise PEACE DEPENDS ON INSTITU- ruled homeland for the people called today to introduce a joint resolution TIONS FREE FROM THE TAINT . recognizing the accomplishments of OF TERRORISM If we want to move in this direction, the inspectors general during the past we must shed the baggage of the past. Mr. REID (for himself and Mr. 25 years. I am very pleased to be joined If we stick with the same old formula, DASCHLE) submitted the following reso- in this undertaking by Senator LIEBER- we will only repeat the violent cycle lution; which was referred to the Com- MAN and many of our distinguished col- that has persisted for far too long. I mittee on Foreign Relations: leagues in both Houses of Congress. don’t claim to have all the answers Since 1978, the inspectors general S. RES. 236 about how to achieve peace in this very (IGs) have made valuable contributions Whereas unemployment among Palestin- troubled region. But there is one thing to the efficient and economical oper- ians has risen to 50 percent, and 59 percent of I do know: Yasser Arafat must go. He ation of the Federal Government. They the Palestinian people live below the poverty line; must go now. have made thousands of recommenda- We look all over at his tracks. They tions, which ultimately saved the Whereas a June 2003 independent poll indi- cated that the Palestinian people do not see are tracks he cannot cover. American taxpayers literally billions Yasser Arafat, the president of the Pales- In the Las Vegas Sun newspaper on of dollars. tinian Authority, contributing to an end to September 28 there was an editorial We’ve all heard the horror stories of their suffering; written by Michael O’Callaghan who $500 hammers and roads build to no- Whereas the June 2003 poll found that 84 has been in the newspaper business where: those are examples of the kind percent of Palestinians believe corruption since 1978. Prior to that he was Gov- of wasteful spending that the IGs have exists in the institutions of the Palestinian ernor of the State of Nevada for two exposed. The waste of scarce Federal Authority, and 2⁄3 of those who believe there is corruption also believe that corruption terms, probably the most popular Gov- resources not only picks the pockets of ernor ever elected in the State of Ne- taxpayers but also places severe finan- will increase or remain the same in the fu- ture; vada. But for many years he has been a cial pressures on already overburdened Whereas Yasser Arafat has steadfastly newspaper man. He writes in this col- programs, forcing cutbacks in vital blocked attempts at political, judicial, and umn, among other things: government services. economic reforms by using the Cen- Investigations by inspectors general What peace lovers over the world have re- tral Committee and the Palestinian Legisla- ceived from Arafat is more bloodshed and the have also resulted in the recovery of tive Council to obstruct efforts to bring increased use of suicide bombers. Arafat in hundreds of millions of dollars to the greater transparency and accountability to return has become wealthy from funds pro- U.S. Treasury from companies and in- the Palestinian Authority; vided by the United States and other nations dividuals who defrauded the Federal Whereas the international community has trying to encourage him to practice good Government. These investigations have lost confidence in the ability of the current government to provide for his people. His si- Palestinian leadership to confront terrorism; been the basis for thousands of crimi- phoning off of funds was exposed years ago Whereas Palestinian Security Forces have ... nal prosecutions, debarments, exclu- refused to confront and dismantle Pales- sions, and suspensions. tinian Islamic , whose express goal is This practice is not acceptable even In my capacity as chairman of the the elimination of the State of Israel, and though it is by some leaders in that Governmental Affairs Committee and , both of which have been responsible part of the world, he writes, in part.

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