Department of the Army, Dod § 578.48
Department of the Army, DoD § 578.48 (b) Requirements. Service between De- can-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal cember 7, 1941, and December 31, 1946, was awarded for service prior to May 9, both dates inclusive. 1945.) [13 FR 6802, Nov. 19, 1948] (5) Army of Occupation of Japan be- tween September 3, 1945, and April 27, § 578.48 Army of Occupation Medal. 1952, in the four main islands of Established by section I, WD General Hokkaido, Honshu, Shokoku, and Orders 32, 1946: Kyushu, the surrounding small islands (a) Requirements. Service for 30 con- of the Japanese homeland, the Ryukyu secutive days at a normal post of duty Islands, and the Bonin-Volcano Islands. (as contrasted to inspector, visitor, (Service between September 3, 1945, and courier, escort, passenger status, tem- March 2, 1946, will be counted only if porary duty, or detached service) while the Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal assigned to any of the following armies was awarded for service prior to Sep- of occupation: tember 3, 1945. In addition, service (1) Army of Occupation of Germany which meets the requirements for the (exclusive of Berlin) between May 9, Korean Service Medal as prescribed in 1945, and May 5, 1955. (Service between § 578.48b will not be counted in deter- May 9, and November 8, 1945, will be mining eligibility for this medal.) counted only if the European-African- Middle Eastern Campaign Medal was (6) Army Occupation of Korea be- awarded for service prior to May 8, tween September 3, 1945, and June 29, 1945.) 1949, inclusive. (Service between Sep- (i) Service for the prescribed period tember 3, 1945, and March 2, 1946, will with an organization which has been be counted only if the Asiatic-Pacific designated in Department of the Army Campaign Medal was awarded for serv- general orders as having met the re- ice prior to September 3, 1945.) quirements for the Berlin airlift device (b) Description.
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