COMDTINST M1560.25D Medals and Awards Manual
Medals and Awards Manual COMDTINST M1650.25D MAY 2008 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. Commandant 1900 Half Street, S.W. United States Coast Guard Washington, DC 20593-0001 Staff Symbol: CG-12 Phone: (202) 475-5222 COMDTINST M1650.25D 5 May 2008 COMMANDANT INSTRUCTION M1625.25D Subj: MEDALS AND AWARDS MANUAL 1. PURPOSE. This Manual publishes a revision of the Medals and Awards Manual. This Manual is applicable to all active and reserve Coast Guard members and other Service members assigned to duty within the Coast Guard. 2. ACTION. Area, district, and sector commanders, commanders of maintenance and logistics commands, Commander, Deployable Operations Group, commanding officers of headquarters units, and assistant commandants for directorates, Judge Advocate General, and special staff offices at Headquarters shall ensure that the provisions of this Manual are followed. Internet release is authorized. 3. DIRECTIVES AFFECTED. Coast Guard Medals and Awards Manual, COMDTINST M1650.25C and Coast Guard Rewards and Recognition Handbook, CG Publication 1650.37 are cancelled. 4. MAJOR CHANGES. Major changes in this revision include: clarification of Operational Distinguishing Device policy, award criteria for ribbons and medals established since the previous edition of the Manual, guidance for prior service members, clarification and expansion of administrative procedures and record retention requirements, and new and updated enclosures. 5. ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS/CONSIDERATIONS. Environmental considerations were examined in the development of this Manual and have been determined to be not applicable. 6. FORMS/REPORTS: The forms called for in this Manual are available in USCG Electronic Forms on the Standard Workstation or on the Internet:, CG Central at, and Intranet at
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