W. E. B. Griffin | 368 pages | 30 Oct 1997 | Penguin Putnam Inc | 9780515101485 | English | New York, NY, United States Read Download Special Operations Badge Of Honor Book 2 PDF – PDF Download

Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Special Operations Badge of Honor, 2. Oct 30, Leslie rated it it was amazing Shelves: purchased , cops , printcopy , philly. Set in the 'City of Brotherly Love' in the early s it is chock full of homophobia, casual racism and sexism. Which is about spot on for Philly in the 70s. My appreciation is rooted firmly in personal ties Mickey's mother is a member of Good Shepherd Church, where I made my first holy communion and confirmation. The procedure is still heavy handed but by the end there is a decent plot going. View 2 comments. Dec 20, David rated it it was amazing. Another great entry in this series Nov 06, Michael C. Special Operations is the second entry in W. Griffin's Badge of Honor series and the sequel to Men in Blue. The series focuses on the Philadelphia Police Department. Being a sequel, Special Operations builds upon a lot of what is established in Men in Blue, the first installment in Griffin's Badge of Honor series. It is also the book in which we see Matthew M. Payne, now a rookie police officer assigned to the newly formed Special Operations Division of the Philadelphia Police Department, ass Special Operations is the second entry in W. Payne, now a rookie police officer assigned to the newly formed Special Operations Division of the Philadelphia Police Department, assume the role of protagonist for the first time. In subsequent entries in the series, Payne goes on to serve as the protagonist of the series as a whole, and a great deal of focus is placed on his career and his growth as a person and a law enforcement officer. This is the book that introduces readers to the basic format that all future entries in the series would adopt. The titular and fictional Special Operations Division herein is the glue that holds a large portion of the cast of characters together until Final Justice, and this book sees Inspector Peter F. Wohl, its commanding officer, and his staff pitted against a dangerous malefactor dubbed by the press "the Northwest Philadelphia Serial Rapist. Their investigation is tedious and, at times, downright boring, which reveals one of the major themes of the Badge of Honor series: that police work is not always a glamorous affair of car chases and shootouts. However, at least one person is killed in a hail of bullets before the book is over and done with. I am aware of the fact that many people disparage Griffin and his writing ability, targeting the Badge of Honor series in particular, for his apparent tendency to jam-pack his books with lots of "filler," and I do understand where they're coming from. There is a significant focus on detailing the histories of characters and settings, backstories, and previous events in the series itself. My response to that, though, is that none of these books are exceptionally long; most of the Badge of Honor series is less than five hundred pages, usually closer to three hundred or so. It has never taken me more than a week or two - tops! I shudder to think of what some readers would say upon being confronted with a doorstopper of the likes that Tom Clancy or George R. Martin have produced. The bottom line is that I enjoyed Special Operations and find it a pleasant change of pace when compared to the vast majority of crime fiction. It's a no-nonsense, very down-to-earth police procedural in novel format. I would recommend it for those with an interest in police work looking for a quick read. Final Rating: I really liked it. Jun 27, Diana rated it really liked it. Although this book was definitely a product of the times, it was a really fun read. It was interesting to see Matthew Payne before he was a hotshot cop in the department. It was nice to see that he started off just like everyone else, new and not having any idea what they are doing. There were a lot of funny moments that made me laugh, and it was interesting to see how all of the different relationships started out. I thought the way Pekach got together with his lady was adorable, although a bit Although this book was definitely a product of the times, it was a really fun read. I thought the way Pekach got together with his lady was adorable, although a bit like a soap opera. It was disappointing that the act of actually catching the bad guy took such a small part of the book, but it was definitely a satisfying end. I look forward to reading more books in this series. I had mixed feelings about this book. On the one hand, the story it told and the characters in it were really interesting. I've liked most of what I've read or listened to by this author. The reader did a very good job. Also, the sex was not explicit and the violence was not graphic. On the other hand, there is a lot of profanity and I thought having both couples who had barely met hop right into bed was a bit incredible. Good series I like detective stories so this held my interest, also a good series to follow. Characters are interesting but I'm going to try and warm up to Matt. Not sure about him yet. Aug 12, Bill Donhiser rated it really liked it Shelves: adventure , read-books. As with all W. Griffin books, this book is very detailed. A well-written police procedural in the story and the characters are very good. Jul 26, Brian rated it really liked it. I liked this one a lot better than the first book in the series. I'm glad I stuck with it. Aug 23, TJ rated it liked it Shelves: mystery , classics. Quick easy read but still struggling w the sexism and blatant racism. Jan 28, Judy Green rated it really liked it. May 03, Bruce Gleba rated it liked it Shelves: griffen- web. For me it had way too much background on the police department and needed more story. Jul 13, Robert Berry rated it really liked it. Aug 27, Bill Yarbrough rated it it was amazing. Another great read by Griffin in the 'Badge of Honor' series. He gives enough detail to make the books interesting. Dec 21, Bryan Boswell rated it it was amazing. Possibly one of the greatest series of all time. My father read this and passed it down to me. Great reading. Feb 12, Jerry Mundt rated it it was amazing. Feb 13, William Walter rated it liked it. It read more like a tv script than a novel, but at least there was some character development along the way. Feb 16, E. Enjoyed this book. It had a good story line. Feb 21, Bill Fairchild rated it really liked it. My 2nd W. Griffin novel - very enjoyable. Feb 01, David rated it it was ok. This book is fairly dated. Written in the 's there are places it really shows its age. One of the places the age shows is in reference to gays. It certainly accurately reflects the period in its attitudes, but the cover proclaims it to be a new series when it is simply being republished. As a police procedural, I think Griffin gets most of it right. Griffin likes to create a specially organization, much as he did in the presidential agent series, that allows him to Create a group that other This book is fairly dated. Griffin likes to create a specially organization, much as he did in the presidential agent series, that allows him to Create a group that other groups are at odds with, but has the favor of an administration that promises the moon. In other words, this series, set in Philadelphia, was certainly a precursor to the presidential agent novels. This series appears to be little more than his creative writing practice for the next series For example, police attitudes about guns, overtime, etc are ll well and good. Overall, however, it falls on its face with its coincidental resolution, while I am certain that at times coincidence plays a part in capturing a killer, in a police procedural novel it is disappointing. Why have all of the fancy police legwork etc. In other words, the author manages to keep the reader turning pages until he reaches an ending that is sour, unsatisfying, and terribly disappointing. I will likely not give up on this series here.. Feb 27, Quillracer rated it liked it. Errors in automotive details jump out at me. Griffin has a big goof here one he commits twice! Again, Griffin gives us too much detail about the command structure and hierarchy of the Philadelphia Police Department. He tells it in small doses, but each one creates a hitch in the flow of the story as the reader wades through the information. This kind of detail may be fine for someone rea Errors in automotive details jump out at me. This same overload of detail applies to some of the characters. A police academy firearms instructor gets a two-page bio, then after performing his part, disappears never to be seen again. Tighter writing in these areas or cutting some of this info entirely would have made a much tauter, faster paced novel. Griffin about the Philadelphia Police Department. He is clearly modeled on Frank Rizzo. Like Rizzo, Carlucci served 26 years as a police officer and held "every rank but policewoman. In an apparent disconnect, in The Traffickers , which begins approximately 30 days after the end of Final Justice , Mayor Carlucci is in full control. Paulo Cassandro is the underboss of the Philadelphia Mafia. He is the owner of Classic Livery, which provides limousines to the public; he also serves as enforcer to Vincente Savarese, along with his brother, Pietro. Taddeus Czernich is the nominal Commissioner of Police; in reality, he is nothing more than a figurehead for Jerry Carlucci. The Czernich character was based upon Joseph F. Penelope Detweiler was the only daughter of Richard Detweiler, the majority stockholder in Nesfoods. Her relationship with DeZego led to her addiction to heroin. She was hospitalized in a private sanitarium in Nevada. When she returned to Philadelphia, Detweiler had a brief relationship with Matt Payne. She died of a heroin overdose in The Murderers. He has resented Carlucci's interference with his force, and attempted to resign in The Murderers. He retained the office when Carlucci granted him concessions. He started off partnered with Charlie McFadden as Narcotics undercover detectives. The two of them were highly effective, but their career ended when they caught the murderer of Highway Patrol chief "Dutch" Moffitt. The publicity ended their Narcotics careers, and Martinez went undercover as an officer at the Airport Unit to catch a crooked corporal. After that stint, Martinez was assigned to Special Operations. Martinez and McFadden are best friends as well as partners. However, Martinez does not like Matt Payne, whom he regards as a spoiled rich kid. He was transferred to Special Operations while Martinez went to the Airport Unit, and continues to work in Special Operations as a detective. Michael J. He is regarded as one of the best police reporters on the East Coast, and he is held in high regard by the police for several reasons, including listening to their side of controversial events. O'Hara drives a car equipped with several police band receivers at the time the series was written, computer-controlled scanners were not available. Although O'Hara is held in high esteem by the police, he has published stories that the police wanted played down, such as the arrest of a crooked police captain. He has also been on the site and taken photos when significant events took place, such as when Matt Payne shot and killed the Northwest Serial Rapist in Special Operations. Matthew Payne, also known by the nicknames "Matt" or "Matty," is the central figure of the Badge of Honor series. He is the son of Officer John X. Moffit, who was killed in the . His mother, Patricia Moffitt, took a job as a legal secretary to make a living, and met Brewster C. Payne, a prominent Philadelphia attorney and widower. They fell in love and remarried. Brewster Payne legally adopted Matt. Matt went to private school, where he was an average student with some clashes with the police and then to the University of Pennsylvania, where he attended Marine Corps ROTC. A minor medical condition prevented Matt from obtaining a commission in the Corps. About the same time, Matt's uncle, "Dutch" Moffitt, was killed. Matt decided to join the Philadelphia Police Department. This was done to keep him out of trouble; higher-ups in the department figured that Payne would come to his senses and leave the Department in time. His shooting saved a woman who had been inside the van. After receiving a high score on the Detective exam, Payne was then assigned to the East Division's detective office and worked routine operations such as retrieving stolen cars. In The Witness , Payne ended up shooting and being shot by one of a gang of armed robbers. Again, not intentionally: Wohl had sent him to escort Mickey O'Hara and to keep O'Hara safe and out of the line of any fire. Payne's stay in Special Operations was troublesome at times. Wohl reprimanded him for climbing on the 12th floor ledge of the Bellvue-Stratford Hotel to replace a surveillance microphone that had been knocked loose. Special Operations (Badge of Honor, book 2) by W E B Griffin

The series has a number of recurring characters. Among them is Jerry Carlucci. He is the former Philadelphia mayor. He is evidently showed on Frank Rizzo. He served for 26 years in the police service just like Rizzo. Carlucci held each rank in the service apart from those held by women. Being the mayor, he had a police commissioner who was under him. However, he still insisted first-hand administration of the department of police. In an ostensible disconnect which began 30 days after ending of Final Justice, Carlucci is seen to be in full control. This disconnect has the title The Traffickers. The second recurring character is Paulo Cassandro. Paulo is the sotto capo in charge of Philadelphia Mafia. He is the second in command in the army. He owns the Classic Livery. It offers limousines services to the public. Paulo together with his brother Pietro, assists in enforcing the Vincente Savarese. Taddeus Czernich, a nominal police commissioner is a figurehead of Jerry Carlucci. Penny Detweiler is the daughter to Richard Detweiler who is the major stakeholder in Nesfoods. Penny was tangled with Anthony DeZito and she was there during his murder. The heroin addiction made her be hospitalized in Nevada privately. The addiction subsequently led to her death. Matt Lowenstein was in charge of the detectives. However, in The Murderers, Carlucci gave him concessions and hence he stayed in office. Jesus Martinez is also a detective who is stationed at the division of Special Operations in the police force. He associated with Charlie McFadden to become undercover detectives of narcotics. The two were competent detectives but their career end came when they arrested the person who murdered Moffit who was the Highway Patrol chief. They were great friends and work partners. Martinez was transferred to the Airport department while Charlie went to the special operations unit. Mickey was recognized as among the best reporters because he listened to the police views on most controversial events. His car has many police band receivers. Despite him being respected by the police, he published stories about the police service which they did not like to be made public. Among these stories was the arresting of an incompetent police captain. He also took photos of important events such as the killing of Matt Payne. Matthew Payne, commonly known as Matt is the son of Moffit. His father was killed while on duty and therefore his mother had to work as a secretary to earn a living. His mother fell in love with a Philadelphia attorney and they got married. Payne was assigned to the special operations unit after his graduation. He became a hero after killing a serial rapist and killer whom he had accidently found. His stay there became troublesome. Payne loved Penny Detweiler who died of heroin overdose. Amy Payne is an elder sister to Matt Payne. She has a doctorate degree in medicine and pure mathematics and she works as a psychiatrist. She had an input in the Special Operations unit where she has assessed the serial rapists. Martha Peebles was the heir to a coal mining fortune. Her brother Stephen was disinherited by the father for being a homosexual. Stephen had to stay with Martha but after many instances of pilferage he moved out. Dave Pekach is the commanding officer of the Highway police unit. Carlucci gave this role to him and he investigated many cases of Peebles home burglaries. Vincenzo Savarese was in charge of Philadelphia Mafia. He is a qualified violinist though he has the capacity to order the death of a person indirectly. His daughter is married to a certain builder who is not involved in crime. The special provision authorized for the War on Terrorism is listed in this paragraph. The CIB may be awarded to recognize those U. Qualified Soldiers must have been personally present and participated in the combat operations. Orders directing the officer to assume command will be confirmed in writing at the earliest practicable date. Assigned as advisor of an irregular force comparable to the above infantry units under similar conditions. Personally present and under fire while serving in an assigned primary duty as a member of a tactical advisory team while the unit participated in ground combat. Individuals who performed liaison duties with the Royal Thai Army or the Army of the Republic of Korea combat units in Vietnam are eligible for award of the badge provided they meet all other requirements. Retroactive awards under these criteria are not authorized for service prior to 29 July Second and third awards of the CIB are indicated by superimposing 1 and 2 stars respectively, centered at the top of the badge between the points of the oak wreath. To date, a separate award of the CIB has been authorized for qualified Soldiers in the following qualifying periods:. Subsequent awards of the CIB is not authorized for the same qualifying period, as outlined above. The CIB may be awarded by the following individuals:. Louis, MO — Such awards will not be made except where evidence of injustice is presented. Several factors led to the creation of the CIB, some of the most prominent factors are as follows:. All these factors led to the establishment of the CIB, an award that would provide special recognition of the unique role of the Army infantryman, the only Soldier whose daily mission is to close with and destroy the enemy and to seize and hold terrain. The badge was intended as an inducement for individuals to join the infantry while serving as a morale booster for infantrymen serving in every theater. Their vital contributions to the overall war effort were certainly noted, but it was decided that other awards and decorations were sufficient to recognize their contributions. From the beginning, Army leaders have taken care to retain the badge for the unique purpose for which it was established and to prevent the adoption of any other badge which would lower its prestige. At the close of World War II, our largest war in which the armor and artillery played key roles in the ground campaigns, a review was conducted of the CIB criteria with consideration being given to creating either additional badges or authorizing the badge to cavalry and armor units. The review noted that any change in policy would detract from the prestige of the badge. Army Vietnam regulations went so far as to require documentation of the type and intensity of enemy fire encountered by the Soldier. All rights reserved. No part of this web site may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever, including Internet usage, without written permission. Use of the logo or logo contents are prohibited without written permission. Photo of silhouetted soldier is used courtesy of The U. The Combat Infantryman Badge CIB and the Expert Infantryman Badge EIB were establishedby Section I, War Department Circular , dated October 27, The present war has demonstrated the importance of highly proficient, tough, hard and aggressive infantry, which can be obtained only by developing a high degree of individual all-around proficiency on the part of every infantryman. Badge of Honor Series by W.E.B. Griffin

The Kittanning Destroyed Medal. The Society of the Army of the Potomac Medal. The New Market Cross of Honor. The Davis Guard Medal. The Fidelity Medallion. The Badge of Military Merit. The Congressional Gold Medal. The . The . The . The Congressional Medal of Honor. The Cross for the Defenders of Veracruz. The Cross for Revolutionary Merit The Distinguished Service Cross. The Distinguished Service Medal. The Navy Cross. The Army of Occupation of Germany Medal. The Purple Heart. The American Defense Service Medal. The Navy and Marine Corps Medal. The Legion of Merit. The Bronze Star Medal. The Medal of Freedom The Navy Occupation Service Medal. The Medal for Humane Action. The Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal. The . The . The Congressional Space Medal of Honor. The robbery ended in murder, the killers claimed t… More. Shelve The Witness. Book 5. The Assassin by W. A political assasin is ready to make his move. The… More. Shelve The Assassin. Book 6. The Murderers by W. A Philadelphia narcotics cop is shot dead in his h… More. Shelve The Murderers. Book 7. The Investigators by W. A brutal crime A group of urban terrorists An … More. Shelve The Investigators. Book 8. Final Justice by W. Just as with his remarkable military novels, milli… More. Shelve Final Justice. Book 9. The Traffickers by W. Homicide Sergeant Matthew Payne is used to murder,… More. Shelve The Traffickers. Book The Vigilantes by W. Shelve The Vigilantes. The Last Witness by W. The dramatic new novel in the Philadelphia police … More. Shelve The Last Witness. Deadly Assets by W. Shelve Deadly Assets.

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Facing a desperate public, a hostile press and reluctant witnesses, the Philadelphia Police Department must try and stop a new reign of violence - a terrifying spree of kidnapping and assault that has plunged the city into fear. The follow up to Men in Blue. Griffin The Victim Author : W. Griffin has captured a worldwide audience with his stunning novels of men and women of outstanding courage. A brutal Mafia slaying rocks the city of Philadelphia when the only living witness is revealed--a wealthy debutante involved with the targeted mobster. One of the suspects is a cop, Matt Payne, who unwittingly takes on the ultimate battle between organized crime, upper-class power From the Paperback edition. Griffin Victory and Honor Author : W. The third concerns what might be the next world war against Red Joe Stalin and his voracious ambitions. To get an early advantage, Frade has been conducting a secret and daring operation against the Communists. But to do it undetected, he and his men must walk a perilously dark line. Because all it takes is one slip—and everyone becomes a casualty of war. Griffin The Spymasters Author : W. Griffin continues his gripping series featuring the legendary OSS—fighting a silent war of spies and assassins in the shadows of World War II. Summer She has a double doctorate, in pure mathematics and in medicine, and works as a psychiatrist. Among her patients have been Penelope Detweiler and reluctantly the granddaughter of Vincenzo Savarese. She has also assisted the Special Operations Division in profiling the Northwest Serial Rapist and an insane but intelligent man trying to kill the Vice-President. Amy Payne is prone to being distracted as a driver, makes snap psychological judgments of her brother, and annoyed when she runs into the bureaucracy of the Philadelphia Police Department. She is romantically involved with Peter Wohl. Martha Peebles, in her late thirties, was the heir to a fortune based on anthracite coal mining. Her father disinherited her brother, Stephen, for being a homosexual. Stephen stayed with Martha, however, was forced to move out after several cases of pilferage. Martha asked for police assistance to protect her home. Captain Dave Pekach was sent to respond for public relations reasons. The two fell in love and Pekach moved in with Martha and later married. Martha doted on Pekach, and one of his biggest problems is preventing her from buying things for her "Precious. A former Narcotics Lieutenant, he was given command of Highway Patrol because Mayor Jerry Carlucci thinks that the former number two man in Highway, Captain Mike Sabara, "Looks like a concentration camp guard in uniform. Vincenzo Savarese is the head of Philadelphia's Mafia family. Although he has refined manners and is an accomplished violinist, Savarese is capable of ordering, albeit indirectly, a person's death. Savarese has a daughter who is married to a builder and is not involved in crime, and a granddaughter on whom he dotes. When she was raped by a rogue Narcotics cop, Savarese prevailed on Brewster Payne to have his daughter, Dr. Amy Payne, take care of her. He also arranged for the man who sold her drugs to be kidnapped and left to starve to death in the dark. He is a master of using psychology with subjects under interrogation and in determining the anomalies in their stories. He would be regarded as vain if he was not able to back up his words with actions. Washington did not want to be transferred from Homicide to Special Operations because, as a Homicide detective, he earned considerable overtime pay. However, Inspector Wohl convinced him that he would be able to work as many hours as he wanted. In Final Justice , he is transferred back to Homicide as a Lieutenant. Ironically named similarly to the wife of America's first president , Martha is partner to Lieutenant Jason Washington. She is said to be a reputable art dealer and is forever dragging her husband to events in the art world. In his career he served in the Highway Division as the youngest corporal in the unit; he was also the youngest sergeant, lieutenant, captain, and staff inspector in the Philadelphia Police Department. He has a reputation for honesty and for fighting corruption; before he was assigned to Special Operations, Wohl's investigation sent a corrupt Judge Moses Flinderman to prison. Wohl insists that his officers do things the smart and effective way and has chastised Matt Payne several times for doing courageous but "stupid" things, including suspending Payne one time until Mayor Carlucci overrode him. Wohl is the son of Augustus Wohl, the retired Chief of Detectives. The Vigilantes by W. Shelve The Vigilantes. The Last Witness by W. The dramatic new novel in the Philadelphia police … More. Shelve The Last Witness. Deadly Assets by W. Shelve Deadly Assets. Broken Trust by W. The dramatic New York Times bestselling adventure … More. Shelve Broken Trust. Griffin: Three Complete Novels by W. Three gritty and suspenseful novels from the Badge… More. Shelve Griffin: Three Complete Novels. Book 4, 5, 6. Millions of readers have been swept away by W. The Attack by W. A dead girl, a wealthy family, and indications … More. Shelve The Attack. The Corps. Brotherhood of War. Presidential Agent. Men at War. unechten-stellen-und-gedichte-classic-rep-241.pdf