How Spies Think – Spy Chief David Omand Tuesday, November 24, 2020 TRT (Total Running Time): 1:01:12 ANDREW HAMMOND: Hi, and welcome to SpyCast from the secret files of the International spy Museum in Washington, DC. I'm Dr. Andrew Hammond, the museum's historian and curator. Every week, SpyCast brings you interesting conversations from authors, scholars and practitioners who live in the world of global espionage. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns email us at
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[email protected]. Also, if you like what you hear, and even if you don't, please take a minute to review us on iTunes or whatever platform you may be listening from. We're always looking for ways to make SpyCast better and you can help. ANDREW HAMMOND: Welcome to this week's edition of SpyCast. This week we're looking at “How Spies Think” and we're doing so with Sir David Omand. So, I'm really pleased that I got the opportunity to speak to David because a professor of my graduate school, said that he was the smartest person whom he had ever met. And he had met a lot of smart people, he had done his PhD at Cambridge. Another endorsement for Sir David comes from Rodric Braithwaite. So, Sir Rodric was the last British ambassador to the former Soviet Union, and he said that there is no one more qualified to speak about British intelligence than David Omand. DAVID OMAND: In 1969, I graduated from Cambridge University. I decided not to pursue an academic career with getting a doctorate.