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= :^Atp D B 0]Ct >] =Dztb M V 38,000 REASONS TO ROAR! (see inside for details) JUNE 2 –SEPTEMBER 4 HIPPODROME THEATRE France-Merrick Performing Arts Center • Baltimore ©DISNEY :IN;EB<:MBHGH? uPPP'P:LABG@MHGIHLM'<HF(>QIK>LLu?>;KN:KR**&*,%+)).u--5A44++ P^^d^g] 1A8C08=kA>H0;4=6064<4=C =:^aTP D_b0]cT >]=dZTb #(2)3#!2,3/.!0 :gghng\^lbmaZlp^Zihgl% *OSE'UILLENJOINSTHE.ATIONALSINTHEOUTFIELD langlmZedlhg]blZkfZf^gm B_^acbFTTZT]S)GZVYndg B4>D;B>DC7:>A40kGhkmaDhk^Z[hZlm^] cdi!CVi^dcVah]ZVYid;aV#[dg in[eb\er_hkma^_bklmmbf^Mankl]ZrmaZmbmaZl gn\e^Zkp^ZihglZg]lZb]bmpbeelmZrZpZr i]ZhiVgid[heg^c\igV^c^c\q " & _khf]blZkfZf^gmmZedl%]kZfZmb\ZeerkZbl& bg`ma^lmZd^lbgma^+&r^Zk&he]]blinm^'Ma^ ;nlaZ]fbgblmkZmbhg\Zee^]hgIrhg`rZg` CTaa^aETaSXRc)C#N#aVlnZg mh`bo^nibmlZmhfb\ZlibkZmbhgllheb_^\Zg \j^aind[V^Y^c\^cXa^ZciÉheadiq" [^[^mm^k_hkbmlbfiho^kbla^]i^hie^' GhkmaDhk^ZÍlaZklaerphk]^]ikhghng\^& f^gmihl^]Z`kZo^\aZee^g`^mhIk^lb]^gm FWh1T ;nla%pahlmZkm^]abll^\hg]m^kfpbmaZohp A^\P]cXR. mh^g]GhkmaDhk^ZÍlgn\e^& Zkikh`kZfmakhn`albq& EaVcndjgdlc gZmbhg]blZkfZf^gmmZedl' KVaZci^cZÉh9Vn ÊP^ÁaZo^fZgn& */(.34),,7%,,0//,!0 _Z\mnk^]gnd^l_hkl^e_& "! 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Patients should be: • Ages 18-60 • Not currently depressed • Medication-free • Otherwise medically healthy The study includes medical and psychiatric evaluations. Financial compensation and transportation reimbursement provided. Call: 301-496-5645 (TTY: 1-866-411-1010) The National Institute of Mental Health National Institutes of Health, Department of Health & Human Services Weekend Pass. Thursdays. 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