AESOP In the Afternoon

ALBERT CULLUM In the Afternoon

Albert Cullum

CITATION PRESS N EW Y O R K 1972 Other Citation Press Books by Albert Cullurn

PUSH BACK THE DESKS SHAKE HANDS WITH SHAKESPEARE: Eight Plays for Elementary Schools GREEK TEARS AND ROMAN LAUGHTER: Len I ragedies and hive Comedies for Schools

To a back porch of summer memories...

G r a t e f u l acknowledgment is m ade to N o rm a M il l a y E l l is fo r p e r ­ m ission to r e p r in t “ S econd F ig ” by E dna St . V in c e n t M i i .l a y fro m COLLECTED POEMS, H a r p e r & R ow . C o p y r ig h t 1922, 1950 by E dna St . V in c e n t M i l l a y .

C o p y r ig h t © 1972 b y Sc h o la stic M a g a z in e s, I n c . A l l rig h ts reser v ed .

P u blish ed by C ita tio n P ress, L ib r a r y and T rade D iv isio n , Sc h o la stic M a g a z in e s, I n c ., E d ito ria l O f f ic e : 50 W est 44 St r e e t , N ew Y o r k , N ew Y ork 10036.

L ib r a r y of C o ngress C atalo g C ard N u m b e r : 73-181 J73 Standard B ook N u m b e r : 590-09535-8

P rinted in th e U.S.A. Contents

Introduction: Classroom Drama Enhances the Learning Process

Plays for Two Students ΊΊιε Peacock and the Crane 21 The Wolf and the Mountain Goat The Mouse and the Hull 26 The Grasshopper and the Owl 28 The Wolf and the House L)og 3 1 The Lion and the Hull 34 The Two Frogs 36 The Fox and the Grow 38 The Man and the Satyr 4 1 43 The Boy and the Nuts 45 Fhe Flea and the Ox 47 The Donkey and the Wolf 49 The Wild Boar and the Fox 51 The Eagle and the Hawk 53 The Seaside Travelers 55

Plays for Three Students The Lion and the Dolphin 59 The Heron 61 The Serpent and the Eagle 63 65 The Playful Donkey 67 Fhe Boy Who Went into the River 69 Two Travelers and a Bear 71 The Crow and Mercury 74 The Lion, the Wolf and the Fox 77 Fhe Dog, the Rooster and the Fox 80 The Goose Who Laid the Golden Eggs 83 The Gat and the Monkey 86 89 The Wind and the Sun 91 Ehe Mouse and the Frog 94 The Hare and the Tortoise 97 The City Mouse and the Country Mouse too The Donkey, the Rooster and the Lion 104 The Miser 107 The Gnat and the Lion 110 The Lion, the Fox and the Donkey 113 Fhe Crab and the Fox 115

Plays for Four Students Fhe Mother Lark and Her Babies 119 Peaeock and |uno 123 The Doe and the Lion 126 T he Dogs and the Flides 128 The Mother and the Wolf 131 The Ox and the Frog 134 The Goat and the Donkey 137 140 The Dogs and the Fox 143 Mercury and the Workmen 145 The Lion’s Share 149 The Fox and the Old Lion 152 The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf 155

Plays for Five Students The Meeting of the Mice 1G1 The Farmer and the Stork 165 168 The Mnles and the Robbers 172 Two Travelers and a Purse 174 The Fox and the Cat 176 Fhe Donkey in the Lion’s Skin 178

Plays for Six Students The Miller, His Son, and Their Donkey 18 The Hawk and the Pigeons 186 I he Wolves and the Sheep 190 The Fox Who Lost His Tail 11)3 I he Sick Stag 11)7 The Milk Woman and Her Pail 200 The Shoemaker Turned Doctor 203 Ihe Bowman and the Mountain Lion 206