Congressional Record—House H7111
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December 1, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7111 I appreciate the gentleman from Illi- I want to thank my colleagues who They attend our schools, work alongside us, nois (Mr. FOSTER) for being here to- joined me tonight to help drive home and live in our neighborhoods. night. the very important point that everyone For Erik and the thousands of other Mr. Speaker, in closing, let me say who is in our country that has reg- DREAMERs across Texas, the revocation of that, whether it is these 750,000-plus istered with the government, that has DACA could mean returning to countries they DREAMers, these young Americans come forward, that has applied success- haven’t called home since they were children. who, at a very tender age, were brought fully under the DACA program de- While we work to reform our broken immi- to this country by their parents or rel- serves to stay here and deserves our gration system, we must remember that the atives and in every single way, except help to ensure our laws allow them to immigrants we speak of are just like us—they for citizenship, are no different than do that going forward. have hopes, dreams, and want to live a good my three children or anyone else that I yield back the balance of my time. life. I represent in the great City of El Paso, Mr. VEASEY. Mr. Speaker, thank you to my Like Erik, I believe that we need to move Texas—these DREAMers are going to colleague Mr. O’ROURKE for his work to high- forward with immigration reform. high school, are serving in our Armed light such an important issue. I believe we can do so in a way that keeps Forces, are attending our universities, Since November 9th, many of the immi- families together and benefits our country as a are, in many respects, the future of our grants in my district of Dallas-Fort Worth have whole at the same time. communities, of our country, who have been rightfully nervous about their future in the I stand here alongside my colleagues to re- so much to gain personally and so United States. mind our country’s DREAMers that the fight much to give back to this country. It is no secret where the President-Elect isn’t over. These DREAMers must be spared from stands on immigration. Our fight here in Congress has just begun. any decisions that would break the He has vowed to repeal the highly success- f trust that was created with them, that ful Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals pro- PROTESTS OF THE DAKOTA would force them back to their coun- gram, commonly known as DACA. ACCESS PIPELINE tries of origin, which they no longer This move is wrong for America and for the know as home, whose language they no immigrants whose lives have been forever The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. longer speak, where they no longer changed by the program. DONOVAN). Under the Speaker’s an- have family with whom they can re- Since 2012, over 135,000 bright young Tex- nounced policy of January 6, 2015, the side. ans have successfully applied for the program. Chair recognizes the gentleman from Mr. Speaker, I think it is also impor- It has been life changing for all those who North Dakota (Mr. CRAMER) for 30 min- tant, on the larger subject of how we qualified. utes. talk about those who are in our coun- This has been especially true for one of my Mr. CRAMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise try from another country, that we re- constituents, Erik. this evening to talk about the rule of member a few facts. For example, the Erik is a 27-year-old DACA recipient who law, the importance of enforcement of border that connects us with our coun- immigrated to the United States from Mexico the rule of law, the importance of a try and neighbor to the south, Mexico, with his mother when he was just two years government that stands for law and is as safe today as it has ever been. The old. order. community that I have the honor to Erik was unaware of his immigration status I ask your indulgence, Mr. Speaker, represent and to serve, El Paso, Texas, for the majority of his life until he reached a as I begin my comments tonight by which is conjoined with Ciudad Juarez critical milestone at the age of 16. reading a resolution of support, a reso- to form the largest binational commu- When he asked his mother if he could apply lution that illustrates the position of a nity anywhere in the world, is the for his driver’s license, what normally would be very important organization in my safest city in the United States. It is an exciting event turned into a difficult con- State of North Dakota, the North Da- safe not in spite of, but precisely be- versation with his mother about his immigra- kota Veterans Coordinating Council. cause of, our connection to Mexico, the tion status. b 2000 Mexican immigrants, the Mexican Erik was devastated because although he Americans, and those who are in our called the United States home, he would be It reads like this: community, documented or otherwise, unable to move forward with his life as he Whereas: The protests against the Dakota that make El Paso such a tremen- planned. Access Pipeline have been going on for over Once he graduated from high school, Erik 100 days in North Dakota. dously safe, wonderful, thriving com- Whereas: The protests have been conducted munity. knew that attending college would be a signifi- on public and private land without proper We know that U.S. cities on the bor- cant challenge—one he almost didn’t take on. permission. der with Mexico and U.S. cities with He shared that he wasn’t even sure college Whereas: The protests have not remained large immigrant populations are, in was the right decision because he was unsure peaceful. In fact, the protesters have caused fact, far safer than the average U.S. that he could get a job after he graduated. millions of dollars in damage. They have de- city in the interior, be that in Ken- Yet, he persevered and graduated in stroyed public and privately owned property, tucky, be that in Iowa. That is what we 2011—but once again was confronted with the vehicles, and equipment to include heavy have to be proud of. That is what we reality that his undocumented status created equipment and trucks owned by private con- tractors, at least two government trucks, need to share with the American pub- additional challenges. cut privately owned fences, and slaughtered lic. Although he was college educated, Erik farm animals owned by private farms. Pro- We also need them to know that im- couldn’t legally work in the United States. testers have assaulted and thrown Molotov migrants, documented or otherwise— But with the announcement of DACA in cocktails and hard objects at North Dakota and including, especially, those who 2012, Erik had a ray of hope. law enforcement officers and military per- are undocumented—commit crimes, in- Finally, Erik could legally work and better sonnel who are sworn to keep the peace and cluding violent crimes, at a far lower participate in the country he’s called home protect North Dakota’s citizens. rate than do native-born U.S. citizens. since the age of two. Whereas: Protesters have desecrated North We need to remember that we have so Dakota State and Federal property, to in- Since successfully receiving DACA status, clude the North Dakota State Capitol and, much to be proud of, so much to be Erik has worked as a Store Systems Engineer yes, the North Dakota pillar of the World grateful for, so much to celebrate in at Rent-A-Car and has advocated for other un- War II Monument right here in Washington, the immigrants’ story, especially these documented immigrants. D.C., located at The National Mall. DREAMers who, right now, live in a pe- Unfortunately, the newly found freedom Erik Whereas: The protesters of the Dakota Ac- riod of uncertainty, fear, and anxiety. enjoyed under DACA is now in jeopardy. cess Pipeline in and around Standing Rock It is incumbent upon us in this Cham- Now, with just weeks away until the Presi- have desecrated the American flag by flying ber to do what we must to change our dent-Elect is sworn into office, millions of it upside down, sewing emblems over the laws to reflect our values and the re- flag, and displaying emblems and non-U.S. DREAMERs are frightened they will be forced flags in a dominant manner to the U.S. flag ality in our communities and in our to return to the shadows or be targeted for de- in violation of North Dakota Century Code. country. Mr. Speaker, I stand ready to portation. Whereas: 95 percent of the protesters are work with any Member on either side These young aspiring immigrants are al- not North Dakota citizens or Native Ameri- of the aisle to do just that. ready part of our communities. cans. Many are professional paid protesters VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:44 Dec 02, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01DE7.089 H01DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with HOUSE H7112 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 1, 2016 unaware of the true understanding of the Celebrities, bad actors; celebrities, that if the President of the United issues at hand.