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5-2-2002 Spectator 2002-05-02 Editors of The pS ectator

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B^fl Br/JBfJy see Features for the complete story rI lmr<:- ■'I fjf^""^. 'I

S E A T T L E -H— UNIVERSITY Universityhonors Students invest for big payoff inspirational Aquino TONISUTTON m theregion. Launchedm 1985 at Finance as well as be m good aca- StaffReporter Montana State University, it has demic standing at Seattle Univer- sity. gave her country thecourage providedparticipating schools with of than$250,000. 491 mainobjective is to do the same. Remember playing the game more "Finance 's to learn about investing m stocks Less than 24 hours after Life and having the option to play This is the first year for the pro- 491, and with real money," Marcos wasself-inaugurated, the stock market?Finance In- gram m ASBE. Itbegan m winter hands on vestment Practicum quarter havebeen Trevinosaid,andaccordingtoMiles he was exited to Hawaii and — is doing just and the students Corazon Aquinoassumedher that butforthemit'sthereal deal. togetherm thiscoursefor twocon- Otoupal, D.A. Davidson and Co. for the students they have roleasthe first woman toever SeattleUniversity has joinedin- secutive quarters. advisor that down hold theoffice ofPresidentm vestment firm D.A.. Davidson & Professor Ruben Trevino's un- perfect. the Philippines. Co.m theirprogramthatgives stu- dergraduatestudents manageaport- 'The studentsm the program $50,000 at SeattleUniversity seems tohave OnMay3,2002,SeattleUni- dents a hands-on m in- foliowith thatis provided versity will honor Corazon vestingandportfolio management. by D.A. Davidson. Sounds like a anability pickandchose stocksthat beendoing wellm a market Aquino with a Doctorate of The University's Albers School cooldeal,but thiscourse isn'topen have to goingdown— Humane Letters Honoris of Business and Economics joins toeveryone. thathas seemed be Causa m a ceremony that is 17 other schools m the D.A. The twelve students that are tak- They're absolutely brilliant." he Invest- ing this course had to apply and explained. Courtesyof time com scheduled to take place from Davidson & Co. Student mentProgram, only it's meet prerequisites m CHERYLJ. FARRISH 1:30 theConnolly the of kind all the classes SeeInvestment onpage 6 Staffßeporter Center. Father Stephen Sundborg, SJ, In her application for the Fili- whowillbepresenting thehonor- pinopresidencym 1985, Corazon arydegree,had theopportunity to Doyle's delivery dazzles Aquinohadonlyoneoccupationto personallyinvite AquinotoSeattle AMY BARANSKI the importanceof optimism, hope He encouragedreligiousbeliev- list:"housewife." However,as the Universitywhenhe visitedManila ManagingEditor andfaithm a confusingpost-mod- ers of a\\backgroundsto follow trie wifeandconfidantofthelatesena- alittleover ayearago. BRIDGET O'CONNELL emworld. truecalloftheirownreligions.Even tor Benigno (Ninoy) Aquino, "Corazon Aquinohas theinter- CopyEditor Beginning with an Irish legend those whowerenot religiouswere CorazonAquinohadlongbeen fa- national status as aleader wholed about the famed Finn McCools incorporated into what Doyle con- miliar withthe insand outsof glo- her country through a period of Professor Dan Doyle is a man meeting with Father Time,Doyle siderstobe the fundamental princi- turmoil, woman, baland localpolitics. sheis a sheis a who could never negate life. His easilyseguedintomorecontempo- palof allsystems ofbeUef". Dounto When Aquinoentered thepresi- devoutCatholic,andsheisclosely lecture lastnightresonatedwithhis rary issues. His individual topics othersas you wouldhavedoneunto dentialracem1985,she waspitted associated with the Jesuits," Fa- life affirmingsingle syllable man- rangedfrom the importanceof un- you against President Ferdinand ther Sundborg said. "She repre- tra: YES. derstanding how a democracy "Thegoldenruleis theheartofall Marcos, who once considered sents soclearlythe typeofperson "In that word is all reality, all works to recent scandals m the religionsand philosophies. Every- NinoyAquinotobehischiefrival. that wewould likeour students to truth and all beauty," Doyle said, Catholic Church. thing else is just commentary," Onelectiondayandbeforemore look up to." emphasizingeach wordwitharaised Hisspiritofoptimism andunfail- Doylesaid. than 700 foreign journalists, Former recipients of SU's hon- arm and fingerpointedm the air. ing commitment to what he calls Doyle consistently emphasized Marcosandhismenrippedupbal- orarydoctoraldegreeincludeArch- Doyle wasselected togive alec- "idealistic realism" were clearly his points with references to the Tutu, lots,bribed voters,and heldothers bishop Desmond Nelson ture as partof theannual Last Lec- demonstrated by comments such works of literature that he is so atgunpoint. Althoughsuch antics Mandela and GracaMichel. ture series sponsored by the Naef as: "If this countryis going tocon- engagedwithas aprofessor. Among were not uncommon during the Planningfor thisevent hasbeen Scholars,anacademic studentgroup tinue to be the land of the free, it the texts hequoted were:The Four Marcos administration, whathap- over nine months m the making, advised by Dr.David Madsen. mustalsobethehomeofthebrave." Quartets by T.S. Eliot,"The An- pened next was. Nuns holding andhasinvolved thecoordination "Basically the idea behind it is Doyle sharedhis conviction that nunciation" by Denise Levertov, rosaries stoodm front ofMarcos' of various on-campus organiza- that we ask a professor to give a theCatholicChurchhasbeentested Zorba the Greek by Nikos tanks, anda humanbarricade was tions. lectureas though itwerethelastone throughout history and that it will Kazantzakis,"TheRoadNotTaken" Spe- formed to allow the ballots to be AccordingtoKatie Collins, they weregoing to give," Madsen survive the current crisis although by Robert Frost, "Ulysses" by carried tocounting posts. cial Events Coordinator for the explained. it requireshonesty and courage. AlfredLord Tennyson. Corazon Aquino,abespectacled University Advancement office, Taking this sense of finality to While he focused mainly on a "As an educator my whole pro- mother of five, not only took a a very per- traditional Christian doctrine, his 5 heart Doyle delivered standagainstPresidentMarcos,she See Aquinoon page sonal and emphatic lecture about calltopeopleofallfaiths wasclear. See Doyleon page 5 SU confronts abuse Arresting original art: Scan Reid newal: SexualAbuse of Minorsby Fragments pn display A&E Editor Clergy"introducedthequestionsof Works ofpoetry,fiction, causes and potential punishments and visual artcomprise Se- Professors within Seattle for sexual misconduct by Catholic attle University's annual University's of Theology priests,as well as the future roleof School studentliterarypublication, Ministry(STM) hierarchym suchacon- and confronted the theChurch Fragments. issues by Catholic troversialissue. of sexual abuse TheSUcommunity has a clergy anopenforumatCampion "Iknow someplaces wherethere m unique opportunity to hear Ballroom. arepriests whoaresoapprehensive LUISACUELLAR / LEAD EDITOR the students read theirown Howell, SJ, This past Tuesday, the session thattheywillnot goout intoaschool Father Patrick — workand view the art m the "From Crisis to Reform and Re- yard I think that is a disaster," addresses issues of abuse by Casey Atrium this Thurs- John Heagle,professor and expert clergy. dayat 4:30p.m. clinician, said. CopiesofFragmentswill Index A&E 12-13 Heagle wasoneofthe threeguest be available for purchase, ASSU 14 speakers who spoke and answered Opinion 2-3 and the artwork willbe on questions from a large audienceof News 4-6 Classifieds 15 displaym the KinseyGal- faculty,alumniand currentstudents. Sports 7;10-ll Personals 15 leryfollowing theopening. Features 8-9 Campus Voice 16 SeeForum on page 6 Photo: Scan Reid/ A&E Editor 2 Opinion Editorial Know your vote How many students on campusknew that the ASSUprimary electionswerethis week? ASSUreportsthat502students voted m the primary election. We salute the 502 students who made their voicesheard andwereactiveparticipantsm thedemocratic processof SeattleUniversity's student body. While this is anunprecedented number mrecentyears, there are many more students whodid notparticipatem the process. There are several reasons whythis could be the case. Student apathy is always a factor m the low voter turnout for ASSU elections. However, there may have also been many students who would have participated hadthey known more about the candidates,thepositionscandidateswere vyingforandhow the ASSU election process functions. If ASSU wants to increase voter turnout and help students asserttheiropinionmtheelectionprocessitis theresponsibility of our student government toprovide us with the information we need to be responsible, informed voters. Although the primary election is'over both ASSU and the take a right student body have the opportunity to make the final elections SU should policyand hisstyleof government. moreconservative speakerstocam- nextweek a successful demonstrationof student involvement. Hisviewswere wellreceivedby the pus.Demand thatcourses be more Itis upto tobetter inform thecommunity aboutnot only ASSU audience. To me, it's fine that we thoughtfuland truth-seekingrather thecandidates runningfor positionsbutalso theresponsibilities bringaliberalpolitician tospeak on than polemic for either the left or these candidates wouldhaveonce elected.Itis the responsibil- campus.But where'sthe conserva- right. And to all closet-conserva- ity of the student body to learn about the candidates and the tivepoliticians togive their sideof tives,assert yourselvesm intellec- words issues they representby actively seekingout ASSUmembers to thepicture?Didanyoneinvitethem? tualdiscussions.Listentothe years an SU ofPopeJohnPaulII:"Benotafraid." learnmore about what they doand questioningthe candidates A couple of ago, studentnamedJoshuaRussertwrote ThoughImust admit,SUisdoing how will the studentsif elected. on they represent an opinion article for The Specta- abetterjobmcorrectingthisimbal- Eventhoughallstudentsshouldbeinterestedmtheir student MARK BONICILLO tor. In that opinion article, he ar- ance.ThereintroductionoftheFaith government, students who are m clubs affiliated with ASSU Spectator Columnist gued thatcorporationsare eviland andGreatIdeas programforfresh- have a particular investment m the election process. These I'msorry toadmit it,but theaca- that they must be more kind to the men students, courses such as the studentsknow that thesuccessoftheireventsdependlargelyon demic and intellectual atmosphere earth.Heusedloadedlanguage,con- Great Text of American Liberty, constantly,mis- and the fewbutvaluableconserva- the funding they receive from ASSU. Some of the events that atSeattle University isdominated tradicted himself left. So much so that understood the creation of wealth, tiveprofessorsoncampusalldem- ASSUsponsors throughthese clubs areamong the most popu- by the liberal most students tend to accept the and distortedthe realityof corpo- onstratehow SU is giving thecon- clubs lar anddistinctive oncampus. Thestudentsmthese could liberal view on everything from rate America. What does Mr. servative voice more airtime and form a powerful voting bloc,but they must first find out what education, social justice, politics, Russert's opinion say about what credibility. criteria candidates would use to determine funding for clubs. economics,philosophy,and so on weare teachingourstudents?What However, SU can do better for Ifthenewlyelectedmembers of ASSUtrulydocare aboutthe asGospel truth! does his unthoughtful polemic of the benefit of students and for the on corporations say about quality of intellectual debate. I'm studentbody, they will support eventsandgroups that signifi- We can see this domination and the left blind acceptance of the left ex- the quality of intellectual discus- not advocatingforSU to turnintoa enrich campus life. Itis up to each student to use their cantly pressed certain courses, guest sion at SU? Although these are all gun-toting,rightwingtrainingcamp the m vote wisely so that ASSU will truly reflect needs and speakers, and the intellectual dis- particular examplesof how the left for conservative hacks, but weare interests ofthe students that they represent. cussions on campus. leads the intellectual environment skirtingcloselytobecominga train- Final electionsare nextMondayandTuesday. Votingtables Forexample, wecanhear of lib- oncampus,theyrepresent thelarger ing camp for bleeding-heart liber- weneed will be visible on campus. Exercise your right to student eral-inspired courses such as Eco- andgeneralpictureof the domina- als. AllIamsayingis that feminism, Politics, and tionof liberal thought. to facilitatethoughtful,ethical,and democracy and VOTE. Identity DiversityandSocial Justice.Those If ourstudentsare notexposedto fair academic discussion thatincor- courses side of the de- the views of the right as much as poratejustly andfairly the viewsof Juday- teach one The Spectator Editorial Board consists of Alexis bate, but where's the other side, they are exposed to the left, they both the right and left. Weneed to Marshall,AmyBaranskiand Jamila Johnson. Signedcom- specifically theright? Where's the willnothave the freedom to think recognize thatthe left has nomore an on and mentariesREFLECT THE OPINIONS OF THE AUTHORS AND NOT NEC- conservative viewofSocial Justice critically, to think for themselves. absoluteclaim truth moral andDiversity? wehavecourses They will only be able argue one certainty than the right. In other ESSARILY those of TheSpectator ,SeattleUniversityor its Do called "Compassionate Conserva- sideofan issueand beoblivious to words, we just need to give fair STUDENT BODY. tism?" theotherside. considerationandrepresentationof Last fall, the liberal politician What's the solution then? We the right m the intellectual lifeand ft + 111-111 Representative Jim McDermott must achieve a careful balance of discussionofour school. spoke oncampusaboutSept.11;he leftandrightthought.Givethecon- E-mail Mark at — criticized President Bush's foreign servativevoiceequalairtime.Bring [email protected] S CATTLE H- UniVERSITY KeepingwatchSince 1933 AlexisJuday-Marshall,Editor-in- Alyssa Berg,Staff Photographer Censorship m music Chief Seth Cooper,EditorialArtist AmyBaranski,ManagingEditor Jeff Ra,EditorialArtist LuisaCuellar,LeadStory Editor JustinRibeiro,On-LineEditor harm; Business laughter NicoleRetana,NewsEditor AliHiggs, Manager causes Johnson,OpinionEditor Waylen Leopoldino,Advertising Jamila video,obviouslyfear- SaraBader,Features Editor Manager like m 1968 when Chicago radio Back Time" Rolling ing flabby Scan Reid,A &EEditor TomasGuillen,Advisor stations refusedtoplay the the sight of her ass. Man" fret- Like Cher's revealing perfor- AustinBurton, SportsEditor Carl Bergquist,Staff writer Stones' "StreetFighting the mance, censorshipoftenbor- Vilija Simaitis,Copy Ed/tor CherylFarrish, Staffwriter ting it wouldincite violence at music the ridiculous. BridgetO'Connell,CopyEditor JohnBoyle,Staff writer National Democratic Convention derson (note: single went toset Zappa's Hell, an Jeremy Edwards,Photo Editor Melissa Sweat,Staff writer the on all- Frank Jazzfrom timesales recordsm the area),orm entirelyinstrumentalalbum ( The Spectatoris theofficial studentnewspaper of Seattle MELISSA SWEAT 1977, when Reverend Jesse Jack- words), was slapped with an "ex- University. It ispublished everyThursday,exceptduring SpectatorColumnist soncalled for abanondiscomusic, plicit lyrics" sticker" by distribu- a of during holidaysand examinationperiods, for total 28issues Popularmusicm theUShasbeen claimingit wouldpromotepromis- tors. year. know storyofhow the2001-2002 academic censored as long as it has been cuity and drug use, and m 1989 And weall the played. whenseveralmusic videochannels POSTMASTER:Send addresschanges to: The Spectator,Seattle At timesit'scensoredout offear. droppedor restrictedCher's "Turn SeeLyrics on page3 University,900 ,Seattle, WA 98122. U.S.P.S.No.2783 " The Spectator May 2, 2002 Opinion 3 Lyrics: Censorship should have noplace mAmerican life From page 2 rocked the very state of pop thelist.Songsincluded were containing the controversial the album m their home,the Insteadwegetanal1-startrib- music, though it hasinevita- "America"byNeilDiamond, song,"Bomb the Pentagon." UK,but willprobably never ute with throwaways Nelly cameramen on the Ed bly keptrolling. "CrashIntoMe"by theDave Writtenbefore theSept.1lth seethelightofday onAmeri- Furtado and Fred Durst. Sullivan Show were in- Now is oneof thosetimes Matthews Band,and"JetAir- attacks, the songfallsm line can shores, ifonlyas an im- If that isn'tscary enough, structed toshoot Elvisfrom— when we're standing on liner" by the Steve Miller with other Primal Scream port. And, frankly, that's a then this shouldbe. the waist— upbecauseofhis shaky ground. Band,justtonamea few. All trackssuchas 1999's"Swas- damn shame, because m WhiteHousespokesperson gasp gyratinghips! In a article, political-themed songs, in- tikaEyes"single, which ac- America,where somesortof AnFleischerinstructs,"there Lookingback throughour Chris Colmwritesofthepost- cluding all songs by Rage cording to NME, is about racket shouldbe beingmade are reminders to all Ameri- 21st centurygogglesofhalf- Sept. 11th, pop culture cli- Against the Machine, were "United States international about the stateof ourcurrent cans that theyneed to watch naked popdivas,thecoming mate is saying "wehaven't deemedsimilarly inappropri- terrorism."Thenewsongbit- affairs, thereechoes an eerie what they say, watch what (and looks to be going) of seenthiskindofcautionsince ate. terly attacks U.S. domestic silence throughout popular theydo,and that this is not a mainstream filth-slinger World War II or the Even those bad boy New andforeignpolicycalling out music. timefor remarkslike that.... Eminem, not to mention the McCarthy hearings." Blind Yorkers,The Strokes, threw theillsof taxes,geneticengi- And where there isn't si- it neveris." sick andtwistedlikes ofICP patriotism? Blacklisting!? Is out the negatively aimed neering,multinationallabor, lence, there's crap. Popular Whyis aband from theUK and Marilyn Manson, some it gettingcolder m here? "New York City Cops" to and much more. musicians of today have the onlyone screaming? of these banal attempts at Withindays ofthe attacks, show a little respect for the AfterscouringtheInternet, thrown up their hands and For more information on censorshiparealmost laugh- Clear Channel Communica- cops thathelpedm the WTC Icouldn't find the song,but have given into all that the music censorship check out able, even"cute". But forthe tions (the largest radiocom- attack at ground zero. Those the lyrics do appear pretty music of the past has fought index.html and The National sake of keepingthis opinion pany m the U.S.) sent out a all being relatively tame intense— especially thecho- against.When's the next CoalitionAgainstCensorship® light-hearted up until this listofsongstoits 1,200chan- pieces music, nowon- rus, which repeats, "bomb, gritty-mouthed, political of itis point,I'veleft out some aw- nels across the country sug- der that such a fuss is being bomb,bomb, thePentagon," troubadour coming? fully scary— attempts at cen- gestinguseofgoodjudgment made overPrimalScream's four times over. Where is Buffalo Spring- e-mail Melissa at sorship ones that have m playing any of the 150 on eagerly-anticipated album, The song will appear on field when you need them? [email protected] Recently the editors of appears one week is justas TheSpectatorwroteasome- badasthecrap thatappeared Letters to the editor whatwhineycomplaintcol- the weekbe/ore? umn addressing theappar- TheeditorialboardofThe entlack-of-interest stu- Spectator to trepidation,Iwade other fixed, tangible, por- andmicroformsandwillpay minutes? All ofthesemay the putoutacall the dent body shows towards body :per into the discussion table,and thereforemorecon- for the convenience of their be likely and legitimate student to "Findsome- thepaper.("Campusshould thing that you care about... establishing a campus- venient,format.Itisunfair to photocopies.Computer-out- needs ordesiresofsomeof IVith show reciprocal responsi- andthendosomethingabout wide"pay-to-print" policy. allowhundreds ofstudentsto put printing should be gov- our students some of the That is what most of Amy Baranski andIhad a printout thousands ofsheets erned by the same pay-as- time. Are all ofequalpri- it." the "Editors",how dare you students at Seattle Univer- verylongand wide-ranging of computer displays at no you-gopolicy asphotocopy- ority? Shouldanyor allbe assertthatbecausethecam- sityaredoing.Butwhilewe're conversationonthistopicm charge,whilerequiringhun- ing. provided free ofchargeby pus community pays you busy trying preparationforherApril11, dreds of their classmates to Don'tjudge the "pay-for- the university? to educate our- no mind, we are selves, why should Spectatorarticle, "Printing pay for every photocopied printing"proposal as a new, We should tap our al- somehow we stop "without a backbone or a to ponder the weekly jour- policy upsetsASSU." pageof aprinted book,jour- isolated library or computer ready sizeable investment j nalisticroad wreckknownas Mostof what appearedm nal, ormicroform reproduc- lab imposition. the campus card tech- m Forthe sakeofeveryone The Spectator? print was a reasonably ac- tion. (In the public Refer- Let's fold it into a larger nology and link it to man- whohashadtoendureyour "Why searchforanyarticles curatereflection our encearea context use as an responsible use of of dis- ofLemieuxLibrary, and this aged, I paperduringhisorherfour with journalistic integrity However, printers out opportunity to printing cussion. several our churned address each computer-output years,pleasegetdownoff when it means sorting pointsthatwerenotreported 39,106 pages during the student'scampus-wide need and photocopying. Stu- I yourhighhorse.Ifyouthink through a maze of gossip, critical to a under- single month of November for various forms of "docu- dents, faculty, and staff are full | that weare bad people be- social filler, and painfully During the same ment services." Need a need an "account" on the I standing of this issue and 2001. ' cause weare smartenough ignorantattemptsateditorial month, students and staff printed class schedule m a Campus Card thataccom- my position. to take The Spectator commentary''!Dov\'tconvs>\aM\ statement modates "document ser- Itis unfair toSUstudents made 29,520photocopieson hurry? Afinancial a lightly, I'm sorry for this that the students of thisuni- copy Suchaservicecould not tochargeforcomputer- the five publicly accessible orbill?A ofyourproject vice." rudeawakening.Thefactis versity risk doing "nothing How allocate a modest, limited based printing because it machinesm thelibrary.) The teammate's email? thatyoudon'treceiveagreat for their fellow human be- perpetuatesabasicinequity. unfairness is compounded about that 14-page article number of free document number of complaints be- ings" because we are bright arecentissue Monthly pages toeachend-userand Printing from computer when one recognizes that from of cause most of the student enough to take your paper screendisplaysorretrievals Lemieux Library does not LaborReview mthelibrary's thenallow theconvenience body doesn't take yourpa- lightly. campus to is nearlyidentical tophoto- havethebudgettoensurethat print periodical collection? ofthe card direct perseriouslyenoughtocare. TheUniversitycommunity "pay-for-print- copying from a printed or every academic program or Oraprint-outofthatarticle additional Howcouldwe?Everysingle doesappreciatethehardwork beyond this free microform original. Both class will have an array of from the 1941 issue ofFar ing" week The Spectator prints of those who provide what threshhold. technologiesallow areader licensedacademic resources Eastern Quarterlyavailable comicsthat aren'tremotely littleintelligentresource there only the library'selec- toconvertatextoranimage accessible by computer. from funny,articleswithfactsand is m The Spectator. We ap- fromone semi-fixed,butin- Therefore,manystudentswill tronicJSTOR? Ora copyof JohnPopko, numbers completelyincor- preciate the security report. your essay that due m University Librarian convenient,format intoan- be required to rely onprint 's 20 rect, and worstofall,opin- TheCampus Voicemakesus ioncolumnsthatmakemost laugh.Butpleaserealize that Dear Editor, ThepushtoendAmerica's Re: The Great Printing chasing them wasnot think- ofthestudentbodygrimace until theeditorial boardtakes A responsible news outlet dependenceonforeignoilby Controversy ingveryfar ahead. with "how could someone itspaperseriously,the cam- should ensurethat its writers drilling m ANWR is being A couple commonsense Supposedly,ifpeople de- be THATnaive?" So why puscommunity won'teither, research factsbeforeexpress- stymied by Outsiders who ideas. cided to print two pages on do youexpect tohear from Jaye Warner ing their views. Obviously have never been to Alaska. First, it's entirelypossible both sides of the paper,this anyone whenthe crap that Junior, Computer Science this is not important to The As a lifelong Alaskan this to set the lab printers to de- couldreducepaper coststo1/ months interning a variety Spectator.Ms. Dietz's com- infuriates me. Ihaveknown fault to print two pages on 4th of theircurrent total. It Nursing sends students and m Belize, ofdifferentsettings Belize. ments onproposed oil drill- many people who have ;ach side of a page. Doing would also reduce toner ex- an instructor to Cen- m America, Gary Chamberlain ing m the Arctic National workedm theoil fieldsofthe this wouldcut the amountof penses. tral where the stu- dents Theology Wildlife Refuge enragesnot North Slope and they take paperusedbyalmostmhalf. TheUniversity of Oregon workandstudy mclin- quarter as students, but lifelong Alas- protecting the environment If a document needed to be followed thesepolicies, and ics for the spring kans like me who see her seriously.Oilexplorationcan printedregularly,it'salsoeasy letme tellyou,it wasnice to partoftheirnursingprogram. views as just plain wrong. take place m a responsible to override the defaults. carry around 60pages worth In addition through the Col- She claims Alaskans should manner, a fact lost on many Also,whycan't wechoose of information m 15 pages. legeof ArtsandSciences stu- study haveasay happensm whoknow nothingofthe in- to print on both sides of a Joe Laughlin, Junior dentscanworkand fall m what L^^^^^l ANWR and Iagree. How- dustry. page? If our printers don't Computer Science and quarter on an international ever,herclaim that a major- As long as Washingto- supportduplexprinting, who- Economics internship academic oppor- Belize; program ity of thosem theLastFron- nians feel the need to drive sver was m charge of pur- tunitym this from tier oppose drilling is m no their gas-guzzling SUVs on is open to students university. way correct. Seventy-five the freeway without Thank you for the inspir- powerful impact on their across the fall, 2001, percent of Alaskans support carpoolingtheyhavenoright ingstoryofstudentsinvolved lives. In seniors Handlos,Christina exploration. The majority of to tell Alaskans what we m the International Intern- Yourreadersmight be in- Bridgette Penka, Longley, psy- the remaining twenty-five should do. shipswinterquarter.Iamsure terested m learning about Erika all chology Jana percentarepeople whohave Sincerely, thatit not only wasanexcel- other academic programs majors, and Hanks, ma- lived m the state less than Scan Walsh,junior lent and challenging aca- abroad. political science three a four years. Risk Management demic experiencebut had a EveryspringtheSchoolof jor, spent and half

TheSpectator " May 2, 2002 4 News was broken into whileit sat m the the alarm. The apartment was When Idiots Attack 1lthand E.Cherry parkinggarage. vented. The victimsaidthetheftoccurred Saturday,4/27/02 sometime between Sunday and Heroesand Heroin At 2 a.m., all three elevators m Wednesday night and that 250 of CampionHallgotstuck onthe third their CDs were stolen. Thursday, 4/25/02 floor. CPS found a pizza box, a No signs of forced entry were Ausedsyringe wasfound on the waterbottle,andacoffee mugstuck found. 10th Avenue mallat3:45 p.m.CPS meach elevator's door, which was removedthesyringeandplaceditm preventing the doors from closing Goingpostal a sharps container, where it was/ and theelevators frommoving.The willbe incinerated. items were removed. Wednesday,4/24/02 AUSTINBURTON At 7 a.m., the Murphy Apart- Sports Editor mentsmanager'sofficereportedthat severalresidentmailbox doors had Thejuiceisloose beenpried open. CPS and the Seattle Police De- Monday,4/22/02 partment responded andcalled the AConnollyCenterstaffmember wasonthephone Postal Inspectors office. when he heard suspicious noises coming from a At the moment, SPD detectives storagearea. andthepostal inspectors are inves- After checkingthe area,the staffmembercame to tigating apersonof interest. About $400 theconclusionthatseveralcansofjuiceweremissing. m damage was done to the Atthis time,hesawsome "youngsters"runningaway mailboxes. with abouta dozenjuices. The staff member recognized the kids and the And you were right next to incident is still underinvestigation. the dininghall too

Wednesday,4/24/02 RETORT When does thecomic bookcomeout? A studentfaintedmanelevatorm said Wednesday,4/24/02 Bellarmine Hall. The victim they At 1 a.m., Campus Public Safety staff spotted had donatedbloodearlier that urinating m the 1lth & E.Cherry parking day and hadn't eatenmuch. someone Theywere released garage treated and When CPSconfronted The Urinator (sounds likea (non-urinating) superhero, doesn't it?) and his two Don't leavewhenyou're companions, The Urinator apologized ("I will only cooking urinate for good,insteadof evil!"),and the incident was forwarded to the student conduct system. Wednesday,4/24/02 A fire alarm went off m the Aslongas they didn'tget the PaulaAbdul Murphy Apartments at 6:30 p.m. Apparently, a resident left some "What wouldJesus do? He'd throw the damn frisbee." Wednesday,4/24/02 cooking oil heating on the stove, Beat thisphotocaptionbyTheSpectatorandyouget twoticketsto themovie SECURITY A campuscommunity memberreported their car whichcausedenoughsmoketo trip ofyourchoice. [email protected].

Big changes m Registration coming soon...

" The Spectator May 2, 2002 News 5 Profiles on candidates The Spectator is now for ASSU final elections accepting JC SANTOS a Residential Assistant, twoyears. While at Perm State, he Staff Reporter "This experience has given me a was Vice President of the Eques- applications for wide-rangingviewoffellow students trianTeamand was arepresentative The Associated Students of Se- and their diversebackgrounds," Ko for PSUm Harrisburg,PA. attle Universityannounced the re- said. Wong,aPublic Affairs andSocial sults foritsprimary pollyesterday. Bergquist is a Communication Work major, is the current ASSU Representative Editor-in-Chief The top two candidates m each major and has been with ASSU for interim Junior and his term, memberofthePresident's Advisory category willmoveon to the final two years. Throughout he Ifyou're interested mjournalism, writing, May6 and 7. advocated 24-hour computeraccess Board. She is also involved m the elections on andadministration,then Junior SamKo(47.2%of votes) forallstudents andledthe chargefor Office of Minority Student Affairs editing, setting budgets is ontopfor Vice President ofStu- 24-hourcomputer labsm the dorms. minority studentmentoringprogram submit a cover letter, resume, at least 5 clips and dent Affairs and is followed by Thisyear,hefounded Action, aclub and the UnitedFilipinoClub. three references to: fellow junior Carl Bergquist basedon a network of organizations PangilinanisaNursingmajor who wherevolunteer arefiltered works with Campus Ministry, the (39.2%). CurrentCommuter Rep- projects Nancy Gerou (34.6%)is out to e-mail. ResidentialHousingAssociationand resentativeGretaSmith members via — Development up forre-election and isleading 1 is the current Vice President of Student Office sophomore Jamie Garcia Primary results: theBellarmine Hall Council. STUN204 Earl"Cisco" Smith is a Politi- (25.7%). Vice President of Student Affairs 900 Broadway Wong(35.7%) cal Science major looking for a JuniorBeverly Sam Ko 47.2%of votes Seattle, WA 98122 Minority Representa- fresh start for SU next year. won the Bergquist of votes and was by Carl 39.2% "Ifeel a strongdesire totake it tive primary trailed Representative is sophomore Jenn Pangilinan Current Commuter to the next level and encourage Thedeadline (25.5%). Since there are two GretaSmith 34.6% of votes everyone to be more active and Friday, May 10 positions open for the At-Large Jamie Garcia 25.7% of votes do the right thing, and alongthe too," Representative,thetopfourcan- Minority Representative way have some fun Smith Applicants will be contacted the week following. didatesmoveontothe finalelec- Beverly Wong 35.7% of votes said m a statement. tions. Winners m this category Jenn Pangilinan 25.5% of votes Palmiter is an International supports the Call(206) 296-6060 for more information are sophomore Earl "Cisco" At-Large Representative Business major who of sportsand social ac- Smith(36.7%)and freshpersons Earl"Cisco" Smith 36.7% of votes presence tivities oncampusand a stronger Nicole Palmiter (16.5%), Nicole Palmiter 16.5% of votes Amanda Duncan (12.4%) and roleforstudentgovernment.Two Amanda Duncan 12.4% of votes KimberlySilva(lo.6%). of her goalsfor nextyear are24- Kimberly Silva 10.6% of votes Thepolls willbe open from9 -hour access to the new Student Center, and a.m. to6p.m. this Mondayand and improvingrelation- Corrections Tuesday. Campaigning continues GretaSmithis aPolitical Science ships between commuters and on over thenext few days and ASSU major who hascommuted to school campus residents clarifications hopes expectsstatementsofallcandidates over thepast year.She planson ad- Duncan is a Premajor who "bringenthusiasmandinnovation tobepostedontheirwebsitetoday. dressing equal access to dorms and to —In the April 18th article, "First undergraduate to ASSU." Here's alittle information onthe computer labs for all students and Fulbright winner for SU," Charlotte West was Kimberly not providea winnersof theprimaries. increased parkingavailability. Silvadid incorrectlyidentified as the firstSUstudent toearna Ko is a General Science major Garcia, a Pre-major,is a transfer statement. Schaff, whograduatedm1985 m information,go http:/ Fulbright.John M. who has lived m all three dorms student from PermState University Formore to PhilosophyandForeignLanguage,alsoanHonors past / andhas twoyearsofexperienceas andhasbeen acommuterfor the Programgrad,receivedaFulbrightScholarshiptora \ year of study m Austria m German Language and Doyle: "last" lecture, standing ovation Philosophy. From frontpage Doyle's messages resonated with torium.Dicce traveled to Ireland —In the April25th article,"Students travelabroad for the audience. He concluded his withDoyle lastSummer Quarter life lessons,"it was mistakenly reported that Bryan University's fessional life has been involved speechby instructing the audience as part of Seattle Miller'sstories wouldbepublishedbythe BBCnews. Ireland program. In with words," Doyleremarked. to"look for the good, the true and Writing m Miller's stories will be publishedbyChannel 4TVin facilitatingthe Writing One of the poems that Doyle the beautiful m all that youdo." additionto the UK. for the past quotedbyauthorT.S.Eliot speaks The full Schafer Auditorium m Ireland program standing several years, Doyle has reached by uniting to thepowerof language. erupted m a fervent ova- —In the April25tharticle,"Protestbenefits many as Direc- "Words move, music moves/ tion to match Doyle's life-affirm- out to students the many political fronts," "Palestinian occupation of for Character Only time;butthatwhichisonly ing words tor of the Institute Israel" should read"Israelioccupation." m and as a professor living/Can onlydie. Words, after 'That's typical Dan Doyle. He Development College,Faith speech,reach/Into the silence." lives what he preaches," Victoria for theMatteoRicci The Spectatorregretsthese mistakes. Ideas, and the Like words that remain after Dicce,juniorDramamajorandNaef and Great theCore EnglishDepartment. speech has fallen into silence, scholar,saidas sheexitedtheaudi- Aquino:firstfemalepresident of Philippines to recieve honorary degree We're openingm NorthgateMall! sfttms&L From frontpage attendedbySeattle'sFilipinocom- m the Casey Atrium. Journalist >^^^P^^ munity Conrado "Sluggo" Rigor, and Upscale,casual& veryupbeat,California PizzaKitchenis location, \^r^ Following mass, SU willhost housewife/activist Tess Ledesma excited toopenits second area m Seattle! Aquino's visit was originally the nationwide, isaleadermfull-serviceCPK/^^J^^ present to their insight with 100+ locations planned as an honoraryceremony a luncheon at thereceptionfacility were offer A, dining withamenu that featuresgourmetpizzas,creative question adjacent to the Cathedral. intothis uniquediscussion.Addi- pastas,decadent desserts& much more! Our work withanaccompanying and are In for Aquino's visit, tionally, twoseparate discussions environment is incrediblyupbeatand thebenefits answersession. preparation awesome! organizations have willbe heldon May 2,2002. J/L "Other events started to spring various SU " past first, "FondReflec- W |J^ CPK team members enjoy: FlexibleSchedules up planning went alongbe- hostededucational eventsmthe The entitled V " " " as the Corp:Days Great Pay Excellent Training ImmediateHealth Benefits of [Aquino's] popularity," week thathavehighlightedboththe tions of 1960s Peace 9^^^\ cause (Luzon)"isspon- Collinsnoted. 'It is reallynice of political andsocialcomplexitiesthat mthePhilippines ¥ NOW HIRING by Aquino Academic her tooffer to spendher time with make up thePhilippine Islands. sored the andissched- "Bussers 'Cooks'DishWashers the studentsofSeattleUniversity." On April 24, the UnitedFilipino ActivitiesCommittee 1 p.m. m the "Host Staff'Servers In addition to the honorary de- Club servedauthentic Filipino cui- uled for noon to Applym person Monday-Saturday,9am-7pm gree ceremony, Corazon Aquino sine suchaspancit noodles andba- Shaffer Auditorium. discussion, "The NORTHGATE MALL will be present at a Saint James nana lumpia to SU community The second toBen BridgeJewelers. Filipino Identity" will Next Cathedral onMay4, 2002 from 2 members m the Hawk's Nest. Politics of Ph: (206)417-5720 at 5:30p.m. m the Barman to 3 p.m. for a special mass The Soup with Substanceseries begin Apply p.m. are not re- eoe online bepresidedoverbyArch- also hosted a special session en- Auditorium. RSVPs that will of these bishopAlexanderBrunett.Itisex- titled"PeoplePower,FaithandJus- quired for either discus- tice m thePhilippines"on April 25 sions pectedthatthiseventwillbe widely " The Spectator May 2, 2002 6 News Forum:panel creates intellectual arenafor Catholic abuse scandal Fromfrontpage that claims of sexual misconduct males,doesthis meanhomosexual- of their sexuality may encounter ther Patrick Howell,SJ,closedthe are notnew to thechurch,spanning ity is a factor?" stressorbecome tostrainedby the sessionbypresentinghisownview Dr. Fran Ferder and Dr. Mike as many as two decades into the Father Heagle spoke frankly on responsibility of nosexualcontact. onwhat actionsthechurch hierar- Raschko were the two other ad- past. his views for each question on the "Ithink ittakes asmuchmaturity chy should take. junctfacultymembersofSTMcom- Momentum for addressing the sheet.Hedismissedhomosexuality forcelibacyas itdoestogetmarried Inparticular,hiscall for the res- prising the panelat theforum. issue,sheexplained,waslostmthe as a valid cause, since most docu- orlead ahealthysinglelife,"Father ignationof Cardinal BernardLaw In the beginning of the session, early'90s whenpersonsfilinglaw- mented acts of pedophilia m the Heagle said. ofBoston,Mass., whodidnotfully Dr.Ferderapproachedthe topic of suitsretracted their claims against general population occur by mar- "Idon't believe it causes sexual disclose his knowledge of sexual sexual abuse by speaking about a thechurch. riedorpartneredmenagainst young abuse." misconduct by priests under his questionof"Howdid wegethere?" Now,Dr.Ferder credits theme- girls. Raschko,thefinalpanelist,elabo- supervision. Father Howell's re- to thecrowd.Dr.Ferderrecounted dia and its consistent coverageof While cases within a clergy are rated onthehierarchyoftheCatho- marks drew applause from the au- the affair as one of the main rea- mostly dealing with young males, licChurchand processofitsleader- dience mCampion Ballroom. sons whythe topiccanbereevalu- Dr.Ferder andFather Heagle write ship. Healso offered twomethods "There'satendencyonallofour Investments: ated. m the sheetthat the mostcommon ofpreventingfuture failures by the parts to go out and say they're "I want to thank them,because— offenders are those "who are not church: involving more people m [abusers] not human or I'm not students nowvictimsarecomingforward sufficiently developed psycho- the leadership of their church and partof that...and Ithink as oneof now it's come to us m a way we sexually to be even fully aware of finding a way to appoint respon- therecognitions wehave asChris- reap can'tignore,"Dr. Ferdersaid. their sexualorientation...abuseofa sible communitybishops. tians is that somehow we're all profits Father Heagle, a priest of 37 minor male seems more related to BothFatherHeagleandDr.Ferder sinners," Father Howelllater said. years, worked with Dr. Ferder to the severity of the disorder (m later, reiteratedtheirpoint of treat- "But whoeverit is is still a per- and outline a two-page question and pedophiles than to actual sexual ing pedophilia as a disorder that son, and you need to treat that answer form for audience mem- orientaiton." requirespsychological treatment. personas cared for, lovedby God experience bers. Father Heaglealso statedthat he Dr. Ferder also explained that somehow.That doesn't mean that From page Thedocumentcovers suchques- believedcelibacy is not a problem offenders who go through prison you don't punish them, that you front tions as "What is Pedophilia?" within theCatholicchurch, but that withrelativelylittleorno treatment don'tgetthemsometreatment.You First, the class begins with dis- "Does mandatorycelibacycause a mandatorycelibacyis. have a higher rate of reoffending needtocenterthemas apersonthat cussions about the mechanics of priest tosexuallymolestaminor?", The reason lies m the fact that thanthose whoreceivebettercare. needs care,but also seperated out forum, the course and students begin re- and "Sincemostpriestshaveabused somepriests whoare notfullyaware Themoderator ofthe Fa- from any further abuse." searchingcompaniesand present- ing their findings to the class. After all the presentations, the } class then votes on which stocks University presents they will purchase and m this O Seattle course, the majority decides. D.A.Davidsonhandlesalltrades, andtheportfolios arechargedafee for each trade. Career Expo 2002 The students can makeas many Dnrt& trades as they want to during the May (Wed) (Thurs), durationof the course. /)/V{ ,~J Date: 8 & 9 2002 If a stock performs poorly, stu- ty^T^ Time: 1:30pm— s:3o pm dents can vote to trade the stock Campion and purchaseanother. y*\J I Place: Ballroom Returnsare calculatedat theend of August and SU receives one- .-"^■fete. A Resume is REQUIRED for Entry halfofits investmentreturn above 5 percent. May Thursday,May D.A. Davidson & Co. absorbs Wednesday, 8 9 any lossesand makessure thenew Participating Companies Participating Companies teamstartseach year with $50,000 toinvest ALSTOM ESCA AlliedSecurity Students' grades are based on TheBoeingCompany ALSTOM ESCA the levelofresearch andtheirpre- TheBon Marche Catholic Relief Services sentations. Cityof BothellFire andE.M.S. Children's Hospital andMedical Center Throughoutthecourse,astudent City ofEverett City ofEverett willmonitortheirown performance CityofKirkland Cityof Kirkland as wellas theperformanceofother City Year Seattle/King County City Year Seattle/KingCounty Enterprise schools that are also managing County Insurance &Financial Services Rent-a-Car fundsprovidedbyD.A.Davidson. Enterprise Rent-a-Car EvergreenMedical Center EvergreenHospital FremontPublic Association Otherschools thatareparticipat- & Medical Center ExperienceMusic Project HighlineCommunity Hospital ingm theprogramfrom thenorth- Frank Russell Company IRS-Small Business/Self Employed west the University of Wash- are FredHutchinson Cancer Jesuit Volunteer Corps State Univer- Research ington, FremontPublic Association KingCounty Library System sity, ,Univer- FujitsuConsulting NorthwestHospital sity of Oregon, Brigham Young Group Health Cooperative Regence BlueShield University,University ofUtahand HighlineCommunity Hospital SeaMar Community Health Center . IRS-Small Business/Self-Employed Snohomish Health & Safety Network Thiscourse is open to onlyun- Jesuit Volunteer Corps Swedish Medical Center dergraduatesat this time, but there Kenworth Truck Virginia MasonMedical Center are plans for a graduate level In- KingCounty Library System Washington Mutual Bank vestment Practicumas well. Marsh Inc. Wells FargoBank Milgard Windows YMCA ofGreater Seattle Northwest Hospital *** Peace Corps AsofApril 30, 2002 Got a story idea? Providence EverettMedical Center More companies aresigning up. Stopby We want to hear it. The Regional Hospital the Career Development Center m the Ruth Dykeman Children's Center McGoldrick Building,Room 200 for a Community If you have a story SeaMar HealthCenter currmt Ust Qr v/v//http.Z/www.seattleu. Snohomish Health & SafetyNetwork edu/student/cdc/careerexpo2oo2/ idea please call Swedish Medical Center or e- (206) 296-6471 Sponsored by TheCareer ServicesGroup Wiley Medical Center mail the News andAssociated Studen's «f Seattle Un.vers.ty Virginia Mason Medical Center Editor, Nicole Washington Mutual Bank Retana, at YMCA ofGreater Seattle YouthCare [email protected].

The Spectator " May 2, 2002 Sports 7 Tennis program closes on sour note AUSTIN BURTON back-to-back 9-0matches toLewis beat Beaird(6-1, 6-2), Bahai beat Maciek Pukowiec. (6-4, 6-2), Williamsbeat DeLeon Sports Editor & Clark and the University of Chan (6-0,6-2),andIsaacMendez LC-State went on to defeat the (6-4, 6-3), Taylor beat Christina Alberta,respectively. beat Joe Sarausad (6-3, 6-2). The GoldenBears m the finals,8-0, to Dahlstrom (6-0,6-0), and Whitney Shootingfora spotmthenational Lewis & Clark (16-7) was the third Redhawk doubles combo, advance to the national tourna- Gibbon beat Stacy Weber (6-1, 6- matches, tournamentmayseemambitiousfor No. 1seedm thethree-team tourna- Bergquist and Sarausad, lost (8-1) ment. -0). In the other doubles apairofteamssharingonlyone win ment, and eventually went on to to Guilherme Martins and Aaron TheSU womenfared much bet- Rinaldi and Writer beat Fry and m 23 meets,but for theSeattleUni- win a spot m Nationals. Bren. ter than their male counterparts, lannizi (9-7),whileKunz andLacy versity tennisteams,it wastheirlast The Warriors never lost a set to The next day the Redhawks depsite also losing two matches m Van Engelen beat Dahlstrom and (6-1, 6-0). chance tosalvage their finalseason theRedhawks.SUfreshman Yousif matchedup withAlbertafor a shot the tournament.TheRedhawkslost Weber of existence. Al-Obaidli came closest topicking at a finals rematch withLewis & mthe firstroundofthe5-team tour- The following day's match Heading intotheNAIARegionI up a win,but fell (7-6,6-4) to LC- Clark. But SU dug themselves a nament to AlbertsonCollege, then against Southern Oregon, the tournamentm Lewiston,Idaho,the State's Vanaka Gunwardhana. Al- hole once again, dropping three fell m the elimination round to Redhawks fell to0-14 on the year teammembers knew that the 2002 Obaidli alsocameclosest toan SU doublesmatchesbeforeheadinginto Southern Oregon University. after a 5-2 loss.lannizi and Grady season wouldbetheir last.Having win m doubles play, as he teamed singles play. Al-Obaidli and Chan In a 6-3 loss to Albertson, the were once again the only singles alreadybeentoldtheprogram would withlanPurgananm a(8-3) loss to were the top performers for SU, as Redhawks tookoneofthreedoubles winners for SU, as lannizi beat becut beforethe seasonbegan,the GunwardhanaandVinnie Vieira. theytooktheirrespectiveopponents matches and two of six singles Kristin Maloney (6-4, 6-4) and Redhawks set a goal ofplaying as Freshman Marlin Chan and se- to a third set before losing. Al- matches. Senior Shannon lannizi Grady beatJulie Nelson(6-1, 6-2). longaspossible,whichmeantthey'd nior Grant Beaird also lost (8-3), Obaidli lost (6-2, 0-6,7-6) toJohn beat Lauren Writer(6-3, 7-5) ithe Weberlost toMeganLoeding(6- 0-6, slot, -0,6-0),6-0) singlesaction, have to make the NAIA national this time to the LC-State combina- Kerr,whileChanlost(7-6, 6-2) No.2singlesslot.Inthe No.3 mother while tournament. tion of Daniel Bahai and Joao toHyancintheFallu.The otherfour freshman MaryGradybeat Ashley Christina Dahlstromlost toSabrjna But thosehopesweredashed last Oliveira. SU singles competitors lost m Kunz (6-0, 6-1). In doubles play, Dake (6-0, 6-1). In doubles play, weekendas theRedhawks dropped The rest of the SU men didn't straight sets.Bergquist lost(6-0,6- GradyandMaritaDeLeondefeated WagnerandChrisman beat Fryand - Maloney fourmatchesatLewis&ClarkState come nearly as close. Vieira de- 1) to Jacob Komar, Purganan lost Albertson's Carly Williams and lannizi (9-8), and Nelson College. feated junior Carl Bergquist (6-0, (6-0, 6-0) to Pierre Gasparetto, Kathy Taylor(8-3). beat Grady and DeLeon(8-6),and Themen's team,whofellto 1-10 6-1)msingles play,SasaBausovac Sarausadlost (6-0, 6-0) toAndrew In other singles matches, the pairing of Loeding and Dake (8-3). on the season, were shut out m beat Purganan (6-3, 6-3), Oliveira Peglau,andBeairdlost(6-3,6-2) to CatherineRinaldi beat Jessica Fry beat Weber and Dahlstrom 10 predictions -- -- AUSTINBURTON MEDIA CONFERENCE Sports Editor 1.Now thattheMariners have New Media OldDisciplines just the second-best record— m m theleague,andthe Yankees— to paraphrase Robin Harris' had - aspareass-whoopin mthetrunk May 9 10 last week to remind the Mari- nersjustwho they weredealing - with, look for people to start 9:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. throwing themselves off the bandwagonsoon. PigottBldg. 2. The next time you see—a boxer— eitheractiveorretired masocial situation,he will put Yus fvsts up as soon as V\e be- Learn How the Daily Functions ofMedia comes aware ofthe camera. 3.At somepoint before, dur- Reshaping the Understanding ing, or after the Sonics play are of Game5at theAlamodome,some sportscaster will say "Remem- TraditionalDisciplines ber theAlamodome." 4.IfShageverleavestheLak- ers,KobeBryantwillbeanother Featuring Kevin Garnett: tons of points, lots of highlights, butexits the KathleenE.Welch playoffs m the first round year after year. Author ofElectric Rhetoric. 5.Sometimebetweennowand thebigfight onJune 8,you will ClassicalRhetoric, Oralism anda New Literacy, hearsomethingbad aboutMike Tysonand a woman.Probably a acclaimedrhetorician and stripper. professor at the University ofOklahoma. 6. The Montreal Expos will falloff,justlikeeveryother"up- start" team eventuallydoes. 7. Patrick Ewing won't geta and TV job when he retires. from 8. Between now and the Presentations StanleyCupfinals,therewillbe University Faculty anaverageofonefightpergame Seattle Students and m the NHL playoffs. 9. The Sonics are going to draftaEuropeanguywhostands anywhere from 6-feet-8 to 7- feet,andhe won't playheremore For more information visit: than three years. 10. The Huskies men's bas- ketball team stillwon'tgetpast 7th place m the Pac-10.

Questionof the Week:

Sponsored by Why do they only give you College Arts and Sciences and the Pigott-McCone Endowment fourcheese sticks at theHawk's The of Nest,but a wholepintofsauce?

" The Spectator May 2, 2002 8 Features


with every day on campus, anybody ever stop t( Students interact Jesuits but does - " ' '** black wentthroughintensetraining,learningandreal-lifeexperiencebefore m ■ _^-^** ■r **S^B taking

13 years of formal education and 20 years of hard work and intense has come flpss training, he was fulfilling this studies,FatherHess willcontinuehis through the Father says commitment,but it wasnot enough. journeyatBostonCollegenext year With evenmorediscipline,hebegan to study for a Ph.D. m Higher many people hisjoumeytobecomeaJesuitbecause Education Administration. whoselove and m 7 do"— to God. hesawmorepossibility m thevariety Senior Theology and Philisophy support have of missions and ministries of the majorChrisRussell,who wasoneof beenandcontinues BY KATE WHITE Community Father Peter Ely, SJ, Jesuits. the many m attendance for Father to be a source of Staff Reporter announced. "I wasverymuch attractedto that, Hess'final vows,calledit a"blessed strengthfor measIlivemy This ceremony, which took place and Ivery much felt that God was accident" that he ran into and Jesuit life. had to arrive early Saturday,April20,markedtheendof callingme to servehimas aJesuit," befriendedFatherHessatSU. Russell "For these people and all present just to get a seat. The 20years ofJesuittraining forFather FatherHesssaidabouthisinterestm describes him as a personable guy today,Iam eternallygrateful." PeopleChapelof St.Ignatius was Hess.Bysolemnlypledginghisfinal theJesuit order. who has a packednotonlywithpeople,butalso vowsofpoverty,chastity,obedience Although he has always been distinct with vivacity and joy. The choir and availabilityto the HolyFather interestedmspirituality,itwasgetting presence on gathered m a prayer circle m for mission. Father Hess formally toknowagroupofyoungJesuitsat a campus. He preparationfortheceremonyasmany entered theSocietyof Jesus. parishneartheUniversityofMontana familiar faces from the Seattle "Final vows are the Jesuit order at Missoula that causedFather Hess University community greeted one saying to us, 'We want you to be a tofully commit. He saidtohimself, anotherandchattedquietly. Jesuit and "Oh,lcandothis." accomp- As thebellsrangandthe voicesof remainaJesuit As part of his lishment. the choir filled the sun-drenched for the rest of " missiontobecome chapel,theLiturgyfor theProfession your life.'" When Iwas saying my a Jesuit, Father of Solemn Vows— or final vows— Hess, Hess spent four Father vows,iknew that iwas for Father StephenM. Hess began. now fully an months working FatherHess, lookingout at students, "SJ," doing the right thing. with refugees m very appro- family, friends and fellow Jesuits, explained Kenya. Hehelped very present beltedout the words to the opening Father Hess Godwas refugees from shame that JEREMY EDWARDS /PHOTO EDITOR songwith a smileonhis face. becameapriest to me at that point." Rwanda and we're going "Truly,thisisacelebrationofwhat "to serve God Ethiopia find to losehim next year. Iknow I,for theLordhas doneandis doingmour and to service FATHERHESS,SJ safety and set up one, am going to misshim, but I'm midst," Rector of the Jesuit people." After smallbusinessesm gladIgot tosharethatmoment with the slums to make him," Russell said following the money ceremony. "It helped me put life into As Father Hess lookedout at the perspective," said, chapel on spring Father Hess " crowded that reflecting on his experience. It morning that he had waited and definitelybroadenedmy horizon." workedso longfor, he thankedGod The time spent m Kenya brought for bringing all ofthose peopleinto Father Hess to the realization that his life and for bringinghim to that many timesm our culture, wedon't point. He was humbled to see so needthe things that wethink wedo. many peoplethere. The African refugees taught him "It was exciting to see so many aboutcourageandaboutkeepingfaith students at the ceremony,because I morder toget throughadversity. love students," hesaid."I was very Father Hess has a B.A.mSpeech peacefulduringtheceremony. When Communication and Philosophy, a Iwassayingmy vows,Iknew thatI M.A. m OrganizationalLeadership was doingtheright thing. God was and hereceivedhis MasterDivinity verypresent to me at that point." Degree tobecomeapriest from the Toclosetheceremony,FatherHess Western Schoolof Theology. After proclaimed, "The goodnessof God

JEREMY EDWARDS/ PHOTOEDITOR Jeremy Edwards / PhotoEditor FatherHess takeshisfinal vowswithFather Elylookingon. JEREMYEDWARDS / PHOTOEDITOR FatherHess(seatedto theright)preparesforthe momentthat willcrown20 yearsoftraining.

The Spectator " May 2, 2002 Features 9

stop to consider how they turned from boys intoTathers? SU's men m taking their final vows to become Mlmembers«of the .

missionaryjourney without money or other provisions. are to adopt, its As soon as pos- difficulties, therules sible, all perform of theorder and the one of these obedience required spiritual exercises ofitsmembers.Then for30days. Thisis they goon a 30-day the chief test of a retreat,meditatingon vocation,asitis also what they have the epitomeof the learned about the main work of the Society and novice's twoyears examiningtheirown Courtesy of Seattle university of training and his motives and hopes "/ have found this entirelifeasaJesuit. for perseverance m relationship with Christ, In accordance thenewmodeloflife. withSt. Ignatiusandallthe with the ideals set If all this deep companions to be the most forth m these— thinking is liberating and humbling exercises satisfactory to the experience of my life that disinterested candidate and to his keeps on deepening and conformity with superior Jesuit gracingme. Itisstrange:I God's will and moreloved, overseer who has haveneverfelt personal love of alive, moreexcited — charge him, heis more and Jesus Christ the of about thefuture, even admittedas anovice. after novice is trained all theseyears! My hope is diligenl\\ m the Thismeanshewears a that everyone finds" meditativestudy of aclericaloutfit(there that, vocationlike Father (he truthofreligion, is no special Jesuit PaulJanowiak,SJ, habit) reflected pursuit of self- and beginsm onlifeaftertaking hisfinal earnest the of a knowledge and life vowsabouttwo yearsago. memberm theJesuit constantscrutinyof his motives and Editor community.Novices Jeremy Edwards/ Photo coadjutars— resultingactions theceremony: (whetherreceived as FatherHess(aboveandleft)addresses theaudience toconclude "assistant," meaning lay Attheendoftwoyears,thenovices themanypeople whoselove Latin for "ThegoodnessofGodhascomethroughthelivesof for the domestic and makesimplevows.Ifaspiring tothe strength me asI brothers — andsupporthavebeen andcontinues to be asource of for live" temporal services of the order or priesthood, the novices now begin eternally grateful. myJesuitlife. Forthesepeopleandallpresenttoday,lam as aspirants to the priesthood) are to study a specialcourse mclassics then trained m the spirit and and mathematics that lasts another disciplineof theorder. twoyearsandusuallytakesplacem pot gold Novices rise early, make a brief the samehouse withnovices. finalvowsarethe of visit to the chapel, review their Then, m another house and mediation onsome subject selected neighborhood, three years are rainbow the night before, assist at Mass, committed to the study of at the end of the meditation, five years to to service, health, review their have philosophy, about commitment college, BY TONISUTTON obligationssuch as debts or other breakfast and' then prepare for the teachingat aJesuit andfour Reporter relations, studies, restoftheday sroutine.Thisconsists years to the studyof theology. Staff contractual from qualifications, character and ofmanual laboroutdoors or reading Theyremain atthislevel two Final vows, so to speak, are like moral they personal motives as well as the books on spiritual topics such as to 15 years,m whichtime will the pot of gold at the end of the their studies, external influences that might have biographies of particular men or havecompleted all of rainbowforJesuits. Theyworklong a period theapplicantto seek admission. women distinguished forenterprise (usually) passed certain and hardtoget to thatpoint m their led the priesthood, thenreport theresu m missionaryor educational fields. teaching, received lives. Here's aninsidepeek into the TheJesuits of questions There is a daily and gone through a third year process thatourmenmblack ofthe and intense observ- conference by the novitiate or probation called the go through just to be able to take oftheirown ations to masterofthenovices tertianship. theirfinal vowsandbegintheir work the Provincial, who onsomedetailofthe According to the degree of as full-fledgedJesuits. Society. Allnovices discipline and virtueand the extent intothe weighs their (the Candidates for admission are required to of the talents theydisplay latter onlyfrom opinions carefully take SocietyofJesuscome not notes,so theywillbe are normally tested by the institutions,but from before deciding for Jesuitacademic ready to repeat the examination forthedegreeofDoctor well. or against the ), become other schools as Frequently, salient points when ofTheology theymaynow post-graduates, students who have applicant formed coadjutors or professed Candidates can asked already begun professional careers Wherever it is membersof theorder. even those m the priesthood enter the Society at Thecoadjutors takesimplefinal and time, usually possible, some apply for any but vows of poverty, chastity and admission. day novices undergo Usually the candidate applies m there is a fixed obedience. The professed Jesuits year for their certain tests of their obligations personto the Provincial,or head of each assume these—same as (there admission, toward vocation or solemn vows vows that are more oneoftheJesuitprovinces are COURTESY OF SEATTLEUNIVERSITY usefulness. This — U.S.)- the the close of the when a married strict thansimple vows and addan ten provinces m the If "It's like might include applicant a summer holidays,so couplerenewstheirwedding additional solemn vow to go Provincialconsiders the teaching catechism sends them. subject he will refer them thatall men starting vows,andthere'snowanew wherever the Pope qualified m the village Furthermore, five their Jesuit journey sense and meaning to the theprofessedtake for examination tofour other Jesuit " churches, attending vows, among them the question applicant begin their training, relationship: Father John simple priests. They the to sick m hospitals, ecclesiastical office health, or probation, Topel, SJ, (top) on his renunciation of about the age, position and or going on a beyondtheirorder unlessbydirective occupationofhis parents.Theyalso together. experiencetaking his final They spend the pilgrimage or of theorder. ask him about his religious views, vowsm February 1974. iment that willcrown 20yearsoftraining.

The Spectator " May 2, 2002 Sports Hewitt pitches first no-hitter m SU history victory 10 m the GNAC Carlbergquist berjacks didn't stop Hewitt from After losing a 3-2 extra-inning Hewitt snagged her 10th ERA to Despitefinishingthe season with Writer steppingonto the mound at West- affair mGameTwo,SUcameback of theyearand loweredher Staff m team history, the ern Oregon University last Satur- mGameThreeof theirsecondcon- 2.08 to lead theRedhawks. the bestrecord didn'tget started Redhawkshave lost six oftheirlast Less than a week after the de- day anddominating. secutive tripleheaderandpickedup TheSUoffense late the game, but finally nine games heading into this fense assisted Jennifer Hewitt m Falling just two walks and one six oftheirgame-total sevenhitsm until m top of the weekend's NAIA Regional Play- pitchingthefirstno-hittermSeattle errorshyofthrowingaperfectgame, the second inning tocapitalize for scored two runs m the inningto They offs, must also address their University softball history, the Hewitt was only challengedm the fiveruns m a 5-3 win. sixth take 2-1lead. and m propensitytogiveupunearned runs. Redhawks' offense carried the day third inning, when the Wolves put Hewitt wascalleduponfor relief then tacked on two more the seventh, singleby Giving upunearnedrunsplagued m beating Western Washington's runners at second and third via a again, this time pitching four and includinganRBI the team this season. They have Amanda Grant, arguably the best walk andanerror.But after forcing two-thirds innings and giving up freshman shortstop Annie Becker. a for allowed 56of them, accountingfor pitcherm the GNAC. Wolves' centerfielder Andi only one run to record her second Thatgameended steallrrun that saw four overa thirdof theiropponents'run Hewitt'sno-hitter came just two Kohlmeyerinto a weak grounder, win of the afternoon. Hewitt her pick up just tworuns over production. Sophomore pitcher daysafterSU lostallthreegamesm Hewitt made the putout herself to TheRedhawks then drove up to wins and allow 27 inningspitched. was PeteySonnettperhapssuffered the a tripleheader against Humboldt get theRedhawks outoftheinning. Bellingham to face second-ranked and2/3 She the Pitcher most,posting a 6-7 record despite State University. The sophomore Hewitt retired the next 13 batters Western Washington (15-6, 25-15 also honored as GNAC — her 2.69ERA. aceofSU'sstaffgave up 11runs she faced,and struck out three for overall)and the intimidating force of the Week. — However,SU ranintoaproblem Ontheoffensive side,though,the nineofthemearned mGameOne, the game,to finish the 1-0 win for of Grant, the junior ace who leads Vikings. Redhawkslook tobemgoodshape. which was stopped after four-and- the Redhawks. the GreatNorthwestAthletic Con- mGameTwo:namely,the — gave up 11 Theyled theGNACm team bat- a-half innings by the mercy rule. Freshman first baseman Liz ference witha0.93ERAandis third The Redhawks runs two earnedand allm ting average (.308), and had four SUlost4-1and 6-4,respectively,m Meyer scored that lone run when mstrikeouts with86. only of them inning— and were held playersamongtheconference's top theother twogames,asHewittgave she stole home m the fifth inning. Butunlike thelasttimeshefaced the third Grant was agamethatwasstopped 15 leaders m batting average, in- up tworuns two inning of relief Meyertookadvantageofanerrone- SUandpickedup a win. scorelessm m innings. cludingsophomore third baseman and picked up the loss m Game ous attemptby the Wolves tothrow unable to keep the Redhawk bats afterfour-and-a-half regular Carrier'sleague-leading.391 Three. out senior centerfielder Annette silent, as she gave up threeearned Thelossendedthe season Sarah SU, 1 11- average. ButherstrugglesagainsttheLum- Gaeth, who was stealingsecond. runs m a4-2 winfor SU. for whofinished20- 5and SU softball final regular season leaders Sonnett, Batting average Carrie Ward, 15 Home runs Doubles Patricia 6-7 Carrier, Ashley Dobson,4-5 Sarah Carrier,.391 Annie Becker, 14 KrystalDuncan, 3 Sarah 8 Annette Gaeth, .379 Stephanie Stone 10 Carrie Ward, 2 Brittany Sullivan, 6 KirnMcDonald,.353 AnnaDoubek,9 Sarah Carrier, 2 AnnaDoubek, 6 ERA Becker, Hewitt,2.08 Krystal Duncan,.336 ErickaBriggs, 6 Brittany Sullivan, 1 Annie 4 Jennifer Sonnett, Annie Becker,.307 AnnaDoubek, 1 Carrie Ward, 3 Patricia 2.69 Dobson,3.60 Brittany Sullivan, .306 Annette Gaeth,3 Ashley Duncan, CarrieWard, .299 Hits RBI Krystal 3 Doubek, .224 Sarah Carrier,45 Sarah Carrier, 39 Strikeouts Anna Sonnett,47 Briggs, AnnetteGaeth,44 Krystal Duncan,28 Triples Patricia Ericka .152 Hewitt, KirnMcDonald, 42 Annie Becker, 28 Sarah Carrier,4 Jennifer 40 Duncan, Ashley Dobson, 24 Runs Krystal Duncan,36 Brittany Sullivan, 22 Krystal 1 McDonald, 1 Kirn McDonald, 34 Brittany Sullivan, 34 AnnaDoubek, 18 Kirn Stone, 1 Saves AnnetteGaeth,34 Annie Becker, 31 Carrie Ward, 16 Stephanie Patricia Sonnett, 1 Krystal Duncan,24 Carrie Ward, 26 Kirn McDonald, 14 Sarah Carrier, 24 AnnaDoubek, 22 Annette Gaeth,8 Team Brittany Sullivan,24 LizMeyer, 15 LizMeyer, 5 Pitchin Hewitt, 10-3 2.72 Liz Meyer, 16 Erica Briggs, 10 ErickaBriggs, 4 Jennifer

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" The Spectator May 2, 2002 Sports 11 Letters to the Editor Eight Redhawks Letter: games last season. Perhaps that's final at bat while Ichirodoesnoth- Theauthor of the recentarticles "only" 71%,buttherewasno doubt ing but sit on the bench." I'll be criticizingbaseball,Mr.Burton,had that they were the dominant team. honest, asa Wilson fan,I'm alittle named to GNAC all- toknow this wascoming.After all, The long season is a part of the biased,butIdon'tunderstandhow heinsultedbaseballmSeattle.While game, and often a necessary part. Burton would suggest to"fix"this tenyearsago that wouldhave sim- (Just ask the 1995 Mariners whose situation.Burtonseemstothink that offense, academic track team ply been accepted, today this is a comeback canbe trackedasearlyas the gameis dominated by different town when it comes to August) whichit is not. (Just ask the Texas JASONLICHTENBERGER English and holds a 3.47 GPA.He baseball, the sport of our beloved Personally though, Idon't Rangers) Baseball is a team sport. Seattle University Sports ranks 19th m theleague withatime Mariners. And when Mr.Burton's watch a significant percentage of Ofcourse sometimesyoumay wish Information of 4:06.7 m the 1,500 meters. first articleposes the question, those 162 games just to see who- Ichiro orEdgarMartinez wasatbat, For the women, junior Beth "Does anyone care about base- who's thebest.On the contrary,- I but Iwouldn't want either one of Senior Tara Matthews (Auburn, Deßego (Kailua, Hawaii) and ball m April?" Ihave to answer, along with many others watch thembehind theplate. And mfact, Wash./Thomas Jefferson HS) and sophomores Danielle Ernhart (Elk yes,Iactuallydo. AndIamquickto baseballbecauseIloveit. Ilove the ifheprefers "superstars" who can junior Kevin Lybarger (Spokane, River,Min./ElkRiverHS),Theresa sayso. thrill of a come from behind vic- dominate thegame,Imight suggest Wash./West Valley HS) were hon- Mangahas(Redmond,Wash./Lake It's apparent that Mr. Burton, tory,thebeautyofahitand run,and headdapitcher or twotohislistof ored as top academic athletes as Washington HS) andKellyFuller- despite his claims, is not a true the perfection of a swing that pre- favoriteplayers.Speakingof which, Seattle University placedeightof a ton(Roseburg,Ore./RoseburgHS) baseball fan. While hisinitialcriti- cedes a line drive basehit. Ican looking at that list along withhis total82ontheGreatNorthwest Ath- joined Matthews as academic all- cismismostly withthelengthofthe accept that some people find the fascination with the violent and letic Conference Track and Field stars. seasonand thegames,healsocriti- games, and even the season to be controversial aspects of sports, he Academicall-conference team. FullertonisanEnglishmajorwith the way thegame -and has toolong. Icanadmitbaseballis not may want to watch Fox Sports Matthews, a Computer Science a3.48GPA.Shecurrentlyholds the cizes - is been played for over a hundred for everyone. But ifBurton is the Network's "Behind theGlory." major, was one of two female ath- fifth best time m the GNAC m the years.Inaneffort tomakehispoint fan he claims tobe, he's the only Admit it,Mr. Burton, baseball letesto topthelist withaperfect4.0 1,500 meters (4:50.73). She also that162gamesleavesnoreal domi- "fan"Iknow whocomplains about is a sport that is both rich- with GPA. She competes m distance ranks seventhand hasqualified for nant team, he uses football as an the length of the season. If any- historyand full oftradition which events. AnElectrical Engineer ma- theNAIAnational meetm the 3,000 example.Iwouldliketoknow what thing,Iwishit was longer. Iwilladmit mayincludesomeseem- jor, Lybarger led the men's team meters with a time of 10:30.74. can reallybe determined m a 16- The worst aspect of Burton's inglysilly things.But true fans ac- witha3.97GPA.Hecurrentlyholds Mangahas (3.64 GPA,Bio-Chem- -game season? Ifpeopleclaim that first article, however, is his com- cept all of that, and acknowledge the 12th best time m the GNACm istry)has thefourthbestconference abaseball teamorplayer ishaving pletelack ofrespectfor someofthe thegame for the wonderful spcrt it the steeplechase (9:59.0). mark and has qualified for NAIA a fluke season, and that's m 162 most fundamental aspects of the is.— Two other Seattle men were nationalsm thepole vaultat11-feet games,whatcanreallybe saidabout sport.He whines that "m baseball Jamie Emerson named to the team. Distance run- even.Deßego has a 3.72 GPAand performances m mere 16 games? you have to wait your turn, that's sophomore, International Stud- ners JohnCallan(Jr.,Portland,Ore./ ismajoringmNursing.AndErnhart The Mariners won116oftheir 162 whyyougetDan Wilson takingthe ies,[email protected] Central Catholic HS) and Steve holds a 3.73GPA m Finance. Manos (So.,Phoenix,Ariz./Brophy Tobe eligible for the team, stu- Prep) werebothhonoredas confer- dent-athletesmust havea minimum ence academicall-stars. 3.20 GPA and be m theirsecond Callanis a History major with a yearofcompetition attheir univer- 3.89 GPA. Manos is majoring m sity.

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developer had Letter onlyplayed that first inagural sea- professionalweb and up and running Wow!Holycrapola! LookwhatI son) 1999-2000theyactually WON a decent webpage The Spectatordoes notedit any of the letters to the editor. Cascade through started!ThisisDonaldGarber,and the championship of the the season. Submissions must comem before 3 p.m. onMondayand is, cushy lifestyle the I if any of the current League! As it my shouldbe under350 words. don't know meinto wouldknowme,butIstarted Thanks for this greatarticle("SU past three yearshas turned players the mthe 1998-1999season!I Ice Hockey...," The Spectator, 4/ a couch potato instead of the team WING- personally stank up the placeas a 18/02).Iwish they had a webpage FORMIDDABLE LEFT up and runninglike wedid whenI MAN like Iused tobe.Take care! player,but starting that team and — Get healthy getting hockey at SU waslike My wasrunning things! Iran a pretty Donald Garber you're getting Holy Grail when Iwas there. freakin'tightship,lemme tell ya,I #26, LW, 1999-2000 while educated! my wife's services as a TeamCaptain Iremember their second year (I enlisted 55 Walk-in Visits with Valid Student ID At Bastyr Center forNaturalHealth A.A. Lemieux Library hhmmmhmhh Bastyr Center forNaturalHealth ■^tmk « the largestnaturalhealth care 881 facility m Washington. Serving ,isftiM jßMjjtjU.ll, ResearchPaper Clinics M the communitysince 1980. * Acu uncture I"—^L (LoudRock) / (RPM Texts: humor and misery aboundmplay From page 12 cheeks, or tries m so manyclever— allybeen funny and had said more nist, is currently situated. A few waystoscalethatdamnmountain— than "Fire.Me.Man.Imake fire." rocks, both large and small,adog- a task alwaysendingmfailure the In isolation, the fundamental prin- challenged. sizepuddle, and asinkhole dot the result isdefinitely laugh-out-loud. ciples of life are With Today's Secret Ingredient: ROADKILL nothingness. All rubber bones and Combined withthat is adeepintel- that,aspectrumofemotions canbe fluid mannerisms, Irwin attempts lectual andemotional struggleover experienced withthis play. to run up the mountain,but It sounds banal, but I comes siidingdownwiththe laughed and Icried. And I dirt on the slippery slope. think that's the experience After several attempts, he Irwinwantstobring tolife as stops andspeaks the first of he illumes the joyand mis- condition, A ~ cordially many words the human \s\ Ait- invites you ' \J \ "A H 1 "Suddenly,no,atlast,long 'hereTextsdoesn'tquite >J I V . Tl Iand a guest last 1 any more, I ;eedis m the literary to " a special couldn't Eof r am^*"' " I # -finis^-i- Ito couldn't go on. Someone theatrical translation.Beckett % \ 1 advance said, Youcan't stay didnotintendhis prose work screening here.'I couldn't stayhere.Icouldn t tobeperformed,andsothere stay there andIcouldn't go is reallyno plot,just alot of on." philosophicaldialogueand a Our heroism aninterest- few ruminations on child- ing predicament, one not so hoodandfriends.So,attimes, unlike ourown, as the play Texts is strenuous, but is as I suggests. He is virtually equally rewarding with stuck.Hecanneitherascend Irwin's talent and stage de- themountain norcanhefind sign that begged me to run Idj^^^^1 Stop by The a comfortable place to rest around on it (note: security i %' m or amongst willnot letyou). the dirt the bm^^Sfi|M main office pointed landscape.He can- V >lotastic!:liillIrwin directsandactsm the one Anyonewhocherishes the on, phrase, "Ithink, therefore I to pick tip a not muster the will togo man performance Texts for Nothing, running and cannot stay where wouldbe afool tomiss Icomplimentary yet, nowat theSeattle ReperatoryTheater. am." j''^jb^ he is. thisplay. B^lf'i'fc'S'if'S JL__ gg^ammt jj^j^jj^jj^ \ pass for two. Texts Nothingiscurrentlyrun- pass He is the ultimate sad clown. life's most fundamental questions. I While supplieslast Limit one passper person.Nopurchase necessary.Each admits two. for Pictures, When Irwin, a master of physical He is both physically and psycho- ning at theSeattle Reperatorythe- I Employeesot DreamWorks The Spectator and their attiliated agenciesare not eligible clownery,squirmsonapainfulrock, logically stuck. It would be like ater.Call (206) 443-2222 for tick- talks to his testicles, pulls at his CastAway ifTomHanks had actu- ets or moreinformation. The Spectator " May 2, 2002 ASSU

Associated Students of

v^sea[[le Universi|X/

ASSUSpotlight: Please get m contact with oneof your ASSU CarlBergquist Officers if youhave any questions or concerns about campus! Iwalk or drive from one end ofcampus at least ExecutiveBranch three times a day, check my e-mail 10 times a day andgo to class occasionally. However, you President:Virgil Domaoan [email protected] might know me betteras the security guy, the V.P. ofFinance: Teddy Wiley [email protected] Rep, the Spectator Writer, theperson V. P. ofStudent Affairs: AnnetteGaeth [email protected] hohelped youmove onto campus your ExecutiveV. P.: ScanO'Neill o'[email protected] KSSUeshman year,the tennis player, theAction Publicity Director: Nichole Graham [email protected] Man or justthat guy who seems to be all over ExecutiveAssistant:Emily Hall [email protected] campus,but never stays long. Hell,I'monly m my room for maybe anhour a Webmaster: BenMurane [email protected] day,unless I'm sleeping, aka 5 hours.DidImention I'm a sports nutand very StudentActivities Director: Sylva Jones [email protected] competitive. Iuse that competitiveness to go to bat for studentson issues such as,Pay to Print,24HourComputer Labs, extendedaccess to the dorms LegislativeBranch andnumerous otherissues. Inever strike out,Ikeep fouling pitches off until I Senior Rep: Chirs Quach [email protected] can getat least a single out of the administrators. Above allIbelievem Sophomore Rep: DevinBiviano [email protected] Action, words can only do so much,butactions can not be stopped.Iwould Freshperson Rep:SaunatinaSanchez [email protected] say take Actionandlet your voices be heard to ASSU members, so we can tell At-LargeRep:Carl Bergquist [email protected] the administrators how you feelandif you feel inclined do something about it At-Large Rep:NicolePalmitter [email protected] yourself. Minority Rep:GayatriEassey [email protected] TransferRep: YuniceFong [email protected] Should youhave any questions please feel free tocontact the ASSUoffice at Commuter Rep: GretaSmith [email protected] (206) 296-6050 Non-Traditional:Tom Gaspers [email protected] InternationalRep: AlisaKutsel [email protected] At-Large Rep: Tess Abellera [email protected]

HuiO Nani Hawaii the \# /^ -i- C I i/Ajr I iiajj-i presents VU Ih! VUIt! VU It ! 41st AnnualLuau " " Whether you want to change the world lKe Ao °Ka Manawa: Through the Years yourself or just make your vote count, ASSU Student Body Elections arehere to help. Saturday,May 18 at 5:30 p.m. m CampionBallroom Make your voice heardm ASSU elections for 2002. Tickets for theLuau may be purchased through Hui Electronic FinalPollsopen Monday,May 6, 2002 Members or on"'these designated days: Stationary Final Polls open Tuesday, April 22 at 12 pm> m PigOtt Atrium jFy V&J and at 6-7 p.m. m BellarmineLobby May 7, 2002 at 9:00 a.m \Sj &$ >7**" £vs~t April 24 at 12-1p.m. m Pigott Atrium /^■^W and at 6-7 p.m. m Bellarmine Lobby Cinco de Mayo Celebration Children"J^age $14 Vj MECHA and ISC proudly present Free Foodand Live jr^l su students, faculty, and alumni $14 W"*"* Entertainment onMay Bth m celebration of Cinco de "\or Adults 18 and older $16 Mayo. This celebration will take placemThe (Pigott For more information contact CherylRabago at " " Quad [email protected] A . .r.. . \r i Tr Atriumifit is raining) from noonuntil Ip.m. If you 6 have questions,please contact Ruben Velasco: (206) 220-8130. f Jll TneAcademicAffairsCommittee S Xvßßk meets Wednesday nights from 8:30

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" The Spectator May 2, 2002 Campus Voice How do you feel about Corazon Aquino coming to campus this Friday?

"I think it's good that she's coming. Ithink it's pretty cool that as a woman she was president of the Philippines and so Ithink it's good [to] bring that kind of an example to this country where we've never had a woman as president. It might be a good idea." Adam Hobbins, "Ithink it's great that we are going to get sophomore,English such a renowned speaker at Seattle University." Magen Fong, senior,Communication Studies and Spanish "I think it's another example that SU is trying to become more worldly m terms of issues and situations that take place off the campus. It's gives students perspective about things outside of our little home so it's definitely a good thing." Chris Knowles, sophomore,Englishmajor "I think it's great 'cause it gives the people on campus a greater look into social justice around "I think it sets a bad the worldespecially m a precedentbecause her country that's not as powerful administration was as ours and a woman being riddled with scandal that powerfulis just awesome." and corruption.Imean DeeDee Martiniello, junior, it's admirable that she Humanities and Accounting was a woman m a high ranking office but it's terrible because [her presidency] sort of like goes along with a long tradition of Filipino politics, which is corruption, kick-backs, and left-wing despots, things like that. Plus there's still civil war going on m the country which she never solved and it's because of some of her politics that [the war] got out of control and is still out of control." KellyMcShane,Hawk's Nest Cook excited to listen to what she has to say and to welcome her on campus. The work that she's done JTmto start the People Power really "I think it's great and Revolution m the Philippines and everything.I'm actually not the work she's done to kind of to going to be able insight social justice has been because I'm going participate really powerful and a good weekend, but ifI home that example for everybody and at a probable were her Iwould Jesuit school we should learn that the check out some of anyway— at any school we should things..." learning that." Magallanes, be Natalie Frietas, junior,Social sophomore, Sociology Antonio Work Scan reid/ a&E Editor " The Spectator May 2, 2002