Of Materials Pertaining to the Ever-Changing Role Assumed By
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 027 810 72 FL 001 281 By- Brawer, Chaim I., Ed. Selected Bibliography of Israel Educational Materials, August1968-November 1968. Volume 3, Number 3, 1968. Bar-Ilan Univ., Jerusalem (Israel). Dept. of Education.; Israel Programfor Scientific Translation, Jerusalem. Spons Agency-National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.;Office of Education (DHEW), Washington, D.C. Report No-TT-68-50446-3 Pub Date 69 Note- 73p. EDRS Price MF-$0.50 HC-$3.75 Descriptors-Adjustment (to Environment), Adjustment Problems, *AnnotatedBibliographies, Arabic, *Cultural Differences, *Education, Educational Change, Educational Coordination,Educational Objectives, *Educational Problems, Educational Programs, *Foreign Countries, Hebrew,International Education, Jews, Migrant Youth, Social Adjustment, Youth Problems, Youth Programs Identifiers- Israel A 120-item bibliography with English abstracts ofbooks and articles in Hebrew and Arabic comprises one of a continuing seriesof volumes designed to provide information on various aspects of education in Israel.Seventy-five entries, included in a special sectiondevoted to the Youth Aliyah, provide a rich bibliographicalcollection of materials pertaining to the ever-changing roleasSuMed by this enterprise in attempting to solve the immediateproblems in youth absorption during the past30 turbulent years in the lives of the Jewish people and inthe nation of Israel. Included are items on (1) historyand evaluation, (2) youth from Islamic countries.(3) kibbutz training and curriculums, and (4) temporary or permanentframeworks of operation. The 45 remainingentries on generalIsraelieducationtreat problems and achievements, structure of educational organization,and instructional practices in various subjects. Lists of publications, publishers,and authors are also provided. (AF) , DE' MS' li: 4 t.rt, Via/3 20- N. e A - 7 U.S.
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