®Firital .Iulletin
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®firital .iulletin PUBLISHED DjZLY under order of THE PRESIDENT of THE UNITED S.T.&TEJ by COMMITTEE on PUBLIC INFORM.TyON GEORGE CREEL, Chairman * * COMPLETE Record of U. X. GOVERNMENT .&ctivities VOL. 2 WASHINGTON. MONDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1918. No. 436 TURKEY ASKS PRESIDENT 690 U.S. S IERS ON BOARD 11 OFFICERS AND 102 ENLISTED TO INSTITUTE PEACE STEPS THE LOST TRANSPORT OTRANTO MEN OF NAVY LOST 14HEN U-BOAT Reports of Resenes Being Re- SANK THE U.S. S. TICONDEROGA ACCEPTING PROGIAM LAID ceived and the Number of REPORTS DOWN BYIM INSPEECHES Lost Not Yet Known CHIEF QUARTERMASTER Tie War Department authorizes tOe Submarine Continued to Shell Vessel SPAIN TRANSMITS NOTE statment that the andbee of American After It Began to Sink and Then troop!.. onl board the tainsport Otr:'nto, Fired on Only Open Boat That Secretary of State Makes siink off the S'cotti'-h coast after collision Public Document From with the Ka-inito, was 090. They con- Got Clear--Took Two Prisoners. sistcd of two companies of replacement to the Navy Department ini- Ottoman Empire - Also troops and two companies of awials. Ioeort and 102 nih1 td Asks for Immediate Con- Inacanucli as reports of rescues are cate that 11 naval offiers continuing to arrive, it is not ye-t possi- mlein of the Navy Nere lo-t in the Si nkiug Tico;idcroga, that 3 micers clusion of Armistice on oieto flx the number of the lost. of the U. S. S. Land, Sea, and in the Air. The names and addresses of re-cued and 5 enlisted men were safely londed, and missing n ill be announced as soon and 2 officers were taken prisoner by the The The Spanisb Amba-ssador handed the as verification is comnplete. submarine whih sank the vessel. following communication to the Secre- 'l1ironcroga was sunk on Septellber 30, lary of State to-day to be delivered to almost in mid-ocean. 1,700 riles from the President: shore, while tastbound. In-aditioa to CENTRALIZED LIST OF BIDDERS the naval crew, a number of enlirel mien Ewn IlAn I. Orn E,pANA, of the Ary were aboard. Walhiicgion. October !1,, 1918. ON ALL ARTICLES PURCHASED The Navy Departmeint on Friday made Mr. PUSIoL)N'r: publie the follo ting account of the ink- I have the honor to transmit here- BY QUARTERMASTERS CORPS ilg of the ship given in the testim'oai of with, aeing upon intructions from Chief Quartermaster George S. Tepply, my Government, tile text of a com- The followina statement is authorized who reported at the department Friday: munilcatiol received by the Mlinister bi the War Departiment of Foreign Affairs of Spain fron the There is being establihed in the offie- Was Behind Convoy. Charge de Affaires of Tarkey in of the Quartermaster General a central- The atiack occurred at 5.20 a. im. Sep- Madi !d on October 12, anl which id list of bidders on all articles pur- tomber 30. The weather was clear but reached me late yeo.terday, Sunday eliased. by the Quartermaster Corps. The overeast. tie sea imodt'rote. Ti Ticon- eveingl". list is for the purpo'e of maintaining a dtrope was 10 or 15 lile behind th' con- Plea'e iceept the n-uruancAof my Vlo-r rela tionship betwom the manufac- voy, having been unable to keep up. highle't comlideration. turine arnd business concerns of the Tappley said lie was in his bunk wien .JrIA LIxo. country and the procurement divisions geleral Iclarmi sounded at 5.20 a. in., and The Honorable Wooonow WILsoN, of the cfice of the Quarterma-ter Gon- w hen Ie reached the bridge it was all Prcsidcnt of the t n1ted tes. er:'l. afire. At this time the whistle blew for The [Iuclosure.] bidler' list is beinq consolidated abandon ship." anil he hlped the pay- from tie names of those concerns wh'ch The undersigned, Charge d'Affaires master bring aft the captain, who w as have b ,en doing of bidding on work for badly wounded. He helped lower the of Turkey, has the honor, acting the Quartermn ter General's office or for upon instructions from his Govern- torm ard boat on the port side and two the oquarterniaster depot, throughout the after boats. The wireless had been ear- ment, to request the Royal Govern- country, and to it is i:eing added the mrent to inform the Secretary of ried away, so no mesaeCes could be sent Salnies of those manifacturers and bust- out. The guns were firing all thiq time. State of the United States of Amer- mcs concerns who make opplication for a ica by telegraph that the Imperial When the submaiine was sighted it was place on the list. It is expected that about 209 yards off the port bow. The Government requests the President Nihen the Nwork is completed there will of the United States of America to U-boat's first two shots hit tile bridge, be at the disposal of the procurement of- setting it afire. and its third shot carried take upon himself the task of the re- fleers of the office of the Quartermaster establishment of peace; to notify all General a list of firms which produce all away one of the TiconCorag*s gun. belligerent States of this demand the articles and materials needed by the Shells Burning Ship. and to invite them to delegate pleni- corps, through which the procurement of- potentiaries to initiate negotia- The silulnarlinc submeriied for Iventy fliers can keep in close contact with the minutes and reappeared about 2 miles off tions. It (the Imperial Govern- inanufacturers and can communicate with ment) accepts as a basis for the ne- the starboard quarter, when it 4tarted them from time to time in connection to shell the ves-el with shrapnel. 11 next gotiations the program laid down with propo ed purchases and require- by the President of the United States fired a torpedo, which struck amid-hips, ients of the Government on the several bursting the steam pipes. The in his message to Congress of Janu- items. This will not interfere with the ship ary 8, 1918, and in his subsequent then started to settle. The Ge, nnan present method of advertising and pub- was effective, andi most of declarations, specially the speech of licity for Quartermaster Corps purchases. marksmanship September 27. rapidly the lifeboats were full of holes from Work on the list is progressing shrapnel. In order to put an end to the and persons or concerns desiring their At about 7.15 the captain, shedding of blood, the Imperial Ot- names recorded should send a brief state- with 14 soldiers, nas put in tile last toman Government requests that ment of their facilities to the Purchase boat on the vessel, and the boat was steps be taken for the immediate Records Branch, Supply Control Divi- lowered away. That was the only boat conclusion of a general armistice on -ion, of the office of the Quartermaster to get clear. At that time there wore land. on sea, and in the air. General of the Army. Washington, D. C. (Contini l to page 28.) 2 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1918. U.S. SUBMARINE CHASER SUNK Number of Deaths, Cases HALF OF LIBERTY LOAN TAKEN BY AN INTERNAL EXPLOSION; Of Influenza and Pneu- WITH FIVE DAYS REMAINING monia in Camps Decrease 1 KILLED, 1 MISSING, 9 HURT Encouraging Reports to Treas- The War Department authorized the ury and Thousands of New CAUSE OF DISASTER NOT KNOWN following statement from the Office of the Surgeon General on Saturday, Octo- Workers in the Field. Alongside a Supply Ship Taking on ber 12: New cases of influenza reported from The Treasury Ddpartinent issues the Fuel When Explosion Occurred, the, Army in the United States during following: the past 24 hours number 11,724, which The fourth Liberty loan campaign en- Blowing Hole in Port Side-List is 300 less than yesterday. This brings ters upon its last five days with not more the total cases reported since September than one-half of the $6,000,000,000 asked of Casualties. 13 to 234.868. by Secretary McAdoo subscribed. Sub- The Ilumber of new cases of pneunonia scriptions to date, both reported and un- The Navy Department is informed that reported was 2,780 to-day, against 2,824 reported, may be even less than ,3u1bmarine Chaser 219 was sunk at sea yesterday, showing a decrease of 44. $3,000,000,000. From scattering official in foreign waters on October 0, as the The total reported deaths from all returns 4t appears that approximately result of an explosion, 1 enlisted man causes was 864, a decrease of 28 under $2,500,000,000 has been subscribed being killed, another missing, and 1 offi- yesterday's total. through incorporated banks and trust cer and 8 men being seriously injured, 1 companies. On the basis of the manner probably fatally. in which subscriptions through banks The explosion occurred while the sub- New Poster is Expected and other sources have come in during marine chaser was alongside a supply To Help in War Work other loan campaigns, it would seem fair, ship, taking aboard fuel. A hole was therefore, to assume that the grand total blown in the port side and all the forward By Cutting Down Mails of all subscriptions taken is not far from part of the vessel was set on fire. The $3,000,000,000. fire was extinguished, but the 219 sank A poster printed in appropriate typing about an hour after the explosion, the and coloring has been prepared in re- Confidence in Final Result.