2020-08-12 Edition

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2020-08-12 Edition HAMILTON COUNTY Hamilton County’s Hometown Newspaper www.ReadTheReporter.com REPORTER Facebook.com/HamiltonCountyReporter TodAy’S Weather Wednesday, Aug. 12, 2020 Today: Partly to mostly cloudy. Spotty shower or storm, mainly Arcadia | Atlanta | Cicero | Sheridan in the afternoon. Tonight: Spotty shower or storm in the evening. Partly cloudy. Carmel | Fishers | Noblesville | Westfield NEWS GATHERING Like & PARTNER Follow us! HIGH: 83 LOW: 65 County COVID-19 cases still on the rise The REPORTER Health (ISDH) has recorded a statewide In Hamilton County, a total of On Tuesday, the number of total of 75,862 cases. ISDH also reports 46,951 tests have been performed and COVID-19 cases in Fishers reached 2,863 deaths have occurred as a result 2,820 people have now tested positive. Four cases confirmed 826. of the virus. A total of 861,655 Hoosiers A total of 104 people have died as a re- The Indiana State Department of have now been tested for COVID-19. sult of COVID-19 in Hamilton County. at Westfield Schools The REPORTER home and being symp- Hamilton County COVID-19 Cases Westfield Washing- tom free. As of 8/11/20 ton Schools announced “Due to employees Arcadia 18 on Tuesday there are being quarantined and four confirmed cases of in isolation, we are ex- Atlanta 10 COVID-19 in the school periencing a bus driv- Fishers 826 system. All four indi- er shortage and some Cicero 24 viduals are employees routes will be doubled Carmel 779 of the transportation de- in order to transport Westfield 222 partment. All are in iso- all students to school. Sheridan 37 lation at home. In other words, drivers Noblesville 567 A statement issued will run their assigned by the school district routes and after drop- 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 said: ping students at school, Reporter graphic "We are working will run an additional with our local health route. This will result Hamilton County Positive Cases by Day department to follow in longer delays than the CDC guidelines. normal because drivers The confirmed cases will be disinfecting bus- are in self isolation and es before they run their those who are consid- second route. ered close contacts have “If your bus route been notified and are will be double routed, required to self quaran- you will be notified by tine at home. Those in- our transportation de- dividuals will not return partment. Students who to work until they’ve are late to school will met all of the required not be marked as tardy.” Graphic provided by Indiana State Department of Health safety criteria to return, Graphic provided by Indiana State Department of Health including isolating at See Cases . Page 2 Local non-profits, township trustees help residents avoid COVID-related evictions The REPORTER Danielle sources of help. Individuals and families Carey Tolan, You can find your who have problems paying president of the trustee at this their rent or mortgages due Hamilton County link. (Click “ac- to the COVID-19 pandemic Township Trust- cept”, enter your can seek assistance through ee Association, address and click a new program announced encourages all “trustee” on the Graphic provided Monday by HAND, Inc. and Hamilton County right). In keeping the Hamilton County Town- residents to seek with COVID safe ship Trustee Association. assistance before policies, begin the Nickel Plate Arts, HEPL “Since March, there has their landlords Davis process by calling been a pause in any evic- initiate eviction your trustee to set tion proceedings at both the proceedings. a phone appoint- state and federal level,” said “Our goal is ment time. partnering for virtual Andrea Davis, executive di- to keep people Township rector of Noblesville-based in their homes,” trustees will as- non-profit HAND Inc. “But Tolan said. “We sess the needs and ‘Comic Book in a Day’ individuals and families know that stable coordinate with The REPORTER against the clock to come up Hamilton East Public Li- who have lost their jobs or housing is criti- local non-prof- Nickel Plate Arts has with several pages of brand- brary and Nickel Plate Arts suffered medically due to cal for a child’s its to provide partnered with the Hamil- new comic content. In ad- are collaborating to offer COVID are still responsi- success in school resources. ton East Public Library’s dition to the comic book free, virtual comic work- ble for full payment of their and better health Tolan Non-profits par- Ignite Studio to present Vir- creation, veteran “Featured shops via Zoom during the rent or mortgage. This pro- outcomes – both physical ticipating in this program tual Comic Book in a Day, Artists” will mentor the week leading to the Virtual gram will allow us to help and mental – for all family include: Aspire Indiana, an eight-hour marathon of Challenge Artists and offer Comic Book in a Day event. those at risk of eviction.” members. This then reduces Family Promise of Hamil- comic book art creation. insight into the state of the The workshops are free, and The federal moratorium the burden on our many so- ton County, Good Samari- The event will be held from comics industry throughout feature each of the three Fea- on evictions ended in late cial services in the county.” tan Network, HAND Inc., 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Satur- the day. Both the Ignite Stu- tured Artists: Stuart Sayger July, and Gov. Eric Hol- Residents who need and Shepherd’s Center of day, Aug. 29. dio and Nickel Plate Arts of Noblesville, Yuri Duncan comb said last week that assistance should connect Hamilton County. Funding More than two dozen teams will go live on Face- of Indianapolis, and Victor he intends to allow the state with their local township partners include Hamilton area artists as well as artists book with mini-workshops Dandridge of Columbus, moratorium expire on Fri- trustee to assess the situa- around the world connected and progress updates during day, Aug. 14. tion and determine the best See Eviction . Page 2 to the program will compete the course of the day. See Comic . Page 3 OneZone, Indiana Chamber Police patrolling for motorists of Commerce create company- not stopping for school buses to-company mentoring program The REPORTER number of vio- an average, that lations occur. means an esti- The REPORTER diana Chamber of Commerce to The Hamilton County OneZone has announced of Commerce in offer our mem- Traffic Safety Partnership “We take mated 450,000 a new partnership with the this mission, to bers an opportu- will be working to safe- school bus stop violations could Indiana Chamber of Com- help employers nity to engage in guard students as they arm violations have occurred merce and Engage Mento- throughout the an innovate and get on and off the bus this very seriously, during the 2019 ring program to build the state skill up their effective compa- fall. Over the next couple as they jeopar- school year. largest and most effective workforce and ny to company of months, officers will dize the safety In Indiana, cross-company mentor- provide access to mentoring pro- be positioned along bus of our children,” it’s against the critical mentoring gram,” said One- stops and routes looking said Sheriff law for mo- ing program in the country Quakenbush through the Engage Mento- relationships. Zone President for stop-arm violations Dennis Quaken- torists to pass ring program. “We are russell and CEO Jack and motorists driving bush. “We urge you to de- a bus that’s stopped and OneZone says the ini- thrilled to announce our Russell. “It is important as dangerously. vote your full attention to has its red lights flashing tiative will help employers partners for the Engage our organization continues The overtime patrols the roadway and if you see and stop-arm extended. skill up their workforce by Mentoring program,” said to be a voice and impactful are part of the state’s Stop a bus with yellow flashing This applies to all roads, connecting them with men- Jason Bearce, Vice Presi- for businesses that we pro- Arm Violation Enforce- lights, please slow down with one exception. On tors to help them grow their dent of Education & Work- vide strong resources to em- ment (SAVE) program, and prepare to stop. It is multi-lane roads divided skills on a variety of topics. force Development for the ployers in our community to which was developed by important for all of us to by a physical barrier or The Engage Mentoring Indiana Chamber of Com- help them attract, retain, and the Indiana Criminal Jus- look out for the safety of unpaved median, vehi- program is a model of men- merce. “Now more than develop talent. This part- tice Institute (ICJI) last our children to keep our cles traveling the opposite toring that uses a proprietary ever, employers need re- nership will be a strong tool year and is funded by the community safe.” direction of the bus may software system to help em- sources and strategies for for our business community National Highway Traffic In 2019, thousands proceed with due caution. ployees build the necessary employee engagement and in Carmel, Fishers, and our Safety Administration. As of bus drivers in Indiana “Always err on the skills needed to be good skill development. This pro- region.” part of the effort, officers participated in an annual side of caution when it mentors, as well as connect gram will be a powerful tool Click here for more in- will work with local school survey and reported more comes to school bus safe- with qualified mentors in the in their arsenal.” formation about the Engage corporations and bus driv- than 2,500 stop-arm viola- ty.
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