freedomfreedom forfor thethe terracesterraces 20132012 34 COUNTRIES | 14 QUESTIONS Publisher: ProFans Sandra Schwedler Postfach 028863 10131 Berlin
[email protected] A project of ProFans in collaboration with WELKOM IN AMSTERDAM! Another year passed by, the 6th European Football Fans’ Congress takes part in Amsterdam this weekend and meanwhile for seven years we develop the project “Freedom for the terraces”. Originally started as a part of an exhibition 2006 in Hamburg, the project became much more by now. It’s still kind of an exhibition – at least every year at the Football Fans’ Congress – but it’s also published as reader and actually it’s a really big research organised and developed by football supporters. And it’s still growing. This year we’re happy to announce that supporters of 34 countries took part and answered 14 questions about fans’ paraphernalia, police repression, ticket prices, pyrotechnics and much more. “Freedom of the terraces” is a project of ProFans in association with FSE. ProFans is a nationwide supporters’ organisation in Germany, dedicated in the fight of supporter’s rights. Actually ProFans and FSE just provide an organisational framework, but work is done by many other people around Europe resp. the world. We have to say that you did a fantastic work this year again. So, thank you very much, for answering our questions, connecting people or just being supportive! The result is magnificent! In case of any question or if you miss a country or you would like to add something, don’t hesitate to contact us via e-mail:
[email protected] And now: Enjoy! Dan / Prague & Sandra / Hamburg ProFans, July 2013 – 1 – ARGENTINA s ► Capital: Buenos Aires ► Language: Spanish ► No.