Association of Army Clubs Meeting with SSC/SFA Friday 26 March 2010 Venue – , Glasgow Time – 3.p.m. Attendees – ATAC SSC/SFA 1. Jim Brown ATAC/ SFA Liaison (WESTA) Colin Banks, Marketing Manager 2. Scott Rae (WEBATA) Alison Jack, Customer Services Manager 3. Peter Morton (KTA) 4. John Callaghan (KofTA) 5. Tam Ferry (EASTA) 6. Kevin Donnelly (LA) 7. Hamish Husband (WESTA

Original ATAC points in BLACK Written responses in BLUE Comments from meeting in RED


1. TRANSPARENCY - ATAC would be pleased to receive greater transparency to the use of funds generated through SSC membership e.g. a breakdown of the distribution of the monies.

- The initial response to renewals has been very good with over 27,000 members taking this up. As a result we now know that the club will make a profit over the 2 year period and we can start to plan areas where this money will be spent both in developing the club and through Youth Football. As we still have the new membership campaign to come we do not know what the final profit figure will be until April. I would propose that we pull together an overview of where this money will be invested for our next meeting, as we will be in a better position to do this once the final profit figure is known.

JB pointed out that a profit figure was not what ATAC wanted to see but more a breakdown of how subscription fees are spent including any profits that may be made.

CB replied by saying a breakdown would be available in April once all renewals had been completed. The current figure for renewals was 85% which was seen an encouragingly high.

AJ pointed out there is a waiting list of 13000 with 5000 available spaces. AJ highlighted that the waiting list consisted of single e mail addresses and that there was no double count from individual accounts, but of course there may be duplication from home / work accounts.

JB acknowledged that a breakdown on the distribution of SSC membership monies would be available at the next meeting and stated that this would be most welcome to ATAC members and SSC members alike.


1. At this early stage do the SFA have any indication as to the likely ticket allocations for forthcoming away Euro qualifiers (and Sweden friendly)

- An initial agreement of between 5 and 10% of the stadium capacity was discussed at the recent Group meeting and in general agreed, however as the venues have not been allocated yet we do not know the exact figures. We have subsequently written directly to the 4 nations individually to ask for any further information they can provide and estimated numbers where possible. With regard to Sweden we hope to have confirmation of the venue next week and what our allocation of tickets will be.

AJ announced the SFA have offered 8% of tickets for matches at Hampden to away fans for the upcoming qualifiers. This was an opening position designed to encourage greater allocations from opposition associations.

CB said that at this moment in time there was no indication from the opposition FA’s regarding match ticket allocation for the 2012 qualifiers.

2. What methodology do the SSC envisage using for the distribution of tickets i.e will the standard ’10 point rules” apply

- We will continue with the current system for this campaign.

AJ said the current system would be maintained as it was working reasonably well bearing in mind you can’t please all the people all the time.

3. The SSC launched a scheme where a selected group of members would require to pick up their tickets “in country” please advise how many were requested to do so and how many failed to do so in (a) Norway and (b) Wales

- In Norway we had 82 uplifts with no one failing to collect - In Wales we had 217 uplifts(higher due to post issues) with 52 failing to collect – all sent final warning letter(yellow card) - Also ,in Japan we had 435 uplifts(all tickets) with 3 failing to collect(1 member expelled)

Off the back of recent games in the Netherlands, Wales and Japan, one member of the SSC has been expelled after each of these games due to ticketing offences.

JB queried the stats on the uplifts and requested an increase in the number of fans being asked to uplift tickets to ensure “points harvesting” was discouraged. JB highlighted that the number of requested uplifts in Norway was what could be considered a normal uplift activity for example members living or working abroad and did not suggest sufficient ‘random selections”. For Wales, JB raised the issue of the percentage failure to collect being circa 25% - did the SSC feel that this percentage was reflective of the total allocation .

CB stated that they had no way of knowing the total ‘non attendance’ but accepted that they should consider a greater number of ‘random selections” for future matches, the logistics of this would be reviewed.

JB welcomed this increase and stated that whilst there is some potential inconvenience to members, ATAC believed that the majority would recognise the benefits.

4. We have found in the past that certain countries have charged more for away end tickets than that charged to home fans – will the SFA be making representations to prevent this.

- We will always make representation to the away association that our fans pricing is relevant to home fans pricing(in line with what we do at Hampden) and in general away associations adhere to this, however as it is the away associations match their may be the odd occasion that this doesn’t happen. -

CB said the SFA were aware of ticket prices being ramped up for the away fans but at the moment there is no legislation to stop FAs of opposing countries doing this. He said would write to UEFA requesting an update on their policy regarding this issue. TF said the issue had been raised with the FSE.

5. ATAC consider the Swedish friendly as ‘ripe for harvesters” recognising the potential pressure on tickets for Euro qualifiers, we propose that this is a 100% in country pick up.

- This is a subject we have discussed previously and our current preference is to continue the random selection for uplift method as it benefits the bona-fide supporters whilst targeting the points harvesters. If we feel at any point that this is not providing a robust enough deterrent then we will look at the full collection system again.

CB said the SFA would increase the number of fans being asked to pick up tickets in Sweden but said it would not be as much as 80% but a more manageable number (based on the earlier conversation on the subject of random selection. There would be an ongoing approach to combat points harvesters which would be a combination of random and targeted approaches.

CB to inform ATAC of the percentage requested to uplift tickets.

3. TICKETS (Home)

1. Can you confirm that for forthcoming home matches that the one ticket guarantee per member will apply

- yes it will. - AJ confirmed this will still apply.

2. ATAC would like to see the reintroduction of a ‘home season ticket’ for the forthcoming Euro qualifiers. Given that circa 11,000 members took advantage of this on the last issue we trust that this is being considered.

- We agree and a season ticket for this campaign will be offered to all members, more details to follow in May (following new member recruitment).

4. 60 DAY RULE

1. What measures, if any, are the SFA taking to have the announcement of fixtures with more notice than the 60 day rule provides.

- We have proposed a 120 day notice period to the other associations as part of our group agreement and are awaiting their response to this.

CB stated that the SFA has asked for 120 days notice from all the opposing FAs in the 2012 qualifying group. This has been raised as an issue with the Spanish FA where it is of greatest significance to fans. The Spanish FA have yet to respond.

5 SSC / SFA ‘ON THE ROAD 1. At our meeting in December, ATAC suggested that the SSC/SFA should go ‘on the road’ to meet the fans. ATAC offered to host these events at our regular Club meetings, Gordon Smith had asked if we could have several Clubs together and we stated that anything was possible, have you given further thought to this?

- Yes we have and like the “roadshow” idea. We are currently looking at options for next season and are in discussion with a couple of potential sponsors as well.

CB said this idea was being worked on and the show would be hitting the road in the new season. JB sought clarification as to when ‘the new season’ was – CB- from August.


1. ATAC would be pleased to receive an update on the timelines for availability of replica strips and are somewhat bemused by reports that leisurewear may not be available until 2011, please advise

- Replica strips will be available second week in June and for pre order 2-3 weeks in advance of this. Training wear will be available in July and the new away kit in mid August. - With regards to leisurewear we are working with adidas on this for late 2010/early 2011. - In addition a new range of unbranded apparel will be available from May this year through a number of high street outlets and Greaves sports are our new Scottish FA online, match and retail partner.

JB questioned the timing of replica kits and stated that a launch of one, only to be replaced a short time later would be unacceptable and stated that the financial impacts of fans particularly children should be recognised

CB confirmed that the two Adidas strips released this year would last for a two year cycle taking us up to the 2012 Euros. Replica strips will be available in June, training wear in July and the new away kit in mid August. The leisurewear range will be available in late 2010 or early 2011.

Greaves sports have taken over the running of the online merchandising arm of the SFA as well as the Hampden museum shop and outlets at Hampden on matchdays. It is anticipated there will be discounts online and instore for SSC members. A new range of unbranded apparel will be available from May 2010 in a number of high street outlets. (The Collection)


2. ATAC were pleased that our request to show the SSC members on the various points levels was published. Is there any more statistical analysis available i.e. ticket volume request comparisons across qualifying games, friendly matches etc. This will allow members to see how successful they may be for specific matches, how to get onto the ‘points ladder’ etc

- As per the points level discussion we are open to discussing what additional information would be appropriate and useful. Suggest we maybe discuss this further?

JB stated the points table had been well received and said that the more answers and information that was provided, the better for everyone involved.

CB said that Daryl Broadfoot, SFA Media Liason director, was looking at using different means of technology to improve communications with fans.

2 The SSC have requested the assistance of ATAC to ‘put the message out’ re availability of tickets, how to ‘get on the ladder’ etc how do you want us to assist (see above)

- Can you highlight to members who ask this that the best way to get on the ladder is by going to friendly matches where availability, in general, is better. - Also highlight that we have a very comprehensive Q&A section on the SSC website that covers this and many other topics.

AJ asked that fans be encouraged to use the material on the web,especially the FAQ section on the SSC web pages as that will answer a number of questions regarding membership of the SSC. Clubs should be looking to do this via club meeting and newsletters.


SFA Travel Partner

CB said there is currently interest from two to three recognised travel companies in providing travel facilities to away games for Scotland fans. When queried CB advised that none of these will be Scotball in a different guise.

There followed a general discussion on the subject with a number of points, questions and feedback supplied by ATAC

The SFA are looking to work with a travel partner who could offer value for money trips to away matches as well as providing an income stream for the SFA. There will be no mandatory travel with these companies to get match tickets. The SFA would also expect the travel company to offer discounts on non football related travel packages to SSC members. CB also stressed the travel companies would not get prior knowledge of a match venue, they would not get priority access to tickets and there would be no handicap to anyone wanting to travel individually. He believes this improves choice for members as some people are happy to have all their arrangements made for them.

AJ stated there is no desire to force anyone to travel with an official SFA travel package.

JB welcomed the idea but hoped the company who becomes the travel partner would offer departures from a variety of Scottish airports and not charge supplements for any trips departing from airports other than Glasgow or Edinburgh. CB acknowledged the point.


“Free to air” coverage of Scotland games

CB detailed the impact that the loss of PayTV revenues would have on The Association. This was raised due to ongoing discussions and debates at London Government level on sporting events being available to ‘free to air services’ such as the BBC and ITV.

There was an acceptance and understanding amongst the ATAC Rep’s – recognising that in excess of 25% of SFA revenues were generated through this medium. JB described how there was mixed feelings amongst the ATAC membership on the subject, but a general recognition of it’s importance. JB stated that the biggest issue raised from members was a general belief that “ Scotland matches should be able to be viewed by the children of the Country – they are the future players and fans” he went on to state that whilst it could be argued that adults could visit pubs or whatever to watch games, children were at a disadvantage. An example of how the English Rugby team matches were available in cinema’s for children to view was raised, but also the fact that admission required to be charged.

CB stated that this will become a growing issue with potentially serious ramifications and may in the future be calling upon the support of ATAC.

Meeting end – 4.40.p.m.