A BLUEPRINT for THE AFRICAN LEATHER INDUSTRY A development, investment and trade guide for the leather industry in Africa 1 Acknowledgements A Blueprint for the African Leather Industry was prepared by the Agro-Industries and Sectoral Support Branch of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) led by Ahmed Rafik Ben Brahim, Director, and was financed by the Common Fund for Commodities (CFC). Aurelia Calabrò in Bellamoli, Industrial Development Officer, UNIDO, and Caleb Dengu, Project Manager, CFC, were responsible for the overall coordination, development and completion of this publication. Valuable contributions were made by the Editing Committee consisting of George Rapsomanikis and Shakib Mbabaali, Commodities and Trade Division, Raw Materials, Tropical and Horticultural Products Service, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO); Giovanni Dadaglio and Johanna de Paredes, Division of Product and Market Development, Market Development Section, International Trade Centre (ITC UNCTAD/WTO); Samuel M. Kiruthu, Head of the Secretariat of the Eastern and Southern Africa Leather Industries Association (ESALIA); and Mohammad A. Jabbar, Agricultural Economist, Livestock Policy Analysis Programme, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI). The text was compiled by Teresa Salazar de Buckle, CFC and UNIDO Expert, and edited by Malachy Scullion, Consultant Editor and Lecturer in Business English at the University of Klagenfurt. UNIDO and CFC would like to thank the following for their highly valued contributions: Verena Adler, Ralph Arbeid, Juhani Berg, Jakov Buljan, Bernardo Calzadilla-Sarmiento, Simone Cipriani, Alberto Di Liscia, S. Ehui, Andrea Favazzi, B. Gebremedh, Ian Leach, Giancarlo Mattioni, Carlo Milone, Muthoni Muturi, Brian Moir, Giuliano Mosconi, Mario Pucci, Frank Schmel, Tetsuo Yamada, Y.
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