TWICE-A-WEEK ^HE TWIN FALLS TIMES iVOL. XI. N O . 1 ELEV EN TH YEAR:^ TW IN FALLS. TWIN FALLS COUNTV, IDAHO, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12. 1915. SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 PER YEAR GREATER CROPS WARNERrJENNISON SENATOR BORAH CARRANZA IS COMMISSIONERS EARMER KILLED IfTHISTORY YARDJS SOLD G IV E m R N IN G RjCOGNIZED SUPPORT EAIR INJUNAWAY llsitcd States, in Shawe to. feed Boise-Payette lumber Company Looks to future of Worhers and Pan-American Assembly Agrees Promise financial Aid to filer f. B. Kyle Meets Instant Deatli The World. Jakes Possession. farmers After the War on Mexican Program B o o ste r By Being Thrjown from Wagon


The Wlicut I'ro)) 1h u B«cord Breaker Former Oniiem o( Yard \>'U1 Pm bublj Idubu's ^un Says Industrial llccon lU'lW Tlmt ConstltuUomilkt Was Tounty'W ill. Erect Buildings and C Acfljaat Jluppens on Fnroi Sonth* This Year; tVrn Ih StIU KInir all I'urcluisn Interest In Some Otber strncUou In Europe Will .Mo»«ce I’ S tro n g est und (Viul'd Itt^storv O rde Ntruet Tniek, If Stnie Laws Will nest of City. Fanenii Held Hatiir. ()ropi>. .line uf Industry. S, Without Protwthe Tariff. ; Influencr.** S M n-tar) L ansing. re r n n i. \ dny Affomoon.

' WaBli«DKton. Oct. 7.—Am erlciin har- The Wai ilson Lumber com- Boston, Mass. — While advocating W aslilngtoii — K ecognltion o( Uie The Twin Falls county fair cun E. B. Kyle, u furmer ilvjng four vouta thiH yeiir will bo tlio i»o«l viilu- paiiy, u lu i l ^ n ' ™ compoaed of T. mllititry preparedness, the upbuild­ purti- leil by Genixul Carranza us the .Id to be oniclally launched us the mllCH w est und one m ile aouUi of >blQ evor produced. • WJUi tlie wlu-ul •K. W arner and ftl. K. JennlHon. has ing ,of Uie apniy and the navy, fuct’o goveriinienl in Mexico was result of tho actl9 n of the Twin Falli Uy w as InHtwiKly killed luBt T h u rs­ .cro p cxccLHlInK n 'bllHoii bQuhelH, the sold Its holdlnss to the Bolse-Puyetlo Icnator Borali of. Idaho, in an open* inlmuusly agreed upon Saturday unty Tommlsalonerft In ucccpUng thi day evening by being thrown from it larg e st ever tu rn e d o u t in one Ben- company of Uolse. Poak*:9aion wan ,ir uddrcas delivered here Sunday »f- by th / I’uii-Amerlcan conference as te offcretl for grounds by the niel- wugon, Tho deceased was un­ 'bon by any uution, a corn crop which given till! new ow ners som e tim e last tomoon before u large audience de- he BtVp lo be rccommetidwl to Uieir islness men. Tho Filer clUzens li loading Homcv. hay from* his wa­ ' uIbo may prove lo be the lurKeat ever week. Tlie ynrd-wlll be operated aa ilared Uiat “it la ewii more essential •ospectlve governments. Secretary entered heartily into Uie cnt6rprlae gon when Uie 4)am becnmo frighten- _ 'grown, the Rovominent'H Octobor crop tt part of u string of yarda located in that wu prepare for peace thno time Ivunaing'' on hehalfof Uic United ind in buying valuable land on tlif iHl und ran away, Uirowing Mr. Kylo ~ report Isued today announced prclim- a large iiuuibur of towns In tliitt part we prepare for war.” AntldpaUug u States goYeinnieiit. expresswl Itu’in- dge of Filer ahowh their intentions tc 3Ut a g a in st u a tm o fence, fra c tu rin g in»ry catimateH, vblch indlcato rec­ of Uic suto. Thv local muQORer will tremendous flood of cheap products icntlon to rLK;oKnlze G eneral C nrranzu muko Uie fair a aucccss. Ills skull und bruising him in a ord Jiorvesta of oats, burlcy, rye. be It. W. IJjiJcgraff, u youuK lumber from Kuropu following Uie restoro- ;iml- th e umhusKudors of Uruzil, Chile, TJie following Uikcn frtmi Uie Jouni- frightful manner. Bwect itotatoes, rlco, tobncco and buy. man of oxperleoce, formerly in the tlon or peace abroad. Senator Borah ArgenUna. and Uie ministers of Do- ul of tho county .commisHioners pro- Mrs. Sarah Anderson, a'sister who C om iB hUII kies of -crops, wlUt in- employ of tlie Ostrander lumber com- declared in fuvor of un immediate re- llvla. Uruguay and Quatcmula, iruns- cc>cdlnga show s the uctlon and a tti­ la living on the ranch, iicard Uio dlcaUoDH of 3,02C,1DO,000 . buBbelH. pn»y.’ / • vlafon of Uie tariff upward In 'order uiitted Saturday niglit Uie dt'clslon of tude of the board wlio will bu govern^ IiorBos running, but who did not see Mr. While tliat Is 98,000,000 buuhelit below Messrs. .Warner andyocnnlson It Is to protect Alnerlcan tho Washington governmeiiL, us well cd -by th>^advlcc of tlie county attor'^ jCylo when he was thrown out, went •the record of 1S12, th e final produc- ini6rene side of w hich being incloaed nako up for tho deflcinncy. Tlie high* tho deal. Under the direct maiiaBC- We mSiy n o t w ith safety Ignore Uie And' before Uie confercnce began all Present all members nnd the clerk. by a stono fence. .Mr. Kyle had boon . «r prices this year uHBure iho moat TOcnl of Mr. JcnnlHon, U\c lu m b er com - alluaUon i\s U win confronV ua at the the oUicr mknisterH In the i.jitin- Whereupon Uie following procet'd- warned^many Umcs to be careftU of - valuable corn crop ev er KroAvn. A t , ly built up a good paying business f the war. The standard of liv­ Ame'rlcan corps also had given their ings were hail, to-wlt: In the nmiUT of team, as one of the horsea would prlcca to furmefa provaUlbK Octobtir and was considered one of tiie sub- ing In Europe will be reduced to the ndhe ; to IL county -fair: run away if given luiy opportunity. 1. the corp c r ^ la worth »2,i:i3.000.000. llal yartls of Uie city. lowest possible sUindurd. Our \vork- Important Step, In this mutter lids being the date set At Uie Umu of his deuUi, Mr. Kylo was ing men will come In deadly coirpe- I'roapecls .Incrcftsft. aTlic action of the conference r hearing tho propositions of the alxty-Wvo years of iige and unmar­ tiUon wlUi Uie laborers uf Europe and irlous fair committees, the Hoard ried. Ho hud lived for several years '. Wheat proapccta Increased an tiic ‘at (he lowest stnndariTpf wage und regarded generally as the most Imporl- RUN DOWN BY AUIO n iit diplom utic slei> In • Uie Mexican ■oee.'ded to the consldcrullou of u on Uio tract, being highly respited ;;row ing »*ei\aon proproaHCd, und Uie yet driveii as never beforo to help Ku- immunicatlon, received from the by ull who know iilm. Rovomment’ti enrly Keuuoa forecuatK In bucU her markets und lu;r illuatlon ,Hlnce Uie Uulied S tates de- » . Holmi-s Uun 0 » e r by Mr?.. ^Y. S. Twin commlUee and on' lllc The funeral wiib hold from the hotno : moved up month by month, so that to- trade. To Ignore such a condlUon of ilde^l to withliold recognition from Campbell Monday Aliening. Uie Huerta govornmont more thun two wliicli is us follows: if Mr. Holloway, u neighbor, Satur­ . d ay 's prim ary eHtlmatOH o f p roduc­ arfairs. wholly probable lo happen, Is T hursday, OcU 7lti, I!)l.'i. day afternoon, tiie services being con­ tion w as placed u t l,003,0l’9,00u bnab- to leave Hie working men of this coun- ■cars ago. It m ean s Uiat the C ar- G.’ B. Holnieii w as ru n o v e r sujd sc- •au7Ji governm ent will receive Uie t u clUzenu meoUng held in Uie ducted by Uov. S, S, Neher, ot tho «la> Wet weather at harvest time, try exposed to a situnUon only l> three hours. w here lie Is rep o rted to lie RcttliiK . IS that will happen. Just us Uie or­ a«loptifi:- ; September \<'eathcr waw particularly Will Aid rnrru n /.n . Kesolved. that the county commls- Thu Iduho State ChiropracUc Con- • Uestrnclive lo polatooH, causing a re­ ilong nlccly. . ganization of great armies, tlie disci­ Mr. HolrnvH w us riding his w h crl lo plining, feeding und cloUilng of th / Olllclals bellove nm nv <-leni<-nl:’ in Joners un«l-th.i-Filer commlUoe be no- }uUon held u l Uolse, Oct. -tth and Gtli. d action of U7,7SS,000 busliela o r 10 per I Mexico will ulign llfi<-pt u 111; lUUude til lut Twin Falls will not' usk cy 8,000.000 •■Gcrmuny even before the war was l AUTO TRUCK lIN f TO BUHL isunl w ere present*' of a genulnt: lIa\V'ullun companv. of I e wur. England and France huve i .Snllsfaetliin nf (he Orpheiini. , timatec five yeiirs*)!" kIv . On Kriilny nhd Saturday night. (Jc pleasing stage presence madea d e thothe four a double bill In vaudeville will h ■actiUonera of drugless mcchods. 182.000.000. . , , . Ifith and ICth. tliy will appear nt Ui voung men extremely popopiUar en. The headliner is the. famous Ha­ The fluallty In very good for f.'.il- Iheir audience wlio greetiee tiA . waiian Duo. Jack and Kitty J.ep. pr<^' Ing purpose. beliiK plum p in u lh e iv y . I..avering. pnw nting a full evening' entertninnieat. tlM -'program to. Includ number with hearty encoro:• o s / I senUng excellent music, songs and COUNTfAGFTrm b u t m uch ha.H been badly staJD*-*! by Mr. V. F. FIenr>*, basao of dances. Thla Is a South Sea specialty rains after harvont. r.‘d«clnB the qual­ ft reel or two of high class picturc (0 he exhibited while the audience I nuny. said the l^ireriiTg of Hawaiian pa.stimes. The KImura Will be Serred Friday Etenlqg Jn Itiuie- Nbivton Vi. BIrtb. of CalltoraU. Co id u ity fo r mnUlnK- being seated. the eosieflt places to sing I) ■ had family put on a wond-Tful Jrtpanese m«at of rhristian ('hnrfh. T ho npple cro p forecast is 71.C32.000 ever experlcnce<1. The gooiJ qualities- ■tJoVelty.- act,' ■wlilch will be u pleas- H ig h ly R<«coiDmetided a.n u . E x p ert. barrels (throe bunhelK), which is 433,- of Uie new nound IwartJ system re­ Ins feature of the double bill. For the Ideal Dible class ot Uie First 000 barn-lH lanser Uian the September cently installed ut this theatre were three evenings. Charlie Clmplln and Christian church will serve a Harveat Newton W. nirch. of California, has 1 forc< ttat.,bul 12,7CS,000 b a rre ls lo«s NEW SHE fOR HOSPITAL in evidence, auditors in the rear of the Mabel Normand will !>♦• seen In a two- Home dinner In the l»an.ment oC.th< been tendered and atxopted tho poel- ^ than last year's etitlmirte of produc­ house being able to iirnr ptlTfoctty.' a c t K eystone com 'H r. entllh**! " n is churcli, fYlday evening of this week. UoD of county agent for Twin Falls tion. This eatlmate rrfi-nv to total The vuJue of Uie fire' exits In the T rysU ng P lace," Th*- progrum -Is one The dinner will be a gooil one und all iity. Tho poBlUon^was tendered farm production (census basis), only itian Anaiunn. Luverlog wen‘ admirably shown at the of pleasing variety. of the heal of Uie- season will Rrace him by the county commlsslonent on » portion of whtcU represents the ho- close ot the performance, when^’elghl U\e fenUve l>oard. • • advice of H. W. UocUbaum, of U\o called commercial crop. ^ t n reRUlar niiiet:niiK'tlng of I h e ^ o hundriHl and thirty people made their ivcrslty of Idaho...nlate..leader ot AlUiReUier the s-nson of lOi:. has commisHlonrnT, ' MMonday, ondi. tli*/ b way to the strrt*ls In two and one-half iinty agwita. ' .flr. Hlreh come , to botfft-ftrrorabln for crop production. purcbasi-d ten acres of larfdlanil on th> Hundreds of Chinese will oppear In ne Uie terrltor>- went of the .Salmon Twin Frills Wodnenday and Thurs- OPENING NEW GAff •Iver and to run * survey from the COMEDY NIGHT.AT ISIS day on U«c scrcon at the Ijivering thc- O A K L A N D BARRELS Jruneau river across, to Uie Salmon. atr© in on unusually exciting two part ) This hurvey'wlll also Include Uieeu«t drama rntiUc«l ■Tour'Cmins of nice." |(ieonre SJchaEd»on. to be.Kenil; for 'fo rk ’ of Uie Bnine.111. Hou^.- er-ek I Thur»day Evealni; HwrMfht to Tbrf scenes are laid In Chinatown. rABAFFI.NEIt Jb V.iRMlSHEl> FOK IhiMlnesir In o Few l»ays. and (’e K tt.a 'T Blream.''. T h e engineers -will ri-pon. George Hichanlson, who for »ev- Off the cost of’ co n stm ctlon work nec- 'I If you want to eajoy.a good, faeartx and a well built drama -wiH complete '! laugh, do n o lfallio b ca t'lh o lal» tb®- ’ th© program, ' , 5 gal.. 6 hoop, each .. „ n .« a eral year* operAted the Elite llestau- e«w«ry to divert thchc siri anis into the Uany compllmrnt* are being heard 10 gal., (i hoop, each ...... raot on South-Main avrnue.. has de­ Salmon ri»crvoif. luter Thura4ay evening ot this wee^ ■OQ, Uie quality of Uie ».hows at the J5 gal.. 6 hoop, each ...... 91.74 cided to enter b'uRlnesn ogain. He has The territory wa* gone o\er two The management of that.popolar pli7 Laverlng this yelu* and the large au- 20 gal.. 6 hoop. eacl> .C2.40 secured a leaac oo the building one y e a rs ago thTs fall by J. M. B u rk ett; hou.4o haa mad» arrangeaeDta for «, ‘ 41ettce« all seem pl«ai*d w«Ui the pho- 55 gal., 6 Tioop, each ...... feL76 door ea»t of the Booth MercanUle com­ of the state engineers’ office, who re*" night of comedy, and nothlac b^tcem* pany and l» haring Uie-rooms nevjjy porti«d u nfavorably on Uie pro^rcL Th-*' COAL ody for that nliht. Tbe plctarM.wiU topUy offeriogs. The L a tm -I o b Is ad* 30 gal.. 6 hoop, e a c h ...... -..•2.S5 mlrably adapltte. He will be ,or not the proposltlou. U pmrUcnl.— Nilli-CliannelU. [n ex t w e ^ T m U U U n f i7 »tem. wide aUl^. many 4Zlti and confortable se«ts. Tv> .Falls, Iteb* ready for buRfaos-i-ln a few day; ilt.MolUster Herald.' I picture* e re rr iHcM. - - r r IWIO&A-WEEK TWIN OOt ! la. 191B THE TWIN FALLS TIMES

rTibllahod Twlce-A-Wetik, .TncBdaya &ad tYIclayB. In ,lh o O aut-liolobuD butldJnf. Mata Street. Ralph Peters WJLUUtt S. HIJ.U Killtor iiiiO Puhlisnor On 'Railway Mall Pay Uenibcr of Hnslcrs Idaho Trons Clut) A controveriiy h»a been rnglng In the columnB of the presB between iho railroads and the Fcdeml' Post Ofllco i n d e p e n d e n 't n g PUllLlCAN Dopnriment over the Qucrtlon of proper componBatlon for handling the United States tnoils. Mr. Halph Peters. fto to rc d nR S e con d CInRB M nttor oh .a Chairman of the Railwoy Moil Committee, when naked Sf;mi«\Vufk1v. O c l 18, 1910. . to state the. rnllrood aide of the conlroversy to the •American former, aaid In part: , k-• SiiiiHcriitUon Kalr*- "The railway mall pay question will bo settled—and O n e y cn r. In a d v a n c e ...... settled-prrmanently and with Justice to ali concerned— R ii MoDllis ...... ;...... - ...... 1-00 as noon, as the Amerlcon people realize that tho whole Rubject. while se'eiDinKly compllcutcd and tecbnlrjil, bolla VElu S8. down tt> a te w simple points of fair businesa dealing which no one need bo a rate expert to understand. Get What You Want at The I>EBIAM» THIS LAIItX '•The flrat 1b thot tho Post Ofllce Department weighs the malls, nnd re­ adjusts tho pay of the'rallroads, only once In four years. This compelji the raUroads to enrry the increase in-Jh" mall tonnaee during the intairxening vcors without pay—manlfestlr an iiijustJt^o in- the case of a rapidly growing buHlncsB. One consequence has been that last year the railroads carried fully Idaho Department Store <»D i^ll of Your Printed Huttor. it hftir ihe parcel post for nothing. "A aecond point is thin: In addition to carrying the malls, tno rail’ Rcrrefiftit.’t <;cpartmcnt requlren the railroads to carry tho malla back and forth the latter piiri of Soptember did Home 'between railroad statlona and post ofl)o«s, but pays .thpm nothing for thlB eood, b ut tliu Httttt) hish w ay eo«l and extra service beyond the rates covering the rail transpbrtatlon. The rail­ west 1h now gettlnjc bouic very deep roads have no. choice but to perform this additional servlco gratis, or rtefuBO B lan k ets - Hosiery and Underwear .wbeel rutfl Umt will euuae permanent (o carr>- tho moila at all. In ju ry unl«w8 dniKRi'tl nnd Uiuh fflled •'Now for the remedlea iho railroad# ask; They do not ask to hare tho M.ost evcrj'one kno^\-s the brands of malls weighed dally, or to have each shipment volgbed and paid for sop* Comforts, Etc. ftTtoEJhe next rid'n. Tlie” county com- arately. ns is done.in the caao of private ahlppers. They merely ask to h(.»icr>- niifl underwear we enrry—Gor- n ia ^ o c T H Hliould carefully inH truct have the malls weighed,.and the pay of the railroads Adjusted, at least once Have yoix .seen,our display of blnrik- ilnti hosiery is ttonsldcn'd to be best ho- rood, overHL-iTX to do draRRthR nt the a yenr. Instead of once In four years. They also ask that.rlnK «JJ} b»‘ trrrJ/lM Jiy ..i»<»rvJeo.or.pay. fa irly .fo r i t . ' T heae a re th e reform s th e railro ad a ask o f Con­ (If.siw. Every weight, size otid color in and infants, higb. gress. They gladly lay these ceformB beforo the public, confldoot that th«7 hoth cotton -and woolen blnnkctK at' llosiery from l")i! lo $l.iW pair will appeal to the common sense an;) falmesa of American voters.'' every pos.sihle price range—see these MunHing nnderwcar shoiyn in ew ry h«*fore yon buy. . . THK HlGliT SPIRIT .styJo,'weight and fahi;ic at priccH that birtlj to Uie grove, hns steadily declln' mous crops—perhaps the greatest over W-ill appenl to those who dcBire real Tlie fiuHin»-»s m en of th is clly took a Od. produced in this country,.governntent Ktop iRHt week wlilcli H ill do m uch tO' Blankets from 50cto$13.50 'good undenvear for women and cliil- “Thtwe organs Tire breaking down forecuKts Indicating |liC,000,000,000 dren. w ard eulUvntlni; a frien d ly KpliHt on lind Riving woj’ too soon. The ,1Q' crop yield for 191R. Ujo p a rt .ur Uu‘ nelKl»borJnR tow na o f iTcnxe lij niorlJ^llly in th ree decadei Big rrops nnd Rood prlccs will Comforts from $1.50 to $6 FRZOEp FBOM 60c TO $3,50 Uil8 C9 unt>- if kep i up ;ConBJHtently. from th e a e couacs liafi been ab o u t 100 quickly ninko better bualnesa foi^tliv T h e HteppliiR OHide to allow K ller to por cent, and IVl>* confined to no par­ railroads, for manufacturers, and for cinch the couiity fair propoHltion, ticular class or element of the popua- the wholesale and retail busluesii geu- See O ur Showing of N ew Fall and W inter Dress ' while dLsftpp'oinllns to many of tlie tlon. U Is Ittcramlnf: everywhere. eraJIy. There ouRht Ujcrefore, to bo . m en in UiIh cit>- who have w orkod fo r "Therefore, while w« are teochinR Increased prosperity for all of us, and Goods arid Silks yuara toward tliat end was the right our men the manual of anus and how that Is why botli city o6d country* are and gencroiiH tlilnR to do. Filer buai- to drill, Ih It not Importniit that tney Interested In the crops. . DUHH m en have nt mI] tinien sJiowo a oIko be 'tauRht how to live the 4iy- tVoturc has beeq kind to us. Should ^ very friendly «pirit toward Twin Folia i;lenle llf<- and to avoid the def<'r- we not be equally kind to ourselves jiod ita clUzenH. T hey have atood be­ rable an d ' prevenUvble dlscinse.^ w hich in Ui^ matter of waslo^prevcnllotj? Men’s and Youiig Men’s Suits . hind us here In nov«ral cases where now weakening ond desiroylnR so American fantierH will bum tho^a- (h e ir.h e lp w«h tlnivly. U Filer can miujy precious lives? onda of (ona of straw tiint. In Europe put- over th e fair. T w in Fa^lla should ••Tho American, people are especially -inudettor .jtaroicDta licit hot ple, and especially .Uie young, .love to uol waste of *200,000,000. But pro- PREDICT HIGHER INTEREST applaud those who engage In atliletlc gresxivi; formers are reducing thla ho had anywhere and espceiaUy when yoiS'consider the lUVTES sports. But the number of school wustc by using silos to'preserve ^hop- high quality nnd workmanship, cte., of these garnjent.'?, and American IlnancIerH who have mudu children and of adults In sedentiiry {)ed corn stnlku and other fodder the wonderfiil low prices. You get unusual value nt each a Htudy of tlie money markets of tho occupotious who actually take nat­ crops. individual*price: tjarments that wc are glad to guaran­ worfd arc predicting that tJiIs nation ural exercise or who practise setting Tilt- humhlo lien is o first old to the tee in ey.cr3' ^ray. e» ,1a not going, to eocape financial dla- up or. physique-building exQrclHcs Is tlirlft o f Uie farfQCT’a w ife, b u t tho de­ trcea along with tho war-ridden na­ Very MmaJl In o u r v a st population. partment of agriculture enUmotes tions of Europe. According to tlie^e •'In a sense we arc a strenuous" pco- an n u a l loss o f 140,000,000 frogi u n n u - ^vBricesKjuige from $12.50 to $35.00 men of money, wheu the reconatruc- pl6, ond yet the most of un are con­ essnrlJy spoiled eggs. tlon.of IndUBtrliil uffalru la goings on, stantly In search of physical ease. We The oJinuol shlpmpnt of poUitoea after tiic war that the demand for have olmosL forgotten how to walk. from Maine Is 3&,0d0'cars, and it Is American money will be so strong in Tho extraordinary increase in .labor- aaid that the avcroge waste ia 20 • Europe and such high ratcH offered MiviQg and tlme-KJiviuR d e v ic e s'o n d bushels per car, o r a - to ta l o f 700,- tSee Our Display of Children’s that unlcHS American borrowers meet th e incroasD In w ealth have ploc Ht'rlous U>oi a re p ­ The goverrrment speclallnls cfltteate etition of the financial .deprosuloii .of ly increasing not only among th«- well- lliul home canning on the farm of wliat ' Hvtying the children’s scliool shoes is a v e ry import­ ■ tho paat two yeiirij uiny occur In spite to-do. )>ut In o u r fdctorles und inilus- otherwlae would-bo wasted, ought to ant que.Htion. One.know.s th at each shoe m ust contain trini plnntfl, where muscular effort is of our wonderful industrial expan- Have a t le a st $100,000,000 annually. good workmanship and real honest .hfnther. This we posi­ s iitnl Irus reciulred. . •* H ut these a re larKc- and g eneral fdon due to the war. Indii.Htrlal ex­ tively giiiiranteo. and beside.s onr shoes have stylo and fit- pansion 1^<. clcpcndciu nltoRclher up­ 'We must adjust our iinbks of life statements. Tti gel right down to on oxpHUslvi! credlL .America w ith u to Uie ne.w eondlU ons., In lim e we "hrosH Jacks,'' ok they suy, how can .ting ^lunlitics.'. We can show you shoes for boys and girls “'^drld of opportunUy nl her door nsay jvhall doubtless aw aken lo tills n atio n ­ the farmer .nctually_ n;ive money?' in-everj* style and - lie must not he tight-fisted or his the boy nr pirl anil you'll know wh.'tv trP.liuy tlie'rijjht dcReiierutlvc tendencies, but just al pr4MU)lon th a t Ih bim nd t« strik e iiJl farni will not be kept up: he must hot preiVnt iho habit la to ignore them.' shoo for school wear . ' Europe. Money always rocs to- tho h<- ti spenij^hrift or.he will get. into ThHi l». all c*i-- are f.-illlnK btlo w th e it Uir' iKxly and Its orRaiis. Ktanii u good chaiu-o o f g e ttin g Uic hlR bdsl stiitiilMMl (if pliynlear ninesji. peupiir should know how tn loan. If he says, ’'Our best horse The wejir nnd t« ar of modern life is KUiird iunl protiH-i th e ir vltalUy as died and we^'ore hard op; th© rent Is JUST RECEIVED ^ SHIBMENT OF WOMEN’S telllnK on ii;.. Ami asi the moHt Im­ u-i-n 1.-. Ui.’lr llherty. . _ romlng due nnd the Insurance expires portant tliliit;, !n-wiirfiire l.< sllll ibv "Tin- march of progn^iis has b^’coinc tom orrow : w ^ ?h you j)l <‘aH0 lo an mo N E W SU ITS ' man behind the gun, a camp&lgn for' a stiiiU ’ede. A iihysleally v.-.-ak nil- SHOO?" th e lia n k e r feel.s very so rry A niiilonul defcnwc inuM include n drier- (ion u ro'kI eliane<- lo h<‘ trampled for him hut dislikes to rink two hun. mined effort to adjust our lm1)lL*i of under foot. The fact that the produc* drcd perfectly gvod dollars-on a far­ - In the much wanted new style effects, sonic with the desirable ■Jfle to tlie,iiew rondiUons, to pel back Uvi- working, period of life l;i appar- mer with such an unpromising out* fur trimming, others trimmed in military braids, I'tc. They come the i-irciiKtir and s« lr-rollancc of our !ii>PlenlnK Is r>‘ally tiii- m ost Im ­ look. ' pioneer ane.-stor:*. JUid to devote niori* portant phase of Uie decline In th>- de- ('lose co-opcraUon between farmer in new browns, blues, njivy and black, all hiK'lTly-tjijlored in the ultenlion to il:r rational care of our fenslve^power of the nation. and banker gukIiI lo enable most ten­ bodies anil tiuir orRani;. This. In ••\Vliy should n o t th e cam paign for ants to become owners It they really most desirable styles. . ^Ye are also showing a beautiful displny of brief. In the waniioK contributed to nalli’mal defenisc Include a program for want to own their farms, as Uiey .women’s and misses’ fall and SHnter coats in tho new weaves and' T h r Till).-. i.Nrw Yiytiti by E lm e r K. leachJnK p.-opJe how U> live •healthful NjjOUjd. Hlttenhoiise. prr'iicN'iu of the Mfe Ek- llres-'-how lo build up and malnUin .Mony f.irm ers us well os th e ir wives colorings. , . tennloii InHtlm te. A<-

the rond will got back the, cost of el­ fUCIRIC lOCOHOIIVfS ectrification. about'»15,000,000 In fivn years, or at the rate of 20 per cent ner unniim. i'.IilcoKO, MiiwftQliMi B. B . to UHe tricit; In^ouutiiluK.' Tlio o)«t'tric JocomotlvcH In thu w orld 'iiro bciOK (IcHvvriHl thla KILEB XKiVS w eek in batclica to the C.UIcaRO. MM- wpQkco nnd SL Paul railway eystcm. ' T ite r to r m ' tho adroaco guard of ' (From Ihe Kller .lournal.) n fty huRO oldelric cnRincK to bn iiHod Miss Vlra ilrowji was taken to tho hospital last week for an oporatlon for by the roud in opcrutiiiR 440 of sippendlcltis. ' Itfi Iranttcootlncntai lino bctwoon Har- lowton, Mont,, 4163 feol nhovc jcn This olflce turned out new telephone Jovcl, and Avocy, Idaho, olrvntlonv dlreciorles this wei'k. They :24{M foot They win alRo climb Uie talnly needed. Socky mountiiin summit, 630U feet oad Lyntan Howk anilMlss I'hyllls Pat­ iiu UCH iiiountiihi iii\j(iinlt, 5700 rveL ton were marrletl In Twin Wednodday of last week. \V*li<-n tticHC g lu n l iiiachlhcit k^i Into operation, as tlioy will do 8omo time In Harry Kammer'-ru- The W om an's elub Is Indebted to* tlon. .Mrs. IJ. C. S lerer for th e lovely flos^ la fact till! purpoNo of ttie com - ers provhled for the reception Mon­ d ay night. puny In electriricntlon tinx not been to THE ONLY OTHER THING YOU WANT TO incroUHe th e upi’od nf Itti truinti bvit to It is expecleil that I.eoniird Wood KNOW IS THIS: IncreitBc .emciency and proiaoto econ­ w ill be ahorily on hln way to Motvlunu. om y In operation. where he will uike a position with his brother . Joe In the mercujitlle "IS THE PRICE RIGHT?” The new locoinotlvoK are of great business. lotercflt becauKc they arc tho firwt to “YES,” IS OUR ANSWER. be conHtructuU for. rollroad wervice T h e B lrthduy club m et wlUi Mrs. with direct current molorH, deulRnet) Uecm last Wednesday and was well WE’VE BEEN IN BUSINESS HERE FOR TWO attended by the members and thu us­ to c a rry uh liigli n potenlJi»l,nM :JOOO AND ONE-HALF YEARS AND WE LIKE OUR BUS- volts. Tlioy weigh IJCO tonH pach and ual good time enjoyed by Ute club. have a ocnllnuoux capacity Rrentcr TV. W. Taylor has bought an aero INESS AND DON’T WANT TO QUIT. than Unit of any utoain or elejitric lo- tract on Vakinni avenue. Just south rohiotlve lilliiprto ever bnlll. of O. J. Chlhls. He will build a nlco TREATING OUR CUSTOMERS RIGHT HAS One of these big nmchinoB- can himgalow on same In the near future. 'Capriccs of Kitty.”, a five part cbm- BUILT OUR BUSINESS, AND WE ARE NOT GOING snake" a train welghlnK 2GOO tonx edy. at the opera house tomorrow up n one per ccnt grade with, l u :i440r /jJgbt. If y ou appreciate gwd coxaniiy TO CHANGE OUR SUCCESSFUL SYSTEM. hoTKopower utid make liRht work of you should make special effort to see ip SEE US FOR EVERYTHING YOU WEAR. the Job. Two of tiiem can do H tills plctnrc. The Range Eternal sunie on a two per cent grade. T hose luonHterK a re li:; fi-L-l Last Saturday II. U.-.Munyon bought a pair of Shetland poiites for his chil­ Inchon long. There Ih uothln^^ about them to HUggext, the Hteiun locom otive dren. They are attracting' much at­ which they will iiltlma|ely UlKplace in tention among the little folks. Mr. ALCO CLOTHES SHOP botli frelgtjt und paHsonger service If Munyon says that the ihornlng follow­ ing their arrival was the first he irould “THE STORE OF VALUES” The Acme of th e fnlUi of the'deH lgners In s u s ta in ­ remember when all his chlldriin wero ed. Inking at first glance more like up at the same time, u big mall cur timn anything else, the ^ ' Durability St. I'auI’H new t> pe of engine operates ally* as myatoriouKly to the average ob­ ney. Tuesday afternoon. The after­ server as did the first automobiles In Now Is The Time to Fill Your the eyes of those' used to horse drawn noon was pleasantly passed with vo­ The Perfection of vehlclofl, cal and instrumental niusic and social* converse. Mr. and Mrs. Kenney, who The design Is such as to shve track paH.Hed the summer here from their wear nnd tear by minimizing tho ver- FERI^ BASKETS ; -Fuel Economy (Icnl and horizontal blows drive home in Illinois, leave this morning for their home. This most excellent Baskets or Plants Furnished * wheels Uirough use of a separto mo­ couple made many friends here dur­ Boxes Filled to Order tor twln-gearod to each of eight pair ing tli%lr sojourn who re g re t to see Prices That Are o f l! inches In dianietei;. found l.STiIl llmtiK; the w ord “Jehovah" AT VARNEY’S They arc equalized in pair on each •l.sns times, and the word ••Ueverend" side so that each of the four driving but once and Ihat in the ninth verse, wheel trucks on-each side Is Independ* nilh Psalm. The eighth verse of the The cab extcnilii fAr nearly the ll7th Psalm is the middle vursu of full lengUi of the locomotive. Two tho Bible. The nliith verso of the men constitute a crew, ihongh only olghth chapter of Ksther Is the long- ^;Hoosir N e S S e in d Hand Furniture Store Is' required to operate the niech- and the 3r>th verse of the 11th anlsni. The. other Is there for einer* chapter of St. John Is the shortest g ency am i to learn his triMlc. .» . In th e' lOCth Psalm fo u r v erses are J. h. McNlCHOLS & CO. Hero arc some of the most striking advantages of the electric loeonio- alike, the eighth, flfleentli, L’lst. and K. r. BRACKEN. Pretldeat ^ DR. C. R. SCOTT. Vice Pretldeal. .^lsl. Kach verse of the UlCtli Psalm tlv cs: endft alike. PH O N E 200 URBAN TRACBY, C*«hler. It operates with the highest elli- Barron, living went of • town clency In tho (^oldest weather-, when stwiin loconVotlves often frewe'uj>, hrolfe groiind yesterday for Itrreturns liy “regeneration” a Ijome. Mrs, IJobt. Miller and son. V Uirgtl part of tlw porter Ui^ed In ru l­ home yesterday from l>ava H ot Transfer & Garbage Hauled at ing op hill during tho corresponding The Idaho State Bank run down hill. S prings. '• It refjuires Inspertion onci- In every Andy Mattson bought th<> Ihistetter Reasofiable Prices I’OOO miles of trav«-l. wliere iSi; ste; 4U th is week, l-^irl M urray coiidui-ted Of Tw in Falls, Idaho ■re i n t s ie a u i th e d<>al. locomotive mvisl he overhaulediaulL-dT\t th e Knapii reiiiirt.'* a yield o f H’l end of each division bushels Ilf red clover.seed per acre It uses no coal. ri'(iulreres in';«^ler on r> acres of land. during this war. Wiat will bo tho CAPITAL J^,000 and has no usIick to dump. The Jolly Pella Pringle ronipaiiy PAN-AMERICAN INQUISITION fate of their colonics in Amorlca? It carries no tender anil has no holl­ __ Will the American continent look witli er and will run Indefinitely ai a nni- phiy<'d ".>1iirrlc,'d l.ife" h.-r-- l»> a very appreelutlve auilienee last tili:hl. Will Sl.,l» llefrnd.llir INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS, form rate of speed. Dr.. Kutelifre. .formerly located lirre nil* Itortrhip If llturkril Germany of - Qrltlsh and French, It refinires roundhouse tlnkerhu' .to r a time, hut now of Twin I'alls, ro. Ilo rtrln ^ Alfu^kcd. OuJnca, of British Honduras and of Uio tlie mlhlmuni and handles uniform iiK renewing ae(|llalnl:ll^ceH h<‘re tonnagi! Irrespective of weather. Wi.Hlilni:lon-Ku»ol.l.. -A. II.,rnlc,,. I t o r i b b , . , m yesterday, the minister from Panama, speaking . It lines aw av w ith, fuel traln.s iiuiLj ”Tlu* a n sw er appeimi tir he obviousV" ' See Us For Farm Loans clears the trucks for traffic thaV pays ...... lylor, who eonilueted a ho- here at a conference on national de- dividends. li*l-4i*^re a long tim e, b u t n«)W of Twin belng conducted under the aus­ Faccs Threat«nlnff KfallUe?!. T he b«“st Hieani l,oi'oni<>tlveh has In Falls, was a Flier visitor yesterday pices of the .Navy league, th e N'jftlon- Dr. Morales said that the Monroo be ovt-rhapled, after running loa or looking after his property liere. al Rifle association anti th e C ouncil Doctrine ...... faced •’tbroatenlug relatles” miles, wiiereas the Initiiuiilty of If the patronagi- of the picturf bus­ of .National Defense, declaretl all the and tliat because of It the national do* tlie electric engine from this iirciK- iness conllnues (he eilllor of this pa­ AiniTican republics were watching the tcnae of the United Statvs was Intl- slty—a heavy advantage In opi-mllng p e r V'lil e rect a m odern am i up-to- prepareilness of the United Stitten, bo- mately bound up with the whole of tho TWIN FALLS CAFE elJlclency. date picture show hulldlng next to cause be said, upon It depends the Amerioan continents. A steam loconutlve waiting :it a liie People’s store on the ground floor, defense of the Monroe doctrine. Tho In the face of the present sltua-' , k o t o BROS.,- Props. division point consumes .SO per rent of with olllc<' room s above. laratlo a ol' the I’nlletl S tates th at tlon," he-declared. "It would bo wise the fnol It uses In urtuiil service, Dr.' Allen has concUukil to make American continent cannot be the not to persist in the Illusion of se­ Best Service and Popular Prices whereas the electric loeuniollve when his -rcsldeuce Jn ('allfornla. .and as object of conquest or foreign aggres­ curity in which we have lived but to idle consumes no jwwer. The freeing •soon as hi' gets his buslaetei affalr:i sion. he_,sald, faces threatening crcate for the defense of tho continent of the track from fuel rrnlns Is an ele­ here se(tledi^r l;ard- “in thls'organlzatlon tliere falls up­ OPEN DAY AND NIGHT . PHONE 238 tive. In fact, bids fair tn revolution­ on tlie United States tho preponderant ize railway transportation nietjioils. C. A. I» v e has bought ten lot,i from role not only because It Ir tho m ost hi*cause while Uie "juice'” to be used th e townslt'e Hth and Stauffnehcr's near Huhl would desire above all to take pos­ fact thftt coal can be converted Into »m the 15th. ^11 of the«e }ln reglHtcrod stuff. erations which might , conduce to Open for Medical and Maternity Cases tlves of Uic new type more ecouomlcal- The Ladles’ Aid met Wednesday af­ ritjht I tliat end would have to Uike place on ly tlian it can be used dircct In the pro­ ternoon and electi^l (h«* following of­ Ponaman territory. He referred to duction of steam power. ficers; Pr*>sldent."*.Mrs. .Vustin: vlci- Panama as "tJie muhi strategical ploce Reasonable Terms The plan of operation Includes tin* p resident. M rs. F ltrg c ra ld ; s-, A pound of Schillinjr's of land In the world/' and concluded general use of a lociynotlve at each M rs. M ark M usser; tre a su re r. .Miss hy saying that the topic of naUonal end of a train on up grades approxi­ .Moseley. *■ j Best- will scn-e you witli defense for tlie United States w ob n ot 361 Fifth Ave. t Phone 604-J mately 36 niile(t long over the olecirl- C. E. IJooth. the merchifflT-br TwIii at all foreign to the Interest'^ of Pan- fled section of the road. On down Falls, aecompanltHl by his wife were ///ore cups of fine coffee grades''only tho head englno will do Flier visitors tho first ot* the week. the rogcneratlve brnklng—that'Is Te- Mr. Bootli had many nice things t» tlian a pound of any other CLOVER SEED generalSng power on li.i reverse and say of tho wonderfui proRn-sR Fil«r is returning It to the wires to he used showing along every line. kind. The price doesn't , A. Steel,' buyer for Aioi-rt D ick- . In .pulling th« following train. C.' F. M arney, of D eeatur. III.. Is THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK making his tinnual vinit here fooklng inson Co., Chicago, one door « u t of These locomotives are geared fur Twin Falls City Ice Cd: Phone 19L 'passengiT service to li.iul trains’ of n.T -Jils farm Interests In Suckfr Inv'itds you to'see its officers when 800 tons at CO miles an hour. The H a t. .Mr. H arney Is alw ays a w el­ Adv. ABC- IQ t f .you have any financial questions to stretch of road to be usi'tl hy the new come visitor to Filer, and the hope ^cl'.iilin;;’s llc.n fa , lU blocks the tract; Our experience is at two per ccnt, will be doubled In rap­ Don’t .xpend all your time In nse^ from park, rented to good tenant for acity by their use, according to the lcs« dlrrrslomi. I>onbl^ yonr laloe 91G.00 m ontltly. 11000.00. ten o s. In- your disposal. engineers. by aUendlng our day or niRht , Schilling’s quln^ a t T im es office. O c t 1 tC. T h e. .railw ay com pany expect.-^ to • Itu-mr.tfs (•olleirr^-Ad>. «cL nR ST NATIONAL BANK OF TWIN FALLS achieve th e som e re s u lt a.s Uiougli It 12 W. ' . r , c s t A repetitiob of >oar waai aA, tn tha had double-trttck«>d Its line over the mrse of your qaeit tor « cook, m ar mountain divisions. It isbcUcred tliat R«a4 y int

. 8 ^ Twin Falls Title & Abstract Xompany, limited Monthly Payment FARM LOANS Hotel Perrine Building, Twin Falls, Idaho CITY LpAH Si ■ TWIOE-A-WEm T W m f A l i l J T1ME6, OTlitoAY..OOT^

poso'with which they come. Thls.wor muot HomutJmo end. Then the era of 'regenerntloa luid rehabilitation, will C O M M IS p B iS SUPPORT fAIR come.' The laoR, patient climb will be /continued from .Page.l.'> '■ b e fo re ur and we oti a people canuol Comedy Night at Ae Isis escape lu burdens and our sovornoieot Hoai-d proceeded to the consideration will fevl Uie HtralD. In tUlB work of of tho proposlUon of the Flier citi­ rohabllltntlon In which we arc'.to have zens OA snbroitted h r their commltt«« BO larso a part, how InipertJnettt It 48. which is os follows;' h em indlB penB able U int w e RCand a The people of Filer and vlclnlly pnitcd, a detormlncd und hopeful peo­ promiqe to pnrcliasniod-deed'wbat is p le- ' ^ ' known as Uio Schlldman and Coffib Thursday j)nly : • Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday “If UiIh republic ulmll be ablu to forty, described' os tbo.NW ^ of the ■hold o n ' lt» w a y . o u r p e o p le n t h om o SEVi of secUon 8, to ^ s h lp 10 sbnth. bound toRether in mutual cburidcifce, range 16 east, of tho Boise meridian. our InBtlluHono riveted'toj^ethor nnd Said forty.to'bo deeded to tho-coanty brncccl by a 'c o n im o n raitli, who shall with tho'provision that it remains the bu (iblc to fu tlm u tv itit'tr>;muniluUH in* property of Twin.Falls countjr eo lonr Pokes and Jabbs Juggling the Truth flu c n c o fu r Kood, itii incahrulahk ... ti... ri ii»r couijty fair porposes. If « t The Georgia Jubilee morale force, not Klono here upon ihp :iy (line tho ciiiinty refusea to use It In T^o Part« weHtcrn continent, but amonf; nil na- for liie rurposes'of a county fair, same UonH and peoplcr.' If Europe Kliall •..hall revtrrt to-the donw ff'itf 'l i " look.up uuch u ftc«no through her U U !i uuderHtood by ti*i‘ I’ll- b lood tihot (*ycH, if th o c o u n t le s s mU> er conmiitteu in coasidoraUon of this Bonis and StoU in ^ Quarter lontt bondinK buneatlt the burdens of tender of land,-that tho county board ' . InOneAct Serenaders wur and Hhuddering at tho akeleton shall Improve tlio land - by bnllding clutcli of famine shall behold boro suitable buildings' tor fair |;arpoMS,' An Excellent Troupe of Colored Entertainers niiUiouH content and at peace. In their puHtaln It-fo r.-th e p u rp o se s, intoodod. homes at night and purnuinR tJieir nnd also build a half mllo'track and Burns and Stoll in T a n ^ f Pokes and Jabbs gainful ocbupntiono by day. who shall also to build fences, furnish water 0flt(^amtcJ lhc‘ ^ be n e fic e n t, tJic n il b u t and lother .appurtenances that, will In One Act Harmony Singers, Comedians diVino influence the world 'o r c r o f fully equip tho ground for the piir- Buch'pn. object Icuiwn." post^« intended. J. W. TANNER, and Dancers 0120. F. ALLEN, . Yon Know Me A1 Big League Stuff CARRANZA IS RKOGNIZED ARTHUR E. ANDERSON. Six .'xp.Tl oxpDiHMil.s of (inrktry wit ;inil humor. I'oaltir- 0 . C. DAVIS. . In One Act inp thifiioh'd CtL'orKla .Tu!)il(!‘i! Quarl(!tte. nlwj the Tt*nnc.s.soc culc- After careful • consIderaUon • th<\ ■ X ■ hratioii. iiitrmJui-inj: tin; Jiuck ;m(l WinR Dancers. - (Continued from Paso I.) • Iloard being full}:,advlHod and deem­ A 'ew M em bem . coal market Tho Danish navy and. preparaUon which will enable all otiier coal consumers formerly de- oloments, Irres'pcctlve of poliUcal W ashington, D. C. S e p t 30Ui. — The Presenting Excellent Music, Songs and Dances. A South Sea probable foreign denland for coal rain­ IH*ndcd on th e B rlU sh supply. Spcdaltjr oj^ Hawaiian Pastimes. affiliations heretofore, to return Compony K, of the Idaho state mll- to Mexlco/with Um exccpUqn of lUa, was organized In Duhl Friday ed In the United States, as viewed by Spain is also looking to Amorlcaik ' those guilty of complicity In. the evening with forty memburs mustered competent observers here and' as indi­ mines for the coal supply normolUr se- plot to kill Madero and Suarez, in. The now company wiU'-uso .the cated by foreign dispatches, means cured'from Ore&t Britain, accordlng-to* Buhl opera house for an nrmor>’ for that tho mine owners and coal carry­ a ocnsular-report-received by the U nit-' or who are chargcd with civil ing railroads in this country can look crim es. tho present. Adjutant general P. H. ed States department of commerce. ' ’ Crow .and several officers from Boise, forward to further Increased acUvi- - Tho embargo on coal by Great Bri­ ChM'k on I'olltlclans. were present and mustered tho com­ ty In the next few months. tain will not, it Is believed. lessen Am­ Tlie Klmura Family A few political leaders who hiUierto pany into the service of Uie state. C. In fact, several railroads are already erican producUon. The -AlIloB need havo opposed tlie, Carranza govern­ V. Diggs, p o stm aster, o f tho w*est end show ing in creased coal f r e ig h t In Uie so much more of thojprodact than mr~ ■ ment will not be .permitted to return town was elected onptnin of the com­ last few days reports have been pub­ or before and neutral countries in Bn- * A Wonderful Japanese Novelty Act. until the government Is firmly estab­ pany. lished that Uie BalUmoro and Ohio rope are deprived of thoir ustial enp-. lished and then only It Uiey Forti'-ono raembers of company D. railroad, and Uic-Chesapenko and Ohio ply to such an extent that coal exporta, TWO EXCELLENT ACTS pledge allegiance to IL of this city, headed by Capt. P. W.'Mc- rallwoy, for example, arO rushing from tho Unltod States will greatly In: ^ Tho form In which recogniUon Is to Iloberts wenjt down to Buhl by auto Fri­ largo stocks of coal from tho 'mines. creaso rather than .decrease. Also a special feature 2*act Keystone Farcc Comedy, Entitled > extended has not been decided day evening and gave an exhlblUon Idle-coal cars aro reported as grcaUy Tills iB interpreted as another faTor- Secretary i^nslng naid an nmbnssador drill for the benefit of Uio rookies. The dlmlulehcd on several important coal able factor for the principal railroads, might be sent to the Carmnza capital boys of tho local company are more carrying roads. in this country-and renders'moro eer- ambassador named .by. Car­ than'pleastMl with Uio treatment ac­ According lo W alter S.-Hlatt, special toln tho ouUook tor greatly InoreoMd. • ranza received here, 'or tRat Utere corded them in Buhl. , European correspondent of tho itoll- not earnings for tho current j t t r . might be an exchange of ootcii. The new Buhl ocmpnny hair tho woy Age Gaiette, Franco will bo forc­ PracUcally all of the exported deal backing of the business men of that ed to. g e t tho coal form erly m ined In moans that much, additional frelsbt Hi^ Trystinig Place .Meoulntr of ItecognJtion. eit^ and there Is. no doubt soon Belgium from tho United SUtes. This for the coal carrying roads which ar«- The recognition of a '*de facto gov- will be one of the crack companies of Is esUmated at 20,000,000 tons annaal- olrtedr beginning to ahow greater. . F e a t u r i n g emmeDt" does not limit the action in th e BUte. ly. All of the Belgium mines aro now ta m in g s . . any sense, oniciais oxptained. The term applies to an autliorlty that Chas. Chaplin and Mabel Nohnand arlsu out of revolution. When a .ogpaUtutlonal government is again A riot of fun , - erocted, other credenUals' will bo given to tbo American dIplomaUc roprosen* A Program of Pleasing Variety tatives. In the meanUmo ‘the full moral support of tho United States is •Doors pppii ;it 7 0 ’i:loiik» i’i)Utinudnc!;m gf (jerniany, tJie w ords ,of holding a general election. , | "At Lliu jiri'si'iu tiini' lln‘ war pro- Bismarck iind the fiscal policy wliich Sothe of Uie diplomai.H iit flra t w e n -; lix lji from c'otnyi.'llllon wlUi tJio follow ed in 1878. O orm any's Indus- inclined to suggest n policy of furtlior i »)!'! .»'oiititrlr!i. T!h‘ tannt^r Imn n ot trin ! prepiirc-diiiviH whk niorr reni:«rk- waitlug until n-iKn niaflies. A flor'lho w ar In* will And oven If wo do not oxpect war hut but the consonsUK of opinion fhialty ; have to flgttt for hilt lioiim inarlci-L only peace, shall we fail to protect was Uiat wlUi Uie nionil support T))r' Aniori«-iUi ii1;m ufaclunT 1h in no «>ur w orkini'ii .^nd o u r people u.« a recognition - would givr* C arran j:;!,! If'.s ii(Ivnntnc'-<>iiM t)n,- out lii.-« Topi? no loiipcr wItJi iis a.n Hliali liurely c o n fro n t Iheni wh.-n- th<- pledges, since he alri-.»ily domlnnt<-•' phft did before iiml ;i> »!io will under long, hard pull, whicli is to follow tho countr>" from a mllkiiry point i>f, I>r-:-‘Tit l;iwii ufti;r r.i- \> ar. W<- arc a fte r llie w ar In over, iius betfui’. view. I fe<>dinK. clo th in g , arm in g and flii.-siir- The PlaJn Aroeriacn. Secretary I-anaipg hitouKt, up for service some of the old time prido in our country, .some of the old States not being condition on tiii-.t; hut I ;iin 1ml Mtiitlnii f.-iots. B ut whon of other govcrnmentM, or vice vorsa. | Kiirr>i>o. r-oni]>liird F nro p o . sh a ll s*'nd time American spirit to wliicli our her mon ami hi r women hock to th<’ 1''<.> fldcntly look<-r IndiiKirial w.or, th o n tho I.AnBlng lui a long r.t« p to’w.ird the t<(i-1 qin.-sUon « ill !»• up lo anhwo.'. Oermivn-American. und so on and r*o lutlon of Uh- Mexican pm hlcin. W ith i are wo firi‘par*-d to nx '-t tiicm on tho fo rth . I som etim es w onder w h o t Ihih Uic recognition the proccssi of recon- [ flrlil;. of Industrv? becom e In Uieso eventful days o^ Ju&t strucU ng .Mexico l.s oxpetce«l to b crin . ■ th e plain Kimple u n titled Arpglie.. ' A coallUon goremment. What the monnfacturer wiUi oiir i)resont laws i .->aw. thU • show in Bul^e. Its errat. I'te and fiscal policy, or ovra wllh.tho.r'-,_ seoiim to we ougb; to ;tr«.iiro Villa iatcion will do Is not dearly In­ some of the old 'tlmo AmeHcan spirit, dicated -but that they will continue '■ neTci lintmed to belter ion«le. They Were formidable submarinA which' is sup- ,. the talk of Boise aad any one number I# worth posM to bo conce.ilcd under the oo- not with bluster or offonso, bn( ./iUi the struggle lo the-fleld Is considered ooaroge. to tho cad that we may not the adnilMloa. I heartily endnnie aad recom­ •dc/lnot!, unlim ited jvnd u nknow o pow ­ certain; although most of their lead­ mend thin show. ers of the federsl tmdo commission. only tw a great and powerful p<^)p1'> ers are at present In Washington, nnd {ndoBtrlally, but aUo that we may official reporU show that many of (S^ed)- FIL\>KKE\DAI,L. B«adjBSt Uie TarlM. como to have In tmtb and In fact a thetf troops have gone ov9 r to - th e "We ought to BPt oboat to readjust national purpose, a national mind, a Carranza side. oar tariff laws and without delay. Wb national.Ideal. W« do not want a na- ' Secretary Lansing will report to ooRht to preparo (o mobilizo oor ro- tlon cotnposed of Kronps communl- President Wllaon Sunday what oc- Boorre* and oor poopio indoatrljinr. Uee by radlcU' and forelcn carrcd at Saturday’s conforence. . We oosbt to bare a tarfff law which .feelloKS. Wo wmat one people alwars woald at least collcct revoooo from behind mod lom to. one fla^. Let us A ' voed poslUoB for yon.___ Learn thooo slcaAtlc Indnstrlal cemblnatloas sot care so mucb'wbecce our fmml- shorthaad. .lorthaad and typerwrttlair* ‘ BqsJbmu n e h - w tb»' n tf a r trvsC wfalcli cbJ ^ Craata'come as tbe aplrlt-and

Dopaty Qaiae 'W^rdeaTJoe be fttraighteoPd out by Monday of moDS was a visitor lo Iho city Tuwi- this week, but It. hasn’t been up to •. ' . . , this Ume. . His bond >h {4,000 and It ■MOnTAUOH SEWS IH claimed that tho bonding company R J..4iomlbrook was a bii^lncBH vis­ und Dawe will uuccecd in .stmighten- itor In Twla PallB Tuoada)^ from''hia iug out tlio dlttercncd . ^ r. and- Mrs. Godmon, of Berlin, W.R.PilltBE farm Doar Bo^or. In Uio meonUnio Dawe has resign­ iWlsconsln, arrived in Murtaugh Wed­ ed and the atlthorlUQs SL^Ioctod Gcorgo n esday-to v isit wiUi Uift lattocls couHln. Jewcler-Optjcian •JF C. Orates, the teal ealale man ot B. Riches as his succesBor and notion Mrs. B. /l. Hoffman, ot Golden Volley: Filer, tranaactcd barilaesB In th.c cliy Is pending against Dawv. , . The I.,adloa' Aid will mOet at tho Monday aaomooo. . Tho business, of Idaho Falls, homo of Mrs. Iltro Thursday. through Its lighting, water and other Floyd ' Morrison loft for' Nobmska Mr. and Mrn. Don Turalpsecd wcro reso u rces, hpproxim otos betw een Jfi.- Thursday morning . to attend high vtiiltora In tbo city Saturday from 000 an d $6,000 -a m onUi, and an wlUi school. ; all muntclpally owned concerns Uie*e their farm on Sucker Flat MUb In a Jo h n so n atten d ed Ih'o ly- h as olw ays been n lax ity of buslnoHH, coum course In Twin Kails Thursday Joo. H. Day. of the Eden neighbor­ and a good many yearn has elapsi'd evening. hood, txaQsacted fauBtnees !a Tn-ln slnco a shortage was not clalm'cd at Mrs. Bob' Webb refurned TucBtiny Tho 'need of glaKses Falls Friday and Saturday. tlto end o f over>- adm inistration. from Edon, whero sho won called by cun best be cold by un ■Mayor George Edglngton. howovor, tho lllneHs of her sister. Mm. Bruce A. R. Ostrander' and family npcnt is going, into' Uie . city's affairs and Gordan. Sho reports Mrs. Gordoa o p tician . Uio loi^r part of last week ou Wood stales that the present probe will be much better. rlrorrnuntlnE and flshlne. continued, as It in thought othor Mrs. B. F. Jain has been Qulle 111 shortages exist, either in Uie city tho past woek with appcndiclUu but Let UH lest your eyea, C. M. Booth rjjtumed Friday from clerk’s department or oUier depart­ is mufh bettor -at Uiis wriUng. ’ we will, tell you if you Salt I«ake City, whore ho had been m ents o f th e clt>',—Po'catclld Trlbuhe. Rov. Mr. Pemberton wos assi'gncd do not need glassn^. If for a fow djiys on business, Uils point by conferencr as his work again for tho coming Vear. Ho Is you need glasnea you J. B. Stoclo, who In ongogcd in the busily engaged In buildlnA Uie church. cattle business in the Three Creek Mrs. Francis 1^. Johnson spent Tues­ should wear them. country is In tlie county seat. day in Hanson with Mrs. Colnor. c o m e s t o n s Prof. Davis and family were called Gcorgo F. Allen was in Uie city Mon­ (From The rioBcer.) to Kimberly becauso of tho illness of day appearing before tho commission­ J. Riley was in Btihl from Curry on his motlier. At present she Is much e rs on U)o F ile r fa ir quesUon. T hursday. improved. E.- pritchnrd wa.i up' from CasUeford Tho W. A. R. clasB mot at Uio bowy A. -R. ilic k s sp e n t M onday in R u­ Sunday. of tiieir teacher, Mrs. Bembertbn, Those who “know the difference” come to us to pert, where ho had boen caIied'~to- * A. W. Ilusteil was down from Twin Wednesday evening and traaaaclcd Baok& Trust Building look after a caso in Uto district court Falls Monday. 8omo business. > ilet their prescriptions filled and for all of their drutf J. B. Whitson, of, Mountain Home, MIbs Gertrude Itall and Claudio Twin Falls store things. J. W arren White, editor ot the Buhl was In Buhl Saturday. - ! Hall spent Tuesday afternoon in Twin Pioneer, spent a few hours In the city Jam es I>. l»c-ii<-o passed through H«hl F alls. Tuesday looking after business affairs. from Roseworth TiicHday. . Andy HalT and Harry Chance, of All drutfs* under the same name are not the same AL Johnfloii left.Tliursday for Kan- Burley, were visitors hero Sunday.. H. L. Luce, who is engaged In min­ HAH 'Clly, Mo., to vlalt friends. * Miss McMillen Is visiting at t h r ^ i ' •f^I quorr^ resulted from an effort quality. ing in tho Contact cbppcr camp. Is In C. S. McMnrtln wiw In Buhl from hom e. • ,upod of the pian who was tho city looking after bUBl&oes affairs. Twin FftUs'on InwlnosH Monday. Grandpa Hall Is. remo’doUttg. Ills killed £b ont^r the- house. Juan Cftr- J. B. Norrin, of Illinois, visited at home and making It Into a buhgalow.' --ozreM hud -beVn in stru c ie d by Clyde Skeek-Wiley Drug Co. C. H. Payson, of • Uie Rogerson the home of u. W. Allred this Mrs. •Wllllnms .was in Twin Falls Brown to keep .Uie Mexicans away neighborhood spent Tuesday in the J. H. Rogers left Tuesday <‘vi>nlnK Wednesday to consult a doctor ulwut from Uio houso and when one of them We Take Care county sent looking after huslnejis for S a lt IvAke City on ii hUHlness trip. badly burned arm. Dr. WIggleaworUi named Manuel Ezneroos attempted to ibatters. . ' . Mrs. Metcalf of Blaine, Washington, dressed Uio arm and it l.t getUng bet­ enter Juan warned him back where­ r(Ht'or pnr«-iits n e a r Uulii .this upon EtneroH came at him with & J . Lb D u n n tra n sa c te d busInesH In ter. • Charles Mull returned Tuesday from week. -Mrs. G ardner, of K unsas, Is visiting knifo and-was backod up' by another Twin Falls Tuosdoy from his home points in Cassia county, whero ho had W ., L. Nowbry, ot Hnzelton, and a Mexican Remlguoz Salaza. In Hollister. her brother A. B. Heverlln and son, Local and Personal boon looking after contracts on the T. No'vbry. of Kimberly, were In Huhl Guy Gardner. Caroxrefl Cses Gan. state highway. Saturday. / Prof. Da\*ls transacted business In Carozroa, who is-C4 years ot age;. Mr.'and Mr«. F/C. Ramsey were in C. D. KlngcnsmlUi, a tormor resi­ Uioroupon drow a gun ood knock^- C. J. DomroBc, of Hock Creek, trans- Twin Falls Saturday. the county seat Saturday from Uiclr Dr. W. A. Sullivan returned from dent of tho troct, was in Buhl Tues­ Andy Hanson and-Lew RawliagB Ezneros down wltb tho butt. Ho got acted huBlneHK In T w in .F a lls S a tu r­ Cottonwood ranch. Boise, whero ho bad .boon for sever­ day from Boise. up and Juan shot-him, the bullot on^- day. ^ motored to Twin-Falls Sunday after-' al days attending Uie meoUiig of Uie F. W. Fisher, W. JL Horvey, E. R. noon. • — - - terod tho left arm and Uienco pene- Lawronce Hansen transacted busl- state sanitary board. Hohson and Hays and Alttcd aro ship­ Mrs. Weatherly was In Twin Falls traUng Uio heart, causing Instant, 0 .^ . Wilburn transacted business in .ness'ln'tho county seat Saturday from ping a carload of apples to Now York Saturday. death. Salaza then ran tor tho tent the city Saturjjay from his home at hla homo In Hansen. Judge W. A. Babcock roturnod to this week Uirough tho Fruit GrowerB* E. D. Hunt bad a tine yield ot oats. to got a gun and Juan shot him as he Rupert Monday morning wbero ho ossoclatloo. Aftor measudog tho ground tho yield ran, wounding him In tho uppor'thlgh. - la holding court, after spoadltic Sun-- . The river banks and lake shores nrb wan 1C0 V& bushels per acre. .* '' Juan than mado ott across tbo coim- J. S. Boobe transacted ouetncss in day at homo wiUi his family. Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Rogors. ot Buhl. Twin Falls for a day Ute middle of llruid with duck hunters this week,'Uie Several attended tho Hard'Time ball try. Whoa tho word of Uio tragody- sjMnt Snnday In the city visltlns with tho wook from Filer. at Artesian city. rcachod Rupert posses were qnlcldy M e a d s . * organized and somo fifty men scoured* Graht Miller spent Monday In Bur­ tho nolghborliood. Thq .fugitive wav- Mrs. A. E. Mann was a shopping ley, whero ho has been called to look CHANCE VfRDiaiHROWN OUT traced p> Adelaide, whoro ho 'was TlBltor In the city from thq farm n e a r ’^jte r huslB eea otfalTS. found on tho lUckort ranch and v n a R a n se n . brought back lo Rupert for arraign­ Stipreme TriboBo Ilolds Th»t Theory ment, S. B. Wagoner, of Buhl, was a busl- Here is One of the Best Buys. of Cbaneo na» Ko Place Jarjroom. C. C. Bedford returned Monday from oess visitor In Twin Falls for a day A big .45 gun wa& taken from-him aa oxtendcd trip In tl>c nortliem part th e . la s t o t t,lio week. but bo mado no effort to resist ar­ o t the state. ; . Tlid theory ot chanco has no place rest Tbo gang wore topping beeta in Uio Jury room. The supremo court C. A. R oss, o f . T h ree *Creek for Mr. Brown. Ho displayed won­ Franlt Kenedy, ol. Hansen, was On the Tract so herd Saturday when It handed down< derful csdaranco for an old man as ' -spent a couple ot day the last of a dcclslbn In Uio caso ot W. A. Beak- looklntt after business mattom In Twin tlio week In Twin pUls. ho was arrostod somo flftoen mllea. P^alls Saturday. loy against tho Optimist Printlog. from Uio scene of tho killing.—States­ company of Blackfoot '^Attorney and Mrs. J. H. Wlso ore m an. ^ H. O. Brown returned Friday from In "the .-'trial court It was alleged in Boise, whero Mr. Wise has been A good 4 0 southwest of Filer, small set that the Jury, holng ovooly divided on Galt LAke City, Utah, whero ho bad called on' legal business. for a week looUlns otter bual- tho coAQ, dcCldod tho iseuo by MsBlas rORNAIlONAlCHllDlABORUW' of buildings and good family orphard. a coin, and by that mothod reached OedrYO D rak e, w ho Is engaged iu a verdict in favor of tiio defendant farming north of Filer, was a business AfOdavlts to that offoct from two Nlols Chrlstensco, who Is. engaged v isito r In' town Satarday. The land lays well, all east slope and le-lfear Limit la tho cattle business in Lincoln coun- ot the jurors wore submitted when Qr^ansacted business In Ti^in Falls tho appeal was mado, 'and that waa “We need a national law that wUl' W. F. Forbes, dno of. tho directors good deep soil. Price only .“610 5 .0 0 per tho principal ground for Uio appeal. .. , ...... , of the Twin Falls Canal company, is keep' all children in school until they Terdlot Told. are 16," Mr. D. H. W arner, one of the. In tho city from, tho/West cad ot Uie In rovorsing tho Judgmoat ot the Hrs. Thomas O'Rourke returned t r a c t . , ______■ acre. ■ largest manufacturers in ConneeUcot. Monday from Boise, where she had trial -court tho supreme court hold told a roproeentatlvo ot Uie NaUonal b«tt visiting with relatives for tho A. S. Brown' left Monday morning that “as Jurors aro bound to'return Child LabOE Cothmitteo the other day, past ton days. tor HutchissoD,' Kansas, where ho verdicts according to tho ovidcnco Mr. Warner Is tho head of tho War­ will'took after the soiling, of/Idaho and instrucUons of ,tho court, the ner Bros. Corset Co., of Bridgeport., Drs. AlhOTton returDcd Prldny from Bpuda tU&'W t&tcr. 6 ■ dittorcQccB ot UUgaQts, when Bubmlt* who recenUy piit his 4000 employes Boise, whero they had been attcndlnfc Sanger Realty and Investment Co. ted to a Jury, should bo carefully and on a 48 hour week, although tho stato tho. moetlDg of chiropractors of the Attorney A. M. B owoq re tu rn e d Uio conscIenUoualy consldored, and should law permits him to operate 65 hours a • state of Idaho. middle of tho week from BoIkc, w here 143 Main Avenue EaS not bo' determined by any gambling ■week. ho had been for s»>'cral days looking method. The .tossing ot a coin to ef­ "The manufacturer who cmploy« A.*0. Fisher, of the Bedford-Flsher after lO^al business. fect an agreement during tho dellbcr* children of 14 or 15 does not'benoCit Drug company, and Dr. Frederick E. aUons ot. Uio Jury, couplod. wlUi' the himuolf, because children are not-good'* ' auK>k. are on a hutilinc trip In tJie ’ Attoroey and Mrs. Asher B. Wilson compact to abide by Uio result-r workers; bd does not benefit Ui^ com­ SawtooUi mountainR, nortli of Kot- returned Friday from Salt Lake City, C. R. Walters has been in tho city open season having begun last'Friilay. Improper purpose — Is noverthcless munity because ho harms tho child, Utiih. whero Mr. Wilson had boon call­ for tho past fow days looking after Jpo -N'akamura, 'of tho Royal Cafe, contrary to law, and a .verdict .no and It is tho good of Uio community, ed on legal buslnosfl. business matters. Mr; Wallers Is a hurt his shoulder badiy Thursdoy reached Is void." not tho Individual manufacturer, that brother of Judge E. A. Wallers. Adjutant Qenoral P. H. Crow was In morning by-Htepping into an open (?ontn^ry AfDdarJts. must bo considered In Uite quosUon * e city for a ^ihort time Fridoy, cnll- C. V. B iggs, po stm aster of 13ul»I, trap door at an early hour before It The declnlan was written by JusUce ot child labor. C. B. Channel, of Uie Nlbley-Channoi -waH, llglii. ■' Budge and concurred la b^ Justice laic on fricnda. He went to Buhl Frl spent Tuesday In tlic county seat Mr. "I never employ children under IK '4iiy QvenlOR, w hore ho organized t Biggs is the captain of tiie new mili­ Lumber company, spent Tuesday in Mrs. L. D. Chamberlain has gone to Morgan, but Chief JusUce Sullivan If I can got older workers becaose Militia company. tia com pany In tlie w est end clt*-. American 'Palis, whero tho company San FrnnclHCo to visit Uie fair lliorc dlH«fntod. While nflldavlts had been consider the. years between 14 and 1& is Installing a new lumber yard. She will Kpend the winter in ^ made by two Jurors to tho effect Umt Uie most impressionable ones of a- T h o follow ing marrlnKO liconHCfi Editor J. W. Tanner, of the. Filer Goldt^ sUito. Jhey had arrived at their decision by cHIld’8 life and I know that tho factory have boeh Issued the past fow days by Journal, was In tlio cliy Monday as County Attorney J. E. Davies re. the colli tos.iing process, 10 of. them oQc of tho commtitob. appearing be­ turned lo Twin Falla Saturday after r . \V. riH her is a n o th e r liuhl fii made nffldavlt Uiat U\e Uicory ol influence is a bad one, no matter how* ^ county clerk:.Edward Carlson and who Imi: had luck with iilslke this careful the employer may be., Tlicof Axnanda Undstrom of Buhl; Emile fore the 'county commissioners in re­ spending several days'In Boise, whore rhan<‘f' had noUiing to do with thelf ho tyd been called on legal business. year, ns nil of them had who planted years sliould be spent in school and Scheihlng and Oida Lehman, l>oU> of gard to tlio I-'iler fair. it. Ho had fburtcen acres which yield­ deliberaUons,'and Chief JusUco Sul­ In the open, not in tho factory where Motrich, Lincoln county ;> Claude ed tw elve litJKheln a n a cre, w hich Is livan wnn cif th e opinion U iat Uic ton- S., Reed was brought to Twin fllct-of iillldavits was such that Uic physical, mental, moral tmd financial flkaithen. Twin Foils, Etlno Breeze. Re- Mrs. I. B. Perrlne and daughter, dolsg mighty well considering current growUi Is Blunted.' ;If wo must hare >0, Nevada. :\Il8» Stella, returned Monday from Falls Sunday from ConUict. Hiifforing prIecH. , verdict slioulil:not be disturbed: Ho held .tliut on account of that conflict nion wlUi a’ collcgc edueaUon In tho California, where tJiey hod been vis­ with a broken leg. He' was taken to An nuto parly composed of iting tho Panama-Pacific expofllUon tho local hospital and the fracture re­ It had'not boon proven that there was exccuUve. poslUons, It is equally Rugg'nnd family. Thomas Frilchor und neccasary to have a proporUonate and tho fair at San Diego. duced. Hi? is rep o rted to bo geltlhj; family, R. W. Allred and family. ll M, a resort to chance in arriving at the along nicely. verdict. amount of trulning Uiroughoul Uio c Hays and 'family, R ors EHhoii and,W IN tire force. .1 find It nxtn mcly diffl- Freif H. Olbaon, . who has been JInm Huhboll sp e n t S unday at tln' :^al- Tho, ra se w as o n e fii "w hich Uie farming a ten acro tract near the * for sonn' rlilldr-n nnd -Mrs. J,. W. KnriH, Mr. and .Mr;“ to go to w o rk before tln'v ;»ri' li: I ’ BroUircn, 1<-Ct tlie last of the week Tliom.’is C linton, Sir. and Mrr.. O -fiir for Portlnnd, OrcRon, where he was >/C’laudr« SniJthoii ojid E dna fATAl. SHOOTING NEAR RUPERT think It might be iidvlsablo to permit Dakrr and Mfs.'B. n. Tlllory exem ptions to Uie lii-y>-ar lim it for •iillfd u> confer wlili mlsslonarlfs of Breeze wcro married at tin.- i» nmontr th(j«i' who w onl to thi' llcii-.o Ju n n C'aro*rp-H KHl'R.'MnnuM Kxnenio the church froni Uie Btatca of Ore­ houHO early Sunday morninc. NucJi ch ild ren w ho .-ire nvi'r 14 an d a rc Ht.nte fa ir thi*» week. luid Wounds Rcmlgnez Salaza. declared phyf.icnlly ril for work by'a gon, Washinjrlon and Idaho. cerem ony woji perform ed by n«'v. W al­ . Corn<'!l wan taU.'n siiri.iriny ter E. Harman, pastor of 1110 Flnit phyHiclaii. Ca.M ;i of.adual poverty are Firk T rid n y nlfriit a t liln rcnUl'-m-.' In lluporl, Idalni. — A niiarrcl Ik.hwcc o not very nunioroii.«. however. Many Rev. S. W. Creesoy In In Uie city Christian church. wht>was called from this city and w as unaM i- t not poor but avari­ Creescy Is holding a mlnslon In Uif E. Finnej', depulj' count>* clcrk wa clan pronoiinml Uie trouMo ptoimilno Episcopal church, whlcli will continue called from h la hom o iuid i.'it.tictl th i porl. Sunday afternoon resulted In tho cious." txilfonlni: Mr Cnrnoll jiayK th a t he do.uth of one and the wounding of every—evening. The public Is* cor­ llcensc. The newly weds will make has no Idea of tho ch.innol thrtjugh dially invltod to the services. Uieir homo in Uils city. anoUior. It appears Ui.il there liatl A roj)ci!llon or your want ad. in lb» which ho contracted Uk* poisoning. been bad blood for iionie timo between courr.e'of your quest for a cook, mar’ O. L. Dunn attended the Jcroino fair Uio th rco M oxicanii Involved and the bo good policy. Mr. and Mrs. !>. Schmitz havo hctu01ou!i nciiolnrH, at th t Del Hardy, foreman ot the llvcstook Dawe, win reach a considerably larg­ departmont of Uio Utah t’opstrucUon Miss Beulnji Hann, ilaughter of Mr. ■rst sign of weakness tiiey should er amount Uian at first figured and re­ aild Mrd. -F!- T. Hann. of this citj-. rom pany. w as In th e clt>- S alunlay. port from that clly last night was to won marrfod Thursdoy to. Pat. Ruth- havo their etc« examined and if neces­ Mr. Hardy s«y» that the cattle outfit sary, glasses should bo worn. But 'the. fact that Dawe had confessed/to orford. a prominent Buhl r.-mchman. in has been moved from the hUIs sooth Mayor Edglnton that Uie shortage fas till* c o u rt houKO in T w in J'allB by Uie ^ any kind of glasses will not-do. Bring of Rogorson to • Rock Creek for tho pracUcally W.OOO. •. j, Episcopal rector of that city. Both are ' ^ child' 10 UB. we will Kuaranloo to Tt'lnlcr. • A chartared'accountant had report­ woli know n In and aro u n d B uhl .-md ed to the mayor Uiat the nho^age havo the hearty best wishes of tho m tho right kind of glasses so as to Mr. and Mrs. C.-M- Hill an I twb rolIoTo any headache that may result ooTcrlog a period of four years, was community. • . ■ ' —ittghtors arrived in the city ^^iuur- (8,196.87. Dawo was city clcrk under Daniel Hays, of Rock ‘island. III.. • from eye strain. dry from Boho and will be heru for tho regime of Mayor B. \V. Clark, and woR hero this week looking over his A Pointer on Meats i»eral days, They made tho trip »*y It appears that an .audit of tho books Misses Vlss'er and Baird Interei^ts In Uir. D eLong and F allin g This Thoroughbred Pointer Would Poiat at had' sot been m&de'^lpcc the defalca­ orchard at CnhUeford. He was rno.-e i ' - - arf'offloan|>*d them on th e tr ip and tion of Dawo's predecessor, Horry plc.ascd than, ever with th« nroipeciA. w ill T isit frlt>od8 in th is city . NOTHING BUT THE BEST HInc*. .• accom panied by <5n.T :f l>,:.- He Knows W here His Master Bu>* His Meat* >. D R .F . C. BEEBe T^ , Fbllowltfs tho audit of the clty’ii hard, of D.ivenport. Iowa, and-H. F. Approves of His Choice, and of the Quality Parrott Optical Go. J»enUst.t , . bo6ks, the mayor confrontod Dawe Roorlck. of Galffiburs, til., both of with the apparent ahortag«, and Dawe whoDi expro!>sed themselves euthua- 'WkcTtt. fitte d tfco rigM '' Phono 42«. claimed that the amount had gone jasUcally in fa^or of the Buhl toor- ' MODERN PACKINQ COMPANY CMtral BnHding. " Into bis' personal account but would try. I TWlOE-A-WEEg TWIN FALLS TDDSS. TUESDAY. OOT.12. 1916

keep Uiem sanitary;, have It some­ body's huslnesB. (o took after these icondlUons, onforcc laws and If needs ho', pUnlBh'' Uib violators of thi; law.

"It's the cleoscst town ih tbe'state" 1» about tho m ost attractive advcrtlao- mcnt a town,' could haTjc. It would attract homcscokcrH and investors; it would draw visitors and become a .health resort; it would bo the stop­ over plttco of traTeUnR moh. and best If you liad sometlimg tliat w as breaking ~of all. it.would bo a safu place for you Many'of our fiimibr friends lire bepiriniiiK t<> tell to live aiid do busfnesH. their neighbors thut oar “Ci^tomers-Aid ’ Plans all selling records, w inning new users ^ a pretty ■ good thing. .\EW YOHK LETTEIL ■ '^They think enough of, them so that they, are get­ faster tlian anything of its sort ever Ilulfcariu, though she Iihh mubllized ting the habit of making use of lljcni for even ivf forces. In no lonRt-r the key to thu the simplest type of btiilding. situation (m the Bnlkantt. The center sold, w liat w ould yoM do? of dlfflcultlet) Is-shifted from Spfia tu •VtheU!*. w h e r e th u _H u lk a n p r u b le n i ■, ' If you are planning—nnd perplexed tlicsc dniw- could find' u solution from thu point of view of Uie AUI.?k. Shoulil UuiKiirla ing.s will start you right. Sit down? Or b a c k t l i e attack Serbia und tliUH join the- war on the Hide of the central powers, tho From .stock barns down to the .sinii)le.st strtio- only Balkan power in a pqslUun to tures, farm buildings arc shown in complete w inner and double tke puralyxc HulKuria's m ililary uciivitlei would bu Grut-ee. In uddltion Qreeco working detail. could open its Sulonico port for the landlnK of allied troops, ileutlned to record-breaking help Serbia, ns well as , l-^e Our lumber yard Is a mighty good place to c(>inc or six allied urniy corps In addition for building ideas. -<3. to tiu! Greek army could easily over­ whelm thu DulKurions and ellminuto s a l e s ? cm MS « m ilitary factor: Sir Edward. Grey also hlntod that such a turn could be taken, Hhould lulRuriu dare to Joln-tho Teutonic al- GEM STATE LUMBER CO., kri. nut while Sir Kdwmrd Grey thn-ntened DulRarhi wiUi an attack - E s r from ilie rear nnd Uius warned her ^ J^or to keeu^ (iiilel. an ofllcial statement • one.. I'rom AUiens and Sofia decTaroc The Cigarette ^ ttmt Groeee Jn cAse ot KulKuria'H entering tlie war. would oppose u poli­ of ^Quality cy fore«luulowed by Sir ivurturd Grey. TI iIh s U U e m e n t Ir the jiiost Kurpris- Alao packed in packages Ing turn In tho Balkan crisis during th<- JhhI two wcckH. liornuKO It was of 20 for 10c suppuhud tiiat Greece, already In nym- pniliy with the AIlieH, would join them should UulRuria take a'hostllo utUtudo towards Surblu. . This surprislDK turn hi\H it» explanation in the fact that We are backing the winner Gree^^e, though ‘m orally sympnthizinR with tliu^Mlies, can, under no circum- slunccri make common cause with them, hocause of Italy's partnership New Potato aritf Grain with the Entente. . • Therefore, . Thu lUilinns arc Holding twelve Aeglaii islands taken from ih“ Turks Sacks for Sale during tho Trlpolls wur. The Greekn have tried again and nguln (b get theso islands from Italy.’bemuse they Cheap are purely Greek, but in vain, and there Is no prospect today that Italy will ever han«l over thnse Isliinds to Greeet.. lUily. has Rreat plans to i ry out In Asia Minor ami needs these BUNDLES NOT LESS THAN islands as a bane for future military pnd poliUcal enterprises. FIVE HUNDRED Tho old dream of a Greek empire eomprising the wiiole (>reek popula­ tion in Greece. Albania, Asiu Minor nnd all the AcRlan islands is thus doomed to remain a dream only, be- ■wlilcli have by unaided merit become the biggest selling brand cnunu tn nddillon to Italy's iioldlng • 7c Each till! twelve Islands, she pliins to oc- lupy Ihose parts of Asia .Minor that ■of 5c cigarettes in this country, arfl^lnhablted by Greeks. Furthor- Must Sacrifice to Gollect Storage nioreV Italy hiis also turned to become a conipeUtor of^reeco in‘'Albanlu nnd Ciiarges tho well known Greco Albanian lend-* Now contain a coupon or. Mr. Kngrofas, has pronounrrd the Italians as the arch enemies of his fellow countrymen. • • redeemable for any present , in our catalogue. If Greece should join the war, and Lincoln Produce L Refrigerating €o. if tiie Allies .shoujd win, she would not get the compensation she is claim­ ing because' England and France rouJd not force Italy to give up the L ^ o^ aeeo Islands nnd could not drive her out of Albania. In fuel. Greece would not Rain anyUiIng by jbinhiR the war, be­ cause of Italy’s competition and -in f r e b I During* the month of October wc will 'supply FilEjE our illustrateJ catalogue of aiding Uie Allies she would lose all Storage for Potatoes, ' Handsome Presents which you can obtain (or Piedm ont coupons. Send your name her future poHslbilitles. • This - ex­ plains why Greece. Uiougli morally In ;«nd address on a postal and .we will mail it to you; or get your copy at our Premium Department, sympathy with the Allies, not only 331 Battery Street, San Francisco. cannot Join tliem, but must do evojy- Beans and Grain Uilng to prevent their emerging vic­ toriously froni the war. - It was said that Greece did not Join HEALTH AND HYCIENE tiie Allies, because King, Constantine Good brick warehouse ofi-track. Low in­ The Western Auto Com-' Is a brolher-ln-lnw of the’KnjHer. That surance. Remember'we will buy your product could he true on the supposlUon Uial Thin’t Sjill I,inis Slioiild lit* .Mrtiii- .M ^ Im bit tlirir hahllH of-<-l'-aiiliness. ‘ power, tliere ca,n be ng douht as to the ciiri'U'rtM ro u R liiiii; u n tl uno sjinpathics of the overwhelming mn- FORD LIVERY iiiK Is wjtliDiit il roHtly jorlty of the Greeks. King Conjtan- DLrt nnd filUi iiccumulatu all the ouren ...... S.00 H<’r r i‘tfo(i a r r UischurKoil Inlu tli*- iilr ColdH »rc RettlnK to he a dltficraee-- the Market, milled at Homo from ^ Rock i rr«k lUM In w hich i.'vcn In u i|ulol room , iniiy rlRlitly KO. They Indicate that In mo«t Hflta»o» ... ISM be rnrrloil a ilinlaneiv of from ten to InHliincpn tho po.iHi'H/ior of “ a hud VYaJtlnfT (Ime rhxrRrd for at fiflv yard» from llu- plain- whon* they cold" (and wc have yet to hear ot a HOME GROWN WHEAT iO t p tr hoBr. w crt expelled. Muny of thi-Hi* drop- Rood cold) has dlHohc>'Cd some ordl- lot.H t-an he hci-o If one w in coiiKh u r CaxI SerTlce Inside City I.IA.' nar>- rules of health. UIh unlBhnu nt The practical experience of :tO years, pure InKredleni.-*. Rood work- Hnet'zp In front of a mirror or wlndow- For Sale inii'ti.ship. courteouB Halosmen and a sanitary store and shop Is the Ks -iMMUiiled br Kuek O erk . Itloe is nu-ted out to liim in the form of "a p.THe. M ost of them , tiowevor, a rc b a d c o ld ." k<-y.sioni- o f o u r S u c c e ss. Lake* ItAoletard and AddUqn too nniall to tn- vIhHiIi; to Uie Two <0 acre tracts near Han­ i.»etnir. 25c p er PasscDjfer—D*y naki-tl ey.-, Ono enti now r.a.llly The host Grocers Inf^Town are pleased to sell our Bread Ask «->-4gSrt. Why not clciuj xip and stay clean? sen: each 20 acres of red and for It. We also deliver. understand how very Imiwllu- It Is to 5!pa.Hniodlc cleanint; tloes not Kct n alslke clover. Good sUnd. Will foiiKh o r Hnec7e w ithout holdiiiK u • own the name of a clean town. sell for I12G per aero if taken linndkerelilef In fro n t of Jil» faec. for N'eltJier does one iu-alUi lecturn or before November lat. siu h j i person lltern lly "PItH on ob- one cruRnde aRalnst ftlcH during sum ­ Twin Falls Bakery - JeetH am i p«-ople, pi^rhup.t on food, mer mako It or even k p I It the name 1 Iiate ou>tMTi monpy to within n diKtanuce of from len to fitly of o healtliful town. W hat you rauRt J. R. Hinton - E. R. NUSSGEN .luiui t>B imi^roTrd farm land* y a rd s .ibout him. do Is til clean up nnd keep clean; nansea. Idaho. 1S2 Shoshone S t West, '•ir bDxInetN prop^rtle*. T h e KermH o f tuberculosis, diph­ b r in e at>out nanlt.'iry coDditions a n d If yuB lire ffulop to h ate a theria and perhaps grip, C0 ldK, pDCU- I'UbIk Hale sr<>.inr. I asi monia, whooping courIi, rooajth-s and prroared to clerk the «alr Bcnrlet fever, are conTe>'ed through A Komantle Novel of a ad porcIuuSE, nilAMATH-. a c t i o n - KEASONABLK KATES c a rry thn Ri-rms of pQ<>uhionla and diphtheria and otJier contaKlouR dis­ BBEATH TAKIX(i THHILtS_AO- , A. KOBIN’s ON, eases In Uicir moutliii and thro^U. fimro. Twin FalN JUnk £ U becoracfl necc^sary Uiat not only VENTl KE A>D noJfAXCE Tni<(t Co. UnlldlDtr. recQKiiIrably hIcV people Bholl de^. »c are the elements that ap- ' tlio apparently wolf, who may b*> peal to every show gocr-iheso are • "K'Tm carriers,'' ahouhl also b*' careful the elements U.l.t dominate “The InexpectoratlnB. Diamond lYom Uu- Sky." the rreat Towni* and clUes should make their rontinued photoplay. EWES FOR SALE antl-spittlnc ordinances more than jo k es. '"As a m a tte r o f fa r t Uu*y Uead this Intereitilni; novel In 2000 KOod ncc, KOod m outh Hhould not pasA «ur,h an nrdinunce .every ^'rlday•s JsHue of th e Tim es. bred.lo Hampshire! buckn a n d l tiie y art< re a d y to enforce it. rrom 'n h^alUl 'point of view ' anU- far February lamblns- H. T. A X,« rb.'ptfr .Slio.n t.trj . VTeit, Kimberly. xpKUnf; ordinancoA are not to t>c llehtly regarded. They should b<* d«J. T ii..d i, «nil I lT.

'.- • ti.- . !CWIOB-A-WBBK TWIN f ALLS TH1ES. antaegDAY,: OCT. 12, 1915'^

PS0FE88I0HJX OAJDS.; FOR REMOVING SILAG^ r. A. ITESTON \ Arcbltcet, X tSL . A. L I plon anything from btm gatom «*• Description of Devices in Use for ekyscrapor?.' Specialty: - UnbomaM r construction. Present office at B ik That Purpose.. Cor. BIuo Lakes Blvd. and H eytan* m m m A to., Twin Palis, Idaho. niL G ^ W; SEAIW ^ ^ WINTER WORK IN. ORCHARDS O v e rh ea d F t i d Carrier It Advlaabie Oateoputhle FhjsleloD WheCe Silo Is Adjacent to Feed Aouto and chronic- dTscnse's snfuaip ■ Yard—Much Depends on Num* fully treated, T When Ground t« Froian 4* FavorabI*. O flice OTcr llo e lh H e r e . Co.> Tima for Hauling and Spreading ber of Stock to Be Fed. Manuro-^Add Bona Meal. rhonc.H: Ofllcc t^Idenee Sweetness or ddfelrcd; or It mny bu droppe.d directly di);octly o v e r ItH <^ntirc surfi^ce. for mice and Insects. Tbe monur* Into a cart, carrier, or wagon, and Cull and let « k ahow you this fur­ mightily when you chew abould bo rotted and frbm {^aln-fed taken to thu stock. n a c e . Dfe:^{TI8TS. cattle or horses. - Straw and com- If tho flilo is udjncriit to tho bnm and there in n smooth way from silo BRIZEE SHEET METAL WORKS DIU I». BROWN LBWEBS stolka, mixed with a little animol ma­ BeaUst. nure, la poor stuff and is only valuable to feed manKor, a almpio Rllage cart Specialist in Crown and Bridge 1 . as a mulch. This kind of maour* Is the -moft conTenlent devlco for Over VATMy's Candy Stor« should bo hauled out to tbe orchard Q i^ rt Building. and plied. iMiz a balf-bushel of raw T e le p h o n e , lOa TWIN FALL^ ^ t - IDABCT S p e a r h e a d hone meal in each two-horse wagon load of manure as It is piled and make Colt Show — ----- X T T 0 R N E Y 8 . PLUG TOBACCO a'compact heap, which will soon rot down, and, when well rotted, should irO B ^ A STEPifAN be spread. About one to two bushels I AUoniey8>»t*i:.«w You get more savory Is the proper quantity lor each lari* Saturday,' Oct. Ifitli . General Practice • sweetness in a chew of tree. Tbe manure should be spread Ofll. e r e r C lo s’ B o o k S to r e. P b o M 9 in a circle as far out as the brancnea E. V. WOLFE SPEAR Head than in a e ite n d . At Horses Home Barn Practical growers-are now using plug of ordinary to­ from 400 to 800 pounds of animal cone IN FALLS - - - . m bacco. and potash fertiliser per Mre. The fertilizer Is drilled in with rye m the On tills date I will give tho fol-' early fall, the rye Is turned under in lllustrstinB How a Swing Track May lowing prizes for tho beat colts ^ A nd you g e t it in its Be Attached to a Strong Silo u d the * v 1 iprautSiSf cUiiu Aprll-^for green manure. This *notn- from my two horses. Capon 'imd ' loom frP lrat National Baak 1 purest fo rm —for SPEAR Silage Distributed to Several Feed od Is found to be the cheapest And Alldora.*' First prUo, |20.9f; B u n k s. ' HEAD is made amid the beat method of f.ertlllslog tbe orchard. second, 110.00. I will alsQ give ‘ most wholesome surround­ taking the silage to thu stock. Tbe two prixos, )10.(% first, and j ings in a great new fac­ SPRAY FOR SAN JOSE SCALE cart cau bo left beneath the silo .second, foc_l^st colt out of eith­ AUomeysrat-Law chuto and fliled from above without er horse, thoNnoUier woUMiu.., tory that’s as clean and Best Remedy for Pest la ' fhorough reshovellng thn-sllage. Ix>oso sllago 1000 poundi or undtW^*^' sanitary as a pure-food Trsatment With Um^Sulphur Mix­ weighs about 18.5 pounds per cubfC Jfeaber TffAi JFaIJb Coniaerka] foot, and tM s‘abould bo given con­ ■ factory. ture Late In Winter. W. p. Gathrlo A. sideration when building a cart for •W EN . (By C. P. 0II.LI3TTK. Cnlomdo Kxpert- a deflnlto capacity. ie 7 8 « t* L a w THE AMKmOAN. TOBACCO CO. ment Station.) J. E. ROSS, ;0wn8f More often than otherwise (ho silo Q fllceg: Ills Bank and San Joso scale Is one of »be wont stands either in or adjacent to t{io pests attacking orchard .irs.es in this feed yard. In which Case there Is very country. It Is extreomly • Imporlant seldom a smooth way from silo to J. n . WISE. LAWTEB that orchards should bo so treated aa bunks. An overhead .feed carrier Is tp exterminate tbo scale from them then .generally ndvlxablc. This de­ ) r o o ia i 0 a n d 7» 1 How Do You Buy Roofing? and pravent Its spread^ to surrounding pends upon the number of stock to bo orchards. ^ fed. Such a carrier hiay easily be ar­ • IS you are in tha habit of atking your dealer •Iropty Undoubtedly the best remedy for ranged. If tho* yards are small for aome *‘Ready” Roofing o r “Rnbber’* Roofing, you this scale is a thorough treotment will probabi/ get a roofing that it not guaraate^. or swing track may bu attached to the with lime-sulphur mixture late io the silo and the eiiagn distributed to eev' KingM t* a 70BTEBFIELD» C. B. ! one made by an unknown manufacturer, or one which will begin to leak a few year* after it it pot on your winter or early In tbo spring, before eral feed bunks. nillBinr, HydraaUe and Stnetaail roof. You avokl all theie ri«kt. save money in the the buds begin .to open on the trees. When several carloads of stock aro W ork. • I l«cic'ni pounds; are being naed, for this purpose. Tho CoHriftPa ourw - TwlnTallB. Idaho R o o f i n g Flowers of sulphur, 16 pounds; slmpleat hoist Is that o( tho bucket Water. 60 gallons. raised hand-.ovfr. hf»nd. hut. this ro- > ..... / I r vUh nn imknowti nr rKx>r II U •iiiir>ly u u> whcllicryoti Tbe ilmlJ should bo slaked in warm quIrcH one person In tho pit and an­ qmillly inoflnc x>hcii )t>u L<-t C^rtnln- win tlic1)«.lorttil:e wimt >fMi teC m \ m;oii n»U oicrrly f»rn ■ru*oii "if (Itr ni»rt;i»u» <»iil-|>ut ■’/ *nir rull lit Koofiiiir. )»ii lire niiinlui; n chniiceor been well started, tho sulphur should and onb which Is practical whero tho 0 ]^ biy-y Ni^bti M l 'G ang ’ wigp to r ■ mill' —lilt kr».riiteiiin! nulUlink' nut uriliiiir >iiry''> bo added and enough water kept ia silo is located In tho bum'botween tbo PibmtlW PFHWfmUlMMa. ' ALLlS'SUiatOlfS IKprr IfiliiMr;. i-i Cif nufU!-»«• .mu i«rll tm Ilie(irciiial ciumiH- the rccoplotfle to keep the mass thla mangers, Is U) obtain several baskets HaMto Bids. 290'BedShdfm JHM. I lhl« Il<«Uiii;; iliriiitu. I'litl tcl j' - ...... - Phoofl‘10): and sloppy. Boll for at least forty- and equlji them with stlR bails, then iDlRtrlct Coart «r Ue'Fourth UBo thom HR follows; m i tho baskets > JodlelM BiRtrlct of UiB>B(st6 DBE88MXSIlf& G eneral R oofins lyiantlfacturing Com pany*' and place thom in (ho silo convenient bo, in and for Twin Falls CooDl^ii* K««T».kCHf r!i W.WU Sl.Utli CW t.-J riil.V-ri1i P.lMll S**FrM(lK* for rtialng, climb out of the sUb, iHd .i.fum 'i ■ nw**ii>nui) MBS. P.;A.>W»S®0NJ'V . - ...... , ~ s«:i...... 1 iU m i^ 5r^«rr by means of a iiook on a rope, iJ^^k .. Etta Atwpod„jpli^ln^. v^ Ed­ V im cUua Jft%*ieiaSkS»g a baakci of bIIoko' to it ond holsil'.lt ward' Q ,.A i.w ood..dcfQ nfl'jinv;,■ oMt. After (ho basket Is emptied, i.'.Tird’Siato oMflnho\BcndB,,gr‘QSlilaga’ drop It bnck .l.iUo. tho silo,' releaao.tho cd. h o o k , nnd'liooic a n o th e r bnakot^ujM.tv. , Vou ^\ro .h^r/3by notified.,^'a'i‘ji“< A homomado holKting devtoo ■ for scm lpil kIIor and w hich can bb ad&Trtcd tUo DlaCrX^fc^urt o^.,ibo F o u rtt itw . Ai’cAatf' • to pit BlioM as wcll,£on«lflt» of ti Uirte- aip}a).,DlHirVc^ot ,oT YOUR APPLES incli pliw c.irrJiUK a w w d cn .^fteeViiHd i£^.,4h(l,'.^r Twin. Fall^ Cpiinty.-.by, (hoi two'dnuHB. An old mlj^ nn'nir>.r''nln1nf(l4'n% cd;plJ^nt}p./or^th6 ----- 1_ with acrap Iron is naed nn’A ,counter- w elg h L , It (ihould bo »*llghily 1lRh,ti«D- TO'C. 8€BAN!T0N-€onJtiIr ’ _ than the weight of (ho cart.and- the IWJ ■ JuiW liSi. !»>A- SllQge. -• l.';l -n.'i ; t\',«oty pays, x»L :Uic, Rc^yico .ojl, tflls GROUND FOR A horMo-powcT iioistinJJ-MleVlce M s HuriinionB if se rv e d 'w ith in sa id Ju ill- 'aslly uH<*d for slfofr'rptlr’elj- b o l^ claJl,(J.l8ti;j(;t. nqd w i f ^ , fo rty yays'-If s. 0. iiu it' HI :... riani'Tnner.^i-'-' 'i'- grou n d . ThcHC sUoaafi o^o.nlDs, CB'years experience Id-cttbttiii;, voM as. ‘ J'- and aotloifjfoeulattai lierol^; S fcitfC T io .Ipnpit^ -wlft'tMw' rebnifitttttiu- r.:i- JudKm);nt {^oat,.you^aj- ■Wa>-ciJ,,;in ^OOlctf -at'fiogenw ilotel v.'. ■ v..:tin p.' CW :Doi'-074-.' : i» >an- . _ wllncsH my hand ond the BQal pTl^c TW W .rALLS- ■ '- !• . K.ild niH tripA C ourt. t his 13(1»' d a j '‘df <1S1U0 SUtnUBBK DAILEO^- . -.uT rtlB -SebednloJuii

C. I.. DeLong,-attorney for plaintiff,' ‘ Bffs^Ute Jfa r’I7.^i*ii. Preparing Mixture for San Jose Scale. nestdinfc nt>i9]rtn Sails. )dnho),ii|rti<..' ' Dally;Mo."flj’'''>Statl*Bs; i-D atiy Ntfc-l. ,..iS0A t,.A j^I-^lpct. 5-12-19 8:30 a.m . Lv. .Gooding.I'Ar ItOO'piK). 2c Per Gallon flvo minutes, or until the llQuld la a 8:45 a. ^BouctViil&ni 13:85 p.m. deep brick red in color; then dllutf Adaptitldti''«^ a' Feeding Arryr^pe* ^OTICK O F ^ T I^ ANI> 1*LAC1^|SET1 to nfty gallons and apply at cnco. *'' ■ ■ Wtenl'•Wh'fih c i h ' Be 'Use'd for Above^raund S^lo aa for Barik 'Fi.r W 'P r o T ia t o ’ tit. m,,- A r..,Pflr^e. .L v.,.u;fiS ^ giL. -'For<>Jif«’‘'WWl»lrt the'^P^obtflc t ’oArti Protect Grapes From Mildflw. -./j Pastuerized for •• «f ^he^rofthtr -ot. TiVIn VhlW'iWitfc Q o n ^ a l'j^ To protect grapea from jijirilrftiw which may or may not attmde thonl hoisted. Tho cwrier Is n box about they should bo dusted ^ r ‘:'dtir«>Vd W ‘th c rtta«tiS'br ^lR‘'cBt:iU.“ 'Of B tii^ l 4c Per Gallon wifi sulphur. Fora fewt^nci'or,ttl«l i»ur-ut log a hlnged,h^|aM : TIk' box Is hoist­ ■' ’N o t i c c ^ ‘ti«?robi’' g lW H " lh y t a •p W -, tho sulphur In o,jj^ce’'flPbflriap'or'a ed and-pulled ov«r-to (he dump chute ‘tlQri'-‘fo r''t3 ie'’ {iroKirte C f 'irtn''br. i n J n bag ibyomonnw oT.eae A''trtp ropo •9tinlpr"B:‘'Mlfher.^VcceaAWl. an'rf'foi-: th e vinea. s p j ^ j ^ ..]»hlfih ftllj iilla>WJCT«i-'opCTntOr f*-flatnp ATM...!;:.".'.v.!...... iO W necK js QiiuiUIy can " ^ V flif dppclirM Hd SdntfcA tH^:todft<; a id ' 9rn» t»7 boM'-ou4.--th«se'.gQodijUiiac:» M l* '- -ww “"'‘A hfitrtr caiise. If’siy tJ!^hav«‘;4prhy AW' •T:00- p.: and tOKlAto -m tatsreM itn gettlac -W ' MB'.' ^ I t ^ shoufd^'-tJbt be gHnt«fr''Siaa' s>r4d P.'W...,P. B t a r tM -! t r - tt ie n » a ie ') ( ^ e » n d 4ril!>M‘a ftJrelM wmrh«HetQ^rt-e«*dfiflt« -:>11 •.Hue, 'nw .l^nfli^ JI-J.ju.V *io4-....- ■OWhard;'' • 5 •">‘-1 'r«" '> t •.•i--«' .|Bo#ucb;dl)(nty-.|baAoU«v.MKay: xork ted W pr66ati'!6‘tl>y’BUt*s«PUtah:-‘ ' ‘ ■Qsider tb«-colU e «tid taayi aglrtorm. • 'DatW tHis 21at 'd a fb t StpteteBW.' ttDOi-P. pojfc• >1915;''^ ■- V' » '8 0 sc. ••t.o.n.. :!'*« .r*tWt9HJO;Kl.‘‘ as MMWJMoorw** - HHn> M ' S itaM U y«^ aP t)C m plue l^ es Jlottling^WM *UYpMl ^ •?l* .lo jsn n q • ••'■A r « p ^ 6 n e F > o a r ‘ir tn fT tiI i-« e U b •'•norf 1C ''b s il •nrelVtrJtouiBting^' t&}!iqiga}n If-AM«dL>:itfia3i<^ t U A WM- -w vr IWOCWIUWUE' aa»«Q «.-' , Opposite the O'* sctaasa- itilL BFAhtoRD^HWfciv- .r jc rr .' 91B . ’.v . TWICE-A»VEgg TWIN, fA IX S Tm EB. TUEaPAY. OOT. 12.1915 TO TRA D E—10, ttcrca OiMlf T w ia . CAniE MEN WIN OUT F alls fo r <0 acrce. a A. Hooa. coh> Classified Advertisemgs tractor and builder. ■____ ‘ S e p t i t ; IB icru. orebard. right near Twin 111 IDIEiniSfie UUEII THIS HUD Falls to trade for J60 aSrea farm land, i CISU II UUICE 'Will pay diffcrencc. Address “D" care ’ Tim es. • . ■ O c t 8 tf. ______40 acres lantj near Ottawa KanBo.v “Any por»n.owning or hav­ his Store Believes FOR SALB-Machine laUio. Centml leloar of Incumbrance to trndo for'SaU ing charge of shocp, who.hcrds., groxca or postures tho same, or A uto Co S o p t ? n r mon T O r -j y:! 7th avenue east. m m MONJl^WORTH l i l l l f Oct. 8-12 pil Jo h n (-'Her und Jo h k C alvin, all sheep (’ondlllons are Tory Interesting Xear , shoals,,pigs. 11. Ith b ec. \ m en chnrgcil Witli. re sp a ss upon cat­ west of Holllstor. tle ranges, and ufNrnied .the consUtu- : O tt. 12-15 tionallty of .sPcUon B8U7. revised TelllDg of the conditions which tibw FASHIONABLE cn<1cs, quoted ab o v e .. T he decision is F.OR SALE—Stock bcelij, fC.:o per exist on Uio,Me.xlcun border lino', anil of personal experioncearwith Uie revn- o f vital fntcrehl to an-engagL 'd-in Uie ton, delivered. J. J. Stearns, phynt lutionlsts, A.. B. Richaulson, fonner cattlc and . sheep Industry .in Idalio f;G4-J.., ______J c v 12 rd. defining us It does the range rights of gont'ral secretary of the local Y. M. C. holh inlorests. There were two ac-. Foil SALK—Tomutees, M mflo N. K, a:, writes an' intereaUhg letter from tioiiH, identical In n a tu re , o n e n g ainsl city. J . M. Spnckmnn, Tel. &H-JX Biabce. Arlz.^ta Secretary Krussmim f o o t w e a r Ofnaecliewlhrl, nnd the other against Oct.' 12 pd, riTt follows: Horn, lillor nnd Calvin. Tlie Oma- _ thought..... that it JittkrJ t ^ ^ o t .. echcvvlari ease was appealed by the ’FOa SALE—Complete furniture for tho border’ InformaUon might bo of defendant from the decision of Judge S-room house. Ownec leaving towu, intorcHt to you. It begins t,o look a Carl A. Davis of Uic Third Judicial bargain. Will sell all or by pieces. hit interesUng and somewhat seri­ For women graces one of pur window^s this district, Owyheo county,' who gave Call.filS 2nd avenue norUi. Oct. 12 If ous. TlierO is no question in -tjur mlndn of tho people here but thul Judgment for tlio state, which tho su- FOR .SALE—HIrJi grado upright pi­ this w eek—all new arrivals in sm artest military "li^emo c o u rt ’ affirm ed. T he c a se of th e lurtl stan d In M exico w lJI'bo nincfe ano at bargain.- Owner leaving town, in-Sm Naco, Sonora, Mexi­ court reversed,'. Doth opinions Svere co, where In nil probability Uic decld- price you could possibly desire. , written by Justice lludgo und con­ FOR SAIJj>— DIack face, bucks. luR buttle may bo fought. curred* In by Chief Justice- Sullivan Shrop's. Pure brcjk range raised. “Mrs. Richardson and I made an and Justice Morgan. In both . cases I>ambs, yearlings and two's. Jno. P. auto trip to Douglas a few days ago The prices range from Uie defendants were clmrgcd «|lh McIntyre, Jerome or Ketchum. Ida. ■ and while nhore visited Iho Unit<-<1 hording, grazing and pasturing sheep S e p t 17 If. Stales troops, numbering almost C.OOO uiwn a catUe. range in vJolaUon of now, and .also took a long chance on lectlon fiS27,'revised codes. FOR SALE—Empty wooden boxes tho Mexican side, going over Into or packing cas<^ large,' medium und In Lower Courts Augrathiln, the' Mexican camp.' w<; snmll. Good to n^old grain, vegetables had only ggne over -Into. Uio 'cnmp The Cpster county case was tried in o r coal. RoblpBon'8. 241 -Main avenue about a quarter of n milo, when our $2.50 up to $4.50 a Juslice court before a Jury which o««f, Twin Falls.. Oct 1 tf. tire hurst and unfortunately our Jit­ found the defendants guilty. They FOR SALE—A good hay press, call ney driver did not have an extra' one. oppoaled to the dlstrlei court and so yours truly hud lo fool It back Inlo Judge Stevens granted the motion of Central Aulo Co. ^ S o p t 14 i t tho U. S. the defendunlB to dismies the case on, DRIVING OUTFIT FOR SALE— "We were Instantly surrounded!by ground that section 6827 revised a crowd of «ien. women and children, codes, was class leglHlatton nnd (Iiere- Td(im, buggy and hnrness ut .a aacri* fice. Also movable barn, 24xlK. At clvillims und all kind of soIdlerK witli foro unconsUtuUonal. guns,- revolvers, cartridge ’boltn, ;»nd Tho Owyhee county case hegan in .320 FlfUi avenue .east Phone -18S. J, .MacGllllvray. O'; 5-8 in all sorts of uniforms. Many ot tlie probate court of Uiat county tho Aniericiins • were coming out Jenkins & Company wlierc Judgment against the defond- FOR SALE—400 bushelH of yello\v UiroURh ihi a IlcaliJr* m e n t fa r b ack of Uiu G erm an - line. P iUIh wants a.bed sugar factory, and use of tile public domain within the FlkT i» wlllinp to help her gel It, but FOR SALE—Finn, aecoiid and Uilrd the following Is an account: '’Under nurtnR the ChampitKne. enKaRcment Jurisdiction of tho state, subject to ordertf from WHflh^^RCo^■«e^’c^al thou­ thcBO cruiKorn hU a (lcrmttTK.balloon. hopes affulra- will! not get in such .'ultlngs of alfalfa, delivored. Phone , Porls — An atrial iirniy In no Iohk- the right of the state to control nnd '.94-W, 0 . G llleland. S epl 10 tf. sand troops, IncludinR in£antr>', cav- vr a drootu ol romiincc. Such na aiiny which ex p lo d ed ' In a mauH o f TlimyyK'- shape as to destroy tlie harmony regulate such use. • • • cxlsllnR between Uie towns. Wo have airy, artillery ami the attendant bran­ ftrnnod In- dlvlHJonH . am i ugomlronH, Tho buttle planoH und. cruifterH are •‘It is within tlie cnnstituUonal pre­ FOn SALE. ches. have been giving practical ex|s>- v.'ltli biiUle acroplanu. cruiRcru, scout aoun \o l>CRin niovemuintH. In largo nvvcr had utlyUiIng down this way, ro g ativ e of th e ICRislalur^*, In th e .ex­ but have Rtartod after Uic falr^ and At my libuse on Sam|>son Bros, sltlons of the means to he used.In re- and torpedo ])Iai)CM all armored licav- pquadronB both defensive lunl'Trffen- ercise ot tlic police power of the stale, Tnncli 1 mile caRl of HUn»en/',': - -pollliiR~any .InviullnK force.. The com-- - Jly and corryhiK three hieli canntm slvo. They are to attack the CJernian w^arit to Ipiprcus th e fa c t u p o p '--^ ^ to mlnitirize Uic opportunitle.H for con­ minds of our neighbors. " ■ New iiouseliold gtrtids used lens tliiih mander of the.furceu nt.Fort ItouRl'j* and rapid fire guuH. In u ntillly. U ilncH of cuminunlc'aLlon, pi^rtlcuhirly flict bet^vcun the shocp nnd cattle In- 250 quikrts'^fruil all -vnri*- aviation In l-’Tuncc. demoralization In the roar of the Ger­ range • • • as provided in section hiiKgy: b'liy d riving m are. 9 years old. ped, was npproaclilnK Blsbee from Ri>- V Tht? Frcnch Koverniiiful KrWay p^-T- m ans. l.^\TKll—Just US the Journal was f.S27, revined codes." Koiiit to press. J. McMillan secre­ w eight 1050, lady broke, ,Other a r ­ deo, and ordered to plan fur the d'- )ulltcd ihi- firht Inxpi'clioii of Uh now Sfiondrons Formed. ticles loo numerous to mention. Own- hse of Uie dislrict" /"KHit of uorolilajies. O pporiunlly wan tary of Uic Twin Falls Commercial lCa<:h squadron will consist of nine club drove up to our offlce nnd hand­ r, Cecil T. Hyde. O c t 12-15-1'.' pd. AnoUier account under the date llni' lilvon to liiHpcct iho la rs e and Kniall aeroplanes pY nil tj-pei. including 6ne of NoRales, Arizoiia.'stnteH: •.'.>1108 of tlie new ballle plani-rf anil ed ,UH the-following paper: WORK AT StlOSHON[ fA llS WANTED. battle plane, two battle crulserH, aud T lm rsday, Oct. 7. 191.':. 'G ovornor Jo se M arla Mayort*-ii,i . watch ilicin an they wore mnntuvrr- «ix Kcout planim. The complemeju for I shaken the. dust of Mexico from inK hfKfi In thortatlun r(‘i>ort of the Fair Oronnds Comnril- O c t f J K . pd. clock he surrendered to a squad-I'f o bouL on lorries, drawn by'nutomoblles, with Amexjacns," .-.1 The ininiHtor <»t war. Ah-xandn- Mll- tee. .Mr. r,. K. Salladay w as In th e l>asl Thursday County Commisslon- whicli each tuiuadruii will be e. M. I..ambtnK m ade a v e r­ « ^ -H e ls s a n d S chw nner, E. M. DooUi WANTED—3 tons pxtra large NeUed Mr. Richardson also o'nclof«ih-in his Jerond, assigned two nillllarj' export.s Durini; tlie visit of .the correspond­ letter some Villa currency which Ji-- of Uio a taff o f tlie nvfatfon tturvk'i' to bal report. o f Uio state hlRhway board. County Gem potatoes, delivered In (.-ellar, state ents to tUc aviation school, It wau Tlie following resoluUon offered by Engineer Hal Cornell and Supcrin- price. T w in F a lls B akery. O c t 12-15 stated hf» had p u ased th e prfc*’ a point wlmri' tlie ni’w fleet o*bulllo learned from the commandant. Cap­ b einR being |200 worth for one silver croft had been aHHcmblod and'Inter J. Sweeley was unanlmpunly adopt­ tendent'Joc W. Wlicolor, all met at tain Pegoiit, that about 100 military ed: Shoshone falls grade to go over the Girl for general housework. 123 dollar- flcv stated that the currency to Uic aviation achooi at H------w heji' aviators wore under iiiHtructions. This 7Ui avcnuo north. Oct 12-16 pd. wan selling on the'm nrketat J7.75 for lOO njllltary aviators were learnlni; tcT RcHolved, th a t UuJ County C om m ls- work being done by convict labor from is only-one of a lursc number of UiCBO loners and tin* F ile r C om m ittee bo the state penitentiary under tho one -hundred pesos.—IVratello Tri oavlKnlc tlic now war craft. «cliool3 wliltli are turnins out trained WANTED—HorKCs to pasture, good bun'e. ntJtJficd that «.>* long a s Flier Is nsk- porvislon of Mr. Whj^Fer. fences. Hay for ealo In stack'or de­ Un A >latl«n Field. ivlatnrs. InR C ounty asHlHtanro fo r a Count>- Through u mlsundcutajidlng il nad ' ^ 1 0 aviation field in 'a- vast <-iioio- Captain IV-Rout said nun-conmils- livered. L. J. Millor, 2V4 miles w Fair, that Twin Falls will not ask never been deflntlelv A rced and sel- on end Wain .street Oct. 1 Uure. KnterinK llie field, a mon«l*T lohed officers and soldiers were mak- .unity .iHslstnnce for a fair, but will Ued as to what proportion of the ex- InR, capable o p e ra to rs of fighllnK m a­ fOR GOWRNHENT SERViCf b a ttle p lane loom ed up .'iU feet IiIkIi. ) all in their power to makcvvl'» pcniiC of this work would be borne E X PER IEN C ED STENOGlfA:>l lER chines after ync month’s Instruction. with a number ot planen ntrotchluK Her fair ;» s u c c e s s . . f > \ by the state, county and highway dis­ wUtic* poslUon. Betll ot refcrciiccs I'nhfrsily Offers Practical Cotirss 130 feet acroHt*. F u rth e r l/nck u’n.s In Oie nRRrcsjUe. these «chool»-ari- J. McWL1J>Lk<. trict Mr. Bpoih stated that ti]c 7s- ;«n I-e fuiHilshed. "1.” c a re TLuea (juIppinR many thousands for the 1-0 ^, Foreflt Saagtn. raOKed Uio nr available to bear more than ed. parUy furnished, or unfurnished cal course In forestrj- subjects. 1i •A-inBM m ado a fro n t iiaif nilli* wide. we would have rung tho fire bell If we. one-third of It The matter was not John Flnke. phone 364-J. Sept 21 tf will consist of lectures, laboratory, The battle piani- and all the crufn'irH flKR PlttSroW IIfl AQION, hadn't been'‘8o busy. FItcr will nev­ fully aettJcd at the roecUng, as noth­ ->vire amitHl heavily. Jiaeii carrlod FUB K K in and ffefd work (n general forestry, er forget the kindness of her big. ing official could be done, but It Is forest botany, forest mensuraUon. ■both th e tliree-in cli cannon and tin* .\othlnfr Unt Rind Words fur Tnln neighbor In stepping aside and allow­ likely that tho expense will finally be 5-ncre tract for ren t close in, lota of forest law. telephone ocnslrnctlon. rapid fire Run. . ing us lo secure the prlte if we can evetily divided ‘ between the. state, Fnllv llu?s Men. fruit. 4-room house,.barn, chicken drafUng nnd lettering, fonwt enfiin- ExploJoH ]taltlr IManr. pul It over. county and highway district house yard fenced In. good cislcm, eerlng. lumbering. «Hvi<^urc, fores«\ The h u g e b a ttle p la n e wsji i!ii- cl.I»‘f T h e T w in F alls bunch , a rc tlie bei Mr. Wheeler has a camp of several C all a t Tim es. O c t 12 tf, protecUon und grazlnj^ It will ex­ center of attonUon. The «-nKine*’r who committee flppolnled to ko a f - , fellows In the' world, anyway.—Filer large tents established and the work tend over n period of six monUis for constructed it explained Uie drtRlU. ter the countj- fair proposlUon m et' Jo u rn al. % is going forward now In a systematic FOR RENT—Finely fumishoout .twenty men are oc room wiUi bath. G21 2nd c o a t slgned to fit young m en fo r all kind-* actual realizatloQ of the battle plane, Friday and pul the matter up the tho Job. Every conrenlence and com­ (if pracUcal work in fori'slry otber aerial. dreadnouBbUi . haring county board. Their proposition to fort that can be had at such a camp Heated Apartment to Rent Blue th e board wa« to U»r effect th a t U»e RUN OUT o r TOWN l^kes Doming works. Oct 12 Ftor furUier particulars address (*• provpt^ tO'bu imprncticnl. This cion' has been provided. - One parUcular . Shattuck. professor of forestry. Kller people would organize a holdlnR attracUon is the splendid spring wa­ stcr actually files. carrylnR o crew of company, and purchase the Schlldman FO R REINT— PorU y furnished o r u n ­ I" men Jind two cannon which throw* lllnda« Forred to Xeave Sagnr ('Ity ter that flown right by tho tent doors. forty adjoining U»e townsite wlilch by I{(^IdraL«. The work undertaken at this Ume furnished rooms at reasonable rales. Large, clean cotton rags wanted at titree lncl» Rteel' proJectllM . . T h ree Over Idaho Power & Ught Co. Apply Times office. . ’ tHr-l niRhtJi Imv*- he^'fK m ade, demox can he had fo r 9ZS0 pi^r a c re and on Is the reducing tho. grade at the up­ Vfhlch thpy hold an option. ‘ Thli Aroused over Uie reports that one of per' end. . In accomplishing this the at Twin Falls Business College. $tr5llaK tliat It has the xtea^cM of would b«‘ iJfcdod lo tlie county' and Aug. 27-tf an ordinary biplane. The hufe cr^ft Lhr> jjjndu population had attempted to road is also^Ing stmlghtenpd by cut­ In nQW ready for the battle line. The th e co unty could then go ah ead wIUj com m it a n unnA tural crlm c upon Uie- ting out tli^^^arp curve Just at the tiic..fair. pile commissioner tx-lng ab­ FO R REN”T--2*room house ' nnd re(n il» r crcw f6 r flKlitlnR w in conrint person of n boy. a mob at Burlry top of tlM j^de. -OirtJio part of the sleep in g porch. Phono GO. S e p t 2g if. of four men and an offlccr. s e n t a n h o u r w as s e t for* ah lijfter- matod at alwut two hundred persons work J k ^ t of thirty -feet Is being DOOD liieetinR when a full board would lost Sunday took matters In Its own mnd^r^a the'solld lava or basalt rock. B U C K S Irnored Crnisen* Fly. tX)R RENT—UafumlBhod g ro u n d ano»».*r. asked for a meeting with the board Bf the company quartern and upon the or’t aaSlsCanV and foreman of tho Bcrgc»T40JergcJT^O acres one mile north Hol­ Bach is armtMl wiUi a can n o n and i^ next Monday. Filer will mXno m eet promise of sugar factory officials tHat Work. Tho men-are under no re rtrn ln t lister. rabbit fence, five room house • 1 have a fow Ramboullt year­ .capable of ri.sInR. almost • .rcrticairy at that tine and the matter threshed the foreigners would be shlpped.away whatever, except that t^cy a»x not Fred R: Qrosii. 316 Stock. Exchai»e ling rams weighing 176 to 100 from Uie Rroun