A TWICE-A-WEEK ^HE TWIN FALLS TIMES iVOL. XI. N O . 1 ELEV EN TH YEAR:^ TW IN FALLS. TWIN FALLS COUNTV, IDAHO, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12. 1915. SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 PER YEAR GREATER CROPS WARNERrJENNISON SENATOR BORAH CARRANZA IS COMMISSIONERS EARMER KILLED IfTHISTORY YARDJS SOLD G IV E m R N IN G RjCOGNIZED SUPPORT EAIR INJUNAWAY llsitcd States, in Shawe to. feed Boise-Payette lumber Company Looks to future of Worhers and Pan-American Assembly Agrees Promise financial Aid to filer f. B. Kyle Meets Instant Deatli The World. Jakes Possession. farmers After the War on Mexican Program B o o ste r By Being Thrjown from Wagon AFl'l-K OF COUNTKY MILL M ILL'UK Ol'LKATKl) AS IMKT OF I'llOTKC TIO.V AUAI.NST LOW WAGE IMTEI) STATES WILL KECEIVE FORTY Al'KES \EAU FILEII OF- HAS RESIDEII 0.\ TWIN FALLS FALL SHOUT OF 1914. , CHAIN I.\ SOUTIIEIIX IDAHO .SCALK I.H1>EUATIYKLY .NKKHKD I t’AKRANZA S KK1»J{ESEXTATIVE FEHEI* TO COI NTV TIIACT FOR SEVEILVL YEARS The Wlicut I'ro)) 1h u B«cord Breaker Former Oniiem o( Yard \>'U1 Pm bublj Idubu's ^un Says Industrial llccon lU'lW Tlmt ConstltuUomilkt Was Tounty'W ill. Erect Buildings and C Acfljaat Jluppens on Fnroi Sonth* This Year; tVrn Ih StIU KInir all I'urcluisn Interest In Some Otber strncUou In Europe Will .Mo»«ce I’ S tro n g est und (Viul'd Itt^storv O rde Ntruet Tniek, If Stnie Laws Will nest of City. Fanenii Held Hatiir. ()ropi>. .line uf Industry. S, Without Protwthe Tariff. ; Influencr.** S M n-tar) L ansing. re r n n i. \ dny Affomoon. ' WaBli«DKton. Oct. 7.—Am erlciin har- The Wai ilson Lumber com- Boston, Mass. — While advocating W aslilngtoii — K ecognltion o( Uie The Twin Falls county fair cun E. B. Kyle, u furmer ilvjng four vouta thiH yeiir will bo tlio i»o«l viilu- paiiy, u lu i l ^ n ' ™ compoaed of T. mllititry preparedness, the upbuild­ purti- leil by Genixul Carranza us the .Id to be oniclally launched us the mllCH w est und one m ile aouUi of >blQ evor produced. • WJUi tlie wlu-ul •K. W arner and ftl. K. JennlHon. has ing ,of Uie apniy and the navy, fuct’o goveriinienl in Mexico was result of tho actl9 n of the Twin Falli Uy w as InHtwiKly killed luBt T h u rs­ .cro p cxccLHlInK n 'bllHoii bQuhelH, the sold Its holdlnss to the Bolse-Puyetlo Icnator Borali of. Idaho, in an open* inlmuusly agreed upon Saturday unty Tommlsalonerft In ucccpUng thi day evening by being thrown from it larg e st ever tu rn e d o u t in one Ben- company of Uolse. Poak*:9aion wan ,ir uddrcas delivered here Sunday »f- by th / I’uii-Amerlcan conference as te offcretl for grounds by the niel- wugon, Tho deceased was un­ 'bon by any uution, a corn crop which given till! new ow ners som e tim e last tomoon before u large audience de- he BtVp lo be rccommetidwl to Uieir islness men. Tho Filer clUzens li loading Homcv. hay from* his wa­ ' uIbo may prove lo be the lurKeat ever week. Tlie ynrd-wlll be operated aa ilared Uiat “it la ewii more essential •ospectlve governments. Secretary entered heartily into Uie cnt6rprlae gon when Uie 4)am becnmo frighten- _ 'grown, the Rovominent'H Octobor crop tt part of u string of yarda located in that wu prepare for peace thno time Ivunaing'' on hehalfof Uic United ind in buying valuable land on tlif iHl und ran away, Uirowing Mr. Kylo ~ report Isued today announced prclim- a large iiuuibur of towns In tliitt part we prepare for war.” AntldpaUug u States goYeinnieiit. expresswl Itu’in- dge of Filer ahowh their intentions tc 3Ut a g a in st u a tm o fence, fra c tu rin g in»ry catimateH, vblch indlcato rec­ of Uic suto. Thv local muQORer will tremendous flood of cheap products icntlon to rLK;oKnlze G eneral C nrranzu muko Uie fair a aucccss. Ills skull und bruising him in a ord Jiorvesta of oats, burlcy, rye. be It. W. IJjiJcgraff, u youuK lumber from Kuropu following Uie restoro- ;iml- th e umhusKudors of Uruzil, Chile, TJie following Uikcn frtmi Uie Jouni- frightful manner. Bwect itotatoes, rlco, tobncco and buy. man of oxperleoce, formerly in the tlon or peace abroad. Senator Borah ArgenUna. and Uie ministers of Do- ul of tho county .commisHioners pro- Mrs. Sarah Anderson, a'sister who C om iB hUII kies of -crops, wlUt in- employ of tlie Ostrander lumber com- declared in fuvor of un immediate re- llvla. Uruguay and Quatcmula, iruns- cc>cdlnga show s the uctlon and a tti­ la living on the ranch, iicard Uio dlcaUoDH of 3,02C,1DO,000 . buBbelH. pn»y.’ / • vlafon of Uie tariff upward In 'order uiitted Saturday niglit Uie dt'clslon of tude of the board wlio will bu govern^ IiorBos running, but who did not see Mr. While tliat Is 98,000,000 buuhelit below Messrs. .Warner andyocnnlson It Is to protect Alnerlcan tho Washington governmeiiL, us well cd -by th>^advlcc of tlie county attor'^ jCylo when he was thrown out, went •the record of 1S12, th e final produc- ini6re<l have en tered jR egotiatlons for Uie Uircotened flood from Europe, lir a s Ihoir opinions In agreem ent w ith It. und tho attorney general. ■to InveaUgule and found him dying. 'Uon when the harvcut (» (IniKhLHl and one of tlio pioneer business iiouse^ the course of his address, Senator I.,unslng has obtalncnl the ap- Oct. 11, ID in: I p. m. Tho uccldent l;appenod In tho feed *11 stiiUaUcs compiled, may more thiin thla cit}'.' but a s y e t havo n o t cloaed BoraJi said: jirovnl of President Wilson to the plan le hoaril mpt pursuant lo receHs. lot, 4>ne side of w hich being incloaed nako up for tho deflcinncy. Tlie high* tho deal. Under the direct maiiaBC- We mSiy n o t w ith safety Ignore Uie And' before Uie confercnce began all Present all members nnd the clerk. by a stono fence. .Mr. Kyle had boon . «r prices this year uHBure iho moat TOcnl of Mr. JcnnlHon, U\c lu m b er com - alluaUon i\s U win confronV ua at the the oUicr mknisterH In the i.jitin- Whereupon Uie following procet'd- warned^many Umcs to be careftU of - valuable corn crop ev er KroAvn. A t , ly built up a good paying business f the war. The standard of liv­ Ame'rlcan corps also had given their ings were hail, to-wlt: In the nmiUT of team, as one of the horsea would prlcca to furmefa provaUlbK Octobtir and was considered one of tiie sub- ing In Europe will be reduced to the ndhe ; to IL county -fair: run away if given luiy opportunity. 1. the corp c r ^ la worth »2,i:i3.000.000. llal yartls of Uie city. lowest possible sUindurd. Our \vork- Important Step, In this mutter lids being the date set At Uie Umu of his deuUi, Mr. Kylo was ing men will come In deadly coirpe- I'roapecls .Incrcftsft. aTlic action of the conference r hearing tho propositions of the alxty-Wvo years of iige and unmar­ tiUon wlUi Uie laborers uf Europe and irlous fair committees, the Hoard ried. Ho hud lived for several years '. Wheat proapccta Increased an tiic ‘at (he lowest stnndariTpf wage und regarded generally as the most Imporl- RUN DOWN BY AUIO n iit diplom utic slei> In • Uie Mexican ■oee.'ded to the consldcrullou of u on Uio tract, being highly respited ;;row ing »*ei\aon proproaHCd, und Uie yet driveii as never beforo to help Ku- immunicatlon, received from the by ull who know iilm. Rovomment’ti enrly Keuuoa forecuatK In bucU her markets und lu;r illuatlon ,Hlnce Uie Uulied S tates de- » . Holmi-s Uun 0 » e r by Mr?.. ^Y. S. Twin commlUee and on' lllc The funeral wiib hold from the hotno : moved up month by month, so that to- trade. To Ignore such a condlUon of ilde^l to withliold recognition from Campbell Monday Aliening. Uie Huerta govornmont more thun two wliicli is us follows: if Mr. Holloway, u neighbor, Satur­ . d ay 's prim ary eHtlmatOH o f p roduc­ arfairs. wholly probable lo happen, Is T hursday, OcU 7lti, I!)l.'i. day afternoon, tiie services being con­ tion w as placed u t l,003,0l’9,00u bnab- to leave Hie working men of this coun- ■cars ago. It m ean s Uiat the C ar- G.’ B. Holnieii w as ru n o v e r sujd sc- •au7Ji governm ent will receive Uie t u clUzenu meoUng held in Uie ducted by Uov. S, S, Neher, ot tho «la> Wet weather at harvest time, try exposed to a situnUon only l<isi* iimorcial club rooms there-were C h u rc h -o f Uio Brethren, witii trttor- ■ how<»Tor,.r«Iucod Uic quality o£ wln- srely Injured .Monday.evenlnK about niurui support of Uie I'nlted States flvo o’clock by no automobile, driven crncl Uian w'ur, is to leave iniillons of p resen t about 40 clUzcns tu heu r Uic ncnt in Uie Twin Fuils cemetery. ^tor wheat bo mucJi Uiut much of It wlUiout work nnd oil the rugged lui embargo ou ahipmcnta^f- by Mrs.
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