REVENUE Revenue Use from Transport Pricing Deliverable 3
REVENUE Revenue Use from Transport Pricing Contract: GMA2-2001-52011 Funded by European Commission – DG TREN Fifth Framework Programme Competitive and Sustainable Growth Programme Key Action 2 – Sustainable Mobility and Intermodality Deliverable 3 Case Studies Specification Version 2.0 Date: 9th March 2005 Authors: S. Suter and U. Springer (ECOPLAN), A. de Palma and R. Lindsey (adpC), S. van der Loo (KULeuven), A. Ricci and P. Fagiani (ISIS), P. Moilanen (STRAFICA), M. van der Hoofd and M. Carmona (TIS), J. Baker (TTR) with contributions from partners Project co-ordinator: ISIS (Italy) Partners: ISIS (It), ADPC (Be), CERAS (Fr), DIW (De), ECOPLAN (Ch), INFRAS (Ch), ITS (UK), IWW (De), KULeuven (Be), LETS (Fr), NEA (Nl), PW (Pl), STRAFICA (Fi), TIS (Pt), TOI (No), TTR (UK) REVENUE D3 CASE STUDIES SPECIFICATION Revenue Use from Transport Pricing Deliverable 3: Case Studies Specification Date: 9th March 2005 Authors: S. Suter and U. Springer (ECOPLAN), A. de Palma and R. Lindsey (adpC), S. van der Loo (KULeuven), A. Ricci and P. Fagiani (ISIS), P. Moilanen (STRAFICA), M. van der Hoofd and M. Carmona (TIS), J. Baker (TTR) This document should be referenced as: S. Suter, U. Springer, A. de Palma, R. Lindsey, S. van der Loo, A. Ricci, P. Fagiani, P. Moilanen, M. van der Hoofd, M. Carmona and J. Baker, (2004), Case Studies Specification, REVENUE Project Deliverable 3. Funded by 5th Framework RTD Programme, ISIS, Rome, 9th March 2005 PROJECT INFORMATION Contract: GMA2-2001-52011 Website: Commissioned by: European Commission
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