The electoral success of angels and demons. Big Five, Dark Triad, and performance at the ballot box Article forthcoming in the Journal of Social and Political Psychology Alessandro Nai, University of Amsterdam (
[email protected]) Appendix Appendix A – Elections and candidates Appendix B – Robustness checks and additional analyses Appendix C – Measures of personality reputation Appendix D – Experts 1 Appendix A Elections and candidates Table A1. Elections Country Election Date Albania Parliamentary election 25-Jun-17 Algeria Election of the National People's Assembly 4-May-17 Argentina Legislative election 22-Oct-17 Armenia Parliamentary election 2-Apr-17 Australia Federal election 2-Jul-16 Austria a Presidential election 4-Dec-16 Austria Legislative election 15-Oct-17 Bulgaria Presidential election 6-Nov-16 Bulgaria Legislative election 26-Mar-17 Chile Presidential election 19-Nov-17 Costa Rica Presidential election 4-Feb-18 Croatia Election of the Assembly 11-Sep-16 Cyprus Presidential election 28-Jan-18 Czech Republic Legislative election 20-Oct-17 Czech Republic Presidential election 12-Jan-18 Ecuador Presidential election 19-Feb-17 Finland Presidential election 28-Jan-18 France Presidential election 23-Apr-17 France Election of the National Assembly 11-Jun-17 Georgia Parliamentary election 8-Oct-16 Germany Federal elections 24-Sep-17 Ghana Presidential election 7-Dec-16 Iceland Presidential election 25-Jun-16 Iceland Election for the Althing 29-Oct-16 Iceland Election for the Althing 28-Oct-17 Iran Presidential election 19-May-17 Italy