CENTENARUL MARII UNIRI PRESA PARTIDELOR POLITICE DIN ROMÂNIA ÎN PERIOADA 1918–1930. SCHIŢĂ ISTORICĂ MARIAN PETCU∗ ABSTRACT THE PRESS OF POLITICAL PARTIES IN ROMANIA IN THE PERIOD 1918–1930. A HISTORICAL SKETCH In the present study, I bring forward a synthetic view of the progress made by the media of the parties in Romania. This is neither a history of political ideas, nor a full inventory of serial publications edited by political entities, especially as many publications were not politically assumed. Usually, the „patronage” could be identified in the subtitles and in various descriptors related to the content (often, the authors’ signatures) which allow us to qualify a periodical publication as being political or not. In this case, we had taken into account the information found in the subtitle, in order to establish partisanship. Limits of this approach are related both to the very large volume of newspapers and magazines and to the variety of parties, alliances and so on, which had forced us to make a selection. The present research aims at filling the gap of the sectorial radiographies which were of equal interest to the history of communication, political and economic history, as well as social history on the Romanian territory. Keywords: political parties, political press, Romania, history. ∗ Professor, University of Bucharest; e-mail:
[email protected]. „Revista română de sociologie”, serie nouă, anul XXX, nr. 1–2, p. 135–153, Bucureşti, 2019 Creative Commons License Attribution-NoDerivs CC BY-ND 2 136 Marian Petcu INTRODUCERE Naşterea ideilor politice în societatea românească este relativ târzie, prin comparaţie cu alte culturi, şi datorează mult răspândirii cărţilor, presei, dezvoltării şcolilor, teatrului, diverselor asociaţii de tip societăţi culturale / de lectură, apărute în oraşe.